#Lady Campanula Tottington
rebeccaajc93 · 4 months
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This is my Aardman Couples Tier List:
*Yes: Ginger and Rocky Rhodes (Chicken Run Duology, 2000-2023), Fluffles and Gromit (Wallace and Gromit: A Matter Of Loaf and Death, 2008), Lady Campanula Tottington and Wallace (Wallace and Gromit: The Curse Of The Were-Rabbit, 2005), Wallace and Wendolene Ramsbottom (Wallace and Gromit: A Close Shave, 1995), Daphne and Tiny (Stage Fright, 1997), Dr. Marcus Fry and Mrs. Melisha Tweedy (Chicken Run: Dawn Of The Nugget, 2023), Rita Malone and Roddy St. James (Flushed Away, 2006), Dug and Goona (Early Man, 2018).
*No: Piella Bakewell and Wallace (Wallace and Gromit: A Matter Of Loaf and Death, 2008), Lady Campanula Tottington and Victor Quartermaine (Wallace and Gromit: The Curse Of The Were-Rabbit, 2005), Mrs. Melisha Tweedy and Mr. Willard Tweedy (Chicken Run, 2000), Mr. Arnold Hugh and Daphne (Stage Fright, 1997).
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dragon-dress-128 · 11 months
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Another redraw of her ladyship as a fairy, because for some reason I wanted to trace over screenshots of the movie to come up with the idea
If you could see the full dress, it’d resemble a bellflower. You could say.. a campanula 😏😏
I also changed what her powers are, and remembered that characters aren’t limited to one source of power (Ex: Stella pre Nick seasons/specials)
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dykwdlo68wm4 · 3 months
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What do you think of this drawing of Lady Campanula Tottington from Wallace and Gromit in The Simpsons Style?
This should have been a more youthful-like work
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Age: 29
Sexuality: Straight as a very straight thing
Pronouns: Let's see... I, me, my, mine, you, your, yours, he, him, his, and we, our, ours, they, them, theirs if I'm with other people.
Are you in school?: Not for a long time.
Nationality: Australian with English heritage
Sun sign: Aries
Rising sign: Capricorn
Moon sign: Leo
Myers briggs type: ISJE
Do you have siblings?: Two half siblings who are much older than me.
Hogwarts house: Pukwudgie
Godly parent: My parents, not being religious, did not give me a godparent
Dream job: Very cool and sexy lab scientist
If you could live anywhere, where would you live?: I like living close to my friends, that's what is most important to me in life. Since I can't be in multiple places at once, Australia is good enough for that purpose.
Do you have any pets? I am renting, and most landlords in Australia don't allow pets.
Who do you live with?: One roommate, whom I'm fortunately good friends with.
What's your favourite piece of clothing you own?: The puffy jacket I found in my wardrobe earlier this year just as the weather was turning cold. Now I don't leave the house without it.
Relationship status: Single and probably staying that way for a while.
Favourite book?: I don't really have one favourite, but I will read anything by Terry Pratchett or Yahtzee Croshaw.
Last movie you watched?: Everything Everywhere All At Once.
Last song you listened to?: Star Trek Picard Main Theme.
How many hours of sleep did you get last night?: About 5 or 6.
How long have you had tumblr?: Since 2013, although I was lurking since 2012.
Do you play any instruments?: Piano, but I'm out of practice.
What was the last video game you played?: Pokemon SoulSilver.
Whats your favourite album?: All You Need Is Now by Duran Duran
How many languages can you speak?: One (English). I also have some experience with French, and I have the barest passing familiarity with Latin, German, and Bosnian/Serbian/Croatian.
Do you like chewing gum?: Not really.
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?: Hot chocolate.
White, milk or dark chocolate?: White
Whats your favourite type of cake?: Red velvet.
Whats your 3rd favourite animal?: Crested pigeon.
How long can you hold your breath? (please don't suffocate trying to find out): Not especially long, I don't think. I don't think I have any particular breathing difficulties, and yet my breath control just kinda sucks.
What's a fun fact to tell at parties?: My parents are using me as their own personal retirement fund. That's not a fun fact, but it does occupy my mind a lot these days, and maybe that's why I'm not invited to parties anymore.
Do you want to have children?: Nah, I would be a terrible dad.
Would you rather live near the mountians or near the beach?: Mountains.
Do you regret quitting any hobbies?: D&D, for sure. I lost a lot of both friends and hobbies during the pandemic.
Favourite video game?: Pokemon SoulSilver and/or Age of Empires II.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Let's not go there.
Do you want to go to university /are at university /have been to university?: I graduated at the end of 2020.
What would you say has been your best year so far?: 2014.
Whats your favourite physical feature about yourself?: My hair.
What do you think is your best talent?: None.
Can you drive?: I used to know how, but I haven't actually done it for years because I don't like it.
Can you ride a bike?: Yes. Again, haven't done it for years, but I don't hate it as much as driving
Can you swim?: Yes, but really slowly
Do you believe in astrology?: No! And since you've read this far down, I'll let you in on a little secret: All the answers I gave to the earlier astrology questions, including Hogwarts house, were joke answers. My REAL star sign is Saggitarius.
What is your weirdest childhood crush?: Siiiigh... Lady Campanula Tottington from Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit.
Describe your favourite jumper?: Warm, blue, and large but also not overwhelmingly heavy.
How many houses have you lived in?: Umm... seven.
How many different schools have you been to?: Four.
What is the furthest you've ever travelled?: Definitely from Australia to the UK. One time I had to carry on back south to France (CDG) from LHR, and that's probably the absolute furthest I've travelled in a single journey.
What time do you usually go to sleep?: About 11PM these days.
What plans do you have for tomorrow?: The weather seems awful and trains are unreliable, so probably staying home and vegging out.
Are you scared of space?: Yes.
Can you knit?: No.
What's the fanciest restaurant youve ever been too?: I feel like that's a question for a) someone whose parents didn't drag him to the OPERA on a regular basis, and b) someone who actually has a set of criteria for determining the relative fanciness of restaurants.
What's the longest flight you have ever been on?: 13 hour leg from Bangkok to London.
Have you ever been on a cruise?: Nope.
Is the ocean or space scarier?: Space. Death is more immediate and much more certain.
Do you support any sports teams?: Leeds United. Occasionally the Sydney Swans. My favourite national team is the Australian cricket team when they aren't rubbing sandpaper on the ball.
Have you ever played sports competitively?: Not out of mandatory high school events. The one I was best at was probably tennis.
What's your best friend's favourite sport?: My best friends don't like many sports. There's two criteria for the question and no one person perfectly fills them both. Out of my really close friends, one has a family tradition of following professional cycling. Out of actual engagement in the sport, I've never met @adhoption in real life but he really does like football.
Name a sport you would like to have a go at?: If I didn't have Cerebral Palsy I think I'd like to at least give football a go.
What was the last film you watched?: Didn't we have this question already?
What was the last film you watched at a cinema?: Yeah, I'm sure I've already answered this one.
What's your favourite Christmas film?: This'll throw some people for a loop. James Bond: On Her Majesty's Secret Service.
Name a film you watch for the soundtrack?: Baby Driver
What's the worst thing you've ever been dared to do?: I don't play games involving dares.
What's the most illegal thing you've ever done?: What are you, a cop?
What's the reason for the last friendship you ended?: I'd rather not go into it.
Who is your newest friend?: I met some people at the local game shop yesterday. They seem nice.
What time did you wake up today?: Somewhere between 6 and 7.
What time did you go to bed last night?: 11:40
How many spoons can you balance on your face?: Maybe one?
What colour is your hair?: Dark brown
What colour do you want your hair to be?: I'd like it to be a lighter brown, maybe even a bit blond?
How many times have you left your house today?: Zero. Probably one by the time most people read this.
When was the last time you downloaded a film or music illegally?: Look, you may not be legally required to read me my Miranda rights anymore,
What was it?: but I still don't have to answer these questions.
How much charge does your phone have?: 63% and rising.
How many hours have you been on tumblr today?: 2ish.
What colour is your top? Grey.
What was the last lie you told?: Not a chance, officer.
Are you or have you ever been vegan?: Nope.
Can you drive?: Yes.
How many capital cities can you name?: That seems like a very American question. I can name all my state capitals, the national capital, and if you asked me what most European national capitals were I could probably name them after some thought. The capital of Hungary is Budapest, I think. The capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina is Sarajevo. The capital of Belgium is Brussels.
Your opinion on pineapple on pizza?: Pineapple does go on pizza!
Your opinion on the beach?: Overrated but still a good place to go in the summer if you prepare enough and you're not sick of the sun yet.
How is 'oreo' pronounced?: Aw-ree-oh.
How is 'data' pronounced?: Dah-ta. And it's plural.
How is 'caramel' pronounced?: Like cat-rat-melt if you took away all the 't's.
What's the ideal temperature?: Warmer than it is right now.
Were you good at video games as a kid?: Hell no, I just enjoyed them. One of the many deaths of my childhood was finding out that Pokemon had a Serious Competitive Scene which has slowly but surely been banning absolutely everything luck-based about the game since about 2007.
What's the first book you remember reading?: I'm bad at remembering the timeline of my early childhood. Anything from The Secret Seven by Enid Blyton, In Which We Are Introduced to Winnie The Pooh and Some Bees and the Stories Begin by A.A. Milne, Old Bear or Little Bear's Trousers by Jane Hissey, or The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter.
What's the worst book you've ever read? Artemis Fowl and the Last Guardian by Eoin Colfer.
What TV show would you recommend to everyone?: Unironically, tastes vary, nothing is perfect, but everyone needs a little bit of Phineas and Ferb in their lives.
Is your room tidy?: Heeeell no.
How many people do you follow?: Like 80-something?
Have you ever tried dating apps?: No, and if I do then you know I'm truly desperate.
Who's birthday is next out of your family and friends?: @lucifer-is-a-bag-of-dicks !
Do you drink energy drinks? Nope.
Do you drink coffee?: Nooope.
What's your opinion on fish?: That's an awful lot of variety for one opinion! Uh... Slimy.
Do you like hosting events?: Not for huge amounts of people, but for close friends absolutely yes.
Do you like being on aux? No, even if that means what I think it does.
Are you good at maths?: No. Mental arithmetic, yes.
How many phone numbers have you memorised?: Back when we all had landlines I had a lot more memorised, now I only have about 3-5 useful ones left.
Can you do a handstand?: Nnno.
Jelly or ice cream?: Ice cream.
Have you ever been to a birthday party for children? I was actually once a child with a healthy social life, yes.
Have you ever seen a Broadway show?: No! In fact I have never been to Broadway.
What's your favourite type of jewellery?: Necklace.
Savoury or sweet?: Sweet.
Do you like McDonald's?: Nah.
What do you call carbonated beverages?: By their individual brand names: Sprite, Solo, Lift, Fanta, and so on.
Do you have a favourite word? Petrichor.
What is something dumb you believed as a child?: That my mum had better social skills than I did.
What height do you wish you were?: Maybe like 3 or 4 centimetres taller?
Do you have or want tattoos?: No, I have a terrific fear of needles.
Can you code?: I know only the most basic and rudimentary things about coding.
Did you watch Glee?: No. That show isn't still going is it??
Can you fit your fist in your mouth?: Not even close.
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Assignment 04
Process of making " Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit."
Two friends run a business of "Anti-Pesto" around the town. The story based on a humongous vegetable eating fluffy rabbit trying to fill up itself with town competitive vegetables. Wallace and Gromit trying best to save the day.
Wallace is a slightly different from rest and unconventional, clumsy, caring, lovable character. On the other hand Gromit is a bossy, intelligent, caring and a silent character in the movie. Gromit act as Wallace best friend who stand behind him at any situation and walk Wallace through bad times without making him left out. One of the best animated characters of this story.
The ideas of the characters were built by Nick Park with his pervious animations of A Close Shave, A Grand Day Out, The Wrong Trousers, A Matter of Loaf and Death.
Who voiced Wallace? Peter Jhon Sallis, British actor played roles in The Avengers, Last of the Summer Wine, Doctor Who and more.
Helena Bonham Carter voiced for Lady Campanula Tottington, Ralph Fiennes for Lord Victor Quartermaine.
the film was originally named as "Wallace and Gromit the Great Vegetable Plot", realizing it was not a go the production changed it to "Wallace and Gromit the Curse of the Were-Rabbit".
making the film was a big challenge on the team
Even it had to use CG animation like when a colony of rabbit's swirl inside the Wallace invention of the car vacuum, to show it is more realistic at the moment, without messing things up. other challenge was to constantly change the script and edits according to the scenes to handle it more simply and make it work because it's all done using clay.
Characters are made with wired armature with the help of the team member Ian Whitlock and animated it as the first step before padding with soft filling and coring plastic the wired armature. Which can be moved easily.
Production team had to develop more than one puppet in many sizes and angles especially with different emotional features in faces.
Transformation of Wallace into Were- Rabbit was quite challenging to create the expanding shoe and a furry leg popping had to use a different method because clay won't stretch.
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healed1337 · 5 years
DreamWorks animated movies 12 - Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of the Were Rabbit
DreamWorks animated movies 12 – Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of the Were Rabbit
To properly talk about this movie to unknowing audiences, one should talk a bit about Aardman Animation first. I introduced the studio in greater detail in my Chicken Run reviewlast year, but to sum it up, they’re a British animation studio that tends to focus mostly on stop-motion Claymation.  However they’ve also worked on cgi animation and have involved themselves in the development on video…
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bonhamxcarter · 7 years
Me again! Lady Tottington Elizabeth Frankenstein The Witch (Big Fish) Ari (Planet of the Apes)
Oh hello again! Funnily enough none of them have been taken, so you can literally have you’re pick of the bunch! I assume you would like Lady Campanula Tottington though haha. She’s all yours :)  
Join the HBC fandom family!
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kevrocksicehouse · 4 years
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If you ever wondered what it would look like if stop-motion animation produced its own Chuck Jones, Nick Park, who turns 62 today, has your answer.
Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers. (2015). The best of the Oscar-winning shorts Park created about dim-witted inventor Wallace, and his trusted, eye-rolling dog Gromit. In this one Wallace (almost) perfects a pair of robotic, wall-climbing pants on the same day they take in a border, a shady penguin cleverly disguised as a chicken. Hijinks ensue involving a robbery committed by a sleepwalker and a heart stopping chase on a model train set. And in his own dotty, genial way Park proves as agile an animator as anybody from Warner’s Looney Tunes.
Chicken Run (2001). In this funny take on The Great Escape, a group of chickens on an egg farm, threatened when the farmer tries to convert it to a chicken pie operation, shanghai a circus rooster (Mel Gibson) to help them escape. Park’s story also uses elements of Babe, Raider’s of the Lost ark (the scary-funny Pie Machine segment) and lots of British eccentricity like when the chickens realize that since they’re never going to learn to fly, they might as well build an airplane.
Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (2005). The intrepid duo run a pest-control business (“Anti-Pesto”) which hits a snag when Wallace tries out a rabbit mind-control machine that causes his own mind to fuse with a bunny which turns him into a giant rabbit, threatening Tottington Hall’s annual vegetable festival. The movie sends up both horror movies (especially the Hammer films) and the British obsession with gardening and ends with a literal dogfight when Gromit and a rival’s dog attack each other with stolen prop airplanes and Wallace finds romance with Lady Campanula Tottingham (a pixillated Helena Bonham Carter).
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princeleyjeans · 4 years
So I was in the tub earlier getting ready for a costco trip and I was hella inspired to write for the first time in ages like not trikey (Sorry hoes, enjoy my sims for now XD) but my Wallace and Gromit fic which spawned all the future shit you see on my AO3 (GO READ IT) and Fiction.net that I deleted when I ran for the hills in 2015 hahahahahahahahhahahmysoul.  ----- So, as a kid, when I first got into writing it was about Wallace meeting Victor Quartermaine’s daughter, Amy (I’ve grown up and just dubbed her Amelia cus I’m 25 now, I refuse to be that writer whose like noooo she has to be different), his only daughter, yes she was like 20-something and hella sweet on him but really hella evil yet Wallace married her anyway cus my fic, suck dick.  ANYWAYYYYYYYY: it was so shit and had all these weird Eastender-y plotlines like she was Wendoline’s half sister and Gromits mother thru some weird bloodshit Wallace did and it was just plain fucking shit and to this day it is the bane of my writer existence--HOWEVER! I want to bring it back, only better and realistic and not from the mind of a Wallace obsessed 10 year old.  I’m keeping the plot that she’s Victor’s daughter, Amelia and her older brothers, AKA, Victor’s sons, (Who are twins and loath Wallace so much because he’s older than their father and just wanna protect her to the ends of the earth). That’s a defo, of course I’m scrapping the weird side plots and bloodline twists cus hahahahahahahahah fucking christ my brain was a mess back then, still is but you know, improvement!  -------- So, at this point the plot is thus: Amelia is Victor’s kid, and despite dumping his ass harder than Joe Exotic dumps tigers on people, Campanula (Totty) still keeps in touch with his children out of motherly affection/pity as she knew their mother and everyone shared similar wealth circles, blah blah blah, especially as Victor is now a broken man stuck in crutches (The townsfolk really let him have it and that bunny suit did NADA to protect him) and tho she hates him, she wants to lend a caring hand, Tot’s a good egg.  Somehow, Wallace ends up having tea at Tottington Hall the same day as Amelia arrives to fetch some things for Hutch that were forgotten in his move to Quartermaine Manor as she became his new owner, falling for the wee rabbit boy and demanding to take him off her ‘aunts’ hands as she laid mention that he was a handful, being more human than bunny, giving Totty more time to dedicate to the proper buns.  As you can guess, she’s everything Wallace’s previous lovers weren’t, well, except for one thing, and her aloof, cat-like nature has the inventor on his toes every step of the relationship growth, which takes a long ass time since she is literally a human cat version of Gromit, that in itself leading them to be wary of each other and an overall disliking of Wallace until a trip causes her to laugh her boots off and open the beautiful young lady up to giving the man a chance at wooing her. Which he does, and their relationship becomes a Lana Del Rey music video that sends Gromit’s head spinning, having to juggle pups, (Yes, he and Fluffles tied the knot and have 2 year old puppies that wreck the house daily) Wallace’s habit of falling for problematic women and their latest business venture, it puts the dogs life on a rollarcoaster he can’t control and even if he could, has no clue how to.  This fic is obviously...mature, well, teen rated, kinda, I’ve grown out of that need for a sex scene in everything I write, but there are hints and it’s sorta sad watching Gromit realize he’s not the only one whose expanding life wise, that his master is human and his new love is...taking the wheel. JESUS HAS LEFT THE VEHICLE! AMELIA IS DRIVING NOW AND IT’S GETTIN’ BUMPY AF.  Because this is Wallace and Gromit, of course there has to be something wrong with the new chick other than being the daughter of the dude who tried to kill Wallace in the first place, and there kinda is, but it’s more in Gromit’s terms of evil, like she finalizes change, she’s very much in charge, determined and caring but sorta in a way to a lesser Disney villain, Amelia gets what she wants, will pay whoever to get it or do whatever it takes, well, to a degree until it just gets stupid then she takes out the problem altogether.  She’s like Piella and Totty together, at the same time, proceeding them.  I am gonna have a cinematic climax at some point but it’s not so much I CAUGHT THE KILLER, more WE’RE ON THE SAME PAGE I’M JUST MORE PSYCHO AND LIKELY TO GET IT DONE. Cat and Dog, literally, or mostly. One’s a person. 
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autumndiesirae · 7 years
I love Cuphead, it’s got so many great characters, like -
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Rare Pepes
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Inkling Girl
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Lady Campanula Tottington
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And myself!
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charl-artwork · 3 years
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The hair style for this sculpture reminds me of Lady Campanula Tottington from the Wallace & Gromit film - The Curse of the Were-Rabbit. This design happened unintentionally but presents the sculpture to have more of a female aesthetic. 
Dimensions - (face) height 3.5 cm width 4cm
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rebeccaajc93 · 2 months
This is the Aardman Heroes Edition of Squid Game Tier List.
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dragon-dress-128 · 11 months
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I really just went “What if these two knew each other?” And then made this
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rebeccaajc93 · 4 months
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This is the drawing of Wallace and Lady Campanula Tottington from Wallace and Gromit: The Curse Of The Were-Rabbit (2005).
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rebeccaajc93 · 5 months
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This is a drawing of Lady Campanula Tottington from Wallace and Gromit: The Curse Of The Were-Rabbit (2005) with the Normal Rabbit Pokémon called Buneary.
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rebeccaajc93 · 3 months
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