#Kim Seon-Kyeong
k-star-holic · 8 months
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Drama without a villain ... Bumpy Family' ratings 30%
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nofatclips · 8 months
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Chukje (Festival) - dir. Im Kwon-taek (1996)
Full movie available on Korean Classic Films YouTube channel
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dramatiique · 9 months
(Spoilers for Sweet Home but gives context on his role in the drama)
Ui-myeong is the right hand of mercenary gang leader Shin Jung-seop. The group ambushed the remaining survivors of Green Home Mansion Apartment. The mercenaries torture the survivors, gathering them in a boundary circle, and shoot them if they cross the line. They tell the story of how they had encountered a chapel full of dead bodies, as a result of the people in there killing each other, showing how humans can be scarier than monsters.
Ui-myeong is the only member of the gang who is calm, rational, and understanding. He even stops one of the gang members, Kyeong-mo, who was hurting and harassing an injured Ji-su who pretended to be unconscious.
The mercenaries are ambushed and, during this attack, a resident named Seon-young then appears after escaping the room she was quarantining in while she fought with her monsterization. One of her arms is transformed, and she kills one of the gang members before heading towards Hyuk Lee (the leader of the group of survivors), but Hyun-su steps in to stop her, and she pierces him. Having no other choice, Hyun-su strangles her.
Jung-seop realizes Hyun-su isn’t ordinary and takes him to the roof. On the rooftop, Shin Jung-Seop wonders how to have fun with Hyun-su. He shoots at him while the others laugh and enjoy the scene. Just when he’s about to kill him, Ui-myeong transforms his arm, piercing Jung-seop and then drops him off the building. Another gang member shoots him in the neck, but he launches the bullet pack at him with a simple tilt of his head. Leaving only a terrified Kim Nam-il alive (another gang member), Ui-myeong reveals he is a monster similar to Hyun-su.
He reveals that he is the sole survivor from the church, and that joining the mercenaries was to disguise himself. When Hyun-su asks why he killed Jung-seop as they were on the same side, Ui-myeong laughs and says that a rabbit and a wolf can’t be on the same side, and that the rabbit was pretending to be a wolf, so he just played along. He also says that it isn’t a crime for a wolf to kill a rabbit after playing with it. Ui-myeong reveals that he is the sole survivor from the church, and that joining the mercenaries was to disguise himself.
Overhead, military pamphlets drop from a plane, asking the survivors to report any infected in return for guaranteed safety. Ui-myeong asks Hyun-su which side he will be on, once the survivors learn of the information on the pamphlet.
Wanting to prove that there are monsters that exist that don’t kill people, Hyun-su takes Ui-myeong to the Infant monster. Ui-myeong finds it surprising, but wonders if there are any humans that exist that won’t attack monsters if given the chance.
He tries to convince Hyun-su to leave with him because it’s just a matter of time before their neighbors will turn them over to the military after reading the pamphlets. At first Hyun-su isn’t convinced, but then he witnesses the survivors about to kill a slime monster that helped one of the children. Despite him saying it won’t harm them, the survivors kill it and Hyun-su realizes that monsters and humans really can’t co-exist, just like Ui-myeong told him.
The next day, two of the survivors try to make it to the entrance. One of them is suffering from an asthma attack and is out of inhalers and is being rushed out to try and find one outside. Ui-myeong throws them back. He doesn’t want them to leave in case they will alert the military of himself and Hyun-su. After realizing what’s going on, Hyun-su lets them go. However, they don’t get far because they’re shot in the back by Ui-myeong. This leads to him killing two other survivors, and a fight with Hyun-su.
Ui-myeong reveals that he was inside the body of the earlier resident (his monster form allows him to possess dead bodies and control them as his own) and the one who forced Hyun-su into thinking he killed her. This makes Hyun-su turn into his monster form, much to Ui-myeong’s delight, and he attacks Ui-myeong until he is nothing but goo.
Despite the destruction of his body, Ui-myeong can move around in his monster form and slithers into the armored vehicle the mercenaries used to break into the building. He escapes with it and, when Hyun-su wakes up after confronting the military at the end of the series, he realizes he’s in the very same vehicle. In the driver’s seat is Ui-myeong, who is possessing the body of the deceased Sang-wook.
* - Canon divergence from here because even thought Sweet Home now has a season two, I had already developed Ui-myeong beyond season one and my story for him turned out different to what the show decided. If I’m honest, season two was a mess and I had to look up ep summaries just to finish it. Because of this, Ui-myeong is now my own interpretation with zero connection to his actions in season two. He also isn’t Nam Sang-won because that is another plot point that makes literally no sense.
Ui-myeong ends up disposing Sang-wook’s body after finding another one that is better suited to him. His new face is this fc:
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His backstory (headcanon based) can be found HERE.
A brief summary of Ui-myeong including his personality can be found HERE.
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korelist · 1 year
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.  
İmdb puanı: 7,6 Benim Puanım: 6
Drama: Lovestruck in the City / City Couple's Way of Love
Hangul: 도시남녀의 사랑법
Director: Park Shin-Woo
Writer: Jung Hyun-Jung, Jung Da-Yeon
Episodes: 17
Date: 2021
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Ji Chang-Wook, Kim Ji-Won, Kim Min-Suk, So Ju-Yeon, Han Ji-Eun, Ryoo Kyung-Soo
Şehir insanlarının yalnızlığı üzerine röportaj formatında çekilmiş bir dizi izliyoruz. 3 farklı ilişki, 6 farklı karakter ile aynı sorulara bakış açıları ve ilişkileri resmediliyor. Normal bir dizi formatından çok farklı işlenmiş olan bu tarzdan hoşlanıp hoşlanmadığıma emin değilim. Açıkçası “Slice of life” tarzını severim. Ama kamera ile konuşulan ya da 4.duvarın bu kadar yıkıldığı yapımlar pek bana göre değil. Karakterler dizi boyunca bize bakarak soruları cevaplıyor. Hikayelerini anlatırken yaşadıkları anlara şahit oluyoruz ama beni çok da doyurduğunu söyleyemem.
Dizinin yönetmeni Park Shin-Woo, kendisi “It's Okay to Not Be Okay” dizisi ile kendini kanıtlamış olsa da ben Lovestruck’ı daha önce izlediğim için bu detayı sonradan öğrendim. Dizinin iyi bir yönetmenle çekildiği belli oluyor. Bölümler yarım saatlik ve dizi 12 bölümden oluşuyor. Bu açıdan baktığınız zaman uygun uzunlukta çekildiğini düşünüyorum. Buna rağmen beni içine çekemedi.  
Hikaye bir tatil esnasında tanışan Park Jae-Won (Ji Chang-Wook) ve Lee Eun-O(Kim Ji-Won) çiftinin üzerinden ilerliyordu. Daha çok ilişkileri değil de ayrılıklarının hikayesi gibiydi. Nasıl tanıştılar, neler yaşandı, neden ayrıldılar. Kısa kısa kesitler gösterip, merak öğesini canlı tutmaya çalıştılar. Çifti çok birbirine yakıştıramadığım için ilişkileri de bana çok geçmedi. Aslında ikisini de ayrı ayrı beğeniyorum. Ji Chang-Wook, The Sound of macig dizisinde hayatıma giren bir oyuncuydu. Kim Ji-Won ise Descendants of the sun ile tanışmıştım.
İkinci çift Choi Kyeong-Jun(Kim Min-Suk) ve Suh Rin-I (So Ju-Yeon) idi. Uzun zamandan beri beraber olan artık ilişkileri rutin hal almış bir çiftti… Buradaki sorun ise aralarındaki monotonluktu. İlişkileri alışılmışlık nedeni ile birbirlerine söyleyemedikleri gerçek düşünceler üzerinden ilerliyordu. Birbirlerinin gerçekte ne hissettiğini ne sevdiğini hayatın içerisinde debelenirken görememeye başlamışlardı.
Üçüncü çiftimiz ise Oh Seon-Yeong (Han Ji-Eun) ve Kang Geon(Ryoo Kyung-Soo) idi. Üçüncü çiftimizin çift olup olmadıklarını anlamak zordu. Ama aralarında en gerçekçi ilişki bence bu ikisininkiydi. Ne istediklerini bilmiyorlardı, istedikleri şeyler karakterlerine ters olduğu için kabul edemiyorlardı. Bana hepsinden daha samimi geldiler.
Günün sonunda bu dizi ile ilgili anlatabileceğim, üzerinde konuşabileceğim daha derin bir durum yok. Diziden çok ilişkiler üzerine bir röportaj gibiydi. Giriş gelişme ve sonuç olması adına hepsine bir hikaye kurgulanmıştı ama hayattan bir kesit sunduğu için girişi de gelişmesi de sonucu da yoktu. Farklı bir kurgu olması nedeni ile meraktan izleyebilirsiniz. Böyle de bir şey izlemedim demezsiniz.
Raven Melus
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Sunny (2011)
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veronica-nardi · 4 years
Chief of staff Commento
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Dopo aver passato diverso tempo a guardare serie piuttosto leggere e divertenti, è stato piuttosto difficile riprendere il ritmo con un drama così impegnativo come Chief of staff. I primi due episodi sono una carrellata di intrighi politici talmente frenetica da non darti quasi il tempo di respirare, e questo è stato davvero un problema.
Ogni episodio dura un'ora buona, e dopo aver passato tutto il tempo a seguire le vicende politiche dei personaggi in scena, quell'ora si fa sentire. A mano a mano che si prosegue con le puntate, la trama si fa sempre più avvincente e sono sempre stata curiosa di sapere cosa sarebbe successo, ma non sarei mai riuscita a guardare più puntate di seguito o a maratonarmi questa serie, perché semplicemente mi si sarebbe fuso il cervello.
Ma una volta introdotti i personaggi, le loro psicologie ed obiettivi, una volta capito di che cosa si sta parlando, una volta preso il ritmo, la serie scorre molto meglio ed è più facile seguirla.
Chief of staff non è una serie perfetta, tuttavia penso che sia una serie molto interessante, che racconta un mondo politico in modo terribilmente onesto, veritiero, crudo, che mi ha fatto intristire ed arrabbiare.
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Durante la visione mi sono letteralmente segnata varie frasi pronunciate dai personaggi che mi hanno colpito molto perché in quelle parole ho sempre visto una triste verità. Giusto per citare due esempi:
"La nostra società è diventata immune e intollerante al dolore degli altri."
"Non si può cambiare niente senza il potere."
Inoltre la serie presenta anche alcune questioni molto interessanti e dilemmi morali che mi hanno portata a riflettere e a chiedermi come avrei agito io in quella situazione.
Per esempio, questo drama mi ha ricordato l'atmosfera politica di Designated Survivor, e come ho trovato difficile e incomodo il lavoro di presidente di una nazione, la stessa cosa ho pensato dei politici. Per quanto un uomo sia retto e onesto, penso che per raggiungere certi obiettivi sia spesso necessario scendere a compromessi con la propria moralità.
Ecco perché aggiungo la politica nella lista dei lavori che non potrei mai fare.
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Passando ai personaggi, penso che tutti quelli principali siano caratterizzati bene e mi sono davvero piaciuti.
Il protagonista non è il classico eroe che combatte per la giustizia e per i più deboli. Jang Tae-joon vuole sì cambiare il mondo, ma giocando in un certo modo. Mi aspettavo una sua evoluzione che lo portasse definitivamente dalla parte buona, e sono rimasta piacevolmente sorpresa quando l'ho visto tornare ad abbracciare "l'oscurità". È stato per me un colpo di scena e stimo la sceneggiatura per questa scelta che trovo molto coraggiosa.
Bello anche il personaggio della lead, nemmeno lei una santa (in questa serie nessuno lo è). Devo dire che ho empatizzato molto per lei e le sue battaglie nel corso della serie. L'unica piccola pecca è che, come ha giustamente fatto notare @dilebe06, non è ben chiaro perché a un certo punto diventi fredda col protagonista per un paio di puntate.
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Il deputato Lee è la prova definitiva che nessuno a questo mondo è immacolato e che siamo tutti un po' ipocriti. Lo avevo soprannominato Ned Stark per la sua inflessibile rettitudine, ed è stata davvero una sorpresa scoprire la "macchia" sulla sua coscienza. Ho empatizzato tantissimo per lui e l'ho trovato davvero molto umano, e alla fine dei giochi penso sia diventato il mio personaggio preferito di questa stagione.
Molto carina e interessante la bromance tra lui e Jang, un po' maestro e allievo, un po' amici con lo stesso sogno (anime gemelle?), un po' padre e figlio. Ho trovato interessante il dibattito tra "bianco e nero" e sui limiti che non bisogna superare che accompagnano il rapporto tra i due.
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Voglio citare anche Han Do-kyeong, il "Bambi" della situazione, un giovane ragazzo fresco di laurea, idealista e sognatore, ingenuo ed inesperto. L'ho trovato un personaggio carino e ho trovato commovente il suo rapporto con la Nonna, tuttavia penso che la sua ingenuità sia stata un po' esagerata.
Per quanto riguarda i villain, ne abbiamo ben tre:
- il signor Jo, una banderuola sessista che cambia idea a seconda di come gli va comodo.
- il signor Oh, viscido, antipatico e leccaculo. E anche povero illuso oserei dire.
- il signor Song, ipocrita, falso, egoista, senza una morale. Devo però fargli i complimenti perché, nonostante Jang sia stato un protagonista estremamente intelligente e se il suo capo è dove è ora è grazie a lui, Song mi ha stupita perché ha saputo giocare bene anche lui, e quando in una serie sia la parte "buona" sia la parte "cattiva" vantano personaggi astuti a me piace tantissimo, perché in questo modo è uno scontro equilibrato. Inoltre ancora complimenti alla sceneggiatura per aver tratteggiato Song un personaggio coerente fino alla fine e per non essere caduti nel buonismo.
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Di solito prediligo villain complessi e sfaccettati, che abbiano lati con cui io magari possa empatizzare, mentre questi tre cattivi sopracitati sono antipatici e basta, è davvero impossibile empatizzare per loro per una qualsiasi cosa, tuttavia la cosa non mi ha infastidita, perché questi uomini rappresentano tutti i difetti e le macchie negative della politica. @dilebe06
Sono molto curiosa di vedere come andranno le cose nella seconda stagione e come si metterà la relazione tra i due protagonisti, che a parte qualche momento in questa prima stagione sono riusciti a rimanere piuttosto uniti. Cosa che mi ha sorpresa, devo essere sincera.
È una serie che consiglio, ma bisogna stare davvero molto attenti durante la visione (cervello assolutamente acceso), perché le cose che accadono sono tante e spesso il ritmo usato è frenetico.
Punteggio: 7.9
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seanlocked · 6 years
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feartube2000 · 3 years
Quando un virus si diffonde e trasforma le persone in terribili zombi, un ragazzo appassionato di videogiochi resta isolato in casa, senza comunicazione e senza vie d’uscita. Titolo originale #Saraitda Regia/Creatore Il Cho Sceneggiatura/Soggetto Il Cho, Matt Naylor Cast Ah-In Yoo, Park Shin-Hye, Bae-soo Jeon, Hyun-Wook Lee, Hye-Won Oh, Woon Jong Jeon, Kyu-Ho Lee, Chae Kyung Lee,…
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k-star-holic · 3 years
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Musical 'Four Minutes' in one place
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sorry-babyxx · 2 years
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Completed Works
Wait for Me a Little Bit More
Angst / Pining / Fluff / Smut / Seozy Endgame / Multi-Chapter
Relationships: Jung Seo-hyun (Kim Seo-hyung) x Suzy Choi (Kim Jung-hwa) ,  Jung Seo-hyun (Kim Seo-hyung) x Han Jin-ho (Park Hyuk-won), Suzy Choi (Kim Jung-hwa) x Callie Harper Taylor (Lena Headey) + Park Hye-jin (Lee Da-hee)
Don’t Be Scared It’s Only Love 
Romantic Comedy / University AU / Angst / Drama / Fluff / Friends To Lovers / Seozy Endgame / Two-Shots
Relationships: Jung Seo-hyun (Kim Seo-hyung) x Suzy Choi (Kim Jung-hwa) + Seo Hi-soo (Lee Bo-young) friendship
Office and Fashion AU / Seasonal Holiday (Christmas) / Angst / Fluff / Seozy Endgame / Three-Shots
Relationships: Jung Seo-hyun (Kim Seo-hyung) x Suzy Choi (Kim Jung-hwa) + Seo Hi-soo (Lee Bo-young) and Kang Ja-kyung (Ok Ja-yeon) friendship
Don’t You Wanna Stay
Childhood Friendship / Pining / Unrequited Crush / Teenage Angst / Seasonal Holiday (New Years) / Middle School to University AU / Seozy Endgame / Three-Shots
Relationships: Jung Seo-hyun (Kim Seo-hyung) x Suzy Choi (Kim Jung-hwa), Jung Seo-hyun (Kim Seo-hyung) x Seo Hi-soo (Lee Bo-young) + Kang Ja-kyung (Ok Ja-yeon) friendship
Leave Before You Love Me
Radio DJ AU / Bartender AU / Angst / Smut / Fluff / One Night Stand / Mutual Pining / Hurt & Comfort / Seozy Endgame
Relationships: Jung Seo-hyun (Kim Seo-hyung) x Suzy Choi (Kim Jung-hwa), Jung Seo-hyun (Kim Seo-hyung) x Seo Hi-soo (Lee Bo-young)
On-going Works
You Belong With Me
G!P Fic / Romantic Comedy / High School AU / Teenage Angst / Smut / Drama / Fluff / Friends To Lovers / Seozy Endgame 
Relationships: Jung Seo-hyun (Kim Seo-hyung) x Suzy Choi (Kim Jung-hwa), Jung Seo-hyun (Kim Seo-hyung) x + Lee Ji-an (Song Yoon-ah), Seo Hi-soo (Lee Bo-young), Seo Jin-kyeong (Song Seon-mi), Han Jin-ho (Park Hyuk-kwon) and Kim Hana (Song Hye-kyo) friendship
Make It To Me
G!P Fic / Family / Post-divorce / Angst / Smut / Drama / Fluff / Second Chances / Seozy Endgame
Relationships: Jung Seo-hyun (Kim Seo-hyung) x Suzy Choi (Kim Jung-hwa),  Suzy Choi (Kim Jung-hwa) x Lee Jia (Ha Ji-won),  Jung Seo-hyun (Kim Seo-hyung) x Lee Seol-hee (Ha Ji-won)
You Send Me
G!P Fic / Romantic Comedy / Teacher-Student Relationship / High School AU / Teenage Angst / Smut / Drama / Fluff / Friends To Lovers / Seozy Endgame
Relationships: Jung Seo-hyun (Kim Seo-hyung) x Suzy Choi (Kim Jung-hwa), Jung Seo-hyun (Kim Seo-hyung) x Seo Hi-soo (Lee Bo-young)
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offbeatcappuccino · 3 years
Lovestruck in The City: Love Is Messy
 Year: 2020-2021
Channel: Kakao TV
Streaming Service: Netflix
Cast: Ji Chang Wook, Kim Ji Won, Soo Joo Yeon, Kim Min Soek, Han Ji Eun, Ryu Kyung Soo
 Lovestruck in the City is an unusual drama for more reasons than one. It ditches the sixteen episode one hour each format for a thirty minute seventeen episode format. Additionally, it employs the “mockumentary” style à la Office and Parks and Recreation, and unlike other dramas, which release their episodes on two consecutive days each week, Lovestruck in the City aired on Tuesdays and Friday. It boasts an ensemble cast composed of Ji Chang Wook, Park Ji Won, Soo Joo Yeon, Kim Min Soek, Han Ji Eun, and Ryu Kyung Soo. Lovestruck in The City has a very Friends-esque appeal with a story of six individuals, whose lives are interconnected with each other. 
Park Jae Won is an architect who meets Yoon Seon Ah during his vacation on Yamyang Island. Both have a passionate summer fling that abruptly ends when Park Jae Won returns to Seoul. Jae Won is left heartbroken when he is unable to reunite with Seon Ah. On the other hand, Yoon Seon Ah, whose real name is really Lee Eun Oh, is a marketer, who hides her feelings for Jae Won, because of her guilt of lying to him about her real identity and for pretending to be someone she’s not. Lee Eun Oh also happens to be Kang Geon’s roommate, a novel writer, who has had a tumultous relationship with the eccentric Sun Young. Kang Geon and Lee Eun Oh are also best friends with Sun Ri-ni who is in a stable long term relationship with Choi Kyeong Jun,who also just happens to Park Jae Won’s cousin and co-worker. Pretty crazy and confusing right? Here’s a diagram that I made to better visualize the relationship:
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Park Jae Won is perhaps Ji Chang Wook’s career best role.This was my first time watching a Ji Chang Wook drama to completion and from the clips that I’ve seen of him in other drams, I’m convinced that what he did in Lovestruck in The City was something that was outside of his comfort zone and yet he played the role so effortlessly. There was something so inherently powerful and moving about watching a man express his vulnerability so openly. We see Jae Won struggle with his inability to completely let go of the Yoon Seon Ah and the memories that he cherished with her even at the cost of mockery by his friends and family. We see him drunkenly visiting police stations to file a complaint against the “camera thief” that didn’t just steal his camera, but also his heart. Jae Won’s character is what in many ways what allow us to appreciate the complexity of Eun Oh’s character. She’s a character that the audience incredibly detests for leaving Jae Won stranded and yet she makes us wonder if we judge women too quickly. Through the course of the show, we see Eun Oh as a wonderfully messy woman trying to navigate her own identity after undergoing one of the lowest points in her life. Eun Oh is a woman crawling out of an identity crisis as she reconciles her constructed identity of Yoon Seon Ah with who she was and wants to be. Seeing thes two fall apart then reunite and find their happiness is where the show’s true purpose lies. 
As hinted in the last sentence of the paragraph, the show is definitely more centered on Park Jae Won and Lee Eun Oh’s relationship than the other two couples and the writing surrounding the other characters feel weak at times. We never truly understand why Kang Geon and Sun Young liked each other in the first place and why she felt like she needed to let him go even though they were already broken up. Suh Rini and Kyeong Jun’s relationship felt like it abruptly ended and I don’t think the argument they had warrants enough for a breakup. For some reason, the stories of these two feels very incomplete and is only exacerbated with the last episode focusing on a completely different couple that was not part of the show. I also want to add that I felt like Sun Young’s character was extremely underdeveloped with her coming off as nothing other than the ���psycho bitch” trope who’s here for the dark humor - a woman who’s badass with no cause or direction. 
Regardless, I applaud Lovestruck in the City for adopting a new inventive format and managing to successfully pull it through. Perhaps the biggest lesson that Lovestruck in the City teaches us is that love doesn’t cause everything to fall in the right place. It’s a tornado that sometimes makes our life a jumbled mess. However, the pursuit of putting those pieces back together with your significant other is what offers us the true contentment in our relationships. 
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404fmdtaejin · 3 years
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headcanon & aesthetics / olympics
summary: the olympics happen every four years and kim taejin is a 애국자 (patriot??) aka someone who loves his country very much to the point where he watches the olympics religiously. however, he only watches a subset of sports, and the olympics become the rare time periods where he uses his social media to shout out the athletes for their stride and true dedication representing the country. hc for elaboration. warnings: gun tw, weapon tw wc:  700ish
oddly enough, taejin is one who enjoys the summer olympics more than the winter olympics. though he does love short track skating in the winter — but aside from that his main enjoyment watching comes during the summer time
he’s been exposed to many athletes at a young age? only because he used to be taught one on one lessons by these national representatives — his parents come from money, thus the tutoring came from these people who excelled in their sports. so, from a young age he’s had an appreciation for the sports that south korea has excelled at
his focus on these specific sports come from the broadcasting stations — aka, sbs, kbs and mbc all air the olympics. yet, each time they only air the same sport at the same time. ex) taekwondo only gets broadcasted across all three, and there’s barely any variety lmao
the first sport that he loves watching is judo. judo and taekwondo, mainly because he feels some sense of pride that taekwondo originated in korea and for the past, korea has excelled at it. not to say, this year he’s felt like complete shit over how taekwondo’s happening in tokyo because korea can’t get their shit together. but in past years, he’s enjoyed watching korea do well. the barbaric nature? of body on body combat is fun to watch as a bystander, and taejin appreciates the worth ethic that goes into it.
fencing is more personal? because he did fence at a point in his childhood, and this ultimately made him know how the sports work / how meticulous each movement has to be. when he watches fencing, you can be he’s the type of viewer to yell “nice!” after each good play and maybe cuss when there becomes an evident bad play.
archery is something korea’s always excelled at? and they’re just so spot on all the time — this and shooting. these two with the precision becomes a fun thing to watch because taejin knows he could never do it and they make it look so easy. plus, it just feels really great basically watching knowing korea’s bound to win with how good they are. with tokyo and how judo / taekwondo is going, archery is his saving grace to watch and calm down
men’s artistic gymnastics — he enjoys because there’s an aspect of calisthenics he now recognizes after he’s started work out with. knows there’s a lot of strength that goes into it — plus, the one gold medal they’ve gotten from yang hak seon shows promising future for korea, even if it’s just vault. (taejin only watches the vault finals tbf lmao) 
swimming used to be fun because taejin also swam for a bit. plus, he used to work out and use swimming as cardio. however, it must be said that he’s stopped finding enjoyment once park taehwan started plummeting and losing his touch. though he’s still proud and has reached out to park taehwan personally because he’s in awe / respectful of what he’s done for swimming. HOWEVER, that being said, this year taejin’s gotten back into watching swimming because of hwang sun woo — there might be hope for south korea in the swimming races.
soccer is kind of self spoken? taejin’s an avid soccer watcher (chelsea fan for club team) but when it comes to olympics / world cup, he’s always rooting for korea and goes crazy. this is peak taejin in hyper focus, even when the younger generation represents the country. ofc, it’d be nice to see son heungmin play here, but son heungmin doesn’t need the olympics when he’s too busy being center star of tottenham <3 anyways, taejin never has high hopes for korea in the olympics knowing they always get beat, hence why he raises expectations for world cup (but that’s another hc in itself). 
basically the takeaway is that he has fun watching soccer > archery > taekwondo > judo > fencing > swimming > men’s vault
also a nice shout out to kim yeon kyeong and the korean women’s volleyball team!! taejin has kept up with that as of late and after that killer defeat against japan, he hopes at the very least they’ll medal.  
perhaps in another life he would’ve trained to become an athlete representative with how much fun he has watching these, and how giddy he gets cheering for korea.
total 애국자!! 
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starrymused · 3 years
Ui-myeong is the right hand of mercenary gang leader Shin Jung-seop. The group ambushed the remaining survivors of Green Home Mansion Apartment. The mercenaries torture the survivors, gathering them in a boundary circle, and shoot them if they cross the line. They tell the story of how they had encountered a chapel full of dead bodies, as a result of the people in there killing each other, showing how humans can be scarier than monsters.
Ui-myeong is the only member of the gang who is calm, rational, and understanding. He even stops one of the gang members, Kyeong-mo, who was hurting and harassing an injured Ji-su who pretended to be unconscious.
The mercenaries are ambushed and, during this attack, a resident named Seon-young then appears after escaping the room she was quarantining in while she fought with her monsterization. One of her arms is transformed, and she kills one of the gang members before heading towards Hyuk Lee (the leader of the group of survivors), but Hyun-su steps in to stop her, and she pierces him. Having no other choice, Hyun-su strangles her.
Jung-seop realizes Hyun-su isn't ordinary and takes him to the roof. On the rooftop, Shin Jung-Seop wonders how to have fun with Hyun-su. He shoots at him while the others laugh and enjoy the scene. Just when he’s about to kill him, Ui-myeong transforms his arm, piercing Jung-seop and then drops him off the building. Another gang member shoots him in the neck, but he launches the bullet pack at him with a simple tilt of his head. Leaving only a terrified Kim Nam-il alive (another gang member), Ui-myeong reveals he is a monster similar to Hyun-su.
He reveals that he is the sole survivor from the church, and that joining the mercenaries was to disguise himself. When Hyun-su asks why he killed Jung-seop as they were on the same side, Ui-myeong laughs and says that a rabbit and a wolf can’t be on the same side, and that the rabbit was pretending to be a wolf, so he just played along. He also says that it isn’t a crime for a wolf to kill a rabbit after playing with it. Ui-myeong reveals that he is the sole survivor from the church, and that joining the mercenaries was to disguise himself.
Overhead, military pamphlets drop from a plane, asking the survivors to report any infected in return for guaranteed safety. Ui-myeong asks Hyun-su which side he will be on, once the survivors learn of the information on the pamphlet.
Wanting to prove that there are monsters that exist that don't kill people, Hyun-su takes Ui-myeong to the Infant monster. Ui-myeong finds it surprising, but wonders if there are any humans that exist that won't attack monsters if given the chance.
He tries to convince Hyun-su to leave with him because it’s just a matter of time before their neighbors will turn them over to the military after reading the pamphlets. At first Hyun-su isn’t convinced, but then he witnesses the survivors about to kill a slime monster that helped one of the children. Despite him saying it won’t harm them, the survivors kill it and Hyun-su realizes that monsters and humans really can't co-exist, just like Ui-myeong told him.
The next day, two of the survivors try to make it to the entrance. One of them is suffering from an asthma attack and is out of inhalers and is being rushed out to try and find one outside. Ui-myeong throws them back. He doesn’t want them to leave in case they will alert the military of himself and Hyun-su. After realizing what’s going on, Hyun-su lets them go. However, they don’t get far because they’re shot in the back by Ui-myeong. This leads to him killing two other survivors, and a fight with Hyun-su.
Ui-myeong reveals that he was inside the body of the earlier resident (his monster form allows him to possess dead bodies and control them as his own) and the one who forced Hyun-su into thinking he killed her. This makes Hyun-su turn into his monster form, much to Ui-myeong’s delight, and he attacks Ui-myeong until he is nothing but goo.
Despite the destruction of his body, Ui-myeong can move around in his monster form and slithers into the armored vehicle the mercenaries used to break into the building. He escapes with it and, when Hyun-su wakes up after confronting the military at the end of the series, he realizes he’s in the very same vehicle. In the driver’s seat is Ui-myeong, who is possessing the body of the deceased Sang-wook.
* - Canon divergence from here because even thought Sweet Home now has a season two, I had already developed Ui-myeong beyond season one and my story for him turned out different to what the show decided. If I’m honest, season two was a mess and I had to look up ep summaries just to finish it. Because of this, Ui-myeong is now my own interpretation with zero connection to his actions in season two. He also isn’t Nam Sang-won because that is another plot point that makes literally no sense.
Ui-myeong ends up disposing Sang-wook’s body after finding another one that is better suited to him. His new face is this fc:
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His backstory (headcanon based) can be found HERE.
A brief summary of Ui-myeong, including his personality can be found HERE.
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malaysiankpopfans · 3 years
There’s so much amazing content to look forward to!
It’s an exciting time for K-content fans! In addition to currently airing popular shows Start-Up, Private Lives, and Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol, new must-watch titles will be coming soon to Netflix. The impressive lineup includes movies like The Call, Space Sweepers, and dramas like Run On and Lovestruck in the City. Check out more details below.
Netflix is continuing to introduce best-in-class films made by Korean creators to the world. Minyoung Kim, Vice President of Content (Korea, Southeast Asia, Australia & New Zealand) at Netflix said, “This year marked an incredible milestone for Korean filmmakers with the triumphant of Director Bong Joon-ho’s Parasite winning the Oscars, positive reviews around Netflix film Time to Hunt, and the global popularity of #Alive via Netflix across the world. Netflix is at the forefront of changing the way entertainment is enjoyed throughout the world. We believe that great stories can come from anywhere and travel everywhere. We’re bringing Korean storytelling with the goal to entertain our members around the world.”
The Call
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Popular actress Park Shin-hye and rising actress Jun Jong-seo team up in a mystery thriller that will have you guessing until the very end. When 28-year-old Seo-yeon (Park Shin-hye) loses her cell phone on her way to visit her sick, estranged mother in a rural area, she digs up a decade-old cordless phone from the junk closet of her childhood home. She suddenly gets a call from a woman named Young-sook (Jun Jong-seo) asking for her friend. Seo-yeon hangs up thinking the woman has the wrong number, but later learns that the call was coming from the same house 20 years ago.
Premiere Date: November 27, 2020
Cast & Creators: Director Lee Chung-hyun, Park Shin hye, Jun Jong-seo
Genre: Mystery thriller, Crime
Space Sweepers
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Song Joong-ki and Kim Tae-ri star in this fun, space blockbuster set in 2092. Earth has become a bleak planet and 95% of the human race struggle to survive. The main crew work on the Spaceship Victory and live off salvaging space debris. It’s extremely risky, but with a genius space pilot Tae-ho (Song Joong-ki), a mysterious ex-space pirate Captain Jang (Kim Tae-ri), an ex-con spaceship engineer Tiger Park (Jin Sun-kyu), and a reprogrammed military robot Bubs (Yoo Hai-jin), Spaceship Victory surpasses all other space sweepers. After successfully snatching a crashed space shuttle in their latest debris chase, Victory’s crew find a 7-year-old girl inside. They realize that she’s a wanted humanlike robot, and decide to demand ransom in exchange.
Premiere Date: Q1 2021
Cast & Creators: Director Jo Sung-hee, Song Joong-ki, Kim Tae-ri, Jin Sun-kyu, Yoo Hai-jin
Genre: Sci-fi action, Space blockbuster
What Happened to Mr. Cha
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Famous actor Cha In-pyo portrays himself in this tongue-in-cheek comedy. With the image of a gentle and perfect man, Mr. Cha enjoyed immense popularity in the 90s. However, he is now a has-been who reminisces about his glory days and waits for someone to cast him again. One day, Mr. Cha visits a gym to take a shower after a stroll. The building suddenly begins to crumble and he gets stuck in the pile of rubble. Will he be able to get rescued while maintaining his immaculate image?
Premiere Date: January 1, 2021
Cast & Creators: Director Kim Dong-kyu, Cha In-pyo, Cho Dal-hwan
Genre: Comedy
The Uncanny Counter
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Featuring hot young talent like Cho Byeong-gyu and Kim Se-jeong, webtoon-based The Uncanny Counter is a satisfying tale of superheroes who hunt down evil spirits and also toil in a noodle shop. The dynamic story depicts the struggle between the evil spirits who come to Earth from the afterworld in order to become immortal and the Counters, each endowed with a special gift such as brute strength, psychometry and healing, who chase them down.
Jo Byeong-gyu plays the uncanny So Mun, a Counter unlike any other in history. So Mun is a hero-in-training who musters the courage to combat evil spirits after seeing a friend suffer injustice. Ga Mo-tak, a Counter with unrivaled brawn, is brought to life by Yu Jun-sang’s characteristic wit and acting skills. Kim Se-jeong plays the role of Do Ha-na, the human radar among the Counters with an infallible record of evil spirit detection. Her character exudes a detached vibe and shows serious action chops.
Premiere Date: November 28, 2020
Cast & Creators: Director You Sun-dong, Writer Yeoh Gee-na, Cho Byeong-gyu, Yu Jun-sang, Kim Se-jeong
Run On
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Run On brings the highly awaited comebacks of young stars Yim Si-wan, Shin Sae-kyung, Choi Soo-young, and Kang Tae-oh. The series is a romantic drama about the intermingling of people who have trouble communicating, even while speaking the same language. It features people from different backgrounds who nurture relationships using their own languages.
Yim Si-wan plays the lead role of Ki Seon-gyeom, a former popular sprinter on the national team who is forced to retire due to a fateful event. Shin Sae-kyeong portrays Oh Mi-joo, who constantly has to retrace her steps being like a bridge between different languages as a movie translator. Choi Soo-young takes on the role of a sports agency CEO Seo Dan-ah, who is the only true heir of the Seomyeong Group by birthright, but on the account of being female, is forced out of the line of succession. Kang Tae-oh transforms into the role of Lee Yeong-hwa, a popular art student who likes movies and croquis drawings.
Premiere Date: December 16, 2020
Cast & Creators: Director Lee Jae-hun, Writer Park Si-hyeon, Yim Si-wan, Shin Sae-kyung, Choi Soo-young, Kang Tae-oh
Lovestruck in the City
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Lovestruck in the City comes from Director Park Shin-woo of It’s Okay to Not Be Okay and writer Jung Hyun-jung who penned the In Need of Romance series and Romance is a Bonus Book, while starring popular actors Ji Chang-wook and Kim Ji-won. The romance drama is a realistic portrayal of young people who pursue love and happiness while struggling to get by in a busy, competitive urban environment.
Ji Chang-wook plays Park Jae-won who is an honest man, a passionate architect, and a lover of city alleyways. A romantic at heart, he cannot forget a certain woman. This thief of his heart and his camera had disappeared like a fleeting midsummer night’s dream. Kim Ji-won plays the freelance marketer Lee Eun-o, an ordinary woman who temporarily reinvents herself as the spontaneous and free-spirited Yun Seon-a. She takes off to a remote place on an impulse and falls in love with Jae-won under this new identity.
Premiere Date: December 2020
Cast & Creators: Director Park Shin-woo, Writer Jung Hyun-jung, Ji Chang-wook, Kim Ji-won
Recently Launched & Currently Streaming
Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol
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Service Cadence: 10PM MYT, every Wednesday & Thursday, For Japan, all episodes will be available from December 3
No. Episodes: 16 episodes
Genre: Romance / Comedy / Drama
Creators: Kim Min-kyoung (Director), Oh Ji-young (Writer)
Cast: Go A-ra, Lee Jae-wook, Kim Ju-hun
Private Lives
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Service Cadence: 10PM MYT, every Wednesday & Thursday. For Japan, all episodes will be available from December 3.
No. Episodes: 16 episodes
Genre: Romance / Comedy /Drama
Creators: Nam-Gun (Director) / Yoo Sung Yeol (Writer, My beautiful bride)
Cast: Seo Hyun, Go Kyung-Pyo, Kim Hyo-Jin, Kim Young-Min, Lee Hak-Joo
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Service Cadence: 10PM SGT, every Sat & Sun
No. Episodes: 16 episodes
Genre: Romance / Youth / Drama
Creators: Oh Choong-hwan (Director), Park Hye-ryun (Writer)
Cast: Bae Suzy, Nam Joo-hyuk, Kim Seon-ho, Kang Han-na
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fluffyyewon · 6 years
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ceo_black_k 응아! 촬영을 5일 남겨두고... ㆍ ㆍ ㆍ ㆍ ㆍ ㆍ ㆍ ㆍ ㆍ ㆍ #웹드라마 #응아 #대박나자 #촬영 #코앞 #지승현 #예원 #나비 #고명환 #김선경 #김종석
cr: ceo_black_k
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k-star-holic · 3 years
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Kim Sun-Young - Kim Hwan-hee - Kim su-ha - Kim Seon-Kyeong, musical 'Four Minutes' love ~
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