#I’m honestly a little unsure ​about the gender/sexuality headcanons
platypuslappy · 7 months
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my everythings….
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investigatingaj · 3 years
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“If the apocalypse comes, beep me.” / introducing aj!
Full Name: Adora Jane Mary-Anna Darke
Nickname(s): AJ, Little Darke (from older people in town)
Age: 20
Date of Birth: August 30, 2000
Hometown: Bridgemead, Massachusetts
Species: Human
Gender: Cis woman
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Unsure, most likely not straight
Religion: Atheist 
Occupation: Assistant to Delia Darke
Living Arrangements: Darke residence, North Bridgemead
Faceclaim: Lili Reinhart
AJ is the Scooby Gang’s leader and, god, does she hate that name. She takes what they do pretty damn seriously, which is why she accidentally formed a little group of friends that spawned this bigger one. She has good leadership qualities, for the most part: she’s diligent and diplomatic, always willing to listen, but she’s also firm when it comes to what she wants and slightly manipulative. AJ prefers to keep all her cards close to her chest and doesn’t show them to just anyone, getting to know her on a deeper level isn’t easy and she finds herself building the walls back up even when it comes to her closest friends. Figuring out Bridgemead is an obsession to her, even if she’s trying to do good things in her process of investigation. It’s all a little more complicated and difficult than she thinks even she’s ready for, but she tries to be prepared for the worst, always. 
TROPES: Constantly Curious, Damsel out of Distress, Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right!, Guile Heroine, Plucky Girl
AJ drives a baby blue Mustang Convertible passed down from her grandmother that’s somehow in pretty decent shape. She’s thankful for the Darke family money for that one. 
If she’s not in Scooby Gang HQ, your best bet is probably her aunt’s house, though she’s unlikely to be doing much work for her, she’ll more likely be snooping through her personal library. 
AJ is about 95% sure she isn’t straight, but that’s about it. She’s had her first kiss, but anything beyond that is foreign to her. Honestly, the easiest way to trip her up would be to flirt with her, because she’s so extremely inexperienced and unsure about that stuff, it just might work. To her, it’s been because she’s always been busy with other things, but it’s more likely a fear of intimacy. 
Back in high school, she told everyone that she had no intention of going to college, but that was only after being rejected at the small amount of schools she applied for which no one but her parents knows about. She thought she’d be one of the people to get the Bridgemead local scholarship, but she didn’t, so she’s figuring it out one step at a time now. The disappointment wasn’t much of a surprise, secretly she knew it was coming, her grades dropped after she got so swept up in everything happening in town, but she prefers not to think about what could have been. 
While she has a friendly demeanour about her, she can come off a little pushy when she wants something from someone. She likes to call it consistency!
AJ hasn’t worn a skirt without some form of thick tights or leggings underneath it since she was in ninth grade and she doesn’t wear skirts often these days at all. She much prefers pants, ranging from thick, coloured corduroys, to jeans, to suit pants and at times, even the occasional pair of overalls. 
She’s often not caught dead without her favourite leather jacket, passed down by her mother from the 90s and still in quite good condition. She also wears a crucifix with a built in tiny blade, carries holy water and a sheathed dagger charmed by the Scooby Gang’s witches to protect her and sometimes even wears leather fingerless gloves... for punching.
Her relationship with her parents is interesting, to say the least. With her father, she’s unimpressed and more or less is happy to use him for extra cash to fund things for the Scooby Gang and herself. She doesn’t know the woman she caught him with and refuses to talk about it with him, he pays up because he’s a little bit of a coward and feels bad. 
While she loves her mother, she often finds she resents her for not being around when she needs her to be. Skype calls with her dad beside her can only go so far. She’s only ever been on one trip with her, a couple of summers back, otherwise her mother is a lone wolf about her travelling and is gone half the year, typically. 
Her house is one of the restored, historical homes in North Bridgemead, her father paid to have it done up before she was born, after her parents moved to town. It’s a dark brown Victorian style home with a wraparound porch and lots of windows. Her bedroom uses one of the turrets as a reading nook. It’s beautiful, but probably should he haunted. 
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ardenttheories · 4 years
I don't expect a super serious answer from this, but I'm just curious. in a perfect world, how would hs^2 be written? do you have any particular headcanons or plot lines that would be interesting to explore? I understand the hesitation in answering a question like this, because other people might try to discredit your critiques under the guise of "well its not ur headcanons so that's why ur mad". anyways, just curious because I respect your perspective and ideas
In complete honesty? The first thing I would consider vital is a diverse team of people - genuinely diverse - to consider every point of representation with. I’m talking people of different races (to avoid the anti-black coding of Gamzee), with mental illnesses (to avoid the ableism in both Gamzee and Dirk), with different gender identities (to more accurately and healthily portray Jade, Roxy, Vriska, June - any character we could feasibly want to make trans or nonbinary), with different romanticisms and sexualities (so that we could write genuine MLM and WLW relationships without falling into homophobic pitfalls; to avoid biphobic stereotypes), and overall, with different traumatic experiences and triggers (so that we could more accurately gauge what triggers would need to be tagged and how to go over them in an appropriate and respectful manner).
We could never be 100% perfect, but with a team like that, we could at least get close to it. 
Additionally, I’d bring back either fan prompts or closely listen to fan theories and conversations. Homestuck^2 was touted to be written with the fandom in mind; to consider the direction we were asking it to go in, while basing it around a general barebones structure. I’d want to make sure we were including as much of that in as humanly possible. So, if a fan theory seemed like it’d fit into the story? I’d want to include that with the rest of the text; if the fans liked a specific character? I’d want to try and include them more often. Little things to show that we’re listening and that we’re writing the story WITH the fans - like how early Homestuck used to be.
On an actual storyline basis, I really do love the concept of Meat and Candy; that there’s one timeline that goes off the rails and one that is very rigidly stuck to a track. I wouldn’t want to change that concept entirely, but I would want to make it more palpatable for people to read. 
This would mean, for me, absolutely getting rid of anything to do with Yiffany. I’d completely replace that with Dave and Jade having a child together via ectobiology; how Jade has to raise their child in Dave’s absence after he goes missing, how that affects her, who she turns to for comfort and help. 
I’d want to focus Candy more on that feeling of helplessness and dissociation. On John feeling adrift in a world that doesn’t quite connect with him, that doesn’t entirely feel real; how that would affect his relationships, his friends, his family. In this timeline, all of the rebellion stuff would be completely background to the interpersonal connections everyone has (the things that supposedly don’t matter, as is the point of Candy), with much more emphasis on how useless and frivolous the whole war is. It’d get to a point where nobody actually knows why they’re fighting anymore except for the fact that they are, and that even Jane, who started it out of a genuine fear for the human race, is getting tired of it, is losing resources, is starting to realise that she’s drifting away from her own child. 
A truce would be garnered, started by Jane who just very much wants to reconnect with her son, with Karkat taking on the role as troll emissiary. It features long talks in a large, empty room, pouring over papers, where Jane admits that she doesn’t actually know what anyone is up to these days, how long it’s been since she’s seen her husband, since she’s seen John, and Karkat quietly confesses that it’s been several years since he’s seen Dave or Jade, and that he misses them both. 
After that, a lot of the content of Candy would focus on healing. They would get back to their happily ever after, even though some things would never be the same, and there would still be inconsequentialities. It would also correspond with John coming to the slow realisation that he really doesn’t need a plot to be happy at all; that just because it doesn’t matter to the overarching story doesn’t mean it can’t matter to him. 
The Candy timeline, therefore, would close early; it would fade from our view just as Dirk feared, but it would be happy and content, and free from any further meddling. I’d essentially want to enforce this idea that, yes, we can still have happy endings - even if they aren’t “full of meaning”. They can still be satisfying.
The Meat timeline, on the other hand, would have a significant focus on Dirk and his attempts to continue the plot. I think it would be fun, admittedly, if nothing went the way he thought it would. That after all of his villany and his acceptance of destruction in order to facilitate something he thought would be better, he actually just lost complete and utter control. 
The plot isn’t something that he alone can continue. It’s created with character conflict, with motivations and rises and falls and losses and gains; trying to recreate SBURB, to try and restart the cycle, isn’t what a plot needs to be. It isn’t what he thinks it will do. 
I’m unsure if you’ve seen this recently, but there’s been a lot of fanwork around the Lord!Jake English idea that went around several years back (when people saw the Caliborn sona). Now, this I’d want to put into it. 
Jake, fed up with being stepped on, walked over, hurt, suffering from the trauma of being completely and utterly ruined by Dirk, absolutely flips shit. He chases after Dirk to seek revenge, to cut short whatever bullshit he’s trying to do, and therefore much of the comic becomes this constant back and forth with an increasing fear for Dirk the closer Jake gets as he traverses Paradox Space.
It’s very much clear that when Jake arrives, Dirk will lose. There’s no question about it. Nobody suggests that anything else will happen. There’s several arguments on Meat’s Earth C over whether or not they should try to stop Jake, or let him stop Dirk - and whether or not Jake will calm down afterwards or continue his rampage. 
In the end, Dirk fails. Jake catches up to him, and just before he hits the killing blow, the entire thing goes dark. Our narrator dead, the plot abandoned; there is nothing more to see. This I would want to use to enforce the idea that, yes, plot can still be satisfying as hell and still have integral moments and be heavy and harsh - but it can also end in a way that leaves open questions because that shows that it isn’t the best ending you can get. 
And then we jump back to Terezi, using her Seer powers. Both timelines have been her trying to use her powers to See what’s in store, where she should go, what she should do. She’s still floating through Paradox Space, looking for Vriska, and as such she’s met with this... sort of internal dilemma. 
She knows, now, that the chances of her dying out here are high. She also knows that even if she does survive, she’s pretty much never going to see Vriska again anyway. She knows there’s a chance at a happier relationship with John, and that the only way she can get that is if she somehow manages to make a timeline where Meat and Candy merge together at once. 
So, she flies back. She manages to arrive on Earth C the day of John’s big decision, and interrupts him before he can go to the picnic. Through their dialogue, John gets it stuck in his head that, hey, there’s something BIGGER out here that you need to do, but you need to do that amazing thing again where you make a third Choice.
When John arrives at the picnic, he decides to eat some of the pumpkin instead - to which you might be thinking, what pumpkin? The one he put there, of course, using his retcon powers.
So we start on the Pumpkin timeline, written entirely in the 1st person narrative from John’s POV. It’s a completely biased interpretation of what’s going on, but it’s honest to John’s own thoughts and feelings, too, allowing everyone to act the way they usually would do without any influence, but still having a narrative touch. 
It shows John actively fighting to free the timeline from Dirk’s and Alternate Calliope’s narrative controls, those little hooks they’ve planted in it since time began, with a lot of back-and-forth as the two talk to John through the narration (which, he hears their voices as thoughts in his head). 
John attempts to free them both from their own biases and chains, encouraging Alternate!Calliope to leave the space she’s isolated herself in and join Earth C while convincing Dirk to undo the bullshit villain schtick he’s on (and that plot or no plot, there’s still a reason worth living for). 
It’d be a timeline filled with references back to original Homestuck (and funny quips from both Alternate!Calliope and Dirk along the way), a lot of morality discussion, plenty of theorising on narrative control and arcs and the placement of plot and fluff in a satisfying story, and have plenty of representation and romance and hints towards kids, too (such as nonbinary RoxyJaneCallie, DaveJadeKat, aromantic Jake, JohnDirk [because I couldn’t stop myself, honestly, with how their Classpects work so well hand in hand], and definitely RoseMary being the first to adopt a child that they absolutely do not call Vriska). 
It’d fill plotholes the fandom wants to be filled, and it’d have drama, of course, in the form of figuring out a way to destroy Lord English that doesn’t inherently lead to the Candy timeline. But it’d go back and forth between the heavy, plot-filled moments and the slower, relationship-based moments, with more humanising and development of Dirk and Alternate!Calliope and John as rounded characters.
That’s the best my tired mind can come up with right now. It’s something I’ve daydreamed about a lot, actually; how I’d rewrite Homestuck^2, or what my own ending to Homestuck would be using it as a foundation. I hope it makes sense! It’s a fun little thought experiment, honestly.
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sargeant-barnes · 3 years
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At a glance
Name: James Buchanan Barnes (goes by Bucky)
Age: 104/Looks mid-thirties
Species: Metahuman
Alias: The Winter Soldier
Gender: Cis Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthday: March 10th, 1917
Height: 6′
Affiliations: Steve Rogers, The Avengers, the War Effort
Powers:  Artificially Enhanced Physiology: HYDRA’s version of the Super Soldier Serum enhanced all of Bucky’s bodily functions, such as his strength, speed, senses, durability, agility, stamina, reflexes, and healing. It allowed him to survive the fall from the train that should have killed him and the loss of his left arm.
A little more in depth
Important Headcanons:
Bucky is somewhat self-conscious about the bionic arm. It’s not as bad as it was when he still had the old metal arm that HYDRA gave him since the vibranium arm is certainly much more slick. But there is still some brutal scarring around his shoulder from the way they’d anchored in the old arm and while Bucky used to be very confident in his looks, he’s less so now. He knows the arm is a tool and he’d certainly rather have it than not, especially since he’s fighting again, but it doesn’t exactly enhance his appearance in his mind. In Bucky’s mind, he’s a little broken all over, physically, mentally, and emotionally, but he’s still working to fit the pieces back together to make some kind of whole. 
Due to everything he went through with HYDRA and having come out of Wakanda and back into the fight, Bucky’s had very little time to establish himself as a sexual person again. His sex drive isn’t entirely dead but since he hasn’t been with anyone since the whole Winter Soldier brainwashing he’s a little bit afraid that some of his wires might be crossed. Can he distinguish between the intensity of passion and the intensity of a fight? Will he get violent when he shouldn’t? The answers to these questions are disturbingly unknown and while he’s trying to lean back into the flirtatious person he used to be in some ways, or at least get that back a little, he’s entirely unsure how far he’s willing to go with that. He sure as hell doesn’t need to hurt more people who don’t deserve it. 
While he’s had some time in Wakanda to get over the programming and start getting his head straight, Bucky still has a lot of trauma and baggage he hasn’t unpacked. There are frequent nightmares and he doesn’t sleep all that well. Honestly, even though it’s been a couple years, he hasn’t had nearly enough therapy (none, actually, aside from his brief moments of peace in Wakanda after he came out of cryo and the trigger words were gone) to be able to work through everything. He’s working on it, Bucky’s really doing his best, but there’s a war going on and that’s taken up a lot of time. In a lot of ways, he’s still pretty raw. 
Bucky always wears his dog tags. They are a physical representation of his identity and he feels like he needs that. That soldier who fell off the train was the man he used to be, the man he still is in some ways, and the person he wants to be again as much as possible, though he knows he can never fully get back there. The tags are like an anchor that he sorely needs so even when he sleeps, fitfully as he does sleep, he keeps them on. 
 He’s begun to rediscover some things he used to love. There’s not much time to dance these days but more and more when he hears an excellent song he has the urge to get up and cut a rug. A while ago he rediscovered that he liked to look good, that he was particular about his hair, that he liked to present himself a certain way. While this isn’t overpowering he keeps his hair neat and shorter now, styled, and when given the chance to be out of tactical gear, he likes to wear nice clothes. He’s not parading around in suits again or anything but he takes some pride in his appearance (the better the rest of him looks the less people will focus on the unnatural arm).
Stance on the War: It needs to be fought. Bucky’s been fighting for so long and he sure can’t stop now, not when some crazy alien is trying to take over and wreck the world.
Abbreviated Bio: I’m pretty much exactly following MCU and Invictus canon but may throw some interesting comic dashes in for flavour or back story. 
For a brief time, after he came out of cryo in Wakanda, Bucky experienced something close to peace for the first time in many decades. There was still a lot going on inside of him but his surroundings at least were peaceful. But when the Phoenix Five started causing trouble, trouble that Steve was undoubtedly involved in, Bucky was called back into the fight. With a new vibranium arm, he left Wakanda and joined up with Steve once again. It was war again and Bucky really should have expected no different. It wasn’t like he deserved a peaceful rest. Maybe he could start to make up for all the bad he’d done by fighting the good fight, finally, for the first time in a long time. He was needed in this new war and at least this time it was his choice to fight in it.
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enccrypted · 5 years
romance headcanons
name:          park tae-joon (alias: kim hyeon)
nickname:          “Joon” !! Though generally the only people to ever call him that were Mila and Mystik.  And “TJ,” maybe, I can see that one being thrown around a bit.
gender:           male.
romantic orientation:          he generally avoids relationships and is not extremely interested in others sexually or romantically, but it all comes down to the circumstances and particularly to how he connects with someone. He doesn’t care about the specifics of sex or gender — I do personally tend to lean towards writing gay relationships, but that’s a me thing, and I want to emphasise that it doesn’t really matter to Crypto. I’m generally willing to try what he is willing to!
preferred pet names:           hasn’t had any to speak of.
relationship status:           single, but might fuck around, might settle down and find happiness in a committed relationship with mirage apex legends, haha just kidding....... unless????
favorite canon/fandom ship:         God I have a few... I know that Cryptage (Crypto and Mirage) is a really big thing for the fandom (fic author once called it a “rarepair” and i was like huh??? are you kidding fam), and I personally love exploring their dynamic with vanishout. They have a rough start, but there’s no other person Crypto loves more... im emotional over Them, and Crypto is honestly so smitten. Their ship make me happy
I am also a big fan of Crypto and Octane! Something I’m messing around with whilst writing with deathchasing. They’ve got a lot of potential to go places, where exactly I’m still unsure, but guess we’ll sort that out later. :)
I am generally interested in shipping anyone with Crypto if there’s enough chemistry or an interesting enough dynamic. The only other characters I have on the brain though that I want to ship Crypto with are Bloodhound, Caustic, and Gibraltar. As of now though, I haven’t really properly discussed a ship with anyone else but Julie and Kabu. 
favorite crossover ship:           I don’t really have any! I can’t really think on the spot of one, either. I haven’t really taken Crypto out of his default Apex verse yet, but I’m willing to try.
opinion on true love:         It exists, that much he knows. Love is what carried Tae-joon through life even as an orphan on the streets with nothing to his name. It’s what helped him survive, because he worked and fought tooth and nail every single day for the people he loved. Mila, and later on Mystik, proved without a doubt to him that platonic love exists and is one of the most powerful forces he could know. Without them, I’m not sure where he’d have ended up. He believes in love, perhaps with more conviction than most things.
BUT as for romantic love... sure, he’s absolutely sure it exists. But he’s convinced it’s just not something he can have. Like... Tae-joon’s been through shit, earnt the life he had before the Games with his own blood, sweat, and tears. He knows full well that he has worth, that he is deserving — but the way the Syndicate directly and indirectly stripped him of everything that he loves and cares about really hit him hard. It’s tough for him to reach out and connect with people, and even tougher to allow himself to love again after he’s been taught time and time again that he will lose everything he has valued so dearly, worked so hard for.
And he’s afraid for the people that might be in a relationship with him; loving Crypto doesn’t just make him vulnerable, he puts anyone who cares about him in direct danger as well. In that sense, he doesn’t think he deserves love. Even if he found it with someone who’s willing to care about him, the guilt of making them a target for the Syndicate... bad. It’ll take a hell of an exceptional partner (willing to put themselves in danger and to convince him that they’re okay with this) for Tae-joon to reach a point where he believes he is allowed to have love, and that he deserves it.
opinion on love at first sight:         "amused at first sight” more like when it came to Mirage. I don’t think he’s really met anyone he instantly feel in love with on sight though, not as Park Tae-joon and certainly not as Crypto... it’s not hard to feed into the craving for human affection and for someone who really cares when he does slowly edge closer to someone. Like, when he actually allows them to be near him and lets them start forging some bond of trust. Honestly, love is never the first thing on his mind when he meets people, not even when he was living a civilian life as Tae-joon; there were always more important things to focus on.
how ‘romantic’ are they?:           Even before the Games, he didn’t really have a great way of going about expressing emotions and communicating how he feels, let alone when it comes to unfamiliar notions of romance. He’s not entirely emotionally stunted, but he has a way of hyperfocusing on work, on taking comfort in things mechanical more than human, and rarely lets people interrupt him when he’s on a roll. He’s fairly aloof, but once he loses his previous life and identity, he comes to a realisation that he took human affection and contact for granted. Unfortunately he has no choice but to live without it after that; I think getting into a relationship, he’d be massively awkward about it to start with, but would quickly warm up and learn to be affectionate. He wouldn’t go out of his way to be, but he definitely would know the importance of even the simplest of gestures. He’d make it a point to show he cares, because he knows it’s not always obvious to someone that they’re loved — even fi it may seem obvious to others. At heart, Tae-joon’s a very soft and very caring person and does try to show it where he can.
ideal physical traits:           Doesn’t matter to him. If he starts to love someone, he WILL find attraction in someone inevitably whether they are conventionally attractive or not.  
ideal personality traits:         he is... weak for soft and kind people. also loves someone who can match him in terms of intelligence and ability, someone who is good with banter. a good sense of competition. people with drive and ambition. there’s probably a tonne more, but it’s just not coming to mind right now.
unattractive physical traits:           Tae-joon grew up on the streets as a child, parentless and homeless. He saw it all. It wasn’t hard for him to learn that there’s far more admiration and beauty to found in other things than in the physical appearance. 
One point I do want to cover though: He thinks the physical result of his own augmentations and implants are unattractive. They’re a huge part of his survival and certainly technological marvels (designed all by himself, though he found outside help to have them implanted). But having to virtually gut and replace so much of himself really dealt a blow to his whole concept of his humanity and physicality. He has trouble seeing himself as a person sometimes, much less an attractive one with the enhancements he’s gone through.
unattractive personality traits:         stupidity. ignorance. unwillingness to learn. taking things for granted, wasting life away. selfishness and lack of empathy / sympathy for others. betraying the loyalty and the trust of the people who love you. complete lack of morals or ethics. acting like you’re something you’re not. people who view themselves above others (even though.. he often does... hahaha)
ideal date:           He doesn’t really have any standard of one, not really having been on one before (though can bet that Mila has tried to hook him up multiple times with a blind date or something, they always fell through or Tae-joon just didn’t want to). 
do they have a type?:        not entirely, I do like to joke around that he’s into himbos though. One himbo specifically, but overall there’s not any real pattern... I guess he would like soft people capable of showing kindness, who are the exact opposite of him in the sense that they still see beauty and value in the world for all the cruel wreck that it is. People who are willing to be kind without expecting kindness back, who is... willing to show crypto that sort of kindness and teach it to him again 😳😳 people who allow him to be vulnerable and understand the place he’s coming from... 
average relationship length:         So we’re making up pure lies and saying that he’s had actual past relationships? Fuckin wig... but I think he would enjoy moderate to long-term relationships when he does actually get into them. Obviously, he’s not going to start something with ease (commitment is a bitch when you’re in his situation), but he’s not going to start a relationship with the intention of dumping the other person early on.
preferred non-sexual intimacy:      i’m thinking he probably values non-sexual intimacy a lot more than sexual actually, especially since i’m exploring current ships where sexual intimacy is involved but human affection and connection isn’t... which, in turn, just makes tae-joon feel a hell of a lot more emotionally disconnected and lonely. He really values the comfort of just being close to someone, around them in close proximity without worry. Being there with them, listening to them speak and paying them attention even if he’s not the most vocal or performative person... there’s a very real comfort in that. Just leaning against someone, I think, sharing contact that isn’t even necessarily romantic. He just wants to feel, and be felt — that simple human connection is Wildly important for him.
commitment level:           Really fucking incredible. Like really fucking incredible if you get him to care enough, help him to open up and allow himself to care.
opinion of public affection:        It flusters him (though I think he could learn to like at least a little bit of it. Having someone he loves and can show off in a subtle sort of way), and he probably doesn’t ever allow it anyway on account of not wanting anyone with their eye on him to pick out vulnerabilities. He’s very careful about keeping any relationships during the Games highly secret — no point in putting someone he cares about in harm’s way, and honestly I don’t think he could stand losing another person after he puts in all the effort to learn to trust and to love again. Affectionate gestures in private though, as said, is all good with him.
past relationships?:           once he talked to a girl on an online mmorpg and they traded items and he thinks he got the better end of the trade so that was pretty epic. But no, he hasn’t had any.
tagged by: @incnspcuous and @deathchasing!!! thanks lads tagging:  @aeiiope / @thunderolled pls bless me with yr girls.... @vanishout, @slature​
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biggreenneatbox · 5 years
RWBY Sexuality Headcanons
Fuck it; 2018 is rounding off, I’m a lottle drunk and I remembered saying something on @ladyvallhalla‘s Twiiter post. Let’s expand, shall we?
These are my personal headcanons for characters’ sexualities in RWBY, and the ones I often drift to. I’m branching a little bit from the main four but point’s the same throughout
Fisrt, a disclaimer - I really enjoy | OmegaInfinity |’s story “Linked in Life and Love” on Fanfiction.net. In it, the use of Mate Marks is explored, where Faunus can mark their partner(s) and various things occur.  Ever since then, I see ALL Faunus as Bisexual (I know what you’re thinking, and I’ll explore and explain that in a bit). Some prefer one gender over another, but most would happily join in a polyship if their partner so wanted. There are some exceptions, like Adam because fuck Adam with everything sharp, poisonous and deadly in this world and the next!  So, all Faunus will have an * next to their name, to denote that all of them are Bisexual to an extent, and that this is what I HC them as displaying most of the time.
Ruby Rose
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Our Silver Eyed Cinnamon Bun doesn’t really care for anything like that. She loves weapons, and she wants to protect her friends. As time progresses, that doesn’t change and that’s just who she is.
If I was forced to put her with anyone, I’d say Oscar due to their similar-ish ages (ignoring one huge outlier in the boy’s head). But honestly, Ruby saw someone younger tagging along. This is the first time since attending Beacon that she has actually had a chance to lead someone who hasn’t had as much world experience as her. She jumped at that chance, took him under his wing and gave him the Rose / Xiao Long Hospitality and Big Sis Role that she had grown up experiencing with Yang.
Weiss Schnee
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SO tough to decide!
Like, seriously. I put down “Confused” on the original tweet, but with it being a tweet I couldn’t expand on that. 
Weiss has lived a life of luxury, getting what she wants a lot of the time, not being given it if she doesn’t want it. There were a few smaller things she had to do on her Father’s request when she was younger, and she didn’t particularly enjoy that, but she stomached it as best she could to please him.
When she became of age to date, he forced her into it, and she was not happy at all. For a long time, it was shitty suitor after shitty suitor, so she outright denied a lot of people a chance at getting close to her, because they were just what Jacques wanted.
Neptune comes along, and suddenly there’s someone she finds attractive, but that goes nowhere and she’s at a loss.
It’s only when she has to deal with Shitty Neptune Henry Marigold does she really find that type of person repulsive.
Similarly, when RWBY reunites, she feels love like she has only really felt before in Klein, who loves her like a daughter and because it is his job. This is true, unconditional love, and she doesn’t know what to do. So, she does nothing, and accepts it as what it is.
Blake Belladonna*
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Bisexual / Homosexual
Dated Adam (regrets for rest of life) = Likes Guys  In love with Yang = Like Girls Put ‘em together = Bisexual
Though, as mentioned, I’d have to say she leans more towards Homosexual in my mind as tome progresses. Maybe that’s just how much she and Yang seem to gravitate towards each other recently, but I think that there’s really no one else for Blake. 
Yang Xiao Long
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Punsexual / Homosexual
Sexually attracted to the greatest pun in the room.  … Providing it was a girl said the pun.
I see Yang as once having aboyfriend at Signal when she was much younger. This was as she was just *ahem* developing, and she soon learnt that boys are idiots who only wanted one thing, especially aat that age. She would have said something and tried to move on, if not for the fact he said things about Ruby. She got detention that day for breaking his noes with a single punch. Tai was secretly pruod. 
That was Yang’s first boyfriend, and one of the soul reasons she hasn’t had a second. Non eof the girls said things to Ruby.
Speaking of, at Beacon with tht one scene EVERYONE seemingly sites as th reason for Yang being bi, yknow “I know I do~”, that’s sisterly banter; it’s a big sister trying to get her younger sibling to interact with others. Plus, Yanf assumed Ruby would be into that. Yang was wrong.
Jaune Arc
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Stupid and blind, but straight. Took after his big sister saphron in that regard - chasing after the girls ;)
She was better atit though.
Nora Valkyrie 
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NOUN: Capable of romantic and sexual feelings towards people of the name “Lie Ren” exclusively.
Seriously, they wewr made for each other. Nora just persues it more, especially in the Poser / Beacon Era of the show.
Though, outside of that, I say she’s actually Pan(cake)sexual. She seems like someone who doesn’t care at all who she’s with, long as they’re both happy.
Pyrrha Nikos
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Same scenarios as Weiss in her childhood and young tennagey ears, though less confused by the end of it.
Pyrrha had a lot going for her with her skill in the arena. As she made tours and attended various promotional events, people tried to woo her. It didn’t work, and she apologised for it. She wasn't in the wrong, she didn’t like disappointing anyone (it became an automatic response as time went on)
Her mother and father weren’t rich like Schnees were, but they had enough. Pyrrha honestly mad e more than them in three tournament wins than they did in the same time, and that’s not including the fourth win under her belt. So people just wanted to be with Pyrrha for the sake of dating a celebrity, rather than dating and marrying Weiss for the position of near uncontested power.
Then Jaune came along, someone who saw Pyrrha Nikos for her, not “Pyrrha ‘The Golden Girl’ Nikos”, or “Four Time Champion, Pyrrha Nikos”, or “the next teenager whose life I’m going to completely tear asunder and condemn to a life of solitude and pain.”
She loved being around him because he was genuine, if a bit slow on noticing. And for those brief final minutes of her life, she was happy to have found him.
Lie Ren
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Nora wont let him be anything else.
Nah, he’s had Nora with him for a very long time, longer than his own parents. They’d technically been dating since they were old enough to know about it. 
Another HC I have about Ren was that he had an endgoal in mind when attending Beacon. The Grimm that killed his parents needed to die. So he became stronger to join Beacon, then deal with it upon graduation. It’s why he held Nora’s hand after Kuroyuri and not vice versa - the thing he’d been after was gone, and a weight was off his shoulders. He didn’t need to worry, and he could live a life again.
Oscar Pine
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He’s a young child with a man born in the First Age of Humanity locked inside his head.
Ignoring Ozpin’s presence, I’d pair him with Ruby. 
Otherwise, no.
Sun Wukong* / Neptune Vasilias
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I adore Sea Monkeys. It’s a guilty ship of mine. But they’re straight. Sun followed his boner after Blake, and Neptune is a serial flirter. Even with...
Ilia Amitola*
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She needed mentioning, for obvious reasons.
Personallu, even with my Faubus HC of them all being Bi still holding fast, Ilia is one of the other canon exceptions to the rule. She really wouldn’t want to be with anyone other than another girl. If push came to shove and she had to be in a poly, lest lose her girlfriend to a man, she would let her date him whilst she herself still dated her, but she would not date him personally.
“I’m Ilia. This is my girlfriend Gretta. And this is Gretta’s boyfriend, David.” This, she’d allow. She wouldn’t enjoy it, but she’d allow it.
Emerald Sustrai 
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Straight, yet Bi-Curious
I see it as Emerald not knowing what she is to anyone. She has only let one person really close, and that was Cinder. Cinder treated her like a kid, sure. But growing up without that parental figure made her look up to the Maiden to Be as that sort of figure. As time moved on, Emerald was wondering if these feeling were growing more into something romantic. 
She never acted on those feelings in case things went south and that was Cinder gone from her ife forever or her own life gone forever. Still, she is unsure. Even now, as SPOILERS HERE, CANNOT WRITE
Cinder Fall
Sorry, I just love this GIF, I had to use it.
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Whatever she needed to be
It always seemed to me that Cinder would do whatever she wanted or needed to get information. It never seemed below her to use her looks and charm to work her way into where she needed to be. Some dude wanted to turn on the charm? Sure, let’s see what he’ll spill. A woman flirting with her at a bar? Well, if she’s got something of use to her - physical possession or pertinent knowledge - then might as well flirt back.
Honestly, I couldn’t classify her if I tried. I’m sure there’s something that would describe how I think she is. Drunk me doesn't knoe shit.
No romantic connection to anyone, but will seek a sexual partner of either gender if the need arises.
Aaand, that’s everyone I care about writing this for.
Have a happy new Year y’all!
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herroic · 5 years
so regarding her sexuality... hermione is bisexual. she is also, all throughout hogwarts, closeted as fuck. canonly I ccouldn’t interpret any of her encounters into ones that validate this headcanon, but I also don’t think she went through all of hogwarts without having somewhat romantic and/or sexual encounters that kind of nudged her into realizing she has feelings for more than one gender ( though, at the time, canonly if this is taking place in the 90s, I believe she was unaware there are more than two genders -- more on that in a bit ). 
hermione is the kind of person where, she’ll lift someone up for being gay or bi or whatever, to the point where its a little much, but she’ll also be very afraid in a sense to come out for lots of different reasons. she’ll tell others to be very proud of who they are and not be ashamed, while feeling conflicting emotions herself. she’ll be unsure how her friends and others will react, how her parents will look at her, and the idea that maybe she didn’t know herself as well as she thought she did. these are all things that with time and patience, she will get through and eventually, she does come out. 
and because it’s hermione, she comes out in a very head-held-high “this is me take it or leave it” way. I definitely picture her coming out to harry and ron first when she’s in her early to mid twenties. possibly, she’s dating ron when she does come out, and I could honestly see it causing a few problems between them, just knowing how ron is at first and where his brain might go. but that’s just off my understanding of his character. then she’d come out to her parents. and with everyone else, I could actually imagine her doing an interview with witch weekly, a move which changes her opinion about the magazine, because they write it seriously and treat the topic with sensitivity. 
now back to the whole ‘more than two genders’ thing. hermione considers herself very tolerant --- but that’s for things she takes as her status quo. I think, unfortunately, seeing how she treated luna based on her beliefs, in hogwarts, if she were to hear about someone being transgender or of a different gender, I think most of all she’d be confused. I’d like to believe she wouldn’t make an effort to be cruel, but I also don’t think she’d do a fantastic job of not alienating them in a way. however, I do think she’s also someone who likes to have all the facts and do her research, and I think that would prompt her curiosity into gender studies historically, and going back through history, she’d begin to find that there were all sorts of people with gender differences, who liked different sexes, etc. and this would spark a whole conversation, not just with other people, but with herself. and it’d be a process, but I think eventually she does get to a place of tolerance and understanding and compassion. I just think it takes her longer, knowing how stubborn she can be. 
furthermore, just as a disclaimer, I’d like to state that obviously for someone writing a gay / nb / trans muse, if we were to ever interact, your muse can absolutely feel uncomfortable by hermione or dislike, question or debate her. she’s going to be shocked to realize she doesn’t have all the answers, but that’s okay. I’m here for hermione being wrong. I’m not here to write an easy-to-swallow, perfect female character. I’m here to write hermione granger, flaws and all. you absolutely don’t have to like her. 
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trickylulamoon · 5 years
Romance Headcanons.
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NAME: Trixie Lulamoon NICKNAME: Trix GENDER: Cis Female ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Bisexual PREFERRED PET NAMES: she’s secretly a huge sucker for them so Love, Beautiful, Dear(est), Babe, Angel, Sweetheart, Miss Powerful, etc. Just throw one at her she’ll probably like it as long as it isn’t too ridiculous. Bonus points if it’s specifically tailored to her. FAVORITE CANON SHIP(S): N/A. FAVORITE NON-CANON SHIP(S): Trixie x Discord, Trixie x Twilight, Trixie x Capper, Trixie x Sunset, Trixie x Starlight. That’s just the top five and I’m always finding more. OPINION ON TRUE LOVE: She used to certainly believe it doesn’t exist, but she’s at least a little unsure now, if anything. If it does exist, she isn’t sure if it’s meant for her. She certainly isn’t actively seeking it out. OPINION ON LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: Definitely a nonbeliever in this though. It’s much too cliche, no? Although she’ll admit some people definitely hit it off much faster than others. HOW ‘ROMANTIC’ ARE THEY?: Not very much... until somebody wins her heart. That opens up a much softer side of her who does very much so want to show how much she loves her s/o. The more used to being in a relationship she gets, the more she’ll want to try and impress. IDEAL PHYSICAL TRAITS: Honestly, nothing too specific. Her taste seems to vary in this regard, as personality is usually what seriously catches her eye. Perhaps despite what she says she has a thing for beings considerably taller than her - which isn’t too hard to find. Pretty or unique eyes are also something she’s keen on.  IDEAL PERSONALITY TRAITS: Empathetic, loyal, forgiving, witty, passionate, imaginative, a mischievous or adventurous streak. UNATTRACTIVE PHYSICAL TRAITS: Nothing specific comes to mind once again. Although, she of course prefers someone who at least cares somewhat about how they present themselves. UNATTRACTIVE PERSONALITY TRAITS: Judgmental or overcritical, stuck up, boring, bossy, uptight. IDEAL DATE: Trixie may seem hard to please to those who don’t know her very well, but she actually loves almost any type of date. Being treated to your typical fancy restaurant (or at all tbh, but she might feel bad if she can’t return the favor), or just stopping someplace as simple as a hayburger joint or cafe while traveling are both good in her book. A personal favorite though would have to be just lying on the top of her wagon somewhere secluded at night, looking at the stars. DO THEY HAVE A TYPE?: She’s naturally drawn to kindred spirits - whether it be in terms of personality, interests, or pasts. Being charming and quick on your feet are also huge pluses. AVERAGE RELATIONSHIP LENGTH: By default she’s never had a serious relationship. So, by that logic, not very long. PREFERRED NON-SEXUAL INTIMACY: Snuggling, sleeping together, small familiar touches. COMMITMENT LEVEL: 100%. She would do anything for those closest to her, and it’s one of her greatest strengths that might go unnoticed by most. She’s no longer as selfish as one might think, and she’s past the point in her life where she might play with someone’s feelings. OPINION OF PUBLIC AFFECTION: She’s here for it as long as you don’t embarrass her. She’d forgive you later if you did tho. Also will dish it out to remind everyone you’re her’s and she’s proud of it - once she’s more comfortable in the relationship of course. PAST RELATIONSHIPS?: Nothing outside of some hookups she regrets or just humoring someone for attention. All before the events of Boast Busters.
Tagged by: @lettersforhersunshine Tagging: Hmm I’ll actually try and tag some people I haven’t seen tagged yet this time so only if y’all want, @universalcarnival, @horsapalooza, @scratchednotes, @nxghtprincess, @allnostalgic, and anyone I didn’t tag who’s interested!
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legendford-blog · 5 years
okay i’m gonna be loud and write up these intro posts whats up, i’m w. this is ford legend, yes his parents hated him ! under the read more you will find more information on him. let me know if you’d like to plot. & yes i’m incredibly excited to be here. bios will be written soon. sorry i am copying and pasting this top message i am lazy :/
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votive online profile
NAME/ALIAS: ford legend.
AGE: 23 ( twenty-three).
GENDER: cis male.
KINKS: teasing, dirty talk, roleplay, daddy kink, dom/sub.
BLACKLIST: water sports, scat play.
ETHNICITY: american / caucasian.
HAIR COLOR: brown.
EYE COLOR: brown.
SKINTONE: white.
HEIGHT/WEIGHT: 5'10 / 150 lbs.
BUILD: muscular.
BIO: to be announced.
general headcanons
ford is new to the resort, having been there only a week or two after his friend bought him a VIP membership for his twenty-third birthday. he is still a bit unsure what he’s doing and spends most of his time at the bar. it’s rare for him to approach someone unless he’s a bit intoxicated.
honestly we’re all just waiting for someone to convince him to buy a platinum membership but y/k we’re gonna ride out the vip for a little while because :) fun.
a year ago he was actually working on his residency to become a doctor. but, after his childhood best friend passed away to a drug overdose, ford dropped stopped his residency and spent the past couple of months just spiraling out. his old friend from his hospital was the one who bought him the VIP pass because they could tell he needed it.
he comes from some wealth, hence medical school and being able to just stop going and not having to worry about work, but it’s not a great deal of wealth. his father and mother are the ones who have the money, and he doesn’t like taking it from them.
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zorilleerrant · 2 years
I got curious about how I’d tagged fics I’ve written that have trans characters or themes, so I decided to look them up.
(Newest to oldest.)
Star Wars (Clone Wars): Where There's Life There's Hope No tags. No explicit trans content, but it always feels vibey to me to give non-humanoid robots the gender of “man” or “woman”, because in a way they’re assigned a neutral gender.
Monkey Prince: Change! trans!Marcus, Identity Issues, Shapeshifting as a Metaphor. I think I would have given more specific character tags if anything had been canonized. It would be reasonable to add the tags “gender identity” or “trans” but I didn’t.
Loki/Legends of Tomorrow crossover: it's a love story baby just say yes No tags. Casey uses they/them and is a main character in this story. This is technically canon compliant on account of Casey doesn’t actually have canonical pronouns (possibly intentional on the part of the writers, actually). I will say I tagged this as Gen because it felt icky using M/M or M/F about a nonbinary character’s romance.
Batman: I watched the world float to the dark side of the moon No tags (unless you count Fuck Canon I Do What I Want). Both Damians are nonbinary in this, although not the same identity. It just isn’t important to the narrative, and, in fact, hasn’t even come up yet. There’ll be a thing about it later, but it’s not a central feature so I didn’t tag it.
Batman(ish): Dick Grayson, College Student No tags. Chronic (of Bluntman and Chronic) is a trans woman in this, to account for the reboot. That has been mentioned so far, but I’ve maybe kind of abandoned this, so other trans and nonbinary characters with planned appearances have only or not even been mentioned. A lot, though.
Batman: This Changes Nothing No tags, because this is focused on the sexuality aspect of identity. However, as I do headcanon Damian as genderfluid, some of that may come through in the narrative, I’m honestly not sure.
Loki: You're gonna go far, kid No tags. Sylvie is implicitly genderfluid or binary trans in the show, but it’s not explicit canon, and not terribly relevant to the fic, so I’m unsure if it counts, but I wanted to include it for completeness.
Loki: Another Loki someone said this ship was straight. That’s it! I didn’t even tag it with Genderfluid Loki! But Sylvie is explicitly trans (although of ambiguous identity), and Loki is explicitly genderfluid in the fic. I felt comfortable categorizing this as Other because I feel like both of them would self-describe that way, but it is uncomfortable that’s the only option.
Rick and Morty: Animorty Cricksing: New Pants Canon-Typical Queerphobia. No other tags. Possibly I should have specified transphobia, too, but I was looking for a catchall term. A fair amount of Morty saying incorrect and offensive things about trans issues. Also includes reference to a maverique OC as Summer attempts to correct him (also incorrectly).
HP: Don't Call Me Nymphadora Nonbinary Character. Entirely a character study on Tonks being pangender, so that makes sense, but no additional tags.
TAZ: Balance: Gift of the Magpie No tags. Includes Lup, who’s canonically trans, but there isn’t anything about it in my fic. A little bit of gender non-conformity from Taako.
Travelers: Narcissus at the River's Edge No tags. No one is explicitly trans, but does reference a side character’s gender changing over timelines. Implicitly, because none of them actually identify with genders, which is my headcanon, but not a big part of the fic.
HP: Brightest Witch of Her Age Trans Hermione Granger, Accepting Wizarding Society. Story about Hermione being trans and navigating that at Hogwarts.
HP: Seventh Son Trans Boy Ginny Weasley. Ginny being trans at Hogwarts, only he’s a boy, and closeted for a lot of the story.
HP: Just Tonks Nonbinary Tonks, Queer Remus. That second is in relation to their romantic relationship. About how Tonks’s sexuality intersects with her gender, and how that relates to Remus’s sexuality. Tagged as Other because I do think that’s the kind of relationship she’d think of herself as having.
Charmed: Something that Starts with a P No tags. Wyatt coming to terms with her identity and what it means for her to be a woman, also some coming out in there. I didn’t really understand tagging when I started posting fics and I’m still not good at it, so. No tags.
In conclusion, I never tag fics with trans characters or themes! Regardless of how important or unimportant they are! Maybe I should change the tags on some of these fics, I dunno.
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rawbin-but-mha · 2 years
Introduction + Request Guidlines
Hiya!! This is Robinfire, but feel free to call me just Robin. :-) This is my MHA side-blog, but you can follow me on my main if you want to! I’m 16 years old, so for now, no actual, and certainly not detailed, NSFW on this blog! ^^ There may be suggestive stuff, and there will DEFINITELY be sexual jokes, but again, no NSFW. ANYWAYS, yeah. I’m non binary and go by all pronouns!! You can use gendered terms as slang, but don’t actually call me a girl or boy, please. :-) I might edit this in the future, by the way! :-D
Masterlist link
Note that these may be changed in the future!
I take requests for headcanons, short fics/drabbles, art and stuff like that. Just specify which of these you’re asking for when you send in a request, please!!
Also, my character limit for how many characters I will write for per request is 5! You can request any character you want but know there's a risk I may not know enough about them to actually write anything, in which case I'll just skip it lol (If you don't want to pick a character yourself, you can say "dealer's choice" and I'll choose whoever I want to write for!)
My requests are always open, but know that it might take me a while to respond. I’m pretty forgetful, easily distracted and I always have at least 5 ongoing projects simultaneously on top of my school-work, so uh, like I said, it might take a while.
ALSO, if I don’t want to do your request for one reason or another, I’ll ignore it. I'm doing this for free man, I'm here for a fun time for MYSELF ok
- Obviously x Readers. That's what this blog is for, duh
-Both platonic and romantic stuff (romantic stuff only reserved for x Readers though lol, sorry I'm not too into shipping characters atm jsdfjbsdb)
- LGBTQ+ related stuff
- Angst & major/minor character death. Please request angst I love angst a lot. Angst is my favourite genre. 😀
- Violence in general
- Most things honestly, if you're unsure you can always ask!! I have no triggers so dw about that :-)
- Character x character ships
- Straight-up NSFW or smut
- Anything involving racism - I’m white and nowhere near equipped/educated enough to be saying suff about that
- Religion - I'm not religious
- Anything with your OCs, anything hyper-specific that defeats the purpose of a reader-insert
- This one is kinda odd but, nothing where the the reader-insert is all flustered and shy. No pushover readers either. It makes me feel? idk? Not very good? So yeah, none of that please lol
- Needlessly gendered reader stuff? If you want, like, idk. Cuddle headcanons, you don’t need it to say “female reader” or “male reader”. Only times I see a need to gender the reader is if it’s a headcanon about a trans reader and how the characters would support them. (I won’t disregard your request just because you gender the reader, but I will ignore the gender part.) I want to keep the reader insert as ambiguous as possible so anybody can, you know, be inserted into the place of the reader lol
- Controversial stuff. Trying to stay away from those kinds of things right now because, if I handle something wrong, I will get backlash and I’m not in the mental state to be handling that atm.
-Anything about Mineta
Mine Tag - everything original by me
Art Tag - all art (both mine and reblogged)
My Art Tag - only art I’ve drawn
HCs Tag - all headcanons (both mine and reblogged)
My HCs Tag - only headcanons I’ve written
Fic Tag - all fics (both mine and reblogged)
My Fics Tag - only fics I’ve written
Important - Masterlist, introduction/rules, things I want to be able to very quickly access
[Character’s first name] Tag - all content on my blog regarding that character (both by me and others)
Reblog Tag - stuff that’s reblogged from other people
Not MHA - stuff unrelated to MHA, could be anything lol
Short Tag - anything that's just a short little post, most often just silly thoughts I didn't feel like writing anything bigger about
That’s all! Have a lovely day~
0 notes
mindsmade · 6 years
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NAME, cremisius aclassi NICKNAME, mostly the iron bull’s puns, but the most common ones are krem and crème de la krem. GENDER, (trans)male ORIENTATION,  unsure? not too preoccupied with finding out either jklfjsdf PREFERRED  PET  NAMES,  i don’t think he has a certain preference? so long as the nicknames aren’t used in a demeaning manner. RELATIONSHIP  STATUS,  he’s a single pringle, my guy FAVORITE  CANON  SHIP( S ),  i’m really indifferent about krem / maryden and that’s the only canon-esque ship you can get w him lol FAVORITE  NON-CANON  SHIP( S ),   WELL ... i don’t know if any of you OGs are still here, but some of u might remember my ship w vivienne ( @courtxjewel​ who’s now inactive, rip )? i loved that ship 😭
OPINION  ON  TRUE  LOVE,   it exists, he thinks. he doesn’t expect to find it anytime soon — nor is he specifically looking for it. OPINION  ON  LOVE  AT  FIRST  SIGHT,   nah, not a thing. attraction at first sight, sure, but not love. HOW  ‘ROMANTIC’  ARE  THEY,   dude. DUDE. krem’s actually all about romance. i mean, he’s not all suave about it but i think he’s the sort of guy who’ll do like all sorts of little things ( pick flowers for them, make rings/chains w rough gems, give them long shoulder massages, dance w them, etc ). even when life’s busy, he’ll make time for all of that somehow. and tbh he’s also a sucker for doing shit like ... long walks w his s/o sdfkjlf. IDEAL  PHYSICAL  TRAITS,   i don’t ... think he cares much? screams jfkdsjfl. though from past experience ig he’s into that dark and ( slightly ) mysterious sort of type. IDEAL  PERSONALITY  TRAITS,  kind / social / humorous / dedicated ( to person/s or a goal ) / open-minded UNATTRACTIVE  PHYSICAL  TRAITS,  honestly, there aren’t really any to speak of. i mean. i guess he may prefer certain things over others? but other than some physical extremes, i don’t think there are any dealbreakers per say UNATTRACTIVE  PERSONALITY  TRAITS,  manipulative tendencies, bigotry, sanctimony, total lack of imagination/creativity, excessive ambition IDEAL  DATE,   um ... well, again, he’s pretty easygoing and generally appreciative on that front. he likes undertaking things, though. like ... go somewhere new with him, go out and have drinks w him, maybe dance w him to some upbeat tavern music, etc. DO  THEY  HAVE  A  TYPE,  social, outgoing people, i think! he reflects the behaviour of more extrovert people with quite a bit of ease and tends to stay interested in them longer in general. what seems to be a bit at odds with this is that he’s also rather into people who don’t show all their cards upon first meeting him — but he likes to think of it as a show, don’t tell sort of deal. he’s p into that sort of attitude, as long as his patience regarding what really moves a person pays off in the long run. AVERAGE  RELATIONSHIP  LENGTH,   i’ll get back to u on that when he actually gets one LMAO ( long forgotten one-night stands aside ). PREFERRED  NON-SEXUAL  INTIMACY,  dude. cuddling!!! slow dancing w someone’s head leaning on his chest is a good one, too, actually. he’s down for that. 8) COMMITMENT  LEVEL,  it differs, tbh? i think he’s perfectly capable of having a casual sort of thing with the right person — once he’s established that the other person is 110% okay with him being a transguy ( not that he’d use that word, obviously, but u catch my drift ). but i think he’s more inclined towards longterm commitments. i think casual stuff gets ??? boring to him after a while ldjflskf. hE NEEDS SOME DEPTH OKAY. OPINION  OF  PUBLIC  AFFECTION,   MMM, he’s fine with it when practiced only to a degree? like, he’s game for a long hug and a kiss after having been away for a while or a peck when ‘no one’s looking’ or something. he’s not really about that constant touchy feely stuff in the presence of others, though. then again ... he’s game for secret touches in crowded spaces though. :’) quick brushes of the hands? a touch to his back? a hand on his leg under the table? he’ll Go Wild 4 that. PAST  RELATIONSHIPS,   nothing substantial to really speak of ( save for the aforementioned thing i had going w that vivienne, but that took place in its own verse ). i imagine he might’ve had a special ladyfriend when he was still serving in the imperium’s army, but that obviously led to nothing since he left so abruptly. he probably still feels bad about that : )
tagged by : @mercysought ( thanks! ) tagging : @aelwihtas ( beru! ) / @fleurdacier ( cora or liara! ) / @multimentium ( nix! ) / @brittlethorns ( allison or elena!! ) / whOEVER ELSE WANTS TO TBH just say i tagged u
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undead-park · 5 years
Application - Token Black
About the mun!
Name/nickname: Ruaraidh
Age: 25
Discord: {Removed for privacy reasons}
Pronouns: He/Him
Extra: y’all mind if I uhhhh take up pip too?
About the muse! 
Name: Token Black
Gender: Trans Male
Age: 23
Sexuality: Bisexual
Faction: Kyle’s
Five or more headcanons: 
Token can be quite kept to himself - unsure of others around him. He may come off as cold or upset, or even domineering at times. This is unintended, however. 
Before everything went down, Token was a vegan. It’s far too hard to keep that diet up now, however - but he tries to eat as green as possible.
Knows how to play the piano and bass guitar! And also a very talented singer.
He’s good at survival - just a little skittish. He’s not much for the violence part of it; more for keeping himself alive. Cooking, farming, and being a handy-man!
In regards to his identity, no one really knows he’s transgender. Thankfully, his parents were calm about the whole thing and he transitioned young!
Roleplay example: 
(From a Super Powers au where Token and Cartman are assigned room-mates, not having met before)
The first part of his day had been good; sure, the whole…no memory, creepy school thing was….a thing, but! Other than that! Good! Just being able to relax, flick around on his tablet and put away his things how he wanted them - nice! Relaxing! Even if some of the other students seemed….interesting. Talking of other students, Token had yet to hear of or see his roommate. On one hand, he was thankful - but on the other, incredibly anxious. What if they weren’t what Token was expecting? Were they nice, cool? Handsome? Or…dour, mean…
He clears his head, flicking through the tablet for a little longer.
That is, until the handle of his shared dorm flitters following an open door. Token’s eyebrow quirks up, looking at the sudden intruder. Who he could only assume is either his roommate or someone incredibly lost. And with the reaction given to him: he prays lost. The look, the awkward noise…ugh. Token wasn’t looking forward to this. He places the tablet away, standing up from his bed and smiling. “Hey.” he starts, moving over to Cartman and placing his hand out for a shake. “I’m Token, and I presume you’re my room-mate?”
…And now time to play the waiting game. Let’s see this suckers’ true colours. Accepted! I’ll send you a link to the server through a Tumblr PM. You can take Pip too,honestly! Welcome to the apocalypse
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kiliinstinct · 3 years
How about Ichyia and nichyia lol ?
Sexuality Headcanon: Honestly.. I do not think about Ichiya enough to think I could ever begin to comprehend his sexuality. But you know what would be funny? If he was ace. Let that sink in. Gender Headcanon: Same as above. I do not think about him enough to comprehend his gender. Maybe he's biologically male. Maybe he's trans. Maybe he's not. Maybe he wants it to be a mystery and let you all think about it in the dead of night as you worry about him appearing somewhere saying :"Meeeehn" creepily into your ear. A ship I have with said character: uh.. I guess. .Anna and Him are okay? I don't know.. I don't really ship him at all? A BROTP I have with said character: Honestly everyone. If he wasn't played off to look like some sorta harasser in some filler episodes of the series, I think he's just hilarious to have interacting with anyone. Just him be bros with everyone. A NOTP I have with said character: Anyone younger than him. That should cover pretty much 90% of all characters in the series, I think. A random headcanon: After he met Nichiya, Ichiya decided he needed to befriend more cats and his entire abode is now just full of cats. He's a crazy old cat lady in Ichiya form and he's living his best life. General Opinion over said character: Ichiya is a character that is both hilarious to me, but also terrifying to me. I thought his gags sometimes drag on a little too long, but I did enjoy him during the Oracion Seis Arc. Later on, he just... seemed very.. predatory... in ways I'm not comfortable with explaining. In the end, I just see him as a character mostly used to Troll and leave it at that. I'm unsure if I think his presence in the series would have been better if he was gone or if it was good with him there. Leaning towards the former, but eh.
As for Headcanons for Nichiya. I'm going to be cop out and say: Same as above, except for an Exceed.
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