#I've only seen her in Exu but I loved her in that
idoobeg · 1 year
Please note that this will be all I talk about from now on
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nellasbookplanet · 7 days
I've finally caught up with and finished the crown keepers interlude and I cannot believe I haven’t seen anyone talk about the nature of splitting souls in Exandria, this shit is wild!!
Like!! Is Opal and Ted's situation similar in nature to that of Molly and Lucien? I spoke once of how, though they started out as a single person, merging them back into a single body post Molly's death wasn’t enough to merge them back into a single entity; they had spent too much time apart, become separate. Only by scrubbing their now separate souls clean of their memories could they be truly reunited in the birth of Kingsley; this also meant the death of both of them, as their memories, experiences, and the personality shaped by them was gone, replaced by an empty soul to be shaped anew, being neither and both of them.
This doesn’t seem to be the case for Opal and Ted. If I understand the situation correctly, the intent was for them to eventually be reunited in the same body, where they would merge back into a singular person. We saw in EXU that, though sharing a body, they were still very much separate personalities, much like Lucien and Molly were described to be in the Lucien novel. Is this just a matter of time? Would they have become harder to tell apart the longer they spent together (much like Laudna and Delilah) until they eventually became one? Would this have happened to Molly and Lucien too, with time? What would this have meant, as they were both in Opal's body, specifically, with Ted having much less agency? Would Opal's personality have gotten the upper hand, so to speak, in shaping who they became? Was this how it was supposed to work, or had the ritual gone wrong? Were they meant to have merged physically as well as mentally, putting them on a more equal level of control? What would the process of becoming one person look like? Is it scary? Does it feel like part of you dying and being replaced by an other? Does it feel like losing someone you love? Or is it a comfort? Can you fight it? Can you refuse? How does it compare to consecution, where you remember your other selves, but they never get to exist next to you, as a separate person?
And what will happen to them now? With Opal's memory of their true connection becoming fuzzy, will that hinder them coming together as one, as there is now a rift of unfamiliarity between them? Or will it ultimately help, the way being emptied brought Molly and Lucien together, but at the price of Opal losing much or her personhood?
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thequeenofmyownscreen · 11 months
Twenty-five things I noted about CR2E140 “Long May He Reign” :
oh buckle up kids it's going to be a long bumpy ride, but this episode deserves it
Marisha is wearing an ExU t-shirt and that makes me so happy
Yeah, ain't that the mood :
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I love the transformation of Lucien the Neo-Somnovem abilities, instead of guilt, now Yasha is mind-transported into her worst nightmare : Zuala shouting "why did you leave me ??"
"Minus eyes" "Minus eyes", I love that it's becoming the phrase to shout.
CALEB IMAGINED THE GLAIVE THAT KILLED LUCIEN AND IT CAME TO LIFE. Ooooooh boy Liam is such a good player, he understood the possibility of what Matt was saying about the aether potential !
Veth screming with joy and lust when Fjord cast Marine Layer, what an episode, guys (he did warn her to "keep [her] clothes on")
Jester, using the power of imagination : "The giant pillar in front of [Lucien] turning into a giant dick covered in eggs, scrambled eggs. And I'm going to use it as a giant bludgeoning device to fall forward and smack him in the face !" Bonus Travis reaction : "That's my child's mother." Bonus Liam reaction : "I mean, in character to the end." Bonus Taliesin reaction : "This is how my parents said I'd die."
OOOOoooh interesting, the attacks on each of the eyes are useful to get rid of the eyes and : a) get rid of nasty effects (that 40+ points of necrotic damage every time Fastidan strikes is no joke !!) b) hurt Lucien in the process
you can also heal with the power of the mind !
Laura tried and tried, but alas, the dice gods were not with her. That's too bad, I would have wanted to see a Divine Intervention of the Traveler SO BAD
Travis utterly failing to sound persuasive towards Lucien with his story of the fruit basket in Zadash makes me laugh so much. Matt : "I'm on the cusp of giving you disadvantage for that one." Travis : "I'm on the cusp of agreeing !"
Ashley blowing her nose in the Socks Machina because she's crying after Jester got killed and she doesn't have any tissues around is the saddest thing I've seen on 3 campaigns of Critical Role (yet).
They were all so stressed !!! I'm appreciating Travis saying "Calm down, let's slow a few seconds" and prompting Sam to fill up the silence even more. CEO BRAIN !!
After Caduceus tried to Revivify Jester, but Matt left it in suspense, before revealing it worked... the instant relief and simultaneous freak-out of the cast, tag yourself, I'm Liam :
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"can we animate that ?" Travis got hit by the Appollo ball, and also no ! because he's got to know by now that everything the cast ever says will come true, right ?
Caleb got the same treatment Jester did by Lucien : unconscious, and then with one attack left he finished him on the spot.
Jester, basically : "I'm a cleric, but..." and she didn't wait for an answer before getting the HDYWTDT on Lucien !
You know it's a good D&D game when there's only silence, hysterics bouts of laughter, and then more silence, mouths open because everything that just happened was incredible.
my thoughts from this point on were... not very coherent : "Oh my god, they're doing it. They're trying to resurrect Molly (When I began this campaign, I knew that Taliesin's first character died and somehow… came back ?? The details were not was I was searching for, since I hate getting spoiled on a good story.) oH MY GOD A NATURAL ONE NOOOOOOOW ???? WHAT IS HAPPENING ? IS IT ALL A DREAM ?? ARE THEY ALL DEAD SINCE THE BEGINNING ??"
"It's just not fair" broke me
Beau : "We may be heroes that no one knows about. But we know."
the end... like, what the fuck. CADUCEUS ROLLED ANOTHER DIVINE INTERVENTION and THEY HAVE DONE IT THEY BROUGHT HIM BACK my heart was beating a hundred times a minute
"Someone call Burch, she's off the hook" I'M SCREAMING
And the Mighty were Nein
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sevilemar · 2 years
Would you sort the characters from Exu Calamity?
What a challenge, nonny, I love it! Let's start with the obvious ones and work our way down, shall we?
Zerxus Ilerez is the lioniest double lion I've ever seen. He is a divine champion in an age of magic, a godless champion trying to redeem the Lord of Hells. He is so convinced he is doing what is right that he continues on his path even in the face of the apocalypse he himself helped bring about. It's the quintessential lion tragedy, and it is pure and inspiring in an incredibly sad way.
If ever there was a picture perfect badger/snake mob boss of old, it is Nydas Okiro. He sits at the heart of a vast empire of money and power, and his network of connections is as extensive as his ability to hide shady deals even from his friends in the Ring of Brass. And when it really comes down to it, he ruthlessly uses every ounce of his power and wealth to save the people of Avalir.
Laerynn Coramar-Seelie is just as convinced she is doing the right thing as Zerxus, but contrary to him, her belief crashes and burns in the face of overwhelming evidence that she was wrong. Her ability to adapt her life's work so quickly to the changed circumstances and make the hard choice in the moment of crisis marks her as a beautiful and tragic bird/lion.
I think nobody will argue that Loquatius Seelie is a snake primary, beautiful and ferocious in his defense of Laerynn, the love of his life. His secondary betrays itself in his care for the people of Avalir and Cathmoira. He and Nydas are the only ones who think to warn them and give them a chance to survive. He is a glorious badger secondary defending his community by encouraging everyone to rise to the occasion together.
Patia Por'co has devoted her life to the gathering and distribution of knowledge. Even in a moment where friend turns on friend, she never looses her bigger picture perspective and her need to know the truth. She is a double bird who sees her whole world shatter and burn, and the only thing she knows how to do is plan and hope and fight for a future she knows she will not be part of. Her sending the orb and the library to Maya, and then giving herself wholly to defend Laerynn is the most awesome double bird thing I have ever seen.
Cerrit Agrupnin's secondary is in his job description: observe everything, and do whatever has to be done quickly, quietly and efficiently. It is the perfect job for a snake secondary. And while you may think his need to uncover the truth for the good of Avalir is all there is, he drops it without thought as soon as he realises his family is in real danger. He is a double snake with a bird primary model that he lives in most of the time.
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Zerxus Ilerez: lion/lion
Nydas Okiro: badger/snake
Laerynn Coramar-Seelie: bird/lion
Loquatius Seelie: snake/badger
Patia Por'co: bird/bird
Cerrit Agrupnin: snake/snake with bird primary model
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youngbloodbuzz · 2 years
Buzzy hi, I'm here with a crit role question if you are okay with it. So the last couple of episodes a Lot has happened, a lot of lore was dropped, especially the last two episodes and I didn't see Fearne's connection to Rudius coming. And I've seen a lot of posts lately about how people are feeling about the pacing of this campaign in comparison with the VM and MN and that it is different in more than one way, for examples more characters with well established relationships pre campaign, also they all seemed to click with each other faster and the backstories were revealed earlier and there was a clear goal for most of them. So first I wanted to ask you what is your take on that? Because to me it doesn't feel like they are speedrunning, I think they are setting the stage for something bigger. Secondly, there is no denying that Imogen has the greatest main character vibes. And I love it, I mean I love her very much, Laura is really killing with this role. Also when they came to Bassuras all that had connections to this place, their stories moved forward which is what was expected to happen of course and Matt's storytelling is brilliant. But that leaves out Laudna and Chetney. And more than anything I'm worried about Laudna and her story. Worried is a strong word probably but yeah. I don't want her to be in the background and the supportive character because I know how much she loves Imogen and that they came to Jrusar because she wanted to help Imogen find out more about herself. But I have so many question about Laudna and things that I'd like to ask Marisha. For example I'm pretty sure Imogen is in love with Laudna because of all the hints Laura's been dropping but I don't know about Laudna I see it I see that she loves her but also it feels like Laudna herself has never thought about it?? I don't know what I'm talking about but like with Dusk Marisha had her suspicions, she and Travis were sharing glances and stuff but Laudna had no suspicions, she was the most open and welcoming towards Dusk so I'm just here like miss Ray I'd like to have a word with you? Sorry this ask got a lot longer than I intended it to be. If you want to share your thoughts/feelings on any of this, thank you!
oof yea that's a lot so much is happening I don't even know where to start.
i think...people underestimate just how much meandering goes on in a sandbox campaign at the early levels. it happens in every game but with BH it feels like matt's been building up to something big since day one with everyone's backstories and the political backdrop in jrusar (and now bassuras). and yea i don't think matt's speedrunning, it only feels like it is only because matt's dumping a Lot of lore, and that's because like....there's just...So much fucking lore with what they're dealing with regarding backstories (and I bet matt's been dying to go on about it since cr1). plus, this arc is almost piggybacking off of exu calamity because of the upcoming apogee solstice and we all know how well that went in calamity lol what the fuck.gif
i was telling a friend that this ruidis arc feels almost exactly like the briarwood arc and molly/lucien's arc, it's a stepping stone to something bigger much much later down the road. defeat delilah/lose molly, and find out a year later that delilah's ritual was successful/lucien rose from the dead almost a year later and is bringing basically the apocalypse. this arc here feels kinda like that. a small pebble in a lake with ripple effects that'll influence the rest of the campaign. i have no clue what to expect or just how much BH will have to do to prevent......whatever is happening cause god knows we still don't know shit for all the lore we got lmao.
so yea, i don't mind the pacing. it's dnd. things can be slow for ages and then suddenly crank up the gears to 11 without warning. vm went through it and so did tm9. and besides like, the crew did say that all bets were off in this campaign. expect everything and nothing.
oh god yea imogen's main character vibes is off the fucking charts, I'm so glad laura gets to show off her acting chops even more this campaign she's nailing it. and imogen is so fucking fascinating, it feels like how percy and fjord had main character vibes with arcs that lasted throughout the entire campaign, I'm so excited.
as for laudna though, i'm...i understand the worry. she is very much personally disconnected from this arc but I think we're all forgetting the little friend that lives inside her brain who still clearly craves power and vored a gnarlrock which did....Something. and guess what they're surrounded by right now? lol everything is fine. delilah isn't getting a front row seat to all this potential worldbreaking shit and thoughtfully steepling her evil fingers. she's not buying her time to absorb more power and take over laudna's body as her own at all. (yall I wonder if she knows that sylas is Dead lmao). honestly....i'd say not to worry about laudna getting a centerstage arc but also lmao I'm shaking in my fucking boots matt pls don't hurt me or my dead girl
and, we can't predict how relationships will pan out on cr but...i think laudna will figure it out. this is a slow burn to end all slow burns, but either way I just...want them to have a happy ending together so bad.
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rain-dere · 2 years
The name’s Rain!
Main: @subfundere | Pronouns: she/her | Age: 18+
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This is just a sideblog for stuff I’m interested in at the moment. It’s mostly: 
Dungeons and Dragons! I’ve seen 12 seasons of Dimension 20 plus ExU and ExU: Calamity. Currently listening to Worlds Beyond Number. I’m also into House of the Dragon which I guess technically has dungeons and dragons too!
Video Games! Narrative focused or cute and cozy is my jam. Cult of the Lamb, Elden Ring, Minecraft, Stray, and Stardew Valley are a few favorites. I watch YouTube playthroughs and Twitch vods every once in a while.
I write sporadically on AO3 which you can find here.
I've got an extensively tagged informal fanart archive. Feel free to browse through and reblog any art you want I don't mind spam.
Notes on the archive below the cut
The [brackets] around the tags here are just for readability’s sake.
Main Media
Most of my interests aren’t preceded by anything. If it’s only a few rbs, it’ll be tagged [movie: __], [book: __], [show: __], or [series: __]
Art w/ one character is [c: __] Art w/ two (regardless of whether those two are romantic or platonic, enemies or friends, parental or even strangers) is tagged [c: __ and __] in alphabetical order. Art w/ three is almost always tagged [c: __ and __ and __] also alphabetical. For more than three I usually make up a group name.
Art and Artist
I tag every fanart by the artist’s current url at the time I’m reblogging it with very few exceptions. I also sorta tag by type, as in [art: comic], [art: animation], [art: gif], and [art: doodles]. I also tag art trends like [art: color wheel] and [art: barbie mugshot]. [post: video] is gonna have a lot of animations in it too.
I tag warnings inconsistently, but they will be [tw __] or sometimes [cw __]. [domesticity] is exactly what it sounds like and [pantheon] is a total cast lineup. I tag events like [event: d20 exchange] or [event: día de los muertos]. Fanart based on fics is tagged [fic: __] with the fic’s full name in lowercase. Feel free to check out [fanart hall of fame], [fic recs], [artist deactivated but not forgotten], and [environments] because those are some tags I love the most.
Just a reminder that I’ve tagged and reblogged thousands of fanart posts- and I usually queue 100-200 in a single sitting- so I make mistakes! If I ever mistag something or make a typo please let me know and please be nice about it. Also if you are deleting your account please let me know so I can reblog your art and save it. Your work matters to so many people you’ll never know!!
Alright that’s it if you made it all the way down here I hope you have a good day ok bye
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chasmbloom · 1 year
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I posted 4,581 times in 2022
That's 949 more posts than 2021!
21 posts created (0%)
4,560 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,806 of my posts in 2022
Only 17% of my posts had no tags
#a little queue - 2,629 posts
#critical role - 1,584 posts
#cr3 - 550 posts
#bells hells - 496 posts
#cr2 - 408 posts
#mighty nein - 341 posts
#vox machina - 242 posts
#exu - 226 posts
#cr1 - 213 posts
#exo - 207 posts
Longest Tag: 131 characters
#i’m surprised people are saying it’s that trope because for that to be true it would have to be the only mention of lgbt characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
i had forgotten it was called exu: calamity for a second and i let myself get excited about the getting-back-together vibes sam and aabria were putting down for laerryn and loquatius
323 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
It’s the old table!!!!
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417 notes - Posted February 4, 2022
i love how they are translating D&D mechanics in the show, here are some of the ones I have noticed so far (spoilers ahead):
Grog raging and covering a lot of distance really quickly: Dash Action/ Barbarian Fast Movement?
Vax dodging falling rocks really quickly: Rogue Evasion, dodging area effects
Vax about to be crushed by a giant (d20 shaped) rock, but Bigby's Scanlan's Hand saves the day: Lucky Feat
Vex's dragon spidey-sense: Favoured Enemy (advantage on survival checks to track them)
Vex hiding her mouth when she whispers: Observant Feat - she can read lips, so it makes sense she is wary of people reading hers
Some actual spells of course:
Holy Weapon
Speak with Plants
Call Lightning
Cure Wounds
Heat Metal
Major Image
Shield of Faith
Detect Magic
Thorn Whip
Bigby's Hand
Charm (Sylus)
I'm sure I'm missing plenty more too
686 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
I've not seen anyone mention this yet but OOF this bit freaked me out
When Percy entered Ander's room this was his reflection in the glass on the right... and it slides into view very eerily
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percy i'm gonna get orthax outta you...
721 notes - Posted February 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I love the homage to the old-style game maps in episode 6 of tlovm, paying respect to the ROOTS!
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See the full post
832 notes - Posted February 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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eve-is-obsessed · 2 years
everything i know about critical role campaign 1 (i have not watched it)
ok so I am a very new Critter who's only watched EXU and campaign 3, but thanks to The Internet, I've learned some things about campaigns 1 and 2 through osmosis. also I've watched some random clips on YouTube... I do plan to watch the campaigns eventually so if no one else finds this funny, at least Future Eve will enjoy my current levels of stupidity.
possible spoilers for Vox Machina! possible incorrect spoilers! do not trust anything I say! I don't know what I'm talking about!
player characters:
Keyleth is a very cute half elf druid played by Marisha. I've seen a lot of art of her so I know exactly what she looks like. also I'm 72% sure she's trans and sapphic but I highly doubt that's canon. I think she is a dumbass and turns into a goldfish mid-cliff jump at one point?? oh and then she becomes Voice of the Tempest and leads the Air Ashari or something. is she an Ashari? no idea. what even is an Ashari? I think her mom is alive. no idea about her dad. something sad happens with her and some dude I think.
Vex'ahlia is Laura's character and she's a very sexy elf ranger with a bow and arrow who I would marry without question. she probably has a British accent. I think she carries Trinket around in a necklace but I might be totally wrong.
Vax'ildan, played by Liam, is another elf, but less sexy because he's a man. he's Vex's twin brother and APPARENTLY is a rogue but that seems wrong to me. I picture him being very short but I know that's not right. also probably has a British accent. I know nothing about this man. sorry Vax :/
Grog Strongjaw looks like Drax but chubbier, and also like a troll from Harry Potter. I think he's just the dumb barbarian stereotype. he's played by Travis and I know even less about him. for some reason, I think he ends up in a relationship with Scanlan, but that makes no sense to me.
Scanlan Short... something I'm already at a loss tbh. he's Sam's character and a halfling bard I think? probably a manwhore. I think I will hate this man.
Pike Trickfoot (?) is Ashley's character and I'm not at all confident I got the name right. I do not know what race she is, but she's short and blonde and buff. she might be a cleric?? healer of some sort. I think Ashley was gone a lot from the campaign and Matt made up some in game reasons for it.
Percival de Rolo/ Percy is Taliesin's edgy gun dude, and I am ashamed to admit it took me a full minute to remember he existed. tbh I would not have remembered if not for the tumblr sexyman jokes I keep seeing. he's got funky little glasses and a funky vest I think. camp. OH YEAH and he ends up marrying Vex! he better be worthy >:( I have no idea of this man's moral fiber but whatever. is he royalty???
Some Dude that was mean so they kicked him out. I know very little about the character or the actor.
random characters I remember:
Delilah Briarwood - I only remember this bitch bc she's Laudna's patron. I love her immediately I think she is an evil edgy lady w funky magic
Shaun Gilmore is in EXU and he's a fabulous gay man who's just like ridiculously hot and flirty. big fan.
Trinket is a bear. he can talk? pretty sure he's in this campaign.
plot points:
they burn down a city?
uhhhh I literally have no idea what happens in this campaign, cool
I tried
Mighty Nein post coming soon >:)
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rosemarydisaster · 3 years
Oooh, we're airing our Campaign 1 and 2 Hot Takes™???? Because I have a few:
-Whenever Sam's character reveals to not be a two dimensional parody everyone acts like they never saw them as such...but their posts complaining about them being just jokes the week prior are still there. Same for Jester, you just have zero faith in the cast sometimes.
-The fandom baits itself with some queer couples. Like, sure, Shadowgast and Vaxmore had a base. In fact they're both canon (one as an epilogue the other as exs). But the way the fandom took Gilmore (and Essek) and obsessed over them week after week when they weren't even in the shower and then act surprised when Vax moved on is absurd. Sure, to you it was only this morning the last time you read a long meta on Essek's feelings for Caleb, but in game it's been months since they last talked. Stop building your expectations so much and then be mad that the canon differs.
-Tary is underappreciated as fuck. He had a banger of an arc, great story and was super cool LGBTQ rep (a little bit basic, but still great). In fact people always forget him when talking about Critical role's LGBTQ+ characters
-Also, people misgdendering Molly and Kingsley...just why. This fandom likes to be all preachy but at the same time they do this kinda shit. And sure, I'm not going to cancel anyone for a honest mistake. But don't attack the cast for things of the same caliber while denying you've ever done something like that. We all screw up at some point, and if you refuse to admit it, I don't trust you.
-People give Fjord a lot of shit for sleeping with Avantika when he only did it to get some information. While we're at it, I don't like the treatment of that moment in general. Caleb pressuring Fjord into sex with someone his scared of could have been a very interesting conversation on consent, but since Fjord's a dude no one questions that he liked it and done.
-The guests are super lovely and I feel really bad whenever the fandom shits on them for not playing at the same level that the other profesional players at the table. Specially the way people treated Aimee in Exu was wild. She didn't knew the game but still managed to be an excellent roleplayer, not afraid of playing a deeply flawed character as her first (in front of such a massive audience). And people still get mad at her for mechanical details I-
-Fuck all of you being biphobic towards Vax. Not only was he attracted to various NPCs (most notably Gilmore) but he also joked about it in different occasions (most notably, the love potion bit). While we're at it, Scanlan being bi (while part of a joke) was collectively ignored by a big chunk of the fandom, and so was Vex's bisexuality too. Sure, they came out because of jokes, but like so did most of my irl friend group????
-Just, in general the way the fandom treats discourse in general. people act as if every character has to say "hi, I'm Molly, I'm nonbinary and bisexual" for it to be canon. I swear, I will see a post shitting on Vax's bisexuality with thousands of likes and the next one is someone telling a non binary critter to std for saying that it pronouns for J'mon Sa Ord were not the best option. Sometimes you manage to simultaneously speak over LGBTQ+ and POC critters so you can "defend them", while also shutting down their valid constructive criticism.
-While we're at it, criticism. I've seen really cool posts about race, sexuality, gender and feminism from the critter community. This are posts that point out micro aggressions or stereotypes so that the cast can be better. If no one points out something, how the he will you fix it?? They have sensitivity consultants (at least now), but things can always be better.
And then there's that part of the fandom that assumes bad faith from the cast in every single mistake (or perceived mistake). People telling them how they should roleplay their characters and play their game. Bitch, and I mean this disrespectfully, find your own game if you want to play it so bad.
-THE MISOGYNY. Just, wtf. Why do people treat the female cast and the female characters like that?????? The infantilization, the demonization, just the whole deal of judging them differently. I know it is hard to admit that we have this double standard imbedded deep inside us because *society*, but come on. It's just ridiculous and it makes me too upset to even speak about it. I want to make a long post on this someday but, just not today.
-People interpreting things their way (totally valid) and getting mad when the cast had different intentions all along (fuck off). Jesus Christ, just for the love of God and everything Holy, admit you want to play your own game and leave the rest of us alone. Some of you have not played D&D and it shows. It's a roleplaying game in which people do whatever the hell they want. The rest of the annoying crowd is D&D people I would rather die than play with. I don't want to be in a table were people are going to get mad at me when I have different ideas than what they intended.
-Critical Role getting big is not some sort of betrayal. We made them big, now they are big. Easy. If you want to support only the most indie games, go support them and leave us alone.
-Also, stop acting like "being big" means that you can just send hate to the cast. When they answer you always act like they are being super mean because your just a teeny tiny Twitter account and they are famous. Look, if thousands of you keep saying "Keyleth is shit" it's normal that one of you is getting QRT with a "stf" from the cast. They are still people, and you're the one's at Goulet for them not interacting as much ,(which apparently you hate)
-Having said all this, I don't get mad about this shit on a daily basis because I curate my TL to only have people I like and that don't engage on toxic fandom bullshit. If fandom is hindering your enjoyment of the show, use the block button.
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uselessgayshit · 3 years
CR Campaign 3 Episode 1 Liveblog 1/2
Probably gonna put the first half in one and the second half in another.
-Is that Mary Elizabeth McGlynn being his wife????? like that also doesn't really look like her but it has to be
-The set looks so good absolutely fuck off my friends
-Marisha???? why are you wearing that??? are you trying to kill me????
-Matt looks sooooo young 'cause he shaved his beard
-Travis and Marisha next to each other? big brain moves
-Ashley and Laura next to each other???? gonna fucking die
-is Matt talking faster than normal because i need him to slow down so i can take in every. single. detail
-DUET already????? someone was gonna be related, I SAID IT
-Laura is not a southern bell i swear to god
-Marisha's character is a Yasha cosplay lmao, and her accent/voice has absolutely fucking killed me
-i'm already shipping them and it only has to do with their character voices lmao
-call Imogen "darling" one more time, Laudna, istg
-is this leonin npc just John Mulaney? lmao
-Laudna is giving me BIG sara jessica parker in hocus pocus vibes
-ASHTON IS SOOOOOOO GENDER (also a Gen Z-er?????)
-a cleric warforged?????? (inserte BEYONCE???? meme)
-the fuck gender duo is something else
-we've got 2 southern accents which is one more than last time so my only theory so far is that in campaign 4, there will be 3 southern accents
-Somewhere in Exandria, Beau is bursting with pride and doesn't know why...its Ashton btw
-not to bring everything back to the Mighty Nein but currently we have off-brand, Yasha, Fjord, and Beau. I said what i said. do not come for me
-I know Sam (or Liam by proxy) is trying to troll, but Fresh Cut Grass is beyond the pale
-love that they brought in an EXU character
-which would mean Liam is Orym???? honestly good for them
-not to be on my bullshit, but you give me Fearne and goth Laudna in the same campaign and i'm NOT supposed to ship another Marisha/Ashley pairing. okay, okay, okay fuck off
-the fact that this actually cements everything Aabria did in EXU and all the canon she made is sooooo awesome. like i know they said it, BUT, seeing it is come through is awesome!
-Fearne's hand and Laudna's hand. what is the connection???? the spider queen???? the raven queen???? need to know thank you very much
-Fearne just collecting the emblems of the gods as she goes
-Surprise! Travis isn't in this campaign
-was i expecting a battle in the first half? absolutely not, no way
-also, not to be throwing shit on Liam, but i'm really tired of him playing a moody boi, and Orym was the worst of them all. cause like Vax was moody af but charismatic, and Caleb was moody but intelligent and had cool magic shit, but Orym felt like fighter version of Caleb which is just a more boring moody boi and i don't know if i can do it for a whole campaign without losing my goddamn shit
-Matthew "snaps a mini in half in episode one" Mercer
-a grandpa???? in CR???? more likely than you think
-Bertrand Bell making a nice comeback????
-we straight up have not been paying any attention to this combat because we've been talking about our own game lore lmao but fighting furniture is by far a first game combat if i've ever seen one
-its wild for them to have pitched this as the easiest campaign to enter CR world and then have 4 PCs who were involved in previous stories lmao
-we were having a drinking game about what our character guesess were but i guess the three of us watching have to take a shot together now because we've been completely bamboozled by their lack of creativity. 2 fighters and 2 sorcerers? the fuck are we doing my dudes
-i lose my shit every time matt says fresh cut grass. don't know how he does it with a straight face
-not to be rude to travis but bertrand bell is the same accent as fjord right now
-"your fingers were drippin'" LMAO ROBBIE WHAT DOES THAT MEAN
-the fanart for Bertrand is just Travis in like thirty years
-one thing i never expected, this fucking presidency thing to come around again NO WAIT ITS GALE I JUST ASKED FOR THIS AND PRAYED FOR HER THANK YOU
Okay, well these are my thoughts on the first half. I'll add my thoughts on the second half as we go.
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