#I’m always so normal about rosenali
slutnali · 20 days
“Denali is so my type.”
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rosenallies · 2 years
Can I request 12 and 27 from the angsty prompts for the begin again au? love your writing!!!
Thank u baby❤️ I miss this au, I miss rosenali in general tbh but this au is my baby<3
12. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
27. “I can’t even cry anymore.”
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Rosé thought aloud, idly tracing tiny hearts on Denali’s shoulder from where he lay on Rosé’s chest.
Denali shifted and peered up at him. “Tell you what?”
Sighing, Rosé shrugged. “About your ex. I would have helped you get out sooner.”
He suddenly stiffened, uncomfortably shrugging back.
“You don’t have to tell me, I’m sorry I asked, baby, Rosé fretted, wishing he could suck the words back in, delete them from Denali’s memory.
“No, it’s okay. It’s a valid question to ask. But I just-I think I was just used to it toward the end. It hurt but it was so normal, I couldn’t even cry over it at that point,” he swallowed thickly, “when he first started being mean I would bawl for hours just if he called me a name but toward the end, it was so often I barely thought anything of it, much less thought I deserved to get out.”
“Baby,” Rosé tutted softly, “it kills me to think you would believe that you didn’t deserve to be treated with love and kindness and not only that, deserved to be hurt over and over again.”
Denali leaned over and kissed Rosé’s shoulder, whispering softly against his warm skin. “You make me feel safe and loved.”
Rosé smiled to himself. “You are loved and I’ll always keep you safe.”
“I know that now,” Denali replied, a gentle blush creeping up his cheeks.
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dawningofdrag · 2 years
normal people make resolutions for nye but usually i make them on my bday (or i start them on my birthday even if i think of them usually around nye); i get oddly self reflective and emotional about birthdays and it often makes me think of the people i have had the fortune to meet so, is there someone in the last year that has meant a lot to you? Is it a new person? And old friend? Tell me how/why they have been so important to you :)
this is so long im so sorry lmao
i’m going to be very honest, last year was really rough for me in terms of friendships and relationships. i dont want to get too much into it, but basically last year i had to let go of a handful of people in my life because i was no longer myself around them and i was sacrificing my values for the sake of keeping their friendship.
which is insane, that that happened the past year, because in that same year ive met people that have made and continue to make me so so happy and mean a lot to me. like theyve made me realize that maybe things wont always be so bad, and that there are still people out there who will understand me and that i dont have to stay in friendships that i no longer want to be a part of in fear that i wont find other people who’ll actually like me
first off, ive had a hard time making friends in college so the fact that a girl in my class reached out to me early last year really saved me a lot of worry. i feel grateful to have her as a friend, and we're very close now! i alsooooo made a lot of new amazing friends because of rosenali/s13, i reconnected with old mutuals and also gained lots of new ones! but i gotta single out blayze (@nickysjaida) and alex (@morningmissgoode) because i genuinely dont know who or where i’d be if it weren’t for them.
theyve taught me to stand my ground and that its okay to think for yourself and be brave enough voice your feelings and opinions out to others. theyve also helped me become better at setting boundaries, and i genuinely would not have survived last year without them lmao. also theyre so fun to talk to and i can be annoying as hell around them, like i can relax and not have to walk on eggshells because they just get me!! ive never been friends with people the way im friends with them which is so SAPPYYY but its true its true
im gonna stop bc i wont hear the end of it from blayze if i continue being so nice to her lmao so thank u for sending the ask i lowkey really wanted to talk about this <3
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thewatermelloncat · 2 years
Hii how are you? Hope you’re doing well
I really like your tumblr and all of your fics, it’s really different from what I’m used to see. Normally there’s some sexual things in Rosenali fics and I like tbh but I love that you include some deep issues and topics (that unfortunately happens) in your work
Boarding School will always be my favorite and no one will change my mind that it’s one of the best fanfics until now, Unhealthy Competition is really good too. I mean I like everything that you have already posted ❣️
I just don’t interact much because English isn’t my first language and I don’t understand a lot of things but I appreciate your work
I'm doing really great at the moment, and I hope you are too.
For an honest statement: I don't write sexual things in my work because I've never experienced anything like that. And I don't want to write about that sort of stuff when I don't know what I'm talking about. Even though I know those themes are what people like to read.
I'm so glad that you enjoy Safe House because I know those themes aren't for everyone.
I really appreciate this message you sent me, it was beautifully written and I love it 💕
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artificialqueens · 3 years
You Know What I Need (Rosenali) - Athena2
Summary: Denali is sick, and Rosé takes care of her.
A/N: So I’ve really started to enjoy Rosenali and wanted to try my hand at writing a little fluff fic with them. I’m not sure if I’ll write them again, but I hope you enjoy, and I’d appreciate any feedback you have! I also have some new Branjie stuff that should be coming hopefully soon!
Thank you to Writ for beta-ing and being so encouraging!
Title from Gimme What I Want by Miley Cyrus.
Rosé rolls over, wondering why it’s so damn hot in the bed. She barely even has any blankets on her. There’s a sharp cough to her right, and Rosé realizes the heat is coming from her blanket-stealing girlfriend. Denali is curled up on her side, dark hair damp with sweat and cheeks bright red.
Denali just groans and burrows deeper into the mattress. It’s odd enough that she’s still in bed—Denali usually rose with the sun for a quick workout and would be eating fruit by the time Rosé dragged herself out of bed and stumbled into the kitchen, craving coffee and cursing the sun and threatening to buy blackout curtains—but the fact that she looks so miserable, so unlike her cheerful self, sparks the first bit of worry in Rosé’s chest.
That worry ignites as Rosé presses a gentle hand to Denali’s forehead, cringing at the heat.
“Nali, my love, you’re burning up. You better stay home today.”
“I’m not sick. I have skating practice today,” Denali says. She tries to get up, but Rosé gently pushes her back down on the pillows, and the fact that Rosé didn’t even have to work to push a triple black belt down brings the buzz of worry closer to a full panic.
“Not with a fever you don’t,” Rosé says, heading for the bathroom.
“I don’t have a f—“ Thermometer shoved under her tongue, Denali could only shoot a glassy glare and swing a sluggish arm at Rosé, making her even more adorable in Rosé eyes, like an angry kitten.
“101,” Rosé announces. “You’re staying in bed today.”
“Rosie, I can’t,” Denali says, a little firmer, a little more like herself. “I have the competition in three weeks.”
Rosé sighs. The competition is a big one, one Denali has been training for for months. Her practice routine is important to her, as unchanging as the sun. Denali loves the sound of her skates scraping across the ice, loves the repetition and smooth turns, loves the warm baths Rosé helps her into after. She never misses a day of practice, every second on that ice used to make her the best she can be. And despite knowing nothing about skating, Rosé knows from the hours inside freezing skating arenas, clapping for her girlfriend with numb hands, that Denali is the best. But there’s no way she can practice today.
“Baby, if you go out there, the only thing you’ll be practicing is how to pass out on the ice. I don’t want you to get hurt, okay? You need to rest a few days so you can get better, and then you’ll be spinning and axe-ing all over.”
“It’s axel-ing, Rosie.” Denali raises an eyebrow. She’s still pouting, and she’s shivering a little, but if she’s teasing Rosé, she might have accepted that she’s not practicing.
“Does that mean you’ll stay home today?”
Denali sighs. “Yes.”
“And you’ll let me take care of you?”
Another sigh. “Yes.”
Rosé gives her a forehead kiss and runs to the kitchen, only to realize that she doesn’t really know how to take care of a sick person. Sick people need fluids, right? She vaguely remembers that being a thing. And soup. But it’s too early for soup. Does she need a special kind of medicine?
Rosé sighs, desperate for how to best help Denali. She could give her Tylenol and just let her sleep it off—Rosé’s personal method for dealing with illness—but she wants to really take care of Denali, make her feel better. Rosé’s sister Jan got sick a lot when they were kids, and Rosé remembers the jealousy of watching her curl up on the couch with stuffed animals and toast and all the cartoons she could watch while Rosé had to shuffle off to school with half-finished homework, her theatrical fake coughs always dismissed by their mom.
Plan set, she throws bread in the toaster and helps Denali to their couch, heart heavy as she winces with the movement. It hurts Rosé to see Denali like this, having to lean on her to stay steady when she’s normally so sure and steady, but it’s nice, in a way, to take care of her when she’s normally so stubborn and insistent on caring for herself. Nice to know that Denali trusts her like this, going easily where Rosé’s gentle hands guide her.
Rosé heads back to the kitchen and returns with toast, water, and pills, which she hands to Denali, standing over her while she takes them.
“You don’t have to be a nursemaid, you know. I basically live in a public locker room at a skating rink. You have no idea what goes on in there. I’ll be fine.”
Denali’s right–and Rosé’s heard the locker room horror stories–but she can’t stop the part of her that just wants to make Denali better, keep her safe. “I know, I just … I wanna take care of you and stuff.” The caretaker role is a new one, but if Denali’s smile is any indication, maybe it’s one she’s slipping into with ease, the way Denali slips into sweaters stolen from Rosé’s dresser.
“Well, you can take care of me by sitting with me.” Denali points to the end of the couch. “And we’re watching Disney movies.”
Rosé rolls her eyes. “You like cartoons too much.” But she settles herself on the couch, Denali’s blanket-covered feet in her lap.
“Like you didn’t put red paint in your hair when you were five because you wanted to be Ariel.”
Rosé blushes, burying her face in her hands. “Jan told you that, didn’t she? Just wait till I show Jackie those pictures from her purple phase.”
Denali snorts, fiddling with the remote and starting Hercules. She’s fast asleep shortly after Hercules is born, and Rosé watches over her, taking in her soft cheeks and angelic face, and knows she’ll always take care of her.
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Could I ask for 14 + X for rosenali with demon/devil rosé? I feel like that would be super fun
14. You’re the devil. You are the actual devil. X. Supernatural creatures + Rosénali
Okay y’all, here’s some monsterfucking for ya nerves~ It got long, so I’m putting it under a read more lmao.
Kinks include: 
Monsterfucking (obviously)
Inhuman anatomy (a tentacle dick, or as Sinner and I call it, a tentadick)
Rough Sex
Light Erotic Asphyxia 
If you’re not into those things, this is your time to scroll on by. If you are into those things then I do hope you enjoy it!  -Saint
Denali had never been particularly religious, only really exposed to it through her overly-religious friends back in grade school who believed whole-heartedly that God had a plan for them and all that happy bullshit. Denali never bought into that, but just let them believe what they wanted as long as they weren’t hurting anybody. She sometimes questioned whether or not God was real, and if he (she? they?) were real, then was the Devil real? What were they like? That intrigued Denali more than anything about God or angels. 
She arrived home after her evening skate practice, took a warm shower, brushed her teeth, and dressed into her pajamas, nice and cozy. Maybe she should’ve eaten dinner, but she wasn’t really hungry, just ready to take a load off. She was going to hunker down in bed, watch some TV and just relax for a little bit before sleeping. Little did she know that her body was going to give out on her, and she drifted off into slumber shortly after getting into bed. Her dreams were strange and rather vivid, she kept seeing this vision of a bestial humanoid. She never got a good look at her face, but it felt so goddamn real. In her dream, when Denali went looking for the creature, she always got pulled back to her bed by some unseen force. Strange, but not overall concerning, not yet at least.
Denali was so curious though, she wanted to see the being that crept about in the darkness. This wasn’t the first time she dreamt of them, but this was by far the most memorable. It was difficult to discern the dream from reality, perhaps the two worlds were clashing somewhat this time. As if sensing Denali’s intense curiosity, the creature decided to come out of the shadows, their face mere inches from Denali’s immediately. Not much would scare her, but that gave her a little fright, but that fright morphed into something else too. Why was she feeling this way when some devilish creature had her in her clutches? 
Perhaps she was feeling that way because the creature had large breasts and curvy hips visible through her skintight attire. As if Denali could resist that. When she smiled all that could be seen were rows of sharp, dangerous teeth, and that danger just excited Denali more. Denali never cared for the more vanilla, mundane things in life, and this encounter was certainly anything but ordinary. 
“Who are you?” Denali finally found her voice.
“The devil,” came the reply that sounded like an amalgamation of various voices.
“You’re the devil? You are the actual devil?” 
“The one and only, lovely.”
Shit… “And, uh, what are you going to do to me?”
“Wake you up.”
She didn’t reply, she just snapped her fingers and Denali was awake and looking about her bedroom. What the fuck, what the actual fuck??? It was all a dream? She rubbed at her eyes and looked around in the darkness of her room. Silence. Nothing. Damn, that was a disappointment.
“I didn’t go anywhere, baby,” came the voice made of a thousand voices.
Denali kept looking through the darkness, her eyes getting used to it, more shapes becoming visible. “Where are you?”
“Above you.”
Denali looked up to see her, the devil, hovering above her in the corner. “You’re cuter when you’re awake.”
“Why are you even here? What are you going to do to me now that I’m awake?”
“I think you’re quite aware why I’m here. Because your mind can’t stop thinking about me, and it has quite a few lecherous thoughts,” she said with a sinister chuckle.
Denali was normally feisty and full of attitude, but when face to face with the devil who was already aware of her wet dreams it made even the likes of her falter a little bit. “Are you going to act upon my thoughts?” She fucking hoped so, she could already feel herself growing wet in her panties thinking about just what an inhuman being like her could do to her. The wind was blowing outside, moving the tree branches about, and allowing more of the moonlight to shine through into the room. She got a better look at the devil above her, and saw as she crawled atop her. A clawed hand came to rest upon Denali’s cheek, a thumb brushing over her plush lips.
“You truly are gorgeous, Denali.”
“You know my name?”
“Of course I do.”
Of course she did. “Do you have a name? I mean do you go by Lucifer or something? You’re not exactly the devil most people describe.”
That got her to laugh, “I suppose not. But I’ve had people call me Lucifer, though I normally go by Rosé with those who know me best.”
“Like the wine?”
“Yes, it’s my favorite, and as a hedonist, I don’t hold back on it. The Queen Demon of Gluttony never leaves me without a good bottle or two at my disposal. I can handle my alcohol a lot better than humans, I don’t get sloppy drunk like you all. It just fuels me, especially my lusts.”
Denali bit at her bottom lip for a moment. Fuck, this really was happening.
“Show me.”
Rosé used her claws to tear her out of her shirt, grabbing her breasts and giving them a squeeze. Thank god Denali didn’t care about that shirt, but even if she did, she doesn’t think she’d care enough to protest. She was so sensitive already, that even that little bit of contact was driving her insane. Rosé’s hands slid to Denali’s hips and she pulled her panties off and tossed them to the floor. She spread her legs, nestling between them before leaning down to kiss the cute Latina beneath her.
Denali was trying to keep herself under control, but she was so hot, so fucking horny that it was becoming increasingly difficult. Without even realizing it she bucked her hips upwards wanting friction, any sort of friction, something to help relieve this ache. Rosé grabbed her hips in a hard grasp, stilling her. That got a little whine out of Denali, her arousal increasing tenfold.
“No foreplay then I take it?” she smirked.
“No, please, I just want you to fuck me. I know I’m sounding like a little slut, but I don’t even caaaare!” 
Rosé, that devilish creature, kissed up Denali’s neck and jaw before murmuring in her ear, “Just to let you know, I am not bound by human limitations of anatomy.”
Before Denali even had time to question that statement, Rosé had already unzipped her garment and let a tentacle-like appendage slither forth and press against Denali’s pussy. She gasped, not expecting that at all, but she was intrigued and excited. She knew damn well that it was going to feel amazing inside her, it could go as deep as she wanted.
“You like it, huh?”
“Yes… I can’t fucking wait for it to be inside me.”
Rosé chuckled under her breath, “Obviously. And I’m already slick so all I have to do is…” Her sentence trailed off as she started to push inside, slowly at first, working her open. Denali’s fingers slid into the sheets, grabbing them as the devil above her went even deeper. 
“Oh my god…” Denali sighed, her head lolling to one side. Her dark hair blossomed out beneath her head, her perfect pink lips parted as she continued to mewl softly. Rosé didn’t let go of Denali’s hips as she started to thrust inside her, still going slow despite the fact that she knew Denali wanted it hard and rough. She’d get to that. 
“You’re already so far gone, huh?”
“Please --please I want it, want you. I can take it, I need it.”
Well, Denali knew her body best and if she said she could take it, the devil would give it. After all, the devil isn’t about evil, the devil is all about giving in to all those earthly pleasures and delights that God deems sinful. Fuck that. What kind of life is it to go through it with no pleasure at all? Rosé moved her hips faster, finding that perfect pace that made Denali moan with her full voice. She fucked her hard, the grip on her hips not once lessening and Denali knew there would be some bruises tomorrow. Perfect.
“You like that, baby?” Rosé purred.
“Y-yes, it’s everything I’ve ever dreamt about~”
“You want it harder?”
“Fuck, you know I do.”
Rosé pulled out, flipped her over and slammed back inside, grabbing a fistful of her hair and yanking roughly. Denali’s upper body arched when Rosé pulled her hair, and she was in utter ecstasy. Her free hand let go of her hip for a moment to grab her breasts, teasing her nipples and tugging at them. Denali was losing her mind at this point, all that could be heard was the wet, obscene noises from their fucking, and her loud moans reverberating throughout the room. Rosé chuckled, her hand moving to the woman’s throat, squeezing just enough to make Denali’s eyelids flutter. She kept her grip on her throat and in her hair, using that to keep her in place as she destroyed that sweet pussy of hers.
“Can’t wait to fill you up to the fucking brim,” Rosé groaned. 
That made Denali shiver, she wanted it, she wanted everything the devil would give, including taking her demon seed. Her bestie Mik would often tease her about how much she loved a good creampie, calling her cum slut and the like. She couldn’t exactly protest though, because it was true. So much so that the thought of having the devil herself cum inside her made her incredibly excited. 
Rosé saw that Denali had propped herself up on her elbows, so she took her hand out of her hair and grabbed her hip again. She nuzzled into her thick hair, taking in its sweet scent. “God, you’re so gorgeous, I love how you moan for me, but I will make you fucking scream.”
She went harder, faster, her pace now brutal, which to Denali was everything, and it only brought her closer to her orgasm. It was going to be the best one she’s ever had, she could tell. Rosé was right, she did make her scream, made her scream her name, claw at the sheets, push back against her to get every single inch of that tentadick inside her. Close, so fucking close, it wasn’t going to be much longer. She was damn near desperate for that release and Rosé was right there with her. That sinister smirk disappearing off her face as she focused on bringing them both to their zenith.
“Touch yourself,” she demanded. 
Denali did as she was told, rubbing at her ultra sensitive clit in quick circles. Just a little more. So close. Just a little-- and that was it. She came hard, her eyes rolling back into her head, a loud scream ripping from her throat. Her hips twitched, her legs shook as her climax took hold of her completely. Rosé didn’t stop, she just kept fucking her roughly, but she knew that she wasn’t too far behind her. Denali’s noises were music to her ears, and her clenching around her made her cum just as hard, filling her up just as she promised. Denali whimpered feeling the devil’s seed inside her, it was everything she ever wanted and more. Rosé rode out her orgasm, slowing her thrusts as she started to come down from the intense moment. She didn’t pull out immediately though, taking the time to kiss down Denali’s neck and shoulder blades. 
“Did you like that?”
“Mhm~” Denali nodded, nuzzling against her pillows.
“Oh also, don’t worry, you’re not going to get pregnant, I made sure of that. Magick, and the like.”
“Honestly, I didn’t even think about that, I just wanted you to pump me full of demon cum.”
“So vulgar~ But I like that.” Rosé chuckled, pressing more kisses to her hot skin. Eventually she did pull out, watching as her cum leaked out of her, and she had a wonderfully devilish idea. She kept kissing her, kissing down her back, all the way down to kissing her beautifully ruined pussy. Denali gasped, her head popping off the pillow, looking over her shoulder at Rosé. 
“A-are you gonna--?”
She didn’t answer, she just gave her cunt a few sloppy kisses and slipped her tongue inside. Denali twisted the sheets in her fists, holy hell it was so goddamn good. Rosé grabbed her ass and went in, eating out that sweet pussy like it was the last thing she’d ever do. Denali knew she was ruined, no normal sex would ever top this. She would crave all of this over and over and over again. Rosé loved that she was driving her crazy, loved that she didn’t have to hold back with this fiery young woman. This would not be the last time she came to visit her, and that was a promise.
“Rosé! I-I’m going to fucking cum!”
Good. She kept at it, using her tongue to pleasure her for the second time of the night. Denali came again just moments later and Rosé continued until Denali was completely spent, panting heavily with lust-fogged eyes and a static-filled brain. Once they were completely done, Rosé moved to lay beside her, pulling her close, and pressing a kiss to her forehead. A little smile tugged at Denali’s lips, happy that the devil didn’t just leave her after all that. Rosé would never, she would kiss her and run her fingers through her hair and lull her back to sleep so that she could dream about this yet again.
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rosenallies · 2 years
Could you do #5 for cc rosenali please?
Me feeling too yucky for smut and writing hurt/comfort on Christmas? More likely than u think.
Tw//homophobia kinda?
5. "C'mere, let me hold you-"
Rosé pulled back the blankets and settled in bed next to Denali, the younger having been quiet for a good portion of the night and Rosé was itching to see what was up with his usually sunny lover, especially with it being Christmas.
He leaned over and dropped a kiss on Denali’s bare shoulder.
“What’s going on, Nali?”
Denali scoffed, a lighthearted smile spreading across his face either at the nickname or at the fact that nothing ever went unnoticed by Rosé when it came to Denali, the other man so much more attentive than any other partner he’s had before.
“Nothing important, I’m okay,” he insisted, but the smile didn’t quite reach his eyes.
“Baby, you can tell me. Obviously it’s important enough to make you upset.”
Denali sighed. “It’s stupid.”
“C’mere,” Rosé said, opening his arms for Denali to settle into, “let me hold you.”
Denali chuckled and scooted across the bed and settled comfortably against Rosé’s chest, one of the most comforting spots to be in Denali’s opinion.
“There, is that better?”
“It’s always better in your arms,” Denali said sincerely, ignoring how cheesy it felt.
Rosé kissed his temple. “Good, baby. Now tell me what’s bothering you.”
“Just something my mom said at dinner-“
Rosé nodded, silently urging him to continue.
“What did she say, honey?”
“She was just complaining about not having any grandkids to spoil on Christmas, as usual, but then she said that I didn’t have to listen to her because she didn’t expect any grandbabies from me anyway and I don’t know if it was just a joke but it just feels like she still doesn’t accept me fully. Like why is it so hard to believe that I can get married and have kids? I mean, this is the third Christmas I’ve brought you home for the holidays so she knows I’m in a committed relationship. I just- I don’t know. I’m sorry.”
Rosé cooed gently, brushing a strand of hair from Denali’s forehead. “Baby, that’s a completely normal reason to be upset, especially after knowing all you went through when coming out. Is there anything I can do to help?”
Denali shrugged. “Can you just hold me?”
“Of course,” Rosé said, tightening his grip on Denali and pressing a kiss to his hairline. “And for the record, I definitely want to marry you someday and have a little family.”
Denali shifted so he could look at Rosé. They’d talked about marriage, but never having a family even though that was something that Denali had always dreamed of having, especially after getting serious with Rosé. “Really? You want to have kids someday?”
Rosé nodded. “I’ve always kinda wanted to be a dad and there’s no one else in the world I’d rather raise kids with than you.”
Denali turned over in Rosé’s grip, wrapping his arms around his neck and kissing him slowly. “God, I love you so much,” he whispered, resting their foreheads together when he pulled apart.
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thewatermelloncat · 3 years
5 for rosenali in the boarding school au? Or even rosejan if you want to do something different
5. “I know you’re awake.”
Thought I experiment and go with some Rosejan for this one. Still set it in a Boarding School environment, just not the previous AU that I’ve written because I’m happy leaving that one as is. Hope you enjoy it all the same.
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She’d been off all day and she knew other people knew it too. Despite her trying to put on an overly bright smile to compensate, each one quickly falls away. Still, no one seems to press Jan about it, apart from Rosé.
She had been the one to get Jan out of bed that morning, throwing a pair of socks at her roommate’s shoulder before just pulling off the covers when that hadn’t worked. She’d tossed Jan her hairbrush to run through her hair before she had headed out to breakfast, leaving Jan to get changed in their room alone.
They’d sat in different places in the cafeteria, Rosé being a couple years older than her and them both having different friend groups, but Jan kept catching Rosé watching her warily. Like she was just expecting something to be wrong before Jan even figured it out herself.
It took her until halfway through second period to figure out that she is homesick. And for a little while she felt better, having figured it out but then she was left empty from what she is missing.
Parts of her classes could distract her from it long enough for her to forget and feel normal again. Though every time she got bored her mind circled back to the streets that she used to run around in and the layout of her bedroom at her parent’s place, and the cycle started over again.
She was feeling lonely and that must have been written clearly on her face since Rosé had only blinked at her once as she exited the maths class before her, before she asked “are you okay?”
Jan had nodded but she really wasn’t. Though she had moved along into the classroom before Rosé could pull her up on it, knowing that her answer was a lie.
Then the rest of her day had faded away as she moved through lunch and the rest of her classes until she could go back to her room and collapse on her bed. For a while she listened to the people moving around the hallway on the other side of the door before she rolled onto her side to stare blankly at the wall.
When the doorhandle turns, she has no idea how long she has been lying like that and she quickly shuts her eyes as it pushes open.
“I know you’re awake”Rosé’s voice calls out to her, as she puts her bag down on her bed.
“No, you don’t” Jan grumbles into her pillow.
“Oh really?” Rosé contests. “You’ve still got your shoes on, and I’ve heard of people sleep talking but normally it’s not this coherent. It’s also just past 3:30 in the afternoon and you normally struggle to fall asleep before 10:00.”
Jan huffs a sigh but doesn’t open her eyes. Then she hears footsteps and feels the bed dip behind her as Rosé sits on the edge of it.
“What’s wrong?” Rosé asks caringly, placing a hand on Jan’s arm and tracing short lines with her thumb.
For awhile Jan struggles against saying anything. Distracted by Rosé’s touch which is both comforting but unwanted because Jan knows it will be the thing that tears her apart.
“I miss home” her words sound fractured as they are caught up in a sob.
“Aw, precious” Rosé says softly after clicking her tongue. “The two-week novelty period run out?”
Weakly Jan nods and Rosé taps her on the shoulder to get her to move. So, she does, allowing Rosé to sit up at the head of the bed behind her, stretching her legs out on either side so Jan can curl up in the middle against her chest.
“Happens to most people around this time” Rosé assures her, wrapping her arms around her and Jan holds onto them.
“Do you ever get used to it?” Jan asks when she’s mostly in control of her breathing again.
“Yeah” Rosé answers. “But it takes some people longer than others. Even people in my year still get sad around this time when the first term starts.”
“What about for you? How long did it take?”
Rosé draws in a short breath before she sighs, “until I’d unpacked all my things for the first time.”
Jan nods silently, not pushing any further. She’d always had a suspicion that Rosé was one of the select group of people who were there because their parents didn’t want to look after them rather than for the better education.
“But for most people it’s the first term of their first year that is the hardest” Rosé doesn’t dwell on her answer either. “So, if you’re normal” – she says in such a way that Jan laughs softly – “it should all be up from here.”
“I hope so.”
“Do you wanna talk about it or do you want me to leave you alone?” Rosé looks down at her.
“Can you just hold me a bit longer?” Jan asks hesitantly.
“Of course, baby” Rosé says into her hair as her arms tighten protectively around her.
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artificialqueens · 3 years
(I Feel Like) I've Been Wanting You All My Life (Rosenali) - Goodemethyd
A/N: sequel to (We Don’t Need Words) Let Your Body Talk featuring more rosenali smut. thanks to everyone who read/liked/reblogged that one and hopefully y’all like this one too
Summary: “Are you still coming over tonight?” she asks when Rosé meets her on the other side of the bar.
“Yeah. Hopefully cleanup won’t take too long.”
“I’ll be waiting,” Denali says, pulling Rosé in close for a kiss that practically makes her weak in the knees, and she really wants to make an excuse to leave early. There’s no place she’d rather be right now than in Denali’s bed. But she knows that there’s no way Jan and Lagoona would buy it.
Read on AO3
Rosé can’t believe her life is real at the moment. At least once a week she has to pinch herself to make sure that she’s not dreaming. But it’s real, and she’s actually dating the hottest woman on the planet. After the night where Rosé made a fool of herself and thought all hope was lost, Denali surprised her by being into it. And she continues to surprise her every day.
She’s at work again, this time it’s a Friday night and it seems like every single person who lives in New York is packed into the club. Rosé has served so many drinks, she wonders how they have any alcohol left. But with the way she’s reeling in the tips, she would never complain. Add that to the fact that Denali is there, showing off for her on the dance floor, and Rosé is one happy human.
There’s a lull in the crowd at the bar, and Rosé takes her chance to take a quick break, hoping that Denali is watching her like she normally does so she can meet her out in the back alley.
Rosé’s not disappointed when Denali steps out of the door just a few moments after she does.
“You look really hot out there tonight,” Rosé informs Denali as she wraps her arms around her waist, pulling her in close.
“I know,” Denali says, giggling before she closes the small gap still between them to attach her lips to Rosé’s. Rosé deepens the kiss, moving her tongue against Denali’s and lets her hand run down Denali’s body to rest on her ass, which has quickly become one of Rosé’s favorite body parts.
She loses herself in the kiss, enjoying the press of their bodies against each other as she leans against the brick wall of the club, and Denali slots her thigh between Rosé’s legs. Denali starts getting handsy then, pushing her hands up under the hem of Rosé’s tank top and running her fingers along the swell of her breasts. Rosé’s breath catches in her throat when her thumb brushes against her nipple, and she grinds down against Denali’s thigh without thinking.
Rosé is getting way too flustered for someone who is standing in an alley in public while she’s technically at work, but she’s saved from herself when the door flies open.
“Can you stop fucking your girlfriend out here and help us with this crowd, bitch?” Lagoona shouts, sticking her head out.
“We’re not fucking!” Rosé yells back, laughing, but she starts to disentangle herself from Denali, trying to gain her composure so she can go back in and do her job. It’s probably a good thing Lagoona came out when she did or Rosé might not have been able to say that truthfully. She just can’t seem to help herself when it comes to Denali.
“I wish we were,” Denali mutters. It’s sometimes a blessing and sometimes a curse that Denali feels the same way about her.
“I’ll come over when I’m off tonight. Then I’m all yours,” Rosé promises and kisses her softly one more time before they head back inside.
Rosé has been going to Denali’s when she gets off work more often than not lately. So often that Denali gave her a key a couple weeks ago. It’s close and convenient, and Rosé would much rather share Denali’s bed than sleep alone.
Denali follows Rosé to the bar when they get back inside, shoving her way up to the front to lean against the counter, positioning herself to make sure that her cleavage is on display before ordering a drink. Rosé takes her time preparing it, getting distracted by Denali’s tits and completely ignoring the judgmental stares coming her way from Jan and Lagoona.
She passes it over when it’s ready, and Denali presses money into her hand before she can move it out of the way. Once Denali found out how much money Rosé was losing from her own check for all the free drinks she’d given her, Denali insisted on paying, and insisted that Rosé could give her some free things that were much better than drinks later on.
“Thank you, baby,” Denali says, leaning over to kiss Rosé before taking a sip of her drink, and Rosé ignores the gagging sounds Jan and Lagoona make behind them.
Denali sits at the bar for a bit longer, sipping her drink slowly, and Rosé keeps sneaking glances at her while she’s serving up drinks to other patrons, winking at her and relishing in the dimpled smiles she gets in return. Denali gets her attention and gives her another kiss before making her way back to the dance floor, and Rosé enjoys the view as she goes, her red dress hugging her curves in all the right places.
It gets really busy again, and Rosé doesn’t have a spare second to think about anything other than the drinks she’s serving up, losing track of Denali on the dance floor.
When there’s another small lull in the crowd at the bar, Rosé takes a quick glance over, looking for her girlfriend, and she drops the bottle of beer she’s holding when she sees her. The way Denali is moving reminds Rosé of something she did in the bedroom a few nights ago, and she barely registers the way Jan and Lagoona are laughing at her as she cleans up the broken bottle and tries to wipe the beer off herself because she’s so lost in thought.
Soon enough it’s closing time, and Denali comes over to say goodbye before she takes off.
“Are you still coming over tonight?” she asks when Rosé meets her on the other side of the bar.
“Yeah. Hopefully cleanup won’t take too long.”
“I’ll be waiting,” Denali says, pulling Rosé in close for a kiss that practically makes her weak in the knees, and she really wants to make an excuse to leave early. There’s no place she’d rather be right now than in Denali’s bed. But she knows that there’s no way Jan and Lagoona would buy it.
“I’ll see you soon,” Rosé says before she heads back behind the bar, starting to work on her nightly closing duties. She can’t even pick up the spray bottle to start cleaning before Jan and Lagoona swoop in on her.
“Sooooo, you and Denali. Seems like it’s getting pretty serious,” Jan starts, and Rosé just ignores her, spraying the counter and wiping it down.
“I think you owe us some details here,” Lagoona adds in, starting on inventory. “We’re the reason why you got together in the first place.”
“Fine,” Rosé relents, knowing it’s the truth. “What do you want to know?”
Rosé provides all the details the girls request, telling them how much she really likes Denali, how happy she makes her, and how fantastic she is in bed. She probably has hearts in her eyes as she talks, because that’s just the effect that Denali has on her, and she’s not ashamed of it.
When they’re finally done closing up, Rosé has a spring in her step as she walks the few blocks to Denali’s apartment. She uses her key to let herself in and heads straight to the shower, memories flashing back as she quickly rinses the sticky beer off herself. She dries off and doesn’t bother getting dressed before heading down the hallway to Denali’s bedroom, ready for some naked fun.
But when Rosé gets there, and she sees Denali sleeping peacefully, looking as gorgeous as always, she doesn’t have the heart to wake her up. She just climbs into bed and snuggles up against her, wrapping an arm around her waist. She presses her nose in close to Denali’s hair, breathing in the scent of her shampoo as she drifts off to sleep.
She’s awoken the next morning by soft lips on her cheek, and there’s a smile on her face before she even opens her eyes.
“Good morning,” Denali whispers and then moves from Rosé’s cheek to her mouth, pressing a sweet kiss onto her lips. “Sorry I fell asleep before you got here.”
“It’s okay.” She’s honestly just happy to spend time with Denali at all, even if they are sleeping.
“Let me make it up to you,” she says, swinging one leg over Rosé and straddling her.
Rose’s definitely not going to object to that. She lies back and enjoys it while Denali attaches her lips to her neck, kissing down to her breasts and sucking a nipple into her mouth. Her hands wander along Rosé’s body, leaving goosebumps in their wake, and by the time Denali kisses her way down further, settling between her legs, Rosé is dripping wet.
Denali runs a finger through the slickness between her folds, dipping in when she gets to Rosé’s entrance, and she can’t help the moan that falls from her lips.
“Fuck,” Rosé breathes out, and it seems to spur Denali on further, because she pushes another finger in and starts fucking her slowly, glancing up her body to make eye contact. Rosé shivers under her gaze.
Denali smirks at her, showing off the dimples that Rosé can never get enough of, before breaking eye contact to bury her face in Rosé’s pussy. She licks around her fingers, just soft, slow caresses of her tongue and it’s driving Rosé crazy. She grips the bedsheets in her fists and wriggles underneath Denali’s ministrations, wanting more. Denali seems to get the picture and moves to focus on her clit with the same torturously slow licks, just on the edge of great but not quite enough to really get her going.
“Fuuuck,” Rosé groans again. “Faster, baby. Please.”
It doesn’t take long for Denali to pick up her pace, licking faster and giving Rosé what she wants. Rosé can’t help but move her hips in time with Denali’s licks and the thrusts of her fingers, feeling the pleasure starting to overwhelm her. Her toes curl as she reaches her orgasm, moaning Denali’s name and reaching to tangle her fingers in her hair. Denali licks her through it, slowing the movement of her fingers as Rosé clenches around them. She feels boneless when she comes down, not able to move a muscle as Denali withdraws her fingers and crawls her way back up Rosé’s body.
“God, that was good,” Rosé breathes out after Denali kisses her, and she starts regaining control of her body, able to move her arms and hold Denali close to kiss her again. “What do you want?” she asks when they pull away.
“Just kiss me,” Denali answers before she attaches their lips together again, licking into Rosé’s mouth as she straddles one of her thighs, grinding down against it. Rosé grips her ass, pulling her in closer as she continues kissing her, swallowing the moans she’s making. She can feel how wet Denali is against her thigh, but Rosé wants to feel it with her fingers. She snakes her hand down between their bodies until she reaches her cunt, trying to get her fingers on her clit, and Denali breaks from the kiss to groan into Rosé’s neck when she makes contact.
“Feels good,” she breathes out. “I’m close, baby. Keep doing that.”
Rosé follows Denali’s instructions and continues to rub circles into her clit, working to get her off. “You gonna come for me, baby?” she whispers into Denali’s ear before flicking her tongue out to lick and bite down on it.
“Yeah,” Denali gasps and thrusts against Rosé a few more times before she comes, groaning and biting down on Rosé’s shoulder. A few moments later, she rolls over to the side, starfishing her arms out and breathing hard.
“Nap time,” Denali says, her eyes already starting to drift closed as she moves to cuddle up against Rosé. Rosé chuckles and settles into Denali’s arms, more than willing to get some more sleep before going for round two.
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rosenallies · 2 years
can we also discuss phone sex au nali in subspace and momma rosie taking such good cafe of her because 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
I’m always here to talk about any au with mommy Rosie 🥰🥰 she’s so soft and cuddly with her baby too, especially that she’s kind of a mean domme at times. Cc rosenali Rosie is sweet and gentle with Nali all the time but momma Rosie can be a lil mean so she has to make up for it by being her normal overly lovey and sweet self after 🥰
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