#Karl Rubin
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Slipped this into my PhD thesis draft I just sent to my adviser
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snarker · 10 months
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But I'm here And I'm fine And I'm seeing you, for the first time
Seeing You, Groundhog Day Musical by Tim Minchin
(featuring one of my favourite scenes in the musical, apart from Hope and Day 2 when Phil Connors yelled "Suck my balls, I'm OUT")
I've had some people coming to me with interest in printed copies of this and the 'If I had my time again' artwork (see here), so if you would like one please DM me! There will be a reimbursement cost involved but always happy to chat through. :)
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clemsfilmdiary · 1 year
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Montana Moon (1930, Malcolm St. Clair)
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Guys. I'm going to ignore Ethan's canon appearance because his man is NOT a twink with no facial hair whatsoever. Naw this man is RUGGED and LARGE. He would crush Heis between his FINGER NUBS. He got his hands injured TWICE and barely batted an eye. Not even just injured! he got his right hand sliced clean off. GOD if Ethan wasn't "gentle" with Heis he would be gaping and wouldn't be able to walk for at least a goddamn week.
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j-femmescoli · 5 months
books i read in 2023
my goal was to read a book a week and while the timeline wasn't perfectly even, i did manage to get it to add up (and then some!). this year i focused on religion and philosophy as well as classics (of which im counting both as traditional "ancient or pre-modern famous and outstanding" types of books, but also famous more modern books). i also bolded some books that were really good in my opinion that have really stuck with me so if you are interested in the genre i'd suggest those
st joan by bernard shaw (play)
mary and your everyday life by bernard haring (theology)
theology of liberation by gustavo gutierrez (theology)
magnificat by elizabeth ruth obbard (theology)
piedras labradas by victor montejo (poetry)
the boy who was raised as a dog by bruce perry and maia szalavitz (psychology)
4 great plays by ibsen - the dollhouse, ghosts, the wild duck, and an enemy of the people by henry ibsen (plays obvi)
the night of the iguanas by tennessee williams (play)
being logical by dq mcinerny (idk sociology maybe? it was about recognizing and avoiding bad-faith arguments and logical fallacies)
the alchemist by paolo coelho (classics)
frankenstein by mary shelly (classics)
an american tragedy by theodore dreiser (classics)
is this wifi organic? by dave farina (idk how to classify this one either but it was also about recognizing bad-faith arguments, specifically when it comes to pseudoscience)
the nicaraguan church and the revolution by joseph muligan (theology, history)
catholic social teaching: our best kept secret by peter henriot, edward deberri, and michael schultheis (theology)
beowulf (classics)
sapiens by yuval noah harari (anthropology)
the church and the second sex by mary daly (theology)
mary in the new testament edited by raymond brown, karl donfried, joseph fitzmyer, and john reumann (theology)
a catholic devotion to mary by oscar lukefahr (theology)
1001 nights / arabian nights trans. sir richard burton (classics)
a house on mango street by sandra cisneros (poetry)
primary source readings in catholic church history edited by robert feduccia and nick wagner (theology)
doing faithjustice by fred kammer, sj (theology)
winds of change by isaac asimov (sci-fi)
the sound and the fury by william faulkner (classics)
una ciudad de la españa cristiana hace mil años by claudio sanchez-albornoz (history)
the glass menajerie by tennessee williams (play)
reinventing the enemy's language by joy harjo and gloria bird (indigenous women writers anthology)
the great gatsby by f scott fitzgerald *reread* (classics)
the bell jar by sylvia plath (classics)
the kite runner by khaled hosseini (classics)
one nation, under gods by peter manseau (history)
development as freedom by amartya sen (economic / political philosophy)
women in ministry: four views edited by bonnidell and robert g clouse (practical theology)
mother of god: a history of the virgin mary by miri rubin (theology / history)
a study in scarlet and the sign of four by sir arthur conan doyle (classics)
adventures of sherlock holmes by sir arthur conan doyle (classics)
the casebook of sherlock holmes by sir arthur conan doyle (classics)
the valley of fear by sir arthur conan doyle (classics)
the memoirs of sherlock holmes by sir arthur conan doyle (classics)
the return of sherlock holmes by sir arthur conan doyle (classics)
the hound of the baskervilles by sir arthur conan doyle (classics)
his last bow by sir arthur conan doyle (classics)
the fundamentals of ethics, fourth edition by russ shafer landau (philosophy)
dracula by bram stoker (classics) (yes i'm counting dracula daily)
desde mi silencio by carmen gomez (poetry)
happiness in this life, excerpts from the homilies of pope francis (theology)
the vigilante / the snake / the chrysanthemums by john steinbeck (classics)
quest for the living god by sister beth johnson *reread* (theology)
the adventures of tom sawyer by mark twain (classics)
the adventures of huckleberry finn by mark twain (classics)
the boys in the boat by daniel james brown (history)
and that's all folks, ending the year with some classics, plus my mom insisted i read the boys in the boat while im home for christmas because she wanted to see the movie lol. i got so many books for christmas so i'll be startin off strong next year too, and my goal is finishing my collection of john steinbeck, by which i mean obtaining as well as reading everything i can find by him. here's my list from 2022 and i'll see you next year
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sensedim1938 · 6 months
Dünyada yalnızca 14 milyon Yahudi var;
~Amerika'da 7 milyon,
~Asya'da 5 milyon,
~Avrupa'da 2 milyon,
~Afrika'da 100 bin
Adet Musevi yaşıyor..
Soru: Pekiyi de kaç adet Müslüman İnsan var?
Cevap: 1,4 milyar Müslüman;
~1 milyar Asya,
~400 milyon Afrika,
~44 milyon Avrupa,
~6 milyon Amerika
Kıt'asında Yaşıyor.
👉Yâni Dünyada 1 Musevi’ye Karşın 100 Müslüman Var...
İyi ama Yahudiler Müslümanlardan niçin 100 kat daha güçlü ve daha zengin ve daha eğitimli ve daha mucitler?
Tarafsız ve Bilimsel Yollarla tespit edilmiş nedenlerini öğrenmek istiyorsanız lütfen okumayı sürdürün.
👉Tüm zamanların en etkin bilim adamı Albert EİNSTEİN bir Yahudiydi.
👉Psikanalizin babası Sigmund FREUD bir Yahudiydi.
👉Karl MARKS Yahudiydi.
Tüm İnsanlığa zenginlik ve sağlık katmış Yahudilere bakalım;
👉Benjamin Rubin insanlığa aşı iğnesini armağan etti.
👉Jonas Salk ilk çocuk felci aşısını geliştirdi.
👉Gertrude Elion lösemiye karşı ilaç buldu.
👉Baruch Blumberg Hepatit-B aşısını geliştirdi.
👉Paul Ehrlich frengiye karşı tedaviyi buldu.
👉Elie Metchnikoff bulaşıcı hastalıklarla ilgili buluşuyla Nobel ödülü kazandı.
👉Gregory Pincus ilk doğum kontrol hapını geliştirdi.
👉Bernard Katz nöromasküler iletişim kaslarla sinir sistemi arası iletişim alanında Nobel ödülü kazandı.
👉Andrew Schally endokrinoloji metabolik sistem rahatsızlıkları, diyabet, hipertiroid tedavilerinde kullanılan yöntemi geliştirdi.
👉Aaaron Beck Cognitive Terapi’yi akli bozuklukları, depresyon ve fobi tedavilerinde kullanılan psikoterapi yöntemini geliştirdi.
👉Gerald Wald insan gözü hakkındaki bilgilerimizi geliştirerek Nobel ödülü kazandı.
👉Stanley Cohen embriyoloji embriyon ve gelişimi çalışmaları dalında Nobel aldı.
👉Willem Kolff böbrek diyaliz makinesini yaptı.
👉Peter Schultz optik lif kabloyu, Charles Adler trafik ışıklarını,
👉Benno Strauss paslanmaz çeliği,
👉Isador Kisse sesli filmleri,
👉Emile Berliner telefon mikrofonunu,
👉Charles Ginsburg ilk bantlı video kayıt makinesini geliştirdi.
👉Stanley Mezor ilk mikro işlem çipini icat etti.
👉Leo Szilard ilk nükleer zincirleme reaktörünü geliştirdi.
Peki, ama;
~Son 100 Yıl içinde Yahudiler sadece Bilimsel alanda 104 Nobel Ödülü kazanırken,
~1.4 milyar Müslüman neden yalnızca 3 Nobel kazandı
Yahudiler niçin bu kadar yaratıcı ve neden bu kadar güçlüler? Yahudi inancına bağlı ve küresel çapta büyüyüp tanınmış şu yatırımcılara ve işadamlarına ve markalarına bakalım;
* Ralph Lauren (Polo),
* Levi Strauss (Levi's Jeans),
* Howard Schultz (Starbuck's),
* Sergei Brin (Google),
* Michael Dell (Dell Bilgisayarları),
* Larry Ellison (Oracle),
* Donna Karan (DKNY),
* Irv Robbins (Baskins & Robbins),
* Bill Rosenberg (Dunkin Doughnuts)
* Richard Levin (Yale Üniversitesi'nin kurucu başkanı).
Yahudi inancına bağlı ve küresel çapta büyüyüp tanınmış şu sanatçılara bakalım:
* Michael Douglas,
* Dustin Hoffman,
* Harrison Ford,
* Woody Allen,
* Tony Curtis,
* Charles Bronson,
* Sandra Bullock,
* Billy Crystal,
* Paul Newman,
* Peter Sellers,
* George Burns,
* Goldie Hawn,
* Cary Grant,
* William Shatner,
* Jerry Lewis,* Peter Falk...
Yönetmenler ve Yapımcılar arasındaki Yahudiler:
* Steven Spielberg,
* Mel Brooks,
* Oliver Stone,
* Aaaron Spelling (Beverly Hills 90210),
* Neil Simon (The Odd Couple),
* Andrew Vaina (Rambo 1 /2 / 3),
* Michael Mann (Starzky and Hutch),
* Milos Forman (One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Amadeus),
* Douglas Fairbanks (TheThief of Baghdat),
* Ivan Reitman (Ghostbusters) ,
* Kohen Kardeşler,
* William Wyler.
* William James Sidis
Sorun kendinize;
250’lik IQ derecesiyle Dünyaya gelmiş en parlak insan hangi dine mensuptur?
Sorun kendinize;
Neden Yahudiler bu kadar güçlüdür?
Cevabı şudur;
Her çocuğa ve her gence kaliteli eğitim verirler...
Bu eğitim türü sorgulayıcı (teslimiyetçi değil), araştırıcı (ezberci değil) ve yaratıcıdır (bilgi üretmek/bulmak içindir)
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karin-in-action · 1 year
Wer ist die*der attraktivste Tatortkommissar*in?
Für die Kategorie "attraktivste Tatortkommissarin" gibt es 20 Nominierte. Sie werden in 5 Runden gegeneinander antreten.
Runde 1 "attraktivste Tatortkommissarin":
Julia Grosz -> direkt in Runde 2
Karin Gorniak -> direkt in Runde 2
Linda Selb vs. Tessa Ott
Rosa Herzog -> direkt in Runde 2
Johanna Stern -> direkt in Runde 2
Pia Heinrich -> direkt in Runde 2
Nina Rubin vs. Conny Mey
Mila Sahin -> direkt in Runde 2
Isabelle Grandjean -> direkt in Runde 2
Leonie Winkler -> direkt in Runde 2
Liv Moormann vs. Henni Sieland
Esther Baumann -> direkt in Runde 2
Charlotte Lindholm -> direkt in Runde 2
Charlotte Sänger -> direkt in Runde 2
Bibi Fellner vs. Susanne Bonard
Lena Odenthal -> direkt in Runde 2
Ich weiß, dass das ziemlich viele sind, die direkt weiter kommen, aber ich wollte keine Wettkämpfe zwischen 3 Personen.
Für die Kategorie "attraktivster Tatortkommissar" gibt es 15 Nominierte. Sie werden in 4 Runden gegeneinander antreten.
Runde 1 "attraktivster Tatortkommissar":
Jan Pawlak vs. Nils Stedefreund
Franz Leitmayr vs. Frank Thiel
Thorsten Lannert vs. Felix Stark
Adam Schürk vs. Robert Karow
Ivo Batic vs. Andreas Keppler
Karl Friedrich Boerne vs. Uwe Kohnau
Leo Hölzer vs. Sebastian Bootz
Thorsten Falke -> direkt in Runde 2
Der Wettkampf um den attraktivsten Kommissar wird morgen starten, der Wettkampf um die attraktivste Kommissarin schon heute. So wird das Finale am selben Tag stattfinden.
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ghelgheli · 9 months
The Stuff I Read in August 2023
Stuff I Extra Liked Is Bold
Raven Stratagem, Yoon Ha Lee (2017)
Reconsidering Reparations, Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò (2022)
The Mirror of My Heart: A Thousand Years of Persian Poetry by Women, trans. Dick Davis (2019)
The Origins of Unfairness, Cailin O'Connor (2019)
Short Fiction
the prisoner, ignatz
The Unwanted Guest, Tamsyn Muir
She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat, Sakaomi Yuzaki
Still Sick, Akashi
Born Again Bunny, ignatz
A Museum of Dubious Splendors, Studio Oleomingus
In the Pause Between the Ringing, Studio Oleomingus
The Indifferent Wonder of an Edible Place, Studio Oleomingus
Game Theory
The Bargaining Problem, John Nash (1950)
Two Person Cooperative Games, John Nash (1953)
Perfect Equilibrium in a Bargaining Model, Ariel Rubinstein (1982)
Marriage and household decision making: A bargaining analysis, Marilyn Manser and Murray Brown (1980)
Evolutionary Game Theory
The theory of games and the evolution of animal conflicts, John Maynard Smith (1974)
The Logic of Animal Conflict, John Maynard Smith and George R. Price (1973)
Why imitate, and if so, how? A boundedly rational approach to multi-armed bandits, Karl Schlag (1996)
On the Stability of Racial Capitalism, Liam Kofi Bright, Nathan Gabriel, Cailin O'Connor, Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò
Fairness and Signaling in Bargaining Games, Mihaela Popa-Wyatt, Roland Mühlenbernd Jeremy L. Wyatt
Inequality and Inequity in the Emergence of Conventions, Calvin Cochran and Cailin O'Connor (2019)
Power by Association, Travis LaCrois and Cailin O'Connor (2020)
Why Natural Social Contracts are not Fair, Cailin O'Connor (2022)
How to Put the Cart Behind the Horse in the Cultural Evolution of Gender, Daniel Saunders (2022)
Division of Labor, Economic Specialization, and the Evolution of Social Stratification, Joseph Heinrich and Robert Boyd (2008)
On the emergence of minority disadvantage: testing the cultural Red King hypothesis, Aydin Mohseni, Cailin O'Connor, and Hannah Rubin (2021)
Philosophy (broadly construed)
"But What Are You, Really?" The Metaphysics of Race, Charles W. Mills (1998)
Heterosexualism and the Colonial/Modern Gender System, Maria Lugones
Extracted Speech, Rachel Ann McKinney (2016)
Nozick's Entitlement Theory of Justice, Kenneth J. Arrow (1978)
Nietzsche, the Chinese Worker's Friend, Ishay Landa (1999)
Measuring Conventionality, Cailin O'Connor (2020)
Who Was Barbie? various @ nplusonemag
Lockhart's Lament, Paul Lockhart
Female Hunters of the Early Americas, Randall Haas et al.
We Have No Moat, and Neither Does OpenAI, anonymous
The Bitter Lesson, Rich Sutton
The Evolution of Individual and Cultural Variation in Social Learning, Alex Mesoudi et al.
Medieval Arab Lesbians and Lesbian-Like Women, Sahar Amer (2009)
"My son was castrated as a result of a medical error. Is it OK to raise him as a eunuch?" Thomas W. Johnson and Richard J. Wassersug (2021)
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byneddiedingo · 7 months
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Marlene Dietrich in Dishonored (Josef von Sternberg, 1931)
Cast: Marlene Dietrich, Victor McLaglen, Warner Oland, Gustav von Seyffertitz, Lew Cody, Barry Norton. Screenplay: Josef von Sternberg, Daniel Nathan Rubin. Cinematography: Lee Garmes. Art direction: Hans Dreier. Costume design: Travis Banton. Film editing: Josef von Sternberg. Music: Karl Hajos, Herman Hand. 
Of the seven films Josef von Sternberg made with Marlene Dietrich, Dishonored is probably the weakest. Dietrich is not to blame: Photographed by Lee Garmes and dressed by Travis Banton, she looks as good as she ever did, and the movie gives her a chance to show her talent for comedy for the first time, when she pretends to be a rather bumptious girl from the country. But the story concocted by Sternberg and co-scripted with Daniel Nathan Rubin, a not particularly distinguished playwright, lacks wit and tension. Sternberg's direction allows the pace of the film to go slack, and his decision to edit the film himself doesn't help: His lap dissolves, for example, linger too long on the old scene as the new one fades in, causing visual confusion. Moreover, Dishonored features Victor McLaglen, of all actors, as the romantic lead. McLaglen was skilled as a heavy or a clumsy goof, and John Ford directed him to an Oscar for The Informer (1935), but he's out of place as the Russian spy who gets entangled with Dietrich's Austrian spy. For some reason, he spends a lot of the film flashing a rictus-like grin. Sternberg's story is based on the career of Mata Hari, about whom MGM made a competing movie starring Greta Garbo and Ramon Novarro the same year. Dietrich plays a war widow who has turned prostitute to survive, and is recruited for the Austrian Secret Service by its chief (Gustav von Seyffertitz) when she proclaims, "I've had an inglorious life. It may become my good fortune to have a glorious death." Through her career as Agent X-27 she is accompanied by a cat who is so faithful -- she even carries it in the open cockpit of an airplane -- that it suggests a witch's familiar. She's also a pianist, who encodes secrets in musical notation. (Not that she's a good pianist: At one point she plays the usually quietly serene opening of Beethoven's "Moonlight" sonata as if it were the "Appassionata.") Dishonored is no sillier than most of the Sternberg-Dietrich movies, but it doesn't wear its silliness with style the way the best of them do. 
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mariacallous · 6 months
(JTA) — Shlomo Avineri, a leading Israeli political philosopher, left-leaning former director-general of the country’s foreign ministry and clear-eyed critic of both sides to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, died on Friday. He was 90.
Avineri was a longtime professor of political science at Hebrew University, where he produced important scholarship on Zionist thinkers Theodor Herzl and Moses Hess as well as the works of Karl Marx and G.W.F. Hegel. He applied his historical perspective as a frequent commentator in the Israeli and foreign media, and as a regular columnist for the Israeli daily Haaretz.
In 1975, the government of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin appointed him as director-general of the foreign ministry, then headed by Yigal Allon. The right-wing Likud party, then in opposition, bitterly opposed the appointment of Avineri, who in 1971 edited a book that explored the possibility of negotiations with the Palestine Liberation Organization when such talks were still illegal. When Likud took office in 1977 with the election of Menachem Begin, Avineri submitted his resignation.
At the time, many in Israel thought Avineri would lead a dovish challenge to the humbled Labor party. “During his one year tenure at the Foreign Ministry he became a familiar face on Israeli television, to such a degree that aides to Allon complained that Avineri was upstaging his boss,” the Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported in 1977.
Nevertheless, he returned to teaching at Hebrew University. He headed the political science department and devoted himself to researching the intellectual origins of Zionism.
Even while producing more than a dozen books on 19th-century political thought, Avineri remained deeply engaged with current events in Israel. In a 2011 article for Haaretz, he urged Israelis to understand the Palestinian perspective, but also criticized the Palestinian leadership for denying essential facts about the founding of Israel.
The 1948 war should “not be taught as a battle between narratives. In the final analysis, there is a historical truth,” he wrote. “And without ignoring the suffering of the other, that is how such sensitive issues must be taught.”
Avineri was born Jerzy Wiener in Bielsko, Poland, in 1933. His family arrived in then-Palestine in 1939 and settled in Herzliya. He studied political science and history at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he received his doctorate.
As a visiting scholar he held appointments at Yale, Cornell, the Cardozo School of Law in New York and Northwestern University, among others.  He was also a visiting scholar at the Wilson Center, the Brookings Institution and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
After the fall of the Soviet Union, he advised Eastern European nations about democratization, and in 1989 he served as an observer to the elections in Hungary and Czechoslovakia.
Avineri was awarded the Rubin Prize in 1969 for his research, the Naftali Prize in 1971 and the Present Tense Award from the  American Jewish Committee in 1982. In 1996 he received the Israel Prize, the country’s highest honor, for political science.
Avineri is survived by his daughter Maayan. His wife Devora (Nadler) Avineri died in 2022.
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brookstonalmanac · 3 months
Birthdays 3.10
Beer Birthdays
None Known
Five Favorite Birthdays
Jeff Ament; rock musician (1963)
Bix Beiderbecke; jazz trumpeter, bandleader (1903)
Eva Herzigova; model (1973)
Tom Scholz; rock musician, "Boston" (1947)
Karl Wilhelm Friedrich von Schlegel; German writer (1772)
Famous Birthdays
Eric Berne; writer (1910)
Osama bin Laden; al-Qaeda leader, terrorist (1957)
Edie Brickell; rock musician (1966)
Lance Burton; magician (1960)
Neneh Cherry; singer, songwriter (1964)
Pablo de Sarasate; violinist (1844)
Wayne Dyer; psychologist, writer (1940)
William Etty; artist (1787)
Barry Fitzgerald; actor (1888)
Mitch Gaylord; gymnast, actor (1961)
Jasmine Guy; actor (1964)
Jon Hamm; actor (1971)
James Herriot; Scottish veterinarian, writer (1916)
Arthur Honegger; composer (1892)
Sam Jaffe; actor (1891)
Tamara Karsavina; ballerina (1885)
Clare Boothe Luce; playwright (1903)
Shannon Miller; gymnast (1977)
Chuck Norris; actor (1940)
Gary Owens; announcer, comedian (1935)
Rick Rubin; record producer (1963)
Sharon Stone; actor (1958)
Dean Torrence; pop singer (1940)
Shannon Tweed; actor, playmate (1957)
Carrie Underwood; country singer (1983)
Lillian Wald; social worker (1867)
Olivia Wilde; actor (1984)
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panicinthestudio · 2 months
The Fifth Dalai Lama Ngawang Lobzang Gyatso (1617--1682) with Previous Incarnations, April 3, 2024
The Fifth Dalai Lama Ngawang Lobzang Gyatso (1617--1682) with Previous Incarnations, 18th century, pigments on cloth, 27 3/8 x 17 3/8 inches (Rubin Museum of Art). A conversation with Dr. Karl Debreczeny, Senior Curator, Rubin Museum of Art and Dr. Beth Harris. Rubin Museum senior curator Dr. Karl Debreczeny and Dr. Beth Harris of Smarthistory explore a painting of the Fifth Dalai Lama. Get a detailed look at the artwork and learn about the significance of the Fifth Dalai Lama in Tibetan Buddhism. The Rubin Museum of Art has teamed up with Smarthistory to bring you an ‘up-close’ look at select objects from the Rubin’s preeminent collection of Himalayan art. Featuring conversations with senior curators and close-looking at art, this video series is an accessible introduction to the art and material culture of the Tibetan, Himalayan, and Inner Asian regions. Learn about the living traditions and art-making practices of the Himalayas from the past to today.
Learn more about the Fifth Dalai Lama on Project Himalayan Art, a resource from the Rubin for learning about Himalayan, Tibetan, and Inner Asian art and cultures:
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spacenutspod · 6 months
The IceCube Neutrino Observatory, operated by the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-M), located at the Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station in Antarctica, is one of the most ambitious neutrino observatories in the world. Behind this observatory is the IceCube Collaboration, an international group of 300 physicists from 59 institutions in 14 countries. Relying on a cubic kilometer of ice to shield from external interference, this observatory is dedicated to the search for neutrinos. These nearly massless subatomic particles are among the most abundant in the Universe and constantly pass through normal matter. By studying these particles, scientists hope to gain insight into some of the most violent astrophysical sources – such as supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, merging black holes and neutron stars, etc. The group of scientists tasked with advising the U.S. government on particle physics research is known as the Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel (P5). In a recent draft report, “Pathways to Innovation and Discovery in Particle Physics,” the P5 team recommended a planned expansion of IceCube. This recommendation is one of several that define the future of astrophysics and particle physics research. The report also recommends support for a separate neutrino experiment based in Illinois called the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, along with multiple projects at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider, the Vera C. Rubin Observatory, the Cherenkov Telescope Array, and the development of next-generation ground-based telescopes to observe the cosmic microwave background (CMB). The P5 advisors include two UW–Madison faculty members, Tulika Bose and Kyle Cranmer, and UW–Madison physicists also hold leading roles in the projects listed above. A view of the IceCube Lab with a starry night sky showing the Milky Way and green auroras. Credit: Yuya Makino, IceCube/NSF Bose is an experimental particle physicist who works on the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment at the LHC. Her research is focused on the search for exotic particles, Dark Matter, and Standard Model measurements. Cranmer’s research is similarly focused on the search for exotic particles and physics beyond the Standard Model, which included the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. Together with their P5 colleagues, the two spent much of the last year assessing the future of particle physics and recommending projects that would help advance the field. One of the chief concerns of the P5 panel is how the federal government could maximize the limited funding it allocates to particle physics research over the next decade. This is one of the main reasons for the recommended IceCube expansion, colloquially named ICECube-Gen2. As they indicate in their report, an upgrade to the current observatory would be a relatively cost-effective way to improve the scientific community’s ability to detect and analyze neutrinos: “IceCube-Gen2 also has a strong science case in multi-messenger astrophysics together with gravitational wave observatories… The South Pole, a unique site that enables the world-leading science of CMB-S4 and IceCube-Gen2, must be maintained as a premier site of science to allow continued US leadership in these areas.” “Using new technology and taking advantage of the brilliant ice that we can model with ever higher precision, IceCube-Gen2 can expand the detection volume by a factor of eight for a cost comparable to IceCube,” said Albrecht Karle, a UW–Madison physics professor who is leading the IceCube upgrade in a UW-M press release. In addition to supporting an IceCube expansion and other major experiments, the panel recommended an improved funding balance between projects of all sizes, a more aggressive research and development program that could lead to a next-generation particle accelerator, and broadening the nation’s advanced technology workforce. Bose indicated that she is particularly excited by the prospect of a new particle accelerator, which could potentially be located in the U.S. “I am excited by the bold long-term vision presented in the P5 report,” she said. “Such a collider would be an unparalleled global facility that will provide new insights into the mysteries of our quantum universe.” The P5 panel’s recommendations are now being reviewed by the High Energy Physics Advisory Panel (HEPAP), part of the U.S. Department of Energy (DoE), which is scheduled to meet on December 8th to discuss the recommendations. An online version of the P5 report can be found here on the DoE’s website, and a 2-page summary can be found on the HEPAP site here. Further Reading: University of Wisconsin-Madison The post Scientists are Recommending IceCube Should be Eight Times Bigger appeared first on Universe Today.
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drrubinspomade · 6 months
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Dr Rubin’s Pomade
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STEM Teacher/College Professer in Engineering and Blacksmithing Heisenberg but it's just after he gets out of Evil Umbrella Academy. He got his degrees and everything. Made himself a little trumpet for when the kids first came. He cleaned himself up a bit and tried to make himself look like an average Joe but didn't put on anything to cover his scars so the kids are like "wooooah our teacher prolly fought in the war but when we ask about it he seems to not even know there WAS a war. weird." And they try to figure out his backstory and they have this little Red String Picture Board™️ like detectives or something. Without Heisenberg knowing. He's like the BEST teacher tho and they ADORE HIM. He's gone for a day, they legit freak out. Since Donna is his bio sister in my AU and they chose who got which last name out of a hat, they call him HB TV.
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youngsoulcity · 10 months
Produced by Earl on the Beat, Karl Rubin, Jean Baptiste & DJ Replay
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