#If you like these headcanons. that's good for you. pop off bestie. this is just a personally opinion of mine lol
blondeaxolotl · 1 month
idk if you'd consider this an unpopular opinion, probably not, but lord I do NOT like yandere headcanons for characters at all, for any characters actually. But I'm talking especially if it's for characters like Elizabeth, like???? This girl would cry herself to sleep if she accidentally insulted someone she cares deeply about, I don't think she could even imagine herself being aggressively possessive and obsessive towards someone without her locking herself in her own room because she'd feel so ashamed of herself. Her whole thing is that she wants to protect the ones she loves from harm, not force them to stay with her and prevent them from living free and happy, that'd literally be harming them. Pretty sure Lizzy would apologize to the person for even having this thought and they'd stand there confused like "h u h" while she stares at them like that sad teary-eyed hamster meme
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httpiastri · 4 months
I need an opinion on a thought that’s been brewing and as saviour of the Paul girlies i think you may be the only one for the job…
Yeah ima just spit it out : Paul Aron size kink
I could leave it there however i simply do not want to I have too many thoughts, i mean obviously First his hands like oh my god??? How FUCKING TALL he is, how fucking built, also his back omg it is so big and I am SO attracted to it like honestly i could take the best nap of my life on there!!!!!! WEARING HOS CLOTHES!!!!!! And he just feels all protective and territorial because he never realised how much smaller than him you were till he sees you wearing his clothes making them look huge!!!! Him realising that it’s making him feel some kinda way iykwim cause he’s literally so much bigger and stronger, and not only is he bigger and stronger but also you trust him so fully anyway (please dont feel any pressure to respond if you dont wanna, and verry sorry about my English lol)
bestie you’re doing god’s work 🙏 thank you SO much for this oh my god. my brain stopped working for quite some time because i loved this too much. i love you, whoever you are <3<3
(headcanons are under the cut because yes, i went a little overboard. but as i said, i loved this too much......guys pls keep the paul asks incoming, they're literally making my days)
(oh and 18+ below. 😁)
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– when he starts to realize how big his hands look on you, he won't be able to keep them away from you. he's always got a hand on your body.
– he's driving? a hand on your thigh. you're in public? a hand wrapped around your waist. out with friends? your hand is intertwined with his, no questions asked.
– when holding your hands, he's so surprised every time. he forgets that your hands are that small and the way that his fingers fill the gaps between yours makes him feel so special.
– he loves the way it looks when his hands wrap around the inside of your thighs, and how easy it is for him to pry your legs apart. his palms cover up most of your skin, fingers fitting right along your curves and folds.
– he loves holding both of your wrists in just one of his hands above your head as the other palms your bare ribs. he loves wrapping a hand around your neck, his thumb brushing up and down the front of your throat, feeling your pulse and breaths under his finger. he loves the way he can grab so much of your hair in just one hand.
– he loves using his hands and fingers to rile you up, to pleasure you, to make you feel so so good.
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– the first time he saw you wearing his clothes, he almost combusted. his eyes widened so big you thought they would pop out of their sockets…
– it made him realize just how much bigger he is. like, he knew he was tall, but is the difference really THIS big? when he sees you wearing that hoodie of his that's been getting kind of tight recently when he's been putting in some extra work in he gym, and it's so long on you it meets the middle of your thighs, he's swept off his feet. he almost doesn't believe it.
– of course, after that, he thinks he's going to be a little sneaky about it and 'forget' clothes at your place every once in a while. the first time it happens, you text him like "hey, your sweater is here, do you want me to bring it over?" but he tells you it's no stress and that you can keep it for a while… and it makes you suspicious at first, until you realize what he's doing.
– and of course, you can't help but give in to the temptation. you do want to wear his clothes, too, after all. so the next time he comes over, you're wearing said sweatshirt, and his jaw practically drops to the floor when you open the door for him and you're looking up at him with those sweet, innocent eyes.
– so after that, it becomes a habit. he's got a bunch of clothes at your place, and you love wearing them. and when he wears a shirt he's seen you wear, he always feels a bit special. "she looked so tiny in this… but it fits me so well…"
– he gets so protective in some way, because he suddenly sees you as someone so small and in need of protection. he never wants anything or anyone to bother his sweet little baby ever again.
– and it's not just shirts, but also sweatpants and most other clothes too. whenever you're out and you 'forget' to bring a jacket of your own, he always offers you his. and you always practically drown in the material, making his heart flutter so hard.
– i also think he would freak out if you wore his boxers… (in a good way)
– he would get so so riled up if you wore his clothes but nothing underneath. like a long hoodie but with no pants, or a white t-shirt without a bra…
– he would not survive for long.
– oh and he loves to fuck you in his clothes. but that's a story for another time. :)
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– istg his chest muscles are thicker than the pillows i sleep on…
– anyway
– naps on him would be so good. idk about you all but i love sleeping on hard mattresses 🤭
– he would love having you lie on him. your cheek pressed to his big chest, skin on skin, your soft breath on his neck making him feel so warm inside. feeling his chest rising and lowering as he breathes, your fingers absentmindedly drawing little figures into his skin.
– or why not lie on his back? his shoulders are so broad and he's so tall that most of your body would fit on his back. very cozy.
– and oh my god, giving him back massages. jesus christ, he would go crazy.
– your little hands, your pretty little fingers brushing against his skin. pressing into his muscles, massaging away any knots. feeling the bumps of his spine, the folds of his shoulder blades, every definition of a muscle. he doesn't understand how your small hands can bring him so much pleasure, but he's putty in your hands immediately.
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– just standing next to him is so shocking. like, race car drivers are supposed to be short, what are you doing? who allowed this?
– he towers over you and he always finds it so cute. he loves how you have to get into your tippy toes and pull his face down to be able to kiss him, and the way he can pretend to ignore you and stay out of reach just to annoy you. he loves teasing you (in a lot of ways-) and it's just too easy for him to get a rise out of you when using your size difference.
– and even something as simple as asking him to get that ingredient from the top shelf because you can't reach makes him so smug and cocky. you needing his help and him providing it will never fail to make his day.
– he loves to rest his chin on top of your head. when you're out with friends, when he comes up behind you as you're cooking dinner, any time and any place. especially when also wrapping his big, muscular arms around you from behind, especially when they're around your neck like in the last pic.
– oh, to have you trapped underneath him. he loves hovering over you and caging you between his arms. he loves watching you squirm as he's holding your wrists above your head with one hand, the other running up and down your ribs to pull out shivers and shudders by his touch.
– and the way his hand practically covers up your entire side, the way your frame is so small compared to his… it makes him so impressed because despite how little you are in comparison, you still trust him so deeply?
– he could literally break your neck or femur or whatever bone with his bare hands but here you are, batting your eyes up at him like he's the only man in the world, so sure that he would never do anything to hurt you. and it makes him freak out a bit, but he's also so proud.
– and despite the size difference, you still take him so well? it makes him unbelievably hot.
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gh0st-t0wn3 · 10 months
Lmk ss edits + Headcanons, Part 3 (Chang'e, Nezha, Pif, DBK)
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- She/Her
- Bisexual w/ male pref (eternally devoted to her husband, Hou Yi, in Chinese mythology though, so I don't ship her with anyone)
- Constellation shaped freckles
- Even though her robot bunnies don't need to eat she still sets out extra plates otherwise she feels bad
- Ambivert
- Used to have a short hair phase
- Aside from cooking she's also good at coloring/painting and makes jewelry for fun
- Can talk for hours on end
- Would absolutely loose her mind if she found out about rollerblading, change my mind
- BIG sweet tooth
- Exchanged a few recipes with Pigsy before they left
- Uses Kaomojis
- Stress eats
- Chang'e and Macaque are besties (I saw other people talking about this and thought it was cute)
- Chang’e is one of the very few people Macaque allows hugs from because she gives the best comforting hugs ever
- She tried to teach MK how to cook once and he failed miserably, she has banned him from the kitchen permanently
- Everytime Macaque complains about something to her it ALWAYS has something to do with Wukong and Chang’e is honestly done with them at this point
- She is always energetic, like seriously, she can run around and cook and exercise for hours and never break a sweat
- She can play the flute
- She does Nezha's hair sometimes when he visits
- Her, Nezha and Macaque will all get together sometimes and just gossip for hours
- Hates it when her kitchen is messy, even when she's in a rush to make something or there's a lot going on she'll be sure to put everything in a neat order
- Smells like cakes, pies and other pastries
- Love language is quality time
- Her skin is always really cold (because of , y'know.. living on the moon) but she's lived there for so long now that she hardly notices anymore
- Doesn't really have a skin care routine and doesn't use a lot of products but her skin is always so soft and clear anyways
- Makes up her own constellations when she stargazes
- She has a small shrine in her house in respect to Hou Yi
- Has two group chats, one with Macaque and Nezha for gossiping, and the other with Pigsy and DBK for cooking
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- He/Him
- AroAce
- Put his hair up in a messy bun the ONE time Wukong decided to drop in unannounced, still gets bullied for it to this day
- Would probably die if you ever gave him any kind of soda
- Has a scar on his neck and can even pop his head off like the headless horseman because of... iykyk.. sometimes pulls it off to scare people
- Like Pigsy, he's a huge environmentalist; got super pissed when he heard about climate change and pollution, like he was DEVESTATED
- Really likes chocolate milk, but only drinks it when he's alone because Wukong caught him once and still teases him about it
- Use to babysit Redson when he was little, especially when Princess Iron Fan was too distressed to look after him herself for long periods at a time after her husband was sealed away
- Taught Redson how to harness his powers while he babysat
- Perfect handwriting, it should be a font
- Has difficulty breathing, especially when he gets overwhelmed, due to... yk.. committing..
- Always has a least a small taste of metal in his mouth
- Redson would somehow manage to disappear if Nezha looked away for even a second so he wound up having to get a ring sling to carry him in, no one took him seriously with it on
- Sees PIF as an older sister
- Favourite food is strawberry cake
- Not necessarily a vegetarian but doesn't eat meat often
- Meditates to save and absorb energy instead of sleeping, that way if something happens or someone attacks, he's always awake and ready to handle the situation
- When meditating, stray lotus petals will float around and surround him that act as a shield while also emitting a peaceful aura that keeps both himself and the people around him in a calm state of mind
- Him and Wukong have a sibling rivalry
- Felt incredibly guilty when Redson got trapped in a scroll because he was the one Redson came to when his parents were gone and thought he failed to protect him
- DBK and him have an awkward relationship given the whole "Attack on heaven" thing, but have been trying to find something to bond over for PIF
- Erlang and PIF are basically his older siblings, like they'd be the kind of siblings who'll pretend to give him an important task so he'll leave them alone and then immediately shut and lock the door as soon as he leaves the room, y'know?? He still hasn't forgiven them for that
- Smells like Lotus flowers and strawberries
- Love language is acts of service and words of affirmation
- Likes the idea of hiking and stargazing but never has the time to do it since he's always working
- Isn't afraid to call out someone's bs (*cough* Monkey King *cough*) but can't handle someone calling him out for the literal life of him
- He loves flowers and their symbolism, use to study it before he was tasked with guarding the map to the samadhi rings
- He's actually a really good swimmer but people don't believe him because of his relation to fire
- Has absolutley licked himself to see what he tastes like
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- She/Her
- Bisexual
- Has a beautiful singing voice and use to sing lullabies to Redson all the time when he was a kid. Although it's a rare occurrence, she'll sing lullabies to him even now if he gets particularly stressed out or anxious
- Feels guilty about being too mentally unwell to take care of Redson properly after DBK was sealed away when he was little but never knew how to make up for it so she just closed herself off instead which is why she's so cold with him
- Would sleep in a guest bedroom or on the couch for the first few years of DBK being sealed away because she couldn't handle being alone in such a big bed without him
- Follow up on the last HC, after she started sleeping in her and DBK's bed again Redson would sometimes come in in the middle of the night and sleep in bed with her so she felt less lonely but stopped after he turned 11-12 (or at least the Demon equivalent to that age cause he's like 500+)
- Does Redson's hair for him in the morning since he's always too tired to do it himself
- Use to style his hair like hers, with the little horns made of hair, at least until his real horns started growing in
- Her and Macaque are sworn siblings (I have no idea where this HC came from but I saw other people talking about it and thought it was cute)
- Sees Nezha as a younger brother
- Was outcast from her family after DBK started courting her, she was upset for a while but it was worth it
- Super long hair, like it reaches her thighs when it's fully down
- Master calligrapher, seriously her writing is so beautiful and neat
- When DBK was first freed, the first two or so weeks she would stay up as long as possibly and hold onto him so tight whenever she finally did fall asleep because she was scared she'd wake up and he'd be gone again
- Felt like she failed as a mother when she realized she missed Redson's first words, first steps, everything, because Nezha had to look after him while she mourned her husband
- Favourite flowers are Dhalia's
- Because her hair is long it's also very heavy, sometimes if her scalp is particularly sore from keeping it styled up in horns all day DBK will sit with her and brush her hair while she relaxes and watches TV or reads
- Cooks sometimes but isn't as good as DBK
- Has a terrible habit of hiding her emotions from her family (actually the entire Demon Bull Family struggles with this habit)
- Hates the feeling of ink on her skin, someone knocked over a bottle of writing ink in her hand once and she washed it for almost an hour straight to get rid of the feeling of it on her skin
- Smells like Stargazer Lilies
- Love language is quality time and words of affirmation
- Surprisingly big fan of horror movies (conjuring, exorcist, Shining, etc)
- Listens to true crime shows/podcasts while working
- Had servants home-school Redson and then took over home-schooling him herself when he was older
- All her clothes are custom made, and had to get them re-made with fire resistant materials after Redson was born, as well as everything else in the Demon Bull Palace (Clothes, rugs, sheets, blankets, curtains etc)
- Has separate makeup and jewelry boxes, one for everyday wear, and one for special events (anniversaries,  royal gatherings, etc)
- Ambivert
- If she runs out of patience for you, you will literally die
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- He/Him
- Bisexual
- Hardly recognized Redson when he was freed from the mountain, which is why he didn't address him as quickly as he did Iron Fan
- Has a hard time trying to Remember Redson isn't little anymore, was devestated that he didn't get to watch him grow up
- Tries to connect with Redson and learn about his interests but it just comes off as really awkward for both of them
- Throws all of MK's (and other suitors) Courting gifts to Redson away if he sees them before Redson does (I am a firm believer of overprotective dad DBK)
- Learned how to cook for Iron Fan after they started courting eachother to impress her and it grew into an actual hobby of his, now he likes to cook and bake when he's stressed instead of yelling and breaking things (especially after the Lady Bone Demon incident)
- All his old cook books are pretty much dust after not being used and taken care of for several centuries and although he was upset, he still remembers a few of the recipes, majority of the food he makes now is what he learned from watching Chang'e's cooking show
- Exchanges recipes with Pigsy after getting to know eachother a bit at the beach, but they don't talk much outside of food related topics
- Once walked in on Redson and MK making out in Redsons room and promptly threw MK out the window (he was fine)
- Use to allow Wukong to take naps on his chest while they were still in the Brotherhood, mostly because Wukong would never stop and DBK eventually gave up on trying to get him to stop
- Got really emotional when he found out Redson got a nose ring to match with him (pretended not to care but started crying when he was alone)
- Keeps a photo of PiF and Redson with him at all times, it's not in great condition anymore because he was buried under the mountain with it, but it's too sentimental for him to replace it
- Knows Redsons date of birth down to the exact hour by heart (Canon in JTTW)
- Touch starved, being locked away for 500 years definitely took a toll on him
- Still hasn't entirely forgiven Wukong for calling Redson a "half-baked son"
- Much like how PIF will sing to Redson when he's particularly stressed or anxious, DBK will cook Redson his favorite childhood meal; he was worried the first time it happened because he wasn't sure how to handle Redsons emotional state and also wasn't sure if he still liked the dish he loved as a child, but Redson was visibly happier (or at least calmer) afterwards so he'll keep making it for him
- Has a sepertate pen and writing ink that he uses exclusively for writing to PIF
- He's a sucker for romance movies
- Will pick Redson up by the back of his shirt like a cat and drag him to bed if he's overworking himself
- Invited the Brotherhood to see Redson when he was first born; was disappointed when Azure, Peng and Yellowtusk never showed up
- Goes all out on him and PiF's anniversary to make up for the 500 anniversaries he missed (same with PIF and Redson's birthdays)
- Smells like dirt and regretful life choices (fr though he's been under a mountain for 500 years, that smell doesn't wash away easy after that long, Iron Fan surprisingly doesn't mind, but maybe she's just too happy that he's back to care enough about it)
- Love language is physical touch and quality time
- Cried watching the Titanic, don't even try to tell me otherwise
- Hopeless romantic
- Loves spicy food but doesn't have as high a tolerance as Redson (still very high though, but I mean c'mon, Redson is literally a fire demon)
- Cannot understand or use technology for the life of him, he's calling in Redson left and right asking how to download something or how to get onto another website
- Still feels guilty whenever he sees Redson flinch at him (because of the whole almost killing Redson when he was possessed by the Lady Bone Demon)
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t1ts-4-scattorcio · 9 months
hi!! could you do a dating pre crash shauna hcs list? thank you!! p.s i love ur writing it’s so cute🫶💗
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Thank you lovie <3 I'm glad you like my stuff.
Shauna Shipman General Dating headcanons:
The cutest girls with the biggest brown baby deer eyes.
Comes out of her shell when she’s around you, she’s pretty quiet unless she’s around people she trusts and you’re her #1
She drew you all the time. You were in her room one night and her journal was open on her desk. You caught a glimpse of a drawing of yourself, it was a drawing of you reading on Shauna’s bed next to her window ledge. It made you feel so warm inside. 
You so support her art endeavors, gifting the supplies that she wans and in return, she shows you what she’s made. She gets especially excited to show drawings she made of you. 
She gives you notes in class,  telling you how much she loves you, how sweet you are, and hoping you have a good day.
Jackie definitely grills you before you start dating Shauna. She doesn’t know much about you other than you were in Shauna’s English class and that she’s completely in love and won’t stop talking about you. 
She makes you a little nervous when you first meet, asking you a bunch of questions about your intentions with Shauna, she’s ready for you to slip up. Shauna is a little bit embarrassed and wants her to let up but NOPE she needs to protect her pookie bestie. She just wants the best for her but soon enough you both become best friends as well.
You go to all of her games, even practices and pep rallies. She appreciates the support so much and gets super excited whenever she sees you in the stands. 
She’s really protective over you, not afraid of standing up to anyone that talks shit. We saw her defend Nat in the first episode she will get in someone’s face if they don’t back down. 
There will definitely be communication problems, she lets things bubble up inside her until they burst at the wrong time. Reassuring her that it’s okay to be open would make your relationship 10 times stronger. 
Also is very impulsive, tends to jump to conclusions and doesn’t think things through before she reacts, She ends up in really sticky situations that are hard to get out of. She once saw you talk to a girl from your Math class the girly pop was way too close for comfort. Shauna’s thoughts immediately went to equality upsetting you, she would ghost you for a while, not answer calls or texts, not go to your house as often as she did (ect). Your last straw was when she was lying across a random girl's lap at a party and it broke your heart. You thought she hated you and was cheating on you and you couldn’t think of any reason why she would hurt you like this, she saw you sobbing and immediately felt so guilty and followed you like a lost puppy on the verge of tears begging for your forgiveness.
I think another toxic thing she does is lie. She 100% will if she thinks she’s protecting you. It’s frustrating
Is super intelligent and I think that’s overlooked by everyone, it’s great when she helps you with any type of work you have to do. Homework, projects, anything that requires brain power. She also loves reading with you cuddled up in her bed or your couch, she’s the cutest little bookworm.
You love listening to her talk about her interests. People don’t take time to listen to what she has to say, Her eyes light up whenever she really gets into topics she loves. Sitting with her and observing her be excited makes you happy. 
I think her major love languages are quality time and acts of love, her favorite days are when you both can relax together, sitting on the bleachers after practice for a while instead of immediately going home, going to your favorite dining spot for hours, study dates at the library, walking around in the mall. She just wants to be around you, little puppy.
You’re her designated passenger princess, she will happily drive you wherever you’d like. Picking you up and dropping you off from school, mini drive-thru dates where you buy anything you like and binge eat in her car. 
I think she’s more dominant in bed, she naturally knows what she wants and likes to be in control, and definitely won’t be scared to bring that into the bedroom
She goes feral if you only wear her team shirt or jacket and nothing else when you’re together at home
Manhandles you while you’re having sex, and will roll her eyes if you get insecure about how heavy you are, especially when she wants you to sit on her face.
Queen of teasing and orgasm denial, fake pouts at you while you beg for release. “Baby wants to cum, you can wait a little more I promise.”  
Tbh you do anything she is immediately on her knees, she’s so enamored by you. You’re perfect in her eyes.
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yazthebansheek · 2 months
day 6.draw one of the Crp clowns/jesters! + Headcanons! (Candy Pop)
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He is 7’2
Loves eating candy.
Will have psychotic sugar rushes sometimes and then pass tf out.
Yk he has that man spread ass sit bro💀💀
Honestly really childish 
Long ass tongue…
Ayo what can that tongue do 🤨😏
Def likes Jason in that way.
Bisexual…AND BIPOLAR!!!!
Likes to annoy, scare, and piss people off for fun.
Careless, reckless, ruthless and sadistic. 
Prankster + jokester 
Kind of narcissistic / over confident.
Kinda hard to offend/anger.
Doesn’t like people seeing him in his night terror form.
100% horny 80% of the time.
He doesn’t really care about gender. If he can fuck he will fuck.
Whore. absolute fucking slut. Cock slut. Loves pussy. Loves cock. Sluttiest thot in this motherfucking bitch. Cunty thotty slutty whore.💀💀💀💀💀 (I can’t take myself seriously bro)
Doesn’t wear make-up. That’s legit js his face.
Sharp ahh teeth like boy-
Waaaaayyyyy too over protective of his sister, Candy Cane.
One of the best bff’s you could ever have, Nathan is Lucky.
Ofc his bestie is Nathan, it’s literally Canon!!!!<3
Kinda gets jealous easily? Mostly when he doesn’t get attention or gets attention absolutely stolen from him.
Loves to be the center of attention 
He uses black magic, dark magic, demonic magic, voodoo, witchcraft, whatever cursed/dark magic you can think of, he does it or has done it.
List of things he loves: #3. Jason. #2. His sister. #1. His hair!!!!
He loves his hair more than anything, a bitch even think about touching his hair he will backhand them so motherfucking hard they forget how to speak.
He doesn’t really like judge angels. Why? Because most things related to a fucking angel, he hates. He has never really met her though so….He just always judges a book by its cover honestly. 
Him and LJ fight a lot, but they can get along together sometimes.
His father figure? Oh hell yeah, y’all know it’s Papa Grande. Fuck slenderman, ain’t nobody like that old bitch.
Upside down crosses everywhere. <3
He likes bright colors.
Jason will have this man in a corset sometimes like holy shit???!
He’s a mini fashionista and also Jason’s model/inspiration sometimes.
Coming in contact (touch) with some holy objects or angels will cause him 3rd degree burns😘🩷  and he just doesn’t really like holy water, but it won’t burn him.
Bibles and some holy shit makes him weaker, but in a more painful way. Which usually makes this man screech in pain<3333 I’m such a sadist 🥰😇
He doesn’t like angels or people in most religions 
He likes to play dress up/other games with sally, sometimes LJ and Jason will join too! 
Whenever playing Alice in wonderland with Sally, he’s the Cheshire Cat.
He’s a top obvi!!!
he can enter and exit through mirrors as he pleases. 
He can teleport
Likes to hang around the pasta kids because they lure in unsuspecting worried adults (aka free prey for Candy ;))
Candy, Pop, Poppy, Night, Poppyseed, C.pop, whore, Hatsune Miku, Raspberry fairy demon, Hatsune Miku demon jester, fairy princess jester demon, Slut, bestie, clown, raspberry, creepy blue clown bitch, night terror, night terrors, cluster demon, the collector, emperor of the dark, dark emperor, the dark omen, demon from the abyss, abyss demon.
He can steal other people’s powers, supernatural strength and speed, he can jump high, adapt to his environment quickly, really good sharp senses, enhanced visuality, and can phase through walls (ghosting)
Manipulation, teleportation, dark architect, power gifting, mind control, mastermind, nightmare manipulation, shapeshifting, magic (mentioned b4), levitation, invisibility, soul absorption
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ddejavvu · 11 months
this is giving me the heebie jeebies.
Omg yes I just read your little fic and I love Steve and Robin x reader like they are platonic soulmates and besties so they could also be good sharing their romantic life partner too
My hc with them is the time they are the least bickery with each other when sharing you (teasing and bickering in a ‘friendly’ way of course) is when you’ve grabbed both of their heads on put them on a boob each. They can’t argue if their mouths are too busy. And they’re both literally way too happy, looking up at you, having their mouths busy, making you happy, and being surrounded by your soft warmth, to even feel anything but content
It’s also nice you have two of them, so you can keep them both occupied and loved
join my 20K celebration!
'this is giving me the heebie jeebies.' - send me a headcanon about one of the characters and i'll give you one back!
this post is 18+, minors dni.
you actually use it to break up arguments <3 if they're yammering too much and bickering and it's getting tiring or worse you pop off your top and shove their heads onto your tits <3 it works way too easily, like, they shut up the second their lips are on you.
if robin and steve are sharing you as their romantic partner, they'll always always always invite you to visit them at wherever they're working together!! you get a free ice cream at scoops, you can watch movies in family video's break room, maybe they do a summer stint at the pool and one of them always hangs out with you in the water, they are always wanting you to come visit them!!
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imjustheremam · 9 months
hihihi!! :3
imma jus. from here on out be a anon stalkin ur acc. can you write white hank or hank with a scenemo type reader? like bright colorful emo ass reader who listens to ungodly loud music. totes not a self indulgent ask-
reader has ungodly big hair. everyone’s convinced it had secrets in it…
-🐜 (gunna reserve the ant becuz it’s the best emoji 😼🔥)
Ok I don't know what this is but I'm searching and grabbing info but this all I could think and also this going to be platonic, so I'm sorry...
Platonic Wank And Hank With a Scenemo reader..
Ok so wank would think your skittles but if skittles became an emo due to your bright colorful hair and outfit..
And you guys would probably be besties since in my headcanon she would most definitely be the type to hear loud ungodly music like damn girl lower down your music...
I believe she's into either metalcore or maybe pop punk... (I'm not sure, I have no music preference so....yeah what do you think what music She's into)...
When she first met you, she was processing for like a second. mostly grunts have grey, black, red or even white like her, but all a sudden you pop out of nowhere with theses colorful outfit and hair... you just caught her "eyes"...
Now she going to ask alot of questions but there mostly about music preference or your look.
i won't lie, the style it really cool...
Now if she had a phone with her or something to take pictures she would definitely try to take pictures of you just because of your hairstyle and looks cool..
Don't worry she sometimes will ask for your permission if she can take pictures of you...
She loves!! Your damn hair to the point she straight up touches it and pets it like if you were like a kitty or puppy(or something really cute)..she also will investigate and might try to add something on it to see if it will fall off(she'll sometimes but her head on top of you because your hair I'd either soft or smooth)...
Also she secretly uses your hair as a warehouse...
Ok now we all know scenemo have haters too, so if she hears anyone disrespecting your looks, may God forgive or not because they are going to meet Jebus in hell or other place because good lord she is a menace...
She will never let a hate comment go until she sees that hater dead... but hey or either glad or...whatever your feeling right now...but hey that's what besties do... and that bestie will never let your hair go until you let her lay her head on that blessing long huge ass hair!!!
Ok imagine this:
You: hi, it's your favorite boy/girl/grunt
Hank: get the fuck out or I'm gonna-
Yeah hank won't like you but don't assume he hates scenemo, because he doesn't hate them he just doesn't care about them (we all know he hates everyone) but your music, he wants you to lower it down... but if you refuse... he won't hesitate to ki- I mean destroy your speaker or phone... yeah... really sad...
At first you guys would not like each other he thinks your weird and annoying with your loud ass ungodly music playing everytime...
When doc hired you, hank was only staring and then assume your annoying like Deimos, and you were but not your personality... ok maybe idk... but your music is ungodly loud as fuc-
Hank will their break in your room and turn it off or break it...except for when... the radio because both you, deimos and Sanford love...ungodly loud ass music and hank is suffering...
But when it's missions and hank's fighting, you and deimos will share a braincell and straight up turn on ungodly ass music(idk what music yall like to hear so yeah...this is awkward)...
Hank would even notice you turn that shit on until he finishes every enemy and would just either mad or...he hates to admit it...he might actually liked it...
So hank and you would get along by you letting him choose a song from your dvd collection or Playlist... at first hank would refuse to since he thinks your music are ass...bit you insisted so he gives up and chooses...
For hank I believe he's into metalcore...(is that a music preference?? And also...wait hold up I gotta look up something)... ok ok I think...he might be into deathcore aswell if not then you can guess what hes into because i suck at this...
Now just like wank he also will ask questions but it really rare... like you if you Finally had gotten that one achievement you tried to get in a game...
Hank would sometimes just stare not because you clothes no, but your hair. He's jealous(bald ass old man)...
He would grab your hair and pull it slightly to see if it's fake (since it'd huge!!) but it isn't, that's sad(forever he will be bald)...
If you had achieved hank's trust and everything, he would pet you(also be careful he will sometimes put a knife on yout hair because your his storage now)
This dude thinks your hair is secretly a storage warehouse and when he's on missions he will grab you and take out a either a gun or a knife out of your hair and agents are like... the fuc- *BAM*
Now haters gonna hate but when he's around, everyone needs to shut the fuck up...
Because only he can bully you, who Gave them permission to bully you. Nah that ain't happening today...
This dude will kill and traumatize those haters, and your like...this is fine *scream of deaths coming from a hater*
You may be his friend but he will always be a bully (not too much) your bully friend. But at least he helps you with the haters and lets somehow affectionately lays his head on your hair...
Ant 🐜
He/she/they are always hiding inside your pockets dimension hair you have and will never ever get out...your their/her/his home now...
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ellivenollivander · 11 months
Okay, love, I’m almost on the Leander train. Give me some of your softest HCs about him. I loved your alphabet about him and I need more. 💛
Thank you so much for giving me a chance to talk about my #1 legacy boy, you know how much I love him. I hope you fall in love with him, too. Special thanks to @imagrindylow for being my emotional support and letting me bounce some ideas off of you. Love our shared Leander Prewett brain. Also thank you @skittish1807 for just, putting up with us honestly. I found the template I used for these to help guide me right here!
Leander Prewett Headcanons
How do they feel about people shorter/taller than them? He is like, annoyingly, tall and he loves to playfully tease his friends and s/o about this fact relentlessly. Like, if he has something they want he’ll dangle it above their head knowing they can’t reach it. 
What are they like on social media? (What’s their username, profile pic, etc.) He’s boring, his handle would truly just be leanderprewett. Profile picture would either be a candid photo his friend or s/o took of him.
Their sexuality? Everyone in the wizarding world is bi, sorry I don’t make the rules ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ However, if that wasn’t the case he would tragically be very straight.
Preferred weather? Blue skies & sunshine. He gets cabin fever very easily and hates being cooped up inside for too long.
What’s their sleeping schedule? He stays up way too late and loves to sleep in when he can. Lazy mornings are his favorite.
Favorite music? Rock, Pop Rock, Indie. He also has a soft spot for classical music and Jazz with his upbringing and family life. Oh, this song reminds me of him very very much.
How’s their cooking? I answered this a bit in my sfw alphabet, but he enjoys cooking. Specifically recipes he grew up with, made by his Mom.
It’s movie night, what movie do they pick? He’s a sucker for romcoms. and if his s/o wants to have a full self care face mask junk food movie night he’s all in. However, he’s also the guy who doesn’t shut up when watching a movie, full of commentary. “Did you know that actor didn’t even want to play this part?” “Gods that CGI is terrible”  “That coffee cup is clearly empty”
How would they hold up in a pillow war? He wouldn’t hold back, and there’s been legendary pillow wars in the Gryffindor dorms. Garreth has been the victim of more than a few smacks across his head from Leanders pillow.
Who do they go to for comfort? When he was a kid, his grandpa. Then as he grows up, Garreth (they’re besties) and his s/o. It takes him a while to feel comfortable doing so, though and usually the other person notices something is bothering him before he speaks up. They usually have to be the ones to coax him into talking.
Something small that they enjoy?His moms home cooked meals, long walks by the black lake. Riding his broom. A good book.
How do they feel about physical contact by others? Eh. He’s alright with a hug now and again. When it comes to his s/o he’s anti PDA. He does love when his Mom gives him a cheek or forehead smooch.  What is enough to bring them to tears? Failure. In any form. He’s hypersensitive to it as his greatest fear in life is being perceived as a disappointment to his family. (See also: His boggart would be his father).
Biggest pet peeve?Serious pet peeve of his: people who are just willfully ignorant and unwavering in their belief systems. Less serious pet peeve: just… impolite behaviors. Chewing with your mouth open, not saying please/thank you, etc etc etc.
How well do they take care of themselves? Very very well and he prides himself on it. He’s a very clean, well put together person and he always smells good. (@imagrindylow and I even picked out a cologne we think he’d smell like - BOSS Infinite) 
What’s something they like that may be surprising to others?He enjoys the mundane. He finds joy and peace in a very calm, domestic life. He wants the 9-5 office job. He wants to be successful if only to appease his parents and provide for his family. But he wants an easy going, office job that keeps him safe and brings him home to his family every single night.
Do they consider others family? Oh yes. When he has children, all of his close friends will absolutely be considered Aunts and Uncles to them. He absolutely believes family goes beyond blood. Though, those titles and feelings don’t come easily for him and those select few would have to be tried and true friends to him, and the people he cares about. 
Any bad habits that they have? I answered this one a bit, in this post but really just crippling insecurity, overworking himself and jealousy. What’s their idea of a perfect vacation? Anywhere that would give him ample time to spend with and bond with those close to him. Quidditch World Cup with his brothers. Weekend at the lake with his partner and children. In the modern world he’d absolutely be an Amusement Park Dad or think a cross country road trip would be a great bonding experience. (He’s wrong. Everyone cries at least once.) 
Do they get lost easily? Will they ask for directions if they are? He would not get lost easily, the man is over prepared for everything. If he did find himself lost, he would not hesitate to find a local and ask for help. Especially if he had his s/o or children along. (CAN YOU TELL HE’S A FAMILY MAN?)
How well do they accept advice?It depends not only on how close he is with the person giving him advice but also the level of respect he has for them. If he respects the person immensely, he will absolutely accept their advice with gratitude.
How much do they swear?Often, just not loudly. He’ll curse under his breath during an exam or while he’s playing quidditch or summoners court but he’s not one to be dropping f bombs in casual conversation. He’s polite.
How do they take advice given to them?Feeding off of how well they take advice, he would absolutely act on it if he accepted it. Putting his trust in their guidance.
Do they like being in pictures?He doesn’t love having his picture taken alone, but he’ll never say no to capturing memories with people he loves. His desk at work would be absolutely littered in photos of his s/o and children and family.
Is there anything they’re bad at?Emotional regulation lmao boys got a temper.
What’s their morning schedule?As much as he loves to sleep in, he does have a morning routine that if he doesn’t get to complete it’ll put him in a funk for the rest of the day. So he does make sure he gets up with enough time to get it done. He makes his bed (literally every single day), showers, grooms himself (shaving, cologne, etc), he takes his time in getting ready for the day. Not to look good, but to feel good.
Any past injuries? He broke his leg after falling off his broom when he and his brothers were goofing off, when he was a kid. 
Something that disgusts them Runny eggs and the smell of incense (it gives him a headache, which is why he drops divination the second he’s able). 
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tealfling · 6 months
Little Headcanon Scenes
I imagine happen in my Amaranth playthrough that I don't have stories to go with.
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- Amaranth flits around camp, ever the busybody, checking on the other companions and helping them with their chores. Asking if they need anything. Ever since she allowed him to drink from her, Astarion has been acutely aware of presence. Always a ping on the compass in his mind. But she'll do things that'll catch him off guard. Like sneak up behind him (hard to do) while he's reading. She'll grab him by the chin and tilt it up to her as she leans in to study his face. At first he's startled by the touch, but will relax when he sees it's her. He'll try to collect himself and not melt into the devastating warmth of her hands. Like always, he'll reflexively throw a seductive line at her, while asking what he can do for her, but she'll stroke her thumbs from the dark circles under his eyes down his cheeks. It's so gentle, caring. Astarion won't know how to react. Suddenly there's nothing to focus on but the sprinkle of white freckles across her purple cheeks, like a starry night, or the way her long silver hair has fallen around his face like a protective curtain. or the way her crystal clear eyes read him intently, almost concerned. He can almost feel himself blush from her heat. Her voice is be soft when she says "Just checking." Astarion's brows will crease confused. "On what?" It's a defensive snap, and harsher than he means. "On you. You look like you haven't fed well in a while, would you like a little midnight snack?" Amaranth's voice is low enough so only he hears, but her tone is playful and her cute little nose crinkles. Astarion couldn't help the small smile when he said, "How very altruistic of you. But if you're offering Darling, how could I say no?" He meant it to sound much more suave, but her smile grew. "Alright, I'll see you later then." For the briefest second, he thought she might say something else. Maybe it was the glance she gave his lips like she might press hers to his, but she just popped up, sauntering away, and Astarion wished she had.
- The first couple of days of their journey would have been hard for Amaranth to deal with only having one pair of pants. The pair she had on while abducted. Eventually she'd try to fashion her own out of some looted pair she finds. It's hard to get the right fit with a tail to consider. Why not get some at the Grove, from the tiefling refugees? Because, they're refugees!! Hasn't enough been taken from them?! And now you want her to take their pants? Absolutely not. Obviously she can make do with what she can find. She's a pretty good quilter after all, but not really good at tailoring. She's already removed all those bullshit sleeves from her shirts, how hard can it be? Those skills aren't as transferable as she thought, however. What, like, you've never had a meltdown over a seam ripper before? Astarion will swoop in to fix it bc how is he supposed to act when he finds she's crying with half her vast ass hanging out of some pillaged pants? Dry those tears and put away that pouty lip, it's.... making him feel bad. He'll take care of it for her, he's used to fixing his own clothes. It's the least he could do with everything she's given him. He'll also be stealing something better for her to wear as soon as he can. It'll be a nice little gift, something to repay her with.
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- As soon as Karlach is touchable, Amaranth showers her bestie with all the hugs she can handle. Literally, hanging off her bigger friend half the time. [At least until she overheats, Amaranth still hates being sweaty, as much as she loves her friend.] Piggy back rides are a frequent occurrence. Occasionally, with Karlach on the receiving side, Amaranth is surprisingly strong, but Karlach actually prefers her little purple backpack, it’s a comfort thing. Being finally held by another. It’s around this time that the others in the party were starting to suspect something might be going on between Amaranth and Astarion. Lately they've been visibly inseparable, constantly whispering secrets and inside jokes. It's also been noted that when one seemingly disappears the other is also coincidently missing. So it’s kind of strange that Amaranth's suddenly very touchy with Karlach, even more so than Amaranth's normal chumminess with them. Astarion is never far behind the two tieflings, still seemingly at the purple one's beck and call, but the others can’t get a read on what’s going on there. Gale and Wyll are constantly exchanging glances. Who’s going to say something first? Wyll cracks first, not one to forgo the opportunity to poke at the vampire. He looks at Amaranth wrapped behind Karlach, then elbows the pale elf, “So, Astarion, you and Amaranth seem pretty close. How come we never see you carrying her on your back?” The other man never gets the chance to reply. Somehow Karlach beats him to a punchline, “Because she can ride me longer obviously.” Amaranth grabs the red tiefling from behind by the horns and shakes her head. “Karlach!” She exclaims with a nervous laugh while Karlach cackles. The elf clicks his tongue and crosses his arms, turning his head, clearly pouting. "Oh I assure you, I'm the best ride any of you could ever get," he bites. Amaranth tugs back on Karlach's horns so they can look at each other from the side, "Well, none of my rides have made me 'see stars' or taken me 'to the FeyWild and back,' so I guess we all have room for improvement." Karlach groans shamefully as the three men look at them. Gale and Wyll exchange confused glances, and Wyll mutters about being sorry he said anything.
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wonusite · 1 year
Hey bestie, i just thot of this one. How about a drabble about professor!wonwoo fucking reader for the first in one of her streams. Saw it in your prof!wonu headcanons and thot it would be so hot so I came here to request.
i’ve been thinking about how it would go ever since i wrote prof!wonu and now i get to bring it to life i’m going FERAL
you can’t hide your excitement.
after spending hours setting up for your latest stream, everything was finally perfect. a carnal lust is burning in your core, and there’s only one person who can soothe the ache. to think that wonu would actually agree to help you do something special for your 100th stream made butterflies invade your stomach. ofc you told him his face would be hidden since it was for you only, but you were more than willing to share his pretty cock with the world.
“kitten.” wonu groans, sitting at the edge of the bed with his cock out as you make sure the camera is at the right angle. “how long do you plan on streaming this?”
if it was up to you, it’d be over an hour long. but you were going to go easy on your bf since this was his first stream.
you glance over your shoulder with a tantalizing grin. “don’t worry, just long enough for every one to have a good time.”
wonu has learned that you’re usually good about keeping promises, but he almost wishes you wouldn’t. tbh he doesn’t exactly know what to do during your stream but you had assured him that he would have to do much.
you position him so he’s laying on his back, face out of camera view and only leaving part of his torso and cock in the line of sight. you’re sitting next to him, all pretty and wearing a lingerie set he helped you pick out the other day. wonu feels all the blood rushing to his cock when you start the stream with your usual intro, not forgetting to thank everyone who has watched so far.
“my boyfriend’s cock is pretty?” you read off the chat with a smile, knowing wonwoo is getting a little flustered.
“it is, isn’t it?” you say as you grab it and begin to stroke it. “the prettiest cock i’ve ever seen.”
wonu can’t contain his groan when you take his throbbing dick in your mouth, not wasting time in deep throating him and sucking him like he’s your favorite lollipop. he turns his head, watching you from the monitor, and fuck do you look pretty with his cock in your mouth.
it’s hard not to be more turned on than usual as you lick up and down his cock, your soft tongue nurturing his tip. the chat varies from comments about how good you look to how big his dick is. to see you worshipping his cock for the world to see is driving him over the edge. but being the little brat that you are, you release his cock with a sloppy pop, sitting back up and smirking at his flushed face.
he wishes so bad that he could just punish you and have his way with you like usual, but he knows he has to be patient. once your stream is over, he’ll have u in the way he wants.
“is that monster cock going to fit inside you?”
you laugh at the question. “wanna see?”
wonu groans lowly when you position yourself over his cock, pretty ass facing him as you lower yourself on his aching dick. he looks over at the monitor, seeing the amount of tips going crazy now that you actually have his cock inside you.
you start bouncing on him, moaning loudly as your hands come up to pull and tug at your hardened nipples. the way your sweet cream is coating his cock looks really good on camera, and wonu can’t help but start to fuck up into you. ur cunt clenches down on him as he angles his cock just right to hit the spongy spot inside you that always makes you come prematurely.
wonu looks back at the monitor, smirking when he sees that most of the comments are urging for him to stuff you full of his cum.
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spoogster · 8 months
(This is literally just rambling, please don't get mad for any of this. Hes literally me (Im a fictive, but talking from a viewer point of view))
Headcanons and what not.
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-Doesn't work for slenderman. Never wanted to. It was Slenders mind control, his heavy influence. The people he killed? Not as many as you think. But the people he did kill, it wasn't his fault.
-Hates Slenderman. Like absolutely despises him. The only thing Slender was good for was giving him a place to stay, even if it wasn't much.
-Slender mansion? Slender manor? No. Abandoned campsite? Log cabins in the woods? Yes. He shares a cabin with Cody (X-virus), and Jeff used to be there until he got kicked out (literally) for trying to cut a smile into Cody and Tobys masks and faces. They got Liu to replace Jeff.
-Decent friends with: Cody (has to because they live together), Nina (she likes him more than he likes her but its okay), Natalie (they've always been chill), Liu (they're buddies, not like besties, but still friends), Helen (they do art together), Kate (guitar + mission buddies).
-Meh: E. J (has helped Toby recover(multiple times)), any of the animals (some of them bark too loud(one tried to bite his finger off)), Ben Drowned (gaming buddies), Jane (shes nice but doesn't really talk to him), Puppeteer (from their very few interactions, he's alright), Sally (forces him to have teapartys, though sometimes he enjoys it).
-Get away respectfully: Jeff (many reasons), Nurse Ann (shes pretty but too tall and scary seeming), Smile hd pinkie pie (sometimes fun but a little too murderous for him), Splendorman (a bit obnoxious sometimes).
-Get away. Like now.: 0ff3nd3rman (uhmm), Slenderman (ruined his life), Sully (no), Laughing Jack + Jill (too loud, annoying, jack gave him poisoned candy one time).
-No opinion: Sonic. Exe, BEN, Dina, Trendorman, Candypop, Jason, Lulu.
-Music taste is The Front Bottoms, Mindless Self Indulgence, System Of A Down, Panic! At The Disco, Get Scared, Bring Me The Horizon, Greenday, Blink 182, Lincoln, Three Days Grace, My Chemical Romance, Pierce The Veil, Lovejoy, TV Girl, Mitski.
-Clothing is usually whatever he has that still fits him. Some of it is from an emo era he went through and is still in. So like, band t-shirts, studded belts, raccon tail clips, chains, ect. But sometimes he goes for more casual which is usually sweaters and baggy pants.
-Appearance. He had a fringe at one point but grew it out. Never cuts his hair, so it gets in his way a lot (ponytail is the solution). Curly hair but straightens it a lot of the time. Piercings galore. Hazel eyes ((note: sometimes I give him heterochromia cause it's cool)). Pale skin but not like the original Toby kind of pale. Has always been tall for his age but stopped growing around 18-19 because he was going through a tough time and food was hard to come by, he was too scared to steal, the food Slender gave him could have been poisoned, who knows? So hes left as about 5'10-5'11. Hes pretty thin but is slowly building muscle as time goes on. Has some chub in the stomach but he isnt too worried about it.
-His mask is made of a thick fabric on the outside and has metal bars on the front of the mask to almost represent a mussel (canon).
-Doesnt actually like turtlenecks, they make his neck feel trapped and weird. But he wears them anyways because they hide his proxy symbol that was permanently engraved in his skin (by Slender).
-Fingerless gloves? Yessir. They help cover his scared hands. As well as they just look cool. And whenever he kills someone it's less likely he'll get his dna on the body.
-Raccoon person. Collects things he finds that others would consider trash. Like pop tabs, broken glass pieces, shiny things, rocks, ect. Messy hair. Just like his personality gives off raccon.
-Cheek gash is because he chewed the inside of his cheek so much that the skin tore. And he didn't really care so the hole kept getting bigger until eventually he got himself to stop chewing it. But now the gash is too big to heal.
-Has a couple guitars that he stole from music shops. The only one he didn't steal was one he got When he was first taken in. Slender gave it to him as "something to do" when he's bored. At first he didn't want it and never touched it. But he soon realised that it was really boring there. He tries to forget that Slender gave it to him. It's really beaten now, has worn down spots, and a bit of old blood dried onto the wood near the bottom of the strings because he strums too hard.
-Acoustic guitar: The really old musty beaten up one that Slender gave him. Almost turquoise in colour. Electric guitar: Black guitar that almost looks like something a rock star would have. Also kind of old. Doesn't use that one as much.
-Likes singing but gets nervous around people that arent in his cabin or Nat.
-Likes cuddles, hand kisses (platonically), head pats and pets, people playing with his hair. But he doesn't like asking for it because he finds it embarrassing.
-Not as childish as people think. Just clingy to people he enjoys.
-Drawing is something he really enjoys doing if he's not playing the guitar. He'll draw people from the other cabins, characters from movies and shows he likes, and even characters from the Slenderverse. Not really that good at drawing anything else.
-Always too nervous to show people his drawings or things he likes.
-Doesn't like being called "Ticci" Toby. He never liked it. Will probably get mad if you call him it more than once.
-Has terrible memory. Not even from Slenderman, he's just always had bad memory, and Slender didnt help at all. He will probably to get basic things like birthdays or people, even his own sometimes.
-Has never met anyone from the Slenderverse. But wants to.
-Feels bad for the others affected by Slender and the Slender sickness. But also enjoys the series. Even if the people go through literal hell.
-Would like to meet:
Tim, Brian, and Skully
Evan, Steph, and Jeff
Patrick and Michael
Milo/Mr scars and the Observer
-Things hes interested in include other muderers, weapons (has a journal for writing the information), horror (analog horror + args), music, art.
-He really enjoys watching the old slasher movies and he probably has them for cd and vhs. But also enjoys Tim burton movies. As well as Spider-man movies and series.
-As for shows. South Park (enjoys the humour), Superstore (enjoys the humour), and just any paranormal show (finds it interesting).
-His favourite weapon (axe) is a Tactical Axe or more widely known as a Tactical Tomakawk Axe. But theyre too expensive for him too buy. There was one time where he stole one. But someone from another cabin stole it and he hasnt gotten it back.
-Food. He likes pizza, usually cheese or pepperoni (or cheese with black olives, tehe). Also enjoys fruit, like watermelon, baby grapes, apples (galas or green apples), and pineapple.
-Smoking? Vape? Drugs? No. Alcohol? Sometimes. Its just for a relief sometimes or cause he needed it. But he's not an alcoholic and never will be.
-Knows how to use bow and arrow
(Im probably gonna hate this in like a day or two so yeah)
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gorlygorlx3 · 1 month
Additional Headcanons (Human AU BTW)
While Freddy's nose can't make the iconic noise, his ears wiggle. (It's so cute)
a himbo and a dad?
Serenades you sometimes
Man's can spot you from a 12-foot distance and run to you and give you a bear hug
can try to cook for you
loves to go on errands with you, thinks every one's a date
Can do incredible voice impressions
the best at cooking
the amount of times you have to drag her out of dumpsters ☠
likes K-pop (twice, Blackpink, new jeans)
will do tik toks with you
twirls her hair when she asks something from you (food, a date, etc.)
thinks Roxy and Freddy as older sibs
ometimes maybe good sometimes maybe shit
by that i mean sometimes he's chill and other times he's riled up
chill times he wants the hugs and the cuddles and the soft kisses
riled up = getting railed (nuff said)
likes to teach you how to play the bass
can play drums (just nobody asked him to play something, until you)
tail wags when he sees you...then denies it afterward
Frienemies with Roxy, besties with Chica, hatred for Freddy
another one who's tail wags when she sees you spa day every day
will pick your outfit, do your hair, and makeup
gossip while painting each other's nails (like that nail salon gossip)
tell her she's beautiful please...she needs it
let's you braid her hair
don't let her drive your car
wears leather to piss off Monty
wants a motorcycle so bad!
eyes indicate battery life (Bright blue for full battery, baby blue for like 80-75%, grayish blue for 50%, pure white/blank eyes for 0%)
a little glitch he has is even if his battery is full, his eyes are still white
so many children were scared of him that after a shift he ran off and cried in his room
his eyes also make different emotions (stars for excitement, exclamation points for danger, and my favorite, hearts for love)
not a fan of adults (insert sassy sun) except for you
believes in fairytales, he always waited for his happy ever after, and when you came into his life, the man's swooning and singing little songs like all the Disney princess
great singing voice
out of all the Disney movies he watched, his favorite song is "Over the Rainbow" from The Wizard of Oz (not even a Disney movie)
misses the theater, secretly wrote a script in his room but never showed anyone
another great singer
but has a music box in his chest
favorite song is "Once Upon a Dream" from Sleeping Beauty
likes dark fairytales, like the original fairytales where everyone dies in the end
eyes used to be a soft blue for caretaker mode, red eyes for security mode but the virus made it permanent, however, you fixed it a little so it's white eyes with the red iris
likes to play little pranks on you
wears some sort of hat when outside
hard for him to say "i love you" without any static (he's never been loved like this in his life)
bad terms with Monty
I promise i will get to the bonuses but I'm tired
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snicker-doodles · 2 years
Icemav/Hangster Headcanon, basically an AU where Maverick and Rooster never had a falling out, married Icemav, and Hangster have known each other since they were teenagers.
Carole passed away when Bradley was in middle school, and Mav then officially adopted him.
Ice and Mav live together with Bradley, and he called them dad and pops (uncle Ice when outside of the house cause, you know). Ice and Mav basically raised Bradley, and made him fell in love with everything aviation. When he told them he wanted to go to the naval academy and one day become a fighter pilot like them, they supported his decision.
Jake’s father was also a navy fighter pilot and eventually became an Admiral. Ice knew Jake’s father and have served with him at some point. They have a good relationship.
Jake’s father is actually a good father but he’s just always very busy so he’s never around. After becoming an Admiral, he somehow become even busier. Meanwhile, his mom was a lawyer that eventually became a US senator, and also very busy and was never around. Jake has one older sister and one older brother, his sister became a naval surgeon, and his brother also became a pilot.
After adopting Bradley, Mav decided to permanently teach at Top Gun so he can settle down and be around him all the time, meanwhile Ice also started to get promoted and trying his best to quickly rise in rank so he can also settle down with Mav and Bradley instead of being sent around all over the world.
Jake first met Bradley at a naval functions, Ice and Jake’s father introduced them. They became friends ever since. 
Jake hangs out at Bradley’s house all the time, and he saw how Mav was always around, and how Ice always tried to call Bradley even when he was deployed. Eventually he got kinda jealous cause his parents were never around and started to pick fights with Bradley all the time. It didn’t help that jake actually had a crush on Bradley so it’s kinda also like pigtail-pulling on his part. They still hang out together tho, they just always bickers all the time.
Bradley and Jake both went to the naval academy at Annapolis, but Bradley was 1 year ahead of Jake. Natasha was 1 year below Jake. Nat eventually became besties with Bradley after getting stationed together at some point.
Eventually Icemav got legally married when DADT was repealed, Bradley was Mav’s best man, Slider was Ice’s. Hangman was also present at the wedding.
Bradley and Jake got together at some point after their first stint at TOP GUN, but broke up shortly after. They kinda became the infamous couple who have that on-again-off-again relationship in their circle of friends. Everytime they hang out together, everyone would always bet whether they’re currently in their on or off phase. People also jokingly called them the royal couple, since both Admiral’s kids are basically navy royalty at that point.
Sometimes after Bradley became a fighter pilot, Mav heard about the darkstar program and got interested. I mean, it’s Mav, so of course he would want to try being the fastest man alive. So he quits teaching and beg Ice to pull some strings to get him to be the test pilot for that program.
The TGM movie still happen the way it was, but Ice is alive (just like Val, he survives the fight with cancer but lost his voice). 
In the beginning of the movie, Bradley and Mav was fighting. Bradley was mad because he thought Mav recklessly endanger himself for fun at the darkstar project. Mav’s locator malfuction so they didn’t know whether or not he survives the darkstar exploding, it took 12 hours before they found him and it shook Bradley up real bad cause at that point he’s still very traumatized from almost losing Ice to cancer, and at the time he also didn’t know about Admiral Cain trying to shut down the project as the reason why Mav did what he did. Meanwhile, Mav was mad that Bradley insisted to go on the suicide mission despite the danger.
Ice used his connection to help Mav return to TOP GUN to train the kids for the mission, cause he knew, his husband might be the only hope to make sure that everyone survives that mission.
Bradley didn’t know that Mav was going to be their instructor, and when Mav came, he got angry thinking Mav was there to try to make sure he didn’t get send out on the mission. 
Rooster and Hangman was currently on their off phase during the training. Hangman actually has a good relationship with Mav, and he agreed with Mav a lot when critisizing Rooster’s flying cause they both worry. So they also fought a lot because of it.
Everything else is basically the same, and right before they fly the mission, Rooster somehow found out from Hondo the real reason why Mav did what he did at the darkstar project, and then Mav actually selected him to be his wingman. He tried to talk, but like in the movie, Mav basically told him they’ll talk after.
During the mission, Ice was present at the carrier. Imagine how he feels when he heard that both his husband and son was shot down. And when they came back in the F-14, he immediately ordered Hangman to go and escort them back. He’s basically, boy bring them both back to me in one piece and I’ll give you my blessing to do whatever you plan to do to my son after ;)
Afterward, everybody actually talk, Mav and Roo dealt with their misunderstanding, then Jake finally just went on his knee and propose to Bradley, cause we’ve been dancing around each other for years Roo and I almost lost you and I just can’t wait anymore please just marry me ok.
Ice managed to convince Mav to finally accept promotion so he would stop flying dangerous test planes and instead became the commanding officer at TOP GUN.
Bradley and Jake got married. This wedding was a huge deal for everyone, there’s a huge bet going, and Bob won the bet lol. But really, everybody’s just happy that Admiral Kazansky’s kid finally got married with Admiral Seresin’s kid after years and years of all that drama.
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astriar · 5 months
Would you like to ramble about your DCA headcanons to us, the audience ?
!! My first ask! Thank you so much! And DUHHH OF COURSE I love talking about the sillies!!!
okay so I have a lot of headcanons that stem from me either willfully ignoring canon or misunderstanding it, but hey fnaf lore is my kinetic sand and I am a child of the early 2000s so let’s go:
—Sun and Moon were good at their job before the virus infected them! I know this is now somewhat backed up by Ruin, with Cassie saying that she always had a good time in the daycare, but I feel like it’s nice to mention!
—Sun was as overwhelming as he was in SB because he was infected with the Virus along with Moon! Normally, he acts a lot more like you would expect a childcare animatronic to act like (again, somewhat backed up by HW2 as Sun speaks a lot more calmly! My little asshole <33)
—On the train of thought as above, here is my own personal interpretation of events that led up to SB: Moon was the first in the Pizzaplex to be infected, and after he realized as such, he blocked himself entirely out of the system and put firewalls up to hell and back, cutting off his communication with Sun!
—Sun started going a little crazy with the stress of keeping up the daycare entirely by himself, and didn’t notice the virus had infected him too until too late! (Basically right before the events of security breach)
—Moon would listen to and enjoy old Panic at the Disco if he had access to non fazbear-approved music
—…night shift employees also happen to find their devices go missing on occasion, only to be returned with some interesting Spotify history
—a lot of people I feel like think Sun would listen to soft indie stuff but I think he would either listen to hard rock or the most deplorable, insufferable hyper-pop on the damn market
—Moon and the DJ are besties!
—Sun can’t leave the daycare, but Chica will come and visit him every once in awhile! Sun gives her his latest knitting project, and Chica usually delivers gossip from across the Pizzaplex Moon happened to miss.
—The rest of the band members steer clear of the daycare, except for Freddy every one in awhile. And Bonnie, of course— Moon was friends with Bonnie.
—Also, non-virus infected Moon is a menace who is generally rude and disrespectful to Pizzaplex employees (smh moon) UNLESS you give him a reason to not be rude and disrespectful
—he operates on an guilty until proven innocent basis and Sun is absolutely the same way with Pizzaplex employees
—Moon is the more public menace, but everyone really should be afraid of Sun, who 100% has less morals
—I don’t even know what to make of canon Eclipse but I love them!! And I genuinely wonder if Sun and Moon were ever rebooted into safe mode before Ruin? If so, what kind of role did Eclipse play?
-I also don’t know what to make of Moon’s apparent lore relevance in HW2, and this may be denial speaking, but I feel like maybe Moon wasn’t infected during HW2? Maybe he’s just being his normal, menace-y self? That’s what I think at least but that’s just a theory (a GAME THEORY)
-Jack-O-Moon :D <3
….kay this feels like way too many words BUT I appreciate the chance to ramble!! I definitely try and keep their personalities based in canon (especially in my writing) but I also love everyone who hc’s them heavily!! The fandom is what makes liking these two so enjoyable, so I love seeing any and all takes :D
I sincerely apologize if the formatting is weird (mobile baybee) but! Thank you very much for asking :D
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moon-spirit-yue · 11 months
Rayaari family headcanons for funsies:
(Raya kept freaking out that Aulia would be some mutant half dragon baby because of the dragon magic and was super relieved when she ended up being a completely normal human)
Raya was so nervous about being a mom but her and Aulia became literal besties immediately
Aulia wrapped her whole hand around Raya’s finger when she was like five minutes old and Raya knew she would die for that baby
Namaari absolutely adored Aulia the second she knew about her
Namaari will be holding baby Aulia and then just start crying because of how happy she is
She is so excited to be a mom
Aulia popped out the womb looking like Namaari and Raya was SO pissed
Raya punches Namaari every time someone says Aulia looks like her
Aulia snores just like Raya does and it brings Namaari so much joy (both Raya and Aulia claim they don’t snore)
Aulia has the most lethal puppy dog eyes in all of Kumandra
She got them from Raya. It’s really the only physical similarity people can see
Everyone hoped Benja had built up an immunity to the puppy eyes, but he is a weak man. Even Virana can’t say no to her grandbaby
The only person that is resistant is Raya
“Cmon Ma, pretty please?” “Oh put those eyes away. You’re very cute, I can’t lie, but I know those eyes. I invented those eyes” “Worth a shot”
Basically the only reason why Aulia hasn’t accomplished world domination is Raya
When Namaari is faced with the eyes she has to look away in order to not succumb to her child’s adorable face
If Raya and Aulia work together by using their puppy dog eyes at the same time it’s over for Namaari she has no choice but to give them whatever their heart’s desire
Aulia was a chaotic child that mellowed out in her teen years
That girl was on the MOVE
She wanted to do everything all the time at all hours of the day
Aulia inherited the dragon nerd gene
For a short period of time, if she owned something without a dragon on it it was shoved in a closet
Dragons ONLY
Aulia loves Sisu so much and Sisu was just so excited when Aulia was born
They’re the dream team
Benja and Virana would argue all the time over who gets to watch Aulia
“Uh, you got her yesterday, today is my turn” “Is one day truly enough time with this absolute angel?” “Guys please she is not a toy”
Aulia is the favorite of everyone
“Hey Ma! We’re here!” “Namaari, you’re blocking my baby, move it”
Aulia is unintentionally the sassiest child ever created
Raya has to walk away so that her child doesn’t see her laughing her ass off
Namaari loves telling Aulia stories
She even acts them out to entertain Aulia
They’re just some cutie pies living the good life
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starsfic · 1 year
proompt: wukong pops into xaiotian’s apartment one night as a wholesome surprise only to find him drunk because he was stressed
based off the headcanon that xaiotian is a light weight, a happy drunk, and only rarely drinks when extremely stressed
Anon: prompt of wukong lulling mk (who was having anxieties) to sleep 
Anon: MK getting drunk with Mei and just having a good time. Red walks in and just sees the two idiots laughing way too loud lmao
Sun Wukong threw open the window with “Hey, guess who has the best mentor in the world-!”
A warm body slammed into him, wrapping him into a hug. There was a delighted trill of “MONKEY KING!” Wukong yelped, steadying his student. He wasn’t exactly the hugging type but that wasn’t his concern. What was his concern was the faint scent of alcohol.
“Kid, are you drunk?”
Xiaotian leaned back with a giggle, revealing hazy eyes. “Just a little…” He gestured somewhere. “It’s over there…” Wukong followed his finger to see a bottle. “Xiaojiao brought it over.”
“And where is Xiaojiao?”
Xiaotian shrugged. “Red called her and she had to go.” The happiness in his voice had soured, just a bit. “Said it was…super important…that’s fine. Just a little lonely.” He blinked, revealing for a brief second tears, and then his smile was back. “But now you’re here!”
Wukong nodded. “Yep, I am!” He led Xiaotian over to the bed. “Here to bring by a little gift and make sure you don’t get sick.” Xiaotian happily plopped down, allowing him to grab the bottle. It was surprisingly less light than he expected. Huh, was the kid a lightweight?
Not important.
“Have you had anything to drink?” Xiaotian gestured to the bottle, beaming happily at him. Wukong chuckled, grabbing the cork and closing the bottle back up. Xiaotian didn’t need any more wine. “Besides this, kid. Any water or anything like that?” Xiaotian seemed to think for a moment before shaking his head. “Okay.” Wukong set down the wine and moved to go to the kitchen. “I’ll go you a glass-”
The yell made Wukong yelp. Xiaotian had tackled him back into a hug, gripping him tight. “Kid, what?!”
“No, don’t leave!”
“Bud, I’m not leaving-!”
“But everyone’s leaving!” Xiaotian let out a sob, tears beginning to roll down his cheeks. “Everyone has something more important and...and...and-!” The door opened. “Xiaojiao has Red and Pigsy and Tang are busy in some library and Xiaojiao likes hanging out with Red more than me-” Xiaojiao entered and paused, her eyes going wide. “And I know I should be happy she’s making more friends but-”
“Bud, breath.” Wukong began to run his fingers through his hair, making calming chirps. Eventually the ugly sobbing died down, but the guilt in his heart didn’t. “I promise, I’m not going to leave you again. Okay?”
“How about we take a nap?” Wukong gestured for Xiaojiao to back up. She did, eyes still wide. “That’ll make you feel better.” Xiaotian whined as Wukong pushed him down. His eyes were already sliding shut though. “And, I’m sure Xiaojiao and Red will be back soon!”
Wukong nodded, pulling up the sheets. “Yep, don’t worry. We gotcha.” 
Xiaotian nodded, eyes sliding shut. Wukong paused, waiting, but his student didn’t stir. He sighed. Now, to deal with Xiaojiao outside-
“I DIDN’T MEAN TO MAKE HIM FEEL THAT WAY!” And Xiaojiao was drunk too. She dropped the six pack she held (well, three pack, actually), letting out loud sobs. Wukong yelped as, once again, he was hugged by a drunk youth. “I DIDN’T WANNA MAKE HIM FEEL BAD!”
“Kid, kid, you’re gonna wake him up-!”
Xiaotian was already sitting up. His eyes went wide and he squealed, a grin forming. “XIAOJIAO! BESTIE!” She looked up at his call and gasped, her own wide grin forming. Xiaotian started to bounce excitedly, holding out his arms. “HUG HUG HUG HUG-!”
The two hugged, their laughter loud and drunkenly merry. The volume made Wukong winced, but he couldn’t help a smile at the sight. Footsteps headed up the stairs. “Okay, Dragon Girl, did you get some water-?” Red Son peered in, raising a brow at the sight. “What is going on-?”
“Your responsibility.” Wukong pushed the prince forward. Red gaped at him before Xiaotian yanked him into his bed to be hugged by the drunk duo. He chuckled as Red whined but surrendered.
Now he could get that water.
And drop off that gift.
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