#I'll upload my usual full videos at some point
thisismyobsessionnow · 2 months
Saw people collecting angles of this Nacekris moment from London, so here is another one 🫠
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pixelatedraindrops · 2 months
Story takes place at the start of Chapter 4 (MINOR SPOILERS)
Comic Title drawn by Kazin (as well as the whole comic)
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Here's the Dub! Vocals and Editing done by me 🎙️📑 Enjoy!!
Further Rambling Below
Hehe I bet you all didn't think voice acting was among my list of hidden hobbies/talents didja? (I’m just full of surprises x3) Well... I can only hope that I delivered well enough here. (please feel free to laugh at my attempted Yakou voice… LMAO)
So this is yet another collab project that @kazinsblog and I did together. The story is based on a kokowendy ch4 canon divergent skit that I made way back last fall. When Kazin saw it, she wanted to make it into a full comic. I didn't protest (I never do LOL) but then I wanted to try something.
I've never attempted a solo dub of a comic before, and honestly I didn't think I would with RainCode due to a majority of the characters being male. Sadly with my naturally high voice I can only do so much with attempting male voices. I usually only do female or child character voices.
But since Kurumi is the lead role of this story, and has the most lines, I decided to give it a try. I do love Kurumi (she's my best girl) so I hope I did her justice here. I like to think I did her voice fairly well. I struggled a bit with the guys (and Halara) but I think my Yuma is decent enough... x'D (plus it was really fun making him sound tired and out of breath :3)
I do enjoy Kokowendy as a ship, though I'm not a huge shipper. But these two are just too cute... ;w; So I think a scenario like this suits them both. Plus it gives Kurumi a chance to be reliable and try to help her beloved hero in his time of need <3 Honestly it can even be seen as platonic. Its very tame (the only small hint is that Yuma blushes at some point, but that's it)
I had a lot of fun doing this!! I got the voices and editing done in only 3 days, so it’s definitely not a long lasting project. (on my end anyway) But I still think it’s a pretty big project with all of the work both of us did. Editing the video was probably the most fun part for me >w< I knew exactly what BGM and sound effects I wanted months in advance c: I only hope I did the editing style of it right. Comic dubs are very peculiar in the way they’re done… 💦 (also no I’m not putting this on YouTube, this is a tumblr exclusive ONLY! And I give NOBODY permission to re-upload it without my consent!)
I’m not sure if I'm the first that's attempted a RC comic dub before, but if I am, then I am very happy c: Idk if I'll do another full one though. Like I said too many of the characters are male... x'D This may be a one time thing for me here. But if I were to do one, I figured why not on a comic that was made specifically for me? c: (ty again kazin!💕)
Anyway I'm done yapping now, I hope you all enjoy! 💜 Feel free to let me know what you think or which role you enjoyed from me the most! (tho I think the answer is obvious lol)
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wildstar25 · 3 months
terribly sorry to bother, but I've been loving your screenshots since I stumbled on your blog, and like 100% genuinely: how do you get them to look like that? Is it all done in game or is it some combo of mods & shaders? Cause every time I see a cool pose I'm just left wondering how you did it. Obviously I wouldn't ask you to make a massive tutorial just for me, but if there are any resources or general things you'd be willing to share, I'd be eternally grateful!
Hi there! Thank you for enjoying my gposes, and you're not a bother; my ask box is open to get asks after all haha
To answer your question: My gposes are not a product of the vanilla game alone. I'm slapping my explanations under a read more since it's a bit long:
Firstly, I am running reshade, an open source post-processing injector. It's a program that can (in the simplest terms) run various visual filters over a video game in real time. Most everyone I know made the jump from Gshade to reshade last year, so if you look up "reshade for ffxiv" you should be able to find a handful of tutorials. When it comes to finding presets, there are a lot of independent shader devs for ffxiv and generally a quick google search should bring you to a few. Most of the presets I use are outdated holdovers from the GShade days, and I don't know if they are available anymore; so unfortunately I can't recommend any directly, sorry!
In general, I lean towards shaders that enhance the overall brightness and vibrancy of the (imo muddy looking) default graphics. Arsay can quickly get over exposed by the in game 3 point lighting, so putting a shader that boosts the brightness overall really helps preventing that. I set up my lights in gpose at 2, put the character lighting to 100, pick a shader with a LUT that gives me the colours and brightness I want and thats usually enough. sometimes I'll hit the manual brightness in game and mess with that too. I often go into the preset of the shader and muck about with the Depth of field settings depending on what I want. An important note regarding the use of reshade: While reshade does not directly effect in game files or gameplay and it's technically not against TOS (as far as I have read), it is still highly encouraged that screenshots taken with shaders on do not have the ffxiv screenshot watermark visible. Reshade has it's own screenshot button that you can map to any key of your liking that will capture the game and the applied shaders without any watermarks. If you have an nvidia graphics card, I believe you should also have access to the geforce post-process correction tools, and could use that as well to enhance the game visuals. However, I am under the impression it's solely corrective settings (brightness/contrast, vibrancy, saturation, etc.) and you do not have the ability to adjust the depth of field setting, apply LUTs, mess with ambient occlusion, etc. Aka the more in depth rendering stuff that would make your graphic card fan go brrr. I've personally never tried the nvidia filter system so maybe that's incorrect information. Best to do independent research on that!
As well, on the occasion I will bring some screenshots into photoshop and do further, fine tuned, tonal corrections there. Generally this is only when I'm trying to achieve a look that I can't get in game and I try to keep it to a minimum. When I'm working on big photosets or comics, I'll end up doing more corrections just to make sure colours/tones/shading are consistent through out.
On to the second part of the question: the posing. I do all my posing with this tool. It is a tos crime, however it's client-side only and completely undetectable to other players. It gives you full access to character rigs and allows you to not only build your own poses, but export and import poses, outfits, props used by npcs or seen in cut scenes, and character data as well. Tons of people will upload pose files on the various mod archives for others to use, so even people who don't want to mess around with rigs can have fun with their characters. I personally love posing, and it's something I'm very comfortable doing since I have a background in 3D modelling and animation. I do believe in working smarter and not harder though, so what I tend to do is apply an in game animation cycle to my character in question that has a frame or key pose close enough to what I need, pause the animation, turn on posing, and start rotating bones. I never really looked up any tutorials myself tbh, I kinda just messed around with things and figured the tool out as I went along. That said, there are tutorials on youtube if you search for them. "Anamnesis ffxiv guide" or something along those lines should bring up good results.
Anam also gives you further camera control than what is available in game, allowing you to fine tune its position to the .001 degree. You can increase the FOV and zoom range past the typical amount. Bring your character and camera pretty much anywhere on the map too. And you can export your camera setting to use between gpose settings! It's a really great tool, though it has some quirks and can in specific instances crash your game (never change a character while fishing lol)
That's pretty much it! I know this wasn't really much of a guide, so sorry about that. Most of my gposes are a product of seeing a fuzzy image/concept in my head and messing around with various compositions, locations, lighting conditions, ect. until I bring that idea into clarity. It's hard to explain that process in ways beyond "fucking around and finding out (positive)" I suppose to anyone else reading this has specific references in mind, please pass them along to sailor-artemis ! I know being told "just google it lol" isn't super helpful but I really just tend to figure things out on my own ^^;
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acaplaya-musings · 2 months
Voiceplay Visuals: Sleeping In The Cold Below
If I had a nickel for every time Voiceplay did a song from a videogame, featuring Omar Cardona and arranged by Geoff... (Well, this was actually a co-arrangement between Geoff and Rob Dietz, but my point still stands! 😝)
Voiceplay's video for Sleeping In The Cold Below was uploaded on the 17th of February, 2024 (which for me typing this, was yesterday), and the song comes from an "action role-playing third-person shooter multiplayer online game" called Warframe, originally released in 2013. I know buggerall about the game, and have never heard the original song before, but as we should all know by now, that doesn't matter when it comes to Voiceplay! I'm very excited to break this one down, so let's get into it!
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Very cool mask things! (But also I'm glad they were only for the opening (and closing) shots)
Apparently this was filmed at some place called Optiview 360, and the name checks out tbh, because those are some very cool wall and floor effects, which I will be pointing out multiple times in this post!
(Also very niche little fun fact: the guys are in the exact same lineup order as they were for Dream On and Whiskey In The Jar: Geoff-Eli-Omar-Cesar-Layne!)
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The contact lenses were definitely a great touch for this video, I must say
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Cesar is wearing two different coloured contact lenses, because apparently he (and Omar too) couldn't decide which colour to go with (valid), and in fact Cesar and Omar are wearing one each of two pairs! (So basically their contact lenses match up)
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Geoff's hair looks greyer than usual here, and I can't for the life of me figure out whether it was coloured grey for the video, or if it's just the lighting, or if this is more of his natural colour nowadays. I'm certainly not complaining though, and I'll just have to wait for more videos from him and Voiceplay this year to hopefully figure it out!
Also, even though I love his hazel eyes, whether you can actually see a tinge of green in them or whether they just look a dark-chocolate-brown colour, I'm not gonna lie, the contacts he's wearing here are really doing things for me 👀👌
(And his outfit in this video seems to fit *really well* on him and he looks fantastic in it okay bye)
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Eli's wearing two different coloured contacts as well! (This Is Halloween flashbacks anybody?)
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This is almost pure-white lighting, and I reckon this is his natural hair colour at the current moment. You can definitely see his grey-white streak here, and his hair does still have a notable bit of brown to it, but it's almost definitely getting greyer (embrace it! Love it! I know I sure do!)
(Actually I might do a Geoff hair study for this video, but later, and not as part of this post)
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Everyone is now unmasked, and more cool background visuals!
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Swear I won't point out every single background change in this video, because there seem to be a fair amount of them, but still! So many cool ones!
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Notice Omar's different coloured contacts as well!
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Is that a freaking black hole?
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"It can hurt you, it can hold you, he can kick you or console you"
(Not shown here are Cesar's cool little head movements during the third shot pictured above)
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Omar's got some moves! (Also background change yet again!)
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Layne looking like he knows full well that he's just showing off at this point 😝😁
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Complete and utter superstars!!!
(Also that hand next to/under the head movement is definitely on my list of "movements I mimic when (re)watching Voiceplay videos")
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I mean WOW!
Also the background design changes at least 18 times, that's quicker than once every 10 seconds!
I loved this song and video so much I rewatched it almost immediately after my first watch, and then that night, I went and rewatched it again two more times! And honestly I'd have to say that out of all the videogame song covers Voiceplay has done (Enemy, Halo Theme, Dragonborn Comes, etc), this is 100% my favourite! Everything about this cover and video is so absolutely top-notch high quality, and the song absolutely slaps! Well done Voiceplay, you've knocked it out of the park again! Honestly the fact that they're just an independent acapella group on YouTube blows my mind sometimes.
So I'm finally up-to-date on all the full-length Voiceplay videos that I wanted to talk about, although by the time you're reading this, there will probably be a brand new Voiceplay video (edit from future me: there's not),But for now? Well either tomorrow or the day after (depending on whether there's a new VP video to talk about first (there ain't)), you will be seeing a handful of "Voiceplay-Adjacent Visuals" posts, where I'll be talking about the visuals of some of Geoff's solo videos! But that's all for now, and stay tuned!
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gooolixx · 1 year
so one year today i uploaded "anomalies from athena - blue fracture" to my YouTube channel.
"blue fracture" was meant to be the first anomalies from athena episode.
long story short, it kinda sucked and it has since been unlisted from my YouTube channel (you can still watch it on the afa discord server though)
im making this post to clear up any confusion on anomalies from athena's future.
(almost everything im gonna say here i already said in my 3 years of dazzxy video back in september but like only 40 people actually watched that video so it doesn't count)
1. no, anomalies from athena is not dead. many people (including some of my close friends) have assumed it's dead and will never happen. i am still working on it now, i am just a master procrastinator and find it difficult to work for extended periods of time
2. no, "blue fracture" is not canon. this is more an issue with me not being clear (and honestly i struggle to be clear on anything) but no, "blue fracture" will not affect anything in the actual anomalies from athena episodes. you may as well forget everything you saw in that episode.
3. no, the real episodes will not be as short as what "blue fracture" was. a few people have asked me what the point in watching afa is if the supposed "pilot" was less than 5 minutes long, and honestly, i do understand them. this is another reason why "blue fracture" totally failed. the episodes won't be a specific length but i can tell you they'll be much longer than "blue fracture" was.
sorry if that was a lot to read, i know it's a lot longer than my usual posts but anomalies from athena is something im very passionate about and i would really love for it to be real and for more people to know about it.
anyways because you read this far i'll give you a little piece of concept art for afa
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as you can see, this is my tumblr banner, but there's actually a little more to it than that. back in november i was planning to make a carrd, and this was the background.. but for some reason my carrd was deleted.. so you can have the art in full here.
thanks for reading, and i'll see you all in my next blog post!
- gooolixx (are you meant to sign these off or what)
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yeonjuins · 1 year
hi woo.. is there anything i need to know about tumblr post sizing and user tracked tags or any more tips before i start posting in moablr..
june anon
hello my beautiful june anonnie <3 i'm like... so honoured u came to me about this like HUH ?! i feel like i barely know anything myself ;;
like always, all tips will be written below my love <3 i hope this helps in anyway possible !
this has a good guide you can follow for post sizing, especially for gifs ! essentially, the main point is, all full size sets have a maximum width of 540px (can be any height but obv theres limitations depending on your file size).
i find that for photosets, you can go quite a bit bigger (i've personally uploaded photos with width sizes of ~850px, but as photos and not gifs) but it does pose the risk of sacrificing the quality of it on mobile (it'll appear a bit blurry, hence why some creators tell you to click on it for full preview / to preview it in the highest quality !)
the file size for gifs should be no larger that 9.5mb and photos/videos no larger than 20mb (but even then, if you're somehow going up to those numbers nearing the 20's i will heavily preface that the time it would take to load on the dash would be absurd and the file compression it'd go through esp on a hellsite like tumblr is not worth it imo LOL)
the first thing to note is the the first 20 tags to your post are the ones that show up on the actual tags themselves. everything else afterwards is only for show and will not work. i recently learnt that the hard way as i tend to ramble a lot in my posts (":
in terms of tracking tags, for open networks in moablr you can use tags such as #moacentral ! i'm pretty sure they're the only txt open network tag that's active rn but otherwise you can apply to #txtnetwork as well to become a member in order to use their tag !
as for user tracked tags, it really depends on who you're planning to use ! some blogs have open user tags and some blogs only allow their mutuals to use their tags ! it really depends on the person but some moablr blogs that do have open open tracking tags would be:
#usergyukai #useryeonbins #heetual #usermowah #useroro #userjoanna #wabisaba and #useryeonjuins of course (": !! i'm pretty confident they are all open tags but i'd also double check for safety + their conditions if any !
i'd also heavily disclaimer that just because you use someone's tracking tag as well, it's not a guarantee that they'll reblog it, mutuals or not (this applies to me also, although i'm sure i'll reblog whatever creations you make my love <3)
on the same note, tag your own work for you to keep track of personally ! usually people have a tag like 'my gfx' or mines is 'portfolio' !
overall, experiment ! have fun ! i'm excited to see where u take ur blog my love (:< if u have any other questions my love pls let me know and i shall help as much as i can <3 
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Daily Log
Trying out (probably just temporarily) making short daily-ish notes about things, in an attempt to see if it helps me be more reflective or productive lol.
Activities: Badly carved an eye into an avocado pit with a nail cuticle tool thing. trying to think of better designs to carve into avocado pits. I don't really have the right tools, maybe should order some carving tools. I hate buying things online eeeeee..
Worked on translating a poem into Avirrekava (my constructed language for one of my fantasy species) so I can paint it onto a tapestry sort of thing I'm making, kind of in the style of medieval illuminated manuscripts? I do not have paintbrushes small enough.
Spent a lot of time thinking more about the story with an investigator tracking a doctor who's doing strange experiments and they eventually become friends(ish) after trying to kill each other a few times, lol (set in my fantasy world though, so magic is involved, etc. It's just interesting to think about testing the limitations of magic and what type of experimentation people would do, especially if you own a hospital or morgue or other scenario where you have access to bodies, or good cover for hiding them, etc. Plus worldbuilding religions in the world, what their ideas of morality would be, what an "investigator" or police force would even look like in that setting, etc. Two jhevona main characters in a city full of elves and the in-world politics of that, class war and royals, pretentious scholar communities and how they'd operate, actual magic combat between two advanced magic users and what that would look like (mixing illusions or higher level spells with minor brute force tactics, evasion, enchantments, shapeshifting, etc.) etc. etc. ).
Organized some of my plants, but still need to replant some fully. Succulents grow SO fast, I think I'll run out of room. Also one has burnt to a crisp during the heat wave last week.. my son.. ToT.
Edited a few costume photos then gave up because my camera is evil and I always have that thing where it looks really cool in the mirror but then the final photos suck, which demotivates me to even do anything with them/feels like a waste.
Still chronic health issue sick stinky as usual, plus it's still warm inside from the heat a few days ago so being hot makes joint pain worse... evil.. no energy. fell asleep on the floor for like 30 minutes.
Tried a new oreo flavor and ranked it on my comprehensive oreo ranking list. Mediocre as usual, but I'm too far in to give up now gghj.. I have to just try them all. A fool's labor.
Notable sights: found one 6 leaf clover, two 5 leaf clovers, and eleven 4 leaf clovers. Saw a rabbit, 3 cats in windows, and 4 ducks. Also at some point I was squishing gum in my hand and pulling it apart and when stretched out it would make these really cool spindly spider web patterns. The sky later in the day was hazy pink, purple, and blue pastel sunset.
Goals moving forward: Wake up on time even if I feel sick when I wake up!!! Focus on more immediate projects, don't get distracted. Actually make room for investing in social time and replying to people even with minimal energy reserves. Stay consistent with physical therapy exercises. Plant nasturtiums. Finish and upload videos, email doctors, edit pictures, post the poll adventure thing that has been sitting in a draft for weeks.
Notable foods: None today, but I have asparagus for later which is exciting... my new favorite vegetable whilst on the stinky Nutritionist Prescribed Special Limited Diet
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#I don't know the point of posting this publicly#maybe just makes it feel more like I'm doing somehting or easier to hold myself accountable making a public declarations#of my goals and progress or etc. lol#Weird blog content I think but then also this IS like.. my personal blog so#. technically I can do whatever. It's just an atypical format of personal post ghgj#ALSO the finding so many clovers thing is cool because just last week I also found one 6 leaf clover and a few 5 leaves and a#ton of 4 leaves. I hadn't found a 6 leaf clover in a few years until literally the past few weeks Iv'e found two of them#The most I've ever gotten is a 7 leaf. Maybe just one?? possibly two but I think just one of them.#so I guess the ultimate goal would be 8 leaf. if that's even plausible.#I don't know what to do with them all though. I put them usually in the book with the rest of my pressed flowers and then#move them into a container once they're dried out. I could make more flower arrangement type things (like gluing dried flowers#to a page in a pattern) out of them like I have a few times. Or use them with the wax seal stamps or something#but I have so many.. IF i OWNED AN ACTUal house or somehting it'd be cool to do like.. a Wall#a clover wall where I just post them up everytime I've collected some. and see if I can fill the whole wall over time#One day ... if I can ever be successful at the Game Of Resources And Capitalism enough to have a modest little#home in like.. Scotland or canada or something... I can finally paint walls and do interesting things#REALLY have always wanted to have a cloud mural on the cieling of a room or etc.#aNYWAY....#any other Clover Hunters out there.. tell me what you've found. the mythical 8 leaf?? or anything idk.#avocado pit carving tips. tell me what you thought about the Black Out Cake oreo flavor. etc. etc. hgjhghjb#daily log
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chaoticbooklesbian · 1 year
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I posted 18,550 times in 2022
100 posts created (1%)
18,450 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,198 of my posts in 2022
#pedanticblah - 134 posts
#headless - 10 posts
#anyway - 9 posts
#dylan's clothing adventures - 7 posts
#sharon air spoilers - 6 posts
#new video is up! - 6 posts
#please watch headless - 6 posts
#new video! - 5 posts
#autumn dahlias spoilers - 5 posts
#twists & turns spoilers - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
I sent 5 gifts in 2022
My Top Posts in 2022:
Mina: I hate not being able to talk openly with Jonathan, I don't like us having to keep secrets from each other :( Also Mina: OK, time to keep my dream that was so eerily similar to Lucy's account of Dracula a secret from everyone, including Jonathan! :)
28 notes - Posted October 2, 2022
Just finished watching The Midnight Club, and it feels like there was at least one episode missing off of the end. What was up with the old ghost couple? What was Stanton's actual deal? Who was Stanton talking to on the phone? I don't usually end a Mike Flanagan show with these kinds of questions, and I feel like there was another episode that just wasn't uploaded for some unfathomable reason.
55 notes - Posted October 28, 2022
My brain: Sew Dress Me: I have never sewn A Clothing before, that can only go poorly Brain: Sew Dress For Renaissance Faire Me: You want me to sew my First Ever Garment SPECIFICALLY to wear to a VERY PUBLIC PLACE????? Brain: Sew Pirate Shirt To Go Under Dress Me: I think you're missing the point here, none of this is-- Brain: YOU SHALL NOT SLEEP UNTIL YOU PLAN TO SEW PIRATE SHIRT AND DRESS Me: ...turns out it was me who was missing the point here, I'll get right on that, please stop Brain: Sew Dress
72 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
I made a playlist of the full Headless series (with Unsolved Babesteries, the spinoff featuring Brom's Babes) in order, for ease of bingeing, because everyone should watch it!
151 notes - Posted November 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Serious question, can someone teach me how to find clothes? The plus size stuff in department stores fits me in a way that can kindly be described as "awkward", Lane Bryant only sells clothes that the eye slides over and the brain forgets immediately, and Torrid's stuff is all made of tissue paper. I've been dressing the same since high school and I'm so bored of everything I own. I hate all my "business casual" stuff, it's all from Lane Bryant and leaves no impression whatsoever. I want to feel good in clothes and I don't know how to find clothes I'd feel good in. My mom only ever taught me to dress the Lane Bryant way, so people forget or ignore that I'm fat, but that's made my wardrobe so boring and forgettable that I feel boring and forgettable. Can someone please help me?
356 notes - Posted July 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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cherry-bomb-ships · 2 years
How do you make good quality gifs? What tools do you use, and what's your process?
Aww are you saying my gifs are good quality? Thank you Lex! 🥺💝 Now I apologize in advance if I got a bit carried away here but I do really love explaining how I make things! I find it fun! :3 So I made a gif just for this post so I could show my step-by-step process! Enjoy, I hope this was helpful and please feel free to come back at ANY time with more questions! :3 Here's my process for how I made this gif here:
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So I suppose step 1 would be downloading the source of whatever you wanna gif as an mp4. I already had all the Crash 4 cutscenes downloaded, but back when I got them off Youtube I used this website here. It can also be used for mp3s! Just make sure you've got your uBlock Origin ;3
Next I'll pop it into my video editing software of choice, Movie Studio Platinum. It's a simple but efficient editing software and I mostly chose it cuz it's a one-time purchase and not a subscription, plus I got it on sale for only $50. Right now its full price is $99 but its still a very good program and even has a cheaper alternative (albeit with less features.) Go check 'em out, I've been using em for years and have been pretty happy with it.
Anyways, with the mp4 in the timeline, I'll highlight the moment I want saved in the Loop Region, and then render it as a sequence of images. Here's what that looks like (this might be hard to understand if you've never used the program but well. There you go :P )
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The bottom line here is I turned a clip into a sequence of images, and while this is my preferred way to do it, you can also make gifs out of mp4 clips, so it's up to you on how you wanna do it!
Next is the fun part- finally making the gif! One of my favorite gif making websites was actually taken down recently, so I've been using EzGif.com for a while and it's pretty quality, plus I already used it to optimize gifs after making them so it's nice as a one-stop shop of sorts :3
Once I upload the images onto the site, it will automatically take me to the page seen below, where it will ask how many frames I've uploaded I want included in the gif (uhh, all of them, duh), and at what speed I want it to go at, called the Delay Time. I think the normal delay time of 30fps gifs is about 3 or 4, but I like making mine a little bit slowed down so you can really savor the animations.
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At this point the gif has been created, and I'll make some little last minute tweaks to the colors. For this one I raised the brightness and contrast just a little bit.
The gifs are usually pretty big when first made (this one started at like 20mb) and Tumblr's limit is, I believe, only 10mb. I like to shoot for making my gifs around 5mb cuz the smaller they are, the quicker they load and smoother they run. I'll usually start with downsizing it - this gif I downsized from 1280x720 to 720x405, and that already cut the file size in half! I might resize it more if I feel like I need to do so, but next I'll optimize it with lossy compression and that typically gets the job done. I typically only have to set the compression to between 10 and 30 and it compresses it the rest of the way. All that's left is to download my finished gif, and voila!
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Thanks for reading, I hope this was helpful and again, feel free to ask any more questions you may have! :3
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lebkels · 8 months
I Fasted from Social Media for 24 Hours
I was tasked to take a full 24 hours off social media. This meant no Instagram, TikTok, Twitter (X), Snapchat, or YouTube. I'm always online. It's constant. I knew this would be a challenge, and it certainly was. Here's a breakdown of my day.
10 AM- I woke up around this time and said to myself, "This is the day we do it!" and then instantly opened Instagram out of habit. I was feeling off this day so I decided to skip one of my classes. I went to my morning class as per usual. It was weird to not check my DMs the second I had a free moment.
11 AM- I had lunch in the dining hall. I had brought a book but my friends joined me. I was so distracted that I didn't even think of going online. However, the second I was out of the dining hall, I opened Instagram out of habit.
12 PM- I was back in my dorm resting instead of going to class. My partner woke up around this time. When they're awake, I'm on my phone more often since we're long-distance. I'll usually scroll social media while I wait for a text back. It was an odd change up to my day. The hardest part of the whole day happened here. I had learned about a new topic and couldn't scour the internet to learn more about it.
1 PM- I spent roughly an hour browsing Etsy and book giveaways on Goodreads. I got bored after a while and decided to draw some patches for my partner. I found a podcast about the previously mentioned topic and zoned out for a good while.
2 PM- I moved on from the patch designs to working on my senior art project. I wanted to use what would have been class time to keep working. I forgot about social media during this time. It was delightful.
3 PM- In my notes I wrote when doing this, there are two words under this time slot. "Radium Girls." All caps. I had stopped working around this time because I couldn't stop thinking about the Radium Girls of the 1920s. I spent a solid hour researching them.
4 PM- I bent the rules a little bit. I do social media for work. Unfortunately, no one else could post our weekly Wednesday meme, so I popped onto Instagram, uploaded it, and closed it again. Simple as that. Part of me is disappointed looking back, but I see it as something different since it's for work.
5 PM- Took a nap.
8 PM- Woke up and instantly went on Instagram out of habit. Can you guess what I do when I wake up?
9 PM- I got food with some friends and played a video game for a long while. It was a lot of fun.
10 PM- I always get a little burst of energy at night so I worked on some homework. Not much else.
11 PM- I was still working on homework but bounced between that and chatting with my roommate. I got kind of restless around this point, wanting to go scroll online. I eventually gave up on that and watched Friends with my roommate.
12 AM- I've never watched so much Friends. My roommate went to sleep and I was left alone. I wanted to go scroll Instagram so badly. It's been my nighttime regulation activity since I was about 15. It felt weird to just sit around in the dark.
1 AM- Yet again I have only written "Radium Girls." Did more research around this time.
2 AM- I got ready for bed and played games on my phone until I fell asleep. It was a weird day without social media. My 24 hours wasn't done yet, but I was.
10 AM- I woke up again and went on Instagram. I was back online again as if nothing ever happened.
Final Thoughts- Not my favorite thing I've ever done. It certainly proved a point and showed just how addicted I am to social media though. I learned that scrolling is a pacifier to me. It's the stimulation and regulation my brain craves all the time. Being distracted and having something else (e.g., drawing, crochet, TV) to stimulate me is a good alternative. It was an interesting experience, but I can't see myself doing this outside of anything for a class though.
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candicewright · 3 years
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From planning to posting, share your process for making creative content!
To continue supporting content makers, this tag game is meant to show the entire process of making creative content: this can be for any creation.
RULES: When your work is tagged, show the process of its creation from planning to posting, then tag 5 people with a specific link to one of their creative works you’d like to see the process of. Use the tag #showyourprocess so we can find yours!
Thank you so much for tagging me @highwarlockkareena 💜
I'm tagging:
@zazrichor and this piece
@mushroomtale-fanart and this piece
@snowyfuxue and this set
@wuxxxian and this piece
@satuwilhelmiina and this piece
Of course, feel free to not do this if you don't feel like it, absolutely no pressure 💜
I'll be talking about my process for this art of Wen Qing.
Fair warning that this is going to be a bit of a mess because my process is all over the place, but I'll try my best to explain without it being too confusing.
Since this was a request, I started by reading the prompt, which asked for Wen Qing and roses. Roses are my one of my favorite flowers so I claimed the prompt and started thinking about what I was going to do with it.
I knew I wanted to do a portrait with roses surrounding Wen Qing, but I still wasn't sure about what the composition was going to be, so I started looking for references to see what would work and to get some ideas.
I started looking for photos of Meng Ziyi that I liked and at first I really liked this one.
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She looks great, but when I tried sketching it I couldn't really get the angle of the face right, so I tried to look for a different picture that was within my skill level. Luckily, I remembered seeing a very pretty pucture the day before so I looked for it and this one was the one I ended up going with.
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After that, I downloaded some free to use pictures of roses. I really liked the contrast and the color scheme in the pictures so I though I could apply it to the painting itself and so I began getting a clearer idea of what I wanted to do.
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I opened my art program (IbisPaint X) and did a sketch of what I wanted using my references. My sketches are always super messy and I can't be bothered to do lineart, so I usually just clean them up a little bit and work over them directly. I should actually learn how to do proper lineart at some point, but today is not that day 😂
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Then, I chose my base colors and filled in the drawing to get an idea of where I was going with the piece. I really likeed how it looked like this so I sent it to my friends for validation. They were extremely lovely to me as always so I was excited to continue working on it 💜
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Before rendering, I knew I wanted my light source to be on the right and I wanted the shadows to be quite dark, almost black, but that's the extent of what I knew before going into it.
And then I started actually painting! Unfortunately tumblr won't let me post the process video into this post so I'm going to upload it on twitter. You can see it here! I don't really know how to describe how I paint other than there's a lot of going back and forth and over stuff that I already thought was finished. The whole thing took around 12 hours, which is a bit longer than I usually spend on a portrait but I think it was worth it!
For the main piece I only used three brushes. I did add a bit of glow and sparkles with different brushes on a separate program, but I mostly used these three:
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Note that these are at full opacity but I usually work a very low opacity because my stylus doesn't have pressure sensitivity (bc my equipment sucks) and that's the only way I have to blend my colors without the blending tool, which I don't really like because it takes away the texture.
I also had a bit of trouble with the colors in this one because it's not what I usually do, but after multiple adjustments and with help from the references, I ended up with something I really liked!
After the piece was done, I added some of my usual sparkles and a bit of glow and then saved it to my gallery. Then, I opened my editing software and played with the contrast, saturation, brightness and some filters. I was left with three versions of the art that I liked: the one I eventually went with and these two (I still really like the first one tbh).
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I sent it to my friends so that they could help me pick which one looked better and after a long period of very serious deliberation (read: we all panicked bc we're gay and can't choose) we ended up going with the one that ended up being posted to the mdzs net!
I then sent it to the net for posting and waited (im)patiently for it to go up! ❤
And that's it! I hope someone can get something put of the mess that is my process or that it was at least enjoyable!!!!!
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af1899 · 3 years
The new seasonal banner was leaked
Recently, PM1 has uploaded a video regarding a recent official leak on the upcoming seasonal banner, in it you'll find all of the information (link here).
Btw, let's press F for another fired Intern-kun. 😔
I'll also talk about the unit choices, I'll hide the details right below in case you'd rather wait for the trailer, but if you prefer to learn about the next batch of new units soon as you can to help yourself with planning — like me — then go ahead and watch the video and/or read further below!
The new seasonal units are listed on an official announcement from the game's Twitter account, the thread was apparently deleted 12h after being posted, but the OP revealed these would be our seasonals (screenshot from PM1's video):
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• Robin: Fall Reincarnation
• Rhea: Witch of Creation
• Kurthnaga: Autumn Goldoan
• Sothis: Bound-Spirit Duo
...Man, this is a huge relief, I feel myself even better resolved for Halloween Kagero's return banner.
Of course, there are skills yet to be revealed but even if there's something I'd like to have, I don't feel like I'd have strong enough backup here, and also, the only character I'd care to pull for at this moment would be Kurthnaga, but I'm not crazy enough to go out of my way to pull for him.
Onto the banner things, I've mainly taken extracts of thoughts from PM1's video but I assembled the key info with my own words and added something more. 🙂 So...
The first thing to point out would be Robin, PM1 mentioned that it's likely this alt will be based on the "Male Grima" version, and I actually can attest to that, as Fallen Male Robin's epithet is "Fell Reincarnation", and in here, I.S. made a playoff from that epithet, having only replaced "Fell" with "Fall" (due to the season), they did the same with "Female Grima" last year: "Fell Vessel" → "Fall Vessel".
Next up is Rhea... interesting pick, at least she'll be playable as a lone unit and not cheerleading someone else, I know very little of her so hardly any comments here.
Kurthnaga would most likely be the semi-demote, usually the third unit revealed in every New/Special Heroes trailer falls in the full/semi-demote categories. Depending on the fodder I'll pick one color or the other but I'd like to pick his if nothing else tempting is around in the banner. It also makes sense he's here, as last year we had Dheginsea who's Kurthnaga's father.
And Sothis leads a new Duo Hero, PM1 mentioned that it's likely Male Byleth would be her cohort, that'd indeed be interesting and seemingly logical, but don't quote me on that, I never got to play much from their home game. 😐
Anyway, Halloween units have a tendence to be armored, but here are my class guesses:
Robin would be an armored green dragon like his original version.
Rhea would be an armored colorless tome, just gut feeling and color choice by elimination.
Kurthnaga would be a flying red dragon, likely to match with his father and because dark/fire tends to be associated to red when it comes to magic, plus Kurthnaga can fly like all dragons and if this guess were true, it'd make him stand out even more as a project.
Sothis would be an armored blue dragon, I feel like she'll have some form of "holy breath" but Idk actually... still, I hope someone here enters this class, we still only have Legendary Young Tiki on it. 🤨
As for the trailer, a few users might have expected it to be out by now, however, it didn't happen, I.S. just deleted the leak from their game's official SNS profiles and will post the trailer in the usual timing (should be 52h before banner, so as soon as it's 10/5 for me)... they pretend nothing happened and fire the Intern-kun who leaked the info soon afterwards.
And the free unit wasn't revealed yet! But I really have no guesses on who could they be...
Anyway, with this information, I do hope it has either helped you to have a motivation boost to continue saving [Orbs]... or extra time to prepare for the seasonal you want, good luck in advance!
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mankai-onlyfans · 4 years
"Hey guys!" Kazunari bursts into the lounge, tablet in hand, and flashes everyone a grin. "Check this out!"
Sakyo looks up, his eye already twitching. "We're in the middle of a meeting, Miyoshi."
Kazu nods, his energy not diminished in the slightest from Sakyo's chilly demeanor. "Yeah, I know! That's why I-"
"Then please let us finish." Sakyo cuts him off, gesturing towards Izumi to continue.
She gives Kazunari an apologetic smile. "Like I was saying guys, we're facing a real problem here. With everyone in quarantine, we can't put on any shows for the time being. It's just not safe."
"And without selling tickets to performances," Sakyo adds. "Our profits will go through the floor."
Sakuya makes a noise of disbelief from where he sits on the couch beside his fellow company members. "What?! But does that mean-"
"All of our hard work, down the drain..." Tsumugi says somberly, his brows furrowed with concern.
Izumi nods. "We can't let this place go bankrupt after all we've done to save it. That's why we have to figure out a way to earn money while everyone is staying home." She looks around the room at the twenty actors, all under her guidance. "Any ideas?"
Kazunari waves his hand around in the air. "Ooh, I have a-!"
"Maybe we could livestream some performances from here." Tasuku suggests. "Like one act plays, people could buy virtual tickets."
"That's a good idea!" Izumi points at him and turns to write it down on the whiteboard.
"But how would we advertise? All we have is the company website." Sakyo points out.
"Oh true." Izumi slumps. "We can't do street acts like we normally would to promote."
"And that's how we garner new fans." Sakyo says. "I guarantee that we would only get a tenth of our usual audience, maximum, without proper promotion."
Izumi hesitantly scribbles down the idea.
"Guys-" Kazunari starts to say, but this time it's Omi who interrupts him.
"What if we record videos and upload them online? Like vlogs and things. They're pretty popular right now, and I could help with filming."
Sakyo shakes his head. "That won't be showcasing our talents as actors. We need something more marketable."
"Guys, what about-"
"I know!" Citron interupts Kazunari this time, and jumps up from his seat. "We could make stuffings of ourselves and sell them!"
"Stuffings?" Tenma looks appalled.
"I am NOT being taxidermied, okay?" Taichi whines, curling up and hugging his knees with a shudder.
"I think he means 'stuffies'. Like plush toys." Itaru chimes in, busy as always on his phone.
"Plush toys?" Muku asks, his eyes lighting up at the thought.
"Yes!" Citron exclaims. "One for each of us. Yuki could sew them! A little Citron, a little Itaru-" he points to himself, and Itaru in turn. "-and a little Muku!" He finishes, leaning over to pat the pink haired boy on the head. "Soft, squishy stuffings!"
"Marshmallows...?" Hisoka asks, only hearing half the conversation.
"Wha-?" Muku blushes, seemingly overwhelmed by the idea. "B-but who would want a plushie of a shrimpy, no-good, wannabe actor like me...?"
Misumi hugs him with a chuckle. "You're not shrimpy, you're fun sized!" He pulls a triangular pebble out of his hoodie pocket and hands it to Muku to comfort him.
Yuki scoffs in agreement. "And if anyone here is a no-good, wannabe actor, it's the hack." He sniffs, shooting a glare in Tenma's direction.
Tenma balks and is probably about to retort when Izumi claps her hands for their attention. "Plushies would be a great idea. But I'm not sure if our fanbase is big enough to want to buy that kind of merchandise."
Sakyo hums his agreement. "We would need to weigh the cost of production with potential sales revenue. But Izumi is right, without a strong enough following, the idea would be a waste of time and effort."
"GUYS!" Kazunari steps into the middle of the room, waving his arms around frantically.
Everyone looks to him, slowly falling silent. "What's up, Kazunari?" Izumi asks.
Kazu lets out a breath of relief, happy to finally have everyone's full attention. "I have the perfect solution!"
"Care to enlighten us?" Sakyo asks, crossing his arms and leaning back in his seat.
Kazu nods and whips out his tablet. "We need a way to make money, while still growing our fanbase and showcasing our talents, right?"
"That's the idea." Juza grunts.
"Say no more! I found this great website, where you can make an account and post exclusive content in exchange for moolah." He turns the tablet around and shows it to Sakyo, who adjusts his glasses to examine it. "They have multiple levels of subscriptions, so it's affordable for the casual fan, and super fans can pay more to get more content. Boom! Monthly income, and a way to grow our skills and fanbase."
Kazunari grins proudly at his little speech. Sakyo's brows lift slightly as he examines the price points. "This... might work. What's the name of this website?"
"Patreon." Itaru says, reaching for a sip of his soda.
"Nope! Onlyfans." Kazu replies.
Itaru promptly sprays soft drink all over the couch, as well as Tsuzuru and Banri.
"Ah, shit! Watch it, man..." Banri grumbles, while Tsuzuru wearily hands Itaru a tissue and claps him on the back while he tries to choke in a breath.
"Are you..." Itaru coughs, his eyes watering. "Are you sure that's the best idea?"
"Why wouldn't it be?" Kazu asks, perplexed.
"It's just that... people sometimes..." Itaru tries to stammer out what he means to say, uncharacteristically flustered.
"People use that site for all sorts of things." Azuma chimes in helpfully, his hands folded in his lap. "It's very profitable."
"Right? That's what I'm saying!" Kazunari shoots a finger gun and a wink at Azuma, thanking him for agreeing. "It's like, totally a great way to make money. And check it out, the content is exclusive to people who subscribe, so it builds hype and mystery around what's posted."
"Oh, it's no mystery." Azuma chuckles to himself, his eyes glittering with amusement.
"So, what do you say, Frooch?" Kazunari turns pleading eyes to Sakyo. "I'll manage all the networking for it, and I'm sure Itaroon wouldn't mind promoting it either, right dude? You have a bunch of followers!"
At this, Itaru's cheeks turn curiously pink. "I-I'm... people might think..."
Sakyo stands up. "Very well. Miyoshi, you can set up this Onlyfans promotional account for the company."
Kazunari fist pumps the air in victory. Sakyo points a finger at him. "However, I expect you to take this seriously, alright? If I don't see profits by the end of the month, I'm pulling the plug."
"You got it, chief!" Kazu cheers, giving him a salute. Then Sakyo glances at everyone else. "I expect you all to cooperate and do as Miyoshi tells you. He's in charge of this project, but we all have to participate for it to be successful. Remember, this is catered to our audience."
"I'm sure they'll be overjoyed," Azuma smiles cryptically.
Sakyo then adjourns the meeting and leaves, taking Izumi with him to talk about budgeting. The others all chatter over each other, bursting with questions about this new endeavour.
"Whoa, whoa! One at a time, guys." Kazu laughs, thrilled to be the center of attention.
Homare raises his hand. Kazunari gestures for him to go ahead.
"How frequently will we need to post? I require inspiration to make anything truly worthwhile." He chuckles, twirling his hand in the air dramatically. "I cannot create on demand, you know."
Kazunari snaps his fingers. "Cool question. Answer is: whenever you want! Subscribers will be paying the same fee no matter how much we post, but posting more often will get more people talking about us!"
Sakuya raises his hand next. "What kind of content should we make? There's a lot of options."
While considering Sakuya's question, Kazunari either ignores or doesn't hear Itaru choke again. "I'd say we should do lots of stuff! We can post vlogs, like Omimi suggested, and scripted stuff, like Tax's idea. It'll give us good practice and show off our skills."
"What about fanservice?" Azuma says innocently, raising his hand as he does so. "Wouldn't it help us grow closer with our fans if we take their questions and requests?"
"Fanservice! Yes." Kazu agrees.
Itaru purses his lips, his eyes full of alarm he stares down at the carpet.
"You know, that's a good idea." Tsuzuru says thoughtfully. "Even though our fanbase is growing, we haven't really interacting with them on a personal level."
"Trust me, this will make it super duper personal." Kazunari assures him eagerly. Itaru tries to hold in either a laugh or a sob, his lips beginning to twitch from the effort.
"Maybe we should look at some other accounts to get ideas." Masumi suggests.
"Great idea!" Kazunari agrees, lifting his tablet. But before he can search, Itaru and Azuma are both on their feet.
"Don't-!" Itaru snatches the tablet away. "I... I have to get my login bonus." He gives the weak excuse and quickly makes sure Kazunari hasn't accidentally called up any questionable content.
Azuma pats Kazunari on the back, smiling apologetically. "I think we should come up with something unique, without any influence..."
"Y-yeah, sure." Kazunari looks between them, his eyes wide with confusion.
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Mankai Onlyfans, now open!
Do you love seeing shows at the Mankai Theater, but you're stuck at home? Never fear, now you can see exclusive Mankai content, right in the comfort of your bed! Tune in for exciting livestreams with extra special new shows just for you! Get to know our actors in thrilling and intimate ways like never before!
Send us your burning questions, your most desired requests, or just come to chat! Fanservice of your favorite actors** delivered right to you!
**Muku, Yuki, Masumi, Tenma, and Taichi are exempt from answering any questions or requests that their director deems too suggestive.
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kaoticspoonie · 4 years
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I haven't been as active as usual on here bc I'm either out with my hands full (grocery store or taking Wepa and Mischief out) or I'm in a weird mood.
But the sun is finally starting to come out some. We r planning a lake day with Mischief, once her long line comes in the mail. I think half my weird mood is to do with the weather getting nicer and it making me antsy and also sick (both allergies and heat wise).
We are still doing fine tho. Wepa's leg is all healed. Mischief is bored but loving hotel life and getting all the cousin time.
Trying to figure out what my future holds but it's difficult, was before all the covid stuff. I do feel very greatful that I decided to visit my sister and quarantine with her bc I would be in a very very bad place now if I had been at home.
So yea I'll try to take more pictures and I have some cute videos to upload at some point. Gonna try to finish my quarantine project of having video proof of all of Mischief's tasks and such.
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templeofshame · 5 years
i'm irrationally annoyed at phil for always uploading on sunday nights (ok idk if it's always sundays i'm just mad) because for half of the fucking world it'll be monday and we won't be able to watch because work and mondays already suck and without a video on sunday night it'll suck even more. the video better be real fuckin cute or i'll be depressed out of my mind tmr ugh work is so tiring. (tldr; working sucks. i'm not really mad at phil, but i really do with he can upload on saturdays)
i’m sorry. i usually watch most of my youtube at work so i got annoyed for a stretch that they’d post a lot at ~5pm my time and it would keep me at work late. i guess maybe weekends are better for more people, but ultimately any time they pick is probably good for some people and terrible for others? idk.
i’m not sure how they choose upload days, but honestly i’m at the point where they upload so rarely that i don’t really expect anything. it’s a little sad, but i’m inherently pretty skeptical when they say they’re working on something. i went on vacation for a full 3 weeks and didn’t miss anything (I guess I missed some Youtubers React thing?) even though when i left, they were already back from the US trip and it had already been a while since we got their vids. i don’t begrudge anyone the speculation about Next Videos and the building tension when they think an upload is soon, but it just leaves me disappointed and anxious, so I mostly try to forget about it and let an upload (if it happens) be a pleasant surprise.
working does suck and i’m having a rough day forcing myself onto yet another plane just so that i can go sell my life away. so there’s my ray of sunshine!
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el-dibidibidorado1 · 6 years
Untamed Pt.7
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x plus size MASTERLIST
A/n: sorry for the late update! I hope you guys had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!
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Noooooo it's my day off! Pulling the blankets over my head and rolled over.
"Y/N?!" Noooooooo.
"Y/N!" Angrily I sit up and bring the blanket down. My eyes open and....... What the fuck? There is a Christmas tree in the middle of my room?! Oh my god there is a real pine tree in the middle of my room!
Slowly, I crawl out of my bed and sit In front of the tree. The smell filled my nose heavenly and the ornaments.......looked familiar. Except for this one, a turtle dove? My fingers softly touch the dove. Who put this here? All of this.
"Y/N" Mom and Ed open my door with scared and angry expressions.
"Someone broke i-" mom looked at the Christmas tree and looked back at me then back at the tree.
"Ta-ta da" I nervously say and extend my arms out.
"I don't know if I should ask how this got here?" Ed pointed at the tree.
"Good. Cause I don't know how either" they both came in and sat next to me looking at the tree. It's beautiful. Whoever placed it here is amazing. Creepy, but amazing.
"It smells amazing" all of us take a deep breath, taking in the wonderful smell. Who knows how long we sat there just looking at the tree.
"Who wants pancakes?" I asked.
"Me" Mom said touching the turtle dove
"This is new" I nod my head and take it down.
"Usually there is two. One for a friend and one to keep, but here we have one."
"Should we freak out about all of this?" Ed questioned. I feel like if I should, but I don't. Why? Why can't I freak out about this?
"Oooh these are nice!" I look at Ed playing with some sunglasses. The sunglasses! I forgot to give them to Bucky! Aw man!
"Take those off! They are a gift to someone!" I get up and take them off his huge head.
"WHO?" He asked childish, putting his hands to the side.
"Someone special" I place them in the desk.
"Well I'm going to make the pancakes, get ready we're going to grandma's" we all got up and went out separate ways. Getting my clothes ready I head to the shower. The marks are gone but now there is a scar left behind, make up will do.
With no care I put my music on and get in the shower. I have gone back to showering once a one or twice times a day and it is fine, still feel dirty, but I can't let it get to me.
I let the music take over me and begin singing while washing my hair.
~send you my love on a wire~
~lift you up every time~
~everyone oooooooooo~
The thought of someone breaking in kinda scared me, and the thought of someone placing it in my room while I was sleeping made it worst. Holy shit! I mean the tree is beautiful, but who could have put it in there it's super heavy, and so quietly too. Rosie and Caroline know that I wanted a really tree for Christmas! Them bitches will give me socks or something they dont want. They are out.
A real Christmas tree is all I wanted! But who did I also mentioned that I wanted one. Then the realization hit me like a bowling ball hitting a pin.
"BUCKY!" I yell and open my eyes making soap get in. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck that stings. I hurry and get the soap off and finish my shower in a speedy.
Quickly I dry my body and comb my hair. I should have known from the beginning that it was him. My stomach began to get butterflies as I thought about Bucky bringing a pine tree into my house quietly. He gave me a real Christmas tree for Christmas!
"Mom! I need to go somewhere can I get the car?!" I yelled running down the stairs.
"Is 12:37 we need to be at grandmas at 2" she was still making pancakes.
"I'll be back super duper fast!" She gave me her serious look. Come on, please.
"Please I need to go" I gave her my best puppy eyes. Fall for them, fall for them! She threw me the keys, happily I gave her a kiss and ran out. As i raced to Bucky's place I began trying to wrap the sunglasses. That's it! Is that all I am going to really give him! NO! I need to buy him something else! Should I just wait? Or give him the sunglasses?
"Nope! I'm waiting!" Getting out of the car I slip on ice but manage to get a hold of the car door. Getting myself together I go and knock on his door.
Knock knock knock!
I wait for 10 minutes but he doesn't answer. Ugh he's not home! I hit my head against the door. After a couple of seconds I get in the car and head straight home. What did I expect? he has family, duh. Getting home I literally flop myself on the couch.
"Where were you?" Ed asked me.
"Hukmmmmmm" my face was squished against the pillow.
"I know who gave meee the tree!!!!" Shouted into the pillow. He sat next to me and put a hand on my back.
"His name is Bucky Barnes." He just hummed.
"Ed say something?"
"What do I say?"
"I dont know?! Something?!"
"Is he different?" I nod
"Is he like the other guys?" I shake my head
"Have you....you know?" I shake my head again. I lift my head and look at the destroyed artificial tree. A little chuckle escaped me thinking about Bucky just trying to get all the ornaments.
"How did you guys meet?"
"Work" I sit up trying to fix my hair. He didn't ask anything else. We ate and went to grandma's. We did the same thing over and over again, eat dinner, sit In front of the t.v. or look at the stupid fake tree, then open presents and asking where my boyfriend is, then we eat more. Same. Shit. Over. And. Over. Again.
"Hey Bucko" Tony sat next to me while drinking his spiked eggnog.
"Hey" he gave me one and I gladly drank it. Alcohol didn't affect Steve or I. Super solder serum.
"Ready for presents?" I nod my head and look at the tree. Damn, Tony goes all out! The thing is almost touching the ceiling.
"You know I didn't buy anything for you guys......i thought I wasn't going to come."
"Hey. Your presence is better than anything" he puts his head on my shoulder and finishes his eggnog.
"Tony what are you doing?" Nat asked amused.
"Don't ruin the moment!" Tony yelled and began digging into his pocket.
"Here take a picture. And post it on my Twitter account. Saying something nice" he put his head back on my shoulder and his hand on my chest like a couple.
"Smile honey"
"No" i deadpan.
"Come On sweetheart" I try moving away but he pulls me back down.
"COME ON. LOVE MEEEEE" I manage to get up and Tony falls to the floor getting a hold of my leg.
"3......2......1!" Nat takes the picture. She showed us the picture cracking up.
"Ohh Oh this is perfect" Tony let's me go and grabs his phone and process to upload the picture.
"Come and open presents!" Steve yells. Once we where all in the room Sam had a Santa hat while giving out the presents. Everyone got a bunch of presents! I got one but it didn't matter I felt good. Bunch of clothes and video games where scattered across the room it was amazing! It felt like home, I just missed someone.
"I know......Buck" Steve caught my attention from Peter teaching me how to use my new phone.
"Hm?" Both Steve and Tony give me a heavy box.
"This is from all of us." Tony said with a huge smile on his face. I began ripping the paper. Man, I felt so excited! I don't care if i just got two presents they ment something important. A record player!
"Look inside" clint said.
A bunch of old records that I enjoyed from the past. I got up and hugged Steve for the wonderful memory before war.
"Hey Bucko" I felt overwhelmed by the gift that a lump formed in my throat.
"There is something else Buck" I look at them and they had huge smiles.
"We might have gotten Tony to make you a mp3 player and put new music in there. It's the songs we think you might like. Some of our favorites too" Clint said as I open the small box inside the case.
"Thank you" I mumbled. I feel overwhelmed with comfort and care.
" Mr. Bucky sir are you crYING? " slowly I wipe my cheek. I guess I am. I try to hid the little tears but I guess I failed.
"I guess I am kid" I lightly chuckled and Peter gave me a bone crushing hug.
"DoN' t cRY" I...
"Peter..." can't...
"Peter........" breath..
"Yes Mr.Stark?"
"Let him go. He can't breath!" Soon as he let go I felt myself take a large amount of air.
"Damn kid you got a strong hold" my voice came out raspy. Laughter filled the room.
"Here we are Buck" Steve turned on the truck. He wanted to drive to my studio. 3 hour drive just talking and singing like old times.
"Thanks Steve and Sam"
"Yeah whatever. But next time can we hear music from this era! I wanna hear some Kanye West man!" Sam kept on blabbing and blabbing. Ignoring Sam I got out and walked to my door with my stuff.
"Hey" I whip my head to the side and see Y/n.
"Hey. What are you doing here?" I open the door and let her in first.
"Thanks. Umm I wanted to th-thank you for the tree. It's beautiful" her cheeks turned pink. "Welcome" I mumbled and placed my stuff on the bed.
"I got you something.." she gave me a Christmas bag. "It's not like your gift sadly. I wish I could give you something better" I open the bag and see the sunglasses that i wanted and a DVD movie. Dumbo.
"We can finally see the movie. If you want." She was nervous, I can tell. All I need is her presence, she made this Christmas better.
"Y/n, you watching the film with me will make my Christmas perfect"
Tags: @tnupsweetpie
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