#LBSC Lukanette week
ladyfreya123 · 2 years
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LBSC Lukanette Week. Day 7. Cozy
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crescent-woods · 2 years
lbsc lukanette week! day 1-- time
"luka," marinette giggled as she pushed him away. "we don't have time for this! if we don't leave now, we won't be on the road by 9, and we won't make it to your ma's by the end of the day!"
"you know for a fact that ma doesn't care if we're on time. she probably won't even be ready for us by the time we get there." luka rolled back under the duvet towards his wife, hoping that the warmth and kisses would draw her back in. "instead of worrying about her, why don't you come here and love on your poor, neglected husband? we have time, love."
marinette sighed as the idiot she chose to marry started sneaking his arms around her, pulling her into their warm, fluffy bed. "you're a terrible influence. a terrible, cuddly, husbandy influence..."
and anarka understood why the two lovebirds arrived in the middle of the night
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airi-p4 · 2 years
LBSC Lukanette week
For the LBSC Lukanette week following the @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers prompts.
I’m planning to write this one as a long one-shot story... 👀
Time | Style | Cool down | Project
When her teacher announced that her partner for the science project would be Juleka, Marinette sighed dejectedly. She had never talked to the girl dressed in black and hair dyed purple, but all she knew was she had never heard her voice or how she didn't separate from her best friend Rose. Oh, and she was quite certain she wasn't good with science. Great .
When her best friend Alya told her that Jukeka lived on a boat, she had thought she was joking. The next day, at the address she was given, she had no choice but to believe her eyes.
As expected, without effective communication (Juleka only spoke with a bunch of incomprehensible mumbles) the project was falling apart. Marinette took a moment to get some air with the excuse of a phone call when the sounds of a guitar picked her attention. Suddenly, her stress flew away and calm found its way to her heart through the music. She looked for the source of the beautiful notes, and saw a boy with blue hair at the back of the ship.
"I'm Luka, Juleka's brother, '' he introduced himself, his playing never stopping. She was so fascinated she nearly missed introducing herself.
Everything improved after the meeting: her mood, Juleka's confidence and assertiveness and communication. For the first time, with Luka helping them with the project, Marinette could see friendship blooming between her and the siblings- and maybe something more than friendship when it came to the boy… her heart melted every time he smiled at her, which was too often to be 'casual'.
So when the teacher asked what was the best part of the project, Alya teased with an amused chuckle: "Juleka's brother" and the blush didn't leave her face during the whole project presentation.
To be fair, Alya was probably right, because after a few weeks hanging out in the Liberty with her new friend Juleka and her brother Luka, she started dating the latter when a natural, heartfelt beautiful confession led them to their first kiss.
Oh, and, of course, the project was a success. Even if it wasn't the best way to find out, through all the mistakes, that Luka's grades in science were as bad as hers and his sister's.
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verfound · 7 months
MINIFIC: Oct. 23: Day 31: Trick or Treat (MLB, Lukanette, DLM AU)
For @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers October Minific Challenge 2023.
Read on Ao3
To Feel Alive Again: Ch31: Trick or Treat
“Mendeleiev had no right to send you there,” Luka bit.  She jumped when he slammed the fridge shut, the bottles in the door rattling from the force.
“She’s our boss,” she mumbled from where she was curled up on his couch.  “Head reaper.  I’m pretty sure that gives her every right.”
“Not there, Marinette.  Not tonight,” he said.  He came back out and handed her a bottle – sparkling water, the cherry flavored one she liked so much, she was relieved to see.  Drinking here – drinking with Luka, drinking after bad days, drinking anything stronger than sparkling water – tended to be…dangerous.  He sat down across from her when she took it, popping the lid on his own drink.  She almost smiled when she saw it was lemonade.  “Tomorrow’s Halloween.  Do you have any idea what happens on Halloween?”
“…kids go trick-or-treating, get hopped up on sugar, and terrorize their parents?” she guessed.  He choked on his drink, and she hid her smile with her knees.  “Sorry.”
“Yes, but no,” he laughed, shaking his head.  He put his drink down and turned to her, frowning.  “You show your face, Mari.  Your real face.”
She froze as his words sunk in.
“…my parents were at that party,” she whispered, and he nodded.
“They could have recognized you,” he said.  He sighed and reached for her, holding out his hand as he used the other to scrub at his eyes.  “Never mind the fucking haunted house.  I’m going to have words with her.”
“…I don’t understand why, though,” she said, shaking her head numbly.  “What’s…what’s so special about Halloween?  It’s just some stupid American craze.  Why does my face show?”
“It’s not just a ‘stupid American craze’, Marinette,” he said.  He wiggled his fingers at her again, and instead of taking his hand she put her drink on the table and threw herself at him, crawling into his lap.  He froze for a moment, but then he was wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close.  Whatever this…whatever was between them, she was too tired to fight it tonight, and she found herself snuggling closer.  “It has deep roots.  Ancient roots.  In the Celtic festivals of Samhain.  Death gets a little closer to the living, and the veil thins just a bit more.”
“You sound like one of those crazy New Age people,” she mumbled into his chest.  His hand was absently combing through one of her pigtails, and he smiled as he gave it a gentle tug.
“Says the grim reaper,” he chuckled.  “I don’t know, Mari.  Some reapers say it’s just an old wives’ tale.  Most of us don’t seek out the people we knew to test it – or most of us can’t.  Fred…Fred did, though.  By accident.  Bumped into his daughter a few years back.  She…it didn’t end well.  Mylène fainted and hit her head on a bench.  Had to get checked out for trauma.”
“That’s horrible.  I think I prefer trick or treating,” Marinette said.  He hummed.  After a moment, she scrunched her hand in his shirt and turned to press her face against him.  He froze as she snuggled against him.  “Thank you.  For…for being there tonight.  For getting me out.”
“I hate that you were even put in that situation,” he grumbled, holding her closer.  “It was cruel.”
“But you were there, and it was…it was better,” she said.  Her fist tightened on his shirt, and she swallowed against the lump in her throat.  “…it’s always better.  With you.”
He sat up a bit, curling around her and holding her tighter.  Closer.  For a moment, she thought she felt his lips against her shoulder – against the bit of skin her collar revealed.  But…she had to be imagining that.
“I’ll always be there, Mari,” he whispered, and her heart stuttered in her chest.  She wondered at how quickly it could beat – how dizzy it could make her – when she was supposed to be dead.  When living things like beating hearts were supposed to be beyond her.  How Luka could make her feel like none of that mattered.
Like…like she could be alive again.
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haphira · 2 years
LBSC Lukanette Week (Drabbles)
2. Style / Changes/Shift/Transition
Luka stared at the jacket Marinette made; he was transfixed on it. It was the most rock n roll jacket he had ever seen, including the work Marinette had done for Jagged. Luka was blown away.  
“Marinette, this is...” He swallowed hard; tears gathered in his eyes. “This is amazing, it fits my style exactly.” It had kitty section, his ma, his sister and a little sprinkle of Marinette on it. And it fit better than a glove.  
Marinette blushed, pleased that Luka like the jacket so much. “I’m happy you like it. It also has glow in the dark features as well as blacklight. There is also some invisible thread that you can see when the jacket shifts in the light.” Marinette explained the work and love that went into the jacket, getting passionate and waving her arms excitedly about tricky parts she was able to finally get right. Luka listened with rapt attention, feeling the fabric in his hands.
“If you don’t like something on it, I can change it, or take it out, or-”
“It’s perfect.” Luka put a hand in Marinette’s shoulder and gave a light squeeze.  
“I love it, Jules is going to be so jealous.” Luka laughed. Marinette relaxed and smiled back.  
“Good because I... I made this for you and you alone. I put everything I had into it and I hope that it comes across.” Marinette blushed again and looked down at the floor. Luka tips her head back up with a finger.  
“Yes, I got your feelings, Marinette.” Luka said softly. His lidded eyes darted down to her lips.
“Can I kiss you?”  
“Yes.” Marinette answered breathlessly.  
The two leaned into each other, closing their eyes before they felt soft lips touch. The faint taste of strawberry from Marinette’s Chapstick transferred between them, memorializing this moment with strawberry flavor.  
1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 
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LBSC Lukanette Week Nov. 6-12
Below you’ll find the prompt for LBSC Lukanette Week! We’ve provided two prompts for each day. You may use all or some of the prompts, combined or in separate works, in whatever order speaks to you! Be inspired and have fun. 
Art and fic both welcome. No time limits or length restrictions on this event! Sprint fics and minifics are still welcome just not required. The only stipulations are that the fic must be Lukanette endgame. Platonic Lukanette is welcome as long as no current romantic relationships with other people are mentioned. NSFW is okay as long as participants are of age and all content is properly tagged.
You’re welcome to begin posting now but please wait to post during the week of Nov. 6-12. Please remember to tag us so that we can reblog your work here!
Follow the blog or join us on the LBSC discord for further announcements!
LBSC Lukanette Week Prompts
1. Time / Road trip
2. Style / Changes/Shift/Transition
3. Pick / Cool down
4. Intention / Project
5. Identity / Gratitude
6. Truth / Colors
7. Craft / Cozy
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quickspinner · 2 years
LBSC Lukanette Week Day 1 - Time / Road Trip
No planning, just brain dump prompt fic. It’s been too long since I did that. 😁
Feel free to join in @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers Lukanette Week! Anyone can participate. 
“Are you ready?” Luka asked as Marinette reached over to pull the heavy van door shut.
“Whether I am or not,” she sighed, relaxing back into her seat. “It’s time.” She turned her head and smiled at him, and though the smile was sad, and tired, and a little smaller than he would have liked, it was genuine. “I need this.” 
Luka nodded, and started the engine, swallowing his own apprehension. She was right, and he had supported her in this plan even before she had asked him to come with her. 
That had been a bit of a shock, to be honest. There was a lot between them, a lot of feelings and misunderstandings and, yeah, some heartache and pain, and Luka had put an uncharacteristic amount of thought into his answer.
Of course it was yes. It was always going to be yes. It really wasn’t a question of yes or no so much as it was a careful consideration and acceptance of everything it could be, good and bad. He kissed her before he gave her his answer, so that she still had time to run if she wanted too. Then she had smiled at him, and he stopped worrying.
Maybe it was finally their time. 
Marinette’s seat belt clicked into place, and Luka checked the mirrors one more time. He put his arm around the back of Marinette’s seat and looked back over his shoulder, letting the van roll back a bit before he faced forward, turned the wheel, and put the van in gear.
Too bad, he thought at the drivers that honked at him as he butted his way into the line of cars without waiting for them to let him in. We’re both sick of waiting. Luka felt the fizz in his veins and flutter in his stomach that was the suppressed hysteria of I can’t believe we’re actually doing this. He glanced at Marinette, and saw her blow out a slow breath before she gave him a shaking smile. She felt it too. He grinned at her, and she giggled, reaching down to pick up her sparkly pink sunglasses from the drink holder. She slid them on and sighed, letting her head fall back against the seat, trusting him to get them out of this mess. 
His grin grew as his focus shifted from what they were leaving behind to the adventure ahead. Their general plan was south for now, to the lavender fields and crumbling medieval walled villages that Marinette had never had time to go see before. He figured by the time they got to Nice, Marinette would have their next stop figured out. Luka didn’t care; he’d go anywhere she wanted to go, no matter how touristy and cliched or how remote and uncivilized. Whether he would end up writing a song or an album of songs or a full-on symphony, he didn’t know, but he knew that sitting with his legs hanging off the back bumper with his instrument while Marinette’s sewing machine whirred in the van behind him was pretty close to his idea of heaven. Their little tiny makeshift mobile apartment already felt like home, even with everything tied down and wedged in. 
Luka only wished he’d had the time and resources to get a sick paint job on the plain white van, but he was pretty sure that given enough time, Marinette would find a way to fix that problem too. It wasn’t worth delaying their departure over, not for a minute. 
“What are you thinking?” Marinette asked, a slight quaver in her voice, and Luka grinned. 
“I’m thinking it’s about damned time.” 
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sassyduckqueen · 3 years
Screw Destiny- For LBSC Lukanette Sprint Challenge
Soul-mark/mate AU with a twist.
Prompt: 'We are written in the stars' 'Yeah, well, the stars are stupid' and 'We're not soul mates but we still love each other'
Warning!!! Self Harm is shown and mentioned in this story. While it isn't too graphic, please be aware that it might act as a trigger.
Luka sighed as he looked in the mirror as he thought about his plan. It might not have been the best thing to do but he didn't know what else he was suppose to do. The last week had been awful and now he was faced with a choice that he thought he would never have to make. Either been unhappy or become a no mark. He traced his finger over the small bumble bee that rested on the inside of his wrist. It was his 'soul mate' mark. He didn't know why they existed, only that everyone had them. Some people loved the idea of been made for someone who was considered their other half. Of always been in love and together no matter what. His sister and her girlfriend Rose were those type of people but they had good soul mates. Rose was the sweetest girl he had met and Juleka was kind and gentle. Sure, she was shy but she was good. Their songs were as sweet as a bird's morning song and they balanced each other out. Rose brought Juleka out of her shell and Juleka calmed Rose down. They loved the whole soulmate thing. However, he was not that type of person. He didn't think it was romantic. He thought it was controlling and creepy. He didn't like the idea that he would be forced to be with one person for the rest of his life. It wasn’t that he was against marriage or been faithful to one person. He just hated the idea of that he couldn’t pick who that person was. It went against everything he was and all he believed in. He was what one might call a free spirit and believed in complete free will. As far as he was concerned, Fate could take it's plans and shove them where the sun didn't shine. He was the master of his life, destiny and will and no one in the universe could control him. However, he had hoped that his soul mate would be someone who was creative and kind. If he didn't get a choice in who they were then he hoped was like him. Unfortunately, his soul mate was Chloe Bourgeois. The very girl who bullied his sister, Rose and their friends. He felt sick the moment he realized. He had rushed to the bathroom and threw up after meeting her. Her song was awful and she was nothing more than a brat. However, she had been pretty pleased about him been her soul mate. She stated that he was attractive but commented that he would need to stop 'dressing like trash'. He didn't like how she saw his clothes as trash but due to the magic that binded their souls together, he had to agree with her. It felt forced and wrong when he nodded. After spending a day with her, he felt drained and there was no way he could do this for the rest of his life. Whomever had decided that she was his perfect match must have been high that day because they were completely wrong for each other. He always been taught that soul mates were meant to complete each other but he felt like she was a triangle and he was a circle. They didn't match and there would never been a true connection between them. Their songs would not sing in harmony and Luka would feel trapped like some beast in a cage. He would only ever be a piece of eye candy on her arm for all to see but he would never truly be loved by her nor would he ever truly love her. He couldn't do it. He was a free and creative soul and Chloe wasn’t. She was everything he hated. That had what lead him to where he was. He looked at his reflection again as he thought his choice over one last time. He was deciding if he wanted to become a no mark or a mark destroyer as they were sometimes known. A No Mark was a person who had destroyed their soul mark, breaking the magic and connection to their soulmate. His mother had done it with his father but she was the only one he knew of. The problem was that the only way to destroy a soul mark was to physically remove it and then there were the rumors. Some say that once you removed your soul mark, you lost the ability to ever love again. His mother had cut it out of her arm and had never bothered been with someone after that. Luka wasn't sure if it was because she couldn't love or because of choice but she was happy and free. He looked at his mark again before looking up at his reflection. He narrowed his eyes and picked up the lighter he planned to use to get rid of it.
 "I am the master of my own life and destiny," He stated, holding his arm out and lighting it. He held it to his arm, causing it to burn. He cried out as the fire burnt his skin but he kept going. His eyes widened as he felt the connection shatter as his skin burnt. Soon, the bee was gone and all was left was a burn and blood where it had been. Luka shakily dropped the lighter and ran the cold tap before carefully placing his injured wrist under it, cleaning. He hissed as it hurt before he took out an antiseptic liquid and cotton wool pads. He used it to clear the wound before wrapping it up in a bandage. Once that was done, he ran water again and splashed his face before looking up at his reflection. He was afraid that it would feel bad and he knew he would be considered a freak but he honestly felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders and that he was truly free. With a certain and determined look, he glanced back at his reflection and repeated the words that had become his mantra. "I am the master of my own life and destiny,"
 ~A Few Years Later~
 "I am not in love with you anymore," Marinette gasped as she pulled away from Adrien. He had been her soul mate but she realized it had been come a burden that was slowly ebbing away at her and breaking her down.Firstly there were the people who wanted to have him as their soul mate. Some hadn’t been too bad but one girl had made it her life’s mission to harm Marinette because of it. Then there was the issue with Adrien himself. He was what you might call sunshine personified but not in the way she thought he was. He was burning her and destroying her. She thought he had been a dream come true but now he was a wish she wished she had never made. It was one of the reasons why she had decided to become a no mark. Another reason was because of how controlling his father had been. He understood that she was Adrien's soul mate but she had to meet his expectations. He had tried to mould her into someone she was not. She had learnt very quickly that the Agreste men had decided she should basically be a doll. She would need to look her best all the time, she would never speak out of term and she would never work. She was expected to provide an heir and act as the perfect wife but that wasn't who Marinette was. She was chaotic and smart. She loved getting involved and wanted to be a designer. She hoped to run her own fashion house one day under the name MCD but Mr Agreste had told her she would be a designer under his label and not her own. It was part of what would be expected about her if she married into that family. All of that plus the girl out to destroy had been enough to push her into thinking about becoming a No Mark but the final straw had been when he had insulted her family. Adrien hadn’t even tried to defend them and she was expected to accept what Mr Agreste had said. Well, no sir, she would not. That night she left with the intention of becoming a no mark and she did. It had hurt but she sliced across the paw print that was her soul mark to Adrien and severed their connection. Within minutes of tending to the wound, she had phoned him and broke up with him. Boy did it felt amazing. She felt truly free to become whoever she wanted. She had even met a lovely musician who she had started a budding romance with. However, even months later, Adrien still hadn't gotten the message. He stood there, looking at her as she tried to get into the cafe where she was suppose to be meeting her date. "Adrien, move,"
 "No, I'm not moving!" He gasped as she stepped around him and inside. However, he followed her. "Marinette, please! Hear me out!"
 "I'm not interested," She declared in an emotionless manner before seeing Luka by the counter. He was speaking to the barrister and dressed in a blue shirt and black pants. Her heart fluttered as she looked at him. He might not be her soul mate but she was definitely finding herself falling for him. The best part is she knew this was real. He was a no mark like her. Adrien, however, blocked her sight as he stepped into her vision, making her groan in annoyance. "Adrien, seriously. Go away,"
 "I can't, mi'lady!" He gasped, actually getting down on his knee. She felt sick from the nickname he gave her. "We're meant to be! We're soul mates!"
 "Not anymore!"
 "Mari, you can't be serious!" He gasped as she walked away from him. He looked shocked as she did. He jumped up and grabbed her arm, making her roll her eyes. "But we're written in the stars!"
 "Yeah, well, the stars are stupid!" She declared, shocking him again. This was not his Marinette. She torn her arm from him and rolled up her sleeve, revealing her damaged mark. He winced as he saw it. He had felt it when she had done it. "Did you forget that I became a no mark?!"
 "Our love is stronger then a mark,"
 "No, Adrien, our love doesn't exist and it never did! It wasn't even real!" She gasped, making him look back at her with hurt. If she still had her soul mark, she would have felt guilty and been compelled to say sorry and make it up to him but since she was a no mark, she wasn't bound to the same rules anymore. She was free. "You wanted a wife who wouldn't question you or your father. Well, news break, Adrien! I'm not that girl! Now get out of my face! I'm already late as it is!"
 "Mari-" He started but a hand landed on his shoulder, making him look behind him as he came face to face with a young man with blue and black hair. He had a harsh look in his eyes as he started at Adrien before he looked over at Marinette. A soft expression took over his eyes. It made Adrien feel sick as he looked at her.
 "Is this man bothering you, Miss?" He asked, making him blink.
 "I'm not bothering her!" He gasped, yanking his arm from him. He frowned as he saw the scar on his inner wrist. Great, another no mark. "I'm her soulmate,"
 "Hmm... soul mates are overrated," He stated as the harsh look returned in his eyes. "Now kindly leave my cafe and this young lady alone before I make you. She is obviously not interested in you,"
 Adrien blanched in shock before looking back at Marinette. She turned her nose up before he let his shoulder sink and walked away, leaving the cafe. As soon as he left, the tension lifted and Marinette broke into a smile before gently kissing the young man's cheek. He smiled back at her as she blushed.
 "I'm sorry that I'm late, Luka," She smiled shyly, pushing her hair behind her ear. His expression turned to one of ease and happiness as he held out his arm to her.
 "Don't worry about it, Mari," He smiled, making her giggle as she took his arm. "I made your favorite today,"
 "You're the best," She grinned, walking over to a table with him. They sat down as Marinette played with her hands. Luka reached out and gently took hers in his. She glanced at the scar on the inside of his wrist before looking at the cuts over hers. "That... that was my soul mate... Adrien..."
 "He seemed delightful," Luka grinned sarcastically, making her giggle. "Mine use to be Chloe Bourgeois,"
 "Oh no wonder you decided to be a no mark," She gasped before covering her mouth. "I mean-"
 "Oh, it was exactly like that," He grinned, making her feel better. "Maybe it's because I am no mark but I don't get it. It seems so wrong and forced to have a soul mate already prepared for you,"
 "Right?" Marinette gasped before looking at Luka. "But I like spending time with you, Luka. It feels real and genuine,"
 "That's because it is, my melody," He smiled, making her blush at the nickname. She knew they weren't soul mates but she also knew she was falling in love with him and judging by the gentle look in his eyes, he felt the same.
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mintaka14 · 3 years
This is the start of my newest multi-chapter Lukanette story, and a Dammit Quick! fic. To the LBSC crowd - you’re all a pack of enablers, so have some Disney music-nerd angst/fluff with a Julerose wedding for good measure.
See the Light
A Miraculous Ladybug fanfiction
By Mintaka14
Chapter One – All Those Years
 Luka Couffaine got the shock of his life when, six months before his sister’s wedding, his past walked onto the boat. She moved with an assurance that she’d never had at fourteen. A little older at twenty-four, a little less arms-and-legs and a little more rounded curves, but still with those same devastating blue eyes.
Her hand curled on the rail, and he realised he was staring.
“Luka,” she said. “Hi.”
“Ma-ma-marinette,” he managed, and that mouth of hers lifted in a tentative smile. “It’s been a while.”
“It’s been a while,” she agreed softly. “How are you?”
He said something, he wasn’t sure what.
“I take it Juleka didn’t mention that I was coming,” she said. “I’ve offered to design the dresses for the wedding, and she suggested I come round today to talk about them. Are you… is it okay that I’m here?”
At that, Luka jolted out of his distraction and offered her a more genuine smile.
“Marinette, it’s more than okay. It’s good to see you again. You’re looking well.”
Her own smile grew a little brighter, and she flicked a quick glance down and back up to meet his eyes again. “So are you.”
“Marinette! You made it!” Rose’s shriek cut off any response he might have made. Rose barrelled up the steps from the galley and past him to engulf Marinette in a tight hug, with Juleka not far behind. Luka had a moment to collect himself while they caught up. All in all, he thought he’d handled it pretty well. He hadn’t actually swallowed his tongue.
Marinette flashed a brief, rueful smile at him over her shoulder as Rose towed her below deck, leaving Luka to pull his scattered thoughts together. He hadn’t seen her in ten years and she could still bowl him over at first sight. He turned absently to the stack of papers he’d been working on when she arrived, barely seeing them.
He hadn’t made much progress half an hour later, and gave up, heading down to the galley. A burst of laughter drew his attention and in the other room he could see Marinette wielding a tape measure around his sister with brisk efficiency, while Rose sat on the table, swinging her legs as she flicked through a plain black sketchbook. He’d seen plenty of the same type of book back when he’d been spending a lot of time with Marinette all those years ago. He leaned in the doorway, unnoticed, watching Marinette at work.
It had always been hard to define exactly what made Marinette so overwhelming whenever he saw her. Maybe it was the sense of intensity and creative fire, as if her skin could barely contain everything that she was, or the fierce, giving heart that shone within her. Maybe it was the endless blue of her eyes that spoke to him of a limitless horizon. It seemed like none of that had changed.
What had changed was the dizzying rush he felt as she bent to pick up something and he found himself following the tight curve of her jeans and the contour of her strong, lean legs. He jerked his wayward gaze away, trying to fight down the heat in his cheeks and the fleeting speculation about what it might be like to have those legs wrapped around him, and those beautiful eyes of hers on him while he … God, Couffaine, get your mind out of the gutter! It had been ten years since he’d last seen her, and these were not appropriate thoughts to be having barely thirty minutes and less than a handful of words of conversation after she’d turned up in his life again.
She had always been a pretty girl, but that was nothing to the gorgeous woman she’d grown into.
He would have bet money that the jeans hugging those legs like a second skin were her own design, and the silky red shirt sliding artfully off one shoulder but never quite falling looked like it had come straight from the fashion week runway. The way Marinette filled it, though, was far more distracting than any model could have ever made it.
The pigtails were another thing that was gone, but he didn’t spare them more than a moment of nostalgia, because the blue-black satin of her hair was caught up in a knot that left the smooth line of her neck bare, and that was a whole other train of thought that he cut off quickly. He looked up to find that she was watching him with a quizzical expression, and he managed to answer it with a smile of his own before Rose noticed him standing there.
“Luka!” she called out. “You have got to see what Marinette’s come up with for us!”
She was practically bouncing, and shoved the sketchbook at him. He looked at Marinette, one eyebrow raised in a question, before he opened it.
“If Marinette’s okay with that,” he said. Marinette’s mouth lifted in a smile at that.
“Marinette’s okay with that,” she told him, and he opened the cover. The slim book was full of designs and scribbled ideas and notes on wedding dresses. He’d seen her fourteen year old designs, and been impressed by them, but this… this was a whole other level, which, he supposed, wasn’t surprising. He turned through the pages slowly. He paused on one that was clearly meant for Juleka.
“Wow,” he said softly.
“That’s one of my favourites, too,” Marinette said. She’d come to look over his shoulder, and he was finding that rather unsettling for some reason. “Juleka’s so elegant, she could wear just about anything, but I like that structure for her.”
“It feels like her.” He glanced up at Marinette. “Dangerous edges, with just a bit of sweetness underneath.”
Marinette turned another few pages, and waited for Luka to find it.
“Rose,” he grinned back at her. “Channelling her inner Disney princess?”
“The brief was Sleeping Beauty, live action, but more -” Marinette gestured extravagantly, opening her eyes wide, and from the table where she was perched, Rose stuck out her tongue at them.
“It’s my wedding, and I’ll princess if I want to,” Rose sniffed.
Luka glanced back at the sketch, and was impressed all over again. Marinette had somehow turned flowers and glitter and pink and Rose into a few lines of charcoal and caught it on the page. Her own special brand of magic.
On the other side of the room, Juleka looked up from her phone.
“I’ve just ordered takeaway, and Ivan and Mylène are on their way,” she told them, and levelled a look at Marinette. “You are staying, aren’t you?”
By the time Marinette had been talked into it, and Ivan and Mylène had turned up in a bustle of exclamations and hugs and chatter, Luka had recovered something of his equilibrium. As darkness fell over the river and the lights strung up across the boat spilled a soft light over the deck, Luka handed Marinette a glass of wine and settled into the deck chair beside her.
“You’re wearing a tie these days,” she said with a hint of mischief, and he glanced down at the shirt he’d rolled up over his tattooed forearms and the tie he’d forgotten he was still wearing. “I never pictured you in the kind of career that would need a tie.”
He pulled himself together enough to smile easily back at her. “Well, it’s been a while. A few things have changed. I see you’re not wearing those pigtails anymore,” he teased her, and her hand went to the soft satin twist of her hair.
“No.” Marinette leaned back in the chair, her wine glass in hand, and her eyes were on Rose and Ivan arguing amicably about something. There was an indefinable sense of distance in her that had never been there when they were kids, and he wondered what had happened to put that there.
“So when did you get back in touch with Jules? She didn’t mention that she’d seen you.”
“I was showing a couple of pieces at something Juleka was modelling at a while ago. We bumped into each other backstage, and when she mentioned that she and Rose were getting married I offered to make up the dresses for them. My wedding present to them,” she said with a self-conscious smile, and Luka couldn’t help a soft laugh.
“Only you would do that for someone you haven’t seen in years.”
“They’re still friends.” She rolled her eyes at him. “Like you wouldn’t do the same.”
Rose was standing on a stack of crates now, singing something about rainbows, while Juleka hooked an arm around her to keep her from overbalancing and Mylène snorted with laughter. Marinette looked over at them a little wistfully.
“It’s nice to be back in touch with the old Kitty Section crew,” she admitted. “It was nice to reconnect with Juleka… and you. I’ve missed that.”
“I’ve missed you too,” Luka said quietly. “Do you see much of the old school crowd?”
Marinette shrugged. “Not really. I run into Adrien from time to time. I see him at the fashion shows sometimes, but honestly, once we get past the awkward reminiscing about collège, and industry stuff, we don’t really have a whole lot to talk about these days. I’ve sort of lost touch with everyone else.”
“How about Alya?” he asked. Luka had never really warmed to the brash journalist-in-the-making, with all her Adrien-schemes, but she’d been best friends with Marinette back in the day.
“No.” The one word was oddly expressionless. “I haven’t see her in a few years.”
There was a heartbeat when he thought she was going to say something else, then those lashes of hers dropped. Instead, when she looked up again there was that mischievous spark in her eyes again, and she said, “So what convinced you to put on a tie? Although I notice you didn’t get rid of your blue hair.” Was that an approving note in her voice? He ran his hand a little self-consciously through the longer, teal-tipped sweep of his dark hair, rubbing at the shorter hairs at the back of his neck. “What are you doing these days?”
“Playing the occasional gig whenever I get the chance, selling my music from time to time, teaching…”
He named the lycèe.
“Lucky students.” Marinette tilted her head to regard him speculatively, a small smile playing at the corner of her mouth. “I’m having a hard time seeing you as M. Couffaine, though.”
“Just Luka. I’m the cool teacher that half the faculty hates because I undermine authority.”
“And the other half madly crush on,” Marinette suggested, and Luka felt himself flush. She could still throw him off-balance, all these years later, although it was in a different way now. The fourteen year old Marinette he remembered would never have been able to say something like that without self-combusting, but here she was, watching him with that mischievous glint in her beautiful blue eyes, and it was just another reminder that things had changed.
“What about you?” he deflected. He gestured at the sketchbook she’d left on a nearby table with her handbag. “Following the dream?”
She gave a wry little smile. “Oh, I got through my degree in fashion design somehow, and I’ve been running a bespoke atelier out of my bedroom. It’s not huge, but it pays the bills, and at least it gives me a certain amount of … flexibility.” Luka couldn’t understand the slight twist of her mouth at the word, but she had it smoothed out before he could be sure he’d really seen it. “And Ja… a few high profile people have been very kind and sent work my way.”
Luka felt certain he knew who the celebrity had been. For that alone, he could forgive his father a lot. There was a long silence while Marinette contemplated her empty wine glass, then she met his eyes.
“You have no idea how sorry I am that I broke up with you like that, right when you were going through everything with... I just made everything worse, and it wasn’t fair on you. I never really found a way to tell you that I was sorry for everything.”
“Marinette, no!” Luka straightened in his deckchair, a faint frown crossing his face. “We were kids. I’ve always felt badly that I put you under more pressure when you were clearly having a hard time with something.”
“There was a fair bit of that going around,” she conceded, and let out a shuddering breath that he didn’t realise she’d been holding. “But you have nothing to apologise for, you had every right to be upset about how I treated you. I regret a lot of things about back then.”
“I don’t regret that we tried,” Luka said with unintentional intensity, and Marinette’s eyes widened a little. “But I do regret that I lost you out of my life altogether. You always had the most fascinating way of seeing things, and I missed just hanging out and talking to you.”
“I didn’t think you’d want to see me after all that. And I thought it was saf -“ she cut herself off abruptly, changing what she’d been going to say, “- better if I stayed away.”
He shook his head, but didn’t say anything in response.
She gave him a sidelong look. “I never really got the chance to ask you, did you… how did things go with Jagged in the end? Do you talk to him?”
Luka’s expression turned wry. “It’s complicated. It’s always complicated with Jagged, but we talk a bit. He’s going to be there for the wedding. Not sure how that’s going to go.”
Marinette made a sympathetic noise. He thought for a moment that she was going to ask him for the details, but instead, with another swift, perceptive glance from those blue eyes of hers, she changed the subject.
“So what’s teaching like, M. Couffaine?” she asked lightly, and he settled back to tell her some of his stories, enjoying the ripple of laughter he drew from her over his students’ antics, and the chuckles she surprised out of him with her own tales about clients and their most outrageous demands. He had no idea how late it had grown when the conversation was interrupted by a chorus of phones chiming all at once from various corners of the Liberty. Ivan was the first to reach his.
“Akuma alert,” he sighed. “Aw, man, they’ve shut down septième. Traffic getting home is going to be hell.”
“What’s the bet that it’s the Eiffel Tower again?” Juleka muttered.
Mylène was shaking her head. “Hawkmoth, and now Swallowtail, and there was that weird thing with the rats a few years ago, and the government keeps pretending that there’s nothing they can do as long as they can just dump it all on Ladybug and Chat Noir to deal with the problem. We’re still working on getting subsidies for mental health therapies, but they keep stonewalling us.”
Marinette was getting to her feet.
“I really should go,” she said reluctantly, and Luka stood as she gathered up her bag and sketchbook. “It was… really nice to catch up again, Luka. It’s been far too long.”
“Oh, but you’ll be back again soon, right?” Rose cut in before Luka could say anything. “There’ll be fittings for the wedding dresses, and we’re not letting you lose contact again like that. We’ve missed you, right, Luka?”
Luka ignored Rose’s unsubtle nudge, and Marinette said her goodbyes to the rest of their friends.
“It’s good to see you again, Marinette,” he told her, and accepted the light bise she brushed against his cheek. He caught a hint of vanilla and sugar as she leaned in, and oh hell, it suddenly hit him why the smell of cookies had always left him with a faint and peculiar sense of homesickness when his mother had never baked a cookie in her life. He closed his eyes briefly, and let Marinette go before he could do something stupid.
Luka watched her safely down to the dock, and he absolutely was not fixating on the sway of those jeans as she walked away, holy crap, and turned back to meet Rose’s hopeful and utterly transparent look.
“So-oo,” his future sister-in-law said with overdone nonchalance. “You and Marinette looked like you were having a good time together.”
“Don’t go getting ideas, Ro.”
“Rose,” Juleka muttered warningly from the bench where she was sitting, but Rose ignored her.
“I don’t know what you mean,” she said innocently. “I just want you to be happy Luka. It looked like you were really happy tonight. And it was great to see Marinette again.”
“No ideas,” he repeated, and Rose gave him a look of deep disappointment. She started collecting the empty takeaway containers, while Luka rounded up the glasses. Rose dropped a kiss on Juleka’s mouth on the way past, and flitted down into the galley. Juleka heaved a put-upon sigh, and swung herself gracefully to her feet, scooping up a couple of stray cushions.
Luka picked up Marinette’s wineglass, with the soft pink imprint of her lipstick.
“You didn’t mention that Marinette would be coming round,” he said, his back to his sister. “You didn’t mention that you’d been in touch with her again.”
Juleka shrugged, and dumped the cushions in one of the storage boxes on the deck. “Didn’t think it mattered. It was ten years ago. You’re not still hung up on what happened back then, are you?”
“No, of course not.” And he was pretty sure that was true. This felt like he’d been blindsided by Marinette Dupain-Cheng in a whole new way.
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ladyfreya123 · 2 years
Tumblr media
LBSC Lukanette Week. Day 1. Road trip
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crescent-woods · 2 years
lbsc lukanette week day 2-- style!!
"what do you think?" luka asked as he appeared in the doorway of marinette's crafting room. "personally, i think i should wear this on my next tour."
marinette stared at him for a long minute before she heard two tiny giggles come from behind his back. she looked at him, and he looked at her, and she looked at him, and now he was shaking from the effort of not laughing at his daughters.
she took a long breath before she spoke the worst lie she ever had the privilege of speaking. "i love it, the blue of your hair really contrasts with the orange tutu, which highlights your fluffy halloween socks."
the giggles grew louder until she added the piece she knew would make her daughters happy. she leaned back in her chair and said, "honestly, i think i might have to steal this inspiration for jagged. he would love it!"
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airi-p4 · 2 years
LBSC Lukanette week
For the LBSC Lukanette week following the @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers prompts.
Time | Style | Cool down | Project
Cool down
When Ladybug had given him the miraculous, it had been based on her judgment about his collected personality.
Now, he was failing that objective.
How was he supposed to keep his focus when the akuma kept relentlessly hurting the girl he loved? Loop after loop, his anger increased.
He had to cool down.
Breath. Focus. Observe. Think.
"Viperion!" He looked as his loved- Ladybug called for her lucky charm: a bucket filled with cold water.
Exactly what he needed.
He took it and poured it over himself- his ideas refreshed. His body would warm up as soon as he manipulated his miraculous and the bucket of water would still be there too.
Now, let another freshly new second chance begin. After all, he couldn't wait to have the spotted hero safe and sound in his arms once again after the battle. What he didn't know is she had a pleasant, surprise kiss ready to combust him.
"That ice cold water bucket would come in handy right now…" he mumbled later on his bed, his heart and face hot, and his lovestruck grin resisting to wash away from his face.
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verfound · 2 years
FIC: Maps are for Braindeads (MLB, Lukanette)
Characters/Pairings: Anarka Couffaine, Luka Couffaine, Marinette Dupain-Cheng; Luka Couffaine/Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Anarka Couffaine & Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Rating: Teen & Up
Summary: They had planned to run away together once Monarch was defeated.  Plans are fragile things, though – as fragile as a butterfly’s wings.  Or a snake’s.
Author’s Notes/Warnings: For Day 1 (“Road Trip” of @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers’s 2022 Lukanette Week.  I had every intention of doing little doodles for the themes, and then it became “Doodles and a ficlet”, and then life snuck away from me in October and it became “…can I feasibly sprint at least the idea I had for the first theme and get at least one up?”  (Something something angst ahoy, blame Kerouac, Samantha Brown, and Antje Duvekot.)
woops it might help if I actually link it huh? Sorry fixed now 😂
“Maps are for Braindeads”
“What are you doing?”
Her eyebrows furrowed as she straightened out the creases of the map.  If she was going to do this, she was going to do this right.
“Charting my course,” she said, a dismissive note to her voice.  Or…not dismissive, no, because she would never dismiss…but challenging for sure.  Daring him to question her.  She sighed as she scanned the streets, locating the one she would be starting from.
It would be so much easier if she just…used the internet.  Isn’t that what Google Maps was for, anyway?
“What did I always tell you?”
She bit her lip, trying to ignore the teasing lilt of his voice.  He was distracting her, and it was already so late…if she didn’t leave soon, she never would.
If she could just find the damn road…
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haphira · 2 years
LBSC Lukanette Week (Drabbles)
5. Identity / Gratitude
Ladybug slammed into the ground and gasped for breath, Viperion quickly ran to her side.  
“This is as good a time set as we got right now, come on, we need to hide for a bit.”  
Ladybug nodded dazed, Viperion wasn’t sure she heard him or not but he gently carried her off from the battle field where Chat Noir and Rena were keeping the Akuma busy.  
“Viper, I’m going to transform back, we need to separate.” Viperion held tighter for a moment.  
“I promised that I would take care of you, and I know that without someone there you will just run back to help fight even with your timer going short.”  
“Really I’m okay-”  
“No, you’re not.”  
“You have a broken leg.”  
Ladybug went silent at the statement. Her eyes went wide with shock. Because Ladybug didn’t have a broken leg, Marinette did.  
“You know?” Viperion was quiet then sighed.  
“Yes, I know. I’ve known for a long while now, but I know how you are about identities so I didn’t say anything.” Ladybug studied him for a moment.  
“Was it Wishmaker?” Viperion nodded. Then she smiled.  
“Thank you.”  
“What for?”  
“For not saying anything, I think if you had told me then I would have had a breakdown and Hawkmoth might have won but if anyone was to know, I’m glad it’s you.”  
They stopped on a roof top and both of their Miraculous beeped for the last time. Luka stood holding Marinette to his chest.  
“Thank you too, for trusting me, I know how hard that is for you with everything that has happened, so I'm grateful.” They both smiled at each other. Thing would probably be different now but they could face it together.  
1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 
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Upcoming event: LBSC Lukanette Week Nov 6-12
Hello friends! We’re giving you a heads up that LBSC will be hosting a Lukanette week November 6-12, 2022. We’ll have two prompts per day and you can choose to use one or both, either combined or in separate works. We’ll reblog prompt responses here and we’ll have an AO3 collection as well. We’ll aim to have the prompts out a week or two in advance, but we’ll share them no later than Nov. 1 for those who like to work ahead. 
Art and fic both welcome. No time limits or length restrictions on this event!
Follow the blog or join us on the LBSC discord for further announcements!
This is a Lukanette blog and a Lukanette event, so Lukanette needs to be the focus. They don’t have to be together by the end of your work, but the intent is that they’re headed in that direction. Platonic Lukanette is fine as long as other ships featuring either Luka or Marinette are not referenced. Other compatible ships may be referenced. The decision about what qualifies for reblog rests solely with the LBSC moderators. If a piece hasn’t been reblogged within a couple of days, either the mods felt the piece didn’t meet the criteria or it was simply missed; you are welcome to reach out in the asks to inquire which. 
We want to keep this a positive space and event! This does NOT mean that you can’t write or draw anything critical of a character or episode, but it isn’t the space for character bashing or hate either. Please keep the characters in character and save the more speculative work for another time. NSFW works are permitted but must be tagged appropriately and with appropriate warnings. 
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quickspinner · 2 years
LBSC Lukanette Week Day 3 - Pick / Cool Down
I really only used pick for this one. Again, no real planning, just let the words spill on the page.
Luka turned the familiar shape in his fingers as Marinette, practically vibrating from excitement, watched from her desk chair with her hands squeezed between her knees and her mouth shut tight. 
It felt right in his hands, and he ran a finger around the edge. It seemed smooth. It didn’t weigh more than usual. He took it between thumb and forefinger, hand curling in a motion that was second nature to him by now, and swept the pick down the strings, listening carefully to the reverberation of the strings.
“Yeah, I think it’s good,” he said, smiling at Marinette, and she bounced out of her chair with a squeal. “The tone’s a little different, but it actually sounds really cool, I like it. Unique.” He played another chord, just for fun, because he actually did really like the tone.  
Marinette let out a breath she’d clearly been holding in a breath. “Oh, I’m so glad! I only just started working with resin but the idea came to me and I found the mold and I HAD to try it, but I was afraid it wouldn’t actually work—” She whirled her chair to face the desk. “I have so many ideas! These things take such a small amount of resin, too, I can really experiment and if something goes badly, who cares? I’m gonna have so much fun with this!” 
Luka laughed at her enthusiasm. “Well, when you start taking orders, let me know.” 
Marinette turned to look at him, eyes rolling. “Don’t be ridiculous, Luka, before long you’ll be begging me to stop giving you the stupid things.”
“Hardly,” Luka grinned. “Do you know how hard it is to keep track of picks on the Liberty?” 
“You wouldn’t lose them so often if you and Juleka would quit throwing them at each other.” 
“Well, I definitely won’t be throwing this.” Luka held the pick up, watching the play of light across the electric blue swirled with sparking black. “I might wear it out though.” 
Marinette made a dismissive noise that wasn’t quite a snort and waved her hand. “That one was super easy, I can churn those out by the dozen. I’m thinking about maybe embedding a rose petal in one for—well, Rose. Ooh, maybe I can get a lavender petal and a pink petal and put them in one together…would that be too big? I could cut them up into pieces I suppose, and then she and Juleka can have matching ones—” 
“Rose doesn’t even play guitar,” Luka protested. 
“But she would wear one as a necklace I bet! I’m already thinking about linking some together to make a bracelet. I could really get creative with what I put in the resin too since I wouldn’t have to worry about it being too thick to play with or how it sounded.” 
“I want a bracelet if you’re handing them out,” Luka told her, taking off his guitar and coming to lean over her. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders as he looked at the scattering of supplies on her desk. There was a pad of paper off to one side with several sketches and a long scribbled list of ideas. 
“A lock of hair?” he asked, and Marinette whisked the list out of sight. 
“It was just a thought. I don’t know if it would be too weird. I’m not always super clear on what’s weird and what’s ‘metal,’” she said, fingers quirking into air quotes. “Lots of people had a loved one’s hair set in jewelry in old times. Rings and lockets and stuff like that. I saw someone online selling custom resin jewelry with a lock of hair from baby’s first haircut in it, so I made a note.” 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to be peeking if you weren’t ready to show.” Luka kissed her cheek. “I never get tired of seeing you inspired. Personally I would absolutely wear a pick necklace with your hair in it, but Jules would tell you I’m weird anyway, so my opinion might not be worthwhile.” 
Marinette blushed, and fidgeted around with the things on her desk, but Luka’s mind had already moved on. “If I buy you a spray of plum blossoms can you make one with the petals?”
Marinette’s mouth dropped open slightly, and she sputtered for a minute before she said weakly. “Sure, um, I can try that. If you can even find plum blossoms—” 
Luka grinned. “Couffaines have connections. I want a whole stack of plum blossom picks. I want enough that Juleka throws a fit over finding them everywhere.”
“Luka!” Marinette covered her face with her hands. Luka just leaned around her and kissed her fingertips. 
“And at least one ladybug pick,” he teased, and laughed again at the look she gave him.
I have decided that Marinette’s signature flowers are plum blossoms and you will pry that headcanon from my cold dead hands. I had vague thoughts of Marinette making him sentimental picks over the years with a piece of something meaningful to the moment embedded in them, that end up on display at their home someday, but I didn’t really get there with this one. I’m filing that thought for the future though so don’t be surprised if you see it pop up again someday!
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