#heroes of agune
littleladymab · 3 months
FebruarOC - Yewan
Alright so this might be a bit of cheating -- I originally kept telling myself "I need a new character with a Y name" when I was collecting new characters for H and Q (since the ones I Had existing I wanted to talk about in regards to specific projects), and a character with a U name in general. And so I named one of my unnamed cast characters for HOWL after completely forgetting WHY I needed a Y name. I only had Yewan, and I had already talked about him (patrons only).  
And then I realized that like... I had nothing to say about this recently named character (her name is Yasmine, hi to Yasi and Kaite this one's for you). She's a part of the HOWL series, but I knew the least about her (and Ursula, when I was getting a buffer of U names, to round out the rest of that cast). I only talked about Penelope and Mateen because they were used in campaigns previously, and while I could have made up stuff like I did for Quin, I actually have to put work in for Yasmine because it's a story in general that I'm going to put time and care into, unlike Horatio and Quin which are more sandbox at the moment than anything. 
So, we're back with my boy Yewan. And because I don't have much to say that I didn't already talk about last year when making his character sheet (sorry you'll have to be a patron to see that), all you get is drabble for him. Not even an extra long one whoops, but I'll include it here in the body of the tumblr post.
It was super fun digging into actually writing for him, because I don't think I ever had him narrate a scene. Most were from Nixa's point of view, though I think in the 2004 original version I had a scant few from Cryn (mostly because I did the thing where it shifted points of view so it might have just bled from Nixa to Cryn). And I liked coming to the conclusion that like... Yewan and Nixa simply don't like each other. Their personalities clash too much, and I don't feel like it's ever going to be "they're going to become unlikely friends!" like, they're just going to ever become reluctant allies. And he will be the only person who she will allow to get away with saying things to her that are blunt, to the point, and most definitely what she doesn't want to hear. 
It is, at this point, a matter of pure fucking stubborn will. Yewan is determined to not lose.
Nixa is, however, a formidable opponent. Unflappable. Not even Brom’s bumbling can get her to flip her lid, and he has only seen her lose her cool once.
And it had been Yewan’s fault.
Well, no, not his fault. He had only initiated the minor rebellion among their party; it was Ashska who said the words that finally got her to snap. A beautifully executed bit of teamwork not that anyone would ever consider him a leader.
A wizard was never in charge, regardless of how intelligent he was. Never mind the fact that he could outthink both Brom (honestly not a challenge) and Nixa (surprisingly easy, if you knew how). While Brom was assigned to be the head of their party because he was the warrior amongst them, Nixa was unquestionably the true leader. It was for her home, her people, apparently her brother (he hadn’t seen that coming, that much was true), so on and so forth. Sure, she respects the opinions of the others in as much as she allows people to voice them and ‘will take them into consideration’. The only one she ever really listens to is Cryn.
It probably helps that they’re so into her and she must enjoy the attention.
Finally, at long last, Nixa stirs. Ever so slightly, her hands coming together in her lap. She takes a breath and lets it out slowly. Not in a sigh, not through pursed lips — just a careful and extended exhale.
“Well then,” Yewan says, because he can now break the silence since she gave up first. “Let’s hear it.”
“You’re an absolutely pompous piece of shit,” Nixa says. Nothing changes in her expression. Her posture remains as tense as always. “A worthless one at that.”
Nothing he hasn’t heard before, though it still stings. “And you’re a self-centered bitch with a misdirected sense of righteousness that you wield like a cudgel against anyone who tries to offer you a hand.”
She lifts one slender eyebrow, and he wonders which of that managed to surprise her. Or perhaps it’s because he didn’t say more and worse.
He might have at one point. Some of the rage has burned off over the last day once she finally revealed the whole scope of the situation. Just because it makes sense doesn’t mean he has to like it, but he does at least have to acknowledge her reasoning.
“You realize that if you don’t want this to turn into a hopeless mission where most of us end up dead that we will have to kill him, don’t you?” he asks, jumping right to the point. “You can’t go into this thinking you can save him.”
Anger flashes behind her eyes before she blinks and looks away. “I know.” It’s not what she wants, that much is obvious. Her hand unfurls in her lap, palm up, fingers loosely splayed like a wilting flower. Nestled in the center is the fire-red amulet that he’s seen her wear.
She extends her hand between them like a reluctant peace offering. Neither of them wanting this, but knowing that they have to.
If only she was just a little less insufferable. They could have made a powerful team. What Cryn sees in her he has no idea.
Yewan takes the amulet and ignores the bite of magic that nips at the tips of his fingers — it probably recognizes him as a potential enemy and an unwelcome touch. Which, sure, he’ll accept that from her. “This is connected to him?” he asks, because he needs her to say it.
Nixa nods. “Yes. He gave it to me before he left.”
He turns it over in his fingers, marveling at the intricate spellwork. If her brother hadn’t been working with the enemy, he might have proven to be a very interesting person to talk magic with. Far more interesting than his sister, in any case. “Fine. This will work.”
She nods again and rises to her feet. No hesitation, no second guessing. She might just be leadership material after all, rotten personality aside. “Fine,” she agrees, and leaves without waiting for him to dismiss her.
He doesn’t watch her go. Let her have that small amount of dignity if she breaks. Let Cryn find and comfort her.
He’s agreed to stay, and that will have to be enough.
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gameforestdach · 1 year
Eine groß angelegte Erweiterung für Dragon Quest X: Rise of the Five Tribes Offline, "The Sleeping Hero and the Guiding Ally", wurde kürzlich von Publisher Square Enix und Entwickler B.B. Studio vorgestellt. Die Erweiterung, die der Hauptgröße des Spiels entspricht, erscheint am 26. Mai 2023 und beinhaltet exklusive Inhalte, die im Online-Spiel nicht verfügbar sind. Neue Erweiterung für "Dragon Quest X: Rise of the Five Tribes Offline" Release am 26. Mai 2023 Neue Gebiete, Charaktere und exklusive Inhalte Unterstützung für PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Switch und PC via Steam in Japan Die aufregenden Details der neuen Erweiterung Die epische Offline-Erweiterung "The Sleeping Hero and the Guiding Ally" enthält das brandneue Gebiet Rendashia, das von Menschen bewohnt wird. Spieler können sich auf die Suche nach einer vertrauenswürdigen Gruppe begeben, um gemeinsam die Geheimnisse der Welt zu lüften. Außerdem wird ein neues Partymitglied, die Heldin Prinzessin Anlucia, vorgestellt, die heroische Magie einsetzt und sich der Party des Hauptcharakters anschließt, um die Welt zu retten. [gallery size="large" ids="357594,357595,357596,357597,357598"] Rendashia - Das neue Herzstück von Astoltia Rendashia liegt im Zentrum des riesigen Kontinents Astoltia und kann von den Spielern auf einem fliegenden Drachen erkundet werden. Hier treffen sie auf eine spannende Welt voller Abenteuer und unterschiedlicher Charaktere. Die verschiedenen Gebiete und Begegnungen von Rendashia wurden in diesem Artikel näher erläutert: Mersandi Area: Eine friedliche Agrarregion mit Weizenfeldern und Windmühlen. Hier treffen Spieler auf Helden wie Zankrone, Bürgermeister Gush und seinen Sohn Raska. Seled Area: Eine Bergregion mit der Stadt Seled und dem Tempel von Dharma. In der Stadt leben nur Kinder unter der Führung von Rezerotta, Firo und Muccino. Al-Agun Area: Eine öde Wüstenregion mit einer Arena für Monsterkämpfe im Al-Agun-Königreich. Zu den dortigen Charakteren zählen König Bermud, Seraphi und Clawde. Gran Zedora Area: Das größte Land in Rendashia mit einer riesigen Burg, einer Stadt und einem Hafen. Die Weise Luchenda und ihr Diener Milt sind hier zu finden. Wie kann man das neue Abenteuer erleben? Dragon Quest X: Rise of the Five Tribes Offline ist für die PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Switch und PC via Steam in Japan erhältlich. Die Erweiterung "The Sleeping Hero and the Guiding Ally" wird am 26. Mai 2023 veröffentlicht. Einige der ersten Eindrücke dieser Erweiterung findet man in einer Sammlung von 42 Screenshots, die hier zu sehen sind. Fazit: In Kürze erscheint eine spannende Erweiterung für Dragon Quest X: Rise of the Five Tribes Offline - "The Sleeping Hero and the Guiding Ally". Spieler können sich auf ein episches Abenteuer im neuen Gebiet Rendashia freuen, bei dem sie auf bisher unbekannte Charaktere treffen und exklusive Inhalte erleben werden. Die Erweiterung wird am 26. Mai 2023 auf PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Switch und PC via Steam veröffentlicht und verspricht ein Spielspaß der Extraklasse.
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robylovi · 4 years
i feel like you give off hazel vibes!
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percivore · 6 years
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ghostbread892 · 4 years
Bread's Masterlist
Hi hi someone gave me the idea of a master list so I'm gonna give it a shot and if it comes out wonky I just gotta say I tried my best- anyways I hope you guys enjoy my writing-
Bucky x reader x pietro
Truth behind our tears
Pietro x reader
When tomorrow comes
Things are meant to be broken
Steve x reader
The heart wants what it wants
Wanda x reader
Under shining stars
Stephen strange x reader
Life's greatest gift
Bucky x reader
Confession headcanon
The flaw in my code
His name
Nonsense masterlist
My hero academia
Bakusquad x reader
Hurt during training headcanon
Denki kaminari x reader
First time realizing he loves you
Ejirou Kirishima x reader
Comforting headcanons
Enji Todoroki x reader
Winter cuddling headcanon
Harry Potter
First time cuddling headcanons
Hidden Secrets masterlist
Draco x reader
Jealousy headcanon
The Witcher
Jaskier x Geralt
Fly with me
The Umbrella Academy
Diego Hargreeves x reader
coming home injured headcanon
Taglist: @binkysteebnpewter @andyl394 @fuzzy-cloud-head-queen @nightunite @punof-agun @sc4rletw1tch @timelords-13 @likubuju @bonkyboinkybucky @bombshellbella @subtlebucky @ashleefo
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eurkplay · 4 years
Creditos site rkplay - https://bit.ly/2Nl18ig
Kirby Star Alies é conhecido jogo supremo do kirby que une referencias a varios outros jogos antigos do kirby como tambem uma epica historia especial
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#rkplay #kirby #HISTORIADOSJOGOS
Mais sobre Kirby Star Alies
Sinopse Em Jambandra, uma distante estação espacial, um indivíduo encapuzado misterioso finaliza um ritual, mas tal ritual, falho, acaba fazendo quebrar um grande cristal escuro em forma de coração selado por quatro lanças, mandando vários fragmentos do cristal—os Jamba Hearts—pelo universo. Aguns Jamba Hearts caem em Popstar, e muitos personagens, incluindo o Rei Dedede e Meta Knight, são afetados por eles. Kirby, por outro lado, é atingido por um coração que lhe dá a habilidade de jogar corações para fazer amigos. Kirby nota vários Waddle Dees levando comida para o Castelo Dedede e decide ir atrás do rei. Depois de derrotar Dedede e Meta Knight possuídos, uma grande fortaleza, Jambastion, pousa em Popstar. Lá, Kirby derrota as irmãs generais Francisca, Flamberge e Zan Partizanne e parte para o espaço em uma Warp Star.
Depois de passar por vários planetas e derrotar Francisca e Flamberge novamente, Kirby chega à Base de Jambandra e quebram sua barreira defensiva e finalmente encontram Hyness, o líder do ritual que planeja restaurar seu “deus escuro” selado no cristal, Void Termina. Derrotando Zan Partizanne mais uma vez, Kirby enfrenta Hyness, que logo perde seu capuz e revela sua aparência real. Derrotado, Hyness sacrifica suas subordinas e ele mesmo para reviver Void Termina. Kirby e seus amigos usam um pedestal para ir atrás de Void Termina usando uma Friend Star, mas as lanças que prendiam o cristal se fundem à estrela, formando o poderoso Star Allies Sparkler.
A batalha final começa com Void Termina revelando sua aparência humanoide. Com esta forma derrotada, sua cabeça cai e revela uma passagem para seu interior, onde Kirby parte o órgão que protege o núcleo. Void Termina expele Hyness e as irmãs, Kirby e seus amigos de dentro de si e sua forma humanoide assume uma forma alada. Ele é derrotado, e, novamente dentro do corpo, sua forma verdadeira é revelada: uma forma de esfera com três pontos que podem arranjar-se de várias formas, incluindo o rosto de Kirby. Void Termina logo revela um olho vermelho dentro de si, assumindo uma forma de Dark Matter. Fora do corpo, Kirby e todos os amigos finalmente destroem Void Termina. O Sparkler é destruído, e todos voltam para Popstar em uma Warp Star.
Outras cenas No sub-jogo Guest Star ???? Star Allies Go!, após a derrota de Hyness, Galacta Knight surge de um portal para batalhar contra Kirby e amigos. Porém, uma borboleta pousa em sua lança e se funde com o guerreiro, transformando-o em Morpho Knight, com uma máscara vermelha com antenas e asas de borboleta. Depois de derrotado, ele desaparece.
No sub-jogo The Ultimate Choice, na dificuldade Soul Melter, Void Termina aparece como o chefe final, mais poderoso que no modo história. Em vez de seu núcleo normal, a forma final é Void Soul, que tem uma coloração azul claro em vez de arroxeada como no modo história.
Em Heroes in Another Dimension, que acontece após a história principal, Hyness e as irmãs são corrompidos e estão em Outra Dimensão. Kirby e os outros devem viajar por quatro dimensões para abrir a última, onde derrotam as irmãs e Hyness, agora como Corrupt Hyness.
No sub-jogo The Ultimate Choice, na dificuldade Soul Melter EX, Morpho Knight EX é mais poderoso que sua forma anterior. Void Termina, também mais poderoso, tem sua forma verdadeira revelada como Void, um núcleo branco com pontos vermelhos
O post O FANTASTICO jogo do KIRBY | HISTORIA KIRBY STAR ALLIES apareceu primeiro em Rk Play - Canal de video games.
from WordPress https://rkplay.com.br/o-fantastico-jogo-do-kirby-historia-kirby-star-allies/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=o-fantastico-jogo-do-kirby-historia-kirby-star-allies
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Agun Lagaiya Dilo Kone | Hason Raja | BackStage Cover | Mymensingh Engineering College | MEC Introduction Mymensingh Engineering College established in the year 2007 under the faculty of Engineering & Technology, University Of Dhaka. It is the latest addition to Bangladesh's government engineering institutions. Mymensingh Engineering College was inaugurated by Minister Principal Motiur Rahman on 4 July 2009. Mymensingh Engineering College is one of the new and modern engineering colleges in Bangladesh. Postgraduate studies and more Engineering departments are going to be introduced soon. It is expected that Mymensingh Engineering College will be upgraded to a full-fledge public university soon and name after Mymensingh University of Engineering and Technology (MUET) . Campus Mymensingh Engineering College has located about 7 kilometers away from the main city of Mymensingh towards the Tangail road. Every building is accommodated in a multi-storied building over an area of about 7 acres land. There have 13 buildings including administrative building & faculty buildings. There are also quarters for teachers & staffs. Students Hall Name The hall facility of Mymensingh Engineering is well known. There are 3 residential halls (5 stories hall each). Two halls for boys & 1 hall for ladies. The halls are mostly named after national heroes and leaders. These are listed below with their capacities: Central library The central library is walking distance from the academic buildings and student residences. It is in a compact building with limited built-in facilities to provide teaching aids such as reading facility, borrowing of books, journals, etc. to the students and teachers of MEC.Consistent with the academic curricula, the contents of the central library are updated consistently to keep up with technological trends.Besides online facility is available on the central library.There is a huge amount of books available on this modern library. Auditorium complex and seminar hall The college has an air-conditioned Auditorium Complex with all modern facilities having a seating capacity of about 700, which is capable of holding conferences, seminars, and other cultural programs. Besides this, there are seminar and conference rooms with limited capacity in engineering degree awarding departments. Academics Affiliation Mymensingh Engineering College is affiliated with The University of Dhaka. It's under Faculty of Engineering & Technology, University of Dhaka Departments • Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) • Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) • Dept. of Civil Engineering (CE) Undergraduate courses In 2008-2009 Session, EEE department was introduced as the 1st batch of MEC. In the 2014-15 session, CE department was introduced.At present two departments running in a full swing.About 500 students are studying in MEC within two departments.Department of CSE will be opened next year on the 2018-19 session. Honours Students are awarded the pure B.Sc Engineering degree and this degree rewarded by University of Dhaka Lab Facility Mymensingh Engineering College has sufficient instruments in its lab which is modern, updated and well equipped. Here students are getting the benefits of the following lab :- • Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) • Department of Civil Engineering (CE) • Department of Computer & Science Engineering (CSE) Scholarships opportunities In every semester government would give 1950 taka per students for basis in CGPA (Top 50% students in per batch or department).Quota available for girls also. After completing graduation, there is a scope to study abroad with a scholarship which is counted by the rank of the University of Dhaka. As a new Engineering College, MECian students got the opportunity to study in world’s famous engineering university as like the University of Texas, Science & Technology of Korea, University Aix-Marseille with full scholarships. Achievements The students get scholarships at different universities abroad. Mymensingh engineering college has a research community and a science club named ASL(ALPHA SCIENCE LAB), a debate and cultural club named OBOYOV. It has different national and international awards. Mymensingh engineering college is going to be one of the best educational institute in Bangladesh. Already the students passed from this campus are performing very well in the job market. Sports and entertainment The College provides facilities for football, hockey, cricket, volleyball, basketball, table tennis etc. The students play tennis, badminton, and other games as well. Sports meets and games competitions are features of campus life. The students arrange cricket & football tournament in every year, cultural show, indoor games competition such as table tennis,chess etc. by Hello Boss Dipta Rasel
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alifalmostofa · 3 years
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Pashan Movie e Editing Sesh e Priyo Tinjon Manusher Sathe (Tinu via, Nagicman Saikat Nasir Via and Tawjim Tarek vi) ❤ 
📸 Me
⏱ 2k17
🏠 Visualizer Workshop (Saikat Nasir Via's Office), Media Goli, Maghbazar, Dhaka
Saikat Nasir Vai ke Personally Amar Onek Valo Lage. Uni and Anonno Mamun Vai ei Dujon Bangladesh Er Media Teo High Risk Niye Quality Content Make Korar Cesta Koren Sob Somoy.
National Award Wining Film Director and Magicman Saikat Nasir Notable Works: Desha: The Leader - (2014 Movie), Hero 420 - (2016), Pashan - (2018), Casino - (Upcoming), Akbar: Once Upon A Time In Dhaka - (Upcoming)
Kazi Suvo's Mela Theke Bou Ene De (Music Video), Asif Akbar's Agun (Music Video), Asif Akbar and Kornia's Ekbar Suye Ja Ridoy (Music Video), Asif Akbar's Agun Pani (Music Video), Puja's Nagad Prem (Music Video), Asif Akbar's Foo (Music Video)
Bad Boys (Web Series)
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10 Hero Mobile Legends Terbaik dan Terkuat Agustus 2020
10 Hero Mobile Legends Terbaik dan Terkuat Agustus 2020
Game Mobile Legends menjadi yang terbaik dan paling banyak dimainkan, untuk saat ini tersedia 110 hero Mobile Legends dengan skill uniknya, setiap hero memiliki kekurangan dan kelebihannya masing-masing ada yang terbaik dan terkuat di rolenya yang wajib kalian ketahui.
Mengetahui kemampuan setiap hero sangatlah penting terutama saat ranked, agar kalian bisa menang terus saat bermain game mobil…
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thebeautyoftorah · 5 years
The thought of this week of my book Healing Anger is
"The vast majority of angry bouts are originated from negative thoughts and self-talk about particular incidents that lead our conduct to turn to aggression, dragging ourselves into long periods of anger and resentment.”
Buy my book at http://www.feldheim.com/healing-anger.html
If you want to buy it from me in Israel let me know.
This article is  based on the teachings of R' Yissachar Frand
You have the opportunity to share in the mitzvah to honor a loved one by sponsoring my weekly review, or refua shelema (healing), shiduch, Atzlacha (success).
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LECH LECHA-The Most Difficult Test The Mishna says [1] that Avraham Avinu was tested ten times and passed them all. There are several opinions as to exactly what the ten tests were. However, most commentaries enumerate the command to leave his land, his birthplace, and his father’s home to go off to the Land he would be shown by G-d (“Lech lecha meartzecha…”) as one of the ten tests.  According to most commentaries, this was not the first test.
Some say that the first test Avram faced was the test of “Ur Kasdim”. Rashi points out that the name Ur Kasdim alludes to the miraculous salvation of Avram when thrown into a fiery furnace for refusal to worship the prevailing idols of his society. Despite the deep-seated beliefs in those days, Avram broke their idols and even broke his father’s idols. Everyone in Ur Kasdim shunted. They gave him the choice of worshiping their idols or being thrown into a fire together with his monotheistic beliefs. He chose the latter and miraculously emerged unharmed. The Torah alludes to this by saying, “And He said to him: I am the L-rd who took you out from Ur Kasdim…” [2]
The question is then, why does the Torah not explicitly mention the miracle of Ur Kasdim?
Rav Weinberg zt”l answers; 'Ur Kasdim was not a response to a Divine Command. Leaving his home was a Divine Command and hence the fact that Avram obeyed this Command was of greater significance than the fact that he was prepared to act under his own convictions'. This means that obeying G-d is really the greatest test. As our Rabbis say, “Greater is one who is commanded and does, more so than one who is not commanded and does”[3]. Doing something that we have to do is greater than doing something that we want to do. Thus, the test of Ur Kasdim is not as great as the test of Lech Lecha.
Rav Simcha Zissel Brody in Sam Derech, presents a different answer to this question. He says that people face two types of tests in their lifetimes. One type is those things that may be categorized as “glamorous tests”; defining moments in a person’s lifetime. At such times, when a person is well aware that he is at a junction in his lifetime when he must make a crucial decision — even one involving great self-sacrifice and heroism — he may be able to muster the courage and determination to make the proper decision.
However, there are other tests in life; the daily type of challenges that come our way, day in, day out, that each and every one of us face. These tests are not glamorous, are not exciting, not special, but still they are challenges.
The test of “Ur Kasdim” was one of those glamorous defining-moment types of tests.“Lech Lecha” was typical of the “daily grind” type of test. People sometimes have a capacity to rise above what they really are and to achieve higher levels above their normal capacities, but that is not who they really are.
Several years ago in Eretz Yisrael a terrorist attempted to board a bus filled with soldiers and other Israeli citizens. The terrorist tripped while getting onto the bus, fell backwards and banged his head on the sidewalk, temporarily dazing himself. The bus driver and a doctor who happened to be on board ran out to help him. In order to resuscitate him they opened his shirt and they saw he had a bomb strapped to his body. The bus driver and the medic held the fellow down to the ground and yelled to everyone to get out of the bus and run for their lives. Everyone except an elderly lady who could not move fast enough and another person trying to help her escaped injury. The elderly lady was killed and her aid was injured when the bomb went off a few moments later, however, miraculously all the other passengers were saved.
In an interview with the bus driver, the journalist told the bus driver, “You are a hero!” and asked him how he had the bravery to do what he did. The bus driver responded, “I am a cowardly type of person. If I would have been asked ahead of time whether I would do such a thing, I definitely would have responded in the negative. I do not know what it was, but something overcame me at the moment and I held the guy down to save the other people.”
This is a test of the “Ur Kasdim type”. Maybe it is the adrenaline or it is some latent power in people that makes them rise to the occasion. Many other stories like this prove that we all can have such moments of heroism and self-sacrifice. Moments when we escape our natural emotions of fear or cowardice or selfishness. For a moment, we all may become selfless heroes.
Ur Kasdim episodes are fleeting. They do not necessarily represent the real person who emerges heroically from such situations. Lech Lecha is the ordinary test of “do I go to learn Torah today?” Lech Lecha is do I come home from work at night and learn with my child and help him do his homework or do I say “do it yourself and let me go to sleep.” Nobody thinks about the challenge of “should I learn with my child right now or not?” as being a defining moment in life! No one considers such actions to be the essence of heroism. Lech Lecha moments are facing all the trials and tribulations that life sends us; health issues, financial issues, children issues and we do not question G-d’s Providence. They are same old daily grind issues.
This is what Avram did. He went to Eretz Yisrael. Hashem promised him things would be great, but they were tough. There was a famine in the land. Where is the greatness? This is life. Avram Avinu did not lose faith.There's nothing glamorous or exciting here, just the day in day out routine of life.
Rav Simcha Zissel explains that the Torah only alludes to Ur Kasdim. Such heroism is admirable, but everyone can rise to the occasion occasionally. However, in the eyes of the Torah, to do the 'little things' what we are supposed to do with consistency and perseverance day in, day out, are what really count. These  tests are represented by “Lech Lecha", and only great people can pass them. The Sfat Emet asks why G-d only told Avram lej leja and not the rest of the world and he responds by quoting the Zohar, who says that everyone heard the call of lej lejá, but only Avram responded to Him. Our task is to strive to emulate Avram and hear that personal call. The Rambam writes concerning Chazal’s statement, “Everything depends on the abundance of good deeds,”[4] that a person does not achieve greatness because of one great deed, but by the repetition of good deeds. For example, it is preferable to give many small gifts of charity to many individuals, than to give one large gift to one person[5].
Books are not written about such tests and people are not honored at banquets or receiving medals for being such heroes, but this is life and in the eyes of Hashem, this is where heroism really emerges. That is why the test of Lech Lecha “rates” as the greater of the two tests. __________________________________ [1] Avot 5:3 [2] Bereshit 15:7 [3] Kidushin 31a. [4] Avot 3:19. [5] Alternatively, Rav and Rabbenu Yonah say that the more good deeds a person does, indicating his desire for good, the greater degree of Divine mercy he is shown.
Le Iluy nishmat Eliahu ben Simcha, Mordechai ben Shlomo, Perla bat Simcha, Abraham Meir ben Leah, Moshe ben Gila,Yaakov ben Gila, Sara bat Gila, Yitzchak ben Perla, Leah bat Chavah, Abraham Meir ben Leah,Itamar Ben Reb Yehuda, Yehuda Ben Shmuel Tzvi, Tova Chaya bat Dovid.
Refua Shelema of Mazal Tov bat Gila, Zahav Reuben ben Keyla, Yitzchak ben Mazal Tov, Chana bat Ester Beyla, Mattitiahu Yered ben Miriam, Yaacov ben Miriam, Yehuda ben Simcha, Menachem Chaim ben Malka, Naftali Dovid ben Naomi Tzipora, Nechemia Efraim ben Beyla Mina, Mazal Tov Rifka bat Yitzchak, Rachel Simcha bat Yitzchak, Dvir ben Leah, Sender ben Sara, Eliezer Chaim ben Chaya Batya, Shlomo Yoel ben Chaya Leah and Dovid Yehoshua ben Leba Malka, Yosef Yitzchack ben Bracha. Atzlacha and parnasa tova to Daniel ben Mazal Tov, Debora Leah Bat Henshe Rachel, Shmuel ben Mazal tov, Yitzchak ben Mazal Tov, Yehuda ben Mazal Sara and Zivug agun to Gila bat Mazal Tov, Naftali Dovid ben Naomi Tzipora, Yehudit bat Malka, Elisheva bat Malka. For pidyon hanefesh & yeshua of Yosef Itai ben Eliana Shufra.
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sangeet24music · 5 years
***প্রিয় ভাই ও বোনেরা... আমাদের চ্যানেলে আপনাদের আন্তরিক মোবারকবাদ, আপনারা দয়া করে আমাদের চ্যানেলটি সাবস্ক্রাইব করে সাথেই থাকুন, নিয়মিত নতুন নতুন ভিডিও উপভোগ করুন, প্রতিটি ভিডিও লাইক কমেন্ট ও বেশী করে শেয়ার করুন, Sangeet24 Music ____________________________________ Shakib Khan, King Khan, Number one Shakib Khan, Bangladeshi Hero Shakib, sakib khan, sakib khan hero, Bangla Hero Sakib, Bangladeshi Hero Shakib Khan, AGUN LAGAILO, আগুন লাগাইলো, BUBLY, Party Song, PASSWORD Movie Party Song, EID 2019, password movie song, password song, password sobir gan, shakib khan password movie song, shakib khan bubly password, shakib bubly password, bubly password, shakib khan new movie, bubly new movie song, sk films
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littleladymab · 5 months
did i go and make a list of all my oc ships so i could start figuring out who i wanted to write for @ockissweek? maaaaaybe (I still need to pick four more ships! wanna help me pick?)
Still Waiting
Aneedh's Jewel
The Heroes of Agune
SD Verse
Keeping Time
The World Listens
Ean backstory/Mutiny
Collection of Curses
The Keeper Trilogy
Dragon Soul
Washer at the Ford
Alice/The Dodo
Etched and Buried
Gates of the Prophet
Etc characters
Star Wars OCs
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time of prostitutes in syria damascuse enjoy
time of prostitutes in syria damascuse enjoy time of prostitutes time of prostitutes they gather not in empty time but they blend with gathering in busy houre . like in the morning time of school or job near my house they can stand far ahead in beggining of street as they are waiting someone , or at the school finish time they just stand in the street and afox man inside of acar come fast pick the girl in street and go . or they blend at bus station as waiting for there bus , or they are speacial group who go in puplic bus like 7 beautiful girl with old women for helo and at least one man bodyguard . and me how is silent afriad to speak . they stand at medical univirsity at the time when doctor finish so it get mix up , but it just dump its very easy to recognize the dump fake with white coat in there hand and abook from the real one doctor . theres also there extra beautiful women there with more tight clothes leather and tight on her whole body . searching microbus and car to jump in very fast like adump . theres also group of guys and what u think is normal guys walk ing around they are pickup guys offering sex and if they like u they make noises and sign to pick u up . they stand near private school at 4 pm time of exit and guess what and theres alot . i also saw alot of muslim female in 30 or 35 walking around like crazy when they found nothing they jump in tiny microbus to have fun and be touched . - there s also this new place what i thought before was agathering place turn the opposite , they prefer maybe place where people dont sit like normal people just pass by and it make it difficult to stand they even throw garbbage near it if there any tiny place for people to sit so they dont get observed , i saw 3 beaituful female jumping itno aman car with full disrespect offering sex and overwhelming him like they are going to rape him . very abvious . this has accoured in the end of alhamrah street with the road that the microbus follow straight ahead and when he want to turn right ( here at this point they gather ) towrd the christian female school alsallam to president bridge . they always gather here protected and anything happen u will be spotted by all female old and young and with full disrespect u w ill get full share of humilation full if they didnt likle ur behaviour .
- i also saw aman selling candy with acut arm - atwo girl walking together one her leg was cut from the pelvis high and she was beautiful with yellow teeth she was makeing trouble now she is having sex unhappy .
- the motor of people in street not jsut trafficing sex people but they are hiding in engine agun or maybe aknife .
- i worked in a resturant for aweek with ahigh salary all costemer are weird . its afar away resturant in the highway where normal people dont go . well what happen is agirl go there sit with it friend agirl or aboy then after avery short time another group come and sit close infront of them and they giff them old arabic very very boring game atale with stone to move and the guy loook dump with mony the girl is beautiful . and they both eat slowly and spend some time analysing each other and also with the help of the owner which is afemale there and a comeeck female the deal get finish somehow and here u are not allowed to be there so u dont discover them . - i also get offer to go to the cinama . and i offer it to alot of people also . the cinema the old one that no one go to at all during the day with the front of shop full of naked female picture at the beach maybe i heared from asex guy that u can do there whatever u want to agirl no body will speak to u . but man i waent there to that cinma by mistake when i was searching for ajob and it was beautiful and tempting . - if u saw apolice man in damascus speacially with amotor it mean he is not watching the road even if he annoy people or make mony for people how drive bad but he is watching avery highly risk place for sex afriad of trouble to rise not just cop also a militry men inside a red car . - when u get in abus big one or microbus the driver job its job to drive very hectic tomove and stop suddenly so people pump against each other , over and over again . itd very funny . i learnt there to stand balanced in the kungfu style and i succeeded to look like atree .
- and when beautiful female inside the bus look at u ,be sure she is not looking at ur beauty but she is makin sign to the people around . but be carfull if u are chicken .
- and if u ignore afemale in abus standing close by when another male pass by and stand ifront of u she annoy u and start looking at u desirin ghim shamlessly and making sign that she can have sex casually . and this female was beautiful ..
- also dad and renting guys also always threaten me and always annoy me so they can come strongly and get prostitutes inside of buildin gwithout me saying aword and if i speak father wanna kick me . ?
- (((((((( so if u have muscle beautiful syria damascus is heaven for sex and seriously u will make alot of m ony and and they will fight over u . and all the guy in street who are trained and told will a nd must pick u so they high quality women find the hero in there fantasy and fuck ,so enjoy sex . )))))) and the good part all the people and family here teach there children from birth about sex about how imp to have abdominal muscle and be beautiful to be accepted in any job and succeed . ((((David Denagelo))) is afox he say that about himself . to understand his material u must read his book where he explain the best basics and tell how he misinterpret words because he speak so heavy material , then in other high risk program like power sexuality never listen to him get the knowledge but listen to it both way with and against both methods work , likes ( u never her in newspaper or female talk to each other how they enjoy to be raped , or stuff about rape in alot situation wich is fun , how wish to be raped , or agroup of guys rape her nad she really enjoy it .... , u never hear that ) . ..... so female stand everywhere these days in afar isolated area , area near car road , in prisedint bridge after it ahead theres sana for news building all this road where there is univirsity and the road ofcourse is dirty so u dont sit there and observe the people around , it not mistake , and all the way with microbus road where female jump on u full embracing u if u have big muscle u iwill be huged graped pulled touched all of fantasy of female where u want to get from the micro bus . if u are sexy with muscle its fun , so go get some decent muscle . and along this whole road where is the university is woo it is so crowded , . - i also was goi g o work in avrey secret (( highly protected )) ?????? area its called with old name for airport shop with u buy stuff after going down from airplane , shop with freedeom .... ? anyway there at entrance its protected and watched by alotof people , htere in side there so much bulding all with areflictive glass very few guys down in road and instead u see avery weired female weither muslim acting weired , or christian girl walking girl even muslim one can walk there naked almost and no body will know her , here all the building isolated and not anyone are allowed to enter inside but far far ahead the gold the building are aword icant discribe , offering sex very isolated the one i used to love when i was walking like adump in the old days . to come here and amaybe bec of low custemer they offer ajob in newspaper for nornal worker , and if u qualify u get invited . - i also got invited to near almowasat hospitall there was so much building hidden i felt that the same shit
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rumahinjectssh · 7 years
Manuver Amien Rais Dan PAN, Benarkah Ada Penggunaan Kekuatan Politik Untuk Lawan KPK ?? - FROM RUMAHINJECT
WARTABALI.NET - Amien Rais memang sangatlah kelihatan marah dan binggung namanya disebut telah menerima aliran dana korupsi Alat kesehatan dimana publik kini malah menilai Amien Rais melakukan tindakan yang kurang tepat, yaitu terlalu gaduh dalam menyingkapi masalah ini, entah apa yang sedang terjadi tapi yang jelas publik melihat ada yang tidak beres dengan hal ini, kenpaa Amien Rais tidak bisa menerima ini ?? bahkan Amien Rais kelihatan bermanuver untuk melawan KPK melalui kekuatan politiknya simak
Momen rapat perdana Pansus Hak Angket DPR terhadap KPK menjadi kesempatan bagi Amien Rais untuk menyampaikan dukungan. Ketua Dewan Kehormatan PAN itu mengkritisi kinerja KPK yang dinilainya hanya mengurusi korupsi receh. Nama Amien Rais muncul di pusaran kasus korupsi pengadaan alat kesehatan di Kemenkes yang membuat mantan Menkes Siti Fadilah Supari menjadi terdakwa. Dalam pembacaan tuntutan Jumat pekan lalu, jaksa penuntut mengungkap ada aliran dana sebesar Rp 600 juta dari rekanan pengadaan alkes kepada Amien Rais melalui Soetrisno Bachir Foundation. Amien mengakui aliran dana itu tapi dia tidak tahu sumber dana berasal dari kasus korupsi alkes. Sedangkan Soetrisno Bachir menyatakan uang itu tidak ada kaitannya dengan kasus alkes dan merupakan utang piutang dari pihak yang mentransfer. Soetrisno mengaku kerap membantu dana operasional Amien selama ini. Hal itu, kata dia, merupakan amanat dari ibundanya. Sementara itu, proses politik di DPR sedang bergulir terkait hak angket terhadap KPK. Hak angket itu pertama kali muncul saat rapat dengar pendapat antara KPK dan Komisi III DPR pada 19 April lalu. Komisi III mendesak KPK membuka rekaman pemeriksaan Miryam Haryani dalam kasus korupsi proyek e-KTP. Dari mulut Miryam diduga muncul nama-nama anggota DPR yang terlibat kasus korupsi bernilai triliunan rupiah itu. KPK menolak membuka dengan alasan rekaman itu merupakan bagian dari materi pemeriksaan yang hanya bisa dibuka di pengadilan. Penolakan itulah yang membuat DPR meradang dan pansus angket pun terbentuk pada Rabu (7/6). Ketuanya adalah Agun Gunandjar Sudarsa dari Fraksi Golkar. Saat datang ke Kompleks Parlemen, Senayan kemarin, Amien mengaku memberikan penguatan terhadap pansus. "Ini bulan Ramadan, jadi saya ke sini untuk memberikan penguatan kepada Pansus Hak Angket KPK," ujarnya . "Pesan saya pertama kalau bisa KPK ini lembaganya dipertahankan. Kalau ternyata isi KPK enggak sewangi citranya, tapi ada pembusukan nanti kita kaji ulang," kata Amien. Amien merasa dari tahun ke tahun kinerja KPK tampak semakin hebat. Namun dia menilai KPK juga semakin busuk lantaran hanya bisa melakukan OTT dengan kasus korupsi di angka ratusan juta rupiah. Sementara kasus-kasus besar seperti Bank Century, BLBI, Reklamasi dan Sumber Waras tak kunjung diproses. [ads-post] "Saya merasa dari masa ke masa itu hebat tapi semakin busuk mengenai Century dia enggak berani, Sumber Waras enggak berani, BLBI enggak berani, reklamasi enggak berani," cetus Amien. "Kita tidak boleh hidup dalam kepalsuan. Saya melihat ada kepalsuan dan kebusukan ini tesis saya kita buktikan lewat hak angket," kata Amien menggebu-gebu. "Awas jangan sampai melempem nanti rakyat kecewa. Jadi jelas nanti kita tahu siapa yang palsu DPR atau KPK. Kalau KPK palsu nanti diambil langkah-langkah konstitusional demokratis. Tapi kalau DPR yang palsu biar rakyat yang tidak akan beri dukungan," tegasnya. Saat ditanya sikap PAN yang berubah dan yang kini justru mengirimkan wakilnya di Pansus hak angket KPK, dia menilai itu termasuk hak fraksi. Dia memastikan perubahan kebijakan tersebut bukan lantaran namanya disebut jaksa KPK dalam kasus dugaan korupsi alat kesehatan yang menjerat mantan Menkes Siti Fadilah Supari. "Sejak dulu sudah jelas. Masak berubah hanya karena Pak Amien saja. Enggak ya enggak," ujarnya. Untuk itu, dia mempersilakan Pansus hak angket berjalan dengan semestinya. Pansus hak angket juga akan membuktikan apakah KPK pahlawannya lembaga penegak hukum atau malah sebaliknya. "Jadi biarkan lah pansus hak angket KPK ini berjalan. Apakah betul KPK itu hero, apakah betul memang pahlawan, geliat hukum yang dahsyat wangi baunya itu atau sebaliknya nanti ketahuan," pungkasnya. [bal] [warning title="SUMBER BERITA"] Anda Meragukan Informasi Yang Ada Dalam Tulisan Diatas ?? Atau Anda Melihat Ada Masalah Soal Postingan Diatas, Silahkan Cek Sumber Berita - Atau Anda Dapat Menghubungi Kami Di Halaman Contact - Mari Sama Sama Saling Cross Check Sumber Berita : MERDEKA [/warning] Dan Tentunya 3 Video Soal Amien Rais Dibawah Ini BIsa Menjadi Rujukan Sempurna AMIEN RAIS MENYEBUT ADA PEMBUSUKAN DI KPK - HAL YANG KURANG PANTAS
Aktivis 98 Mendemo KPK hari Ini Dan Menyerukan Dukungan Mereka untuk menangkap AMIEN RAIS !!, aktivis 98 menolak menyebut Amien Rais sebagai bapak REFORMASI, karena aksi mereka itu merupakan aksi bersama sama ( REFORMASI ) - http://www.wartabali.net/2017/06/aktivis-98-tolak-sebut-amien-bapak.html
WARTABALI.NET - Media Informasi Kita Bersama
from Media Informasi Kita http://www.wartabali.net/2017/06/manuver-amien-rais-dan-pan-benarkah-ada.html
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thebeautyoftorah · 5 years
bs'd Shalom. The thought of this week from my book 'Healing Anger is, 'Peace of mind is the only instrument that can hold all Divine blessings'. The link for my book is http://www.feldheim.com/healing-anger.html If you want to buy it from me (hard copy) in Israel let me know. This article is based on the teachings of R' Jonathan Sacks. To support this publication or if you know anyone who is interested in receiving it, please contact me. Feel free to forward these words of Torah to any other fellow Jew. Enjoy it and Shabbat Shalom. Bahaalotecha- Leadership:Influence or Power? In this week's parsha The Jewish people, as is their habit, have been complaining, this time about the food. They are tired of the manna and want meat instead. Moshe, appalled that they have not yet learned to accept the hardships of freedom, prays to die. "If this is how you are going to treat me," he says to G-d, "please go ahead and kill me right now - if I have found favor in your eyes - and do not let me face my own ruin." (Bamidbar 11:15) Hashem tells him to appoint seventy elders to help him with the burdens of leadership. He does so, and the divine spirit rests on them. But it also rests on two other men, Eldad and Medad, who were not among the chosen seventy. Joshua, Moshe’s deputy, saw this as a potential threat. Moshe replies with magnanimity: 'Are you jealous for my sake? I wish that all the LORD's people were prophets and that the LORD would put His spirit on them!' (Bamidbar 11:29) This contrasts sharply with his conduct later when his leadership was challenged by Korach and his followers. On that occasion, he showed no gentleness or generosity. To the contrary, he prayed that the ground would swallow them up. (See Bamidbar 16:28-30). He is stern, decisive and unforgiving. Why the difference between Korach on the one hand and Eldad and Medad on the other? To understand it, it is essential to grasp the difference between two concepts often confused, namely power and influence. We tend to think of them as similar if not identical. People of power have influence. People of influence have power. But this is not so. The two are quite distinct and operate by a completely different logic. Imagine you have absolute power, and whatever you say, goes. Then, one day you decide to share your power with nine others. You now have at best one-tenth of the power you had before. Now, imagine that you have a certain measure of influence. Then you decide to share that influence with nine others whom you make your partners. You now have ten times the influence you had before because instead of just you, there are now ten people delivering the same message. Power works by division, influence by multiplication. Power is: the more you share, the less you have. Influence is: the more you share, the more you have. Throughout his forty years at the head of the nation, Moshe had two different leadership roles. He was a prophet, teaching Torah and communicating with G-d. He was also the functional equivalent of a king, leading the people on their journeys, directing their destiny and supplying them with their needs. The one leadership role he did not have was that of High Priest, which went to his brother Aharon. We can see this duality later in the narrative when he inducts Joshua as his successor. Hashem commands him: 'Take Joshua son of Nun, a man of spirit, and lean your hand upon him ... Give him some of your majesty [hod] so that the whole Israelite community will pay heed. (Bamidbar. 27:18-20) Note the two different acts. One, "lay your hand [ve-samachta] on him," is the origin of term semichah, whereby a rabbi ordains a pupil, granting him the authority to make rulings in his own right. The rabbis saw their role as a continuation of that of the prophets ("Moshe received the Torah from Sinai and transmitted it to Joshua; Joshua to the elders; the elders to the prophets; and the prophets handed it down to the men of the Great Assembly," Avot 1:1). By this act of semichah, Moshe was handing on to Joshua his role as prophet and leader. By the other act, "Give him some of your majesty," he was inducting him into the role of king. The word hod, majesty, is associated with kingship, as in the phrase hod malkhut, "the majesty of kingship" (Dan. 11:21). Kings had power - including that of life and death (see Joshua 1:18). Prophets had influence, not just during their lifetimes but, in many cases, to this day. Now we see exactly why Moshe reacted so differently in the case of Eldad and Medad, and that of Korach and his followers. Eldad and Medad sought and received no power. They merely received the same influence - the divine spirit that emanated from Moshe. They became prophets. That is why Moshe said, "I wish that all the G-d's people were prophets and that G-d would put His spirit on them." Prophecy is not a zero-sum game. When it comes to leadership-as-influence, the more we share the more we have. Korach and his followers sought power, and power is a zero-sum game. When it comes to malchut, the leadership of power, the rule is: "There is one leader for the generation, not two." (1) Moshe could not let the challenge of Korach go unchallenged without fatefully compromising his own authority. So Judaism clearly demarcates between leadership as influence and leadership by power. The Torah holds a sustained polemic against the use of power. All power rightly belongs to G-d. The Torah recognises the need sometimes, for the use of coercive force in maintaining the laws and the defence of the Kingship. Hence its endorsement of the appointment of a king should the people so desire it.(2) But this is clearly a concession, not an ideal.(3) The real leadership embraced by the Torah is that of influence, above all that of prophets and teachers. That is the ultimate accolade given to Moshe by tradition. We know him as Moshe Rabbenu, our teacher. Moshe was the first of a long line of figures in Jewish history - among them Ezra, Hillel, Rabban Yohanan ben Zakkai, Rabbi Akiva, the sages of the Talmud and so on - who represent one of Judaism's most revolutionary ideas: the teacher as hero. Judaism was the first and greatest civilization to predicate its very survival on education, houses of study, and learning as a religious experience higher even than prayer.(4) The reason is this. Leaders are people able to mobilise others to act in certain ways. If they achieve this only because they hold power over them, this means treating people as means, not ends; as things not persons. The other way to achieve it is to speak to people's needs and aspirations and teach them how to achieve these things together as a group. That is done through the power of a vision, force of personality, the ability to articulate shared ideals in a language with which people can identify, and the capacity to "raise up many disciples" who will continue the work into the future. Power diminishes those on whom it is exercised. Influence and education lift and multiply them. Judaism is a sustained protest against a perpetual and restless desire for power. That may be the reason why Jews have seldom exercised power for prolonged periods of time, but have had an influence on the world out of all proportion to our numbers. Not all of us have power, but we all have influence. That is why we can each be leaders. The most important forms of leadership come not with position, title or robes of office, not with prestige and power, but with the willingness to work with others to achieve what we cannot do alone; to speak, to listen, to teach, to learn, to treat other people's views with respect even if they disagree with us, to explain patiently and cogently why we believe what we believe and do what we do; to encourage others, praise their best endeavours and challenge them to do better. Always choose influence rather than power. It helps change people into people who can change the world. __________________________________________________ 1. Sanhedrin 8a. 2. Devarim 17:15-20; Shmuel 1:8. 3. So is the view of Ibn Ezra, Rabbenu Bachya and Abarbanel. 4. See Shabbat 10a.
Le Iluy nishmat Eliahu ben Simcha, Mordechai ben Shlomo, Perla bat Simcha, Abraham Meir ben Leah,Moshe ben Gila,Yaakov ben Gila, Sara bat Gila, Yitzchak ben Perla, Leah bat Chavah, Abraham Meir ben Leah,Itamar Ben Reb Yehuda, Yehuda Ben Shmuel Tzvi, Tova Chaya bat Dovid. Refua Shelema of Yaacov ben Miriam, Yehuda ben Simcha, Menachem Chaim ben Malka, Naftali Dovid ben Naomi Tzipora, Nechemia Efraim ben Beyla Mina, Gila bat Tzipora, Tzipora bat Gila, Dvir ben Leah, Elimelech Dovid ben Chaya Baila, Eliezer Chaim ben Chaya Batya, Noa bat Batsheva Devorah,Shlomo Yoel ben Chaya Leah  and Dovid Yehoshua ben Leba Malka. Atzlacha to Daniel ben Mazal Tov, Debora Leah Bat Henshe Rachel, Shmuel ben Mazal tov, Yehuda ben Mazal Sara and Zivug agun to Marielle Gabriela bat Gila, Naftali Dovid ben Naomi Tzipora, Yehudit bat Malka, Elisheva bat Malka.
0 notes
thebeautyoftorah · 6 years
bs'd Shalom. The thought of this week from my book 'Healing Anger’ is, 'Peace of mind is the only instrument that can hold all Divine blessings'. The link for my book is http://www.feldheim.com/healing-anger.html If you want to buy it from me (hard copy) in Israel let me know. This article is based on the teachings of R' Jonathan Sacks. To support this publication or if you know anyone who is interested in receiving it, please contact me. Feel free to forward these words of Torah to any other fellow Jew. Enjoy it and Shabbat Shalom. Bahaalotecha- Leadership:Influence or Power? In this week's parsha The Jewish people, as is their habit, have been complaining, this time about the food. They are tired of the manna and want meat instead. Moshe, appalled that they have not yet learned to accept the hardships of freedom, prays to die. "If this is how you are going to treat me," he says to G-d, "please go ahead and kill me right now - if I have found favor in your eyes - and do not let me face my own ruin." (Bamidbar 11:15) Hashem tells him to appoint seventy elders to help him with the burdens of leadership. He does so, and the divine spirit rests on them. But it also rests on two other men, Eldad and Medad, who were not among the chosen seventy. Joshua, Moshe’s deputy, saw this as a potential threat. Moshe replies with magnanimity: 'Are you jealous for my sake? I wish that all the LORD's people were prophets and that the LORD would put His spirit on them!' (Bamidbar 11:29) This contrasts sharply with his conduct later when his leadership was challenged by Korach and his followers. On that occasion, he showed no gentleness or generosity. To the contrary, he prayed that the ground would swallow them up. (See Bamidbar 16:28-30). He is stern, decisive and unforgiving. Why the difference between Korach on the one hand and Eldad and Medad on the other? To understand it, it is essential to grasp the difference between two concepts often confused, namely power and influence. We tend to think of them as similar if not identical. People of power have influence. People of influence have power. But this is not so. The two are quite distinct and operate by a completely different logic. Imagine you have absolute power, and whatever you say, goes. Then, one day you decide to share your power with nine others. You now have at best one-tenth of the power you had before. Now, imagine that you have a certain measure of influence. Then you decide to share that influence with nine others whom you make your partners. You now have ten times the influence you had before because instead of just you, there are now ten people delivering the same message. Power works by division, influence by multiplication. Power is: the more you share, the less you have. Influence is: the more you share, the more you have. Throughout his forty years at the head of the nation, Moshe had two different leadership roles. He was a prophet, teaching Torah and communicating with G-d. He was also the functional equivalent of a king, leading the people on their journeys, directing their destiny and supplying them with their needs. The one leadership role he did not have was that of High Priest, which went to his brother Aharon. We can see this duality later in the narrative when he inducts Joshua as his successor. Hashem commands him: 'Take Joshua son of Nun, a man of spirit, and lean your hand upon him ... Give him some of your majesty [hod] so that the whole Israelite community will pay heed. (Bamidbar. 27:18-20) Note the two different acts. One, "lay your hand [ve-samachta] on him," is the origin of term semichah, whereby a rabbi ordains a pupil, granting him the authority to make rulings in his own right. The rabbis saw their role as a continuation of that of the prophets ("Moshe received the Torah from Sinai and transmitted it to Joshua; Joshua to the elders; the elders to the prophets; and the prophets handed it down to the men of the Great Assembly," Avot 1:1). By this act of semichah, Moshe was handing on to Joshua his role as prophet and leader. By the other act, "Give him some of your majesty," he was inducting him into the role of king. The word hod, majesty, is associated with kingship, as in the phrase hod malkhut, "the majesty of kingship" (Dan. 11:21). Kings had power - including that of life and death (see Joshua 1:18). Prophets had influence, not just during their lifetimes but, in many cases, to this day. Now we see exactly why Moshe reacted so differently in the case of Eldad and Medad, and that of Korach and his followers. Eldad and Medad sought and received no power. They merely received the same influence - the divine spirit that emanated from Moshe. They became prophets. That is why Moshe said, "I wish that all the G-d's people were prophets and that G-d would put His spirit on them." Prophecy is not a zero-sum game. When it comes to leadership-as-influence, the more we share the more we have. Korach and his followers sought power, and power is a zero-sum game. When it comes to malchut, the leadership of power, the rule is: "There is one leader for the generation, not two." (1) Moshe could not let the challenge of Korach go unchallenged without fatefully compromising his own authority. So Judaism clearly demarcates between leadership as influence and leadership by power. The Torah holds a sustained polemic against the use of power. All power rightly belongs to G-d. The Torah recognises the need sometimes, for the use of coercive force in maintaining the laws and the defence of the Kingship. Hence its endorsement of the appointment of a king should the people so desire it.(2) But this is clearly a concession, not an ideal.(3) The real leadership embraced by the Torah is that of influence, above all that of prophets and teachers. That is the ultimate accolade given to Moshe by tradition. We know him as Moshe Rabbenu, our teacher. Moshe was the first of a long line of figures in Jewish history - among them Ezra, Hillel, Rabban Yohanan ben Zakkai, Rabbi Akiva, the sages of the Talmud and so on - who represent one of Judaism's most revolutionary ideas: the teacher as hero. Judaism was the first and greatest civilization to predicate its very survival on education, houses of study, and learning as a religious experience higher even than prayer.(4) The reason is this. Leaders are people able to mobilise others to act in certain ways. If they achieve this only because they hold power over them, this means treating people as means, not ends; as things not persons. The other way to achieve it is to speak to people's needs and aspirations and teach them how to achieve these things together as a group. That is done through the power of a vision, force of personality, the ability to articulate shared ideals in a language with which people can identify, and the capacity to "raise up many disciples" who will continue the work into the future. Power diminishes those on whom it is exercised. Influence and education lift and multiply them. Judaism is a sustained protest against a perpetual and restless desire for power. That may be the reason why Jews have seldom exercised power for prolonged periods of time, but have had an influence on the world out of all proportion to our numbers. Not all of us have power, but we all have influence. That is why we can each be leaders. The most important forms of leadership come not with position, title or robes of office, not with prestige and power, but with the willingness to work with others to achieve what we cannot do alone; to speak, to listen, to teach, to learn, to treat other people's views with respect even if they disagree with us, to explain patiently and cogently why we believe what we believe and do what we do; to encourage others, praise their best endeavours and challenge them to do better. Always choose influence rather than power. It helps change people into people who can change the world. __________________________________________________ 1. Sanhedrin 8a. 2. Devarim 17:15-20; Shmuel 1:8. 3. So is the view of Ibn Ezra, Rabbenu Bachya and Abarbanel. 4. See Shabbat 10a.
Le Iluy nishmat Eliahu ben Simcha, Mordechai ben Shlomo, Perla bat Simcha, Abraham Meir ben Leah,Moshe ben Gila,Yaakov ben Gila, Sara bat Gila, Yitzchak ben Perla, Leah bat Chavah, Abraham Meir ben Leah,Itamar Ben Reb Yehuda, Yehuda Ben Shmuel Tzvi, Tova Chaya bat Dovid. Refua Shelema of Yaacov ben Miriam, Yehuda ben Simcha, Menachem Chaim ben Malka, Naftali Dovid ben Naomi Tzipora, Nechemia Efraim ben Beyla Mina, Gila bat Tzipora, Tzipora bat Gila, Dvir ben Leah, Elimelech Dovid ben Chaya Baila, Eliezer Chaim ben Chaya Batya, Noa bat Batsheva Devorah,Shlomo Yoel ben Chaya Leah  and Dovid Yehoshua ben Leba Malka. Atzlacha to Daniel ben Mazal Tov, Debora Leah Bat Henshe Rachel, Shmuel ben Mazal tov, Yehuda ben Mazal Sara and Zivug agun to Marielle Gabriela bat Gila, Naftali Dovid ben Naomi Tzipora, Yehudit bat Malka, Elisheva bat Malka.
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