#India UK 2 Plus 2
news4nose · 7 months
Held yesterday in Delhi, the 2 plus 2 dialogue, serves as a means to discuss and evaluate all dimensions of the India-UK Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. 
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neil-gaiman · 4 months
Dear Mr Gaiman, is there a difference in the US and UK version of Good Omens regarding footnotes? How can we ensure we're buying the right version?
I ask because: After a decade plus of first reading Gomens, when I was in high school, I loved Season 1 and devoured Season 2, rewatched both, discovered the fandom, and then read GOmens again on my kindle. This story has rotted my brain to the point that I now have gone ahead and ordered a paperback for my library. And I can see myself picking up other versions at second hand bookstores. And I read somewhere that the footnotes are different in different versions. And so I thought I'd ask you. What have you and Mr Pratchett done to me, sir 😪
Love from India 🎈
There is no right. There is no wrong. There are only footnotes.
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ylskquevmxv · 1 year
British insight for those military men fics
Coming from a British person
Use this for your angsty british backstory
Will include:
-insight to healthcare and low income situations
- opinions on the royal family (all negative)
- british food
- talks about home life and low income
• none of them would care for the queens death. They would not be mourning, they would not be sad, they're not tories. If anything theyd be glad and wishing death upon the rest of them. The monarchy sucks the only downside is that we have Charles and camilla now. Diana rest in peace
• to add on to this they wouldnt care for the coronation they would most likely insult it, they probably hate the entire royal family like almost all of the entire uk does. I am repeating this again but they are NOT tories 🚫nuh uh🚫 stop painting, price, gaz and ghost as people who love the royals while soap hates them 💀💀 they all hate the monarchy
• they most likely wouldnt drink fancy tea Pg, Yorkshire, tetley etc are their go to because that's what most of the uk drink especially low income houses as it's the cheapest. Taste of home I guess.
• also they're not out here eating beans on toast whenever they get the chance💀 they're probably eating an entire meal because they're giant men??? Like beans on toast is what parents give to their kids because it's cheap and fills them up, the only time they're having beans is with:
1) breakfast
2) jacket potatoes
3) sasauge and mash
4) Gregg's bean and sausage pasties
• also soap probably eats beans too?? I've seen fics where hes wholeheartedly against beans like??? Hes Scottish?? I know he ate beans as a kid, no one grows up and decides to have a mohawk otherwise
• they're all meat and potatoes type of men (like all british men) that's it. That's the facts
• fries =/= chips
• also british people are like really lazy when they speak
"would you like a cup of tea?"= "fancy a cuppa?"
"I'm just not in the mood to do that" = "cant be arsed"
"How are you?" = "ya alright?"
"Should we get some Chinese/Indian/Italian/etc food?" = "you want a chinese/Indian/italian/etc?"
• we tend to just drop words off In sentences because the person were talking to probably already understands what we mean and because like I said we're lazy
• British accents also vary so much!!! Even if you're from the same street you'll probably have a different accent and we also swear a lot, we also use a bunch of mixed slang as thete are people from everywhere over here (poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Lithuania, india named from just my class)
• Irish travellers are also really common so their would probably be a few in recruitment  idk why people dont add Irish people to their fics ?? maybe they fear putting Scotts and irish people together (watch big fat gypsy wedding for more insight I used to love that show)
• Aussies understand us pretty well (shout out to my uncle Andy) a lot of our language dialects are pretty similar and our humour is both pretty dry and blunt
• also British people dont care for like anything?? Even tho we have free healthcare most of us just slap a wet paper towel on it and call it a day. The most reaction you'll get is a room temperature ice pack
• british teeth are also something that Americans dont really understand since we have free healthcare but I'll they to simplify it. our Healthcare is free and so is dental care but only if you're younger than 16 except for check ups etc and unfortunately alot of us are born into low income households whose parents are a)mentally unwell b) physically unwell c) involved with drugs or are just simply neglectful so that means a lot of us arent taken to the dentist and by the time we are old enough to take ourselves we would have to pay for it and some of us just dont have the money for things like braces
• also I really want to see someone include chavs/roadmen in their stories because i think it would be funny plus some of them are really nice and genuinely curious when asking
• there are things called council houses/ council estates and they arent the nicest places to live and are usually not in the best shape but it's a place to sleep, most of the people who live there are usually people who live on benefits and are really lovely (might be biased I used to live in one tho), you usually have to top up on gas and electric every so often via a card (gas) and a key (for electric) usually able to get these topped up from you local corner shop
• alot of the nosies we make are as if we're cave men
*throws paper ball into trash*
Anyone in a 5mile radius: WOOOOO
• we also make up chants alot?? Idk why but we're just a musical country usually has something about your mum, your nan, a nonce, or one of the many other british wonders *nonce = pedo
• our beauty standards are a lot less extreme like theres obviously beauty standards but there are a lot more regular looking people on tv over here rather than supermodels ?? I've been to America and some of the people on tv you'd swear they were made in a factory for hot people only. Let people be regular
• British tv has a commercial every 15 minutes or so and our commercials dont offer lawyers or medication, some our commercials have songs, silly gags in them or are terrifying (check out: money supermarket, the antibiotic song, the meerkat adverts just to name a few)
• our eggs are orange not yellow
•our sandwiches have butter on them (not all but most) + brits arent much of foodies we just eat to survive really especially during the cost of living
• our drinking culture is a big thing over here, a lot of us start drinking around 13
• we have stores like asda, tesco, lidl, aldi, iceland, sainsburys and big Tesco, corner shops are really common depending on if they're owned by a large company or not some of them arent in perfect shape and are run my people from other countries but they have good stuff so who cares about how they look
• you have to be 16 to buy an energy drink and 18 to buy alcohol/ cigarettes
• outside cats are a thing, they're not homeless they just come as they go
• for some reason people are really classist?? Because how dare the poor be alive, and I'm not talking about just rich people being bad to the poor if you have bad living conditions expect to be made fun of by other low income people 💀 you'll be lucky if yoire funny because otherwise you will just be getting bullied.
•our weather is pretty much grey, our grass is almost never fully green and usually patchy, our summers are so hot they cause wild fires because we have no humidity and no air con, our winters are a hit or miss either too cold or a regular day
• tv shows that most of us call soaps: eastenders, coronation street, emmadale and hollyoaks
• some uk shows, naked attraction, snog marry avoid, friday night dinner, bad education, plebs, come dine with me, him & her, some girls, the Keith lemon show, gavin and stacey, not british but Derry girls, inbetweeners, anything with philomena cunk in it, the great british bake off
• Some documentaries (ish) for those who love information: old people homes for four year old, emergency, educating greater Manchester, educating Cardiff, poor kids, anything with stacey Dooley or louis theroux in
• it's kinda hard to describe the uk to someone whose never witnessed or experienced it.
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nicromancytarot · 29 days
All I do on this app is complain.
Hello and welcome to part 2 of me possibly being scammed?? (I feel like this is deserved now, am I just really unlucky or something?)
16th of March @samisinsomniac messaged me for an exchange, I gave them their reading the next day 500 words as I mentioned I preferred, they responded with my reading the next day too, only with around 200 words, but I was thankful nonetheless!
I gave them a thank you, and some feedback on the reading, they also gave me a little bit of feedback for the one I gave to them.
On the 30th of March they messaged me again for some clarity on a situation through another exchange.
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I got to their’s as soon as I could (which was immediately since I wasn’t busy that day), they were busy, but that’s ok, they said they would give mine to me by 10pm Indian standard time. India is 5 hours ahead of me, as I am set in the UK.
I proceeded to give their reading to them, 500 words as before, not only did I not receive any thank you, I also didn’t receive feedback. If you’re a Tarot reader, you will understand how crucial feedback is for us to better our talent and improve our work, and they know this very well, as they even mentioned to me during our first exchange for me to let them know how it resonates, and leave some feedback in their ask box.
To make matters worse, they did not give me my reading by 10pm IST. (It’s getting realll)
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Here is their response to my reading, the blocked off part is me explaining the person’s feelings for them, I don’t want to put anyone’s personal information on blast, which is why that is covered.
They then said that they would send the reading to me that evening.
It was not delivered by that time either. DUH DUH DUH
I messaged them a tad worried, perhaps they’d been hit by a car and I was just being mad for no reason. They let me know that they had a medical issue, which made me feel evil for pacing my room in anticipation (I didn’t actually do that, only inside my mind palace)
Finally, I received my reading! It was… 200 words, but alas! At least I got it and everyone is alive.
Now the average person would take this as a lesson not to exchange again, just in case they get caught up with another medical issue you know, or maybe the reading is short. (Which ever one is worse. IM KIDDING)
They had a birthday! Turned 18, that’s great, I’m also 18, they messaged me about it, then asked me if I did 18+ readings.
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Sometimes I lack context clues, but personally I feel like my confusion here is pretty valid. Plus! Their profile said they don’t do 18+, I’m very valid in my confusion.
Anyways! They ask for my question, I give it, then they give me theirs, they ask if it’s ok, I let them know it is.
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But I was hungry and needed to shower, so I also let them know that.
They were doing my reading at 7:26pm, I got out my shower at 10:48pm…. somethings not adding up! So I sent a little message, letting them know about my recent scam, and how I did not want to get scammed again so they would have to send it first.
However, they have not responded, it’s been 3 days, since they apparently started my reading? Now I’m no Tarot Goddess, but I’m pretty sure you would be done with a reading by day 3.
Listen, I don’t wanna fight or argue, I’m just a little funny guy who does Tarot, no fight in me, you message me in caps and I think I’ll cry.
This is not to cause an argument, or to throw hands at anybody, I just don’t like being lied to or taking advantage of as a smaller Tarot reader.
It’s only been 3 days, I was planning on waiting longer to post this, however I feel like now is fine as I’ve clearly been lied to about when they started their reading, which I’m not sure if it was to receive theirs early from me, I got no clue dude, what I do know is I am really tired of people doing this to me, please stop, before I actually cast a spell for you to clip into the back rooms.
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Scammers: 2 Nicromancy: 0
Please stop scamming me, you’re embarrassing me in front of my spirit guides. 😔
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bcacstuff · 1 year
Still think Sam will spend a lot of time UK/EUR before OL shoots in Aug. He's been following several European bike enthusiasts, 2 Frenxh women in particular. MIK3 needs to help intro BOMB and a tour of the Fraser French historical lands is the ticket. Plus GMTs new wife coukd serve as co-exec producer with her new husband. Road trip around 🇫🇷 is the most logical next step.
MIK3!!! OMG, we haven't seen anything about releasing MIK2 at this point! Only the 'soon-ish' and 'it's ready'.
And no, if, and that's a big IF, there's going to be filming of MIK3 I don't think France. Either it'll be the US, or, as S expressed a number of times before, he'd like to do it in India or somewhere in Asia. But I think we've yet to see the release of MIK2 before MIK3 gets even approved.
BTW. Again, his followings and where they are located doesn't say much about his whereabouts or where he might go. He has also been following bike accounts in Amsterdam and other places.
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dhaaruni · 11 months
ugh the european sizes post is SO TRUE. i lived in europe for a couple of years as a size 8 girl with boobs and an ass and lemme tell you, shopping for clothes felt like i was committing a crime by merely existing 😭😭😭 buying cute and well-fitted dresses/tops/skirts was impossible. i also have a friend from India who travels a lot for her job and she saves her entire "western clothes" yearly shopping budget for her US trips bc acc to her as plus size girl she can't get that kind of proper fit, variety in styles and good quality anywhere else, including India! apparently a lot of western clothing brands in India traditionally ape the UK/Europe in terms of size and fit. absolutely insane bc indian body types run to the curvy, even if you're size 4 or less, these european sized clothes might "fit" technically but won't look good bc they'll be too tight here and too loose there. i believe its getting better now but its still US brands supremacy if you're a remotely curvy or fat girl!
It makes me SO self-conscious trying to shop with European designers like no, I do not have a 25" bust, thanks for playing. The thing is, I'm a small person and at high end American places like Marc Jacobs and more mid-end stores like JCrew, I'm a 4 or MAYBE a 6, even while I also have DDs, and that simply doesn't carry over into Euro sizes because they're apparently convinced that no women exist who are over a size 2 and a B-cup.
Christian Siriano is a designer who really GETS women's bodies like he understands that a woman who's my size will have relatively narrow shoulders even if she has big boobs so he makes his blazers have room in the chest to stretch without making them way wider. I simply can't just buy a size 12 and tailor down because it'll look super boxy and I'm not paying hundreds of dollars to tailor every item of clothing I own.
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chatsenior461 · 2 years
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vro0m · 18 days
You know what no one’s talking about?? if Red bull will keep perez without Newey. I don’t imagine they’ll decline immediately but there’ll definitely be effects(the grid might become closer firstly if Newey decides to go to another team) I know people try to downplay Newey’s involvement, ofcourse it’s a team effort but the thing about being the best is you’re also able to select the best/extract the best from the people around you. Hard as it is to believe atm, Mercedes has great engineers, I personally don’t think (and people can’t talk critically without someone saying you’re being a hater but i digress) Antonelli, however good he is will blow us away right off the bat. it’ll be great if he proves me wrong but everyone needs to be serious a bit. my point is if he goes to merc, Adrian would have great engineers with a guaranteed driver 1 and 2 which is imo the best recipe for success (some may disagree but i think so plus Newey loves a politics free, or as little involvement as he has to, environment and you get that in a 1-2 pairing). Red Bull will have only Max. Ferrari has momentum atm, he’ll again bring out the best from what they have going and they’ll have 2 great drivers in lewis and Charles. Again Red Bull will have only Max.
Red bull atm are not fighting anyone but themselves, their goal is to get as many 1-2 finishes as possible. Max dnfd in Australia and Perez couldn’t win the race. If Adrian decides to build a replica of RB20 for merc or Ferrari, red bull is going to have a problem with the current pairing. unless of course max leaves and they have to reshuffle everything, still perez is the one in the most danger.
(Now Adrian, I personally roll my eyes at location being a serious factor, if he really wants ferrari and vise versa, and that’s his problem, they’ll build him an office right there in UK, they did it before with John Barnard. Elkan broke the bank for Lewis, i’m sure he can search under the couch for some change to build that office… newey has allegedly turned down big Saudi money of Aston Martin so that’s not his problem, i think it’s all down to comfort to build and race his other cars, challenge/satisfaction for him, bring glory back to ferrari or prove yet again and again that you’re invincible when you go to merc and inevitably turn things around. And gardening leave, pshhhh, in the age of face time and virtual communication will adrian really sit for months with no “delete that front wing”. he may sit for a while with his boating and racing as he went to do some weeks ago with ferrari and i think Mclaren and decide “hang on i actually like not doing anything, I hate the traveling”. That’s why i think he’s retiring. if not, I’m leaning towards merc simply cuz)
P.S I think I should also add this is not me looking down on perez or something, I think Adrian likes Perez in his own way, just the way he liked Webber and webber couldn’t even drive his own car like Seb did. Heikki also couldn’t drive same car as lewis. Controversial maybe but imo, Daniel and Lando. Doesn’t mean these guys aren’t good drivers, it’s just easier for the public to dismiss drivers. Perez did well in force india. He’s a solid driver he’s just not in the right position imo. Wherever Newey goes, it’ll be Max following him and Perez being in danger.
I'm gonna be honest Anon I don't really see what Newey leaving or staying has to do with Pérez leaving or staying. If Newey moves he allegedly has to spend 1 year out before he can start working with another team and even then changes he could make wouldn't happen overnight so the potential effect on the grid of Newey potentially changing teams would take a looong while to manifest. And despite what you're saying gardening leave isn't something you can just otp out of to jump on zoom to work with another team. It's a legal matter.
I also don't think a driver 1vs2 type of management is politics free AT ALL + how do you know Newey likes a politics free environment??? Like I'll admit I'm not as well informed on the RedBull dynamics as I think I am on Merc but do we really know him like that? + I don't think he is as involved in the politics as some of you seem to think btw because he's. An engineer. He's not managing the team. He's not making the political decisions? Newey's opinion of the drivers is irrelevant.
Btw you're not talking about that here but I've received a few asks linking him to the supposed internal struggle between Marko and Horner but uhhh he's not at all on the same decisional level as these two guys. I've seen and read nothing that implies he wants anything to do with that battle except allegedly getting far away from it. This really has nothing to do with him tbh.
Anyway. RedBull won't only have Max? They'll have two drivers like everyone else. Even if one of them isn't as good as the other that's still two drivers.
Yeah idek how to answer this anymore it's just. You have a lot of opinions, I guess. Not too sure what they're based on to be really honest with you.
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katiajewelbox · 2 months
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Women’s History Month March 2024
Discover a bouquet of women botanists and plant scientists from history!
Barbara McClintock
Why does Native American flint corn (Zea mays) often have a multicoloured mosaic pattern of kernel colours? The biological answer is transposons or “jumping genes”! Dr. Barbara McClintock (June 16, 1902 – September 2, 1992) was the American cytogeneticist who discovered that certain genetic loci can change position on chromosomes, a phenomenon called “transposition”, using multicoloured corn as the model organism between 1948 and 1950. McClintock courageously pursued her calling as a biologist despite societal attitudes discriminating against women in scientific careers. She went on to win the 1983 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for her work on transposons.
Janaki Ammal
The first woman to earn a PhD in botany at a university in the USA was actually from India! Janaki Ammal (4 November 1897 – 7 February 1984) was born in Kerala, India, to a family of civil servants. She travelled to the USA via scholarships for Asian students and earned both a Masters degree and PhD from the University of Michigan by 1931. At the John Innes Centre in the UK, she co-authored the Chromosome Atlas of Cultivated Plants (1945). Later in her career she worked on breeding superior varieties of sugarcane and eggplant in her home country.
Estelle Leopold
A botanist interested in both the past and the future of plant life, Estelle Leopold (January 8, 1927 – February 25, 2024) pioneered the use of fossilised pollen and spores to document environmental changes over vast time periods. Her research uncovered connections between climate change and evolution plus extinction of plant species, including trends of the central regions of continents experiencing more species turnover than coastal areas. Her work as a conservationist led to the protection of the Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument in Colorado, and she also helped prevent the building of dams in the Grand Canyon as well as oil shale development and the transport of nuclear waste in the Pacific Northwest.
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marketinsight1234 · 2 months
Bottled Water Market: Global Industry Analysis and Forecast 2023 – 2030
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Global Bottled Market size was valued at USD 323.99 billion in 2022 and is projected to reach USD 527.26 Billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 5.56 %from 2023 to 2030.
The bottled water industry originated in the late 18th century with mineral water sales in Europe, evolving now with eco-friendly packaging, advanced purification, and a consumer focus on sustainability and tap water awareness.
The bottled water market to the industry segment that involves the production, packaging, and distribution of drinking water that is intended for consumption and sold in sealed containers, typically made of plastic, glass, or other materials. Types of bottled drinking water in the market are Spring water bottled drinking water, Mineral water, Purified water bottled, Alkaline water bottled, Sparkling water bottled, and Electrolyte-enhanced water bottled. this packaged water is sold to consumers through various retail channels such as supermarkets, convenience stores, vending machines, and online platforms.
Get Full PDF Sample Copy of Report: (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Chart) @
The latest research on the Bottled Water market provides a comprehensive overview of the market for the years 2023 to 2030. It gives a comprehensive picture of the global Bottled Water industry, considering all significant industry trends, market dynamics, competitive landscape, and market analysis tools such as Porter's five forces analysis, Industry Value chain analysis, and PESTEL analysis of the Bottled Water market. Moreover, the report includes significant chapters such as Patent Analysis, Regulatory Framework, Technology Roadmap, BCG Matrix, Heat Map Analysis, Price Trend Analysis, and Investment Analysis which help to understand the market direction and movement in the current and upcoming years. The report is designed to help readers find information and make decisions that will help them grow their businesses. The study is written with a specific goal in mind: to give business insights and consultancy to help customers make smart business decisions and achieve long-term success in their particular market areas.
Leading players involved in the Bottled Water Market include:
Bisleri International(India), Nestlé(Switzerland), PepsiCo (United States), The Coca-Cola Company (United States), DANONE (France), Primo Water Corporation (United States), Gerolsteiner Brunnen (Germany), Tata Consumer Products (India), VOSS WATER (US), Nongfu Spring (China), National Beverage Corp. (US), Qua Mineral Water (India), Tata Water Plus (India), Rail Neer (India), Ferrarelle Spa (Italy), Fonti di Vinadio SpA (Italy), Suntory beverage (Japan), Mountain Valley Spring (US), CG Roxane (US), Fiji water (US), Keurig Dr Pepper Inc. (US) and Other Major Player. 
If You Have Any Query Bottled Water Market Report, Visit:
Segmentation of Bottled Water Market:
By Type
Mineral water
Spring water
Sparkling water
Flavoured water.
By Packaging
Polyethylene terephthalate
High-density polyethylene
By Distribution Channel
Convenience Stores
By Regions: -
North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Rest of Eastern Europe)
Western Europe (Germany, UK, France, Netherlands, Italy, Russia, Spain, Rest of Western Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, The Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of APAC)
Middle East & Africa (Turkey, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Israel, South Africa)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of SA)
What to Expect in Our Report?
(1) A complete section of the Bottled Water market report is dedicated for market dynamics, which include influence factors, market drivers, challenges, opportunities, and trends.
(2) Another broad section of the research study is reserved for regional analysis of the Bottled Water market where important regions and countries are assessed for their growth potential, consumption, market share, and other vital factors indicating their market growth.
(3) Players can use the competitive analysis provided in the report to build new strategies or fine-tune their existing ones to rise above market challenges and increase their share of the Bottled Water market.
(4) The report also discusses competitive situation and trends and sheds light on company expansions and merger and acquisition taking place in the Bottled Water market. Moreover, it brings to light the market concentration rate and market shares of top three and five players.
(5) Readers are provided with findings and conclusion of the research study provided in the Bottled Water Market report.
Our study encompasses major growth determinants and drivers, along with extensive segmentation areas. Through in-depth analysis of supply and sales channels, including upstream and downstream fundamentals, we present a complete market ecosystem.
If you require any specific information that is not covered currently within the scope of the report, we will provide the same as a part of the customization.
Acquire This Reports: -
About us:
Introspective Market Research (introspectivemarketresearch.com) is a visionary research consulting firm dedicated to assisting our clients to grow and have a successful impact on the market. Our team at IMR is ready to assist our clients to flourish their business by offering strategies to gain success and monopoly in their respective fields. We are a global market research company, that specializes in using big data and advanced analytics to show the bigger picture of the market trends. We help our clients to think differently and build better tomorrow for all of us. We are a technology-driven research company, we analyse extremely large sets of data to discover deeper insights and provide conclusive consulting. We not only provide intelligence solutions, but we help our clients in how they can achieve their goals.
Contact us:
Introspective Market Research
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Chicago, Illinois
60616 USA
Ph no: +1-773-382-1047
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askmeassignment12 · 2 months
Lock to Success: Tips and Tricks to Prepare Excellent Assignments in UK Universities
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Are you a student gearing up for the challenge of writing assignments at a UK university? Fear not! In this blog post, we'll guide you through some valuable tips and tricks to help you ace your assignments with flying colors. Plus, we'll shed light on the importance of seeking professional assistance from an assignment writing service in India. Read on to discover the secrets to assignment excellence!
1. Understand the Assignment Brief:
Before diving into your assignment, take a moment to carefully read and understand the assignment brief. Identify key requirements such as the topic, word count, formatting, and any specific guidelines provided by your professor. This initial step is crucial for setting the right tone and direction for your work.
2. Plan Your Time Wisely:
Effective time management is the key to success. Break down your assignment into smaller tasks, create a realistic timeline, and allocate specific time slots for each stage of the writing process. This approach will help you stay organized and reduce the stress associated with looming deadlines.
3. Conduct Thorough Research:
Gather relevant and reliable sources to support your arguments. Utilize academic databases, library resources, and credible websites. Take notes, cite your sources, and ensure that your information is up-to-date. A well-researched assignment adds depth and credibility to your work.
4. Craft a Strong Thesis Statement:
Your thesis statement is the backbone of your assignment. Clearly articulate your main argument or point of view. This will serve as a guide for the reader and keep your writing focused and coherent.
5. Structure Matters:
Organize your assignment into a clear and logical structure. Start with an engaging introduction, followed by well-organized body paragraphs, and conclude with a concise summary. Use headings and subheadings to enhance readability and make your arguments more digestible.
6. Revise and Edit:
Don't underestimate the power of revising and editing. Review your assignment for coherence, clarity, and grammar. Check for any spelling mistakes or typos. Consider seeking feedback from peers or instructors to gain valuable insights and improve the overall quality of your work.
7. Assignment Writing Service in India – Your Secret Weapon:
When facing challenges or time constraints, consider leveraging the expertise of an assignment writing service in India. These services offer professional assistance, ensuring that your assignment meets high academic standards. By utilizing such services, you can benefit from the experience of seasoned writers and secure top-notch results.
Why Choose an Assignment Writing Service in India?
Quality Assurance: Skilled writers ensure top-notch quality.
Timely Delivery: Meet your deadlines with confidence.
Customized Solutions: Tailored to your specific requirements.
Plagiarism-Free Content: Originality is guaranteed.
Confidentiality: Your information is kept secure and private.
Mastering the art of assignment writing for UK universities requires careful planning, research, and effective communication. By incorporating these tips and considering the support of an assignment writing service in India, you can enhance your chances of success. Happy writing! If you are  searching for an askmeassignment that values your success, look no further. We’re here to empower you on your academic journey. Trust us to transform your academic challenges into opportunities for growth and learning. Let’s work together to achieve your goals with confidence and ease. Welcome to your academic success story!
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customsweaterproducer · 4 months
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businessadvisorrobert · 5 months
Top 3 Handyman Apps Like Uber Simple Steps to Create One
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Day to day, our fast-paced work life keeps us engaged with tasks. We find not enough time to handle the everyday problems that must be addressed immediately.    
That’s why the anticipation is rising extremely for handyman apps that solve these pain points. 
There are top handyman app like Uber, which are widely used by individuals to manage daily tasks. 
In this blog, we are going to learn two things: about the best handyman apps and the steps to develop one. 
Ready? Let’s get started.
Top 3 Handman Apps in The Market:
1. TaskRabbit:
TaskRabbit is a San Fransisco-based handyman services company founded by Leah Busque in 2008. It was used by over 10L users and received a service rating of 3.9. It is available on Android and iOS platforms. 
TaskRabbit is known for its capability to send taskers instantly for jobs such as home repairs, cleaning, furniture assembly, car repair, and more. Currently, its services are obtainable in the US, Canada, the UK, Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Monaco, and  Germany.     
2. Thumbtack:
An American home service website, Thumbtack was founded by Marco Zappacosta, Jonathan Swanson, Sander Daniels, and Jeremy Tunnell. The 2008 established company offers home improvements, health, pet care, finances, tutoring, and many more services.  
Over 10L users use the Thumbtack app, which is downloadable on Android and iOS platforms. Its handyman services have received a 4.3 rating from users. 
3. Urban Company:
The India-based handyman services app, Urban Company (formerly Urban Clap), was founded by Abhiraj Bhal, Varun Khaitan, and Raghav Chandra in 2014. It has been operating in over 54 cities in India including global cities such as Singapore, Sydney, Dubai, and Abudhabi. 
It offers a variety of do-it-yourselfer services - home repairs, beauty & wellness, cleaning, electrical, plumbing, etc.  Available on both Android and iOS, Urban Company has 1Cr+ downloads and obtained 4.7 user ratings for its services. 
Want to develop such a successful handyman services app? You are on the right page to learn how to develop one. Follow the below-listed steps to create a handyman app like Uber.   
Steps to Develop a Handyman App Like Uber:
1. Get a worthwhile business idea:
To start a successful Uber for Handyman app business, you need a practical idea. If you take the market, there are so many players providing handyman services. To compete with them, you need a unique strategy to attract customers. Find out the benefits (your competitors failed to discover) that you can provide to the market. 
2. Hire the app development company:   
Once you find the idea to thrive in the market, it’s time to give life to the idea by hiring the handyman app development company. The team should consist of a project manager, business analyst, designer, developer, and testers. Carefully hire a team who can understand your project and work on it.
3. Test and Launch:
After the app development has reached the conclusion stage, you have to test the Handyman app to ensure it is ready to launch. Plus, this testing phase will also help you ensure the app works appropriately. When you are confident with the app, you can deploy it in app marketplaces and start the business.  
If you are in the mind of starting Uber for handyman business, chalk out a business plan. Then find the team to develop the app, and launch it to start a business. Choose the customizable handyman software that consists of all the features required to run a handyman business. If you need more help in the handyman app development, contact us.  
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jayanthitbrc · 6 months
Exploring the Global Digitally Printed Wallpaper Market: Growth Analysis and Key Drivers
The Digitally Printed Wallpaper Global Market Report 2023, provides comprehensive information on the digitally printed wallpaper market across 60+ geographies in the seven regions - Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa for the 27 major global industries. The report covers a ten year historic period – 2010-2021, and a ten year forecast period – 2023-2032.
Learn More On The Digitally Printed Wallpaper Market’s Growth:
The global digitally printed wallpaper market size is expected to grow from $7.26 billion in 2022 to $8.13 billion in 2023 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.98%. The Russia-Ukraine war disrupted the chances of global economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, at least in the short term. The war between these two countries has led to economic sanctions on multiple countries, a surge in commodity prices, and supply chain disruptions, and affecting many every market across the globe. The global digitally printed wallpaper market size is expected to reach $13.31 billion in 2027 at a CAGR of 13.12%.
Get A Free Sample Of The Report (Includes Graphs And Tables):
Technological advancement is a key trend gaining popularity in digitally printed wallpapers. Major companies operating in the manufacturing of digital products are focused on developing technological advancements to strengthen their position in the market. For Instance, In June 2021, ColorJet Group, an India-based manufacturer of digital textile and inkjet printers, introduced SONIQ HQ PLUS, a high-quality printing machine for large format Eco Solvent printing. SONIQ HQ PLUS is a model of sustainability which offers green printing that incorporates GreenTech® and BioPrintTM technologies to provide environmentally responsible printing solutions by printing on biodegradable and 100% recyclable fabric media. It is powered by cutting-edge technology that streamlines procedures and ensures a continuous flow of work using Forefront Gantry Precision (FGP) technology enabling exceptionally low deviation from jet to bed distance (0.1mm) across the printing span, resulting in consistent print quality. Its edge excellence aids in the seamless transition of carriage direction, resulting in less jerk and less wear and tear and eventually increasing machine life. Its airflow resistor guarantees that airflow is controlled.
The digitally printed wallpaper market is segmented:
1) By Substrate: Nonwoven, Paper, Other Substrates
2) By Printing Technology: Inkjet, Electrophotography
3) By End-User: Residential, Commercial, Automotive And Transportation
North America was the largest region in the digitally printed wallpaper market in 2022.
The table of contents in TBRC’s digitally printed wallpaper market report includes:
1. Executive Summary
2. Digitally Printed Wallpaper Market Characteristics
3. Digitally Printed Wallpaper Market Trends And Strategies
4. Digitally Printed Wallpaper Market - Macro Economic Scenario. ……...
28. Key Mergers And Acquisitions In The Digitally Printed Wallpaper Market
29. Digitally Printed Wallpaper Market Future Outlook and Potential Analysis
30. Appendix
Learn About Us:  The Business Research Company is a market intelligence firm that pioneers in market, company, and consumer research. TBRC’s specialist consultants are located globally and are experts in a wide range of industries that include healthcare, manufacturing, financial services, chemicals, and technology. The firm has offices located in the UK, the US, and India, along with a network of proficient researchers in 28 countries. Through the report businesses can gain a thorough understanding of the market’s size, growth rate, major drivers and leading players.
Contact Us:  The Business Research Company  Europe: +44 207 1930 708
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onlinesikhstore · 6 months
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Khalsa Sarbloh Punjabi Sikh Singh Kaur Dumala Shastar Double Chakar Armour RM UNISEX Sarbloh Punjabi Sikh Singh Dumala Shastars Double Chakar Khanda with hanging bits - Armour Gift Photo shows front and back of same Chand. Sale will include only one item. Design may slightly differ (subject to availability) Design No. RM Size: Width approx 5cm Length of chand with khanda is approx 10cm Total Length with hanging bits is 15cm Handmade sarbloh Double Chand Khanda to wear on Dumala with the help of tora wire/string. We have Toras and Chands for sale in our eBay shop. Please have a look. This Dumala accessory is made by hand by using traditional methods of making Sikh Shashtars and artefacts in the holy city of Amritsar sahib ji (The Pious land of Golden Temple/Darabar Sahib/Harmandir Sahib Ji). Brilliant quality. Sign up for my email newsletters by adding my eBay Shop to your favourites. We are the only seller on eBay who stocks this item and will dispatch immediately from our store located in Rochester, Kent, UK. We are the largest stockist of Sikh Karas and Sarbloh items in UK. We have Sarbloh utensils as well please message for more details. If there is any particular Sikh item you are looking at please text/call/imo or whatsapp us at 0044 744 868 1636 Ideal gift item for loved ones on all occasions and festivals. Please note we are the only SELLER on eBay who stock this item in UK. Check out my other items!Be sure to add me to your favourites list! Please see photos for more details. Free Funky Looking Gift Bag will be Provided with all our items. We OnlineSikhStore are a UK based supplier of Sikh/Hindu Religious items. . We have 100% positive feedback. Please buy with confidence and check our other fantastic listings. If you are not happy with your purchase we will give you 100% refund on return of item. No hard and fast rules for refunds and returns. Free Royal Mail Economy Postage in UK + 1st Class postage at a very reasonable price. Very Reasonable International Postage + Postage discounts will be given to International buyers for multi-buys. Buyers may also arrange and pay their own postage from RoyalMail.co.uk or other courier services (like collect plus, myhermes and ipostparcels etc.) and can send us a link to print the online prepaid postage for their items. P.S. Colour of item may slightly vary due to camera flash and light conditions. Please note Sarbloh items are made by using traditional methods of making sikh items/artefacts and machines are not used at all or very less. These items may have rust present which is the characteristic of Sarbloh/Pure Iron. Scruff marks/few rub marks may be present as its seen in all Sarbloh items. We believe this is a characteristic of Sikh Sarbloh items as Sarbloh items are for warriors and suits best only to strong hands/persons not to delicate and tender people. Gender: Unisex Design No.: RM Modified Item: No Country/Region of Manufacture: India Main Material/ Metal: Sarbloh - Pure Iron (Steel) Type: Dumala Shingar Main Colour: Sarbloh - Pure Iron Colour Ethnic & Regional Style: Asian https://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=2&pub=5575123674&toolid=10001&campid=5337687501&customid=61267dde4d26db3e4b1f0590&icep_item=274080043488&ipn=psmain&icep_vectorid=229466&kwid=902099&mtid=824&kw=lg
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jsbsam · 7 months
Here we go again!
It's nearly 8 years since Carmen, the Mad Malterer (MM) and I, Stern John (SJ) set out on our 8 month round the world backpacking trip and recorded our ups and downs in "Around the World in 80 Arguments" (www.tumblr.com/jsbwt). Since then we've revisited India, Sri Lanka, Australia and South Africa before Covid got in the way and put a stop to our travels and my meanderings. However, as you know, nothing stops MM when she's on a mission and she's been pestering me for some considerable time to set up a trip to backpack through South America as she's always wanted to visit Machu Picchu, or Michie Pichie as she insists on calling it.
As usual, she's got her own way so our back packs are packed and we set off tomorrow morning at 3.30am to catch a flight to Madrid from Heathrow. At Madrid, we'll catch a connecting flight to Lima in Peru which should arrive there around 19.00 local time, midnight UK time. It'll be a long day and I'm not sure that my extremely rudimentary spanish (4 weeks on Duolingo) will hold out when we arrive in Lima and have to find our way to our hotel.
This is going to be a fairly full-on trip. In fact I think we might need a holiday when we get back. After a couple of days recuperating in Lima we will fly up to Cusco (11,152ft) for 2 days to acclimatise to the altitude before getting up at 4.00am and undertaking a 10 hour Inca Trail trek to Machu Picchu. The next day we will have a 6am start to re-visit the Machu Picchu site at sunrise (another bloody sunrise!).
Having got that out of the way we'll travel to Puno (12,500ft) and visit Lake Titicaca before crossing into Bolivia and travelling to La Paz, the highest capital city in the world (12,000 ft). From there we'll fly to Sucre and then Potosi before getting ourselves to Uyuni where we'll do a 3 day, 4 wheel drive crossing of the Salar de Uyuni (the Bolivian Salt Flats) at 12,000ft too. From there we'll cross the border into Chile at Hito Cajon and head for San Pedro de Atacama where we can take the bus to Calama to catch our flight to Santiago. Whilst in Santiago we'll take a trip to Valparaiso before crossing into Argentina and down to San Carlos de Bariloche in Patagonia before flying up to Beunos Aires, where we intend to Tango!, and then home.
Having read that back, it sounds as though I have a plan. However, other than the internal flights everything else is "on the hoof". Plus, it's difficult to know what to take with you as the weather is so changeable. We need warm gear, cold gear, wet gear and proper leather hiking boots - not easy when all you've got is a backpack.
On top of all that is the disrupter that is MM!
What could possibly go wrong?
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