#I’m not rude to babies or children and interact with them nicely and playfully but I don’t like doing it while I am
doublesidedgemini · 1 year
“have friends who invite you AND your baby to the brewery” idk maybe get a life outside of your fucking child lol
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papi-priest · 7 years
Killer Avenue
She was at a stand still, she knew it. He knew it. Hell everyone around them knew it. Adrianna slowly tilted her head to the right. Her eyes flickering down to his hand and back up to his face.
“Come on lass, you can do it! I believe in ya!" 
The kind words from Chibbs made her smile. All eyes were on her and the fool infront of her. Well technically he wasn’t a fool, but right now he was. Because he thought he would win, he was a fool to think he could beat her. "Come on Addy, I don’t wanna embarass you infront of the club, just give up. Call it quits and I’ll make you a nice drink for your efforts…scouts honor.”
Before he could say anymore she raised the gun and pulled the trigger, Juice doing the same as soon as he saw her actions. He was too late though, the Nerf bullet had already hit him square in the eyes while his barely crazed her shoulder as she moved out the way. His brothers cheered for her and he playfully glared. 
“That’s my girl!!!” Tig engulfed her into a hug and picked her up swinging her around. 
“Never underestimate a Teller Juicey-boy! Especially when it’s a woman." 
Her feet made contact with the ground again, and she let out a small laugh. "So, since I won…Ill be taking that drink anyways Juan Carlos…and how about you make me a sandwich too…”
“Ha!!! Are you a good wife Juice?!” Kozik asked as everyone slowly started to walk across the parkinglot. 
“You should see him in the night gown I got him. Legs for days.” Adrianna added, everyone burst out laughing, even Juice cracked a smile.  
“I knew it!” Tigs exclaimed.
Happy wiped his hands with the towel, trying to get as much grease off as he could. He had been working on a car that afternoon while the rest of the Son’s were running around the parkinglot shooting toy guns. He had witnessed the interaction between Adrianna and Juice, they were acting like children..which wasn’t a big surprise to him. Juice was just one giant kid. He was closer to Adrianna’s age too. They probably had more in common than she did with him. But that didn’t stop the brown haired girl from batting her big brown eyes at Happy when they talked. Or when she would gaze at him from across the room.
Age was just a number though right?
Hearing the front door open he looked away from the spot he had been staring at to find everyone piling into the club house. His eyes immediately finding her with ease. 
“Happy!” She shouted walking over to him, he had been leaning against the pool table off in a daze. “I made Juice my bitch.” She had the biggest grin on her face, and happy could only grin himself, but only for a split second. 
“Well that’s not hard little girl…” Happy slowly stood up right, towering over her. She had been around the club and him for a little over a month now. And ever since her first night here when he called her his old lady to Jared, he hadn’t uttered that name again. Not out loud at least. 
“Hey! That’s my bitch you are talking about…don’t make me fight you.” She joked bouncing over towards the bar. She climbed up on the stool, pulling her hair out of the ponytail. 
“Where the hell is my brother?” The younger Teller asked. 
“Probably with Tara.”
Adrianna scrunched up her nose, just like her mother, she detested the girl. Not only for leaving Jax broken hearted, but because when she was younger Tara was nothing but rude to her. Adrianna was a bit of a nerd, she could admit that. She didn’t really care about the things that they did back then. She was more into books, and writing and homework. Apparently Tara found her to be her favorite person to be mean to. Ofcourse Adrianna never told Jax, there would’ve been no point. He was too infatuated. 
“What a loser,” she mumbled breaking out of a flash back by the sound of the stool next to her squeaking.
“I want you to come over tonight”
It was Happy.
Juice nearly knocked over the drink he was pouring as he listened into them. He pretended to focus on the task at hand, ever so often eyeing the pair out of the corner of his eye. 
“And why would I do that?” Adrianna questioned, resting her face in the palm of her hand. She didn’t even bother to look at him.  Not showing a bit of interest. But that’s how Happy liked it. What was it? The thrill of the chase? Even when they both knew exactly how it was going to end. 
“Little girl I was just being nice about it, we both know I wasn’t asking. I wasn’t suggesting. It was a demand.”
Tingles ached their way up her spine at his words. Happy always thought his demanding voice would make her fall at his feet. It never worked, though she did like to play with him.
“You must have me confused with someone else. I make the demands….I don’t take them….nice try Happy Feet.”
Juice couldn’t control the laugh that came passed his lips at the nickname. And quickly regretted it as Adrianna got up from the bar, disappearing. Not even bothering to wait for her drink. Now alone with Happy, Juice looked like a deer in the headlights. 
“Think something is funny?”
Without even a word, Juice quickly exited the bar not wanting to be in the line of fire. He definitely knew better. 
Over in the doorway of the office Gemma slid her hands into the pockets of her jeans. “You gonna tell me what’s going on?” She asked her daughter who had made her way across the room. Adrianna raised an eyebrow not sure what she meant. “Don’t you dare give me that look. I know what I am seeing. A mother knows…now what is going on between you and Killa over there?” She tilted her head in the direction of the Tacoma native.
As she grew up there were many things that never changed around Adrianna. One of those things being how her mother could always tell when she was lying. But that never stopped the brown eyed girl. She would always lie, infact she would keep up the lie, with the fiercest devotion. 
“Really ma, I have no idea what you are talking about. I’m too busy living my sin free life to have time for anything else.”
Gemma snorted a scoff. Sin free? Not her little girl. She placed her hand on her hip, not buying it. “Mmhm. I’ll let it go for right now…but don’t think I will forget.”
With a satisfied grin, Adrianna walked away from her mother.
“Man, you’re still on that?” Kozik asked, as he leaned against the bar next to his brother. “It’s been weeks, I don’t think she’s interested brother.”
Happy raised an eyebrow, side eyeing Kozik. “And what would you know about women being interested?” He questioned, turning around to find Adrianna with his eyes.
Happy wasn’t a man of many words. But he knew what he wanted. And when he wanted something he usually always got it. No matter what it was. He didn’t hold many things close to him. No woman could take the place of his mother. And the only thing he seemed to care for was bikes, booze,legs and killing. But for quite some time now, only one set of legs plagued his mind. Only one thing took over his consciousness. And that was Adrianna. He needed her. 
He was going to have her.
All of her. 
“All I’m saying is, I know I’m not the only one to notice. You can’t be that blind.” Opie stated slinging the wrench around his fingers. Jax gave his best friend a confused look, before shaking his head. 
“Not even man….Adrianna is way too smart for that. Yeah she came back, but she won’t let herself be tied down by this club..kinda why she left in the first place isn’t it? And with Happy of all people? No offense to our brother he’s a good man…good, but crazy..” the VP of the club mumbled off.
Jax thought to himself for a moment. There was literally no chance in hell that Opie was right. His baby sister and the clubs resident killer were complete opposites. Everything about them would make them but heads, he was sure of that. But why did he get the feeling that Opie held some truth. He furrowed his brow and walked away from his best friend. 
“I’ll be right back..” he grumbled, causing Opie to chuckle softly to himself. As soon as he walked out the garage, he found his sister. Her small frame sitting at the picnic table by the playground. She was surrounded by books and papers, a familiar scene to him. He wiped his hands off on his jeans and slowly strutted over there. Jax didn’t want her to know that he was up to something. 
“There’s the little princess..” he called out as he got closer to her. 
Adrianna didn’t even bother to look up from her studies, she brought her pink highlighter to the pages of the book and highlighted a few words. 
Being ignored wasn’t going well for the Vice President, so he continued to talk, taking a seat next to her. “What are you reading about? Frogs that turn into princes?” He laughed, snatching the book from her view. His blue eyes scanned the pages, his eyes showing confusion. “Serial killers??? Is there something you need to let us know Adrianna?”
Her face broke out into a grin, before she finally paid her older brother any mind. “You’re gonna be my next victim if you don’t go away.." 
Chuckling Jax set the book down on the table. He was glad to see his sister still taking her studying very seriously. He took in a deep breath and watched her for a moment. "Look….I just wanted to see how you are doing….what’s going on… And-”
“Let me stop you right there…if you have something you wanna ask…go for it. Other wise get your pretty face going and travel far away from me.”
Jax continued to stare at his sis. She could be so fucking sassy. And honestly quite the bitch at times, even looking all nerdy. He raised an eyebrow coming to a realization. He didn’t need to ask her about happy because there was no way with her attitude and princess ways, that she would let the Tacoma Killer get near her like that. He felt a small weight rise off his shoulders, and quickly put his hands up in defense. “Alright,alright..can’t even check on my own damn sister.” He joked getting up.
“Don’t be studying too hard though darlin’, there’s no fun it that.”
Happy and Tigs walked into the almost empty church, save for Chibbs. Both geared up in their Kute. Clay was sending them both on a little job before the family dinner at his and mama Gemma’s place. 
As soon as he stepped inside the room though, it hit him, that fucking scent. It was flowery, warm. Could a scent even be warm? And it made him want to be somewhere tropical. It was her smell, her perfume. Adrianna’s. “Was the princess I’m here or something?” His rough voice asked. Chibbs raised an eyebrow, confused on why he would ask that before he gave a slight nod.
“Aye, she was showing me her books. Smart lass that one." 
Tigs looked at Happy, his head slightly tilted. He had a conversation with himself in his head, before he leaned against the table and crossed his arms over his chest. "How’d you know she was in here?” He asked his brother. With out thinking, words dived out of the Killer’s mouth. 
“I know the smell of her perfume.." 
His two brothers shared a look before Chibbs quickly got up and closed the church door so others didn’t hear the trio talking. "you what now?” Blue eyes asked. Happy realized his mistake,but the look of embarrassment never crossed his face. 
“I don’t repeat myself…..now are we gonna go get this done or not?” He turned and yanked opened the wood doors, walking out. 
Chibbs didn’t know what to say, his head was reeling and he knew his wasn’t the only one. He was a good detective, nothing went unnoticed by him. Nothing. 
“He knows her scent huh? What do you think that means?”
Looking at Tigs Chibbs only shook his head, many conclusions coming to mind. He decided to State the most innocent one. 
“I think our little killer has a crush on our little princess.”
“Jax is gonna flip…” Tigs added with a grin, ready for whatever shit storm may come their way in the near future. 
Adrianna gently pulled at the hair tie at the top of her head, letting her long brown hair fall victim to her shoulders. Her eyes pled with the book infront of her, begging her mind to latch on to its contents. But all she could focus on were the clanking and banging of pots and dishes as her mother ran around the kitchen making the dinner for the Son’s. 
“I give up.” She declared pushing her book away from her and getting up from her position on the floor. She sauntered into the kitchen, catching the eye of her mom. “There you are baby..aren’t you gonna get all dressed up for your man?’ she questioned,taking in her daughter’s sweatpants attire. "Happy’s gonna make it to dinner tonight, you guys can sit together.” Adrianna was completely dumfounded, staring at her mother like she was insane. 
“The what now?”
Gemma just chuckled softly, going back to stirring the pot, the literal one infront of her. “Oh nothing..you know just some mom mumbles…” She smirked. “You know, you can study all you want..but you’re gonna end up an old lady one way or the other.”
Adrianna’s confusion quickly turned into a glare. She let out a sigh, and looked around the kitchen. “If you think I’m gonna stare here for longer than needed you are out your mind…you guys may enjoy your town, but I’ve been out in the world. Charming isn’t charmin at all…no man is gonna keep me here….”
Gemma kept her knowing smile. Turning and beginning to chop up some vegetables. “Go get dressed baby, the club will start showing up soon.”
Adrianna wrapped her arms around her torso and walked out of the kitchen. There was something in the air tonight. It was her mother’s nosey mischief. And that definately was not good for Adrianna, nor the club. She sighed as she disappeared into her bedroom getting a few moments of silence to herself before dinner.
“Aye, that’s exactly what I’m saying Las…Juicey-boy here was talkin’ smack about ya. Claims he wants a rematch for your Nerf gun war!" 
Adrianna looked away from the Scottish man and down the other end of the table at her new pal Juice. She cocked her eyebrow in response, challenging him to say something. Juice couldn’t help but glare at his brother. He opened his mouth to speak, but Clay beat him to it. 
"I wouldn’t brother….Gemma is tough as nails, so you can only imagine how her daughter is. It’s a war you can’t win. Not with the princess of SAMCRO.”
Without a second thought Adrianna looked away from juice and continued to enjoy her food in silence. She always did enjoy when people would boost up her ego. She could admit that. So far the whole night Adrianna had tried to keep in conversation with others or stay to herself. Avoiding anything Happy related. But he made it quite difficult for her. 
As soon as Happy made it to the dinner he claimed a seat directly infront of the dark haired beauty. He spent the dinner nursing his beer, as usual, or staring at her, again as usual. And that ofcourse didn’t go unnoticed by the queen of SAMCRO herself. Gemma sat at the table, plotting. One part of her knew that she shouldn’t meddle. But she also knew that this could be the only chance to have her babygirl stay in Charming. She needed this. Seflish? Yes. But she was a needy mother. 
Gemma just needed to figure out how she was going to succeed in this. Her daughter was hard-headed, a pain in the ass at best. Something she may have passed down to her. It was going to be a tough job, but someone had to do it.
•••••••••••••• @kacilove26
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artificialqueens · 7 years
: Sinning Never Felt So Good : Chapter One : katyasbingowings
AN: a religious Matt and defiantly not religious Jason, mainly Pearlet with some cute lil Biadore and Trixya moments, hope you enjoy! :)
Matt would marry Jesus, if he had not been a male of course, or dead. Basically, Matt was your classic bible-loving, goody-two-shoes - one of the few students who attended St.Annes voluntarily, instead of being sent here to solve his delinquency. When he waved off his loving mother, Eve, and priest of a father, Adam (don’t ask), he giddily scanned his surroundings. Now, what Matt was expecting was equally thrilled peers, all ecstatic to be in such a religious and wonderful environment, cross necklaces, knee length skirts, the whole sha-bang. What Matt wasn’t expecting was an aura of pure misery, disgruntled goodbyes from both conflicted parents and children alike, at least four fellow students breathing out tar and nicotine, and defiantly not a brooding, long-haired figure examining him from afar - he could practically sense the dark-eyed gaze pierce his skin.
The skittish boy quickly focused his attention on the pebbled ground beneath him, now extremely self-aware of his actions and embarrassed that he was being watched - he could already tell that the boy was trouble (to be honest, Matt didn’t trust anyone who wore ripped jeans in the cold, it was simply illogical) and didn’t want their eye contact to be an invitation for interaction. When he glanced back up, the boy was gone, and Matt sighed in relief.
“Good arvo everyone! I’m Sister Courtney, follow me you bunch of you scamps and we’ll get you sorted out in no time!” Matt couldn’t help but giggle at the Australian slang that left everybody momentarily baffled, hearing some try to imitate - and completely butcher - the strong accent, before everyone eventually filled into the impressively large main hall. He was handed his timetable, a list of rules, and a key to his dorm. ‘BLOCK C - ROOM 4’: his new home.
Accompanied by a smile that hadn’t left Matt’s face since he arrived, the brunette practically skipped along to his new quarters, unlocking the door and bursting through with an overwhelming amount of enthusiasm. The first thing he noticed was the two single beds, quickly realising that he would be sharing the bedroom with a complete stranger, the idea somewhat worried the young one, but as a good Christian Matt would welcome his new friend with open arms. Beginning to unpack, the naive boy prayed he would be paired with someone nice, they’d say grace together each morning and night, share bread, and do whatever other religious nonsense running though the poor boy’s mind.
Jason wanted three things in life: a carton of cigarettes, designer clothes and a free pass at life. With a personality perfectly fit for reality TV, and a face for it too (as he would tell you), him and St.Annes didn’t seem like the ideal match. For one, he was far from religious, convinced he’d begin frothing at the mouth if he even stepped within fifty feet of a church. He wasn’t frothing yet, so at least that’s a positive. ‘Out of all the boarding schools they could have sent me to, why did it have to be one that bust a nut over the Old Testament’, Jason sighed at his thoughts and examined the endless list of rules that he was not planning on biding by.
While Matt had paid zero attention to the rule list, having already researched all the guidelines weeks in advance (his nightmare would be disrespecting the school on his first day after all), Jason viewed them in disgust:
1. No smoking
 2. No drugs or other illegal substances 
3. No alcohol 
4. No visible piercings 
5. No leaving dorms after curfew
 6. No sexual activity 
7. No leaving the school grounds 
8. No chewing gum
 9. Uniform must be worn at all times during school hours
 10. No excessive makeup
Before he even finished the figurative novel of restrictions in front of him, a swamp-green haired female voiced his own thoughts, “this is bullshit.” Pretty much summed it all up.
“I second that,” Jason agreed, now fully examining the oddity beside him. She was tall, easily towering above him, the black knee-high heels probably helped that fact, but Jason knew he’d still be looking up at her even with them off. The mermaid-esque creature was also doused in various shades of glitter, as if she bathed in the shiny flakes before leaving the house. She was basically a mix between a cartoon character and doll, which both intrigued and amused Jason.
She turned towards his voice, smiling widely, joyed to discover a fellow punk-rock, party-lover who was ready to throw these rules aside and actually make their time in this shithole an enjoyable one. “I’m Adore!”
“Adore? We’re your parents high when naming you or did they just hate you?” Jason cackled, blatantly demonstrating his lack of filter, luckily Adore was too high (on life and life alone) to care about Jason’s rude demeanour.
“Well my parents named me Danny, but I thought Adore was a more suited for a mythical beauty from another world like myself,” she adjusted her shorts that had began to ride up, somehow higher than they already were, and continued bantering with her new friend. Jason introduced himself also, and the two quickly realised they had both been banished to St.Annes under the same reasoning: smoking, partying and sucking dick. The twosome were shedding tears of laughter after this realisation, earning strange looks from a silver-haired boy clutching onto a leather- bound bible with dear life, and a disgruntled demand to shush from Sister Courtney.
After a solid ten minutes the pair had calmed down, Adore pulled a cigarette from her bra, gestured to the door as an invitation, though Jason just shook his head. “I’m gonna check out my roomie, make sure he’s not a psycho bible-basher,” the dark-haired boy explained, “and to check if he’s cute,” he added with a wink. Adore dismissed him by merely stating ‘party’ and strolling off.
Matt was a stickler for rules, and they were specifically instructed to find their rooms and get unpacked immediately, so when his roomie was still vacant after a generous half an hour, Matt knew the pairing were not going to be compatible. He, however, had already changed into the uniform provided, reread the rules twice - just to make sure, and secured his own personal cross above his bed.
Dinner was in an hour, and just as Matt’s frustration over a lack of company grew, the door opened. Opened was a loose term, thrown would probably suit the action better, as the door slammed into the wall with such a force that Matt’s treasured cross was knocked onto the soft comforter below. Matt released an almost comical gasp, immediately rushing over to fix it back in its rightful place, all while Jason stared at the boy.
At that moment, Jason went through a spiral of emotions. His venture began with amusement, what could he say, this vulnerable religious boy cooing over a mere cross was considerably amusing. Then annoyance, realising that he was forced to room with a stuck-up freak whose kink was the bible - he brought his own cross from home, who brings more crosses to a bloody religious school, it’s not like they needed anymore. Though Jason could just about put up with all of that, as that boy was unbelievably attractive and Jason was easily won over (that’s a nicer way of phrasing that Matt’s face alone made him undeniably ‘excited’).
‘God I haven’t talked to you, like at all, maybe that one time when I broke my leg and thought I was going to die, but that’s beside the point. I want to send my most grateful thanks for creating that boy’s face, that is all. A-to-the-fuckin-men.’
Matt immediately recognised his new roommate as the boy who had stared him down earlier, the one who must have cold knees from the impractical rips in his trousers, and to be honest, the milky-skinned creature observing him again made him undeniably agitated. Though the bible preached finding the positive aspects in everybody you encounter, so he had no choice but to give the obvious delinquent the benefit of the doubt. “Hello there, I’m Matt! I guess we’ll be roommates for a while, so we best get used to each other!”
To Jason, this was a higher dose of enthusiasm than he could handle, so he merely muttered ‘Jason’ and threw himself onto the leftover, unclaimed mattress. Every time Matt’s peppy voice piped up, Jason merely grunted in reply, and eventually fell asleep to a truly fascinating tale about a pregnant choir singer.
“And so she was in the middle of the chorus, and her water broke, right there in the middle of church, and -”
Jason was disgusted by what this church considered food, so with a plate stacked with cross shaped tator-tots, he searched for somebody who wasn’t going to rant about Satan (or whatever religious people spent their free time discussing). He soon recognised Adore sat next to scrawny blonde woman, and joined the pair.
“Hey baby girl!” Adore welcomed as he sat opposite the other-worldly individual, “I was gonna order pizza cause the foods tastes like actual arse, but the nearest place apparently got yelled at by Courtney the last time they brought pizza here or some shit, and now they’re too scared to come back.”
“But that is not the even best part, Adoor, you offered to eat his pepperoni do you not remember,” Jason cackled along with the tale, and immediately clocked the thick Russian accent the woman sported, “I go by the name of Katya in this American land my friend, and you?”
“Jason. Are you from Russia?” He asked, pushing the so called 'food’ around his plate, pizza honestly sounded so good right now.
“No Shit Sherlock,” Adore drawled sarcastically, causing Jason to playfully kick her beneath the table, before turning his attention back to his new acquaintance.
“No, no, Adoor this is a sensible question, I could have been from many a place. But yes I am from Russia, though I much prefer the Americas, it’s not as cold so I do not have to wear so much fur of the dead animal!”
The conversation continued along that nature, Jason soon learning that Katya and Adore ended up being roommates, and Jason venting about his extremely attractive yet bible-worshipping roomie, until the one and only topic of conversation strolled past. Matt’s eyes were frantically darting around, trying to find an empty table to perch at to avoid awkward conversations with strangers, he was having no luck in the matter.
“Thats him,” Jason pointed out, and he kid you not, Adore and Katya were the least subtle people to ever walk the halls of St.Annes, case in point:
“That one?” Katya asked, arm stretched and pointed directly at the brunette, Matt and all those around him turning to towards her, curious to what spectacle was occurring in the previously lifeless dining hall.
“Jason you were right that man right there is bomb.com.org.co.uk,” Adore voiced, which - again - everyone overheard. Even the neighbouring table agreed, muttering various compliments under their breaths towards the baffled Matt.
“His bum bum is very cute,” Katya just had to add. Adore hummed in approval. And who’s kidding, Jason also hummed in approval.
Matt was completely frazzled by half the hall of students gazing his way, all apparently appreciating his arse and gawking at his physical appearance. Matt looked for the source of commotion, and of course, he made eye contact with a smirking Jason seated at a nearby table, partnered by two fairly unconventional looking women. Be a good Christsin Matt, be nice, smile, and be on your way. As he was about to saunter off as far away from the scene as he could, Jason gestured for him to take a seat. Matt swallowed, hard.
’Weird company is better than no company I guess.’ Matt thought, quietly sitting down beside his new roommate.
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dannybnnt · 6 years
Getting There
Summary: Daniel and Isley travel to Vermont.
Isley woke up that morning to a huge pain in her side. At first, she panicked, but when she sat up and looked, she could see something pushing out of her stomach. Something that looked almost like...a foot. “Babe!” She exclaimed, nudging Daniel awake.
Daniel was normally an early riser and an ecstatic one at that. He enjoyed getting up early and having breakfast in him before going to the gym and getting to work. With everything going on though, it was more of a struggle to wake up and stay awake than ever. He felt like he could sleep for days on end. When he felt Isley nudging him, he groaned in protest, his face deep in his pillow. It took a small moment before he was able to lift his head. "More sleep." He replied.
“Hurry! A foot!” She yelled, nudging him again.
"Huh?" He asked and sat up. "Where?" He asked in a panic.
“Look!” She said, turning to her side so Daniel could see the baby kicking her and sticking his or her foot out.
He was finally able to open his eyes and look at her belly, unable to believe that sight before him. Tentatively, he moved his hand to her belly so he could feel the movement. "Holy shit.." He whispered. "They're moving."
Isley smiled brightly, tearing up as she watched the love of her life feel their babies’ first real kicks, completely in awe. “I think this one is Mila, and this one is Liam.” She said, gesturing to her side and then the front of her stomach.
Daniel leaned down to watch, his hand still on her bump. "Hi babies." He said with a smile.
She wiped away a stray tear before she felt a hard kick. “Jesus!” She said, grabbing her side. “I think Mila likes your voice.”
He chuckled, moving his hand to Mila's side. "I can't wait to meet you guys."
“Oh my god, she quieted down when you touched her, babe.” She was full on crying then, but they were absolutely happy tears.
Daniel couldn't believe that they were actually reacting to him, that he could interact with his children this way. "I love you both so much." He spoke to her belly one more time before smiling up at her. "And you."
She sniffled, laughing as she wiped her face. “I love you so much.” She said, cupping his face and bringing it to hers for a kiss.(edited)
He kissed her passionately, feeling overwhelmed with love for his little family. When he pulled away, his hand moved back to her belly. "I can't believe we are really having twins. Like they're growing in there. They have little feet and hands and are moving all around.. It's so wild."
“I know. And they can hear their daddy, and feel your hands on their little feetsies.”
"It's so crazy... I want them to be born so I can hold them." He pressed a kiss to her belly.
“Me too. But I also like keeping them safe and close to me right here.” She said, rubbing her stomach.
"I can't blame you for feeling that way. I'm just glad I can feel them too now."
“Me too. I feel like I’m going to explode with happiness and love and everything. This is my favorite day ever.”
"Mine too." He grinned. "I just wanna lay here and wait for them to start up again."
“They’ll probably start soon if I don’t feed them.” She laughed, sitting up.
"We can go eat, I guess." he playfully sighed as he sat up.
“Oh wow, thank you, you’re such a benevolent god.” She teased with a roll of her eyes.
"Hey, you can feed yourself then incubator." He teased.
“Oh my god, these babies aren’t gonna have a father.”
"Rude." He laughed as he stood up and stretched.
“Help.” She demanded, holding her hands out for him to pull her up.
He grabbed her hands and gently helped her up. "What are you thinking you want to eat?"
“Bacon. Lots of bacon.” One of the babies kicked then. “Yep, definitely bacon.”
"Bacon it is then. Maybe eggs too." He yawned as he pulled a shirt on, not wanting to cook baking shirtless.
Isley pouted as he pulled a shirt on, then waddled over to his dresser and pulled on one of his bigger shirts as well. Soon, she wasn’t going to be able to wear his shirts either. “And something with cheese. I want cheese. I want bacon covered in melted cheese.”
"Just bacon with cheese? How about we put cheese in the eggs?"
She pouted again, crossing her arms. “I want the cheese on the bacon.”
"Alright, fine." He said with a nod and headed out to the kitchen to make sure they had bacon. Thankfully they had thought to buy plenty of it. He pulled the pans out to get them heated up while he worked on opening the package of bacon and scrambling some eggs.
She smiled triumphantly, following him to the kitchen and getting a glass of orange juice before taking her prenatal vitamins. “I guess I’ll let you make me eggs too.” She said with a smile.
"You gotta eat eggs. I read in that pregnancy book that eggs are good for pregnancy." He said pointedly before putting a piece of bacon on the hot pan.
“I feel like you’re lying, but I’ll eat them anyway.” She teased, drinking her juice.
"Go read it yourself then." He said with a scoff.
“I don’t know how to read.”
"Explains some things." He teased.
“You’re the worst. I’m a genius!” She said, before hopping off the stool and refilling her juice.
"Hey, you said it. Not me. Wake me up screaming, make me make you breakfast, expect me to be nice.."
“I am cooking you two babies! You have to be nice.”(edited)
"I am being nice, but your expectations need to be lower this early in the morning." he joked.
“Okay okay, we’ll compromise. Kiss?” She asked, standing behind him in the kitchen.
He made sure the bacon was okay to leave for a moment before turning around and doing as she asked, giving her a kiss.
She smiled as she pulled away, giggling as she felt the babies again. “They’re moving again. I think they’re gonna be very active babies.”
"Damn, I'd say so." He said with a laugh as his hand moved to feel them again. He had to pull away to focus on breakfast though. He put some cheese on top of the cooking bacon and set it aside for Isley. "There's.. that."
“This looks so good, I love you so much.” Isley said, before digging in with her bare hands.
He laughed softly "I love you too." He said before focusing on his own breakfast, which was a breakfast sandwich. He put some eggs on her plate before sitting down to eat.
She turned to him when he sat down, cheese on her face. “Pregnancy has turned me into an animal.”
"It's kind of hot." he joked.
“Oh yeah?” She teased, leaning in and trying to kiss him while her mouth was still covered with cheese.
"Not that hot." he moved away with a laugh.
“If you loved me you would!”
"I don't want cheese kisses." he scrunched his nose.
“Fine, but I’ll remember this next time, Bennett.” She said, teasingly scornful.May 11, 2018
"If I ever have cheese all over my face I give you permission to decline my kisses." he laughed.
“I won’t because I love you.”
"Wow." he laughed. "I just made you food. Be nice to me."May 12, 2018
“Hey, I just said I love you.” She teased.
"Yeah, while judging me." He said with a laugh.
“Fine, you win. I do love you though.”
"Yeah, yeah." He said before taking another bite of his sandwich.
"Hey, say it back!"
"I love you too." He said with a mouthful of food.
Isley finished eating, sitting back and looking him over, utterly in love with him. "You're my favorite."
He looked over at her with a confused smile. "You're mine." He told her with a nod.
She leaned over, resting her head on his shoulder. "I'm so excited to live life with you, baby."
He finished the last bite of his sandwich before putting his arm around her. "There's no one else I could picture spending the rest of my life with but you."
She felt a sharp kick against her ribs, making her groan. "I think the babies are excited for it, too."
He reached over to put his hand on her belly. "Calm down in there." He scolded the babies playfully.
Laughing, she was a little shocked that they calmed down. "Hey, they listened to you! You're already a good daddy."
"They already know who is boss." He joked.
She pecked his lips before hopping off and going to stand in front of the closet. "Babe, what should I wear?" She called out.
"Well.. What are we doing?" He asked as he got up and followed after her.
"I wanted to do the rest of the stuff we were supposed to do the other day. Check out the new house and get me a dress."
"Hmm.. Wear whatever is comfortable to you." He suggested as he approached the dresser to grab a pair of jeans.
Nothing felt comfortable, but she pulled on some jeans along with a striped shirt and a flannel on top. She put on a bit of makeup as well before sliding her shoes on. "I think my ankles are swelling now." She pouted.
He grabbed a T-shirt and a hat, then joined her in putting shoes on. "I wonder what can help with that. Maybe you could go get a pedicure today?"
She smiled up at him, stretching up on her tip toes to ask for a kiss. "You're so sweet. You're a great fiance, and you're going to make an even better husband."
"You will be the best wife ever." He gave her a kiss. "I'm getting lots of compliments today." he said with a laugh.
"I'm just feelin' a little clingier than usual today." She said, resting her head on his chest and putting her arms around him.
"I like it when you're giddy like this." He pressed a kiss to her forehead.
"You make me giddy." She said, wiggling happily.
"I think the past couple of weeks have proved otherwise but I'm glad that you're happy right now." He smiled down at her. "I love you so much."
"I love you, baby. Alright, ready to go?"
"Yep." He said and pat his jeans to make sure he had his wallet. "Nope." he hurried to the kitchen to grab his wallet from the counter, then grabbed her hand as he walked out. "What are you feeling like you want to do first? House or dress?"
Isley laughed as he patted himself down, then took his hand and followed him out. "House, I think."
"House it is. Am I driving?"May 13, 2018
"Have you taken meds today?"
"No..." he gave her a small smile. "I took a little with breakfast." he said with a sigh as he handed the keys to her.
Isley slapped his good arm. "Hey, don't put me and our babies in danger!" She scolded as she took the keys and got in the car.
"I admitted it!" he scoffed. After he was in the car, he put his seat belt on and turned his phone onto music.
She shook her head at him, though she was smiling. Singing along, she began the drive. "You know what I miss? Coffee."
"I'm sorry, baby. You can drink decaf.. Can't you?"
"Yeah, but it's not the same." She sighed dramatically.
"But you could pretend. I think the worst thing we are giving up here is our sex life."
"I think the worst sacrifice is my body. Even after their born, I turn from an incubator to a milk jug."
"Yeah, I guess I could see how that would suck too." he agreed with a nod.
"Whatever, it's all worth it. I already love them so much, I'd sacrifice more than this."
"Me too." he smiled over at her. "We are really going to be parents in a few months. It's crazy."
"There's no one else I'd rather be crazy with." She said, placing a hand on the back of his neck.
"Me neither baby. You're my perfect match for this."
She smiled. "And everything else."
"And everything else." he agreed. "Soul mates and shit."
"Soulmates and shit." She agreed with a laugh before singing along to the music.
He hummed with the music as he rest his head against the seat. With the early morning and his medication, he couldn't stop himself from dozing off as she drove, snores leaving him.
Isley looked over at Daniel when she heard snores leave him, laughing a little. Finally, she arrived at the house and nudged him awake. "We're home."
Daniel's eyes fluttered open when she nudged him. They had the foundation of the house down and there were a few men working on it. "I wish this were going by faster."
She nodded. "Me, too. I wish it were just done already."
"Hopefully by the time we have the babies with us it will be done."
"I hope so, too. Especially since I want to get married by the lake."
"We will get married by the lake no matter what." He promised. "I guess I just wanted to see how far they were on things before we left."
"It would just be ideal if the whole property were finished, too." She said with a smile. "Should we get out and talk to them, or...?"
"Well we don't have to have the actual ceremony until we're completely ready. We'll be married within the next week or so, I'm not feeling too urgent in getting things ready for a wedding." He shrugged. "We can if you'd like. I just wanted to see, I've been emailing the contractor every so often."
"Good point. I can't wait to marry you." She leaned over, kissing him. "I'm good. Let's go get some dresses."
"I can't wait either." He grinned before giving her a real kiss. "Sounds like so much fun." He said sarcastically, but gave her a smile.
"Shut up, this is my wedding dress we're talking about." She said, rolling her eyes and pulling out of the property.
"I thought I wasn't supposed to see it until we got married." He joked.
"The first one you can see, just not the second one. Didn't you know?"
"I just realized how many times I will have gotten married.." He said with a laugh.
"Practically three." She said. "Third time's the charm?"
"We're never getting divorced so it has to be. You're in this for life."
“Yeah, that’s what marriage means to some of us.” She teased.
"Wow." He said with a scoff. "I hope you can find a dress quick."
“I’m teasing, I love you!” She said with a weak smile. “Why? Are you in pain?”
"Yeah, yeah. We'll see how long marriage number 2 lasts with that attitude." He joked. "A little bit, nothing crazy. I'll get through shopping. I was mostly just hoping we could go somewhere fun for lunch."
"You got it, baby. You can just sit and look pretty, anyways." She said, reaching over and placing a hand on him.
He laughed "That's what I do best." He joked as he grabbed her hand. "How long will you want to stay in Vermont?"
"Whatever works for you, baby." She said, taking his hand.
"I guess we can just feel it out once we get there. It's honestly really driving me crazy to be in Chicago and not be at work. I don't know if it will be much better in Vermont but at least we'll be in the mountains where we can hang out by the lake and go on hikes."
"And be married. It's like a wedding and a honeymoon all in one."
"That is very true. I guess we can consider it a long honeymoon." He smiled over at her.
“Exactly.” She said, squeezing his hand as they pulled into the parking lot of the strip mall.
Daniel got out of the car and took Isley's hand once more as they walked in, letting her lead the way. He had never been a fan of shopping but he did want Isley to get the dress she wanted and he knew that she wanted his support in that. "What are you thinking you want? Something kind of casual or are we dressing up?"
“I was thinking a short white dress. Doesn’t have to be too fancy. Maybe you could wear like jeans and a button down or something?” She suggested as they entered the first store.
He nodded his head, having not thought about what they would wear all that much. When they entered the store, he looked around to help her before finding a white dress. "Like this, babe?"
Daniel’s voice drew Isley from the rack she was flipping through. “Yeah, that could work. It’s a little plain though.” She took the dress from him anyways, figuring she may as well try it on.
Daniel was confused by that statement. It was a white dress so of course it would be plain? He settled on looking through the racks some more but didn't find anything that looked less plain than the one he had found already. "Finding anything?"
Isley pulled a few dresses, mostly ones that involved lace of some sort. She may be pregnant, but she still wanted to look and feel beautiful when they got married. She nodded before leading him to the dressing rooms, commanding him to sit outside as she tried on her dresses. Normally, she wouldn’t have a problem with him being in there, but she didn’t want him to watch her struggle to pull things over her belly. Moments later, she emerged wearing a tight lace dress with 3/4 sleeves. “What do you think?” She asked.
He began to walk into the dressing room with her but was told to sit down. Confused, he moved to sit on the chair and sat with his hands clasped as he waited for her to come back out. When she did, he grinned at her and looked her over. "I really like that one, baby. You look great."
Isley looked down at herself, shrugging. “I don’t think I like how tight it is.” She said, before going back to the dressing room and putting any tight ones aside. Next was an off the shoulder dress, not lace but it had a bit of ruffle on the shoulders. She liked this one more than the first. Coming out again, she asked him the same question as before.
Daniel wasn't sure if he should answer her questions honestly because he was terrified of hurting her feelings. Decidedly, he was going to yes to all the dresses. When she walked out in the next one, it definitely wasn't one he would have picked out for her but he gave her a smile. "I like it."
“I like this one more than the last.” She said with a nod, though she could tell Daniel liked the other more. Going into the fitting room, she tried on and showed Daniel a few more before she pulled on one of the last dresses. It was a gorgeous long sleeve sheath dress with embroidery, and she immediately knew it was her favorite. Without showing Daniel or trying on any of the last few, she came out with the dress in her hand. “This is the one.” She said, smiling widely. She was immensely grateful that she hadn’t gotten too down in the dumps about her growing body during the shopping, not to mention the fact that she had found the dress in the first store. Sure, it had taken an hour or two, but still.
Daniel was a good sport throughout her trying dresses on. Some he liked better than others, but he always made sure to tell her that she looked pretty in them. In the end, he knew she would pick whichever one she was the most comfortable wearing. When she finally exited with the statement that she had picked her dress, he gave her a smile. "Oh good. You don't think you wanna check out any other stores?"
“Nope, this is perfect.” She said, leaning in and kissing him. “Thank you for not complaining.”
He smiled against her lips. "I want you to be happy and comfortable when we get married so I'll suffer through the other stuff."
“I love you. You really are the best.”
"I know, it's crazy." He joked as he walked up to the counter and pulled his wallet out to pay for her dress.
She rolled her eyes as she followed him to the counter. “Aaaaand there it goes.” She said with a laugh, before thanking him for the dress.
"After all I've done for you today." He shook his head with a sigh.
She laughed again. “Okay, is that everything off our checklist?”
"Can I go to the office and check on work things?"(edited)May 14, 2018
“Of course, baby.” Isley said as she started the car and headed for the office, which wasn’t too far away.
He was excited to go to the office, as lame as that was. Daniel had always been a workaholic so being away was really hard for him. "Thank you." he put his hand on her knee.
"Not too long, though, okay? You can't get too stressed."
"I just want to sit at my desk for a minute.. Maybe look at some of my emails.. See what's going on.." He shrugged.
"Promise?" She asked, pulling into the parking lot of the office.
"Yeah, sure." He said as he got out of the car and walked into the building. He wished he could stay there all day but he knew not to press his luck. He walked into his office and looked around. "I miss working."
Isley followed him in, looking around. It had been a while since she'd been there, and she missed it. No, she missed having a normal routine with Dan, when he was healthy. She followed him in to his office, leaning down and kissing him gently. "Okay, I'm gonna run to the gas station real quick and fill up before we go to Vermont."
Daniel sat in his chair and began to look through everything, excited to have the chance to do so. He hoped that his feeling of being so lazy and unimportant would go away once they were in Vermont and completely separated from the situation. He spoke to Drew for a moment and then began to reply to a few of his emails.
Isley returned about twenty minutes later, smiling as she saw Drew. She talked to him for a moment before going into Dan's office and sitting on his lap, kissing him again.
He almost pouted as Isley sat on his lap, not wanting to be distracted but he let it go quickly as she kissed him. "Hi." He smiled.  "Can we stay here just for a little bit?"
She frowned at Daniel, but nodded anyways. "I'm going to take a nap, wake me up when you're done." She spotted the blanket and pillow Daniel had kept in there for her, glad he hadn't moved them. Laying down, she quickly fell asleep.
Daniel knew he shouldn't get caught up in anything but he was feeling good and he wanted to see if there were a real reason as to why he couldn't work. As he listened to a voicemail from his client who was currently in prison, he realized he couldn't remember what had put him there. What was his last name again? Daniel listened to the message five times, getting frustrated that the biggest case he had right now had details that were lost on him at the moment. He rest his head in his hands, trying to control his frustration. His therapist had told him to take a break, to not try this for a while because he might get discouraged. He stayed like that for a long moment before deciding to give up for now. He moved to the couch to gently nudge Isley away. "You ready to go, baby?"
Isley came to with the sound of Daniel's voice. Stretching, she opened her eyes as she felt the babies kick as they woke up, too. Placing a hand on her stomach, she sat up. "Mmhmm." She hummed. "How long has it been?"
"I don't know, like an hour or something. Let's go pack and leave." He held his hand out.May 15, 2018
She nodded, taking his hand and using it to pull herself up. “I still can’t believe I’m gonna get twice as big.” She said with a laugh before getting her purse and the keys, waving bye to Drew as she got in the car.
"Yeah, crazy." He said, distraction clear in his voice as he got into the car. "We're leaving today, right?"
“Yeah, you just said we should pack.” Isley reminded him.
"Oh okay." He said with a nod. "Maybe I'll skip taking anything this afternoon so we can trade off driving. Or we could stay in a hotel on the way since it's kind of a long drive."
“I don’t want you to be in pain, though, babe.”
"I'll be fine. I'm fine now." He shrugged.May 16, 2018
"Are you sure? I can drive."
"Do you not want me to drive?"
"I just don't want you to not take your meds and then be in pain."
"I'll be fine. It's not been so bad." he shrugged.
"Okay. But if you start to hurt too badly just let me know. I don't mind driving." She nodded, then started the car and began the drive back to their apartment.
It wasn't likely that Dan would admit to pain at this point, but he nodded his head. When they arrived at the apartment again, he walked in and began to pack. "What should I bring for Rufus?"
"Food, for sure. Maybe some toys, his bed..." Isley suggested, gathering their toiletries and prenatal vitamins.(edited)
Daniel nodded his head and began to pack a bag for his dog, who sat on the floor by the bed watching him. "Ready to go on an adventure buddy?" he asked his dog lovingly.
Making sure she had shoes and makeup and everything she would need for the wedding day, Isley threw a bag over her shoulder and groaned. Her bump had caused her back pain and the heavy bag didn't help. "Ready?"
Daniel had been too focused on Rufus to pack his own things. "Um.. One minute." he said and moved to grab clothes, not paying mind to what he had grabbed as he shoved it into his bag.
"Make sure you have stuff for court." Isley reminded him.
He thought for a moment before grabbing nicer clothes to wear for the courthouse, then zipped his bag up. "Alright, let's get out of here before we get distracted."
Isley - 05/16/2018 She nodded, taking his hand as they walked out to the car again, Rufus in tow behind them. "I'll take the first driving shift." She offered as they began to load the car. Daniel - 05/16/2018 Daniel was itching to feel in control of something but he nodded his head and finished putting the bags in the car. He placed a blanket on the backseat, then fought with Rufus to get him inside. Once he was situated, Daniel got in and put his seat belt on, ready to hit the road. Isley - 05/16/2018 They drove for a few hours, stopping every so often whenever Isley needed to pee or eat. At 1:30 in the morning, they were about halfway to Vermont. Isley pulled into a gas station with a yawn. "I'm exhausted. Do you want to drive or should we get a hotel?" Daniel - 05/16/2018 Daniel hated long deuces but surprisingly it wasn't so bad with Isley. When they stopped halfway, he thought for a long moment and looked back at his dog. "I think we should just get the drive over with. I feel bad for my guy back there." Isley - 05/16/2018 Isley smiled back at Rufus. "Okay. I'm gonna stretch my legs and take Rufus out." She said, getting out and putting Rufus on a leash, walking him to a grassy area so he could do his business. Daniel - 05/16/2018 Daniel walked idly behind her, feeling sore from sitting for so long. "I don't know, babe. Should we find a place to stay for the night?" Isley - 05/16/2018 She thought for a moment. "Probably. My back is already killing me from your giant children, so sleeping in a car probably won't be amazing." Daniel - 05/16/2018 "We can find a room. Hopefully there's a place that will let us have Rufus." he said as he pulled his phone out. He chuckled at a text he got before be focused on finding the best hotel in the area. After talking to them on the phone and offering to pay more to have his dog, he managed to reserve a room." I found us something. " he told her, walking over to pet Rufus. Isley - 05/16/2018 "I'm sure there is." She said, leaning against the car and rubbing her stomach. "What's so funny?" She asked with a smile before he called them. "Thank god. Do you want to drive there?" Daniel - 05/16/2018 "Ya know Sherrie? Apparently she's on Tinder now so she's been sharing stupid things people send her." he explained. "I can." he said as he worked on getting Rufus back in the car. He got in next, happy to be in the driver's seat. Isley - 05/16/2018 Isley shook her head. "Haven't met her yet." She couldn't help but feel jealous, mainly because Sherrie probably wasn't as fat as Isley was. Of course, she knew she was just pregnant, but she had felt so unattractive recently. She didn't think that Daniel would cheat on her though, she knew he loved her and she trusted him. Getting in the car after him, Isley took his hand. "How far away is the hotel?" Daniel - 05/16/2018 "GPS says ten miles so not too far." he began the short drive. "How are you feeling after driving for so long? We probably shouldn't have pushed that." Isley - 05/16/2018 "I'm okay, baby, just tired. I think the babies were asleep the whole time, so it wasn't too bad." She brought his hand to her lips. Daniel - 05/16/2018 He nodded his head "We still have so much to go. This not flying thing is going to be a little rough."(edited) Isley - 05/16/2018 "We can do it. I made it all the way to Chicago without flying." Daniel - 05/16/2018 "I know. It's just inconvenient is all. We would have been there by now." Isley - 05/16/2018 “I don’t mind. It’s an adventure. Plus we get to take Rufus.” May 17, 2018 Daniel - 05/17/2018 "Are you going to feel that way everytime we go somewhere though?" Isley - 05/17/2018 “I don’t see why not. I don’t like flying, anyways.” Daniel - 05/17/2018 Daniel was used to just picking up and leaving to be somewhere quick so this would be an adjustment. When he pulled into the parking lot of the hotel, he leaned over to give her a kiss. "I'll go get our room keys." he told her before getting out and heading inside where he spoke to the hotel clerk to get their room. He emerged from the building moments later with room keys in hand and after finding a parking spot, got out to get the bags and carry them inside. After getting into the room and setting their things on the floor, he fell to the bed with a happy sigh. "I'm glad we decided not to drive still. I'm beat." Isley - 05/17/2018 Isley smiled into his quick kiss, rubbing her belly as she waited for him to come back. Finally, they were settled in the hotel room. She collapsed beside him on the bed, immediately wiggling out of her pants. “Me too. I didn’t realize how tired I was until now.” Daniel - 05/17/2018 "Me neither." he said ss he worked in stripping down to his underwear. Once his clothes were in a pile on the floor, he got settled beside her with his hand in her belly. Isley - 05/17/2018 “I think they’re waking up.” She said with a smile as she felt the babies begin to stir. “This is so amazing. Our babies inside me.” She said, pulling up her shirt and staring at his hand on her in awe. Daniel - 05/17/2018 He smiled at her words and began to rub his thumb along her belly. "Hi babies." he said softly. "it is amazing. Makes me feel so in love with you." Isley - 05/17/2018 “Really?” She asked, placing a hand on his cheek. Daniel - 05/17/2018 "I'm already very in love with you, but making me a father.... I just love you so much." he gave her a kiss. Isley - 05/17/2018 She kissed him back deeply, before speaking against his lips. “I love you too. Thank you for helping me make these little angels.” Daniel - 05/17/2018 "I can't picture doing this with anybody else." he smiled. Isley - 05/17/2018 “C’mere.” She said with a smile, kissing him again and running her hands through his hair. Daniel - 05/17/2018 He happily kissed her back, his arm moving around her to be closer. Isley - 05/17/2018 She couldn’t decide what she wanted more-sleep or sex. His arm moving up and down her body, though, made the decision for her. Biting his lip, she put a leg up on his hip to get closer. Daniel - 05/17/2018 Daniel hadn't anticipated things getting physical but he wasn't going to pull away from it either. As her leg hooked around him, his hand moved to her ass so he could press against her. His lips moved more heatedly against hers. Isley - 05/17/2018 Isley pushed her hips into his, turned on by the hardness she felt against her. She buried her hand in his hair before biting his lip again and trailing kisses down his neck. Daniel - 05/17/2018 Daniel wished that he could push her back against the bed and take control, but the pregnancy really stopped him from having that kind of fun. Not that he would have it any other way. Instead, he focused on moving his hand to her press against her clit to work her up more. Isley - 05/17/2018 A moan fell out of Isley's mouth as his fingers deftly moved on her. Her breathing became erratic and she came almost immediately, faster than she ever had become. "Holy..." She said, a little confused as to what had just happened. Daniel - 05/17/2018 He pulled away to look at her with drawn in eyebrows. "Did you just orgasm already?" He asked with a small laugh. Isley - 05/17/2018 "I think my body is getting super sensitive." Isley said, blushing a little and looking away. Daniel - 05/17/2018 "You're supposed to tell me that I'm just that good." He teased lightly, kissing down to her neck. "Do you still want more?" Isley - 05/17/2018 "That too." She said, moaning again as he moved down her neck. "Always." She answered, shoving her hand down his boxers. Daniel - 05/17/2018 "Good, cause I'm too hard to want to stop." He said, though he was sure she knew that when her hand moved to him. He let his teeth scrape her skin before he sucked lightly. Isley - 05/17/2018 "Yes you are, baby."  She replied, her voice a bit husky as even more lust took over her. "Fuck me," she finally begged. Daniel - 05/17/2018 "Do you want to be on top or..?" He asked her, still not sure what positions were the best for her right now. Isley - 05/17/2018 “Whatever you want.” She answered breathlessly. Daniel - 05/17/2018 "How about.. You ride me cause it's been a minute." He suggested. Isley - 05/17/2018 Isley nodded, enthusiastically climbing on top of him and wasting no time in sinking down onto him. She couldn’t help but yell out a little as he filled her. Daniel - 05/17/2018 He lay on his back just in time for her to climb on top of him and he was glad that there was no teasing involved. "Fuck, Isley.." He groaned as his hand moved to her chest. Isley - 05/17/2018 She smirked a bit at the sound of her name on his lips, loving the way it sounded. She arched her back, pressing her chest into his hand as she began to ride him as roughly as she could. Daniel - 05/17/2018 Daniel watched her blissfully as she moved on top of him. Sex had been more scarce since his accident, between his issues and her pregnancy, but it was still amazing every time they were able to be together. He sat up, his hand moving to the back of her neck as he kissed her heatedly. Isley - 05/17/2018 She loved when he couldn’t keep his hands off her like this, especially since she had felt so fat lately. She kissed him back with just as much passion, opening her mouth so his tongue could dominate hers. The whole time they kissed, she continued bouncing up and down on him. Daniel - 05/17/2018 He was completely lost in his fiancee as they kissed passionately. It wasn't until he was sure he couldn't hold off much longer that he pulled away, but wrapped his arms around her. "I'm so fucking close, baby." he told her as his lips moved to her neck roughly. Isley - 05/17/2018 She began to moan louder as she grew close for a second time. Her hips began to move erratically as Daniel spoke. “Cum, baby.” She ordered, releasing around him. Daniel - 05/17/2018 His eyes clenched shut as his body tensed until he let out a groan with his release. He stayed sitting with her in his arms, his hand now running along her back. Isley - 05/17/2018 She panted heavily, trying to catch her breath. She loved when he stayed inside her after sex, it felt even more intimate. “You feel so good all the time. I want to stay like this forever.” Daniel - 05/17/2018 "Me too." he whispered, peppering kisses along her neck before he lifted his head to give her a real kiss. Isley - 05/17/2018 Isley giggled as he kissed her neck, smiling into their kiss when their lips met. “I love you.” She whispered against him. Daniel - 05/17/2018 "I love you too." he smiled. "I'm glad we are getting away together." Isley - 05/17/2018 “Me too, back where it all began.” Daniel - 05/17/2018 "Exactly." he rest his forehead against hers. He wasn't entirely sure why he was feeling the need to be so close right then but he was going to soak in all the affection she would give him. "And I can't wait to marry you." Isley - 05/17/2018 Isley rubbed her nose against his in an Eskimo kiss before nuzzling his neck and wrapping her arms tighter around him. “Me neither. You’re my everything.” Daniel - 05/17/2018 "You're mine." He replied, sighed contently. "I don't know how we are still awake right now." Isley - 05/17/2018 “I’m gonna fall asleep right here. I don’t want you to pull out yet.” Daniel - 05/17/2018 "Makes me feel close to you to be this way." he said softly. Isley - 05/17/2018 Isley nodded in his neck. “It’s been hard lately. I feel like I’ve missed you even though we’ve been together.” Daniel - 05/17/2018 "I know... I'm sorry." he whispered. "Things have been weird but I feel like they're getting back on track, right?" Isley - 05/17/2018 “Don’t be sorry. It’s no one’s fault, there’s just been so much happening we haven’t really had time to connect like this, I feel like.” Daniel - 05/17/2018 "Well, we will have all the time in the world to be together while we are in Vermont." he said with a small smile. Isley - 05/17/2018 She nodded again, kissing his neck. "Our wedding and honeymoon all in one." Daniel - 05/17/2018 "I wish I could give you an amazing wedding and a honeymoon you would remember forever." he said quietly. Isley - 05/17/2018 "You are right now. And you're giving me the best wedding present, too-a family." Isley replied assuredly, cupping his face to make sure he was listening to her. Daniel - 05/17/2018 His eyes looked between hers before he gave her a small smile. "I just want to give you everything." Isley - 05/17/2018 “You are, baby. There’s nothing more I could possibly want.” Daniel - 05/17/2018 Daniel was used to giving the best of everything there was to offer so it was hard for him not to dwell on their less than perfect situation. He knew Isley was happy with things and that's what mattered. "As long as you are happy." Isley - 05/17/2018 “Are you?” She asked, suddenly a bit concerned. Daniel - 05/17/2018 "I am. I'm just.. I dwell on small details. This shouldn't be news." he said with a small laugh. Isley - 05/17/2018 She laughed with him. “I know. I’m just making sure the big details are making you happy.” Daniel - 05/17/2018 "You, babies, marriage. I'm fine." he told her with smile and a nod. Isley - 05/17/2018 “Good, now let’s get some sleep.” She kissed him gently before climbing off him and laying next to him in bed. Daniel - 05/17/2018 He lay down with a yawn and pulled the blankets up before patting the bed so Rufus would jump up and lay at their feet. His arm wrapped around Isley and he whispered a goodnight before drifting off. May 20, 2018 Isley - 05/20/2018 Isley woke up a few hours later, but only because the sun was shining in her eyes. Groaning, she rolled over, suddenly starving. Instead of getting up, though, she just snuggled deeper in Dan, needing to be close to him. She kissed him gently, trying to wake him up. Daniel - 05/20/2018 Daniel felt kisses and sighed as he began to wake up. "No, baby." He said, half asleep. May 21, 2018 Isley - 05/21/2018 "Love me!" She whined. Daniel - 05/21/2018 "You keep waking me up so early." He said with a pout. Isley - 05/21/2018 "I'm in labor!" She yelled, trying to wake him up. Daniel - 05/21/2018 "You're not." He groaned as his eyes fought to open. "You're so mean." Isley - 05/21/2018 "The babies are awake now, which means I'm not going back to sleep, which means you're not." Daniel - 05/21/2018 He sighed once more and finally opened his eyes as he sat up to stretch. "What time is it?" Isley - 05/21/2018 "It's 10:30, actually. It just feels later because we didn't sleep until later." Daniel - 05/21/2018 "Check out is at eleven." he said with a yawn as he stood up and began to go through their suitcase to find clothes. Isley - 05/21/2018 Isley groaned. "Does that mean we don't have time to shower?" Daniel - 05/21/2018 "If it's quick we can." he said with a nod, setting his clothes aside so he could go start the shower. Isley - 05/21/2018 Isley nodded, quickly stripping and running to pee. She hopped in the shower after, groaning as the warm water washed over her.(edited) Daniel - 05/21/2018 Daniel moved aside for her when she got into the shower, putting his arms around her from behind. Isley - 05/21/2018 "Ouch!" She exclaimed as one of the babies suddenly kicked her right in the ribs. She groaned again, leaning most of her weight against Daniel, taking his hand and placing it where the babies were kicking. Daniel - 05/21/2018 "Are they being wild?" he asked her as he lightly rubbed her belly. Isley - 05/21/2018 "Mmhmm." She nodded, closing her eyes. They were still kicking, but it wasn't hurting anymore. "I like feeling them move. And when they respond to your voice...I'm so happy." Daniel - 05/21/2018 "I love it so much." he smiled, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. Isley - 05/21/2018 She sighed. "Alright, we better finish up." She began to wash her hair and body. Daniel - 05/21/2018 He rubbed himself down with body wash and rinsed off quickly before stepping out and drying off. He brushed his teeth and then got dressed so he could focus on making sure everything they had brought in was packed away in the suitcase. Isley - 05/21/2018 She followed his lead, toweling off quickly and getting ready to go. A few minutes later, they were off again. “Do you wanna drive or should I? How are you feeling?” Daniel - 05/21/2018 Now that Daniel was awake enough to listen to his body, he felt like shit and he honestly wanted to take his medication but he wanted to drive as well so he gave her a tight smile. "I'm good to drive." He said as he grabbed the keys and got in the driver's seat. Isley - 05/21/2018 Isley saw that he was holding back, but she didn't want to challenge him. She knew how much it meant to him t o be strong and in control, so she just nodded and walked around the car, climbing in and buckling up. "How far away are we?" Daniel - 05/21/2018 "Five hours, I think. Somewhere around there." he said with a shrug as he started the car and began to drive. Isley - 05/21/2018 "That's not too bad." She said, moving one hand to her stomach and the other to the back of his neck, rubbing it. "So we're getting married tomorrow." May 22, 2018 Daniel - 05/22/2018 "We are." he smiled. "How ya feeling about it?" Isley - 05/22/2018 "I'm excited." She said, laughing giddily. "I'm going to change my name as soon as we get back." Daniel - 05/22/2018 "Good. Isley Bennett sounds great." he told her with a nod. Isley - 05/22/2018 "I agree. What about you? How are you feeling about it?" Daniel - 05/22/2018 "I'm ready to have things settled."
"And to marry the love of your life." Isley teased with a roll of her eyes.
"That too." he said with a chuckle.
"So romantic." She teased again.
"I tell you romantic things all the time, you're fine." he joked.
"I'm literally not." She said dramatically.
"poor poor Isley." he teased.
"I know. My life is so hard."
"It is. You should run far away."
"Yeah, like to Vermont or something."
"We're not running." he laughed. "Okay so... I gotta tell you something. Margot apparently is proposing to that bar dude."
"Flynn? I've met him once before. He seemed nice enough. But wait, I thought she was in love with Eli?"
"That's what I said and she started telling me I'm ugly and shit."
Isley couldn't help but burst out in laughter at that. "Ugly? That's hilarious."
"I think she was just lashing out because I wasn't agreeing with her but it was stupid. The entire reason we went for that plane ride was because she was so upset about being torn between those two and now she's proposing." he scoffed.
"Well babe, maybe she had the same realization you did when the plane crashed.  Maybe it put things in perspective and she decided." Isley shrugged.
"She almost killed us, Isley. For something that she turned around and resolved right away. It's stupid."
Isley didn't agree with him, but didn't feel like arguing about it the day before they got married. "Maybe." She said simply, before taking his hand and turning on some music, singing along.
Daniel was annoyed that she wasn't agreeing with him and he wanted to push it but she had dismissed it by turning the music up. He pulled his hand from her to place it on the wheel, trying to push past annoyance at the entire Margot situation.
When he pulled away, she frowned, feeling hurt. She stopped singing, leaning her head against the window as they drove in silence.
Daniel was content in driving in silence for a long time until his stomach began to growl with hunger. He kept his eye out for an exit with restaurants before turning off of the highway so they could find food. "Burgers?"
Isley nodded excitedly. "I'm always hungry." She said, sitting up straighter in her seat, pushing on a foot that had started pressing against her too hard.
Daniel stopped in front of a diner and had to pause as both the pain in his head and ribs was making themselves more apparent. He pushed through it and got out of the car, not wanting to take the medication he had. He waited for Isley to get out before walking to the door and opening it for her. Once inside, he found a booth and let her slide in first before sitting down and picking the menu up.
She had always made fun of same side couples, but now she understood why they did it. She wanted to be as close to Daniel as often as she could. Instead of picking up her own menu, she leaned her head on Daniel's shoulder, reading over it. "I think I'm gonna get a milkshake."
"Instead of food?" He asked, surprised.
Isley laughed. "God no, in addition to."
"Oh, I was gonna say." He didn't think anything sounded good but his stomach was definitely telling him otherwise. He set the menu down, deciding he would just order a bacon cheeseburger. He knew his mood had slipped and that he should probably medicate a little bit to get through the rest of the car ride, but he wanted to drive still so he was still trying to see if the feeling would go away. "What are you getting?" He asked her so he could order for her.
"I want a bacon cheeseburger with barbecue sauce. And a cookies and cream milkshake."
When the waitress walked over to them, he ordered their food then relaxed against the back of the seat. "I'm ready to be there. I just wanna sleep."
“Me too. I just want snuggles.”
"We will have to go grocery shopping when we get there... Unless I have someone do it for us so we can just go straight to the cabin."
“Let’s just do that. I don’t wanna wait longer than we have to.”
"I don't either. I'm ready to relax."
“Mmhmm.” She nodded lazily. “Hey, I love you.” She added, looking up at him.
He turned his head to look at her, giving her a small smile. "I love you too. Sorry I'm in a bad mood.. You might have to drive." he admitted with a scrunch of his nose.
She nodded, kissing him gently, lingering against his lips for a moment before pulling away. “That’s okay. I was getting car sick anyways, and driving helps.”May 23, 2018
He nodded his head, feeling stupid for needing a break from driving already. "Okay.. Good." he gave her a small smile.
She kissed him again before resting her head against his shoulder once more. Feeling the babies kicking wildly, she laughed. "I think Mila and Liam are hungry."
"Good thing the food is coming." he said and chuckled as their plates arrived just as he said it.
Isley dug in as soon as her plate was set in front of her, completely unashamed. When she began eating, the babies settled down. She didn't speak until she had finished her whole burger, then she looked up at Daniel. "Good idea."
Daniel ate quietly, contently. He didn't eat his entire burger with the way he was feeling, but enough to settle his stomach. He smiled at Isley, giving her a nod. "We forgot to eat breakfast, we needed to get something in us." He said as he made eye contact with their waitress in hopes she would return to the table. Thankfully, moments later she arrived with their check and he pulled cash out to leave with her before standing up with a small stretch. He held his hand out to help her out of the booth "Should we get out of here?"
"Yes sir." Isley answered before taking the last sip of her milkshake. She took his hand and slid out, taking advantage of the fact that even despite the plane crash, he was stronger than her and could help her out. They walked out to the car, and Isley slid behind the steering wheel. She had to scoot the seat up, but not that much. Usually, she would've had to adjust it significantly, but now her stomach didn't allow her to sit as close as she used to. "You should take some meds and take a nap."
Daniel got into the car and looked over at her as he put his seat belt on. "I don't want to fall asleep on you and make you drive alone." He shook his head.
"Are you sure? I always have Bon Iver to keep me company."
"Am I being that miserable?" He asked her playfully.(edited)
"Oh yeah. You're lucky I didn't drug your drink back at the diner." She teased back.
"I guess if you don't mind driving while I sleep then I'll see what I can do." He said as he turned around to look for the small bag that held his medication.
Isley knew he didn't want to take his medication so that he could be "strong", but she wanted him to feel good, not to mention he needed the rest to finish healing. She looked over at him as he grabbed the medicine, watching him. She groaned as she saw his muscles strain. "Damnit, Daniel, now I'm horny."
"What did I do?" He asked her with a confused laugh as he sat back once again, putting the pill in his mouth and taking a drink from his water bottle.
"You're just so hot all the time, it's not fair!"
"Well baby, we're gonna have to reign it in until we get to the cabin. I don't know if we can fuck in here."May 24, 2018
“You’re not allowed to say fuck, I only hear it in one way.” She scolded.
He looked at her with a smirk "Fuck."
She groaned, fighting the urge to pull over. “See, when you say that, I only hear you saying Fuck, baby while I choke on your cock.” Isley said, trying to level the playing field.
"Yeah? You're welcome to do that." he shrugged.
"Damnit! Do I have no effect on you at all?" She sighed exasperatedly.
"Of course you do." he said with a laugh.
“Good, because I feel like I’m about to explode right now and it’s only fair you do too.”
"I wouldn't say I'm that bad off." he said with a small laugh. "Find somewhere to pull over and we'll figure it out..." he offered.
She rolled her eyes at him, a little frustrated he wasn’t as turned on as her. She guessed that’s just what happened when there was an indiscriminate amount of hormones flowing through her. “I guess I can make it.”
"Fine." He said with a scoff. "If Rufus weren't with us, it would be a little easier for us to climb in the back but I think it's probably better we don't try in here anyways. That just means we'll have more fun when we get to the cabin."
“True. I don’t want to scar him, anyway.” She said with a laugh, looking over at him.
"He's seen some shit." He laughed.
“I’m pretending that you only mean me.” She said, a teasing smile on her face.
"I was a virgin before I met you." he teased back.
“Me too. We deflowered each other.”
"You sure knew what you were doing for a first timer..." He gave her a smirk.
“You weren’t too bad yourself.” Isley said, thinking back on their first time, in the shower at Vermont. “Okay stop!”
"You started it and now it's all I want to talk about. It's not my fault."
“I’m literally wet right now, it isn’t fair.” She pouted.
"Babe..." He smiled at her innocently. "I can't wait to get there. I want to fuck you so bad."
“James Daniel Bennett!” Isley scolded, her voice tight. “That’s playing dirty. I really am going to have to pull over if you keep talking.”
"We literally have no where to do it in here." He said with a laugh. "Let's get a motel room for like an hour."
“Are you serious? You can’t joke like that with me right now.”
"I think I'm serious." he shrugged.
“You think?”
"We should go to a really seedy motel where I can pay with cash and pretend you're my mistress." he joked.
“I kinda was.” She joked back.
"Not really though. Did we even kiss before the divorce?"
“I think we did once on the day of the ball, when you texted me and complimented you and I asked you to come over. We didn’t have sex until after the divorce though.”
"Then... I don't think that counts."
“I mean, I was in love with you the whole time.”
"Back to sex." he joked.
She rolled her eyes at him again, nudging him playfully with one hand. “Is that all I’m good for?”
"You're a baby incubator too.. Sometimes you make me food."
“That’s it, wedding’s off!” She yelled.
He laughed "Hey, why did we stop exploring the motel idea?"
“Let me know when you see one and we’ll pull over.”
"Do you really want to? Cause you didn't seem all that excited about that idea."
“Excuse me, I’m the one who wanted to fuck more.”
"Well not to dampen the moment but we're gonna have to wait a solid.... 35 minutes so these pain killers kick in."
Isley shrugged. “I’ll probably still be horny. You’re pretty hot.”
"I'll talk you up till then." he joked, his hand moving to her thigh.
Her breath caught in her throat and squirmed in her seat. “Your hand is doing a good enough job by itself.”
"Can you handle being touched while you drive?" he asked as his hand inched up.
She bit her lip, suppressing a groan. To be honest, she didn’t know if she could. “I don’t know, I just know I really want your mouth on me.”
"Yeah? I do love eating you out, baby. I'll do whatever you want."
This time, she couldn't stop the groan. She re-positioned herself in her seat, trying to gain some sort of self control and failing. "I wanna taste myself on your lips."
Daniel smiled at her words "That's so hot, baby. You're getting me hard."
"It's only fair." She shrugged with a smirk, reaching over and feeling him with one hand as she drove with the other.
"We're gonna have to pull over baby.. Even if we can't fuck. We can just mess around for a minute."
Isley didn’t need to be told twice. She pulled over immediately, grateful that they were on a deserted back road. “Move your seat back.” She demanded, her hand going back to his crotch as she waited. After he moved back, she climbed over the center console onto his lap, kissing him feverishly.
Daniel wasn't sure how much they could do even with the seat pushed back but he was willing to try if she was. He hit the button to recline his seat and his arms wrapped around her as he kissed her back just as desperately.
She ground her hips against his, biting his lip before trailing kisses down his neck and collarbone. She was also grateful that she had chosen to wear a dress that day as she felt his hardness pressing against her through his jeans.
He worked on getting the seat further back before he moved his hand between her legs to rub her over her panties. "Fucking love it when you get wet like this." he said with a groan.
Her hips jerked as he began to touch her. His words turned her on even more, and she was at the point that her thighs were wet, too. “More, baby.” She begged.
He pushed the fabric aside so he could push his finger into her, then soon a second finger.
She bit her own lip hard as his fingers entered her, before moving her lips back to his and kissing him fervently as he worked her. “I need you to fuck me. Do you think we can fuck here?”
"I'm so hard, we gotta." he moved his hand from her so he could get his jeans undone and clumsily pushed them down enough to expose himself.
Isley nodded, raising herself up so he could pull his pants down. When he was done, she sank down on him hard and fast. “Fuck!” She yelled as he stretched her.
A breath left him as she sunk down onto him. Sitting up a little, his lips latched to her neck as he moved his hips up against her.
His lips on her had an even stronger effect than usual, causing her to jerk her hips erratically as she moved on hip. She knew she wasn’t going to last long.
He had to fall back against the seat once more as she began to move harder. He knew this was almost over, a fact of which was good. "I'm cumming, baby.. Fuck!" he said as his eyes clenched while his body released.
Isley rode him as hard as she could given their circumstances, reaching down between them to rub her clit, getting her off at the same time as Daniel. She leaned forward, biting his shoulder as she came hard around him. “Jesus, Daniel.” She panted against his skin.
He rubbed her back gently "I am glad we could make that happen." he said with a small laugh.
“Me too.” She said, laughing along with him. “You just get me so worked up sometimes I can’t help myself.”
"I wanna say I have more self control but something about you takes it right out of me."
“I’m glad it’s not just me then.” She kissed him gently
He kissed her back "To be fair, I don't know if I would have got to this point like this without you mentioning choking on my cock.." he joked with a small smirk.
“Hey, I didn’t wanna be the only one who was super turned on.” She laughed and shrugged.(edited)
"You know dirty talk gets to me." he said with a laugh.
“I do my best.” She rested her forehead against his for another moment before giving him one last kiss and moving back to the drivers seat, adjusting her dress and panties.
When she moved off of him, he pulled his pants back up and adjusted the seat. "Okay, get us there so we can do that a few more times."
She laughed. “Okay, deal. I do believe I need to choke on your cock and you need to eat me out, so I’ll go as fast as I can.” She started the car and pulled back onto the road.(edited)
"Babe, I just came inside of you! You shouldn't have let me do that."
“God damnit.” She groaned. “I always forget, and it feels so good when you do.”
"We will take a bath together when we get there, how about that?"
“Sounds good.” She said with a smile, taking his hand as they drove.
The medication was beginning to kick in, making him tired. He held her hand and soon was sleeping with his head against the headrest.
Isley smiled at him sleeping, glad he was able to get some rest. A few hours later, she nudged him awake as she pulled into the driveway of his family’s cabin. “Baby, we’re here.”
Daniel woke with a small groan, but smiled as he realized they wee at the cabin finally. He got out of the car and let Rufus out, who excitedly ran all over the property marking his territory. Rufus wasn't one to run off, so Daniel let him do his thing while he unloaded the car and brought their things into the cabin.
Isley tried to help, but there wasn’t much she could really do since she was pregnant and not strong to begin with. Once everything was in, Isley went straight to the bedroom and laid down.
Daniel got a drink from the kitchen, then made sure Rufus was in the house before he mad his way to the bedroom. "tired?" he asked.
“Mmhmm...” Isley said pitifully, holding her arms out for him to join her.
He moved to the bed and crawled beside her, his hand moving to her belly.
Isley snuggled into his side, lifting her dress up over her bump. “Watch this, I discovered it the other day.” She tapped her fingers along her belly like a little dance, and you could see a baby moving where she had touched her stomach, little feet and hands making her bump move. “I think this is Liam.”
Daniel watched with a grin. "That's so awesome." he said, mimicking her movement so she would do it again.
“It’s like we’re playing tag.” Isley said with a laugh as they kept kicking.
"I love it." he kept his hand on her belly so he could feel the kicks. "I want to hold them so bad. I can't wait."May 25, 2018
“Me neither. You’re going to be such a good daddy, baby.”
"You'll be the best mommy. They will love you so much. '
“I’m so in love with you and our little family.” She said, smiling up at him.
"I very in love with you and our family too. I'm excited for us all to have the same last name."
"Me too. Speaking of, when do you want to go to the court tomorrow?"
"I guess whenever we get up and get ready." He shrugged.
She nodded. "What time is it now?"
"It's..." He looked at the time on his phone. "About 3."
"Ugh," She groaned. "Bath?"
Daniel was still pretty tired and didn't feel like moving but he nodded his head. "Let's go." he said and got up to go the bathroom. He started the water, keeping his hand under it until he was sure it was the right temperature, before he stripped down and sunk in.
Isley followed his lead, stepping in and laying between his legs. "Look, it's sticking out now." She said, referring to her bump.
Both of his hands moved to her bump as she called attention to it. "They're getting bigger."
"All three of us are. These stretch marks are starting to get real bad."
"What can help that? Or do you care?"
"I think vitamin E does." She shrugged. "I mean, I care to an extent. I don't think they're very sexy."
"But you are very sexy no matter what."
"Thanks, I just don't feel it. I mean, I only have an issue with stretch marks on my stomach. I don't mine the little ones I have on my butt and legs. And boobs, now."
"Well as long you know that I don't care about it. I know it sucks to have your body change and stuff."
Isley nodded, turning her head and leaning her cheek against him. “Thank you for being so supportive.”
"Well, I did it to you so I can't really not be." he teased.
She laughed. “Okay, true. But still, thank you. You’re amazing.”
"You are giving me everything I've ever wanted. A family, love.. You're the amazing one."
She turned as best she could, kissing him. “I wonder if our babies will like baths as much as we do.”
"I don't know. I never liked them so much before. I think it's just like a comfort thing now to be close to you. And to get you naked." He joked.
“I liked them before, but I didn’t take them as often.” She laughed. “Same, especially since we can’t get as close as we used to.”
"Well, we're gonna have an awesome tub in our bathroom at the house. It will be good if you ever get pregnant again."
“Do you think we will? Have any more kids?”
"I don't know. I guess we gotta see how we feel after these two. I think I'll be content with three, but I know you want a bigger family."
"Yeah, it just depends on if we can handle these two. They already seem like a handful." She laughed as her point was made by a stray hand or foot kicking her.
"They're pretty energetic." He said with a laugh. "And I was a little monster child so I am sure I'll be getting that back as karma."
She laughed again, rolling her eyes. "Great, and there are two of them. I'm just gonna pop 'em out and leave."
"Rude." He laughed. "To be fair, I think I was only like that because my parents left us with the nanny so often and that was one way I could get my mom to cancel trips and stuff. If I acted out bad enough she would stay home, so I was like hell yeah I'll scribble on the walls today so mommy will stay home."
"Plus who doesn't want to scribble on the walls?" She added. "But if that's the case, our babies will be angels, because I probably won't leave them alone for thirty years."
"Yeah, we'll probably smother them and they'll hate us for it." He joked.
"I can live with that. And so can they." She rubbed her belly. "Oh, and look at this. I have the pregnancy line now."
He examined her belly, then chuckled. "Weird. Everyone gets that?"
"I googled it when it started to show up. Apparently two-thirds get it. It's called the linea nigra. Apparently everyone has something called the linea alba, and it's where your left and right ab muscles meet. But when you get knocked up, the muscles start to separate and you get the line."
"Hm.. I guess that's kind of cool. Muscles separating sounds painful, but most of the pregnancy stuff sounds painful to me."
She laughed loudly. “I know I complain, but it’s gotten a lot better. No more morning sickness, less cravings...I do pee a lot more now though, not to mention these tiny soccer players go hard on me sometimes. I don’t know, I have a love-hate relationship with being pregnant.”
"At least you haven't been crazy like I hear pregnant women become. We've hardly fought at all... I mean, a little but there's been a lot of stress too."
“We might have if you hadn’t gone and been so dramatic as to get in a plane crash. I mean seriously, who does that?” She teased.
"Idiots, that's who. Wasn't even worth it." He sighed.
“Really. If you wanted to propose to me, you could’ve done it like a normal person.”
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll remember that next time."May 26, 2018
She laughed. “Oh, next time?”
"I mean, there better not be a next time." He joked.
"That's what I thought." She said, smiling widely.
"I'm pretty sure if I lost you at this point, I'd just have to give up on everything altogether. I love you way too much for that shit."
"Me too. You're my one great love."
"Good. So... We gonna continue what we started in the car..?" he asked playfully.
She laughed lightly, twisting around in the tub so she was on his lap and facing him. "You're going to have to remind me, what was it?"
"Well,  I'm pretty sure you brought up blow jobs." He teased her before pressing light kisses to her neck.
“And choking, don’t forget the choking.” She said a bit breathlessly, her head tilting to give him more access to her neck.
"You like being choked?" He asked her, nipping at her skin.
“I meant choking on your cock, baby.”  She said with a light laugh.“I meant choking on your cock, baby.”  She said with a light laugh.
"Well... I can do that." he laughed as well.
“Wait, do you want to? Choke me?”
"I don't want..." He shook his head, trying to collect his thoughts before he spoke. "I was just wondering."
Now it was her turn to kiss his neck. “I mean, we could try sometime...”
"Maybe when you're not pregnant.. We gotta chill out a little." He said with a small laugh.
She groaned. “Take me to bed.”
He gave her a drawn out kiss before nodding his head and moving to get up. He got out and grabbed towels for the both of them so they wouldn't soak the bed. He handed one off to her before drying off himself.
She dried off as fast as she could before immediately grabbing Daniel's face and pulling it down to hers, reattaching their lips. She stretched up on her tip toes, burying her fingers in his hair and pulling.
He grinned against her lips as they began to kiss before slowly leading her back to the bedroom, his lips still on hers. When they were close to the bed, he sat down and pulled her into his lap.
Isley situated herself on him, grinding against him. She pushed him back onto the bed, kissing down his neck and chest.
He fell back against the bed and ran his hand down her back as she moved down to his neck. "You know what I miss? Laying you back and fucking you."
She kissed her way down him, circling her tongue around his head before looking up at him. “Do it, then.” She taunted before taking him all the way down her throat.
"I thought they said we couldn't." He groaned, his head tilting back.
She knew why they told her not to, but she didn’t want to get into the details at the moment. Besides, she wasn’t going to get a blood clot. “It’s fine.” She managed to say, keeping her mouth on him.
Daniel couldn't argue it, mostly because she had him in her mouth and words weren't coming to him easily at all. He pushed his hips up against her to get her to focus on what she was doing .
She smirked at him as he pushed himself further into her mouth, loving that she could make him lose control like that. She kept working him, one hand on the base of him and the other cupping his balls.
Daniel, his hand moved down to her hair as he enjoyed what he was getting. After a moment, he sat up and looked down at her. "You're turn." He gave her a smirk.
Goosebumps broke out on her skin as she heard his words. She gave him one last sloppy lick before getting up and rolling into her back, pulling his face towards hers again.
Daniel kissed her heatedly. He was incredibly hard and wanted to get on with the action but he knew he had been telling her all day he would do this so he slowly pushed her back against the bed and moved off of it to his knees. He moved between her legs and pulled her closer to the edge of the bed so he could begin to press teasing kisses up her inner thighs.
“Daniel...” Isley groaned, frustrated by his teasing. She was soaking wet and wanted his tongue on her right then. “Please,” she begged, a hand reaching up and squeezing her breast.
Daniel looked up at her and gave her a small smirk before his tongue flicked along her clit, gently at first then he began to work her with more pressure.
“Jesus,” she moaned as she felt his tongue against her. Her hips bucked beneath him, already feeling the pressure building in her. She gripped his hair roughly, pushing her hips against his mouth.
He groaned in response, his tongue still moving against her as he pressed a finger into her.
“Daniel!” She panted, her hips moving erratically as she began to cum. She didn’t wait to catch her breath before grabbing his face and pulling him up to her. “Fuck me, now.” She demanded.
Daniel loved feeling her cum when he was going down on her and he was more than ready when she told him to fuck her. "You can be on your back?" He double checked as he moved to the bed, still on his knees as he moved between her legs.
“Yes, baby, just fuck me.” She begged, kissing him roughly. Tasting herself on him, she bit his lip.
He kissed her back heatedly as he placed himself at her center and pushed into her. Sitting up on his knees so he wouldn't be tempted to press down against her belly, he grabbed her thigh and began to thrust into her.
Isley didn’t realize how much she had missed him over her like this until now. With him sitting up, her hips were forced to raise a little, and she swore she felt him in her stomach, he was so deep. Although she wasn’t as flexible as she was without a huge belly, she was still able to put one leg on his shoulder as he moved inside her.
Daniel had missed this position so much, not that he would ever complain about sex in general. Especially when it came to Isley. "Is this okay?" He asked her.
“God yes,” she panted out, already feeling a second orgasm building. “You’re so big, baby.”
"Mmm.. Fuck, baby. I love it when you tell me that." His hips moved harder into her.
She smirked up at him, reaching her arms out to touch him wherever she could. “Seriously, Daniel, you feel so fucking good. Your-“ her words were cut off as he hit her g-spot. “Holy-!” She managed to get out as her whole body tended around him.
Feeling her tense around him almost caused him to come undone, but he was itching to make this last. "Can you handle one more?" He asked her, turning his head to kiss her ankle.
She nodded. "I think so."
He pushed harder into her, his hand holding her leg tightly enough that she was likely going to be bruised. "I'm getting close, baby. I missed watching you under me like this."
One of the reasons she liked this position was because she felt like Daniel was in complete control, and he was. His words were almost enough to push her over the edge, but not quite. Instead, she brought one of her hands to her breast again, squeezing tightly and pinching her nipple as the other hand scratched at Daniel's chest before sliding down between them to massage her clit. "Cum, baby." She said, opening her clenched eyes to meet his.
Watching her touch herself was always a turn on for him and now it was his breaking point. He pushed into her with a few more rough thrusts before coming undone with a loud groan.
Isley came a few seconds before Daniel, but she kept coming as she watched him. Finally, her body relaxed. "Jesus Christ." She panted, trying to catch her breath.
He dropped her leg with a sigh, giving her a smile. "I needed that after all that sitting around today."
"Me too. Plus I really missed that position." She said, situating herself on his chest.
"I did too. Why did the doctor say we couldn't do that?"
"I'm more prone to blood clots." Isley explained.
"What? Then why did we do that?"
"Because we wanted to, and blood clots don't run in my family. I've never had one before, and my whole pregnancy has been very healthy. Having sex one time on my back won't do anything, baby."
He paused for a long moment before shaking his head "I'm Googling ways to prevent blood clots." He said, sitting up to look for his phone.
“Babe, I’m okay. I’ll get up and move around. Look, all good.” Isley stood, walking around.
He watched her for a moment before nodding his head. "Okay.. Maybe we should go on a walk."
She sighed. She knew he would give in if she didn’t want to go, but she figured he’d worried enough these past weeks. “Okay, baby. We can go on a walk.”
Daniel was supposed to be walking every day anyways, so he figured they could get both out of the way. He stood and grabbed a suitcase so he could pull out his boxers, some jeans, and a T-shirt to put on. "I wonder if I should leash Rufus or just let him do his thing." He commented as he got dressed.
Isley followed suit, pulling on some stretchy leggings and a striped tee. “Bring the leash just in case.” She said with a shrug, before tying her shoes.
He grabbed the leash out of the bag he packed for his dog, then focused on getting his shoes on. Bending over to do so though made the pain in his ribs come back and he sucked in a deep breath before disappearing into the bathroom, one shoe on, because he didn't want Isley to know. He must have moved in a different way because the pain was something he hadn't felt in a couple of weeks.
She heard a sharp intake of breath from behind her and turned to check on him, but he was disappearing into the bathroom. “Babe? You okay?” She asked.
He wondered if he should pretend his stomach was upset but he decided against it and opened the door. "I'm fine. I think maybe I just wanna go to bed early instead. We can go for a walk in the morning or something." he gave her the best smile he could.
She knew better than to push him about this. Nodding, she took off her clothes once more, leaving her only in her panties. Hopping on the bed, she held her arms out for him. “Snuggle me.” She demanded.
He didn't want to risk moving weird again, so he just pushed his shoe off and joined her in the bed fully clothed. He wrapped his arm around her loosely and closed his eyes. "I'm tired." he whispered.
“Baby...” she began, concerned. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
"Yeah, it's just been a long day. Driving, sex.. We've done a lot."
She nodded, then moved to unbutton his jeans. "Let's get these off. You can't sleep like this."
"I want to." he told her softly. "Just go to sleep." he pulled her closer.
Again, she wanted to argue. Again, she didn’t. Sighing, she settled into his side and drifted off to sleep.
Daniel was stubborn enough to sleep in jeans and he was quick to fall asleep with her in his arms.
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