raytorosaurus · 2 years
happy international lesbian day to princess hair ray toro watching flannel frank iero perform in ls dunes
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Toothpaste companies must really hate people who are allergic to mint toothpaste, which a lot of people are! Apparently it's NOT supposed to burn like minty hellfire? (I'm fine with mint candy, it's only mint toothpaste that hurts)
I've been using Tom's fennel for years, but am now trying to find one with fluoride in it, and finding a toothpaste that is no mint and yes fluoride should not be such a huge and infuriating quest. still got some more grocery stores to search, but not even the children's toothpaste in the nearest one had any that were suitable.
Edit: Hey you don't need to keep copying out the tags, I wrote all the Minty Hellfire lyrics here. And then someone recorded them here.
Also, I think it might technically be a sensitivity rather than an allergy, but whatever it is, toothpaste is not supposed to hurt! If it's burning then that's bad and you should try to find a new one if possible!
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applestruda · 4 months
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*redesigns my grian the night before the new hc season*
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cheekylittlepupp · 3 months
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listen this is very random but...I used to think people edit his eyes brighter in this scene but lord...
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vlahovic · 2 years
The way it’s 100% happening now……. Like we all knew but damn
genuinely feel so sick
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turtleblogatlast · 5 months
Draxum somehow salvaged some of his notes and papers from when he first acquired the turtles, and out of “the goodness of his heart” (aka because Mikey begged him nonstop for a solid three hours) Draxum saw it fit to give them each their corresponding paper.
They were enlightening, to a degree, though it was kinda crazy seeing baby versions of their pre-mutation selves stapled to the corner of the paper.
When Leo got his paper, he grinned at his “super cute baby self” and shifted his eyes to read up a little.
Sure, there was the expected long drawn out essay about his role and place in regard to “world domination” or whatever that Leo skimmed over and proceeded to ignore thanks to the excess of way too big words, but what really caught Leo’s eye was the basic description of himself at the top of the papers.
There was his species, what seemed to be a number (either 2 or 3, Leo wasn’t sure since the bottom was burned a bit), his size (tiny!!), and then, right below those…
‘SEX: F’
…Leo blinked. Then blinked again.
“Draxum.” He said, getting his brothers’ attention.
At the lack of response, he looked up.
“Draxum.” The sheep Yokai walked away faster. “DRAXUM.” He was jogging now. “DRAXUM WHY DOES IT SAY ‘F’?!”
Draxum was booking it away from them as Leo gave chase, shouting about how “IT EXPLAINS A LOT BUT I NEED SOME ANSWERS! DRAXUM! DON’T YOU PORTAL AWAY YOU KNOW I CAN FOLLOW, YOU-“
There was a pinkish purple light, then a blue one, then silence.
The others stood there, wondering what just happened before shrugging it off and using their baby photos to go and bribe Splinter with.
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flaringk · 1 month
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With the help of @relaxxattack we've made another Better Discord theme, Chitter theme!
Once again this theme is majorly enhanced by the use of the BetterRoleColors and plrualChum plugins (See the github repo to learn how to activate them both at once)
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Aditionally if you are using relaxattack's troll emojis, using this theme with the mentioned plugins will colour your emojis to said blood colour!
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onii-onahole · 22 days
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Gyunja x RubberBPA
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mabaki · 8 days
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@the-skrool joked I should draw Mabaki as an Asura and I was like: Dude, I know you're joking, but also not HAHAHA
So here, have a topless Asura Mabaki LMAO. This might be my favorite iteration so far so this might stick. look, I cant deny, I do love me some Asura too
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happyheidi · 2 years
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Eartha Kitt with kitties, 1952
Photographed by Gordon Parks for LIFE magazine
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delineate-creates · 7 months
Day 31: Fire
Tom looked to Harry, grinning, wanting him to share in the fun.
Then paused, amazed.
Harry was on fire.
Red and gold flames encased his entire body, licking harmlessly up his legs, his chest, his face. The fire was soft and friendly, the kind that danced behind the grate in the cottage, or kept travellers warm from inside a circle of logs. It was his soul, and unlike Tom’s, it was whole; as perfect as it had been on the day he was born.
From chapter 25 of @cybrid’s A Dangerous Game
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nexiscool · 16 days
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raincoquteee · 3 months
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good morning (it's 1:09 am)
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without text
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and this whatever is it
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mx-hyperfixation · 4 months
GLaDOS moment
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pixlokita · 16 days
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We haven’t had any power for like 3 days now and myla has been not ok with the heat so :’v I’ve brought her to a hotel to spend the night and cool down
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theflirtmeister · 6 months
tumblr user flirtmeister you can ask other saw ficcers for dad bod and tummy lawrence but where's your adam losing it over lawrence's tummy fic, huh? (blatant weak plea for more fic lol)
“I think I need to start going to the gym.”
Adam doesn’t look up from his veterinary textbook from where he’s studying on the bed, finger tracing the diagram of a dog’s brachial plexus. “The gym?”
“Yes,” Lawrence says. “What do you think?”
“I don’t have an opinion,” Adam says, mouthing the words subscapularis muscle. “But why do you want to go and hang out with a bunch of sweaty men? Am I not good enough?”
He looks up with a grin, hoping to catch Lawrence’s eye. Instead, he finds Lawrence looking at himself critically in the mirror, pulling his shirt tight around his waist. The fabric clings to his soft stomach, and Lawrence pulls tighter until his jaw sets hard. He doesn’t seem to notice Adam’s eyes on him.
“Hey.” Adam frowns. “What’s going on?”
He climbs off the bed, abandoning his textbook, and stands next to Lawrence. Lawrence stops playing with his shirt and sighs, running his hands through his hair instead, still slightly damp from the shower. Adam rubs his face against Lawrence’s side, smelling the fresh scent of aftershave and laundry detergent.
Everything is very new. The relationship, the moving in together, the veterinary degree that Adam has gone back to. Adam had expected to panic when everything became real, when he first saw Lawrence’s clothes in their shared wardrobe, but instead, he’d just been filled with anticipation. Fuck Jigsaw, for giving him a new lease of life. The asshole’s philosophy worked.
“I don’t know what you see in me,” Lawrence says, still looking at his reflection. “I’m just some washed-up doctor, with a broken body-”
“Shut up,” Adam says, nuzzling his head against Lawrence’s side. “You think I think like that? Your version of Adam sounds like a dick.”
“Writing’s on the wall,” Lawrence says, voice dripping with sarcasm. “Look at me.”
He places his hands over the swell of his stomach. “Christ. I should take more shifts. I never used to look like this when I was working sixteen-hour days-”
“You were stressed as hell,” Adam interrupts. “You were a barely functioning human being.”
“I wasn’t like this,” Lawrence says sharply. “I didn’t have this body.”
Adam moves quickly, because fuck this line of conversation. He swivels to face Lawrence and walks him backwards until the back of Lawrence’s thighs hit the bed. Lawrence looks a little surprised as Adam pushes him down, and straddles Lawrence’s lap.
“Are you trying to distract me?” Lawrence asks.
“Nope,” Adam says. “I want to take a good long look at you.”
He wriggles his hands underneath Lawrence’s shirt and spreads his hands over Lawrence’s stomach, rising quickly as he breathes. Lawrence is soft to the touch, and Adam squeezes a good handful of flesh, his own belly twinging with desire.
“You’re really fucking hot,” Adam says. “You know that, right?”
Lawrence quirks an eyebrow at him. “I bet you say that to all the middle-aged men.”
Adam gives Lawrence’s stomach another squeeze. He likes this new version of Lawrence, relaxed and middle-aged. It takes most of his self-control not to jump Lawrence’s bones every morning when he watches him prepare breakfast, pyjama pants sitting low on his hips. It’s a miracle Lawrence ever gets to work, when all Adam wants to do is drop to his knees in the kitchen and worship Lawrence’s body with his tongue.
“I mean it,” Adam says. “You’re driving me crazy.”
He grinds himself down slow against Lawrence’s cock, starting to get hard. Lawrence inhales sharply, hands grabbing hold of Adam’s hips, big hands spanning the width of his waist. Sometimes he’ll place his hand on Adam’s stomach when he’s fucking him, feeling the bulge of his cock through Adam’s skin. The first time he’d done it, reverential as he split Adam in half, Adam had cum all over himself like a teenager.
“You look so fucking good,” Adam says, continuing to roll his hips. “I want you more today than I ever did in the bathroom.”
“Adam, be serious.” Lawrence says, voice strained.
Lawrence in the bathroom was a rat in a trap, frightened, willing to do anything to save his family. Lawrence in Adam’s bed is bright-eyed and loving, sensible in the face of adversity. He’s kind to Adam, gentle when Adam needs help with his work. Adam wants him forever.
Adam presses his forehead against Lawrence’s. “I want you to fuck me,” He whispers. “I want you to force me down onto the mattress and fuck me until all I can do is scream your name.”
Lawrence swallows hard and squeezes Adam. “You’re really not kidding about this, are you?”
“I’m so into you,” Adam says. “I want you to fuck me stupid.”
Lawrence kisses him sloppily, tugging on Adam’s bottom lip with his teeth. Adam whimpers, giving another thrust of his hips, and Lawrence moans against his mouth, hands gripping Adam’s shirt. Adam’s jeans dig between his legs, sending sparks through his body and his face flushing.
“You’re going to kill me.” Lawrence groans. “God Adam.”
“Please just fuck me,” Adam says, and Lawrence manages to turn them over so that Adam is on his back on the bed. “Please, please-“
Lawrence above him looks like sunshine. His hair is blonde and floppy, eyes crinkling as he gazes at Adam, and his mouth is fond. Adam feels another thrill go through him as Lawrence presses the length of his body against Adam, the bulge of his cock rubbing a wet spot on both their trousers.
“Are you sure?” Lawrence says.
“Lawrence,” Adam says, slipping his hands underneath his shirt again to grope his love handles. “I’m not going to break.”
He didn’t break in the bathroom. He didn’t break when Lawrence left him. He’s not going to break when Lawrence bends him in half in their shared bed and fucks him until Adam is a drooling sweaty mess against the sheets.
“God,” Lawrence swears, and drops all his weight on top of Adam, pinning him down. Adam is so turned on he can’t breathe, a moan bubbling up out of his mouth. “I’ve got you.”
Adam kisses Lawrence hard, worming his hands up into Lawrence’s hair to grip him tightly. Lawrence sighs into the kiss and grinds their bodies together, so close that Adam can barely tell where he begins and Lawrence ends.
Yeah, they’re going to be fine.
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