nizar-dreams · 5 months
If Only You Believe in Miracles So Would I Summary
"The Department of Magical Education has twisted Albus Dumbledore's arm and have required the Headmaster to get a second teacher for each core subjects at Hogwarts. Severus Snape almost weeps with relief at the news. But the school year is not without other far interesting events. With young Harry Potter starting his first year at Hogwarts, new (surprisingly competent) teachers, a suspicious Albus, and a rare and powerful artifact hidden inside the school, Severus wonders if he ends up trading less homework for even more stresses in his life."
Okay listen, this story was birthed for many reasons. My continued obsession with Severus Snape, my anger at Albus fucking Dumbledore, and the incompetency of (Wizarding) Government. But the biggest one, which bamboozles me the most, is the lack of teachers for Hogwarts.
Think. About. It.
If you have gone to a school of around 400 students, you and I are aware that at this many students, you still have at least two to three teachers per core subject. Why? Because it is a foolish notion to believe that 1 (one) teacher can even handle teaching all 400 students in one week without seriously sacrificing student education and how much you actually teach them and what they have to self study. Which, as someone who's already graduated high school nearly two years ago, self study was not my strongest suits at all unless I liked the class and teacher.
As someone who observed my own teachers and how they handled various class sizes (choir was the easiest to see as Jazz was the smallest, but we'd easily have 25+ students for regular choir and that was... ridiculous for my teacher to handle somedays.) I can confidently say, that teaching two Hogwart Houses that are easily 20-30 students per house, which means a classroom of 40-60 students, is absolutely bat shit insane.
And then you have to be a Head of House as well? Or if you're McGonagall, you're also Deputy Headmistress and having to cover for Albus bloody Dumbledore because the Headmaster has a second job as a politician and the current Minister Of Magic is an idiot? I would be sobbing and burnt out by the end of the first month. I would need a Time-Turner just to have some sleep and me time.
Or if you're Snape, you're trying to save a child from getting himself killed, while playing spy, while playing evil teacher who favours his snakes, while also having to deal with children trying to blow themselves or their classmates up in his classroom. Because potions is a dangerous art, and children, especially the first and second years, are idiots. And especially whoever decided that Gryffindors and Slytherins get to spend potions in the same classroom. Together.
Whoever makes that schedule is an idiot, or horribly optimisitc.
But as you can see that is such a ridiculous amount of pressure to put on a single teacher that teaches the core subjects at Hogwarts for virtually all 7 years. So. This story was created. The Department of Magical Education finally got the memo and were like "wow are kids are kinda... fucking stupid compared to Ilvermorny, Beauxbaton, and Durmstrang... that's mad embarassing" and told Albus that he had to get more teachers and that was not negotiable. Except for history. They don't exactly care about history it seems. (I also lowkey forgot about it, but I think it makes sense that they already have a 'nonpayed' teacher so why bother with an actual one? Don't worry some parent will make a fuss about it or something, and a good portion of the teachers are good with history anyway so its all finnneee)
Well. Here we are. I have thus 'hired' 6 additional teachers besides Quirrel. 6 competent adults who take their jobs pretty seriously. I actually love all of them, they have their quirks, and I tried diversifying the staff as much as I could without it being forced.
For instance, our new transfiguration teacher is an older gentleman, 61 years old, who studied at Beauxbaton, and from Denmark. Our Herbology teacher is a young Scottish woman, barely 28 with a boyish charm, and is subtley bisexual. Our charms teacher is 35, and they use neutral pronouns and have an otherworldly appearance with big eyes and bronzed skin. My main character, our additional potions teacher, is 41, Salvadoran-American, and gay. Our astronomy teacher is a striking Irish woman who learned at Ireland's school, Erehnoll. And lastly our other DADA teacher is a woman born in El Salvador, 37, and has lived a very interesting life since.
We're branching out, alright. Like yeah I could branch further, but already some of the canon characters who could be considered as simply 'British White' will probs not be just that. And this is just the first year with new teachers. Maybe another year if results are good, I could introduce more. (It's so many characters to jugle but I think I am doing admirably. But I think for now, the current cast is already better then years prior. If I do add more teachers, it'll be for history for sure.)
For now, this is why I made this story. That it was absurd to leave the 6 out of 7 of the core subjects to a singular teacher. I would be in tears, really. I do go more in details on the ridiculousness of this all in the story, but here I am giving you a sneak preview at a lot of my thoughts on the subject that get dramatic and also distorted through character POVs. I think it'll be fun to read it from one of the characters, it makes me smile. They seem the type to be sarcastic and dramatic in their thoughts while exasperated to the 10th power.
I can't wait for Janurary 1st. I'm so excited for you all to see the chaos.
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nizar-dreams · 3 months
If Only You Believe In Miracles So Would I
Chapter 2 is finally posted! Gods, my bad. So much family drama started happening since I posted my first chapter T-T I literally don't know how my life got flipped around so hard in such a quick time. On top of work being stressful lol.
Hope you enjoy!
Chapter 1: Because I've Only Got Two Hands
Chapter 2: And I am the Living Sign
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nizar-dreams · 4 months
If Only You Believe In Miracles So Would I
Chapter 2: And I Am The Living Sign (Teaser
"It was the official first day of classes. Because of the additional staff, the schedule was very different than most of the original staff were used to. Like being able to have classes more often, rather than once every two days. For example: Astronomy classes could now be doubled scheduled so that, while Professor Sinistra was in the tower with her students, Professor Alvyan could be on the grounds or in another tower with roof access, and vice versa. Another being like Professor Snape’s and Camargo’s schedules where some teachers got a specific year or two and then shared the others. But, now everyone would see their students every other day, rather than once or twice a week since they now only had seven classes each between them with combined houses. Not that they had set schedules, as it was. Well, Camargo called it an ‘AB’ schedule where you had an ‘A’ schedule and a ‘B’ schedule. Then the week would look like one day was A, the next was B, and repeated — and if you started Monday with A, then the following Monday would start with B. It was definitely not familiar to Severus’s experience, as Hogwarts — or, really, Dumbledore — was all about chaotic schedules and awkward time periods, but he recond he’d get used to the time switches after a month.
Severus, amongst others, were just glad that they didn’t have to cram each lesson or frustrate themselves with having ‘doubles’. Those were absolute hell in Severus' pessimistic opinion. Don’t even get him started on a double class with Gryffindors and Slytherins! Even Minerva felt her patience fray each time, and even worse when they had O.W.Ls and N.E.W.Ts to prepare for. Now they actually might have time to grade homework and grade tests without wanting to strangle coworkers on what should be relaxful evenings and Saturdays. 
Damn those who have always had ten to five classes to teach anyway. They didn’t have to deal with cramming twelve to fourteen different classes five days a week, somehow get each lesson to stick until the following week, completely switch gears to start teaching another class, and pray to whatever god would listen that nothing dared interrupt that lesson plan or so help me— No, they didn’t have to worry about that, or deal with being a head of house either. They could take care of their lessons and gradings efficiently and relax. 
Yes, Severus was very spiteful about the whole thing, even if most of them were kind enough to help out where they could. He was, in fact, a petty man and well aware of it. Did he appreciate when his colleagues offered assistance? Yes, but it still left a bitter frustration he had only barely begun to let go.
But now... Now they did have the extra staff. Now, after years of pain, the workload was finally being shared.
Severus nearly prayed in thanks out of relief when the first day didn’t leave him hating every child walking through his door. Whose bright idea was it to cut staff down? A thousand children and teenagers, to only a handful adults? 
Fucking. Ridiculous.
It was a wonder no one snapped under the pressure, and no wonder Minerva always came back frustrated with every attempt to encourage hiring more teachers.
Ten years of frustration, Severus pondered. Ten years of him nearly having panic attacks from being so new to teaching children who nearly killed themselves for being careless and forgetful (damn you Slughorn!), and ten years of having to go through mountains of homework and tests like a teacher’s personal Hell of — and truly — their own creation, and ten years of wondering why he didn’t give up after a particularly frustrating, hair-pulling week.
Ten years. Ten years ago he was barely an adult. Little more than a child who realised too late that he had made a grave mistake. He didn’t even know, back then, if he would even live half of those ten years, with Azkaban breathing down his neck and only saved by Albus Dumbledore. Ten years of his life were spent just trying to keep going because he promised Her.
Damn whoever cut staff down. Damn them."
UGH ALMOST THE FIRST OF FEBUARY AND I CAN FINALLY POST THE NEXT CHAPTER!! (Bruh life drama caught up to me and I nearly forgot that i have to make sure the 2nd chapter was cleaned up and ready to go lmao rippp) ANYWAYS! Here’s a teaser, and exploring more of how I want to write Severus Snape. Considering I’m currently catching up to him in age, which is crazy, it’s making me reflect on how this stress would effect me at such an age and choosing the path he went through.
I would be a mess, frankly. I’m almost positive his skills in occlumency are what’s keeping him together 75% of the time throughout the entire Harry Potter stories and the other 25% because he’s a stubborn man who grew up fast because he had to.
Anyway. I hope you enjoy and give my story a look on AO3!
AO3 fic: If Only You Believe In Miracles So Would I
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nizar-dreams · 5 months
My cat observing me from the back of my chair as I write a bit more of my Harry Potter fic, abbreviated to: IOYBIMSWI
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nizar-dreams · 5 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Severus Snape/Original Male Character(s), Harry Potter & Severus Snape, Harry Potter & Original Character(s), Original Character(s) & Original Character(s), Original Character(s)/Original Character(s) Characters: Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Pomona Sprout, Filius Flitwick, Albus Dumbledore, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Weasley Family (Harry Potter), Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Percy Weasley, Voldemort (Harry Potter), Original Characters, Original Hogwarts Professors, Hogwarts Students, Hogwarts Staff, Hogwarts Ghosts, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Harry Potter Deserves Better, Hogwarts Professors, Good Severus Snape, Severus Snape is Trying, Lily Evans Potter & Severus Snape Friendship, Mentions of Myth & Folklore, Politics, Wizarding Politics (Harry Potter), Ilvermorny, American Magical Schools, Diverse Characters, Magic, Elemental Magic, Dark Magic, The Ministry of Magic is Terrible (Harry Potter), The Ministry of Magic is Incompetent (Harry Potter), Blood Magic, world building, Wizarding World (Harry Potter), Wizarding World Bashing (Harry Potter), I made a lot of my own world building because fuck it i can, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Rating May Change, Multiple Cultures, POV Multiple, Harry Potter Needs a Hug, lot of music references, History, Hogwarts Houses, Albus Dumbledore Bashing, Protective Original Character(s), competent adults, being a teacher is hard, The Author Regrets Nothing, The Author Regrets Everything, Magical Creatures, Magical Tattoos, Not Britpicked, this got out of hand, Abusive Dursley Family (Harry Potter), Parselmouths & Parseltongue (Harry Potter), Explicit Language, Original Spells and Potions (Harry Potter), My First AO3 Post, no beta we die like men Summary:
The Department of Magical Education has twisted Albus Dumbledore's arm and have required the Headmaster to get a second teacher for each core subjects at Hogwarts. Severus Snape almost weeps with relief at the news.
But the school year is not without other far interesting events.
With young Harry Potter starting his first year at Hogwarts, new (surprisingly competent) teachers, a suspicious Albus, and a rare and powerful artifact hidden inside the school, Severus wonders if he ends up trading less homework for even more stresses in his life.
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nizar-dreams · 5 months
“If Only You Believe In Miracles So Would I”
My HP fic is finally going to be posted at midnight tonight. I am excited as hell. To honor this little occasion I am going to post a Spotify playlist I have used to inspire my creativity for this story. It’s all over the place, because I’m polyJAMorous and one of the characters are big music lovers lol.
This is the playlist:
I hope y’all’s new years is festive and that you’re 2024 is going!
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