#I think I’m going to call this prompt series ‘ftww prompts’
eloquent-edits · 3 months
🗡️ For the Wicked and Weird (Part 3)
prompts based on quotes that never fail to make me laugh from my D&D sessions
“You can speak to plants?” “Yeah!” “Plants can’t talk.” “Fuck you, yeah they can!”
“God looked at me, thus I have to pay.”
“Character B, what did you just steal?” “A velociraptor!”
“Do I get a third dad now?”
“About what percentage of the population is puntable?”
“I don’t make the plans. I just steal stuff.”
“You’ve got a bright future.” “I’ve got a bright present.”
“So how do you two know each other? Are you two f u c k i n g?”
“It’s like PEMDAS.” “I think I had a friend who prayed to them once.”
“Alright, bone ape tit. Let’s go.”
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