#It'll. absolutely fucking kill me at this rate.
nehts · 2 years
#I'm. intoxicated to a stupid. stupid stupid degree - to the point that it is ... getting. near unconscious levels.#Yet.#YET I remain ... unfathomably miserable.#The grief and the lack of the dynamic - the lack of the type of comfort that I have. wanted. for years ...#It'll. absolutely fucking kill me at this rate.#I don't feel better.#I just feel awful and more tired of it all - yet.#WHO KNOWS! Maybe I just need more alcohol and morphine and pills and. etc etc etc.#Whatever. who fucking cares. etc. I'm tired man#I'm ... really. really tired.#Without...#Without the specific form of comfort that I have yearned for .#Without ... the. very particular way that I need to be loved - in a very specific relationship type .#I. will end up fucking. killing myself at this rate.#I'm not... worried about it. Not really.#I guess I just wish that I had.#Something.#Anything. that made me ... able to live for those who need me to continue to live.#But. the only thing that would give me that is so...#Rare.#Impossible.#Absolutely impossible to obtain - unless I find. a replacement. which is again. impossible - so ... ultimately.#I remain like this - simply ... waiting to. eventually slowly die. etc#I guess I don't really ... care about my well-being. again. It's just...#I have reasons to keep living now.#I have my wife - I have . a group of people to socialize with - I have ... people.#Finally. I have people in my life.#Yet it... isn't. enough - because I need ... that. specific. hyperspecific form of love and comfort.#And so I endlessly self destruct hoping that one day - one day... I'll be intoxicated enough that it doesn't matter any more.#That. I'll be fucked up enough that I forget that I need . that dynamic again.
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sturniolowhore · 5 months
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summary ⎯  venus has had her eyes on her brother's best friend chris for as long as she can remember but she is far too scared that's all she is to him, his best friend's little sister. what happens when she realises he sees her in a different light and how will she and chris keep it hidden from her brother who has always told his friends never to meddle about with his sister.
part one! ♯ part two! ♯ part three! ♯ part four! ♯
part six!
warnings ⎯  suggestive and sexual, eventual smut, chris x fem!oc, fluff, cursing, kind of angst (?)
A/N ⎯  finally working on something with parts to it so i'm excited!! as a reminder, leo and venus do not exist irl, i just chose any random names for the sake of the story.
i hope you enjoy <3
❛ ━━・❪ ִ ࣪𖤐 ❫ ・━━ ❜
"vee, can i come in? did chris leave his car here or something?" leo asks from the other side of the door.
she freezes, her prior movements against chris' hand going completely still and her heart beating at an inhumane rate. she looks at chris for some reassurance but it doesn't work as he looks just as panicked as she does, his lips slightly parted in shock.
"it's fine, we'll just pretend you forgot he wasn't home and came over so you decided to wait around," she tries and he nods slowly, her watching in distress as he stands up from the bed ever so blankly and makes his way towards the bedroom door, slowly pulling it open with what he thinks is a normal grin.
"hey man, i forgot you were going out like a goof so i came over and i just decided to stick around," his voice wavers a little and venus pulls a discrete look at the change in tone but if leo notices, he doesn't make a comment on it so venus thinks just maybe it'll all be okay.
"what a fucking idiot," leo rolls his eyes and steps into her room, rushing to sit on the vanity chair with an exhausted yawn.
chris lingers, standing near the door as he closes it behind him, finding it weird to join venus on the very bed he slept with her in, slept with his best friend's sister in. leo raises his brow at him and so he sits at the ledge of the bed.
"chris..." leo hesitates before he breaks out into a teasing smirk, "who the fuck attacked your neck? didn't know you were getting some."
oh my fucking god; this is so bad. if he knew his sister was who, he would most likely kill chris. chris has to try to laugh it off but it doesn't sound sincere at all, if anything it comes out strained and as though he's forcing it completely.
"so you're keeping it a secret? don't worry i'll find out," leo laughs and both chris and venus god honestly want the ground to open up and swallow the two of them whole.
"why are you guys in my room? go and get lost," venus jokes in the way she usually does, trying to diffuse the tension she can undoubtedly feel growing the more they all stay in one another's company.
"come on vee, you know we're great company and besides you were completely fine when chris was here," leo rolls his eyes and chris shakes his head.
he can work with this, "that's because i'm just more entertaining than you ever will be lee."
"i can bet my life you guys did nothing entertaining," leo replies with a laugh and chris almost wants to make a comment; he'd do it if not for the risk of being buried alive.
"because you had such a fun time, did you?" venus tries to shift the topic at hand from her and chris to something else, anything else, before she slips up and messes things up entirely.
"see look at you trying to change the subject because you were bored out of your minds without me," he grins, completely oblivious to the current thoughts of the two other people in the room.
the fact is though, he couldn't be more wrong and venus is the type of person who hates letting other people believe they're right when they're simply not. she's stubborn and she'll openly admit it; she absolutely despises being wrong.
"we actually had a great fucking time but i don't think you want to know about that," venus says before she can stop herself and chris splutters on air, his ears turning pink immediately and turning his head ever so quickly to show his widened eyes to venus who purses her lips in surprise directed towards none other than herself.
"the fuck did you just say?" leo asks, his face dropping, and oh fuck venus has no idea why she just said that.
her plan was that she was supposed to sit leo down and tell him in a soft way, explaining how her and chris really like each other but she's certain she's just ruined that for good.
"chris if you tell me those marks on your fucking neck are from venus, i'm going to kill both of you. do not play with me," leo's already annoyed and he doesn't even know if they're being serious so venus doesn't even want to begin to imagine the frustration he'll hold when he receives the unwanted confirmation.
her and chris glance at one another silently. there's no use denying any of it when they'll eventually have to tell him about their newly found relationship anyway, "lee look⎯"
she doesn't get to finish her sentence even remotely because leo stands up and then turns to face chris, "you have two minutes to get the fuck out of my house."
"leo come on, you're being unreasonable," venus stands up and moves to where he and chris are situated.
"unreasonable? i told you he's off limits and i told him you're off limits," he shakes his head but still chris remains silent.
"why is it so hard for you to realise it's not all about you leo?" she scoffs at him because in all honesty, she doesn't care anymore; her and chris really like one another and why should leo get in the way of that?
"so you just want me to be okay that my best friend is fucking around with my sister?" leo's tone is one of pure disbelief and something clicks; venus knows exactly what he's thinking.
leo thinks whatever chris and venus have going on is just them simply messing around but it's god honestly so much more than that. they wouldn't cuddle up against one another and spend hours texting or on facetime if this was all for sexual purposes. they've grown genuine feelings towards each other and that's why venus can't understand why leo cares.
"lee..." chris starts hesitantly and his voice sounds so different, so on edge that it makes venus incredibly nervous and leo surprisingly listen rather than cut him off in the way he planned to.
"look i get why you're mad but this isn't just us messing around. i really like her man and as much as i love and respect you, i'm not going to stop that because you said to. this isn't what you think it is, it's so much more than that," chris is soft when he speaks and venus can't help but smile regardless of the situation.
the way he speaks about her makes her heart flutter and there's something about the slight desperation in his voice that sends her spiralling. he likes her to the point he's putting his feelings on the line in front of her brother and that's all sorts of reassuring without even meaning to be.
"you guys don't understand, what the fuck happens when either of you decides this isn't what you want anymore? i'm going to be stuck in the middle," leo frowns and venus sees where he's coming from but at the same time, her and chris are both mature enough to not let one another come between the bond they both have with leo if it ever came down to it.
"i don't think you just suddenly decide you don't want your boyfriend anymore," venus points out and something seems to flicker in leo's head at her words.
"boyfriend? you couldn't even tell me when he became your boyfriend?" he asks her and she goes to speak but chris beats her to it.
"it only happened today lee and honestly, your reaction makes it seem like you wouldn't have liked it if we told you anyway," chris doesn't even really know what he's saying anymore; words are just spilling out of him beyond his own control.
he adores leo more than anything and he knows it was wrong of himself to go against his words in the first place but he thought that maybe leo would be happy for them. it was a long shot in the dark but he still hoped it landed far yet it feels like it went backwards and hit him directly.
leo doesn't bother to say anything in return even when the other two in the room look at him expectantly. he merely walks out of the room and closes the door behind him in utter silence.
as soon as he does, venus rushes into chris' safe and familiar embrace, wrapping herself in it and feeling the slightest bit better when he presses a firm yet gentle kiss to her forehead before he leads them to the edge of her bed where he was previously sat.
"i'm sorry," he mumbles quietly as she rests her head in his lap whilst his fingers instinctively move to stroke her hair delicately.
"you don't have to be sorry for anything, we haven't done anything wrong," she whispers into the sombreness of the room and chris hates how fragile she sounds, how melancholy the entire ordeal appears and the fact that he doesn't know how to make any of it better.
"i don't want to come between you guys," he sighs, continuing to massage her head as a means of distraction.
"he'll get over it eventually," she flutters her eyes shut and chris is aware of the situation but he's back to admiring her again and the sight makes himself relax.
she falls asleep in his lap after a short while but he doesn't dare move or stop caressing her head. he simply lets her be and allows his mind to run loose.
it's a little while later when he hears a knock at the door and he breathes out a small word of permission for leo to enter the room, making sure not to wake his girlfriend up in the process. leo stands in the doorway as he stares at venus sleeping in chris' lap and then he, to chris' grave surprise, gives a regretful smile.
"i'm sorry, i just really can't grasp the idea of losing you because as much as i love you, i'll always put her above anyone. i can't stand you not being in my life chris," leo sounds like he's terrified when he speaks, all his emotions clear through his expression that sort of shatters chris' heart.
"leo, you aren't going to lose me. i really fucking like her and i'm not just saying that because i'm trying to get into your good books or some shit like that. i've liked her for years; i'm surprised you haven't noticed. when she finally showed me a sign that she liked me too, i fucking jumped at it and maybe we rushed into everything but it felt right so you don't have to worry about things going wrong," chris is rambling, he knows it, but he can't help it when it comes to venus; he could speak for hours about her and not even for a moment grow bored because of the person she is, because that's who his heart has chosen.
"okay you soppy idiot," leo rolls his eyes but chris can see the small smile threatening to break out onto his face and it warms his heart.
"if you hurt her i'll fucking end you," leo says seriously after a few seconds but chris doesn't need to be told twice because he'd never hurt her, not even because of leo's threats but because of the fact that he cares so deeply about her.
"i give you full permission to," chris laughs and then leo shakes his head and walks out of the room, leaving chris with venus, who's still asleep, and his head that's producing more thoughts than he can keep up with.
if there's one that keeps making a reappearance though, it's the idea that he wants venus to be his forever. he knows his feelings are rather intense for such a short amount of time but part of him thinks he has been building up to this for years. for years he's grown to understand her from learning her traits and the way she carries herself all the way down to her dislikes and ticks. and so, maybe his feelings now are building blocks piling onto the already tall building. the feeling of her sleeping against him comforts him and he lets her stay there because he cares, because he won't hurt her and because his emotions are rising like never before.
❛ ━━・❪ ִ ࣪𖤐 ❫ ・━━ ❜
taglist: @mattslolita @mattsleftnipple03 @sturniolololover
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girlcrushart · 3 months
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Wow, Kristen is out of control. I can barely handle it. SO MANY incredible photos all at once. And don't even get me started on the gifsets. Jesus fuck. Like, I'm glad that Kristen is super out now and clearly very happy and seemingly more comfortable with herself and all that which is so wonderful, but I don't think trying to kill all her lesbian fans is really the right move? Maybe she's not aware? Perhaps someone should tell her? Or not. No, don't tell her. I think a few dead lesbians is acceptable collateral damage. I've come close a couple times and it's worth it. I'll take one for the team if it's needed. Ya, so, I'm gonna try hard not to post Kristen every day for the forseeable future, but it's not gonna be easy as I have 5 more pictures that absolutely must be made into posters, and at the rate she's going, it'll probably be 5 more by the end of the day. It's just how it's gonna be. There are quite a few post-Oscar's outfits that I really did like, so I will sprinkle those in between Kristen posts for some variety and so that I'm not posting Oscar party looks months after the Oscar party (even tho traditionally that's not something I've cared about in the slightest but I'll pretend to now to make my blog more interesting and diverse). But for today, Kristen Stewart is the girlcrushart guardian for the 23rd time.
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dreamsontheirway · 1 year
Bait | Ch. 2 | S.R. x OC
Story Summary: Willow Brooks is a kind-hearted, but spitfire red head who treats each case with the upmost compassion and care. But when an unsub is targeting women who look just like her, she’s faced with the dilemma of acting as bait for the unsub. Spencer Reid, her boyfriend, is absolutely not keen on the idea. Warnings: none this chapter Word Count: 0.7k
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So many options… tall, short, thin… who will I choose?
But where is the magpie, of whom is my muse?
"...We would like to use that resemblance to our advantage. Agent Brooks, we would like to use you to get close to the unsub."
Willow's head swirled with thoughts and questions. They want to use me as bait, she thought. It makes sense, this may be our best shot at catching him.
She was broke out of her thoughts by Spencer's angry, and frantic, voice. His eyes were wide, and he stared at Hotch with a look that could kill.
"No! Absolutely not! We will absolutely not be using her as fucking bait!"
"Agent Reid!" Hotch rose his voice at the agent, frustrated by his lack of professionalism and use of profanity in the workplace.
Spencer was incredulous. How could they possibly even suggest such a crazy idea? Still, he realized his unprofessionalism.
"I'm sorry, Hotch. It's just - you can't."
"Why don't we ask Agent Brooks what she thinks?"
All eyes turned to her then, and her breathing picked up speed. She felt her throat constrict with anxiety. She looked at Spencer, his pleading eyes bringing her back down to reality. She looked down, considering.
"Do you think this is our best chance at catching him?"
Agent Hotcher nodded, a look of regret in his eyes.
"Agent, I promise you I would not suggest such an idea if I did not think it was entirely necessary in order to catch them."
Willow ignored Spencer's continuing protests as she considered the proposition. If his turnaround is only one night, he's probably already preparing to find his next victim. If he keeps them one night, he likely finds his victims at night, at a bar or nightclub or something. We only have a few hours before he selects his next victim. If my agreement to this helps save even one life, it's worth it.
Willow interjected, cutting off Spencer's rambling about how dangerous this could be.
"I'll do it."
Spencer's head whipped towards hers, his eyes wide and begging.
"What?" Spencer's voice had venom in it, but she knew it wasn't directed at her, but at the situation.
Hotch ignored Spencer’s remarks.
"Thank you, Agent. I promise we will keep the plan concise, and you will have eyes on you at all time." Hotch looked at her, a glimpse of sorrow in his eyes, before announcing that the team would be leaving soon.
"Wheels up in 15."
As soon as the other agents filed out of the room, Spencer turned to her, his eyes wide and fearful. His mouth was ajar, opening and closing and unsure of what exactly to say next.
"Why would you agree to that?"
"Spence, you know better than anyone else why this is necessary. If his turnaround rate is only one night, then," she trailed off, the rest of her sentiment seeming obvious and better left unsaid.
"I know, I know," Spencer groaned, rubbing his face. Willow noticed the slight stubble coating his jaw and she felt a familiar attraction bubble in her core.
"It'll be okay, Spence. Everyone will be watching out for me. I can't," she paused. "I can't let someone else get killed tonight if there was a way for me to stop it."
He looked at her, admiring the determination that pooled in her green eyes. He noticed then that he could see small specks of gold in them, the harsh lighting of the roundtable room illuminating the hues.
Spencer sighed, reaching out to place his palm on her cheek, rubbing his thumb across it. Her skin was so soft. He thought then that if anything caused even a scratch on her beautiful face that he might go insane.
Willow reached her own hand up and placed it atop his. She rubbed her thumb on the back of his hand, attempting to provide him some sense of comfort.
"I will be just fine, I promise."
He smiled at her then, but she could tell that he was still nervous as all hell.
"I'm holding you to that promise,” Spencer replied, shakily, before grabbing your satchel. Willow didn’t have a chance to protest before he stood up and guided them both towards the door.
A/N: Here's chapter two! I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far!
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waitingformysandman · 2 years
Worse than Hell
Chapter 7
Warnings: PTSD, panic attack, soft!Morpheus, non con (rape)
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Screaming, you shoved Morpheus.
Morpheus quickly dislodged himself from you, confused at the sudden outburst.
"My Love, what's wrong?"
You couldn't breathe. You were gasping for any air you could get and pushing at him screaming for him to stop.
It finally clicked for Morpheus. You were having a flashback. A panic attack.
"Sweetheart, it's alright, it's me. It's Morpheus."
His words didn't help. All you saw, heard, and felt was Roderick. His taunting grin, and forceful body thrusting unforgivably into yours.
You continued shoving at Morpheus screaming for him not realizing he was truly there.
He twisted you around as fast as lightning and forced you down on the desk. He dropped his pants and shoved his cock into you. This was the first time Morpheus had stayed silent when Roderick had asked him to bring his son back. Why not fuck the wife to get what he wanted? You let out a small cry out of both mental and physical pain.
"You're going to pay every time he refuses me. I hope you know that." he said as he pulled your head back hard by your hair.
He fucked you harder now. The tears in your eyes threatened to spill out but you wouldn't let them.
He finished inside you. If you got pregnant...he'd just call a doctor. There were ways to stop it. No reason for him to not enjoy himself. You were now his after all.
He pulled you back up from the desk by your hair and threw you back to the ground.
"He's never going to save you, you know. He doesn't care enough."
Mervyn had been doing repairs across the hall. At first he thought the two of you were just being kinky. But then he heard what you were saying.
He rushed into your room without knocking. He scarred himself. He saw his King ass naked, half hard and his Queen screaming in fear.
"Lord Morpheus! What's going on?!"
Morpheus looked at Melvyn with an absolutely terrified expression. Something he'd never allowed anyone to see. Especially not the annoying pumpkin head.
"I-I don't know. We- we were just-and then-" Morpheus stuttered.
"I know you don't want to, but I think we should step out. The closeness...she might not be ready for it yet." Merv looked at his King with empathy.
"Sir this may be the best way right now. Or maybe just don't be on top of her or holding her down?"
Morpheus slowly stopped straddling you and laid down next to you on his side of the bed.
"You may leave Mervyn."
Merv nodded and did as Morpheus...asked.
Morpheus heard the door shut softly.
You were still squirming around but at least your breathing had slowed to an almost normal rate. Morpheus pushed some of your hair back off your sweaty forehead.
"It'll be ok my darling. I'm here. You're safe. You'll never be hurt again."
@immultifandom16 @vellichor01
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egg-emperor · 2 years
Ian Flynn is immune to nuance. Bambi's mom dying was never depicted on screen or even confirmed by any characters dialog. But apparently if Flynn watched the movie and then asked a disney animator "hey did Bambi's mom died?" and they said " -_- we're not gonna show a kids mom getting killed on screen in the 1940s, dumbass" he would have proceeded to proclaim that The Official Word Is Bambi's mom didn't die she just abandoned him.
Yeah there's tons of kids' media with death all the time where they don't full on show and say it outright but don't need to anyway because it's fucking obvious. They just can't focus on all the morbid details, just like they can't show blood and gore. You can very clearly allude to death and show shit happening that would definitely kill people without giving all the details or literally show or say that they're dead, that's the joy of understanding implications, intentions, and what's happening without them just telling it to you lol
A lot of times even when it is mentioned in kids' media, it'll be they're gone, we lost them, etc, anything but they're dead but it's obvious what they intend, same for when they don't allude to the aftermath visually or vocally at all. It doesn't mean they're not dead just because they can't say it. I can't be convinced that it isn't the case with the body counts Eggman's crimes would result in. It should be a simple and understandable choice for ratings that doesn't automatically equal a story and character choice.
The answer to if Eggman has ever killed anyone should be a maybe or that they can't say for obvious reasons, not that he hasn't killed anyone. Like you're trying to tell me he constantly shows his intent and willingness to kill, they acknowledge his actions can kill people, and they say he's the most dangerous threat- but because they can't say he's killed anyone, it means he genuinely hasn't ever succeeded, everyone somehow manages to survive all he's done, and he's somehow still not dangerous enough to have actually killed anyone? Absolute bullshit lol
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gren-arlio · 1 year
Episode 3 is now officially out!
As stated beforehand, Episode 3 is now done and officially translated. As usual, it'll be timestamped.
One minor thing, Harpy tends to talk with music notes and all that, and since my phone doesn't have that, I'll replace them with *'s.
As well, most of Harpy's lines involve singing (Go figure,) and since 80% of it just didn't stick at ALL, I tended to go with her good ol' "La-La-La's" or a "Do-Rei-Me-Fa". This means her lines might be scuffed due to that, so if any massive Harpy fans or Japanese speakers can reach out to help, please do.
Here are some of the new portraits, Panotty and Harpy appear here:
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And the video itself:
Intro: (0:08, 0:48 is a generic quote)
Schezo hates children: (2:25)
Panotty Midboss: (2:25, 7:13 is the defeat quote.)
Harpy Boss: (10:36, 12:57 is the defeat quote and 13:51 is just asking if you want to leave the Dungeon.)
Harpy Re-encounter: (13:56)
Bill Board Moments: (14:34)
Schezo hates Music: (14:53)
With that, enjoy.
Intro: (0:08)
Gwaa~ [In pain, obviously.]
Horoharu Helifla~*
This song is this bad? Damn... [You can also go Oh Man or Fuck.]
If I keep listening to this, I'll die!
I'll see you later~*
Oh. Guess I can enter the Dungeon now. [0:48 is just the usual Let's Go Inside.]
Panotty Midboss: (2:25)
What's that? Is it the sound of a Flute?
It sounds awful, like Harpy's hypersonic waves...
Flute: [God I'm going to hate typing this one]
& P I I I E E ☆☆&* H ! !
Gwaaaah! My ears are going to rot!
Why? Why aren't you dancing?
You must have rotten ears! [Wonder why.]
Listening to your Flute will make them rot real quickly.
What!? I'm gonna kill you!
I won't hold back, even if you are a kid.
Defeat: (7:13)
Oh, I lost...don't forget me!
That's a 2nd rate bully line...still, seems like he wasn't the boss here.
Harpy Boss: (10:36)
Hirehara [whatever this means,], Hello, hello*
Wow, even in here they're awful!
Shut up! Be quiet!
Don't get it my way~*
Your singing is disgusting! Absolutely disgusting! Shut up!
Defeat, Electric Boogaloo: (12:57)
They're gone...it's quiet now.
Harpy Re-encounter: (13:56)
Shit. There it is again.
Hano-Hire-Hara-Hire~!* [Basing this off her other quotes from other Puyo games.]
Bill Board Moments: (14:34)
[Lots of menus. It goes:]
Bulletin Board <-
[Player clicks Bulletin Board]
You Got a grimoire
Water Paradise
Noise in the Square <-
Mana Alert
Bottle Stuffing Recommendations [...Yeah this one I'm iffy on.]
[Player clicks Noise in the Square]
Bulletin Board:
In front of the Puyo Puyo Dungeon, there are noisy people having a parade there.
It makes me sick, so please make them stop.
Schezo hates Music: (14:53)
P I E P P I I H X ☆ O ! !
It IS loud!
Oh, are you a visitor?
I'm thirsty.
Hey! What the hell are you two doing?
I want some apple juice. [He never gets it.]
Oh, a jewel perfect for my stage. Can you give me that?*
(Are these guys going to keep making noise until I give them something?)
[What do you give them?]
[A big list appears, and the player gives the item needed.]
*I'm so happy! I'm off to match the clothing for it...
Huh? Is the singer lady going away?
(He leaves also)
Finally, they're quiet.
And that's all. Episode 4 is still in the works, so heads up for most likely next weekend.
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edwinspaynes · 9 months
hmmm death by a thousand cuts, long story short, the way I loved you, state of grace and dancing with our hands tied for the ask thingy!! I tried to go for a variety lol 🫶
my rating of the song: 10/10
my favourite lyric: i dress to kill my time / i take the long way home / i ask the traffic lights if it'll be alright / they say i don't know
what fictional character i associate w/ it: ben gross from never have i ever, mostly.
how the song makes me feel: i absolutely love this song and it makes me want to dance even though the lyrics are really emotional
Long Story Short:
my rating of the song: 7/10
my favourite lyric: if the shoe fits / walk in it / til your high heels break
what fictional character i associate w/ it: matthew fairchild
how the song makes me feel: alright. sometimes i like it because of matthew, but the song doesn't do much for me otherwise (i consider it evermore's weakest link) and other songs do a better job of reminding me of matthew (even within evermore... gold rush? happiness? it's time to go???)
The Way I Loved You:
my rating of the song: 9/10
my favourite lyric: i miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain / it's 2 AM and i'm cursing your name / i'm so in love that i acted insane / and that's the way i loved you
what fictional character i associate w/ it: so like. my god you'll kill me lmao it screams tid tessa @ will to me, especially when she's engaged to jem. it's obvious that her heart's still stuck on will to me.
how the song makes me feel: i love wessa. that's it, that's the feeling. but also like, a little bit nostalgic for my youth too because it was my favourite song on fearless when the album first came out
State of Grace:
my rating of the song: 9/10
my favourite lyric: so you were never a saint / and i loved in shades of wrong / we learn to live with the pain / mosaic broken hearts
what fictional character i associate w/ it: tessa, once again at will
how the song makes me feel: i really love this song and it reminds me of being in high school when red was released. i was so happy to hear it because i hadn't really loved the singles (though they were okay), and i was like "huh! maybe this will be a good album!"
Dancing With Our Hands Tied:
my rating of the song: 8/10
my favourite lyric: i loved you in spite of / deep fears that the world would divide us / so baby can we dance / through an avalanche
what fictional character i associate w/ it: i don't really associate it with a character so much as a person that i knew irl in high school, but i could make a solid argument for matthew and i love him more than anything, so.
how the song makes me feel: nostalgic as fuck
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penny-nichols · 2 years
Uhh maybe 1 random headcanon you have on each Gavinners members and each Global characters
(Also sorry to hear that you’re not feeling well rn, hope everything become better soon for you :c)
- Feychols swap anon
Thank you Feychols swap anon you are so sweet :) Anyway hmmmmm... Gavinners: -Klavier has some burn scars on his hands from the. uh. fire guitar incident. (I don't know how burn scars work) -Daryan went to Themis to become a defense attorney (in a very "competitive with my bff in a fun way" way) but dropped out and just became a detective after finishing Normal School. He's not NOT smart he just didn't want to put in the effort for all of it and honestly. Same. -Luke can be "surprisingly" morbid sometimes. It's not that surprising to people who know him because like. He works with dead bodies all day but to some fans who forget that he's not just an uwu soft boy? seeing him say something like "Yeah if I was trying to kill me I'd slit my throat and then whack me over the head with my own drumsticks but that's just me." is jarring. -Brandon can sew but only a little bit. He knows enough to make. a tube. He needs his long flowy dramatic headbands but it CAN'T fray if it frays he will actually snap so he just makes really long tubes. He is a stronger man than I. -Ham didn't even go to Themis or anything and Klavier and Daryan didn't know him in Middle school because he was in 8th grade while they were in 6th, he was mainly introduced into the friend group via Brandon. (especially since Brandon actually got Into Law Enforcement before the Gavinners were really a thing) uhhhhh Global time: -Penny and Cody are basically siblings to each other now. I know they haven't met in canon but stfu Penny helped him sneak into the studio and they're besties -for a few of his embarrassing preteen years Cody had a minecraft stop motion youtube channel where he just played with his plastic figures. It never got THAT much attention, but if anyone had bothered to watch, they would've noticed the oddly high camera quality and the guy playing Minecraft Steve who kinda sounds like the steel samurai -Will isn't ugly he's just scary to kids looks wise because he has resting kinda mean face. He didn't reveal his face for a while BECAUSE of the kids but you absolutely KNOW that both members of the LGBT community and midwestern suburban moms go fucking wild for him -I think it would be funny if John was lactose intolerant. I was gonna say "probably not lmao" but Zheng Fa is a fictionalized representation of China so he's at least half Chinese and rates of lactose intolerance in Chinese kids his age are about 40% and up to 92% at Adulthood. Basically if John's stomach hasn't betrayed him now it'll DEFINITELY betray him later. -uhhhhh Jack Hammer really resented Will. Part of the reason why he intended to frame Will for Dee's murder is that if he had to be stuck on some crappy kids show he should at least be the star but this guy's first foray into Hollywood nets him a leading role? Unfair -Oldbag doesn't really have any family left so she keeps busy by taking too many jobs and telling people to call her Grandma (please call her Grandma she's so lonely) (yes this is my way of trying to reconcile whatever the fuck was up with her employment situation in AAI and the T&T credits) -Adrian really likes cats. Maybe she adopts Shoe or something IDK - Dee did care about like. Actual Movie Production Quality to SOME extent. She cared about it more pre-Manuel's death but she's still going to be overly critical of Sal's scripts -Sal has not read homestuck. he doesn't know what a Homestuck is. He gets multiple comments a day on his social media things from fans who want to know if he is meanwhile Penny is laughing nervously in the corner (only one person at Global has read Homestuck and I want you to guess who it was) -Matt also likes pet rats along with cats. IDK why I just think he'd vibe with them. They're just little guys. friends you can put on your shoulder. He can't HAVE any because of Shoe but he admires them from afar. Penny shows him Neil Bangin Out The Tunes and he fucking loves it. His phone lock screen is him and shoe. His home screen is Neil.
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sirowsky · 2 years
The Lost Island
Chapter 17 - An Ending
Summary: Everything that's happened to you and Marcus since the plane-crash finally comes to a head, all the pieces put together across both space and time falling into place, and suddenly you're out of time.
Author’s Note: Okay, my loves. For the sake of avoiding spoilers, I'm not going to write out the full warnings on this chapter, but if you're hesitant to read without more details, just message me and I'll be happy to tell you. I do recommend reading this with a large quantity of Oreos handy, or whatever your favorite cookies might be. It'll help against the angst. Also: This is not the final chapter!
Rating: Mature 18+ONLY Warnings: Cursing, angst, end of the world-themes, mentions of strained family relationships. Word Count: 7034 Masterlist (this story) Author’s Masterlist
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   If the portal/gateway/hellhole/asshole ever reappeared, you were gonna fucking kill it.
   That was the prevailing thought on your mind as you made your way through the hallways at HQ, back in your time, where your Marcus had clearly not been returned.    The thing had plopped you out inside your own office, suddenly holding the sapling in your hands again, and a quick glance at your screens had informed you of the date and time.      You’d then wasted half a day looking for your Heroic, before finally accepting that the goo was no longer an ally and absolutely couldn’t be trusted.
   You walked into the Science Department, storming through the work area fuming like a thunderous cloud about to release millions of volts of electricity, passing the desks and various machines without a glance at anyone.    There were seven people in there, all of whom fell silent as you made your way through the room, continuing into an adjoined lab where you placed the sapling inside one of the bio-scanners and then returned to the control desk back in the work area.
   “Run it.”
   The poor biologist at the desk didn’t even glance at his Department Head, Jennifer, before starting the scan, making you wonder just how angry you looked right now.    You didn’t care enough to find out.    The machine ran its cycle, the pressing silence of the room becoming more and more suffocating as the seconds ticked by.    And then the computer beeped and all the data it had managed to collect about the plant was displayed on the huge observation window.
   “What am I looking at?”
   Jennifer, being the only one in the room familiar enough with you to dare speak, came to your side and studied the screen thoroughly.
   “From what I can tell, this plant is not terrestrial.”
   “Damn it, Jen, I know that already, I need to know what’s significant about it.”
   “Nothing. As far as the machine can tell.”
   “It’s a plant. Normal structure and growth parameters, no obvious mutations or variations in the DNA, nothing molecularly deviant from what appears to be its natural state.    If I knew more about the origin-world and had access to more data, I’d be able to give a more comprehensive analysis.”
   “If I told you that I was given this sapling by a matriarch tree the size of a small moon, in order to help me stop a deadly outbreak of mutated spores, would that help your analysis at all?”
   “Are you serious?”
   You merely glared at her, and she took the hint, immediately shifting from casually answering questions, to actively assessing the situation.  
   “What kind of spores? What’s the threat level?”
   “Alien, originally from an unexplored territory. The spores are a mutated form of either pretty much ordinary pollen, or bacterial spores, used as a source of nutrients for the indigenous lifeforms.”
   “Do you have any idea how they were mutated?”
   “Yeah. Human blood.”
   “Shit… that’s not good. That might make them much quicker to adapt to our environment, we might be looking at a global spread within the space of just a few years.”
   Oh, how you wished that that had been the case.
   “Jen… The mutation started here, within our environment. They’ve already adapted.    The information I have suggests that these things could wipe out all biological life on this planet, within months. If that, even.”
   She was struggling to believe you, which was understandable, but unhelpful.
   “Listen, that tiny little tree over there is somehow connected to how we stop this, and I need you to help me figure out how.”
   “Right, okay… Well, if we’re talking defences, I know that some trees can release spores of their own, to protect against other species trying to land on them and take root in their trunks. But that wouldn’t protect us, only other plants, and probably only for a brief time.”
   “What about… I don’t know, like an antidote? Something that could neutralize the harmful aspect of the mutated spores?”
   “In theory that should be possible, but not in this short of a timeframe. Something like that would take months of cultivations and careful testing. It would be like trying to create a vaccine for a new pathogen, only in a fraction of the time and with no chance of testing it before distribution. It’s just not a workable solution.”
   You both stood there, staring at the digital information still being displayed in front of you, each trying to work the problem, and each coming up empty.    You tried to backtrack, returning to the basics of what you knew and how you’d thus far approached a solution (clearly not successfully), tried to think in odd angles and look with a wider lens. And soon enough, something occurred to you.
   “Maybe microbiology isn’t the solution, here.”
   “What are you thinking?”
   “I’m thinking I need to see a botanist.    I’ll be back, but call me if you figure anything else out, and DO NOT let anyone touch that sapling until I get back. Only you, got it?”
   She nodded while you made your way to the door and left the lab, heading for the Heroics HQ Gardens, and the colourful Mrs. Bates.    The gardener was a super, but not only that, she was one of the first known generations, one of the first ever to allow herself to be studied by scientists for a chance to better understand the super-gene.    She was almost a hundred years old now but looked no more than sixty and had the energy and strength of someone even younger, still just as passionate about her craft and always happy to lend a helping hand to anyone that might need it.    Later generations seemed to have lost this longevity, aging largely like ordinary people, but those first few were different. In more ways than one.
   “I do believe I hear the footsteps of a troubled soul.”
   “What gave it away?”
   “You mean aside from the thunder that’s rumbling over your head?”
   You sighed and lowered your head, trying not to let your mind veer off towards Marcus, but failing spectacularly.
   “That’s not what I’m here about.”
   “No? I struggle to fathom how you could possibly focus on anything else.”
   “You and me both. But, desperate times… and all that.”
   “What can I do for you, my dear?”
   “I have a plant-based problem and I’d like your input.”
   “Ah, my speciality. Let’s hear it.”
   “Do you know of a way that plants can somehow neutralize threats from other plants?”
   “Oh, nature is full of clever solutions. All plants have means of protecting themselves from all manner of problems.”
   “What about aggressive spores? How would a tree protect itself from something like that?”
   “Hmm. You’re talking about parasitic bacterial spores. That’s a tough nut to crack. They’re designed to be hardy, to survive under unfavourable conditions in order to allow a lifeform to spawn, once it encounters more favourable circumstances.    They’re aggressive and generally very adaptive little things, which is why most biological lifeforms won’t have a natural defence against them.”
   Your heart sank, hearing that.
   “So, if spores that had been severely mutated and become extremely aggressive were to attack our flora, there wouldn’t be anything in nature that could survive them?”
   “Not likely. Why? Are we facing such a threat?”
   She’d been calmly tending to a bush of some sort while she spoke to you, but now she put her hands down and turned to face you fully, looking genuinely worried.    You took a step closer to her, feeling an urgency come over you, a need to move or act, probably just because you were truly starting to fear that you wouldn’t be able to solve this.
   “I was brought to the world where these spores were naturally developed, over eons, and while I was there, a matriarch tree gave me a sapling from its own roots, and I just know that it somehow connects to how I’m supposed to stop what’s about to happen here, but I don’t know how.”
   She instantly perked up, hearing that.
   “What kind of tree was it?”
   “I don’t know, it was alien.”
   “That’s not what I mean. Was it coniferous or deciduous?”
   “It was a leaf tree, millions of years old.”
   “How fascinating. Did you speak to this tree?”
   “Um… yeah. I mean, as well as I could, I didn’t really know what I was doing.”
   “That’s of no concern. If a lifeform that old and that strong allowed you to connect to it, then you already know everything you need to.”
   “What? How? I’m not following?”
   “Bring the sapling, go where it told you to go, and you’ll find the answers you seek.”
   “No, wait, it didn’t tell me to go anywhere, I don’t know what you’re ta-argh…”
   Your words faded away into a frustrated growl, as Mrs. Bates herself faded away.    Her powers had always been a bit of a mystery, however turning herself into dust and disappearing into the air was a well-used party-trick of hers. As far as anyone knew, the botany was only a hobby, but you wouldn’t put it past the old girl to have some influence over the growth or resilience of her plants.    She was certainly mischievous enough to simply not tell anyone if that was the case, even though she’d volunteered to be a guinea pig. Perhaps as a challenge to see how long it would take science to advance enough to figure it out anyway, which you could respect.    Still, you were abruptly annoyed again, because apparently you were gonna have to figure this crap out on your own, anyway.    A quiet buzz in your pocket alerted you to your phone ringing, and since you didn’t have a plan on how to relocate the damn gardener yet, you picked it up.
   “Hey, it’s Jen.”
   “I know that; what do you want?”
   “Wow, you’re really in a mood today.”
   “I’m losing my fucking mind, actually, so get to the point!”
   “Alright, alright… After you left I put the house to work, sending alerts to all medical facilities to look out for any unusual cases, and we just learned that some folks have come into a hospital in southern California today, with symptoms that seem to be some sort of reaction to an unidentified substance.    No one knows exactly what kind yet, they’re working on getting samples to us, thus far it’s just scans that have confirmed the presence of foreign parti-…”
   “How many?”
   “Uh… thus far… ten.”
   “Shit. What kind of symptoms?”
   “Difficulty breathing, vomiting, liver and kidney disfunctions, and apparently some of them are exhibiting some aggressive behaviour.”
   Ice flooded your blood where you stood, surrounded by lush green plants and their flowers, sporting every colour of the rainbow and so many more.    How long would it take before it was all gone?
   “It’s already happening.”
   You’d known, just from the fact that the portal had been so adamant about making you and Marcus understand all this, that it had to happen soon, but you’d still hoped to have a few days to figure out exactly what you were meant to do to stop it.
   “What do we do, Sec?”
   What could you do? All you had was a fucking plant and a presumed hint from a barely sentient being, that this could be halted.    But the portal had never claimed as much. It had only showed you what had happened, not what would, everything else was your own assumption. Yours. Not Marcus’. Not anyone else’s, because you were the one that somehow just knew things.    Right now, though, you felt like you didn’t know anything at all.    What did your soul have to do with this?    What had Bates meant about going somewhere?
   Why had the portal separated you from Marcus?
   Was that the answer… rather than a question? Had it moved him to a safe place, because the truth was that this wasn’t survivable, and he was more important to protect? More important for the future.    You could believe that.    Perhaps your part in all this had never been to stop the destruction, but instead… to simply plant a tree.    Maybe that little stalk would survive, carrying the legacy of something so old and wise that it now knew how to shield itself, and would still be here when the dust settled, ready to bring life back to the Earth anew.    All your life you’d been out of sync with the world, scrambling to understand even the basics of how to just live. Only to now, when you’d finally begun to figure it out, have to try and understand how to die. How to be alright with that, even though it seemed so unfair and cruel.    Not so much that it had to be you that knew about the end of the world, someone apparently had to, but that you couldn’t have gotten to be with Marcus for your final time.    You’d never feared laying down your life for others, but this was different. Because this wasn’t taking a bullet for a colleague or friend, this was accepting that everything that had ever lived, would be destroyed.    There’d be no one left to protect any records. None to safeguard history. It would all be turned to dust in the thousands or even millions of years that you imagined it would take for the planet to recover, if it even could.
   So… what could you do?
   “I need to see my brother.”
   Marcus knew that something was wrong. He could feel a kind of charge around himself that had nothing to do with his powers, and it was growing with each passing day.    It might just be that he was in the wrong place, that the universe was being stretched the wrong way because of his misplacement, but if it was, what would happen the day that the cosmos decided to push back?    And if it wasn’t that at all… then what?    He’d easily fallen back into the routines of life, having already been stranded in this time for two weeks, the only drag being that he already knew everything that was going to happen.    The Belgian worm that ate cars, Tech-No breaking his knee (it healed within five days), Guppy and Wild Card getting in trouble in school because of a particularly clever, albeit ultimately disastrous, prank that saw the entire basement of HQ completely flooded.    He could’ve prevented those things, but since they weren’t life-threatening, he chose not to, for fear that intervening could somehow tamper with his chances of getting back to you.    Missy didn’t seem at all bothered by knowing that he wasn’t technically the same dad she’d grown up with. He acted, spoke, moved and treated her exactly the same, and that was enough for her to accept that they were the same person after all.    The only problem was that Marcus didn’t feel like he was.    He felt out of place, literally. It was there in every movement, every ray of sunshine that hit his skin, every bite of food and sip of drink… like it didn’t actually happen to his body.
   When three weeks had passed, he was getting desperate.    He’d seen no hint of the portal anywhere, gotten no information at all about what was happening on your end, and he was beginning to fall apart.    That evening at dinner, Missy could tell that something had changed, that he’d begun to break, and it didn’t matter that he could see how much it scared her, he just couldn’t conceal it anymore.
   “Dad… is there anything I can do?”
   He hated that she even asked. That she felt that same desperation. No kid should know what that felt like.
   “No, sweetie. You get going on your homework, okay. I’ll clear the table.”
   “But, dad-…”
   “Missy, I can’t-…!”
   He stopped himself before he could finish that sentence. Firstly, because he’d raised his voice at her, which he never ever did, and secondly, because he’d been about to say that he couldn’t take her kindness right now, which would be a terrible thing to say to a ten-year-old. Especially when she was looking for comfort.
   “I’m sorry. …I’m sorry, honey.”
   She was on the verge of tears, watching him sit there, shaking with a feeling he couldn’t name but which haunted and tortured him, right before her eyes.    She stood up slowly, and came to wrap her arms around him, offering him the comfort that he’d been unable to give to her, and his heart shattered.    His arms wrapped around her almost without his knowledge, squeezing her too tight, but she let him. In her endless kindness, she let him, and he didn’t deserve that, but he took it anyway, because he was drowning.
   “I don’t know what to do… I’m so scared for her.”
   “Don’t be. You know as well as I do, Ace is the toughest Hero there is, powers or no powers. And if she loves you, she’ll find you. I know it.”
   Her confidence eased the worst of his fears, although not his guilt.    But when they’d said goodnight and she’d disappeared into her room, he found himself outside in the backyard, quietly whispering to the stars just like he had every night since he got there.    It was pointless, he knew that. To hope that the words would matter somehow, that they’d carry over between the impossibly large bridge that he hoped still connected the two of you.    But standing there among the trees, amidst the mumbled wishes of ‘please, keep her safe’, spoken to figments of his imagination, a very real memory snuck into the forefront of his thoughts.    And as his focus shifted, it was followed by a whole string of adjoining ones, all on the same subject: Chief Akela, talking about you.  
   --We might be able to help her. If you will let us.
   --She has a strong spirit, that’s what truly saved her.
   --Yes. Love can be a weakness. But it’s also the greatest source of power known, when you dare to wield it.
   --We’re not meant to fight these heaviest of battles on our own, none of us would survive that.
   Flashes, moments in time, all so significant as he’d lived them, but all equally significant now, for entirely different reasons.    Akela had named you Mana, one of their very strongest words, but he’d never disclosed what Kahele meant.    Now, standing out there under the stars, Marcus could almost feel the meaning of his name through the energy that the Chief had imbued it with.    He heard the man’s voice as if a record was skipping inside his head. And with each repetition, the meanings seemed to deepen, burrowing further down into the depths of his soul.    Hearing these phrases back-to-back, knowing the same man had spoken them, a man that saw things other people couldn’t, put them under a whole other light.    Suddenly, Marcus knew that he had to get to you. Right now!    All these phrases had been warnings, cemented into his brain long before they would become truly relevant, because Akela had somehow known that you would end up the sacrificial lamb on the altar of time.    The portal had showed Marcus… it had fucking showed him what would happen, and still he hadn’t understood it.    His dreams had been filled with your eyes, staring back at him as you took that final step into the unknown, but he’d seen only peace within you, and assumed that it meant victory.    He had to get to you! But how!?
   “Akela… help me! Please!”
   He screamed at the treetops, ready to believe that the magical old man was still alive in some form, reaching out to him from some other world, or time. But the answer didn’t come to him from up there. It came from within himself.    This time, the memories that berated his senses were all of you, as you’d unknowingly prepared him for this very moment.
   --There’s not a single shred of all this that’s easy, but the fact is: we’re alive. And as long as we are, there’s hope.
   --Are you seriously telling me that you’re prepared to just roll over and die, just because someone might try and stop you from going home?
   --You’re a leader and a fighter and a hero. When did you become a quitter?
   --You’re stronger than this.
   His lungs emptied in a kind of subdued shock. And when the air flooded back in, the sky turned black, lightning flared high into the atmosphere and struck the ground all around him, not just the house, the trees, the pool, but the entire neighbourhood.      Dark purple threads spread out around him by the thousands, searching and waiting.    The lightning intensified, but became more and more focused, eventually drawn to the same spot, just fifteen feet to his left, where something was taking form.    He let the threads join the lightning, one by one attaching them to the thing, pulling it closer and closer until it was forced into his timeline.    The portal.    Trapped by his power, the real power of his being, awoken by you, by his immeasurable love for you, it had no means of evading him as he approached it, noting that the surface of it, which was usually in constant turmoil, was now smooth. Like a doorway of silk, gently billowing against the simultaneously both light and dark forces that locked it in place through Marcus’ true strength.      He knew that it would take him where he wished, it had no other option, so he didn’t hesitate to step towards it.
   Her voice, small and absolutely terrified, reached him like glass cracking under his feet.    He’d never be able to ignore that voice.
   “Sweetheart, it’s okay.”
   Holding his powers in place, he closed the distance between them as he spoke, pulling her into a hug.    Her voice was even smaller when she whispered in his ear.
   “How are you doing that?”
   He pulled back to look at her, putting his face in front of her eyes to force her focus away from the frightening spectacle.
   “Because I have to.”
   His own voice crackled, precariously close to dying out on his tongue as the tears filled his eyes with the knowledge that he had to walk away from her. Again.    All he had to lean on was the blind faith that the timeline would somehow reset, and all of this would never have happened for her.    But he’d always remember.
   “You were right about what you said after dinner, except it’s the other way around.    I’m the one that has to find her.    I have to go, baby, but everything will be okay, I promise.”
   “I’m scared…”
   Her tears nearly broke his resolve.
   “I am too. More than I ever have been before.    But listen to me, Missy, because I need you to remember this, no matter what: You are stronger than your fears.”
   Something sturdy seemed to brace her shoulders as she absorbed those words, and he backed away from her with a small hope kindled in the depths of his heart. That perhaps those words, once given to him on the ocean wind, existed outside of time, and that she’d remember them always, in all versions of the cosmos.    He turned away from her, and without pause, stepped into the portal.
   You found him only hours after you’d hung up on Jen, even though he was several states away, by commandeering one of the Heroics helicopters and flying out there yourself.    It had been years since you’d last flown anything at all, but you were a certified helicopter pilot and the training came back to you quickly once you were in front of the controls, the familiar abbreviations and dials somehow feeling like old friends from a past life.    These machines were bigger and heavier, operated by more advanced engines than the one’s you’d flown back then, but you adjusted easily, using your fingers and feet to feel how the bird moved and responded.    Ms. Granada had called you about half an hour after you left, not to yell at you, but to let you know that an additional eighteen hospitals along the coast had now called in suspected cases of spore-infections.    That changed the projected timeline for how long it would take before this went global, into a mere fraction of the time you’d originally thought. Not that it made that much difference, in the end.
   The base where Chris was stationed right now was inland and had rarely seen a visit from a Heroic helicopter, so when you approached the marked out landing pad, just a stones-throw from the training grounds, everyone stopped what they were doing and just stared.    You came in fast, having alerted the base’s flight operator and tower that you were inbound, and for the first time since becoming Heroics Chief of Security, throwing your weight around in ordering them to clear the air for you.    It was a bigger position than many would think, your job. For the sake of protecting the people that protected the world, you had the authority to assume command over any agency or company, civilian, military or other, as well as any location anywhere in the country.    An authority you would ordinarily never have used for a personal matter, but the fucking world was ending.    You landed smoothly, leaving the engine running idle while you climbed out and identified yourself to the armed guards around the helipad, who promptly stepped aside, saluting you as they recognized you as a superior officer.    You asked one of them to direct you to Chris Hadley, having to scream over the sounds of the engines, and the guard pointed you towards the mess hall.    Both of you had changed surnames after learning about your parents, but while he had stuck with a family name, after your maternal grandparents, you’d chosen something completely unrelated.
   There was a loud buzz of voices in the large room as you stepped inside and stopped to look around, but it died out quickly when the people closest to you recognized you, and started spreading the word, until every eye in the room was on you.    They weren’t required to stand in attention unless you ordered them to, or if you appeared in official attire, so you simply studied them, looking for a familiar face.    You were just about to call out his name when a tall frame rose above the seated diners.    You had the same eyes and chin, the same hair, albeit his cropped short along the sides, and only slightly longer over the crown of his head.    It had been at least five years since you’d last seen him, and even though there had never been any animosity between you, he felt somewhat estranged, given that you hadn’t been close for a lot longer than that.    You’d kept tabs on him, but only ever contacted him for birthdays and thanksgivings.    Still, you’d grown up together, and knew each other accordingly well, so when he took in what had to be a strained or possibly even desperate expression on your face, he immediately made his way over to you and pulled you into a bearhug.    He was a full head taller than you, broad-shouldered and muscular, so you all but disappeared into his embrace.
   “What’s the matter, Sunshine?”
   The whisper of his voice in your ear, the nickname he’d given you the first time he saw you and never stopped calling you since then, the love he still offered you so freely, even though you were the one that had pulled away from him, all threatened to break you.    But you didn’t get to do that. You’d have to be strong now.
   “I need to talk to you.”
   He let go of you but kept his arm over your shoulders as he moved back to the door, holding it open for you and following you through.    He brought you to an empty area outside, that you recognized as a practise ground for driving military vehicles, but which was currently unused.    There were no obstacles or buildings anywhere nearby, so no one could get close enough to eavesdrop without being noticed.
   “Tell me.”
   Ever the military man. Straight and to the point.    But how did you tell someone that the world was ending? How did you tell a beloved family member that you were there to say goodbye?
   “Chris… I’m sorry. I know I’ve said it before, and I know that you would’ve forgiven me even if I hadn’t, but I need to say it.    I need you to know that it’s not just about what happened back then, but all the years since, that I’ve avoided you. You didn’t deserve that.”
   His stance softened, his hands coming to hold your shoulders, as he realized that this wasn’t an official visit, despite the Heroics helicopter.
   “Hey, I know that, of course I do. What is this? Are you in trouble?”
   “No, not trouble, just…”
   …My last chance to tell you…    Oh, to hell with spores and fuck time-travel for making you do this!
   “Something’s gonna happen soon. Something really bad, and we can’t stop it.”
   “The Heroics can’t?”
   “…No one can.”
   He stared at you for a minute, taking his hands off your shoulders and bringing them to his own hips instead. He was reading you, gaging the severity of your tone and everything else about this strange situation, and then he dipped his head and swallowed hard, having apparently landed on a conclusion.
   “You’re talking end of the world-level bad… aren’t you?”
   You only just managed to nod once in confirmation, and saw his eyes close, trying to avoid having to absorb that. But he did.    No matter what, Chris had always believed you, always known when you were joking and when you weren’t. Your being there, coming to him like this, in the end it was probably all the proof he’d ever need that this was real.
   “How long?”
   “Days… at best. It’s gonna get bad. People going mad and then dying like flies. We know what’s causing it, but we just don’t have enough time to stop it.”
   “But you’re gonna try something anyway.”
   Your chest pinched at his words, just because of how sure (and correct) he was, your eyebrows knitting together with equal parts grief and solace. Because he knew you, down to the smallest damn detail that not even Marcus had managed to figure out yet.
   “What gave it away?”
   “You left the engine running.”
   You couldn’t help but chuckle at how matter of fact he made it sound.
   “Don’t I always?”
   He knew what you were really saying, you could see it in his eyes.    That you were always ready to run. Always kept an escape route open, because the world had taught you that even the parts of life that you’d thought were safe, sometimes weren’t.    He pulled you into another hug, and this time you felt sorrow in the uneven breaths that tugged at his chest.
   “Whatever’s coming… whatever happens… I love you.”
   You gave yourself permission to break, just for this one little moment in time, standing in his embrace, holding him as tightly as your arms could, wishing that the world would just stop being so cruel.
   “Love you, too.”
   The actual word goodbye was too hard, though, so you merely pulled out of his frame, and walked away, back to the chopper and into the pilot’s seat, grateful that he didn’t follow you to stand there and watch you leave. Like you had so many times before.    Once airborne, you pointed the nose of the bird towards the Pacific Ocean and gunned it.    It didn’t really matter where on the coast you ended up, you just figured that planting the tree where the infection was spreading the fastest, was a logical conclusion.    Whatever Mrs. Bates had meant about the matriarch telling you to go somewhere, was completely lost on you, so you chose to work on the basis of Occam’s Razor instead.    Don’t make assumptions or attempt to draw conclusions without facts to support them. Stick to what you know.    Easier said than done when something had been putting presumed facts in your head for… however fucking long you’d been in this time-travel rollercoaster.    The dampened humming of the rotor, through the protective earpieces in your helmet, was the only sound you heard for the two-hour flight, but the rhythm had a calming effect on you.    With each quiet whoof-whoof-whoof above you, it was like your brain was sorting itself out, and by the time you were closing in on your undefined destination, you’d both cried and laughed at old and new memories, fears and hopes, but ultimately reached acceptance.    Whether it was fate, or just circumstance, the simple fact was that you had been chosen for this. No one else knew the things that you did. And even though you didn’t know exactly why the sapling had been given to you, you did know that you had to plant it. That it served a purpose.    Made all the clearer now when you reached the coast, and flew into a literal red cloud.
  The body of the chopper was sealed, the spores had no way of reaching you as long as you stayed inside it, but you’d have to step outside to plant the tree.    It was less than five hours since you’d left Los Angeles, and in that time, the coast had been completely overrun by the deadly infection.    You flew lower, identifying the city you’d reached as San Diego, and finding the streets littered with bodies that had already decayed enough to release freshly born spores in incalculable numbers.    A fresh volley of pain coursed through you at the thought that this cloud would’ve already reached LA too, and that the reason you hadn’t heard anything more from HQ was likely because it was already devoid of anything living.    Your mind violently revolted against the image of Missy and Anita having been reduced to these petri dishes of biological matter, shocking you back into focusing on your task.    Landing anywhere in the city was out of the question, because any people that were still alive would be out of their minds and extremely violent, which presented too much of a risk against your success. So, you aimed for South Coronado Island instead, the closer of the two islands that sat just eight miles off the coast.    It was more of a cliff than an island, sitting in the bay like a knife laying on its back. But on the southern half of it, around what looked like the tallest section, there was a more flattened out area where the chopper should fit.
   You landed a little less smoothly this time, because the winds out here were stronger, and coming at the craft from a downward angle as they were pushed up along the steep side of the island.    Once you were safely down, you cut the engines and pulled the brakes on the rotor to help slow it down quicker.    The cloud was less dense out here, being pushed inland by the winds, but the moment you opened the door, you’d get infected. There was no avoiding that.    The frail-looking little plant sat on the second pilot’s seat next to you, making you wonder how the hell this little thing was meant to survive against all this… And then you remembered that that was still only what you’d been made to believe would happen, based on the magical insights that came from inside your own head.    In reality, no more reliable than a wish upon a star.    And yet, you trusted it.    Was that what Bates had meant?
   Go where it told you to go, and you’ll find the answers you seek.
   Perhaps it wasn’t about going to a physical place, but to a place where you believed that this would succeed. Perhaps it was all a leap of faith.    You took off your headgear, picked up the baby tree, tucking it safely against your chest, and opened the door.    The spores actually stung your skin, they were so potent, and the burn in your lungs was instantly unbearable, making you cough and struggle for air after just one small inhalation.    You dropped to your knees right outside the chopper, quickly digging a little hole in the tough, rocky soil, before putting the sapling down in it and covering the base.    It couldn’t have taken you more than a minute in total, but as you finished, you could already feel your mind being invaded by the infection, stripping you of thoughts, wishes and memories.    Instincts took over, trying to protect you, but there was nothing that could be done. With each passing second, a little more of you was burned away, aggression becoming more and more prevalent to your being.
   And then it suddenly stopped.    Something moved over your skin, soothing the burn from your toes to your scalp, even under your clothes, and then a movement to your left caught your eye.    A man had appeared there, out of seemingly nowhere, and for some reason, your body was reacting to him. Wanting him closer.    You were scared and angry, but you didn’t know why. All you knew was that this man looked safe and protective, so you allowed him to put his arms around you.    And when he did, something seemed to wake up inside of you. Something so powerful that it felt like you might burst with the force of it suddenly churning through you, making you tremble and spasm in his grip.    He took your hand and brought it to the ground right in front of a little plant that had somehow grown all alone up here on the cliff.
   “That power you feel, I need you to give it to that little plant. As much as you can spare, can you do that?”
   His voice made your body still, calming the whipping waves under your skin, even though you had no idea how you were meant to do what he was asking.
   “Look at it. Helpless and all alone out here. Let’s help it grow.”
   Something seemed to fall into place inside you as you heard that. You liked to help. To be of use.    You didn’t know how you could possibly aid this frail little thing, but he seemed so sure.    A thin and shiny thread flowed from his index finger to the sapling, and when it landed, through him, you could feel the thing. Its tiny roots looking for nutrients, and all at once, you knew exactly how to help it.    The power inside you flowed through that one little thread, guided by whatever power he had, to be able to do that, straight into the lifeblood of the young tree that eagerly sucked it all in, quickly draining you of strength.  
   You didn’t know him. That was the first thing he realized as he stepped through the portal and found you right there, right in the same spot he’d seen in his dreams.    His shield could protect you from absorbing any more spores, but it couldn’t undo what damage had already been done.    Why hadn’t the portal brought him there a minute earlier? Two minutes… however long you’d been exposed. He could’ve made sure that you’d never needed to inhale a single particle.    But you were still alive and letting him touch you, and you seemed calmed by his presence, so perhaps something inside you did still remember.    He only knew about the tree because of what the portal had showed him, since he hadn’t been there when you’d received it, or met you at all since then, but he knew that it was the key to everything.    When he felt it take the power from your soul, he was terrified at how quickly and effectively it drained you, and he tried to break the connection, to pull his thread back before it killed you.    But he couldn’t.    The tree grew before his eyes, one foot, then two… five… ten… twenty… fifty, its roots breaking the ground it stood on, turning the south side of the island into rubble under its increasing size and weight, but without letting the two of you get jostled.    A thick root settled underneath you, keeping the ground steady so you wouldn’t fall or get buried under the rolling masses of dirt and rock that sent the chopper crashing down into the ocean.    But Marcus stopped caring what happened around him when he felt your body go limp in his arms.
   “No, no, no… hey, Pita! Look at me, come on.”
   He turned you so that your upper body was resting in his lap, gently tapping your cheek to get you to open your eyes.    But when you did, ice filled his heart. Because this was the moment. The one he’d seen, over and over, thinking that it was the moment you won. The one he’d clung to in his exile, needing to believe that he had to be absent for, so that you could succeed, but which he now knew was the moment of your sacrifice.    You didn’t look scared or confused, angry or sad. Only accepting.    His lips, hands and arms started trembling, his stomach clenching in a tight knot, as the tears burned his eyes and a choking pressure clamped down on his throat.    In his mind he was begging.
   Don’t go. Don’t leave me. I can’t do this again. I need you. Please…
   But not a word managed to claw out of his tortured body.    And then his thread suddenly snapped, as your soul left you.    A single, agonized breath was all he got, and then the roots shifted, something snared you, and you were torn from his grasp, pulled into the ground and buried, without pomp or circumstance. Without choirs or hymns.    The roots settled themselves over the spot where you’d disappeared, and the tree and the ground finally stilled.
Link to Chapter 18
Yeah, um..... My apologies, I was cleaning my tearducts and this fell out. Thank you for reading, and I’d love to know what you thought :) Have a wonderful day/night!
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my-mt-heart · 2 years
I know you've been receiving an absolute influx of asks, so feel free to ignore this if you need/want bc I know it'll be long. I just need to get some things out of my head. adding a post-written warning bc I swear a lot.
1) carol has become the fan favorite for so many ppl and for them to throw her to the side this last season + now no spinoff feels so disgusting. mmb is being so disrespected. Like is this how you treat one of the top grossing actors on a show — one that has rallied fans, caused some of the best rated eps, and whose character has been a key figure to the successes of the group and show as a whole in so many seasons?! like her/Caryl are the reason so many of us have stayed w this shitstorm of a fucking show even after gimple slammed it into the ground repeatedly, so why in the hell they've chosen to treat her so badly is absolutely beyond me
2) I don't think nr is strong enough to carry a show by himself. There, i said it. I love his character and I think nr is a good actor, but Daryl is stoic and quiet and just not that interesting when he's doing his own thing imo. he's gained courage these last 2 seasons, and definitely grown since his introduction, but I truly don't think he alone is a strong enough character to pull off a solo show. like, the scenes where he was more or less just wandering on his own or out in the woods were so...dull. I know some are gonna disagree, but I just don't see this working out.
3) I literally don't understand why they think the spinoff will get views at this point. 80-90% of the ppl excited for it were carylers, and since now it's confirmed Not Happening, they should have seen this coming. and the fact that they either didn't or did and don't care, should really reflect the amount of care they have for their fanbase. not to mention stringing us all along for 9 seasons w their relationship only to get either no canon or such a small ending that it doesn't even feel worth it in the slightest.
Agree wholeheartedly
I love Daryl, but having him go off on his own to chase clues about Rick feels like character regression to me. It kills me to think he's going to end up alone without his best friend just like all those years in the woods.
My guess is AMC is going to draw people in by dangling a Daryl and Rick reunion in front of their faces. Will it work? I don't know. The fact that they are throwing away a built-in audience for the original spinoff makes me feel so small as a Caryler. Like have we become that irrelevant? And the fact that this ruins the story for two characters who deserve to be with each other in the end is so nauseating.
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warcrimesimulator · 2 years
on weight loss
Longpost incoming.
I am an immunocompromised individual with a slow metabolism (professionally diagnosed hypothyroidism) who is actively working to lose weight after being in the same borderline-overweight range for over a decade and is absolutely fucking TIRED of mainstream diet culture. I want to give realistic and sustainable advice that has been working for me.
Weight loss boils down to one thing and one thing only irregardless of any physiological factors that may make weight loss more or less difficult- burning more calories than you consume. You have to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight- for most people, a 500 calorie deficit is sufficient. Calculate your basal metabolic rate and work from there.
Now, let's start with some important PSAs.
Don't fucking starve yourself. That's bad. I shouldn't even have to explain to you why that's bad. Kill the pro-ana TikTok influencer in your head. Now. You don't want an eating disorder. You don't want nutritional deficiencies. You don't want to losing muscle mass and bone density.
Weight loss should not be a miserable experience. You should be making small, gradual changes that you can sustain. This is why fad dieters almost always gain back the weight they lost- they make unsustainable changes that they'll drop as soon as they reach their desired weight.
Carbs (and fats) are not your enemy. Every human on Earth needs carbs, fats, and proteins. I am not saying that low-carb (keto) diets are inherently bad, but for most people they're unnecessary and will be unpleasant, which goes back to the above point.
The best form of exercise is low-to-moderate intensity cardio. Walk. Just walk. Even if it's the bare minimum of 30 minutes a day. Even if it's indoors. You don't need to run, you don't need to do HIIT/tabata workouts, etc. Gaining muscle is beneficial for weight loss but like, it isn't Necessary. (I do HIIT but not for weight loss)
Annnnnd here are my tips. These are all small, easy, sustainable changes that have been working for me.
Eat meals more slowly. Not only will this keep you from accidentally overeating, but it'll make eating a more pleasant experience. Enjoy your food and savor every bite!
Make small changes to your favorite foods. Instead of eating a sandwich with two pieces of bread, make it open-faced. Use lighter dressing and add less croutons to your salad. Buy the pizza with the thin crust. Try peanut butter powder instead of traditional peanut butter. Use herbs to flavor your meat instead of sauces, and eat leaner meats. Eat your white fish without breading.
Mindful portion sizes. The average dinner for me is a filet of fish with a side of pasta (or rice) and vegetables. I would eat a lot of pasta- in a separate bowl, and sometimes after eating I'd go back for more! I now eat a smaller amount of pasta. If you go back to my first point and eat slowly, this should be an easy change and it won't feel like you're missing out on anything.
Substitute high-calorie snacks, like chips and cookies, for low-calorie alternatives like pickles/cucumbers, low-calorie popcorn, sugar snap peas, watermelon, berries, and mandarin oranges. Find things you like!
And here's the biggest one: curb your consumption of high-calorie beverages (and DRINK. WATER!) This includes soda, fruit juices, sugary coffees, iced teas, sports drinks, flavored milks, etc. There is no way around this one. I used to drink 2 to 3 cans of soda per day, sometimes alongside a Starbucks Frappuccino which has just as many calories as a soda. I now only drink one (1) caloric beverage per day- either a mini can of Dr Pepper or a Starbucks Cold & Crafted, both of which are 90 calories. Don't make yourself miserable and give up things that taste good, but also you gotta be an adult and have some self-control- you really should not be consuming literal hundreds of calories per day from drinks.
And yes, you might not lose weight rapidly, especially if you're like me and have a condition that makes it difficult. But that's fine. If you're losing weight rapidly you're probably making changes that you won't be able to sustain.
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milgrammer · 3 years
[ENG] Molech Voice Drama
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Es: [footsteps]
Shido: Hm?
Es: Sorry to have kept you waiting. [footsteps] Prisoner number 5, Shido. 
Shido: No need to. Thank you for all your hard work, Es.
Es: Now then, Shido. Let’s begin the interrogation.
Shido: Very well. Please go ahead.
Es: [hesitates] Ok. Let’s see... Milgram exists to reveal the sins of you, prisoners, and to hand down the appropriate judgement. So, for that reason, talk to me for a bit. 
Shido: Understood. Please take good care of me from now on.
Es: [pauses] Even if this is referred to as an interrogation, at this moment in time, I don’t plan on using violence. In addition to that, any falsehood or silence from you will be acknowledged.
Shido: I see. I might refrain from voicing anything I don’t want to say, but I have no intention of lying to you.
Es: Shido, how’s life in Milgram? Do you have any complaints about its environment? Or have any issues arisen from the other prisoners, etc?
Shido: No particular inadequacies really come to mind. And, my fellow prisoners haven't particularly caused any issues either. Es, I wonder if this is the fruit of all the governing you do? It’s remarkable.
Es: Not really. [hesitates] Hold on a second, Shido. 
Shido: Yes? What is it?
Es: This is… I know it’s me who’s getting things mixed up here, but…  In comparison to all the interrogations thus far, this one has been progressing far too smoothly; it feels somewhat unsettling. 
Shido: I’m not sure what to say to that... 
Es: Hm. [footsteps] Shido, do you seriously not have any reservations about Milgram? 
Shido: Well, let’s see. I mean, without a doubt, it’s clearly a strange place. Its architectural style and the written script it uses are things I’ve never seen before either. If you were to say I was having a dream or a vision, then that would make more sense to me. 
Es: Hm.
Shido: But, all things considered, I’m still very much conscious. My pulse rate is within its normal range. And, I can’t find any symptoms to suggest that I’m hallucinating either. So, I don't exactly find that idea to be very convincing.
Es: Oh?
Shido: Other than that... If this is the afterlife, then this place must be hell. But, if I set that idea aside, then… This is just real life. I, myself, am in normal condition; it’s where I am which is unusual. I may not know the reason behind this place or how it works, but even if I tried to escape from the reality of it, nothing would really change, right?
Es: You sure are composed, aren’t you? 
Shido: That’s just my personality. I just simply don’t think bad of it—this place, I mean. 
Es: You mean, Milgram?
Shido: Yeah, this place will put me to death. 
Es: What?
Shido: I might not get a golden opportunity like this again, so I’ll get straight to the point. Es… You decide how the prisoners will be dealt with, right? 
Es: Yeah. That’s right.
Shido: The death penalty is what I’m hoping for. Thank you in advance. 
Es: I won’t have that. The lot of you can’t decide what your own treatment will be. Only I as the prison guard have the authority to do so.
Shido: Exactly. You as the prison guard have the right to do such a thing, Es, so that’s why I’m asking you for this favour. 
Es: [scratches head, sighs] In regards to your sin, what I’ve gathered so far is that you both regret and have already reflected on your actions. On top of that, you’re also seeking to receive the maximum penalty we have to offer. So, let’s use that information. The idea that I’ll be taking your behaviour into consideration is nothing more than a mere presumption.
Shido: [hesitates]
Es: And, of course, I haven’t thrown away the possibility that you’re only doing this to get on my good side either.
Shido: Hm. I honestly have no idea what you and Milgram are setting out to achieve. You mentioned something about extracting songs and videos from our hearts, and then using them to judge our sins, didn’t you?
Es: Yeah. And, what of it?
Shido: There’s no need for you to go through such a cumbersome process. If you want to hand down the correct punishment for me, then all you have to do is put an end to my life and it'll be over in a blink of an eye.
Es: You’re being annoyingly persistent, Shido! Know your place here. 
Shido: Please listen to me, Es. I’ve killed people. Lots of them as well. It was for such a selfish reason too. I’m a fine specimen of what a genuine murderer ought to be. [footsteps] There’s no reason for you to forgive me. And, I don’t have the desire to be forgiven either.
Es: I really don’t...get you.
Shido: If you don’t put me to death, then neither the people I’ve killed nor their families will be at peace. Don’t you think so too?    
Es: As if that’s my business. I haven’t necessarily sided with your victims and I’m not a family member of theirs either.
Shido: [sighs]
Es: [sighs] Anyway, the only thing I’ll be deciding on is whether or not I forgive you. I don’t even know the details of what punishment will follow after that. 
Shido: Is that so? Es, I suppose you were left in the dark about many things as well just like the rest of us. 
Es: Knowing what happens to the lot of you afterwards might prevent me from making a straightforward decision about whether I should forgive you or not. So, it’s to avoid that from happening. Were you aware of that? 
Shido: Hm… But, this place does smell of the dead though. I’m sure that some sort of death will lie at the end of Milgram.
Es: Smell of the dead? 
Shido: Yes. I can somewhat recognise it from experience… A place which is filled with the smell of the dead, that is. 
Es: Is...that so? Well, either way, Milgram is a three-trial system. It lets me take my time to decide on whether or not I should forgive you. Even if you wish for the opposite, if I decide that you should be forgiven, then it’ll do just that without any hesitation. 
Shido: A three-trial system, right? It’ll take far too long, don’t you think? I’d rather this all be over as soon as possible.
Es: Like I care about what’s convenient for you. Don’t complain about the rules.
Shido: So, if it’s a three-trial system… Then, for example, if you absolutely can’t find it within yourself to forgive me and I don’t lodge an appeal in response, will my treatment be decided on the spot?
Es: That’s the three-trial system according to Japanese law. Milgram’s one is different from that. For the time being, you really should throw away what would be considered common sense there. I mean, if we’re gonna bring up Japan… Due to the abolition of the Prison law, this sort of prison shouldn’t even exist in the first place. (1)
Shido: Wow… 
Es: What is it? You’re going all wide-eyed. 
Shido: Ah, well… I was just thinking about how despite being a child, you’ve really done your research on this.
Es: Hey. [footsteps] You trying to make fun of me, is that it? 
Shido: What? Oh, no. I wasn’t trying to do anything like that.
Es: You were. Something’s been on my mind ever since the very beginning… “Es, this. Es, that.” It’s the belittling way you refer to me…  I’m the prison guard, you know that?
Shido: Oh, I’m completely aware of that. But, you’re still a child in actuality. Coming from me, who’s almost twice the age as you are, I just… 
Es: What is it?
Shido: For a child like you to be entrusted with this sort of role… My heart goes out to you. 
Es: Excuse me?
Shido: I don’t know what circumstances you face while guarding this prison nor the reason as to why you’re doing it, but I’m sure that it must take a toll on you emotionally as well. So, please do your best. [pats head]
Es: [is shook] I see. Oh, I see now. So, that’s how it is. So, that’s how it’s gonna be. [deep breaths]
Shido: Hm? Es?
Es: Don’t you dare… pat my head like that! [kicks]
Shido: [grunts] Please hold on for a second.
Es: Phew, I feel so much better now.
Shido: S-suddenly kicking my shin like that…wasn’t very nice of you.
Es: Shut up! Out of all the prisoners thus far, you’re the one I can’t stand the most. Going all pessimistic like that, running your mouth as if you knew everything, acting as if you’re oh-so mature, and never budging from that composed expression of yours—the nerve of you! On top of that, you even went so far as to pat my head. Do you think I’m your child? Do you?! Don’t fuck with me!
Shido: Didn’t you say that you wouldn’t use violence?
Es: It’s on a case-by-case basis.
Shido: What a thing to say.
Es: Hey, Shido. What the hell do you mean by "I want to die"? Don’t you dare try to insult me with that. Plead for your life with every fibre of your being! Our instinctive desire to stay alive is the very reason why punishments for our sins exist. To Milgram and to me, your very existence is sacrilegious! 
Shido: Es… 
Es: If your shin gets kicked, you’ll feel pain, won’t you? And if it hurts, you’ll cry out, won’t you? You’ll tear up, won’t you? 
Shido: Yeah… 
Es: Well, take that! Even if you boast about wanting to die, the pain you just felt is the exact same thing as your body screaming that it doesn’t want to. 
Shido: [pauses]
Es: While you’re still alive, you should be grabbing life with both hands! Don’t act as if you’re already dead. An adult like that has no right to treat me like a child. It makes my skin crawl. End of discussion!
Shido: I see… If I feel pain, then it’s proof that I want to live?
Es: Hmph!
Shido: [sighs] Well, with that being said, here’s my counterargument to it. It was the nociceptors in my shin which felt that pain. So, it's nothing more than a reaction caused by pain signals being transmitted to my spinal cord and then to my brain. That phenomenon is called nociceptive pain. 
Es: What?
Shido: What I’m saying is… Even if I do want to die, pain is something which will still involuntarily occur. And therefore, you, Es, were making a mistake in your claim.
Es: That's so immature of you. 
Shido: [laughs] It’s payback for kicking my shin like that. But, you know, I think it was an amazing mistake to have made. It was so radiant...to the point where it made me want to turn away. Just as I thought, you truly are a child…but that makes me incredibly happy.
Es: Shido… [mechanical noises] It’s time, huh.
Shido: So, this is what will be “extracting songs”? It sure is intriguing. I wonder what mine will be like. 
Es: Composed no matter what, aren’t you? Is there anything left you'd like to say? 
Shido: Oh, yeah. I don’t know about what the other prisoners may think about Milgram itself, but…  I fully agree with it.
Es: Sure seems that way.
Shido: I’m a fine specimen of what a murderer ought to be. I don’t mind when you hand down your judgement, but if it's possible… Instead of being told by the law that I won’t be forgiven, I wanted a child like you, Es, to tell me that.
Es: What?
Shido: I feel sorry that you had to be given this role. And, I truly apologise for being so insistent about sentencing me to death as well…  But, you’re perfect. You’ll give me the ending I’m most suited for. 
Es: [hesitates] Y-you… What’re you saying? A special request like that is so...
Shido: [laughs] Well, I wonder. I'm just trying to get you to punish me as of now. 
Es: [hesitates] 
Shido: I look forward to you handing down the correct judgment.
Es: You’re making a false presumption there. It’s the fact that it’s my judgment which makes it correct! That’s what Milgram is.
Shido: Then, I look forward to what you deem to be ‘correct’.
Es: Hmph. Say whatever you want.
Shido: Please make sure you don’t forgive me. Okay, Es?
Es: [scoffs] Don’t make me say it over and over again! I don’t give a shit about what you’re hoping for. Prisoner number 5, Shido. Come now. Sing your sins!
「監獄」 [kangoku] were essentially comprised of 「刑務所」 (for those people serving a sentence) and 「拘置所」 (for suspects, those who were awaiting a sentence or those on death row).  They operated under 「監獄法」 (the Prison Law). However, due to abolition of the Prison Law in 2007, those facilities are no longer called 「監獄」, but are now referred to as 「刑事施設」.
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ultimatetrashgoblin · 3 years
Blaire Reviews: Yvette Season 6
Disclaimer: This is all my opinion, you are allowed to disagree with me. I encourage you to read this route and form your own opinions.
First Impressions
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Not only was this incredibly written, but this comparison was absolutely perfect! Venus is the Roman Goddess who encompasses love, beauty, desire, sex, fertility, prosperity, and victory. Yvette's greed is amplified by her love for MC, and her desire to rid herself of her curse drives her to take extreme measures to accomplish her goals. In other words, this was the perfect way for Yvette to return, and this entire scene was amazing!
So Yvette was able to rid herself of her curse, everything is fine now. 100% completely, totally, fine.
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The battle with Vuz was exactly what I was hoping for and more. It was such an empowering moment for Yvette to finally have a face-off against her tormenter. This was the woman (or is demon the proper term? idk) who was responsible for every horrible thing that had happened in Yvette's life. Not being able to touch any living creature, having to live out on the street, losing her girlfriend, and Yvette was able to use all of the rage she had toward Vuz to finally get her revenge.
Vuz, of course, has one more card to play. Namely that she isn't the cause of the vacuum demon, and it's actually a manifestation of Yvette's greed. But that's all she has left to say since Yvette (finally) kills her.
Yvette confesses that while she's relieved that Vuz is dead, she feels a sort of emptiness. This is understandable considering that Vuz's bite is something Yvette has had to deal with for practically her entire life. Yvette spent all of her time adapting to life with her curse, finding a cure, and getting her revenge against Vuz. Now that her curse has (seemingly) been cured and Vuz is dead, she doesn't know what to do with her time.
In order to cheer her girlfriend up, MC arranges for them to play with puppies for an ad campaign. (1000/10 girlfriend move, Yvette better wife her up immediately)
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This entire season was so cute! But in case you forgot, this is Yvette's route, and she's not allowed to be happy for more than one episode at a time. So naturally, everything is about to go to shit.
As it turns out, the lava is trying to come up to Yvette, causing massive earthquakes to occur all over Vegas.
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After a conversation with Nahara, Yvette determines that to prevent the world from literally being destroyed, she has to go to the lava before it can come to her. She claims it's going to be a last resort, but it becomes increasingly obvious that there might not be another option.
Except for one. The option that was mentioned from the beginning, but immediately shot down. But if it means helping Yvette, MC will do whatever it takes.
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Final Thoughts
This season was amazing! The writing, the plot, Yvette. And that cliffhanger made me gasp, it'll be interesting to see how they pick up from this in the next season. Yvette's next season will most likely be her last, so hopefully she and MC will get the happy ending they deserve.
Overall Rating: 9/10
Favorite CG: These CGs were all incredible, but I can't say no to a cute puppy!
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ethereals-angel · 5 years
Entitled. (II)
- you are in an open relationship with Baekhyun.
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You got a call. You didn't know if you should be happy for having a new schedule, somewhat a new distraction, an escape from the repititive heartaches you experience every minute or so, or maybe, you should be upset because you're absolutely exhausted after all the work and stress because of your relationship with Baekhyun.
Oh, an orgasm is absolutely what you need right now. It's quite funny because you should have been getting some out of this open relationship but you knew you wouldn't open your legs for anyone that isn't your boyfriend. Unfortunately, your boyfriend's been busy opening the legs of women that isn't you.
You shook his hand firmly, a genuine smile on your lips, exhaustion still prominent but it'll do, you guessed. "It's a pleasure meeting you."
"I see you've been acquainted." Your manager, Jun, laughed as he enters the room, "you and Kai will be having a photoshoot. That's the first step."
You nodded your head, your eyes focused on your new co-worker. Definitely an eye candy. Kim Kai, the model every high-end brands would kill to have. All you know about him right now is that, and how determined he is to explore the acting industry. You've heard that he'd been training for a while and they have chosen you to be his first leading lady for an instant win. They guessed that since everyone loved you, they'll love him, too.
You never had a problem with any of your co-workers, or your leading men, just to be specific. You knew how to work the camera and how to exclude such chemistry with a man you just met. You knew you were the best choice.
"Guess we're stuck together." You mumbled, trying to lighten up the mood. They left you with the words, 'get comfortable with each other, you'll need it' so here you are, sitting right across of him in an expensive restaurant.
"Yeah. Such a pity." He teased, a playful smile playing on his lips. You just know, you were going to like him.
He insisted upon driving you home, earning quite the whispers and glances on your way to his car. You didn't mind. No matter what the truth is, they'll twist everything however they want it. You were spent anyway, you couldn't care less to anything right now.
The drive home was a silent, though, it wasn't the type of silence strangers have. You wouldn't call him a stranger after this day, he was an absolute angel and you were pretty sure you can call him your friend.
"We're here."
You hummed and gathered your things, shifting on the small space of his car. Once you've settled your eyes on him, you opened your mouth to thank him, only closing it back again when you realized he wasn't paying attention to you. Your heart rate picked up seeing how he's intently staring somewhere outside the confines of his expensive car.
"Isn't that your boyfriend?"
You swallowed hard, panic clouding your mind, "Kai... I... thanks for-"
"Are you seeing that?"
You hesitantly turned your head, following his line of sight. There he is. Your eyes stung, heart throbbing with pain as you processed the sight of his hands planted on a girl's hip, kissing her with so much passion outside of your own house. A bigger hole pierced through your heart, looking away immediately as you cannot look at the love of you life give all of him with a kiss. A kiss that isn't for you.
"I... yeah... uhm..." you blinked rapidly as you hurriedly shifted on your seat, trying to block your boyfriend and his other girl from Kai's sight with your body, "I should... go..."
He tore his eyes off them, furrowing his eyebrows at your strange actions, "what are you doing? He's literally cheating on you."
You shook your head, immediately regretting it, cursing yourself as the tears you've been trying so hard to hold back slipped, rolling so carelessly on your flushed cheeks, "no..." you chuckled bitterly, "no, he's not."
"Look, Kai. I really need to go. I'm just so... tired..." you wiped off the tears with the back of your hand, "please, don't talk about this to anyone..."
"Please? I can't do this right now..."
He let out a small sigh, his orbs held so much confusion and pity. You hated it. You never wanted to be looked at with pityness, but you guess you really are pathetic. "Well, it is your business... but can we talk about this? We're going to work together for a good amount of time. You know I can't just..."
You nodded your head, wanting to end this conversation already. You really are tired. You felt like you're going to pass out if this continues on any further, "I will."
Your glassy eyes met his happy, satisfied ones. Your body ached, you felt like you were going to get a really bad fever that'll kill you. Finally, you thought.
"Hey, love." He welcomed you home, immediately wrapping his arms around your waist. You felt your soul leave your body when he placed a small kiss on your lips, can't help but remember how he was kissing the other girl a while ago.
How is this so easy to him? When did going back to you right after he finished fucking other women became so normal to him? You can't help but blame yourself. You should blame yourself. This is your fault. You are the stupid one in the relationship.
"Saw pictures of you with that model earlier." He started, his eyes bore into yours, "was it good? Were you satisfied?"
"He fucked you, didn't he?"
You gasped a single breath because that hurt. That fucking hurt. You felt like crying again. You were so fucking tired, so tired of working, so tired of crying, so tired of dealing with him.
All this and you can't find the courage in you to just let him go. You can't and as the time passes by, you hated yourself more and more.
You were so hurt, so mad, and all you wanted to do was to hurt him back. You wanted to make him feel what you felt almost half of the relationship, the hatred clouded your mind, overshadowed your love, but how could you if you weren't so sure if he cared, if he loved as much as you do.
"Yeah. T'was mind-blowing."
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The next following days were a blur, meetings and discussions, on and on about how they'll introduce Kai and the plans about the up-coming movie. It was getting boring, yes, but at least you wouldn't have to spend more awkward time at home.
"I think it's best if you two attend the gala together."
Your eyebrow immediately shot up with that, "what about my..." you faltered, "my boyfriend?"
You can feel Kai's eyes burning holes through the side of your head, still very confused of what happened three days ago. He couldn't seem to find the best time to question you about it with how packed both your schedules are. You knew you were happy about it, dealing with people telling you how foolish your relationship with Baekhyun is definitely getting tiring.
"Yeah, I think that'll create a scandal, we don't want that." One of the staffs agreed with you, making you relax on your seat a little. You're sure you are currently agitated with him right now but you wouldn't want to create another fight to stress you and him out again.
Your mind flew to the night you stayed at home alone, to the nights he neglected you, to the nights to sobbed yourself to sleep. You were so miserable and you're still thinking of what he would feel right now? Would he care, though? You were pretty sure he won't be leaving with you that night, what would be the point of having him as a date if you would still end up driving home by yourself?
You cleared your throat, "but... yeah I guess having Kai as my date would be a great idea," you trailed, "after the movie announcement, it would make sense why, and... I don't think Baekhyun would mind."
"That's settled, then."
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"What... what do you mean we're not going together?"
Your heart rate picked up as you paced through the house, getting what you needed for tonight's event before going to your stylist's place. You never actually had the time to talk to Baekhyun about the sudden change of plans because he knew, you knew, it was automatic. You're his plus one, and he's yours. It only changed this time.
"They needed me to go with Kai."
"For work."
You sighed when he didn't respond after that, picking up your bag, ready to leave.
"But... but I wanted to spend time with you tonight..."
Your steps halted, eyes shifting from the door to him. Your blood boiled, a bitter laugh bubbled out your throat even before you could stop yourself, "Oh, Baekhyun, I know, you know, you would leave me for someone else," you broke off the eye contact, before he sees how broken you are, "don't lie to yourself."
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