aphroditelovesu · 6 months
Yandere Jeong Gu-Won Headcanons (General)
''I really can't stay away from you no matter how hard I try I always end up coming back to you.'' — Jeong Gu-Won.
❝ 👹 — lady l: my wips cry when they see me writing things out of nowhere, but I watched the two episodes of My Demon that were released this week and I needed to write to this man 😥 I hope you like these headcanons! ❤️❤️
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, mention of murder, jealousy, stalking and unhealthy relationships.
❝👹pairing: yandere!jeong gu-won x gender neutral!reader.
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Jeong Gu-Won didn't understand why he was feeling this way about you, about a useless and stupid human (as he used to call you). He didn't understand these feelings, why he, a demon, was feeling this way.
He tried at all costs to deny his feelings, to keep his mind busy with other things, but he always came back to thinking about you. He couldn't get you out of his head and it drove him crazy.
Jeong Gu-Won gradually became involved in your life, in such a subtle way that neither he nor you realized how involved he already was with you. Sometimes appearing where you were and watching you, protecting you in his own way or just spying on you. Even though he will never admit it.
He didn't want to accept that he was falling in love with a human, that he cared about a human, that he cared abot you. Gu-Won had been in denial ever since he noticed his heart racing when he was close to you or how he came to care about you.
He tried to fight against these feelings, against the urge to kill when someone else got too close to you, with the burning jealousy that consumed him from the inside out, but he couldn't. He tried to stay away from you for your his good, but he always ended up coming back.
Jeong Gu-Won couldn't stay away from you, he tried but he was worried. What if something happened to you? If you ended up being robbed or murdered? You were a human, you could get hurt easily and he couldn't have that.
Basically he became your bodyguard, although he doesn't use that term. He follows you everywhere and when he can't do it, he sends someone he trusts to follow you. He's just protecting you. To say he is overprotective is an understatement. For him, because you are human, you are exposed to risks all the time and must be protected at any cost.
Gu-Won will never admit it, but he is very jealous, bordering on possessive most of the time. He will be seething with jealousy inside when you are around another person, his gaze hardening and he will use his powers against them if they bother him too much. From something harmless, like making them trip, to something really lethal.
He is very polite with you and always tries to be courteous to you, but his bad mood always ends up getting the best of him and he ends up coming off as rude. He doesn't like other people, just you so there's no reason to be polite to them. You are all that matters, in the end.
Once he lets himself accept his feelings for you, Jeong Gu-Won won't let go of it. He really cares about someone other than himself after 200 years of being a demon, he won't let something happen to you. He can't let that happen.
He likes to use his powers to please you, as a way of showing his affection, something he's never really been good at. Whether it's cleaning your house with your powers, cooking for you or taking you to incredible places at any time of the day. He might feel uncomfortable about it due to his ego, but when he sees the amazed look on your face, he knows he won't regret it.
Jeong Gu-Won doesn't know how to deal with what he feels for you in an exactly healthy way, he's a demon and he's been alone for 200 years. He just knows that he cares, that he likes and loves you in a burning and passionate way. He had never felt like this before, not even when he was human. There's nothing he wouldn't do for you, from punishing people who cross you to even murdering anyone who gets too close for his liking.
You are his, after all. And Gu-Won won't let anyone take what belongs to him. Trying to steal something from a demon never ends well.
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feii1effect · 2 months
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— Stay alert at my funeral. Everyone who disliked me will attend. Hyeon-ju, Jeong-mi, Eun-jin, and Ye-na. Listen carefully to what they say. — And? — Sue them all if they bad-mouth me. Sue them for defaming the dead. — Me? — Then, should I? I'll be in the coffin. — Come on. I don't think anyone would mourn. — So, you should.
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themundanedumpling · 1 month
im sol is such a relatable character because i too would cringe and scold my past teenage self from making terrible decisions and being cringe if i had the opportunity to go back in time
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dramadaisies · 1 year
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choi chiyeol trying (and failing) to avoid being in love with nam haengseon.
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mochamamii · 1 year
siesta. | s. myeong-oh
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▹ a/n : hello loves, long time no upload. I have missed you dearly *virtual smoochhhh* I never write for dramas but I enjoyed the glory so much I had to write something for it, you don’t really need to have watched the show to understand this. sidenote, if you already know you don’t like son myeong-oh’s character and are about to send me a rude message or comment just remember that YOU alone are responsible for the content you consume! in other words keep it pushing or you will be blocked.
▹ triggers : dubious consent, detailed smut, unprotected sex, creampie, mirror sex, overstimulation, slight size kink if you squint, myeong-oh’s character alone is a trigger tbh..
▹ pairing : son myeong-oh x fem!reader
▹ synopsis : there’s a living, breathing reason that you hate going to siesta, it’s six foot and attached to a man bun.
You released a shaky breath as you craned your neck back to peer up at the bright neon sign that hung above the expensive department store’s grand entrance. Your feet remained bolted to the pavement beneath you, unwilling to inch forward and enter the store. Not even the unforgiving cold and heavy rain that was pouring down on you was enough to will yourself to push through the shiny glass store doors.
You grimaced as you caught a glimpse of your reflection in the glass.
You looked a right mess. It was nearing the end of your busy work day, only one final task lied ahead of you before you could go home to a hot shower and a meal. Your bangs were sticking to your forehead unflatteringly, due to a mixture of sweat and rain. Your clothes were sticking to your body in an uncomfortable manner as well. You had fallen into a daze as you grimaced at your unkempt appearance.
It was the vibration of your phone stuffed deep in your coat’s pocket that made you jump. You fished the device out of your pocket to see a new message from Yeon-Jin.
‘pick up more stockings on your way back, these are too dark.’
You had begun working for newscaster Park Yeon-Jin a few months ago. Her last assistant inexplicably quit on her, or at least that was the story you were given by Yeon-Jin’s driver your second day working for her. After a few months of working for someone like Yeon-Jin you knew there was more than likely a more sinister reason that the last girl quit. You had come to realize that Yeon-Jin was a viperous individual. It was a marvel that you had managed to last this long working for her, none of her other assistants seemed to last as long as you had. 
You didn’t think that had anything to do with your resolve or patience and more to do with the fact that Park Yeon-Jin was in the middle of a very public divorce from her former husband Ha Do-yeong. Coupled with the fact that there were rumours circulating that she was a bully in high school. She was under more scrutiny than ever, everyone watching her actions closely. With that being said, Yeon-Jin was more than likely more tolerable these days than in the past. She was more dismissive of you than anything else, although you had heard the horror stories of how she treated her hired help in the past. You weren’t really in a position to complain about having to work for her anyways, the ever present threat of homelessness was enough to motivate you to keep this job. Your work consisted mainly of running errands for her. Which is the reason you were standing outside in the rain in front of this store.
Yeon-Jin’s last task for you today was to pick up her dress and bring it to her so she could be prepared for tomorrow. 
A simple enough task. The only issue being the store in question.
You hated coming here. In your short time working for Yeon-Jin you had been called to come here numerous times for a plethora of reasons, mostly picking up her clothes or whatever else she needed. You hated this place for two reasons. The owner, Jeon Jae-Jun had immediately proven himself to be just as elitist and callous as Yeon-Jin within the first few seconds of meeting him. Your chest still tightens as you recall the first time you met him here at Siesta and he had mocked your simple ballet flats. From that day forward Yeon-Jin had required you to be wearing heels to work every day.
The second reason being Jae-Jun’s driver.
Son Myeong-Oh.
You had grown to dislike all of Yeon-Jin’s friends in time. But Son Myeong-Oh left a particularly bitter taste in your mouth. He made you uncomfortable in a way you couldn’t describe. 
You especially did not like that he always seemed to be there whenever you needed to go to Siesta. Like, he was waiting around lingering for the chance that you might show up. 
Feeling that you had wasted enough time loitering around outside you shuffled inside after typing a quick reply back to Yeon-Jin confirming that you were picking up her dress now.
The door dinged cheerfully as you crossed the threshold into the store. It was long past operating hours, but you knew that Myeong-Oh was without a doubt here and waiting for you. His bike had been parked out front, taunting you silently as you worked up the courage to go inside.
Your Yeon-Jin issued heels clicked satisfyingly against the marble floor as you moved through the store, stopping at the door of the dressing room.
You hadn’t even been standing there for more than a second before the door opened to reveal the man who made the hair on the back of your neck stand up at the sight of him. He had his long hair down instead of in his usual bun. He was donning a mink coat you were almost certain belonged to Jae-Jun. His usual sick smirk already plastered on his face. 
“You look like shit, how long were you standing out in the rain for?” He asked, his lips curling up to reveal his pearly whites.
You scoffed, it was true, you did look awful, you had spent the day running around behind Yeon-Jin, helping her prepare for a big day in court tomorrow, you didn’t even have time for a lunch break. 
“I see you’ve been playing in Jae-Jun’s closet again.” You answered flatly, your eyes falling to the expensive furs. 
Myeong-Oh cut you a sharp glare to which you ignored. That was the best way to deal with Myeong-Oh. Ignore him a much as possible and engage with him for as little as possible when forced. 
“I’m here for Yeon-Jin’s dress.” You announced.
And just that quickly his smile had returned, he pushed opened the door to the dressing room further allowing you a peek in.
Your eyes immediately landed on Yeon-Jin’s dress for tomorrow, carefully wrapped in plastic and draped along the couch. 
Myeong-Oh leaned against the frame of the doorway, “Come on then.”
You waited a second to see if he had any intention of moving and to your dismay he did not. Cautiously, you stepped forward and slid past him.  Quickly ducking your head underneath his arm to get by. You scooped the dress up in your arms, doing a quick inspection to check for anything wrong with it.
Satisfied with the state of the dress, just as quickly as you had entered the dressing room you turned on your heels to exit.
You knew it wouldn’t be that easy. Not with somebody like Myeong-Oh involved and as expected, he stopped you in your tracks before you could reach the door. His tall frame blocking the doorway like a brick wall. 
“You’re always in such a rush to leave. Stay and have a drink with me at least.” He suggested, his gaze moving from your eyes down to your body. 
He was always so honest with his thoughts without even trying. You hated that. He never made any effort to conceal the fact that he was undressing you with his eyes. He was completely shameless.
“Yeon-Jin is waiting for me.” You stated.
And even if she wasn’t, you could think about a million other things you’d rather be doing with your Friday night then sitting at Siesta drinking with Son Myeong-Oh of all people.
“I just talked to Jae-jun, the two of them are together now, trust me you have plenty of time.” Myeong-Oh countered with a dry chuckle.
You realized now that Yeon-Jin’s text from earlier about picking up more stockings was probably just to get you to take more time. Which you were actually grateful for. You still cringe whenever you think about the first time you’d accidentally walked in on the two lovers here at Siesta.
Before you could come up with another excuse, he was already at the makeshift bar in the corner, pulling a bottle off the shelf along with two glasses. 
“Just one drink.” He said, holding the bottle of expensive brandy out for you to inspect. 
You glanced down at your watch on your wrist and then to the window. It was still pouring out there and you weren’t thrilled about having to go back out there again anytime soon.
Not wanting to satisfy him with an answer you quietly shuffled over to the couch, taking a seat.
You watched closely as Myeong-Oh filled the glasses with ice before joining you on the couch. Even after deliberately isolating yourself to the far end of the long couch Myeong-Oh’s cologne invaded your senses. That was very characteristic of him even though it wasn’t purposeful.
Myeong-Oh always insisted upon being the loudest person in the room, and always the flashiest, like him adorning himself in flamboyant stolen mink coats from Jae-Jun’s closet. Even him driving a motorcycle instead of a regular car felt very on brand for him. He’s so painfully transparent and predictable.
You must’ve started zoning out again because you felt a slight pinch on the exposed meat of your arm.
“What was that for?” You questioned, looking over to meet his gaze.
“You started ignoring me. I don’t like that.” He answered frankly, he slid your glass over to you.
You watched as he cracked the bottle open, peeling it’s waxy wrapper off the neck of the bottle. He filled your glass first. The brandy was a beautiful shade of amber. You weren’t much of a drinker and even when you did it wasn’t ever anything fancy. You were a simple girl in that regard.
“Thanks.” You said as you brought the glass to your lips.
You could feel his burning gaze on you as he waited for you to take the first sip. The brandy had a surprisingly sweet, almost caramel-esque aroma but it burned the minute it hit your throat.
You forced the liquor down, unable to hold back a cough and the disgusted look that took up residence on your face.
Myeong-Oh let out a laugh, even clapping for added flair.
“It’s terrible, right?” He asked as he leaned back, sinking further into the couch cushions. He took a sip from his own glass.
“You knew what it tasted like already? Why are you still drinking it?” You asked, puzzled.
He shrugged his shoulders, “It tastes awful but it’s expensive, a single bottle of this would cost me two months of my salary.”
You hummed, “Well, it wouldn’t be worth it anyway.”
Your mouth still felt like it was on fire from the first sip but you were compelled to try it again.
The second sip went down smoother. Still just as terrible though.
You felt his lingering gaze on you once more, he was always doing that. Always staring at you for far too long, he did it so often that Yeon-Jin of all people was the first one to bring it your attention, only to laugh at your expense of being preyed upon of course, not because she was genuinely concerned or anything.
“Why do you always do that?” You questioned, turning slightly to look him in the eye.
“The staring. Don’t you know that it’s rude?” You asked,
He laughed again, “Sure it is, but I don’t care. You have a lot worth admiring.” He answered truthfully,
He leaned in closer, “Does it make you uncomfortable?”
You weren’t quite sure how to answer that. Of course the answer was yes but making that admission felt like letting him win. You felt frozen in place under his intense gaze. You felt like he could read all of your thoughts even before you spoke them.
He took advantage of your silence and boldly placed his hand on your thigh. You suddenly felt more exposed than you truly were in your skirt that left you vulnerable to his wandering hand.
His hand was warm and big, large enough to completely encapsulate your thigh in his hand if he wanted to. Your breath hitched as he gave you a gentle squeeze on the thigh. You tore your eyes away from his to peer down at the hand that was now moving down your leg. 
You gasped as he suddenly in one swift motion brought your leg to drape across his lap. 
The familiar feeling of goosebumps rested across your skin, this time felt a little different. There was an unfamiliar gentleness in the way he was handling you. Perhaps it wasn’t goosebumps you were experiencing, maybe the word you were looking for was anticipation.
“You should take these off. Get comfortable.” Myeong-Oh suggested, already sliding the heels off your tired feet before you could answer.
Using your ankle he pulled you down the length of the couch until you were pressed as closely into him as you thought possible. He used his free hand to place a hand on your neck in a subtle show of dominance. 
The room suddenly felt three times smaller, the air between you growing in temperature. 
He leaned in further, his lips immediately finding your neck. He peppered sweet pecks along the expanse of the sensitive skin there. You had to grip your hand on his shirt to stop yourself from tilting your head further to provide him with more access.
Your phone vibrated in your pocket again, drawing you out of your enchantment, “Yeon-Jin’s probably waiting for me.” You said, sliding your leg off of his lap.
He caught your leg in his hand again before you could pull it away entirely. His grasp on you tightening as he whispered in your ear, “Let her wait.”
“I really should go, she’ll be mad if I keep her waiting-
Myeong-Oh ignored you and pulled Yeon-Jin’s dress away that you were still clutching protectively and carelessly tossed it to the floor, “She won’t melt if she’s left waiting for a little longer.” He answered.
“I know, but she’s still my boss-
He cut you off by shifting his weight to lean into you further, pushing you down onto the soft couch cushions. Myeong-Oh hovered over you, his gaze traveling down to your cleavage.
“And so what? she’s a bitch, so let her wait.” His gaze only lifting momentarily to meet yours.
You parted your lips to make a rebuttal but he silenced you by crashing his lips down onto yours. The kiss was eager and hungry, your teeth almost clashing a few times. Naturally, your hands found themselves tangled in his long locks.
He didn’t waste too much more time on your lips before his wandering hands started moving again. 
“You look pretty like this, small and tiny under me.” He said as his hand slipped under your shirt.
He moved down your body, raising your shirt to plant kisses along your midriff. He leaned back slightly to shrug the mink coat off of his shoulders, exposing his bare chest and arms to you. The muscles under his skin moved as he did, the tattoos that painted his golden skin dancing with subtlety. You released your hold on his hair to drag your fingertips across the lion that resided on his chest.
He grasped your hand, pressing your hand flat against his chest. His heartbeat thumping against the palm of your trembling hand.
You took over this time, making the move to peel your still damp clothes from your body, starting with your coat. You felt powerful as he looked down at you with desire, his breathing pattern changing as you lifted your shirt over your head. You took a large inhale, reminding yourself to remain brave as your hand fumbled with the clasp of your bra.
He released a deep guttural groan at the sight of your breasts falling free from your bra. His hands raising to cup them in his hands, kneading the flesh in his strong hold. You sat up some to rest on your elbows to watch as he toyed with your chest. Between your legs heated up with arousal the moment he rolled your sensitive nipple in his thumb. 
He picked up the pace again, his movements switching from sweet and gentle to feverish and greedy as his mouth latched onto one of your nipples, intentionally nipping at the skin there with his teeth. You gasped, instinctively one of your hands raised to push his mouth away from your chest.
He grabbed a hold of your wrist, never ceasing his assault on your sensitive nipples. Releasing a chuckle that vibrated against your skin. His tongue expertly flicked at your nipples, obsessed with the squeals you were making.
He pulled away from your chest, a string of saliva connecting from your breasts to his mouth.
“If you look away, I’ll stop.” He warned.
He began moving further down your body, hiking your skirt up enough to reveal your cotton panties. He leaned in, inhaling your scent before planting a kiss on your clit that was still trapped under the suffocating fabric of your panties. You whined, needing more. He didn’t give in so easily, teasing you a bit more, giving you gentle kitten licks. 
You knew what he was stalling for, you didn’t want to give in either but your core ached, desperate to feel his tongue flat against your dripping folds.
“Myeong-Oh...” You moaned, peering down at him with pleading eyes.
He lifted his head, replacing his tongue with his hands. He toyed with the waistband of your panties and your eyes lit up for a moment, hopeful that he might finally rip them away from you to resume ravishing you.
“Maybe if you ask nicely, I’ll give you what you want. Can you do that?” He asked, pulling at the waistband of your panties, forcing the fabric to wedgie itself in between your folds, rubbing right against your throbbing clit. The friction felt heavenly, you tried to rotate your hips in hope of finding some relief but it still wasn’t enough.
“Please...” You whined, jutting your bottom lip out in a pitiful pout.
He tugged harder on your waistband, biting your inner thigh as he wedgied your panties further against your clit, “Please...what?”
“Please...I want you to...lick my pussy.” You breathed, your face heating up with embarrassment.
Satisfied with your answer he didn’t waste anymore time in yanking your panties to the side and diving in, his tongue instantly finding its way to your clit. You moaned, your hands finding their way to his hair again. He held your legs back with a tight grip to keep you from closing them. He had no shame in hungrily lapping at your folds, humming against your clit. Your back arched off. the couch, leaning into him. Your hips started to rock, finding a rhythm of their own as you felt your stomach tighten with anticipation for your impending orgasm.
He could sense how close you were and took the opportunity to circle his lips around your swollen clit entirely, sucking on your pearl.
Your head fell back and your grip on his hair tightened causing him to groan, the vibrations on your clit sending you over the edge. Your orgasm momentarily paralyzed you, breathing included. Your abdomen tightened to brace yourself. You could feel your thighs shaking as you rode out your orgasm. You tried to untangle yourself from him so you could fully come down from your high but his grip tightened, his tongue never stopping. He ruthlessly lapped at your clit, overstimulating you. 
You whined and pushed at his shoulders trying to wriggle out of his grasp but he wouldn’t let you. Additionally, your muscles were still so relaxed from your orgasm that you couldn’t put up much of a fight. You huffed and collapsed back down flat against the couch as you resigned yourself to accepting whatever he would give you. Tears sprang from the corner of your eyes as he worked a second orgasm out of you, dipping his long fingers into your warmth to collect your stickiness. 
Your mouth fell open as you watched him bring the fingers to his mouth, tasting your arousal. 
He sat up, leaning back on his haunches to admire his work. Your eyes were hazy and out of focus, still reeling from the two orgasms he just gave you.  He raised your legs, pushing them back as far as they would go, leaving your ankles resting at the side of your head.
His dick twitched at the sight of your creamy juices spilling out of you. He used the same two fingers to work the lost juices back into your quivering hole. He maintained  a slow pace, pumping his thick fingers in and out of you.
“You opened up so nicely for me..” He praised, watching your cheeks flush a bright red.
You were embarrassed at how easily he was able to slide in and of your slick walls, fully stretching to accommodate a third finger from him. 
He pulled his fingers out, suckling on them quickly before moving to undo the belt to his pants. He freed himself from his briefs, his dick bobbing freely, a bead of precum present on his tip. He manhandled you into the position he wanted before lining himself up with your entrance, he captured your lips with his, kissing you. He slid inside easily, thanking himself for taking the time to prepare you.
You welcomed him in, your walls expanding to adjust to his thick length. You moaned, feeling him stretch you out further with each thrust. They started slow, sheathing himself fully inside of you before pulling back out, his dick glistening with your arousal. He grabbed a hold of your neck again, forcing you to turn your head to the side to watch in the large mirror adjacent to the couch, his other hand held your leg back, letting him sink deeper into you.
“Look at you, look at how well you’re taking me. You’re still so tight, fuck..” He moaned in your ear, his eyes meeting yours in the mirror as he pressed his hips into yours.
It was so dirty, you were so embarrassed and wanted to tear your eyes away from the lewd sight but he refused. 
“Myeong-Oh...” You moaned, your eyes getting blurry as tears filled them.
“Yes, let me hear you...I want to hear your pretty moans as I fuck you.” He said, a subtle hint of a whine at the end.
Picking up the pace, he kissed your neck, licking up the tears that were falling down your cheeks, his grip on your leg tightening. He was trying so hard to hold back, wanting to be gentle with you. But the second you reached around to claw at his back, your legs locking around his waist to push him in deeper sent him over the edge. 
“Fuck..” He cursed, his jaw clenching as he snapped his hips into yours. 
He was giving you long and deep strokes, the head of his dick kissing your cervix as he pounded into your swollen cunt. Your eyes started to roll back, and your breath quickened.
You were suddenly pulled from your state of bliss when you felt a smack on your outer thigh, “You should say sorry, don’t you think? For keeping this tight, wet pussy all to yourself this whole time.”
Your voice was shaky, and you struggled to make coherent sentences as he started to slam into you harder, “I-I...I’m sorry..” You answered pitifully in between moans.
He rewarded you with a kiss to the neck, rubbing the flesh where he had striked you.
“Good girl. Listen to you, listen to how wet your pussy is.” He said, angling his hips to hit deeper inside if that was even possible.
Wet squelching sounds reverberated around the spacious dressing room, coupled with both of your heavy breathing.
You rocked your hips into his, meeting his hard thrusts, your titties bouncing up and down as you did so. You didn’t think you could cum again so soon but it wasn’t long until you felt your stomach tightening again. You could tell he was close too because his thrusts were getting sloppy but quicker.
Your nails dug deep into his skin making him hiss. You needed the leverage to brace yourself for your inevitable orgasm.
“Fuck, I’m gonna come...!” You warned, still watching in the mirror as he fucked you.
He reached down to rub at your clit, the rough pads of his fingertips felt like electricity on your cute little pearl. It was enough to send you right over the edge and soon you were coming again, your thighs shaking in his hold.
He maintained the same pace, chasing after his own high. It didn’t take much longer, after a few more thrusts, he sunk all the way deep inside you before releasing, his cum filling you up nicely.
He pumped into a you a couple more times as he breathed in deeply to catch his breath. He collapsed on top of you, trapping you under his weight. The two of you lied there together catching your breaths. It was actually kind of nice, you felt safe and warm under him, you didn’t want to move. 
But then your phone buzzed again and without even looking you knew it had to be Yeon-Jin.
Even now, as you lied under him naked and exposed, you still felt shy as you tapped him on the shoulder, “I’m sure that’s her...I should go now.” You sighed.
Myeong-Oh raised himself off of you, looking down at you once more, “Don’t look so sad, you’ll be seeing me again soon.” He winked, that smirk returning to his face.
You rolled your eyes and peeled yourself away from, gathering your clothes.
And just like that he’s back..
You left soon after cleaning yourself up, doing your best to make yourself look presentable. Myeong-Oh was kind enough to leave hickies and bite marks along your neck that were already on their way to turning a deep purple.
You did your best to cover with your hair and silently prayed Yeon-Jin wouldn’t notice.
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wisesnail · 11 months
It's finally here: my new art book 💙
As you can see, it's "MXTX & friends edition", as it includes works about tgcf and The Untamed, and many more!
It's 100+ pages, and will go on sale in August! More info to follow 📝
I hope you are as excited as I am 😁
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melodilerguitar · 2 months
Eskiden sanal arkadaslarim bana psikolog olmalısın diyolardi kendi kafamdakileri kenara bırakıp onları motive ederdim... Şimdi ise biri öldü diğeri ise ortalardan kayboldu isimlerini haylaha hatırlıyorum ilk sanal arkadaslarimdi... Aysu ve alexander
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frances-and-the-moon · 9 months
So! I am compiling a list of all K-dramas/K-movies with Bromance (+ BLs w/ ratings), divided by genre/trope. If you want to help me out in this long-ass task feel free to add them/categorize them in the replies! :)
(Ratings are personal)
Merciless Evil Devil From Hell group (aka Morally Dubious Men):
The Merciless (K-Movie); - 9/10
Beyond Evil; - 10/10
The Devil Judge; - 9/10
Strangers From Hell; - 9/10
Evilive. - 8/10
Homoerotic Antagonism that develops into the I Would Die For You Trope:
The Guest (OCN); - 8/10
The Worst of Evil; - 10/10
Alchemy of Souls (Go Wong/Jang Uk); - ?/10
Friendship/Bromance that develops into the I Would Die For You Trope:
Bloodhounds; - 8/10
Weak Hero Class 1; - 10/10
D.P. - 9/10
To add & categorize bc I haven't watched them yet:
Bad And Crazy;
Stand By Me;
Through the Darkness;
Save Me;
My Country: The New Age
Actual BLs I've watched:
Kinnporsche; - 8/10 (so far the most "grown-up")
To My Star; - 8/10
The Eighth Sense; - 8/10
You make me Dance; - 7/10
My Personal Weatherman; - 8/10
Night Flight (movie); - 7/10
White Night (movie, 2012); - 8/10
Method (movie); - 8/10
Only Friends; - 7/10
BLs I haven't watched yet:
Bump-Up Business;
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minnonnie · 1 year
Finally got around to watching The Glory and Ju Yeo-jeong is the ideal man. Willing to kill for me? Respectful? Hot? Tears a button off his shirt cause you lost one of yours? I hope he and Dong Eun kill all of those bitches.
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andaniellight · 4 months
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The scarred tiger and its lioness cub
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ra1nrei · 6 months
"why can't you get a girlfriend?" oh babe HE WANTS YOU
I was fighting the urge to rip off my clothes and start barking everytime sergeant kim and seok chan were on the screen
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whumpslist · 7 months
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City Hunter (시티헌터)’s whumps’ list
[referred to main character Lee Yoon-sung/City Hunter, portrayed by Lee Min-ho: *bonuses: Lee Jin-pyo, portrayed by Sang-Jung Kim; Kim Young-joo, portrayed by Jun-hyuk Lee]
Season 1
.01: chased, brief scuffle, argued and upset, under heavy gunfire, laying unconscious on the floor (for fake), fought against multiple opponents simultaneously, witnessed his mother figure's murder, upset, stepped on an anti-personnel mine, shocked after his father's sacrifice on his behalf, received upsetting news about his past; bonus Lee Jin-pyo's: fought, betrayed and ambushed, shot, deeply upset, on a revenge path, fought, hit by a anti-personnel mine and lost his leg (self sacrifice), carried by his son, dug into the shoulder to remove an old bullet, with a cane; bonus Kim Young-joo: thrown to the ground and rough landing.
.02: rough sparring (in the past), rough sparring, slapped in the face, thrown to the ground and rough landing, rough sparring, upset, argued; bonus Kim Young-joo: badly argued with his boss.
.03: brief scuffle, upset and disappointed, grabbed and manhandled, on his knees, fought, rough fight, emotional distress; bonus Lee Jin-pyo's: angry; bonus Kim Young-joo: badly argued with his boss, upset and disappointed.
.04: argued with his father, emotional distress and upset, drunk, badly argued with Kim Na-na and upset, tense conversation with Kim Young-joo, upset for Kim Na-na's nasty words and her tears, brief scuffle, worried for Kim Na-na; bonus Lee Jin-pyo's: argued with his son, feeling nostalgic; bonus Kim Young-joo: emotional discomfort, tense conversation with Lee Yoon-sung.
.05: consumed by jealousy, annoyed, rough fight without consequences, worried and sleepless night to watch over Kim Na-na's house; bonus Lee Jin-pyo's: not eating and sore at his amputed leg.
.06: badly argued with Kim Na-na twice and disappointed.
.07: disappointed, argued with Kim Na-na, emotional distress, brief argument and grabbed by his jacket, taken a beating on purpose without trying to defend himself, bruised lip and taken care of at home, bandaid on his face, multiple fights and kicked a couple of times (couldn't hit a woman), under gunpoint and shot at his shoulder (by Kim Na-na), moaning.
.08: under gunpoint and shot at his shoulder (by Kim Na-na) from previous episode, jumped off the building and rough landing, bloody hands and heavily panting, self-treatment on the field and extracted the bullet with a scapel without anesthesia, grunting in pain and heavily panting, many groaning and blood, very pale and sweaty, taken care into a clinic, IV into his arm and fever, nightmares (of being shot and laying blood on the floor), rough awakening and groaning for the pain, wound dressed again, argued with Kim Na-na, thrown to the ground by leveraging his injured shoulder and landing on it, moaning in pain, unable to shot and conflicted, dressing stained with blood and nasty wound, sore and grimacingt, argued with Kim Young-joo, grabbed by his injured shoulder twice and manhandled, slapped in the face by his father and scolded, hit twice on his injured shoulder with a cane, pale, wound dressed again, old scars on his back, wound infected and dressed again by himself, moaning in pain and injected medicine, rough fight with Kim Young-joo and grabbed by his injured shoulder several times, worried for Kim Na-na who had a gun pointed at her head, holding a dangling Kim Na-na with his injured arm and blood dripping for the reopened wound, moaning and grimacing in pain; bonus Lee Jin-pyo's: worried for his son then badly argued with him, disappointed; bonus Kim Young-joo: argued with Lee Yoon-sung, fought with Lee Yoon-sung.
.09: holding a dangling Kim Na-na with his injured arm and blood dripping for the reopened wound from previous episode, on the floor holding his arm and bloody hand, pale and sweaty, worried and upset, brief angry fight, confronted his father and argued with him, pale and sweaty, tried to stand up and badly fainted, on his bed with IV into his arm, sleeping, worried for Kim Na-na, nightmares and rough awakening, disappointed and upset, worried for Kim Na-na, grimacing and holding his arm, threatened and upset, pale, laying sleepy for painkillers, forced to emotionally hurt Kim Na-na to push her away, voice cracking and tears in his eyes, upset; bonus Lee Jin-pyo's: worried for his son, disappointed, brief scuffle, hit by tear bomb and passed out, angry and badly argued with Lee Jin-pyo.
.10: harsh confrontation with his father, received upsetting news and argued with his friend, argued with Kim Nana and feeling guilty twice, bruised knuckels, received upsetting news about his mother's health, upset and screaming in frustration, scuffle, grunting in effort; bonus Lee Jin-pyo's: confronted by his son, angry and disappointed; bonus Kim Young-joo: tense conversation with Lee Yoon-sung.
.11: harsh confrontation with Kim Na-na twice, not eating and worried, harsh confrontation with his father and blackmailed, confronted by Kim Na-na and feeling guilty, worried for his kidnapped friend, shot with a tranquilizer dart, taken away unconscious, tied up to a chair and interrogated, grabbed by his hair, blurred vision for the drug and manhandled, punched and kicked, blood from his mouth, blood on his face (not his), shocked and angry, worried for Kim Na-na and tears in his eyes; bonus Kim Young-joo: harsh conversation with his father.
.12: shocked and worried for Kim Na-na from previous episode, blood transfusion, received very upsetting news about his past and father's actions, harsh confrontation with his father, shocked and upset, disappointed, brief scuffle, repeatedly hit with a cane by his father, upset; bonus Lee Jin-pyo's: confronted by his son and threatened, bad memories; bonus Kim Young-joo: received very upsetting news about his father.
.13: upset and terrified, under gunpoint, argued with Kim Na-na, tense conversation with Kim Young-joo, tense conversation with Kim Young-joo, witnessed his friend's hitting by a car, intense emotional distress, tears of fear and relief, deeply upset, hit a mirror with bare hand and bloody knuckles, bad memories, upset; bonus Kim Young-joo: upset and disappointed, badly argued with his boss, tense conversation with Lee Yoon-sung, tense, humiliated in public and shocked, confronted by an angry Kim Na-na, worried for his father, shocked witnessing his father's incident.
.14: upset, shocked witnessing Kim Young-joo's father's incident, heavily panting and screaming in frustration, received upsetting news and harsh confrontation with his father, stabbed himself in the hand, heavily panting and bloody hand, upset and on the verge of tears, grabbed by an angry Kim Young-joo, bandaged hand, upset, emotional family reunification with his biological mother, tense conversation with his father, confllicted and upset, brief scuffle, worried for Kim Young-joo; bonus Lee Jin-pyo's: confronted by his son, shocked by Lee Yoon-sung's self stabbing, confronted by Kim Na-na, tense conversation with his son; bonus Kim Young-joo: shocked witnessing his father's incident, distraught for his father's fate, desperate and screaming, harsh confrontation with Lee Yoon-sung and tears rooling down his cheeks, avoided by his peers, grabbed and chloroformed, trapped into his car filling of carbon monoxide, weak and coughing, rescued and dragged outside the car by Lee Yoon-sung.
.15: embarrassed and speechless, brief argument with Kim Na-na, in hospital waiting to undergo a bone marrow transplant for her sick mother, IV into his forearm and connected to a blood machine, comically argued with his friend, feverish, brief scuffle, invested by a toxic gas and brief scuffle, feeling sick, weak and blurred vision, coughing and rechting, sitting on the ground and panting, heavily sweating and losing consciousness, very pale and using a handrail to climb up the stairs; bonus Kim Young-joo: groggy after previous episode, passed out and laying unconscious on the floor, regaining consciousness in hospital, groggy and coughing.
.16: very pale and using a handrail to climb up the stairs from previous episode, tense conversation with Kim Young-joo, weak and collapsed unconscious on the couch, taken care of, sad conversation with Kim Na-na, indignant, fought against multiple opponents, upset, heartbroken, emotional confrontation with Kim Na-na and tears in his eyes, tense conversation with Kim Young-joo; bonus Lee Jin-pyo's: angry, upset, disappointed; bonus Kim Young-joo: tense conversation with Lee Yoon-sung, angry, indignant and angry, manhandled and blood at his lip, scolded by his boss and suspended, tense conversation with Lee Yoon-sung.
.17: upset, tense and worried, unable to focus and claiming to have headache, conflicted and emotional struggle, brief scuffle, worried for his father, grabbed and brief scuffle with Kim Young-joo, fought against multiple armed opponents to rescue his father; bonus Lee Jin-pyo's: lured into a trap, attacked by many armed men and fought, repeatedly hit and on the floor, blade at his throat and almost stabbed, rescued at the last minute by his son; bonus Kim Young-joo: feeling guilty and remorseful, uneasy conversation with Kim Na-na, frustrated, brief scuffle with Lee Yoon-sung and thrown to the ground.
.18: fought against multiple armed opponents to rescue his father from previous episode, worried for his father's conditions, blackmailed and worried for Kim Na-na, handcuffed himself behind his back, repeatedly punched at his face and kicked (without any consequence!!), in his knees and almost stabbed, fought back only using his legs, hurried to rescue Kim Na-na from drowning, heavily panting, tense confrontation with Kim Na-na, brief scuffle, chased and blocked, under gunpoint, identity uncovered by Kim Young-joo; bonus Lee Jin-pyo's: attacked by many armed men and rough fights from previous episode, holding his arm and groaning in pain, laying unconscious into an hospital bed, badly injurerd to his left shoulder and damages to his amputated leg, torn out the IV needle, arm in a sling; bonus Kim Young-joo: frustrated, disarmed and under gunpoint.
.19: under gunpoint from previous episode, identity uncovered by Kim Young-joo, hunted, tense conversation with Kim Young-joo, received upsetting news three times, deeply upset and resentful against his father, not eating and frustrated, snapped at his friend and nervous, fought against multiple armed opponents; bonus Lee Jin-pyo's: confronted by his son and upset, tense confrontation with Kim Young-joo and angry remembering the past, upset for Kim Young-joo's dying in his arms; bonus Kim Young-joo: disarmed and under gunpoint from previous episode, upset and badly scolded by his boss, tense conversation with Lee Yoon-sung, tense confrontation with Lee Jin-pyo, tense and worried, fallen into an ambush and surrounded, furious fights against multiple armed opponents, badly beaten and heavily panting, hit hardly at his head with a metal bar, badly bleeding by his head and collapsed, laying and shaking on the floor, died.
.20: upset for Kim Young-joo's dying in his arms in the previous episode, argued with his father, angry and frustrated, received upsetting news, harsh confrontation with his father and blade pointed at his face, harsh confrontation at Kim Young-joo's funeral and grabbed by his jacket, disappointed, uneasy conversation with his biological father, emotional confrontation with his father, voice craking and tears in his eyes, under gunpoint then pointed his own gun against himself, protected his biological father and shot in the chest by his father, on his knees and collapsed, upset witnessing his father's sacrifice and shooting, shaking and tears rolling down, bloody hand, passed out; bonus Lee Jin-pyo's: tense conversation with Lee Yoon-sung, brief scuffle, confronted by his son and upset, emotional confrontation with his son and under gunpoint, shot in the chest, surrounded and under gunpoint, decided to sacrifice himself to protect his son's identity, shot multiple times and collapsed on the ground, bloody and died.
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feii1effect · 2 months
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I couldn't believe her reaction. But even more unbelievable? She wore them.
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themundanedumpling · 12 days
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please god end my girl sol's suffering, double it and give it to that psycho killer.
watching her beloved die over and over again, not being to do anything no matter how hard she tries, and then desperately cutting herself off from his life just so he can live without any memories of her I NEED TO WRAP HER UP IN A BLANKET AND GIVE HER ALL THE HUGS AND TELL HER IT'S GOING TO BE OKAY
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dramadaisies · 2 years
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A monthly salary of ₩2,380,000. For the past while, that’s what I've been exchanging my time for. Now, I want to use that time for myself and myself only.
SUMMER STRIKE (2022) | Episodes 1 & 2
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citruscloudsandmoon · 2 months
So I finally finished watching Healer and I can't believe I slept on it! Because it's actually so good?!! Like WHA!!!!! 😭😍😭
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But then again, you can't blame me, considering it was aired in year 2015 👀 and I only started watching k-dramas from last year. So there's that too 🌝
I guess I kinda owe thanks to 'Marry my husband' and 'Welcome to Samdal-ri'. Because when I was looking up for new content to watch I saw Min young and Ji-chang names in the cast and was like 'Hey! I know them! I have seen their dramas recently!' So thank you MMH and WTS 🥹💛
As for Healer, yup you are right; I am going to watch it again 🙈 still not over the feels it give me in each and every episode, ranging from happiness to angst to fluffiness 😍🤩
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I won't be lying but I was a bit disappointed with the way they ended the last episode. Too much stuff crammed in it and still some questions were left unanswered.
But oh well, such is life 🥲 you don't get everything ( I would have like them to see them get married)
There's now one more thing to do *cracking my wrists*; time to write fanfics of my new otp 🙈✊
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