#I'm cryn
neolxzr · 22 days
as much as i believe you can headcanon whatever you like i really think that the idea that till secretly was also in love with ivan the whole time but was in denial about it or didnt realize it kind of detracts from their story
till doesn't have any reason to be in denial about his feelings, he just simply doesn't feel the same. he wasn't raised in an environment that would give him any reason to have internalized homophobia. nothing would change if ivan was a girl. he just doesn't love him back.
but looking at any of the supplementary material like the beach scene art COUGH or any official actor or student AU stuff shows that maybe, in another life. till could have loved ivan. if the two of them were raised in a different environment and met and lived under different circumstances, they could have been in love. in another life. in another universe.
but in the world of alien stage, it was never going to be that way. and that's what makes it all the more tragic.
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txdeathmatch · 2 months
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i love rewatching wrestlers' indies era like this mf was wearing luchasaurus' shoulder piece but that shit was so big he wore it like a backpack i'm cryn
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*the fish expression sad and quickly turn into crying*
No... Jimmy...
*sob* I'm sorry... I can't *sob* help much...
*The tamagochi vibrates as the fish crying with them*
SL!Tango: Uh? Skizz? Jimmy why are you c-cryn-ng? *sniff* Why a-am I?
*Tango starts sobbing as well*
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umber-cinders · 2 months
Gojo being confirmed racist was not on my bingo card for 2024 but I am not surprised
💀Mans was ready to sling that hard R at Miguel from day zero. I'm cryn.
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hersheymallow · 1 year
people shitting on soukoku is sort of..... really bad
they are not a yaoi couple. they are an MLM couple
together, they are not canonically sexualized or fetishized. they hold eachother in very high respects and don't mistreat echother (you disagree? have you seen how chuuya treats the enemy? not at all with the absolute tender CARE and GRACE he GENUINELY treats dazai with) they trust eachother
ur all just homophobic ;___________________________________;;;;;;
mlm is often erased from american media while wlw couples stay intact, this is either from severe erasure of gay men (real) or fetishization of lesbians (also real) so let's be a doll and do neither of those yucky things
i'm not saying "ship soukoku"
i'm saying stop treating it like it's the most god awful bullshit you've ever heard because i'm a gay man and they give me strength and yada yada (shut up i'm cryn)
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pciu3-r · 3 months
OoooooOrRrRrr !! I should thank Res Julie for still leaving them on your back !
( I'm so dead , but do you know where can I interact with Res Julie again??)
*he scoffs, ignoring you*
(Creator: I wish I could tell you where exactly you can interact with her but maybe you could ask her creator pom3-cryns)
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unsanctioned-if · 4 months
I'm curious, but do feel free to not answer if it has already been answered in the past. Astra is a vampire, but she also looks human. Is vampirism something that can only affect humans, or can other races be turned into a vampire too? Or is it a situation of vampires being entirely a race of its own, and that they're able to procreate like other races?
And if it's a case of vampires turning others, would the MC down the line, or in an epilogue or something, be able to be turned to be with Astra? I don't know what a vampire lifespan looks like in your game, but I would imagine most people that romance her, would want that 'ideal' happily ever after with her, where Mc's lifespan won't get in the way of that assuming vampires don't age at all, or do so incredibly slowly.
Hey, thank you so much for the ask! That's a good question.
Vampirism can affect any race, but is more likely to happen to humans and elves. Cryn have sturdier skin that's crystallized in places, which makes them a more difficult target for vampires in general.
Giving the MC the option to turn into one isn't something I have planned as of right now, regardless of chosen race. The main reason for this is that it'd significantly change what the MC would be able to do/not do; there are smaller things such as not being able to walk in sunlight, which would mean specific branching down the line and adding some extra alternative paths. This wouldn't be much of a problem however since I've already included flavor-text depending on race, background etc. and will continue to do so where it makes sense in the story.
What would be a problem, though, is the fact that vampires in this universe can't cast or use magic themselves. Which, considering the plot of "Unsanctioned", would make things tricky to say the least.
To be clear: vampires can still be influenced by magic and spells (whether they affect them negatively or positively), but they lose the potential/ability to use it when they turn.
Whether or not that's one of the endings you can get...maybe? Even if it's something I'd decided for certain one way or another, I wouldn't reveal that info at this time since it'd be a bit too spoilery :) I haven't planned for all of the various endings you can get yet. Some I have in mind and others will come to me as I continue writing.
In short, never say never, but I can't make any promises! I hope that makes sense.
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jacrollart · 3 months
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I know I haven't posted much and it's msotly because I'm struggling to find any inspo but my friends started playing a new campaign and I made sprites for each of our pc! From the left: Laurence (@sodavicc , who is also our DM!), Cryn (@eliskimm), Lagoon (_oceanknight on X) and Garrett (my character!)
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littleladymab · 4 months
FebruarOC - Yewan
Alright so this might be a bit of cheating -- I originally kept telling myself "I need a new character with a Y name" when I was collecting new characters for H and Q (since the ones I Had existing I wanted to talk about in regards to specific projects), and a character with a U name in general. And so I named one of my unnamed cast characters for HOWL after completely forgetting WHY I needed a Y name. I only had Yewan, and I had already talked about him (patrons only).  
And then I realized that like... I had nothing to say about this recently named character (her name is Yasmine, hi to Yasi and Kaite this one's for you). She's a part of the HOWL series, but I knew the least about her (and Ursula, when I was getting a buffer of U names, to round out the rest of that cast). I only talked about Penelope and Mateen because they were used in campaigns previously, and while I could have made up stuff like I did for Quin, I actually have to put work in for Yasmine because it's a story in general that I'm going to put time and care into, unlike Horatio and Quin which are more sandbox at the moment than anything. 
So, we're back with my boy Yewan. And because I don't have much to say that I didn't already talk about last year when making his character sheet (sorry you'll have to be a patron to see that), all you get is drabble for him. Not even an extra long one whoops, but I'll include it here in the body of the tumblr post.
It was super fun digging into actually writing for him, because I don't think I ever had him narrate a scene. Most were from Nixa's point of view, though I think in the 2004 original version I had a scant few from Cryn (mostly because I did the thing where it shifted points of view so it might have just bled from Nixa to Cryn). And I liked coming to the conclusion that like... Yewan and Nixa simply don't like each other. Their personalities clash too much, and I don't feel like it's ever going to be "they're going to become unlikely friends!" like, they're just going to ever become reluctant allies. And he will be the only person who she will allow to get away with saying things to her that are blunt, to the point, and most definitely what she doesn't want to hear. 
It is, at this point, a matter of pure fucking stubborn will. Yewan is determined to not lose.
Nixa is, however, a formidable opponent. Unflappable. Not even Brom’s bumbling can get her to flip her lid, and he has only seen her lose her cool once.
And it had been Yewan’s fault.
Well, no, not his fault. He had only initiated the minor rebellion among their party; it was Ashska who said the words that finally got her to snap. A beautifully executed bit of teamwork not that anyone would ever consider him a leader.
A wizard was never in charge, regardless of how intelligent he was. Never mind the fact that he could outthink both Brom (honestly not a challenge) and Nixa (surprisingly easy, if you knew how). While Brom was assigned to be the head of their party because he was the warrior amongst them, Nixa was unquestionably the true leader. It was for her home, her people, apparently her brother (he hadn’t seen that coming, that much was true), so on and so forth. Sure, she respects the opinions of the others in as much as she allows people to voice them and ‘will take them into consideration’. The only one she ever really listens to is Cryn.
It probably helps that they’re so into her and she must enjoy the attention.
Finally, at long last, Nixa stirs. Ever so slightly, her hands coming together in her lap. She takes a breath and lets it out slowly. Not in a sigh, not through pursed lips — just a careful and extended exhale.
“Well then,” Yewan says, because he can now break the silence since she gave up first. “Let’s hear it.”
“You’re an absolutely pompous piece of shit,” Nixa says. Nothing changes in her expression. Her posture remains as tense as always. “A worthless one at that.”
Nothing he hasn’t heard before, though it still stings. “And you’re a self-centered bitch with a misdirected sense of righteousness that you wield like a cudgel against anyone who tries to offer you a hand.”
She lifts one slender eyebrow, and he wonders which of that managed to surprise her. Or perhaps it’s because he didn’t say more and worse.
He might have at one point. Some of the rage has burned off over the last day once she finally revealed the whole scope of the situation. Just because it makes sense doesn’t mean he has to like it, but he does at least have to acknowledge her reasoning.
“You realize that if you don’t want this to turn into a hopeless mission where most of us end up dead that we will have to kill him, don’t you?” he asks, jumping right to the point. “You can’t go into this thinking you can save him.”
Anger flashes behind her eyes before she blinks and looks away. “I know.” It’s not what she wants, that much is obvious. Her hand unfurls in her lap, palm up, fingers loosely splayed like a wilting flower. Nestled in the center is the fire-red amulet that he’s seen her wear.
She extends her hand between them like a reluctant peace offering. Neither of them wanting this, but knowing that they have to.
If only she was just a little less insufferable. They could have made a powerful team. What Cryn sees in her he has no idea.
Yewan takes the amulet and ignores the bite of magic that nips at the tips of his fingers — it probably recognizes him as a potential enemy and an unwelcome touch. Which, sure, he’ll accept that from her. “This is connected to him?” he asks, because he needs her to say it.
Nixa nods. “Yes. He gave it to me before he left.”
He turns it over in his fingers, marveling at the intricate spellwork. If her brother hadn’t been working with the enemy, he might have proven to be a very interesting person to talk magic with. Far more interesting than his sister, in any case. “Fine. This will work.”
She nods again and rises to her feet. No hesitation, no second guessing. She might just be leadership material after all, rotten personality aside. “Fine,” she agrees, and leaves without waiting for him to dismiss her.
He doesn’t watch her go. Let her have that small amount of dignity if she breaks. Let Cryn find and comfort her.
He’s agreed to stay, and that will have to be enough.
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starswallowingsea · 9 months
This is why i physically can’t stand enstars fans they see one thing that doesn’t fit their agenda and then automatically assume it’s bait like no you sardines for brains I just have a different opinion I know it’s baffling in this democracy we live in I know and funny how you probably assume that because I offended the untouchable god akira who is an oh so perfect writer his bigoted arse isn’t going to fly from japan to congratulate you he chunky needs to get out he can barley write the day that man leaves happy elements I’ll rejoice and pray to the god I haven’t believe in in the last year again 🥳
1. I also implied that I was baiting you (which I am) (and you've fallen for it hook, line and sinker)
2. You don't have to agree with everything I or anyone else says. That is not the point of any of this. But every ask you've sent me or Cryn or Robin has clearly demonstrated that you do not have even the most basic of reading comprehension skills to understand that sometimes characters can be queer without using specific words.
3. You're the one bringing up Akira man what's your damage? I know Akira wrote Remplacer but it's beyond just Akira's stories you know. I'm personally a fan of Yuumasu's writing myself.
4. Nice fatphobia buddy. I'm sure you're real fun at parties
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5. That would be you! Its a nickname you've been given by me personally actually since you seem so dead set on calling Enstars queerbait
6. Since you sent two asks I'm just going to block you now. If you have something else you want to say, say it with your whole chest or not at all. Love and light.
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heart4reigns · 11 months
heyy, i just wanted to say i'm in love with your fics they are definitely the best ones i've read, like i've already reblogged 3+ of them on my account!! everyone gotta see these fics 😭💗
OMGGGGGGGGGGGWHGEGEE IM CRYN SO BAD… im glad u enjoyed it!!!! <3 thank u so much this means a lot to me i might explode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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neolxzr · 1 year
imagine imagine imagine
aira: Minna~! Ichiban rabu~i aidoru wa dare? audience: Aira-chan!!! aira: Pin pon~! Boku desu~! Saa, see~no...AIRAAAAA~BU! audience: AIRAAAAA~BU!!! aira: Arigatou!! ^_^
(aira: Everyone!!! Who's the number one loveliest idol?) (audience: Aira-chan!!!) (aira: Correct~! It's me~! Now, one, two... AIRAAAAA~BU!) (audience: AIRAAAA~BU!!!) (aira: Thank you!! ^_^)
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txdeathmatch · 1 month
malakai always feeding buddy to these mfs i'm cryn
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castielsprostate · 10 months
Good morning my friend!!!! I hope you have a nice day and I'm sorry for spam reblogging you while you were offline 🤭🍄🪶🐢😇💙 - March scoobycas
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SSJSJSJSJSJ MARCH!!!!! HI!!!!!!!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺 i hope YOU have a nice day also!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and dw about spamreblogs AT ALL !!!! i love it when people do that hehehe <3<3 also SCREAMING AT THE IMAGE SKSKSKSKS sjonnienatural 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 IM CRYN G SJSJJSSJ
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umber-cinders · 28 days
Happy Mother's Day to Inya.
I'm just sending it early cause she gonna punch the air when it happens.
-M'Baku's legal team-
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^^^ *Live footage of Inya rn*
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blackbirdloki · 1 year
for the music asks: 9 and 11!! :3
Hi Cryn!!
There are. So many options and many of them overlap so I'm just gonna use bullet points lmao
Lightning round for es songs that make me happy no matter how low my mood is: Heart Aid Cafeteria, Mystic Fragrance, Melty Kitchen, Yukai Tsuukai That's Alright, Marine Blue Rendezvous, Trick with Treat, The Tempest Night, and Be the Party Bee. A certain other song would be here if not for the fact that it also makes me sad.
There's Answer by Frederic×Keina Suda which topped my Wrapped last year at 208 plays and is instant dopamine. I looped it for like 2 hours straight when I first heard it and it hasn't left my playlist since.
Sora to utsuro by sasanomaly is a BANGER and also from the show where I found my first fictional birthday twin <3.
Landscape by Kotaro Oshio always makes me wanna dance in a field of wildflowers somewhere even though I can't dance and am allergic to pollen 😌
Several songs from anime that I won't list all of but especially Infinity by Yuuri and Kaze no Uta by FLOW. Rin Rin Hi Hi by Hashiguchikanaderiya makes me happy but unfortunately does get annoying after enough plays.
Also several songs from video games that I am. Far too tired to think about rn but just know there's a LOT.
Annnnnnd that's all I can think of rn! Thank you for the ask :)
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