#It's true that one was the picrew most fun to play with because it had a lot of options‚
I was tagged by @wearileigh to make myself in these picrews: x x x
Thank you for tagging me!
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I tag @onedivinemisfit, @theimpossiblescheme, @13eyond13, @faintingheroine, @eroshiyda, @blackwoodbanshee and @elegyofthemoon if they want to do it.
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dotster001 · 24 days
The Dilf Floyderverse!
Took a headache med that had caffeine in it, yesterday, and created the Dilf Floyd Leech family. Enjoy!
*picrew links at the end
CW: toxic family, hot wife (I made her too hot and now my bi ass is like 😍), she's an absolute monster btw, I wanted to make it so I didn't feel bad about killing her
Sirena Leech
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Age 42. Gorgeous. Love her. She's a salmon mer in her true form. She's for sure a rich man's daughter, not satisfied with anything but she can step on me . Will yell at wait staff because the food is "too cold". Lowkey, she was hoping she was betrothed to Jade, because he's the calm one. But joke's on her, he's a master of poisons, it would not go well for her.
Side note: Just like Floyd is planning to kill her, she's been planning to kill him for a year. She's just a little too slow. Perhaps in another lifetime she succeeded, but not in this one. But in that other universe, she is sending the kids off to boarding school the second dad is dead.
I want her to kill me she's so hot
Kai Leech
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The oldest, at age 15. Has his Mama's eyes, and his papa's disposition. He's starting to prep for the NRC entrance exams, but he's definitely a family man, who is not excited for college because it means he'll have to be away from papa and his siblings. He's a protective big brother, despite his eccentricities. He has been known to have a bit of a temper, and has swung at some bullies who went after his cousins or his siblings. Probably will be placed in Savannahclaw. He's very well aware of how often his parents fight about whether he should be betrothed or not, and is crazy grateful that his papa has stood up for him and his free will.
Coral Leech
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Age 13, and angsty. She won't take any bullshit, and she and Sirena are at each other's throats constantly. At age ten, she asked dad, "What happens if mother dies?" With dark eyes. Sometimes she leaves articles about husbands who murdered their wives around. Papa always says it's a joke (he is well aware it is not) but mother wants to ship her off to boarding school. Coral refuses to be the cookie cutter rich girl her mother wants her to be, and is doing everything she can to make herself seem scary enough to not be married off should something happen to papa.
Pearl Leech
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Age eleven. She's cute and sweet, and mother's perfect angel... usually. She has her father's energy levels, and while she is very kind, her kindness is often loud and frenetic. Her kindness usually leaves a mess behind, whether it be a messy kitchen after she makes brownies, or a room full of broken items where she made a craft. But she means well.
Caspian Leech
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Age nine. He's the serious one. Dedicated to his studies, wanting to be a big man so that Papa will let him take over the family business....
Most of the time.
He's close in age to Anemone, which makes them best friends. But it also means they fight constantly. One moment they'll be playing house with some dolls, the next they are breaking each other's dolls because "you aren't playing the game right!"
Mother will be so proud of him one moment, then ripping her hair out the next.
Anemone Leech
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Age 8. Again, best friends with Caspian. Well behaved, until they are wrestling on the ground and destroying a store. Has her mother's eyes, which makes her mother have a little bit of hope, but Leech genes are strong. She is still young, still developing her personality. And with how boring mother is, and how fun papa is, take a wild guess about which direction she is going to go in.
Jade Leech (Jr.)
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Age 5. Floyd begged to name a kid Jade. And the answer was no 6/6 times. But when Jade opened his eyes, Sirena rolled her eyes and said he could name him, but also made sure to note that she was done. Which is so fair after six kids, but the reason isn't the number of kids, or even that she doesn't want anymore. No, she's just lost hope that any will be "civilized". She entertained his desire for a big family because none of the kids so far had been worthy heirs, but she's giving up. A cruel thing to say when you're holding your newborn baby, but hey, rich people, amiright?
He's a good bean, a complete sweetheart. He just enjoys being included! Sure, he has no idea what's going on, and he knows mother is mean, but everyone else is wonderful and he's so happy!
Picrew Links 🥺
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eating-plastic · 10 months
OC Introduction: The Sterling Sisters!
Yeah, they're ocs I ship with the Puppet Master puppets, what of it? And yes, they're sisters too because I wanted a family dynamic. Anyhoo, with that outta the way, let's meet the girls!
The picrew I used (it's the same one I used for my profile picture, how fun!): https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/332600
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Name: Marabelle Sterling
Age: 30
Birthday: April 15
Height: 5'8" (173 cm)
3 Words to Describe Her: competitive, protective, motherly
Shipped With: Six Shooter
Bio: Marabelle Sterling is the oldest sister of the trio. Before ownership of the Bodega Bay Inn, she worked as a farm hand for aging ranch owners, specifically she worked with animals. While being the most upset about moving to California, she is not one to complain, always sucking up her negative emotions. She's a go getter and a true leader, as shown with her getting her sisters to do their share with fixing the hotel up and with her being head chef in the kitchens. Mara is also a lover games and competitions, and she always tries to win whatever it may be. Despite how cocky and arrogant she may get, she is a wonderful person to go to for advice or comfort. She is also fiercely protective over those she loves, especially her lil' sister Louisa.
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Name: Angelica Sterling
Age: 25
Birthday: August 9
Height: 5'6" (168 cm)
3 Words to Describe Her: girly, outgoing, playful
Shipped With: Jester
Bio: Angelica Sterling is the middle sister of the trio. She is a theater actress, but has dreams of becoming a movie star. As such, she was the most happiest about moving to California with hopes of being discovered. Of course, before she could go out for auditions, she was put in charge of the interior design of the Bodega Bay Inn, making sure furniture was in tip top shape and in line with the hotel's aesthetics. On top of acting she is also a wonderful singer and dancer. Angie also has the uncanny ability to befriend people easily and cheer them up however she can. She also loves anything pink and glamorous, with her often found at the mall getting her hair, makeup, and/or nails done, as well as just shopping in general. She's a Barbie doll in human shape. Speaking of which, she has a decently sized Barbie collection.
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Name: Louisa Sterling
Age: 24
Birthday: September 20
Height: 5'2" (158 cm)
3 Words to Describe Her: shy, creative, timid
Shipped With: Blade
Bio: Finally, Louisa Sterling, the baby of the trio and also the quietest. While her older sisters radiate confidence, she is lacking in that department. Fortunately, her sisters and new found wooden pals are there to help her take some baby steps in standing up for herself and loudening her voice. The only time she shows confidence is in her passions. She is a violinist in an orchestra and becomes a totally different person when she plays whether it be practice, rehearsal, or the actual concert. She also has dreams of composing her own pieces. She is also an artist who enjoys painting and sketching, especially since she now has so many beautiful rooms and scenery to paint. Before she could set up her easel, she was in charge of landscaping due to her love for gardening as well. She had Angie by her side for moral support when needing to command the newly hired gardeners.
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bakatenshii · 4 years
Katsuki x Leese HCs
I uhhh have no excuses for this. This turned out so much longer than expected and I just?? Hope you don’t lose too many braincells hehe Inspired by our mutual obsession love for the Yakuza. For @lookslikeleese 3.5k! U make my kokoro doki doki ♡︎ \٩(๑`^´๑)۶/ ♡︎
So we all know Weese Leese as this saint, an angel sent from above, a pure soul that could do no wrong.
Leese, who puts up with our spamming, random bursts of thirst at 4am, answering everyone with nothing less than kind words straight out of a self-help book.
The reincarnation of Mother Theresa herself, if you will (minus the controversial problematic part)
Except I’m bout to blow your mind right now, cue the big TRIGGER WARNING: MIND BLOWING INFO AHEAD:
She’s a bit of a closet brat. No, not the kind that’s outwardly sassy, she’s just not a pushover. And maybe a lil stubborn.
Especially if someone who has no right to challenge her is speaking down to her.
See: 6’3, beeg beefy undercut Katsuki
Katsuki, who’s patrolling his district in the Kabukicho, making sure no one’s doing illegal business in his area, his property
He probably didn’t need two bodyguards with him, he could handle himself just fine. (He doesn’t know that they were just there to keep him in line, make sure he doesn’t blow up a hostess club because a man walked in who looked like Deku)
But it was a spectacle to see either way, three massive tatted men storming down the rowdy streets like it’s nobody’s business— (soon there might be none left if they keep scaring the fucking customers away)
Don’t get impatient, we’ll tie them together somehow I promise, and no they’re not going to fight over spilt boba this time
(Or any mugging of any kind, though that’s a good fuckin trope that I will shamelessly re-use)
Weese Leese is walking home from work, and sees some sketchy men in a dingy alleyway in sunglasses and suits— she knew right away that they were Top Tier suspy
I mean, if the way they were trying to coerce an innocent-looking girl in school uniform didn’t already give it away, the sunglasses at 8pm definitely did the job.
So Weese Leese took her whole Mother Theresa, Thou Shalt Not Hurt an Innocent Girl (pls no one religious attack me please) ass over
Because she’s too good for this world, honestly
Can’t help but jump in to try and help someone in potential danger, she knew it all too well herself.
Of course the men flip out, screaming at her to fuck off or take the poor girl’s spot
(for the sake of this AU we’re going to pretend that either we all speak fluent anime Japanese or it’s in English, plotholes be damned)
This is when Big Boss Katsuki comes marching in, wide as the alleyway itself, and—
Doesn’t come to Weese Leese’s aid, SIKE yall thought he was gonna be a knight in shining armour?
Nah, he’s pissed that a random woman is sticking her nose in somewhere she doesn’t belong
There’s a lot of ‘aniki’s and ‘oyabun’s and ‘kumicho’s going around, and Weese Leese has seen enough Yakuza movies fantasized about enough tatted men with missing pinkies to understand that she fucked up
Sort of.
This 200lbs of pure muscle of a man is the Head of Some Family, probably, and like, yeah, realistically she should be flittering in fear, but the only thing she’s getting are fanny flutters (alliteration or whatever, we out here)
BUT how much she wants to fuck this man still doesn’t excuse the fact that his subordinates were trying to force a (most-likely) underage girl into fuck-knows-what
So when Katsuki, in true aggressive on-brand fashion, practically roars out a
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, woman? Stay in your lane, this is my business”
She actually, to everyones surprise, retorts:
“Maybe teach your subordinates to use their brains a lil and pick out someone who’s not clearly underage and still in uniform next time, then.”
So now we’re back to the beginning, end of the: record scratch, freeze frame, ‘Yup, that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got here’ sequence
Told you it’d all tie together, sans-boba
Back to the show:
Katsuki’s fucking shocked, kinda impressed, but mostly pissed off that some ‘stupid woman’ is talking back to him telling him how to run his business
Weese Leese is… kind of terrified, mostly turned on though, because her brain’s wiring must’ve gotten tangled when she turned into this alleyway.
Sucks for him because she had a point, and Katsuki’s not fucking blind— he can see the uniform clearly on this stupid girl’s body.
They deal with it some Yakuza way, I’ll spare yall the details and me the work of doing research and writing more nonsensical irrelevant waffle (because weese has the attention span of a 3 year old and doesn’t like long drawn out narratives boohoo)
Cut scene back to Katsuki, his two irrelevant bodyguards, and Weese Leese, stood alone in the alleyway.
He’s fuming because she’s demanding an apology for his attitude, his bodyguards are only slightly worried they might have to repave the alleyway (again), and Weese Leese is…
scanning any sliver of exposed skin for some yummy scary tattoos
Long story short, one long passive aggressive (from Leese’s end), straight up aggressive (from Katsuki’s end), argument later, he swallows his pride and offers her a drink at a local bar he owns as a means of apology.
because he’s not saying those words
(also to flex, he’s a proud bastard, he is)
We’ve all read Weese Leese’s hcs about drunk! Leese right? So we know how bold she is?
And how touchy she is and how her brain-to-mouth filter takes a holiday on a Caribbean island so she’s spouting shit like ‘show me your tattooooooos’ and not noticing how he’s blushing in response?
Drunk! Leese gets too drunk, and conveniently loses her keys (she just can’t find them, dont worry we’re not losing deposit money here) so in true Josei manga fashion, he takes her to a hotel 
Because he can’t take her back to his, obviously. Not only is that embarrassing but also dangerous.
(Not that he cares what happens to her, obviously)
Stupid fucking tsundere
Do they diddle the do at the hotel? You decide, but they definitely diddle the do the next morning when she wakes up, sees him splayed on the bed on his stomach and she absentmindedly traces over the back-piece he’s got.
Yeah, he’s for a back-piece. It’s entirely self-indulgent, I don’t care. He’s also got all ten of his fingers because I say so.
And he wakes up with a raging boner mighty need and a half naked girl in his bed caressing the muscles on his back and
Insert censor bar here.
He doesn’t admit that he likes her, of course he doesn’t. Do you even know how tsunderes work?
He just thinks she’s nice, and comforting, let’s him be loud and angry all he wants, but can also stand her own ground and so, so lovely fun to be around. She’s great company, that’s all.
The head of a house needs a woman to play around with, right? That’s what all his shateis say (see: Yakuza term for younger brothers)
So what if they don’t buy their women flowers, take them to fancy dinners at restaurants they own, pound them against the penthouse windows of hotels they own, and begrudgingly take hot soaks in the fancy marble bathtubs the morning after.
He’s just better than them, that’s all.
He’s always the best at what he does, always has to be #1, so courting a woman shouldn’t be any different.
It’s not until his shateis poke fun at how soft he’s become and asks him when he’s inviting her to move in when he realizes—
He’s in too deep.
But there’s something special about fucking his woman on the ancient tatami flooring of the house, (he’d only had to replace two holes, so he’s doing alright to be fair) 
Or outside on the wooden planks of the hallway, legs pushed down to her ears as he plows her in front of the judging eyes of the Koi fish in the Japanese garden.
Or having her parade around in clothes he chooses for her, proudly displaying her as his. And so they live happily ever after, Yakuza movie style.
They might pop out an heir within the next two years, but that’s all for the better, right? Gotta continue the bloodline and whatnot.
edit: weese made a picrew with yakuza! katsuki
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repo-net · 4 years
I don't think anybody really cares about this blog other than my Nagisa stuff but that's part of the reason why I'd like to show you all the first Danganronpa OC I've ever made. I thought the idea of the guy was unique and thought this would be a really cool idea to do. Be nice to him, aight? Also feedback is appreciated lol
Name: Dee Endee
Age: 17
Birthday: 6/20/03
Ultimate: Lucky Student
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(made using picrew)
Personality: Dee is the walking definition of r/nevertellmetheodds. Everything about him is determined by a roll of a 20-sided dice. The way he speaks, the way he acts, the way he reacts will all be based on the dice, and depending on it's outcome, that's how he reacts to almost any given situation, and he will ALWAYS follow the outcome, even if deep in his heart, he doesn't really like it. Otherwise, he is a rather blank and calm student, relatively smart and normally not easily annoyed unless you keep making fun of him. He's circled his entire life around the die and sees it value above everything else, almost like a god, but he hates it when dice get used for games such as DnD or gambling. Getting to know him is extremely difficult because he'll only properly respond if he rolls a number that prompts the response.
Backstory: As a child, Dee was almost similar to Makoto in that his life was boringly dull and normal. He hated every second of it and would always crave for the idea of more outcomes in his boring life. One day, his parents bought him a board game to play with, Dungeons and Dragons. Like most children who didn't understand it's rules, Dee ignored the game and gave up on it after a couple tries of trying to play it. He didn't care about every part of it except for one: the dice. The dies that came along with the board game a 6-sided, 8-sided, 12-sided, and 20-sided die. He was always fascinated by how they roll and how their outcome could never be properly predicted, and he always thought that it was the one thing that stood out in his dull and normal life. Then, the boy got an idea, using his dies, he would change his lifestyle, his personality, his whole life based on the outcome of his rolls, a true random life. It was perfect. This has caused Dee to lose many friends due to his unpredictable manner of speaking and one outcome where he rolled a 1 on his 20-sided die made him decide to leave his household and never come back. To this day, Dee holds his dies close to his heart due to the idea of true unpredictability and it doesn't seem like it'll be changing any time soon.
How he got his talent: Simple, really. He rolled his dice to decide if he would try to apply as a Lucky Student or not, the outcome making it so that he would infact give it a try. And by his luck, he was accepted as the Ultimate Lucky Student via the lottery.
Fears: The idea of losing his dice, or it breaking in any way possible, making it lose it's true randomness factor.
Secrets: Dee has ended up killing someone who had a love interest on him before, and you guessed it; it's because the dice prompted him to do. He doesn't seem to regret it.
Likes: Dice, the idea of randomness, yakisoba.
Dislikes: Gambling, DnD, normality, "quirky" people
Neat Facts: His name, if it wasn't obvious enough, is a pun on the famous board game worldwide, DnD (Dungeons and Dragons). Ironic considering he hates the game lol.
Whenever I RP as him, for the most part, I do actually use a dice bot to determine the way he speaks. So yeah, RPs with him have gotten quite chaotic lmao
Quote/s: "The idea that there are infinite outcomes when not using a dice but rather, your mind, is completely idiotic. You will only have one outcome, which is already decided. Your brain will work a certain way. You will do something a certain way. All your decisions are based on your knowledge, and all knowledge you gain is based on your actions. It's a perpetual loop decided entirely already. But the Dice avoids this. It is unpredictable. Random. It is true chaos. You only have 1 outcome. The Dice has more than that, and for that it will always be nothing you imbeciles will ever predict."
And that's about it, tbh. Feel free to ask me anything about him and I'd also really appreciate it if you gave me feedback.
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luna-the-moth · 3 years
Obey Me! Headcanon Game
Soo...I found this through a discord channel, so let’s get to it shall we? (Prepare to read a long ass questionnaire)
OG link (Credit to cerise_noire8 on Twitter)
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(Made on Picrew)
1 • What is your MC’s name? What is their name origin? What does it mean (if it ever has a meaning).
Ayano Miasako. Not any explanation for that yet.  Her mentor, Cleo calls her “Aya” Nickname in the mafia was “Silver”
2. When is their birthday? How old are they? What about their zodiac sign? (bonus point if you give their rising or even their birth/natal chart)
February 23    23-25.        Capricorn
3.  What is your MC’s gender? And what are their sexual/romantic preferences?
Female.  Bisexual
4. What is your MC’s race? (human, demon, angel, other). If human, what are their nationality and origins?
Ayano’s human with a relation as Lilith’s descendant. Ayano’s half Japanese/Korean. She was born in Kyoto and was raised in the mafia. 
5. Before coming to Devildom, what was their occupation? (job, studies...)
She was a mafioso until age 20, when she left. As a compensation for leaving, she has to wire the boss a certain amount of money per year. Ayano has a penthouse in Tokyo with her cat, Luci. She now works as a business tycoon, and wins most of her money from gambling and business investments. Ayano has a degree in anthropology and psychology
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Ayano in the Mafia
6 • Height? Weight? Describe their body type.
Ayano’s 5’6 (167cm).   She’s around 140 lbs or 64kg.  Ayano has a medium-large bust, an hourglass figure, and decent sized ass
7. Who is/are your MC’s love interest(s) (if they ever have one). Summarise their dynamic.
Mammon, her protective Tsundere. Or Satan, the sly and intelligent bookworm trying to find his true self. She’s the ultimate tease to Mammon, knowing he likes her but is waiting for him to make a move. Mammon ends up flustered. She and Satan try to out-flirt each other with cheesy pickup lines and are often seen sitting next to each other in a loveseat, with tea and a good book. Satan calls her kitten, Ayano calls him her knight in shining armor (jokingly.) Mammon calls her “my lucky charm” Ayano calls him “blackjack,” but prefers calling all the boys by their names.
8 • Does your MC have any specific appearance features? (Scars, marks, anything else)
Ayano has various scars from her time in the mafia. She has 2 prominent stab wounds on her upper back from a betrayal. A yakuza tatoo on her hip. Plus a medium slash scar on her stomach. She got two black feathered wing tattoos on them to represent her freedom from the mafia. Ayano has heterochromatic eyes, left green, right purple. Usually wears a green contact over the purple to hide it. She also has distaichis (double lash layers). Jet black, waist length hair, pale-snow white skin. She usually sports this outfit 
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Wears a new type of nail art every 1-2 weeks depending on her mood. Lovesss jewelry
9 • Does your MC have any disabilities? (physical, mental health, etc). How do they deal with it?
Depression and anxiety. Solution: do a Lucifer and does anything and everything to keep her mind occupied. She also makes friends with cheerful people
10 • How do you imagine your MC’s voice? Describe it.
Medium pitch, smooth, lulling voice. Has a slight new york accent even though she’s never been there (taught by Cleo) Mostly formal in public and swears every so often. (she refrains from doing so around Luke). Her singing voice is very powerful, has a wide range of pitches, and can enchant many. 
11 • Does your MC have any tattoos or piercings? Just tell us more about it!
2 black wings on her stab wounds on her back. A yakuza tattoo on her hip. A normal piercing on both ears with a few helix piercings as well
12 • Describe their clothing style (if they have a favorite style). Do they have specific accessories? 
Bonus question: how do they wear RAD uniform?
Ayano’s fashion style is fashionista, dark fashionista, occasionally gothic/elegant lolita. Loves leather and silver. She often wears a silver necklace gifted (stolen?) from her mentor, with her mother’s silver ring hanging from it. Fingerless, black leather gloves. Usually wears a ring on her right hand, middle finger. Ayano wears the RAD uniform properly, with a red tie, black jeggings, and thigh-high black boots.
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The redesigned RAD uniform
13 • Is your MC able to use magic? If so, are they skilled? How do they learn? Were they able to use it before coming to Devildom?
Yes, when she came to the Devildom, Solomon decided to teach her to hone her skills. In the human world, when really pissed, light bulbs would burst in her presence. Ayano learns quickly, so yes, she became skilled in a small time frame. She’s fond of enchanted jewelry (because they are pretty and have practicality)
14 • Describe your MC’s parents (names, jobs, personalities). Do they have any siblings? What is their relationship with their family?
Ayano’s mother, Kyoko (japanese) was dead while Ayano was very young. Her real father is unknown besides the fact that he was a ‘korean bastard’ from her stepfather. She despises her step father (the feeling’s mutual) and ran away from home at age 13. Ayano has an older (3-4) brother. At age 20, they reconnected and have a good, stable relationship.
15 • How many language do they speak? Which ones?
Ayano can read/speak: Japanese, English, Korean, Latin, Spanish, and French
16 • What is their relationship with each brothers?
Lucifer - fondness, cautious, interest - mixed feelings. Ayano isn’t fond of some of his methods, but recognizes his change throughout the program. She thinks he cares a lot for his brothers and respects that. Lucifer is glad that Ayano is well-mannered and courteous, but is suspicious on her relations to Solomon. Although she’ll never admit it, sometimes Ayano goes into his study with tea and a light dessert for him.
Mammon - Affectionate, loving, warmth, protectiveness. Ayano thinks Mammon as someone very dear to her, so she is protective of him. He’s a possible love interest, and Ayano likes teasing and flirting when he shows his Tsundere side. Mammon thinks that she’s his lucky charm, and loves bringing her to the casino with him, to show off, and to brag. He always becomes flustered when she teases him, but revels in it.
Levi - Ayano thinks Levi should have more confidence, and is gentle with him. Playing rpg or strategy games with him is a pastime of Ayano’s, Levi is slightly scared of her skills in that aspect. Since Ayano can also mimic voices well, he begs her to make Ruri-chan impersonations and such. 
Asmo - Fun, flirty, and thrilling. At first, Ayano thought he was a narcissistic, vain bastard. Which is partially true tbh. When she started doing various makeup looks, that’s when Asmo started to bond with her. The two love messing with various skincare, haircare, makeup, and fashion items. On Fridays, they have a self-care night, with Mammon occasionally bursting in. 
Satan- Was suspicious of him, noticing his mask and seeing through it right away. After noting that he is lost inside, she warms up to him and bonds with him over her cat, Luci, tea, and their shared love of crime novels. Satan was also suspicious of her at the beginning, but after she warmed up to them and slowly started revealing herself, they gradually started drifting closer. They can sometimes be seen reading together with tea and biscuits. 
Bee l- Ayano absolutely adores Beel. She thinks of him as a giant teddy bear and knew he was genuine from the start. Ayano stress-bakes and experiments with recipes from time to time, and asks Beel to taste test them. Beel was glad she apologized and started warming up to her after the custard incident. He loves her baking, and is fond of her, as they take a jog/work out together sometimes.
Belphie - Complicated. She doesn’t care for Belphie. Yes, she wanted to free him, only because she hates feeling trapped as well and disliked Lucifer’s choice of punishment. The fact he changed so quickly after finding out about Lilith made her dislike him even more. However for the boys’ sake, she is cordial to him. Belphie just *wants her to like him dammit*
17 • What is their relationship with each side characters?
Diavolo-  Ayano likes Diavolo, not only is he a powerful ruler, he is a right and just one as well. Sometimes, if he asks, she’ll sing human world songs to him during tea with Barbatos. Ayano thinks of him as a kind man with *so many goddam secrets hidden inside.* Diavolo likes that Ayano entertains him on the human world, and is well-mannered and playful. He’s very interested on trying various exotic human world recipes as well.
Luke- She thinks of Luke as a chihuahua, or a little kid. Harmless and adorable. Ayano likes teasing Luke and baking sweets with him. He thinks of her as an older sister, and loves having her attention.
Solomon - During her time in the mafia, around age 20, she went and stopped by an under-hyped bar. She was really pissed that day, as one of her subordinates almost had everyone killed. So, she decided to buy some whiskey and find a hookup to relieve stress. After flirting and chatting with Solomon for an hour or so, they went back to her place.....In the morning, she woke up a bit early, slightly nauseous, but mostly ok. Solomon was still asleep at the time. After preparing some korean hangover soup, she went back to her room, only to find a signed note and Solomon's number. Ayano and Solomon are pretty much friends with benefits. They’re playful and mischievous, and sometimes stop by each other’s rooms at night for-...Anyways, Ayano has taken for Solomon and would do it again. Solomon thinks Ayano as an admirable person and interesting, so he sticks by her. You can see them at a casino, getting drinks, and watching Ayano’s insane luck wins her her hundreds of thousand at the end of the night.
Simeon- Ayano doesn’t trust Simeon, as he doesn’t really seem like an angel and is shady. After the play and seeing him being ruthless, she distances herself even more from him. Simeon wishes she would be closer with him, but is glad that Luke bonds with her.
Barbatos- You cannot convince her otherwise that Barbatos is not Sebastian Michaelis’ twin Oftentimes, she will help him around the kitchen or garden,, enjoying his company. Barbatos is glad that Ayano can help out, but keeps an eye on her due to her past. Very relieved she has good manners in public though. They both teach Luke to bake sweets, and are protective over him.
18 • What is your MC’s main hobbies and passions?
Hobbies: Reading, throwing knives, composing/listening/singing music, baking, food tasting, playing with cats, drinking wine, sketching/painting, gambling, and gardening. She is obsessed with Cerberus, and loves taking him for walks.
19 • Why do they ended up in Devildom in the first place? What happened to them?
Ayano made a deal with a business man (Barbatos) to go to Siberia for a year in order to make a demonology/mythology film, she was supposed to travel to Siberia when she fell asleep on the plane, to wake up in RAD. This isn’t too weird from what she’s experienced before, so she thought it would be an interesting and worthwhile experience. After all, she can’t really fight back against demons, so acceptance is the only option.
20 • What is your MC’s MBTI type?
Unknown. Ayano is more of a quiet extrovert. A great people person, but seems a tad cool and aloof at first. She’s very polite and all, but never let’s people in due to trust issues. Very perceptive and emotionally intelligent. Ayano was able to pick up on the boys’ true colors within a short time span. Is very intelligent and can offer worthwhile theories and conversations. To the people she loves, she is most like a lazy cat, affectionate, playful, and teasing. 
21 • Do they have pact with each bro? Do they often use their pacts? In which situations?
Has pacts with all the brothers except for Belphegor. She cares for the brothers, and refuses to use the pacts in any way, shape, or form.
22 • What is their favorite place in Devildom?
Madam Screams, the royal library, the roof of the HoL, or the beach Diavolo made.
23 • Which sin fit them the most?
Wrath, she’s very much like Satan
24 • Describe their personality.
Constantly tries to analyze a person's every move. Keeps a polite mask on. She tries her best to stay calm in most situations and to find a way out. However, she is incredibly sadistic to people who have wronged her, preferring to use psychological torture. Often uses dark humor and keeps a knowing smile on her face. Tries to find a logical solution to every problem and is melodramatic around the people she cares about. She will tease you to oblivion and is a very playful character when you get to know her. Much like a cat, she is affectionate and likes to play around, sometimes flirtatious.  She’s a total sweetheart when you get to truly know her though. Ayano however, is also very reasonable and knows when she's fucked up. For example, when Beel freaked out over the custard. She ordered 20 cups of custard from Madam Scream's that night for the next day. Ayano then presented it to him the next afternoon, offering her sincerest apologies. When she trusts someone, they have her absolute loyalty. She will guard their lives with hers and would take a bullet for them If they break her trust tho, they're pretty much dead to her and even though she is polite to them, they will never be close with her again. When she falls for someone, she falls hard. Loyalty is of upmost importance to Ayano.
25 • What is their moral alignment?
Chaotic Neutral. Ayano doesn’t really follow the law, but has a clear set of morals and a bottom line.
26 • Does your MC possess an object/something especially dear to their heart?
A silver necklace from her mentor, with a silver ring that belonged to her mother hanging from it.
27 • Which character(s) do they consider as their best friend(s)?
Solomon, Satan, and Mammon.
28 • Choose a song that fits your MC.
Dirty by Grandson
29 • What are your MC’s religious beliefs?
Agnostic, she thought something was out there. Hell though, was a surprise.
30 • Describe what is inside your MC’s school bag.
Books, sketchpad, pencils, pens, textbooks, compact mirror, and a switchblade - just in case
31 • Describe their appearance (pic refs are ofc allowed).
Snow-pale skin. She has jet black, waist length slightly wavy hair in a side part, heterachromatic eyes - left green right purple. Wears a green contact over the purple in public. 5’6 or 168 cm tall. medium bust and hourglass figure with multiple miscellaneous scars on her legs and arms (7-8) from bullet/stab wounds. 2 prominent stab wounds on her lower back. 5'8. 
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22 • What is your MC’s greatest fear?
Losing another person she cares about, surprisingly enough, she gets attached faster than one would think.
33 • Is your MC Lilith’s descendant? If yes, how did they react when they learn about it?
Yes, tbh Ayano wasn’t surprised. If Lilith lived that long ago, than ⅓ of the population are her descendants. What makes her so special?
34 • Do they have a pet/animal? 
Yes, a calico cat with blue eyes named Luci, 4 years old.
35 • What are their grades like? (In Devildom)
Top 5 students in class. Usually second or third to Satan and Lucifer. Ayano absorbs knowledge pretty easily, and can also read a book fast. Is also a very helpful tutor. Describes and explains material in a brief manner.
36 • Do you think they have any other friends in Devildom aside the characters game? Or do they just stay with them?
Her mentor Cleo turned out to be a witch! So sleepovers, spa days, and movie binges with each other are a must! Also, Mephistopheles is a drinking partner from time to time. Don’t forget Solomon, who Ayano goes to for....stress relief.
37 • What is their favourite food? 
Takoyaki, basically fried dough with octopus tentacles. Or Korean BBQ. Is obsessed with sweet and sour combos
38 • Do they have any specific talent? (artistic, random fact, etc)
She’s an artistic person, knowing what angles to take pics and lovesss sketching the boys. Baking is a stress thing, reading with tea is a pastime of hers. Likes trying out different nail art every week or so. Gardening or tending to plants is a must.
39 • Who is the person they rely on when not feeling well?
Cleo, she’s been Ayano’s mentor since age 13. The only one who knows her full, true self. A girl’s day out will ensue, or a girl’s day in, depending on what Ayano wants.
40 • How did they decorate their bedroom in the House of Lamentations? I mean, the game’s MC bedroom is cool but we all know it need customisation. If your MC does not live with the bros, just describe their bedroom.
She completely redecorated the room with Cleo’s help. Absolutely hated the OG design.
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Ayano’s Human world flat : https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/301-E-61st-St-19A-New-York-NY-10065/300195837_zpid/ 
41 • Are they a heavy or light sleeper? How many hours of sleep do they get? Do they have insomnia or do they fall asleep easily? Just describe your MC's sleep habits.
Ayano’s a light sleeper, because in the mafia, she had to be up at any given moment. Usually 6 hours of sleep. She has insomnia, and sleeps at like 12 am or 1 pm. Usually wakes up at 6am, every day. Can sleep at any given moment though. She’s a female Lucifer in that sense
42 • What is your MC's Devilgram username?
43 • Does your MC have a part-time job during the exchange? If yes, where in Devildom?
Yes. Well not really, does investing in stocks and gambling count? By the end of week 2 in the Devildom, she has 10 million grimm in her account.
44 • How do they deal with the exchange program at first? Do they adapt easily in Devildom? Was it hard for them to be far away from the human world? Were they excited of in panic?
Ayano just went with the flow. It’s a whole new realm, how could she not be excited? Asks Cleo to show her around. It takes a week or two to fully adapt to the Devildom. She missed her cat, but luckily Cleo told her she was taking care of Luci at her human world flat. Kinda hated the fact that the HoL was full of 7 guys, but is in close contact with Cleo. The first night, she asked to go to a casino with Mammon and went from 250,000 grimm, to 1,000,000 grimm on her card.
45 • Do your MC’s relatives/friends know they are in Devildom? How do they deal with their absence? Tbh I’m just wondering what is happening during the exchange program since in the game, MC didn’t really choose to be there.
Well, everyone knew Ayano would be gone for a year, so they carried on fine. Her brother missed her expertise, but knew she’d be fine. Cleo brings her bills and contracts to finish up in the human world, and has hired a cleaner to come in once a month.
46 • How do they feel when they have to leave Devildom for the first time after their first one year exchange? Did they just return to the occupation they had before the exchange program? Did this experience change them? (Sorry these questions are more for human MC)
Ayano misses everyone terribly, and calls and texts everyone once or twice every week to update. She keeps in contact with Solomon to continue her magic lessons. Ayano just goes back to Japan like everything’s normal. Diavolo had a movie made during her time in the Devildom on some random mythology, which turned out to be a box office sensation. Everything is pretty much the same.
47 • Describe your MC’s D.D.D: phone case, wallpaper…
A neutral toned, light phone case with lotus flowers and lily pads. Her lock screen is a white/cream rose. Ayano’s wallpaper is her posing with Luci, her calico cat with blue eyes. Ayano’s kissing Luci’s nose in the picture. Her lock screen is a
48 • How do they react to praise? How do they react to criticism?
Says “thank you” or some variation of that from a stranger. If it’s an acquaintance, same. If it’s a friend, a thank you and a genuine smile. A close friend, a hug and thanks with a compliment thrown back. A lover, kisses and cuddles. Cleo, ‘awww, so sweet from someone so deadly’. 
To strangers: shoots the criticism back in twice the snippiness if they’re being rude. If it’s constructive criticism, she’ll respect that. Acquaintances, again, same as above. Friends:depends if it’s in a teasing manner. If so, she’ll tease back, if it’s rude and uncalled for, she’ll tell them. Close friends: will be fine with teasing and will tease back. Will accept actual criticism if it’s constructive, will ask why they said so if it’s rude. Lover: WIll TEASE BACK WITH TICKLES. If it’s an actual criticism, she’ll take that into account and embrace it. Cleo: will jab back with an embarrassing story. If it’s real, will change if it’s reasonable
49 • What is their future goal? (it could be their actual goal [dont forget the tw spoiler], their dream job, any other wish they want for the future)
To have a happy family, in a nice home. Also to make others happy and inspire them. She already has her dream job, so a S/O would be perfect for Ayano to balance her out.
50 • Describe their perfume/scent.
Her perfume smells like spices, nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, and vanilla in particular. Her shampoo/conditioner, and body wash give her hints of oat milk and ginger, coffee and coconut. Cleo and Satan would say she smells like a cafe.
51 • Did they ever commit a crime or have been arrested?
Yes, she’s been in the mafia, meaning she’s killed, stolen, and broken into houses.
52 • (A bit TW??) Do they smoke? Do they drink?
An occasional Mexican cigar. She likes wine and whiskey in particular. Doesn’t get drunk too often. At most she gets tipsy.
53 • Do they play a musical instrument?
Piano, violin, guitar, and bass
54 • How do they see themselves? How do they want to be seen by others?
Ayano sees herself as a horrible person. Being in the mafia, she’s done and seen horrifying things. She wishes to one day be able to see redemption in herself, that’s why she donates to charity and volunteers often. She wants to be seen as approachable and kind to others, albeit one not to mess with. Ayano dreams to be an inspiration for young children, showing that you can come up from nothing. 
55 • What was your MC like as a child? Did they have a happy childhood?
Ayano grew up in an abusive household. Her father blamed her for her mother’s death, when in reality, he shot her while drunk and blamed Ayano as a coping method. Her brother was kept away from her, so he barely knew her. Ayano didn’t even know he remembered her at all. When she ran away at 13, she lived on the streets for some time, stealing food and clothing. Sometimes a kind person would give her some money or food, but most walked by or looked at her in disgust. One day, she managed to steal a silver necklace from her future mentor, Cleo. Cleo was a mafia boss’ daughter, and was impressed that Ayano could steal from her at all. After begging and persuasion, her father let Ayano join the mafia as her apprentice.
56 • Would they prefer to live forever in Devildom or come back/live in the human world?
Ayano would most likely try and find a way to become immortal, in order to live in the Devildom. The brothers and undateables are her family pretty much. She’d ask Cleo if Luci can be brought down and made immortal as well.
57 • Did they ever get the chance to visit the Celestial realm? If so, what do they think about it? Did they meet Michael? (Ofc it’s your personal hc since Michael never appeared in the game)
Yes, after much begging and pleading from Luke, Simeon reluctantly agreed to let her into the Celestial Realm. She loves the food ofc, especially the fruit. She never met Michael because he was “on a business trip.”
58 • Do the pact marks appear on their skin? If yes, where are they? What do they look like?
Yes, they appear on her skin, only when she uses her pact though, as Solomon told her. They have not been seen as of now….
59 • What is your MC’s favorite music genre? Do they have any favorite band/singer? Favorite song?
Ayano likes to listen to classical, indie rock, rap, and some pop. She’s fond of Frank Sinatra, James Arthur, and NF. There are like 20 songs Ayano would consider her ‘favorite’
60 • Choose 4 pics that fit your MC’s aesthetic. (I chose 6 bc why not?)
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deliveryghibli · 4 years
10 question tag game
Rules: answer the questions then tag new people with 10 new questions.
I was tagged by @korastudies!! Thank you for tagging me!!!!!
1. What do most people think about you that is absolutely not true? Probably that I’m cis?? @ everyone: TRANS RIGHTS BABEY!! Also, if you didn’t know, my pronouns are they/them.
2. Where do you usually go for vacation? We don’t really go on vacation. We like to just drive around and explore, which is always super fun. It’s why I really love road trips.
3. What is your favorite thing to eat or drink in winter? Hot chocolate!! I love it always, but there’s something magical about it in winter.
4. What scene from a TV show will you never forget? I was so sad when Ash had to give up Butterfree in Pokemon. I still remember all the details of that episode.
5. What is something most people do easily but you find very difficult? EVERYTHING?? EVERYTHING???? I’m really bad at chores. I always can become better at doing housework and cleaning.
6. If your childhood had a smell, what would it be? Sorry if this is vague, but the woods. We lived on the side of a mountain when I was growing up, and we had a bunch of acres where I could explore and walk through if I wanted.
7. What’s the scariest non-horror movie? Goodfellas. I kept feeling someone was gonna die every five seconds, so I stopped watching it one night and haven’t gone back since.
8. How often do you go to the library? When I was a kid, I practically lived in the library. That continued through college. I have not been in a while because COVID-19, but am still checking out books online.
9. Which app seemed like magic the first time you used it? Tumblr!! This app is a weird childhood nostalgia trip for me. I’m always gonna have a soft spot for it, no matter what.
10. What’s something weird that you recommend everyone trying at least once? Have some fun with academia. I don’t think it’s that weird, but it should be more normalized to read academic research. There’s so much we can learn from these papers and articles we can’t learn anywhere else.
My questions
1) What is your favorite game?
2) Pick: ocean or space? Why did you pick the one you did?
3) How did you choose your blog name?
4) If you were a Pokemon, which one would you be?
5) What was your first fandom? Are you still in it?
6) If you could smell like only one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
7) Do you play Picrew? Do you have a favorite one? (If so, link it!!)
8) What is your favorite type of show/movie? What draws you to it?
9) Do you have a favorite season?
10) If you could meet one fictional character, who would it be?
Paging @vanheck @fifty-shades-ofbrown @lavenderruffles @chilledmilk @ohthatwallflower and anyone else that wants to do it!!
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hydemeincradle · 5 years
My Cradlesonas
I have to join in too thanks @lovingsiriusoswald for the idea, and also @candyflossclouds and @stupidofofspades for making me wanna do it too no matter how much I tried to rebel
In true me fashion I can’t pick between Seth or Oliver and I already had an OC made which again I couldn’t pick who for. So I made another, one for each. And now I can’t tell which one I like more, cause they both seem so fun.
Cradlesona #1 - Clara Shepard
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Basic Info:
Name: Clara Shepard
Birthday: 28th February
Age: 25
Height: 5 foot 3
Eyes: Dark blue/slightly purple
Hair: Dark blue
Accessories: hoop earrings, leather collar
Affiliation: Black Army
Occupations: 3 of Spades - Security
Seth – Like a rabid fangirl, she admires him from afar, hasn’t had the courage to say anything yet. She managed to leave secret chocolates on valentine’s once, after all, nobody knows the headquarters as much as she does, she can sneak anything anywhere. Possibly not so subtly, she tries to talk to him whenever socially possible, but gets too nervous and becomes a blushy mess. Seth is somehow still oblivious.
Fenrir – She has lots of fun with Fenrir, sometimes locking him out on purpose to see how he’ll try to get in this time. She likes to join in target practice with him.
Sirius – They’ve known eachother since Sirius joined the army, although she was a lot younger then. She’s like an unofficial army sister. Clara knows she can rely on Sirius for most things.
Ray – Likes her because sometimes she sneaks cats in for him.
Luka – Speaks to him more officially than day to day, but she is soon around if Luka has been baking cakes.
Kyle – Love/Hate relationship cause she keeps sending him patients with minor injuries… who usually carry a bottle of alcohol for his troubles
Clara is dedicated to the black army so takes her job very seriously, but she likes to have fun too. She’s grown up mostly at the headquarters so she can be both mentally and physically strong, but she also loves to wind down and have a laugh and a joke. She’s hardworking, reliable, has way too much fun beating people who try to beat her security. She’ll happily wrestle anyone to the ground if needs be (although she doesn’t dare arm wrestle Seth cause she’ll know she’ll lose)
Family and History:
Her father was the previous 3 of Spades and showed her the ropes from a young age in the hopes she would be able to take over after him. She lost her mother at a young age so found a new family within the black army.
Skills and Special Abilities:
Hand to hand combat, all sorts of defensive moves, gun practice, great at poker, and her favourite – dislocating arms
Paired with: Seth
Life in Cradle:
She spends most of her life doing something for the black army, patrols, security checks, tending to horses, training, and keeping her security team in check. Every once in a while she’ll escape to the roof to be alone, especially now her father has retired to a cottage in the clubs quarter. She gets lonely sometimes, but with the chaos that goes down at headquarters, she’s usually distracted to think too much on it.
Cradlesona #2 - Anise
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Basic Info:
Name: Anise – not her real name, but one accidentally given to her by Oliver
Birthday: 13th August
Age: 27
Height: 5 foot 8
Blood Type: Magic
Eyes: Red, thanks to the magic event which got her to Cradle they’ve permanently changed
Hair: Blue/Pink/Purple – blue fringe, pink side bits, purple back. She keeps it short generally so it’s not in the way, however when the moon is full, her magic is set off and her hair grows out of control. Pros, she can change her style every month. Cons, hairdresser costs.
Accessories: Changes day to day from little ribbons, to little things which interest her
Features: Freckles across her cheeks
Affiliation: Neutral
Occupations: Assistant, or as Oliver likes to say, a constant bother
Oliver – constant source of fun, they bicker a lot but it’s never in a hurtful way. Oliver was the one to find her in the first place and so she likes to help him as thanks. She also goes drinking with him (he has no choice sometimes) and Kyle, enjoying watching the fun. She drunkenly admitted she found him very handsome, but Oliver conveniently forgets.
Blanc – He watches over her and almost looks after her like his own child, he helped her adjust to Cradle along with Oliver. She likes to bring back carrot cake from the market each time she goes for him too.
Loki – She met him through Oliver’s dealings with him and sometimes enjoys playing with him.
Seth – She knows him after bumping him at the market a few times, along with the hairdressers. He loves messing with her hair, and lets him style it sometimes.
Fenrir – Met him through Oliver after helping to make his weapons, but is fearful of the guns. Sometimes she tries to goad him into eating competitions along with Seth.
Kyle – He initially treated Anise and realised she has magic, he’s kind enough to keep it secret though warns her not to use it again for her safety. He is wary of her thanks to the scissor incident. He also likes watching her get drunk and do stupid stuff.
Jonah – After watching her wrestle Kyle for a pair of scissors to cut her hair, Jonah thinks she’s crazy.
Edgar – While briefly at the red headquarters, Anise sniffed out Edgar’s jellybeans and he got her addicted to them. She now sneaks up on him if she sees him to steal his jellybeans.
Anise is energetic and bubbly, partially as compensation and partially due to the fact she can now. Her freedom is making her not afraid of doing anything, so she goes with the flow. When not hyped up on sugar or looking at pretty things, she can focus well on what she is doing and calm down. She will deflect questions about her home country, especially now she is away from it.
History and life in Cradle
Anise was born in another country which was taken over by others of the Jabberwock family who fled. In her country they had managed to get in control of those with magic, one of them being Anise. During a Lunar Eclipse, Anise and others who were captured used their magic and with the extra magical power of the moon, used a teleportation spell. It is unknown if the others survived.
Oliver was watching the moon and stargazing at the time, when a flash and supposed meteor hit the ground – which was in fact Anise. Oliver found her, and took to her to Kyle who realised straightaway she was nearly dying thanks to all the magic usage. During a full moon, her hair grows out of control because of the magic, which also freaked Kyle out (this led to the scissor incident).
She ended up with Oliver after Kyle mentions he found her, and he feels partially responsible for her. Anise sometimes tells white lies and pretends she has forgotten her name and where she is from so that she can forge a new identity and move on from the horrors she endured. Anise got her new name from Oliver, after he made a scathing comment about his tea, likening her to anise, except she took it as a compliment and adopted it as her name.
Anise finds Oliver’s inventions fascinating and can’t help but want to help. Despite him thinking she is a pain, he does let her help and enjoys her company.  
Skills and Special Abilities:
She has magic, though has been advised not to use it so her own safety (though rarely does)
Paired with: Oliver Anise made on picrew here: https://picrew.me/image_maker/43383
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fleetingfigures · 4 years
Superhero/villain :3
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(This is mostly a spin off of a near future Yakuza AU I was imagining with a few friends, and as such I’ll use the picrew I used for that for this as well!)
The incessant sound of a mechanical keyboard fills the small studio apartment, as the flashing displays from a multi-monitor setup illuminate a singular hunched figure in front of it all. A Miqo’te, no older than his mid twenties sits, or rather perches upon an elaborate office chair, typing away at inhuman speeds as his eyes dart to and fro, focused on the game at hand. He reaches over, grabbing hold of a now room temperature crêpe and takes furtive bite out of it, his eyes still glued on the monitors before him. And this is how most nights proceeded for this Miqo’te -  wherein he sits for hours, stuffing his face with all manner of snacks, plays a few games, then heads to bed. Though, tonight is not his usual night as, before the match he’s in can reach its natural end, his whole desk vibrates as his phone lights up. The man is tempted to just shut off the phone, and go back to his game, but, seeing the caller ID, he supposes he has to pick up. Typing a “brb” in chat, the Miqo’te grabs the phone, and flips it around in his hand before pressing the accept call button. 
“Yello?” The Miqo’te answers lazily, going to wedge the phone between his shoulder and ear to free up his hands. 
Loud breathing is the only thing that greets his question, accompanied soon after by the keen sound of gunshots and the dull thud of distant, yet hurried footsteps. Things seem to die down for just a bit as a gruff voice breaks the silence. “Sae. You have some Fucking explaining to do. You told me no one was going to be at the Garlean Warehouse by Pier 5, and yet what do I found except an armed squadron of their best guards!”
The Keeper rolls his eyes, moving the phone away from his mouth as he abandons his game mid-match. After closing its tab, he pulls up a non-descript program, displaying its two main windows upon the monitors before him. There he can see the man on call with him currently, a Midlander who, besides the wild mop of hair upon his head, which is probably due to the mad sprint he had to perform to not get shot, seems rather pedestrian. On the other window, he can spy the Garlean guards he had mentioned, armed to the teeth in their finest magitek assault rifles as they fanned out to scan the area. He takes another bite of his crêpe before he finally addresses his caller. “Well, seems someone didn’t ask for enough details.”
“Gods… Is now really the time to reprimand me on such a thing, Sae?!”
“Well, yes, considering we’re only bound by the cash you paid me, and the limited info I gave you was well worth the pitiful sum you provided.”
“Just, ok look… I’ll double your payment, alright? Just divert their attention somehow, you’re the fanciful hacker here.”
“Finneeeee, just give me a minute, alright? I’ve gotta get around a few of their security systems, kay?” 
“Make it quick.”
Sae begins to type quickly again, as he pulls up a third tab, and types into the minimalist chat box that greets him. 
Sae: “> Hey, saw a strange thing on watch. Seems someone’s lurking around your warehouse. Told ya that hiring a squad tonight was gonna be a good idea.”
Soon after hitting send, the Miqo’te gets a response back.
R.V.H “> Seems you aren’t insane after all, Sae. I assume the squad is handling the intruder as we speak, yes?”
Sae: “> Not quite. Seems the dude’s pretty good at evading them, and he’s got your canister in his hands. I could try my hand at stopping him directly, but that’d require me to gain full access into your systems, and maybe a little extra cash too.”
R.V.H “> Damnit. Are you sure they can’t restrain him without your aid?”
Sae: “> Yup. Pretty certain. The dude’s holed up in a room and is gonna slink away into the night if I don’t lock that grate above his head.”
R.V.H: “Fine. I’ll send the system’s master code, as well as an extra sum of cash.”
Sae: “> Thnx. And how much is that extra sum?”
R.V.H “500k gil, in addition to the 2 mil I’ve already given to you.”
Saerno begins to type even faster as he brings the phone back to his ear. 
“Hey bud, still there? You didn’t get shot yet, right? I’ve just gotten through the secruity’s, well, security. Seems you’re at a dead end, but that grate right above you might prove useful.”
The Hyur on the other end breathes a sigh of relief. “Oh thank fuck. Seems you’re not as useless as I thought you were, Sae.”
“Hey, I’m the reason why you even knew about this whole place anyways. No need to be so aggro, jeez…”
The Keeper reclines back in his chair, placing his phone down upon his desk as he finishes the last of his crêpe. Of course tonight of all night’s he had to deal with the stuff he’s been preparing for weeks. Couldn’t they have at least waited till after his match was done? God... He’s gonna have to grind again to get back into his ranked promos. But, he supposes, in some way, that this is a tad better than that cesspool of a ‘fun time’. It’s always so fun setting up two sides and letting things pan out from there; that is, of course, with a little of his tinkering sprinkled here and there. It’s one of the last things that brings him true enjoyment in this shitshow of a world anyways. With everything so orderly under the thumb of Garlean reign, and the Resistance trying to swoop in like knights in shining armor, it’s as if Saerno’s living in one of those stupid fantasy novels he used to like as a kid. It’s all so trite, so predictable, and he’s not going to let the world continue to lose what little flavor it has left. However, Saerno is soon broken out of his reverie as two notifications ping to life upon his phone, both banners indicating payments he’s just received. Smiling to himself, he stretches, and reaches for his phone once again and begins to lazily imitate static noises. 
“Hey -kshh- I think I’m -stssss- Breaking up on you.”
“W-wait what?! What do you mean, Augh goddamnit, it must be th-”
“Call Ended.”
With that, Sae tosses his phone on his bed, and leans forward to inspect his screens once again. Inputting the master code he had just received, the Keeper begins to toy with whatever catches his fancy at the moment. 
“Hmmm, Water boiler? Why not? Gas pipes? Let’s loosen em’ up just a tad, and- Oh! There it is, the canister’s main control panel. How about we just disable all safety protocols and…”
Saerno stands up for a brief moment, wheeling his chair over to the large window of his apartment and sits squarely on it. Reaching downwards, he grabs a bag of chips, honey barbecue of course, and begins to slightly part the curtains. Just then, a brilliant cerulean flame erupts on the horizon, as the shockwave produced by it shakes the very foundation of Saerno’s building. In the darkness of his abode, Saerno claps silently to himself, stopping to much on a few chips every once in awhile.
In this world, there’ll be heroes in capes, and villains in suits, but none of that really strikes too well, you feel? No matter what side they’re on, the life these super-whatevers lead is oh so boring and drab. And that’s why I’m here, to spread a little chaos, and to remind everyone that life isn’t like a picture book, or some trashy romance novel. This life we lead is called reality because it can never be predicted, never be truly under control. Though, I guess you could say that these words I’m spouting are absolute horseshit and I just want to see the world bounce between extremes for my own sick pleasure which, well, isn’t wrong, but can’t a guy enjoy some of the finer things in life? After all, sitting here and eating these chips would be way less interesting if there wasn’t a fireworks display going on in the background.
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kittygamer429 · 2 years
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I posted 2,901 times in 2021
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For every post I created, I reblogged 144.1 posts.
I added 24 tags in 2021
#my art - 4 posts
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#jade doe - 3 posts
#oc - 2 posts
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#is it bad i really wanted to see it? - 2 posts
#batfam - 2 posts
#picrew - 2 posts
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Longest Tag: 81 characters
#i can’t judge because when i was young i though dairy queen only existed in texas
My Top Posts in 2021
I wanted to show the dynamics between my oc (Jade) and her older brothers. It took her a while to truly accept her place in the family. The story is a little different from canon because of her including family bonds.
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Dick: Since she came in not long after Jason’s death, though Dick was made a Bruce, he tired to do better and not take it out on Jade. Meanwhile Jade was hesitant to make bonds believing she wasn’t really part of the family and is just a replacement. Later on they are pretty close, being the only two openly affectionate to their family and friends.
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Jason: Before meeting Jason, and while he was dead, Jade felt most like Jason. They were both street kids and near the same age so she understood him a bit better. When he comes back from the dead she is the first to know and doesn’t tell people instead letting him do it. Jason tend to enjoy her company since she doesn’t act like she’s better or comment on his choices. Their relationship is kinda the center of Jade’s story.
3 notes • Posted 2021-10-30 12:02:24 GMT
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Really trying to get motivation and some inspiration to write Sky’s beast to finish out my series. Thought I’d at least draw the boy in the mean time. Been a while since I drew any of the links.
4 notes • Posted 2021-11-19 00:53:15 GMT
The Champion’s Fox
Having little to no knowledge I finally finished Four’s Lost Beast and that means there is only one left to write for!!
It took awhile but it was fun to write. Hopefully you guys enjoy it too
5 notes • Posted 2021-01-27 14:26:19 GMT
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*click for better quality*
Meet the three Goddess of Hyrule!
Lanayru “Ru” the eldest sibling and the goddess of wisdom, the sea and love
Din the middle sister and the goddess of power, sand, and the mountains
And Farore “Fea” the youngest and the goddess of courage, time, and wind!
((Please note these are fan characters!))
I could sit with the idea that the three goddess that created hyrule didn’t have their own personality and little quirks so I gave them some! There looks are based off the statues in wind waker and the apparel of each on is similar to the race they watch over. I like to play around with them exploring the land they made before putting creatures on it. (Well that isn’t completely true;3)
5 notes • Posted 2021-01-22 01:08:40 GMT
This is gonna be a bit of a rant type thing but I kinda want to talk about this.
“Pure of Heart” is a common trope. Usually the hero has to be prue of heart to save the day, they have to be selfless, kind, brave, and so on.
But the tv show Young Justice said “nah”
The show has the villain of the episode take the Sword of Beowulf (which has it own meanings I’m sure) which when certain words are spoken only works for the “Prue of Heart”
So the man says the words and it works. And he says one of the coolest things that I think about often.
“The legend said the heart must be prue. It never said prue good.”
That single line have given me so much thought. I love how they used specific wording and turned it upside down. The villain, named “Harm”, had gotten ride of all connections and felt no regret for it. He needed his heart to be prior to get the sword. Spoiler! Later in the episode something he did comes back to haunt him and it causes him to doubt himself! It caused the sword to stop working for him!
This was such a cool concept and turned a common trope into a really cool episode.
10 notes • Posted 2021-01-21 14:40:32 GMT
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