#Jancy should be THE ship
musicalchaos07 · 3 months
Watching the gifset of Jonathan driving in s1 make the rounds on the dash and trying not to lose it because he was supposed to be the male lead
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razzafrazzle · 2 years
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i for one fully support jancy's new hot orc wife
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artbunkat · 1 year
So um. Been rewatching Drawtectives.
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Reference from @draw-the-squad-like-this under the cut
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applejuiz · 2 years
I know it’s been months but I still can’t believe the popular opinion is that stancy is a boring and normie ship. I still cannot see it. What is boring? The estranged exes to second chance romance messiness, the girlboss-malewife dichotomy paired with the mom-friend x dad-friend dynamic, the Jonathan Complication, the tangential Steve-Robin queer platonic relationship, the bi4bi battle couple energy, the direct and explicitly mentioned parallels to Lumax, the trauma that is weaved through their history, the fact that they seem to both be trying so hard to not have anything happen between them and yet it’s inevitable, they’re drawn to each other anyway. “You almost shot me with that one.” “You almost deserved it.”
Literally how are people missing out on this?
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friendsdontlieokay · 11 days
Even though I like the idea of Steve and Nancy being together again but the only way I'm accepting it is if Jonathan and Nancy break up mutually.
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findafight · 9 months
as someone who doesn't ship stancy or jancy, i admittedly do have a preference for jancy, but for very different reasons than the ones you mentioned in your previous, i was wondering if that was something you'd be interested in hearing? i know that post was a vent, so i didn't want to assume
ohhh yeah I'd be down to hear! I am not against Jancy at all I just think canon refuses to let them be interesting even when they're being messy. to me they are a neutral ship I guess? fine either way.
It was mostly a vent about how some people are so viciously anti-stancy that the just completely ignore the exact issues in the ship they like that they bring up for stancy? and while that applies to...a lot of ships honestly, it is pretty glaring discussing jancy and specifically the discussions of the future. I'd love to hear your thoughts!
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aliferousdreamer · 9 months
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adenctm · 2 years
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today im coming out as a Murray x Alexei defender lol
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thestobingirlie · 1 year
people who ship stoncy without stancy are weak. how can you ship the monster hunting trio without actually shipping all of them. the terrible dynamics are part of the fun.
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alltimefail · 1 year
As a diehard Byler, I personally haven't cared about the Stranger Things reddit "worst ship" poll going on (and I'm sure many of you feel the same way). I have found it silly how worked up people seem over there because people are *checks notes* um... voting. In the public poll. Many times they're even voting in line with what the comments want (so in agreement with the redditors) but somehow having a shared opinion is... unionizing? Idk lmao it's just very funny to me!!! (Especially because I honestly think the current final 4 make the most sense.)
That being said, I have to admit that I'm lowkey excited to FINALLY vote Jancy out. Praying it is their time to go. 🙌
(I promise I don't hate Nancy/Jonathan/or Steve. My jumbled thoughts are in the tags, please ignore any typos I noticed later and was too lazy to fix.)
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goodlittlerobot · 11 months
since i’m already posting a lot let me talk about byler.
i understand having ship preferences but i’ve seen some people say byler is impossible, or even that will isn’t gay and like everyone can have an opinion but that’s like very intentionally misreading the entire show.
just from a writing standpoint, not even as a shipper, it doesn’t really make sense for them to introduce will having feelings for mike if they don’t have a plan to do something with it. they decided to show us that mike and el’s relationship was rocky, will had feelings for mike and mike seemingly having at least some kind of feelings or possibly conflict over his feelings toward will. why would the writers put all of those dominos up with no intention of knocking them over?
byler being canon or even mike reciprocating will’s feelings very well could be up in the air, sure. but it’s undeniable that will has feelings for him. i just don’t see why in the second to last season they’d make that a big part of will’s story only to have nothing come from it.
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weewoow-2060307 · 1 year
Rating st ships because no one asked me to <3
Byler: starting off strong 100/10 childhood friends to lovers? Angst? Mutual pining? Forbidden love? Istg they injected crack into this ship. My fixation at the moment
Mileven: 6/10 has been going down over time but I want them to be happy, weather that is together or not. S1-2 Mileven is 8/10 btw Also Mike being willing to put his life on the line by attacking Billy for El <3 (also the shippers low-key scare me lol)
Jopper: soulmates fr fr 10/10. They will be the best parents ever.
Jancy: adorable, 8/10. Nothing to really say Abt them ig.
Lumax: 9/10. I don't think I need to explain myself on this one.
Rockie: 8/10 not much depth to their ship but I love them anyways <33
Elmax: 5/10 much prefer them as friends but to each their own ig.
Elumax: 5/10 again prefer them as friends, but the shippers are nice.
Byclair: don't ship them... But a small part of my does? 7/10 (Will would have gone to Lucas' game)
Henderhop: 4/10 interesting
Jargyle: 4/10 I see them platonically don't like the romanticlly. The shippers are cool tho.
Steddie:... 3/10 it's ehhh
Ronance: 2/10 Nancy hated Robin for like half the season. They don't have any chemistry imo
Stancy: 0/10 literally goes against Nancy's whole arc.
Harringrove: 0/10
Stobin: gtfo/10 I don't need to explain myself.
Billy x Karen: ... 🤮/ 10 someone once pointed out that Karen kinda looks like Billy's mother and I have not known peace since.
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Realistically what I want for Jon and Nance individually for romance in season 5:
Jonathan Byers
I want him to have the opportunity to meet someone who he has things in common with and has a connection with outside of apocalyptic situations. While I loved him and Nancy together for a period, they’ve just outgrown each other and that happens. I want him to find somebody who appreciates his music, who he can love as much as his family, who maybe smokes weed or maybe doesn’t, who is artistic and kind like he is. I don’t think Nancy is wrong for not being a good fit for him any more I just think that she’s more fast-paced and ambitious and he’s more family centric and relaxed. I want him to meet someone who shares or at least is compatible with his values. Again I’m not fully anti jxncy I just feel like he made up his mind in s4 to a point. Even when he gets on the road back to Hawkins when everything’s going to shit, yes he still cares for her, but I think they both know they don’t want the same things anymore. And that’s okay, let him find someone other than the one girl he liked in high school.
Nancy Wheeler
I love Nancy so much too and what I really want for her is to make a decision from her own heart in s5. Relationship or no relationship I want her to follow what she thinks and feels genuinely and not what she’s told by anyone else. I want her to be able to pursue her dreams of becoming a journalist and if she wants someone she loves alongside her, I want it to be one where they both get something out of it. I want her to be with someone who stands by her and who she feels safe enough to be completely vulnerable with. Or, I want her to be able to do that on her own. I want her to be able to be emotionally vulnerable and forgive herself for Barb’s death, with or without a romantic interest.
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pinkeoni · 1 year
…would it be okay for me to point out that boy who resents his absentee father is in love with a girl who couldn’t visit him over spring break and is emotionally distanced from her own family and who also owns the revolver that belonged to said absentee father or
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Somebody send me some character (can be anyone) headcanons or thoughts, and I'll discuss them! I especially don't have enough Robin, Max, or Lucas content, so please inspire me. Tis my true motivation in asking. I keep getting caught up in Nancy stuff, but the others need some love too.
Or send me an AU idea, and I will respond with my headcanons or a short one-shot.
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ice-sculptures · 1 year
i wonder how representative my jancy-ronance poll is of the byler fandom's opinions as a whole bc so far i think it's been mostly limited to my followers and hasn't spread too far outside the circle
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