lazyenemygladiator · 2 years
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Back in the Hokage's office.
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celticcatgirl2 · 6 months
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“Oh my god Will you two just fucking KISS already?!?! this is exhausting….”
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Katasuke Tono (Boruto)  » March 3
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raveneira · 5 months
Hi, I'm sorry in advance if my English is too bad. Can we talk about ksu? Because it seems so wrong and disgusting to me, this ship is just a sidekick for Borusara, which is created by their hatred of Sumire and hate her love Boruto
Nah your english is fine, atleast well enough for me to understand you.
But yea lets talk about Ksu, because its the most disigenuous ship of the entire new gen out done ONLY by KawaAda, which is purely out of hatred for Kawaki but we'll just talk about Ksu for now.
Ksu was seen coming a mile away as soon as it was revealed she would be his caretaker, hell just from the leaks dropping of that panel of her tending to him with Katasuke we already knew the agenda was gonna start, why? not because of the usual ppl shipping things as soon as theres interaction but because they saw a perfect opportunity to keep Kawaki and Sumire away from BoruSara, it worked out perfectly because they get to kill two birds with one stone, keep Sumire away from Boruto and Kawaki away from Sarada, and what better way to do that than to shove them together? it was so obvious.
Lemme tell you I watched in REAL TIME an instagram acc that made OCs of the new gens kids and one was an KawaHima child alongside BoruSara, but as SOON as that panel dropped all the content with the KawaHima kid disappeared and all of a sudden was replaced with a KawaSumi kid instead. It was so so obvious what the agenda was and I can tell you as an eye witness just how fake they all are when it comes to Kawaki ships that they try to pretend is 'genuine' when its really playing keep away.
I saw in real time ppl start shipping MitsuSumi to keep Sumire away from Boruto, but when their interactions became scarce and they saw Kawaki building somewhat of a bond with Hima they jumped ship to KawaHima instead to keep him away from Sarada, but when their relationship became heavily sibling like they got quiet but still lowkey pushed it until they saw that panel of Kawaki and Sumire and thats when they finally found the perfect keep away ship that gets rid of them both at the same time and they've been clingin to that ship with their lives ever since because for once FINALLY they found a keep away ship that has a decent amount of interactions to 'possibly' have a chance unlike the others.
But dont get it twisted because they dont have total faith in KawaSumi either, the reason being because they themselves know that when girls fall inlove in the Narutoverse they STAY inlove and dont move on, and because Sumire loves Boruto they know odds are she'll keep being an obstacle for BoruSara, thats where KawaAda comes in, because since Sumire isnt a 100% garuntee to keep Kawaki away their backup plan is Ada who actually DOES like him and isnt movin on anytime soon.
So on the 50/50 chance Sumire doesnt move on to Kawaki, they have Ada to fall back on atleast to remove Kawaki.
They have tried to lie about these facts whenever anyone called them out on it and claimed 'oh its not keep away ships we just can see the obvious endgame ships being set up unlike yall' and of course their usual deflection 'yall only ship KawaSara because you hate Boruto' which is really just projecting because they only ship KawaSumi/KawaAda because they hate Kawaki, some Sumire too, but they claim its the other way around to try to take the spotlight off of them because they KNOW their the ones really hate shipping.
Lets not forget how they play down Sumire's feelings as 'just a crush' but paint Sarada's as 'true love' even though only one of them have confirmed romantic feelings and it isnt Sarada, Sumire's love is described with the same kanji as Sakura's for Sasuke, and unless you gonna try and argue Sakura's feelings were also just a crush then your either in denial or just a complete dumbass.
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People WANT her feelings to be just a crush because then they can push the agenda that she'll move on like Ino, who was the only girl who actually only had a crush on Sasuke and not actual love and had feelings for another guy as well. However ALL the girls who loved ONE guy and ONLY one guy and were NEVER shown to have feelings or interest in anyone else all stayed devoted to the ONE man they loved whether their feelings were returned or not or even if they died, they STAYED inlove with that one man and one man only.
This is why they need to deny Sumire's feelings so hard because its the only way to keep their ship safe, because acknowledging her feelings are genuine and real means she's never movin on which is what they want and what they NEED to feel secure in their shit ship that they fear to death of having any competition because despite being 5+ years, 200+ episodes, and 85+ chapters in they STILL havent gotten ANY confirmation of romantic feelings on either side and that scared tf outta them.
Meanwhile Sumire's feelings are crystal clear and reinforced multiple times to everyone who matters, Sarada, Kawaki, Katasuke, and Amado, all people a part of Boruto and Kawaki's inner circle. The fact that Sarada and Kawaki knows this really gets under their skin because that adds less of a possibility of either of them making a move, Kawaki doesnt care one way or another but even if there were a chance he'd consider it Sumire already killed it before it even had a chance to start which from then on made Kawaki not even think of it because he knows she likes Boruto, it'd be pointless to even look at her that way since he knows she'll never want him anyway and is literally only around him just to hear more about Boruto anyway which is an even bigger turn off from the idea, not that he ever considered it in the first place, but if he WERE to possibly consider it she nipped it in the bud before it could even happen by admitting to him right away that she liked Boruto.
As for Sarada shes even LESS likely to make any moves because Sumire is her friend, she came to her as a friend and asked her how she felt about Boruto and Sarada told her she didnt like him that way which is when Sumire felt comfortable telling Sarada about her feelings then since she wasnt a threat, so how grimey would it be for Sarada to be revealed to have lied when Sumire was trying to be open and honest with her as a friend, Sarada lies to her while secretly liking Boruto behind her back, and even worse, she continues getting closer and closer to him right infront of her face? and now even hugging him infront of her knowing how much shes loved and missed Boruto too? it'd be just like Kishimoto said about Sakura in the Pain arc, that if she suddenly fell for Naruto now after he became the hero of the village she'd look like a terrible woman.
Well the same applies to Sarada, for her to have lied and pretended not to like Boruto all this time after Sumire trusted her to of told her the truth, only to then stab her in the back by still getting closer and closer to him and then rubbing it in her face hugging him infront of her and being hugged back, and to add extra salt to the wound SHES the only one who gets credit for saving and remembering him because Boruto never knew Sumire was unaffected and on his side too, is nothing short of scummy.
Im not saying the hug is romantic or that Sumire is petty enough to be upset over a friend hugging her friend she aint seen in 3 years, Im talking about the PERCEPTION of it. Like Sakura could very well have moved on to Naruto after the Pain arc, especially with the events that happened at the 5 kage summit it would've been more than justified for her to give up on Sasuke and love the guy thats always been there for her since day one and loved her sincerely, but the PERCEPTION looks terrible because like I said she only loved him after he became a hero and then to make matters worse she completely gave up on Sasuke who she swore to help save and to have loved sincerely yet now she moves onto Naruto just cuz hes nice to her and Sasuke isnt, and the biggest issue being she KNOWS Hinata is inlove with Naruto since day one, thats her friend, so it would be beyond despicable for her to just step on Hinata and only think about herself.
Well the same applies to Sarada here, there isnt anything inherently wrong with her liking Boruto and trying to be with him despite Sumire also liking him but its the HOW thats grimey. If Sarada was upfront with Sumire when she asked and said yea I like Boruto and then Sumire was like ok well I like him too so lets both do our best and no hard feelings, then it wouldnt be an issue cuz their both on the same page and support eachother.
But that is not what happened, what happened is, lets for arguments sake say Sarada does love him, then she blatantly lied to Sumire and never told her the truth after learning how she felt, she kept her feelings secret from her which alone is foul play, but she doesnt even try to help or support Sumire in her feelings for him which yea she isnt obligated to do but again her keeping her feelings secret and then not even supporting Sumire just looks hella grimey like she doesnt want them to get closer and is glad shes the one who gets to spend the most time with him having the advantage over her.
To make it even uglier all their interactions up till that point take on a whole new shady meaning if you look at it with the assumption that Sarada loves him and lied to Sumire about it. Her running off to save Boruto because she 'cant stand back and do nothing' comes off like a sly jab at Sumire for being logical and staying behind, like 'you dont care for him like I do'.
Another scene that has an ugly meaning now is when she asks her dad to save Boruto, she takes in ALL this info from Sumire and yet doesnt relay any of it to Sasuke or mentions Sumire to him, she makes it seem as if this is all her figuring out and that he should 'just trust her' and save him, it literally wouldnt have taken up any extra time for her to say that Sumire thinks Ada caused some huge mass brainwashing to make Boruto everyones target instead of Kawaki, but now it just looks like she wanted all the credit for herself and purposefully left Sumire out.
Then comes the timeskip and its revealed that Sarada has just been bitching at Shikamaru and co for these past 3 years straight, 'fighting' for Borutos innocence and even comparing herself to Naruto who she couldnt be further from btw, the audacity to even compare her and Boruto with the Naruto and Sasuke situation is laughable. But whats ugly about this is that she's acting like 'ugh why wont anyone believe me?' and Sumire is just forced to be the level headed one and supress her feelings because Sarada can only think to talk about hers, so far we only see Sumire reaching out to HER more so than Sarada consulting her about anything.
Sumire is the one who plays along with Ada when Sarada nearly blows their cover being so insistent, and Sumire is the one who questions Amado to guage just how much he knows and reports to Sarada what she learned, but you dont see that same teamwork given back from Sarada.
Again none of this is inherently bad on its own, but if your gonna argue Sarada has been inlove with Boruto this whole time and has been lying to Sumire about it, then it makes all these scenes ugly because Sumire trusts her entirely and has been open and honest with her while Sarada has been deceitful. Sumire has been fighting just as hard for Boruto in her own way but from the looks of it only Sarada is gonna get credit for it given how Shikamaru overheard what Amado said and is probably thinking about how Sarada has been saying the same for 3 years straight.
That is just plain shitty and unfair to Sumire's character and all her efforts over the years as well, just because she remained calm and level headed doesnt mean she didnt care about Boruto just as much, and it danm sure doesnt mean she shouldnt get credit just because she hasnt been pointlessly screaming the same things over and over for 3 years straight and instead opted to do something productive instead, yet the only one who will get any credit for Boruto starting to be believed is gonna be Sarada, the same way only Sarada got thanked for saving his life even though she never would've budged if not for Sumire pushing her to act.
But thankfully Sarada isnt that kind of grimey character so none of that ugliness applies to her, so like I said, Sarada knowing about Sumire's feelings makes Sarada even MORE unlikely to consider a relationship because thats her friend who trusted her to be telling the truth, so how grimey would it be for her to still make moves knowing how Sumire feels? Sarada is a good person like her mother, she would NEVER see her friend truly inlove with someone and pursue them anyway behind their back, thats just not who they are.
This is why Kawaki and Sarada knowing Sumire's feelings scares them to death because they know that makes it less likely for them to stand in her way, Kawaki has 0 self worth already so theres no way he would try to snag a girl from his brother when he doesnt even feel he deserves love in the first place and places Boruto on a way higher pedastal than himself so he'd never try to interfere in his romance. Sarada is good friends with Sumire so she'd never lie and go behind her back knowing how she feels about Boruto, Sarada would sooner sacrifice her own feelings than to hurt Sumire like that when she sees how much she truly loves him.
The part that scares them the most about this is that Kawaki doesnt have this same knowledge about Sarada, unlike Sumire who he does know likes Boruto, Kawaki has never noticed any signs of Sarada liking him so from his perspective the two of them are just friends/teammates, which is a huge problem for KawaSara antis because theres nothing holding them back from developing romantic feelings for eachother like there is for Sumire. From Kawaki's perspective Sarada doesnt have anyone she likes, so theres no reason for him to stop himself from falling for her, same way from Sarada's perspective Kawaki doesnt have anyone he likes either, so theres no reason for her to hold back developing feelings for him either. That fact scares them more than you'll ever know cuz they'll never say it but they dont have to, their actions and arguments speak for themselves.
This applies to Boruto too btw, because by him not knowing anyone elses feelings and having no confirmed feelings of his own yet, that leaves him open for anyone atp, as long as hes unaware of anyones feelings then theres nothing holding him back from falling for either girl or someone else entirely.
This is why they NEED Sumire to move on, its the only way they can truly feel safe from any threat she could possibly pose, especially since after chapter 5 Boruto is finally about to find out Sumire is unaffected too and theres no telling how their reunions gonna go which probably has them on edge too not knowing how Boruto is going to react to knowing shes been on his side too all this time.
What scared them even more is that we still dont know how her relationship with Kawaki is atp, they were hoping that Sumire 'pretended' to like Kawaki all this time to keep them being unaffected a secret, but once it was revealed Sarada and Sumire did NOT keep their cover now their just hoping that the two of them got closer over the years as shes been taking care of him this whole time even tho Kawaki only sees her at the lab for a quick routine checkup and then leaves immediately because he cant stand Amado, Sumire never once has gone after or approach Kawaki outside of the lab so why would that change now? especially knowing what hes done to Boruto? but they NEED that to be the case so they can continue to push the 'Kawaki treats her better than any other girl' agenda and that they had positive 'development' while KawaSara's is negative and that Boruto and Sumire dont interact enough for there to really be a bond, even though NH only had 38 pages of interaction, SaiIno only had 2 interactions/moments in the entire manga, and ChoKarui had 0, this is the most laziest and desperate argument they use against BoruSumi as if ships havent happened with far less in this series, now all of a sudden Boruto has 'standards' and only goes with the ships with the most interactions rather than the ships with actual romantic development and confirmation.
BoruSara and KawaSumi are blatantly and completely platonic, there is nothing romantic from either side for either ship, period, ship bait scenes like Sumire, Ada, and Mitsuki asking Sarada how she feels about Boruto is not confirmation if she seriously denies it or doesnt respond at all, its not the same as Kawaki asking Sumire how she feels about Boruto and Sumire confirming she infact does, there is absolutely NO reason for Sarada to be asked 3 times and not a single one does she admit that yea she likes him. It doesnt matter if her and Sumire are both confirmed to like Boruto because its still up to Boruto in the end who he chooses, it doesnt ruin the suspense because the same was done with Sakura and Karin and NOTHING changed because it was up to SASUKE who he chose to be with in the end. So there is literally NO excuse for why Sarada's feelings havent been confirmed in 85+ chapters yet UNLESS she just doesnt have feelings for him, point blank.
So yea bottom like KawaSumi is a disgusting pathetic excuse for a keep away ship that thrives purely off headcanon rather than actual canon material. Just because she's his caretaker doesnt mean shes gonna develop feelings for him, nor that the two are gonna develop a bond, their relationship is purely business as Kawaki stated himself that he doesnt care how she feels as long as she does her job and refers to her as Katasuke's assistant. People make a big deal about him being the only one to call her by name despite it literally making no sense for him to call her anything else because she was never his class rep, so its stupid to even use that as some sort of proof of closeness or whatever.
Im not acknowledging those terrible contradicting Ksu episodes because they completely contradict the manga entirely and its been more than proven atp that not everything in the anime is canon despite the lie that was told in the beginning, just take Sarada being a chunin with 2 tomoe for example while shes a genin with 3 tomoe in the manga since the Boro fight and now an MS. The fact that Ikemoto kept up with the anime every week yet only ever acknowledged Sumire and the mist arc says all you need to know about these so called 'anime canon' episodes.
There was a whole Mitsuki arc about Boruto and Sarada finding out he was a clone while in the manga Mitsuki just made an comment on it to Katasuke and thats how Boruto and Sarada found out, same goes for Kawaki being made an official genin and gone on several missions while in the manga Kawaki never became an official ninja, there are so many instances where the anime blatantly contradicts the manga that theres no way you can consider them both canon in its entirety.
If Ikemoto wanted to reference anything from the anime he would have like his did Sumire and the mist arc, and yet theres been radio silence for anything anime only related since then unless you wanna count Code's hair being red and Mugino getting more development in the anime so his death would have more weight, neither of which was any groundbreaking inclusions, not even getting more context on how Ao survived really mattered because the guy literally dies in the exact same arc hes revealed to be alive in so who gives af? why did we need context for him and some rando Mugino only introduced to die in that very same arc? what did we gain from that? nothing. The 'How you use it' lesson was already being taught through Katasuke and co, Ao was not needed for that lesson to be learned and if he was removed nothing would change, and Mugino in both the anime and manga really had no substantial impact other than some temporary sad feels and then moved on like he never existed, him having added 'depth' when he was doomed to die early on and forgotten was a complete and utter waste of time that again if you removed him nothing would change because nothing really came from his death or his inclusion.
So yea I dont count the entire anime as canon because theres way too many contradictions, and even the few things they expand on doesnt really add much or was pointless anyway because it leads to nothing, its all in the moment and then forgotten about, its nothing like the land of waves arc with Zabuza and Haku who had a long term substantial impact on both the story and team 7, Ao was forgettable and pointless whose death had no meaning, same for Mugino, and Shojoji, all forgettable pointless villains from mediocre arcs with minimal to no substantial impact on any of the characters or story, the most you can argue Shojoji did was foreshadow Kara, which didnt need him anyway since we were shown Kara having a conversation anyway, that was the forshadowing right there. What did we really need the Mujina bandits for? just for Boruto to have a pitiful Naruto and Konohamaru rip off? which btw the whole thing with Tento also was completely pointless because best believe he is NEVER appearing in the story again.
I could go on and on but you get the point, the anime is a clown show 99% of the time so I dont take half these arcs seriously and I danm sure dont take those Ksu episodes seriously either because they contradict EVERYTHING that happened in the manga.
Naruto was the first person to care about and vouch for Kawaki, not Sumire, nor did he need anyone to 'beg' and 'convince' him to have mercy on him
Naruto was the first person to greet Kawaki when he was brought back to the village and assured him that he was safe, not Kawaki waking up alone in a locked room with his hands binded and being knocked out with gas when he tried to escape, he also wasnt shot with fire multiple times by the police force or nearly had his arm bit off by Nue who till this day has YET to make a single appearance in the manga but sure go off SP
Naruto [and Kurama] was the ones who opened up and related to Kawaki about Narutos past and compared Kawaki to Naruto, not Sumire with her 'Hes just like me' bs that couldnt be further from the truth and never once been stated in the manga
Kawaki's fear of needles was showcased when he ACTUALLY first interacted with Sumire at the hospital where he rejected it, he does not get over that fear until much later after the Isshiki fight and much development with Naruto and team 7, but in the anime Kawaki gets over his fear of needles the same episode he rejects it
In the manga Boruto was pissed at Kawaki because he broke Himas vase accidentally when trying to escape, in the anime Boruto is pissed at him because he attacked Sumire and then stupidly changed Kawaki breaking the vase from being accidental while trying to escape, to being him just lashing out and smashing the table cuz Boruto pissed him off. All cuz they didnt allow Naruto to assert dominance to get Kawaki to stop running away and instead just made Boruto needlessly hostile towards Kawaki over Sumire [which again never happened in the manga] and then Kawaki breaking the vase cuz he just lashed out in anger rather than him trying to escape like in the manga.
Nobody else besides KawaSumi shippers acknowledges those episodes for obvious reasons, but the hilarious part about it is that SP realized they fked up when they saw the manga didnt support anything they set up and went a completely opposite direction so they just pretended those episodes didnt even exist and never happened and didnt let them interact again until they began adapting actual manga content again, which is hilarious because I cant tell you how many Ksu fans were hypin up how Sumire and Kawaki were gonna have way more development and that this or that arc was gonna include her etc and nothing happened lol
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These are just a handful of their foolishness but you get the point, none of this came to fruition like they thought it would and yet they were all so cocky and calling other fandoms with sense enough to see their relationship was never gonna be anything more than caretaker and patient ended up getting slapped in the face.
That stupid ending of Kawaki and Sumire standing near bamboo lead to nothing, it was just random shots like one of the replies said because believe it or not, not every anime opening/ending is symbolic of anything canon or gonna happen, just look at that one ice monster opening with the sand trio that NEVER happened. Some openings/endings really are just visuals and have no other meaning beyond that, the bamboo thing was one prime example of that.
People clung to that bamboo symbolism with their lives because of her name forgetting her name isnt even really Kakei, she changed it to go undercover to attack the leaf, her real name is Shigaraki which essentially means death but you'll never see them acknowledge that fact cuz it pokes a hole in their whole ridiculous theory
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Like they are actually deadass about the name thing even though its never a canon thing thats brought up anywhere. Sumire's primary symbolism is the flower shes named after, violet, which in hanakotoba means 'sincerity' which is a clear reference to her character and her love for Boruto as being 'sincere', blowing their whole 'its just a crush' argument out of the water.
Then theres the ridiculousness of making the connection between Kawaki's name meaning dry and Sumires surname meaning bamboo shoot like whats used to carry water which is just...just so stupid for so many reasons because again, the connection between Sumire and bamboo is never even addressed in any canon material, not only that but if they want to make the connection then they need to not half step and tell the whole true about the ACTUAL symbolism of bamboo.
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Long story short, literally the meaning of her name they cling to so much is about SUMIRE'S character, nothing to do with Kawaki, even its connection to Kaguya-hime is a reference to Sumire's Gozu tennou and Nue being connected to Kaguya. The bamboo is symbolic of strength, simplicity and prosperity all of which apply to Sumire's character, it also meaning loyalty and steadfastness is even more reference to her character and feelings for Boruto, she is loyal and steadfast, she is strong and not easily moved no matter the situation and is able to stay calm and firm like the bamboo root during an earthquake.
It also being symbolic of purity and innocence goes along with her first name meaning sincerity, Sumire is a pure and sincere person, as are her feelings for Boruto.
So if we gonna use name symbolism as evidence then lets use ALL of it not just the surface level bs like 'her name means bamboo shoot which holds water and Kawakis name means dry so that means Sumire is gonna be the water he needs to heal his heart' yatta yatta yatta nonsense.
They try to make everything about Sumire some hidden connection to Kawaki which literally no other fandoms do but Ksu and Bsa for obvious reasons. These people wont even let Sumire be her own character even down to her name which as I've pointed out, has nothing to do with Kawaki but everything to do with Sumire herself as a character. Even her job they said was for Kawaki rather than her own ambition/goal for herself, they tried to make it about her being there for Kawaki only for it to be revealed its cuz shes suspicious of Amado and wants to hear more about Boruto, but then they even tried to twist that and say she wasnt concerned about Boruto at all and just Kawaki, but then when she says herself that shes worried about them both they defaulted back to she'll move on from Boruto as she gets closer to Kawaki and that Kawaki is jealous of Sumire's feelings for Boruto which...was yet another stupid agenda of theirs they tried to push. Everything she does at the science department is for Kawaki, and her suspicion and fear of Amado is for Kawaki, shes not a scientist because of her own goals and ambitions, and shes not suspicious and confronting Amado because hes a threat to her village and clearly up to no good, no its all about Kawaki.
They want her to be Kawaki centric the same way they want Sarada to be Boruto centric, only unfortunately Sarada is being turned into just that but thankfully Sumire hasnt been reduced to that as of yet and has her priorities in the right place and zero interest in Kawaki. Even in the recent chapter shes asking Amado about Boruto trying to see if he's still Amados target and is shocked when he confesses that he knows somethings up with his memories and have set his sights back on Kawaki who is his real target. Her immediate response was to go tell Sarada that Amado is not another person who sees through omnipotence, not to go warn Kawaki that Amado is now plotting on him again and to be careful. No, her primary focus is on reporting to Sarada that Amado knows somethings up and is no longer targeting Boruto.
I dunno how clearer it needs to be made that Sumire does NOT give af about Kawaki like that and vice versa, Sumire treats Kawaki no different than she would anyone else, and Kawaki treats her no different than he treats Katasuke, shes just doing her job, no more no less.
Sorry for the long rant and tbh even with this being as long as it is I STILL have more I could say about this shit ship that its fans have the audacity to say KawaSara is dead yet KawaSumi isnt which is beyond hilarious when the girl cant even stop sweating and staring at Kawaki in fear ever since she learned he killed Boruto and hasnt thought about him at all since is laughable that ANY of them fit their mouths to call anyones ship dead when their ship dont even talk outside of occassional short lab visits, but these same ppl wanna talk about other ships lacking meaningful interactions. Gtf outta here man.
Anyway just wanna put it out here now to not go look for or harrass any of the ppl in these screenshots cuz that was not the point of me showing em, I only showed them to back up my claims about alot of the bs thats been said in defense of the ship, I do not condone harassing or going after ppl so I ask that everybody chill and leave them be.
These kinds of ppl cant be reasoned with anyway, they've really convinced themselves to believe their own delusions and are determined to stay there even when all canon signs says otherwise so its pointless to even engage anyway, let them stay deluded and let them keep talkin because thats exactly what NS and SK did and we all know what happened to them so theres no need for yall to argue with these ppl anyway, karma will strike in due time, just gotta be patient.
But yea those are my thoughts on Ksu, hopefully this wasnt too long of a read for you lol sorry.
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kumachii · 1 year
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➠ Crown of Suns | Profile
Biological Information
Name: 宝船 華楓
Rōmanji: Housen Kaede
Meaning: Her last name stands for "treasure ship", while her first name means "maple".
Gender: Female
Age: 4 (in 1995 - first appearance)
14 (in 2005 - past timeline)
27 (in 2017 - future timeline)
Birthday: December 22nd, 1990
Height: 163 cm (5' 4")
Blood Type: +AB
Hair Color: Sandy Brown
Eye Color: Muddy Pink
Relatives: Hinode Katasuke (father) †
Housen Sumire (mother)
Housen Sayuri (younger sister)
Sakonji Misako (maternal aunt)
Sakonji Hayate (uncle)
Kaede Housen is a young girl who Takemichi accidentally ends up saving from being pushed against the train which was picking up speed. Later, he comes to know that she is one of Toman's honorary members, being the founders' childhood friend.
Kaede is on the shorter side with sturdy muscles from taking Karate lessons. She is a late bloomer in terms of physique, often teasingly picked on by her female classmates for that. She had big pink-ish eyes and brown wavy hair that reaches the middle of her back.
Most times, she is seen wearing a standard school uniform that consists of a pale daffodils yellow blouse, blue and brown checkered skirt that matches her tie and black sneakers. When not in her uniform, that is on weekends, she resorts to stylish clothes but none that compromise her comfort. She is a big fan of jewelry but her heart-shaped earrings are rarely taken off.
Kaede is like a roller-coaster of neverending unpredictability. She is playful and loves pulling pranks, which are mostly harmless but at the same time, she can hold grudges like no other. One time, she mixed hair dye in Mikey's shampoo when sleeping over with Emma and he had to run around with neon green hair for a week until it wore off.
She is kind to those who prove they are worth no trouble. In that sense, she has a very prominent idea of what is good and bad. People are not able to tell at first glance but her perception is immaculate. She says it's just instincts but hardly anything happens in her presence without her knowing about it.
Kaede is extremely loyal, almost to a fault. Those she calls her friends will always be her top priority and in exchange they are stuck with her for life. It can also result in her picking longtime friends over new additions, like how she is slow in accepting Takemichi into their circle.
Kaede is impatient and often comes off as impulsive but when it comes to things that matter to her — such as scoring good in her tests to make her mother happy, making time for Toman rallies at night, hanging out with friends — she makes no compromises.
Abilities / Fighting Prowess
Kaede is a decently strong fighter and can easily take on fifty or so men. She focuses more on agility and speedy moves, knocking out the opponent before they can retaliate. She is a 4th Dan Black Belt in Karate.
• Her image colour is Night Blue (#252850)
• She dislikes pushovers and people who only act nice with ulterior motives like her aunt and Kisaki.
• She likes strawberry cake, rainy days and bike rides through the Tokyo nightscape.
• She dislikes bitter food and strong scents. Isn't particularly fond of when Sayuri throws tantrums.
• A person she looks up to or respects is her mother.
• Her special skill is adapting to any art style at two or three glances and replicating it seamlessly.
• Kaede's dream is to become a manga artist and animator.
• Her heroic story (or failure story): She is yet unbeaten at chess, even going as far to get selected for Nationals.
• Her favorite spot is the amusement park.
• A daily activity of a certain day: Once Kaede's classmates had invited her over to go to the summer festival together but she declined. She instead went with her Toman friends, all of whom were decked in Tokkou-fuku due to having a fight later. Little did she know, all her classmates had seen her walking around with a menacing hoard of boys. The next day, everybody spoke to her with respect, fully believing she was either a daughter of a yakuza boss or in some reverse-harem situation. Needless to say, an explanation was much required.
• Kaede's relationship chart (past):
Mitsuya - Childhood best friend
Mikey and Baji - Learned Karate together.
Emma - Best friend
• Her bike is a Kawasaki ZX-7 that previously belonged to her uncle who helped her fix it.
Kaede was actually friends with Mitsuya since kindergarten and their mothers remained in touch when their sisters were born in the same year, knowing they would also end up going to the same school when older. She and Mitsuya became quick friends, attached to the hip even. While he was the quiet type, she was the outgoing girl who was popular in all grades.
She met Baji and Mikey when her mother finally relented on signing her up for lessons at the Dojo, finding Mikey's chaotic nature and the two's endless bickering amusing. They caught her laughing at them once which led to an elaborate roughhousing — clothes being ripped, hair being pulled — before Grandpa Sano had to pry them apart and give the boys a lesson on discipline. Once they clamed down enough to talk like civilized humans, they found out they liked a lot of similar video games and T.V shows, chattering at hours on end even after practice ended.
Kaede became really attached to Emma when the girl arrived at the Sano household. The blonde girl was a timid little thing and upon first glance, Kaede decided she would be her friend. The two share a strong bond that never wavered through all of elementary school. Sleepovers became religious that Mikey's newly minted friends, in which she was elated to find Mitsuya, crashed.
Her middle school days were probably her peak years because after that, everything seemed to fall apart. Her friends were getting into more and more fights, this time involving guns and knives. When she received news of Draken's death, her head hurt so bad, she fainted in the middle of a busy road. After that, it was one after another with Baji and Emma. So many funerals became a common thing and by the time she reached high school, she was all alone after detaching herself from Toman which had merged with Tenjiku and truly ruled Tokyo, but at what cost? Daily committing the most unspeakable crimes?
All in all, she would lead a generic life in the first timeline, working in a makeup company and part time as an artist.
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narhinafan · 9 months
Sarada fandom is just like trashkura cult like they claim sumire to be a homeless, broke, lonely and poor person whereas they state that salad is rich and manor person.
But databook already clears that according to the Ranks shinobi salaries are fixed, it mentions "katasuke and sumire are contracted by laboratory owned by konoha village to perform research as their mission which comes under konoha village and are shinobi restricted to do just research (incedentally their work corresponds to A rank, so their pay's is better than boruto's)"
Its clearly mentioned that B ranks are ninja missions consists of genin anticipated missions and A ranks are Millitary missions.
Even after timeskip salad ranks B genin whereas sumire is ranks A and overall salad is shown debating about rising price of tomato not sumire and sakura fainting for loans enough clears who is really broke.🤷‍♀️
That is cause they are all just members of Sakura cult who want to use Sarada as a trophy and live their ships that sank.
Based on the Naruto databooks missions are done like this-
D-rank - assigned to genin fresh from the Academy. They pose almost no risk to the ninja's life and usually consist of odd jobs like farming and babysitting work. The reward for a D-rank mission is between 5,000 and 50,000 ryō.
C-rank - assigned to more experienced genin or chūnin. They are missions with little to no chance of combat against other ninja.[1] Examples are guarding people against bandits or highwaymen, background investigations, eliminating or capturing bandits or thieves, and capturing or suppressing wild animals. The reward for a C-rank mission is between 30,000 and 100,000 ryō.
B-rank - assigned to experienced chūnin. They are missions anticipated to involve combat with other ninja. Examples are guarding people, espionage, or killing other ninja. The reward for a B-rank mission is between 80,000 and 200,000 ryō.
A-rank - assigned to jōnin, concerning, among other things, village-or state-level matters and trends. Examples are guarding VIPs or suppressing ninja forces. The reward for an A-rank mission is between 150,000 and 1,000,000 ryō.
S-rank - assigned to experienced jōnin and concern state-level confidential matters. Examples are assassinating VIPs, and transporting highly classified documents. The reward for an S-rank mission is at minimum 1,000,000 ryō.
Sarada being a genin at max would do C rank missions maybe a few B rank if a member of the team is chunin. So Sumire would easily make more then Sarada if she gets paid similar to an A rank missions.
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madara-fate · 1 year
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If you don't want people to see who asked the question, then just send the ask anonymously. It saves me the trouble of having to hide the details as I've had to do here.
This is the ask you're replying to in case others want context.
well sorry duhhh I only check boruto for sakura
If you're literally only following Boruto for Sakura, someone who is now just a side character, then you're following it for completely the wrong reasons, and I'd advise you to stop following it.
and I'm tired of them teasing hospitals with kawaki and boruto in beds and her simply not around while sumire does nursing jobs or katasuke.
My first point still stands.
I'm sick of nobody trusting sakura to make drugs or supervise amado when she's the scientist, the medic and she's just for convenience her last appereance was 20th march 2020 and I just miss her. sorry!
Missing her is all well and good, I also wish she was more involved in the plot, but my enjoyment of the series isn't dependent on her continuous presence. So I'll repeat - If you're literally only following Boruto for Sakura, then I'd advise you to stop, because she's just a side character now, and you're just setting yourself up for disappointment, as has clearly been the case for the last two years.
Furthermore, no one said or implied that Sakura isn't trusted. Just because she isn't as involved in the current plot as you'd like, doesn't mean you should automatically jump to the most negative conclusions which to be honest, are baseless.
and I'm tired of them removing her from her political influence she has always had since she became a student of tsunade because she has always been by naruto's side.
This is another baseless statement.
she's nothing now
This is another baseless statement.
and I would like her to be more present so excuse me for beign a fan and be DISAPPONTED in this writing.
You can be a Sakura fan, and care about more than literally just her. So excuse me for being an actual fan of the Naruto series, and not just a Sakura fan.
she's the mom of the heroine and the previous heroine but she's just a nobody now
This is another baseless statement.
even placng sai and ibiki/ino in more important roles than her.
They have more prominent roles in this current plot, that doesn't suddenly erase Sakura from history.
sorry for being a fan and literally missing her like she used to be before I swear you don't need to be like that.
Be like what? All I'm saying is the truth. You're saying you miss her like she used to be before, well she was a main character before, not anymore. So you're just further proving my point. Either try to actually enjoy the story of Boruto, or stop following it.
I want ikemoto to bring her back and stop neglecting her already she's just so necessary her intellect her skills her battle prowess. everything.
Again, I would also like for her to be more involved. However, I also acknowledge that the story doesn't revolve around Sakura.
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b0rusxmi · 6 months
Hello, i have a question so imma be honest i have never fully read the boruto manga.But I do know quite a few things abt it.
Since boruto is shonen we know that the romance part is more in the backseat than in the frontseat so i've seen people say that the borusumi moments are slightly implemented into the panels they're not up your face (if u get what i mean) and that we should look more into the details. My question is, is it true that these borusumi moments are slightly highlighted and if so would you mind mentioning some of them?
Naruto was different because you had enough space and chapters where they put romance, but with Boruto, they are keeping up with the action.
since Sumire had made an appearance in chapter 19, there wasn't much moments of bsu or her in fact.
there was when she first appeared and she did call out Boruto instead of the others.
she engaged more in a conversation with Boruto, but when Sarada asked her something, Katasuke spoke for her (not that she was rude to Sarada).
Mitsuki used Sumire to get Boruto to test the Scientific Ninja Tools.
Sumire helped him get over his fear/hatred of the tools.
her confession to Sarada.
when Naruto mentioned that Kawaki killed Boruto, she was scared and kept having flashbacks of the conversation whenever she saw Kawaki
and (Imma just throw this in here) when she blushed when her, Mitsuki, Boruto, Kawaki, and Sarada were gathered in the office, which was also the first time Boruto had seen Kawaki after he was killed by him.
most of these are in the first chapter and I still haven't gone through half of their moments.
is this what you need?
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primnroses · 1 year
I love the unwritten jail because it's so true, I've noticed so many times sakura could be there but she isn't and I can't even imagine how you feel since you came up with the "unwritten" thing. it's so sad I miss her lots she's the best out there and she's unaware
The amount of times she could be in there but she isn't is immeasurable. And it makes me mad.
Starting with the fact that Sakura is a jōnin and they take political decisions about the village but it's only Shikamaru and some original characters in the scene. But not only about her rank but because Sakura is Naruto's friend and can help him just like Sasuke does, and on top of that she and Shikamaru are the most intelligent individuals of Konoha and they work well together (Pain Arc)
Other than that, there is a handful of times when the main cast have actually needed medical attention or they directly show up in a hospital.
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This is chapter 55, after Kurama dies and Sasuke loses his Rinnegan. I don't know if you remember the famous Sasuke under the sunset and the "let's head back to Sakura" scene. This is the setting. Shikamaru is told that Sasuke, Naruto, Boruto and Kawaki are back and that they're wounded so he decided to take the Medical Department to the scene to do their job.
To put you in context: the last time Sakura appeared in the manga was in chapter 44. The last time the Medical Department appeared in the manga was in chapter 70. The scene I just talked about is in chapter 55.
The anime had to add these scenes because it made no sense to make Shikamaru say the Medical Department personnel were needed but then not making it in a single manga panel.
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This was episode 219. Sakura was in charge of monitoring Kawaki, Boruto, Sasuke and Naruto. There was also some insight about the consequences of Sasuke and Naruto losing their powers.
She had to be added. That was really sad in my opinion. As much as I loved seeing Sakura work and Team 7, I don't understand why Ikemoto straight up refuses to draw her.
Next one and among the parts that annoy me the most is this current arc. I said before that the last time the Medical Department appeared in the manga was number 70.
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This is the Medical Office that is located inside the Hokage Residence. It's chapter 68, the first time it's introduced that after Kawaki stabbed Boruto, he self healed through technology. This office debuted in the anime first and then it's appeared other times in the manga.
Needing attention or not isn't important, because it's clear that he's getting medical care. My question is why are there random non-doctor characters? Why isn't Sakura in her workplace and participating with the main cast? I don't hate Ibiki but why is he there? This scene is dragged till chapter 70 when Kawaki leaves the Medical Office to go to the lab. Not a single time did Sakura show her face.
And just like this anon, a lot of issues. After a fight, somebody needs healthcare but Sakura is never there. She's the most intelligent person after Shikamaru but she's never asked for help. She's a scientist and an expert in drugs and poisons, but you don't see her work with Katasuke or Amado. Amado put a bomb on Shikadai's neck but Naruto is allowing him to make pills for his son without the supervision of the medical expert of the village.
I could go on and on but it would be worthless because she's really wasted as a character, reduced into a random convenient healer that isn't in the scene when she could be needed.
But these days, after reading some chapters, I have decided to not complain anymore because there are other characters that appear in the manga but have been written horribly. I'm really relieved that the Medical Department hasn't suffered like the Barrier Team, which is constantly made fun of and talked down by Kawaki, and whose members are unable to do their job when requested. Their leader is also replaceable by some random character with glasses that can do the same techniques as a ninja with a hiden technique supposed to be secret (but about that it's not a problem because that same tech has been used since the Fourth Shinobi World War). That's why I don't want to see her these days, I don't want to see random machines doing her job.
I can make better use of characters than the author and I wish I knew who it is so I could blame them. Now that Naruto is sealed and the writing has already established that the perfect replacements are Sakura or Shikamaru, I don't even see her being mentioned at all. That's how the manga has erased her from existence.
And as I said a couple of days ago, she's the most popular female character from the franchise but it isn't a catalyst for appearance, being popular won't guarantee a spot in the plot, so it's down to hope month after month.
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I really do think they could’ve given Sakura Katasuke’s role in this storyline
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celticcatgirl2 · 6 months
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“Sorry guys…my dad rewatched the part of the pokémon movie where ash turned to stone and he’s too sad to function for the next few weeks…it’s time for us to pick a substitute Hokage again….”
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tvhaycc · 2 years
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raveneira · 1 year
The reason I dont believe KawaSara and BoruSumi are dead yet
Im gonna show you a few pages, pay close attention
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Notice anything consistent? if your answer is all 3 girls shown had their feelings explicitly expressed and confirmed by their own mouths and also third parties then you are correct.
Sumire’s feelings were confirmed by herself as well as Kawaki and Katasuke
Chocho’s feelings were confirmed by herself
Ada’s feelings were confirmed by herself, Code, and Shikamaru
Yet when you look at Sarada...theres zero confirmation of any kind neither by herself or anyone else.
I’ll elaborate, the question is asked but never answered, the topic is brought up but never addressed, Sarada will react but always deny or avoid not in a ‘omg I cant let my feelings be exposed’ way but in a ‘omg I really dont wanna talk about this right now’ way.
Ikemoto has confirmed 3 girls one sided feelings, so whats holding him back from doing the same for Sarada? ask yourself, what does he have to lose? BoruSara is the most popular ship so he would have more ppl celebrating him than he would hating him so theres no fear of major backlash if he did go all the way and confirm it so why not? its not like he couldnt still play the will they wont they game since Boruto’s feelings would still be unknown until the end so why not go for it? Ikemoto actually has far more to GAIN by making BoruSara semi canon than NOT so dont gimme that ‘hes just being careful and taking his time’ crap, that’d only fly if BoruSara was an extremely small ship with a very small fanbase which it isnt, so if theres any fandom he’d wanna commit to it’d be them.
So why hasnt he? what reason does he possibly have to hold back if this is truly the intended endgame? because it’ll be too obvious? so what, like I said BoruSara is the biggest fanbase so what harm does that do? you think Ikemoto is really gonna be THAT hurt by losing KawaSara, BoruSumi, MitsuSara, and BoruMitsu fans? hell no, same way Kishimoto wasnt hurt by losing NaruSaku, SasuHina, SasuKarin, and SasuNaru fans, that SasuSaku and NaruHina money was more than enough.
So I ask you again, WHY hold back when he has literally NOTHING to lose but EVERYTHING to gain? the answer is pretty obvious.
The only reason Ikemoto would be holding back is if he doesnt intend for BoruSara to be endgame, the only reason you would ever hold back to this extent but not on anything else is if you dont plan on making it a thing to begin with but you dont want to lose those supporters.
Let me put it this way, if Ikemoto catered to KawaSara and BoruSumi the ships he really wants canon and neglected BoruSara, what do you think is gonna happen? if you’ve seen any BoruSara fans statements you know they consider KawaSara and BoruSumi happening as ruining the series and feel that Kishimoto is ‘fixing’ his mistakes he made in Naruto [SS/NH canon] by making BoruSara canon [basically NS as it rightfully should’ve been in their opinion] and that doing otherwise will ruin Sarada and the series entirely [sounds familiar right?]
So what do you thinks gonna happen if Ikemoto made it clearer that KawaSara and BoruSumi were endgame and pushed Boruto and Sarada as just friends? obviously BoruSara fans, the biggest fanbase, will be furious with him and the backlash will be enormous, he’ll lose support, money, and the viewership will plummet drastically even more than they have already making it far more likely to get axed prematurely.
So what do you think he does to avoid that? obviously he caters to that fanbase, gives them little winks and nudges, just enough content to keep BoruSara fans hopeful and still reading, but refuse to give concrete confirmation from either side, and why do you think that is? because he has something else in mind.
For the record Im not saying I know for a fact KawaSara and BoruSumi are endgame, no I dont, Im saying if he IS planning on making them endgame then him avoiding confirming neither Boruto nor Sarada’s feelings but just keep teasing the possibility makes perfect sense.
He cant risk pissing off that fanbase because it’ll be a huge loss if he loses those viewers, so he gives them just enough to keep them around but never commits which makes no sense if BoruSara is endgame because he’d gain way more by confirming it than not, so the fact that he isnt just screams baiting until he’s ready to reveal his real endgame when he has nothing to lose.
So thats why I dont believe KawaSara and BoruSumi are dead yet, because the fact that Ikemoto wont commit to making BoruSara semi canon just screams bait and unlike them Im not fallin for it.
If Ikemoto eventually commits and confirms them semi canon I will say GGs then, but until then Im not takin the bait and remaining open minded until then.
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popmovie888 · 2 years
Boruto Naruto the Movie โบรูโตะ นารูโตะ เดอะมูวี่ 11 ตำนานใหม่สายฟ้าสลาตัน (2015) พากย์ไทย
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ข้อมูลของหนัง กำกับโดย  Hiroyuki Yamashita บทภาพยนตร์โดย  Masashi Kishimoto / Ukyō Kodachi เรื่องโดย   Masashi Kishimoto นำแสดงโดย  Yūko Sanpei / Kokoro Kikuchi / Junko Takeuchi / Noriaki Sugiyama บริษัทผู้ผลิต  Pierrot จัดจำหน่ายโดย  Toho วันที่วางจำหน่าย  7 สิงหาคม 2558 เวลาของหนัง  96 นาที ประเทศ   ญี่ปุ่น ภาษา   ญี่ปุ่น บ็อกซ์ออฟฟิศ   39.5 ล้านเหรียญสหรัฐ ภาพรวม Boruto Naruto the Movie โบรูโตะ นารูโตะ เดอะมูวี่ 11 ตำนานใหม่สายฟ้าสลาตัน (2015)  โบรูโตะเป็นลูกชายของโฮคาเงะนารูโตะคนที่ 7 ที่ปฏิเสธพ่อของเขาโดยสิ้นเชิง เบื้องหลังสิ่งนี้เขามีความรู้สึกอยากจะเหนือกว่านารูโตะผู้ซึ่งได้รับความเคารพในฐานะวีรบุรุษ เขาได้พบกับซาสึเกะเพื่อนพ่อของเขาและขอเป็น ... เด็กฝึกงานของเขา!? ม่านเรื่องราวของคนรุ่นใหม่ที่เขียนโดย Masashi Kishimoto ดังขึ้น ตัวอย่าง https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qyonn5Vbg7s เนื้อเรื่อง ภาพยนตร์เรื่องนี้เริ่มต้นด้วยการต่อสู้ระหว่างนินจา ซาสึเกะอุจิวะกับศัตรูที่ไม่รู้จักซึ่งถูกศัตรูอีกคนหนึ่งจับตามอง จากนั้นเนื้อเรื่องก็ย้ายไปที่ตัวเอกจากซีรีส์ Naruto Naruto Uzumakiซึ่งกลายเป็น "Hokage ที่เจ็ด" หัวหน้าหมู่บ้าน Konohagakure เขาแต่งงานกับHinata UzumakiและมีลูกสองคนBoruto UzumakiและHimawari Uzumaki Boruto, Sarada Uchiha (ลูกสาวของ Sasuke Uchiha และSakura Haruno ) และเด็กที่ชื่อMitsuki ( ลูกชายของ Orochimaru ) กลายเป็นทีมนินจา ชั้นยอด ภายใต้ครูของพวกเขาโคโนฮามารุ ซารุโทบิ . ซาสึเกะกลับไปที่หมู่บ้านเพื่อเตือนนารูโตะเกี่ยวกับคู่ต่อสู้ที่ทรงพลังที่เขาเผชิญก่อนหน้านี้ หลังจากที่นารูโตะพลาดวันเกิดของฮิมาวาริ โบรูโตะก็ได้พบกับซาสึเกะและขอให้เขาฝึกเขาให้แข็งแรงพอที่จะเอาชนะนารูโตะได้ ซาสึเกะตกลงตามเงื่อนไขที่โบรูโตะใช้เทคนิค Rasengan ซึ่งเขาได้เรียนรู้จากโคโนฮะมารุ จากนั้นซาสึเกะก็ทำตามสัญญาและช่วยโบรูโตะเตรียมตัวสำหรับการสอบจูนินที่กำลังจะมาถึง ซึ่งเป็นบททดสอบของนินจาหนุ่ม โบรูโตะหวังว่าจะโน้มน้าวนารูโตะให้ใช้เวลากับเขามากขึ้น ถูกล่อลวงให้โกงข้อสอบโดยใช้อุปกรณ์ต้นแบบ โคเตะ ซึ่งเก็บวิชาจุตสึแต่ละประเภท»  "หนังฟรีทั้งหมด "   «  นักวิทยาศาสตร์ผู้หยิ่งยโสคนนี้มอบให้เขา ผู้ซึ่งต้องการให้การทดลองของเขาได้รับการเผยแพร่เพื่อวัตถุประสงค์ทางการตลาดก่อนที่นารูโตะจะปฏิเสธข้อเสนอ ในการสอบ นารูโตะจับได้ว่าโบรูโตะนอกใจและตัดสิทธิ์ลูกชายของเขาKinshiki OtsutsukiและMomoshiki Otsutsukiปรากฏตัวและทำลายมัน. ทั้งคู่ถูกเปิดเผยว่าเป็นหลังเก้าหางสิ่งมีชีวิตที่ถูกผนึกไว้ในร่างของนารูโตะเพื่อสร้างผลจักระเพื่อให้พวกมันกลายเป็นอมตะ นารูโตะเสียสละตัวเองเพื่อปกป้องทุกคนและมอบความปลอดภัยของโบรูโตะให้ซาสึเกะ เมื่อรู้สึกว่านารูโตะยังมีชีวิตอยู่ในอีกมิติหนึ่ง ซาสึเกะจึงร่วมมือกับคาเงะอีกคนเพื่อช่วยชีวิตเขา โบรูโตะยืนกรานที่จะร่วมกับพวกเขาเพื่อชดใช้ค่าเสียหายกับพ่อของเขา พวกเขามาถึงอีกมิติหนึ่งและพบว่านารูโตะผูกพันโดยดูโอ้ Otsutsuki และทั้งสี่ Kage ต่อสู้กับ Kinshiki ในการต่อสู้ ในระหว่างการต่อสู้ โมโมชิกิกินคินชิกิเพื่อเพิ่มความแข็งแกร่ง ในขณะที่นารูโตะเข้าร่วมกองกำลังกับซาสึเกะเพื่อเอาชนะเขา อย่างไรก็ตาม Katasuke ยิง Momoshiki ด้วย Kote ที่ฟื้นฟูความแข็งแกร่งของเขา เมื่ออ่อนแอ นารูโตะก็ยืมจักระที่เหลืออยู่ให้โบรูโตะเพื่อสร้าง Rasengan ขนาดยักษ์ ขณะที่ซาสึเกะเบี่ยงเบนความสนใจของโมโมชิกินานพอที่โบรูโตะจะใช้การโจมตีและจบเขา    ดูหนังใหม่ Boruto Naruto / ดูหนัง Boruto Naruto  / ดูหนังออนไลน์ Boruto Naruto / ดูหนังhd Boruto Naruto / ดู Boruto Naruto / เว็บดูหนัง Boruto Naruto / หนังใหม่2022 Boruto Naruto / ดูหนังใหม่ โบรูโตะ นารูโตะ / ดูหนัง โบรูโตะ นารูโตะ / ดูหนังออนไลน์ โบรูโตะ นารูโตะ / ดูหนังhd โบรูโตะ นารูโตะ / ดู โบรูโตะ นารูโตะ / เว็บดูหนัง โบรูโตะ นารูโตะ / หนังใหม่2022 โบรูโตะ นารูโตะ Read the full article
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narhinafan · 3 months
To the anon saying about Bsa post, Borusumi is not like Sasuino, Sumire's love for Boruto is far from being shallow, it is deep, soft and genuine love, like Naruhina and Minakushi. It's just Kishi focus more on shonen than romance, so it takes time to build up properly. Also so far in anime and manga, Salad, Chocho, Kawaki, Katasuke, Amado, Naruto, and Konohamaru knows about Sumire's crush on Boruto, so later Boruto knows too, like how Naruto knows about Hinata's feeling in the movie.
I actually think Ino's feelings for Sasuke were far from shallow unlike Sakura's it seems more genuine she wasn't obsessed about Sasuke and was willing to step aside for Sakura before their friendship broke off so while Ino did like Sasuke I always felt there was more substance to it then looks. I feel that poster was on about the situation where Sumire could be side lined from the love triangle like Ino was.
Yeah everyone already knows Sumire likes him though omnipotence is throws a wrench who Sumire likes was a well known fact.
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When did he get so cool? Shannaro! by Shy Miku
Anime » Naruto Rated: T, English, Romance & Drama, Boruto U., Sarada U., ChouChou A., Mitsuki, Words: 6k+, Favs: 12, Follows: 10, Published: Apr 1, 2019 Updated: Aug 1, 2019
3Chapter 1: The Challenge
"Shannaro!, When did he get so cool?" Ugh ...I should be focusing on becoming Hokage and stop thinking about Bakaruto!... "But I just can't seem to get over Sumire's question from the other day."
#Flash Back#
"Hey Sarada, is Boruto really popular with the girls?" Sumire asked.
"I dunno, he just seems to get along with everyone I guess," Sarada said.
"But ...why did you ask Sumire?" Sarada asked.
''Well, he's a pretty cool guy you know, anyone would fall for him...cause he's really caring, especially towards his friends'' Sumire said.
"Oh...Um" Sarada said.
''Are you interested in him, Sarada?" Sumire asked.
" Nani?" Sumire said.
''Boruto-kun, I mean" Sumire said.
"N...Nani? Sarada stuttered..."what do you mean? Of course not!." Sarada answered.
''Hmm... I see...well, I'm interested in him!" Sumire said.
"O...oh (this b**ch)" Sarada said.
"She never showed any interest in the idiot, so why now?" Tssk.".why the hell am I even thinking about Bakaruto any way!."
Just calm down...
"it's not like Sumire has a chance with him anyway."
Sarada snorts ...
" Does she think I would go around telling just anyone I liked the idiot?" Sarada said," Pssh.. but damn, those blue eyes."
" Shannaro!" (whispers).
"Shit!, I Should get some training done today, I wonder if Chocho is free?" Sarada said, "Think I'll even ask her if she knew the class prez had feelings for the idiot."
I'll be damn if she thinks am just gonna sit by an let her grab all the attention. Amma Uchiha, we never back down from a challenge, and she's certainly challenging me.
Next time...
2: Training Grounds
"So what's up Sarada? It's rare for you to call out me out to train with you" Chocho said.
"Nani?... come on Chocho, you're my best friend, so why would you act like we never spend any time together?. " Sarada replied.
"It's not that we never spend any time together, but lately you've been really focused on missions and training really hard every chance you get. Chocho said. "So I was surprised when you mentioned we should go sparring today, so what's up?... Spill it!"
Shit, she's already caught on that somethings up!.
"Can't hide anything from you, can I?" Sarada asked.
"Of course not, so tell me already, you've been fidgeting since you got here anyway... Lol" Chocho said.
Sarada sighs...
"Ok, so Team Konohamaru was assigned a mission to escort Katasuke and his new Ninja tool to Rybuben City the other day, we arrived at the research institution without any problems, but guess who we saw working there? ...Class prez!" Sarada said.
"Who's that?"... Chocho asked.
"Like seriously Choccho?...Sumire!" Sarada replied.
How the f*ck can you forget a person like her.
"Oh!, I remember now, but why is she there? Chocho asked. "She just gave up being a Ninja all of a sudden."
"I don't know it was her choice, but what really pissed me off was her question!" Sarada said.
"What question?" Chocho asked.
"She suddenly asked me if the idiot was popular with the girls and If I was interested in him!" Sarada answered.
"Really? What did you say?" Chocho asked with a grin.
"I said, No, of course! " Sarada replied, " And wipe the grin off your face Chocho!"
"Then why are you getting all worked up Sa..ra..da?" Chocho asked. " Lol, you know now that I think about it, Boruto's really good looking," Chocho said, " Well, he's not as hot has my guy though."
"Honestly Chocho, you're maybe the only girl who thinks Mitsuki's hot," Sarada said, "But after hearing me shut down any interest in the idiot, she suddenly drops the bomb that she likes him, I mean what the hell Chocho?" Sarada asked.
"Wow!... well after the Nue incident, can you blame the girl for falling in love with her 'knight and shining armor'?" Chocho asked.
" You're not helping!" Sarada said.
"Ok Sarada let me get this straight, you have no interest in him and someone else likes him, so why are you getting angry about it?" Chocho asked.
" That's not the point Chocho! She's definitely challenging me and I won't lose" Sarada replied.
"Sighs...when are you gonna man up and just tell him you like him?" Chocho asked.
"Have you lost your mind?" Sarada asked, "Pssh... when are you going to tell Mitsuki you want a piece of that ass?... Lol, Chocho everyone can see you daydreaming when you look at him"
"I hate it when your inner self comes out!" Chocho said, but Mitsuki's denser than a rock.
"Smh...Let's get some training done, it's been too long since we had some time to do this together." Sarada said.
"So what you gonna do about Sumire?" Chocho asked, turning to look at her friend.
" I have a sickening feeling I'll be seeing her real soon, but I'll deal with her when the time comes," Sarada replied.
To be Continued...
3: Nara and Bolt
"Mendokusai!, Kaa-san is really serious about training, every inch of my body hurts.
But am sure my wind style will be just as good as hers, so I know this intense training will be worth it.
" I should probably get something to eat I am starving, a burger should do it."
Oh, Boruto's here too, well that's not surprising. "Oi Boruto!" Does this kid eat anything other than burgers *smirk?
"Oh, Shikadai! it's been a while, what are you doing here?" Boruto asked with a huge grin.
"About to get one of those if you haven't eaten all of them," Shikadai said, point to the burger he was holding.
"It's my second one, so am sure they have a few left," Boruto said, grinning.
"Well am about to order one, cause am I starving after training with Kaa-san." Shikadai said, "So what have you been up to, it's been like a week since I last saw you?."
"Oh, have been training and going on missions, Team Konohamaru was assigned a mission just last week." Boruto replied, " We went to Ryuben City and guess who we saw work there?, Class Prez!" Boruto said with a grin.
"Sumire?" Shikadai asked, taking a bite of his burger.
"Yeah, she's been working with the research center for a while now, but ever since we got back Sarada's been in a sour mood," Boruto said.
God, can he be any denser? Smh "Why? The mission was completed without any problems right?" Shikadai asked.
"Yeah, but I don't know what's up with her lately, and she's been training every day too since we got back," Boruto said.
Yup, Sarada definitely pissed about something and the idiot hasn't realized that she likes him, It's better to keep my mouth shut about it if Sarada will punch me to death *Shudders.
"Listen Boruto, girls are too troublesome so don't think about it too much," Shikadai said.
"I guess your right Shikadai" Boruto said, "Seems like you've been training too, any new Jutsu?" Boruto asked, with a smirk.
"I'll surprise you the next time we do some one-on-one training," Shikadai replied, with a smirk getting up from his seat.
"I won't lose so bring it!" Boruto said, with too much energy.
"I'll kick your ass another day it would be too troublesome to do it now, am heading home to get some rest," Shikadai replied.
"Fine let's go, have had enough burgers for today," Boruto said.
"That's a first," Shikadai answered, with a snort, heading towards the entrance.
"What's that suppose to mean?"Boruto asked, from behind.
"Nandemonai!" Shikadai answered.
"Oi!, wait up," Boruto said.
Oh, Sarada and Chocho are heading this way, this could be troublesome.
"Yo Shikadai why did you stop all of a sudden?" Boruto asked.
"Seems like we're not the only one catching up," Shikadai answered.
"Oh, Sarada and Chocho what's up?" Boruto asked.
"Oh it's Shikadai and Boruto," Chocho said to Sarada.
"Hey, Shikadai...Boruto, what's up?" Sarada asked.
Damn, it's like she didn't wanna greet Boruto, troublesome.
"I was heading home from training and decided to have something to eat first and I bumped into Boruto" Shikadai replied.
"Oh, We just finished training together and heading home too," Chocho said.
"Oi Sarada, you've been training a lot since we got back from the last mission, why?" Boruto asked.
"A lot of us can't slack off every day as you do" Sarada answered, " let's go Chocho, I'll see you around Shikadai," Sarada said.
"What was that about?" Boruto asked. "I have no idea" Shikadai replied, "am gonna head home but let's spar sometime," Shikadai said, before leaving.
"Yeah!, see yuh." Boruto said.
4: Rivals
"Did you really have to act so irritated?" Chocho asked quietly, " He just wanted to know why your training so much."
Sarada frowns.
"Hmm," Sarada sighed, "I guess I overreacted just a bit, but he does slack off with his training."
"Can't you just admit you went overboard, Sarada?" Chocho teased.
"Ok!, you win," Sarada said blushing.
"Listen Sarada, I really do think you should tell him about how you really feel, Chocho sighed, "Cause sooner or later you'll push him away," turning to look at her friend, "You don't want that to happen, do you?" Chocho asked.
"Of course not, But I don't think he feels the same way I do Chocho," Sarada said in almost a whisper. "Plus he was really happy to see ..."
Sarada paused and her expression darkened.
"Oi Sarada!, what's with that look?" Chocho asked, turning to see what had suddenly stopped her friend from finishing what she was about to say. Her eyes widened in surprise... "O...oh, Sumire" Chocho said.
Sumire saw her former classmates heading in her direction and decided to stop and catch up a bit, with both girls.
"what are you doing here?" Sarada asked.
"Hey Sarada and Chocho, it's good to see you again," Sumire replied.
"Wow! Sumire you look so different, have you gotten taller?" Chocho asked.
"Really? I don't think so," Sumire said.
"So what are you doing back in Konoha?" Sarada asked, cutting into the conversation narrowing her eyes.
"Oh, Mr. Katasuke developed a new Ninja tool that was requested by the Seventh Hokage, so he's here to deliver it, I just kinda tagged along," Sumire said. "And I really missed everyone."
"You seem to really like this Ninja tool stuff," Chocho said.
"Yeah, I really enjoy working with Mr. Katasuke" Sumire replied, "Ummm..., have you... have seen Boruto lately?."
Shit! just when I was trying to get Sarada to not lose her shit..."Huh?...Umm Sumire..." Chocho began to say.
Chocho was suddenly cut off by Sarada.
"Why are you looking for him?" Sarada asked, "Did you suddenly come to Konoha to confess?"
Sumire face suddenly flamed bright red.
"Yes," Sumire answered.
"Uhm...erm...guys" Chocho stammered.
"Let me just say this to your face Sumire," Sarada said, stepping into her personal space. "you're not the only one who likes him and you're not the only one who will be confessing how you feel about him."
Sumire smirked.
"I knew you were lying about not having any interest in him " Sumire scoffed, "But that makes things even more interesting."
Sarada bristled, and was about to give Sumire a piece of her mind but was stopped by Boruto's voice.
"Hey! I thought you guys were heading home?" Boruto asked, "H..uh, class prez! what are you doing here?"
5: Confession
To say both girls were shocked by Boruto's sudden appearance would be an understatement, this was not how they wanted things to play out.
"B..Bo...Boruto" Sumire stammers out. "I was just asking Sarada if she knew where you were," Sumire replied, with a fake smile, stepping around Sarada and walking towards him.
Sarada looks tense and why isn't she looking at me?. "Huh, you've been looking for me?" Boruto asked, looking surprised. "But why are you in Konoha? Did something happen?."
"No, nothing happened" Sumire replied, looking embarrassed. "I just wanted to talk with you before I left, could we go somewhere and talk privately?." Why are his eyes still focused on her, while I'm standing right in front of him?.
Damn, she sure means business, making such a bold move in front of Sarada. "Let's get outta here Sarada, let me walk you to your house," Chocho said, appearing beside her friend.
"Yeah," Sarada answered, taking a deep breath to calm herself.
"Is she sick Chocho?" Boruto asked, with concern written on his face. "Maybe I should walk her home with..."
Sumire cuts Boruto off.
"Am sure Chocho will see to it that she gets home safely?" Sumire said suddenly, "Can we talk at the training grounds?."
"It's fine Boruto, Sarada's in good hands" Chocho replied, looking over Sumire to with narrowed eyes before leaving with Sarada.
What the hell is going with her? she just stood there, I just know somethings up. "Ok let's go Sumire, it seems that whatever it is you have to say is important," Boruto answered.
"Are you going to be okay Sarada?" Chocho asked, turning to look at her friend. They both stood in front of the Uchiha's home. "You were really quiet back there, so I don't know what's going through your mind right now."
"I'll be fine Chocho, it's nothing I can't handle" Sarada replied, giving her friend a small smile. "I just need to get a good nights sleep and forget about what happened today."
Letting out a sigh, Chocho hugged her friend. "You know am always here whenever you want to talk or we could train together so you could vent your frustration right?" Chocho asked.
Sarada lets out a small chuckle. "Of course I know that, after all your my bestie," Sarada returns her hug...Separating from Chocho, "You should head home too before it gets darker," Sarada said.
"Ok, but I'm picking you up tomorrow, so no training! you got that Uchiha?" Chocho said in a very bossy tone. "You better be ready at noon or else..."
"Are you trying to boss around an Uchiha?" Sarada asked with one raised eyebrow, folding her arms with a very amused look on her face.
"I would never do that, your Uchiha highness," Chocho said grinning. "See you tomorrow, Bye!."
Shaking her head at her friend's antics, "Yeah, I'll be waiting" Sarada replied, watching her best friend walked down the street.
I can't believe Sumire acted like that, Sarada was right though, she's challenging her to see who will get Boruto first and the worst part is the idiot doesn't even have a clue that both girls like him.
"I'll be damned if she thinks am just going to sit by and let her walk all over Sarada" Chocho scowls. "She did mention she wanted to talk with him at the training grounds before we left, well, I want to hear just what she as to say, I better hurry."
So caught up in her musing, she didn't even notice Mitsuki watching her.
"So what was it you wanted to talk about?" Boruto asked with his hands buried deep within his pockets, blues eyes staring intently at her.
Sumire fidgets on the spot..."W..well have been d..d..doing a lot of thinking since I left the village and have been thinking about you a lot lately" Sumire confesses. Her face turning a nice shade of red.
"Huh? a..about me?" Boruto was stunned! if it wasn't just the two of them standing there, he would be looking around like an idiot.
Sumire chuckled a bit at how oblivious he could be. "Yes, you Boruto-kun" Sumire replied.
I made it just in the nick of time, the idiot's blushing? Shit, I missed something. "What are you doing Chocho?" Mitsuki asked in a low voice, stooping down beside Chocho behind the bushes.
Chocho jumped, letting out a squeak...
"What the hell are doing Mitsuki? are you trying to give me a heart attack huh!? and just what hell are you doing here?" Chocho asked in a low, angry voice.
"I'm the one who should be asking you, what are you doing here hiding behind the bushes and eavesdropping on another person conversation?" Mitsuki asked, turning to face her, golden eyes locked onto amber ones.
Chocho squirmed at having those eyes on her. "just shut up and keep quiet, if we're going to get caught" Chocho whispered out.
The two stood there in awkward silence for a moment, but Sumire decided to continue with her confession.
"Have liked you since the Academy days, but I just couldn't work up the nerve to tell you how I really felt," Sumire said, giving him a small smile. "Even after what I did in the past and hurt so many people, you never looked or thought of me differently, you saw the real me."
Boruto was blushing all the way down to his neck from Sumire's Confession..."I...I didn't know you felt that way about me" Boruto said quietly.
Chocho was so shocked and jealous at how Sumire could say all those things to the boy she likes, meanwhile Mitsuki was reading her facial expressions.
"I just wanted you to know how I feel, so I came here today to ask you out on a date?" Sumire said her face was red from embarrassment.
Boruto heartbeat speeds up...Is this really happening? "Ummm, Sumire I..I..." Boruto pauses, he wasn't prepared from this.
"Am not asking you to give me an answer right away," Sumire looked down at her hands..."I'm coming back to Konoha in two weeks, you can give me your answer then." She looked up at him, "So until next time?." She said, turning to leave.
"Yeah, O...ok," Boruto watches her leave. Did that just happen? I didn't have a clue she felt that way about me. He sighed..."I should head home and think more on what just happened."
Unbeknownst to him, two pairs of eyes watched him leave the training grounds that night.
"So who are you going confess to?" Mitsuki asked, his eyes bored into hers. "W..W...What? Chocho stuttered out. "When are you going to confess to me Chocho? Mitsuki smirked..."you've kept me waiting long enough don't you think?" Mitsuki asked. "He leaned closer, his face drawing near to hers, his eyes locked onto her lips..."
6: Amber and Golden eyes
Previously on When did he get so cool?
"So who are you going confess to?" Mitsuki asked, his eyes bored into hers. "W..W...What? Chocho stuttered out. "When are you going to confess to me Chocho? Mitsuki smirked..."you've kept me waiting long enough don't you think?" Mitsuki asked. He leaned closer, his face drawing near to hers, his eyes locked onto her lips...
When she saw where he was looking, a faint pink tinged started to blossom on her cheeks. Does he know how I feel about him? No, he couldn't!
His eyes once again met hers, "What's with the look Chocho? Mitsuki asked, his hand moved to caress her cheek. "What are you doing?" Chocho asked, shivering from his touch.
"I may not speak much Chocho, but I'm very observant and I can tell a lot by your long stares when you look at me, your eyes say a lot," Mitsuki said, with a smirk.
"Have been waiting patiently for you to say that you like me, but I decided to make my move first," Mitsuki said, rubbing his thumb across her lower lip.
Chocho cheeks were on fire, how could he say such things with a straight face.
"M...itsuki" Chocho stuttered out. "I like you," Mitsuki says, bringing his face closer to hers, he captured her lips in a soft kiss. Chocho suddenly froze, not sure how to react to her crush kissing her, she would daydream about being kissed by him and now that it's finally happening she doesn't know how to react.
Mitsuki backed away slightly then rested his head against hers. "Am stilling waiting for you to say how you feel about me?" Mitsuki says, staring into amber eyes.
"I...like... you too" Chocho replied, her face turning a nice shade of red. "Good, now we can start dating," Mitsuki said, placing a kiss on her forehead.
"Yeah" Chocho answers, looking embarrassed. Getting up to leave, he extends his hand to her, "I'll walk you home" Mitsuki said, looking down at his new girlfriend with a small smile on his lips. Chocho took his hand, wow his eyes really do glow in the dark, beautiful.
"Can I see you tomorrow? Mitsuki asked, interlacing his fingers with her.
"I made plans with Sarada, she's been feeling down lately but we could meet up after" Chocho replied.
"Ok I'll come to get you in the evening, is that ok? Mitsuki asked. "Yeah in the evening should be fine" Chocho replied, with a smile.
The two left the training grounds together feeling happy.
The Uzumaki's House
Boruto flopped down on his bed, releasing an exhausted sigh, Today was just freaking weird.
Sarada's been ignoring me and now Sumire's confession, just what the hell is going on?... I don't even like Sumire in that way, I already like someone else. But how do I even tell her that I like someone else and that I can't return her feels without hurting her?... Shit!.
Closing his eyes and trying to clear his mind, he remembers how Sarada looked tense today and she didn't even turn around to look at him.
That makes him feel uneasy...
I better have that talk with Shikada tomorrow about Sumire, am sure he'll know what to do. But I had no idea she felt that way about me, I just can't return her feelings. I really wanna tell Sarada how I feel but she keeps ignoring me or shutting me down each time I try to start a conversation with her.
"First thing tomorrow I'll have that talk with Shikadai"...wait, I haven't seen Mitsuki all day... was his lost thought before he drifted off to sleep.
"We're here," Mitsuki says, turning to his girlfriend.
"Yeah, thanks for walking me home," Chocho said, looking anywhere but at him.
Seeing that his girlfriend was acting shy and wasn't looking at him, Mitsuki pulled her close to his chest, tilted her chin upward and kissed her and this time she kissed him back. She was nervous that she would mess up somehow, after all, it was her first time kissing someone.
Mitsuki then broke the kiss so she could catch her breath. if I had known she would look like this after I kissed her I would have done it sooner.
Chocho gasped, she did not think he would kiss her a second time in one night.
"You should go inside it's really late," Mitsuki said, giving her a soft look.
"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow right?" Chocho asked, before turning to go inside.
"Yeah" Mitsuki answered, watching her walk up to her house and going inside.
Chocho closed the door behind her with a smile on her face that could rival the 7th Hokage!
So caught up in her daydreaming she did not see her mother standing there giving her a knowing look. "Soo you got your self a boyfriend?" Karui asked, with one eyebrow raised, folding her arms with a knowing look on her face.
Chocho nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard the voice behind her.
"Nani! Chouji screams from the kitchen, "Chocho did what?! I won't allow it!"...Chochoooo!
7: Troublesome
The lazy Nara looked out his bedroom window with a frown. "If the village isn't under attack, then you better have a good reason for waking me this early," Shikadai said.
What's a guy gotta do to get some sleep around here?... Mendokusai
"Gomenasai, but I really need to ask you something important Shika," Boruto said, giving his friend a pleading look.
He released a tired sigh... "You can come in through the window," Shikadai replied flopping back down onto his bed, he waited for the blond.
Boruto grinned, he wasted no time to climb up to is friends window and into his bedroom.
"So, what's so urgent that you couldn't wait till noon to wake me?" Shikadai asked, quirking a fine eyebrow.
"It's about Sumire," Boruto replied, sitting down on the edge of the bed. "After we parted the other day I bumped into her and Sarada while heading home, she said she was looking for me and that she wanted to talk somewhere private."
"Wait, what is she doing in Konoha? I thought you said she was working at some research center?" Shikadai asked.
"She said her work brought her back, anyway we went to the training grounds to talk and she suddenly confesses that she likes me and wants us to go on a date" Boruto replied, his face turning a nice shade of red recalling what was said that night.
If Shikadai was still half asleep during the conversation, well, he was fully awake now after his mind fully processed what Boruto just said.
His headed whipped around to stare at the blond, his mouth slightly agape.
"Are we talking about the same Sumire here? that stutters and freaks out over the simplest things?" Shikadai asked, his eyebrows knitted together in confusion.
He just couldn't picture the timid girl confessing to the blonde without fainting, but then again, she played all of them back at the Academy by acting like she couldn't kill a fly.
Boruto sighed, "I-I just can't return her feelings Shikadai, have had my eyes on someone else for a while now," Boruto said, he felt his cheeks heat up.
"Oh, and who might that be?" Shikadai prompted, giving him an amused look, "You've been holding out on me."
Boruto snorts, "Like you don't already know who it is," Boruto said, rolling his eyes. "I just don't know how to tell her am not interested without hurting her feelings."
"You know there's no way to avoid that," Shikadai replied, giving him a sympathetic look. "And yet you knew all of this, but you just had to wake me didn't you?."
"You're my right-hand man, who else am I gonna talk to about my problems?" Boruto said, scratching the back of his neck.
"Am more like your therapist," Shikadai said, with a bored look. "Anyway, since am already awake let's go sparring, I feel like kicking your ass."
Boruto grinned, "Keep dreaming Nara, it's not happening anytime soon," Boruto said.
"When you hit the ground, don't even ask what happened," Shikadai said smirking. "Let me freshen up first and get something to eat."
Boruto stomach made a loud noise, "H-uh, whatever you're having for breakfast I'll have some too" Boruto said.
"You're a troublesome guy," Shikadai said shaking his head.
"Have you seen Mitsuki?" Boruto asked.
"No, why do you ask? Shikadai said.
"I haven't seen him in a while, he would normally just pop up at my house when we don't have a mission," Boruto said. "Let's stop by at his house on our way to the training grounds."
"Sure, am gonna need a witness for when I kick your ass with my new Jutsu anyway. Shikadai said.
"What!, Am finally gonna see it? But, am the one who's gonna be kicking you're ass Shikadai," Boruto said.
"You sure can talk smug, but it's payback for waking me this early" Shikadai said exiting his bedroom.
The Uchiha's Household
Sarada stirred slightly and cracked her eyes open, it was already morning. She yawned and stretched. She laid in bed for a few minutes recalling the events of what happened yesterday and frowned. She would have lost her cool and knocked Sumire the fuck out, Yes! She had gotten under her skin yesterday, and she had let her.
If Boruto hadn't shown up when he did, who knows what would've really happened. She sighed, "If she thinks for a second that she's now won, then she really doesn't know me."
She sat up, swung her legs over the edge of the bed and reach for her eyeglasses on the nightstand, putting them on. She then went to the bathroom to freshen up.
"Mom should be up, but I didn't hear her come home last night tho" Sarada mused. "I should get breakfast started if she hasn't already left for work."
She headed for the kitchen but was surprised to find her mom already up and in the kitchen fixing up breakfast.
"Hey you're up," Sakura said in a cheery voice. "I wanted to have breakfast with you since we haven't eaten together in a while and I missed, so I took the afternoon shift today."
"You're in a good mood today, is dad coming home?" Sarada asked, giving her a knowing look.
"W-what? Can't I spend some time with my baby girl?" Sakura asked while setting the breakfast on the table.
"Sure" Sarada replied, taking a seat at the table. "I was planning on starting breakfast, so we could eat together before you left, but you're one step ahead of me."
"Guess you missed me too," Sarada said, smiling. "So what's going with you?"
Sarada too a bite of her food, "Just a lot of missions and have been doing some training" Sarada replied with a shrug.
"You've been doing a lot of training lately Sarada if you overwork your self you'll won't have enough energy to carry out you're missions" Sakura points out.
"I know" Sarada replied.
"So, are you going to tell me what's been bothering you lately? and don't tell me there's nothing bothering you." Sakura said, Her green eyes fixed on hers across the table.
Sarada sighed, "It's just-just that I like someone and I don't know if they like me back, and to make things worst I have a rival." Sarada said, frowning.
"Oh, so you like Boruto?" Sakura asked, smiling. "He's a very handsome kid, I guess my daughter gotta thing for blond's eh?."
Sarada eyes widened, "N-Nani? I never said I liked him mom" Sarada said, blushing. "I didn't say who the person was either."
"Am you're mother Sarada, a mother always knows," Sakura said. "But this conversation takes me back to my Academy days with your dad."
"Leave your daydreaming for another time mom," Sarada said, rolling her eyes.
"Just tell him how you feel, you'll never know if he likes you back if you only decide to wait for him to tell you first and don't you know if that will happen anytime soon."
"But someone else confessed to him already," Sarada said.
"So what?, Ino confessed to your dad first but he chose me, we got married and had a beautiful baby girl," Sakura said with a very smug smile on her face.
Sarada eyes widened and her mouth gaped, "Eh?" Sarada said.
"Rivals mean nothing Sarada, but your true feelings do," Sakura said. "So when your ready tell him how you feel but don't take too long."
"O-ok, But I never knew you and Ms. Ino were rivals," Sarada said, smirking.
"Yeah," Sakura said, laughing. "So you got any plans for today?."
"Yeah, am spending the day with Cho-Cho," Sarada replied.
"Ok, am gonna get ready, I have to order some supplies before I head to work," Sakura said.
"Ok I'll take care of the dishes," Sarada said. "And thanks, mom."
"Your welcome," Sakura replied with a smile.
8: New Relationships
Akimichi's Household
Chocho woke up with a smile on her face. She had today all planned out to hang with her bestie and to meet up with Mitsuki later.
Yup, she finally gotta boyfriend and yes it's the boy she's been crushing on like forever, who has the most beautiful eyes.
She got out of bed, went to her bathroom to get freshened up.
"Hmm, I wonder if I should wear something different from my regular Ninja gear I wear every day?" Chocho said running her fingers through her long brown hair.
"Maybe I should also let all my hair down and lose the two ponytails?," Chocho said, examining her appearance in the mirror. "But will he like it?" She frowned.
Karui was finishing up breakfast, Chouji was heading out on a one week mission and she wanted to prepare a meal for her husband before he left.
It was a routine every morning to wake both her husband and daughter up for breakfast but this morning was a shocker. Her daughter was already awake standing in front of her bathroom mirror frowning.
"Will he like it?" Karui leaned on the bathroom door, folded her arms and watched her daughter for a few more seconds before she decided to find out what brought this child out of bed this early. Normally Chocho wouldn't crack an eye open unless she threatened to let her husband eat all the food.
She sighed "Got a hot date with snake boy?" Karui asked with a raised eyebrow.
Chocho jumped.
"What are you doing mom!? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" Chocho asked, holding her hand to her chest.
"Well, if you stopped daydreaming about goldy eyes, you would've heard when I came into your room" Karui pointed out.
"I wasn't daydreaming ok," Chocho said with a sigh. "I just wanted to look a bit different today."
Karui raised an eyebrow at her.
"Why? you look fine to me" Karui said.
"Today's different ok, I wanna dress up a bit," Chocho said brushing her bang away from her eye. "I'm meeting up with Sarada today."
"You never dress up to meet with Sarada" Karui eyes narrowed.
"Oh, so good-looking kid walked you home last night and now you're awake this early in the morning thinking of what to wear? Or did you suddenly forget I saw you and that pale skin boy outside our home last night?"
Chocho blushed.
"H-He was heading home too, so-so we just walked together" Chocho stutter out, not making eye contact.
Karui scoffed, Kami help your father when he finds out that your dating that boy.
"You don't need to change your appearance just for some guy to like you. What matters most is what's on the inside" Karui replied stepping in front of her.
"I know, I just wanna look a bit different from my usual self," Chocho said blushing. "It's our first day out together."
"I thought you said he just walked you home? Now it's a date?" Karui asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Mom, how can I not accept such a looking- hot guy invitation to go out?" Chocho asked, her eyes were sparkling.
Karui sighed, I swear to Kami all she thinks about are hot guys, her husband needs to be a strong Ninja to beat any guy her eyes fall on in the future.
Just don't overdo it ok, just a nice kimono dress should do," Karui said giving her a soft smile. "Still can't believe such a good looking kid is related to that he/she guy though"
"Mom!" Chocho cheeks went red hearing her mom say Mitsuki was good-looking, but she always wondered if Orochimaru was Mitsuki's Dad/Mom.
She was brought from her inner musing.
"Get dressed, if that date won't happen if you keep staring in the mirror," Karui said planting a kiss on her forehead. "And come have breakfast cause your dad's leaving on a mission and the tables already set"
"Ok, I'll be down in 5 minutes," Chocho said. "I'm spending the day with Sarada too, so I gotta swing by her house after breakfast"
"Double date?" Karui asked, giving her a knowing look.
"W-what?" Chocho stuttered out.
"You better not do anything I wouldn't do Cho" Karui sing-song out of the room.
"How does Dad handle her?" Chocho mused aloud shaking her head.
Training Grounds
Boruto wiped the sweat from his brows for the hundredth time. Shikadai wasn't giving him any openings in their sparring session and his shadow clones were useless.
He then decided to use is Wind Style but was caught off guard. He was sent flying into the trees on the other side of the Training grounds. He did not see that coming, he was shocked, did Shikadai predict his moves and counter it with the same Jutsu?
When did he learn the Wind Style?
Shikadai barely moved from where he was standing during that last Jutsu. his Wind Style was stronger than is.
"Remember what I said this morning Uzumaki?" Shikadai asked smirking.
Boruto got up, dusted his clothes off.
"Yeah, I see why you were so confident" Boruto replied scratching the back of his head.
"I guess that was the new Jutsu your mom was teaching you? No wonder its strong than mine, she's from that sand Village" Boruto said.
"Yeah, she didn't go easy on me during training and I know it will get much stronger in the future" Shikadai replied.
"I won't lose next time," Boruto said while grinning.
"I see your both training hard" A voice suddenly alerts them.
They both turned towards the voice only to be met with a familiar face.
"And here is my witness to your defeat Boruto," Shikadai said.
"Mitsuki what are you doing out here? And where have you been?" Boruto asked frowning.
"Oh, have been here and there keeping my eye on my prize" Mitsuki replied jumping out of the tree he was sitting in cozily watching Boruto lose to Shikadai.
Shikadai smirked, "Your the only one not stepping up your game Boruto," Shikadai said.
"What's that suppose to mean," Boruto asked looking confused.
"Your so dense," Shikadai said patting Brouto's should and giving him a sympathetic look.
"What's with that look," Boruto asked.
Mitsuki released a sigh.
"So are you gonna date Sumire or what?" Mitsuki asked with a knowing look.
Boruto froze, "Ho-How did you know about that?" Boruto stuttered "I didn't even tell the others guys yet, only Shikadai."
"I was here the whole time during her confession" Mitsuki replied with a bored look on his face. "That was just a bonus though"
"Did she make her move first or did you make your move?" Shikadai asked.
"She? who are you guys talking about? Boruto was in the dark.
"I caught her eavesdropping on Boruto's conversation with Sumire and made my move right after they left," Mitsuki replied, looking really pleased. "She confessed about liking me too so we're now dating."
"Finally, congrats man," Shikadai said, bumping fist with Mitsuki.
"Eavesdropping? Mitsuki dating who?" Boruto snapped "I'm still standing here you know"
"Oh, I'm dating Chocho" Mitsuki replied. "And by the way, Sarada probably knows about Sumire's confession, I followed Chocho here on the night Sumire confessed about her liking you, so you might wanna sort things out."
Boruto mouth was left gaping.
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