#I will probably never cover what I said I would
grunckle · 24 hours
On stars, guardians, and Rain World’s cosmology.
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One aspect of Rain World lore that’s asked about quite a lot but normally never gets satisfying answers is the topic or Rain World’s space/universe/cosmology. Despite first impressions though, there’s a lot more it than meets the eye, so I thought I would compile most everything we know about it.
For one, to get it out of the way, Rain World isn’t on a planet, and its universe is fundamentally different from our own. This is something Joar has talked about on occasion.
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He also said on an earlier dev log how Rain World functions more like a fantasy world where it doesn’t hold much relevance than a real sci-fi like planet.
“Oh, another thing - Rain World isn't a planet lol Cheesy Or I guess it might probably be on a planet, just as Lord of The Rings, Sex And The City, Zelda and Frankenstein's Monster are probably technically on a planet, but just as in those examples the planet aspect isn't really relevant at all. Rain World is more of a fantasy world or a dream world, not somewhere you can go in a space ship ~”
But even if it’s not incredibly relevant, it’s clear a lot of thought was put into Rain Worlds fictional cosmology, this was even mentioned by James.
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So, that being said here's what we know about Rain World's cosmology in game.
The biggest indicator of Rain World's unique cosmology is that the Farm Arrays deep pink pearl just mentions celestial spheres, which are aspects of older cosmological models.
"This one is just plain text. I will read it to you. "On regards of the (by spiritual splendor eternally graced) people of the Congregation of Never Dwindling Righteousness, we Wish to congratulate (o so thankfully) this Facility on its Loyal and Relished services, and to Offer our Hopes and Aspirations that the Fruitful and Mutually Satisfactory Cooperation may continue, for as long as the Stars stay fixed on their Celestial Spheres and/or the Cooperation continues to be Fruitful and Mutually Satisfactory." ...May Not as long as the Stars stay fixed on their Celestial Spheres Grey Hand, Impure Blood, Inheritable Corruption, Parasites, or malfunction settle in Your establishment."
More subtly, there's also a mention of the ground colliding with the sky.
"If you leave a stone on the ground, and come back some time later, it's covered in dust. This happens everywhere, and over several lifetimes of creatures such as you, the ground slowly builds upwards. So why doesn't the ground collide with the sky? Because far down, under the very very old layers of the earth, the rock is being dissolved or removed. The entity which does this is known as the Void Sea."
You could chalk this line up to flowery language, but considering the presentation of the rest of the dialogue, it sounds more like an actual aspect of this world.
We know from the Chimney Canopy echo that the sun rises.
"From within my vessel of flesh, I would perch upon this spot to observe the rising of the sun."
And from the top of The Wall we can see the moon and stars (confirmed to be stars by Joar in the previous screenshot, instead of satellites or something else) , which are green!
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So, what does this all mean? I think we can entail a few things with what they've given us.
For one, the mention of the ground colliding with the sky implies some sort of firmament, which isn't an unusual concept in the general realm of celestial spheres.
But on the topic of celestial spheres, the pearl actually isn't the only place we see the concept. Guardian halos are very similar to depictions of celestial spheres, and also astrological clocks.
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You can make of this as you will, perhaps the astrological references being tied to guardians could hint at the nature of karma, but there isn't much to really delve into that idea.
For what it's worth, celestial spheres are also core concepts in Gnosticism, which Rain World is heavily inspired by. I explain it more in this post about Void Worms, but for a quick synopsis in Gnosticism there are seven planetary spheres, and an eighth above them; the planets and stars are fixed to their spheres. These things just further cement the fact that celestial spheres seem to be a key aspect of Rain World's cosmology, and it would also likely imply it's universe follows a geocentric model.
For a bit of a more out-there theory, people have pointed out how the view atop the wall stretches really far, going far beyond what we could see on a spherical planet like Earth, which has led some to theorize that the world is also flat.
But what is probably the most important aspect of Rain World's cosmology is the nature of dust. Dust builds up, and the bedrock of the world is eaten away at by the Void Sea. Civilizations rise and fall into the sea as new ones are built above it. Many, including myself, believe that the world exists in a sort of state of equilibrium. The world is dissolved from the bottom, then that falls back on the world as dust; even in the final moments of the game we see dust suspended in the void sea depths.
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And hey, even void worms are described as being star-like.
"Oh, interesting. This is a diary entry of a pre-Iterator era laborer during the construction of the subterranean transit system south of here. In it they describe restless nights filled with disturbing dreams, where millions glowing stars move menacingly in the distance."
Cyclical, recursive, something else entirely? We can never really pin down the true nature of Rain World's cosmology, but the things we do get hint at something strange and unique. It's such an interesting aspect of the lore, and it seems like Videocult will continue to make mysterious cosmologies in their future projects...
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bluejutdae · 6 hours
best friend Stray Kids saving you (or being saved by you) from a bad date | Hyunjin x you
Chan , Minho, Changbin, Jisung , Felix, Seungmin, Jeongin.
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a/n: finally I managed to write the last part of this series, the Hyunjin part! There’s not much “saving” here because I had this dramatic idea in my head and I didn’t want to renounce to it. Enjoy!
The rain outside has been incessant for days, so many that it started to be difficult to recognize the time of the day just by looking at the sky. Everything it’s gray, and you almost forgot about this date. The guy is the cousin of one of your colleagues, and you would have canceled it if only you had a bit more hope. Not on this date, you know it’s gonna end up with you telling the guy it’s not the time for you for a relationship or some other fake excuse, you’ll apologize for wasting his time and the truth is: you do feel sorry for wasting his time, but staying home knowing Hyunjin is probably out there kissing his girlfriend and having fun made you a bit selfish. You ignored him for the last 5 days, after he called you at 2 am and you couldn’t help it but hope it meant something. But what would it mean? You’ll never know, cause you didn’t answer.
Your heartache clings to you like molasses, covers you head to toes, you can feel it under your teeth. You’re so used to it, it doesn’t scare you anymore. But it’s so tiring to wake up everyday and do the same routine: wear your clothes, slip in your shoes, put on your grief, grab your purse. Day after day.
The restaurant you’re having your date at is a nice one, you often order takeout from it. The only downside is that it doesn’t deliver home, so anytime you want its amazing food, you have to get out of your house and come collect it. It’s worth it.
Shivering in your cute top, you nod to something your date just said and reach for the wine glass. You have nothing in common with him, you barely remember his name. Was it Minjoon? Minhyun? Once again something distracts you from the conversation (it’s a monologue, at this point) when you hear your phone chime, signaling a message. And since love is blind, and most days it’s also stupid, you can clearly recognize the tune you use for Hyunjin and Hyunjin only.
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You have been ignoring him, but you were sure he didn’t even notice. Ten minutes pass and you’re on the verge of just leaving the date, apologize profusely and go home to cry. The bell on the door chimes as someone enters and, once again not paying attention to the man in front of you, your eyes wanders to look at whoever enters. It could have been a couple grabbing dinner, it could have been parents celebrating their kid’s success, it could have been anyone. But just as love is blind, so is luck. Because it’s Hyunjin who just entered the restaurant, and it’s Hyunjin looking directly at you, eyebrows knit in a frown and a sour expression distorting his lips. You’re frozen in your seat, watching him shaking his head, speaking with a waiter, collecting his dinner and leaving. You can't have him leave like this. Something in your gut is telling you it’s now or never, if you let him go now, you might as well let him go forever. And you’re not ready for that.
In a blur of apologies and confused sentences you leave your share of money on the tablecloth and, grabbing your purse, you flee the restaurant. It doesn’t matter that you left your jacket on the back of your chair, it doesn’t matter that’s it’s pouring outside, it matters only your voice calling his name.
He doesn’t turn, doesn’t stop, keeps on waking under the rain, head down and fast steps. You start doing that awkward running walk, reaching to grab his wrist. This effectively makes him stop, but he looks displeased.
“Why did you leave without saying goodbye?”
“You’re on a date.” He frees himself from your grasp, almost like your touch burns him.
“So you’re having dinner with another man. Why would I interrupt?”
“Because you always come say ‘hi’ when you meet me by chance.”
“Not when you’re on a date!” He snips. You’re still both under the rain. For a moment you wonder why he hasn’t insisted on moving under a covering. You haven’t because the cold rain is soothing your nerves, soothing the pain you feel anytime you’re too close to him. Did Icarus feel like this when he was soaring too close to the sun? Did he wish for the rain when the scorching wax burned his skin? Did he love the freedom so much he reveled in the pain, hating it at the same time?
“I never go on dates!”
“Clearly, you do.”
You sigh, “this was my first date in 4 years, Hyune.”
“And I didn’t know you had a date, wanna guess why? Because you ignored me for days!” He uses his free hand to push back the strands of hair that fell on his face, dripping wet.
“I thought you were busy. Last time we talked you were really focused on getting ready to meet your girlfriend. Why would I interrupt that?” He’s baffled, and rightly so. In the past, you had no qualms about texting him at all hours.
“Well, I was focused”, you can hear his mocking tone. When did this transform into a fight? “because I was meeting her to put an end to our relationship, because I realized I’ll never be in love with her because I am crazy in love with you. And I tried to call you because I needed to tell you so, I needed to know I did the right thing. I thought this wasn’t one sided. And yet you ignored me and- fuck” he laughs disheartened. “-and went on a date with another man.”
“I- you, what?” You blink rapidly, drops of rain blurring your sight. “You broke up with her? For…” you can’t say it. You can’t bring yourself to say ‘for me’, because it’d make it real. And it could be the best thing or the worst thing. Or both, at the same time. Did Icarus ever think he’d succeed? Did he ever consider he could fly, escape and be free; or did he -like you- only ever imagined failure in front of him? Was he like you, swimming stroke after stroke towards something, wishing for the best but never thinking it could come true? There’s a certain push that animates the despairings, there’s no fight or flight response. There’s only the pilgrimage towards the unreachable goal.
“For you.”
A beat passes. Another. Another one.
��Since when?”
“Since you held my hand after that nightmare. Since I realized I'm not scared when I’m with you.”
There’s something they don’t tell you about desperation, about wanting something so bad that you can feel it missing from your own body. For weeks, for months, you get used to the longing, the yearning. When you can finally wrap your hands around his shoulder, when you can press your lips against his and hear him utter a soft groan, all that you used to feel transforms into electricity, it runs through your whole body and sets you aflame from the inside. This kind of burning, though? It’s a welcomed feeling.
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6esiree · 2 days
i just wanna say that ur gen z reader fic is absolutely amazing, i love reading over and over again bc husk is my favourite character, and me being gen z myself is making it better 💞
Husk was the first character I fell in love with!! Maybe it’s the daddy issues speaking but it’s just ugh, idk, I love everything about him, especially his voice. It’s so deep and rich and I would fucking melt if he whispered in my ear.
I also love how much of a grump he is. Ik if Husk had a partner that was Gen Z, he’d be smiling a lot more bc they would be a ray of sunshine in the dark, depressing world that is Hell.
- Making a Sinstagram for Husk. He only follows you and that’s it, ignoring everybody else when they start pestering him about him not following them back.
- The only time Husk opens the app is to look through the billion posts you sent him throughout the day, and even then you have to beg him to do so.
“Please watch them,” You say, Husk sighing in defeat when you pout.
“Fine—better be somethin’ funny.”
- Husk goes through all the videos you sent him with a straight face, but that’s only because he doesn’t understand Gen Z humor.
- Plus, all you do is send him cat or hamster posts with the caption “You and Me, Always Forever,” the only time he reacts to something you sent him being this:
- You’re just swinging your legs and giggling as a blush creeps up Husk’s neck. He watches it again to make sure that he hadn’t imagined the “🫵” LOLLL.
“Christ,” Husk shakes his head, putting his phone down.
“It’s my way of saying I love you.”
- Telling him the most random, out of pocket shit you can think of. It either makes him laugh or he looks at you in horror—there is no in between.
“Come over here and kiss me on my hot mouth, I’m feeling romantical,” You tell him, leaning over the counter.
- Husk recoils, and he doesn’t know whether to laugh or be embarrassed.
- Angel heard what you said to him and he’s down on the ground on his knees, holding his stomach and busting his ass off.
“So is that a no?”
- Husk massages his temples, resuming his work as if you had never asked him that.
- Wearing Y2K inspired clothing. You come down to the bar one day wearing a baby tee, lowrise jeans, and the strings of your thong showing on the sides.
- Husk immediately notices this, his mouth falling open as he spots the black strings hugging the sides of your waist.
“Hey, doll, I don’t mean to be…ya know,” Husk stuttered, approaching you from behind, his hands covering your sides. “You’re, uh, underwear is kinda showin’.”
“Oh, it’s the style! Do you like it?”
- The man blinks, wrapping his wings around you, pretending to give you a hug as the rest of the hotel’s residents come down.
“Christ, are ya tryin’ to get me hard?”
“Fine, I’ll go change then.”
(I will probably do this prompt with the rest of the characters btw 😼)
- Making Husk play Roblox with you. He thinks it’s stupid but as he lays his chin on your shoulder, watching you fail horribly at such a simple game, he decides to try it out.
- You’re actually trying to play an obby, which isn’t that hard. You just kept underestimating how far you jumped.
- Husk ends up giving up because he doesn’t really play games, especially on his phone. Plus, his own fingers keep getting in the way.
“I told you it’s not that easy—“
“It’s my fatass fuckin’ fingers!” Husk insists, his eyes glued to his phone, back slouching and all.
- Telling Husk “Nuh-uh.” He asks you to do a favor for him, but you decide to fuck with him first because you can.
“Nuh uh,” You say, watching his brows knit in confusion.
“What do ya mean, ‘Nuh uh,’” Husk repeats, “The fuck is that?”
“Nuh uh.”
“Come over here—“ Husk says, starting towards you, looking pissed off.
Anyway, that’s all my mind could come up with rn. I actually wrote sm the first time I saw your message, but tumblr just never uploaded it? I think it’s cuz I tried to refresh the app while my wifi was acting up 🗿 but yeah! I love Husk, and I also love imagining saying or doing the most random shit cuz it’s fun trying to predict how he’d respond LOL.
But TYSM FOR THAT!!! <33 and I’m so sorry for responding hella late. I’m not the biggest fan ofy first fics but I’m not taking them down cuz ik some of y’all love them.
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holymusicalmothman · 2 days
IM SO EXCITED FOR THE TWO TRUTHS AND A LIE FIC !!!!!! love you and your writing so much !! <3
Hi! You’re literally soooo sweet! Thank you so much! Hope this is what y’all were wanting.
Smosh Masterlist
Word count: 1.1k
Warnings: embarrassing teenage crush on your brothers best friend???
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Today was a big day! Well, in your mind it was. And probably Spencer’s, but he had it easy. He’d be offscreen watching while you played Two Truths and a Lie with Courtney. The both of you had been dating for a few months now, and while your coworkers knew, the fans could only continue to speculate as they always did.
The two of you had been trying to figure out a fun way to go public with your relationship. You didn’t mind if they knew, they had been guessing the two of you were dating long before you ever even got together.
So. Two Truths and A Lie. You guys were set to film it as the last part of the day, and while you, Courtney, and Angela, along with the rest of the crew were present, two members of your peanut gallery were still missing.
So you were all waiting on set for Ian and Anthony.
“You ready, my guy?” Courtney asked you, smiling.
You nodded. “I’m ready to absolutely dominate this.”
“Oh-ho! Hear that!” Courtney called over to Ian and Anthony who had just walked on set. “She’s got this.”
You laughed at your brother. The two of you had always been together, close knit, and you were beyond grateful for his support.
And then there was Spencer. Your boyfriend since your birthday a few months ago, who called you pretty girl because he knew it got you flustered. Who had taken every step of the relationship at a pace that you set. Who had told you he loved you on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
You smiled.
Y’all got into position, glancing over at Spencer who was seated offscreen.
“Alrighty, Smiles,” Anthony said, “you’re gonna give yourself away before we even start filming.”
“Lock it up!” Angela yelled and you all laughed.
You looked away from your boyfriend and took a deep breath, focusing your attention on Courtney as Kiana gave you your cue.
Courtney hadn’t gone easy on you. You hadn’t gotten any of hers correct so far, and she had gotten each of yours correctly, but you knew that your last one would get her.
While you and Spencer had been trying to decide on your truths earlier in the week, you had both come to the realization that the “relationship reveal” had to not be so obvious. Which had lead you to digging deep into an old journal from middle school, and thus providing the perfect truth. When you had told Spencer, he had agreed that it was perfect, and had given you a perfect lie to go alongside it.
You smirked at Courtney, hearing an ‘oh shit’ from Angela at the sight of it.
“Final question, sweet Courtney.”
Courtney laughed, her eyebrows going up and hand reaching to cover her mouth at your antics. She cleared her throat and refocused. “I’m ready.”
“Suuuure you are.” You said slowly before continuing. “I had a crush on Anthony until I was 17.”
Jaws dropped and you heard Angela again.
“No way, no way, no way!”
You pursed your lips to keep from laughing. Ian’s eyes were bugging out of his head and Courtney and Anthony were picking their jaws up off the floor.
You didn’t look at Spencer, knowing the moment you did that you would break. He was the only other person who knew that one. So you continued onwards.
“I have never eaten sushi.”
Final one.
“I have been dating a member of the Smosh crew for the past four months.”
Courtney gave a loud laugh of shock. “Okay. Coming out swinging, my guy!” She went quiet for a moment as she thought. “Anthony, really?”
“Yeah, Anthony, really?” Ian leaned towards you, resting his chin on his fist, waiting for an explanation as he had never heard that before today.
“Yuuuup.” You gave a look towards the camera, purposefully making your smile seem awkward.
You quickly explained how you had completely forgotten about it until you had been digging through old diaries, and that, obviously, whatever infatuation you had once had was loooong gone.
“You’ve never eaten sushi and you’re dating someone on the crew.” Courtney smiled, “Why did I think you’d make this easy.”
“Because it’s me, Court. When have I ever not thrown a monkey wrench of sorts into a game.” You said, your pent up laughter finally escaping.
“Okay, okay. I’ve got it.” Courtney took a dramatic pause. “I’m just gonna say that you never had a crush on Anthony. That one’s just too wild for me, dude. Lockin’ it in!”
A mischievous smile took over your features as you lifted your water shooter and opened fire.
“I have only eaten sushi once! It made me horribly sick, never again.” You announced, grinning over at Spencer. “And I have been in a very happy relationship for the past several months.”
“Did you know about this?” Anthony teased Ian, who sat beside him absolutely flabbergasted. You had told Anthony your plan in private, not wanting to make him feel awkward with the sudden information. He had reassured you that it was alright, after all, being young is weird.
“About having a crush on you or dating Spencer?”
You finally looked over at Spencer, mirroring his mirthful smile at the chaos.
“I mean, we all knew about Spencer, I’m just. I didn’t see that one coming.” Ian admitted.
You and Courtney laughed happily at Ian’s befuddlement.
“Like I said though. Anthony’s just some extra annoying older brother I’m stuck with now.” You reminded him. “It’s like having a friend who didn’t become a sibling until recently.”
Which was true. You hadn’t started viewing Anthony as a second brother until him and Ian had started hanging out again. While your adolescent infatuation had been, quite frankly, ridiculous, you were grateful for what you had now.
“Hey, Spence! Come over here!” Angela said suddenly.
“Ooooooh, yeah!” Ian said, teasingly. “Get Mr. Boyfriend in here.”
Spencer, still smiling, walked on set almost bashfully, coming up behind you and placing his hands on your shoulders.
“Alrighty, everybody. That’s the end of the video! We’ve got two more for you to watch, if you want to! Be sure to like and subscribe and then go have fun on Reddit losing your minds over these absolute truth bombs!” Courtney outroed. “And, as always! Thanks for watching!”
“Now kiss.” Tommy’s voice came without warning from amongst the assembled crew. The camera swiveled to catch him grinning before it swiveled back to face the set.
You felt Spencer’s lips meet your cheek suddenly and your face warmed all the way to the tips of your ears.
“Awwww,”Courtney cooed at the two of you and your face only felt hotter.
Angela laughed. “Everyone say, ‘Thank you, Tommy’ in the comments!”
“I give the people what they want!” The camera flashed back to your tall coworker who only gave a rendition of the Miss America wave. “Bye, bye now!”
And it was done. All that was left was for it to be edited and sent out into the world.
As you reached up to grab Spencer’s hand with your own, turning to smile up at him.
You couldn’t wait for whatever was next.
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hauntingrabbits · 2 days
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More Batman/My Little Pony au art because these are ridiculously fun to draw. Part 1 here!
More info under the cut!
1. Sweet Talk/The Harlequin (Harleen Quinzel)
Originally contracted to work as a psychiatrist for the Tartarus villain redemption program, Sweet Talk had a unique relationship with the Joker. This relationship was proven to be even stranger than her coworkers had originally assumed when she broke him out and joined him in his life of crime.
Devoting herself entirely to her new life and relationship with the joker, she covers her original cutie mark at all times. Snce her horn was snapped she can no longer cast precise spells, leaving her magic mostly emotion-based and intensely volatile, (typically manifesting in the form of sparks, zaps, and explosions).
Other Notes:
-Using Tartarus as a substitute for Arkham Asylum for this au because why not.
-The villain redemption program did NOT go well. Sorry Twilight.
-Mostly based on BTAS Harley because I adore the original costume.
-Her horn was cracked by the Joker
2. Pudding Pie/The Joker (The Joker)
Batpony’s most notorious foe. Said to have been just a regular pony until he fell into a vat at an Ace Potions factory during a conflict with Batpony.
He doesn’t have a Cutie Mark, but it’s unclear whether this was always the case or instead a result of his accident. The effects of permanent Cutie Mark loss—the only known cases of which occurred via long-banned magic and/or traumatic injury—are largely unstudied, and it’s ramifications are unknown. Some ponies theorize this may be the reason for the Joker’s mental state and general disposition.  
Sundown has a different opinion on the matter.
Other notes:
-Based mostly on BTAS joker and the ‘89 Nicholson joker.
-His name is just based on Harley’s “pudding” nickname for in in a lot of versions, but I think it would also be hilarious if he was a distant relative of Pinkie Pie.
-I could leave it ambiguous but. Yeah the potion vat didn’t actually do anything beyond slightly altering his physical appearance. He’s just like that and he never got a cutie mark in the first place.
3. Gadiel/Scarecrow (Jonathan Crane)
Raised among ponies, Gadiel was relentlessly bullied for being gangly and birdish, earning him the nickname “Scarecrow” in his youth. Though he later successfully became a professor and psychologist in Gotham, Gadiel was eventually fired when he was found to be testing his fear-inducing potions on his students and purposefully putting them through terrifying and dangerous situations. Deciding to take his experiments to the masses, Gadiel donned the mantle of Scarecrow and weaponized fear to become a career criminal.
As the Scarecrow, he’s known for his skill in manipulation, psychological torture, and crafting dangerous potions and gas. The effects of fear on magical creatures are unique and intense, much to Gadiel’s delight and interest.
Other Notes:
-I wanted to make his front half a crane but I couldn’t get the long neck to work right with the mask, so he’s more crow-like instead.
-according to the wiki 1/3 of Griffin names start with a G so naturally I was extremely tempted to name him Gonathon and you should all be very grateful I did not. The name Gadiel has origins in the bible as the name of an archangel which I thought was fitting given the insane religious trauma some versions of the scarecrow went through. I thought about trying to do something similar for this version but given that the mlp universe uses Princess Celestia as a replacement for God in expressions like “Celestia knows where” and “Oh my Celestia” I wasn’t really sure how to go about it. There’s probably some kind of sun-worshipping thing in equestria idk.
-I spent a long time on the mlp wiki but from what I could find the only “fear” magic in the show is just used by one guy and its just called “dark magic”. I thought for sure there would’ve been some random plant or magical creature they dealt with at some point that maybe did something similar I could use for his blurb but unfortunately there was not.
4. Mandible/Falseface (Basil Karlo/Matt Hagen)
Hungry and deeply resentful of the changeling queen for forcing her underlings to share what little stolen love they had with her, Mandible went rogue early on and split off from the hive to pursue his own ventures. Finding success under the name Claypose as a pony actor in Gotham, he was sustained primarily by the one-sided love of his fans for years, despite the false identity having no real prior personal relationships to leech from. 
After a magical special effects accident on set revealed his true nature, he went into hiding and immediately started crafting a new persona, but soon found in his distress and rage over losing his identity as Claypose that he could no longer sustain any disguise long enough to keep up a long-term facade. Blaming the accident, he targeted the unicorn responsible by posing as his wife to leech his love, but ended up killing the pony in a panic when his disguise failed much faster than he’d anticipated it would. Unable to keep up a new identity or return to the hive, Mandible turned to a life of crime instead, doing dirty work for the bigger criminal names in Gotham and leeching love from his employer’s targets to survive.
Other notes:
-Clayface being a changeling was an obvious pick given his power set but I really wasn’t sure how to tackle the main issue of him being unable to keep a solid form for long. I went with his distress and frustration being the main thing keeping his disguise flimsy (so he gets put in kind of an ourobouros cycle where his disguise being bad makes him upset but him being upset makes it harder to fix his disguise), but the magic accident probably also contributed somehow.
-Why are all the changelings straight up just named after body parts in this show whats that about. The “Clay” in Claypose is obviously a reference to his title/schtick in the comics while the “pose” comes from both his job as an actor and the fact that he’s posing as a pony. Mandible is the name for the jaw part of an insect.
3. Winglon/Killer Drake (Waylon Jones)
Originally intended to be used in an entrance exam, his egg was stolen from a Canterlot delivery cart on its way to Celestia’s school of magic and sold on the black market to a Pony Island circus. Raised to be part of the freak show, Winglon was pitted against circus performers and overconfident challengers in ring fights for money and entertainment. Enduring abuse and injury throughout his life from ponies that he was always fundamentally stronger than, it was only a matter of time until he snapped. Garnering the name Killer Drake for his actions, Winglon escaped into the Gotham sewer system.
Not knowing how to return to the dragonlands or whether he’d even fit into dragon society at all, he continues to lurk in the dark away from any life, deeply resenting ponies and all other manner of magical creatures that make friends with them.
Other notes:
-I like silly names ok. Winglon Jones. -I like the theory that the dragon egg used for Twilight’s entrance exam was actually fake/meant to be a no-win scenario, but I also don’t think it would be that hard for enterprising ponies to get their hands on dragon eggs. The practice probably stopped in the later seasons when they made friends with the dragonlands or whatever though.
-Given that dragons threaten to eat or kill ponies at multiple points in the show, the cannibalism is actually kind of understandable. And also not even cannibalism anymore. Still murder though.
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as y/n walked to the hype cafe, she immediately spotted riki, a head above the rest. so tall she could point him out in a crowd anywhere. she took a deep breath and took a moment to compose herself before eventually walking over to him. she tapped him on his shoulder as he was facing away from her. "oh! hey!" there it is that smile. to say she loved his smile would be an understatement. she thought it was the prettiest thing she'd ever seen and she nearly felt as if she was going to die at the sight of it. she couldn't help but smile back at him. "hey! how are you?" what he wanted to say was "so much better now that i'm with you", but what came out instead was "good. yeah, i'm good, what about you?" his eyebrow raised, it was single handedly the cutest thing y/n had ever seen. "i'm pretty good. doing a lot of schedules for debut, you know, usual stuff" could she be anymore awkward? clearly yes. first "thanks you too" and now "usual stuff" she felt like she wanted to disappear right then and there, but riki absolutely loved it. this whole time he thought she was so cool and calm, but really she's cute and awkward, which he secretly liked more than if she would have been chill. he finds himself staring at her for a moment before quickly catching himself "oh um- did you want food? I didn't get any cause i wasn't sure if you'd want anything." she smiled at his thoughtfulness and said "no thanks, i'm not super hungry right now. thank you though." he thought back to their conversation yesterday, the whole reason why they're here now. "so, you wanted some tips about mcing?" he asked. "oh! yeah. im kind of nervous, i have no idea what i'm doing and you've ben an mc before, so i was hoping you could give me some advice?" she was hoping this didn't come off as pathetic or anything. i mean, who needs advice on how to talk into a mic? y/n apparently. "well," he starts "for me, i find its best to interact with the fans while waiting for our speaking parts. it calms my nerves before speaking because i'm talking to people that support me. often times it's mostly your own fans watching you in person. that’s at least what sunghoon told me. and if you're worried about messing up lines or something, I'll be there to cover for you, reading from a prompter is hard, so if you mess up its okay. don't worry too much about it." she nodded along to his words, taking mental notes on his advice. "thank you, i really appreciate it. i don't know why im so nervous. its just talking into a mic to a camera." she sighs. "I mean, I understand. it's nerve wracking when it's your first time. I felt like that too when I mc'ed for MAMA one year. it can be scary talking in front of a bunch of people and trying not to mess up. that's why you have a co-host, me! if you do mess up, I can cover you so it doesn't look too much like an accident." her heart fluttered at that. over something so small? she knew it was corny, but she couldn't help it. she felt so strongly for him. she always thought that if she actually talked to him, this whole little crush would go away. but to her surprise, it only got stronger. "you know, since we're going to be working together, we should get each others numbers." her heart stopped, and so did his. hers in shock, and his in fear. what if she said no? what if she thought he was weird? did he really just ask her for her number? there's no way. she froze for a moment, but realized she really should probably respond to him "yeah! yeah of course!" riki was never more relieved in his life. he handed her his phone "here, put your number in." she took it from him and put in her number, texting herself. "there. i can send you a picture for my contact photo later" his heart raced, he had just gotten his crushes number, and she's going to send him a picture of herself later. could his life get any better then this? "okay, sure, yeah, that sounds good" he stammers. is he really flustered right now? oh my god she thought. as the two talked and laughed together, they figured out they're more similar then they thought they were.
the pair quickly growing closer in just mere hours, both feeing significantly strong for each other than when they first said hello earlier. as the time drew later, the two decided to end their night, quickly realizing the ghost town that the hype cafe had become. "oh- well, its late, and my members are blowing up my phone asking where I am" she laughed as she scrolled through the countless messages left by yunjin and hanni. 'yeah, I should probably go too. I told jay I'd help make dinner tonight" he sighed, wishing he didn't promise jay anything and he could hang out with y/n for longer. she laughed lightly "ill let you go then. text me though, okay?" what had come over her? did she really just say that? (y/ns version of flirting was a bit different then others, that being because she didn't know how to flirt) riki nodded and smiled "yeah, I'll text you. see you later!" he waved to her and started to walk away. she waved back and watched him go. she sat back down and sighed once he was out of her sight. she was so fucked. she was completely and utterly melted by him, and they had only just official met yesterday. maybe there was something wrong with her. but frankly, she didn't care. maybe she was being delusional like usual, but she was pretty sure she could see something there with riki.
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luckys note!: guys i’m so good at writing😎😎
© lvcky-g1rl-syndr0me, 2024. do not copy, translate or upload any of my works without my permission.
(🩷) MIDNIGHT FICTION TAGLIST! @nctislifue @akuspic @pkjay @siya-bean @eun-chaez @wavetosunoo @gweoriz @luminouskalopsia @soobiary @ivyannemarie @rikikiynikilcykiki @emma2black @enh4ht @wooziswife @jjunie-0 @yumilovesloona @wth121 @riksaes @isaxshin @allforhee @rikisgeef @sunghoonsarmpit @autumn583 @tzuyusluv @lukesboo @anormieee @rockyhedgehog @thomawifey @lovrqis @akashisthighs @just-a-girl-with-hyper-fixations
(dm me/comment under the midnight fiction masterlist to be added!)
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mossy123302 · 14 hours
Okay, after what happened yesterday in the live stream where Phil mentioned he did have a song for Missa. I was ....totally not scavenging the Bleach soundtrack to figure out what song Phil could have probably used.
(I've never watched Bleach. I'm so sorry—)
Anyways, the song I found that I felt fit perfectly for Philza and Missa was "Escalon". It gives the otherworldly feeling, while also still tying to Missa to his heritage. (Philza being the Angel of Death & Missa being a Grim Reaper of some sorts. Would Missa technically count more as a Demi-God? Because I've been finally trying to understand Missa's small lore bits and his mother, lore wise, is a goddess, correct? Like La Muerte? Please correct me if I'm wrong)
I laughed at the comments on YouTube where they said "Escalon" sounds like if aliens were invading Mexico.
It also occurred to me how Philza and Missa are just connected a lot to space themes which is probably another ironic thing.
I really do wish we could have seen more Philza and Missa fighting together. Philza is more direct, quick to kill the mobs but is cautious when it's up against something he isn't familiar with. Missa covers up his weak spots by being more watchful and attacking, sometimes, from afar. This has its downs and ups, because Missa can immediately alert Philza to other nearby mobs but Missa is a bit too far, so Missa ends up attracting the more dangerous mobs to him-
Overall, I think Missa is more or less like the shield while Philza is the weapon. Both needed to work together and find some rhythm.
You ever think about how Missa was teaching Philza how to dance at Mexico's Independence Day event that somehow brought the two to a better understanding of their body movement. They were new and awkward, unfamiliar with each other's fluid of movement and slowly they got better at it together.
So maybe Philza gained a few traits from Missa, being much more observant to assess the situation, to avoid attracting other mobs while also trying to teach his kids, mainly Tallulah, how to fight. Missa charges and attacks without a thought to defend and protect his kids, and picks up a few traits from Philza. He knows how to locate the weak points to kill the mobs faster and how to better avoid mob situations.
God...we were so robbed...
Phil Minecraft plz... Give us more crumbs.
Missa as well. Please...play a game together or something.
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n3ptoonz · 7 hours
'Hot Springs'
wlw fic on the first day of pride month?! hold your applause 😎😎
Pairing: Falin Touden/Marcille Donato
Fandom: Dungeon Meshi/Delicious in Dungeon
Warnings/tags: Smut; Explicit, PWP, underwater activities, cunnilingus, Falin can hold her breath for a long time, Falin isn't a monster yet but she got that DOG in her, finger riding, confessions, multiple orgasms, finger sucking- DAMN you get the idea. might be typos
Word count: 1.2k
Explicit content under the cut
"I'm so glad you're back with us! I was afraid we would never see you again." Marcille said, nearly clung to Falin's side. The water was nice and warm, and they both knew they could use a relaxing evening away from the chaos in the dungeon. Falin smiled and put her hand over Marcille's when she noticed she was more pale than usual.
"Marcille? You're paler than I am..." she said.
Marcille sat up straight and scratched the back of her head, chuckling sheepishly, "Yeah...I used up a lot of my mana in the last hour alone..."
Falin just blinked and leaned closer to inspect her face. She noticed how a faint tint of red painted her cheeks after being startled. Before Marcille could finish her sentence, Falin grabbed her hand gently to give her some of her mana.
"Relax." she whispered. "You are probably drained from saving me, let me help you." Her voice was still so soft and welcoming as it always was, but her tone was slightly more demanding than usual, and Marcille was starting to like it.
"What do you me- Falin!" Marcille exclaimed, watching Falin submerge herself under the warm water. After letting go of her hand, Marcille then gasped at the feeling of Falin's soft hands grabbing her thighs. On one hand she was worried about Falin not being able to breathe...but as soon as her lips and the pad of her tongue met her folds, her mind surely went blank.
Marcille's legs instinctively started to close when Falin spread her legs further and delved into her like she hadn't eaten in weeks (I mean technically-). Marcille had to cover her own mouth so she wouldn't be heard on the other side of the wall where the guys were bathing.
Who knew Falin had this in her? The strangely skilled woman seemed to have been on a mission the way she swirled her tongue and let her nose brush against the sensitive nub that drove Marcille mad.
Not having much sexual experience, she naturally would start to reach her climax fast. The way Falin lapped at her was too much to bear, but she also still didn't want Falin to be underwater for much longer. Her eyes shut tightly as the pit of her stomach tightened and that unraveling coil had finally snapped. While she came, Falin tried her best to take it all in so it didn't spread far out into the bath water...although it may be a little late for that!
Above the surface all that could be heard was the faint echoes of Marcille's muffled whines and huffs as she trembled in her post-orgasm glow. As she attempted to calm herself Falin came back up with the same small smile on her face. She leaned closer to Marcille again as she saw some of her mana return around her.
"That should replenish some of your strength." she said so casually like she couldn't feel Marcille's legs shaking under her palms. Marcille managed to catch her breath and let her eyes slowly open to the sight of Falin up close and personal, yet still not invading her space.
"I...When the hell did you learn to do that?!" she asked, seemingly back to normal.
Falin tapped her chin in genuine thought, "Err...I was always able to hold my breath for a long time-"
"That's not what I meant- Hey!" she said as she felt Falin's hands pull her into her lap. "...You have got to stop surprising me like that..." she added, but soon quieted as Falin entered one finger inside her. She used her other hand to caress her cheek and brush her hair behind her ear.
"You still seem stressed, Marcille. I wanna help," she said softly this time. "Yes...you are clenching onto my finger-"
"Maybe because it's inside of me!" Marcille blurted out, but her feigned irritation faltered as soon as she realized she was subconsciously riding Falin's fingers. Marcille buried her blushing face into the crook of the other's neck, wrapping her arms around her as her goosebumps became more apparent. She slowly lifted herself again and shyly whispered, "...Could you add another one...?" in reference to another finger. Falin's hands were always so soft and delicate, and Marcille could never forget about that fact.
"Of course," Falin whispered. She was now two fingers deep inside of the shy elf clinging onto her shoulders and trying her best to keep her composure while she rode her fingers. Strangely enough, Marcille's mana was rejuvenating quickly this way. She might have to start purposely using up her energy more often if this is how she can get it back in due time. She became less and less worried about Falin using hers up by this point, she was feeling way too good.
"Mm...please-" she softly moaned desperately. Falin put her free hand on Marcille's hip for more balance since it was clear she was getting lost in the moment.
"Would you like a third finger?" she asked, caressing her cold yet warm wet skin. She watched as Marcille shyly nodded as she kept going; her eyes shut tight and her whines getting louder.
The sound of the water splashing against their skin was beginning to drown out from the pants, hums, and moans filling the room. The steam was no longer there. Only the heat emitting from their skin. The tips of Marcille's ears began turning bright red as Falin added one more finger. She lifted the hand placed on her hip to her freshly washed hair, stroking it to soothe Marcille as she shamelessly regenerated her energy back.
As her soft cries crescendoed, she had no other choice but to muffle herself by biting down onto Falin's shoulder. It wasn't too hard, but it wasn't too soft either.
It was perfect.
Falin let out a soft hiss at this sensation and decided to lift her thumb to rub slow circles around the small nub that was sure to send Marcille off the edge. She let tears flow from her eyes as she reached climax, and Falin didn't intend on stopping her movements.
"Let it out, pretty girl~" Falin mumbled into her ear, and as Marcille rode out her high, she quickly unlatched her teeth from Falin's shoulder and kissed her. She held her face like she could disappear again right here right now. Every groan and cry that escaped her lips was taken in by Falin's, and she didn't mind one bit.
She then backed away and slowly brought her movements to a halt, resting her forehead on the other's. Falin gently removed her fingers and looked at the slick left behind in awe, which prompted Marcille to take the three fingers into her mouth and suck off the extra with a tired, yet cheeky smile.
She finally collapsed into Falin's arms. She just laid her face on top of hers with a soft chuckle and a sigh of content, taking a mini note of how her breasts comfortably rested atop hers.
"I really like you, Falin." she confessed rather quietly. Loud enough for her to hear. Falin glided her hands down her back before pulling her closer, letting the slightly cold water still its movements following hers. She smiled as she nuzzled against the elf's spent form--luckily she would be able to bounce back quickly with her new mana wink wink.
"I really like you too, Marcille."
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toomanywatchers · 10 hours
Why I Love Travel Season’s Editing Style:
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Okokok- I already made a post stating my love for Travel Season after my first initial watch-through of the first two episodes, but I have more to say. Last night, I could not stop rewatching these episodes. Possibly because I am just over the moon seeing Steven, Andrew, and Adam back in action in a show created 100% by them, and where they are allowed to make it their way- BUT there is another reason I could not stop watching it. All do in part of the editing style.
As a self-taught (and soon to be academically-taught) video editor, my favorite thing when watching digital media is seeing what techniques and styles creators use to convey an overall concept to their videos/shows. Some of the more detail-oriented editing I see in today's climate of internet content comes from Watcher's shows. For instance, Mystery Files with the corkboard graphics. Are You Scared of the hand-drawn art from illustrators Mollie Ong and Rafael Mejia. Dish Granted with the use of circle cutouts and white negative spaces. Weird Wonderful World with its cartoon sound effects and stylistic graphics/music to fit whatever atmosphere the boys are in. Puppet History with the motion graphics being put within the confines of the puppet theatre and just everything that goes into the post-production process of the lore events of that show. I could go on, but I might end up writing a whole novel in the process.
Plus, this is about Travel Season... so let's talk about Travel Season.
I was barely 5 minutes into the first episode when I realized just how different Travel Season stands out against anything Watcher has ever created. The overall vibes of the show are calm, peaceful, comforting, and relaxed. The whole show feels like I am watching an old family home video made in the 90s with a camcorder. This style of content that isn't constantly moving at a fast pace and in your face would not perform well in the YouTube algorithm, and I am glad that Watcher was able to launch their own platform to make shows like Travel Season because gosh, this is the kind of content I miss. Oversaturation and pleasing the algorithm can only go a long way as a creative, trust me.
Anywho- back to editing. I am going to point out just some of my favorite editing details that were showcased in the first two episodes of Travel Season. Starting off with probably my favorite scene from both episodes:
This small clip highlights many of my favorite details of the post-production of Travel Season. The first detail I brought up in my previous post involves The Brick aka the camera. The concept of The Brick ties in with what Meredith, Watcher's Development Coordinator, said in Pod Watcher episode #23 about physical hobbies. Something that we can create in a physical sense that does not belong to a digital realm ala the internet/social media. The idea of having a functional prop with The Brick can tie a whole show aesthetic together, but in this case, The Brick also aids in the post-production allowing the team to make smooth-flowing transitions. What I mean is sometimes, especially with a show like Travel Season where they cover many different locations/activities in one video, finding a perfect, easy-flowing transition can be difficult. Jump cuts can be useful in certain cases to hit a comedic mark or shock the viewer, but that is not the overall vibe of Travel Season. The pictures taken on The Brick from their work tripe an easily organized B-roll for harder transition points and simple things such as finding Seoul provide space for much-needed voiceovers for context.
Another editing point that is provided in this clip is the audio. Watcher has never missed the mark regarding audio choices and the addition of sound effects in their work. Sometimes people think that when editing, the editor finds a song that fits and slaps it on the timeline, but here showcases the idea of editing for the environment. What really stuck out to me is the jump cut to the location and using an effect like Lowpass on the audio to make the audience feel as though they are truly standing outside of this nightclub-esk restaurant. Then it jumps to the audio back to normal with Steven dancing as Andrew browses then back to Lowpass edit as they introduce this next location. It's just such a subtle touch that had me all giddy because small details as this audio editing elevate the scene to another level. Showing that Watcher was trying to make you feel like you are there with the boys on their travels. A true immersion effect that I just love.
Also to Adam and Annie who were both camera operators, your b-roll is absolutely superb and adds to the overall vibe of Travel Season.
The last point of editing I want to bring up as it's on the top of my head are these moments:
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When they use a frame hold and then change the aspect ratio for a transition. I just find it such a charming technique in video editing. Plus I feel like this transition fits in with the whole "taking photos" approach because in a way the changing of the ratio on a frame hold is like taking a snapshot of that frame like a picture.
I just... I just love it, okay?
Honestly, I could go on and on about every little detail of this show and how they decided to overall produce it, but like I said- novel.
Watcher just puts so much love and care into all the shows they make. Even when it comes to the last process of video production which is editing the episodes together. I have not seen many channels put this much thought into the specificity of their videos like Watcher. This is why I gravitate towards them so much they care about the little things in the shows they create.
Moral of the story: I am in love with Travel Season and with Watcher as a whole.
thank you for listening to my ted talk aka my nerdy ramblings
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graciegoeskrazy · 1 day
george daniel + stepdaughter!xcx!reader
warnings: brief yelling, parents fighting, mention of parents leaving, george is a hero
a/n: ty pookie for your request and for always being so supportive of my work. i really appreciate it 🤭
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“Because if you cared, you would learn to understand!”
“I do care! I do understand! You need to understand that I can both understand and miss you and the same fucking time. I can be happy for you and be proud that you’re living your dream, and I miss you so fucking much that it hurts, at the same time.”
“Well I-”
Both their heads turned at the sound of a floorboard creaking. You realized your mistake and your wrong step, but it was already to late. They had already seen you by the time you tried to hide behind the wall.
They both sighed. George was the first to acknowledge your presence. “Come on out, darling.”
They knew you were home. They knew the walls in their London residence weren’t the thickest. They knew you have probably heard them fight or have arguments countless times before. Your Mum told you it was natural - all couples do it. But, the more they ‘argued’ the more concerned you got.
You were young, you couldn’t quite understand it all. Old enough to know and understand that every family is different and people go through different things - your family is a perfect example. Yet, not old enough to realize that one fight a couple had doesn’t necessarily mean the end of the nearly 4 year relationship.
In your eyes, you’ve seen your family get broken up before, and you wouldn’t let it happen again.
You slowly came out from behind, never meeting their gaze.
Charli spoke, voice quiet and gentle, “Baby…what have we said about the eavesdropping-”
“I Know. I’m Sorry…” She nodded. Your eyes still casted down. “I was just seeing if one of you would tuck me in.”
“I’ll be there in a minute.” George quickly said.
You nodded and walked back to your room.
George walked in without saying a word, a gentle smile on his face. He turned the main light off and walked around the room to turn on the fairy and twinkle lights scattered across the bedroom, a routine he grew accustomed to. He met you at your bed and placed a kiss on your head “Comfy?” He asked, whilst rearranging the covers. You nodded. “Good.” He said.
You spoke as he sat and fiddled with your hair.
“Are you and Mum gonna break up?”
He let out a dry laugh before turning back to you. “No.” He said.
You nodded, but didn’t believe him. “Are you sure?”
His heart was about to burst into a million different pieces the moment you looked up at him with the big doe eyes, a feature you inherited from your mother no doubt.
Truthfully, George couldn’t imagine a life without Charli. Or without you.
“Just because we have one fight doesn’t mean I’m leaving her.”
“But it’s not one fight.”
He sighed, loseing a bit a patience. “It’s gonna be fine-”
“Yelling your lungs out at each other doesn’t make things seem fine.”
He could tell you were genuinely worried, and the thought of himself making you feel this way hurt him. He shifted position and looked you right in the eyes. “It’s-”
“Don’t you dare say it’s complicated.” A tear was threatening to spill out. “I’m young, but I’m not dumb.”
George wiped it before it got a chance to spill over. “No, you are not dumb.”
He sat up and motioned for you to scoot over and make room, he sat down and wrapped his arms around you. You fell into him as he did so, too scared to let go. “I’m not leaving. I love your mom too much to do that.” He looked down at you, trying to get you to meet his gaze. “I love you too much to do that.”You fell into him, burrowing your head into his chest. “You understand?”
“I think so.” you said, sound muffled by his shirt.
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swallowedbyfandom · 2 days
Colin is certain he will die of shame. His beloved Pen, had held his face between in her delicate hands and asked him if he frequented the brothels. That she knew the names of the gentlemen he went with, meant she most likely knew of his perversions. Does she believe he will ask her to violate the sanctity of their marriage bed?
Worse than the knowledge that darling Pen knew he visited the brothel was the awful truth that while he had not engaged in sex after the discovery of his feelings he had exchanged kisses with them. After his life altering kiss with Penelope rather than allow her glorious kiss to linger on his tongue he had washed it away with two nameless whores. He barely makes it to his chamberpot before he is tossing up his accounts. There is no end to the taint he feels clinging to his skin now.
No wonder she didn't take anything that happened in the carriage seriously. He spoke of having feelings for her, of dreaming of her, he spoke of torment. From a proper gentleman, it could be taken as a nervous ramble of love. Such words from a Rake speak of simple lust, of lewd acts committed under the cover of darkness. That was exactly what he had given her, was it not? He has had sex with countless women and has never felt cheap, until he watched regret wash across Penelope's face. Her first intimacies forever tainted by his proud whoring. God, he is sick once more.
She is right. He has not treated her with the respect and dignity owed to her. Yet he has treated every lady but her with that respect. He does not treat her publicly like the love of his life, he had treated her like a mistress. She equated accepting his hand in marriage to a lack of self respect.
He loves her. Loves her in a way that is special and rare. He will never love another as much as he loves her, save their children. He has probably always loved her. What was it she said last night? Ah, he remembers, "I love you, I do. I have loved you in some manner for most of my life." That sums it all up. There has always been love between them. The shape and the depth of that love has changed and grown throughout the years. She loves him, she was probably in love with him at some point but she is not in love with him, now. She had been willing to marry Lord Debling.
All his first times should have been hers. All his experiences should have been shared experiences between them. Now the only firsts he has to offer is his first time as a husband and his first time as a father. Would she even believe that? Or would she just think she is the first to carry his legitimate child? Would she believe him if he told her that he has never spilled inside a woman? Is that even a guarantee?
He knows wondering if Debling has kissed her has driven him near insane. He remembers seeing Debling's body wrapped around Penelope to protect her from the hot air basket and wishing to call him out for a duel. He recalls every time he watched Debling lay his hand on the dip of her waist during a dance. How large and possessive those hands had seemed on her. The confidence Debling had touched her with still fills him with lingering rage. He remembers feeling sick to his stomach hearing her laugh for Debling. He knows in his heart he is not strong enough to live in a world where another man has made her moan. How the hell does she deal with his indiscretions?
She is right he has not respected in the way he should have. However going forward, he will show her all the respect in the world. There shall be no more flirting with debutantes, his name shall grace no dance card but Penelope's. There will be absolutely no whores. He will no longer go out to drink with cads. He will no longer brag about past sexual conquests. No will keep better company. He will definitely see the physician, he should have done so before ever laying a hand on her.
He is going to give her the courtship of her dreams. He will earn her trust, her love, and her hand in marriage. No one will ever doubt his devotion to her when he is done. Least of all, her.
He will start today. He will make arrangements with Anthony to take control of this inheritance. He must purchase them a home and hire household staff. He must start investing in their future, now. He will show her that he can provide her with a proper home and future. He rings for a hot bath to be ready after he breaks his fast. He will need his full mental acuity to plan the perfect road to redemption.
He gets to the dining room and wishes to turn back around at the way everyone cuts their eyes away from him. Is there anything more humiliating than getting your marriage proposal turned down twice? Then spending half your night sobbing on and off hysterically while getting drunk off your arse? Oh yes there is! It is having to admit to going to a brothel in front of the love of your life, your mother, her mother, and the Lord of your family. He is certain he will be lectured within an inch of his life today. As if he is not miserable enough already. As if letting Pen and his Mother down is not devastating enough.
Well, Debling and Benedict airing out his dirty laundry is not ideal but it could be worst. He is not sure how, but he is sure it could be. Anthony and Benedict are offended that Debling has offered Penelope a ring, but Colin is not. Oh, he is jealous and he would love to chuck said ring into the ocean but Debling is a man who was preparing to commit to Penelope. It is natural that he purchased a ring for her.
He cannot help, but feel like a child in comparison. His own proposal must have seemed like an obligatory whim after their interlude in the carriage. Yes, he could have easily brought Pen to the family jewels and let her pick out her own ring, but does that not highlight his lack of forethought?
Pen is right he is still making the same mistakes. He is still acting the impulsive fool. He is reacting instead of taking action. He recalls Pen telling him once that there was nothing wrong with being a man of action. So long as those actions were well calculated. He recalls the heavy look she had given him at the time. When he argued that action and calculation were opposing ideals. The keen gleam in her eyes as she had simply said, "It is like Chess, Colin. You should always be thinking three steps ahead." He had made a glib joke at the time to deflect from his lack of understanding but he had caught the flash of disappointment on her face at his dismissal.
He has known for weeks that he wanted Penelope as his future. He should have been laying down the ground work for that future. He should have been plotting and scheming to get rid of Debling. He should have been fighting for her. Instead, he wasted weeks pining, drinking, and whoring. It is no mystery why she has given him no consideration as a suitor.
He is not yet worthy of Penelope Feather, but he will be.
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 2 days
So hear me out, the first time Donna is close enough to reader while they sleep right? Well. Reader may have forgot to mention that they randomly stop breathing for a few seconds sometimes(it’s called sleep something that starts with an A) idk I think it’s kinda funny when I do that but yk. That or reader who had horrible depth perception and walks into things all the time so has bruises everywhere and forgets where exactly they come from
Yesss!!! Well, I chose the apnea option if you don't mind :))) Thank you for your request, I hope you like it and sorry about the language mistakes!!! :))))
Sleeping problems
Pairing: Donna Beneviento x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Fluff, reader has sleep apnea, protective Donna
Word count: 2,686
Summary: You live with Donna now, but maybe you forgot about telling her something...
N/A: Sorry about the language mistakes, Donna requests are open!! My other account problems are solved, but I've decided to stay here definetely :))) I'm gonna make a master list and rules soon. I love you all!! :))))
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“Are you comfortable?” Donna asked, covering you with the sheets. Her hands trembled, revealing a more than obvious nervousness.
It wasn't like other times at the beginning of your relationship. This time you could say that her nerves were more than justified. After months of insisting, insisting and insisting, you finally decided to take the final step: abandon your old house in the village and live with her.
Donna was your first long-term relationship, and you had doubts too. If something went wrong, you didn't know what the consequences could be. She was still one of the lords of the place and if you hurt her, you would suffer her wrath, and probably Mother Miranda's as well.
But that absurd fear of discrepancies or disagreements disappeared as soon as you started to really get to know her. Donna would never hurt you, or at least it’s what your almost unhealthy heart made you think.
Donna Beneviento had many flaws…. Some of them were natural, others were caused by years and years of terrible loneliness. To get used to her fear of losing you or her completely unjustified jealousy didn't take you too long, although it's true that this obsession with possessing you was the hardest thing to adjust to. She was that way, and you could never change it.
“Yes, yes... I'm fine, Donna,” you replied amused, snuggling up next to her in bed. “Come on, calm down.”
“Okay, okay,” she sighed, freeing her black hair from the messy bun she always tied it in. “Forgive me, (Y/N), I'm just nervous.”
“Don't apologize,” you said, laughing, grabbing her hand tenderly making that tremor disappear. “By the way… What should we do now?” You asked, lowering your tone and purring very close to her ear.
“What do you want to do?” She asked back, avoiding one of your unexpected kisses.
“I don't know... You and me... A bed...” You said murmuring, running a finger along her waist.
She pulled away from you and shook her head, a tender smile on her face.
“No, tesoro... Not tonight,” she said in a soft voice, suppressing the shiver that your touch made her feel.
“Why?” You asked, disappointed.
“Tonight is a very special moment, I don't want to ruin it.”
“Ruin it? Hey…” You said, pretending to be offended.
“No, I'm not saying that because I don't like it, (Y/N)... I just... I just want our first night together to be special...”
“Oh, well, okay,” you said reluctantly, lying down again and forgetting the desire that had already begun to form inside you. “So?  We are going to just sleep?”
“Aren't you excited to sleep with me?” She asked, letting out her demons, the shadows that made her doubt your feelings.
“What? Of course, of course, darling,” you said, scared by her heavy breathing. It wasn't easy to deal with her problems. Sometimes you forgot how sensitive she could be.
“You don’t love me?” She asked, her eye shining, with an expression of genuine terror. Time to act.
“Well, of course I love you, Donna... Come on, relax, breathe, breathe with me,” you said, grabbing her hands, sitting on the bed and keeping your gaze on hers. “That's it… take a breath…”
She obeyed your instructions and finally relaxed.
“I'm sorry, (Y/N). I wish I didn't have these… Flaws,” she said, snuggling next to you under the covers.
“Don’t worry. We all have flaws,” you replied, caressing her body and kissing the palm of her hand.
“Not you,” she said with a hoarse voice.
“Oh, of course I have…”
Donna looked at you curiously, reaching out with her hand to turn off the light on the table and make darkness fall over your embraced bodies.
“Go to sleep, princess... The truth is that I'm very excited to wake up next to you,” you said softly, planting a soft and tender kiss on her cheek.
“Really?” She asked, excited again.
Moving the stuff you had in your house to the Beneviento estate was an exhausting work. You didn't really know why you were interested in doing anything different than sleeping. Tiredness made your eyelids close immediately and, with the heat of her body pressed against yours, you fell into a deep sleep.
Even though you weren't used to that bed (at least to sleeping on it), nothing could stop you from dreaming peacefully like every night.
“Mmm,” you murmured when the light on the table made you squeeze your eyes tightly.
“(Y/N)... You're awake,” Donna whispered, looking at you, sitting on the bed and running a hand over your cheek. You smiled when you felt her caresses and yawned lazily.
“Yes, now I am...” you murmured with your voice hoarse from sleep. “What time is it?”
“8 o'clock,” she responded, studying your gaze in a strange way.
“Oh my God, I’ve slept so well...” you said, sitting up and stretching comically.
“I don't think so, idiot... You...” Angie's squeaky voice made your ears tremble.
“Angie, shut up,” Donna said sharply, making her doll flee the room in terror.
“What is she talking about?” You asked, still with problems to open your eyes.
“Nothing, it doesn't matter,” Donna said, perhaps a bit abruptly. “Have you really rested well?”
“Of course, why do you ask?” You wanted to know, taking a sip of the glass of water on your table.
“Oh, it's nothing,” Donna responded, with that look that betrayed a filthy lie.
“Did you sleep well?” You asked, giving your girlfriend a quick kiss on the lips. She stood still for a moment, until she smiled softly and nodded.
“With you by my side, tesoro, I have rested better than ever," she whispered into your lips, kissing you again before getting up. There was something strange in her gaze, but you ignored it. “You want breakfast?”
“Of course, of course. I'm quite hungry,” you said happily, as she got out of bed.
That was the first day of many others. Living with her was the best decision of your life, without a doubt. Your relationship only got better and better. Although, it is true that strange things happened every night. Sometimes you had the feeling that you were waking up, or rather, that you were being woken up, by gently moving your body. You didn't give it the slightest importance.
One afternoon, as was customary, you rested on her chest while you took a hot bath. With the cold outside, it was an unimaginable pleasure.
Donna yawned loudly, making you turn your head in amusement.
“Are you sleepy?” You asked with a slightly mocking tone. The water moved when you wanted to turn around and face her.
“No, I... Well, maybe a bit,” she responded, cupping your face in her hands. “Come, I like to caress you.”
The doll maker turned you around again, making your head rest on her bare chest again, under the pleasant temperature of the hot water.
“It's 5 in the afternoon,”  you continued mocking.
“Oh, is it?” She asked, relaxing her breathing, gently grabbing your waist.
“Yes, that's what the clock says,” you said, amused.
Although everything was going perfectly well, Donna was weirder than usual.
“Oh, of course, the clock tells the time...” she said in a tired, almost delirious tone. You frowned and made another attempt to turn around, frustrated by her hands pressing you against her chest.
“Donna, honey… Are you okay?” You asked, joining your hands with his under the water.
“Yes, yes...” she sighed. You shrugged.
“Okay, then... Do you feel like taking a walk? I heard there is a meteor shower tonight,” you said, making her arm pass through your chest, surrounding it affectionately.
“Mm,” she murmured, taking advantage of the position of her arm to continue caressing you, slower and slower.
“I always liked to see how the stars fall from the sky... When I was little I always asked myself what would happen if they touched the ground...”
“I imagined that they would fall like diamonds, shining in the darkness of the night, and that I could take one home. How silly, don't you think?”
That time, not even a soft murmur left her lips. You moved, surprised. You always liked to talk too much and Donna always listened to you with her full attention.
You turned slowly, removing her now motionless arm from your body.
Donna had her head resting on the bathtub, breathing deeply with her eye closed. You couldn't believe what you saw.
“Donna,” you said, amused. “Hey, Donna!” You screamed louder, splashing some water on her face.
“Mm? What?” she asked, shaking her head confused, making a face of disgust at the water you threw in her face. “Dove siamo?”
“What? You’re asking me where are we? Donna, honey, we're home... In the bathtub...” You said in disbelief, watching as she looked erratically to the sides, blinking repeatedly. “You have fallen asleep.”
“Have I?” She asked, sighing, sitting up. “Oh, well…”
“It's not the first time in several days that I see you falling asleep around the house, are you sure you're okay?” You asked, brushing the hair from her face. She nodded, once again giving away the lie.
“Oh, I... Well... Yes, I'm fine, just... You know, the heat of the steam... Being here with you... I've relaxed too much, I'm so sorry.”
“Don’t worry...” you said with a suspicious look, kissing his wounded cheek carefully.
As the days passed, her sudden naps became more and more frequent. You knew something was wrong with her, but she didn't want to tell you. You began to believe that it had something to do with you, and that it had a lot, a lot to do with a small detail about you that you had never told her about.
“Angie, where is Donna?” You asked, closing the book you were reading. The doll shrugged. You looked at the clock on the wall and frowned. “It's almost lunch time, normally at this time she is already cooking.”
“Hey, stupid (Y/N), you think my Donna is your slave?” The doll protested, climbing onto the couch next to you.
You rolled your eyes.
“No, Angie. If she let me cook I wouldn't be asking.”
“That's because your food is garbage, garbage!” The doll screeched irritatingly.
“It's funny that a porcelain doll without stomach or sense of taste tells me that,” you said mockingly, crossing your arms. “Anyway, I'm going to look for her, I'm sure she hasn't noticed the time.
After avoiding the throwing of objects that Angie usually protested with, you took the elevator down. It was quite common for time to fly by for her when she worked on her dolls.
“Donna? It's me, are you there?” You asked softly, knocking on the workshop the doors. “Donna?”
There was no response, which made you a bit nervous. You decided to leave education aside and open the door yourself. The sight before you was funny and strange at the same time.
Sure enough, Donna was there, sitting in one of the chairs. But she wasn’t focused like she usually was. No, this time her head was resting on the table, making soft sounds, suspiciously similar to the ones she made when she fell asleep.
“I don’t believe what I see,” you said, holding back your laughter, slowly approaching the woman. “Hey, Donna,” you said, moving her back slowly, caressing it so as not to startle her.
“(Y/N)?” The woman in black growled, raising her head from the table. On her cheek, she had stuck a color palette, which had smeared paint all over her face. Your desire to laugh only increased.
“Were you putting on makeup?” You joked, under her disoriented gaze.
“What? No, no... I was... I was painting a doll and...” She said in a hoarse voice, running her hands over her stained face. “Oh, not again…”
“You fell asleep again, huh?” You said, crossing your arms. “Look what you've made to your face. Come, let me help you.”
“Yes, yes I... Oh...” She murmured confusedly, letting you help her to stand up.
The two of you walked to the sink in the next room and carefully cleaned the paint stains from her face.
You ran the water over her face, removing most of the paint.
“Sit down, my love,” you said lovingly, grabbing a towel that was near the sink. She simply nodded, embarrassed.
While you passed the towel over her face, definitively cleaning it, you decided that it was time to talk about those naps.
“Donna,” you whispered, sighing and bending down, putting your hands on her shoulders so she could look at your face. “I’m worried about you.”
“About me? Why? I'm fine,” she said, pathetically looking away from her.
“You lie terribly,” you said, amused. “I've been living with you for two weeks and... I don't know, Donna, something's wrong with you, you're constantly exhausted.”
“I don't…”
“Come on, tell me what's happening. Look at you... It seems like you haven't slept in days,” you said, delicately lifting her chin. “You don’t sleep?”
She didn't respond. She simply shook her head slowly.
“Don’t you? Wow, am I moving too much?” You asked, sitting in a chair next to her.
Donna shook her head again.
“Okay...” You said to yourself, thoughtful.
“You... Sometimes you... No, you stop breathing,” Donna said, with trembling hands, as if the mere fact of saying something like that disturbed her. “Every night I hug you and… Suddenly, your chest stops moving, I can't hear your breathing. You always do it again but... I'm, I'm really afraid that one day...”
“Oh, that was it!” You said, with a tone perhaps too high. “Don't worry about that, Donna. It's normal, it's happened to me since I was little.”
“Don't worry? I'm saying that you stop breathing, (Y/N),” she said with a serious, stern tone.
“Yes, I know,” you whispered, amused, relieved to finally know the problem. “It's something that happens to many people. It's called sleep apnea.”
“I've never read anything about that,” Donna said, feeling ashamed of her ignorance.
“Well, it's nothing you have to worry about. Sometimes I stop breathing for a few seconds while I'm sleeping, but I always do it again. The doctor said there was nothing to worry about.”
“Why hadn't you told me before?” She asked, offended by what she believed was a lack of trust.
“Because I don't consider it something important...” You sighed, smiling in relief. “Wait, wait,” you said, frowning, when some revelations crossed your mind. “Haven't you slept all these nights?”
She shook her head, looking down again.
“I stay awake to watch you. If, if something happens to you while I'm sleeping I... I don't know what would happen to me.”
You couldn't help but burst into loud laughter.
“Does it seem funny to you?” She asked offended.
“No, no... It just, it just seems very cute to me, Donna... So that's why you fall asleep anywhere, because you're awake at night... Have I ever told you how much I love you?”
“This is serious, (Y/N),” the woman scolded you, her gaze cold.
“No, no... You shouldn't worry so much, really... Do you trust me?”
“I do”
“Then forget about it, okay? Stop watching me at night. Nothing will happen to me, I promise. Not sleeping is very dangerous for your health.”
“Losing you would be even worse,” she stated sadly, looking for your hand to squeeze it tightly with hers.
“You're not gonna lose me”
After those sincere words, you leaned to kiss her tenderly, to say with a kiss how much you loved her, how much you were happy about the enormous love she felt for you.
“Now, honey, go to bed, get the rest you need. I'll make the food, even if Angie says it's garbage.”
“Oh, come on, she doesn't mean it,” Donna said, amused, getting up from the chair with your help.
“Shh, shut up and go to sleep, my beautiful Donna... I love you so much...” You sighed, not being able to avoid kissing her again.
“Me too, (Y/N), me too...”
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bilswildflower · 2 days
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Nothing, You’re Perfect
Billie Eilish x Female Reader
CW: Angst, fluff. Cheating.
Summary: After finding out your girlfriend of 3 years has cheated on you, your close friend Billie is right there to comfort you.
“What the hell? There’s no fucking way…” you couldn’t believe what your eyes were looking at. You had left Billie and your girlfriend Sam at your house for not even 10 minutes whilst you drove to the store to go and get a couple of snacks for game night. Yet here you are, sat in the Walmart parking lot staring at a video of your 3 year girlfriend kissing some random girl in a club that was sent to you by one of your friends. Fuck the snacks, you’re confronting that dirty cheater. She’s lied to you for far too long, there’s no way she can lie to you now.
Turning your car back on, you drive home with tears in your eyes. Heartbroken, but not surprised. Sam has never treated you how you deserved to be treated, but you never thought she would go as low as cheating.
As you enter your house, you hear the faint sound of music playing from the outdoor back patio along with Billie and Sam chatting and laughing away. You slowly approached, phone in hand with the video already up, tears threatening to spill from your eyes. You walk over to where they were sat and leaned over to turn off Billies Spotify music. She was the first to look at you, her face full of concern.
“Y/N? What’s wrong? Did something happen?” Standing up as she said this, Billie immediately came over to you to give you a hug, wiping away a couple tears as she pulled away. You didn’t hug back, you were too focused on Sam, staring daggers at her she just looked at you, face full of guilt as if she already knew what was about to happen.
You threw your phone onto the coffee table in front of her, voice shaking and laced with heartbreak as you cried “tell me it’s not true Sam, please…” you took a shaky breath as you continued “please tell me I’m not seeing it right”. Sam said nothing, she just stood there, her mouth opening and closing every so often trying to find the right words, but there was nothing she could say. She cheated. Your girlfriend of 3 years cheated on you. You drop your head to the floor as your hand came up to your eyes whilst you cried. You turned around, back to both Sam and Billie. Billie took this opportunity to lean over and get a peak at the video playing on your phone, once she saw what it was she saw red “oh you gotta be fucking kidding me” she muttered to herself, immediately coming over to console you, hugging you from behind with one arm wrapped around your chest, the other sliding up and down your arm to soothe you as you cried.
Billie was angry. How could anybody hurt this girl? How could anybody throw away this diamond of a woman for a messy kiss in a nightclub. She was disgusted.
“Sam, you should probably leave” Billie spoke, softly since she was right behind you and didn’t want you to feel her anger.
“Don’t speak for her man, Y/N I’m sorry please talk to-“
“Get out Sam, we’re done” your voice was low and raspy from crying, but you mustered up the courage to say what you should have said a long time ago.
Sam eventually left, but not without asking you a million times if this is really what you want and to please give her another chance. All you could do was stand there, whilst Billie cuddled you whispering “you’re okay” into your hair every now and then. After what felt like an eternity, you heard the front door shut, indicating that Sam had finally left. Billie turned you around and sat you down on the patio couch, pulling up her baggy jeans by her knees she took a seat on the coffee table in front of you. She took your hands in hers, rubbing little soft circles into your skin with her ring covered thumbs. You sat like that for a while, Billie not wanting to say anything to make you upset again, so she settled for quietly soothing you instead. After a few minutes you let out a sniffle and a sigh before managing to get out a “I feel dumb”.
“Yeah? Why’s that?”
“I should’ve seen it coming”
“Come on mama don’t say that, nobody ever thinks they’re gonna get cheated on, people are good at hiding their true selves baby girl” Billie continued stroking the skin of your hands as she spoke, lifting one hand to softly tuck your hair behind your ear.
“Yeah…not her though. I knew she was a dick, I should have left her ages ago. God what is wrong with me?” You sobbed as Billie pressed the hand she used to tuck your hair away gently against your cheek. “What is so wrong with me that everybody feels the need to hurt me?”
“Nothing, you’re perfect”
You scoffed “I am not perfect”
“Shut up, you are to me, and that girl never deserved you. You have a heart of gold, people take advantage of that but there is not a single thing wrong with you Y/N. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise and don’t you dare change” Billie spoke with stern in her voice but still managed to be soft with you. It made you believe her. You gave her a weak smile and leaned your tear stained face further into her palm. “…thanks Bil, you’re sweet”
Billie smiled back at you, moving her hand from your cheek to your jaw to softly smush your cheeks together, making you giggle. Then she stood up, grabbed your hand and said “come on”.
“Where are we going?” You said with a smile.
“Taco Bell, then we’re gonna have a movie night…and if it helps to cheer you up, I might even play you a new song” Billie suggested as she grabbed her keys, knowing how much you love being one of the first people to hear new music from her. You smiled, getting into her car.
As Billie drove to the nearest Taco Bell, blasting a new song she had just finished that she said was called Lunch, you looked over at her, your heart bursting with love and happiness as Billie sung out the lyrics to the song, dancing in her seat to make you laugh. Suddenly you had forgotten all about the drama that had just happened 10 minutes ago, and you knew you would be okay.
You had never felt so lucky to call that girl your friend.
Thankyou so much for reading! This is my first story on here so please be patient with me if it’s not great. I’m still figuring out how to do this 😂
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guy-writes · 2 days
CBF!König x GN!Reader (Chapter Four)
Warnings: no pronouns but 'you', König has a name
What was the assignment? Jealousy?
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Age: 13
Memory Five
“Probably won’t be the last time” 
“Look, Alexander, if we don’t get this done- me and you are toast…” You took a bite out of your jam covered toast to emphasise it was time to get working. Alexander groaned at your pun, giving you a glare before focusing back on the papers before him. You and him were at your house to finish off some homework and finally get started on your project.
“I’d rather be doing anything else but this stupid project…” He mumbled, furiously clicking his pen, like that would get words out. You sighed through your nose and shook your head. The teacher, Mr. H (as some kids called him… because his name was hard to pronounce) assigned dual-group work about whatever topic you wanted. The requirement was that you had to research its history… but you two didn’t know that until you got the assignment paper. 
“As long as it’s informative- and nothing inappropriate!” He warned, looking over at two kids in particular who snickered.  
“Well, we wouldn’t be in this situation if we started earlier, it’s due in two days and we barely started…” You pointed out. You took a look at the assignment sheet that the teacher gave, giving it a run down in your head. Both you and Alexander answered two and a half questions out of seven. You think with the topic Alexander picked he’d have done the whole assignment himself. 
“Our topic is going to be about lego,” He stated.
“Lego? I thought it was meant to be informative?” You asked, starting at the assignment paper then the board. It wasn’t like it gave much information about what topics you shouldn’t pick- but you were just trying to avoid the blank look on his face.
“He said we could do what we wanted… it just needs to be informative,” he defended. You knew early on in your friendship that Alexander loved three things in his life: fantasy, lego, and his mom’s cooking. He would never budge on them, Lego wasn’t exactly your thing but you’d guess it was for now. 
“Alright, well, we could definitely fit these questions to the topic of lego…” You shrugged, you could see out of the corner of your eye that Alexander was doing a little happy shimmy, he was definitely excited.
Which was weird considering how he was acting now. He huffed as he answered another question for the paper, taking a sip of his water then spacing off. You weren’t going to allow him to fall victim to his day dreaming. 
“You were so excited in the beginning… what happened?” You finished off your toast before looking over at him. He frowned, giving his paper a look of contempt before giving you a heavy sigh. He was quiet for a while, probably mulling over how to word what he’s trying to say. It used to freak you out- how he’d have to take time to figure out what to say even in simple conversation, since you thought he was going to say something groundbreaking. But he just had trouble with words and hated saying anything that made him sound stupid.  
“I thought I would be able to… I don’t know, talk about some of my lego builds but all the questions pertain to boring answers- and yeah sure I like talking about lego but not the history of it…” He started rambling off, saying how he was gravely disappointed. 
“Well… Why don’t we just try to answer one of the questions that uses your knowledgeable lego building skills?” You offered, trying to get his hopes up. You were hoping it would get him motivated enough to finish this today. He looked at you before looking back down at the paper, a thoughtful expression on his face before it slowly shaped into a more happy one. 
“Alright let’s do that,” he perked up and began working again. 
It was awful.
It was now the next day, you were sitting at your desk, head in your hands. Alexander was trying to word the answer to a question while also trying to talk about his lego builds. He wasn’t the best at controlling his frustration and yesterday he ended up ripping his assignment (you had to help him tape it up).
He groaned and shoved the paper away from him before laying his head on his desk. You were almost done with the assignment, but Alexander argued his last answer needed to be perfect, you countered that it didn’t need to be, it looked fine enough.
“Hey, I like your title page!” Your classmate, Alina, spoke to you. She sat at the desk on your left since you ended up in the middle row. She was a nice girl with light brown hair and thick purple glasses. You smiled at her, pleased at the little compliment. 
“Thanks! I thought it might have been a bit too much…” You looked down at your finished titled page, ‘The history of Lego’ was right in the middle of the page. Some lego bricks and yellow stars surrounded the words, making it pop out almost. 
Your dad helped you with the design, he even added some glitter. 
“Oooh, I like your topic- cartoons are always fun to talk about! I particularly like this one about this girl who receives the ability to transform into a powerful heroine…” You complimented her back while also going on a small tangent. Once you realised you were talking her ear off your face went warm and quickly wrapped it up. Alina didn’t seem to mind; she even perked up when she recognized what show you were talking about. Adding her two cents on it, though she was cut off though by a loud ahem. 
You looked over at Alexander who had a frown on his face.
“...I asked if you could read this,” he huffed, sliding the paper over to you. It looked like he finished up his answer. You took the paper and began reading what he wrote. It looked solid in your eyes but before you could say your praise- he spoke up again. 
“You’re supposed to be my partner for this project…” He huffed.
“Um, I am…?” You were confused, all you did was talk to Alina.. who complimented you first.
“No you're not… you’re disloyal…” he retorted before taking his paper back. He was shaking his leg and looked to be a bit upset. You looked over at Aline for help but even she looked confused. Mr. H finally spoke up about class being over in a few minutes. You let Alexander have his fit by himself as you started getting ready to leave. 
The walk back home was awkward, you tried getting him to talk, asking him what was wrong.. but he just brushed you off. You just huffed in annoyance at his attitude, he was being ridiculous. You said a curt goodbye before walking over to your house, it felt like last year when he was mad at you defending him but this time you had no idea why he was angry at you. 
Guess you’ll figure it out later, you have T.V to watch.
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"Borderline" Masterlist
Words: 1,201
Chapter Five (Coming soon)
Reblogs & comments divider by @reveriesources
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house-afire · 2 days
Testament (Izzy/Lucius)
Prompt: 100 words of inheritance
Izzy dreamt of an enormous moth lighting on his face, beating its wings furiously. It was a strange fancy for a man who’d spent most of his life at sea, away from almost every creeping, crawling thing, but it made more sense once he struggled back awake and felt a sheet of parchment slide off his face.
“What the fuck is this?” Lucius demanded, his voice off-pitch with some emotion Izzy was too inexperienced or hungover (or both) to identify.
He turned over enough to blearily take in whatever Lucius was talking about before Lucius shoved it in his face again. The paper was stamped with Wee John’s powder and paints now—Izzy hadn’t washed his prettiness off before he’d collapsed in bed. But that wasn’t what Lucius meant, of course. He was—God only knew why—all stirred up about what was written on the paper.
“What the fuck does it look like?”
“What does it—it looks like a fucking will, Izzy!”
“Good,” Izzy said. “I did it right, then.”
“What are you doing writing your will?”
It was far too early for this shit. “Pirates die, Twatty. One-legged pirates die even faster. I might’ve lived through last night, might’ve made it out of the Pirate Queen’s brig, just because Bonnet’s got a soft heart and the devil’s own luck, but I can’t ride his fucking coattails forever.”
Lucius didn’t look like someone who’d heard a reasonable explanation and was ready to let a painted-up cripple with a pounding headache and a shit taste in his mouth go the fuck back to sleep. He was still tense and white-faced, his lips pressed into a thin line.
“Fine. You want to be all morbidly defeatist, then fine. Mood, honestly. But what I want to know is why you think you’re going to die before my fucking wedding.”
Lucius stabbed his finger down at the damning line: my ring to Lucius Spriggs for his wedding. The last few words were in a wobbly, heavy hand.
Izzy silently cursed himself for having written that little proviso in before his head had hit the pillow. He’d just been falling-down drunk and too fucking sentimental, that was all. He’d have left the ring to Lucius is any case; he fucking had left it to him, no strings attached, before Calypso’s birthday had done his head in. What Lucius would do with it—and especially what day he would put it on, if he even kept it at all and didn’t just sell it off at their next port—didn’t need to get solemnized in Izzy’s piss-poor will and testament.
Of course the boy would want some explanation for it. He’d done this to himself, hadn’t he?
Izzy sighed. “Look at what my life’s been, lately. One near-miss after the next. I want my shit in order, that’s all.”
Lucius sat down on the edge of Izzy’s narrow bed. “I get that. But that means planning for your life too, okay? Not just the end of it. And I’ve marked you down as a yes on the RSVPs, all right? I’ll be very disappointed if you no-show, no matter how good an excuse you have. Like being dead.”
“I changed my mind. I’m not leaving my ring to some twat who wakes me up after a Calypso party.”
Lucius probably knew that for the dodge it was, but he let Izzy have it. He must’ve known too much earnestness was bad for a man’s blood.
“Excuse me, don’t you fucking dare. It’s wildly romantic to have your death ring. If you even try leaving it to someone else, I’ll tell everyone you bequeathed your sword to Stede.”
Izzy had known that was a mistake. He’d never fucking hear the end of it if the rest of them found out about that while he was still alive.
“He’s a fucking captain. He needs a better one than what he’s got. It was a practical choice—”
“Mm, very practical. Now he’ll have something even sharper to cut himself with.”
“He’s getting better.”
“Aren’t we all,” Lucius said, with a fleeting smile that had a wistful edge to it. “Look at me, up at the crack of dawn, well before our usually diligent first mate—”
Izzy groaned and covered his eyes. “Fuck off, you’re only up because you never went to fucking sleep.”
“That’s neither here nor there. Anyway, I have the updated duty roster. That’s what I came to drop off before I started, you know, going through your things. Look, you really shouldn’t leave papers out like that if you don’t want people to read them.”
Of course Spriggs was contrary enough that the only time he’d break a sweat on this ship was right after the fucking revelry when all decent people were still hungover.
“Working on Calypso’s birthday,” Izzy muttered. “Fucking disrespectful. See if I don’t have her put some hex on you.”
Lucius brightened. “Ooh, speaking of our goddess—you two did look good last night. Was our Dizzy Izzy a virgin sacrifice?”
“Fuck off, Spriggs.”
“Do you only like bears? Is that why you don’t want me sketching you? Because I’ve got the beard now, so that’s something.”
I left you the ring, Twatty, Izzy almost said. I’m already giving you the only pretty thing I have.
But everything he’d doled out on that silly slip of paper had meant something—his knife and sword-hand glove to Jim, his trunk to Fang, his share of current plunder to Frenchie, all of it—and Lucius, he knew, would understand that and not quarrel over it. It would take a lot of fucking talking, though, and he was bone-tired still.
Instead of any of that, he rubbed his hand over Lucius’s cheek, feeling the bristles beneath his palm. Lucius’s breath caught sharply before he leaned into Izzy’s touch.
“Suits you,” Izzy said.
“Being caressed by a silver fox always suits me.”
He kept his face tilted against Izzy’s hand as he carefully folded the will back up and stretched his arm out to put it back where he’d found it. Out of sight, out of mind—at least with Lucius now lying down next to him, curling up to fit around him. His breath, warm on Izzy’s cheek, smelt of Fang and Roach’s fruity drinks. It was nice. Like the last of Bonnet’s marmalade, scraped out to the edge of the bread. Sooner or later he’d have nothing but dry crust again—or he’d starve altogether—but not now. Not yet.
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My issues with the ep, just to get them out of the way and out of my brain so I can flail in peace. Overall it was phenomenal and I have so much to unpack but off the cuff “negatives”. I use this term loosely as they are mostly just super nitpicky things that my brain got hung up on:
1. The mixing on “But I’m sure there’s someplace in your cloaca we can stick it” is so bad, and so obvious it was re-recorded it takes me out of the scene. I got sucked right back in by the ramping frenetic energy of Blitzø’s sex toy demos in contrast with Stolas’s solemnity and that feeling of everything about to crash (which was BEAUTIFULLY DONE) but it still jars me. This was my biggest issue.
2. Why was Loona the one confronting C.H.E.R.U.B? She wasn’t even there? She didn’t meet them? It was just an odd choice imo. I could understand that energy with the DHORKS agents from her but not CHERUB. I kind of wish her and Millie had swapped that role.
3. Blitzo’s confusion about the crystal, acting like he had never heard of them when he clearly has as he forced a guy to let him use his to go after Barbie. I get that it was mostly for the audience but that kind of dialogue handholding just makes it look like the writers don’t remember that he would be aware of them. I could accept that he was more blindsided by the situation than ignorant and Stolas is explaining not realizing Blitzø knows already but it didn’t come off that way, it came off as Blitzø not knowing at all and needing it explained.
4. There was something different about the animation? I can’t figure out what, something with the eyebrows I think? It was just very sharp or over contrasty compared to previous episodes. I probably wouldn’t have noticed if I had not just binged it right before viewing. That said the overall quality of the show has noticeably improved over the years, this isn’t really a negative just something I kept focusing on instead of the episode itself. Like Blitzø looked odd in some shots?
5. This one is me specific. I wish we had seen signs of the mansion being covered up earlier like in the background of the duet. Everything looks normal in the morning as we are used to seeing it and then like Stolas has moved out by that night. This is probably a deliberate choice for the themeing and symbology of the confrontation and Stolitz as a relationship and it’s super valid, I actually love the covered mirrors and furniture and especially the chandelier but my continuity brain just wished there had been some sign earlier. Like I said they didn’t do anything wrong, it’s mostly just me being like “But when did this happen?”
And that’s it. End of list. Everything else was great, my list of things I loved will be a million times longer.
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