due4amiracle · 2 years
Day 474
Laundry/cleaning, Reading, Dailies, #TTRPGThings, Watching.
Laundry/cleaning - Some garbage thrown away, always more to go! ✔
Reading things - - 3 Ebooks for me, 0 Audiobook for Sir! ...Yea. 225 for the year, 4 for the month! - One Fell Sweep (Innkeeper Chronicles #3) by Ilona Andrews 38%! - Sweep in Peace (Innkeeper Chronicles #2) by Ilona Andrews 100%! 3🌟 Choo choo! UwU♡ ✔✔✔✔
Dailies - - Waifu Did mah dailies! Also, level 0/50 BP now~! AND! Tree lvl 40/50! Also! 27/43 max friendship namecards acquired! New MONTH! new weeklies! Gem thingy now level 9/10! ♡ω♡✔
#TTRPGThings - More preparations! AHH! Tomorrow! ...Maybe! We have one player who’s going through a Week Of Hell Appointments, and i get that, so. It’s a maybe! Here’s hoping... +0 -> 2448 words for the backstory! Still sick, rip.✔
Watching things - - Vancouver by Night: Season 1 - Episode 10/19! - New York by Night: Season 2 - Episode 1/?! OH shit this is getting SPICY! i love the new cast?!
Other things - Daily Diarrhea Diary - Fine. No perioding. Everything is better today, but it's not ALL better. Ears both still ache, and my lungs are rough with acheyness and tightness. my joints all ache too. Mood was overall pretty decent, Utterly exhausted. This might just be "you're not using your CPAP" or it might also be "you're sick so now you suffer and are tired hf". Or just MS. Ya know. Pick ya poison. Didn’t really do anything today. Oh well. Tomorrow.
Food: A Liquid: A Pain: C Brain: B
Tomorrow: Laundry/cleaning, Reading, Dailies, #TTRPGThings, Watching.
Ever Onwards and Upwards!
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plasmastainedbones · 9 years
If I could just PEE everything would be so much better I hate thisssss
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due4amiracle · 3 years
Day 122
It was a decent night of sleep last night. Though, those decent feelings did not last long...
Today was dominated by glasses. Hey remember those glasses that broke yesterday and were totally fixed? Well guess what motherfuckers.
They were not.
That rat bastard stole our fuckin’ money for not a damn thing. 😒
But it’s fine, my grandparents swooped in and saved the day - thankfully. They were gonna send us $200 anyways, for xmas, so they bumped up the time a little. Phew. So Sir went off, holding one side of his glasses to his face, driving with the other hand, causing me to anxiety anxiety anxiety and got new frames. Cost $108, but ya know. You do what you gotta. After buying some necessary things we’re down to...$60. i cry. We still have more things we gotta buy.
i cry even harder. Should, at least, get something from my parents...hopefully.
Suffice it to say, no D&D happened today.
Forgot that when Sir was coming home, He accidentally tapped the down arrow to the rear diver’s side window and then tapped the up to go back up and...heard a crack, and the window went down a bit more. So yay. It’s not down that far, thankfully, so a bag and some duct tape and it’ll be fine.
Did a lot of cleaning, today. Especially stress cleaning, while Sir was out getting his glasses. Ugh. But cleaning is still cleaning and it needs done. So there’s that.
Forgot to write about Monster Sanctuary which i did play yesterday, off of game pass. Lovely little game. Hurts the digits, it does, though, so there's that.
So here's some fun stuff - i figured out, by happenstance, that this whole 'left side always COLD COLD COLD' is #JustMSThings - How, you may ask? Well. i was curled up on my right side, left side FREEZING as per usual, snuggling down under the blankets, and a blanket slid up and covered my left ear. Bam. Left side was perfectly warm and toasty. Wat. What bullshit. Ugh. At least i figured out a ‘fix’? 🙄
On the Waifu front, i logged in, did most of my dailies, and got distracted doing main story quest stuff, hadn’t finished the Liyue MSQ line, so i did that. Lovely.
On the manhwa/manga front:
Solo Leveling - Sung Jin-Woo MAH BOI! Hell YES i love you so much i didn’t think i could love you any more but you prove me wrong ONCE AGAINNNN!!!!!
The Necromancer Maid - Oh HOH so that’s how it is, hm? W-wait...wait. WAIT WHAT?! Oh shit. OH.......welp. Can’t wait until next month for the next chapter. ;_;
Tomorrow’s docket: Bag up the car window. More cleaning, as energy permits. Empty the dishwasher, and refill it. VtM RP - wake up, get delivery, go and pass out gifties, fade into nothingness once again. Waifu - Do dailies, finish up some questies. 
Seems like a lot - because it is - but it’ll be fine. It’s realistically not that much.
i think.
Food was good, liquid was decent - should have had more water, but whatever, pain was a bit high - overworked myself a bit, so i’m all achy all over, and the stress really ratcheted up the headache, though it’s not bad bad, but it’s bad enough, as for mental stuff, well, severe stress and anxiety is not conducive to good mental health - definitely a bit of SI, lots of down talk, and just general This Is Not Good Everything Is BAD. 
Here’s hoping it’s another good night of sleep...
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due4amiracle · 4 years
Day 54
1 chapter Raeliana - AHHHHHHHHHHH give me the next chapterrrrrr *weep*
2 chapter Beware of the Villainess! - AHHHH wtf? Y'all. Wtaf. For fucks sake lmfao. Good gods y'all are cray. Can't wait for the next! This whole thing absolutely blesses my soul, Melissa is THE queen everyone deserves in their life.
1 chapter Solo Leveling - OH. SHIT. Oh shit it's finally happening. The guild. The requirement. Everything. Hot damn i love this one SO much it's my hands down favorite. Hnnnnnnnnggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haven't restarted reading Survive as the Hero's Wife, yet, because Genshin Impact oops. Oh well. Maybe tomorrow.
Started a little VampRP and then...ghosted. Ugh. Just really not feeling well, got distracted and...suddenly it was like 4 hours later? Oops. Oh well. Tomorrow or sommat. idk. Feel kinda bad but at the same time...? Bah humbug. #JustMSThings i guess.
Genshin Impact is my drug of choice lately, can't get enough. i'm not even rolling for anything anymore, i'm just powering though things, collecting rolls and shit and...waiting for the next round of cuties i guess? Lmfao. i love my current set, i've got some of each flavor, i mean i'd love a long range air and ice, but w/e it's fine. Love my cuties.
Managed to get the link for Monday Neuro appt, so that's nice. Phew. Still don't understand why Husband deleted that email in the first place but it is what it is, Shrug. Mon - Neruo, Weds - Dr, Fri? - Sir Neuro. x_x And His is a HAS to go in. Phew. Not...not that we're positive we can do it. i mean, that one's way more important than laundry (which sucks, since it's been...2 months? since my last shower and hair cut...i mean i've washed my hair and used my body wet wipes, but it doesn't...scrub off all the layers of skin, ya know....:( Regardless. Fingers crossed we can do both, provided Sir can go get Electricity help, but otherwise it's just His appt.
Tomorrow is going to be a detach from everything and play Ooblets day. We'll see how that works, i do want to get this scene in VampRP done. Bleh. But Ooblets? Fuck yea i wanna get some Ooblets in.
That was about it for the day. Water was decentish, headache was headache - can't quite get rid of this damn thing for love nor money - and other pain was pretty low.
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due4amiracle · 4 years
Day 74
Sir did brekkist this morning, unfortunately. Bleh, feeling like hot shit. It’s only been a month since Acthar but...bleh. Definitely feeling p r e t t y s h i t t y. Bleh. Sir thinks i’m going through either a pseudo-exacerbation or a ittybitty flare. Ew. 
On the bright side, got garbage in the bedroom done~! Yay. Really wanted to do that, and it feels good.
Sir got the thing mailed off that we needed to get mailed off! Yay, very pleased by that.
Did a buuunch of Waifu Impact today, tons of fun, love that game gosh dang heckin’s. 
Did a little VampRP (you know i can’t stop it if i even wanted to) uwu. Just a lil. Not much, you know how it is.
Other than that i really didn’t do much in the way of...literally anything. Just...exhausted. So tired, so so tired. Not sleeping well, i don’t think. Or...it’s #JustMSThings Shrug. Sigh.
Liquid, not great but decent enough. Food ok. Pain mehhh. Headache, backache, wrists ache, hands ache. Blah. Tired.
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due4amiracle · 3 years
Day 145
Two in a row? Shit that’s a record, innit?
No, not really, lmao.
What did i do today? Today i did about half of what i set out to do.
Waifu was a blast, i still love this event so much and i’m going to miss it when it’s gone. Sad face. i did say i was going to do more stuff in the game, more bosses and such buuut...
RP things! i have new and advanced ghoul sheets! so That’s what i spent the day doing, for the most part. Got Charles done and Tracy almost done. Just need another one or two Merits for her! ...Then i need to do three fucking more oh gods that’s gonna be forever whyyyyyyyyyyy it’s fine. It’s FINE. At least Googledocs won’t fucking eat them.
i also read two chapters of TEW yay. On Ch.17 Now. Mhm.
Hair did not get done. It was very fucking cold. Tomorrow. Hopefully.
Groceries will be delivered Saturday. A little spicy, but, we’ll make it. Sir might have to go on a walk to the dollar store, which’ll suck in the cold, his lungs are not good (asthma, which has gotten better over the years, but that’s something that doesn’t just poof go away) and walking that long sucks just in general.
Oof i miss having a car. ;_;
Didn’t get any writing done on this longform, gottverdammt i’m never getting it done. Ugh.
Didn’t get any RP done either! Oh well. Eventually. x_x
Food: A - Tasty tasty food, my tongue is basically back to normal (No, it’s not a Covid thing, it’s a side-effect of the Acthar, it’s happened before and it’ll happen again - i lose most-if-not-all taste of sweet! So weird.) and all the food was so tasty. Liquid: A - Saving half a bottle of water for night-time pills, but drank the rest of the three, had some cranberry juice, coffee, and some monster coffee, did well. Pain: B- - Hands achey! Oof my hands are achey, they do not like this cold. Bleh. Head a little achey too. Overall just kinda achey, my joints ache bleh. #JustArthritisThings 😩 Brain: A- - Definitely ADHD brain frazzle, but nothing Bad, like, no SI no real anxiety peaks, exhausted, ofc, but ya know, that’s #JustMSThings.
Tomorrow: Hairwash?????? Ghoul sheets!!! Reading~! Cleaning?
Ever Onwards and Upwards!
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