uwmspeccoll · 4 months
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Manuscript Monday
This Insular manuscript was created by Irish Catholics, who were well known to be stewards of knowledge and artistic ability during the ‘dark ages’ of the 6th-10th centuries CE. In particular, the Insular style consists of flattened, two-dimensional figures of people and animals accompanied by elaborate ornamentation throughout its pages. We often see interlacing designs and Celtic knots within this ornamentation and the proportions and rendering of the figures and architecture seen throughout the manuscript are not always realistic. For example, in the Book of Kells, produced around 800 CE by Irish monks in Scottish west-coast island of Iona, the columns holding up the arches on canon tables are circular and would lack structural integrity in the real world, for obvious reasons. We can see the flattened, strange rendering of figures on folio 32v (shown below), which is a depiction of Christ Enthroned. Christ’s knee is lifted to hold up the codex in his hand, but the placement of his knee is anatomically incorrect. We also see the flatness of the figure and the inclusion of ornamentation throughout the image, and we can see even more of this decoration on carpet pages throughout the manuscript. The Insular style was not only limited to manuscripts but was also used in metal objects like broaches, chalices, sculpture, and architecture which are also said to have been inspiration for Insular style manuscripts.
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Our copy of the facsimile of the Book of Kells was published by the Faksimile Verlag of Luzern, Switzerland in 1990 and includes a separate volume with commentary edited by the noted Trinity College librarian Peter Fox. If you have the urge to see the original Book of Kells, it is shown in the Trinity College Library in Dublin. The library shows two folios of the manuscript at a time and changes the pages shown every twelve weeks.
View more Manuscript Monday posts.
– Sarah S., Special Collections Graduate Intern
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renegade-hierophant · 4 months
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Folio 27r from the Lindisfarne Gospels, incipit to the Gospel of Matthew.
The main text contains the first sentence of the Gospel: “Liber generationis Iesu Christi filii David filii Abraham” (“The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham”).
The first line contains the word “liber” (“the book”) with illuminated letters in insular majuscule; the first three letters (“lib”) are much more ornate than the last two (“er”) in white.
The next two lines are in runic capitals (i.e. Latin letters in a rune-inspired script, also seen in the Book of Nunnaminster for example): the first of these lines partially contains the word “generationis” as “-onis” appears in the next line, followed by the contracted form of “Iesu”, namely “Ihu” with a tilde on the “h”; this type of contraction is called a nomen sacrum.
The last line is in insular majuscule and begins with another nomen sacrum, the contraction “χρi” with a tilde, meaning “Christi”. This is followed by a more compressed series of words. The first is “filii” (“son”) with an “fi” ligature and a letter “l” with two stacked “i” letters on its leg. Then “David” is seen and is formed with a letter “d” with an “a” stacked on a “v” in its counter followed by “id”. After that, “filii” is present again, however this time the “fi” ligature is replaced with the Greek letter phi (φ) due to its phonetic similarity. The last word is “Abraham”, which is split into two lines.
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gmpetersonarts · 1 year
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Map of the continent of Mostros I made for my D&D campaign.
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t0xikon · 1 year
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par2n2 · 2 years
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Hidden Gems or devoured landscapes?
It seems that the we are currently living amidst the first post-pandemic (NOT) summer of the northern hemisphere, howbeit already overflowed with natural catastrophes, extreme weather events and climatic emergencies. Despite the superficial aestival slump, my everyday newsfeed is full of calamities, disasters, and the overhanging (or better already present at least in Greece) financial collapse of the coming winter.
At the same time the famous islands and coasts of Greece are overwhelmed, actually swarmed by tourists, implying that 2022 will be the next record year in arrivals, after the phenomenal 2019. This precipitates the mainstream, but fully distorted common perception that tourism constitutes Greece's heavy industry.
Alas we have reached the point of no return and apart from our cities, villages, and the iconic ancient antiquities, virtually all landscapes, seascapes and marine areas, whole islands, along with their natural ecosystems and their entire local culture have been transformed into a commercial product, advertised, sold and consumed irresponsibly and utterly unsustainably. This all-inclusive perspective has steered a substantial part of the whole Greek economy towards the services sector, thus fully abandoning other key primary productive activities, such as agriculture, particularly in areas and sites in which they traditionally had a huge financial but also social importance. The repercussions of this ill thought advance are more than obvious in small, isolated insular and mountainous communities, where traditional and other primary productive activities have ceased to exist, bringing about heavy dependence from the mainland for basic products and goods.
Closely observing the above rationale, investors acquire considerable areas of whole Islands solely to satisfy commercial interests, and proceed to the construction of pharaonic resorts that devour unique, vulnerable and threatened landscapes. Tourism and its consecutive massive -in most cases- reverberations that are necessary for accommodating the out of scale numbers of targeted visitors, have drastically altered the appearance and essence of cities, towns and villages, while the devastation of this hasty and improvised transformation has left incurable scars on the natural landscapes and seascapes. This unprecedented flow of travellers and of course income, has veiled the urgent need to take precautions, formulate regulations and organise the whole society for what now we name "Overtourism".
Even so, the traditional livelihoods and the unbroken for millennia way of life in the Aegean and Ionian insular communities, as well as in the secluded mountainous villages have radically changed. Entire local and mostly isolated communities, along with their sustainable and self-sufficient economies that have been surviving and evolving for thousands of years have become in a matter of decades dependant to a sole and absolute activity: provision of touristic services. The exclusive character and idiosyncrasy of each community, island and village has been lost, and exchanged to a uniform appealing touristic product to be marketed and bought. The prudent passenger will easily suspect that the cosmopolitan and hospitable impression and façade of Santorini and Mykonos are only superficial. Just beneath this thin, papery surface one can only find an unvarying Disney land, a carefully prepared and set up theatrical scenery completely detached from its surrounding societal, local and natural environment.
The photography for this post was taken during the revisit of several walking paths hiked some years ago, which produced numerous of my blog posts for landscapes and places, still undiscovered on the island of the famous and over-visited Santorini. Unfortunately, it seems to me that this impression will not stand for long. I am content that a hidden paradise is even now secluded from the eyes of many, but until when...
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tenth-sentence · 9 hours
The church didn't encourage mind-broadening experiences – like travelling or even reading alternative theological perspectives – because they might lead one astray.
"In/Out: A Scandalous Story of Falling Into Love and Out of the Church" - Steph Lentz
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opcaoturismo · 8 months
Madeira é “Melhor Destino Insular da Europa” pela 9.ª vez
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A Madeira voltou a ser o “Melhor Destino Insular da Europa” na 30.ª edição dos “World Travel Awards” 2023, vencendo as outras 11 ilhas que estavam igualmente em votação. Recorde-se que esta é já a 9.ª vez que a Região ganha este galardão internacional. Na corrida com a Madeira para este prémio agora conquistado estavam: Açores, Maiorca e Canárias (Espanha), Creta e Cíclades, Ilhas Egeias (Grécia), Chipre, Guernsey e Jersey (Reino Unido), Malta e ainda Sardenha e Sicília (Itália). O secretário Regional de Turismo e Cultura e presidente da Associação de Promoção da Madeira considera ser “importante a Madeira conquistar o prémio de ‘Melhor Destino Insular da Europa’ pela nova vez, contribuindo, desta forma, para dar mais consistência ao reconhecimento que a Região atingiu em todo o mundo”. Eduardo Jesus sublinha que a distinção “deve encher de orgulho todos quantos trabalham no Turismo na Região, assim como os residentes que veem a sua terra ser continuamente valorizada internacionalmente, e igualmente os milhares de viajantes que nos visitam, que, assim, valorizam ainda mais o seu destino de férias.” Read the full article
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morethanmoodmaking · 10 months
Tuesday, 8 August 2023
Yet Another Pop Song About Infatuation by William Henry Meung
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wakamotogarou · 1 year
Sheltered people are Insular:
relating to or from an island: ignorant of or uninterested in cultures, ideas, or peoples outside one's own experience.
And as a result they often can be Insolent: showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect.
Inside. In IN IN Get out of your heads and rooms for a change! You addle yourselves with nonsense and a boorish cycle.
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psychologistmimi · 1 year
In high school I discovered the world of bubbles
Describe something you learned in high school. Here’s how the story goes. I grew up in the South Bronx. I was not like many others around me. I dreamt big. I went beyond my immediate neighborhood. I “got out.” I went to a private boarding school for high school. It was a super fancy and well-known school. I was labeled gifted. That is how I got in. And, once there, I came to understand the…
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hellenhighwater · 1 month
Genuinely being a single woman in my thirties, living alone, is such a mixed blessing sometimes. I do love my house and when I'm here I literally never want to leave. But on the other hand, I do get tired of leaving to go hang out with people, even though I love seeing them. Especially because I have such a great group of friends but they live all over the place, geographically, and therefore most of them don't know each other. And I actually really love hosting? But I never have people in my house because logistically it's always more practical for me to go to them than vice versa.
But sometimes I buy new old dishes and wanna just have a little fancy wizard party, but all my guests are far away. Please may I have the teleport spell. Or a high-speed commuter rail system.
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akairokara · 1 month
nothing will ever be as funny as drawfee being like “we gotta stop being so insular in our videos, we want those to appeal to a wider audience” and then their latest episode has a 10 minute improv comedy scene set at a dispensary
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aropride · 1 month
i know ive said being like 14 and on tumblr in 2023-2024 would've definitely fucked me up, just in a different way than i was fucked up by being 14 on 2016 tumblr, and i stand by that . but i'm so so glad that younger teenagers are growing up on a site that has started celebrating weight gain and fatness and eating rather than demonizing it . genuinely would've changed my life to internalize that instead of the 2010s proana culture when i was younger
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clansunsharp · 2 months
fr tumblr is hilarious ill scroll past the same post like 15 times and maybe the 10 or 12th time im like alright yeah yknow what. thats good ill reblog. and now everyone whos already seen it 15 times has to see it AGAIN
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alphynix · 4 months
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For a long time there were no hadrosaurid fossils known from Africa.
This seemed to mainly be due to the limits of the geography of their time. Hadrosaurs evolved and flourished during the late Cretaceous, when Africa was isolated from all the other continents, and they didn't seem to have ever found their way across the oceanic barriers.
…Until in 2021 a small hadrosaur was discovered in Morocco, a close relative of several European species, showing that some of these dinosaurs did reach northwest Africa just before the end of the Cretaceous - and with no land bridges or nearby island chains to hop along, they must have arrived from Europe via swimming, floating, or rafting directly across several hundred kilometers of deep water.
And now another hadrosaur has just been described from the same time and place.
Minqaria bata lived in Morocco at the very end of the Cretaceous, about 67 million years ago. Only known from a partial skull, its full appearance and body size is unknown, but it probably measured around 3.5m long (~11'6") – slightly larger than its previously discovered relative, but still very small for a hadrosaur. It might represent a case of insular dwarfism, since at the time Morocco may have been an island isolated from the rest of northwest Africa.
Along with its close relative Ajnabia, and at least one other currently-unnamed larger hadrosaur species, Minqaria seems to be part of a rapid diversification of hadrosaurs following their arrival in Morocco, adapting into new ecological niches in their new habitat where the only other herbivorous dinosaur competition was titanosaurian sauropods, and the only large predators were abelisaurs.
If the K-Pg mass extinction hadn't happened just a million years later, who knows what sort of weird African hadrosaurs we could have ended up with?
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tenth-sentence · 7 months
Muller's was an armchair socialism, drawn little from reading in its doctrines, imbibed mainly from his father and his own circle of friends in New York.
"In the Name of Eugenics: Genetics and the Uses of Human Heredity" - Daniel J. Kevles
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