oakensteeled · 9 years
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// Handwiting meme! What are straight lines. 
Tagged by thethiefoftheshire
Tagging: thegoldenxson recklesswxlf reubalach bilbobackagain reignoferebor bowofthegaladhrim bxfur shaper-of-arda thebeardless-ladydwarf thelittlebentone
I know I keep tagging you folks in random crap, so honestly, feel totally free to completely ignore this XD
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oakensteeled · 9 years
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I wanted a thing for my sidebar so this happened. c:
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oakensteeled · 9 years
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oakensteeled · 9 years
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Beowulf (20-25)
for wearedurins
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oakensteeled · 9 years
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Man buns are my new favorite thing.
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oakensteeled · 9 years
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The little head shake ʘ‿ʘ
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oakensteeled · 9 years
                  SՕᎷᎬ Ḷëġëṅḋṡ                                               arе ᎢՕᏞᎠ                                      
                   SՕᎷᎬ Tυʀɴ tо                                   DՍႽᎢ οʀ tο ᏀՕᏞᎠ
                    ΥΟԱ ᎳІⅬⅬ
                ᏒᎬᎷᎬᎷᏴᎬᏒ   ᎷᎬ
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oakensteeled · 9 years
That rebuilding Erebor would not be an easy task, Thorin knew from the very start. Yet even with all that he planned and all that he thought through, he found himself unprepared still in bringing the kingdom of old back from its ashes. 
There was gold enough to bring his plans to fruition, certainly; piles upon piles that could sustain them for years to come had they desired. And yet he found even gold was of little use when one barely had any trade flowing, or peoples to trade with. There were halls that once stood proud and tall with the finest of stonework, yet time and serpent crushed many to mere rubble. 
Not all was black though; dwarven clans from Ered Luin and the Iron Hills have come to offer aid, and though slowly, they were advancing in clearing out most of the debris. 
It had all grown to become a work routine of sort, and it was only when the restoration of the throne room was underway that that routine was interrupted. 
It began with a slight tremor, that then quickly grew bolder as a blue light shone upon their faces, living cracked stone in its wake. And then there was... a boy.
A command then sounded from their King; deep and rough it echoed off the walls as the workers surrounded the intruder with hammers and work tools clenched in their hands, and Thorin himself in front.
         "What is this?" 
the dwarf then demanded loudly, taking a stand before the boy he thought to be human, Orcrist readied in front of his chest. 
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         "Who are you to breach these walls uninvited?"
The tiniest mistakes. // oakensteeled
 Dreams were the worst.   It was when Billy had once woke up in a strange, grotesque version of Alice in Wonderland that he had discovered just how bad his magic could get. How his thoughts ran freely at night and his magic was out of control and he was keen on exploring. On chasing down dreams even when they escaped into the rabbit holes. He never doubted his sanity before, but being awake and at the same time asleep was something he never truly understood - a sign of instability, madness.   And there it was again, chasing dreams, distant stories as he slept. Faces blurred and his magic tingling at the edges of his conscience as he wished, truly wished to enter worlds he was dreaming of, see the planes of soldiers and pink sunset on the stone walls, see the sea of gold and fire. He longed for it so much that something grabbed onto him, blue light cracking around his body, and a portal opened, a black hole under his bed, and he was falling into it, rapidly descending through space until he came spiraling into the light, saw the marble walls rush past him and hard stone ground approach, and it was a burst of magic later that he found himself hovering on a barrier saving him from what would be a painful, painful landing. And then, he saw boots at his head, saw them turn into short legs and blocky bodies and beard-covered armors, and his breath got cut off.   ”You have got to be kidding me.” 
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oakensteeled · 9 years
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Uncle Thorin is playing with his nephews. 
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oakensteeled · 9 years
New Guide to Centering and Formatting for Roleplayers
So mostly everyone has been hit with the new update and most roleplayers are either finding it confusing to center or format their posts because of the new format, so here’s a guide : 
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oakensteeled · 9 years
;; return of the hover text !!!
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[ ya’ll fuckers thought I wasn’t gonna figure it out, but i did, so here it is!     ☛ basically what you have to do is:     go to the HTML mode, type: <a href=”link url here” title=”your hover     text here"> link text here </a>          Let’s have a look, shall we?     "oh no, the tumblr update doesn’t let us add link titles anymore!"     Said Helen, very upset with this whole Tumblr update situation. So basically, Tumblr Users 1 X 0 Tumblr Update ]
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oakensteeled · 9 years
So I just discovered that if you copypaste pre-formatted text into the new editor, it actually still retains its formatting. I really recommend making a draft post of a template with all the formatting you use frequently and then copypaste from there and editing the text after pasting it into a reply. 
This will cut out the need to go to the HTML editor and thus the risk mucking up the formatting uvu! 
For example this is a fairly popular format many of my mutuals use and you can technically just copypaste this block of text into a new post and the formatting will be retained. Incredible. Now imagine having a cheat-sheet in your drafts you could just conveniently copypaste all this stuff from. wow. 
What will actually carry over into a new post seems to be dependent on something — I notice that a pure small text post (like this one) will not retain the formatting but the example paragraph above does. It might take some trial and error figure out everything that’s copypaste-able 
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oakensteeled · 9 years
//Holyshit, HI, HELLO! You're a BBC Merlin OC, one of my ultimate obsessions of all time. Please proceed to the askbox if you ever so wish. :D
Send a ❀ & I’ll tell you who I want to RP with. (Meme found here.)
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Well, I answered this exact meme a few days ago. You can find it here. However, there are some blogs I’ve recently followed that I’d like to roleplay with. For instance: elfeyedlegolas, familybeforefealty, ardentlyarthur, servingdollophead, elreydenarnia, cheekbonemagic, mxrriganlefay, hieraethuil, littlxshireling, druiidae, emrysiisms, lliioness, oakensteeled, onetruekxng, kingthrnduil, xtheirgreatestking, thebrightersideofthecoin, and thebrokenelvenking, to name a few. If I follow you, I am probably interested in roleplaying with you, so if your blog was not included in either of these lists, do not be dismayed. I’d love to make new roleplay partners. 
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oakensteeled · 9 years
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oakensteeled · 9 years
//The change is here, ohno.
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oakensteeled · 9 years
The thing people seem to forget about Thranduil is that he is thousands of years old. He may seem irrational and indifferent, but he’s not. He is doing what he thinks is best based on what he has experienced personally in the past. His choices are influenced by all the pain and loss he has had to suffer. All of those he encounters are practically babies when compared to how old he is. It’s not that he doesn’t care; it’s that he once cared too much.
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oakensteeled · 9 years
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“I am  n o t  my Grandfather.”
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