#I've never met a goth before so I don't even know anyone I could ask about it
cerise-on-top · 2 months
hi<3 if you can, can you do valeria and laswell with a gothic s/o? like someone who likes darker/morbid things and things like that! love your blog by the way! it’s definitely my favorite blog to come look at after a long ass day <333
Hey there! Sorry, but I couldn't really find too much on what counts as dark and morbid in the goth scene, so I wrote more general HCs, I hope that's alright still ^^;
Valeria and Laswell with a Gothic!S/O
Valeria: She’d most definitely be intrigued, but not too much. In all honesty, she doesn’t know too much about the subculture, she’s never really met a goth who was clearly one. However, if it makes you happy, that’s all that matters to her. While she won’t really know too many bands, or any at all, she’d be more than happy to listen to a few if you want her to. Yes, she won’t always have the time, but when she isn’t too busy she could put on some songs by Joy Division or The Cure, she really doesn’t mind. She can vibe to that sort of music, even if it isn’t her favorite. You’re more than welcome to discuss the literature with her, though. She’s probably never read a single gothic literature book, but she can buy you some. Anything from poetry to a regular novel, it’s quite alright. While she won’t be the best person to go to when it comes to discussing those, she’ll support you either way. However, something she could definitely enjoy would be going clothes shopping with you. The fashion is kind of nice, she has to admit, so she’d be more than happy to buy you whatever garments you desire. Will go out of her way to find something you might like as well. I can’t see her being too much into the history of goth culture, though. It’s nice that you are a goth, if you want to tell her about it, then you can and she’ll listen to you, but she likely doesn’t have the time to research everything by herself. Tell her about its roots and she can definitely appreciate you going against what’s mainstream and how it all came to be. She’s a very defiant and rebellious woman herself, so she definitely gets it.
Laswell: She knows so many people, I wouldn’t be surprised if she has worked with goths before. And even if she hasn’t directly, she’s likely seen quite a few walking around the city. She usually grows worried for them in summer since their attire is black, which makes it quite hot. However, she’d be very intrigued by you and your subculture. It’s something very near and dear to you, so she would put in the effort to learn about your history. Will give some classic bands a listen as well. She just really wants to have something to talk about with you. Besides, she gets to learn more about you. While she may not be the biggest fan of your interest in death, considering she’s surrounded by it more often than not, she’d be more than happy to indulge anything else it has to offer. Laswell spent a good chunk of life left alone with her thoughts, so she definitely knows a thing or two about melancholy, the state of the world and introspection. Maybe not in the same way you do, but she can definitely keep up in a conversation. She’s likely also unintentionally read some of the more popular gothic novels out there and liked them, so she’d make for a good discussion partner as well. While she doesn’t particularly understand the need to make your face completely white, she doesn’t mind. In fact, she thinks it looks quite cool, even if it’s not for her. However, the fashion in and of itself looks really good to her. Again, she wouldn’t want to wear it, but something about Victorian and Edwardian fashion has a certain something to it that she can’t quite place. Like Valeria, she’ll definitely buy you things she thinks you might like. Anything from a suit or a corset to a book about poetry. Beware, though, she will read the books before you can.
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asmallmoon333 · 6 months
Silly question because I was scrolling through your Tumblr blog and really wanted to ask something but nothing came to mind except L and L looking different because Reasons TM.
We have L the rich family heir in the current Time Speaks arc. He's got a Family Approved TM makeover.
But what if Light was given a chance to give L a makeover? How would this new and visually improved L be?
Also how long do you think before L takes back makeover privileges and gets back to his usual? I bet an hour, max lmao.
So I thought about this for a minute lol
The thing about Light is, I actually don't think he spends as much time on his appearance or on appearance in general as some fanon implies. Yes, he's put together and looks good, but most of that is just a clean haircut and his natural face. Light is just good-looking on his own hahahahaha, and he uses that against people as part of his repertoire of tactics. Personally tho I think he relies on the "upstanding member of society" shtick much more than his looks, despite how I personally like to comment on his face in my story.
Why did I ramble about this here, you may ask? Because I actually don't see Light as giving L a makeover or even thinking about it much, based simply on what Light finds value in or has an interest in. At best I think he'd buy L a nice suit, or at the very least some fitting clothes, and give him a haircut, but nothing more than that. This would be a special occasion with other people involved, and so L would give in since he'd see it as important enough to submit until the end of whatever occasion it is. But in daily life or a makeover just for fun? I don't think Light would do it. Their weird sexual tension is 90% cerebral, and while Light uses society's proceptions against them, I don't think he takes them seriously himself. He's an actor on a stage wearing a costume, which is also why I think he's got so may clothes, and so many "fit the situation" clothing as we see. But beyond that, he doesn't care what others look like, and certainly doesn't care about L's looks beyond that one time he called him a weirdo when they met.
Also I don't think Light knows a thing about makeup (remaining purposefully ignorant, despite Misa's attempts), but also he's possessive and wouldn't want L to look too good to other people. So even less inclination to give him a makeover lol. But he does, personally, admire what L looked like with slicked-back hair when he has the chance to see it, as in that one fan art of them in the tub I've saved. >v>
Sorry if that's not the answer you were hoping for, it was still a fun one for me to think about!
(Now, if you'd asked about Misa giving L a makeover, that's a whole other story; she would sit him down and keep him there as her doll (hah) for as long as she possibly could, and he would actually just give in cause why not, he's bored, let's see what Misa can do. And she'd go in full, she'd dress him in all types of styles and genres, from historical to modern to goth, and even go into cosplay a bit, with full makeup and accessories. She would splurge on this cause his frame would make him perfect for some anime cosplay. There would be photoshoots, face artfully averted of course, and they'd be popular online. This would include male and female outfits btw. And L would have fun, even tho he didn't expect that he would, he finds it interesting. While Light would watch from the sidelines with an annoyed look on his face (he's not fooling anyone, he's there for every shoot). L, in contrast to Light, would actually listen to Misa and learn about a full makeup and hair care routine. He'd never employ that knowledge personally, but he'd remember it even if just to bring up to Light randomly like "Light-kun could do with some moisturizing sunscreen and leave-in conditioner, you're looking a bit sun damaged" "What?" lmao.)
So, yeah! ^v^
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changingplumbob · 6 months
New Goth Household: Chapter 2, Part 6
Part of what I love about rotational play is my sims being able to visit family that I'm not having to control. Keira is close with her family, Joey's sister Devin is one of his best friends and with Alexander's parents gone he has to make new family. Since I couldn't keep to my normal limit I decided to throw caution to the wind and let families catch up.
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Keira: How was your shift
Marta: People always need coffee, how was class
Keira: So so. Are you ready for a challenge
Marta: What kind of challenge
Keira: Mum text me to come visit and I thought you might like to come
Marta: To meet your parents
Keira: Parents, siblings, sister-in-law
Marta: Why not
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Sulani, the place where autumn and winter are relative.
Keira: Anyone home? I brought cookies
Carson: Cookies?
Reece: They smell good
Kayleigh: Are you going to introduce us to this wonderful lady you've brought with you
Marta: Gracias
Keira: Right well... Mum, dad, everyone... This is Marta, my girlfriend
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Kayleigh: How long have you been seeing each other
Keira: I wasn't keeping her secret or anything, I've just been busy with university
Kayleigh: Remember, university is not the most important thing you can do in life
Keira: I know mum, I know
Marta: I asked her to be my girlfriend recently
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Harvey: A woman who takes the initiative, we can always use more of those
Keira: But we actually met back when I started university, or close to that
Marta: Just before your first exams
Keira: So it's not as if we've just met
Reece: Why would we care if you just met
Keira: We're actually living together
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Charlie: No kidding. Congratulations Marta, you landed a good one with my sister
Reece: Some sims have all the luck
Marta: You would not want a girl though, no
Reece: Not in a million years, gay as a maypole here
Marta: What is a maypole
Reece: I actually have no idea
Charlie: Some genius you are
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Marta: I am lucky, Keira is romantic
Carson: Gross
Harvey: One day you may not think romance is gross
Carson: Never
Kaori: So what keeps you busy Marta
Marta: I'm a barista
Kaori: Serving coffee all day? Sounds like tough work. Customers can be such a pain
Reece: Plus memorising all those orders
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Marta: You're not disappointed in my job
Kaori: I don't even have a job so you're already ahead of me
Harvey: We tried to teach our kids that there are many options in life
Kayleigh: University is just one path, not everybody travels it
Harvey: Finding things that make you happy, that's important
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Charlie: How about your parents
Marta: They have both passed to the forever save
Kayleigh: You're so young for that loss, I'm sorry
Harvey: Please visit whenever you need substitute parent hugs or advice
Marta: Gracias
Keira is delighted at how well things go, no one hates the cookies either.
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Before long however the sun is setting and it's time to head back home.
Harvey: Good to see you kiddo
Keira: And you dad
Harvey: That Marta is a keeper
Keira: She's pretty great
Harvey: Just remember you're only 21, it's fine to take your time with things
Keira: I know dad, I love you loads
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Keira: I don't think that could have gone better
Marta: Si. Your family is so friendly
Keira: We're all very close. Thank you for coming with me
Marta: Sulani reminds me of the beaches back in Cuba
Keira: Really
Marta: We weren't there long but I have good memories. Now I get to make more with you
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Joey has been working hard on his mobile app so his sister Devin wanted to treat him to dinner. Joey is also creeped out at Caleb vampire running to the table. Come on dude, humans cannot keep up. Joining them is Devin's wife Luna and both of Joey's parents, Calista and Aaron.
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Aaron: Most of this looks pretty adventurous
Joey: Watcher can't be bothered sorting out another in game restaurant right now
Calista: Sure son
Luna: OMW they have pasta
Devin: Lu I make you pasta all the time
Luna: But this one comes with a boatload of sauce
Calista: You are eating for three
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Devin: Hi, could I please have a simsmapolitan. Just water for my wife, she's pregnant
Luna: Like she couldn't tell from looking at me
Devin: And I'm paying for everyone so we'll just need the one cheque at the end
Joey: Are you sure?
Devin: You may dream of being a tech guru but you're not there yet
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Joey: Any updates on the Goth case pa
Aaron: I really should keep that between me and my clients
Joey: You know whatever you tell Alexander he's just going to tell me anyway
Devin: He's right
Aaron: We got the footage of Milton walking unattended up the drive to the courts, but a judge has to review
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Joey: Do you think they'll be able to get Milton back
Aaron: I think so, the finances will take longer
Joey: Sis did you hear Dina called Alexander a golddigger
Devin: OMW she did not! What a hypocrite
Joey: Right! She's so ridiculous
Devin: What about Alexander's half siblings
Joey: Yeah, they exist
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Devin: But will- Oh! Our food
Aaron: How do you suppose I'm meant to eat this
Joey: With your mouth
Aaron: Well thank you Joey
Luna: I cannot wait to dig into this
Callista: It looks nice but Yorks do pasta best
Luna: I'll let you know when I'm finished
Callista: Fill up those bambinos
Luna: Yes Ma'am
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Devin: Seriously, they're Alexanders half siblings though, he must have some opinion
Joey: He's pretty focused on Milton
Calista: They tie Dina into his family forever
Luna: Calling the boy after his dead father, ghoulish
Devin: Seems nice to me
Luna: Because you're a cheerful sim schatz
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Luna: Eve is a nice enough name for the girl but- oh dear
Devin: You okay Lu
Luna: Just some nausea it'll pass
Calista: I told you, those bambinos prefer York pasta
Aaron: Italians do it better
Joey: I've been told that
Calista: *laughs*
Aaron: Watcher save us from bro humour
Joey: Sorry pa, I'll keep my manners
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Devin: This food really isn't too bad
Joey: I'm guessing you don't have the refined palate quirk yet
Devin: Wait- no I do
Joey: So how can you eat normal quality food without being sick
Devin: You should see some of what is on offer on set, the vegetables barely remember they're vegetables
Joey: Glamour of acting
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Devin: I'm not sure how much time I'll get on set when the boys arrive though, I want to support Luna
Luna: Aww *blows kiss*
Devin: *grins*
Aaron: Remember if you need help we're just a phone call away
Joey: And me. I'm almost finished my degree so I can lend a hand
Luna: You're welcome anytime Joey
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Joey: I'll be the cool uncle
Devin: Seriously though. When you've finished studying, if you need a place we have a spare room
Joey: You sure
Luna: We know how hard it is to establish yourself in Del Sol Valley
Devin: If you want to move in, just ask
The meal ends and goodbyes begin.
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Joey: Bye you two, don't beat each other up too much in there
Calista: Luna seems to be coping well
Devin: I know she feels like a beached whale
Calista: Your bambinos will be here before you know it
Devin: I'm still worried about juggling twins
Calista: Remember help is a phone call away
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James: Shall I compare thee to a summers day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate
Alexander: Aw sweets. You don't have to read me poetry to impress me
James: I know love but it makes you smile, and I love to see you smile
Alexander: I can't believe the wedding is tomorrow, it feels like-
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Alexander: -we've been waiting forever
James: I know I've waited my whole life for you
Alexander: Aww sweets-
James: I mean it. You're the high point of my life
Alexander: Promise you'll stick around
James: I'll dodge the reaper as long as I can love
Alexander: Until then, be with me
James: Every night
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Previous Part ... Next Part
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rivetgoth · 1 year
how do u talk to ppl at goth clubs?? i go to meet ppl and i never know who wants to be talked to so i just don't 🫥
Did you ever see that post that was like, "You felt like you had an easier time making friends as a kid because you were in school and were seeing the same people every day and you were all doing the same thing so you could easily bond because you literally had no other choice and the best way to make friends as an adult is to replicate that through something you actually actively like/choose to do because people make friends the easiest through repetition and shared interests and experiences"?
I think that's been one of the best pieces of advice I have ever heard as an adult forming friendships in my communities (in this case and primarily the goth/industrial scene) and I always try to share it with others. The way I've made a huuuge amount of my friends has genuinely just been like... seeing them around a bunch. Like you get to know the regulars just by face alone and after even a few times (you don't have to play some massive long game haha) you are TOTALLY within your right to go up to them and say something like "Hey I always see you here!" and just casually introduce yourself, ask them how long they've been coming to the club, stuff like that. ESPECIALLY if you've seen them at other events too, like you saw them at the club but you ALSO saw them at a goth concert recently or something. It's a good conversation starter to ask them what they thought of a different event you saw them at, I promise it's not creepy, everyone is peoplewatching at these things hehe.
Complimenting somebody's outfit/style is a great start as well. If someone's in a band shirt for one of Your Bands (like if they were in a Skuppy shirt in my case, or even better if it's something reallyyyy obscure that even fellow goths don't often talk about, like if I saw someone in like, an Indradevi Shirt or a DIN shirt or something), or if someone is just wearing a cool accessory or clothing piece, or you like their makeup or hair, that's a really good in. Just let 'em know they look cool. You could even ask them where they got it if it's like an accessory or piece of clothing. People like compliments, it's a good way to get someone in a good mood lol. Other compliments that might work is if you saw them on the dance floor you can compliment their dancing! You can even do that with groups, if you see like a big friend group you think looks cool you can let them know they all have awesome style and introduce yourself, some big groups (I say this from experience, because I almost always show up in a pretty big group) are super happy to just let anyone join them for a bit (as long as they aren’t being a creep ofc), because at that point it's like, the more the merrier!
You can always do the slightlyyyy more sneaky approach and like, ask them for a lighter on the smoking patio or something, or do the thing where you're like "I'll give you a dollar for a cigarette" lol. I also don't know your gender but I hear women's bathrooms are like an extremely fun social hot spot at lots of goth clubs and I know MULTIPLE women close to me who have made friends in the women's bathroom SPECIFICALLY, so *shrug*
Ohh, you could also see if there are any social media pages for your local scene and see if you can connect with people online. Like on Facebook or Instagram or something. I've made a decent number of friends who are local goths but I met them online first, so when I went to the club I already had someone there who knew me who I could talk to. It's SUPER normal to go up to someone you're already mutuals or FB friends or whatever with and be like "dude, we follow each other." I have had so many people do that to me and I have done that to so many people LOL. Me and Angel literally knew each other online before we met in person even though we were both in the local scene and now we have lived together since 2019 LMAO. 💖
Ultimately, I think my overall advice would be that MOST PEOPLE who are going to clubs are there to socialize to some degree. Not everyone, of course, but a LOT of people are partly there for the social aspect and a lot of the time especiallyyyy since you're implicitly there because you love a lot of the same things, they'll be down to chat for a bit and just get to know you and see what your vibe is. Clubs are an easy place to start small talk because you can literally just start talking about the music that's currently playing, the vibe of the night and how things have gone for you and for them, upcoming events you're excited for, or events that you recently attended. Obviously if you really hit it off you can get into deeper topics, but at the club you kind of have an easy vantage point to get started just with the casual conversations, yknow?
I think I'd also say like, and this is just kinda broad advice, but be prepared to NOT always hit it off too. It's still worth putting yourself out there. Most people know how to act and aren't gonna be rude or anything, but sometimes y'all just won't click, or they'll misread your intentions, or they won't feel chatty, and in those cases that literally doesn't mean anything negative about you as a person. Clubs are kind of a weird social space where lots of people are there to socialize but others might already have their established friends or just be in a shit mood or be generally kinda socially anxious or they just want to dance, or they're on something, or they're drunk, or... any number of reasons, really. 99.999% of the time if someone comes off as not super friendly it's not about you and it's not personal, it's them. As long as your intentions are good and you're not crossing boundaries it's really not a huge deal if someone just kinda isn't picking up what you're putting down and the conversation fizzles out quickly. Those moments can feel like really embarrassing failures but they literally are not. Sometimes you just gotta kind of keep trying with various different people until you hit it off with the right person, and it's worth trying again, because you WILL eventually find your people.
Hopefully some of this helps. Good luck! I believe in you 🖤🥀🦇
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mandoalorian · 3 years
The Way of Betrayal [Din Djarin x Reader]
Summary: Din Djarin finally meets other Mandalorians, and he learns the truth about his creed. Confused and hurting, he begins to over think, and so it's your job to comfort the Mandalorian and promise him that you'll love him no matter who he is or where he comes from
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: none really, a little bit of guilt and anxiety I suppose.
Authors note: I know I always write a smut based around the new episode but.. as a TCW/Rebels fan, chapter eleven hit hard. I had been theorising about Din being a Death Watch foundling on my twitter literally since season one came out and now that it's been confirmed… my feelings are all over the place. So I knocked up this fluff/angst. It's a little painful but let's preserve.
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~ gif by firedragon04
When the leader of Clan Kryze, Bo Katan, removed her helmet, it came as a surprise to you. You couldn't even imagine how it made Din feel. His whole body tensed up, shock coursing through his veins.
Waves crashed against the hull of the ship, the cold air stinging your skin as you nursed the child in your arms. You covered him in your cloak slightly, protecting him from any further attacks. You hushed him gently, rocking him up and down as his big dark eyes blinked up at you. You gently stroked the light white hairs on his little green head and he gave you a tired smile. "You're okay, little one." you whispered out as he settled in your arms.
It wasn't just Bo Katan, but stood by her side were two other Mandalorians, both helmetless. You half expected Din to remove his helmet, despite you knowing that it was against the code of his creed. You were baffled, to say the least. You and your boyfriend were now stood before three Mandalorians, each one helmetless. Of course, there could be a chance that they weren't Mandalorian at all; and that their armour was stolen. It seemed as though Din shared the same thought process as you.
"Where did you get that Mandalorian armour?" he gritted out. "Nobody is allowed to remove their helmet."
"Oh, he's one of those." Said the girl with dark hair, bitterness dripping from her tongue.
Din didn't move an inch, his fingers cautiously gliding over the blaster in his holster. You didn't like her attitude, or the way she spoke to Din. You wanted to rip that smirk from her lips; but you knew that acting irrationally would only get you and your Mando in more trouble than necessary.
"One of what." Din's question came out as a more gruff statement, anger bubbling up in the pit of his stomach. He didn't have time for games.
Bo Katan hesitated for a moment, her amber eyes becoming glossy as traumatic memories swarmed over her. "Death Watch," she tried to remain composed but her explanation came out as a shaky exhale. "You were a foundling of the Death Watch. They're traditionalists, trying to rebuild the way of Mandalore so it remains the way it was intended to. They're a violent faction of Mandalorians. Your creed are responsible for the death of many Mandalorians, including my sister, Duchess Satine of Mandalore."
You knew of this. You had heard of this before. The prolonged silence was unbearable and you decided to speak up. Din was clearly struggling to process Bo Katan's words.
"We don't know what you're talking about," You sighed. "We have been tasked to bring this little one to the Jedi. We've come from far away places, just for some intel. Just to find you. Outer rim to inner rim. We need help."
"You really don't get it, do you?" Bo Katan frowned. Din remained silent and your grip tightened around the child as you took a step forward, breaking any distance between you and the red headed Mandalorian.
"Can you help us?" You asked finally, not wanting Bo Katan to expel any more information that could confuse or hurt Din. You knew he couldn't bear to hear the words that Bo Katan spoke, and to you, it didn't matter anyway.
You had heard of the Death Watch; but your father had always told you it was an ancient folk tale during the Clone Wars. He told you of clan leader Pre Vizsla and how he worked with Darth Maul to overthrow Duchess Satine. And now you were learning that it could all be true, and that your Mando could be part of it. You wondered how much Din knew about it.
Despite all of this, it was something you could see past. You knew Din better than anyone else in the whole world. You knew that he is not capable of Death Watch crimes. You could never judge him for his creed.
"We can help you. I know of… a Jedi…" Bo Katan folded her strong arms over her chest. "But you need to help us first. I'm looking for a certain Mandalorian weapon and I've received word that it's in the hands of an Ex-Imp. There's an Imperial transport leaving docking bay 94 at dawn and we plan on scavenging it for at least information on the weapon. Your help would be greatly appreciated."
Din loosened up, finally moving his gaze from the floor, back to Bo-Katan. For a moment and looked down at you, holding his garbling child in your arms. You and the child were his life, and he hated leaving you both. Since met you, he found himself caring more about you and the child, than he did himself. Mandalorian's are taught to be selfish, but you taught him compassion and love, something he valued a lot more. He was your protector. His mind returned back to Bo Katan's plot and he didn't like the sounds of it. He knew this would be a Mandalorian only mission, and that you wouldn't be able to join him.
The Razor Crest was in bits, and every native Din had already encountered had tried to kill him for his beskar, or kidnap you, or drown the child for shark food. There was no safe place you could stay. Sure, you were strong, but Din needed the confidence that he could protect you. He didn't want to leave your side.
"I'll consider it." Din replied and you knotted your eyebrows together in bewilderment. He wasn't sure if he could go through with the mission if it meant leaving you and the child behind. He wasn't even sure if he wanted to return the child to the Jedi; but he was quested to do so by his creed. The same creed he now learnt were Mandalorian terrorists during the Clone Wars.
"You know where to find us," Bo Katan smiled politely. "This is the way." she said before the three Mandalorians put their helmets back on and jetted off the ship and into the velvety night sky.
"What do you mean, consider it?" You asked Din, dropping a hand to your hip. "You've come this far. This could be your only chance to find the Jedi. You have to help them."
Din's knees felt weak, all this information was too much. The Mandalorian could handle a lot. He could survive a lot. But this was hard to take in. Your words were scrambled to him and with a wobble he fell backwards into a box of crates. You gently placed the child down and ran towards him, grabbing his hand and pulling him up, sitting him on an extended plank of wood. "Are you okay?" you asked, concern filling your eyes.
"Nngh, I don't know. I don't know if I can trust them." Din admitted, looking into the ocean. You slipped your hands into Din's and began to rub comforting circles through his gloved fingers.
"I've heard stories about Clan Kryze… and Duchess Satine. I've heard of the invasion of Mandalore, and all about Death Watch. They… they've done bad things to a lot of people." You felt Dins hand tense up at your words. "But that doesn't mean you're a bad person. I think it just means we can trust her."
Din looked at you. "They… they removed their helmets. All this time I've been telling you I can't but maybe I've been wrong."
"I don't care what they look like under their helmets. I don't care what you look like under yours. Because I fell in love with your heart, Din. And if you still don't want to remove your helmet, then I respect that."
"I feel so foolish." Din admitted and you shook your head. You sighed, leaning into him and curling up on his lap. The child clambered up his knees and shuffled in between you two for comfort. "Look cyar’ika, our little family." Din hummed with delight, running a gloved finger through your hair. "Promise me, no matter what, no matter who I am or where I come from, you won't leave me."
"I promise Din."
"Because I don't think I can live without you, sweet girl," Din croaked out, his heart breaking at the mere thought of losing you. "I wish I could take my helmet off for you and the kid. I wish I could show you who I really am."
You cupped the curve of his beskar helmet and looked into his visor. "I know who you really are Din, and I love you for it. Whatever happens next, we will figure it out together."
Permanent taglist (let me know if you would like to be added!): @supernaturalgirl @phoenixhalliwell @ah-callie @luvzoria @stardust-galaxies @wickedfrsgrl @goth-topic
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r-romanoff · 4 years
Photon Blasts & Spider Webs
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Chapter: 2
Peter Parker x Male Reader
Chapter Summary:
September, 25, 2019
"I don't know what to do ned. I mean I don't want to lie to Y/N, I mean I don't wanna spy on him either but still you get the point." I turn to him for advice after fully explaining situation. "Peter this is something that Nick Fury asked of you personally-" "through Happy." I correct him; "None the less this is a big deal and think of it this way, if you to actually become really good friends it would be in your favor. It's a win win, for his mom Fury and you." Ned tries to point out the brightside for me the, me still feeling the same since the beginning of this conversation. "Dud his mom is freaking awesome, I met her while saving the world! Also all I'm saying is I don't want an energy Blasts to the face if he finds out even if it is just for a month." I inform Ned on an other one of the countless ways this can go wrong. "That is actually true." He kinda laughs back. "Dude it's not funny, I could die. Wow I never thought I would ever die at the hands of spying on an other teenager." I realise how strange that would be for me.
"Hey you guys coming or not you've been in the bathroom for a while and Mj, Betty, and I wanna head to the food court first." I hear Y/N's voice as he entered the rest rooms he was wearing a red converse, a worn pink jacket that looks like it could have belonged to a girl, and normal blue jeans. "Is that a girl jacket?" I turn to see ned speak the same question on my mind. Looking back to Y/N for a reaction to be met with slight giggling and an embarrassed smile. "It's um, my sister's" he answers Ned's question. "Hurry up I'm starving!" MJ's annoyed moan bounces of the bathroom walls from the entrance Ned and I rushing out not wanting to irritate her any more than we probably had for the last 7 minutes. "So, to the food court!" I announce stepping out of the bathroom, ned right behind me. "Ok actually. I'll meet you guys there I have to take this it's my mom, it's very important to me." Y/N starts walking away in the other direction immediately with a small sense of urgency. Without a second to ask what was going on he was gone, disappeared in the labyrinth which was the mall. "Wow I've never seen anyone that serious about a call from their mom before." Mj says before completely seeming to forget about it and beins to walk with Betty to the Food court Ned and I not straying far. "Do you think he talks to his mom often, considering her profession." Ned asks leading me to ponder. "I don't think so, I mean she's probably always busy. Also considering how her work tends to take her far I don't think the commune so often." I lay my thoughts out. "Are you two gonna keep talking about the new kid behind his back or are you gonna hurry up and get to the food court." Mj turns to sulk at us Betty also budding in. "Yeah you seem pretty interested in him for some reason, it's kinda wired don't you think. Also kinda rude talking about him like I didn't invite him." She continues to avoid walking into people on our way to get something to eat. "No not really, he's just an interesting person don't you think." I try to make it sound as normal as possible not wanting Mj to think I'm weird, nor Betty. "What does his mom do anyway, you were saying." Mj says keeping the topic going. Turning to Ned I shoot him an expression, basically saying I don't know what to say because well she's an intergalactic superhero. "She is a... Lieutenant in the air force" Ned quickly comes up with, I quickly high five him after. "That's pretty cool I mean kinda frightening but-" "I'm Getting Chinese." Mj interrupts Betty practically running into line as we finally made it to the area of scattered tables and groups of other teenagers. "I'm gonna get sea food, we can all find a table in a bit." Betty runs off her khaki plaid skirt swooshing behind her. "Pizza?" I turn to Ned being my last companion. "Combination." He answers both of us making out way down the court into line.
Eventually we all finished grabbing what we're gonna eat and made our way to a large circular table probably meant for a couple more people. Then again considering Mj bought half of the Chinese food in the entire mall was appropriate. "And that's why they are my favorite fictional eco goth bad of all time, but if I had to choose a real one It would be nirvana, or the killers, or the third blind eye. Probably, I don't know I listen to a lot of rock bands." Mj finishes, "Mine is Led Zeppelin." I answer, "No Doubt, is my absolute favorite." Betty shares as we finally begin digging into out food. "Panic at the disco." Ned gives his opinion on the matter. "Favorite musical?" Mj presents a new topic "Heathers is the best, however I like the movie better." I answer. "Hamilton or Phantom of the oprah probably." Mj shoots back. "Annie just because it's a classic." Ned reason's giving some sort of insight. "That's a tough one. Mean Girls, Chicago, or Wicked. Top three!" Betty exclaims "Wow Mj, your eating faster then Peter." Ned shifts the group's attention to the burnett who had just finished slurping down a bowl of chow mein. Accompanied by an empty bowl of rice and orange chicken.
This was supposed to be chapter 2 if anyone remembers me, if you want me to continue I will I have nothing else to do during quarantine, so I probably might idk.
Ps this hasn't been edited so if it's bad forgive me
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