#Jack Rudder
randomfoggytiger · 11 months
Mulder and Stagnation, Scully and Autonomy
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A bit I pulled from my next post on HTGSC:
“Where’s my partner?” 
Lyda sidesteps the question: “He believes in ghosts?”
“Yeah,” Scully unflinchingly responds. 
“You poor child. You must have an awfully small life, spending your Christmas Eve with him-- running around and chasing things you don’t even believe in.” 
Well that’s a perspective that Scully does and doesn’t hold: yes, Mulder’s single mindedness can be infuriating at times… but does she come across that way to him? It hits on that old, nagging insecurity: Phoebe Green and Bambi Berenbaum and Diana Fowley (and eventually Karin Berquist) can feed his theories and take her place and sneer at her skepticism; and Mulder will cling to their validation because he feels (she thinks) rejected by her. 
Does he feel rejected by her?  
Again: Mulder’s walls are his insecurity and terror that Scully will pack up and leave him one day; and Scully’s are that Mulder would be satisfied to rot in stagnation in his molding basement, rooting her down with him (an interesting foretelling of the episode Field Trip.) 
Her fear and equal confusion are twisted up with her warring belief and disbelief, too muddled for her to sift and resort her quaking emotions. 
“I can see it in your face, the fear," Lyda continues, "the conflicted yearnings. The subconscious desire to find fulfillment through another.” 
That part is true: Jack Willis to a degree, Mulder most definitely, and even more definitely Daniel Waterston. Scully eventually gravitates to Daniel because she feels unneeded by Mulder-- those doubts bleeding through since S1 into Never Again and into Milagro and finally concluding in All Things-- and her dutiful personality wants to be someone’s right hand man and the only twinkle in their eye. Mulder, for all his affectionate nature, forgets that Scully needs a moment after she loses her sister (talking about fate), her dog (moving on to his request), her rudder in the work (shuffling off to Graceland and giving her the wrong space) her Christmas Eve, and eventually her weekend. He almost loses her to men who need her to fix them-- Ed Jerse’s messed up life and crummy bar, Waterson’s damaged heart and broken relationships-- who have a way of crushing her rationality under the thumb of passion through obligation, who want to take the steering wheel of her life and turn it in their directions. It’s not until All Things that Scully realizes what Melissa meant by “life’s… just a path”: it’s one with a destination only you-- she-- can choose; and it causes her to fully take control of the reigns of her life and be at peace with her hands-off man Mulder. 
It took Scully forever to start a relationship with Mulder-- whether that’s The Unnatural or Millennium or All Things-- because she was ingrained in her habits, waiting for him to take control. But Mulder’s no Eddie van Blundht (no Ed Jerse, no Daniel Waterston); and they both realized it would take a miracle for him to do what his shapeshifter-self did. So: Scully, miraculously healed from cancer, reached out for another miracle… and Mulder completely missed it. This shifted her back into Starbuck mode; which led to her quiet reticence of S5 and her self-blame in FTF and her hints and thwarted hopes in S6. The relationship stagnated until Mulder got a clue-- in The Unnatural-- and it shifted irrevocably from there. 
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piratesgiftexchange · 9 months
The Flying Pearlman - Shipping Two Ships - This, Too, is Yuri
by beemovieerotica, for @thisshrimpisfryingrice
PROMPT: “ Anything with actual ships (sailings ships)”
It was in the aftermath of the guns blazing, smoke-filled finale of the fight against Lord Cutler Beckett (may he rest in pieces) that something strange began to transpire aboard the ships.
The Black Pearl and the Flying Dutchman, two ships ever-destined to shape the course of piracy and the nine seas, were sailing side-by-side away from the slowly-dissipating maelstrom wrought by the goddess herself.  Into the churning waters had gone the HMS Endeavour and all her terrible men.  Down to the depths of the ocean went the cursed body of Davy Jones.  And in his place, standing proud at the helm, was the young Will Turner as ferryman.
The crews were still in states of celebration and joyous chaos as the English fleet receded into the distance.  Their freedom was secured, for now, and at least for a good while longer.  Will looked to his new crew with the fresh wound above his absent heart stinging in the cold sea spray, and then he looked across the water to the Pearl where his dearest friends—and his wife—now stood.
“On this day,” Will began, courage booming within his chest, “there is a new ferryman.  One who will not forsake the souls of the dead!”
Cheers and cries rang out from the crews.  Barbossa and Jack looked on, more proudly than they ever had before.  The threat was behind them, the future clear and promising.  Elizabeth took the moment to stand up and carry the moment with him.
“We will forge a path forward,” she called out, “united as Brethren for the cause of freedom!”
Feet stomped, pistols fired off into the air, and blood ran hot from the fight that was shaping the world before them.  Too hot, perhaps.  The crews threw their arms around one another and kissed each other on deck, with no regard for rank or sex.  It might be excused later as a celebratory whim in the heat of the moment—but for now, none were ashamed.
The enthusiasm flared on, and it was enough to drive even the most reticent bystander to passionate action.  Action of whatever kind might appeal to him, so to speak. 
It could even drive to such heights of passion, as would soon become clear, entities no one thought capable of doing so… 
The Dutchman groaned beneath the crew’s feet, dipping slightly into the water.
“No pirate need fear the yoke of the empire,” Elizabeth went on.  “For they should fear us!”
As the crews continued to cheer, the sails on the Pearl fluttered: they did not hear her creak in reply.
“Every man and woman deserving of the same life and liberty!” Will added.
It was Gibbs who first noted that something was going awry.  The Pearl’s wheel was beginning to list precariously toward the other ship, and as he hurried to right it, he paused, his brows furrowed, and then struggled against the wood.  It would not budge.  He looked across the shrinking distance between the ships, then back to the obstinate wheel, then back to the approaching Dutchman, who—it suddenly seemed—was also listing their way.
“Captain!” Gibbs cried.
Jack and Barbossa both turned in unison toward the frantic first mate. 
Orders were shouted and the uplifting speeches delayed, and five men attempted to turn the wheel as the two crews scrambled into action.
“Something must have caught on the rudder!” Gibbs supplied.
“Ours has been disabled too,” Will said to his crew.
“That’s not possible,” Maccus cut in.  “If the wheel won’t turn…it’s because she don’t want to turn.”
A hush fell upon them.  The men, in all their decades of service aboard the cursed ship, had never known the Dutchman not to obey her captain.
“We need to abandon ship…” Elizabeth began, her voice tight in her throat.  “All men, abandon ship!” she cried.
It was chaos: every pirate flinging themselves into the water as the ships veered into one another, never to be halted, sails billowing in phantom winds to bring themselves together.  Will cast his gaze wildly toward the nearest spit of land to which all the pirates were now desperately swimming, and in the final moments before the collision, he wrangled himself a longboat, dropped it into the water, and dove in.
The Pearl and the Dutchman hit each other with the force of battling whales.
Battling—or so the crews thought—for who could possibly know the minds of such inhuman, fate-filled things?  Will looked back over his shoulder with the oars tight in his white-knuckled fists to see the two ships pushing each other down beneath the sea, bows dipping into the deep blue, their decks filling with water.
“Good God,” he whispered.
It was as the very top of the final mast plunged out of view that he felt a cold shudder pass through his body.  What terrible god had he crossed now?
The two crews stumbled up the sand of the tiny island, wheezing from exertion, wringing out their sleeves and kicking off their heavy waterlogged boots.  Pintel and Ragetti had flopped onto the ground across from one another, and they were trying to help pull off each other’s boots in unison with little coordination and little success.  Elizabeth turned and squinted out over the water to see Will’s longboat bobbing behind.
Will was the last to arrive at the beach, having been relegated to rowing all by himself, and finally the boat slid up to shore.  Maccus and Palifico ran down to help drag it up the sand, and Will let the oars fall to the bottom of the boat, and he heaved a weary sigh. 
“Sit tight, captain,” Maccus said, and he gave one final push to lodge the boat up on the dry beach.
The first mate looked to Will with a satisfied nod, and Will returned Maccus’s gaze with heavy eyes.  “I’m not going anywhere,” he said tiredly.
Elizabeth had hurried up to the boat, but she stopped a few paces short, her brows stitched in a question.  Will read the hesitation in her eyes.
“I think this would be a special exception in which the rules don’t apply,” he began.  “I don’t think the ferryman’s oath ever accounted for the Dutchman flinging her own crew into the sea.”
Elizabeth shook her head with a snort and came to the boat’s side, but she did not enter, and instead sat in the sand beside it.  She gave Will a tight smile.  “Just in case,” she said, folding her hands in her lap.
Jack and Barbossa were each in the process of subtly checking their pistols for shot.  Not a moment of tension passed where they didn’t re-evaluate the tried-and-true solution of simply shooting each other.  The two briefly glanced up from their mutual plottings at exactly the same time, caught each other’s gazes, and hurriedly looked away. 
All were uneased, but none more so than the Dutchman crew, who very rarely ever planted their feet on dry land.  But above all, beyond the disquieting feel of sand between their toes, they had looming existential questions to answer.
“So, is that it, then?” Penrod asked slowly.  “We’re done?”
There was a long, harrowing silence. 
“What,” Maccus said, “you think there’s going to be no more ferryman of the dead?”
“There can’t be a ferryman without a ship,” Penrod said.
“So the contract’s broke, then?” 
All eyes turned to Will, the only one capable of answering that question.  He opened his mouth in a stutter.
“He’d be able to step on land if it was!” Ragetti chimed in.
This…was true.  Very slowly, and ever-so-tenderly, Will withdrew his hand from his lap and lowered it toward the sand.  His fingers twitched, and his eyes did not blink.  All watched with bated breath as his fingertips approached the earth. 
There was a sound like a crack of thunder from the heavens, and nearly everyone let out shrieks of surprise.  Will recoiled, his hand trembling against his chest, and an almighty and powerful voice boomed over the island.
The furious voice of Calypso reverberated across the sands and sea.  It was a sound that was borne out of the waters themselves, out of the air, out of the trees, that went rattling inside their skulls.  It continued to echo and hiss within the cavities of their souls, and everyone’s mouths fell open in wonder.
Their eyes turned up toward the heavens in reverence.  A long silence passed.
“Holy hell,” Pintel breathed.
The two crews looked back at Will, who was shivering like a tiny dog.  Everyone except him seemed to be utterly bewitched by the cosmic occurrence.
“Do it again,” Ragetti said. 
Will shook his head emphatically, and it was Barbossa who strode over, and in a fit of scientific curiosity, he wrenched Will’s hand from his chest and brought it down once more toward the sand.
The deafening, godly voice called out again from beyond as Will’s fingers brushed the earth.
“RESTE!”  Calypso cried.
Will wrestled his wrist free of Barbossa’s grasp with a hiss of displeasure and crossed his arms across his chest.  The crews took a moment to feel the last echoes of the word passing through their bodies before they began to converse in low whispers.
“So the oath remains,” Barbossa said.  “The Dutchman, and possibly the Pearl, are still one with this world.”
“Then how do we get them back?” Gibbs asked.
Barbossa lifted his hands in a hopeless gesture.  “We wait.”
The crews watched him as he removed his heavy coat and folded it up to drop onto the sand.  He undid the buckles of his belts and slid his holster and scabbard off, letting them fall with dull thuds beside his feet.  He had just begun to strip off his drenched socks and shake loose his flowy sleeves when Jack let out a snicker.
“Putting on a show for us, aye?” Jack asked.
Barbossa rolled his eyes and turned away.  “We’d best start gathering food,” he said over his shoulder as he stalked off up the beach.  His foot caught in a dip, and he stumbled for a moment before righting himself with a sniff.  “Who knows how hungry we’ll all be before the ship decides to come back!”
The crews all looked to one another in terrible, frightful suspicion.  
They found food, gratefully.  The island was lush with coconuts, as well as a population of very plump, very slow birds which were totally incapable of flight.  Their little stunted wings flapped uselessly at their sides, and their bald faces went aghast as the crews picked them up, as easily as corralling crawling babies, to make their ample dinner every night. 
“Never seen a bird like that what’s so eager to get eaten,” Pintel said, sucking the end of a bone.
“Wonder why we haven’t seen them anywhere else,” Ragetti added.
The crews retired to the beach to sleep, laying out long mats of palm leaves in the warm tropical night.  Will was still in his longboat, naturally, and he’d managed to make a slightly more comfortable stay of it by piling the crews’ extra coats and shirts together as cushioning and pillows.  He laid his head down, then abruptly lifted it back up, sniffing the air in distaste. 
“Not a single good-smelling pirate to be had, eh?” Maccus asked.
The first mate had come up beside the boat to check in on the Dutchman’s out-of-work captain.  Will gave a defeated sigh and readjusted the crumpled clothing beneath him.  “It’ll do for now,” he muttered.
Maccus sat down in the sand beside the boat and leaned back on his hands.  He cast a glance inside the boat at the curled-up captain, and then up across the sand toward the flickering bonfire where Elizabeth was gazing into the flames.
“Terrible shame, being so close,” he said quietly, “but not being able to do anything at all.”
Will gave a hm of reply.  Crickets chirped from the treeline.
“I’m sure you have a lot of feelings and…frustration, naturally,” Maccus went on.
The waves washed over the shore.
“I’m sure you’d like to have somebody to shag.”
Will’s eyes shot open.  “I beg your pardon?”
Maccus gave a hacking cough and pounded his chest, clearing his throat loudly.  “Oi, who said that?” he asked.
Will sat bolt upright, fixing his disbelieving gaze on Maccus’s shadowed face.  Maccus returned it with a simple shrug.  “Just saying.”  He looked to the sky.  “A good first mate always finds a way to be of help to a captain in need, they say.”
“Oh, use your imagination,” Maccus said.  “See, Jones was a man with an imagination.”
Will blinked very hard several times, opened his mouth once, closed it, then opened it again.  “You and him?”
“Ten years is a very long time to never go ashore, you’ll see soon enough,” Maccus replied.
Will cast his gaze over toward the bonfire, and his eyes were momentarily speckled with firelight.  But with the slow dawning of sorrow, he turned back to the first mate in the dark. 
“Did you love him?” Will asked.
Maccus let out a sound like one of the many birds they’d wrangled that day: a great guffaw of surprise—too loud, too insistent—and beneath it all Will sensed a clawing need to be believed.
“No, no, not at all,” Maccus said, his voice becoming suddenly dry.  “No, it was simply functional.  Purely mechanical.  Not a thought to it, save our mutual relief.”
Will nodded very slowly, and Maccus watched him, needfully, in more ways than one.  “No love at all,” he insisted.
“Right,” Will said.  He leaned back into the boat and gave a loud sigh, shuffling his shoulders into the coats for comfort.  “I’m going to sleep.  Good night, Maccus.”
He heard the first mate let out a sniff, and Maccus stood and turned from the boat. The voices of the others chattering at the bonfire drifted over the beach.  “Give it five long and lonely years,” Maccus grunted, “and you’ll be wanting a piece of this pie.”
Will heard the sound of a hand smacking thick, jiggling flesh.
Maccus left the tired ferryman alone, stalking away across the sand.
The situation at the bonfire was decidedly more open to rash and unconventional pairings.  Or at least it was from the view of everyone else seated there except the two people it actually involved. 
Jack and Barbossa were on opposite sides of the fire, once again engaged in incessant bickering.
“—All I’m saying is, the Pearl has technically sunk under your command, which means you are no longer captain, which means she’s fair for the taking by anyone else.”
“She wasn’t sunk.  She was pulled down by a supernatural ghost ship what passes between this realm and the next, so that can hardly be called a conventional sinking—nay, it smells of divine intervention—”
“Call it whatever you will, she’s under the bloody sea, mate,” Jack said.  “What sorry ship on the seafloor hasn’t been sunk?”
“And after she sank the first time with you as her captain, you claimed her, again, which refutes the entire argument you’re trying to make in the first place!” Barbossa spat.
Maccus sat down heavily beside Elizabeth and nodded in the direction of the two men.  “When are they going to give this up and go at it?” he whispered.
Elizabeth was chewing her nail while staring off into space, and she shrugged absently.  “I’ve been asking myself that same question for two whole years,” she murmured.
The crews continued to tolerate the captains’ non stop arguments before finally wandering off to go to sleep.
Weeks passed.  The stupid plump birds on the island were plentiful and slow enough to continue making good meals for the crews.  Temporary shelters had been built in the absence of any sign of the two ships, and all were grateful for that semblance of comfort—with the exception of Will, who remained in his little longboat, growing ever more bored.
It was unfortunate indeed that all the other ships in the Brethren fleet had gone their separate ways immediately after the fight had ended, not daring to linger a single moment more so close to the English fleet.  And as they had watched the distant Pearl and Dutchman go underwater—her flailing crew too distant to be seen—the only thing anyone had said was, “Oh.  I guess both of them can do that, then.”
Who could be blamed for believing such a thing of the infamous Black Pearl?
The stranded crews moped around the island, inventing games and diversions to pass the time.
“What if you pelted my bollocks with coconuts?” Ragetti asked, squinting through the sun.
Pintel stopped cold in the sand and cast him a disbelieving glance.  “Seriously?  In your balls?  Why on earth would you want to do that?”
“I dunno.  It’s something new.  Want to try it?”
A moment passed, and Pintel gave a shrug, and the two set off in search of hard fruit.
Will took frequent dives into the water, needing to move his limbs, refresh his mind, and get out of that tiny, cramped space.  Maccus and the other Dutchman crew joined him on occasion, but it was Maccus who stuck by him the most.
“Sorry for being a pest,” Maccus began one day, their heads bobbing above the water.  “I don’t have an excuse for that.”
Will rubbed a hand across his eyes, clearing them of seawater.  “You’re not a pest.  I appreciate the sentiment, I know you were only trying to help.”
The tropical sun cast sparkling rays through the clear sea—Maccus continued to tread water slowly, drops trickling through his dark brown beard.  “Are you feeling alright?”
With a great sigh, Will swiveled his neck in a circle, letting out a series of loud and painful cricks.  “The oath may free us from ever needing food or drink, but it doesn’t do anything for a stiff neck.”
“Ah,” Maccus said.  “Shame, that.”
The two continued to tread water awkwardly before one another.  Maccus sniffed loudly and cleared his throat.  “So, anyway—”
“Would you mind—” Will gestured at his own back and neck, and swiveled around in the water to look back over his shoulder, “—loosening me up here?”
Maccus raised his brows.  “Oh.  Right.  Of course.”
The two men made their way as far up toward the beach as they could without invoking Calypso’s wrath—they had discovered through a great deal of trial and error that Will could just barely touch his toes to the sand, with his chin above water, and not yet be considered to be “on land”—and from there, Maccus stood behind him and clasped his hands on his shoulders.
“So just…ease up a bit, like that.”
He worked his way around Will’s shoulders, massaging and coaxing the muscles, digging his fingers into the knots made by weeks of uncomfortable confinement.  His rough hands had been worn to a leathery quality through over a century of service, but Will didn’t seem to mind.  The captain was, it seemed, melting under his touch.
“Mmm…right there,” Will murmured.
Maccus worked him into a state of moaning relaxation, Will’s mouth now underwater and letting out a stream of bubbles as his muffled noises urged Maccus on.  The first mate cast a furtive glance toward the beach, a bead of sweat upon his brow.
“We’d best get you back to the boat, I think—”
Will’s mouth surfaced from the water.  “Keep going,” he groaned.  “I need you.”
Maccus drew a deep and shaking breath.
“Need…um…this,” Will mumbled, the correction coming too late. 
Maccus swallowed hard and continued to massage the captain’s sore shoulders, now staring fixedly off over the sea.  He did not dare to look down.  Could not let himself see how Will’s mouth hung open, how gentle sighs escaped his lips, how his lashes fluttered with each flex of Maccus’s strong hands—before he realized his thumbs had been unconsciously making tender circles on the soft skin of Will’s neck.
And one of his forefingers had brushed up to trace the sharp line of Will’s jaw.
Will’s eyes opened slowly, glassy with a deep pleasure, and they fell upon Maccus’s face to hold him there.
Maccus quickly withdrew his hands, clearing his throat with a cough, and Will let out a long sigh as if emerging from a dream.  The captain hadn’t said anything.  Hadn’t drawn his attention to the fact.  He had seemed—oh God—immensely moved by that rare, gentle contact.
“I’ll head back to catch some more birds for the other crew,” Maccus said quickly.  He sloshed up ahead through the water, forcing his limbs to move as quick as possible, as Will stared after him without a word.  Three weeks, Maccus thought.  Holy hell, that was fast.
The first mate found Jack and Barbossa first by the sound of their raised voices, and he came upon them in the forest arguing between two trees.  Jack was shirtless, his back and arms now sunburned over the inscrutable text and charts that made up his full body tattoos, and Barbossa was hatless and raking his great long nails across his belly under his loosened shirt.
“It is your archaic insistence on hygiene that makes you oh so delectable to the palate of our tireless friends, the sand fleas,” Jack began.
“‘Tis the modern way,” Barbossa snapped, scratching incessantly.  “A clean body makes for a clean soul, and who knows what refuse and grime clings to you, poisoning your body all the more?”
“Aye, but it was this body that caught your wandering eye the other night, was it not?” Jack said.
Barbossa rolled his eyes.  “Words spoken under the sway of two and a half fermented coconuts hold no bearing on a man’s taste—nay, a man’s soul, at all.”
“You keep telling yourself that, darling,” Jack said, and he gave a coy wink.
Maccus pressed on through the trees, searching for anyone with a shred of sense.  He soon found Elizabeth, who was wrapped up in something involving the hunting party, tapping her finger on the page of an open book in her hand—it must have been on her when she jumped ship. 
“I don’t think these birds exist anywhere else,” she called out.  The hunting party did not appear to be listening.  “There were records of them from the journeys of sailors on the island of Mauritius—” squawking noises came from the cornered birds “—but a breeding pair of them must been brought over as a prize, or a food source, or perhaps part of a lost cargo—”
The sounds of crunching and wringing drowned out her voice, and Maccus looked between her and the birds with a wince. “—So I believe these may be the last population in existence,” she finished.
“Pirate King Swann-Turner,” Maccus cut in, “a word?”
“Yes, Maccus, what is it?”
The sounds of birds being tossed into woven palm leaf bags with heavy thumps momentarily broke the man’s concentration.  “You and your husband,” he began cautiously, testing the waters, “are you quite open?”
Elizabeth frowned.  “I should say so,” she replied.  “We speak our minds to one another.”
Maccus bit his lip.  “What I mean to ask is,” he swallowed, “are you two open to…to the openness of others?”
Elizabeth blinked, and then she gave a curious tilt of her head.  “I’m not sure I know what you mean.”
“Can he—”
“I think this is the biggest one we’ve seen yet!” Ragetti called out.  He was swinging a bird about by its legs like a windmill, its feathers fluttering through the air like snow.
“I’m so sorry, I need to attend to this,” Elizabeth said.
“Right.  Understood,” Maccus replied, forcing a smile.
The crews found themselves gathered once more around the bonfire on a quiet, breezy night.
Jack was nowhere to be seen, and for once Barbossa was enveloped in a grateful, encompassing silence.  He had brought his palm leaf mat up near the flickering light and lay on his side, bringing chunks of bird meat to his mouth to chew in thought.  But there was something about the absence of the other man that seemed to—no, it couldn’t be—cast a certain melancholy on him?
When Jack returned to the bonfire, Barbossa sat upright, and then abruptly checked his own visible enthusiasm.
“Where in God’s name did you get that?” Barbossa spat.
It was a fair question.  In Jack’s arms was a lute, utterly pristine with all its strings. 
“Found it,” Jack said, unhelpfully.  “Must have washed ashore.”
He sat down upon a sandy mound at the head of the fire and strummed a little chord.  The crewmen who had been conversing quietly turned their attention to him, having gone without the gracious sounds of music for far too long. 
Jack plucked a simple tune to accompany his meandering words.  “When I first laid eyes upon the Pearl,” he began, his voice slipping into the fond softness of memory, “I knew there would be none other like her.”
The crews listened, their breaths slowed, as the melody drifted through the night air.  “‘Course, back then I called her the Wicked Wench,” Jack went on with a chuckle, “which was unkind, in hindsight.  For there was not—” his tune picked up “—a wicked board upon her.”
He began strumming in earnest, his fingers flying across the strings, and all eyes were upon him as his voice rang out over the beach.
“There once was a ship that stole my heart,
I wished that we might never ever part.
So grand was she and our love so strong
if she’d sink I’d gladly go along!”
Barbossa let out a hearty chuckle, and a ripple of amusement went through the crews.  Jack licked his lips.
“Soooon came a terrible man,
a short old cunt with a white wigg’d head.
‘Work for me and you’ll earn your bread—
or you’ll hang until you’re dead!’ ”
The trees fluttered along the shore, and Gibbs shook his head in disbelief.
“I worked for him, and I worked three years,
breaking my back for pennies and tears.
A cargo came that I couldn’t abide,
whom I freed at the risk of me hide…”
Faaarewell, you beautiful boat!
He sent her down into Neptune’s throat.
I turned my tail, and I ran from land—
with a bright new burning brand.”
Jack sniffed loudly as his fingers continued to strum.
“I’d bear every lash of the bo’sun’s whip
to see her again a sailing ship,
but things in this world just can’t be pursed
lest you deal with the man with the curse.”
Will was listening in the distance from his longboat, and his head rose from the wood.
“Jooones waved his tentacled hand,
and brought her back upon earthly sands.
There she was, my glorious girl—
my love—my new Black Pearl!
Jack gritted his teeth and kept his eyes upon his flying fingers.
“I’d kill for her, I’d die for her,
I’d gut every one of you miserable curs.
But now she’s gone and we’re all trapped here,
so heed this very one fear:
Keeep watch whenever you sleep!
I’ll send you down to the treacherous deep!
No reason to live nor a reason to die,
when you’re dead, I’ll hardly cry!”
Jack strummed the last chord with an extravagant flourish, swinging his arm around to let it hang in the air, his chest heaving, with a toothy, ecstatic grin upon his face.
A moment of silence passed—and then Barbossa leapt to his feet, his eyes swimming with tears, applauding like a man at the most prestigious opera house in the world.  The crews joined in with howling cheers, and Will’s distant applause came from the shoreline.
“Thanks very much,” Jack said, setting the lute down upon the sand.  “I meant it all, too.”
Something had been irrevocably changed in Barbossa’s attitude that evening—the passion Jack bore for the Pearl no doubt rang true for every captain that loved his ship—but it was his ship too, that he had come to need so dearly.  When Jack returned to his spot across from Barbossa, the old captain’s eyes did not once leave Jack’s face.  There was an unfamiliar softness in them: a knowing stare.
“Beautiful,” Barbossa said quietly.
The night wore on, and Maccus was the only one who noticed that when Jack left for his little wooden shelter down the beach to sleep, Barbossa waited a few minutes, engaged in pleasant conversation, and then he excused himself to depart in that very same direction.  His little shelter rested on the other side of the forest.
Maccus turned to look over his shoulder at the lonely little longboat whose hull was now kissed  by the rising tide. 
He made his excuses and wandered off a way down the beach before circling back in the dark through the waves.  He came up beside the longboat quietly, peering in, wondering if he should have to wake Will—but he found the man seated on the floor of the boat, his back resting against the bench, his eyes glinting through the dark.
“Ah,” Maccus murmured.  “Do you need anything?”
Will lifted a hand in Maccus’s direction.  He did.
And a first mate always helped his captain.
Two unlikely pairs of men awoke in each other’s arms the next morning—though the two captains of the Pearl falling together had never been too unlikely.  Maccus gave a great yawn and opened his eyes to find Will’s arms looped around him, the man still snoring against his chest.  Best to let him rest.  He seemed so comfortable, which was rare, given the tight space.
The sun was already a few fingers above the horizon, and Maccus sighed pleasantly.  Maybe they could take a swim together—look at the reef and the bright fish on the other side of the island.  It was as Maccus was daydreaming these possibilities, with Will’s chest rising and falling against him in quiet sleep, that he heard shouts coming from the beach.
“They’re back!“
Will startled awake and the two men sat bolt upright, their heads popping up like petrified birds over the sides of the longboat.
But nobody seemed to notice or care, as Jack and Barbossa also rolled out of their singular shelter hurriedly replacing their clothing, and the two crews ran down the shore to assemble beside Will’s longboat to gaze out over the water with their jaws agape.  Jack secured the last button of his trousers and squinted out across the sea—and he gave a yelp of surprise.
“My ship!” he gleefully cried.
There they were, the Black Pearl and the Flying Dutchman, as if no time at all had passed.
“She’s at full sail,” Gibbs breathed in disbelief.  “It’s like she never went under.”
The Pearl’s three masts were fully intact, and her hull sat high upon the water.
“What’s happened to her, then?” Elizabeth asked.  “Could it have been Calypso’s doing…?  A curse or…a jest?”
Maccus had slunk unnoticed out of the longboat like a stray cat and was standing in the sand, feigning having just arrived, his arms folded over his chest and a look of affected curiosity on his face.  He brought one hand up to rub his beard in contemplation.  “Maybe she was, ah, giving the ship a good look over,” he said.
“Why?” Elizabeth pressed.
Her question went unanswered as Ragetti leveled a finger toward the water behind the two ships, his fake eye quivering.  “Look.”
There was something—or several somethings—trailing in the waters behind the two ships that could not yet be seen.  The only evidence they had that it was there was in the two ships’ unnaturally long wake: the water behind them was carved through for fathoms more than it should have, but they were still too distant for the precise shape of the thing or things to be made out.  The Pearl and the Dutchman continued on slowly like two swans upon a lake.
Jack and Barbossa dug into their pockets and produced their spyglasses to press them to their eyes.  Their mouths hung open, struggling to discern the nature of the Pearl’s second miraculous resurrection.
“Ha!  She’s fully seaworthy and nautically capable with nary a scratch upon her,” Jack said.  His tone was somehow completely un-mystified by the supernatural happenings of it all and filled instead with glowing pride.  “Name a single ship in the world who could weather a sinking twice.”
“The Dutchman,” Will said.
Jack snorted.  “Doesn’t count.  I tell you, you make a man a captain for one day, and he acts like the hottest whore in the brothel.”
Will’s voice caught in his throat, and he did not reply. 
Barbossa continued to squint through his spyglass, and it was as the ships began a slow turn to port, bringing their bows about in the direction of the island, that his eyes went wide.  He staggered around the group and came up alongside Will’s little beached longboat and thrust the glass into his hand.  Will didn’t need any coaxing to stand up on the bench and look for himself at the ships.
His face went pale. 
Wordlessly, he turned toward Maccus who took the glass from his hands and peered out at the sea.  A hollow, strangled choke came from the first mate’s throat.  He lowered it slowly and handed it off to the next man.  One by one, the glass was passed among the Dutchman crew, and one by one, they fell silent, pale-faced, and would not dare to look at one another.
“What?” Elizabeth asked.  “What is it?”
Through all of this, Jack had hoarded his own spyglass and was currently distracted by a pair of very green parrots in a distant tree.  He let out a low chuckle.  “The things birds will do!” he mused, tittering in amusement.
“Oh, for the love of—”  Gibbs snatched the glass out of Jack’s hand, and Jack let out an indignant yelp, which he flatly ignored.  He looked out over the water, closing one eye to see.
“Mary, Mother of God,” Gibbs breathed.
The things following after the two ships, now that they were properly in view, were five identically sized, supernaturally propelled, fully autonomous longboats.  Their seats were empty.  Not a single oar graced the water from their sides.
“Let me see,” Elizabeth pressed, taking the glass for herself.  Gibbs’ hand remained hovering in the air, empty and frozen in disbelief. “Oh sweet and christened Christ,” Elizabeth stammered.
The five little longboats were of varying colors in a mix between the Pearl and the Dutchman.  One black, one with a shimmer of brown, two fully brown, and one that had a patchwork of colors dappled across its shiny sides.  Elizabeth lowered the glass from her eye, and she seemed to find it very difficult to breathe. 
“Did they…?” she began.
No one knew how to reply.  It was Maccus who brought a hand to his mouth with a faint Oh, and a realization dawned on him. 
“I—” he began, and the group all turned to look at him.  “I had heard some things when I went swimming underwater by the reef.  Big noises.  Quaking thuds.  Thought it might have just been some distant shipwreck settling, so it wasn’t worth mentioning, but…”
He could not finish the thought. 
The crews continued to stare at the strange thing before them—the miracle of life—or wooden life—there really wasn’t a word for it at all.  Jack’s hand had settled over his heart, and he let out a heaving breath.
“Never thought I’d be a stepfather,” he said, tearing up.  “I’ll raise them as if they’re my own flesh and blood.”
The crews looked to him with strained expressions of kindness.  And for once, Barbossa did not open his mouth to bicker.  Maccus looked down at Will with a wince.
“Kind of makes you a dad, too,” he said.Will’s face went pale, and he did not say a word.  He could never, ever have anticipated the strange and unexpected gifts that a life of piracy would bring.
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conarcoin · 1 year
Giggeli - Penis Candles & Soaps Handmade in Kallio, Helsinki, Finland
+800 Nicknames for Penis: A Comprehensive List for Different Ways to Call a Penis
+800 Nicknames for Penis: A Comprehensive List for Different Ways to Call a Penis
Dicks can be referred to in a variety of ways. A collection of more than 800 additional words for the penis in alphabetical order is provided in this article. This list includes both common slang terminology and more uncommon and obscure words that are all related to the penis.
+800 Different Words for Penis: A Comprehensive List
Baby maker
Bald Avenger
Bald-headed giggle stick
Bally Wacker
Baseball bat
Beef bayonet
Beef whistle
Big boy
Big guy
Black mamba
Blood sausage
Blue-veined custard chucker
Blue-veined junket pumper
Bologna pony
Boom stick
Botswana beef bayonet
Bouncing Betty
Broccoli spear
Brown trout
Brutus and the Twins
Bubble gum machine
Buddah's belly button
Buffalo soldier
Bully beef
Bully stick
Bum tickler
Butt dart
Cadbury's c
Camel toe
Captain winky
Cervix sentinel
Cheese log
Chef's special
Chico stick
Christmas goose
Chuck Dickens
Cinnamon roll
Clit stick
Consolation prize
Corn dog
Cornish game hen
Cougar bait
Crimson mushroom
Crown jewels
Crème de la crème
Custard launcher
Dallas Dangler
Danger noodle
Darth Vader
Deep sea diver
Dickas Hilton
Ding dong
Disco stick
Divining rod
Dope stick
Double barrel
Double dragon
Downstairs department
Dude piston
Dumb stick
Dutch courage
Dutch rudder
Franks and beans
hammer of love
Hammer of Thor
hard drive
hatchet wound
heat-seeking missile
heat-seeking moisture missile
high hard one
hot dog
hot rod
hot sausage
Indiana Bones
Jack in the box
Jack's magic beanstalk
janitor in the hallway
jelly doughnut
Jenny Craig
jiffy stick
Jizz Launcher
John Henry
John Johnson
Juicy fruit
King Ding Dong
King Kong
King Richard
King size
King snake
King's scepter
King's sword
Krull the Warrior King
Laidy's lollypop
Lava flow
Leaky faucet
Leg of lamb
Leg of mutton
Lightning rod
Lil' bro
Lil' willy
Limber dick
Limber jimmy
Limp biscuit
Limp noodle
Limp penis
Liquor stick
Little birdie
Little bro
Little chap
Little guy
Little head
Little john
Little man
Little peter
Little soldier
Little willy
Lizard tongue
Long Dong Silver
Long dong silver
Long fellow
Long john
Long johnson
Long one
Long stick
Longfellow diller
Magic Mike
Magic stick
Magic Wand
Magic wand
Meat Scepter
Meat stick
Moby Dick
Mount Vesuvius
Mr. Happy
Mr. Winky
Mushroom Head
Nether rod
One-eye Pete
One-Eyed Monster
One-eyed monster
One-Eyed Snake
One-eyed trouser snake
One-eyed wonder weasel
Packing heat
Pencil dick
Penile appendage
Penile shaft
Penile tissue
Penile unit
Penile weapon
Pink Oboe
Pleasure Stick
Pocket Rocket
Pogo stick
Pork Sword
Private part
Purple-headed yogurt slinger
Purple-helmeted trouser snake
Purple-Helmeted Warrior of Love
Purple-helmeted warrior of love
Purple-helmeted yogurt thrower
Quiver bone
Red-capped mushroom
Root of Jesse
Rude boy
Schwetty balls
Scooby Snack
Sea monster
Secret weapon
Skin Flute
Skin flute
Spam javelin
Speed Bump
Spigot of love
Spunk gun
Spurt gun
Squirt gun
Stand up
Stone of David
Sugar stick
Super soaker
Swamp lizard
Swiss Army Penis
Swizzle stick
Tall tommy
Tasty pastry
Tazmanian devil
Tea and crumpets
Tea stick
Telescoping tower
Tent peg
testicular tissue
The anaconda
The baton
The big guy
the big vein
the bishop
The blue-veined custard chucker
The chopper
The cone
the conga
The cyclops
The ding dong
The Dipstick
The dong
The driver
The dude piston
the eye of the needle
the family jewels
the flagpole
The flesh flute
The flesh rocket
the fleshy tripod
the fuck stick
the fun rod
The grower
the head
The heat-seeking moisture missile
the hose
The joystick
the King
The knob
the little man in the boat
The love muscle
the magic wand
the main vein
The male member
the man in the boat
The meat whistle
the member
The middle leg
The mighty mite
the old boy
The old man
The one-eyed captain
The one-eyed monster
the one-eyed snake
The one-eyed wonder worm
The package
The peen
The peeper
the pendulum
the peter
The pink cigar
the pink oboe
The pipe
the piston
the pleasure pole
The poker
The pole
the pork sword
the prick
The purple-helmeted warrior
the purple-helmeted warrior of love
The python
The rocket
The rod
The salami
The sausage
The schlong
the scoop
The shaft
The shotgun
The skin flute
The snake
the spitter
the staff of life
the stick
The stiff one
The stinger
the stonker
the sword
The third leg
The tool
The trouser snake
The tube steak
the unit
The wang
the weasel
The wedge
the wee-wee
The weenie
The whopper
The wiener
The wiggle stick
the willy
the wingwang
The womb raider
The wonder worm
The woody
the worm
Third Leg
Third leg
Thrill drill
Throb knob
Throbbing gristle
Tic Tac
Tickle pickle
Time machine
Tip drill
Tip of the iceberg
Tootsie roll
Top gun
Tower of power
tractor beam
Tree trunk
Trouser Snake
Tummy banana
Tuna Can
Tuna can
Tuna torpedo
Turgid Trouser Snake
Turgid turtle
Turkey baster
Turkey neck
Twig and Berries
Twig and berries
Two ball cane
Two veg and meat
Two-legged Boa
Two-legged tripod
Umbrella handle
Uncircumcised wonder
Uncle Dick
Uncle John
Vainilla Stick
Valiant vein
Vein train
Vein train.
Veined custard launcher
VeinMaster 3000
Veiny Victor
Velvet sword
Vienna Sausage
Viking horn
Viking Staff
wand of light
wang dang doodle
War club
Weapon of ass destruction
Weapon of mass destruction
Weapon of Mass Seduction
wet noodle
White gold
White Mamba
Whoopie Stick
whopper jr.
Wiener Schnitzel
Wiggle stick
wiggle worm
Willy the one-eyed wonder worm
willy wonka
Wing wong
Winston Churchill
Wisdom Wand
Wise man
wizard sleeve
Wonder Worm
Wrecking ball
Wrist Rocket
Yam bag
Yankee doodle
Yawing Yowie
Yellow Belly
Yellow Dart
Yellow dragon
Yellow Peril
Yellow Sausage
Yellow submarine
Ygdrasil's staff
Yin-yang serpent
Yoga stick
Yoghurt Cannon
Yoghurt gun
Yoghurt pistol
Yogurt hose
Yogurt Slinger
Yogurt slinger
Yogurt thrower
Yolky poke
yoni stick
Yule log
Yum yum
Zebracorn horn
Zesty Italian
Zipper Ripper
Zipper snake
Zombie maker
Zombie stick
Zoom Stick
Zoot stick
Zygmunt Freud
Zygote poker
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mysteryshoptls · 2 years
SSR Jack Howl Port Wear Personal Story: Part 2
"I gotta get over there, fast!"
(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)
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[Crane Port – Pier]
[rabble, rabble]…
Jack: Mr. Manager… Oh, wait, I mean, Mr. Project Leader. Thank you for your hard work. It's getting pretty crowded here, huh.
Restaurant Manager: Yep. Looks like some of your schoolmates, and other early morning customers all have been posting stuff on Magicam.
Restaurant Manager: Everyone who saw the ads for the food stands, or the pictures of the Port fest, are coming over to the venue in droves.
Restaurant Manager: Kind of feels like most of the people who live here on Sage's Island are all gathered here, doesn't it? It's really spectacular.
Jack: So everythin's going smoothly so far, then. Glad it's getting heated up already.
Restaurant Manager: Yeah. There haven’t been any huge issues yet, either. There's only been a couple instances of people looking for the lost and found.
Jack: Lost and found… Oh, right. On the way here, I found a stuffed goat plush and a keychain shaped like a rudder…
Jack: And, I also picked up a real paper-thin wallet that smelled of perfume, so I brought that too.
Restaurant Manager: Thanks. I don't think… Yeah, neither of these have been reported missing. I'll keep them here at headquarters until the owners arrive.
Restaurant Manager: By the way, how is your food stand doing? Think you guys'll make any money?
Jack: Yessir! Just a little bit ago, we even had a long line of people waitin'!!
Jack: That's why I tried to help take orders too, but…
Restaurant Manager: Hm? What's wrong? You seem a little deflated.
Jack: I think I scared the customer a bit. I was just trying to serve them just like everyone else was…
Restaurant Manager: Gahahah! That's true, you don't really have any sociability, and you're huge and intimidating, y'know!
Jack: Hey, don't laugh! I'm hoping to be able to get a little better at it, at least before this Port Fest ends.
Jack: At your restaurant, I did a ton of heavy lifting, and helped out around the kitchen, yeah…
Jack: But now I wished that I had also waited on customers on the main floor
Restaurant Manager: I get that you want to have as much experience as possible. But honestly, I don't think it's really that important for you to force yourself to be friendly, or anything.
Jack: Huh?
Restaurant Manager: I've hired many students part-time over the years, but you're probably the only one who was never late or absent without notice.
Jack: That's how it should be, no one should be late or absent without sayin' anything.
Restaurant Manager: And also, you always took the initiative to help restock seasonings, and carry the delivered ingredients to the warehouse.
Jack: Well, yeah, because I was there to do that kind of work...
Restaurant Manager: Hahahah! So, yeah, that's why I chose you as the leader for the committee, because I believed in you.
Restaurant Manager: Also…
???: Hey, y'all're in my way, move!!
???: Excuse you, don't cut the line!!! We've been waiting in line for four hours now!
Jack: Looks like something's going on over near the ship stage. I'll be right back!
Restaurant Manager: Whenever Jack was on shift, we never had to deal with any customers that would raise their voice or start a fight.
Restaurant Manager: If that guy's around, this kind of trouble is sure to be solved quickly. He really is a reliable kid.
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[Golden Straw – Deck]
 [rabble, rabble]…
Jack: Woah, this is a huge crowd. I gotta hurry and find whoever was yelling earlier.
Jack: Excuse me, I'm a member of the Port Fest executive committee. Please make way!
Female Attendee A: Ugh, I just can't believe it! We've been waiting in line since this morning to get the best seats to watch the show…
Male Attendee A: Hah, you just won't stop yammering! Just calm down and wait for the show to start, already!!
Jack: I hear some arguments all the way at the front of the line… Is that loud guy the one who cut everyone waiting?
Attendees: That's right! We were all waiting as we should, and he just…
Attendees: Urgh…
Jack: Not only does he cut the line, but then he has the nerve to threaten everybody… Does that guy have no common sense at all?
Jack: Hey, you. If you want to watch the show, go back to the end of the line.
Male Attendee A: No way. It's these idiots' fault for letting themselves get cut off.
Jack: Haah? No way it's the fault of the ones you cut off. If you're gonna keep causing a fuss, I'm gonna have to bring you back to the committee headquarters!!
Male Attendee A: Ugh, shut up alrea… Eeek!? S-Sorry!! It was all my bad, I'll go to the back of the line right now!!
[runs away]
Jack: What the hell was that? He just took one glance at my face, then ran away with his tail tucked between his legs. He shoulda just listened in the first place.
Female Attendee A: That was so intense! Thank you, Mr. Committee Member, sir! Thanks to you, I'll be able to cheer on my friend's performance from the front row!
Attendees: You did great! / That was so cool~!
Jack: I-I was just doing my job… Damn, even the restaurant manager is grinning at me from over there.
Jack: Th-There might be some other issues goin' on in the area. Guess I'll go make my rounds elsewhere.
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[Crane Port – Pier]
Jack: Okay… Looks like there no troubles around the stage area other than that one guy jumping the line earlier.
Jack: All that's left is for me to do one more glance around the food stands and I should be done.
Jack: It'd be great if nothing happens…
Jack: A pickpocket!? Damn, one thing after another.
Jack: I think the voice came from the Sea Breeze Market. I gotta get over there, fast!
(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)
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twstgameplay · 2 years
[JP] Port Fest 〜 Breezy Brass Beat 〜
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From August 26 16:00 ~ September 12 14:59 JST
How to Play
Collect Port Churros by doing lessons (History/Flying/Alchemy) and use those to read the Event Story. Complete Stamp Card missions to obtain rewards.
Information found below:
Event Characters
Story Info
Guest Room Info
Stamp Card Info
Shop Info
Magic Leveling Info
Event Characters (Port Wear)
For this event, the gacha cards are SSR Jack and SR Ruggie. The event welfares are SR Rook and R Floyd.
To make the welfares permanent:
R Floyd: Complete the event story (obtainable on Episode 1-6)
SR Rook: Complete the event story and gather 800 Port Churros
Story Info
Spend 5 Port Churros to unlock each Event Story episode. Some episodes require you to gather a certain amount of Port Churros to progress.
Episode 1-4: 80 Port Churros
Episode 1-6: 130 Port Churros
Episode 1-9: 220 Port Churros
Part 2 comes out on September 2 16:00 JST.
Episode 2-4: ~300 Port Churros
Episode 2-6: 380 Port Churros
Episode 2-9: 500 Port Churros
Guest Room Info
This event has event limited furniture which can only be built by Magic Paint. To get Magic Paint, there is a specific location labeled EVENT in the Collect Battles screen within the Guest Room where you can farm for it. The amount of paint you get depends on the difficulty.
Extra: 6 Magic Paint
Hard: 4 Magic Paint
Normal: 3 Magic Paint
Easy: 2 Magic Paint
Upon completion of the first part, four items in the Guest Room will have unlocked. Three more items are unlocked after second part:
Port Rug
Partition with lifesaver
Port Fest flower decorations
Port Wear (Jack)
Port Decorations (1 and 2)
Golden Straw Rudder
Stamp Card Info
Click on the Stamp icon on the bottom left of the event page. There will be a total of 2 stamp cards. Some stamp missions involve the guest room feature.
Stamp Card 1
This stamp runs from August 26 16:00 to September 2 14:59 JST. Please take note of the time limit.
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Stamp Card 2
This stamp runs from September 2 16:00 to September 12 14:59 JST. Please take note of the time limit.
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Shop Info
This event has 2 different shops: one for Port Churros and one for Port Patches.
Port Churros
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Extra copies of the welfare cards will be made available once they are made permanent.
Port Patches
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Port Wear is the groovy item needed to groovy SR Rook and R Floyd: 3 for Rook, and 1 for Floyd.
There is a total of 3 event backgrounds that you can unlock as you progress through the Event Story.
Card set includes: 10 Honey EXP L and 30k madol.
Each book set includes: 8 notepads, 4 textbooks, 2 grimoires.
Magic Info
The following number of Churros are needed to level up Floyd and Rook's magic.
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saintvainglorious · 1 year
Fics I Enjoyed in May
11 fics total. Includes fics from the following fandoms: Black Sails
ya filthy animals by vowelinthug/@vowel-in-thug Black Sails | James Flint/John Silver | 11k | Explicit
Flint and Silver could be rulers of an illegal organization, major mob bosses, kingpins, criminal masterminds, etc. But then they could also be petty shoplifters who like to drink during the day and fool around on their houseboat.
the straight walk home by vowelinthug/@vowel-in-thug Black Sails | James Flint/John Silver, Jack Rackham/Anne Bonny, Anne Bonny/Max, Billy Bones/Charles Vane | 73k | Explicit
Let me tell you a story, about a vaquero named Vasquez…
Seedlings by twofrontteethstillcrooked/@twofrontteethstillcrooked Black Sails | James Flint/John Silver | 23k | Explicit
"If there's anything I can help you with, or if you'd like to order flowers for an upcoming occasion--" "All right, honestly?" Handsomely disgruntled customer looked Silver dead in the eye and said, "I'm looking for a gift that says, 'You are making a dreadful mistake. Call me when you've figured out what a fucking hash of things you've made.'" He spoke the way some people chewed tinfoil. Silver felt two things: lust like a plague of locusts, and the words 'uh-oh' waft through his brain.
Roasted by robotboy/@r0b0tb0y Black Sails | James Flint/John Silver | 7k | Explicit | Part 1 of Butterscotch
‘Everyone ignores me! I’m a barista!’ Of John Silver, useless bisexual, and James Flint, Deaf coffee addict.
no-one by doomcountry/@doomcountry Black Sails | James Flint/John Silver | 2k | Teen & Up
Now, he is thinking of a name.
stealing by nysscientia/@nysscientia Black Sails | James Flint/John Silver | 1k | Mature
This particular approach—it’s not Flint’s first instinct. But gentling Silver when he’s like this generally yields bad results. So instead he looms, crowding into Silver under the guise of examining his papers. “What are you doing?” Silver doesn’t turn or look up, but Flint can see him shifting in response to the proximity. “Need to adjust shares now that Wallis won’t be in the boarding party.” Flint drops his hands to either arm of Silver’s chair, bracketing him in. “And why did this require my shirt?” Silver takes Flint's clothes. Flint takes a test.
Riposte by Apetslife/@corsaircourser-blog Black Sails | James Flint/John Silver | 3k | General Audiences
noun: riposte; plural noun: ripostes (Fencing) a quick return thrust following a parry.
say that the wind will never change on us by mapped/@reluming Black Sails | James Flint/John Silver | 3k | Teen & Up
Three conversations about Flint's grave.
welcome to the occupation by natlet/@natlet Black Sails | James Flint/John Silver | 4k | Mature | Part 1 of please do not let me go
Vulnerability, it turns out, is a blade that cuts both ways
trouble is my business by vowelinthug/@vowel-in-thug Black Sails | James Flint/John Silver | 13k | Explicit | Part 3 of BLACK SAILS NOIR
The brim of his hat digs into Silver’s ear for a quick second before Silver takes it off and drops it on the floor, too. Then his arms come up around him. “Hey, daddy, is that your revolver in your trousers or are you just happy to see me?” “It’s my Pocket Hammerless.” Silver tsks. “I know a fellow who came back from Verdun like that,” he says. “War is hell.” Flint manages to keep his business open for a whole four hours before it all goes to shit. Part 3, with actual plot, of the NOIR au
Part Three: The Men by Apetslife/@corsaircourser-blog Black Sails | James Flint/John Silver | 5k | Teen & Up | Part 3 of John Silver Can't Get There From Here
Or: Third In A Continuing List Of Insurmountable Things That Stand Between John Silver And Treasure Island. He’s always liked this ship, from the first time he’d set foot on her in Tortuga. She’s light to the wind and the rudder, and easy under his feet, no sharp movements or heavy, heaving lurches after the sails like the merchant ships where he’d begun his life at sea. Now even she feels tense, though, taut in her anchorage, stiff to the waves rolling into Chesapeake Bay off the ocean ahead of what looks like a sharp late-spring squall. He kisses his fingertips and presses them to her mainmast. “Easy, lady,” he murmurs. “We’ll bring him back, don’t you fret none.”
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galadriel1010 · 1 year
7 Sentence WIP Meme
Why not? Thanks to @glamorouspixels for tagging me. Sentences from the Jack-follows-Phryne fic:
Dot had sent assurances that all was well at Wardlow, and that she would be missed at Sunday dinner. Bert had an update on Aunt Prudence who, despite Phryne’s not informing her of her travel update, had sent a rather longer screed with her opinions on Phryne’s father and the folly of her mission. Mac sent similar sentiments, but in fewer words. And Jack. Jack had sent Shakespeare. “My heart was to thy rudder tied by th’strings And thou shouldst tow me after stop Fly safe JR” She heaved a dramatic sigh.
Tagging... @foxfinding, @ozqueen and @absdax
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muznew · 1 month
Beatport Dance Floor Essentials April 2024: House
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- Artists: Beatport DATE CREATED: 2024-04-29 GENRES: House Tracklist : 1. Mr. V, DJ Steaw - Take It There feat. Mr. V(Original Mix) 2. DJ Deep - What's Going On(Original Mix) 3. Fire Island, Love Nelson - There But For The Grace of God feat. Love Nelson(Alan Dixon Extended Remix) 4. Demi Riquísimo - Windows 95 Anthem(Extended) 5. Easttown - Breeze(Original Mix) 6. Tensnake, Paul Rudder - Nostalgic Feelings(Tensnake Remix) 7. Blaze - Breathe(Natasha Diggs Extended Remix) 8. Frank Storm - Let Me Doin' No Stop(Original Mix) 9. NESI (ES) - Together(Original Mix) 10. TomRob - Yes Wak(Jack Swift Remix) 11. Sarah Wild - RUSH(Musumeci Remix) 12. Key To Life, Sabrina Johnston - Forever feat. Sabrina Johnston(Michael Gray Extended Remix) 13. Hilit Kolet - Everything Is Amazing(Extended Mix) 14. Kathy Brown, Micky More & Andy Tee - I've Got Love For You feat. Kathy Brown(Extended Mix) 15. Vlada Asanin - Samba Plays(Original Mix) 16. George Smeddles - Something Funky( Read the full article
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djmusicbest · 1 month
Beatport Dance Floor Essentials April 2024: House
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- Artists: Beatport DATE CREATED: 2024-04-29 GENRES: House Tracklist : 1. Mr. V, DJ Steaw - Take It There feat. Mr. V(Original Mix) 2. DJ Deep - What's Going On(Original Mix) 3. Fire Island, Love Nelson - There But For The Grace of God feat. Love Nelson(Alan Dixon Extended Remix) 4. Demi Riquísimo - Windows 95 Anthem(Extended) 5. Easttown - Breeze(Original Mix) 6. Tensnake, Paul Rudder - Nostalgic Feelings(Tensnake Remix) 7. Blaze - Breathe(Natasha Diggs Extended Remix) 8. Frank Storm - Let Me Doin' No Stop(Original Mix) 9. NESI (ES) - Together(Original Mix) 10. TomRob - Yes Wak(Jack Swift Remix) 11. Sarah Wild - RUSH(Musumeci Remix) 12. Key To Life, Sabrina Johnston - Forever feat. Sabrina Johnston(Michael Gray Extended Remix) 13. Hilit Kolet - Everything Is Amazing(Extended Mix) 14. Kathy Brown, Micky More & Andy Tee - I've Got Love For You feat. Kathy Brown(Extended Mix) 15. Vlada Asanin - Samba Plays(Original Mix) 16. George Smeddles - Something Funky( Read the full article
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beatdisc · 6 months
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Sydney hardcore group Speed's 2022 E.P. "Gang Called Speed" has been re-pressed by our friends at Last Ride Records on White Vinyl 12" with etched B-side, limited to 500 copies only.
"With a mission in mind, SPEED are setting out to put Australian hardcore on the map. Recorded with Elliott Gallart at Chameleon Studios, the six songs on the EP are centered around recognizing who you are in this world, taking ownership of that identity and not letting anyone tell you otherwise. Lead single “NOT THAT NICE” captures the band’s no hold barred approach, highlighted by a blunt vocal delivery and intricate guitar work. The video for the song, filmed and edited by Jack Rudder, serves as a continuation of last year’s massive single “WE SEE U” representing the vibrant world of the Sydney hardcore scene"
LRR41 - SPEED HC - Gang Called Speed (White Vinyl 12") - $30
We've also taken the chance to re-stock titles from Last Ride Records' excellent back-catalogue, featuring some of the finest names in underground Australian hardcore:
LRR33 - This Is Australia: Volume Two 7” - $15 LRR38 - No Apologies - Survival LP - $30 LRR39 - Nerve Damage - Drip Fed. Misled 12” - $25 LRR40 - The Others - Dive Into My World 7" - $15 LRR42 - Phantoms - Hell Is Empty 7” - $18 LRR46 - Regulate (USA) - Regulate LP - $30 LRR50 - Downside - Dark Patterns & Intrusive Thoughts LP - $30 LRR52 - J.O.Y. - Fantasy 7" - $15
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rcmndedlisten · 2 years
SPEED - “One Blood We Bleed”
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Photo by Jack Rudder
SPEED are having the best breakthrough year in hardcore this year following the release of their hard-edged, excellently recommended EP, Gang Called Speed, a historic debut here in the States at this year’s Sound and Fury fest, and soon, they’ll even be opening for the world’s current greatest band, Turnstile, when they set foot on Australian soil. The accelerator stays on with “One Blood We Bleed”, the first preview off their label Flatspot Records’ upcoming showcase comp, The Extermination Vol. 4, which will feature labelmates Buggin, End It, Jivebomb as well as the likes of the Chisel and Raw Brigade. “Our faces shine with the marks of home / One story, one road, we make it our own,” shouts vocalist Jem Siow over an origin story anthem on what the band is all about and why they’re here. Because they’ve definitely arrived.
Directed by: Luis Hernandez & Jem Siow
The Extermination: Vol. 4 will be released January 27th on Flatspot Records.
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keywestlou · 2 years
THE HOUSE SHOOK - https://keywestlou.com/the-house-shook/Everyone I have run into since Ian passed by Key West say the same thing: "We're lucky." Truth be told, I agree. Sloan was here yesterday removing the fallen foliage round the house. She is my helping hand in every regard. She echoed what everyone else was: : "We're lucky." She had an addition, however. Recall I had difficulty sleeping the night Ian slowly blew over and it rained like hell. The mere sound and knowledge of the event exhausted me. Sloan added to it: "The house shook." Her house. During the night while she was in bed. Let me explain the why of "we're lucky." Irma. Irma was a category 4. It was aimed straight at Key West. For several days prior to landfall. Never deviated. That is why I left 5 days before its anticipated landfall. Prior to hitting, it had been projected as a Category 5. Irma was narrow compared to Ian. Just before reaching Key West, it deviated west slightly. Enough to avoid a major impact to Key West. A hurricane is wind. My sailing experiences have taught me wind is fickle. Never know when it is going to turn one way or another. Irma avoided Key West. However came back over the Keys 20.5 miles later. Landfall and significant destruction to Cudjoe Key. That experience remains locked in the minds of Key Westers. Lets turn now to Ian. Ian a big storm. Could be the largest ever.  The meteorologists claim it was anywhere from 500-1,000 miles wide. It passed by Key West 30 miles west of the Dry Tortugas. The Dry Tortugas are 70 miles west. Which means Ian passed Key West 100 miles to the west. No big deal considering Ian's width. It could easily have swung east, made up the 100 miles and left Key West buried in debris and perhaps death. Note also the hype was Ian was going to make landfall at Tampa-St. Petersburg. Deviated at the last minute and hit Fort Myers. Fort Myers is 144.5 miles to the south. The Irma, Key West, Cudjoe Key scenario on a larger scale. "We're lucky." Seventy one years ago on this day in 1951, the City Planning Board approved a zoning change for the Dairy Queen to build on United Street near White Street. Still standing and busy. Continues to give pleasure to so many, including Louis, Robert, Ally, and Lisa. Guy DeBoer reported yesterday that Spirit was on a jack stand ready to be hauled to a repair yard. Total exterior damage was visible for the first time. One side beat up. The other, nothing. Major damage to hull, bottom of keel and a tick on both sides of the rudder. More than Guy had anticipated. However, fixable. Guy in going to begin the repairs himself. For those on in their years like me, a Phyllis Diller quote is in order: "I'm at an age where my back goes out more than I do." So true it is. Putin and Trump both have a propensity for saying and/or doing the wrong thing. The Putin way. Ihor Murashov is the head of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, Ukraine's largest. Russian troops stopped his car Friday, blindfolded him, and took him to an undisclosed location. The Trump way. Trump called for Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's death. Trump posted late Friday on his Truth Social Platform: "He has a DEATH WISH." Why suggesting McConnell's death? Why perhaps subtly encouraging his MAGA followers to kill McConnell? For agreeing to a deal to fund the government through December. Many states have gun buy back programs. New York is one. Kim lived a 6 hour drive from Utica, my home town. He drove to the Utica Police Station to have some guns purchased by the State. The program applied to real guns and those that appeared to be real. Kim had 110 phony guns. They were 3D-printed guns. He had received the computer program for Christmas from which he made the "guns." Kim sold the 110 guns to the State for $21,000. He received from the State 42 gift cards worth $500 each. The State negotiated the amount to be paid him. The State was reluctant to pay the full value for 110 guns printed out on a computer. The whole thing made the Attorney General's office uncomfortable. Since the sale to Kim, the State has adjusted the program so 3D weapons would not be honored. The State after paying out the $21,000 felt it had been exploited. Syracuse beat Wagner 59-0 yesterday. Syracuse was favored by 55 points. I'm surprised by the size of the victory. I expected a significant Syracuse win. Not 59 points, however. Enjoy your Sunday!
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“$5 Millions Annual Payroll for Vancouver in Plane Making; Assembly Line Production Developing at Boeing Plant as Shortage of Materials Being Overcome,” Vancouver Sun. February 7, 1942. Page 26. ---- Work On PBY's Pushed For Increased Output Ahead ---- By JACK MEEK Vancouver Sun Financial Editor The last few weeks have seen a new phase of production devel oping at the Boeing plant, on Sea Island, where twin-engine PBY Consolidated amphibian planes are being made. To the layman, whose information has been scant due to necessary restrictions by the military on news concerning the progress of the plant, this may be interpret ed as meaning that the first complete plane will shortly run off the assembly line. 
While this is not exactly the case, various changes now taking place, and also many revisions which are still in the planning stage, will play an all-important part In the future production of the plant. 
Two main factors stand out: 
Plant layout is being stream lined to handle higher rate of production than was previously anticipated. 
The shortage of some key materials which must be brought in from other parts of the continent is being quickly over come. 
There has been no delay in the production of those parts of the plane which have been made entirely in the plant. As a matter of fact, it can be said that delivery of spare parts of the PBY aircraft made at the Sea Island plant such as ailerons,- wings, wing tip floats, horizontal stabilizers, rudders and fins, to mention but a few, are well ahead. 
Recently some 25 carloads of spare parts were shipped east to be used in PBY planes, which are doing such a great job In the Atlantic patrol, and this is only a portion of shipments of all types. 
It is significant that it was a PBY aircraft, exactly the same as those being manufactured on Sea Island, that located the Bismarck and summoned units of the British Fleet to sink the Nazi raider. 
ASSEMBLY ONE WORK The main shortage of materials has been experienced in parts for the hull and centre sections of the craft, which must be import ed. There are presently five jigs set up for making of the hulls. On No. 1 hull, each section is complete in which parts made in the Sea Island plant are used, but the remainder of the hull awaits delivery of essential parts from outside. 
All this is being experienced while one corner of the building is filled with detailed parts made in the plant which'could be going into assembly of a complete airplane but for a scarcity of other parts which has been the case up to this time.
Of the plant itself, plans are going forward to take care of bigger production. The machine shop is going on a seven-day week. As the transition takes place it is noted that the emphasis has shifted from the construction of productive facilities to the actual production of thousands of parts from scores of different materials.
Areas formerly used for storage of supplies and such are now being. changed to fit into a new picture that of assembly line production, starting from sub assembly at the beginning of the line right to the assembly of the hulls, then the wings, installation of motors and, finally, the completed plane, ready for its tests: MUCH 'SPADE WORK' The whole thing has been a tremendous undertaking, not the least of which has been organization work." It is the first time such a venture as the Sea Island plant has been attempted in this section of Canada. 
In many centres of the United States, production of planes has been under way for years, with its attendant research and with the needed increase In production of planes, it was a comparatively simple matter for established American companies to boost output, whereas here, everything was started from scratch, as it were, and with the further difficulty of training workers, the great majority of whom had no previous experience in aircraft factories. 
Today, Boeing plant employees have developed, and are developing into craftsmen who are not only In great demand in wartime, but have a valuable trade to fit into the post-war scheme of things when production of commercial planes will surpass all previous records. 
It is a feature of the Boeing plant, that almost any type of plane can be. manufactured there and after the war, it will be an important cog in the airplane manufacturing business In Canada. 
5000 EVENTUALLY The Sea Island plant, known as No. 3 plant, was completed loss than a year ago and small shop units wore moved in in March, when there were no doors or windows. At that time there were 1208 employees, counting the totals at plants 1 and 2. The overhaul plant, known as plant No. 4, was completed m July. By last November, approximately six months after the No. 3 plant was completed, employment at the four plants had Increased to 2700 men and women, and today it is over the 3000 mark. 
When full production is attain ed some 5000 will be employed. There are about 75 or 80 women doing shop work and another 25 were scheduled to start immediately. 
Thus the Boeing Company plays an important part in the economic well-being of wage-earners and business in Vancouver and the surrounding area. The annual payroll of the four plants is nearly five million dollars and the value pf plant and tooling equipment is more than two million dollars.
 It is a far cry to the boom days of the "twenties" when Boeing Aircraft of Canada was first formed in Vancouver in 1929 with a Dominion charter for the purpose of building aircraft, yachts, tugboats, and marine overhaul. For the past year or more, marine work has been virtually discontinued and is being operated under lease to another company. 
HAD BEST RECORD In the early days the company produced Boeing 40-H-4 biplanes for passengers and mail and a number of Boeing flying boats. The latter were five-passonger, single-engine biplanes. Later, the company designed and built the Boeing Totem, and a little more than a year ago, completed a Government contract for 17 Blackburn Shark torpedo planes. All the above work was done in plants 1 and 2.
Other work has been a Government contract concerning building of spars, flaps, ailerons, tail units and fittings for Avro Alisons. Boeing had the best record In Canada for Anson parts. Other work in plants 1 and 2 ;is sub-contracting parts for Hawker Hurricanes.
Wing spars were also made for Noorduyn Aviation Ltd. and work is now going ahead on parts for Fairey Battles at Plant No. 1. 
Plant No. 4, which is directly off the east end of the big plant at Sea Island, houses the overhaul shop. This Is running in full sway with work on Strarears, Lockheed Hudson, Lockheed 1O's, Gruinmans and other Royal Canadian Air Force craft. 
Opening of No. 3 and 4 plants more than tripled the company's pre-war space, increasing it from 83,400 feet to around 400,000 font. At the No. 1 plant there Is 41,800 feet, 41,600 feet at No. 2, 224,000 feet at No. 3 and 85,000 at No. 4.
This is the story of Boeings. It gives some idea of the work being done and the stake Vancouver people have in its future.
“Giants of the Skies Take Shape at Sea Island,” Vancouver Sun. February 7, 1942. Page 26. ---- Here are a few pictures taken in the Boeing plant at Sea Island, where PBY Consolidated amphibians are being made. These planes are playing an important part in the defense of Britain. 
1. The PBY is a large plane with a wing spread of 104 feet. This picture is of the tail assembly. which is 30 feet across, approximately equal to the wing spread of a Hawker Hurricane. It's size can also be judged by that of the worker in the picture, C. Ladyk. 
2. Working on wing tip floats. This float is retracted in flight and serves as a wing tip. During landing it is extended to a position below the wing tip and serves- to stabilize the aircraft laterally when on the water. 
3. Gordon McPhail, who is nearly six feet tall, stands up in a wing section to buck some rivets. 
4. The size of a machine turret, or blister, of which there are two on the hull of the FYB, can be judged by comparing it with the size of the man in the above picture, Oscar Koos, who inspected the plant. The light colored structures in the picture are sections of the jig and the black circular outline shows where the edge of the blister will be. 
5. A rivet maker displays, the largest and smallest rivets made in the plant and used in the PBY.
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ilera-avocado · 3 years
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Do u know what the Dutch Rudder is?)) Captain Jack Sparrow certainly does!
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boeing747 · 2 years
I wonder if you can get a computer output from a sewing machine pedal like it's a pedal what kind of signal can it possibly produce
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captainninej · 2 years
just finished watching curse of the black pearl for the first time in a while and. why is everyone so hot. jack. elizabeth. will. zoe saldana. that guy who says 'hEs dIsAbLeD tHe rUdDeR cHaIn siR'. that other guy who says 'tHat'S gOt tO bE tHe bEsT pIrAte i'Ve eVeR sEeN'. even norrington what is happening to me -
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