mechawolfie · 1 year
finding a neat looking sdv expansion mod only to see the new npcs it adds r just more white ppl
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 5 months
UPDATED 1/29/24
this was inspired by @lubble-underscore's post and I decided to expand on the iceberg and see how much I could throw on it
thanks to the Discord server for filling in on things that didn't cross my mind! :D
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feel free to save and highlight what you know :3 Links to many of these things are below - some are not tho!
Tier 1 - do we even need to SAY anything?
pathetic little meow meow
unreliable narrator
Tier 2 - surface level/easy to see
superiority/inferiority complex
bitchsexual (i mean... points to commodus)
raised chiron (see CHB Confidential)
Tier 3 - complete read-through/reread; taking first steps into fandom
breaks cycle of abuse
great with kids, actually (see Harley, Georgie, ect.)
ordered pizza to chb (see The Hidden Oracle)
domains contradict
best godly parent
still heavily affected by past lovers (see The Whole Series)
Tier 4 - digging a little deeper
love life isn't actually terrible
definitely tried to bang frey at least once (see that One throwaway line in The Hidden Oracle)
malewife malewhore manslaughter
broke up the beatles because paul jilted him (Discord)
sees the faces of primordial gods (see The Hidden Oracle)
copollo could have worked
catboy but cats are competition (See The Tyrant's Tomb; submitted by @trials-of-apollo-my-beloved)
freakishly high pain tolerance (See THE ENTIRE SERIES)
Tier 5 - holy shit we're on to something
that apollo & jesus fic (Discord)
knew hades had kids in TTC
pressured to be the perfect son
fatal flaw is love
not as close to hermes as he used to be
seahorsed kayla
patron of CHB
roman apollo au (Discord: Creator chronictheorizing)
Tier 6 - wait what. OH!
was forced to punish halcyon green
deathsong (Discord: Creator @txny-dragon) (addition)
kids are greek & roman
michael yew is most like him
brings change by being his true self and not the fake one (Submitted by @/txny-dragon)
laomedon is why he hates slavery (Discord: Creator @ukelele-boy)
intentionally made the orientation video to communicate info on the gods
Tier 7 - what the fuck did we get ourselves into
directed travis & conner to tartarus tongs
Apollo x Orion is peek hateship (Discord: Origin in Tsari's server during Eclipse)
unlocked heavenly prophecy powers during trials
dated oscar wilde and inspired the picture of dorian gray (Discord)
half-titan theory
tartarus regenerated him
imperial kids were meant to usurp the olympians
Tier 8 - we're in too deep but will never come out
knows estelle is omen of end of the world
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sunnydayroleplay · 1 year
Alright alright! You’ll get your daily Shaun needs! Not my fault that everyone lives, laughs, and loves Joseh and Jack!
I agree, he needs more lovin’!! Shaun comfort it is~
Contents Inside: Cuddles, Bathtime with Shaun, Attempts at making dessert..
18- DNI, even though this is a SFW post, the game it is based off of is an 18+ community. It is for your own safety, and you interacting not only jeopardizes that, it jeopardizes mine, and the creators of the games. For SFW + 18- safe content, check out my art page instead. @feralhalfnhalfcreamer
Hypothetically, right now you are in desperate need for some comfort.
You’re sad, upset, you need a big strong man that has a soft sweet cat that is in the mood to do just that!
You’re huddled up in your bed, scrolling mindlessly on your phone, trying your best not to burst out.
Moonpie makes her way onto your bed and rubs her face onto yours, making her way through the opening of your arms.
She dips her head and blinks slowly at you, purring softly before she balls up right by your head.
You put down your phone and pat her soft fur, feeling slightly better.
Shaun comes into the room after going grocery shopping a few minutes later
“I’m back! I’ll make sure to put them away-“
Shaun immediately notices your mood change, and rushes up right beside you.
“Are you alright? What happened?”
“I’m okay Shaun..don’t worry-“
“Ah, ah,ah! Don’t you tell me not to worry about you! I know when somethin’s up. Who did it?”
“No one did anything, I’m just..not in a good mood.”
“Would some of my love help?~”
“Ehe, always.”
Shaun laid down beside you, and pulled you in close to him.
He brushed off hair that was covering your face, so that he could actually see it.
A hand grazed your cheek, and the other patted Moonpie’s perfectly smooth head.
You let out a deep sigh and buried your face into his chest, wrapping your arms around his waist.
Shaun let out a giggle.
“Why aren’t you cute~”
“I’m always cute!”
“That you are.”
Moonpie seems to agree.
The two of you stayed like this for a good while.
Shaun massaged your shoulders, and gently caressed your neck.
He kissed you every time you asked for a kiss.
With the occasional stupid pun.
“Hey, Y/N.. what did the sushi say to the bee-?
“Get out-“
“Aha! Please you can’t tell me that wasn’t good!”
“That was terrible Shaun! Terrible!!”
You share a laugh with him, even though he made shitty puns, your shitty mood got better.
You felt so much relief, and joy whenever you were with him.
He was always so nice, and he was always there for your own needs.
He made you feel like you were the only person in the world.
After he cheered you up, he took you out of the gloomy room and decided that it was a fine time to bake.
“Shaun, do you even know how to make cupcakes?”
“I guess we’ll find out!”
“And I guess I should have 911 on speed dial-“
“C’mon, have some faith in me honey-“
“Don’t honey me- At least follow a recipe!”
“I do have a recipe, thank you very much.”
“From what?”
“Let’s bake!”
“Jesus Christ.”
It started off surprisingly well.
Started off..
It only got worse.
The measurements were wrong.
The bowl was either too big or small.
The stand mixer probably caught fire, it smells smokey.
With all of this in mind, you guys’ somehow got something in the oven.
“Bake at 350, Shaun. 350.”
“I know, I know! 350.”
“That’s 450.”
After about 20 minutes pass, or however long it takes cupcakes to bake- you take them out the oven.
They’re burnt yet..raw??
They’re soggy when you eat it, but it’s crunchy?
Can you even legally classify them as cupcakes anymore?
Whatever they are, it’s getting composted.
And you two definitely need a bath.
Shaun shook out at least a cup of flour from his hair, and you probably have egg shells in yours.
At least you guys had fun.
“I think we should take a bath, and then clean up-“
“You think? Silly.”
Shaun rushes over to the bathroom to turn on the faucet and get it to temperature.
You get undressed and wrap your towel aroujs you, holding a few others.
Shaun pours a generous amount of soap underneath the running water.
“That is one bubbly bath.”
“It is a very bubbly bath.”
Soon enough you slip off the towel, and slip inside the bath.
Shaun comes in immediately after.
Your body begins to relax in the warm, warm water.
Shaun pours some water over your head, and grabs your shampoo, making sure to get a lot.
He works it through your roots to the tips of your hair, making sure all that gunk was out.
You couldn’t feel more relaxed and happy.
You flutter your eyes closed as he began washing the soap out of your hair, and work in conditioner.
Once getting squeaky clean was done, you accidentally splash Shaun trying to get up.
In return, he splashes you back.
“Hey! That was an accident!”
“Ugh, you’re such a jerk-!”
You had fun.
You definitely felt better than before.
Shaun always knew how to cheer you up, even though you “seemingly” hated it.
You don’t hate it, you love it more than anything.
You love that he’s this big, tough guy sometimes, but in reality he’s just a softie with a big heart.
And that softie with a big heart is always willing to make your day.
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neonponders · 2 years
Catboy!Billy ~
@catharrington I remember you wanted me to tag you if I ever wrote catboy!billy stuff 🌹
So cats Choose™ their humans, right. Even if they tolerate the household, there’s still that one(1) person the cat is clearly closest to, with no explicable reason.
Billy Hargrove chooses Steve. Neither of them have any idea why, and it certainly doesn’t come across as friendly at first (and for a while).
Rewind to Steve Harrington: flair extraordinaire, affectionate lover, prickly when he’s mentally/emotionally exhausted, etc. Steve finds out that he’s got cat hybrid genes because when he’s in the thick of his feelings with Nancy, he purrs.
It scares the hell out of both of them. Twice over for Steve, who initially thinks that something is, like, breaking inside of him because it’s loud and vibrates his whole throat and chest. His parents never told him they have cat lineage (and to be fair, they might not have known or cared because it either hasn’t presented in a while, or it does in subtle ways like night vision or great hearing. No one in the family has had furry ears, linear pupils, or a tail in decades).
But Steve purrs, and Nancy is cool about it. She really doesn’t mind, even if it does throw her for as much of a loop as it does Steve. Barb has small ears that are barely visible under her hair, and surgically removing tails is common for convenience reasons, so Nancy knows Barb is a hybrid even if most others don’t.
Which only adds to Steve being smitten over her because now he feels extra safe with Nancy -
Nancy, who has ingrained in herself so much unconscious distaste for conventional, 20th century housewife living that she doesn’t realize how contrary she is to Steve’s clinginess until it’s way too late.
[ Let’s make the drunk breakup scene a little extra Ouch by how Steve is purring at her, trying to console her. He’s sorry for spilling punch on her, but hey, it’s Halloween, and it’s spent with his girl even if it’s already crossed the line into a shitty night -
“Shut up! You’re so loud, Jesus...” Nancy slurred. ]
So Steve is dumped and more self conscious than ever about his purring. Meanwhile...
Billy Hargrove.
Full hybrid, rocking the boat of Hawkins, covering the water in ripples and outright splashes, Billy Hargrove.
With excellent hearing to know that Steve’s voice has a different cadence than the rest of the raw, hormonally-driven screeching and bellowing of their peerage.
With excellent sense of smell to know exactly what shampoo Steve uses, what hair spray. And how long it takes all of his chemical, beauty routine aromas to wear down until Billy can small pure, unadulterated Steve. How he smells the way salt and sugar taste together. Delicious, tantalizing, and a bit surprising.
Billy Hargrove, who outright body checks Steve into the lockers one morning - with neither warning, nor explanation - and just...lets his body skate over Steve’s in passing. Steve, and others, justifiably assume Billy is being, well, Billy, and think that it’s some kind of dominance thing.
Except Billy’s cheek brushes across Steve’s. It’s weirdly intimate, and Steve’s in so much shock from the touch, a face full of soft mullet, as well as the sinus infusion of Hargrove’s clean, laundered, cologned smell that he just sort of...takes it in stunned silence.
But then it happens again.
And again.
And Billy’s literally circling him in gym class, sliding and knocking shoulders. Grinning like, well, a cat whenever he succeeds at forcing Steve to look at him. He jabs at him - literally and verbally - whenever he’s tired of Steve ignoring him; howling with laughter when Steve predicted the on-coming hand and smacked Billy away before he could lightly punch Steve’s ribs again.
“That’s a relief. I didn’t think a pretty boy like you would be a fast learner.”
Fast forward through a lot of fighting. It really doesn’t help that the coaches try to make them get along, or at the very least, burn through whatever tension this is by making them run laps or play one-on-one. Billy grins like the basketball matches are prizes, only encouraging his tyrannical pursuit of Steve’s attention. He sure doesn’t like running, but being sent out of the gym to run the track comes with its own prizes.
Like smacking Steve with his tail when he’s passing Billy during a lap.
Or outright tackling Steve into the field, wrestling him in the grass. “Jesus Christ, why are you like this?” he said when Billy pinned him, face down, in the grass. “So help me, if I snort an ant, I’m eating your dick.”
“Is that a promise?” he hears right above his ear. Steve can’t tell if it’s the breath or the words that make his ear feel hot -
Billy licks Steve’s temple, tasting hairspray on one side, sweat and lotion on the other. Steve blinks against the dangerous proximity to his eyelashes. “You smell better dirty.”
Steve eloquently mumbles, “Uhm.”
Billy chuckles and finally gets off of him. He strolled back into the gym, tail whipping in wide arcs back and forth. Behind him, an unsteady Steve climbed to his feet, covered in grass stains, green debris, and blushing as red as a sunset by the telltale, heavy swing in his gym shorts.
He takes the long way to the showers. Ice cold. The coaches penalize him for it by starting the next class with more laps. Steve’s on his third lap when Billy arrives, cockily announcing that he played too rough and now he’s out here.
Steve keeps jogging, calling behind him, “Do you come with any other settings besides rough? - Shit!”
The answer came in the form of another Billy right behind him, aiming for another tackle. With as much practice as he had, Steve reacted better than he had in the past. He pitched himself to a hard stop to the right, making Billy overstep and giving him time to start sprinting in the opposite direction.
Except Billy was still Billy and practically threw Steve into the grass. How the hell any teachers didn’t hear their scraps, Steve didn’t know, but Billy pinned him on his back in record time. It was just embarrassing at this point, how Billy Freaking Hargrove could straddle him without effort, holding Steve’s arms down...
And Steve’s chest heaved around his purrs, each one ripping out of him because he panted from exertion. His eyes widened as he realized what he heard - what they both heard. Billy’s pupils were already massive from hunting him, but he blinked slowly, listening as Steve failed to suppress the damn noise...
One of Billy’s ears flicked, tossing off some unwarranted sound before he leaned all the way down, folding himself forward over Steve. For a brief moment, his purrs stopped, unsure what Billy was doing until a soft, sweaty cheek pressed to his throat, and Steve’s eyes watered from the stupid, stupid embarrassment that was the loud, rumbling thing that chirped out of him.
Frustration knotted and roiled inside him. Of all the people to know - fine, Billy was half cat, but still - Hargrove acted like he was a whim’s choice away from stroking Steve’s face with a claw. For fun. Just to see if he bleeds. Because Hargrove had become convinced that Steve’s shade of red was prettier than everyone else’s...
Soft...low purrs moved over Steve. He could barely hear them for how loud his own were, but as Billy sat up to look at Steve’s face, they reached his ears better. 
They were pretty. And baritone. Steve lamented, Why can he make his so quiet? -
“Hargrove! Harrington! That’s not a wrestling mat, for gods sake.”
Terror made Steve’s blood run cold at the sound of their teacher’s voice. Even more so as Billy began to get up, no problem -
And discretely pinched Steve’s foreskin through his shorts like a fucking crab.
“OW!” he screeched, and smacked Billy even louder before he realized what he’d done.
Billy landed with a laugh that was oddly devoid of his usual mirth. “Jesus, you sound more feline than I do when you scream.”
It was a long walk to the principal’s office, during which Steve realized the odd favor Billy had done for him.
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stupid-stew · 3 years
i took notes on the art stream dana did tonight in my own way, yes this is also what my school notes look like so my formal apologies
dana didn’t have many friends or anything in college (self defined recluse)
king is the hardest character to draw due to his specific skull shape
dana loves pokemon and the king resemblance is a coincidence, and she drew everyone to be RIPPED
young entrepreneur out here art queen getting that bag WHY WAS SHE MAKING SHIP ART OF HER CLASSMATES FOR MONEY AT THE AGE OF LIKE 11 IM SOBBING
king ruined the sand castle :(
the mcdonald’s coffe, it sucks apparently
insomnia dana supremacy, felt that
DANA WINS ROUND 1 (against her will)
side note i think i need to start watching more anime, that’s just for me the remember tho
“let’s get weird”- dana terrace 2021
“give us the most uncomfortable furby suggestions please”- also dana terrace 2021
hard time communicating outside of drawings (one of us 👹)
toh is script driven, sicknasty
her test was turned away SPILL THE TEA
dana proposes to furby suggestion giving chat member
8months struggling for job
turned away from power puff girls boooo
“i called up a friend and we had a drink and i cried :(“ -dana
the director had to fight to make the furby scene happen and sir we appreciate it
“androgyny is beautiful”- dana, about a furby
yes girl let jesus take the wheel on that anatomically correct furby
“fuck you! fuck you!”- not dana’s furby
$80,000 in debt for this
“shit shit fuck shit”
“as good friends, as disney would say”
dana trying not to lose her job
straight black coffee you psycho
cannot cook, girlboss, win dana with food
catchphrase? “AAAAAAAHHH”
scared of spiders
do not wake the cat
“is that a pile of garbage or is that ur self esteem after i fucking demolish you”
-dana terrace 2021
the iconic “byeeeee” was difficult
why can’t she draw shrek
“i need validation please jesus christ”
-dana terrace 2021
someone buy this woman the cat gamer headphones alex hurry up
she does not like the booth but she does it for us thank you queen
dana fainted getting a stick n poke rip
at least she’s having a good time making her own gross little fantasy land, improvise adapt overcome
dana unlocks the idea of things being done in different ways and have them all be good for the masses
“limitation breeds invention”
“wow ur really wise dana”
“….thanks dawg”
“well i didn’t have friends… no one laughed.”
i want the little comics of her pets
cat person dana
awww little stick and poke on her ankle
does not celebrate her birthday
#mood bunny
“how can we make this weird” GIRL IT IS KERMIT ON S T E R O I D S
this is literally psychological warfare
dana has not watched the muppets but she knows him drinking the tea so winning
she’s proud about her making dipper and mable fight
hooty is the owl house canon?
i wish the owl house was like a creature that would have been so funny
season 2 is outline heavy when it comes to the writing
dana knows what she wants for season 2 and we love that
execs up the wall on season 1
dana has not found the character porn! keep it up girl! stay over there!
oooh bike queen
yes get that energy out girl
ddr stan, loses to matt braly at gravity falls team bowling hang out
cat is sad :( give her a snack :(
AWW GHOST HAS ASTHMA omg kinnie moment
conspiracy theory enthusiast when intoxicated
vaccination queen
does not believe in ghosts, kill me girl i’ll haunt you don’t worry i’ll prove it
“the ow house get ready to get some boo boo”- this other guy because it made me cry
“you’re gonna have to pay me to write shit because i don’t work for free”
not a music person
dana do a flip for charity please i’ll donate like an organ or something
she can canonically do a flip and she’s not gonna show us this is homophobic
her neighbor is parking yes get it
draw left hand
while holding pen wack
do it in online version of ms paint
“MS pain”- dana not finishing her word
and stick and poke
show us the work stuff dana >:(
“he’s a strong independent dog”
“4 minutes 20 seconds 😏 h e h e h e”
not the muscle pulling girl not now
“also dog”
ghost gets rejected
“he’s not impressed with ur bullshit”
catra shrek fan girl moment
dana has probably done drugs
“i am a fan of waluigi”
note to self dana will only marry you if you look like kermit the frog
also dog comes from a land where dogs eat people at starbucks
“he’s making out with it! he’s using tongue!”
there are bouncers in cafes where also dog comes from
dana has worked the cash register
someone make real witch merchandise
hooty is he has a very he has more he has a backstory it exists it’s written out but we might not ever get it because it’s just for her dana please i am on my knees
would play dnd if she could
favorite episodes haven’t even aired but currently is echoes of the past or keeping up a fear ances because they’re personal especially a fear ances
mentally she is thriving with the show and it’s going to end well 🙏
“it’s just my voice :(“
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lucarioisinthevoid · 4 years
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Oh god, PLEASE DO. Henry leaned over, interested. "... I am so happy that whoever this person is, they seem to have no interest in me and my narrative purpose. If I would have been added to this, I would have probably been drained of most of my will to live." Bemused he shook his head. "... Marion should have a “hiding” form where he is but a little doll from the price corner. I am not sure why he would turn into the terrifying beast he is usually, but... huh. Perhaps he is some eldritch beast that roped Jeremy into helping him regaining his old form, gifting him powers in return." ... Henry? "Hm?" Do you watch magical girl anime? "What. NO." The man was appalled. "I simply am bored and have a vague knowledge of most tropes." Yeah, sure. We believe you. "... anyhow. I think it only makes sense that the Mike, Jeremy and Simon turn out to be the villains. It would be canonical accurate. Also, all things considering, one of them befriended an eldritch beast, one is INHABITED by an eldritch beast and one a loveless machine perfectly capable and willing to cover up crimes." ‘Canonically accurate’. Totally. But oh god, Matt and Ronaldo as guides? No sir, they stay away from this mess. They probably work with them and are their very ignorant co-workers. Except they know exactly what’s going on and refuse to care. Might go as far as to say “woooow, man these not-at-all masked heroes are the best, I sure wonder who they are.” Putting on glittery and fancy clothing is as effective as a mask in these types of anime. OH SPEAKING OFF, CONSIDER- They all still work together. All of the boys. And Ronaldo and Matt are the only ones knowing about it, but everyone else IS actually such an idiot that they don’t recognize each other as arch-enemies. That sounds pretty on-brand for these fools. Nemo is going to be a HACKERMAN. Because that is what he wishes to be at heart. Going to be the mysterious helper who sends them all emails at the same time, giving them all a big S H O O K. He’s the second’s arcs villain, as he threatens to unveil their secret identity, before switching sides when it turns out he just wants to part of the heroes. Deern is the sage librarian/professor, who helps them research ancient artifacts to UNCOVER THE PROPHECY! Meanwhile Old Sport and Dave are trying to merge the spirit world with the real one, to essentially eradicate death. Perhaps Dave even is trying to get Henry back like that. MAYBE. THE PLOT IS STILL IN DEVELOPMENT, RIGHT? Anon, you’re so welcome to hop back on and give out more ideas, I love this. Anyways, they realize vengeful spirits too, on accident, and maybe they take on the form of animals, staying with the Fnaf theme. Looking like monstrous humanoid creatures, depending on how aware they are. Hell, maybe Marion was a gatekeeper. Or maybe he is lying because he doesn’t want to go back. We will never know. OR WILL WE? WILL I WRITE A WAY TOO LONG FANFICTION FOR THIS TOO!?? HMMMMM? Anyways, Mike is color coded blue and uses fire powers, which makes him subject to endless ridicule from Old Sport. Phone Guy is in red and probably uses sound as his weapon. I think that fits him well! And Jeremy might use light! To make himself invisible, but also to distract/blind the enemy. Visual illusions! Old Sport uses electricity, in all his orange glory. Going to have a GREAT time! Dave though is probably a straight up necromancer, able to not only summon the spirits to help them fight and powering them up, but also partially transform in one (Guess which animal for he has. Guess.) However, that comes at the price of him temporarily losing his mind if he goes too far/takes in too much damage without stopping. Supremely powerful, but OS worries about him. The past part is probably though their interaction during battles. Dave is going to be rather upset while Mike throws around his fire spirals. “DUDE. YOU’RE DESTROYIN’ SOMEONE’S HOUSE. PROPERTY DAMAGE, BUDDY, GEEZ, WHAT DID THEY EVER DO TO YOU? THERE COULD BE CHILDREN IN THERE!” “OH SHUT UP, I HAVE ANGER ISSUES!” Dave dodges another beam of fire. “EVER TRIED THERAPY FOR THAT ONE!?” “THERAPY IS FOR PUSSIES!” “NO, IT GENUINELY IS HELPFUL!” Jeremy chimes in. “I know I don’t a-agree often with Dave, but he’s right, you know-?” “YOU’RE A TRAITOR JEREMY! A FUCKING TRAITOR!” Phone Guy goes out of battle stance to rub his dial. “LANGUAGE Mike. CHILDREN ARE WATCHING!” “FUCK THE CHILDREN!” Old Sport going to zap him. “JESUS CHRIST YOU’RE FUCKED UP, DUDE! LIKE GENUINELY, THAT’S AN EVIL THING TO SAY. I MEAN, I AGREE, WHO CARES ABOUT KIDS DYING, BUT STILL, THAT’S OUR STICK!” “W-why is everyone screaming?” Jeremy cries. “BECAUSE WE’RE AT LIKE 60 FEET OVER THE GROUND AND THE WIND IS LOUD AS SHIT. PLUS ATTACKS MAKE NOISE YOU KNOW?” “F-fair enough…” The Orange Guy pulls the focus back on the fight. “ANYWAYS, I GOTTA DESTROY A HOUSE NOW. BECAUSE OF YOU, MIKE. BECAUSE YOU DID IT FIRST AND I CAN’T LIVE WITH THE FACT THAT YOU’RE MORE EVIL THAN ME. A HOUSE WILL BE DESTROYED, A FAMILY WILL GO HOMELESS, ALL BECAUSE YOU CAN’T AIM OR TAKE RESPONSIBILITY.” “WHAT THE FUCK, DON’T DO THAT!” Ah yes. The first Magical Girl show rated M. Oh wait, I almost forgot Madoka Magica exi- Wait. WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT’S RATED 13+ DIDN’T EVERYONE SAY IT’S SUPER- You know what, forget it. THIS ANIME IS GOING TO BE RATED E FOR EVERYONE! EVERYONE DESERVES TO LEARN MORE SWEAR WORDS! >Okay, spoilers now for that Madoka Anime, because I read a bit up on it and have FEELINGS.
Speaking of it, a downright Madoka Magica style AU would be fun too! Dave and Old Sport as transformed witches, due to their personal issues, Mike, Phoney and Jeremy on their way there and Henry as a cute lil kitty-cat- “I swear to everything that is holy, that all that awaits you in your future is PAIN.” You WOULD take a cute little form to trick everyone. “… well, I suppose, but I despise the genre. I would not wish to participate in it.” Not even to prevent the heat death of the universe? “… fine, yes I would. But please, can you not be ORIGINAL? Cheap rip offs make for empty stories. Not to mention, you never even consumed the series, how are you supposed to pick up on the reasons for the appeal it had? You will butcher it.” … I butchered DSAF and had a pretty fun run with it. Also, it makes a lot of sense! Consider. Marion is your oldest victim. First trying to kill the main group, to prevent them to become like him. He fully has shed his human form in his onsetting insanity. Old Sport, Dave and the spirits also lose more and more features, growing colorful colors and gain more and more resistances to damage. And now let’s look at our boys. They too lost features, Mike turning grey, both Simon and Jeremy actually lacking a face. It would flow pretty nicely! Also, and seeing as I’m a pushover, I wouldn’t mind to make the effects of it reversible- “… and allow the universe to perish due to the heat death?” … fuck. Henry the immortal catboy makes lovely boys suffer and is justified in doing so. AGAIN. We will never escape this cycle, will we? “Never call me that again.” Yeah, honestly I feel a lot of shame for calling you justified. It won’t happen again. “I wish to be gone from this world.” Congratulation! You are already gone from any and all worlds! I’m glad you’re happy now! The poor Pink Guy smashed his head on the table, causing his lizard to climb on him instantly. At least that was something nobody could take from him.
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deanxcasficrecs · 5 years
Less than 100K, more than 50K (vol 1)
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For me, the perfect fic length is something between 50K and 100K. The fic usually has a good plot and you have time to learn more about the characters but it doesn't keep going on for centuries. Also, I have read so many over 100K fics that just die after the 100K line, like the author too loses interest towards the fic. 
In this list, you’ll find my personal favourites. I haven’t really done any extra sorting, just the length so some may be AU, some not, some more porny (who am I kidding, they all are probably porny) as so on. As they all are from my favourite folders, they all are four or five-star fics, so at least they all should be good! (Meaning: no catboys or anything equally traumatizing. Not judging, though, if catboys are your thing. I’ve got a few of those as well, in case someone’s interested :’D)  – Admin J
Title: Named
Author: mclachlan
Rating: Mature
Admin’s assessment: ★ ★ ★ ★
Words: 95,000 - Finished
Admin J’s notes: I just love the summary. It makes me feels very rebel :’D Also, I love the fic. The plot is great, and the fic tells Cas’ story kind of like a side plot, and I like that, too.
Summary: Jesus Christ is dead. Somehow, that isn’t the worst part of Dean’s week.
(Read here)
Title: The Way to a Man’s Heart is Through Chlamydia
Author: violue
Rating: Explicit
Words: 89,337 – Finished
Admin’s assessment: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Admin J’s notes: I can’t believe that there is a single person out there who wouldn’t want to read this, just for the name. The fic is, really, just as good as the name and summary, so in case you haven’t yet read it, do it now.
Summary: Dean doesn’t expect to see his one night stand again, but then again he also doesn’t expect to find out he has an STD. Sometimes life is hilarious like that.
( Read here )
Title: Smells Like Roses
Author: BoMarlowe
Rating: Explicit
Words: 53,828 – Finished
Admin’s assessment: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Admin J’s notes: That feeling when you know from the beginning that the shit is going to hit the fan, and when it does so, you still feel bad. That’s what happens with this fic, and I love it. I’m weird like that. Read this when feeling like crying.
Summary: Dean’s life is beautiful. He wants for nothing, has the pleasure of his family and friends, and is desperately, irrevocably in love with his husband. Everything is perfect, just as it should be. Then he wakes up.
( Read here )
Title: Nine Times We Met (And One Christmas We Parted)
Author: almaasi
Rating: Explicit
Words: 58,400 – Finished
Admin’s assessment: ★ ★ ★ ★  
Admin J’s notes: This fic is one of the fics I often think about, even when not thinking about reccing. I have been working with LGBTI rights for ten years, and this is somehow very touching fic for me, and our generation (and the next ones) should keep in mind what the previous generations had to live with. Also, the ending of the fic makes my cry like a baby.
Summary: On the last day of school before Christmas vacation, Mr. Castiel Quinn discovers that one of his young students has smuggled male pornography into the classroom. Upon being told that the photos belong to the boy’s uncle, Castiel vows to himself that he will keep the other man’s preferences a secret. It’s 1947; a man experiencing attraction to another man or fantasising about his sexual touch are transgressive faults, which could potentially result in imprisonment - or worse. But then the uncle walks in. The photos are of him: Dean Winchester, a rogue with an empty pocket and a child to feed. Castiel doesn’t know it yet, but his life is never going to be the same again. Years pass between chance meetings, but even though they live their lives apart, Dean and Castiel’s story is proof that absence truly does make the heart grow fonder.
( Read here )
Title: How Still My Heart
Author: cadignan
Rating: Explicit
Words: 70,653 – Finished
Admin’s assessment: ★ ★ ★ ★
Admin J’s notes: The Charlie of this fic is brilliant! I like how the author gave Charlie a bigger part than she often gets, and that makes the fic different. Good job. Also, that pic of Cas Dean was keeping in his wallet.
Summary: Charlie hadn’t been waiting for the call, but it’s not exactly a surprise to hear from Dean.  
“Cas? You want me to find Cas?”
( Read here )
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baereaved · 7 years
All of the odd-numbered OC asks!! >:3c
u devil~ thank u for all the asks omg
send me some oc questions~
1. Your first OC ever?
kairos. i think. probably.well in all honesty i had plenty of self-inserts before him OTL OTL OTL but i think  he was the first proper oc i madei might just think he was first bc he was the first one i hallucinated, but eh. he’s been around a good while
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?
i haven’t omgstraight up didn’t know that was even, like, a thingsomeone let me adopt ur child
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?
screamsmorgan, probablyi mean u can’t rlly know morgan w/o knowing the other dozen ppl in his universe anyways sOplus he’s adorable and important to me, so who better, reallyi feel like he’d be the one i’d write about if i was gonna, like, make a book or webcomic or smth
7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories?
in the sense that i’ve made them up, then yesand in the sense that some of them are ocs for other actual stories, then also yesin the sense that i’ve ever written anything for them, absolutely noti’m way too lazy to write OTL OTL OTL
9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?
i mean someone can take catboy if they really want them like they were a Mistakebut for the most part i quite like having them all to myself lolololol
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”?
jesúswhich makes sense, considering his namesakein my mind when i made him i was like “if ur gonna name him jesus u can’t be givin him all the perfect traits like he still needs flaws and things” and then that just. didn’t happenhe is sweet and gentle and quiet and kindand also he’s traumatized and terrified of acting out and he screams in his sleepbc i’m a terrible person and i love to torment my smol kids
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
god, all of themcielle, notably, since she will fuck u up and also. winters. she’s literally my dgm oc whose general is winters and they get along terrifyingly well, so. yes.also katrina and benji and dessa and hendrik and reese and rien and nyla and listen, i could go on
15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?
yes, absolutelyi also enjoy it when ppl tell me abt their ocs, mostly so i can grill them for oc info lololol
17. Any OC OTPs?
jesús and luc, dessa and shiv, olivia and ekundayo, rien and the sweet embrace of deathi rlly need more couples so, like, subject to change
the rest are under the cut~
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
i don’t think i even could pick oneumi haven’t mentioned enlil yet, i suppose, and i mean? he’s not very developed, but he brings me an indescribable amount of peace when i talk/think about him, soi’m not actually sure if it’s okay for me to use that name, but eh. if not people can yell at me and i’ll change it. names are hard sometimesbut anyways i don’t have much of anything on him? he’s deaf. generally pretty calm and relaxed. like shiv, except actually a good personidk what it is abt him, he just?? puts me at peace? makes me feel good? like i only made him last year but he’s like, the personification of what nostalgia feels likeso he’s really important to me just bc of how comforting he is. like just thinking abt him could probably get me out of an anxiety attack
21. Your most artistic OC
santa is my nameless oc (as in, the game. he clearly has a name) so 1. he is art and 2. he is an artist himself lol, mostly a painterhelena is pretty artistic too, and is a sculptor
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
already answered~
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)
listen okay all of them started out as self-inserts. all of them. they’re all at least partially based off me.i’ve been thinkin abt this for an hour and i still can’t come up with anything OTL i’m p similar in different ways to all of them, so i’ll have to leave it at that lol
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?
already answered~
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going?
nyla, for fun, and benji, bc he’s Cool and Edgy and mr. survivalist who would probably be an actual detective if he wasn’t, like, 14
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)
i was gonna talk abt my bae rosaire here but he’d be a youtuber, somona is my edgy 13 yr old bab who would probably have a blog full of anarchist shit and different alternative rock lyric postsalso, she’d be part of that shoplifting side of tumblr
33. Your shyest OC?
rosetta nicoletteshe’s the softest and purest and everyone needs to protect her
35. Any sibling characters?
pollux and isabela……i think that’s it. i need more siblings asap
37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human
santa’s a doll. dessa and shiv are a demon and angel, respectively. i have a couple other angel charas too that don’t have names yet but are gorgeous, so |D also all my space charas aren’t human. opluxx is an ogre. i think. catboy is self-explanatory.
39. Introduce any character you want
ekundayo is my beautiful bab and also olivia’s long-distance gfi haven’t done a ton of development on her but i love her bc listen they’re one of those relationships where olivia is literally the most stoic intense fucker around who will kill u and ekundayo is the purest and softest around everyone but then u see them together and olivia’s obviously happy and totally whipped by her sweet but also unexpectedly dom gf and i love them, okay
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)
well. yes, but we had a falling out since then, so i feel it’d be wrong to post it herei’d love to see some more fanart of my ocs~ i should commission smth from someome sometime
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess
already answered~
45. A character you no longer use?
o'malley johnson, valentia, kiriko and akumukiriko and akumu were my old bleach ocs, o'malley johnson was just a kickass dude, and valentia was my stereotypical yandere childsimce i don’t care for bleach anymore and i don’t have universes for valentia or o'malley johnson, i haven’t done much w/ them, but i still like the last two
47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child?
i don’t think so? maybe. hmu
49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes
god, rienrien would be the worst anti-sjw shitty memelord and i ha te
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astroellipse · 3 years
Finally continuing with the msq, need to note some things
ended up putting many screenshots in here by the end
I... have not been quite so sure on what the Final Days actually were for a while now. It all seemed vague, but apparently it was explained in some detail and I just forgot.
“Though yet confined to the lands across the sea, a terrible phenomenon afflicts our star. They are calling it the “Final Days.”
"Once that happens, all is lost. Fear, pain, despair...every dread impulse is siphoned from our minds and given substance: an eternal fall of fiery rain; an incessant spawning of nightmarish beasts...”
“ ...Yet oh how the star had suffered. So many species lost. The land was blighted, the waters poisoned, and even the wind had ceased to blow.“
Alright I got completely sidetracked 1. because good story 2. I was sorta racing this other guy bc I’m like that but also helped him at one part so it’s all good. I’m now sitting waiting in queue for the final boss. I hope he manages to catch up with that last dungeon and queues for this in time to be in my party that would be fun.
This whole sequence still gets me so giddy, man. That last cutscene was funny because I was in my dancer outfit which. This doesn’t show much but look at his cute lil flowers.
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oh damn that’s what the actual screenshots are like, the one saved by the game. slaps the title right on it huh. Anyways this was such a serious scene, the WoL challenging Emet-Selch for the fate of the world, and for hurting their friends. And Doran’s making his stand in a loose top and short shorts. I’m doing the final boss as DRG cause cannon class and I prefer it in solo fights over DNC... it at least looks a bit cooler. The light here isn’t exactly flattering but impromptu picture:
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I think I’ve mentioned before how goofy his face looks at times. This is one. Catch him in the wrong lighting and he looks so so so weird. Actually this image is still bad cause it doesn’t show his claws, or his pants very well but whatever. Oh, and you can’t see his horns very well at all... I’ll have to take better pictures later.
Huh, the weather here is called “Termination”. That’s a fun detail. I’ve been sitting in this queue for 20 minutes. Just me and this other DPS so far it’s sad. I don’t wanna leave cause THE song is playing. And I wanna see if the catboy I was racing with before shows up... assuming they can. I know you can see other players in the-
oh here we go!
oh my god. we skipped an entire mechanic that was fun. and i got 2 comms :) i uhhhh didn’t actually play well like, at all? probably should have done something else to try and remember how to play DRG lol. forgot to use my dragon eye for so long. and after the phase change i didn’t use blood of the dragon in time to get off my full combo the first time. butttttt it’s fine there were plenty of others with probably capped gear to carry me.
OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I LOVE THIS GAAAAMEEFMEKMkfb just. god. this is so good. here are some screenshots from the last cutscene.
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Anyways it’s official I’d die for Doran. Love this dude who is debatably also me but not really. There’s a positive message about self love there I think. Something freeing about taking a character you project onto and making them cute as shit and putting them in stupid also debatably sexy outfits. I have not taken a picture of my taking outfit yet. I’ll have to do that soon I am quite proud of it it’s funny.
oh fuck it brought me straight to the ocular hell yeah. picture time.
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he is also wearing claws in this outfit, this time in red to go with the horns. also realized you can see his DRG outfit pretty much in full in the previous screenshots so no need for that. oh my god. I swung my camera around and all the scions are just standing there... but Urianger is the nearest and his head is snapped to Doran lmao.. just.
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Very cute. Very unfitting for that one cutscene. Nice to have him mistaken for a girl. I’m glad that my level 80 relic weapon goes well with my outfit. The same cannot be said for some others. Why are SMN and DRG’s weapons so ugly? It’s unfair. AST’s is really pretty and I’m using it now.
Oh and here’s another one to show ANOTHER effect of funny lighting.
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Look at his eyes. They look ghastly it’s so funny. This happens in the Adder’s Nest whenever I stand at the desk to do stuff. anyways more msq
I’m glad this is the last time I have to hear Varis speak. Oh my god I love Zenos he makes no goddamn sense. His dedication to the WoL is adorable.
I’m glad I managed to get all the role quests done before I finished the ShB msq but. Jesus fucking christ is this the same paladin lady from all those flashbacks??? The one that did that devious smirk in the healer role quest???? Has she been here this ENTIRE TIME?????????????? Hm. she wants. To speak in private. uhhhhh...... UH. THE TRUE VILLAIN OF THEIR STORY??? MEET HER ALONE ON THE ROOF??????? REPAY ME?????????????? Wait is she... confessing? To something? And wants me to kill her? She orchestrated this. From the very beginning before the WoL was really known? Huh? Oh and now we’re putting the timeline together. I played them super out of order I think but I have a rough idea. Alright I know that Cyella here is Cylva. But. She sounded repentant in the beginning, and... is smirking every time she talks about how everything went according to plan. What, is she just explaining all this before she kills me or finishes whatever she started or... I don’t even know. The... transformation... was intentional... what the fuck is the timeline here I’m lost. Like,t he world was meant to end with the flood why and how was she planning shit for after that.
Hydaelyn... made each party member a Warrior of Light in turn, only after they had made a suitably heroic sacrifice. What of our WoL, then? They received their first crystal after- actually no this line of thinking is stupid. The WoL was obviously chosen for a very specific reason. That’s why they were able to collect more than one crystal of light. Probably them being Azem, and... whatever they did during the time of the Final Days.
Oh is she *the* Shadowkeeper? Huh. She’s kinda cute tho? Why do I like elezen so much I’m fucking cursed. uh. sword? flashback? HUH? Alright she is it. But she really did like them?
OH. And Ardbert didn’t sacrifice anything either. But he’s also Azem!
From a world shrouded in dark... she’s from the VOID?????????????? WHAT.
Oh she was just inducing a flashback okay.
Oh she’s a WoL from the Thirteenth. A friend of Unukalhai?? Oh she was tricked too. Ardbert spared her, thus averting Calamity at that moment. Then he went after the Ascians and caused it anyways. Oh okay the transformation to sin eaters was not the goal, I think her words were purposefully meant to lead you astray. Oh. Ew. Vauthry did that to them. Fuck that guy.
Okay. She does want me to kill her. Honestly I think the WoL should kill her, not really as retribution but just to grant her rest. Atonement, instead. “You would have been good friends, you and Ardbert” fuck you game he sacrificed himself for me just a couple of hours ago.
Aw sick I got the cool title. “Living Memory”. And now I have to get to Reflections in Crystal to do the next one.
hghhggh. FUCK. HE BLINKED. I tried taking a screenshot of Urianger and Doran in the buggy ont he way to the empty but in the first one he’s stillt alking and the second blinking. goddammit. Anyways I will not lie to you I don’t care for the Eden raid questline. Lets me see Urianger more but that’s it. I don’t care about Gaia. Like Ryne and Gaia are cute but the WoL is at any given point a 3rd wheel to either Urianger/Thancred of Ryne/Gaia and it’s annoying. Time to skip some cutscenes babeyyyyyyy. also. there’s something wrong with me look at them.
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he’s so goddamn tall... why is he nearly my platonic ideal of a character this is ridiculous.
it’s been hours since I last typed anything here it’s time to sleeeep
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