#I smash the fourth wall and bad endings
marvelvibess · 2 years
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existential-queeer · 2 years
"We smash things. Bruce smashes buildings. I smash fourth walls and bad endings, and sometimes Matt Murdock."
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trashcora · 1 year
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Tatiana Maslany as JENNIFER WALTERS SHE-HULK: ATTORNEY AT LAW (2022) — 01x09 "Whose Show Is This?"
Yeah, that's what Hulks do. We smash things. Bruce smashes buildings. I smash fourth walls and bad endings. And sometimes, Matt Murdock.
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ofbooksandstardust · 2 years
‘i smash fourth walls, and bad endings, and sometimes matt murdock’ hdskjdkdjds JEN ILY
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14dayswithyou · 1 year
Ren isn't human.
-There have been many times Sai has hinted to this in the wonderful world of tags and one point even referring to Ren as "Glitchy eldritch horror" or something similar
-The bad ending itself is also a huge call out to this to because bro he literally eats that fourth wall like its a fucking piece of toast or something
-He can control the world around him,change aspects of their physical body, change the way MC sees things including the narrative AND MORE?
-Also the thing that caught my attention the most was in a old post the question was something like "If Ren caught MC doing the bing bong with Teo through the cameras" and the answer was something like how Ren would get really mad and that YOUR LAPTOP WILL START SPARKING/BREAKING TO THE POINT THAT HE WOULD HAVE TO BUY MC A NEW ONE and then they go smash Teos car windows in like a boss bitch <3
This is all im putting for now because I'm not going to make a mistake like I did with the Ren and Ren from btd theory I made myself look a complete fool with 💀
✦゜ANSWERED: ehehehe >:3 He's just a normal and sane human... Don't worry... >:33333
Although I do wanna clear up the point about Ren sparking/breaking Angel's laptop!! That genuinely only happened because he needed a distraction to get Teo off of you. Ren simply hacked into your laptop and made it overheat — nothin too other-worldly or crazy ^^
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butimjustaliar · 2 years
"Yeah, that's what Hulks do. We smash things. Bruce smashes buildings. I smash fourth walls and bad endings.
And sometimes, Matt Murdock"
she-hulk ep. 9
whoever is responsible for this, who do you think you are, having her say that? and also, do you happen to be free on saturday?
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pastafossa · 2 years
“I smash fourth walls and bad endings. And sometimes Matt Murdock”
Me on my couch:
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Jen is living our DREAM, and I support her, she is us, we are Jen, all hail the pinnacle of us. 😩🙌
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earlgreytea68 · 2 days
i dont actually know the general consensus on I Am My Own Muse but to me it very clearly feels like pete addressing the fans directly - almost like a conversation? like the opening lines "here i am not sure you should take a chance. I like playing dumb letting you figure me out" basically completely summarises petes relationship with us during the early parts of this era. His uncertainty coming back but also the way he likes to keep us on our toes (like hes always done). His constant surprise that even one person appreciates his art. His odd fourth-wall-esque relationship w us - he always knows more than he lets on. like. these are crazy opening lines.
Especially looking at other songs petes addressed to us (namely thriller and our laywer). Those songs still feel like petes putting on a persona for our benefit. Hes talking to us through the mask he thinks we'll like best - but for his benefit not ours. In those songs he still wants to show his appreciation for the fans but hes afraid to be vulnerable about it. He hides behind tongue and cheek self deprecation (put this record down, we are bad news, we're only good to have almost famous friends... that whole song tbh) or like implication of rejection/disaster (we r not making an acceptance speech, car crash hearts, only thing i havent done yet is die) and its all glitz and distraction bc thats what he does. he will tell us their hearts beat for the diehards but not before telling us why its a bad idea. its defensive from the get go but in Muse he doesnt do that. yes he defends himself but his tone is balanced between resigned and resolute. its stripped down to just his own thoughts voiced aloud. it feels so much more genuine despite how much vaguer in address it is.
Also the general theme of this song is feeling hidden/secret (e.g. the angels didnt know his name, him feeling faded, feelings were tucked away) but trying to draw attention anyway(throw the year away, smash all the guitars, drop a bomb on things we care about) even if its hard/painful (twist the knife again, trying to keep it together).
This coupled with the title is a perfect representation of his journey as an artist in this era no? The vulnerability hidden in old songs and spoken word poems that he relives each night of the tour. An amalgamation of every little moment he created and tucked away is reborn on stage. And who has he shared this particular journey with??? The fans. It was us who he finally trusted with his works and words in the shows and we sang them back at him. Patricks journey alongside pete has felt more obvious bc of his whole demeanour but its pete who wrote his heart out to us. I think this song is a way of pete kinda of juggling this idea in his head before it ever took shape in thw real world. A way of connecting back with his audience. Not as an act of nostalgia but as moving on together. its a gorgeous song and it feels like a love letter to us in the very oarticular way a love letter from pete wentz feels like. its not soft or even sweet but it leaves you feeling comforted and stronger anyway. its solidarity yk.
ANYWAYS thats my ramble for today hope it was worthwhile <33 i really had to get that one out otherwise i may have exploded. can you tell smfs as an album and an era is my baby. sorry this is such a long one lol. hope you r having a great day :)
Awwww I *love* this. I *adore* "I Am My Own Muse" and I always have and I love everything you say about it. To write a song that sounds like that and then call it so deliberately "I Am My Own Muse," like, that we are there and ever-present but in the end he's got to come from his own authentic place. And it's like his instinct is to play a little coy and not be so vulnerable, but also he just wants to scream so someone hears him: Smash all the guitars 'til we see all the stars, like, he's screaming so that we will all see. He's trying so hard to keep it together, keep it together, so smash all the guitars 'til we see all the stars, because we are all in it together, and throw the whole year away and start fresh.
Look, i am Peterick all the way, we all know, and I think I've even used lyrics from this song in a Peterick fic, but in my secret heart of hearts, if you really ask me to be serious, what do I think Pete Wentz is writing about........I kinda think he's always writing about us.
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staunr · 1 year
One thing I was just brought to the attention of by a post is that we only have Macs side of the story. If you think about it that’s true, yes we have some other and can guess what their view is but we so far have almost never gotten Wukongs side. Like never. The only side is we actually get from him is the the JTTW book in lmk. And as we can see is really inaccurate. It probably doesn’t mention the brotherhood, assuming that it goes off of the actual book(which I haven’t read), but I know some parts of the book that gives me enough of info. Continuing on.
Alright where was I?
Right the book, starting from the very beginning of the book in lmk at least the book seems to be inaccurate.
-the brotherhood is never mentioned when wukong attacks
-he seemed to have one previous outburst before the brotherhoods attack
-not to mention when Azure says, “He had been defeated by the Jade Emperor”, for all we know that to could be the frabicated truth. Whether Azure actually knew what happened, I don’t know, but I’m going to guess he didn’t.
I’m going to take a guess that Wukong actually was shown what would’ve happened if Azure did become the emperor, both to him, macaque, and his (wukongs)people. Which is why when we see him from Azures view in the flashback, Wukong doesn’t seem to be hurt or tired. He seems guilty if anything. Refusing to view his comrades eyes out of shame. And when he finally does he glared at them, a warning to not continue perhaps? Not to follow? To abandon the current mission at hand so both they and others won’t get hurt? Maybe we won’t ever know. Wukong is made out of false truth and white lies. As we see with season three and the shammadi fire, Wukong didn’t mention that Mei was the fourth ring, in fact he lies about there even being a fourth ring. I think that he was going to explain this to them at some point in time but didn’t know how. While, yeah, this doesn’t excuse his behavior. But it does serve as a reason and sheds some light on his character. I also think that Wukong was gonna tell the others no matter when it was, sure it was a little late, not good, but he knew he just couldn’t not! We see his face when Macaque forces the ritual to keep going, he(Wukong) knows that it would take time to let it sink in, complete without anyone getting hurt, and train Mei on how to use it. Another thing that I believe is kind of minor that he lied about is how he got his staff, this one isn’t exactly a lie it’s sort of slightly fabricated truth.
In the book it says that monkey just smashed his way into the dragon of the East’s house, ask if he has weapons, and ends up leaving with a marble pillar turned in to a golden hooped staff through the same hole in wall. Now I don’t particularly remember whether the DOTE was mad or not, but there’s that.
The only time I remember his telling the truth (sorta) was when Mk first, officially, met him.
“Look, I’m gonna come clean, I’ve kinda been watching you for awhile now.”
I think thats what he said, now we also know that Wukong cares very deeply for Mk. He even apologized to him about noodles!(I know it wasn’t about the noodles.)
Tiny little note: This is regarding the relationship between Wukong and Mac. In the beginning they both seemed to care for each other, deeply. But when Wukong betrays the brotherhood, shit got dark real quick. Mac was obliviously the most hurt out of all. Imagine if your best friend/sibling/love(possibly) straight got up and left. And mind you, it seemed to be a healthy relationship. And let’s say that Mac did attack the Monk causing his death, imagine wukong finally seeing one of his closest friends again and he has to hurt/kill him because he attacked a Monk. Imagine the brotherhoods reaction when they realize the ‘coward’ of the group ran off and got himself possibly killed. And imagine Wukongs surprise when he founds out he(Mac) was revived by a talking skeleton. Relieved? Maybe.
In summary; Wukong is not a bad guy, he just doesn’t clean up his own messes in time. He has trouble with telling the truth because he’s so used to lying. And his closest friend died because of his actions.
Im starting to think that Wukong maybe even wrote the lmk JTTW books. I dunno just another thought.
I haven’t exactly watched the entirety of LMK nor did a read a paragraph of JTTW so if I possibly missed anything or got something wrong of sorts please let me know! More brain food for brain thoughts.
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fangirlfreak08 · 2 years
I’m sorry but episode 9 is kinda the funniest thing ever
-Jen not only breaking the fourth wall but going onto the Disney+ menu
-Going into marvel
-Calling them out on the whole daddy issues thing?!
-I smash fourth walls and bad endings. And sometimes Matt Murdock 😭
-Speaking of, he’s wearing bright colors?! Also darling do not mention kids. Nobody give Matt Murdock a kid I beg
-Bruce has a son?! The fuck?!
-Titania showing up was awesome
-Wong breaking Emil out of jail 😭
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theblackdandelion · 2 years
"I smash fourth walls and bad endings. And sometimes Matt Murdock" is an inspirational quote I didn't know I needed on my wall
But no, he's not moving to LA, he's got a husband job in Hell's Kitchen
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"I smash fourth walls and bad endings. And sometimes Matt Murdock."
"I would not mind seeing Daredevil again. A woman has needs."
Glad that Jen shares all of our thirst for that man
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tatzuzz · 2 years
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"We smash things. Bruce smashes buildings. I smash fourth walls and bad endings, and sometimes Matt Murdock." THIS KILLED ME.
I think I love just the dynamic of it all, seeing Matt and Jen interact. I also think the new suit is growing on me, seeing all the tiny details in it makes it a lot more intriguing.
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violetevents · 2 years
sparks fly when you smile
pairing: steve/eddie word count: 1,5k july writing challenge: day 3. sparks (other entries) a/n: i keep trying to write short drabbles that then continue to absolutely get away from me. so uh, here. have 1,5k of eddie and steve being soft and cute together :)
“There’s someone pacing around our front yard,” Wayne says, peering through the curtains of their new trailer. Although new is a bit of an overstatement, seeing as the trailer is very much second hand. But their old one got swallowed by the newly formed gate to the upside down, and they could take this one off their neighbors hands for practically nothing. Eddie’s pretty sure they were just desperate to get out of Hawkins.
And who can blame them? Shit got pretty bad, after he nearly died at the hands of the demobats, and the cross gate opened, and Vecna came back again even though they thought they’d gotten rid of him.
Vecna is really truly actually dead now, though, and Eddie’s pretty sure the upside down is permanently closed. Still, he can’t blame people for not fully trusting those facts and getting the hell out of dodge, just in case.
“Isn’t that the Harrington boy?” Wayne musses, still at the window, unperturbed by Eddie’s unresponsiveness.
“Steve?” Eddie asks, head shooting up from where he was practicing songs on the guitar. Him and Steve left things on kind of shaky terms, after fighting Vecna for the second time. He’s pretty sure there were moments during that fight where they were flirting. But that was during a life and death situation, and this is now, and Eddie’s pretty sure that means it’s different.
Now, they’re once again Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson, and according to the laws of the real world, that means they don’t interact anymore.
And yet, here Steve is. In his front yard, of all places.
“Oh for god’s sake, Ed, put the guy out of his goddamn misery before he creates a moat in the goddamn yard,” Wayne says, as he watches through the gap in the curtains while Steve starts what must be his 56th lap.
“Oh, yeah, right, I will…” Eddie scrambles off the couch, nearly tripping over a discarded book on the floor as he tries to walk towards the door and take off his guitar at the same time. Eventually he ends up sort of awkwardly face planting the door, only just saving his guitar from smashing into the wall.
Wayne shakes his head fondly, and disappears off into his bedroom.
Eddie takes a deep steading breath, and swings open the door. “King Steve! To what do I owe the pleasure?”
Steve startles, like he hadn’t expected to see Eddie, despite trampling his daisies for the past fifteen minutes. “Eddie!”
“That’s me. So what can I help you with today, my liege?” Eddie does a little bow, and Steve does a frustrated little huff laugh at the theatrics.
“It’s uh,” he runs a hand through his hair, clearly uncomfortable. “We’re uh. Holding this thing at my house on Friday. Fourth of July. It’s not a party, but it’s just. It’s been a year since Billy passed away, and we just really don’t want Max to be alone, since she’s clearly still dealing with some shit. And I thought, you probably don’t really want to be alone either, with all the shit we went through with Vecna, so uh. I thought maybe you wanted to come?”
Steve has told this whole story to the sad little potted plant next to Eddie’s foot. It’s kind of endearing, how flustered he seems. Eddie has no clue why, perse. He’s pretty sure he’s the one who’s supposed to be flustered. After all, he’s the one being invited to a Fourth of July Not Party by the Steve Harrington.
He contemplates making a joke about it, but Steve does seem really earnest, and the gesture is actually really nice. So he withholds the jokes, and instead nods thoughtfully. “Yeah, I would like that,” he says, and Steve finally looks up to him, smiling widely.
“Great!” He says, “Awesome! So, uh I will see you at my place on Friday? 3 ‘o clock or something?”
“Yeah,” Eddie says, wondering when on earth this became his life. “Yeah, see you on Friday.”
“Eddie, huh?” Robin musses, sitting cross legged on Steve’s counter. Next to her, Steve is dumping chips into bowls.
“Yes,” Steve says, “I invited Eddie Munson.” He pauses and glances over at Robin. “Oh for fuck’s sake, stop looking at me like that.”
“Like what,” says Robin, while aggressively waggling her eyebrows. “I’m just saying. It can’t be a coinkydink that you tell me you might also be into guys and then a week later you suddenly invite Eddie Munson over for Fourth of July.”
Steve squints at her, as he opens a can of dip. “We’re inviting most of the ‘helped saved the world’ people, and Eddie happens to be one of those. It’s purely coinkydink.” He doesn’t say friends, because he’s not sure if that’s what him and Eddie are, yet. He’d like to be, for sure. But he doesn’t want to be presumptuous.
Robin grins at him and steals a chip. “Sure, buddy. Keep telling yourself that.”
Steve sticks his tongue out at her, and then goes to move some of the bowls into the living room. The truth is he did invite Eddie because he thinks there might be something there, and he would love to see what that something could be. But he can’t tell Robin that. Not because he doesn’t trust him, but because she would be so annoying about it.
Case in point, she’s currently following him around the house, humming ‘Take My Breath Away’ under her breath.
Luckily, at that point, everyone starts arriving and both Robin and Steve are distracted.
Eddie shows up last, smiling sheepishly and waving sort of awkwardly, and Steve can’t help the grin that spreads on his face. He was almost afraid the other guy wasn’t going to show up.
“Eddie,” he says, pulling him in for a hug, mostly out of habit. Steve’s a hugger, he can’t help it. Eddie tenses, but only for a second, and then immediately relaxes into it.
“Thanks again for inviting me,” he says, mostly into Steve’s shoulder, and Steve momentarily wishes they could stay like this forever.
They can’t, though, because there’s a house full of people that need to be entertained, so eventually Steve pulls away, and pats him on the shoulder. “Come on. Let’s get you a beer.”
Everybody hangs out by the pool for most of the afternoon, and Steve can’t help but fondly stare at his people. They didn’t get out of the battle with Vecna totally unscathed. Max still has trouble using her hands, Dustin has a limp from a broken foot that never healed right, Nancy has a gnarly scar on her arm. But they’re all still here, they’re alive and they’re smiling and all things considered, Steve’s pretty sure that’s all he can ask for.
They eat pizza and when it turns dark everyone starts filing inside to watch a movie. Steve notices Eddie hanging back, however, and decides to hang back, too.
“You okay?” He asks, sitting down on the lounge chair next to Eddie’s.
Eddie smiles softly, “Yeah, yeah I’m fine. Just needed some space.”
Steve hums. “They can kind of be a lot, huh?”
“What?” Eddie asks, looking bewildered. “No! No, that’s not.” He sighs, and twiddles with the ends of his hair. “They seem so… okay, you know? Everyone does. Like nothing from the past months ever even happened. It just makes me feel like I should be fine, too, and I’m not. I’m not at all.”
“Hey,” Steve says, leaning forward so he can place his hand on Eddie’s knee. “I can promise you that deep inside, none of them are okay. It’s just. This was like, our fourth time dealing with shit like this and it was your first. I guess all of us just got a lot better at hiding it.”
Eddie laughs, but it sounds hollow. “I know that should be reassuring, but it’s really not.”
Steve pulls a face. “Yeah. You’re right. But talking about it helps. And it does get better, eventually. The nightmares become less, you start sleeping better, you start to realize how fucking great getting enough sleep is, and then slowly, it all becomes a little bit easier to carry.”
Eddie looks at him, soft and hopeful. “Really?”
“Really,” Steve says, squeezing Eddie’s knee. “You just have to learn to find joy in the little things.”
As if on cue, one of the neighbors light fireworks, lighting up the sky and painting it a million different colors.
“Like that?” Eddie asks, almost breathlessly, staring up at the sky with wonder in his eyes.
“Yeah,” Steve says, smiling softly, looking at the amazed look on Eddie’s face. “Like that.”
(Nancy finds them, later.
At some point, Eddie has joined Steve on his lounge chair. They both seem to have fallen asleep, Eddie half draped over Steve, snoring softly into his shoulder. Steve’s head is turned away, but his left arm is wrapped protectively around  Eddie’s back.
Nancy smiles softly to herself and decides it’s probably better to leave them alone. She closes the door behind her with a soft click.)
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plantdad-dante · 6 months
Intermission - Hologrammatica by Tom Hillenbrand
(because sometimes I consume other things. sometimes I even have shit to say about these things. sometimes, like in this case, these are books other people lend to me because they want me to have opinions at them. thusly, blame my friend.)
First - Medium amount of potential, with its mix of utopian and dystopian ideas, its dabbeling in climate fiction, its allusions to gender...... Umsetzung mangelhaft. You do not use your sequel hook to smash and undermine every single theme you have ever even casually winked at. That's not- that's not how it works. You dingus.
Second - That being said, I was kinda surprised that this... wasn't bad? (which - my fault. I kinda avoid German literature. Idk, is it weird to kinda dislike your first language? Who's to say.) The plot was a bit by-the-numbers and it ended up saying absolutely fucking nothing, but otherwise... Enjoyable. Functioning. Quite alright, really. Galahad was a bit of a dick, but he's a P.I., so that's to be expected. And I mean, his love interest did quite predictably turn out to be a cop (derogatory) and had their potential character arc walk into a brick wall in the end... but otherwise? Yeah. It was fine.
Third - To be honest, the best part of this was probably live-messaging my friend with my reactions (or yelling "Aliens?!" at her when I saw her in person - yeah, this book goes places).
Fourth - I really hate the epilogue. I really, really do. How can you do something like this to your story?? It's just... ugh-
Example: The book, in its world-building, poses an interesting question: What if humanity could actually recognize and work to remedy its mistakes? What if there actually was a canary-point, when the metaphorical bird would fall from its perch and, for once, humanity would watch it drop and realize that things have gone too far, and, crucially, fucking act. What if, what if... ... well, the book kinda answered that one in the epilogue. And the answer was "like fuck there is".
Look, I'm sorry? I know how I sound, yes? I'm really trying to remember the good bits. I know they existed! I had fun reading and theorizing!
The whole holo thing was.... well, I hope intentionally fucked-up. Because painting over mold is not a solution, honey. No, not even if you do it with holograms. (What's the power consumtion on that thing, anyway) Also, it must have led to some really shitty accidents, right? Hiding storm drains, adding decorative fixtures on walls - indistinguishable-from-physical-reality holograms must have led to some really embarassing misadventures, right? Right?
Also, the idea that humanity would just abandon the paranoia that led to our current trend towards the Gläserner Mensch.... I doubt it. Very much. I mean, it needs to be the case for plot's sake, but it also broke my suspension of disbelief. Meh.
Yeah so anyway. Nice book, that I ended up bitching about a lot, whoops. The epilogue is my nemesis, but before that it was... okay? Okay, yeah. Let's go with okay.
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daredivaing · 2 years
"Bruce smashes buildings; I smash fourth walls and bad endings, and sometimes Matt Murdock" hHHHHHHSHDBJSNJNNNN when I tell you I SHRIEKED
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