#I will die for murderbot
wishfulsketching · 1 month
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Sudden desire to draw Murderbot jumping off of a building with Mensah. (Just for the vibes, did not re-read Exit Strategy, so I don't remember the details)
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functionalasfuck · 6 months
I love how system collapse solidified the idea that while Mensah is Murderbot’s favorite human and ART is its favorite bot, Ratthi is its best friend
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radiantmists · 6 months
the whole "it would be kinder to kill them" exchange re-contextualizes murderbot's initial willingness-- even eagerness-- to kill other SecUnits in an interesting way, doesn't it.
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johnwickfucker · 5 months
autism be damned my bot can murder
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bookrat · 1 year
What is murderbots and why should I read/listen
The Murderbot Diaries is a sci-fi series by Martha Wells mostly taking place in a dystopian capitalist future. Basically, the viewpoint character is a company-manufactured private security guard rented out to the managers of space! company towns.
After hacking its governor module, nothing much changes about its life for several years until a routine job turns deadly and it's forced to trust a group of humans with its secret in order for any of them to survive.
First paragraph:
I could have become a mass murderer after I hacked my governor module, but then I realized I could access the combined feed of entertainment channels carried on the company satellites. It had been well over 35,000 hours or so since then, with still not much murdering, but probably, I don’t know, a little under 35,000 hours of movies, serials, books, plays, and music consumed. As a heartless killing machine, I was a terrible failure.
Synopsis aside, the books are fast-paced, fun, and hopeful; and Kevin R. Free has great voices for all the characters.
If you liked the Imperial Radch series, speculative sci-fi relevant to our current late-stage capitalism problems, or are a fan of non-human perspective in fiction, Murderbot is for you.
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sanctuarymoonfan397 · 4 months
Hey, hey... im reading System Collapse and the title better be fucking referring to the planetary system the team is in and not Murderbot's systems
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jules-on-fire · 2 months
Me when, me when uhhhh, ART DESIGN WIP GO
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thepringlesofblood · 10 months
comfort-relistening to the stolen century for the 10000th time and realized that a significant portion of my favorite media includes two immortals from opposing backgrounds growing closer through conversations about the universe and their role in it, and often about the little joys of life and ups and downs of humanity.
merle and john in the adventure zone
aziraphale and crowley in good omens, which [GO2 SPOILERS] this season added another relationship that fits this definition (though i am not a fan of it), [END SPOILERS]
pearl and rose from steven universe, fuck's sake ALL of the crystal gems and rose
hob & morpheus(? dream? i read it a really long time ago and forgot which one he prefers. you ken well know what i mean)
i really don't want to think about what that means for my psyche
others that don't really count but kind of do have the same basic vibes of opposing/different backgrounds and immortality and what relationships look like over eternity.
cbs ghosts
look........i no longer enjoy supernatural but i did at one point and there's a bit of it there if you squint
bbc merlin (look they don't know they're immortal but the opposing sides/philosophy discussions bit holds up)
jed and octavius from night at the museum (shut up i'm right they're a little bit mortal sure but like not in the same way that humans are)
its about the conversations, whether its parlay w merle and john or getting drunk in the bookshop w a/c or the private moments when pearl and rose are alone or drinks every century w hob and morpheus, or nigel and isaac having a set date to "discuss property boundaries" or whatever tf they call it every year, and even kind of hades and persephone going away and coming back to each other, over and over again. it's about becoming fond of someone you were never supposed to be fond of but through just being around each other for so long and through so many ordinary conversations becoming close, in a way you never thought you could be close with someone.
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every-eye-evermore · 9 months
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oops! I read three books in a few hours!
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bananonbinary · 2 years
my favorite bit of ongoing murderbot characterization is how uneducated it is. like my guy can hack its own brain, outsmart pretty much any other character, and has read/watched/analyzed more media than is even possible for a human, and it still can't remember what a metaphor is. i care it so much.
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theaceace · 10 months
Been reading the murderbot diaries (again), so now I can't stop thinking about a rogue secunit (this particular company markets them as a Hybrid Organic-Bot (it - he calls himself Hob, yes he knows it wasn't very creative)) breaking free of corporate control and hiding away on the (currently unmanned) research transport vessel Morpheus, which is controlled by a very secret (and utterly terrifying) experimental AI that Hob nicknames Dream, and which could destroy him in less than a second if it so chose
Instead it takes Hob to whichever system he was trying to get to in exchange for Hob sharing both his stored media files and also stories of the things he got up to while he was still pretending to be a good, obedient secunit. Dream insists that it's because he's interested in Hob's unique perspective, Hob thinks it's because Dream's lonely when he doesn't have a crew aboard and Dream is so mad that he won't let Hob back aboard from whichever station they're docked at, and then later fails to make the rendezvous at another port
(he'd actually been infected with malware by Burgess, who had then taken control of Morpheus and was trying to figure out how it/Dream worked, right up until a murderously angry rogue secunit catches up to them)
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khentkawes · 1 year
All I want for Christmas is...
...to utterly destroy the pornbot infestation and leave their corpses as a smoldering warning to future bots menaces!
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vermofftiss · 1 year
I need my murderbot pals to read the raksura series because martha wells is SO good at making blorbos
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fantastic-nonsense · 2 years
*reading Batman #128-129* ah, it looks like it's time for Tim to once again fulfill his self-imposed 'emotional support Robin' routine again once he gets back from the Fortress of Solitude
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brown-little-robin · 7 months
speaking of surviving (or not surviving) horror movies: last night I dreamed I was Murderbot and I was trying to save my humans from a planet dying of corporate overextension, and a giant violent space octopus grabbed several of my humans. I had to let the octopus grab me and slam me on a force field to distract it while I figured out how to kill it and simultaneously how to mentally fly a spaceship
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black-cat-aoife · 14 days
Für das AU ask: Blind ermittelt Sci-Fi AU.
Thank you functioning website for telling me about this ask three days late
1. Es gibt inzwischen natürlich sehr fancy Autos die man auch als Blinder fahren kann aber Alex hat sich lieber seinen normalen Wagen mit sentimentalem Wert nachrüsten lassen. Damit kommt er gut zurecht bis die fancy Tech mitten im Nirgendwo ausfällt und er strandet. Auftritt Niko
2. Das Auto ist auch *Insert sci-fi Equivalent von Oldtimer mit Gangschaltung* das die meisten Leute gar nicht mehr fahren können. Niko schon denn er verdient sein Geld damit in historischen Gefährten Rennen zu fahren und kann so ziemlich alles fahren was mindestens zwei Räder hat
3. Alex nimmt notgedrungen Nikos Angebot ihn zu fahren an weil es nur eine Firma gibt, die neue fancy Tech in Autos aus dem letzten Jahrhundert einbauen kann und die halt auf einem anderen Planeten sitzt. Erst findet er ihn sehr nervig aber er wächst ihm schnell ans Herz. Auch weil er ihn nicht nach 5 Minuten fragt, warum er nicht *fancy Tech mit man wieder "sehen" kann aber eben nicht richtig* verwendet. (Dafür fragt er ihn so ungefähr alles andere)
4. Laura ist die Chefin von Nikos Rennteam und war zu ihren aktiven Zeiten eine Rennsportlegende
5. Alex sammelt immer noch Schallplatten (die haben etwa alle 200 Jahre ein Revival und er hat sogar noch ein paar sehr alte)
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