#I'll post more nonsense another day.... I'll save it up
muntadhir · 3 months
Finally getting to live out the Romeo/Giangio content of my dreams, wow
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chipped-chimera · 4 months
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Today in fish nonsense! 🐟🐠- Tank is good to go! Cool wood piece is cleaned and time to spend way too long on a plan painting.
More below the cut.
Tank has been set up, leak tested so it's good to go (after I overhauled the layout of my office ... still dealing with the fallout of that though lol) and the piece of jarrah/mirra? wood that my Dad grabbed from the tree he cut down on a farm (noting this specifically because it's actually now illegal to commercially harvest Jarrah in my state - this was on private property so it's legal) has had the absolute crap scrubbed out of it - I mean literally, in the process I found yet another interesting hole in it so that's cool, then high-pressure blasted with water so I am finally ready to think about scaping.
Which apparently means spending longer than I should drawing a plan lol. This piece is super awkward to work with I think - while functionally interesting it has a silhouette that makes me oscillate between 'boring' and 'awkward'. After talking to some artist friends, generally it was agreed I'd need to put more stuff in there to actually make it look better, right now naked glass is super harsh. Problem is, rocks and wood? Well in the aquarium hobby that shit is expensive. We're talking 60 AUD+ for pieces of wood. I mean they are fully cleaned and treated (?) and selected for being interesting, but I have a budget and I'd like to save as much of it as I can for more than just harscape sooooo planning is just the right idea here.
Thinking seiryu stone because I looooove the white veining through it, and then for the branches to break up the shape it's probably going to be spiderwood or something (as much as I love mopani wood I don't think it usually sells branched like this - but I will watch out for it) but the good part is these pieces are all probably going to be on the smaller side since I have my huge hunk of feature wood for free.
I don't know how this piece of wood will interact with inhabitants, I've soaked it for probably a month at this point to get a large amount of the tannins out (and I know it waterlogs, which is great because I won't have to play 'how long will this take to sink') but also to help the looser material come off so all I'm left with now is the hard stuff. It's also now sitting in the sun (and I mean sun - it is going to be 40C today and the next few days so that shit is gonna bake 💀) but prior to that has been sitting in the sun either here or the farm for a total of about idk ... at least a month? Maybe more?
I've struggled to find information on whether Jarrah or Mirra wood is safe beyond one post on a forum where someone-who-knew-someone at a local fish shop had put a piece of this in his store tank and all the fish died. Beyond that? no more context. According to my freshwater ecologist friend I caught up with, she thinks it's probably going to be okay given the amount of time/work put in. I have not done a bleach soak and I don't think I really need to given the amount of time it's been soaking in regular tap water (so already contains chlorine) and sun exposure. There will still probably be tannin leakage into the water but I'm okay with having a mild blackwater tank after seeing one in my LFS, I actually like the slight tannin tint of water and how it makes everything a little 'softer'. But I do ACTUALLY want to be able to see though lmao. I've also seen Jarrah seed pods sold locally specifically for blackwater tank setups so it might be fine?
Either way the plan is going to be: Scape, plant, cycle and then introduction of some cheap shrimp as my poor guinea pigs to see if that wood actually is awful.
Right now I'll just have to painstakingly go through plant choices and placement and making sure it lines up with the planned parameters for the community. I absolutely will take suggestions btw.
More soon. Fish nonsense will contain fish ... at some point. I swear lmao.
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waterfallofspace · 9 months
One Is Not Better Than None
Soooo I was scrolling through my google docs and remembered this little AU that I started writing (with the help of @themiseryandcompany) a few months back when I first joined snzblr~
And well, the actual 6 part story where they meet isn't finished, and reading it back... the parts that ARE finished could use a lot of editing~ it was one of my first attempts at snzfics, but I did find this little drabble/side story from the same AU~
It's not good, definitely not up to my current standards, but I did a little editing to make it hopefully readable, aaaaand since I've been a bit slow with content, I'll throw it out there incase anyone wants it!
~For Context: In this AU B/akugo is a doctor, and S/hoto is his boyfriend/a barista~ Word Count: 1.3k of utter nonsense that I'm posting because why not~
All Characters Written As 18+ In This Story, (picture late 20's)
Katsuki’s days off are few and far between, so when he does get time to spend at home, he finds that he often has a shadow.
Shoto seems to require constant contact, as if he fears that should their bodies stop touching for even a second, Katsuki would be out the door again. It would be annoying beyond belief, if it was anyone else. But it’s not anyone else.
He smirks over the journal he’s reading as Shoto lets out a breath that borders on a whine. He’s been trying to beat that level for an hour, and it seems like he’s just had to restart once more. 
“It’s not funny,” Shoto starts, catching Katsuki’s eyes as he glares up from his perch on Katsuki’s lap. A half-hearted gaze at best. “I’ve been at this forever. I just wanna beat it but this one boss has a frankly offensive level of regen. I know the strategy but I keep messing up the timing.”
With another sigh of frustration, the glare is long forgotten, instead replaced by a look that leaves Katsuki fighting the urge to kiss him until all the breath is sucked out of their lungs.
“Why don’t you just take a break and come back to it later when you’re less frustrated?” Katsuki offers, running a hand through Shoto’s mismatched hair. “Isn’t that what you always tell me when a recipe I’m trying for the first time isn’t going the way I want it to?”
“Yeah, but…” 
“What, too proud to take your own advice, Icy-Hot?”
It’s a nickname that came into being the first time Katsuki stayed over. Shoto had been sick at the time, and it was one of the first nights of pure vulnerability they’d experienced. 
With a fever, his body gets incredibly hot, but at the same time, he’s always swearing it’s freezing, shivering to make his point. During the night Katsuki tried to get him to take some blankets off, lest he smother himself to death, and Shoto’s reply was “I’m an icy pop”.  (To this day he still blames the fever talk for that little nugget).
To which Katsuki responded with a lighthearted “Oh yeah? Then why is said ‘icy pop’ so hot he nearly burns to the touch? Icy pop, more like Icy-Hot” and it just stuck from there. He normally saves it for playful teasing, such as today, but occasionally it slips out with a touch of softness when Shoto falls asleep in his arms. 
“No, this is different. I’m not frustrated, I just wahh!-” He breaks off, and Katsuki glances at him to see his eyes glossing over, mouth hanging slightly open, right on the brink for a few seconds until-
“heH-! hH’KESHHiew!”
A beat passes, Shoto’s eyes still unfocused, Katsuki biting a blessing back on his tongue.
“Snff- Bless me.” And with that, Shoto’s back to the level, leaving Katsuki to stare at him with a mystified expression. 
After several minutes of silence, and Katsuki’s eyes never leaving his face, mouth still slightly ajar, Shoto finally breaks away from his level to glance up at his boyfriend. “Uhh… what’s wrong..?”
“Y-you… sneezed…”
Shoto lets out a small chuckle, letting his phone rest on the couch as he sits up to meet Katsuki’s gaze. “Yeah? And? I do that quite often, you should know that by now.”
Katsuki rolls his eyes, as Shoto continues with a smirk. “And even if I didn’t, it’s a perfectly normal bodily function. You’re a doctor, I’m worried for your patients if hearing someone sneeze shocks you this much.”
“But… you… it was…. only one?”
“I guess so, yeah.”
There’s another pause, then Katsuki begins again, his words coming out uncharacteristically timid. “It’s… it’s never just one…”
The dumbfounded nature of Katsuki’s voice is enough to make Shoto burst into laughter. The joyous sounds finally snap his boyfriend out of the trance that the single sneeze had put him in, as he lightly punches Shoto’s arm. 
Shoto pulls away, still shaking with the joyous tune dancing from his chest, rocking the couch with each burst. For a minute, Katsuki feels his heart start beating through his throat, mind running wild. His full laughter is so rare… I’d do anything to hear it for the rest of my life.
Finally coming to his senses, Katsuki fires back with, “Hey, don’t laugh at me! I’ve never heard you sneeze just once before, it’s always at least two, more often in the hundreds”
This earns him a very weak punch, laughter still dancing through Shoto’s eyes. “I’m not that bad!” Sniffling lightly to test the waters, Shoto shrugs. “But yeah, just the one, I don’t feel any more. I’m sorry, I’ll make up for it next time I’m sure.”
Shoto reaches forward, touching their lips in an apology for the harm that his lack of a fit had apparently caused. Katsuki leans into the kiss, but his eyes still seem a bit far away.
The rest of the day, it felt as if Shoto was under constant surveillance. Every time he looked over at Katsuki, his boyfriend was watching him, and would quickly avert his eyes, pretending to be doing something else.
Finally enough is enough. Shoto stands from the chair he was lounging in, and walks over to Katsuki who’s currently trying, and failing, to pull his eyes away long enough to read an article on his phone.
Wordlessly, Shoto leans down and rubs his nose against the cat-infested couch. Usually his meds are enough to starve off any really desperate attacks, but living in an apartment with your allergens is enough to set anyone off.
Add to that Shoto’s already sensitive nose, and it’s a sure thing that you’ll get at least a couple small fits per day. However, right now he needs that fit immediately, and his meds seem to be working a bit too well, so it’s time for drastic measures.
Rubbing his nose at all was a sure fire way to form a tickle, but add to that rubbing it against an allergen, and the reaction was certain to be quick and merciless.
“What are you doi-” Katsuki starts, but is cut off by Shoto’s breath catching, as he holds up a finger, attempting to explain himself before the fit can start.
“You... w- were... hehh- ihh... st- staring... at m... ESH’shiew-! Ishh’yu-! kishh’oo-! tishh’iew-!” 
Still trying to catch up, Katsuki can only blink, muttering to himself, “I was staring…” 
“huh- ishh-tishh-kESH’iew! Tishh’oo! Heh- hH’kschh!” 
“Bless you-”
“hep’kschh-kshh-nggxt’shiew! hehh… hH’ngnt! G’nxxt!uhh Hh’ ihhh… hDT-” 
Shoto pauses for a second, watery eyes pointed at the ceiling, seemingly stuck in a hitchy agony, caught between the overwhelming urge to sneeze, and the denial taunting him. 
With a shaky exhale, and a snff, he tries to finish the sentence he began earlier, “Staring ahahh at-”
-which the sneezes pick as the perfect time to release themselves. “ihh’keschh’oo-! hH’ISH’hieww-! Staring at me. Oh, bless me. It was starting to scare me a little."
Katsuki flushes at the accusation, admitting to himself, and only himself, that there may be a touch of truth in it. He sheepishly hands some tissues to Shoto, who takes them with a wink and a chuckle, cleaning himself up as Katsuki averts his eyes.
Once finished, he drapes himself onto the couch, lips hungrily capturing Katsuki in a deep kiss, only stopping once he needs to take a desperate breath and duck another “hh’kssh-! Ihh… heH! hahh’keTSH’iew-!” into his shoulder.
“Bless you… Ya know, you shouldn’t have done that, you’re gonna be sneezing for hours now ya dumbass.” The words may sound harsh, but there’s no fire behind them. 
Shoto lets his head rest on Katsuki’s chest, looking up at him, eyes alight with mischief. “Well worth it in my book. As much as I enjoy you watching me, I was starting to worry you’d forgotten how to blink.”
This earns him another light punch, but the laughter that comes with it makes his statement even more true. 
Anything is worth getting to hear that laughter. The true kind, the kind he doesn’t let other people hear. I’d do anything to hear it for the rest of my life.
Slowly he lets his eyes close, drifting off to the sound of Katsuki’s heartbeat, their breathing falling in sync, exactly how it was meant to be.  
La fin.
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naughtynanzhu · 9 months
new copypasta just dropped
guy was mad that another guy posted a video of him setting up a romantic date night at home for his wife, saying women never do anything for men except give bjs and MAYBE stay loyal and it was very long winded and wild:
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image text:
"Why don't girls/females/woman do nice things for men?? "oh such a beautiful date thanks babe, I ensure I won't cheat on you for a little while and will stay loyal, until the next time you do this, unless you take too long, oh and and here's a bj... because that's all i've ever bring to the table.." Why don't woman set up nice things for men??? Do they not like men and prefer men suffer while they enjoy the luxurious of all the things men provide..... Like what do woman do to court or cater to their husbands needs??? This is what's complete BS about the dynamics of society and it really halves the enrichment of the civilization... Because Woman just want a free ride always and give nothing back but a "bj" Imaooo That's the most love a woman can show to a man???? And being loyal... (which is day one fundamental behavior for a relationship) Really???? I don't get it... Seriously what do woman do above and beyond like this?? I know a woman can't name nearly one example.... And just say some incomplete nonsense like "you have issues " hahaha. That's woman projecting their issues that they don't do anything for men. Sad world to live in. because they think their existence is good enough.. how about a man's existence is good enough? Because men run and protect the entire world. Woman need to be doing these things for men. Actually. I'm a warrior at heart and am willing to go the greatest lengths. The woman need to be catering to the men. I'm as manly as it gets and i'll challenge that against any man.. Making woman much less powerful, but we are inherently equal by existence. So actually the woman need to be courting the man.. The man holds a much more important role. This is called Simping for entitled girls who believe they deserve this. While they're probably cheating and being disloyal. Woman really are the devil."
he was then asked what he does for the world and had the most amazing reply:
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"If you only knew little man. My father was airlifted to the hospital on the job, he was paid less his entire life. My mother was the breadwinner. He also stepped in front a man with a gun to save our families life. My mom worked inside the A/C her entire career. Her brother fell off a 2 story roof from heat exhaustion working construction his entire life and died on the job a few years ago. My grandfather has a purple heart. I protect this entire world in ways no one walking this Earth knows. I also have multiple documented rescues in Ocean Rescue where civilians would had died without my attendance. I have double rescues, meaning two adults at once, and other rescues on multiple occasions. I've had 12 street fight KO's protecting my family and friends all in self defense. All bigger than me. My friends call me the Giant Slayer. There's no woman on the planet that could endure the circumstances i've been in. I grew up surfing, in athletics, trained in the harshest environments during hurricanes with Navy Seals. I won National Championships in College Water polo in California. You can't be a stronger swimmer than a water polo player, not even a navy seal, because they don't practice water combat and wresting for 7 years. Only a summer at BUDS. WP is an olympic contact sport, with cuts and stitches every game. I've knocked ppl unconscious in the water in self defense during games. I carry lethal. capabilities with my bare hands and am willing to execute those actions to protect people I love from evil. I grew up with world champion fighters CFFC and in the UFC, my uncle was also a golden glove boxer in FL. Strangers have personally thanked me for protecting them, saving their child's life. These occasions could have been you or one your family members. It's all relative, you wouldn't wonder who I am then. I also fight the good fight for civilians. Against the biggest cooperations and banks in the world. Recovering millions of dollars in settlements for disadvantaged policyholders in neglected claims. Working along the top forensic engineers, attorneys, the biggest contractors, and private judges in my state."
amazing. fucking g*d tier.
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urbigsockssmell · 11 months
Monster - Chapter 2.
Male! Wendigo x Female! Reader
Summary: In your last moments before death, you make a deal with the Devil himself. To provide it with as much food as you can from your butcher job to save your life and the lives of everyone around you. Even if it knows the amount of food you can give it still won't be enough, it goes along with your plan for whatever reason of curiosity it has.
No real trigger warnings here if you dont count paranoia, some form of anxiety atacks mentioned and stalking I suppose.
"No, Mom, boyfriends don't come out of thin air." You scolded her over the phone while bits of bread crumbs spilled from your mouth and onto the already dirty tile floor.
"But what about Charles? He's single, right? Or maybe--" You cut her off, having swallowed the bite of food before she could talk any more nonsense.
"Mom, stop trying to hook me up with Charles. How many times do I have to tell you that he's only just a friend to me?" You were getting severely annoyed and angry at her as so many times you have before when having this sort of conversation.
"Fine, fine, but just know I said that about Martha when we were just friends." She put an emphasis enclosure on her last words and you guessed she did quotation marks as well. You had to roll your eyes in your chair at her comment while taking another bite.
It wasn't uncommon for her to all of a sudden mention a boyfriend when she called you on your lunch break and it was starting to get immensely annoying. You were sitting in your shop, far back where the meat was served and the people couldn't see you, eating a baloney sandwich from the market down the street while talking to your mother over the phone. Today wasn't good but wasn't bad either. It was good on the part of how many few customers there were and that you were finally able to relax from some non-specific person in mind. But it was bad when it came to how boring it was at work and how the outside felt like walking straight into a tornado.
"Now that you mentioned Martha, how is she?" You tried switching up the conversation from that embarrassing topic.
She chuckled before responding and it sent a sort of vibrating sound through the telephone. "She's doing well. She said that there's an action movie she heard about that she'd love to see with you. It was something called like 'Battle of the Manticores' or some shit like that." A light chuckle was heard from you at her cursing.
You got up from your chair, it making a squeaky sound on the floor that you cringed at, and were about to go and throw the plastic the sandwich was wrapped in while still having some food substance in your mouth.
"Y-Y/N?" Her sudden call-out made you perk up while walking and make a light 'mmh' sound for her to continue. "I've, umm, I've h-heard what happened at the town's square..." Her voice was low and nervous and the jittery tone she had before vanished as the tension slowly thickened. You stopped in your tracks and had to swallow down the lump in your throat and not just from the meat and bread that was in your mouth.
It's been a couple of days, maybe about a week since that.. incident. News had spread about it, everyone talked around and even articles were written of it possibly being a serial killer on the loose. It was clearly a cash grab at twisting the frightening truth but there still could've been a possibility. There could even be a possibility of another corpse hiding around yet to be discovered.
You've recovered since then. I mean, it wasn't anything that serious, just a dead scary-looking animal that made people vomit at just the look of it. Instead, everyone including you, was worried about what had caused it and if they posed a threat to the town. Who could've mauled down that corpse in such a disturbing and vicious way? Just a normal animal from the forest everyone's dramatizing to monetize? A psychotic human?..A monster? And if it had done that much bloodthirsty harm to just one animal, possibly and most likely more, what would it do to the entire town?
Nobody knew and it was the cause of all the nightmares you had ever since. Nightmares that made you face death itself. It just didn't help that even outside, in your already sleep-deprecated life, did the presence of death feel real. Even now when you were having a private conversation with your mother did the feeling of watchful white eyes of death on you every second never disappear.
In your desperate attempt to try and forget about it, you never mentioned it once to anyone, and for your mother to suddenly bring it up made every emotion you felt at that moment crawl back and shiver up your spine.
"H-Honey? You still there?" Your mother caught on to how quiet you had become. She could've never known how much all of the color you had on your face drained down and made you pale as a ghost.
"Where did you hear about it?" Your tone only thickened not only the tension but also the fear and worry in your mother.
"A-a friend of mine told me... " You continued walking while holding all your focus on her words and gripping the black Nokia phone tight with both of your hands. "She said that there was an animal eaten alive down at the town's square and that nobody knew where it came from and how it was caused." At the end of her sentence, you were about to throw the peace of plastic in the bin when you realized your coworker had forgotten to throw out the trash. At any different moment in time, you would've rolled your eyes at him in annoyance and groaned out at the newfound chore. This moment was different, it felt... unusual like something wrong was going to happen. It was something you had done so many times before but now that all the fear was back lashing on your trembling bones, it felt like something different had to happen.
"I was wondering what you have to say about it." Your footsteps echoed around the room on the tile floor and made you feel cautious about everything. It was only to go and throw out the trash your forgetful coworker left but now it almost felt.. unsafe.
"I-It was probably nothing. Just some animals killing other animals like nature made it be like." That was true, at least it was the truth you wanted to believe in and have been telling yourself for the entire week.
"You're probably right but.." The breeze of a chilly wind on your face made you feel cold when you opened the door to the back alleyway.
The alleyway was huge, it had graffiti around the brick walls, burned-out cigarettes and syringes probably used for drugs decorating the musty concrete floor. It was a very hidden and creepy place, near Rushell's dark forest, far where the sun didn't hit, and behind all the shops. It just wasn't fun that even within such a closed space, the tornado-like wind still had to torment you. One of the reasons why you didn't like visiting the place was how dark it was. You always feared something being in there, either a creep or something from the forest like a.. monster. There was some form of light, it being the street light towering over you and the various lights from the buildings, but even that didn't help in uncovering the white eyes lurking in the shadows.
"I don't know, I'm just worried about you, honey." You could barely make out her voice from the annoying and loud wind that made your hair run all over the place and roughly hold the Nokia phone with both hands. You opened the green and rusty dumpster as quickly as possible and threw the rubbish directly into it. It smelled horrible when you opened it as if accompanied by all of the cats and raccoons that ran away from the outburst of sound was a terrified skunk. You still felt the feel of how dirty the dumpster was even when you turned around and were ready to go back to where you came from.
"What do you think it is?"
That sudden question from your mother wasn't the only thing that made you pale in your tracks and taste a familiar bitter taste in your mouth.
It was almost nostalgic. To feel the same feeling you felt back then, minutes before, and again now. That same horror in your eyes, that same paleness in your face, and that same shiver hugging your spine. It wasn't anything that bloody and gory looking this time but it almost made you drop your phone into pieces. It was.. inhumane. No human or animal you knew existed could've done the havoc that was caused on the metal door of the butcher shop. There were claw marks ingrained on it and ripping the rusty metal like something was trying to get in. They were huge and reminded you of something only dinosaurs could make, huge as in whatever caused it could grab your entire face in just one of its hands. You feared touching the door handle now, scared of whatever caused it to jump out at you when you opened it. The damage done couldn't have been made by a cat or a raccoon, just the marks alone were twice their size, big, and the being..  could probably chew them up with just one bite... Was it ..trying to get in and eat--
"What do you think it is?" Your mother repeated herself.
It was a pause for a breath of air that felt like it lasted forever when you gathered your thoughts.
"I don't know.."
I must announce that this book hit over a 100 reads on Ao3 within A FUCKING WEEK!? I am in shook. W. T. F. Thank you all for reading this book, I am thankful that you clicked on my work out of all the books out there. (Totally didn't steal Chad Chad's outro) Please leave any sort of feedback, as a beginner author it will help me graciously. And please tell me if the build up and paranoia is accecutaed goodly.
I will probably be updating this book on a schedule weekly. It took me a week to write this chapter, with the amount of editing a had to do so I'm thinking of posting a new chapter every Friday or Saturday. I am not that busy at the moment with school and outside activities so it works out perfectly for me. Or I'll make it so I update every ten days like I saw someone posting on Wattpad do I don't know. It's still just an idea and I need to seriously do a lot more research on Wendigos so I can get as accurate as possible.
Have a lovely day, you deserve it because you made mine by just living and reading my display.
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basedkikuenjoyer · 3 months
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Eh, Thursday Afternoon Toriyama posting is fun for now. I'm surprised by how much I've thought about it lately. Not like I'm usually the type to dwell on celebrity deaths heavily, but Toriyama's taken up as much of my mind as when Prince & David Bowie passed close to each other or having the two windows I followed pro wrestling line up with Owen Hart's, Eddie Guerrero's, and Chris Benoit's sudden deaths. We'll touch on it in time but y'all saw Oda is taking a break because of it right? So far I've re-watched a huge chunk of Dragonball and binged the excellent review by Totally Not Mark for Z. I don't think a lot of anime fans, myself included, ever gave Toriyama a fair shake for how truly good DB could actually be.
Like...think about Meruem & Komugi in Hunter x Hunter. How lauded that story is. How much controversy but praise Oda generated by taking such a freewheeling goofy direction with such a late stage of his story. Both of those are just elements of the Majin Buu Saga. Meruem has Cell's design and Buu's arc. And Mr. Satan saving the day by being a good friend and mentor to the Majin? I've always loved that. My actual first exposure was that stretch of the story, staying at a friend's house while Cartoon Network ran a marathon. I liked Videl and we got to see this wonderfully epic clash of titans:
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I remember going back to school in the fifth grade, telling some guy friends who liked the screaming and blowing up Earth shit all about how I finally saw DBZ and they were horrified by how much I loved this nonsense. Mr. Satan is a legend and Goten/Trunks pulling a Vincent Adultman is iconic. But...ma cherie. Android 18 is objectively the coolest thing to come out of that series. You may disagree but it's objective so that would make you wrong. I mean, the Androids alone are already cool as hell for being such a solid callback to the earlier Red Ribbon Army arc. Who could forget 8? Guy was classic. First we have a couple of goofy ones then BAM! kickass young sibling pair named Lapis & Lazuli which is a high watermark in a world with some truly weird names. Since I'll be on about another favorite pair likely somewhat inspired by them tomorrow might as well say it.
That's not exactly off the wall right? Kiku & Izo, Jodio & Dragona, that combat sibling pair of a sister that's feminine but fierce and a kinda fey brother you definitely shouldn't underestimate? Nothing new under the sun but the trope certainly echoes from the Cell Saga. And honestly, can't help but notice that side of Okiku I always want to come out more. Lazuli's best moment that made me love her so much:
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I do like how when she recognizes Goten & Trunks she just takes them out via disqualification using Krillin's disk technique. But I adore the conclusion now as much as I did then. Knowing Mr. Satan was enough of a preening dickhead to pay her double for the glory of the win and throwing the fight. Same flavor as what makes me love Kiku and the Yokozuna as much as I do with a distinctly Nami blend. Tell me those two couldn't play good cop/bad cop to shake someone down.
Honestly a lot of the way I see contemporary One Piece makes sense through that lens, the way the Buu Saga took a different approach was bold and controversial but got the series back to its roots. I bet Toriyama had a lot of fun with it. And thank you for the archetype I love so much even if I didn't fully appreciate the Ur-pair until after I came to love their inspiration.
This is probably too much to get into today, but you can't divorce this from what we know about the Cell Saga, how there was so much editorial meddling when it came to the villains. The more meta elements of how I see Kiku & Yamato, how one is set to age like fine wine even if she wasn't the flashiest and the other will probably never be as popular as you were at the start even if you started white hot. The Android Pair vs. Cell are a great example. Fans as a collective sometimes don't really know what they want, I get why Eiichiro Oda opines about "authors becoming slaves to readers." Weekly serialization is a wonderland. And that wonderland gave us something really cool along the way to giving editors another Frieza.
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asksoldieron · 8 months
If there's a lot of engagement on this, this post is liable to get real long, beware before you expand.
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Welcome to the Engagement Lounge, for Allegretto non Troppo (SO-8) an instalment! Short comments can go in the replies, but there's a 475 character limit. Longer ones will need a reblog. Remember to @asksoldieron if you're reblogging someone else's reblog, so I can see it too!
I am, of course, referencing this blameless little angel from Italy's answer to Fantasia.
JUST LET HIM HAVE A CAKE! FOR FUCK'S SAKE, HE'S APPARENTLY DEAD ANYWAY - WHAT DID HE DO TO DESERVE THIS?? *ahem* This almost got me to cry the first time I saw it, and I am not one to cry when I know someone is trying to wring tears out of me.
So there. I fixed it. I saved the cat, as one does. Misha gets bacon and tuna and he probably likes that better than cake. Still, we're missing a whole lot of people and we're not sure what they got.
"Allegretto non Troppo" as a musical direction, would mean "Very Happily but Not Too Much," which is rather nonsensical, but Ann often is too. I had this instalment in mind when I did my first Art Deco-style test...
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...just to see if I could. As-written, Ann has a plate of sandwiches and she's wearing a coat, but that was too complicated for a proof of concept. And that's why the art looks like this now! I dunno what I'm going to do with Tin Soldier, but Soldier On is coming to you in colour!
Misha's rendered as a bit more cartoon-like in this instance, so as to resemble his predecessor. White cats with one blue eye are deaf on the blue-eyed side, so that's another broken, traumatized creature with a weird eye for us to fawn over and pet. Erik will be thrilled to meet him! Eventually.
I'm producing art and formatted posts in advance, so I can take some time to recover from an upcoming eye surgery and still get you instalments every week. I want that 12-pack, but I might have to content myself with six, and a break in the middle. It all depends on how long I take to heal, and how well I can see up close in the near future. I've done almost three illustrations in the last three days. I want to do eight before I gotta quit, but five will do it if I can't quite manage that.
My eyes are performing like goddamn champions, lemme tell ya. I hyperfocus and I do not let them rest like I should - but they're not hurting or going out of whack! When I'm tired, only when I'm tired and reading up close, the left one wanders off and doubles my vision like it always has. And that's like nothing! The other day, browsing through a nearby rural area with Google Street View and the fish-eye effect did not make me carsick. Maybe one of these days here I'll try playing Thief!
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sinister-faye · 5 months
The new years resolution update.
Gonna keep this one smaller.
But I had another mental barrier pop up recently. And this one was the hardest one yet.
It turns out that most of my projects were a form of dissociation. Before recently, I only thought of disassociation as going numb. Or merely zoning out. But I never thought of it as a positive thing.
Like my plans all pretty much looked like:
Step 1: come up with a framework, or rough draft.
Step 2: I'll figure it out later. But it will probably be cool with 0 friction or obstacles.
Step 3: accept awards and accolades. And get a billion dollars.
When life got tough I would then use these blogs, the writing of lore™️, or the daydreaming about success act as a form of self regulation.
And holy shit life has been tough. There is a graveyard of like 16 projects from 2023. All decent ideas. But, no plans to deal with failure. No plans to deal with time limitations. No plans for any kind of struggle, or lack of knowledge.
During an awful time in my life I learned to daydream. A LOT. During my 2 year disassociation nightmare called a Mormon mission I learned how to make plans. But my current life sucked so fucking bad, that I couldn't let any amount of negativity into my little dream space. Including little pieces of friction like: lack of knowledge, or experience get in the way of my shiny dream that would save me from a life of drudgery. Anything that did not resemble that life.
So that mode and mindset stuck with me.
There didn't need to be a plan beyond wild success and awesome art. It really just needed to help me get through a struggle. But once I was getting started on something, if there was any friction, suddenly I needed to switch to something else. As the excitement and soothing feelings of project A would end. I would need project B to give me the emotional boost that I craved.
So I was self regulating my stress with daydreaming. While also somehow expecting those daydreams to come true. While on top of that all, feeling deep feelings of guilt for never completing something prior.
It was not healthy.
It still isn't.
I'm learning how to regulate my stress and recognize what I'm calling "daydream disassociation".
It sounds so basic but I'm lying out a roadmap. Then I'm laying in a course to point myself towards those goals. Charting where I am in skill level now, towards where I want to be.
My goals need to do the following:
- Have steps that I can work towards in the next 24 hours. Additional steps should be added once they are known. 48 hour and 72 hour goals really help hone a direction to work.
- include sacrifices or stress points as part of the plan, or accommodate for the possibility of stress points.
I want to exercise and get sexy. But I don't know that much about working out certain muscle groups.
I know that I will be sore, and tired, changing my diet and this will take up an hour of my already busy day.
Goals for 24 hours: look up fitness guides for beginners
Goals for 48 hours begin those exercises and take steps to study and improve nutrition.
No just envisioning myself on a beach, I need to think about what those workouts look like, how I will feel during and after, pain included, I will more than likely follow through with all of this.
And then if I do catch myself daydreaming about results I reassure myself that this is merely a dream, and the reality will be harder but worthwhile.
So if you read all this nonsense and wonder why I'm always writing as if I am a current indie dev darling who is mere weeks away from launching a product. It's because I believed it. But I didn't want to fight for it. But now I do.
The old blogs will remain up. To document this journey of self hype and dreaming.
The next post will be deliberate. And showcasing why you should follow me. As opposed to dropping vague hints hoping to entice you with something that is as substantial as a dream I once had.
If you have read any of my other posts. Thank you for following along with my creative journey. I'm going to build this journey on a solid foundation. Not on dreams and hopes.
Thank you.
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Spoiler for my stories
Since reaper having fun with his reaper friends in the glass garden, everyone (other pink kkomas + you ) went back to the place where they are staying at ( not it's not the madness mansion) except for sea who tagged with Reaper and other grim reapers seems to like the little guy very much.
Doll on his bed: I'm bored.
Bee: Hi bored.
Blood: how Are you bored. I'm blood. Call me blood nii.
Doll:.... (c" ತ,_ತ)
Bee(?): σ( ̄、 ̄〃)
Bee(?): I don't know your name is bored. Through I have no name to say about it.
Doll: wth. Why are you joining in too? (`ー´)
Bee(?):I have nothing to do.
Doll: that doesn't imply your going to tag with their nonsense.
Bee(?): I'm not such a killer bee for beeing unpunny.
Doll: fuck. The puns have return.
blood: you most bee a good one to joined the bee punners. Or it bee headed for you!
Doll:... Someone save meeeeeeee!!?
everyone then proceed to T post doll to the corner of his bed and chase him around the bed.
Bee, step closer: come joined the bee punners it bee super pun! ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡
Doll, step back: HELL NO!! (`ー´)
Blood, step closer: don't bee such a killer beepunner! (⁎⁍̴̆Ɛ⁍̴̆⁎)
Doll:I will not join you!! Stay back!!! (`ー´)
Bee(?) Held up a hat with Bee Punners and run toward Doll: JOIN US!!!
Doll, screams and run away: GO AWAY!!!!!
You watch as they have such fun before you heard the doorbell ring. You went to get it and outside the door is another kohaku but with horns.
Purple: hello. I'm from crazy boutique. I'm here to deliver the bee chips and honey bee good drinks your order in express delivery...
Doll in the background: I WILL FUCKING KILL MYSELF THAN BE ONE OF YOU!!!(ʘ言ʘ╬)
blood, In the background: DONT BEE LIKE THAT, MY LITTLE BEEBEE DOLL!
Doll, throwing pillows at the other kkomas: DISGUSTING.ಠ益ಠ NEVER CALL ME WITH THAT NAME AGAIN.
Purple:... Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)
MC: do you want a join them?
Purple:... I want too but I have deadline and some daily goal to go too. (;^ω^)beeing a low rank demon needs some work done than other demons. Or else it bee bad for us.
MC: (ㆀ˘・з・˘) aww. Your a good bee punners too.
Purple: I'll come by when I have day off then. (´・ᴗ・ ` ) everyone seems really fun. I wanted to joined them since I saw them a few weeks back in the beach.
MC: oh yeah. You were busy helping Demon Niki selling stuff.
Purple: work is work. (●´⌓`●)
MC: that ibara really working you guys to the bone even so this is another au.
Purple: hmm. Well, I still think this place is great since I get more sell than I usually have, others get their deadline too. Soon we will get to our yearly goal sooner and be a vacation for us. The other three think they will have fun in the beach again once winter end.
MC:oooh. That's good then.
Purple:... Why do you invite the au like mine to this world? As far as I know. That blood mad hatter. Once belong to the category where my au is. But his au get moved to the other au where others is. To the white zone.
MC:... What's wrong with that? Your still another au I can invite. Everyone is free to come here.
Purple:... How did we end up here anyway....
MC: I kidnapped you all. (⁎⁍̴̆Ɛ⁍̴̆⁎)
Purple: kokoko. What a funny joke. (;^ω^)
MC:. I want kidding I kidnapped you guys after I throw money at your bosses. (´・ᴗ・ ` )
Purple:.... Ok.
Purple give the stuff to you: that be--
You paid him and he leave so fast before others can see him talk to you more. Maybe because your being so frank to say that?
Everyone then decided to stop boolying the poor doll and watch a movie while eating the Bee chips and honey bee good drinks and reaper and sea returns seeing you guys enjoying the day without them... Again.
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December 31: WIPs and Ideas I'm Taking Into 2023
As the year is ending, I am considering what writing projects I will try to complete next year. Will 2023 be the year I finish my WIPs? Will it at least be the year I let go of WIPs I don't care about? We'll see.
Here are (most of) my current projects and ideas--T100 only because I don't feel brave enough to even address Star Trek or other fandoms. Let's see where I am at the end of 2023.
devil's gonna get me one of these days: Southern Gothic AU; ensemble and multi-pairing; vampires, ghosts, and secrets
Troped Madness Horror Round: Harper-centric, epistolary/found footage-y
Talk About Timing in Times Like These: Bellarke, Modern AU, exes to lovers, heavy on the bitterness
And They Lived: aka the Ark Sleeping Beauty AU, Bellarke with a lot of other stuff going on
A Watch With No Hands: parts 3 and 4, the continuation of my 2019 Bellarke Big Bang, Grounder Clarke, Arker Bellamy, canon divergence
The Poly Fic: endgame Bravenlarke, modern AU, what it says on the tin
Can't Be King of the World: aka my long (long) percolating Ark AU, ensemble and multi-pairing with a lot of Wells
Sky Village: canon-divergence with rare pairs, independent delinquent village feels
Blake Siblings Summer AU: ...this is a Pete & Pete AU, if I'm brave enough to write it
Slow Summer Vibes: one step up from a PWP, Bellarke in the heat of summer
Under the Western Stars: more Bellarke modern AU angst nonsense
Kiss the Ring: canon-divergent Becho, in which they are both brutal, ruthless leaders
Jonty Dual Timeline: part modern AU, part canon-divergence, heavily S3 inspired
Sequel to How I'll Spend Through Winter: more Bellarke UST and longing, this time in high school, some Princess Mechanic
Bellarke Bingo Love Potion: Bellamy runs an antique store. Clarke takes a love potion. There's magic involved.
Dawson's Creek AU: endgame Bellarke and Murven, and in the meantime, a faithful AU for no reason at all
Documentary History of the U.S.S.S Arkadia: expanded version of my Braven fic of the same name
Reality Bites AU: as it says; Bellarke
Dollhouse AU: also as it says, ensemble/Bellarke, Bellamy as Echo and Clarke as Ballard...sort of
autumnverse fic: eternal-autumn type universe with ghosts!
oh well you've got me under your spell: an old Bellarke HS AU I always wanted to continue
Bellarke Bingo Blast: trope-heavy Bellarke friends to lovers; embarrassing how many modern AUs are on this list
South: Murven road trip that I started ages ago and might continue?
Everyone Gets Married: mostly Jonty with some Bellarke, sappy romance stuff and perhaps some talk about the concept of marriage
Bellarke Beat AU: this is from 2016, enough said
Maya & Octavia Troped: canon-divergence, post S2
Miller/Bryan Troped: canon-divergence, sometime in S3; more a universe than a plot but like an exes thing
Bellarke Invents Soulmates: triple-timeline, reincarnation and soulmates (former Troped round)
Miller/Bellamy Road Trip: but also they're on the run from the law, danger and UST
T100 + 3% Fusion: Princess Mechanic; 3%-like plot but in T100's universe
Fantasy Heist: delinquents on a magical hunt to save one of their own, still working out the kinks on the universe. And the plot (former Troped round)
Kane/Luna Ark AU: exes and magic and hints of political intrigue perhaps; horror
Slasher: half-baked old Troped Horror idea, heavy on the tropes, and I suppose on the bloodshed
Camping Trip Meta Horror: some horror tropes in the woods
Tropical Horror: something about this island isn't right
Troped Horror 2022: the fic I didn't finish because I thought it was going in a bad direction. Only hints: another slasher, Octavia-centric
Party Fic: Indulgent, stylized, multi-pairing HS AU
Modern Band AU: Bellarke and other pairings, rival bands, minor genre/form experimentation
...I didn't specify but some of these are one-shots and some multi-chapters and if a multi-chap isn't started, I can only promise to start, not finish it in 2023
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guardiandae · 1 year
withoutaconscienceorafilter replied to your text post: BASTARD CAT AU PLEASE
Ahhhh, a keen eye. Although I'm honestly not sure if this one is worthwhile, hence why I stopped working on it.
Soooo, I'll let you have everything I got, lol.
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Bastard Cat AU - AKA Nathan "Cable" Summers finds a cat that reminds him of a certain mouthy little fucker.
This wasn't a part of the city Nate had seen before.
Granted, the sights of smells of a grungy back alley in New York wasn't exactly on Nate's list of 21st century landmarks to visit. It just happened to be part of the charming landscape near his latest motel room. And in his ongoing adventures of cheap, no-questions-asked motel rooms, this particular alley wasn't the worst thing he'd encountered yet. He could ignore the trash strewn throughout the area as easily as everyone else in the neighborhood apparently could. After all, unfucking the future would require bigger changes than just cleaning up one day's worth of trash in some shitty little alley. He had to focus on the big picture.
But Nate couldn't focus on anything except the pitiful meowing that had started up as soon as he entered the alley.
He actually stumbled to a stop, midstride, and turned to look. The sound also stopped for a moment. Nate briefly wondered if it had been a trick and this was some kind of weird ambush, but then the mewing resumed with vigor. It was obviously a cat. A fully grown one, judging by the sound of it. There was nothing dainty about that meow. The cat, wherever it was, had a clear, if somewhat gravelly, voice that rang out over and over again for attention.
"God, that's obnoxious," Nate muttered, kicking aside a pile of trash nearest to him to uncover what was there. Nothing but more trash, and a pile of old newspapers. The meowing continued, as if intent on annoying him. He kept looking, despite himself, but could hardly tell where the sound was coming from exactly, much less see a cat anywhere.
"Alright. Get a grip, Summers. You're saving the world, not a fucking cat," he muttered to himself and kept walking away, grateful that there wasn't a soul around to hear him. Except, of course, for that bastard cat. Wherever the fuck it was.
It was dusk when Nate headed back to his room.
He still wasn't sure that he'd ever truly understand this century. The broken social systems, the way the world was designed to break people down, and the apathy that was stained deeply into everyone Nate passed on the streets. Maybe it was already too late to make a difference. But it wouldn't hurt to try.
As he walked, Nate suddenly realized that it was quieter here than any other point in his day's  travel. The alley he was passing through was hardly a desirable area to adventure, what with the amount of trash, and it being isolated from the general flow of the city. Then he recognized the newspapers he'd unearthed earlier, and remembered this was the same alley he'd gone through that morning.
He was almost out of the alley when he heard it again. 
Just one solitary little meow.
Nate scoffed softly, perplexed. He would've expected the cat to be long gone by now. How many hours had it been? Then he stopped and listened, waiting for the barrage of incessant meowing to start up. But it was silent. That just didn't seem right.
"Where are you?" Nate asked aloud, and was answered with a faint mewl.
After a moment of hesitation, Nate sighed and walked back slowly, listening. 
He waited. Another little mewl. 
If Nate hadn't come through here earlier, he'd almost believe that it was a kitten calling to him now. He recognized the same high, somewhat gravelly tone, but this time it was weaker.
"Alright, that's it. Where are you, kitty?" Nate asked again. He felt fully committed to this nonsense now. He needed to figure out what the fuck was making such a fuss. If he could find it, Nate reasoned, he could shoo it away. But quietly, in a way he didn't even want to admit to himself for fear of being foolish, it sounded like this cat needed help. And maybe he was starting to get a little bit worried for this hypothetical cat.
There was another meow while he searched, and then another, as if encouraging him to keep going. Nate carefully swept some of the trash aside with his foot. The meowing continued, still sounding weak, but in increasing intervals. It was probably thanks to it being softer in volume that Nate actually found it easier to hone in on where it was coming from. He kept going until he'd cleared a path to the dumpster. Behind it, there was a greased-stained paper bag from Taco Bell, with a pale pink lump inside of it that looked very suspiciously not like trash.
"Cat?" Nate asked, not entirely sure what the fuck he was looking at. He very carefully extended his leg and gave the bag a gentle push with the side of his boot. It made a sound that was not a meow, but instead just a pained little mrrp. Whatever was inside definitely had the approximate size and weight of a cat, but he wasn't entirely sure until it moved and he saw the tip of a scrawny little tail poke out. There was either something seriously wrong with this cat, or he'd accidentally found an oversized rat instead. Either way, Nate wasn't loving his options.
With his left hand, Nate reached down and grabbed the edge of the paper bag. If he was about to get mauled by a small, feral animal, at least his TO arm couldn't contract rabies. He ripped the bag open in one quick movement, exposing the furless creature that had been curled up inside. It didn't move at all, but Nate took a step back anyway.
"Jesus Christ," Nate muttered, not quite sure what he was looking at for a second. "What the fuck is that? Is that a fucking cat?"
The pink, fleshy thing looked at him with its remaining yellow eye and let out a loud, shrill meow, as if offended. For a few seconds, Nate thought that this cat had not only been wounded but also set on fire. Then he realized that the cat was a hairless breed, and although it looked hideously ugly, the pink, wrinkly skin was perfectly normal and exactly how the cat was supposed to look. What wasn't normal was its left eye, winked out of existence into a dark, crusty mess.
"Christ," Nate repeated in a sigh, no longer disgusted by the cat, but by whatever had happened to it. "You poor little bastard."
"Meow!" It cried, like a wail of agreement.
"You look like someone I used to know. An ugly, wrinkly, little loudmouthed shithead. Except you're cuter than he was, and not half as annoying."
"Meow!" the cat said again, but this time it sounded almost offended.
Christ, he was trying to ascribe human emotions to a fucking cat. It was just hungry, and wounded, and probably scared. It was only meowing so much because it wanted help. That was, assuming that it was friendly to humans and not completely feral.
Nate moved as if to pick it up, but then stopped short, waiting to see if the cat would react skittishly to his approach or hiss at him. Instead it laid there like a little lump, just watching him with one eye. "Meow!" It whined again.
Carefully, Nate scooped the cat up in his hands and, upon not being mauled, cradled the animal securely against his chest so it wouldn't try to leap out of his arms. But Nate quickly realized he wouldn't have to worry about that, judging by how the cat stuck to him like velcro, digging sharp little claws into his shirt. It was definitely friendly to people.
A hairless cat felt fucking weird to the touch… scalding hot but cold and clammy at the same time, and like a dry piece of raw chicken. He almost immediately regretted this decision, not just because a hairless cat was so weird, and not just because it had started meowing at him again, but also because all Nate could smell now was week-old garbage and rancid taco grease.
"Ugh," he grunted, trying to pull the cat away from himself, but realizing that it had already sunk its claws into his clothes and the effort was futile. He quickly gave up, resettling the feline against his chest as he resigned himself to his stinky fate. He gave the cat's fleshy bottom a gentle pat. "We're both getting a bath tonight."
As soon as Nate got the cat back to his room, he ran warm, soapy water into the sink and lathered up his stray. He half expected a fight, considering the fact that it was injured and had been living on the streets for gods knew how long, but the cat was surprisingly good about it, despite all of the extremely vocal yowling.
"Calm down, you big baby," Nate muttered, taking extra care to be gentle. He avoided touching its wounded eye or face at all, and avoided the right paw as well when it seemed too tender.
The cat was all nerves and refused to sit still, but Nate got through the washing without a hitch and snagged a hand towel to wrap his street urchin up in. This part of the bath was not only tolerated, but welcomed. As he held the cat in his arms like the world's ugliest burrito, Nate was treated to the loudest purring he'd ever heard.
"That wasn't so bad, was it?" Nate asked. There wasn't an ounce of fat on this cat, but all of its loose skin made rolls anyway, and since he'd swaddled that cat up, its face was puckered with wrinkles. "You look just like that fucking disaster,  Wade."
"Mrrp," the cat purred.
"I think it's a fair comparison," Nate said. "Maybe you're cuter, but you're still a goddamn wreck."
"I know it's probably not entirely your fault, but sleeping in the gutter was your own choice."
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onewomancitadel · 2 years
Good lord that was masterful lol. When you put it like that I can see why Jaune is necessary for her story. I never even imagined something like Jaune x Cinder could make so much sense. Jesus if you explain things THAT well then maybe I really should listen to your Knightfall Manifesto...
Aw, I almost didn't want to answer this because then it would leave my inbox lol. Thank you for such a lovely ask once again!
Posts referenced: 'Does Cinder have self-esteem?'
and follow-up 'How does Cinder heal?'
Yes, I think Jaune and Cinder's stories are interrelated and part of where I feel analysis of their character arcs drops the ball is not appreciating the other. It's where I feel people can't figure out what Jaune's going to do in the story or what's the symbolic point of his Semblance (or meaningful relation to Ruby or the greater story) and in Cinder's case if they theorise about her redemption is often 'just-so' - Character A (swappable with anyone) will simply help Cinder because that needs to happen, but we're not exactly sure why, and not sure why it couldn't have happened sooner (or people just think Cinder will die I guess. Jaune will kill her. Something something nonsense).
Suffice it to say, I find that analysis insufficient and in addition to that not really that respectful of how R/WBY does redemption arcs anyway. There coupled pairs (platonic, familial... romantic) that are involved with each other's redemption which then opens up the way for their connection to other characters. Blake-Ilia, Yang-Raven, Penny-Winter, Emerald-Mercury, Oscar-Hazel - characters who do not exactly exist in isolation, because once their stories open up, you have Ilia helping restore the White Fang, Raven going to Tai, Winter helping Marrow and her sister, Emerald being able to fully accept Hazel's help (and be released from perma-childhood) and even help Oscar... and Emerald-Mercury is a special case because his gift to her will be returned twicefold.
So, if am expecting a romantic pair out of Emerald-Mercury's shared redemption arcs (allies-to-enemies-to-lovers) - yeah that seems kind of inevitable to me lol, the romantic paralleling with Ren/Nora is too much, to the point their V8 heavily romantic-coded scenes mirror each other - then at that point I know it's not wrong to expect redemption paired with romance... special built-up redemptions... and all of these redemption arcs are setting up Cinder's, because Cinder's is a big deal. Emerald and Hazel's were already built up as a major revelation in V8 that turned the tide and saved the day.
The point I'm kind of trying to make here is that there is reason to speculate on the type of structure I suggested in my previous post; it's not arbitrary, there is some sense to it, and we also see that the intensity of redemption arcs in the story have been gradually built up to suggest we're working towards something. Raven's hasn't been fully delivered upon yet and I expect that to evolve in the following volumes (maybe even so with rescuing them from Ever After, both for Persephone, also known as Korē (which literally means... maiden), vegetation goddess/Queen of the Underworld allusion reasons and also her portals that visually mirror the Yellow Brick Road ones). Here what I think is interesting that the Maidens joining the side of Good mirrors the order that they join the Old Man in the story. We've had Winter first, spring is next, summer, autumn. Ilia has also been reintroduced into the story... but I'll save my Summer Maiden speculation for another time. Nevertheless, we do have a linked idea of redemption of the Maiden linked with redemption of the power - and so it feels organic to speculate on Cinder's.
I have a tag for Cinder's redemption you can peruse to your heart's desire for further speculation and there is also my Knightfall tag, but if you have any questions or wanted a more simplistic summary I can certainly try (and you ask great questions, so I hope my responses are just as interesting)! <3
I never even imagined something like Jaune x Cinder could make so much sense.
Hahahah I love this! I never assume that someone isn't interested in Knightfall because they don't know any better - we all have different tastes - and I think it's much better to simply lay my opinions on the table and let you decide. The reaction of 'omg it actually makes sense though?' is much more fun, I admittedly do get quite a kick out of it, and on some level it does make me feel a bit less delusional seeing as it's not a pairing you see many seriously argue for. Or at all. I try to maintain a little perspective.
To be quite frank, when I started putting the pieces together of Knightfall it was with some trepidation - I am often an enemies-to-lovers, love endures type of shipper, I'm no stranger to it, but that trepidation was because of that in part, since I assumed I was just seeing what I wanted to see. This was a while ago, and if I had encountered evidence that refuted it I probably would have packed up camp, because I am almost exclusively a canonshipper.
Jesus if you explain things THAT well then maybe I really should listen to your Knightfall Manifesto…
That is very kind of you to say, I'm glad that I have communicated myself well, that is my one goal. My Knightfall manifesto is not a manifesto as such; it's a masterpost grouping all the intertextual and canonical speculation together so I can reference it. My true Knightfall manifesto is a fanfic I'm writing called The Distance Which Fools the Skimming Eye, but you can generally consider my blog here one big manifesto for Knightfall. Lol.
I think I generally don't come at the angle of trying to convince other people to ship Knightfall either because so much of it is down to taste - and I like exploring taste, I like documenting what I'm interested in - but I wouldn't position it as the 'correct' thing to ship, because that kind of thing is really frustrating as a fan lol. What I would like to seriously do is discuss the structural necessities of redemption arcs and serious consideration of their characters... and justify why romance can be fun and heart-twisty and amazing and also convey serious plot/character/theme (though it doesn't need that to justify it - of course - but Romance romance is where it's at for me). It's kind of hard for it to not do that (even if the R/WBY romances aren't all it for everyone) considering Ozlem is at the heart of it. You can read my Reverse Ozlem tag where I discuss relationship parallels with Ozlem, chief of which I think Knightfall is one (lovers to enemies -> enemies to lovers, it's like poetry it rhymes).
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I think what's great about Knightfall (and Cinder and Jaune by extension) is that the thematic heart of the show is wrapped up in it, and it makes everything very clear. Certainly, it's not the Jaune and Cinder show - I talk about other relationships, romantic or otherwise, for a reason - but in part I think what makes it special is this type of essential connection, which is transcendental on an epic scale. Compassion as a superpower. I am totally down for that. The ensemble cast kind of makes it more special for me, and I think what's successful is you have instances like Ironwood's fall that is calculatedly foiling Cinder's rise - that you have tragedy in this story that hopefully, in some way, foreshadows romantic and hopeful reprise.
In a lot of other stories I would be quite upset with the handling of Adam, Hazel and Ironwood, but what makes R/WBY successful is that you do have that sense of loss - that Adam wears a mask but an inverse of Cinder's, because his is concealing evil and pain that he uses to control Blake, but she (and Yang) nevertheless try to extend mercy. Hazel sacrifices himself - and this type of death-by-redemption I'd normally hate - but it fulfills the idea of parental sacrifice for Emerald which is in part the 'true' message of Vader's death. Vader was not too evil to live and be forgiven, he was an old man who died for his son and his son's inheritance (and because he was artificially kept alive through unnatural forces). Ironwood's story could be read as punitive - foolish to believe in change, foolish to believe in redemption and turning it back - but the execution is anything but. If anything it's a model of forcing you to pay attention to what substantial change is in the story - and Ironwood really embodies the anti-fairytale, narratively cynical mentality that yes - pervades part of the fanbase that thinks you can just nuke Salem and get it all over with. That Ironwood's fall, once again, is deliberately paralleled with Cinder's (whose story is steeped in the fairytale and the mythic and will deliver on it - literally steeped in disillusionment of the failed Huntsman, the evil step-mothers - Cinder's a wounded idealist) tells me about what sort of narrative logic that will be validated.
The elephant in the room I've delicately skirted around in this post (but I do discuss a lot) is that the typical objection to Knightfall is Cinder killed Pyrrha so Jaune can never love her. You can feel uncomfortable about it, sure, but it doesn't change the nature of their confrontation at Haven (Jaune isn't acting like an aggrieved boyfriend sad about his fridged girlfriend... Pyrrha's arc is SO much more complex than that, than aborted romance) and it doesn't change the fact that Pyrrha - and the Fall Beacon - was a way to tie Jaune's character to Cinder's. Not anyone else, Jaune, and not even Ren or Nora who were Pyrrha's teammates too. Why would they do that? Why would they put Jaune in a position of narrative empathy with Cinder for having killed Penny?
I'm not trying to diminish Jaune's connection to Pyrrha - if anything I think the mischaracterisation of Pyrrha (her destiny, what she wanted, what she fought for) and her eternal glorification (that she never wanted) is what bothers me, and so too does it bother me that Jaune's character isn't taken seriously on that front because he can never grow beyond that romance or the childish (literally), childhood one-sided crush on Weiss. I want a more satisfying answer, and based on the fact they have committed to exploring Ren/Nora in an interesting way, that they committed to Blake/Yang at all, that the story is grounded in Ozlem (tragic separation! Deep enmity!) is begging for me to look at it from a new perspective.
But that sense of loss is what makes a hopeful resolution so potent. If we were supposed to be taught that there are no happy endings, that fairytales are stupid and you're stupid for believing in magic, then the answer to Salem's story - that she's eternally cursed and punished - would have been it. That would have been our ending. But that is only the revealed thesis. So what should I be expecting to fix that?
The reason I emphasise the Reverse Ozlem angle with Knightfall - working back from that, looking at the broader conflict that pitted Ozma against Salem through the Brother of Light, Salem losing sight of who she truly is, Cursed - is because you don't just a simplistic reprisal of knight freeing Maiden from her tower and falling in love, it's more complicated and more reciprocal and it sees the relationship for all its flaws and fixes it. The key with Ozlem is that if you've got literal reincarnation you should be looking for metaphorical reincarnation and repetition in the story, and eventually - eventually - that should be broken.
We're in the cycle breaker! Curses are to be broken! Maidens freed and redeemed!
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void-writing · 1 year
If you want to share, I'd love to hear more of your Rise TMNT and DCU crossover, please!
I am so so glad you asked : D
I've been trying so hard for so long to think of how the Rise boys misadventures would align with DCU, mostly because I was thinking about post-movie JL investigations into the Kraang Invasion. HOWEVER, I was rewatching the series with a friend semi-recently and we hit the "Battle Nexus: New York" episode and it abruptly hit me that Superman--who is in the state of New York (bc in my version of canon, Metropolis is in New York and Gotham's in New Jersey, as god intended)--would probably be high-key alarmed about the City That Never Sleeps going completely silent except for four teens and five adults, one of which being clearly the one behind it all (that one being Big Mama).
That line of thought honestly made me entertain the idea of Superman being like...the Turtles' weird uncle figure who checks in occasionally like "you good?" but I don't know all of where I'd want to take a story like that.
This honestly kind of spun around in my head for a while until I was hit with a lightning bolt of genius in the form of a very vivid daydream about Daily Planet Intern April O'Neil absolutely tearing into Lex Luthor because he had the sheer audacity to compare Superman to the Kraang in her presence, and a befuddled (and slightly flattered) Clark Kent holding her back from bodily attacking Lex like:
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The fic that I'm writing is going to be a mega long one-shot of April being an absolute menace to the supervillain population of Metropolis. She's basically going to be a mini-Lois Lane but like five times more feral because this girl won't so much as flinch at the nonsense Supes deals with on the regular.
On the hero side, April kind of Tim Drakes her way into becoming Superman's unofficial-official sidekick on account of how she just forcibly inserts herself into dangerous situations and refuses to leave.
Hilariously, April doesn't put together that Clark is Superman for a while because her threshold for what constitutes as weird is so messed up that anything that Clark does that might flag as suspicious doesn't even ping for April. Lois and Jimmy have a bet in the background over how long it will take for April to figure out Clark is Superman.
Some other highlights knocking around in my head include:
April babysitting Jon for Clark and Lois so they can go on a date night. April cements herself as the coolest babysitter ever in helping Jon defend the Kent House from an incursion viscous tiny alien critters that Jon brought home from space on accident. Both are trying their hardest to not use powers in front of the other with mixed success.
On a similar note, April cultivating a big-sister relationship with Conner because you cannot tell me that he wouldn't fit right in with her collection of genetically engineered super-soldier brothers born from unethical experiments by a man convinced doing this will save his people, using DNA stolen from a powerful warrior he has homoerotic tension with (from a certain perspective regarding Lex and Clark, lol). Like seriously, Conner's backstory fits the Rise boys' so well. I can't not make April adopt him as little brother #5. Maybe for the hell of it I'll turn Conner into a turtle mutant and have him dick around with the Hamato boys, mostly in making Splinter question if he's been miscounting how many sons he has this entire time. Ah. Fic for another day.
The triumphant return of April's crane license (with bonus forklift certification)
Clark being a living jungle gym for this 4'10" menace to his confusion and everyone else's delight.
The Hamato boys making a surprise visit to the Daily Planet as April works with Lois on an article (because she missed their weekly call and the boys immediately assumed the worst) and April trying desperately to keep her dum-dum little brothers out of Lois's sight as they scamper around the office like it's a playground.
April unknowingly endearing herself to Wonder Woman when she stops by in civilian form to meet up with Clark for JL business.
April getting herself in way over her head trying to do a bit of investigative journalism alone and the Supers coming to bail her out (as a reminder to everyone--including myself--that April is not invincible).
And, of course, the reference to the Batman vs. TMNT movie that I mentioned in the last ask I did on this where the boys break into the Bat Cave and Donnie calls April to gloat that he was right about Batman's secret identity and meanwhile Clark gets a call from Bruce about the four teenage mutant menaces running around his lair and how they're connected to a specific Daily Planet intern Clark knows.
It's just really funny to me to imagine Rise!April being unleashed on Metropolis because Ninpo or no, I don't think anyone there would be prepared to handle the powerhouse that is April O'Neil. The villains of Metropolis quickly come to know and fear her because she will more often than not charge them with the nearest blunt object and somehow--despite not having a meta gene (they have checked)--she hits like a freight train and can keep up decently well with Supers (writing this out now makes me realize that it would be plausible that a conspiracy theory starts floating around Metropolis' criminal underground that April O'Neil is secretly Kryptonian in some capacity, only for it to be swiftly disproved when she grand-slams a chunk of Kryptonite into the Atlantic. Somehow this makes her more terrifying).
But yeah, April is just having the time of her life at this internship, blissfully unaware of how many minds she's breaking just being herself.
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I think it's time to inform you of the madness that is truly my space crimes au... As you know the cast is comprised of the lego movie cast but all in "Rex form." With the exception of Batman and metal beard but I'll get to that at some point else... That's an entirely new can of worms.
Every single one of the cast members come from their own universe, meaning that this is an Au completely comprised of characters from other AUs... And like, FULL ON AU. like, in a way completely different type of idea from the normal lego movie. They come from AUs where they're the main character of the movie. So the movie has more things focused around their deal. Of course the events of the movie still have the main pieces there, it just plays out a little differently. For example, the characters start out as a nobody, find the peace of resistance, go on an adventure, beat Lord Business, and save the day.
Benny starts out as a member of the space exploration team on the moon. Instead of all of Emmett's friends going out for chicken wings and leaving him behind, as a nod to the original backstory, the rest of the crew find Benny annoying and just straight up abandoned him on the moon. But my boy does what he does best in build himself a spaceship. on the way back to the normal planet he finds 2 spaceships chasing each other. One of them being Lucy looking for the peace, and the other being 1 of Lord businesses goons. A bunch of 3 spaceships chasing each other nonsense happens and he ends up getting smacked into a cavern on a planet and finding the piece. From there it's the whole- "oh you're the special!" and dragging him around. Except it's more in the adventures of clutch powers style where the different lego worlds are different planets. That way, his dimension where hes the main character, gets to have spaceships!
And something about Bec that you might not know, his outfit has a cool reason for being the way it is. In 1994, There was a lego space theme called Spyrius. They were like- rogue, troublemaking versions of the original lego space team. Which I thought would fit Bec perfectly. Most of their ships had a red, black, and blue theme to it. again perfect. I'll get into the other stories later in another post.
Feel free to ask any questions!
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theji · 3 years
我的世界守则 The Rules of My World: An Analysis
I came across this video while browsing Weibo last night. It was taken during Yibo's rehearsal for his 'The Rules of My World' performance. I've listened to the song countless times and I like it, the rhythm and all, and the dance. But as with many rap music, I don't pay attention to the lyrics. I suddenly realised I don't really know what the song is talking about, save for the few phrases that stood out. That sparked my interest and inspired today's post. I had previously done some analysis of Zhan's songs, so it's Yibo's turn.
Disclaimer: I am not a professional translator or lyricist. And obviously I'm not Yibo nor do I know him personally, so I can't say for sure what the song is really about. The following analysis is purely based on my personal interpretation. It has CPN components. Please skip if you don't believe that BJYXSZD.
'The Rules of My World' is the 2nd song that Yibo penned the lyrics to himself. The fact that he wrote the lyrics is significant and makes the song worth analysing. 2019's 'Wu Gan' was more 'inward-looking'; about Yibo expressing his own thoughts on navigating the entertainment industry. To me, 'The Rules of My World' is him making a statement, a stand, at the same time, he's sending a message to those he cares about - GG and his (real) fans. Yibo released this song on 30 Dec 2020. The timing is interesting cos it like he's summing up his sentiments based on the events that took place during the year. To outsiders, 2020 was a good year for Yibo. He had many endorsements, projects, high exposure, his commercial value rose. But in CPN reality, 2020 was terrible for so many reasons. GG's incident, him being overworked, crazy fan wars and antis etc etc..anyone who cares about Yibo would be delusional to think he had it good last year.
欢迎你们来加入我的世界 (You're welcome to join my world)
入场券上面有正义的光源 (There's a light of justice on the admission ticket)
DD is giving fans an open invitation to enter his world, to understand him as a person and not just an idol. And he also hopes that his world can bring some light to the fans' world, to bring some positivity, encouragement and guidance to them.
此生面对严厉又仁慈的一切 (In this life we'll face harshness but also kindness)
轻松一点,我们一起度过黑夜 (Just relax, together we'll overcome darkness)
In the entertainment world (or life in general), there will be ups and downs, criticisms and compliments. Regardless of what may come, we can overcome any challenges together. Darkness here could also refer to the antis who seem determined to bring GGDD down. This could be a message to fans - to tell them that they don't always have to rush to defend him, and they don't need to retaliate (aka fan wars). It could also be a message to GG, to make a stand of solidarity and to reassure GG that DD will face any challenges alongside him.
新的征途 (A new journey)
愚蠢的,不好相处 (These fools, they aren't easy to get along with)
愚蠢的,不会打住 (These fools, they won't stop)
但衬托明天更耀眼的路 (But they will set off a brighter path for tomorrow)
It was said that DD matured considerably after the 2*7 incident. Took up more responsibility, became more focused on his career and mindful of future advancements etc. Started to take on more serious acting projects and to shift his career trajectory towards something more sustainable and less 'idol'. The new journey could be a reference to this new path. The fools - the antis, those against GGDD - may have caused damage but their actions have also sparked off DD's desire to do better and to find his footing in the entertainment industry. He now has a clearer view of what he wants, the path he wants to take.
我是我的样子 (This is how I am)
我生来就固执 (I was born stubborn)
讲自己的故事 (I'll tell my own story)
活独特的气质 (Living my unique self)
Follow me, 找到自己的价值 (Follow me, find your own value)
不去迎合别人活 才会觉得有意思 (Life is interesting if you don't cater to others)
我的世界不退让 (It's my world I won't give in)
我的世界不退让 (It's my world I won't give in)
Here, DD is being assertive. This is me, I follow my own rules, I'll make my own decisions, I'll forge my own path, I won't be influenced, I won't give up on my beliefs. So antis, capitalists etc can f*ck off.
It could also be seen as an advice to his fans - to follow his lead and live their own lives. This is also something that GG has repeatedly said to fans - to focus on their own lives, personal relationships, studies, careers etc. Don't devote so much time on chasing idols, online fan wars etc.
阳光耀眼 (The sun is dazzling)
乐观地,走向前 (Just move forward with optimism)
阳光耀眼 (The sun is dazzling)
无所谓,多危险 (Doesn't matter how dangerous it is)
阳光耀眼 (The sun is dazzling)
这是我的世界 (This is my world)
我世界的守则,不许你诡辩 (These are the rules of my world, I won't allow any sophistry)
I see this as DD's words of encouragement, to himself and to GG. Despite all the challenges and hardship, darkness will pass and the sun will come out eventually. And it's shining brightly, there is hope left in this world, there's is much to look forward to. So don't fear, be brave and forge ahead.
Sophistry: the use of clever but false arguments, especially with the intention of deceiving
Poor DD is always hit with industry rumours, about him dating his co-stars etc. Last year, someone even made a false police report against him. Just look at the number of statements his company had to put out. There have also always been ongoing rumours about rivalry between GGDD, tales of backstabbing etc, especially in 2020 at the height of the incident. DD is saying that this is his life, his world. No one knows better than the both of them. So to those who don't know better but continue to spew nonsense about his life and relationships and spread hate, know that I don't care about your antics, they don't hurt me but I won't tolerate them as well.
在我世界行走 (Walking in my world)
什么人生主题你透露 (What kind of life theme do you envisage)
是胆大勇猛所向披靡 (Is it to be bold, courageous and invincible)
或胆小逃避钻进壳里 (Or to be timid and escape into your shell)
喧闹倾诉众人party (Is it to pour out your troubles at a rowdy party)
寂寞相思不停地哭泣 (Or to cry silently non-stop out of loneliness and love-sickness)
都欢迎你来我这里 (All are welcome)
只要跟从自己的内心 (So long as you follow your heart)
跟限制和噪音 说一声 bang bang (I'll say 'Bang Bang' to restriction and noises)
怪兽都退散 (Monsters, be gone)
What kind of person am I in your eyes? The cool guy or soft sweet babie Yibo? Here, DD is acknowledging that the public has many different perceptions of him, and fans love different personas of him and he's ok with that. But if you love him, then let him be. Don't try to restrict him, don't quarrel or force him into a certain mould of your preference. He won't hesitate to shoot the haters (monsters) down.
迈出轻盈的步伐 (Take a light step forward)
一声令下 (With a single command)
来宣布 告别孤勇 (To announce a farewell to having to fight alone)
On this new path, with a new-found realisation of what he wants, DD is clear of what he wants to achieve and he is no longer burdened by fear, uncertainties etc. Both GGDD now have each other by their sides, they share a common purpose as they navigate the intricacies of the entertainment industry together and work their way to the top. And I think this is something that we're seeing more in the fandom since end 2020 - GGDD seemingly becoming more bold in their actions and messages they put out (silent or otherwise).
想要做盘旋的龙 (Wanna be a hovering dragon)
还想做懒散的虫 (Or a lazy worm)
别打扰我 走开 没空 (Don't bother me, go away, I have no time for that)
In public, DD is that proud and confident king. He's not a pushover. But behind the cameras, he just wants to chill and relax (and play games). Please don't bother me, give me some privacy to lead my own life, don't tell me what I can or cannot do.
Cue DD's message. He meant it.
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Follow me, 找到自己的价值 (Follow me, find your own value)
不去迎合别人活 才会觉得有意思 (Life is interesting if you don't cater to others)
我们永远不退让 (We will never give in)
我们永远不退让 (We will never give in)
This is a repetition of the earlier verse but what has changed is the last 2 lines. From <It's my world I won't give in>, DD now says <We will never give in>. This was actually the first thing that sparked off my CPN, and hinted to me that this song concerns GG in some ways. Who's We? We all know how GGDD almost always use the word 'we' in their CQL promo interviews and bts, as though they come as a package and all views represent both of them as a entity. This also echoes the earlier sentiments - both of them, after the 2020 incident, have developed a steely resolve. They won't let the antis or challenges or societal views hold them back anymore. Their world, their rules. They will fight for their rights and what they believe in, and they are determined to reach their goals.
阳光耀眼 (The sun is dazzling)
乐观地 走向前 (Just move forward with optimism)
阳光耀眼 (The sun is dazzling)
无所谓 多危险 (Doesn't matter how dangerous it is)
阳光耀眼 (The sun is dazzling)
这是我的世界 (This is my world)
我们的世界不会被改变 (Our world will never be changed)
Again, similar to the above 'we' example. From this part of the song onwards, DD is referring to them both. The last line could also be viewed as an affirmation of GGDD's commitment to each other. Whatever is it, our relationship will not change. We will go through it all together.
Don‘t stop, get it, get it
Let me see you work up on it
Don’t stop, get it, get it
Let me see you all up on it
Let me see you work up on it
Don‘t stop, get it, get it
Don't stop
I interpret this as DD's words of encouragement to GG. Like don't stop fighting, continue to work hard towards your (our) goals. Go for it, you can do it!
在我的世界 (In my world)
本能很关键 (Instinct is the key)
坚持自己 (Stay true to yourself)
就是你们的世界 (It is your world)
DD's parting words to fans: to stay true to oneself, to build and enrich your own worlds, to fight for your goals, like how he is trying.
Well, I had fun working on this. Maybe I'll do Wu Gan another time. Reminded me of literature class during my schooling days, although I never did Chinese literature back then. Feel free to share your thoughts on the song with me. =D
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trainertips · 2 years
Pokemon Care Basics
okay so let's assume you've done your homework on what species of pokemon would be right for you. what now? well here comes the "fun" part, which is preparing for your new companion via brushing up on the basics of care. it gets easier in practice tbh ad a lot of this is preparation you don't have to do again, like buying bedding etc
here's a list of things you need to know and why they're important
Species-relevant behaviors. Every type of pokemon has similarities, but each individual species have quirks. you gotta prepare for them. I can't give detailed ideas here because my god there's hundred of kinds. basically, take into account the individual needs of your companion.
Nutritional needs and amount of feeding. every pokemon has different dietary needs, though general type-specific food often gets the job done. depending on the species, they'll have different needs and specific foods they want. also, figure out their nature ASAP. this will save you a lot of heartache in the coming days meal planning.
Energy level and battling. The best way for a pokemon to have a healthy outlet for their energy is through battle and exercise. You don't have to be a professional to go out and have a few spars within your community. There are battling centers, pokemon parks, and route-organized groups of trainers also willing to fight with you. Look into your local events, it's a great way to be more active in the community.
Grooming needs. all pokemon have different care necessities, and you need to know them (preferably before choosing a breed). some scaled pokemon need to be oiled, a lot of short hair pokemon require brushing, and some rodents need dust baths. make sure you know what's required and how often your pokemon needs to be groomed. I'll go more in depth in another post on this one
Nesting/den/bedding and appropriate enclosure space. A lot of people who own pokemon do so in their homes, which is certainly not wrong, but some species will require specialized living spaces. A litten is a cute lap cat until it evolves, in which it will require other space to itself. You CANNOT keep your pokemon in their pokeballs all day. While these are comfortable and can often act as a portable den space, pokemon cannot be cooped up in their balls all day, and require enrichment and appropriate comfort. ideally, your companions should spend at maximum 25% of their day in their balls (bar the exception of traveling, which may require longer periods in balls. but you can't drag a bed with you on the road anyway, so this doesn't apply anyway lol)
Training away from destructive behaviors and proper boundaries. This is a BIG one most new trainers don't do right. a gible who bites your table legs is only so cute as its fangs don't leave lasting damage; when it evolves into a wild-tempered gabite it will still think it's okay to bite your furniture unless you stop that nonsense early. your pokemon also have to be socialized properly. yes, even if you don't intend on letting them out in public. you letting your gastly understand that sometimes it has to hold its tongue around strangers will be the difference between a few hours of discomfort when you have a repairman over and a lawsuit from being poisoned.
remember that this is a basic overview, specifics of these points should be researched properly for your breed and talked to with your local Pokemon Center and breeder/organization of choice.
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