#I'm in a conundrum
savage-rhi · 5 months
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vapolis · 3 months
normalize not knowing your own characters when asked specific things
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mspaintbladie · 5 months
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important announcement
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The way Dean swallowed his feelings as soon Cas told him I love you. he swallowed his will to respond back, because he recognized the point of no return if he just said: You know I love you too. Cas's happiness will have been undoubtedly real. Dean kept silence because he tried to reject or negate Cas the 12 year fuckery between them. thinking it could have ended Castiel's deal with the empty. But he swallowed his words because he wasn't able to lie to Cas when he was so vulnerably open with him... AND THE EMPTY WAS A BITCH THAT ENDED THE THING FAST BECAUSE PLOT CONTRIVANCES.
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I'm just a girl, sitting in front of a computer screen, begging asking my characters to "BEHAVE so I can write the freakin' story!!!"
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hemingway-papers · 1 year
Much has been said about Disney's The Great Mouse Detective and Atlantis but not enough talk about how Cagliostro-pilled they were when they made Tangled lol. zenigata ass horse
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cookinguptales · 9 months
I will say, though, that sometimes you try to talk yourself out of your feelings for a long time and then you talk to someone outside of the situation and they're like "what the fuck" and you're like OH okay I have a right to feel weird and bad and stressed out.
I guess it's easy to feel stupid because you actually are affected when people are actively trying to affect you, especially when it's something like writing on the internet, which is just... always going to get harassment. Like when I say I've gotten messages about how people like me should be euthanized in the past over tumblr posts. :')
So you're like "oh, random shitty people is just something that everyone deals with, I should shut up and stop being a baby about it" and then you actually show the messages you're getting to someone and they're like ???? what????
Like I shared my inbox with my hairstylist when we were chatting a few days ago, and he was like ???? This man is not in fandom, so when he saw the kind of shit I was getting over not liking a finale of a tv show, he was shocked. Which... was kind of gratifying. It made me feel less crazy. lmao
Kind of reminds me of when I wrote this really personal essay about disability a few years ago and it won a contest. The people running the contest gave me uhhh quite a bit of money and asked me to keep writing for their site for more money. Like when I tell you I was literally on IRL conference calls with these people asking me why I stopped writing for them.
And I was finally like "...well, there's this feature on your site where you can tag other users in your essays, and after I won people kept writing their own essays about how much I didn't deserve to win, about how "lucky" I was to have a sob story that was attractive to the judges, about how whiny I was, people questioning my disability, etc. And since they tagged me, this was filling my email inbox and it really stressed me out. But if you look at the actual comments on the story, you don't see any of that. So it was kind of invisible harassment."
And the rep was horrified. She had never even considered that someone might use the feature like that. She was like WE'LL INVESTIGATE THIS and I was like. sure, okay. But getting that taste of the spotlight was already enough to make me peace out for good, tbh. Even though I knew that a lot of it was just sour grapes because they wanted to win themselves, and I knew that a lot of what they were saying wasn't valid, the sheer force of the animosity against me was overwhelming.
Like... it's not a crime to have your feelings hurt when someone is actively trying to hurt your feelings. It's natural, I guess, even if you feel kind of stupid about it.
I guess it's kind of wild to me that we just take it for granted that anyone who speaks up is gonna get yelled at online. Any prominent writer or activist you see is probably getting daily cruelty, if not outright death threats. And you just -- you have to have such a certain temperament to deal with all that. And I don't have it. I get easily overwhelmed and stressed when people are mad at me and I know it's not ideal but it is who I am. I joke about it, but I really kind of do feel like a small nervous dog sometimes.
And I wonder, sometimes, how many great voices we never hear from because of this expectation of harassment. Someone says something, gets some shitty trolly comment, then goes back in their hole and never talks again. Or they see the way other people get treated and they never speak up in the first place.
idk, I don't mean to be a martyr about this and I'm sure other people are getting the kinds of messages I am but like. God, it is so weird and disheartening to realize that a few people have been sending you nasty messages for literally months when you block an anon from your inbox and you see what else disappears. There are people who are so mad at me that they've sent me angry messages for months. Because I don't have the same opinions they do about a tv show.
It kind of makes you want to never talk about anything ever again. :(
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supersecretnerd · 1 year
A brown haired and freckled Little Mac from the Japanese instruction manual for Mike Tyson's Punch Out
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tbh-entp · 9 months
I'm starting to realize that my Ne-Fe loop turns on when I'm too social. I start going out, get a little addicted to being charming and how people respond, and then I forget myself and my Ti, and drain myself on saying the right (or hilariously wrong) things at the right moments, and I'm so aware of how people respond to me but idk how I'm responding to myself or how I even relate to what I'm saying-- only that it's clever and well timed and wow I feel terrible. I need to go home and find my Ti.
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mindfogs · 17 days
*me looking at a butch woman*: do i want her? or do i want to become her?
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sunlaire · 4 months
Cant stop thinking about this exchange I read in a fic once between a ghost and the man he took a bullet for. The living one was angry said "I dont understand why you did it. you were too nice, you got yourself killed because of a stranger" and the ghost said "A stranger? We knew each other for years."
The living one says "But I was so careful. I kept you at arms length..."
and the ghost laughed and said "An arms length isn't that far."
the man says "i never showed you all of myself. not even a fraction."
and the ghost basically shrugged and said thats just how people work. You can't ever see all of someone. But the parts he saw, he cared about and understood in his own way. And thats just how it is.
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mimicmerchant · 5 months
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Another year where I technically drew something every month! This time I even posted some of them!!
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wheredidalltheusersgo · 4 months
I NEEEEEED to get better at drawing gore and body horror, but I DO NOTTT want to look at references because I'm squeamish
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andersdotters · 10 months
Zhongli and pda don't belong in the same sentence.
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thefiresofpompeii · 5 months
STOP RETCONNING. STOP IT. CEASE. I BEG. big confused screaming rant in tags
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khruschevshoe · 4 months
Being a true galaxy-brained Doctor Who fan is hitting the epiphany that every showrunner had their strengths and their weaknesses and their own interpretations of the Doctor and you can like or dislike any aspect of any showrunner and acknowledge their genuine mistakes/bad choices/yikes decisions (such as racism, sexism, homophobia, questionable undertones, lack of agency for female characters, etc.) and it is COMPLETELY VALID to have that turn you off of a Doctor/showrunner but also acknowledge that some of the things that people have considered bad writing over the years are often personal preference (valid opinion, not always valid fact) and that just as there are clunkers in every season, there's something to appreciate about every showrunner and every Doctor.
After all, "The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don't always spoil the good things and make them unimportant."
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