cosmic-llin · 1 year
If you wanna break these walls down, you’re gonna get bruised.
A Motherland: Fort Salem ensemble vid.
Content Notes: occasional flashing and fast motion throughout, blood, depictions of colonialism/imperialism, depictions of the military, hanging, injections, mild violence, misogyny, threat to children
More info and vidder's notes on AO3.
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itberice · 2 years
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Motherland: Fort Salem
fanfiction links below, with summary, works with smut are indicated
Raelle's return
A recount of Realle's experiences after episode 2x07.
The Marriage
Where before Tally starts basic training at Fort Salem she is officially handfasted to General Alder and the insistence of the Hague and the Imperetrix. Tally’s mother, the Leader of the American Matrifocal communities (The Matriarch), expressed disconnection between the military and young witches.Tally was volunteered to handfasten to the general for 10 years.
The Marriage: Missing scenes
A collection of scenes from The Marriage that I chose not to include either because they didn't fit or they would have changed the rating of the overall fic. Chapter 1 & 2 link to chapter 9 of "The Marriage"
Chapter 3 links to chapter 14 of "The Marriage" (Smut)
Five times Tally makes Alder smile and one time Alder makes Tally smile
A quick little thing that ran through my mind for the infirmary scene between Tally and Alder. You know the one. (The Infirmary scene)
"It's a good secret Mommy"
Talder child catches one of their mothers kissing Santa (the other). This is the story of a curious young girl who goes wandering and exploring the music in her house on a night where she is better off asleep.
Your first words
The first words your soulmate says directly to you are written on your skin, after many false attempts and near misses Raelle and M finally meet their soulmate in each other, but will Rae accept this after being forced to separate from her ex-girlfriend Scylla.
Waiting for Midnight
Talder, Adigial and Raylla celebrate new years civilian style, getting drunk down the pub. Just a bit of fluff for the new year.
Escape rooms are meant to be fun
Escape rooms are only fun when they work properly. Fic for day 2 of bellcollar week, Trapped together.
Being alone is no fun
Day 3 of bellcollar week: hurt/comfort | sick!fic. Rae gets the flu and is put in isolation in the infirmary, of course Abigail can't leaver her there alone.
They made it work
Day 4 of bellcollar week: Nightmares.
Under the stars
Day 5 of Bellcollar week, Abi and Rae's first date.
It's official
Day 7 of bellcollar week, Abi and Rae have thier first kiss at beltane just days after thier first date in "under the stars" and things quickly develop. (Smut)
The Honeymoon
Season 2, follows on directly from "The Marriage". How does Tally cope with being biddied? How does Sarah cope having Tally as a biddy? Do they ever get to have that conversation? Where are Raelle and Abigail? So many questions. So much to learn. Where will they end up after everything that has happened and everything that is yet to happen?
Glass houses are built with love
Domestic!Talder. On Valentine's Day, General Alder surprises Tally with a romantic dinner. Never in her life Tally Craven thought that Sarah Alder would be capable of such corny things such as rose petal bath, handmade chocolates and all those civilian stuffs; until Tally finds Alder on her knee with a handfasting cord in her hands at the end of the night.
New hair, General
Everyone notices when Alder starts to put her hair up in a braided bun. The rumour is that it's just her new style or with Carmarila now active again you never know when they'll attack and Alder of all people wouldn't let herself be killed because they caught her by her classic braid. The reality:  Alder really likes when Tally and Nicte pull her hair so she's adopted the new style so no one else gets that privilege. Day 3 of Nictalder week: Domestic fluff.
"I didn't know you had it in you Red, I knew you had it Sarah"
A night out takes a turn for the worst and then for the best and Tally and Sarah rush to Nicte’s defence, who joyfully thanks them as they celebrate their one year anniversary. (Smut)
So this is happening
Tally, Sarah and Nicte get invited to Raelle and Scylla's wedding, the only thing is that they are dating but Tally hasn't told her friends yet, except they seem to already know. Cue relationship shenanigans as Tally tries to figure out how they know Private relationship turned public. No powers au. Day 5: humor and 6: wildcard of Nictalder (Smut)
Time to relax
Tally and Sarah share a bath.
Pen Pals
What if Raelle and Abigail knew each other before conscription? A pen pal community for teenage witches.
Sarah's secret talent
Sarah has her secrets, her gifts her talents, after 300+ years why wouldn't she.
Not like this
When the last American witches execution was Sarah Alder’s in 1692 how will she cope with having to be the one called to execute her ex-lover and founder of the spree Nicte Batan, in front of her army and the highest government officials.
A day in the flowers
A slice of life between Sarah and Anacostia on a rare day off
Unexpected events
Tally proposes to Sarah, Top!Tally fic. Established relationship, post-season 3, Beltane. Spontaneous proposal. (Smut)
Are we too young for this?
Sekhmet coven gets drunk and they start talking and sharing their feelings, what could possibly get said.
How stories end
Tally discovers Sarah’s secret library and reads all of Sarah’s favourites to her, one a night Sarah starts to join her on the sofa instead of the armchair she was previously using. Only to fall asleep in Tally's lap.
A 45 minute flight between us
Tally and Sarah are finally reunited after months apart. For Day 1 of Talder week 2022: Reunion
"Just one night"
Tally and Sarah run away for a night together. For day 3 of talder week: sharing a bed
Picture perfect
Where in every life altering decision a person gets part of a picture that will one day make up an image if their soulmate's face. The half picture is the only thing keeping Sarah going for most of her life and her desire to find out who the person with hair of flames is. Talder week, day 6: soulmates
Just once
Sarah promises just once to return something
Just once...Again
Sarah keeps her promise
Nice catch
A fix it because I am in Denial about Anacostia’s death
This isn't goodbye...is it?
Sarah kisses Tally on the mouth instead of on the forehead
Love on ice
A different take on the ice cave scene from Season 3, Episode 8
Time for a drink
Sarah and Anacostia share a drink before Sarah and Tally share a private moment
Sarah Alder: The Phoenix Risen
charachter study
Takes one to know one
Beyond the finale, years later when Tally is General and Alder storms into her office just like she did in s2. Tally’s hair is down and she’s sitting and drinking whiskey and Alder tilts her head “General is a good look on you.” Mentions of sex, but No graphic description
A song and dance
Prompt: Human/Modern/Actor AU. Sarah is performing in a theatre and Tally is attending the show. Tally catches Sarah’s attention after the show.
B.D. Woman's Blues
Tally finally asks why Sarah played the song she did that night in the office.
Snow drift
Tally having to go down a mountain in the snow after thinking her girl is dead in a cave and almost dying before the Mycelium can get her.
Coffee shop AU
Your standard coffee shop au, but with a bit of a twist
One moment
Another telling of the 2x01 infirmary scene
Life is painful, but thats how you know you're alive
Talder soulmates Au where they feel each others pain.
Prompt: Reverse the roles? Instead of Tally being the one to think Alder's dead it's Alder who thinks Tally is dead. A mission gone wrong and she's assumed dead
The Stolen Heart job
Sarah Alder is one of the most notorious and wanted art thieves in the world, only known as "The General" , she's hired to steal the entire "Heart Bearer" painting and sculpture collection within Gerit Buttonwood's high security vault room. Curiosity gets the better of Alder and she convinces her client to meet in person. Sarah finds herself immediately enamoured with the woman sitting across from her in the restaurant; Tally Craven's beauty puts every piece of art Sarah’s ever stolen to shame. How will Alder handle the story behind why Tally desperately needs the art that claims is rightfully hers returned? Will they be able to keep the obvious tension at bay until the job is complete? Inspired by Leverage: Season 5, episode 10 "The Frame-Up Job"
Watch the date
Prompt: Alder forgets it’s Yule and when a Tally Craven comes barging into her chambers. She isn’t expecting to find a very drunk girlfriend. Humour, and fluff.
Shall we?
Neither of them realise they are dating until they get a joint invitation to a couples only Valentine's Day Party hosted by Abigail and Adil at Petra's house and decide to attend together, to not miss out. Except all of their friends think they are dating, and just aren't ready to be public about it. (Modern Au) (No Powers Au)
Tears that fall
Sarah has a breakdown but Tally is there to pick up the pieces and help start the healing journey of over 300 years of trauma.
Everyone else knows that they are dating, or at least having sex. They just think that Alder is cheating on Nicte with Tally. But they haven’t caught on to the fact that Nicte and Tally are better at hiding their relationship than Sarah is with either one of them. Of course when they find out about these rumours they decide to have some fun with them.
In Sicknes and In Health
Prompt: Sarah has a splitting migraine, Tally notices and cares for her. Fluffy, wholesome, and/or intimate; pre-relationship/Unresolved Sexual Tension or friends to lovers.
Izadora's dance with mushrooms
Izadora tries a new way of identifying an unknown mushroom with some unexpected results.
Let me care
Tally comes home from training injured, emotions ensue while Sarah patches her up and they talk about how protective Sarah is and how Tally needs to be able to deal with things herself.
Breaking down walls
Prompt: Sarah is trying to hide her pain from all the loss she’s experienced during her long life from Tally, but will Tally tear down those walls?
So, will you?
"I was not meant for casual. I was born for soul-crushing devotion."
Training either went exceptionally right or exceptionally wrong. They hadn't decided yet, but whichever it was Abigail was in need of some exceptional first aid. Luckily there was one such exceptional fixer able to do that.
Walking home from a fancy date, Abigail and Raelle cut through a park where a busker is playing on the guitar. They couldn't not stop and dance to the music. 
Dance with me?
She wanted to say no. She should have said no. Instead she said yes. Yes to a dance, a dance with someone she shouldn't even know, but knew more of than she rightfully should. It didn't stop the small part of her that enjoyed it. Prompt: Talder dance together in that club in season 3
Hard conversations
Nictalder figuring shit out. That’s it. That’s the fic.
This New World
What happens when a sentient fungus finds out it can travel between the Universes? Of course not alone, compelled by The Mother The Mycelium takes matters into its own hands when delivered Sarah Alder at death's door transporting her elsewear to face a threat that the inhabitants of a different universe are underprepared to face. But she wouldn't be General without people to command, Sarah Alder won't go alone.
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jaxthepigeon · 2 years
More ✨Mamacostia✨ Incorrect quotes
Anacostia:Don’t stay up all night, Raelle. Last time you got this sleep-deprived you tried to eat your own shirt.
*Sometime during Basic*
Raelle:*standing on a ladder* I’m scared
Anacostia:Do you trust me Raelle?
Anacostia:Then come on Cadet
Raelle:*Falls backwards and hits the ground*
Anacostia:Rule number one, never trust anyone!
Anacostia:Adopt kids they said. It’ll be fun they said.
Tally:*in the kitchen*Put it out! Put it out!
Raelle:it’s too big to smother! Get the anti-flamethrower!
Abigail:It’s called a fire extinguisher!
*glass breaking, An explosion, and screaming*
Anacostia:Don’t listen to them, it’s not fun.
Raelle:Have I ever done anything rash or irresponsible?
Anacostia:I keep a list in your file
Anacostia:It’s alphabetized
Anacostia:Why are your shoes wet?
Tally:There was a puddle
Anacostia:Why did you step in it?
Tally:It was a puddle
Anacostia:So, you lied to me?
Scylla:That depends on how you define lying?
Anacostia:Well I define it as not telling the truth. How do you define it?
Scylla:Reclining your body in a horizontal position
Anacostia:I can’t believe none of you wished me a happy Mother’s Day
Izadora:You’re not a mother
Anacostia:*pointing to the core four* Are you fucking kidding?!
Anacostia:Scylla! Is that blood on your face?
Scylla:Yeah but it’s not mine
Anacostia:Oh good, you scared me for a second
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crea-miserymind · 2 years
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BTS of Motherland fort salem.
🚨🚨🚨 Sign the petition, go comment and RT HULU's message. We must continue to show our interest and motivation to keep the series on our screens!
The link of the petition : bit.ly/3N7l5Fw
The link to HULU's message : https://bit.ly/3xjwydT
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kutekoolkat · 2 years
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them 💕
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hazelcallahan · 2 years
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listenvaricosely · 2 years
Look, of all the ships in MFS, the one that stands above them all is obviously unrequited Izadora/Mycelium.
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biggayenergypod · 2 years
Can we take a minute to talk about the danger in the aftermath of the Unit/ Mother converting everyone in the world into witches. Because on the surface it places everyone on equal footing and removes the witch stigma, but there are some people out there with irrational and intense witch hatred that will be traumatized by this for sure. But more importantly, the Camarilla now has an even bigger advantage due to all the anti-witch work technology they’ve created. This gives them an advantage in battle no one else has and they can conceivably dominate the world with this. Plus they are well funded and have infiltrated global governments. Being anti-witch was an excuse to rally the masses and make a grab at unprecedented power (see current America’s Republican Party). And now, what’s to stop them from following through?
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arbitrarygreay · 19 days
Tally and Anacostia are still best girls, but my stealth favorite is actually Izadora.
The woman just wants to do mad magiscience! The joy she exhibits at discovery for the sake of discovery is unique to the main cast, who are much more focused on applications.
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sleeppfordays · 2 years
I bet your ass Izadora is still alive, I mean do you remember her slitting a cadet’s throat in Basic in S1? She prolly have links, and I really hope they find her in time!
Or the Mycelium (MOMMY) will revive her idk I love Izadora and all her random quirks
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It’s been 12 hrs since I watched the finale but the ending to Motherland: Fort Salem still has me all kinds of pressed 😑
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itberice · 2 years
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For a second I thought she referred Izadora as "daddy" and I was like okay💅...😂😂
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jvdbxart · 10 months
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Izadora ✨ A badass & a true master of her craft.
Prints of this drawing are available on Etsy: A3 size A4 or 13x18cm sizes
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impactvelocity · 2 years
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