#Korean drama Mouse
drrav3nb · 4 months
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So you think you're God? You've never killed someone before...It's not easy to kill. Until you get used to it.
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boysslove · 4 days
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Oooh~ Steamy.
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kimfilmss · 2 years
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Kdrama — Big Mouth (icons)
Lee Jong Suk as Park Chang Ho
Drama available on hotstar and other drama sites
like or reblog if you save ♡
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myromancedramas · 2 years
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BIG MOUTH (2022)
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Big Mouth (2022): Episode 2
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whumperer-86 · 2 years
Big Mouth korean drama episode 07
Kidnapping whump
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whumpy-gems · 2 years
SOME ONE! Help. Me. Pls.
I can’t find, one single Big Mouth fic on AO3! NOT ONE FREAKING FIC!!!
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thewhumpyrabbit · 2 years
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Big Mouth/Big Mouse (빅마우스) - Whump List
Where to watch: Disney+ (in select regions), bilibili
Synopsis: Park Chang Ho works as a lawyer with a measly 10% winning rate. He is a talkative person and, because of this people call him Big Mouth. He happens to get involved in a murder case and he is somehow fingered as genius swindler Big Mouse. Due to this, Park Chang Ho finds himself in a life-threatening situation. Meanwhile, Go Mi Ho is Park Chang Ho’s wife and she works as a nurse. She has a beautiful appearance and a personality that is both wise and brave. She helped her husband become a lawyer by supporting him financially and psychologically. Go Mi Ho learns that Park Chang Ho is suspected to be the genius swindler Big Mouse and attempts to clear her husband's name.
⚠️Warning⚠️ Toward the end of episode 2, the main character decides he must commit su*cide and writes a note, but then changes his mind and wants someone else to kill him. In episode 3, two characters throw up. In episode 4, multiple characters are thought to have committed su*cide.
Whumpee: Park Chang-Ho played by Lee Jong-Suk
Episode 1: Drinking something that’s been laced with a drug and starts losing control while driving and crashes, time jumps back to before the crash and his wife kicks him off the bed and he lands on the floor and says his back hurts (comedic), his wife grabs him by his hair (comedic), manhandled by an angry crowd (comedic), back to him drinking something that’s been laced with a drug and starts losing control, gasps in pain, struggling against the effects of the drug and hitting his head, car crash, blood all over his face and unconscious, startled awake
Episode 2: On a stretcher, oxygen mask, bloody face from head wound, dreaming of the past and he’s pole vaulting and the pole breaks and he falls on the mat, startled awake in hospital bed and head bandaged, handcuffed and taken away roughly, thrown into a police car, in a prison cell, pushed down some stairs and groaning in pain, grabbed and dragged somewhere, punched and kicked repeatedly, hanged and barely standing on a chair for support, multiple cuts on his face, crying/upset, someone kicks the chair out from under him and he’s struggling to breathe, stops breathing while still hanged, chest compressions, defibrillator, opens his eyes and someone checks his pulse, carried to a cell and thrown on the ground, dragged to a corner, crying and pulls a blanket over himself (y’all 🥺😭), lie detector test, agitated, tries to fight with someone but guards grab him and take him away, punched, angry, head pinned to a table, grabbed by his arms and punched repeatedly, chokes on his food and coughs, slapped, grabbed and thrown into solitary confinement, hitting his forehead and crying, flashback to him head butting someone and fighting, crying 3x, he wants someone to kill him so he gets angry and beats someone over the head with a lunch tray and punches them, grabbed and taken away, he tells someone to kill him and they pull out a knife and he grabs their wrist and holds the knife to his neck, slaps someone repeatedly, in the courtyard and yelling at the guards to shoot him
Episode 3: Yelling and crying at the guards to shoot him, hit in the back and handcuffed, yelling and crying at the guards to kill him, grabbed by his arms and taken away, in solitary confinement and beating the floor with his fists and hits his head against the wall in frustration, angry/upset, grabbed and taken away, someone charges at him with a knife and barely misses, punched repeatedly and angry, a knife is slashed at him and he dodges, kicked, grabs a knife by the blade and his hand is bleeding, in the infirmary and a doctor is taking care of the knife wound on his hand, hand bandaged, angry, squeezes the cup of hot coffee he’s holding in his wounded hand and the coffee spills all over his hand, teary eyed and furious, rioting and angry, seeing his wife for the first time in person since being in prison and crying, he tells his wife he wants a divorce and she hits him in the chest, he and his wife hold each other and cry, put in solitary confinement, fight, knife slashed at him but he dodged it, kicked, fight, someone comes at him with a knife but someone else jumps in the way, fight
Episode 4: Episode 4: Hit over the head, angry and held back by guards, clenching his fist in anger, shoved, concerned for someone
Episode 5: Nothing
Episode 6: His wife is screaming and shaking him by the collar, flashback to having a bag put over his head and knocked out
Episode 7: Drinks something that will cause him to have a severe stomachache, writhing in pain and sweating, in the back of an ambulance groaning in pain and holding his stomach, breathing heavily, his wife of concerned for him, his wife touches his stomach and he groans in pain, on a stretcher and wheeled through hospital, unconscious in hospital bed, his wife holds his hand and he wakes up, teary eyed and his wife hugs him, handcuffed and put in the back of a police car, manhandled and he fights back, a needle is injected in his neck and he loses consciousness, someone carries him over their shoulder
Episode 8: Fights with someone in a dream and is angry, wakes up, gagged and in a straight jacket on a bed, struggling in the bed and upset, held down and injected with something that causes him to pass out, frustrated/upset, smacked to wake him up, groggy from the drugs, injected with truth serum, groaning and screaming in pain, breathing heavily, hallucinates seeing a mouse, hallucinates seeing mice attacking him and he’s screaming and thrashing, wakes up groggy and is smacked, he’s unconscious and someone says he’s blacked out, a bucket of water is poured on his face to wake him up, upset/scared, gagged and trying to get out of the straight jacket, thrown against a wall, punched twice and flipped over on his back, kicked and punched in the stomach, his head is smashed through a glass window, dazed, hit in the face and choked, teary eyed, crying
Episode 9: Handcuffed and put in a police vehicle
Episode 10: Handcuffed in the back of a police vehicle, put in solitary confinement, angry and grabs someone by the collar
Episode 11: Pushed and grabbed by the collar
Episode 12: Angry and crying, fight, cut on his cheekbone, shot at, tackles someone, repeatedly punches someone in anger, concerned for his wife, upset and hugging his wife, his wife wraps his arm in a bandage, holding a gun to someone’s head
Episode 13: Someone comes at him with a knife, fight, grabs his chest and groans in pain, grabbed by the collar and angry, crying
Episode 14: Tied to a chair, angry, crying, gun pointed at him, shot twice in the chest (but it’s fake)
Episode 15: Nothing
Episode 16: Finds out his wife has been diagnosed with cancer, crying 2x, concerned for his wife, how wife dies and he’s crying
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MBC's kdrama Big Mouth was finally released legally in the US a couple of days ago on Hulu, so naturally I binged it.
In it, hapless attorney Park Chang Ho, nicknamed Big Mouth for always promising more than he can deliver, is set up to be a patsy for the infamous criminal Big Mouse (the two nicknames are homonyms in Korean).
The drama is absolutely stellar and executes its goal perfectly. They told us what they were doing in the very first scene! This isn't a story about finding out who the *real* Big Mouse is; it is -- to borrow language from NBC's Hannibal -- a story of Chang Ho's becoming.
From his first appearance on screen we see that Chang Ho cares little about justice. He just wants enough money to be more than comfortable. The very first time we see him in a courtroom, he had bribed a judge. He cares little about doing the right thing. He's just trying to survive. He was still outmaneuvered by the opposition, a seemingly frequent occurrence in his life. He asks himself why. He's smart, he's fit, he's capable. So why does he always lose? The answer, supplies a friend, is that he has no connections or money. As we know from a billion other kdramas about corrupt rich people and politicians, this is what makes the South Korean world turn: connections. From his first few scenes with his wife to the reaction of his clients to losing the case, we learn that he's also an excellent liar. People believe in him.
And that's our setup: An intelligent, fit, believable liar who's just trying to survive in this world without connections or money.
Yet suddenly he's in prison and being accused of being a criminal mastermind. The only way to survive is to assume the role he's been given, to use the influence of "being" Big Mouse to gain connections and money and ultimately, freedom.
This drama is about his transformation, but unlike Hannibal's Will Graham there is no shadowy manipulator trying to coax out Chang Ho's dark side. No, his becoming is all his own. You can see the seeds of it in him from the very first episode, and watching his unveiling is absolutely chilling and delicious!
From what I can gather, viewers who critique the drama mostly do it because they had different expectations. They wanted a Vincenzo like story, where Chang Ho becomes an antihero meting out his own brand of justice. They wanted to see vengeance, Bad Guys getting their due, and victory for the little people. That would have been a great story! But it's not THIS STORY.
This is the story of Chang Ho's becoming. He was supposed to be a patsy. He refused.
As they told us from his very first lines of dialogue, this is a story where THE TRUTH DOES NOT MATTER. Why? Because once revealed, nothing changes. The world keeps spinning. Everyday people are too busy just trying to pay the bills.
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thenoonachronicles · 1 year
A big congratulations to Lee Seunggi and Lee Dain on your upcoming wedding 😍
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reallydampcake · 2 years
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pickletrip · 10 months
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The Eighth Sense
Episode 7: Picking up the broken pieces
Jae Won has retreated into his shell, refusing to let anything in and Tae Hyung's remark threw him out of control because how could someone say something so crude, especially when they were at the point of death. Alone and defeated, Jae Won feels like he is back where he started, the source of all problems.
Joon Pyo and Ae Ri are such great friends to have, unlike the haters from the surf club. Yoon Won is the best though.
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Title card credit @blmpff
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meh221 · 10 months
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SAVE ME 2017
I just recently just finished watching the K-drama save me and it was horrifying, like I was so disgusted by what they did to poor sang-mi because throughout the show she was still very young. It was very well crafted and the whole cult situation they have presented in this show is actually really accurate. Many of these cults are there to exploit people, they take naïve peoples money and violate women's rights.
I am so glad they made sang mi as a very strong willed person that went through all this so courageously, but the amount of times I wanted to hit the dad was insane, cause how can you give your daughter out to some 50 year old pedophile? As much as I acknowledge that we was brain washed I still don't support him, but sang mi's mom on the other hand was the most amazing character. Even though she was tricked and not in the best of health she still tried to protect her child and supported her. She was sort of sang mi's strength.
I think I may have different opinions about jo wan tae, like yeah i absolutely despise him. but I think he was the most bearable person in the whole show because his intentions were always clear from the start, like he almost was like a normal person he didn't believe in the cult but whatever he did was still atrocious and he deserved what he got.
then there is the priest... he was some different kind of crazy it felt like he actually believed in whatever bullshit he said. Maybe after some time after he opened the cult he just lost track of all the lies and just started believing in them.
i have mixed feeling about kang il shil and han sang hawan...
but I loved woo do hwan cause he actually cared for sang mi and helped her and did something, he took action and he was always there to help sang mi and her mother.
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kimfilmss · 2 years
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Kdrama — Big Mouth (icons)
Lee Jong Suk as Park Chang Ho
Drama available on hotstar and other drama sites
like or reblog if you save ♡
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myromancedramas · 2 years
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BIG MOUTH (2022)
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Big Mouth (2022): Episode 1
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