#I wanna do this on my kpop blog too LOL
patchanons · 1 year
url tag game
rules: spell your url with song titles and tag as many people as the letters! tagged by @hunteer23 this was fun! thanks!
O Orbit - Hwa Sa
H Hate that... - KEY, TAEYEON
M MOVE - Taemin
N Not Too Late - ATEEZ
A Addicted - Monsta X
N nostalgic night - VICTON
O One Moment - Jay B
N Never Ever - GOT7
S She's In The Rain - The Rose
tagging @hecalledhimhyung (have fun with your long ass url) @bangzchan @minzbins @jisub @mayalunas @nick-nellson @nervousnotion @dawnofus @junghaesin if you've already been tagged or don't feel like it no need to
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redactedbloop · 3 months
Music Tag Game!
Thank you so much @running-tweezers for tagging me 💕💕😭
Rules: On Repeat playlist, shuffle, post the first 10 songs
Im gonna tag people up here cause this post feels too long lol: @mokozroach @bubblergoespop @ilaria-jinx and anyone else who wants to do this (tag me, i love getting new music recommendations)
Alright let’s get into it!
….outting myself as an emo kid right out the gate I see. Sometimes I wanna feel like an angsty middle schooler and that’s okay
I absolutely adore Noah Kahan. Stick Season is one of my albums of all time, hands down
This song has me in a chokehold. Get it? Chokehold? Im fun at parties. ANYWHO Sleep Token 🥴 There is something so alluring about their music. I wanna bite it
Heavy pop does it for me sometimes. If you go listen to their other new song, Brag, there’s a speaking bit that kinda sounds like Huxley
SPEAKING OF. 1:10 for those interested.
Hell Yeah. This song is sung entirely by Poppy and she does a phenomenal job. I love Bad Omen’s social commentary
Also outing myself as a kpop stan got it cool cool. This song is actually my roman empire. I have thought about it since the first performance video came out in like 2017
This wouldnt be a song post on my blog without these guys. I love them so so much
I recently learned this song has an acoustic version and ive never been happier. It’s lowkey got me 🥴🥴 somethin bout it hits different
And ending on my favorite song at the moment! I swear this rewired something in my brain the first time i heard it. The chorus does things to me
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biconickyoshi · 19 days
tag games :)
Woooo thanks for tagging me @the-cloud-whisperer!! :) I’ve never done one of these before!
* Last song I listened to: Telephone Number by Junko Ohashi (classic city pop bop)
* Favorite color: Forest green - I painted my home office this color and it’s very calming (plus gives off hobbit vibes)
* Currently watching: Dungeon Meshi, didn’t expect to like it as much as I do but I look forward to every new ep and even binged the manga the other day :)
* Spicy/savory/sweet: Savory all the way, can’t handle too much spicy or sweet at a time T-T
* Relationship status: Married
* Current obsession: Strongest and longest running special interest is A:tLA since 2007, specifically Zukaang now ever since late 2021 when I had an epiphany about the ship and started writing The Avatar and the Fire Prince :)
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
* Take A Chance With Me - NIKI (literally fits Zukaang so well so I listen to it a lot)
* Lovegod - Sarah Kinsley (the piano in this makes me feel so nostalgic and gives me extreme Debussy vibes)
* Naked in Manhattan - Chappell Roan (sapphic bop)
* That’s Me - Gnoss (celtic music is just 🤌🏻✨ i love it so much)
* Bewitched - Laufey (I feel like im in an old disney movie when I listen to this)
nickname: KJ
zodiac sign : gemini, but none of the gemini traits fit with my personality so I don’t much believe in astrology lol. if I’d have been born just a day or two later I’d be a cancer and much more inclined to believe in it bc it fits me way better
height : 5'4"
last thing I googled: tripleS members (a kpop group my sister recently introduced me to lol)
amount of sleep: usually 6-7 hours, I recently got diagnosed with mild sleep apnea so I wake up literally every hour or two and i have to use a cpap 😔
dream job: hmm well I guess I’m working it right now (I’m a therapist)? when I was a kid I wanted to be on broadway (I was big into musical theater/choir)… now I honestly kinda don’t really “enjoy” working in general even though there are parts of my job that I enjoy. I honestly get the most satisfaction out of doing things I like for my own enjoyment (like writing and drawing) rather than for monetary gain.
movie/book that describes me the most: uhhhhhh I guess I’d say LotR, I very much relate to Frodo lol (which is one of the reasons he’s my pfp on my main blog). I also love its portrayal of wholesome masculinity and kindness/goodness conquering all.
favorite song: hard to choose… there’s literally so many I like lol. I really love 1of1 (both the album and the song) by SHINee (my fave kpop group)
favorite instrument: I would say the mandolin or the fiddle
favorite aesthetics: I really enjoy the vibe of whimsigoth, though my personal style does not incorporate it. I attempted it a couple years ago but felt it was too femme - nowadays I wear “fashionable” men’s clothes (layers, button-ups, men’s jeans)
favorite author: Charlotte Brontë simply because I love Jane Eyre so much. She made me feel so many emotions with that novel 😭 I related to Jane a bit too much
random fun fact: hmmmm well I was the lead in two different musicals when I was in high school which was pretty neat! I mentioned somewhere above that I wanted to be on broadway growing up so that’s the closest i’ve gotten to that lmao
Gonna tag some of y’all if you wanna play (no pressure tho) :)
@finn0cchio @my-cabbages-gorl @veggiesforpresident @buncly13 @asukas-numberone-defender @zeno-zero @rennelelorren @gordielaweirdo @isthei @kirinjaegeste
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ohmygs-blog · 3 months
warning: didnt reread before sending, just me yapping lmfao
ik everybody goes thru phases, that's how we discover n experiment w diff hobbies, and so for some phases you'll go thru burnout eventually which i get cos ive definitely gone thru different phases of the content i like to create for my kpop acct (ie. i was rlly into editing like graphic design style but burned out from it and went on to gif making instead),, ANYWAYS MY POINT IS- you are one of the few writers i think as a reader i would be so sad to see burn out because i enjoy reading your stuff so so much. this isn't to like shame or pressure you if u do move on from writing, but rather just wanted to say how much i hope your creative fuel will continue to burn, not to feel guilty if it doesn't work out but that know it'd be such a big loss to czennies who love ur work :(
wanna reiterate that in no way is this telling u you'll let ppl down bc that is NOT the case, but rather how precious u and ur blog are to us n we value u sm in our little corner of the internet<3
sawree i am very clearly not a writer idk how to explain stuff but pls know u r so so so loved here and we appreciate all the hard work u put in for us to read, n for free too ?? ur truly a gem 🤍
you are so beyond sweet and i’m so thankful for you and your nice words :(( i love being on this little corner of the internet and i’m glad u guys enjoy my work so much 🥹🥹this message was so sweet to get and i’m so thankful you took the time to leave it for me :))
i can’t believe how much love and support i’ve gotten from all of you guys and i’m always always grateful. hopefully, fingers crossed i won’t burn out because i love writing and all of you guys.
honestly speaking i do feel better now, and i’ve gotten like two requests done lol. i have older ones that i wrote and just weren’t happy with, so ill be looking them over n rewriting. but yes for now, im back and im so happy!!! :D
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1, 2, 9, and 14 LOL
HO BOY here goes 8D!
1. which muse is the easiest to write?
i love writing all my Bakumatsu bois honestly, but lately it's been Nagasone Kotetsu!
I prolly picked up a few bits from ex RP partners and previous fanarts of him, but I love writing out soft moments for him, or moments where he would try and accommodate or help out other comrades. Even in Bakaten i feel like he's this dad friend who looks out for everyone, but then tends to forget to look out for himself too, and wants to fix the shit that happened in the past.
You know that scene when he's hurt and Hachisuka still argues why he did what he did and he brought up the fact that "wasn't that the way of the Shinsengumi" and Nagasone was like "it's because of it that I saved you dammit!" like essentially danna was like "we fucked shit up in the past so now i dont wanna repeat that at all in our current timeline!"
i fucking love my Commander qAq
2. which muse is most likely to go to jail?
i dunno mang right now they're pointing at each other so im guessing they all are most likely to end up behind bars :V that meme where "tag your friend who would be in jail with you together" or something similar? YEAH THAT'S ALL SEVEN OF THEM; THE SHINSENGUMI, MUTSU, AND YAGEN 8U
no wait, all SIX of them except Horikawa. he'd prolly try to bail them all out or something.
9. what song do you associate with each muse?
Surprisingly none that i can think of :0 but i do tend to imagine my Bakumatsu bois in Kpop MVs like Shinee and Big Bang ehek ;P
Heck, i cant even think of any song associated with Saseki right now //sadge _(:'3
14. what sort of youtube channel would your muses have?
Oh Mutsu is easily anything to do with historical places (prolly will collab with Nankai sensei on this one), the latest gadgets and maybe vlogs about his photography adventures :3
Kashuu might just have one of those makeup vlogs and even DIY accessories making videos <3 like just his hands making pretty hairpins and all
Yams sometimes does collabs with Kashuu of course, coz they come together as a set, but he prolly would do like everyday life of people around him, something similar in Tsuki no Maki, but vlog style <3
Izumi and Horikawa are a set too don't separate them. Not sure what sort of content but prolly something similar to Good Mythical Morning or something ehek (or maybe something like Welcome to Jackass //OKNO)
Nagasone would probably, PROBABLY, posts workout clips, like i follow this cosplayer posting workout clips in his cosplay (and he's actually pree hella dope), so something similar i guess? with occasional cooking videos <3 now i think about it his cooking videos would be something similar like Hulk_kun on Tiktok!
Yagen would maybe take viewers on tour about medicinal plants, maybe a bit of foraging here and there :3 even sometimes appearing in Nagasone's cooking vids with the stuff he forages ehek
Saseki is easily art vlogs, like one of those tutorial vids or him just posting speedpaints and works in progress. and occasionally shorts of art memes; something like Melly Vuong on YT :3
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hesitantvampirealien · 4 months
some things that people just don't understand
when it comes to showing how much you love and appreciate someone famous, we are NOT doing the same as the sasaeng* and we ARE aware it's not a real relationship, we don't need it to be, most of us don't even want it to be, we DON'T want the sasaeng fans to continue being like that, we hate that kind of harassment just as much as you. We just want to spend our affection on something or someone, and it's such a "pick me" thing to pretend you don't know the difference between being a fan and being a sasaeng and act like that's wrong or being like "lol i'm not like the other fans, i don't give any support to the people whose work i like" like why are you here and not in fuckin 4chan already, let people like things in peace. Liking to post things about the famous people whose work you enjoy is the most HUMAN thing someone does hell, some of those people that we're showing this one sided love to have SAVED us from ourselves. We're literally just doing nothing more than showing how much we appreciate that this person, through their work, motivated us to look for help so we could stop destroying ourselves. Plus, those people are people. They struggle too, some in the same way we do and acting like it's so wrong to want to show you appreciate someone that STRUGGLES A LOT with their own mental health issues and have motivated you to look for help because they were in the same pit of misery you were in is just… being a jerk honestly, i hate this pick me culture in general where people wanna seem superior than others when they're just being a childish asshole. You seriously wanna imply that the one thing that my fucking THERAPIST AND MY PSYCHIATRIST encouraged me to do, which is spending those affection points on those people whose work i like and that saved me from myself, because they were the ones that motivated me to seek help, are wrong?
i'm not gonna stop giving love to someone who saved my life after they went through hell and back themselves. They deserve to be appreciated and i don't care if it's one sided. Their work deserves to be loved and appreciated, and so do they.
*sasaeng = korean term for sickly obsessive fan that often invades their idol's privacy, stalks them and in general harasses them in many ways, by what i remember it's originally a kpop related term, i'm not 100% sure because i'm not in any kpop fandom, but i felt like it could also fit in this context while talking about general celebrities without taking nationality or type of work into consideration.
also yes i'll put the mcr tag cause its the fandom i'm in and well, what motivated me to write this was seeing someone complaining about me simply liking to post pics of gee in a personal blog (????) if you don't like a type of post then just avoid it??? just tap "not interested"??? just block me??? it's MY fucking personal blog and i post whatever the FUCK i want???????? wtf is wrong with those fucking people who think someone asked them anything
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sxfisqueendom · 5 months
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💖HI YALLLLL ghetto gaslighting goddess back at it AGAIN
jk bc this is my first time doing this typa blogging on tumblr (girl that is a LIE bc im a devout tumblr fic ADDICT)
💕SO lemme explain rq what typa content i wanna be blogging ab on here:
🌺some rants so like just thoughts about school and kpop since im kinda very much obsessed (girllllll its been like 4 years already)
🌺also talks abt school (bc im a student) i want this blog to be super interactive so it can be other ppls thoughts not just mine
🌺also q&a so myb ill post smth and yall can send ur answers in LOL
🌺omg and also confessions those are so funny also bc who else thinks deb smikles vids are actually sm fun LMAO i wanna do some of that too and spilling the tea ofcofc
🌺so for the requests anyone can just send me honest opinions on anything or just thoughts and ill blog abt it if its smth i agree with!
🌺school is lwk... interesting and i just want this to be somewhere that everyone can relax and talk like just have funnnnnnn
🌺also..... this might come as a shock but i fear that i relish in certain... fanfictions... sooooo maybe ill write a few LMAO HELP or myb just blog a few recs for my fellow freaks out there (HELP LOL)
🌺this is just for fun and i want this to be a lil girl talk+kpop zoneeeee+enhypen hotness+real thoughts+opinions+school convos all rolled into one so that we can just talk and lol together PERIOD
🌺so yeah all that and just a bunch of stuff i wanna do just some rlly chill stuff bc life is brutal and i want this to be a fun part of everyones dayyyyyyy
🌺if u guys have any other ideas just ask me im open to anything!!!
🛑 just some basic guidelines for this blog is no violence or rlly negative and pointless opinions (pls keep those nasty opinions of yalls in the DRAFTS🫢)
💗 anywaysyysysysy to sum this up this is a queendom STRICTLY RESERVED FOR QUEENS ONLY so if u a queen tap in LMAO
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ithinkabouttzu · 1 year
Hiii, first of all, I love you blog and the whole vibe. You're probably the first blog I've seen with the combination of kpop and band of brothers, cool combo.
I would like to request a band of brothers ship :))) My pronouns are he/him, I'm pretty short. I play the guitar and love drawing, photography... just anything artistic. I'm always optimistic and am very social. I love giving gifts whether its art or self baked food or random rocks... fun fact, I'm Belgian and I've been to bastogne a whole lot of times growing up,hope that enough information ;)
Also, I think you would really like @rogue-barnes-durin-main they're lovely and your blogs are somewhat alike ;)
Have a great day!
Yes hii thank you so much for your request and i’m so glad you like my blog! 💖
I ship you with…
David Webster!
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Song recommendation: Cruel Summer - Taylor Swift
- OMG what an iconic couple
- Okay so I think you guys would meet in a public library or something like that, both of you are so artistic and smart (in your own respective ways ofc) but he’d be trying to find a seat in there, and that’s when he sees you
- You looked so handsome but angelic at the same time, it almost took him of guard for a second because he wasn’t expecting someone so pretty to be in a library on the weekend.
- You would be so focused, on whatever you were doing, and he would be nervous to come and sit by you because he wouldn’t want to disturb you
- And you obviously catch on to his extreme staring at you, when you look up from your work and give him a sweet smile
- He almost passes out in that moment, you just smiled at him? Btw your gorg smile literally has his face in a deep shade of red
- He has to go over to you now, when he finally does, he can finally see how nice you look in the window sunlight, he can also see what you’re working on, it’s a drawing, and that’s when he’s like wait, that’s actually like so good??
- “That’s a real pretty drawing you got there, by the way, what’s your name?” AHHHH that’s exactly how he says it
- And of course you guys start talking together, immediately hitting it off, talking about all kinds of stuff, like what you usually draw, and his writings, the best books to read all of it, even to where the librarian has to tell you guys to leave because you guys are way too loud for a library
- he would find you extremely fascinating, you guys would go to a cafe afterwards because he just wants to get to know more and more of you atp, and the rest is history.
- He loves and admires your positive attitude so much, it really uplifts him in days where he feels like absolute shit, on his bad days, you can always bring a smile to his face with your encouraging personality
- You’re more of the social one in the relationship, but overall both of you are pretty outgoing when it comes to hanging out with friends, y’all are always talking to others and making friends with people, I think you guys would be a very charming couple in terms of talking and socializing, y’all are just so nice who wouldn’t wanna hang out with y’all?!
- Okay, when you bake him dessert as a gift for the first time, this man swears he fell in love, like actually swore up and down he was gonna marry you after he had a bite of the brownies you gifted him
- speaking of baking, I think you two would spend just one day where you guys bake up a whole bunch of cookies and such at it would be so fun and cute, he would be like such a romantic the whole time, putting cookie dough on his finger for you to eat, kissing your cheek and holding you while you prepare the baking pans and the dough, it would be so nice oh my gosh
- Or if you give him something that you drew or painted, his heart would literally melt, he knows how much thought and time you must’ve put in it and just that alone makes him fall in love with you all over again, he literally with thank you over and over again til you’re just like, “Dude, chill” LOL
- and in return of course he writes you a small poem that’s so romantic and sweet, it would literally bring you tears to your eyes, cause literally the thought of someone writing you a poem, confessing how much they’re in love with you is so adorable 😭
- He would find it SOO cool that you play guitar, like that’s just so neat to him and he would literally beg you to play something for him, he’s honestly such a fan girl for you when you play it and he just full on loves when you play the guitar, it also gives him hella butterflies
- omg omg omg, how could I forget your photography, he would jokingly always ask for you to take a pic of him while you guys were out together, and whenever you guys have a date outside or out in nature he would ask you to bring your camera stuff or whatever you use for photos,
- Like say you guys were on a picnic, he’d become the temporary photographer 🤣 he’d just be like, “babe look” and he would talk all kinds of photos, and even if they’re completely horrible you can’t tell him that because that would break his ego into pieces LMAO
- But I think you guys would go together sooo well, I can get like 100% that he would completely treat you like royalty and it would be so cute 😭 you never have to worry about anything ever when you’re with him
Thank you again so much for your request!! And i’m def going to check out @rogue-barnes-durin-main ‘s blog RNNNN 😋💛💛💛
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Intro post!
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Hii! I've been on studyblr a few months now and I figured I'd make an intro post even tho none of u asked lol
About me:
name: Tessa
• Reading(currently reading radio silence,warcross,song of achilles& the inheritance games)
•Music,I've been learning classical music since 4!and I rlly wanna learn to play the ukulele
•Art, I sometimes draw random things and I love sketching people, drawing or just looking at Art is one of my ways to destress
• I absolutely despise maths and anything related to it.
• I rely too much on caffeine lol
• I prefer working in libraries than in cafés
• currently learning Spanish and German( probably will learn Korean and Japanese after I master these)
• obsessed with kpop,but mostly BTS&SKZ. I like Taylor swift,girl in red,Harry styles,Chloe Moriondo,Coldplay,Billie Ellish,Clairo and Tate mcrae!
• kinda obsessed with organising idk I just find it therapeutic
• I love true crime so might consider myself as murderino.
Also I'm doing the #30dop challenge starting from tmrw so you'll probably expect more posts!
Fave blogs:
@wecandoit @squidward-loves-bob @marias-studyblr @caffeinatediaries @adhd-academia @adelinestudiess @lottiestudying @chazza-studies-alevels @caffeineandpsychology
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mobiused · 2 years
hi mobi mobiused thank you for all the loona blogging you do you’re a champion and a hero. i wanted to know what would your ideal loona album would look like in terms of songs and styling etc like if you got to be the creative and musical director on an album of theirs what would you love to see!
Thank you for the love and support it really means a lot to me. To be honest just because I know they would never do it and because Yves and I were talking about it the other night I would LOVE to see a j-idol style punk/grunge album from them. Now it really doesn't have to actually sound punk, (because 1. this doesn't work with twelve singers and 2. theyre kpop lets stick to that) it just appropriates the aesthetic from them. Ideally pulling from the j-rock scene way more than like present day cringe commercialised cleaned up bullshit you know what I mean. We can steal from the wardrobes of both Avril Lavigne and Tommy Heavenly6 though I'd be happy with that.
For the TT I'd like a shouty and fun song in major that makes you wanna sing along (Yeah sorry this is another 4th gen idol songs without a melody in the chorus LOL) like okay I'm seeing the vision it's a summer school's out anthem like mmm if I had to use examples I'd mix Billlie's Ring Ma Bell (which I thought had the right spirit but was unfortunately way underproduced) and OK please don't think I'm cringe but maybe like you know when Paramore's tone shifted and it became pop rock so yeah like Aint it Fun. So like that... Like a lot of rough guitar presence still but overall it's a good time cheerful mood you know. Maybe a little bit melodic in the chorus then I guess. And also it actually sounds good And thematically going back to the 'Schools Out' theme (And when I say school I mean way less school and way more summer holiday) we're gonna expand on what rebellion means to the girls in-lore. Like what exactly are our silent protests and what are they for. Why are the girls outsiders (aside from the obvious) and where are they taking it. Like I say every time someone asks me I would like it if they picked up the threads that were dropped in the previous MV. Like literally any semblance of continuity would be massively appreciated. And I also think that instead of a loud fuck the haters ITZY-core style rebellion (sorry I actually love ITZY but they're camp and LOONA's pretentious, so), I think building on the theme of Why Not where it's more about aligning oneself with your own values and moving forward in life independent from societal views, as opposed to that meme which is like >lives life in opposition to something >inadvertently makes entire life about said thing (you guys know what I mean. probably) would be a really good way to further it. And it doesnt have to be that lore-y its just like yeah this is a thing that fits with LOONA's brand.
And as for B-sides well they still need to do a real UK House song because flop that does not fucking count. Actually we need a Day & Night sequel forget UK house lets get UK GARAGE. Because it's fucking good and we need another. I think we can bring back a featured instrumentalist not necessarily guitar but like literally anything because getting Jungmo from TRAX on Love & Live went hard as hell even if the song itself was erm. Anyway. I also want it to be danceable because I fucking miss a classic LOONA intro (*says classic but they only did it for two TTs lol*). And I'm bored of explaining so here's the imaginary setlist 1. Intro ft. famous Korean musician 2. Kpop rock title track 3. R&B summer sunset cruising anthem 4. I actually kinda ended up liking the interpolation of Gloria Gaynor in After Like so maybe a vaguely disco inspired track because this is my imagination and I can do what I want 5. UK Garage track. Promoted Bside that shows off their vocals. Yeojin gets a part which shows off her vocals as a treat. Hyeju can have a rap with way too much english that fails to scan because I think it's cute. 6. Acid house track with trance influences and this one can be the fun one at concerts where they just kind of aimlessly hop around and pick up slogans from fans as if they're really gonna keep them
...Or they could just rip off Rolling Quartz the only group that is doing k-rock right atm teehee
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fullsunstrawberry · 1 year
hey girlllll
okay first- the chap was SO GOODDDDD and i’m so excited for your nct reactions and texts!
also your tattoo with your mom is so cute 🥰🥰 and the designs for your seventeen ones are adorable so i’m sure your nct dream ones will be super cute as well <333
i want to get a tattoo but let’s be so fr i’m so scared of needles 💀 kao (bf) has a bunch of tattoos and they’re so cute but i personally would never - your so brave for thiss
also mother in law apologized thankfully so so more problems there :)
my life has been pretty boring tbhhh i’m living with kao rn but he’s pretty busy with his med school things rn so i barely see him 😢
i really need friends 😭
BUT ITS NOT LIKE I DONT HAVE FRIENDS my two ride or dies (yes we are a trio but we’ve known eachother since 2nd grade and there has been 1 argument that lasted 30 mins 💀) are literally so far away 🥲 missing them 24/7 but we have our weekly group facetime soon so 😋🤞
ugh life has been so boring recently fr i need a hobby asap
i feel like i’ve lost all my interests because i’m high school i would lterally do math for fun and that’s the last thing i need to do rn 😭 like sure i did. volleyball but where in nyc am i going to okay volleyball like be so fr rnnn
i have an obsession with these emojis i find them so funny
also my niece/cousin idk but she’s so like… IDKKK- she’s middle school high school age but i feel like i’m just on a whole different planet bc she’s so into everything like i need to keep up frrr
make sure to drink lots of water and eat lots of good foodss- i love youuu 😜💓💓💓💓❤️❤️❤️‼️‼️‼️
also congrats on your blog growth! you deserve it fr
I got a bunch of nct random texts that I'm gonna post soon 🤪 but I gotta make some enhypen ones too cause my master list is lookin a little biased 😅
ahh thank you! i gotta hurry and get more kpop tattoos because my mom has more than me (she has two bts tattoos and wants a txt one)
i was terrified of needles but i had to get a bunch of blood work done when i was younger, so i’m a pro now 😤😤
if my partner had and tattoos i would color them in with markers if they had black and white ones
life’s been pretty boring for me too that’s actually why i made this account cause i used to have a tumblr way back and post on it but it became too hectic with my schedule…so i deleted it. but now i’m not really doing anything i love how hectic i post!! it gives me something to do and look forward to
i’m also in a friend group of 3 💀 but mine is kinda rocky because the other two always fight and im in the middle sometimes… but i love both of them and one of them might read this 🤪🤪
i still have lunch with them every other day in school but one of them is going to a different school and im gonna make sure we don’t drift apart 😤😤
most of my hobbies involve technology lol…
i like to make random webpages and of course video games, mostly sims or acnh.
But i love scrapbooking and i know a lot of people do it online now but nothing beats cutting up pictures and gluing it to a cute notebook or having a pen pal and decorating my letters
also photocard trading is fun and helps keep me busy
i’m glad the mil apologized because no one wants bad blood in a new marriage!!
i love using emoji’s because i don’t wanna sound boring when i’m writing and i can only use “T^T” so much
SAME! my cousin is younger than me and she makes me feel so old even tho i’m young! but she talks about tiktokers and celebrities i have no clue who they are nd half of the words she says, i’m like what?
tysm!! i’m surprised on how well my blog is doing, I love how many people have reach out to talk to me! It means a lot 😩❣️
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don’t skip a meal!! 🥰🫶
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pentagonieslut · 1 year
— hi ! my name is gona (short for dalgona) on here ! this is my blog pentagonieslut !
facts :
🇦🇸🇰🇷 + african american
i’m 04 vamp line (im 19 lol)
i grew up in a qua/trilingual house + learned other languages so i get confused a lot
food + i = 💕
music making >>>
5 year crush on Lee yongbok >>
i’m too lazy to do the aesthetic blog rn sorry
very chaotic
can be ur local imototo or onee <3
safe space so if you wanna talk kewl !
i have 3 BTS light sticks + a mini ateez one
i really enjoy underrated groups
before anyone says anything- i grew up on kpop + jpop so no bts wasn’t my first group i liked. it was big bang.
I have split dyed hair
my mom turns on my childhood playlist and bribes me with ice cream or buying stationery or an album
i’m like a kid (if you haven’t noticed) so if you feel like you’re my parent i’m sorry 😔
i have 13 piercings
tattoos + piercings >>>
i’m huge on underrated groups such as DKB or MCND or LUMINOUS
i like watching people argue because it’s funny
my MBTI is : ENTP - J
i’m a uni, bb, friendz, nctzen, teume, stay, atiny, etc. (check mlist for all groups i like or i Can link a playlist !)
i have a blog where it’s similar to like heize cafe but like advice / jus a gathering place for conversations ! might play a debate game on there too !
kamen rider + sentai/power ranger >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
i have really bad insomnia
sometimes if my brain hurts i come up with stupid songs uwu
sometimes i cuss a little too much it’s like a variety show where almost everything i say gets blurred 😎
jokes aside
i dream to collab with my favourite idols one day and produce a song for them or sing on the song with them
and become besties 🫶🏾
sometimes my impulse wins
if it’s not obvious i like bls
i like ice cream a lot; it’s an addiction
baby nail tech
i usually fall asleep to mukbang or ice eating when i do sleep
i like collecting microphones and in ear monitors
see this gtkm is a mess too lol
let’s talk more later 🫶🏾🫶🏾
also if you want to follow my advice page, it’s @imototoadvice
i also have one for jpop like exile tribe, kamen rider, power rangers @kamejapan
but that one is my old writing / messy ash IM WORKING ON IT
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incorrectzbone · 1 year
Don't worry, stalk me as much as you want (that's what I usually do anyways) 😗 I'm so far from being hot or sexy (I'm the complete opposite) so I don't know how much of that is actually accurate. I've had latin on my last year of high school (I can't remember if greek was an option for the next two grades but I do know that they went to Italy in the previous years, I'm guessing they didn't keep it though. I couldn't have gone anyways 🥲), I was 15-16 at the time, now I'm 21, It's been a while and I don't really remember a thing (I usually say the same thing about french but I still know a few things, so I guess latin was harder). But guess what! Italian has been on my "languages I'd want to learn" for YEARS. I don't know Bonnie, this looks like some destiny shit over here 👀
I'm kinda wanting to write something with Ricky Vincenzo now. That will most likely never happen because I suck at writing 🥰 AND YES OMG RICKY AMBASSADOR! *insert fashion brands that I don't really know because I actually am "young and poor, short and ugly, moon boss baby Luna"* He would always look so good, he was born for this 🤩
(Now that I've said Luna, how do you say moon in italian?? 👀)
Ummmm hello? You're pisces as well?? That's it, I'm asking Ricky for the rings. What flowers do you want? He'll do everything you want for the wedding. btw are you sure about the dms?? not only asking because i'm really bad at making up conversations and keeping them, but also because you said that thing about this being your side blog and i assumed you didn't really wanna make your main known if that makes sense??
P.s. I'm talking about Vincenzo as if I had already watched all the episodes, but I think I left it half way through?? I have to go back and go insane over Vincenzo himself again 😳
😭 I had to take latin classes at that age as well and am now 22 so I totally get you: I simply can’t remember anything. It’s hard. Way too hard 😭 OMG LET’S TEACH EACH OTHER SPANISH AND ITALIAN (I say, as if I have the time to actually learn something outside of college stuff 😍 </3).
I still haven’t read anything from you, but I will, so please write Ricky with the Vincenzo concept for my mental stability 💖🖇️💖🖇️💖🖇️ OMG YES LET THE MAN SHOW HIS FASHION KNOWLEDGE!!!
(it’s actually “LUNA” in italian !! i guess italian and spanish are similar omg)
I have to rewatch Vincenzo as well, it’s been too long and I can’t really remember it that well (also, the actors >>>>)
i’m totally fine with the dms !! my main is a new account i’ve made (actually, it’s a main with a different email from another main that i use on my pc and that has nothing to do with zb1 😭 i lost my old kpop one cause i rarely used tumblr for it !!) and i don’t really care about it being known tbh, i just wanted to keep it separate from this account lol (i also am not a great conversation keeper — taylor swift gets me — so please don’t worry about it! i know how it feels 💖💌) i actually followed you with my main but was too shy to tell you it was me 😭 that being said, if you’re comfortable here is my new main: @taeraeszone , but please feel free to also not text me if you don’t feel like it! i’m okay with communicating like this as well <3 whatever you want, i’m here for it !!
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starchild--27 · 2 years
Tag Game~
tagged by: @joon-rkive thank youu <3
tagging: @cxsmicmyeon @heartcravings @guardians-of-exo @byuns-coco @ouvuo @eight-lanes (only if you want to ^^)
Name: Selma
Sign: taurus sun, capricorn moon, cancer rising (icb i finally memorized it lol if you are into astrology then know that i think it is only semi-fitting)
Height: 178cm / 5'10
Time: 12:46am
Birthday: may 1st
Favorite band/artist: a whole bunch. EXO, Nirvana, Metallica, MCR, cacophony, Mitski, Måneskin, Stray Kids, Dreamcatcher, The Gathering, Votum, Flower Face, Billie Eilish, and more more more. endless list. edit: Linkin Park. I forgot Linkin Park 🤦🏻‍♀️
Last movie: i thinkkkkk Thor Love and Thunder
Last show: Stranger Things, next is Umbrella Academy (or i'll rewatch sth)
When I created this blog: late 2016
What I post: mainly EXO/kpop stuff mixed with aesthetic pics i like, the occasional bit of poetry, random starchild thoughts or other fandom stuff that crosses my timeline. i wanna reblog more mixed stuff these days tho, i dunno i feel like i rarely display any other interest than kpop here and that's also fine but i kinda feel like changing it up a little these days ^^
Other blogs: @wolveswithblackpearls with my two irl besties, we do kpop moodboards/edits, check it out ;) [self promo over]
Do I get asks: not usually but from time to time ^^
Followers: 222 (who are you ?? i know like only... 5 of you by name- xD)
Average hours of sleep: 5-6hrs but it's super irregular these days
Instruments: i learned classic guitar since i was a kid, later added flute (the orchestra one, not the recorder tho i can play that one too in various sizes and tunings) to the mix, i know basic piano (sort of self-taught) and i do know a thing or two about singing and am pretty good at that too, most recently i got myself an electric guitar so that's cool. i'm practicing that rn ^^
What I’m wearing: sweatpants (2 pairs actually, short ones and longer ones on top xD) and a big ol t-shirt - basically my pyjamas haha
Dream job: no job :)
Dream trip: just...somewhere i haven't been before. South Korea and Japan, once i've got the money for it
Favorite songs: impossibleee to answer, i'll just give you one for each artist i named above and some more bc i am indecisive:
How I Disappear by MCR
kk by cacophony
Coraline by Måneskin
Slump by Stray Kids
BEcause by Dreamcatcher
In Motion by The Gathering
Satellite by Votum
Hangman Hands by Flower Face
bury a friend by Billie Eilish
entire albums: the entire discography of EXO, Mitski and Nirvana, for Metallica: Master of Puppets (duh), Ride The Lightning, ...And Justice For All and Metallica especially, Stadium Arcadium by Red Hot Chili Peppers, Hybrid Theory by Linkin Park aaaand i dunno listen to Gymnopédie No. 1 by Eric Satie and the Violin Concerto in D Major by Tchaikovsky too.
(this was a lot sorry)
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goldenhypen · 2 years
should I start a leniverse blog?
I wanna do it but I'm not sure how yo make a proper blog dedicated to one subject lmao
sjsjjs leniverse sounded so familiar but i couldn’t put my finger on what it was so i had to search it up and i had a huge ‘ahh’ moment sjsjsjsk but you’re talking about lesserafim’s show thing right ?? (djsjsjd excuse my terrible terminology LOL) that’s actually a cool idea. i think if you just make a side blog for it and then make posts or rbs to that side blog that only have to do with leniverse it shouldn’t be too hard. it’s probably not as hard as you think tbh but i can see where you’re coming from, as i used to have a kpop multistan blog before making this strictly enha only blog sksnnskd so i feel you 😭 but if you have another blog you can dedicate everything else/other things too, such as your main, and have your leniverse blog dedicated to just leniverse content it shouldn’t be too hard. but, if you end up not having just strictly leniverse content on that blog, it’s not a huge deal. it’s your blog anyway, so you get to run it however you want ^_^
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tenelkadjowrites · 1 year
i know i gave up on hongmullet, but it served. hwa's red era was so short and unexpected, feels like a fever dream, i often forget it happened then i see a photo or a video and suddenly i remember 😳
twitter is really the worst, tik tok too tho i don't use it. tumblr has its flaws but i've been her for ages, it's my swamp at this point, i won't leave. it also doesn't have a lot of minors and no offense but i don't wanna see opinions of 16 year olds and i definitely don't wanna interact with them and see them simp 🙅🏼‍♀️
ohhhh i used to be a proof reader so i get you! i also wrote articles people requested so it wasn't very fulfilling. taking requests feels like too much pressure and it's unnecessary when you have enough ideas on your own and you have to meet so many expectations, some requests are very specific and detailed too
understandable about not sharing a lot of personal things on this blog, and you have another tumblr account correct? makes sense you wanna keep this one more, hmm let's say professional. like me on twt i kept my hwa account strictly seonghwa related, barely stated my opinions cause that wasn't the purpose of it, also didn't want people to say shit since the account gained quite a lot of followers. i was being myself on my main.
interesting point about not listing fic influences etc, i never thought about it this way! personally i like when writers share some behind the scenes, but i like to read them after i read the fic so it's just a bonus
omg 3 parts? gotta buckle up for that
i also don't use tiktok cuz i have adhd and i know it'll be a time sink of which i won't come back from lol. and yeah, tumblr is just my ideal place right now, i don't wanna interact with minors especially given what i write so i prefer it here vs twitter where, esp kpop side of things, feel like it is full of minors.
and yes, absolutely nothing against requests but i just try to write what i want when i want to write it and i worry by doing requests my work might not be as good? if it's an idea i feel like i have to write, then it shifts back more to that job feeling than a passion project and i worry it'll be bad. i like the freedom of this blog and of writing whatever i would like to write.
yes, i have a main tumblr at @hologramhoneymoon - i just reblog a lot of stuff on there, kpop stuff, movie stuff, things that hit a spot in my brain that i like, etc. i like having this blog separate from that so i can keep this just for the fics and have the other one for my messy, chaotic way of reblogging lol. and that way if ppl really don't wanna see that stuff and just want fics, they don't have to worry about their dashes being clogged up with random stuff. it keeps a sort of barrier up between myself and this blog in which i oftentimes think of myself as a little ghost or cloud that runs it. i post my stuff, i answer or talk to anyone who chimes in, and i leave.
if you ever have any specific fic questions, i can answer them, it isn't a problem - i just am super shy and don't wanna assume ppl care or burst any meaning a reader might have put on the fic from their own heart/brain if that makes sense? so i'd answer them but i'd just put them behind a cut so ppl can skip them if they want and also because i love the false sense of control i feel putting things behind a cut like i am ~hiding lol.
i'm hoping to post part two sometime later this week cuz i am still wrapping up part three and have to edit part two lol.
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