fangirlfreak08 · 11 months
I can see you couples are elite
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ragnarssons · 1 year
mal was like “i need to fix myself” inej was like “hell no i’m not fixing you, you fix yourself” and zoya was like “i can fix him” matthias like “i don’t want your fixing” and wesper like “we’re fixed!” d*rkling was like “i’m beyond fixing” choose your fighter
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bitchthefuck1 · 1 year
No but can we please talk about this:
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Like they've clearly practiced it. Did they spend an afternoon coordinating stunts and establishing hand signals? Did they get it immediately or did Kaz need a few tries to get the hang of doing it smoothly? Was Jesper standing to the side calling out unhelpful advice? I need answers.
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thejudeduarte · 1 month
How do book boys (shout out to the writers) come up with the most romantic things to say ever??😭 I NEED TO KNOWWW!! They'll just randomly say the most heart aching, gut wrenching, tear shedding poetic shit ever ON. THE. SPOT. Please reveal your secrets
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tempestaurora · 1 year
just because the meaning is different in the show doesn’t mean there’s no meaning. the writers aren’t bad at their jobs, they’re not going to shove in scenes from the books with zero reason to be there other than pandering. they just changed the meaning. i know the i will have you without your armour or i will not have you at all didn’t have the same lead up, but they didn’t leave it floundering. they gave inej a fantasy, they gave her a hope, and then they had her fight with it, had kaz fight with it, for the entire season. 
inej hallucinated a life where kaz removes her knives and his gloves, their protection, their armour, to allow themselves vulnerability with each other, to allow love and intimacy. her asking for the removal of his armour has never and will never be about touch alone - it’s a metaphor for vulnerability. and she, in that final scene, wears no knives. she speaks her heart. she allows herself to be damaged by him because she is showing a vulnerability that he, in return, can’t manage, because he is still wearing his literal and emotional gloves. 
it’s not going to have the same meaning because it literally can’t. this is a new story about the same characters, a new chronology. so instead they laid out a simpler path to give the words a new, visual meaning. she is without armour, he is not. until he is able to lower his defences for her, they cannot be together. 
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wqemzz-blog · 2 years
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This scene is so romantic and for what
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capinejghafa · 1 year
The fact that Kaz wanted his crows to be in EP in the middle of revealing his backstory, clear their names, and present Inej with her freedom... and then for Inej not to be there? I'm so sad now....
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straykats · 1 year
MAN i love the post-argument wound tending trope (is there an actual trope name for it?? idk) like after A and B have a falling out of sorts, B goes to tend to As wound/s and you can fEEL THE TENSION god i love it
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florashifting · 6 months
The ship is cute and all but I'm also a hater so I gotta "BOOO" them every once in a while to balance it out
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constellama · 1 year
Thinking about Inej never falling,,,,thinking about Kaz thinking “I couldn’t bear to watch you fall” about Inej,,,,thinking about Inej falling and him not being there to catch her,,,,THINKING ABOUT INEJ NEARLY FALLING AFTER SEEING HER PARENTS !!! THINKING ABOUT KAZ BRACING HER TO STOP HER FROM FALLING !!!!
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mmagpiez · 1 year
coming back online to talk about another ship involving a sad boy n a badass girl
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wisegirl29 · 2 years
I have no creative talent so my contribution for kanej week day 4 (angels and demons) is simply an idea.
Instead of demon!Kaz and angel!Inej I present the complete opposite: Angel!Kaz and demon!Inej.
I don’t know, I just think it would be really funny. The two of them charged with roles that they just are not fit for.
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bitchthefuck1 · 1 year
Hello sorry to plague your inbox again but I have seen too many garbage takes of late. Besides your lovely name (confirmed!) head canon, got any other good takes? Spare some good soc vibes?? (No pressure or anything, just always like your takes and the shit show of it all is getting to me.)
You gotta keep your head up babe, the show genuinely bothered me for a long time, but it doesn't deserve to take up that much mental real estate and I refuse to let it kill my mood.
In terms of headcanons, I have, like, several thousand, but I've been thinking a lot about post-canon stuff lately. One that's been bouncing around my head for a while is that when Kaz finally musters up the courage to go back to the farm near Lij, he has a headstone made for Jordie placed next to where his parents are buried (can't decide if it would be on the land or in like the local cemetery, although I'm weirdly tied to the idea of his mom being buried under her flower garden next to the house) as a way of finally laying his spirit to rest.
I'm also fully convinced that Jesper and Wylan name their first adopted daughter Aditi. I will not be taking notes or criticism, I just know it. It makes Colm cry.
Also it's a running joke with Inej's crew that they name the few cats they keep on board after obscure saints because they "protect" the crew from mice. It started out as a joke, but then mice actually got into the rations after some of the cats died on a particularly long and brutal stretch of sailing, and then it just became a habit. They're still mostly kidding, but there's some affectionate reverence there now too. Inej thinks it's sweet.
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sleepless-crows · 1 year
if i see my ship or my blorbo losing in a poll even if its by 1% i am scheduling that poll as much times as i dare
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daggery · 1 year
inej ghafa
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eijminds · 1 year
i just finished s&b
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