#I'm pretty sure Canada doesn't even have it i'm so sorry neighbors
putonmyfavoriteshow · 2 years
This is probably just me being self-indulgent but here's my explanation of my latest hyper-fixation if you've kept following me thru this and have no idea what it is and are curious to know: "DCLA" stands for Disney Channel Latin America aka Disney Channel series that were originated out of Latin America, specifically Argentina, and more specifically what I personally refer to as "The Big 3"
The Big 3 are Violetta (2012-2015), Soy Luna(2016-2018), and Bia(2018-2020). These shows have been internationally popular for years (especially the first two) since besides Latin America, Disney Channel aired these shows in many countries across Europe, Africa, and Asia.
They're also considered to be telenovelas which means they follow a format of about 80 episodes per season and each episode basically picks up where the last left off. Violetta and Soy Luna have 3 seasons, Soy Luna's last season is 60 episodes, and Bia has 60 episodes per it's 2 seasons (they did not get renewed for a 3rd which was likely due to Covid + the move from network to Disney+). All of them are very music focused and consist of originals and covers within the show, soundtracks, and world tours that the casts have been on (Bia was unable to tour due to Covid). Each involve a mystery-drama surrounding family. And of course, there's your typical teen drama surrounding friends and romance. Unfortunately after Disney Channel has moved a majority of it's focus to streaming on Disney+, this format has been discontinued. However, D+LA greenlit a ton of 10-episode similar type series for the service with familiar actors from the aforementioned shows. These also have been shot in new locations as opposed to just Buenos Aires (which is the main location for Violetta, Soy Luna, & Bia). And seemed to be dubbed as well as subbed in multiple languages. (Violetta is sufficiently dubbed, Soy Luna and Bia don't have English dubs) Personally I watch with subs since it helps me with the language I am NOT fluent in, matches lip flap, and I just like hearing the character's real voices. There has been some debate over which of "The Big 3" is "the best" but personally I think they all have something to offer that makes them uniquely great. Also, I think nostalgia is a major factor to which show fans gravitated towards (many watched these shows when they first aired in their own country). Some of us have only discovered through Disney Plus and I do think order of viewing can sway opinion. And each have some problematic material that is worth criticizing - however, I do think they've eliminated most of these elements with every new series they've created (ie. consent, misogyny, & racism). But it's definitely worth noting and calling out!
Generally tone-wise I'd say Violetta is campy as all get out. Bia takes a more serious and mature route. And Soy Luna kind of toes the line between the two.
Disney does have a few other novelas and series such as Alex&Co (Italian music series), O11CE (Novela but NOT a musical show), Juacas (Brazilian series, no music- also not sure if dubbed or subbed in English?). Netflix has a few musical telenovela-esque series but shorter format (Go!,Cielo Grande). Nickelodeon also has similar musical telenovelas that do have the same longer episode format as well but they're not as easily accessible (Kally's Mashup, Club 57). And probably many more adjacent to the Big 3 to keep the interest going!
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sporadic-writer · 4 years
Welcome to the neighborhood
Warnings: swearing, mentions of drugs (just weed, I smoke responsibly sorry if reading about it bothers you), as always stop reading if you don't like it.
Note: idk which twin has the girlfriend, Sam or Harry. So let me know. Also, let me know who you guys want this to be about (Tom or Harrison). Another thing is that I wrote this before my country fully flushed itself down the shitter in chaos and injustice. So let’s all read this to escape a tad and for some metal rest. BLM!
The teaser I wrote to start is here
"Yeah mom.. no I'm fine! Really! Haha promise! They tested me and told me since it's negative then they will add me into the adjusted hours group. They said I can get at least 2 full days a week in rotating with the other keepers. I just gotta fill some paperwork out first." You walked around your back deck and tended to plants while speaking on the phone to your mom back home in Iowa.
"Y/N are you sure? You being in another country during all this makes me so nervous. It's so easy to get sick sometimes." You rolled your eyes at the dramatics.
"I'm set here! I still have a job, a place to live thanks to Renee's husband, and no coronavirus. I'd say I'm alright." Talking to your mom despite her worries did put s smile on your face. The sun was shining and the air was finally not cold as hell in England. You finally felt settled now that you had more time to move into your new home. Your mother kept talking and soon got called that dinner was ready. "Ok mom love you too. Tell dad I said hi!"
After hanging up you looked for the head you noticed peaking at you earlier while you talked. There was nothing, but you did hear the guys who lived next door talking about your cousin's husband as 'old pool guy' and wanting to use the hot tub. It made you laugh and you made a mental note to find them later and invite them since they wanted to hang out so badly.
You didn't know much about them other than it was just guys. They all seemed to know each other for a while and at least 2 of them were brothers. That is all you gathered from some occasional eavesdropping. Downside of social distancing starting right after moving into the cute little place given as a congrats at your first real job. You never saw everyone's faces to distinguish each guy. Your cousin’s husband had the place outside London and never really lived there anymore, and rather than sell it he gave it to you. Easier than finding a shitty apartment with way too high rent. Plus, Renee would not let you say no. So you didn't. Thanks Xander!
After finishing checking the water level on the pool and tub to round out the to do list, you were about to go inside to finish new employment paperwork when a soccer ball got sent over into your yard. It came from the boy's yard. No time like the present to break the ice you thought as walked to get said ball.
Smiling and laughing to yourself you heard exclamations happening among the group of men. You popped your head up by standing on your deck railing and they looked to you. They apologized over nothing and you thought it was sweet. Plus, it was nice to actually get a proper look at their faces. You still didn't really know their names, but at least now they were coming over around 8 for hot tub time and drinks.
"Thanks for letting us come over! Though, sorry for talking about your family and place without even properly meeting you." The man speaking, Tom as you learned, smiled as you handed him a drink.
You shook your head in protest. "Really it's fine. This is my cousin Xander's place. I just got a job at the London zoo and this was a congrats gift. Sorta to take out the struggle of finding a shitty apartment. Plus, I've been busy over there so that's why you have not seen me much. Still working out my schedule, plus a virus." While talking you lifted the cover off the hot tub. "Now, I believe there was a purpose to this visit?"
"Despite my brother's lack of tact before, that wasn't why we actually wanted to hang out with you. We wanted to meet you as well." Tom's smile made you do the same in return. You looked to the guys on your deck and chuckled.
"Then why did you come in swim trunks if that wasn't the objective?" You caught them and knew it based off the blush on Harry's face. "I'm teasing. It's totally fine. You guys get comfy, jet buttons are on the side, I'm gonna change and grab some more beers and such." You let them be as you changed into your suit in your room. You made sure you were all set and presentable. It was quick and you put your hair in a pony tail while walking to your fridge. Grabbing some bottles you made your way back to the group.
Passing them around you spoke, "Sorry if these suck. I'm still figuring out which beers here I like. I had American ones but finished those. So I don't know fully what does and doesn't suck."
They took their bottles and Tuwaine smiled at you. "There are English equivalents I can tell you. Now I gotta ask, and don't take offense. But why does it smell like perfume and weed out here Y/N?"
"Yeah I smelled that too! Thought it was the chemicals from the tub or something.." The man learned to be Harrison looked at the hot tub he sat in in reference. You blushed at being caught. Eyes went wide slightly as well. Then you mentally scolded yourself after turning and seeing your ash tray and formally lit joint on the deck table.
"Haha yeah you caught me. The perfume is Chanel, put that on before you came, and the pot is well.. pot! Smoked that before you came... Y'all aren't narcs are you? If you're chill I'll share." You didn't need things to go sour first time hanging out with neighbors. You needed friends your age here outside of work!
Tom laughed and smiled. "Relax darling, it's fine." He watched you let out a breath of relief. None of them were ones to judge someone on what they do casually in their free time. "Maybe another time on the sharing though, I'm set. Just tell us about yourself."
"Well offer stands and I will finish that in a bit full disclosure. But me, 22, recently employed keeper at the London zoo, umm I'm from Boise, Idaho, mom and dad are back there, very easy going, and a big fan of nature and having fun! I got my degree from University of Wisconsin and this is my first time being overseas, only been to Canada in regards to international travel. Any specific questions?" They all took in your short backstory as you climbed in with them in the tub; instantly relaxing in the hot water, eyes closing as you drank your beer. Harrison was quickly taking in the details of your face. A few ear piercings, long eyelashes coated in pretty mascara, nice jewelry on too. He got the sense you were chill and put together. Plus, you seemed to know how to have a good time regardless of the situation.
"Boyfriend?" Harry's question led to a glare from his brother and a small smile from you.
You shook your head no. "Nope, we ended things a little before I moved here. Mutual thing, he is working on his masters back home. Even if I stayed that would've ended things because it becomes your whole world really."
"You have your masters?" Tom noticed you shaking your head no and listened as you explained you took a job here instead.
"I need money more than another degree. So I'm here kickin' it in a hot tub with 5 fun Brits instead!" Your smile was contagious to the guys. Soon more drinks were had and stories were shared. They all really took a liking to you. “Now tell me about yourselves!”
I am gonna make this a series, length not decided. And for real let me know to have the main love interest be Tom or Harrison. I don’t care either way. 
As always, like and reblog! Feedback is appreciated as well!
Taglist: (message me to be added or removed, sorry if I forgot someone)
@jillanaholland @averyfosterthoughts
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