#Kristen Faulkner
etapereine · 2 months
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womensworldtour · 1 month
Stage 7 of La Vuelta Feminina was almost tailor-made for Marianne Vos (Visma Lease-a-Bike), an uphill drag after a long day in the cross-winds. What can we say about the greatest of all time, she knows how to get there safely and has the snap to finish. And her team controlled the breakaways, including a decently strong one spurred by Olympic champ Anna Kiesenhofer (Roland).
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Vos was in good position heading into the final left-hander, right behind Elisa Longo Borghini (Lidl-Trek). The group was headed by Kristen Faulkner (EF Education-Cannondale), who had a nice lead-out from teammate Alison Jackson and then hammered the climb. Faulkner would take second on the stage, despite doing a lot of work on the front. Her climbing ability reminds us that she took second in the Tour de Suisse in 2022. It's nice to see such a new team like EF so active in this Vuelta.
Demi Vollering (SD Worx-Protime) started out of position (what is going on with that team?) but closed to fourth on the stage, right behind ELB, so the GC is unchanged going into the final mountaintop stage.
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uwmspeccoll · 1 year
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Typography Tuesday
We thought we would begin the year whimsically on this first #Typography Tuesday of 2023. So today we present a display font called Dollhouse designed by Kristen Faulkner in 1995 for House Industries. Soon after the font’s release, the Minnesota Center for Books Arts (MCBA) selected Dollhouse as the display face for their 1998 Winter Book The Everyday Magic of Walter Lee Higgins by David Haynes, printed by MCBA artistic director at the time Mary Jo Pauly in an edition of 125 copies. The text font is Kennerly from M&H Foundry in San Francisco, and the digital Dollhouse initials are rendered here as linocuts.
Other fonts Faulkner has designed for House Industries all have the word “house” in them, including Housecut (1994), Housemaid (1994), Outhouse (1994), Springhouse (1995), and Itchyhouse (1995).
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marcelskittels · 2 years
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Kristen Faulkner of United States and BikeExchange-Jayco during the 33rd Giro d'Italia Donne 2022 - Stage 9 a 112,8km stage from San Michele All’Adige to San Lorenzo Dorsino on July 09, 2022 in San Lorenzo Dorsino, Italy. (Photos by Dario Belingheri/Getty Images)
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Unexpected (and potentially dangerous) moment during Strade Bianche Women today:
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threebooksoneplot · 2 years
Episode 1: “We Like Mike” (Show Notes)
Content warnings: 
Skinhead discussion: 38:13—41:38 (racism, xenophobia, nazism, anti-semitism, brief discussion of 2012 mass shooting 40:00—40:18)
Discussion of Edward wanting to murder his class: 54:10—end
[00:03:56] Damn Shannon I don’t recall burning YOUR crops poisoning your well razing your house to the ground and salting the earth
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[00:06:20] Read Lexie’s fic here!
[00:07:28] Lexie’s social media handles: AO3, fanfiction.net, tumblr
[00:08:06] Ashley Greene’s NFT. (Ashley Greene is the actor who played Alice in the Twilight movies, for anyone not in the know. Also note that we recorded this episode in April, shortly before the great NFT crash)
[00:11:16] Transcript of Shannon’s Life and Death summary:
Beaufort Swan “Beau” moves from Phoenix, Arizona to a small town called Forks, Washington to live with his father, Charlie, after his mother, Renee, gets remarried. He is decidedly not fucking happy about it and is loathe to be in Forks despite taking it upon himself to lie to absolutely anybody who asks him about it (ever the martyr.) While there, he struggles with the inadequate experience of what we know is called “being a goddamn teenager.” He crosses paths with a mysterious and not-cognito family, and when he quote-unquote “meets” his new Biology partner, he suddenly has more questions about Edythe and her strange but sudden hatred of him.
[00:13:30] The top Kristen Stewart’s Bella is wearing in the very first scene of Twilight:
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[00:15:09] Wikipedia’s basic breakdown of economic info on the real-world Forks, WA
[00:18:59] Bella on her reading list in Twilight: 
It was fairly basic: Bronte, Shakespeare, Chaucer, Faulkner.
[00:20:36] The “canonical” heights for Jasper and Emmett, respectively: 6’3”/190.5 cm and 6’5”/195.6 cm
[00:30:10] Scroll to the bottom of this old blog post to see Stephenie Meyer’s original fancasts for Twilight characters (She had Jackson Rathbone as an Edward possibility?? oh my god)
[00:30:41] Some old, pre-movie era edits of Emily Browning as Bella:
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[00:31:02] Shannon is metaphorically on crack here. Gerard Way was actually who the fans wanted to play Edward, though Stephenie Meyer is an MCR fan and says their music inspired her when writing Jacob’s character (source.)
[00:31:21] Henry Cavill in gold contacts, looking about as unlike Edward Cullen as a white dude can look:
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[00:34:18] Anyone else notice that Shannon says “Rosalie” super weird? She also says “pillow” weird. Ask her to say it sometime.
[00:39:36] The SPLC’s timeline on skinheads (cw: racism, xenophobia, antisemitism, injury, murder)
[00:42:27] A blog post on the Tiffany Problem
[00:48:44] Advice for Edward:
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[00:52:13] Fanlore’s definition of “fanon”
[00:54:24] Fanlore’s article on AUs
[00:54:34] The filmmakers even shot this as a deleted scene! And you are not prepared for the sheer brilliance of this 2009 Youtube DVD rip set to an A+ song choice (sound ON and pay particular attention to the background actors)
[00:56:19] In this most iconic scene from the first Twilight movie, Bella walks into the forest with Edward (without being asked) to confront him about his vampirism
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[00:56:28] Renesmee, for anyone not in the know.
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[00:58:27] Alice walking into the Bio classroom after Edward’s finished snacking
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[00:58:47] G references the Trolley Problem from philosophy/ethics
...and that’s all we’ve got for Episode 1 show notes! We hope you enjoyed this Happy Birthday Edward edition of 3B1P!
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dimensionsvelo · 2 months
Poc Procen Air, un casque aéro pour la route !
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Poc présente le Procen Air un casque aéro développé avec l'équipe EF Pro Cycling pour gagner des watts mais aussi améliorer sécurité et confort du cycliste. En dehors de la protection contre les impacts, essentielle, le nouveau casque aérodynamique de Poc, le Procen Air a de nombreux objectifs. Il a déjà prouvé ses qualités en étant victorieux avec Albertol Betiol sur Milan-Turin, Noemi Rüegg sur Trofeo Felanitx-Colònia de Sant Jordi, Kristen Faulkner sur l’Omloop van het Hageland, et Kim Cadzow au Trofeo Ponente in Rosa. Il dispose d'une coque en polycarbonate et d'un calotin en EPS, mais ici pas de système Mips. C'est presque un casque de chrono mais adapté à des épreuves longues. Crédit Poc Aéro avant tout ! Le gain aérodynamique est au centre du concept. Après un gros travail, en simulation CFD, en soufflerie et de nombreux tests routiers réalisés avec les équipes EF Pro Cycling, le Procen Air permet un gain de 5 watts à vitesse réduite et de 18 watts entre 30 et 60 km/h par rapport au Ventral. Sa forme permet aussi d'écarter le flux d'air des épaules. Le passage en soufflerie reste un incontournable. Crédit Poc Côté ventilation, le casque Poc Procen Air n'est pas un casque fermé, même s'il compte peu "d'évents". Sur l'avant on ne compte ainsi que 3 prises d'air, mais celles-ci utilisent l'effet Venturi pour faire rentrer un maximum d'air frais dans les canaux internes du casque et donc maintenir la tête à une température agréable. De plus afin d'optimiser la traînée, le casque couvre partiellement les oreilles et comporte un écran amovible. Mais cela n'a pas qu'un effet aérodynamique... Un plus en termes de sécurité Si le Procen Air couvre en partie les oreilles et si le gain de trainée est là aussi sensible, cette couverture permet aussi d'améliorer l'audition en supprimant nombre de bruits aérodynamiques. Entendre parfaitement ce qui se passe derrière soi est alors un vrai plus en termes de sécurité. Dans le même esprit l'intégration d'un écran assure une vision périphérique maximale. La fixation de l'écran Clarity par aimant permet de le mettre en place ou de l'ôter d'une main. Un "garage" avec aimants est présent à l'arrière du casque Poc Procen Air pour fixer le casque sans impact sur son aérodynamique. Le casque est livré avec deux écrans, un "clair" pour le temps ensoleillé et un miroir pour les mauvaises conditions. L'écran se fixe à l'arrière de telle façon qu'il n'interfère pas avec l'aérodynamique. Crédit Poc Les réactions sur le casque Poc Procen Air Magnus Gustavsson, responsable de l’équipement pour POC, explique : « Nous savons produire un casque qui protège des impacts. Dans le cas du Procen Air, nous voulions optimiser l’expérience au cœur du peloton, où beaucoup de choses se passent autour de vous. Notre mission était de créer un casque aussi aérodynamique qu’un casque de contre-la-montre, qui améliore la vision et l’audition du cycliste, sans compromettre sa sécurité. » Le team féminin d'EF Pro Cycling a rapidement tiré profit du nouveau casque ! Crédit Poc Peter Schep,directeur de la performance pour EF Pro Cycling,  : « Lorsque nous avons développé la technique permettant d’optimiser la circulation de l’air à travers un casque de contre-la-montre, le Procen, nous avons pensé : “Tiens ! Cela va résoudre un certain nombre de nos problèmes.” Nous sommes rapidement passés à la vitesse supérieure avec ce nouveau projet. Il suffisait de réaliser des ajustements pour assurer que le ou la cycliste est rafraichi de manière adéquate, tout en conservant une vision et une audition supérieures afin d’appréhender ce qui se passe derrière et autour de lui. La sécurité est toujours la priorité. Gardant cela en tête, nous avons pu développer ce casque. Il permet d’aller nettement plus vite. » À propos de la victoire d’Alberto Bettiol sur Milan Torino, il ajoute : « Alberto a maintenu une vitesse moyenne de 46,5 km/h pendant son solo. Selon nos calculs, Le Procen Air lui a permis de couvrir la distance plus de dix secondes plus vite que s’il avait porté le Ventral, qui est déjà un casque rapide. En sus, le Procen Air a répondu aux besoins d’une course classique de 177 km par temps chaud. » Fiche technique casque Poc Procen Air La teinte Hydrogen White est quasi métallisée. La partie qui recouvre les oreilles est en EVA. Crédit Poc Il existe aussi en Uranium Black Matt. Crédit Poc L'arrière dispose de 5 sorties d'air et assure également la fixation de l'écran quand on le retire de la face avant. Crédit Poc Il y a également deux petites prises d'air au-dessus de l'écran pour le ventiler. Crédit Poc - Coque : In-Mold, Polycarbonate, EPS, EPS Liner - Aérations : 8 - Maintien occipital : 360° par molette - Mousses : interchangeable - Écran : Clarity Cat 2 (Miroir) et Cat 0, fixation par aimant - Tailles : S (50-56) - M (54-59) - L (56-61) - Coloris : Hydrogen White, Uranium Black Matt - Certifications : CE EN 1078, CPSC 1203, AS/NZS 2063 - Poids : 230 g Medium - Prix : 400 € Contact : POC Read the full article
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Kristen Faulkner hit by car while training in California sustains small knee fracture
Tour de France Femmes in doubt as Jayco-Alula say Faulkner 'will be unable to race until the knee is healed' from CyclingNews RSS Feed https://ift.tt/cgst8JE
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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James Franco in The Sound and the Fury (James Franco, 2014)
Cast: James Franco, Tim Blake Nelson, Scott Haze, Loretta Devine, Ahna O’Reilly, Joey King, Jacob Loeb, Janet Jones, Dwight Henry, Logan Marshall-Green. Screenplay: Matt Rager, based on a novel by William Faulkner. Cinematography: Bruce Thierry Cheung. Production design: Kristen Adams. Film editing: Joe Murphy, Ian Olds. Music: Tim O’Keefe. 
Even before his career foundered on allegations of sexual misconduct with his acting students, James Franco was often mocked for overreaching -- writing fiction, directing avant-garde films and multimedia art, taking graduate level courses at a variety of universities simultaneously, and just for ambition that sometimes seemed to exceed his abilities. I don't want to come off as a mocker in my criticism of his film version of William Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury. It's a failure for a variety of reasons, not least the extreme difficulty of translating into visual terms a novel that succeeds in the way its author uses language to convey the inner states of his characters. Franco makes the serious mistake of casting himself as the most interior and inarticulate of Faulkner's characters, the mentally handicapped Benjy Compson. Distractingly outfitted with oversize front teeth, Franco struggles to portray Benjy's torment at the loss of his beloved sister Caddy (Ahna O'Reilly), amid the declining fortunes of the Compson family. He can't dim the intelligence in his own eyes enough to suggest the blind struggle of memory and desire and frustration within the character. The screenplay by Matt Rager, who has also adapted Faulkner's As I Lay Dying (2013) and John Steinbeck's In Dubious Battle (2016) for Franco to direct, does a fairly good job of sticking to the narrative line of the novel: Benjy's loss, the suicide of his older brother Quentin (Jacob Loeb), the marriage that Caddy enters into because she is impregnated by Dalton Ames (Logan Marshall-Green), Caddy's sending her daughter, also named Quentin (Joey King), to live with the Compsons, and the rage of the youngest brother, Jason (Scott Haze), when the teenage Quentin runs away from home with the money he has hoarded after stealing it from the funds Caddy has sent for Quentin's support. Rager also draws heavily on the sententious speeches of the Compson children's ineffectual alcoholic father (Tim Blake Nelson), taken directly from the novel. The screenplay skimps on the key role played in the novel by the black servants, particularly that of Dilsey (Loretta Devine). Most of the performances are quite good, with the exception of Janet Jones Gretzky as the mother; she looks far too healthy, and never strikes the note of decayed gentility that the role demands. There are also some unnecessarily distracting cameos by Seth Rogen as a telegraph clerk and Danny McBride as the sheriff, bit parts that didn't need to be cast so prominently. As a whole, the film feels like the work of an amateur filmmaker with exceptional film industry connections, and that, I guess, is the very definition of overreaching.
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years
Fitzroy Balcony brings in $1.46 million as more auctions hit the market
Despite the large crowd, no one raised their hand to make an offer on the stunning property, which was once two separate homes. The couple joined a Victorian balcony to their original home, a converted stable, in the early 1990s. Thornton, known for her roles in The man from the snowy river And the TV series sea ​​changeBurstall bought the stable for $30,000 in 1977. Australian actress Sigrid Thornton and her husband, film producer Tom Bristol’s home, have sold in a single auction, worth $3.9 million. attributed to him: Records showed that they bought the adjoining balcony in 1991 for $153,000. Nelson Alexander Carlton’s manager, Nicholas West, said the sale was “not intended,” but was confident it would be sold out within two weeks. At a previous auction, in Brunswick, West said a two-bedroom Victorian balcony sold under the hammer for $1,315,000 after four bidders competed. The home, located at 21 Bishop Street, was completely renovated prior to entering the market and has been acquired by an investor. “It’s a really interesting market where you can have four bidders in one auction and then nobody in another,” he said. Across town, in Brighton East, a modern four-bedroom townhouse at 12a Beltane Avenue sold for $2.26 million after two bidders battled. The home sold above $1,975,000 to $2,165,000. Bids started at $2.05 million, with “good competition” seeing it sell, said Matthew Bellius, director of Marshall White Bayside. A five-bedroom, Art Deco home at 21 Parker Street, Ormond had six bidders up for grabs, with 66 bids submitted before the home sold for $2,292,000. That was higher than the $2.17 million reserve. Kristen Henderson, partner of Port Phillip and Bayside Agency, said it was “one of the craziest auctions” for quite some time. A young family bought the house, beat up other families, and one seller was left in tears after losing it. “It’s just a good family home with a lot of space, and it’s going to grow with a family,” Henderson said. “This is very rare at the moment.” In Toorak, a beautiful 2.5-bedroom apartment at 1/13 Denham Place under the hammer sold for $1.13 million to a young family. The property, which was a long-term investment for the seller, who had owned it for more than 20 years, had a price tag of $900,000 to $990,000. Buxton Stonnington Harley Toyle dealership said the property was immediately put on the market after an opening $1 million bid from one of five bidders. “There was a crowd of 50 people at the auction, and it was intimate because it was raining inside,” Towell said. He said that high-quality real estate attracts a lot of competition. “There are still plenty of options for buyers, and there’s probably only a week left on the list before Christmas now for sellers to enter.” In Coburg North, a three-bedroom home at 14 Suvla Grove sold for $1,066,000–$136,000 above reserve. Four active bidders competed, and a young couple from the local area were the final buyers, said Alex Ellen, auction manager at Ray White Brunswick. Eileen said 80 people were in the crowd, despite the constant rain in Melbourne. loading “This proves that family homes in the area are still doing really well,” said Eileen. “I think there is also an urgent need from buyers because they have pre-approved for a loan and know that they will be reclassified once interest rates go up. “They may not be able to borrow as much as before, and that means they are going from buying in Coburg North to buying in [cheaper] Faulkner. They are entering while they can afford the suburbs they want to be in.” Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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globalhappenings · 2 years
Cycling: Giro women; American Faulkner wins the ninth stage
Cycling: Giro women; American Faulkner wins the ninth stage
(ANSA) – ROME, JUL 09 – Good performance by the American Kristen Faulkner who today, after a 90-kilometer breakaway, won the ninth stage of the Giro d’Italia women, the San Michele all’Adige-San Lorenzo Dorsino di 112.8 km. The American of the BikeExchange Jayco team had already set herself in the first stage of this Giro, an individual time trial. Today she detached her escape companion Gaia…
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womensworldtour · 1 month
Itzulia Women begins tomorrow, and will race three stages over beautiful Basque Country! The climbs will be steep in this mountain-climber's classic.
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Last year Marlen Reusser (SD Worx-Protime) won the right to wear the txapela (the winner's basque beret). Reusser was perhaps an unexpected winner for a climbing-heavy stage race, particularly after Vollering won stages 1 and 2. But Reusser launched a breakaway on the final stage and moved into first on GC. It seemed fitting for all the work she did for teammate Demi Vollering earlier in the season. Vollering took second, with Kasia Niewiadoma (Canyon-SRAM) third.
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In 2022, Vollering herself took the top podium place, with Pauliena Rooijakkers (then Canyon-SRAM, now Liv Racing TeqFind) and Kristen Faulkner (then Bike Exchange-Jayco, now EF Education-Cannondale) in second and third, respectively.
Who will wear the txapela/basque beret this year?
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marcelskittels · 2 years
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via Kristen Faulkner instagram story | 20.05.2022
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pubcapscott · 3 years
American talent Kristen Faulkner adds raw power to Team BikeExchange
American talent Kristen Faulkner adds raw power to Team BikeExchange
American talent Kristen Faulkner will step-up to the WorldTour in 2022 as she joins Team BikeExchange on a two-year contract. The 28-year-old only turned professional two years ago but has already demonstrated her raw talent, with several impressive and powerful rides, including a solo victory and third overall at this year’s Ladies Tour of Norway. A former rower during her time at Harvard…
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dimensionsvelo · 2 months
Poc Procen Air, un casque aéro pour la route !
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Poc présente le Procen Air un casque aéro développé avec l'équipe EF Pro Cycling pour gagner des watts mais aussi améliorer sécurité et confort du cycliste. En dehors de la protection contre les impacts, essentielle, le nouveau casque aérodynamique de Poc, le Procen Air a de nombreux objectifs. Il a déjà prouvé ses qualités en étant victorieux avec Albertol Betiol sur Milan-Turin, Noemi Rüegg sur Trofeo Felanitx-Colònia de Sant Jordi, Kristen Faulkner sur l’Omloop van het Hageland, et Kim Cadzow au Trofeo Ponente in Rosa. Il dispose d'une coque en polycarbonate et d'un calotin en EPS, mais ici pas de système Mips. C'est presque un casque de chrono mais adapté à des épreuves longues. Crédit Poc Aéro avant tout ! Le gain aérodynamique est au centre du concept. Après un gros travail, en simulation CFD, en soufflerie et de nombreux tests routiers réalisés avec les équipes EF Pro Cycling, le Procen Air permet un gain de 5 watts à vitesse réduite et de 18 watts entre 30 et 60 km/h par rapport au Ventral. Sa forme permet aussi d'écarter le flux d'air des épaules. Le passage en soufflerie reste un incontournable. Crédit Poc Côté ventilation, le casque Poc Procen Air n'est pas un casque fermé, même s'il compte peu "d'évents". Sur l'avant on ne compte ainsi que 3 prises d'air, mais celles-ci utilisent l'effet Venturi pour faire rentrer un maximum d'air frais dans les canaux internes du casque et donc maintenir la tête à une température agréable. De plus afin d'optimiser la traînée, le casque couvre partiellement les oreilles et comporte un écran amovible. Mais cela n'a pas qu'un effet aérodynamique... Un plus en termes de sécurité Si le Procen Air couvre en partie les oreilles et si le gain de trainée est là aussi sensible, cette couverture permet aussi d'améliorer l'audition en supprimant nombre de bruits aérodynamiques. Entendre parfaitement ce qui se passe derrière soi est alors un vrai plus en termes de sécurité. Dans le même esprit l'intégration d'un écran assure une vision périphérique maximale. La fixation de l'écran Clarity par aimant permet de le mettre en place ou de l'ôter d'une main. Un "garage" avec aimants est présent à l'arrière du casque Poc Procen Air pour fixer le casque sans impact sur son aérodynamique. Le casque est livré avec deux écrans, un "clair" pour le temps ensoleillé et un miroir pour les mauvaises conditions. L'écran se fixe à l'arrière de telle façon qu'il n'interfère pas avec l'aérodynamique. Crédit Poc Les réactions sur le casque Poc Procen Air Magnus Gustavsson, responsable de l’équipement pour POC, explique : « Nous savons produire un casque qui protège des impacts. Dans le cas du Procen Air, nous voulions optimiser l’expérience au cœur du peloton, où beaucoup de choses se passent autour de vous. Notre mission était de créer un casque aussi aérodynamique qu’un casque de contre-la-montre, qui améliore la vision et l’audition du cycliste, sans compromettre sa sécurité. » Le team féminin d'EF Pro Cycling a rapidement tiré profit du nouveau casque ! Crédit Poc Peter Schep,directeur de la performance pour EF Pro Cycling,  : « Lorsque nous avons développé la technique permettant d’optimiser la circulation de l’air à travers un casque de contre-la-montre, le Procen, nous avons pensé : “Tiens ! Cela va résoudre un certain nombre de nos problèmes.” Nous sommes rapidement passés à la vitesse supérieure avec ce nouveau projet. Il suffisait de réaliser des ajustements pour assurer que le ou la cycliste est rafraichi de manière adéquate, tout en conservant une vision et une audition supérieures afin d’appréhender ce qui se passe derrière et autour de lui. La sécurité est toujours la priorité. Gardant cela en tête, nous avons pu développer ce casque. Il permet d’aller nettement plus vite. » À propos de la victoire d’Alberto Bettiol sur Milan Torino, il ajoute : « Alberto a maintenu une vitesse moyenne de 46,5 km/h pendant son solo. Selon nos calculs, Le Procen Air lui a permis de couvrir la distance plus de dix secondes plus vite que s’il avait porté le Ventral, qui est déjà un casque rapide. En sus, le Procen Air a répondu aux besoins d’une course classique de 177 km par temps chaud. » Fiche technique casque Poc Procen Air La teinte Hydrogen White est quasi métallisée. La partie qui recouvre les oreilles est en EVA. Crédit Poc Il existe aussi en Uranium Black Matt. Crédit Poc L'arrière dispose de 5 sorties d'air et assure également la fixation de l'écran quand on le retire de la face avant. Crédit Poc Il y a également deux petites prises d'air au-dessus de l'écran pour le ventiler. Crédit Poc - Coque : In-Mold, Polycarbonate, EPS, EPS Liner - Aérations : 8 - Maintien occipital : 360° par molette - Mousses : interchangeable - Écran : Clarity Cat 2 (Miroir) et Cat 0, fixation par aimant - Tailles : S (50-56) - M (54-59) - L (56-61) - Coloris : Hydrogen White, Uranium Black Matt - Certifications : CE EN 1078, CPSC 1203, AS/NZS 2063 - Poids : 230 g Medium - Prix : 400 € Contact : POC Read the full article
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Kristen Faulkner believes glucose monitors can protect women’s health
'If a man doesn't fuel properly, he bonks; if a woman doesn't fuel properly, she could lose her period' from CyclingNews RSS Feed https://ift.tt/IXpR7l5
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