#Jo Byeong-Gyu
monicawangjin · 3 months
Jo Byeong-gyu extraordinário em Caçadores de Demônios
"D'yer mak'er" Led Zeppelin
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korelist · 2 years
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
imdb puanı: 8,1 Benim puanım: 9
Drama: The Uncanny Counter / Amazing Rumor Hangul: 경이로운 소문 Director: Yoo Sun-Dong, Park Bong-Sub Writer: Jang Yi (webcomic), Yeo Ji-Na (ep.1-12), Yoo Sun-Dong (ep.13), Kim Sae-Bom (ep.14-16) Episodes: 16 Date: 2020 Language: Korean Country: South Korea
Cast : Jo Byeong-Gyu, Yu Jun-Sang, Kim Se-Jeong, Yum Hye-Ran, Ahn Suk-Hwan, Moon Sook , Kim So-Ra
2021 (57th) BaekSang Arts Awards - May 13, 2021 Best Supporting Actress (Yum Hye-Ran)
Squid game ve All of us are dead dizilerinden sonra, sıra K-drama çukuruna düşmemize neden olan asıl diziye geldi. Bir webtoondan hikayesinden uyarlanan diziye ‘oo piti piti’ yaparak başlamış olsak da, şuan izlemiş olduğumuz bir çok dizi içinden sıyrılabileceğini rahatlıkla söyleyebilirim.  
Dizi, dünyada dolaşmaması gereken kötü ruhları avlayıp ait oldukları yere yollamak ile görevli bir grup avcının hikayesini anlatıyor. Kendilerine Counter ismini takan bu grubun bilinen 5 üyesi var. Her biri farklı yetenekleri ile gruba katkı sağlarken diğer yandan da sıradan bir noodle dükkanı işletiyorlar. 5.üye bütün maddi konularla ilgilenirken diğerleri kovalama, yakalama kısımları ile ilgileniyorlar.
Hikaye 4’lüden bir tanesinin kötü bir ruhu yakalamaya çalışırken ölmesi ile başlıyor. Her birinin içinde yardımcı bir ruh var. İçinde bulundukları beden öldüğünde, yardımcı ruh yaşayabilmek için bedenden çıkıp yeni bir grup üyesi bulmak zorunda. Bu ruhlar istedikleri kişinin bedenine giremiyorlar. Özellikle komada ya da ölmek üzere olan bir insan seçmek zorundalar ve iki tarafında rızası olması önemli.  Bu noktada ölen üyenin içindeki yardımcı ruh bir beden bulmak için şehrin üzerinde uçarken istemsizce bir liste öğrencisi tarafından çekiliyor.
Sonrasında lise öğrencisinin okul hayatı, aile hayatı ve arkadaşları hakkında detaylar öğreniyoruz. Ama bölümler ilerledikçe karakterin liseli olduğu unutulmaya başlanıyor. Bu dizide de kore dizilerinde bol bol değindikleri okuldaki zorbalıkları ve haksızlıkları görüyoruz.
Benim şahsen favorim başroldeki liseli yerine gruptaki bir miktar daha yaşı geçkin olan erkek oyuncuydu. Hem oyuncuyu hem de dizideki rolünü çok yerinde ve ölçülü buldum. Bir nevi grubun babası gibiydi. Onun bu havası izleyiciye bir araya gelmiş bu insanların bir gruptan ziyade aile oldukları hissiyatını veriyor. Bir de içine yardımcı ruh giren bu grup üyelerinin saçlarının bir anda kıvırcık olması komik bir dokunuş olmuş.
Bu dizi ile ilgili dişe dokunur bir eleştirim olmadı, sonuna kadar keyifle izledim. Bir hikayesi, anlattığı bir derdi vardı. Giriş gelişme ve sonucu sırasıyla, tane tane izledik. Tek eksiği, bence çok da eksik sayılmasa da, aşk meşk mevzusuna girmemeleriydi. Hikayenin gidişatından olsa gerek izlerken hiç aramadım. Bittikten sonra eksikliğini bir tık hissettim. Olurda 2.sezonu gelir ise mevzunun aşk üzerinde dönmesi yüksek ihtimal.
Son olarak dizinin kötü adamı, oyuncu anlamında da karakter gelişimi anlamında da çok başarılıydı. Saf kötülüğün vücut bulmuş hali olmasına rağmen, izleyici karakterin kötü olmadan öncesini merak ederken ya da neden kötü olduğunu sorgularken karakterde aynısını sorguluyordu.
Aldığı ödülle de aldığı övgüleri hakkettiğini kanıtlamış oldu.
WooKun Kim - The uncanny counter
Isaac Hong - Close your eyes
Raven Melus
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trendingdrama · 9 months
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Cho Byeong Kyu as So Mun in
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dramaism · 11 months
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Do Ha Na & So Mun The Uncanny Counter 2: Counter Punch (2023)
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slytherinshua · 9 months
genre. fluff. secret relationship. warnings. kinda scandalous kissing spots (not really suggestive tho). jokes about jeokbong liking y/n. pairing. so mun x fem!counter!reader. wc. 1.5k. a/n. from this request!
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“I still don’t like that we have to go this far.” So Mun complained, his pout barely visible in the dark, “It’s cramped.”
“I never said we had to go to a closet. I just said somewhere private.” You defended. The closet had somehow been the first thing your boyfriend had thought of as a private place, and the space for 2 adult sized bodies was definitely limited.
“There’s nowhere private in the new base and you know that. The bedroom doors have windows since it was originally a warehouse.”
“I know. I wasn’t the one who couldn’t go a day without kissing their girlfriend.” You jabbed at him.
“I’m not the one who insisted on keeping this a secret!” He countered, crossing his arms in faux annoyance.
“Do you want to be teased by everyone? Cause I know I don’t… Especially Hana, god.” The muttered remark made Mun cringe as well.
“You’re right, this is better.” So Mun’s hands circled around your waist, pulling you closer in the already close space. “Even if I have to resort to kissing you in a closet.” 
You giggled, hands resting on his shoulders, tiptoeing in order to reach his lips, “How scandalous of you.” You mumbled, smiling against his lips but not putting any pressure into kissing him. So Mun seemed to get inpatient for you to initiate a proper kiss and kissed you first.
In the relationship, you were definitely the responsible one. It wasn’t like you wanted to be, but someone had to do it otherwise there was no way you two wouldn’t get found out by the rest of the team. So Mun did his part in trying not to be too obvious with his lovesick stares or want to be close to you, except recently he was failing.
He kept whispering in your ear at dinner that Jeokbong definitely liked you and was always staring at you. You had rolled your eyes at the thought. Even if he was, you were undoubtedly in love with So Mun and So Mun only. His fleeting jealousy was nothing you were concerned about. 
Mun didn’t like you brushing it off, though, and kept pulling your chair just a little bit closer to his with his foot under the table. It took multiple tries from you to make him stop, especially when Hana had almost picked up on it.
It had been a close call, but you hadn’t been caught yet. 
“Goodnight, baby.”
“Goodnight, Y/n.” So Mun smiled and you ruffled some of the curls on his head as he settled under the covers of his bed.
“I’ll go now, okay?” You crouched down, now being eye level with him. He sighed but nodded nonetheless. You kissed his forehead to sooth him before walking out of his room. You let your shoulders relax— another stressful day was coming to a close, another day where your relationship with Mun stayed a precious secret.
“What are you doing in So Mun’s room at 1 am?”
Hana’s voice made you jump slightly. You spun around, finding her leaning against the kitchen counter, munching on a candy bar and staring you down.
“You,” She pointed, “In his room. It’s late.” She swallowed her chocolate bar, narrowing her eyes a bit at you.
“He was just- I was just, uh-” You cleared your throat awkwardly. This was bad. “He was just showing me one of his old comics he made when he was little.”
“At 1 am?” Hana raised her eyebrow, obviously not buying it.
“Yeah…” You walked to the kitchen, flashing the most innocent smile you could muster and opening the fridge to pour yourself a glass of iced tea.
“Well, goodnight, then.” She nodded, hand resting on your shoulder to give you a couple pats. Her eyes widened, “You kissed him in the closet!?” 
You spat out your iced tea in utter shock. Fuck. Hana could read your memories. And you had completely forgotten about that. 
“No!” You yelled defensively, “I didn’t- we- we weren’t-” 
“Y/n, are you and So Mun-” 
“Are we what?” So Mun had walked out of his room, hearing the commotion.
You straightened, eyes wide, trying to relay some sort of message to Mun that Hana was probably about to figure it all out. He didn’t get it, though, and walked towards you both. Hana only needed a second of her hand on Mun’s shoulder to get his memory of it.
She glanced at you and then back to Mun, eyes wide as they darted between you both. You were frozen, panic-stricken in your spot. So Mun was oblivious as always, trying to figure out why you and Hana were acting so weird.
“We need a team meeting to discuss this.” Hana proclaimed.
You and Mun asked in unison, turning to the other at the same time as if you were synchronised robots. Hana huffed at the fact that you two were still feigning innocence. She quickly knocked on the other counters’ doors, stirring the drowsy adults.
After a couple minutes, they were all gathered around the kitchen table. Jeokbong was rubbing the sleep from his eye, while Motak kept asking what was going on, and Ms. Chu was ready to get the car to catch an evil spirit at any minute.
“Two of our counters have been hiding something from us, with no regard to how we feel about it or how it might hurt our feelings.” Hana started, a pointed gaze on you and Mun who sat next to each other, nervously sweating at the situation. By the time Hana had gone to get the other counters, you had filled So Mun in on everything and he was now as panicked as you, if not more. 
“What? What is it?” Jeokbong asked anxiously. 
“Mun and Y/n… are dating.”
The room practically exploded with shouts and questions. If any of the counters were tired before, they were definitely awake now. The commotion was frankly impressive. 
You had expected teasing, yes. But you had never expected it to be such a big deal. The two aces of the team suddenly being revealed to be seeing each other was quite a shock, though. Especially since no one had even suspected it until now.
“You’re dating Mun?” Motak asked for clarification, and you nodded quietly. “All this time, Jeokbong didn’t even have a chance?”
“W-What? No! No! I-I never liked Y-Y/n, don’t misunderstand!!” Jeokbong started defending immediately, but you barely paid attention.
Mun turned to you, whispering an “I told you” with a small frown. You wanted to kiss the pout right off his face, and you would’ve if you weren’t still surrounded by the rest of the team that were still throwing around question after question— none of which was being answered.
“How long has this been going on?” Ms. Chu asked.
“I never thought Mun could pull a girl like Y/n.” Hana teased. 
“Hey-” Mun defended.
“Guys, stop. Yes, I’m dating Mun, we’ve been dating for months." You weren’t sure why, but you ended up laughing. Even with the chaos that had ensued as soon as the secret got out, it was relieving that you didn’t have to hide it anymore.
You didn’t have to hide the fact that you were in love with So Mun.
You could hug him whenever you wanted. You could kiss him whenever you felt like it. You could go on dates without having to pretend to be going on errands or missions. You could be like a normal couple. You felt exhilarated by the thought.
So Mun nodded at your statement and wrapped his arm around your shoulder to pull you towards him, “Y/n’s my girl… got that Jeokbong?” 
Jeokbong looked utterly afraid for his life which made you crack up. Of course you knew that Mun was only being jokingly possessive of you, but the look on Jeokbong’s face was priceless, and soon the whole table was laughing.
“Now that we have that all cleared up, I think it’s best that we all get back to bed. It’s late for the kids and the grown-ups.” Ms. Chu told everyone.
“We’re not kids,” you complained.
“Sure you aren’t. You babies.” Ms. Chu smiled, patting your shoulder.
“If you two ever break up it’s gonna be awful for the team. So don’t you dare break up.” Hana warned you both.
“Don’t worry. We don’t plan to.” So Mun said confidently, making your cheeks flush.
“C-congratulations on your relationship.” Jeokbong stuttered quietly as he made his way back to his room.
“Thanks Jeokbong!” You replied cheerily.
“Yeah, thanks.” Mun smiled, kissing your forehead to intentionally emphasize it to him. 
“You know that wasn’t necessary.” You scolded him.
“How else is he supposed to get the message?” So Mun frowned.
“We already told-” You couldn’t even finish your sentence before Mun’s lips were on yours, kissing you in the now empty room. You raised an eyebrow at him when you pulled away, “You just want an extra excuse to kiss me, don’t you?”
↳ k-drama taglist: @yeonjuns-redhair,, @wolfmoonmusic,, @cha3w0n-hearts (abp & tuc only),, @tempobaekh (tuc only),, @edensgardenn
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tempobaekh · 9 months
Dating So Mun headcanons
(this is a long one)
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Pairing: So Mun x civilian!fem!reader
Warnings: fluff, angst if you squint, suggestive?? idk, teeny tiny spoilers from avengers: endgame?? y’all will understand when you read this THIS TAKES PLACE IN S2 BUT ALL IS WELL
A/N: I finished tuc last episodes and I’m so sad bc my weekly dose of happiness is over:(( anyways I’m falling more and more inlove with So Mun and wrote this
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So yall met at a food stall and bonded over food
You were a regular at one of the food stalls and really loved by the old lady running the stall
She always gives you samples of new dishes or free food
Even though you would argue with her and try giving her money but she wasn’t having it
So Mun had just finished dealing with a level one spirit
Not wanting to disturb the other counters about it as it was just a mere level one spirit and was really easy to deal with
And he decided to stop by the food stalls for a quick snack bc he was feeling hungry
You were at the food stall speaking happily with the old lady
As fate would have it, So Mun found himself at the same stall as you drawn to the mouthwatering aroma of the popular dish the old lady was selling
Your guys eyes met briefly and you two felt an instant connection
As if the universe had conspired to bring yall together
So Mun decided to be the first one to struck up a conversation and asked for your recommendation among the food options
And since you were a regular and you couldn’t pass on the opportunity of speaking to the incredibly handsome man with long luscious curly hair
You decided to share your favorite food/dishes with him
You guys ended up spending the evening chatting and sharing delicious food
And the rest is history
So Mun’s top priority is your safety
Him being a counter is also the main reason of him being protective
And bc he is just protective over his loved ones
Like he will insist on walking you home no matter what
Picking you up from places
Him always walking on the side of the road
Always holding your hand
He’d always prioritize your safety and well-being
Going above and beyond to keep you out of harm’s way
So Mun wears his heart on his sleeve and is very verbal about his love
Always providing with words of reassurance and love
So Mun did not plan in any way how to tell you about his counter side
He knew he would get a warning from Yung but just couldn’t hold back and continue to lie to you
Like mans loves you too much and cannot physically lie to you too long
So it happened one day
So Mun had just got finished with a particularly hard mission with a level 3 spirit
And something in him just had to see you no matter what
Despite the other counters asking him where he is going
Or Ms. Chu asking to heal him before he leaves where ever he is going
So Mun didn’t listen he only had one thing on his mind and that was you
While you started noticing him disappearing at odd hours
And sometimes the only time you guys would have time to talk would be through late night facetime calls
Or him saying that something urgent came up
You were patient and didn’t want to force it out of him so you didn’t ask him much about him
Besides you trust So Mun to know that he would speak with you when the time comes
One day So Mun had showed up at your door with a cut on his lip, one on his cheek and blood on the side of mouth and forehead after the mission with the level 3 spirit
When you opened your apartment door So Mun just engulfed you in a tight hug
You could also feel something wet on your shoulder where So Mun had nuzzled his face
You came to the conclusion that he was crying
You just stood there rubbing his back and whispering ‘it’s okay’ or ‘I got you baby’ while waiting for him to calm down
When he did calm down you silently dragged him to your bathroom and sat him down on the toilet seat
You grabbed your supplies to clean his cuts while your hands were shaking from worry
You just silently cleaned his wounds
Having silence from So Mun was also concerning considering that he is a very talkative person
When you got done cleaning his wounds you crouched in front of him
“What happened, darling?” you asked in a gentle whisper
That’s when So Mun told you everything
Him being a counter
About the evil spirits
About the other counters
And how tonight’s mission was hard and that he felt like he had to see you instead of letting one of the counters heal him
He also mentioned how he would get a warning from ‘Yung’ for telling you this
You did scold him a bit about that
But he couldn’t hold it in anymore
Like he can never ever lie to you he loves you too much to do that
When he got done talking you just silently hugged him
Holding him close to your chest and pressing small kisses to his forehead
That’s how the rest of the night went
You comforting So Mun and him telling you more about him being a counter
And now you are even more worried and concerned about So Mun
Often waiting for his call or him when he is on mission’s
Now to be honest So Mun was kind of nervous about introducing you to the rest
They can be a bit… much sometimes
He wants everything to go smoothly
So Mun waited for the right moment to introduce you to the others
So he decides to tell the counters first
He casually drops the news when they are all having dinner together at the hideout
The moment the sentence i have a girlfriend leaves his mouth
It’s silence
Fucking silence even Jeok Bong is stunned
Before all hell breaks loose and everywhere is throwing questions at poor So Mun
“Girlfriend?” “When and how and how long!??” “How does he get a girlfriend before me!”
And when he tells them that you know about the counter part
But at the end they calm down and Ms Chu encourages So Mun to invite you over for dinner:))
So Mun playfully not threatens the other counters to act normal and not scare you off
When So Mun then mentioned to you about the counters wanting to meet you
You panic like what if they don't like you? What if they get mad that you know about them being counters?
You know that these people are important to So Mun
They are like his family and you want their approval
So you and So Mun agree on going to dinner and meeting the counters
Ms Chu wanted to make you her infamous and delicious noodles
At the start the vibe is slightly tense before Jang Mul breaks the silence with his booming voice
Ms Chu thinks you are very pretty, and sweet, and perfect for So Mun
Motak and Jeok Bong do not pass off the chance to tease the shit out of So Mun
While Hana has only one question:
“Why him??”
Obviously she’s joking
She’s already planning y'all's wedding in her head, and swears to protect you and So Mun more no matter what
So all of the counters adore you to put it plainly
After the dinner you come around for sleepovers with So Mun much more
Always being a part of game and movie nights with the other counters
And then end the night by cuddling and falling asleep with So Mun
So Mun’s determination and dedication in his counter duties would also translate into his relationship
If you ever face challenges or obstacles you can count on him to stand by your side and work tirelessly to overcome them
That being said he never ever let’s both of you go to bed angry after a fight even though yall dont have many of them
He cannot stand the fact of going to bed angst at you or knowing that you are angry at him
Dates with So Mun are always different
It can be a stroll in the park, cooking a meal together, movie night with lot’s of kissing as well, visiting an art gallery bc he loves art so much and you can listen to him talk for hours, late night snacks, bookstore dates, going to the amusement park, star gazing etc
Like dates with him are always so fun and loving
Bc this man uses all his love on these dates bc he just loves you so much.
So Mun has seen a lot of supernatural shit no he’d have a special appreciation for the ordinary, everyday moments you share together
Like a simple meal or a walk in the park would mean a lot to him
Speaking of art
This man has so many drawings of you
Any chance he gets he will draw you no matter what
He has so many sketches of you while you are doing different things
Bc he thinks you are so pretty
The prettiest in the whole world
The drawings can’t do justice to your beauty he insists
Movie nights with him are always fun
Like he is always down to have a marvel movie marathon with you
Cmon guy’s So Mun LOVES comics you cannot not tell me he doesn’t like marvel especially the comics
Will absolutely hold you in his arms and coo and comfort you when you sob at Tony and Natasha’s death while watching Avenger: Endgame
Like it hurts everytime
Trust me it does;((
So Mun is your biggest cheerleader in your life
Like mans is always there for you cheering you no matter what
So Mun might occasionally struggle with balancing his duties as a counter and his desire to spend time with you
There would be rare moments of conflict but he always prioritize you and your safety
(or wearing his clothes in general!!)
If you’re cold he is handing you his jacket
And since he already wears oversized ones they are even bigger on you no matter what
Like you see his closet and just snatch whatever you like
He doesn’t mind
He LOVES seeing you in his clothes
Physical touch is one of So Mun’s biggest love language
So he always has an arm around you
A hand on your thigh
Rubbing his thumb on your palm
Holding pinkies
You guys have been caught more than once making out by the others
And he is damn good at it too
Cocky mf will smirk when he sees how flustered you get after a heated makeout session
Loves having you on his lap while kissing you
Also please tug/pull at his hair like he secretly loves it
Loves giving you hickies
Like he almost goes feral at seeing the mark that HE gave you on your neck
Mf will purposely give you one on an obvious place that you forget to cover up
And when the others see it they will be shocked
“Yah! You attacked the poor girl!”
“Your neck looks like it’s been mauled.”
But this cocky bastard isn’t fazed
Is fucking proud instead
When there isn’t any place for you to sit in a setting or place
bro has too much rizz
Also here are some things that So Mun unintentionally does that you think is so attractive and it drives you crazy
When you are standing in the way of him
He will gently grip your waist and move you aside while softly whispering in your ear, “Excuse me, baby.”
There is a noticeable height difference between you two and you find it so attractive when he slightly leans down bc he can’t hear you completely
It just makes you stutter for a moment and collect yourself
Also i feel like So Mun if the type of guy to wear gray sweatpants with either, a t shirt or a compression shirt
And that shit is so sexy
Like you can just sit and watch him in that attire train for hours
Definitely does it to tease you sometimes as well
You’ve met his grandparents and they love you sm
Especially his grandmother
She adores you
And you love her bc she is so genuinely kind hatred and sweet
“Munyoung has sent So Mun an gel to take care of him!”
You almost cried when she told you that
When you are having sleepovers with So Mun at the hideout and y'all can’t sleep you guys will just sit around in the kitchen and eat snacks
Like just sitting on the floor, your head on So Mun’s lap
His hand tangled in your hair and massaging your scalp
While eating snacks and just talking
Or sometimes when you two have too much energy yall will have a singing session
You guy’s would sing and jam out to Lana Del Rey, Taylor Swift, or Chase Atalantic
Istg So Mun is so Lana Del Rey and Chase Atlantic coded idc what yall say
You stand in the boxing ring pretending to be the singer giving a performance
While So Mun is outside the ring cheering you on
Acting like your biggest fan he is anyways
And cheering on encouraging words
“Yeah! That’s my talented baby!”
“You’re doing so good!”
“My pretty girl!”
You guys have been yelled at and sent to your room more than twice by Hana
Who wakes up by the noise
You always carry around multiple hair ties on your wrist for So Mun
Bc you know that he sometimes get irritated when his hair gets in his face
So you either just tie his hair in a ponytail and kiss his forehead
Or he borrows the hair tie from you and presses a kiss to your lips
He treasures all of your hair ties
Like he was on the verge of tears when he once lost your hair tie on a mission
ANYWAYS here are some pet names So Mun calls you by:
Sweetheart: So Mun uses this classic term of endearment bc it’s simple and affectionate
Sunshine: So Mun might use this one bc you bring warmth and light to his life
Precious: He values the people he cares about deeply, and this pet name would show just how important you are to him
Beloved: So Mun is a sincere and devoted guy and he would want you to know how deeply he cares for you. “Beloved” would be a heartfelt way to express his affection
Dearest: This pet name simply emphasizes that you hold a special and dear place in his heart and it’s a reflection of his genuine feelings for you
In conclusion So Mun is the most loving, precious, loyal, sweet, and caring partner
We all need a So Mun in our lives.
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Note: gifs, pictures, and header DOES NOT belong to me. CREDITS TO THE RIGHTFUL OWNERS!! Feedback is appreciated.
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raevior · 8 months
jealousy - somun x reader
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warnings: drinking
genre/type: fluff, comedy, slight crack, jealous somun!! y/n
wc: 1k
synopsis: you and the counters get a new teammate, but he seems to grow a liking to you quickly. a liking that somun doesn't seem fond of.
title track: teddy bear - kim sejeong
a/n: hi all! since I made you guys wait forever for my last fanfic (go check it out) I decided to write a quick little one shot! I hope you all enjoy!
You and the counters scramble around the noodle shop preparing to welcome your new teammate. While Somun and Hana bicker about whether or not the decorations are centered, you help Ms.Chu and Motak set the table. 
You feel your phone vibrate and check the notification, “Guys! He’s one minute away!” Everyone drops what they’re doing and you all stand in front of the door, wanting to make a good impression on your new teammate. Somun notices that you’re feeling nervous, so he calms you down with a quick kiss and a smile. The counters are so desensitized to you and Somuns PDA at this point, so they continue shuffling around and straightening their clothes. 
The chairman walks in with your new teammate. He is tall with curly hair, but the most eye-catching part about him was the pore strip sitting on his nose. 
“This is your new teammate!” the chairman exclaims happily. You all bow and smile at him. He bows, “I’m Jeokbeong! It’s an honor to be a part of your team!” he says through a stutter. You all smile awkwardly, introducing yourselves. 
You bow again, introducing yourself. “I’m Y/N, it’s nice to meet you Jeokbeong!” you say through a smile. Jeokbeong stares at you and Hana with his mouth open. The chairman laughs trying to shift the awkward energy until Jeokbeong exclaims that you two are beautiful. 
You and Hana laugh and thank him. Somun has never been the jealous type, so he pays no attention to this; he knows you are beautiful. 
Once everyone has introduced themselves, Ms.Chu motions for everyone to take a seat at the table to begin eating. You sit down first, waiting for Somun to sit next to you like he usually does, but the person who sits next to you tonight is not Somun. 
Jeokbeong sits right next to you and stares at you with a smile. You awkwardly smile and move over a bit since he was too close for comfort. Somun sits across from you, not paying mind to Jeokbeong once again. 
Secretly, you wish Somun was more possessive. You want to sit with him, but he’s too worried about the food in front of him to say something. So you allow Jeokbeong to stare at you while you all eat. 
With the 4 hours of talking and drinking, it’s safe to say everyone is pretty drunk. Jeokbeongs attention has been off and on between you and Hana, so you just assume he wants a new friend. 
He has made a few moves on you, and you have noticed Somuns patience running low. Jeokbeong has played with your hair, tried to feed you, and continuously complimented you the whole time he’s been here. 
You thought Jeokbeong was just being friendly, until he puts his arm around you, using the fake yawn method. You jump and go to punch his arm off, but before you make contact with him, he’s already laying on the floor wincing in pain.
You look at him with wide eyes, covering your mouth in shock. “Jeokbeong! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to hit you that hard!” you say through panicked laughter, finding his situation funny. 
He sits up and stares at Somun. You turn to Somun, but he is sitting there eating like nothing happened. “It was him!” Jeokbeong yells, pointing his finger at Somun. Somun looks up from his bowl, trying to act innocent. You laugh, hitting his arm from across the table. “You didn’t have to try and kill him babe! I thought we agreed not to use our powers on each other.” you yell through laughter. Jeokbeong stops his whining immediately and stands up. “Babe?” he asks with an exaggerated rising tone. 
Hana laughs, pointing at you and Somun. “They’re dating” she explains to Jeokbeong. He continues his whining, crawling on his knees to hug you. Before he can touch you, he freezes. Somun is staring at him like Jeokbeong is asking to be flung again. 
“Do you want to die this time?” Somun asks in a serious tone. Even his seriousness scared you. A childish “Oooo” comes from Motak while he sits back enjoying the tension. 
Jeokbeong frantically shakes his head no and apologizes to Somun. “I’m sorry I didn’t know!” You all laugh, as all of this is happening while you’re all intoxicated. 
“Somun, I didn’t even know you could use your powers while drunk!” Ms.Chu speaks up. Somun chuckles softly and continues eating. 
Jeokbeong stands up and hesitantly sits next to you again, this time with a 14 inch distance between you two. Somun shoots him a playful wink, clicking his tongue. 
After about an hour and a half of everyone laughing and talking, it’s time for everyone to head to bed. Ms.Chu stands up, signaling for everyone to go to their rooms. While Jeokbeong stands up, she grabs him by his collar. “If you’re going to be a part of this team, you help me do the dishes.” Jeokbeong whines, watching everyone walk off to their rooms. 
“Goodnight Jeokbeong!” you say through a drunk slur; Somun closing the door behind you two. 
You sit down on the bed sighing. “So... what do you think of him?” you ask Somun. “I think... I don’t like him.” he responds while changing into pajamas. You laugh, knowing exactly why he feels this way. 
“Somun! You were so happy this afternoon. Plus Jeokbeong is drunk, I’m sure he’ll forget about it tomorrow.” you explain to Somun. 
This seems to irk him as he walks up to you. 
He grabs your face and places a kiss upon your lips. He pulls away staring into your eyes. “You’re mine, okay? You better hope he forgets tomorrow!” he whines. You laugh at his cuteness, nodding your head. 
“and if he doesn’t forget. I’ll kill him!” he says through a pout. You continue laughing, standing up to hug Somun. “Don’t worry,” you say reassuring him. “If he doesn’t, I can ask Hana to erase his memories.” 
“Hey, weren’t you the one saying we shouldn’t use each other's powers on each other?” he asks. “I’ll allow it this time” you say. 
Somun smiles, giving you another kiss. He grabs your hand dragging you to bed. He exhales, “Okay okay, let’s forget all about this,” You nod in agreement. “Goodnight, I love you.” he says. 
“Goodnight, Somun. I love you too” you respond, snuggling into his warm chest; falling asleep.
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nosfelixculpa · 10 months
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wolha · 4 months
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THE UNCANNY COUNTER 경이로운 소문 2020—2021, dir. Yoo Seon-Dong
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seoinquk · 11 months
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geminidaydreamer · 9 months
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Shirtless Byeong Kyu pic dump😘😘😘
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iii-ba · 10 months
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                ⅄   ◌  🦷 ˖  (´-﹏-`)
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       ⅄   ◌  🍪 ˖ "꿈에서 깨, we're just here to vibe"
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mo-nroette-blog · 3 months
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my comfort dramas (1/19)
hot stove league (2019/20)
"everyone's situation is different. we all fight with the resources that are available to us."
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dramaism · 10 months
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Are you tired? If you want to end it, then knock me out. All right, Ms. Do. You asked for this.
Do Ha Na & So Mun The Uncanny Counter 2: Counter Punch (2023)
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slytherinshua · 10 months
genre. fluff. warnings. general uncanny counter stuff. spoilers (obv). pairing. so mun x counter!reader. wc. 983. a/n. requested by anon. this is probably rly shitty cause im questioning my own writing skills everyday atp. but yay im finally writing for uncanny counter!!
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You weren’t usually worried about Mun. He was the ace of the team, one of the strongest, smartest, most stable counters you had ever met. He went into every mission determined to catch the evil spirit and he rarely failed.
But usually you were right beside him while he did it. Being there and fighting with him let you make sure he was okay— it allowed you a sense of security knowing that you could protect him if he needed it. But you weren’t on the mission right now and it was starting to really freak you out.
You were prepared to go fight the evil spirit with the rest of the team as soon as Hana had spotted it, but you had sustained serious injuries from the last level 3 evil spirit the day before that even Ms. Chu wasn’t able to completely heal. 
You knew your boyfriend only did it out of worry and care and love for you— making you stay behind on the mission, promising that he and the rest of the team would be okay and back by your side soon, encouraging you to rest up and not worry about him. But how could you possibly do that? He was the only thing on your mind from the second he left.
At first you thought of how he must be having some fun kicking some evil spirit’s ass. He probably looked really good while doing it, too. With his sarcastic comments and little celebrations whenever he did something that looked like it should be out of a superhero movie. He was adorable on and off the battlefield.
But as the hours went on and he still wasn’t back, your thoughts became more worried. What if the evil spirit was actually a level 3? What if Hana had seen wrong? What if he was injured or got separated from the team? There were too many variables in these types of fights. Every day, Mun and the team put their lives at stake to catch another evil spirit, and every success came with struggles. It was rewarding and so so worth it, but the risk was immense.
You could see it just by looking at yourself. How you still felt dizzy and lightheaded if you even stood up too quickly. How your body still ached even after Ms. Chu healing all your big injuries - stitching your body back together from its broken, bruised, and bleeding state. You got worried whenever Mun got so much as a scratch on him. What if he came back seriously injured?
On top of the obvious concerns about his safety the longer the night went on, you realized it had been storming for at least 20 minutes. You hoped the fight was taking place somewhere sheltered. The tracksuits were pretty good at keeping you warm, but amidst a heavy storm in the middle of the night, it wouldn’t be enough.
You felt pitiful, sitting there on your bed wrapped in a blanket when all you could do was wait. Worrying as much as you did for Mun was almost laughable. He was more than capable of taking care of himself. Ever since Cheongsin, he had only improved, and now could use his psychokinesis to its full potential. 
He could beat every single counter on the team in training (except on the occasions were he purposefully let you win). A level 2 shouldn’t be too hard for him, right? Right. You needed to stop worrying so much about your boyfriend. He would come back. He always did.
And it seemed the conclusion to your hours of thinking brought just that. You heard the door to the noodle shop open, the bells jingling and loud sighs echoing through the building. You smiled. From their voices, nobody seemed particularly hurt.
“Unnie’s gang did it again.” Motak could be heard, and you could clearly picture his satisfied grin along with Ms. Chu’s scoff.
“You’re one to celebrate when you almost screwed up the entire mission. So Mun did most of the work.” Hana patted Mun firmly on the back.
“I’ll go check up on Y/n. She’s probably worried about me. Good work, guys.” Mun was quick to dismiss himself from the rest of the group and hurry up the stairs earning teasing comments about how lovesick he was.
“Baby,” He called even before he had opened the door, taking his place right next to you as fast as he could. “Miss me?”
“No, of course not.” You lied, eyes and elated smile giving you away. “You’re all wet.” You mumbled, running a hand through his soaked hair.
“I tried to ask the evil spirit to stop fighting and go to the closest abandoned building, but he didn’t want to.” Mun laughed with a shrug.
“Just a second-” You stood up to grab a towel from the bathroom, holding it over your hands and drying Mun’s hair as if he was a small child.
“I can do it myself, you know?” He complained with his eyes closed.
“I know, but I wanted to.”
“Cause you missed me?” 
“Maybe just a little?” 
“I bet you were thinking about me the entire time I was gone.” He insisted.
“So what if I was?” You asked, giving his hair one last pat with the towel and dropping it on the floor.
“Then I would tell you that I love you and probably kiss you?” He whispered, sneaking his arms around your waist and pulling you down on top of his lap smoothly. You flushed, your cheeks turning a bright red. Mun just laughed, cupping one of your cheeks with his hand.
“Shut up.” You mumbled, trying to think of anything other than your boyfriend at the current moment.
“I love you.” As soon as the words flowed out of his mouth, his lips reached yours in a kiss just like he said. 
↳ k-drama taglist: @yeonjuns-redhair,, @wolfmoonmusic
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breadbrioche · 10 months
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I definitely only like him in a completely normal, non-delusional way
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