#Jan Fleischer
czgif · 10 months
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Jiří Menzel in Ferat Vampire (Upír z Feratu) 1982, dir. Juraj Herz IMDB
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pastamansta · 1 year
A List of Stop-Motion Feature-Length Films You Probably Haven't Tried.
If you’re anything like me, stop-motion animation is something that you’re sick of hearing about, because it’s always the same fucking recommendations. I took the time to browse over Wikipedia’s “List of stop-motion films” and do what I could to create a list of stop-motion feature-length films that might be worth a watch and that you haven’t constantly heard animation brats cream themselves over. Obviously, this list is not perfect, it’s mostly based off of the films I was able to find generally high reviews for on Letterboxd, but this list will contain nothing from Aardman, nothing from Laika, nothing from Wes Anderson, Tim Burton, or Henry Selick, but will contain at least a handful of things you haven't heard constant chatter about. These films are also fully stop-motion, so nothing from Ray Harryhausen or Jan Švankmajer either. Oh, and no shorts or television, obviously.
I will go ahead and put the following eight as films that aren't as frequently referenced in "best stop-motion films of all time" articles, but will find their ways into conversations about stop-motion without much difficulty;
René Laloux's "Fantastic Planet" (1973)
Will Vinton's "The Adventures of Mark Twain" (1985)
Adam Elliot's "Mary and Max" (2009)
Charlie Kaufman & Duke Johnson "Anomalisa" (2015)
Claude Barras's "My Life as a Zucchini" (2016) [French]
Phil Tippett's "Mad God" (2021)
Dean Fleischer Camp's "Marcel the Shell with Shoes On" (2021)
Guillermo del Toro's "Pinocchio" (2022)
If you haven't seen those eight, I'd take care of that first. Now, we hit other stuff.
Lotte Reiniger's "The Adventures of Prince Achmed" (1926) [German]
Wladyslaw Starewicz & Irene Starewicz "The Tale of the Fox" (1937) [French]
Ivo Caprino's "The Pinchcliffe Grand Prix" (1975) [Norwegian]
Piotr Kamler's "Chronopolis" (1982) [French]
Chris Taylor & Mark Hall's "The Wind in the Willows" (1983)
Dave Borthwick's "The Secret Adventures of Tom Thumb" (1993)
Stanislav M. Sokolov & Derek W. Hayes's "The Miracle Maker" (2000)
Christiane Cegavske's "Blood Tea and Red String" (2006)
Jan Balej's "One Night in One City" (2007) [Czech]
Stéphane Aubier & Vincent Patar's "A Town Called Panic" (2009) [French]
Fernando Cortizo's "The Apostle" (2012) [Spanish]
Chris Sullivan's "Consuming Spirits" (2012)
Paul Cowan & Amer Shomali "The Wanted 18" (2014)
Jan Balej's "Little from the Fish Shop" (2015) [Czech]
Takahide Hori's "Junk Head" (2017) [Japanese]
Michael Mort's "Chuck Steel: Night of the Trampires" (2018)
Cristóbal León & Joaquín Cociña's "The Wolf House" (2018) [Spanish]
Paloma Baeza Niki, Lindroth von Bahr, Emma De Swaef, & Marc James Roels's "The House" (2022)
That's what I've got for the time being. If you can recommend a feature-length, majority stop-motion film that's not Aardman, Laika, Wes, Burton, or Selick, I'd be more than happy to look it over and see about adding it to the list. Enjoy.
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Accepted Shorts List
This list will be updated as shorts are selected, and will become a masterdoc for entries.
Piper, dir. Alan Barillaro (Available on Disney+)
Dissolve, dir. Carina Heller
Sharp Teeth, dir. David James Armsby
Tar Boy, dir. James Lee
Moses of Prosthesis, dir. Gagame
Quasi at the Quackadero, dir. Sally Cruikshank
Welcome to Hell, dir. Erica Wester
Friendly Shadow, dir. David James Armsby
The Acorn Princess, dir. Kris Yim
Drawn to You, dir. Eleanor Davitt
Scattershot, dir. Jade Smania
Ramshackle, dir. Zi Chen
Paperman, dir. John Kahrs (Available on Disney+, Amazon, iTunes, Google Play)
Loop, dir. Erica Milsom (Available on Disney+)
Jinxy Jenkins & Lucky Lou, dir. Michael Bidinger and Michelle Kwon
Kitbull, dir. Rosana Sullivan
Out, dir. Steven Clay Hunter
In a Heartbeat, dir. Beth David and Esteban Bravo
Ice Merchants, dir. João Gonzalez
Diamond Jack, dir. Rachel Kim
Lackadaisy (Pilot), dir. Fable Siegel
The Cat Came Back, dir. Cordell Barker
Fuelled, dir. Michelle Hao and Fawn Chan
The Man Who Planted Trees, dir. Frédéric Back
My Friends Take the Night Bus, dir. Sofi
Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers, dir. Nick Park
The Naked King -What a Beautiful Life-, dir. rapparu
Coming Out, dir. Cressa Maeve Beer
Dear Girl, dir. Choi Ji-eun
Jibaro, dir. Alberto Mielgo (Available on Netflix, Love Death + Robots S3E9)
The Witness, dir. Alberto Mielgo (Available on Netflix, Love Death + Robots S1E3)
The Legend of Pipi, dir. Julia Schoel and Birgit Uhlig
The Cameraman's Revenge, dir. Wladyslaw Starewicz
What's Opera, Doc? dir. Chuck Jones
The Dover Boys at Pimento University; or, The Rivals of Roquefort Hall, dir. Chuck Jones
Kitty Kornered, dir. Bob Clampett
A Wild Hare, dir. Tex Avery
Everything Will Be OK, dir. Don Hertzfeldt
Yankee Doodle Daffy, dir. Friz Freleng
Duck Dodgers in the 24½th Century, dir. Chuck Jones
Long Gone Gulch, dir. Tara Billenger and Zach Bellissimo
I Love to Singa, dir. Tex Avery
Opal, dir. Jack Stauber
Scaredy Cat, dir. Chuck Jones
I Should Leave This Mall I Think, dir. Noodle
Porky's Duck Hunt, dir. Tex Avery
Bambi Meets Godzilla, dir. Marv Newland
Porky in Wackyland, dir. Bob Clampett
Rabbit Seasoning, dir. Chuck Jones
One Froggy Evening, dir. Chuck Jones
Don vs. Raph, dir. Jhonen Vasquez
Cat City, dir. Victoria Vincent
Roller Coaster Rabbit, dir. Rob Minkoff
Tummy Trouble, dir. Rob Minkoff
Trail Mix-Up, dir. Barry Cook
Blood Bound, dir. Lyly Hoang
Ciao, Alberto, dir. McKenna Harris (Available on Disney+)
Blackfly, dir. Christopher Hinton
Charlie the Unicorn: The Grand Finale, dir. Jason Steele
Free Apple, dir. Ian Worthington
Bigtop Burger Season 1, dir. Ian Worthington
There's a Man in the Woods, dir. Jacob Streilein
Llamas with Hats: The Series, dir. Jason Steele
Welcome to my Life, dir. Elizabeth Ito
Duck Amuck, dir. Chuck Jones
We Can't Live Without Cosmos, dir. Konstantin Bronzit
Geri's Game, dir. Jan Pinkava
Have to change the format cause tumblr has a limit to text in a single list
68. Snow-White, dir. Dave Fleischer
69. DAICON IV Opening Animation, dir. Hiroyuki Yamaga
70. Rooty Toot Toot, dir. John Hubley
71. SHOP: A Pop Opera, dir. Jack Stauber
72. Rabbit of Seville, dir. Chuck Jones
73. The Cat Concerto, dir. Joseph Barbera and William Hanna
74. My Little Goat, dir. Tomoki Misato
75. Asparagus, dir. Suzan Pitt (Available on the Criterion Channel)
76. Puparia, dir. Shingo Tamagawa
77. The Cybernetic Grandma, dir. Jiří Trnka
78. Captain Yajima, dir. Ian Worthington
79. Agoraphobia, dir. Victoria Vincent
80. Donald in Mathmagic Land, dir. Hamilton Luske, Wolfgang Reitherman, Les Clark and Joshua Meador
81. Joy Street, dir. Suzan Pitt (Available on the Criterion Channel)
82. The Old Man and The Sea, dir. Aleksandr Petrov
83. The Dream of a Ridiculous Man, dir. Aleksandr Petrov
84. Vincent, dir. Tim Burton
85. World of Tomorrow, dir. Don Hertzfeldt
86. World of Tomorrow Episode 2: The Burden of Other People's Thoughts, dir. Don Hertzfeldt (pay per view of Vimeo)
87. The Magic Portal, dir. Lindsay Fleay
88. The Golden Chain, dir. Adebukola Bodunrin and Ezra Claytan Daniels (available on the Criterion Channel)
89. Black Soul, dir. Martine Chartrand
90. Hedgehog in the Fog, dir. Yuri Norstein
91. Dreams of the Rarebit Fiend: The Flying House, dir. Windsor McCay
92. Around is Around, dir. Evelyn Lambart and Norman McLaren
93. Popeye the Sailor Meets Sinbad the Sailor, dir. Dave Fleischer
94. Historia Naturae (Suita), dir. Jan Svankmajer
95. Still Lost I Guess, Here's a Tunnel, dir. Dario Alva
96. Kapaemahu, dir. Joe Wilson, Dean Hamer and Hinaleimoana Wong-Kalu
97. Long-Haired Hare, dir. Chuck Jones
98. Muto, dir. Blu
99. Windy Day, dir. John and Faith Hubley
100. Bully for Bugs, dir. Chuck Jones
101. The Haunted Hotel, dir. J. Stuart Blackton
102. Destino, dir. Dominique Monfery (Available on Disney+)
103. Fantasy, dir. Vince Collins
104. To Beep or Not To Beep, dir. Chuck Jones
105. Pixillation, dir. Lillian Schwartz
106. Goodbye Jerome!, dir. Chloé Farr, Gabrielle Selnet and Adam Sillard (Available on the Criterion Channel)
107. Betty Boop's Halloween Party, dir. Dave Fleischer
108. Jumping, dir. Osamu Tezuka
109. Baby Fingers, dir. Adrian Dalen
110. On Your Mark, dir. Hayao Miyazaki
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herzlak · 9 months
Hi :)
Bin gerade über deinen Theorie-Post zu Ricks Tatort-Ausstieg gestolpert (wild!) und wollte bei einem Punkt mal genauer nachhaken: „Die ARD ist aktuell auf dem Spartripp, hat ganze Teams gekappt und mehrere Ermittler rausgeschmissen.“
Hast du dazu noch weitere Bespiele? Aber wow, gleich ganze Teams … wann waren die das letzte Mal so krass drauf 😳🙈
Ja, hab ich tatsächlich. Dass die ARD sparen muss, haben deren Pressesprecher schon mehrfach gesagt. Zum Beispiel, als angekündigt wurde, dass das Mainzer Team aufgelöst wurde oder in Ludwigshafen Stammcast rausgeschmissen wurde. Hier mal eine Übersicht aller aktuellen Teams... von 2022 bis jetzt. Nicht alle wurden von der ARD rausgeschmissen, aber grade ist wirklich seeehr viel Verlust.
BERLIN: 2022 stirbt Meret Becker als Nina Rubin den Serientod.
BREMEN: Dar Salim ist schon nach zwei Folgen nicht mehr als Mads Andersen dabei. 2023 wird verkündet, dass er endgültig raus ist.
DORTMUND: 2022 stirbt Anna Schudt als Martina Bönisch den Serientod. 2024 ist Rick Okon möglicherweise zum letzten Mal als Jan Pawlak zu sehen. (Somit wahrscheinlich auch Ende für Jana Giesel als Mia Pawlak und Angelika Bartsch als Britta Tremmel.
DRESDEN: Auch Karin Hanczweski ist raus. Sie ist 2025 zum letzten Mal als Karin Gorniak zu sehen.
FRANKEN: 2022 war Andreas Leopold Schadt zum letzten Mal als Sebastian Fleischer zu sehen. 2024 tritt Dagmar Menzel zum letzten Mal als Paula Ringelhahn auf.
FRANKFURT: (nichts bekannt)
GÖTTINGEN: (nicht bekannt)
HAMBURG UND UMGEBUNG: Franziska Weisz spielt 2024 zum letzten Mal Julia Grosz, weil die ARD ihre Rolle als auserzählt erachtet.
HAMBURG (TSCHILLER): 2023 wird verkündet, dass der Tatort mit Til Schweiger nicht fortgesetzt wird.
KIEL: Axel Milberg ist 2025 zum letzten Mal als Klaus Borowski zu sehen.
KÖLN: (nichts bekannt)
LUDWIGSHAFEN: Die ARD verkündete, dass Annalena Schmidt (Edith Keller) und Peter Espeloer (Peter Becker) wegen Sparmaßnahmen 2023 zum letzten Mal dabei sind.
MAINZ: 2023 verkündet die ARD, dass der Tatort um Heike Makatsch aus Kostengründen noch im selben Jahr aufgelöst wird.
MÜNCHEN: Udo Wachtveitl als Franz Leitmayr und Miroslav Nemec als Ivo Batic denken an ihre Tatort Rente, sind aber auf jeden Fall noch bis 2025 zu sehen. 99 oder 100 Folgen voll machen ist wohl das aktuelle Ziel.
MÜNSTER: Zwar ist nichts konkretes bekannt, aber es gibt wohl das Codewort GTM50 (Goldene Tatort Münster 50). Somit wäre dann 2026 Schluss.
SAARBRÜCKEN: (nichts bekannt)
SCHWARZWALD: (nichts bekannt)
STUTTGART: (nichts bekannt)
WIEN: (nichts bekannt)
WIESBADEN: 2022 sagte Ulrich Tukur, er würde noch "zwei, drei Jahre" den Felix Murot spielen. Somit wäre gegen 2025 Schluss.
ZÜRICH: (nichts bekannt)
Wie gesagt, nur ein Bruchteil wurde von der ARD rausgeschmissen. Aber bei der Fluktuation aktuell könnten sie sich das eigentlich echt sparen...
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multi-level-shipper · 2 years
Ways to interpret Alice and Allison's "I'm...beautiful" "Always were" exchange:
Allison: "Sure, Jan."
(Allison a lesbian and her cover-up is Tom. They're good friends, just as she said.)
Alice: "I'm...beautiful..." Allison: what else am I supposed to say to you rn. Why did you have to Mandela Catalogue me. this entire Max Fleischer wet dream has been nothing but horrors I can't compute in my cerebral cortex. I better think of something before the vibe is totally killed. "Always were."
Alice: "I'm...beautiful..." Allison: I can't be mean to a dying lesbian. That's like against my moral code. "Always were."
Alice: "You have a beautiful face...but I don't know how to properly separate that from my own definition of beauty...which is me..." Allison: "Wow sorry didn't know this was an episode of Ru-Paul."
Alice: "I'm...a lesbian..." Allison: "...So am I."
Alice: "You can...have my Taylor Swift ticket..." Allison: "Thank you babygirl. I will cherish it
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fictionz · 2 years
New Fiction 2022 - June
The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Complete - "3 Kings" ed. Richard Challoner (1752)
Okay so now Solomon's in charge and there's no war so things are good? Except he's going around murdering enemies Godfather-style. And now a parade of kings as we run down the list and deeds of the rest of David's successors.
The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Complete - "4 Kings" ed. Richard Challoner (1752)
I think Eliseus is the star here? But the details of the chapters are more scattered. Perhaps due to winding down the chronicle of the kings. Hazael, Jezrahel, Jezabel, oh my. Oh shit Jehu will not stand for Baal worship. Dang, and Jerusalem has fallen!
Tales of the Dominion War - "What Dreams May Come" by Michael Jan Friedman (2004)
The complacency of fools something something.
Tales of the Dominion War - "Night of the Vulture" by Greg Cox (2004)
As close to Cannibal Holocaust as Star Trek gets.
Tales of the Dominion War - "The Ceremony of Innocence is Drowned" by Keith R.A. DeCandido (2004)
Put up your walls and a gun for every good citizen.
Tales of the Dominion War - "Blood Sacrifice" by Josepha Sherman & Susan Schwartz (2004)
Impatience is a sign of having lived too long.
Tales of the Dominion War - "Mirror Eyes" by Heather Jarman & Jeffrey Lang (2004)
If your place is compromised, that’s your new place.
Tales of the Dominion War - "Twilight's Wrath" by David Mack (2004)
Slash the throat of your master to serve you and yours.
Tales of the Dominion War - "Eleven Hours Out" by Dave Galanter (2004)
The only place to go is the way ahead.
Tales of the Dominion War - "Safe Harbors" by Howard Weinstein (2004)
Call them all in, we’re alone.
Tales of the Dominion War - "Field Expediency" by Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore (2004)
Desperation will keep you from seeing it all.
Tales of the Dominion War - "A Song Well Sung" by Robert Greenberger (2004)
When your enemy leaves you bare.
Tales of the Dominion War - "Stone Cold Truths" by Peter David (2004)
The children only know what they see and hear.
Tales of the Dominion War - "Requital" by Michael A. Martin & Andy Mangels (2004)
What will you do, when you find it?
Dracula Daily - "June" by Bram Stoker & ed. Matt Kirkland (1897)
A slow and obvious realization that your friend is not your friend.
Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton (1990)
The lecture-style of story-telling wears just a bit too thin for my tastes.
"Aquarium" by NoneToon (2022) 
It’s hard to make friends, wouldn’t you agree?
"Making art in America. 👁👄👁" dir. Angie Wang (2022)
Please find a way.
Montana Story dir. Scott McGehee (2022)
Leave when you have to leave. Your place is where you choose to be.
Crimes of the Future dir. David Cronenberg (2022)
The subtle ways in which we fall apart.
Watcher dir. Chloe Okuno (2022)
Jurassic World Dominion dir. Colin Trevorrow (2022)
Give DeWanda Wise her own adventure movie/series.
Top Gun: Maverick dir. Joseph Kosinski (2022)
Get your planes, get your guns, step right up.
G.I. Joe: The Movie dir. Don Jurwich (1987)
Better with no context whatsoever.
Elvis dir. Baz Luhrmann (2022)
That new Elvis biopic is more entertainment than history, but it still helped me get why Elvis was a big deal after growing up on 90s media made by 70s kids who treated him as a joke. And Austin Butler's portrayal of Elvis is :chefskiss:.
The Black Phone dir. Scott Derrickson (2022)
It sets up all the pieces perfectly.
Lightyear dir. Angus MacLane (2022)
I like space and I like adventures but when you’re Pixar there’s a burden to deliver on a certain level of charm that is missing here.
The Cat Returns dir. Hiroyuki Morita (2004)
A neat little fantasy, and you know, I didn’t realize how much I missed whimsical fantasy adventures with some small measure of risk.
Marcel The Shell With Shoes On dir. Dean Fleischer-Camp (2022)
Marcel’s got the improv quips and a lovely story about what it means to stick to family or to let them go.
Goosebumps - "My Hairiest Adventure" (1996)
Body hair and its many wonders.
Goosebumps - "It Came from Beneath the Sink" (1996)
Stick to the book, although it’s neat seeing the beginnings of an actor who went on to success in the horror genre.
Goosebumps - "The Barking Ghost" (1997)
Goosebumps - "Revenge of the Lawn Gnomes" (1996)
Sometimes I see that a given book has been adapted for television and try to imagine how they would’ve pulled it off on a low TV budget of the 90s. And with this one, I fretted over the fact that unless they chose to use expensive stop-motion animation, they’d probably find a way to have little people dressed up as lawn gnomes. Sure enough...
Goosebumps - "Shocker on Shock Street" (1997)
Love the book, not the TV episode. Gonna fret any time a fucked up book ending gets swapped for a more tame TV-friendly version.
Goosebumps - "Haunted Mask II" (1996)
You didn’t have to redo everything from the first one. The book knew that.
Goosebumps - "The Headless Ghost" (1996)
Oh. You know, you had something there at the end. A comeuppance would’ve been good.
Goosebumps - "How I Got My Shrunken Head" (1998)
The book was vague in its exact location and cultural references but the TV episode makes it much more specific about which backward people the white westerners have decided to enslave.
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brookston · 2 years
Holidays 8.9
Battle of Gangut Day (Russia)
Betty Boop Day
Book Lovers Day [also 1st Saturday in Nov.]
Clean Out the Kitchen Cupboards Day
Cranham Feast (Gloucestershire, UK)
Dag der Inheemsen (Indigenous People’s Day; Suriname)
Defense Forces Day (Zimbabwe)
Festival for Sol (Ancient Rome)
Frank Zappa Day (Baltimore)
Indigenous People’s Day (Suriname)
International Art Appreciation Day
International Coworking Day
International Day of the World's Indigenous People (UN)
International Sundance (Lakota; Manitoba, Canada)
Jesse Owens Day
Laugh At Religion Day
Meyboom (Brussels and Leuven, Belgium)
Moment of Silence Day (Japan)
Nagasaki Day
National Book Lover's Day
National Hand Holding Day
National Polka Day
National Women's Day (South Africa)
Official Air Guitar Day (Kansas City, Missouri)
Quit India Day (India)
Rain of Mussels Day (Germany)
Send An E-mail Day
Smokey the Bear Day
Unicorn Day
Veep Day
Victory Day (Rhode Island) [2nd Monday]
World Baijiu Day
World Tribal Day (Parts of India)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Rice Pudding Day
2nd Tuesday in August
Fox Hill Day (Bahamas) [2nd Tuesday]
Independence Days
Singapore (from Malaysia, 1965)
Feast Days
Ashura, Day 2 (Islamic) [a.k.a. ... 
Ashoora (Parts of India)
Ashura (Bahrain, Bangladesh, Pakistan)
Muharram (Parts of India)
Muharrum (Bangladesh)
Yaum-e-Ashur (Pakistan)
Candida Maria of Jesus (Christian; Saint)
Edith Stein (a.k.a. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross; Christian; Saint)
Fedlimid (a.k.a. Felimy) of Kilmore (Christian; Saint)
Fénélon (Positivist; Saint)
Festival of Sol Indigis (Roman Sun God; Ancient Rome)
Firmus and Rusticus (Christian; Saint)
Herman of Alaska (Russian Orthodox Church and related congregations; Episcopal Church (USA))
Invisible Pixy Swatting Day (Pastafarian)
John Vianney (1950s – currently 8.4; Christian; Saint)
Mary Sumner (Church of England)
Nath Í of Achonry (Christian; Saint)
Remembrance for Radbod, King of the Frisians (Asatru/Norse Pagan/The Troth)
Romanus Ostiarius (Christian; Saint)
Rosencranz & Gilderstern Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Secundian, Marcellian and Verian (Christian; Saint)
Talk to the Invisible Pixies Day (Pastafarian)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [44 of 71]
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
The Abyss (Film; 1989)
Come September (Film; 1961)
Dizzy Dishes, featuring Betty Boop (Fleischer Cartoon; 1930
Escape from L.A. (Film; 1996)
Hot Fun in the Summertime, by Sly and the Family Stone (Song; 1969)
Lovelace (Film; 2013)
Outlander (TV Series; 2014)
Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure (Film; 1985)
Pil’s Adventures (Animated Film; 2022)
Ready! Steady! Go! (BBC TV Series; 1963) Reservation Dogs (TV Series; 2021)
Shooting Rubberbands at the Stars, by Edie Brickell & the New Bohemians (Album; 1988)
Walden, by Henry David Thoreau (Short Story; 1854)
XXX (Film; 2002)
Today’s Name Days
Edith (Austria)
Firmin, Roman, Terezija, Tvrtko (Croatia)
Roman (Czech Republic)
Rosmanus (Denmark)
Deboora, Imma, Melita, Mesike (Estonia)
Eira, Erja, Nadja (Finland)
Amour (France)
Altmann, Edith, Roman (Germany)
Triantafilia, Triantafilos Triantafyllos (Greece)
Emőd (Hungary)
Fermo, Maria, Romano, Rustico (Italy)
Ģedimins, Genoveva, Madara, Tautgodis (Latvia)
Mintartas, Rolandas, Romanas, Tarvilė (Lithuania)
Ronald, Ronny (Norway)
Jan, Klarysa, Miłorad, Roland, Roman, Romuald (Poland)
Ľubomíra (Slovakia)
Román, Teresa (Spain)
Roland (Sweden)
Mark, Markian (Ukraine)
Felim, Ledell, Phelan, Phelim, Phelps (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 221 of 2022; 144 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 32 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 4 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Lányuè), Day 12 (Jia-Wu)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 12 Av 5782
Islamic: 11 Muharram 1444
J Cal: 11 Hasa; Threesday [11 of 30]
Julian: 27 July 2022
Moon: 91% Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 25 Dante (8th Month) [Fénélon]
Runic Half Month: Thorn (Defense) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 50 of 90)
Zodiac: Leo (Day 18 of 31)
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clemsfilmdiary · 5 months
The Best of December 2023
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Best Discovery: Eyes of Fire
Runner Up: Fanny and Alexander
Best Rewatch: Short Cuts
Close Second: Slap Shot Runners Up: The Blues Brothers, The Killing of a Chinese Bookie, Superman III, Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Most Enjoyable Fluff: No Hard Feelings
Runners Up: Broadcasting Christmas, A Dream of Christmas, Haul Out the Holly: Lit Up, Leave the World Behind, A Magical Christmas Village
Best Leading Performance: Paul Newman in Slap Shot
Runners Up: John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd in The Blues Brothers, Charles Fleischer and Bob Hoskins in Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Ben Gazzara in The Killing of a Chinese Bookie, Paul Giamatti in The Holdovers, Jennifer Lawrence in No Hard Feelings, Julianne Moore in May December, Richard Pryor and Christopher Reeve in Superman III
Best Supporting Performance (male): Jan Malmsjö in Fanny and Alexander
Runners Up: Cab Calloway and Charles Napier in The Blues Brothers, Jack Lemmon, Matthew Modine, Chris Penn and Tim Robbins in Short Cuts, Christopher Lloyd in Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Strother Martin, Michael Ontkean and Brad Sullivan in Slap Shot
Best Supporting Performance (female): Anne Archer in Short Cuts
Runners Up: Lindsay Crouse and Kathryn Walker in Slap Shot, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Julianne Moore, Annie Ross, Madeleine Stowe and Lily Tomlin in Short Cuts, Annette O'Toole, Annie Ross and Pamela Stephenson in Superman III
Most Enjoyable Ham: Meryl Streep in The Iron Lady
Runners Up: Kristin Chenoweth in 12 Men of Christmas, Marlo Thomas in A Magical Christmas Village, Cindy Williams in A Dream of Christmas
Best Mise-en-scène: Eyes of Fire
Runners Up: Fanny and Alexander, Short Cuts, Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Best Locations: The Blues Brothers (various Chicago cityscapes)
Runners Up: Eyes of Fire (wild Missouri forest and river locations), The Holdovers (wintery Massachusetts small town and campus), The Naked Spur (Colorado Rocky Mountains)
Best Score: Short Cuts (Mark Isham)
Runner Up: Eyes of Fire (Brad Fiedel)
Best Leading Hunk: Bob Hoskins in Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Runners Up: Dean Cain in Broadcasting Christmas, Ben Gazzara in The Killing of a Chinese Bookie
Best Supporting Hunk: Ralph Meeker in The Naked Spur
Runners Up: Adam Lolacher in Time for Him to Come Home for Christmas, Allan F. Nicholls in Slap Shot, Jessie Pavelka in 12 Men of Christmas
0 notes
disneydatass · 11 months
How about some 80s movies for the movie ask thing? I cant chose a favorite movie from 88 but its either "Alice" Directed by Jan Švankmajer, or "Who framed Roger Rabbit" by Robert Zemeckis. Alice is Alice in Wonderland and its really not as scary as people make it out to be, unless taxidermy creeps you out then it is otherwise czechoslovakian. Who framed Roger Rabbit is a hilerious genre (hard boiled detective) parody that always makes me laugh. What is your fav from that year and why?
SO many great 80s films! From ‘88 specifically what a year!!! “Who framed Roger Rabbit?” Is the best! Another one of my favorite films in general! I actually have an autographed movie poster of it signed by bill farmer (goofy other cartoon voices) and Charles Fleischer(Roger rabbit/Benny the cab)
Also GRAVE OF THE FIREFLIES! (The best ghibli film IMO) another one of my all time fave movies! Two completely polar opposite films; I think if you watched Roger Rabbit and then GOTF that is literally the ‘88 version of Barbie n Oppenheimer 💀
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docrotten · 1 year
FANTASTIC VOYAGE (1966) – Episode 146 – Decades Of Horror: The Classic Era
“Twelve minutes left. What a time to run out of sugar!” Especially when you’re having a little coffee with your sugar. Join this episode’s Grue-Crew – Chad Hunt, Whitney Collazo, Daphne Monary-Ernsdorff, and Jeff Mohr – as they gaze in wonder at Fantastic Voyage (1966), remarkable for its special effects and for being one of Raquel Welch’s 1966 breakout roles.
Decades of Horror: The Classic Era Episode 146 – Fantastic Voyage (1966)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
ANNOUNCEMENT Decades of Horror The Classic Era is partnering with THE CLASSIC SCI-FI MOVIE CHANNEL, THE CLASSIC HORROR MOVIE CHANNEL, and WICKED HORROR TV CHANNEL Which all now include video episodes of The Classic Era! Available on Roku, AppleTV, Amazon FireTV, AndroidTV, Online Website. Across All OTT platforms, as well as mobile, tablet, and desktop. https://classicscifichannel.com/; https://classichorrorchannel.com/; https://wickedhorrortv.com/
A scientist is nearly assassinated. In order to save him, a submarine is shrunken to microscopic size and injected into his bloodstream with a small crew. Problems arise almost as soon as they enter it.
  Director: Richard Fleischer
Writing Credits: Harry Kleiner (screenplay); David Duncan (adaptation); (story by) Otto Klement and Jerome Bixby (as Jay Lewis Bixby)
Music by: Leonard Rosenman
Cinematography: Ernest Laszlo
Film Editing: William B. Murphy
Sound Department: Walter Rossi (Sound Effects) (uncredited)
Art Direction: Jack Martin Smith, Dale Hennesy
Set Decoration: Walter M. Scott, Stuart A. Reiss
Visual Effects: 
Art Cruickshank (special photographic effects)
L.B. (Bill) Abbott (special photographic effects) 
Emil Kosa Jr. (special photographic effects)
Marcel Delgado (miniatures) (uncredited)
Selected Cast:
Stephen Boyd as Charles Grant
Raquel Welch as Cora Peterson, the technical asst for Dr. Duval
Edmond O’Brien as General Alan Carter
Donald Pleasence as Dr. Michaels
Arthur O’Connell as Colonel Donald Reid
William Redfield as Captain Bill Owens
Arthur Kennedy as Dr. Peter Duval
Jean Del Val as Dr. Jan Benes
Barry Coe as communications aide
Ken Scott as a Secret Service agent
Shelby Grant as nurse
James Brolin as technician
James Doohan as Dr. Sawyer (Hypothermia technician) (uncredited)
Raquel Welch passed away on 15 February 2023, so the Classic Era Grue Crew thought a fitting tribute would be to cover one of her first breakout roles. Released a few weeks before One Million Years B.C. (1966), Fantastic Voyage features her as the only woman in a seven-member ensemble cast populated by excellent character actors, and she proves herself up to the task. The film’s crew is also the recipient of two Academy Awards with an additional three nominations. The Grue Crew goes a tiny bit giddy over this influential classic from the 60s. Check out what they have to say.
At the time of this writing, Fantastic Voyage is available to stream from most PPV sites, and as a very economical Blu-ray treatment from 20th Century Studios.
Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror: The Classic Era records a new episode every two weeks. Up next in their very flexible schedule is one chosen by Daphne, the BBC TV Live production of Nineteen Eighty-Four (1954), starring Pete Cushing, Yvonne Mitchell, Donald Pleasence, and André Morell!
Please let them know how they’re doing! They want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans: leave them a message or leave a comment on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel, the site, or email the Decades of Horror: The Classic Era podcast hosts at [email protected]. To each of you from each of them, “Thank you so much for watching and listening!”
Check out this episode!
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czgif · 8 months
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Dagmar Havlová in Ferat Vampire (Upír z Feratu) 1982, dir. Juraj Herz IMDB
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spoontoof · 2 years
So, today I was trying to flesh out a new feature screenplay I’ve been making. I wasn’t writing in it, just trying to work out some cool concepts. I don’t wanna say alot about it now, since it might become a real thing, but I will say that it’s a stop-motion animated surrealist avant-grade action film that takes place in an otherworldly landscape. It’s coming along very nicely, and I hope this isn’t just some “14 year old making a screenplay that he’ll hate when he becomes a professional artist.” In other news, I was watching the new Disenchanted film with my Mom and Sister, and after watching the animated opening scene, my Mom says to me, “that’s the type of stuff you should make.” I chuckled, and said “Yea, that’ll look cool,” knowing that I’ll probably never make anything Disney. The type of stuff I wanna make is more in line with the works of Don Hertzfeldt, Bill Plympton, Jan Svânkmajer, the Brothers Quay, Sr Pelo, Chuck Jones, Henry Selick, Richard Williams and Max G. I do look up to people like Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston, and I do love people like Milt Kahl. The closest thing to Disney that I heavily study not for fun, but for genuine inspiration, are Warner Bros. Cartoons, Fleischer Studios, and generally any animation from the 1920s-Early 1940s. Anyways, that’s all I wanted to say, expect more stuff like this, and I’ll see all of y’all another day. Bro out.
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lytdybr · 2 years
Transsiberian Dream - 7.923 km from Beijing to Moscow from Dennis Schmelz on Vimeo.
Click here for the German version: vimeo.com/286490810
The Trans-Siberian Railway, another dream come true! The world's longest railway line starts from Moscow and runs 9,288 kilometers through seven time zones to Vladivostok. In May 2017 I was able to document this unique 16-day trip aboard the legendary Zarengold train together with my colleague Christopher Schmid. We traveled the route in the opposite direction and deviated a little from the original route (Trans-Mongolian Railway). Our journey took us along 7,923 km (nearly 5,000 miles) of rail from Beijing via Erlian, through the Gobi desert to Ulaanbaatar, on to Ulan-Ude, along Lake Baikal to Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Kazan and finally to Moscow. From the rickshaw ride through Beijing, a night in a Mongolian yurt, a bath in the five degrees Celsius cold Lake Baikal and the legendary vodka tasting aboard the Zarengold train - I sum up the highlights in my new short “TRANSSIBERIAN DREAM”. All aboard!
Camera: Dennis Schmelz & Christopher Schmid Edit: Jan Philip Roza, Leander Brandstädt & Dennis Schmelz Sound Design: Florian Gramelsberger & Leander Brandstädt Writer/Speaker: Claudina Hoff ter Heide Audio Mix: Florian Gramelsberger VFX: Jan Philip Roza & Christian Fleischer Title Design: Patrick Richter Grading: Dennis Schmelz
Blog: dennisschmelz.de/blog/119-transsiberiandream.html
Thanks to Lernidee Erlebnisreisen (lernidee.de / trains-and-cruises.com)
Music: Discover The Stars by Mark Petrie (ASCAP)
Video Gear: Phantom 4 Pro Drone: amzn.to/2yWCYTF Sony a7sII Camera: amzn.to/2DQpEEi Sony a6500 Camera: amzn.to/2zIR604 Zhiyun Crane Gimbal: amzn.to/2zcaB50
Sony Lenses: Sony 10-18 mm f/4: amzn.to/2yVcGkW Sony 35 mm f/1.8: amzn.to/2zRCLPL
Canon Lenses: Converter: amzn.to/2CkudW3 Canon EF 16-35mm 1:2,8L II: amzn.to/2k4oQ2N Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L II: amzn.to/2C62NAw Canon EF 70-200 mm f/2,8 L IS II: amzn.to/2BC3BMx Sigma 35 mm f/1.4 DG HSM: amzn.to/2sZUYLw
Filter: Gobe NDX Vario ND 49mm: amzn.to/2j25JbU B+W ND Vario 62mm: amzn.to/2zl3mqS
Post Production: Premiere CC Keyboard: amzn.to/2CJrfYb Lacie Thunderbolt HDD: amzn.to/2AZfPlK
LUT PACKAGE: Because of the massive feedback and a lot of questions how I graded my short "Transsiberian Dream", I decided to release some of the LUTs that I used for this project: dennisschmelz.de/downloads.html The LUTs work with all kind of cameras but your footage should be shot in a flat picture profile (not created for LOG) like Cine2 or Cine4 on Sony cameras or Technicolor Cinestyle on Canon. After purchase you will get a Zip file with 6 LUTs (cube and look files). You can import and adjust the LUTs with every common editing software (Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro, Da Vinci Resolve, etc.).
For licensing / usage please fill out the contact form: dennisschmelz.de/contact
© Dennis Schmelz | 2018
dennisschmelz.de instagram.com/dennisschmelz facebook.com/dennisschmelzfilm vimeo.com/dschmelz youtube.com/dennisschmelz
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Holidays 8.9
Battle of Gangut Day (Russia)
Betty Boop Day
Book Lovers Day [also 1st Saturday in Nov.]
Clean Out the Kitchen Cupboards Day
Cranham Feast (Gloucestershire, UK)
Dag der Inheemsen (Indigenous People’s Day; Suriname)
Defense Forces Day (Zimbabwe)
Festival for Sol (Ancient Rome)
Frank Zappa Day (Baltimore)
Indigenous People’s Day (Suriname)
International Art Appreciation Day
International Coworking Day
International Day of the World's Indigenous People (UN)
International Sundance (Lakota; Manitoba, Canada)
Jesse Owens Day
Laugh At Religion Day
Meyboom (Brussels and Leuven, Belgium)
Moment of Silence Day (Japan)
Nagasaki Day
National Book Lover's Day
National Hand Holding Day
National Polka Day
National Women's Day (South Africa)
Official Air Guitar Day (Kansas City, Missouri)
Quit India Day (India)
Rain of Mussels Day (Germany)
Send An E-mail Day
Smokey the Bear Day
Unicorn Day
Veep Day
Victory Day (Rhode Island) [2nd Monday]
World Baijiu Day
World Tribal Day (Parts of India)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Rice Pudding Day
2nd Tuesday in August
Fox Hill Day (Bahamas) [2nd Tuesday]
Independence Days
Singapore (from Malaysia, 1965)
Feast Days
Ashura, Day 2 (Islamic) [a.k.a. ... 
Ashoora (Parts of India)
Ashura (Bahrain, Bangladesh, Pakistan)
Muharram (Parts of India)
Muharrum (Bangladesh)
Yaum-e-Ashur (Pakistan)
Candida Maria of Jesus (Christian; Saint)
Edith Stein (a.k.a. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross; Christian; Saint)
Fedlimid (a.k.a. Felimy) of Kilmore (Christian; Saint)
Fénélon (Positivist; Saint)
Festival of Sol Indigis (Roman Sun God; Ancient Rome)
Firmus and Rusticus (Christian; Saint)
Herman of Alaska (Russian Orthodox Church and related congregations; Episcopal Church (USA))
Invisible Pixy Swatting Day (Pastafarian)
John Vianney (1950s – currently 8.4; Christian; Saint)
Mary Sumner (Church of England)
Nath Í of Achonry (Christian; Saint)
Remembrance for Radbod, King of the Frisians (Asatru/Norse Pagan/The Troth)
Romanus Ostiarius (Christian; Saint)
Rosencranz & Gilderstern Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Secundian, Marcellian and Verian (Christian; Saint)
Talk to the Invisible Pixies Day (Pastafarian)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [44 of 71]
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
The Abyss (Film; 1989)
Come September (Film; 1961)
Dizzy Dishes, featuring Betty Boop (Fleischer Cartoon; 1930
Escape from L.A. (Film; 1996)
Hot Fun in the Summertime, by Sly and the Family Stone (Song; 1969)
Lovelace (Film; 2013)
Outlander (TV Series; 2014)
Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure (Film; 1985)
Pil’s Adventures (Animated Film; 2022)
Ready! Steady! Go! (BBC TV Series; 1963) Reservation Dogs (TV Series; 2021)
Shooting Rubberbands at the Stars, by Edie Brickell & the New Bohemians (Album; 1988)
Walden, by Henry David Thoreau (Short Story; 1854)
XXX (Film; 2002)
Today’s Name Days
Edith (Austria)
Firmin, Roman, Terezija, Tvrtko (Croatia)
Roman (Czech Republic)
Rosmanus (Denmark)
Deboora, Imma, Melita, Mesike (Estonia)
Eira, Erja, Nadja (Finland)
Amour (France)
Altmann, Edith, Roman (Germany)
Triantafilia, Triantafilos Triantafyllos (Greece)
Emőd (Hungary)
Fermo, Maria, Romano, Rustico (Italy)
Ģedimins, Genoveva, Madara, Tautgodis (Latvia)
Mintartas, Rolandas, Romanas, Tarvilė (Lithuania)
Ronald, Ronny (Norway)
Jan, Klarysa, Miłorad, Roland, Roman, Romuald (Poland)
Ľubomíra (Slovakia)
Román, Teresa (Spain)
Roland (Sweden)
Mark, Markian (Ukraine)
Felim, Ledell, Phelan, Phelim, Phelps (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 221 of 2022; 144 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 32 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 4 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Lányuè), Day 12 (Jia-Wu)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 12 Av 5782
Islamic: 11 Muharram 1444
J Cal: 11 Hasa; Threesday [11 of 30]
Julian: 27 July 2022
Moon: 91% Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 25 Dante (8th Month) [Fénélon]
Runic Half Month: Thorn (Defense) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 50 of 90)
Zodiac: Leo (Day 18 of 31)
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tomhollandnet · 2 years
Tom Holland is ready for adventure in these exclusive Uncharted images
A new look at the upcoming videogame adaptation
An Uncharted movie has been a long time coming. Since the launch of the first game in 2007, the combination of adventuring, cinematic set-pieces and movie influences made the series seem an ideal candidate for the big-screen treatment.
But while it struggled for years to get off the ground, the ball (boulder?) really started rolling when Tom Holland boarded the project as a slightly younger iteration of the series' protagonist, Nathan Drake. Mark Wahlberg - who was attached to play Drake in an earlier stage of the film’s development - has slipped into the mentor role of Victor ‘Sully’ Sullivan, and Sophia Ali plays series regular Chloe Frazer.
Uncharted features on the cover of the new issue of Total Film magazine, and above you can see an exclusive image of Holland and Ali getting into the adventurous spirit, and below there’s another exclusive featuring Holland’s Drake looking every bit the globetrotting hero on a speedboat. Check it out:
Inside the new issue, Total Film speaks to Holland, Wahlberg, Ali and director Ruben Fleischer about the movie’s journey to the screen, and how it draws on the likes of James Bond and Indiana Jones.
Of finding the right filmmaker for the material, Holland tells Total Film: "Some of [the directors] came in, and had ideas that we didn’t like, that just didn’t fit the characters, and we had to move on to other people. We took inspiration from everyone. There were very different variations of Drake, and very different variations of Sully. Some people preferred to make the game, some people wanted to make it completely different to the game. It was an interesting process – one that I wouldn’t like to be in again. It’s quite stressful looking for a director."
Fleischer, for his part, says landing Uncharted was partly down to his long-standing relationship with the studio, the director having just finished back-to-back work on Venom and the Zombieland sequel for Sony. In fact, Fleischer was first publicly attached to Uncharted in early January 2020, with principal photography starting mid-March that same year. "I was firing on all cylinders from a production standpoint,” he says, speaking to Total Film while in the final stages of postproduction on the movie. “I was just really in the rhythm of making movies."
Uncharted is set to open in cinemas on February 11. For much more on the film, pick up a copy of the new issue of Total Film when it hits shelves (real-world and digital) on Thursday, Jan 6. Check out the new cover below:
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ozu-teapot · 4 years
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20 Favourite Re-watched Films of 2019
As the title suggests, my 20 favourite films I re-watched in 2019 (in no order whatsoever):
Sans toit ni loi (AKA Vagabond) | Agnès Varda | 1985
The Shining | Stanley Kubrick | 1980
Der Golem, wie er in die Welt kam | Carl Boese / Paul Wegener | 1920
Diamonds of the Night | Jan Nemec | 1964
Phantom Lady | Robert Siodmak | 1944
Kwaidan | Masaki Kobayashi | 1964
Pauline à la plage (Pauline at the Beach) | Eric Rohmer | 1983
Daisies (Sedmikrásky) | Vera Chytilova | 1966
Seul contre tous | Gaspar Noé | 1998
Audition | Takashi Miike | 1999
Onibaba | Kaneto Shindô | 1964
Ring | Hideo Nakata | 1998
Kind Hearts and Coronets | Robert Hamer | 1949
Red Beard | Akira Kurosawa | 1965
Midnight Cowboy | John Schlesinger | 1969
Touch of Evil | Orson Welles | 1958
10 Rillington Place | Richard Fleischer | 1971
The Triple Echo | Michael Apted | 1972
These Are the Damned | Joseph Losey | 1962
P'tit Quinquin | Bruno Dumont | 2014
Some notes: I used Letterboxd to help me work out which films I’d liked most in the past year and was a bit surprised to find how many of my re-watched films hadn’t reached the high 5 and 4.5 star scores, and had to reach down to the 3.5s! A kind of familiarity breeding contempt? More on that in the next post. I watched all the Kurosawas (in a year without Bergman) and he and Rohmer were high scorers  but of course the rules dictate one film per director in the end of year list. I stuck with my statement earlier in the year that “I think Red Beard is my favourite Kurosawa” but it’s very close. Perennials P'tit Quinquin, Daisies, and These Are the Damned returned to the list but what can I say. I watched them, I liked them,facts are facts! Quite a few horrors in the list. I usually feel I’ve left genre preferences behind but my roots are showing.
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