#I say a remix of these every day like a prayer
And onto the next edition of my US Motorsport Number Ones posts... it's the Indycar 2024 grid edition 😊
Helio Castoneves (10th May 1975) - Tony Orlando & Dawn - He Don't Love You (Like I Love You)
Takuma Sato (28th January 1977) - StevIe Wonder - I Wish
Katherine Legge (12th July 1980) - Paul McCartney - Coming Up
Scott Dixon (22nd July 1980) - Billy Joel - It's Still Rock And Roll To Me
Ryan Hunter-Reay (17th December 1980) - Kenny Rogers - Lady
Will Power (1st March 1981) & Ed Carpenter (3rd March 1981) - Eddie Rabbitt - I Love A Rainy Night
Romain Grosjean (17th April 1986) - Falco - Rock Me Amadeus
Marco Andretti (13th March 1987) - Bon Jovi - Livin' On A Prayer
Colin Braun (22nd September 1988) - Guns N Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine
Graham Rahal (4th January 1989) - Poison - Every Rose Has Its Thorn
Agustin Canapino (19th January 1990) - Phil Collins - Another Day In Paradise
Marcus Ericsson (2nd September 1990) - Sweet Sensation - If Wishes Came True
Josef Newgarden (22nd December 1990) - Stevie B - Because I Love You (The Postman Song)
Alexander Rossi (25th September 1991) - Color Me Badd - I Adore Mi Amor
Felix Rosenqvist (7th November 1991) - Karyn White - Romantic
Conor Daly (15th December 1991) - Michael Jackson - Black Or White
Kyle Larson (31st July 1992) - Sir Mix-A-Lot - Baby Got Back
Jack Harvey (15th April 1993) - Snow - Informer
Scott McLaughlin (10th June 1993) - Janet Jackson - That's The Way Love Goes
Tom Blomqvist (30th November 1993) - Meat Loaf - I'd Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That)
Pietro Fittipaldi (25th June 1996) - Bone Thugs-N-Harmony - Tha' Crossroads
Alex Palou (1st April 1997) - Puff Daddy & Mase - Can't Nobody Hold Me Down
Santino Ferrucci (31st May 1998) - Next - Too Close
Kyle Kirkwood (19th October 1998) - Barenaked Ladies - One Week
Callum Ilott (11th November 1998) - Monica - The First Night
Linus Lundqvist (26th March 1999) - Cher - Believe
Pato O'Ward (6th May 1999) - TLC - No Scrubs
Colton Herta (30th March 2000) - Destiny's Child - Say My Name
Christian Rasmussen (29th June 2000) - Enrique Iglesias - Be With You
Marcus Armstrong (29th July 2000) - N'Sync - It's Gonna Be Me
Rinus Veekay (11th September 2000) - Janet Jackson - Doesn't Really Matter
Christian Lundgaard (23rd July 2001) - Usher - U Remind Me
Sting Ray Robb (3rd September 2001) - Alicia Keys ' Fallin'
David Malukas (27th September 2001) - Jennifer Lopez & Ja Rule - I'm Real (Murder Remix)
Theo Pourchaire (20th August 2003) - Beyonce & Jay-Z - Crazy In Love
Kyffin Simpson (9th October 2004) - Ciara & Petey Pablo - Goodies
Nolan Siegel (8th November 2004) - Usher & Alicia Keys - My Boo
All added to this playlist 😊
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omgkalyppso · 1 month
Thank you for the ask!!
for every “🌹” received in my inbox i’ll post one random sentence of a random WIP i’m currently writing
Okay so I was going to answer my remainder of the roses in my inbox with wip's that would probably never be finished but this made me find a wip I had entirely forgotten about that I might actually write because it's technically "half-done" for me.
There's this claurenz sex pollen fic? Where the author gives permission for remixes or alternate perspectives in their works? So the fic is from Lorenz's pov, and I was going to write Claude's pov:
“Wait!” Lorenz freezes, bent over and reaching out to the rose. Claude thinks he may have warned him in time, and takes a step forward as he goes on to say, “Don’t—” but then he sees Lorenz’s fingers around the stem, “oh, shit.” Lorenz stands, releasing the flower so that the rose swings upon its broken stem, and Claude swallows, as he lets his original warning drift off, “Go and…” ‘Don’t go and touch that,’ his mind supplies unhelpfully. Lorenz’s cheeks look as though they’re already dusted pink and Claude has to look back the way they came, dreading Lorenz’s reaction to the sour news he has to share. There is still a sliver of hope, and Claude tilts his head back with a silent prayer that Lorenz will answer his question in the negative and they can revisit the subject when Lorenz will be more prepared to scold him. “You breathed it in, didn’t you?” Lorenz looks like he wants to protest, and Claude almost shakes his head — hating that everything between them has to result in debate, but then Lorenz draws his own conclusion. “I take it this is poisonous? Lethal?” A sardonic laugh bubbles past Claude’s lips, and he wonders whether Lorenz’s assumption will lighten the reality of his situation. “No,” Claude says quickly. “It’s, uh, it’s called … a bunch of things. Rose of Bassarid?” Lorenz shakes his head, and Claude could be imagining it, but his eyes look darker — pupils wider and eyelids heavier. He’d heard it was fast acting, but he hadn’t expected — Lorenz is fidgeting uncomfortably, vision dancing across Claude and their surroundings like a cornered animal. Selfishly, Claude wonders if he can spare the time of an explanation by simply finding a name for this poison that Lorenz might be familiar with, so he tries again, “Scornflower? Cethleann’s Bane?” “I’ve heard of it,” Lorenz says, curt and breathless, and Claude lets a smile of relief crack over his features, taking this annoyance to be a good sign. “Okay,” Claude says, assured. “That’s great.” Lorenz’s expression hasn’t changed however, as if he doesn’t recognize the predicament he’s in — that they’re in. “You don’t know what it is. Do you?” Claude asks, brow bending in defeat. Claude watches as Lorenz shakes his head again and curls his hands at his sides — and then makes the decision to keep focused on Lorenz’s face even if his friend can’t keep eye contact. With Lorenz’s hands at waist height it would be hard to avoid his inevitable arousal. Claude would much rather be invited to admire Lorenz, one day, maybe, and refuses to risk that imagined invitation because of curiosity and wanting discipline now. Besides, Lorenz’s eyes are so plaintive and pretty, Claude feels guilty enough keeping up appearances. “Okay.” Claude takes a deep breath, and feels his own cheeks burn with second-hand embarrassment as he explains, “It’s an aphrodisiac with some nasty side effects.” “Side effects?” Lorenz’s eyes widen, but his voice is … remarkably calm, but for the gasp in it. Lorenz’s breathing begins to pick up — and Claude hopes he doesn’t faint. Lorenz looses a breath past his lips, puckering them in a way that exaggerates the moue of his displeasure. He is standing against the sun and for all his composure looks as a man in need of comfort and Claude has to divert his gaze to keep from imagining it — throwing himself at Lorenz’s hungry mouth, taking him in hand and talking him through it. He raises a hand to the back of his neck for half a moment, remembering how Lorenz’s distress is doomed to intensify. “If you try to wait it out you might go sterile. Or, hypothetically speaking, if you’re made to wait it out.” An uncomfortable chuckle makes his words breathy. “Nasty thing to do to a political rival.” Lorenz makes a strangled noise of protest and Claude shuts his eyes guiltily. Professional, reliable, friendly, sympathetic — Claude knows he can be these things for Lorenz, has to be in a situation like this, for any other shared moment to have meaning.
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s4no · 9 months
˗ˏˋ @satohruu + GETO ˎˊ˗
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I. drowsy - OHNO when shoko introduces you to geto, you two instantly hit it off. you're naturally comfortable around each other in a way that makes it seem like you've known each other for years. he loves taking you for night rides, speeding down the highway with the windows rolled down. you'll sing along to the music while he smokes a cigarette and i can definitely see this song coming on the radio.
II. WAIST DEEP - citizen it's been nearly half a year since he met you and the urge to claim you as his gets stronger every day. when shoko tells him that you have a crush on him, he almost doesn't believe her. but instead of pouncing on you with this newfound information, he doesn't rush you— no matter how impatient he is. love takes time, he thinks, and he doesn't want to push you until you're ready to face him.
III. like you're god (away remix) - mehro when you two finally come to the mutual decision to take your friendship a step further, geto devotes his all to you. he takes care of your every need, fulfills your every desire. he treats you like royalty and worships you (and your body) like you're a god. his love is intense and all-consuming, saturating every single one of your senses. can def see him fucking you to this song while he says your name like a prayer.
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kissmejusttokiss · 2 years
Steddie Uni Au master-post:
Disclaimer: this is very much the most self indulgent thing I have ever done (apart from Strangerdale). No substance. Only vibes. original twitter thread can be found here.
A modern day AU where Steve and Robin are exchange students coming for their year abroad at currently-unnamed-generic-almagamation-of-the-best-parts-of-student-life university in the UK. To help them settle in, they are buddied up with Eddie and Nancy, who are American students who are studying full time at the university. No Upside Down. No deaths. Everyone is alive and they are thriving!
The whole thing is basically Steddie, Ronance and Jargyle falling in love and hanging out set to the chaos that is English student life. (Maybe a little angst when the exchange students have to leave but nothing that can’t be resolved.)
Which brings me to, the shenanigans:
Steve dragging Eddie into clubs that he couldn’t have been paid money to go near, let alone into, and Eddie letting him because, frankly, “have you seen his face?!?”
(Which brings me to the inspiration behind this entire thing.) Eddie standing dejected in the middle of the dance-floor while Steve Harrington puts his whole stevussy into Body (Remix) despite knowing, at (a generous) max, 50% of the words. And he’s rolling his eyes and pretending to hate it but he still goes back every. single. week. because Steve asks him to.
(The next day he turns up to the D&D society meeting and one of the other members is like “Eddie, I swear I saw you in Popworld last night?” And he has to lie through his teeth because the alternative is admitting that he’s so gone for Steve that a single eyelash bat is enough to make him walk into hell (and what is Popworld if not hell?)
If you wanted to, you could actually track the progress of their relationship through the many confession posts on the Facebook page submitted about the Yank and his Goth BF throughout the year. Not that either of them have the self-awareness to realise the posts are about them.
And while we’re on the subject of the confession page, we need to talk about the worm incident. (Shout out to @grandmastattoo for bringing this into existence.) One fateful night, Steve tries to impress Eddie by doing the worm in the middle of the dance floor. Eddie, also very drunk at the time, takes this as a challenge and starts doing the worm next to him. They both claim not to remember this but, it’s OK! Robin filmed the whole thing.
The next-day a confession is submitted about the incident and the boys are dubbed “worm wankers.”
Steve joins one of the sports teams (I know it should be basketball but what if I make it football? What then? Maybe he’s inspired by an American coach who has recently done a similar move as him?!) and despite being twenty, he still has to do the same stupid shit as the freshers. Which leads to a very interesting night where Eddie is relaxing only to be greeted by a very drunk Steve wearing one of the varsity cheerleader’s uniforms and, well, he is well and truly fucked then isn’t he…
(Steve’s heterosexuality is nothing compared to the strength of five cheeky vimtos and the sight of Eddie, drenched in sweat and glowing under the red light as he dances)
Prank #1: Eddie tells Steve, very earnestly, that there is a tradition on campus of saying a prayer to the Stagecoach gods to make guarantee that your bus turns up on time. He always gets him to say it at the perfect time so the bus turns up right after he’s finished. (In reality, Eddie just has the Stagecoach app on his phone.) He manages to keep this up for almost two months before Steve finally gets bus with Robin and Nancy and finds out the truth.
Eddie works at a cafe most afternoons and it just happens to be the one cafe that Steve insists has the best vibes for studying. Despite the fact that whenever he’s there, he gets zero studying done because he’s too busy staring at Eddie. But who can blame him! Eddie always ties his hair up while he’s working it would be a crime not to stare at the tattoo that creeps up the side of his neck and curls behind his ear. Or the stray hairs that fall over his face. Or his body in his uniform…
And here is a list shared to the group chat by Nancy&Robin after a couple of months of these shenanigans:
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The gang go to this one bar that has a bucking bronco and the image of Eddie on the back of the bull definitely… does things to Steve.
A fateful night out where Steve is at his absolute sluttiest (affectionate) like he's dancing in away that might be breaking laws about how hot you can be in public and accepting any/all attention that comes his way, just having a Great time. Meanwhile, Eddie is just kind of vibing at the edge of the crowd. That is until the night is drawing to an end and Steve comes storming over pouting about how Eddie hasn't danced with him yet. he's got lipstick smeared all around his mouth, so Eddie makes a joke about it (to hide the fact he's definitely staring at his lips now) and Steve just shrugs, kisses Eddie really messily on the mouth and then says "and now we match can you come and dance with me now?”
and oops, I ended up writing this up
Halloween is a week long event thanks to both Robin and Eddie’s instance with different costumes for every night they go out. There’s a mix of group costumes and couple costumes but, most importantly, one of them involves Eddie wearing red lipstick and getting a little bit of revenge.
The first exam period comes around and the group commandeer one of the big tables at the library and basically move in for forty-eight hours to revise/do coursework. Nancy is in charge of keeping people on track (she’s kind of scary when she wants to be) while Arygle makes it his job to supply snacks and rewards for each time milestone they reach. And, even when one of them finishes, they stay so that no one gets left by themselves.
(They take it turns to have breakdowns as well which is helpful in terms of managing the group)
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energylifeamazon · 2 years
Mary j blige be without you lyrics and video
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Amazon MP3 Download Bonus Track) Whole Lotta Love (From Re-release International Edition) Each Tear (feat. Amazon MP3 Download Bonus Track) Gonna Make It (U.S. (buy at ) Tonight The One Said And Done Good Love I Feel Good I Am Each Tear I Love U (Yes I Du) We Got Hood Love Kitchen In The Morning Color (From "Precious" Soundtrack) Stay (U.S. Wrong Why Love A Woman Irreversible (US Deluxe Edition Bonus Track) Empty Prayers Need Someone The Living Proof (From "The Help" Soundtrack) Miss Me With That (US Deluxe Edition Bonus Track) Someone To Love Me (MJB Naked Remix) (US/UK Deluxe Edition Bonus Track) Get It Right (US/UK iTunes Store Bonus Track) You Want This (UK Edition Additional Track) From the Album Stronger with Each Tear (2009)
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(buy at ) Feel Inside Next Level Ain't Nobody 25/8 Don't Mind No Condition Mr. (buy at ) Little Drummer Boy Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas My Favorite Things This Christmas The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire) Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer When You Wish Upon A Star Mary, Did You Know Do You Hear What I Hear? Petit Papa Noël The First Noel Noche De Paz (Silent Night) From the Album My Life II: The Journey Continues (2011) (buy at ) A Night To Remember Vegas Nights Moment Of Love See That Boy Again Wonderful Kiss And Make Up Suitcase All Fun And Games Propose From the Album A Mary Christmas (2013) That was a great one-two punch in the history of R&B.Therapy Doubt Not Loving You When You're Gone Right Now My Loving Long Hard Look Whole Damn Year Nobody But You Pick Me Up Follow Worth My Time From the Soundtrack Think Like A Man Too (2014) “Be Without You” came right on the heels as Mariah Carey’s “We Belong Together” was dying down, so I’m proud of that accomplishment. And of course, the Grammy wins were just icing on the cake. When she hit that note at the end, it’s like “Woah, we got one!” It came out crazy and the rest was history! I knew it was going to be a hit, but not at the level that it went on to become. I wasn’t in the studio with her, but I remember hearing it for the first time. He went in to do additional touch-ups and produced Mary’s vocals. But I remember hearing the stories about Ron Fair vouching for the record.
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I don’t think Jimmy Iovine was sure about putting the record out as a single. I hate saying all my hits came quick, but “Be Without You” was like a 20 minute session. I got a question for ya (See, I already know the answer) But still I wanna ask you, will you lie? (No) Make me cry? (No) Do somethin' behind my back and then try to cover it up? Well, neither would I, baby My love is on the up and up (Yes) I'll be faithful (Yes) I'm for real (Yes) And with us you'll always know the deal We've been too strong for too long And I can't be without you, baby (Oh) And I'll be waitin' up until you get home 'Cause I can't sleep without you, baby (Oh, oh) If anybody who's ever loved you know just what I feel Too hard to fake it, nothin' can replace it Call the radio if you just can't be without your baby, yeah See, this is real talk, I'ma always stay (No matter what) Good or bad (Thick and thin) Right or wrong (All day, every day, hey) Now if you're down on love or don't believe this ain't for you (No, this ain't for you) And if you got it deep in your heart And deep down you know that it's true (Come on, come on, come on) Well, let me see you put your hands up (Hands up) Fellas, tell your lady she's the one Fellas, tell your lady she's the one Oh, put your hands up (Hands up) Ladies, let him know he's got you locked Look him right in his eyes and tell himĪgain, Chris Higgs made a connection with her husband Kendu Isaacs at the time.
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lasclfurniture · 2 years
2pac middle finger
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#2pac middle finger code#
We mark customs form "used clothing” which incurs no taxes. Please check your customs rules prior to purchase. International Buyers - Import duties not included in the shipping charges. Shipping International buyers must have eBay and PayPal Shipping Address in Roman Text Please keep in mind, orders are only processed and shipped Monday through Friday We will ship same day if payment received before 8 AM (Central Time) **COMBINE SHIPPING IS AVAILABLE ON MULTIPLE ORDERS** Combine Shipping - If you need combine shipping please send or request invoice before paying. **PLEASE USE MEASUREMENTS NOT SIZE LABEL TO DETERMINE FIT** IF ANY IMPERFECTIONS WE WILL NOTE IN OUR PICTURES. NOTE: FOR MEASUREMENTS PLEASE CHECK THE LAST PICTURE Measurements (Inches) Chest (armpit to armpit) Shoulder (shoulder to shoulder) Sleeve (shoulder to cuff) Length (top of the collar to hem) Garments are measured flat, sizes vary with era and maker. Item: 174929518790 P3764 VTG 2Pac Shakur Middle Finger Photograph Graphic T-Shirt Size XL. Note: When you embed the widget in your site, it will match your site's styles (CSS).Seller: eastendvintage713 ✉️ (10,041) 99.2%,
#2pac middle finger code#
Get the embed code 2Pac - 2Pac: Thug 4 Life Album Lyrics1.Fake Ass Bitches (remix)2.Hold on Be Strong (remix)3.Only Fear of Death (remix)2Pac Lyrics provided by My only fear of death is comin back, reincarnated Only fear of death is comin back reincarnated I'm tellin you now, you motherfuckers don't know me I love it cause in heaven there's no shortage on G's See motherfuckers killed over green bills well HellĬan't be worse than this, cause I'm in Hell nowĭon't make me hurt you I don't want to, but I will I'm bustin on these motherfuckers in my madness So I stay Thuggin with a passion, forever blastin Is there a future for a killer? I change my waysīut still that don't promise me the next day Nowhere to run I'm in terror, and no one caresĪ closed casket at my funeral and no one's there I thought I had friends but in the end a nigga dies lonely I see visions of me dead, Lord are you there? I put the pistol to my head, and say a prayer When I was rich I had clout, now a nigga's lonely Nowhere to rest I'm losin homies, ain't that a bitch I pray to God I don't scream when it's time to fry They wanna bury me, I'm worried - no need to lie Niggaz don't like me cause I'm Thuggin, and every day I watch the five-oh's roll, the motherfuckers passīy me like they know me, smilin as they laugh I see my enemies they creepin, don't make me blast I drink a fifth of Hennesey I don't think it's healthy I'm under pressure gettin drunk, somebody help me Like no other now them other bitches wanna bone me The bitch is tellin all her homies - that I can fuck her To all the players watch the fly way a nigga played her I check the house before I bone, so we all aloneĪfter I nut I hit the highway, see ya later Now she's tellin me to visit, who else is home? Of this bitch the line busy everytime I call her Is there a heaven for a baller? I'm gettin suspicious While I'm in bed, leakin blood on my satin sheets Or will they kill me while I'm sleepin, two to the head Will they be G's, and they look at me before they bust? Happy birthday bitch, you know you shouldn'ta did itĮverybody's dyin am I next, who can I trust? Put a surprise in the mailbox, hope she get it My next door neighbor's havin convo with undercovers Where am I goin I discovered, can't nothin save me I wonder when will I be happy, ain't nothin funnyįlashbacks of bustin caps, anything for money Marijuana smoke, with every toke it's like I'm losin focusįallin to sleep while I'm at service, when will I die?įorever paranoid and nervous because I'm highĭon't mention funerals I'm stressin, and goin nuttyĪnd reminiscin bout them niggaz that murdered my buddy Show me a miracle, I'm hopeless - I'm chokin off Look down the barrel of my nine and my vision's blurryįallin to pieces, am I guilty? I pray to the Lordīut he ignores me unfortunately cause I'm guilty They wanna bury me, I'm worried - I'm losin my mind Are you afraid to die, or do you wanna live forever
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pandoraimperatrix · 3 years
if I were to go away (A Four Names for Love Remix)
Four Names for Love and it's 'verse follows Selina and Bruce post his departure from Gotham unknowing about Selina's pregnancy. But what about he found out? Would he leave anyway?
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“And were You lost, I would be — Though My Name Rang loudest On the Heavenly fame — And were You — saved — And I — condemned to be Where You were not — That self — were Hell to Me — So We must meet apart — You there — I — here — With just the Door ajar That Oceans are — and Prayer — And that White Sustenance — Despair —“
- Emily Dickinson (Fragment)
Bruce was a strange person, although he would say she was not exactly the epitome of normalcy either. He used words like that, epitome, hat’s how weird he was. In the beginning she used to think he did that on purpose, use fancy words while talking to her to make her feel inferior. She used to pretend to know what he meant just to not let him to have the taste of knowing something she didn’t and feel superior. Later, she found that’s how a boy talks when his only friends are books and a stuck-up butler. Nowadays, she has no qualms about asking him to explain himself, she even thinks it’s kinda sexy, that nerdy way of his of explaining concepts to her. And by the way he looks at her when she asks him to explain a word she doesn’t know, he knows what it does to her.
But when he did completely normal stuff after nowhere, and especially when he was thoughtful in a normal way people are instead his brand of thoughtfulness (usually impractical, over the top  and somewhat invasive) that she’d get suspicious.
“What is this?”
He frowned, that way he always did, he had watched his hair today, and not styled it up yet, so when blinking at her expression and tilted his head slightly like a confused puppy, his still damp curls bobbed, it made her think of their beginning, and how hard she tried to pretend that he didn’t make her nervous.
“What you mean?”
“That thing,” she nodded to the object he threw on the bed in front of her, “what is that?”
“A candy bar…?” He said as if he wasn’t sure either.
“No, what is it really?”
“Selina,” he said slowly, putting his hands inside his pocket and sitting on the bed too; “it’s a Mars candy bar, I’m confused here, I don’t know what you want me to say.”
She sighed and leaned forward, taking the sweet and opened it. It was really chocolate and caramel. It was a bit old considering how long Gotham had been in lockout, but she had eaten worse things. He observed as she bit it, taking half of it in one go.
He chuckled.
“What?” she asked, licking her lips.
The mirth hadn’t left from his lips when he answered; “nothing.”
She ate the rest of the candy a little bit more slowly, but her attention was in him, Bruce looked away, as if he was a little embarrassed for some reason, he fiddled with a loose thread of his turtleneck, only daring to look up when he heard she crackling sound of Selina crumping the packing of the finished treat. She threw it on the bedside table carelessly and reached out her arms to him.
“Come here.”
He did. Her breath smelled chocolatey as she rubbed the tip of her nose against his, her arms hugged his neck in such a possessive way that he thought about powerful tropical snakes, crushing their prey before swallowing them whole, but instead of feeling suffocated, he felt like he couldn’t get close enough to be satisfied. He took her lips seeking closeness and, of course, she tasted sweet, Bruce took his time enjoying every bit of it until the chocolate faded and all that remained was pure Selina on his tongue. By then, half of their clothes were already missing and he was kissing down her body. He undid the button of her trousers and pulled it down with her underwear.
She moaned loudly when he went straight to her clit and something crossed the haze of desire numbing Bruce’s brain, he heeled back.
“Oh,” he swallowed “you’re not…?”
“What?” she asked, breathless.
“Nothing,” his guilty consciousness might have been playing tricks at him, and he confused the dates. Bruce smirked at her trying to ease the mood again and bit her inner thigh, Selina hissed. “Forget it,” he whispered before diving back to the oblivion provided only by pleasure.
Much later, he watched her sleep, she was spent, so much, that she, who was a light sleeper, barely moved when the left the bed to sit by the window. Bruce wrapped himself on his dressing gown, and sat on the chair by the window, resting his chin on his knees and just looked at her, the cadence of her breath moving her chest under the quilted blanket, her little sighs and mumbled dreamy nonsense. He wished he could preserve that moment in amber and never leave.
But he would do it, leave. He had to.
Because it wouldn’t stop. Every single crazy bastard in that city wouldn’t stop coming for him. And even if fled, if he took Selina and ran he wouldn’t be free. Because the normal, every-day completely random violence, like the one that caused his parent’s deaths would always follow, and would never stop, that sort of thing was invincible. You could only be prepared to deal with it, and right now, he wasn’t. He was vulnerable. And that put Selina in danger.
He could pretend all he want that her promise of being there whenever he needed her was something he could count on. He knew she meant every word and he loved her so much for it, and for everything else she was and meant. And he wanted more than everything to believe that she was more than a possible causality, that the chaos couldn’t take her away from him. But he knew better, and that’s why he had to leave.
A deeper sight brought him back from the haze of his thoughts and Bruce rose his head from his chin, relaxing the grip of his arms around his legs.
“Watcha doing over there?” she asked, blinking slowly, her voice thick with sleepiness, making him smile. “Come back to bed.”
He obeyed, of course, burrowing himself under the blankets warmed by her body, she curled on his chest like a kitten. Bruce kissed the top of her head, trying to preserve in his memory all the notes of her smell, his heart constricting in anticipation for the unavoidable goodbye.
I’m baaaack. @brvceselina and other readers, asked me for a Four Names AU in which Bruce stayed. This is sort of it. But not quite, because I have no intention of make this too long and plot driven, to make sure I’ll not trick myself into writing another novel length story I’m not even using a script, this will just go with the flow. I hope you guys will appreciate it nevertheless, and if you do, let me know.
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rogerioreal · 4 years
Nearly every track that Larry Levan played at The Paradise Garage.
2 Puerto Ricans, A Blackman And A Dominican - Do It Properly 198752nd Street - Cool As Ice 1983 52nd Street - Tell Me (How It Feels) (12") 1986 80's Ladies - Turned On To You 1981 Adele Bertei - Build Me A Bridge 1983 Adiche - Get Ready (12") 1985 Adonis - No Way BackAdvance - Take Me To The Top 1983 Affinity - Don't Go Away 1983 Al Hudson - If You Feel Like Dancing 1977 Aleem - Confusion (12") 1985 Aleem - Love's On Fire (12") 1986 Aleem - Release Yourself 1984 Alexander Robotnick - Problemes D'Amour (12") 1985 Alfie - Star (12") 1985 Alfie Silas - A Puppet To You (LP or 12") 1982 Alfie Silas - Communicate (LP Cut) 1982 Alfredo De La Fe - Hot To Trot 1977 Alfredo De La Fe Alicia Myers - I Want To Thank You (LP) 1982 Alma Faye - Don't Fall In Love 1979 Alma Faye - It's Over (12" ext. mix) 1979 Alma Faye - Stop, I Don't Need No Sympathy 1977 AM-FM - You Are The One 1982 Amii Stewart - I'm Gonna Get Your Love 1982 Andrea True - NY, You Got Me Dancing 1977 Andrea True - What's Your Name, What's Your Number 1977 Ann Margret - Everybody Needs Somebody Sometimes (Larry played Instr. 1981 Anthony & The Camp - What I Like (12") 1986 Anthony White - Block Party (Inst.) 1977 Archie Bell - Anytime Is Right 1981 Aretha Franklin - Freeway Of Love (12") 1985 Aretha Franklin - Get It Right 1983 Aretha Franklin - Who's Zooming Who (12") 1985 Arpeggio - Love & Desire 1979 Ashford & Simpson - Ain't No Stopping Us NowAshford & Simpson - Bourgie Bourgie 1977Ashford & Simpson - Don't Cost You Nothin' 1978Ashford Simpson - Found A Cure &It Seems To Hang On! (Special Disco Remix) 1978Ashford & Simpson - Outta The World (12") 1985 Ashford & Simpson - Stay Free (LP) 1979 Atlantis - Keep On Movin' & Groovin' 1982 Atmosphere - Atmosphere Strut 1976 Sojka and Pike on Elite Atmosphere - Dancing In Outer Space 1981 Atmosphere - Disco Juice 1976 Atmosphere - Spaced Out 1976 Attitude - Love Me Tonight 1983 Aurra - Checking You Out 1982 Salsoul Aurra - Make Up Your Mind 1981 Ava Cherry - You Never Loved Me 1980 B.B. & Q Band - "On The Beat" 1981B Beat Girls - For The Same Man 1982 B.T. Taylor - You Can't Have Your Cake (& Eat It Too) 1982Babe Ruth - The Mexican 1973Baby'0 - In The Forest 1980 Bad Girls - Too Through 1981 Bananarama - Cruel Summer (12" Mix) 1984 Barbara Fowler - Come And Get My Lovin' 1984 Barbara Mason - Another Man 1984 Barbara Pennington - 24 Hours A Day (12" Vers.) 1977 Barbara Streisand - Promises (LP) 1981Barry White - Let The Music Play 1976Barry White - My Sweet Summer Suite 1976Basement Boys - Love Don't Live Here Anymore (12" or Comp. LP) 1987 BBCS&A - Rock Shock 1982 Bell & James - Livin' It Up 1978 Ben E. King - Music Trance 1980 Bert Reid - Groovin' With You (Levan 12" Mix) 1984 Betty Wright - One Step Up, Two Steps Back 1984 Beverly Johnson - Can't You Feel It (LP) 1979 Bill Brandon - We Fell In Love While Dancing 1978 Billie - Nobody's Bizness 1983 Fleetwood rds Billy Frazier - Billy Who? 1980 Billy Nichols - Give Your Body Up To The Music 1979 Levan mix on West End rds Billy Ocean - Love Zone (12") 1986 Billy Ocean - Nights (Feel Like Getting Down) (12" Remix) 1981 Billy Ocean - Stay The Night (12" Vers.) 1981Bionic Boogie - Cream Always Rises To The Top 1978Bionic Boogie - Risky Changes 1978 Black Ivory - Mainline (12") 1979 P Adams and L Burgess Black Light Orchestra - Touch Me, Take Me 1977 Black Mamba - Vicious (Levan 12" Mix) 1984 Garage rds Blackbyrds - Happy Music 1976 Donald Byrd Blackwell - Boogie Down & Mess Around 1978 Blancmanage - Feel Me 1982 Blaze - If You Should Need A Friend (12") 1987 Blondie - Rapture 1981Blue Magic- Look Me Up 1974Bo Kool - Love Money 1982 inspired 'Love Honey Love Heartache' On Tania records, UK track Bob-A-Rela - Spend The Night 1979 Bob-A-Rela - Stop 1979 Bobbettes - Love Rhythm 1981 Bobby Thurston - Check Out This Groove 1980 Bobby Thurston - You Got What It Takes 1980Bobby Womack ‎– I Can Understand It 1972Bohannon - Let's Start The Dance 1978 Boney M - Daddy Cool 1977 Bonnie Boyer - Got To Give In To Love 1979 Booker T - Don't Stop Your Love (12" Remix) 1981 Boris Badenough - Hey Rocky (12") 1986 Brainstorm - Hot For You 1979 Brainstorm - Lovin' Is Really My Game 1977 Brainstorm - We're On Our Way Home 1978 Brass Construction - Can You See The Light (12" or LP) 1982 Randy Muller Brass Construction - Changin' 1976 Brass Construction - Give & Take (12") 1985 Brass Construction - Walkin' The Line (12") 1983 Brass Construction - We Can Do It 1980 Brecker Brothers - Don't Stop The Music 1977 Brenda & Tabulations - Let's Go All The Way (Down) 1977 Brenda & Tabulations - Superstar 1977 Brenda Gooch - You And I Together 1980Brian Eno - David Byrne ‎– The Jezebel Spirit 1981Bruce Johnson - Pipeline 1979 Bruni Pagan - Fantasy 1979 Patrick Adams on .... Vanguard Bruni Pagan - Lovers (LP) 1979 Buffalo Smoke - Stubborn Kind Of Fellow 1978 Bumble Bee Unlimited - Love Bug (Original Red Greg 12") 1976 Greg Carmichael Bunny Sigler - By The Way You Dance 1978 CJ & Co - Devil's Gun 1977 C-Bank - One More Shot 1983 John Robie C-Brand - Wired For Games 1982 Cameron - All That's Good To Me 1981 Cameron - Boogie's Gonna Get Ya 1981 Cameron - Let's Get It Off 1980 Cameron - The Magic Of You 1980 Candi Staton - When You Wake Up Tomorrow 1979 Candido - Dancin' & Prancin' 1979 Salsoul Candido - Jingo 1979 Salsoul Candido - Thousand Fingerman 1979 Salsoul Capricorn - Capricorn 1980 Captain Rapp - Bad Times (I Can't Stand It) 1983 Captain Rapp - I Can't Stand It (12" - 2nd Press) 1986 Carl Bean - I Was Born This Way (12") 1987 Carl Bean - I Was Born This Way (Orig. Motown 12") 1978 Carly Simon - Why 1982 Atlantic WEA Carol Douglas - You're Not So Hot (12" or LP Vers.) 1983 Next Plateau Carol Hahn - Do Your Best 1982 Carol Williams - Can't Get Away From Your Love 1982 Carol Williams - No One Can Do It Like You 1981 Carol Williams - You've Reached The Bottom Line (12") 1983 Carolyn Harding - Gonna Get Your Love (12") 1985 Carolyn Harding - Memories (12") 1986 Carolyn Harding - Moving On (12") 1987 Carolyn Porter - I Said It And I Meant It (12") 1987 Carrie Lucas - I Gotta Keep Dancin (Original Vers.) 1977 Cat Stevens - Was Dog A Doughnut 1977 Celi Bee - Superman 1977 Central Line - Don't Tell Me 1981 Central Line - Walking Into Sunshine (12" Levan Remix) 1981 Cerrone - Cerrone's Paradise 1977 Cerrone - Je Suis Music 1978Cerrone ‎– Love In C Minor 1976Cerrone - Supernature (whole album) 1978 Cerrone - Take Me 1977 Cerrone feat. Jocelyn Brown - Cherry Tree 1980 Chaka Khan - I Know You, I Live You (LP) 1981 Chaka Khan - Tearin' It Up (12" Levan Remix) 1983 Change - Angel In My Pocket 1980Change - Paradise 1981 Change - The Very Best In You 1982 Change - This Is Your Time 1983 Chantel Curtis - Get Another Love 1979 Chantel Curtis - Hit Man (LP) 1979 Charlie Calello Orchestra - Sing Sing Sing 1979 Charo - Dance A Little Bit Closer 1977 Salsoul Chas Jankel - Glad To Know You 1982 Chemise - She Can't Love You 1981 Cher - Take Me Home 1979 Cheri - Small Town Lover 1983 Cheri - Star Struck 1982 Cheryl Lynn - In The Night 1981 Cheryl Lynn - Keep It Hot (12") 1979 Cheryl Lynn - Love Bomb 1979 Cheryl Lynn - Star Love 1977 Cheryl Lynn - You Saved My Day 1978 Cheyne - Call Me Mr. Telephone (12") 1985 Chi-Lites - My First Mistake 1977 Chic - Chic Cheer 1978 Chicago - Street Player (12" Mix) 1979 Columbia reds Chip E. - Like This (12") 1985 Chocolette - It's That East Street Beat (12") 1985 Choice 4 - Come Down To Earth 1977 Circle City Band - Magic 1983 Circuit - A Little Help From My Friends (12") 1985 Circuit - Release The Tension 1984 Cissy Houston - Think It Over 1978 Citispeak - I Don't Need Your Handouts 1984 Citispeak - Rock To Rock 1983 CJ & Co - We Got Our Own Thing 1977 Class Action - Weekend (12" Levan Remix) 1981 Sleeping Bag rds Claudja Barry - Down & Counting (12") 1986 Claudja Barry - Johnny Please Come Home 1978 Claudja Barry - Sweet Dynamite 1977 Clausell - Don't Let It Be Crack (12") 1986 Joe Clausell ??? Coffee - Purpose (LP) 1982 Colonel Abrams - How Soon We Forget (12" Remix) 1987 Colonel Abrams - I'm Not Gonna Let (12") 1986 Colonel Abrams - Music Is The Answer 1984 Colonel Abrams - Over & Over (12") 1986 Colonel Abrams - Speculation (12") 1985 Colonel Abrams - Trapped (12") 1985 Colors - Am I Gonna Be The One (12" Dub Vers.) 1983 Colors - Pay Me Back My Love (12") 1986 Columbus Circle - If You Read My Mind 1982 Conquest - Give It To Me 1981 Conversion - Let's Do It 1981 --> Leroy Burgess Conversion - Sweet Thing 1982 Cookie - You Can't Judge A Book By It's Cover 1982 Cory Daye - Pow Wow 1978 Crown Heights Affair - Dancin' 1977 Crown Heights Affair - Don't Wanna Change You 1980 Crown Heights Affair - I See The Light 1980 Crown Heights Affair - Say A Prayer For Two 1978 Cuba Gooding - Happiness Is Just Around The Bend 1983 Streetwise rds Cultural Vibe - Mind Games (12") (Not the same record as Quest) 1986 Easystreet reds Curtis Hairston - I Want You (All Tonight) 1983 Curtis Hairston - I Want You All Tonight (12") 1985 Curtis Hairston - We All Are One 1984 Curtis Mayfield - Tell Me (How Ya Liked To Be Loved) 1979 Curtis Mayfield - What Is My Woman For? 1979 D Train - Keep On 1982 Prelude D Train - Music 1983 Prelude D Train - Walk On By 1982 Prelude D Train - You're The One For Me 1981 Prelude D.C. LaRue - Cathedrals 1977 D.C. LaRue - Let Them Dance 1978 D.D. Sounds - Cafe 1978 Dan Hartman - I Can Dream About You (Levan 12" Remix) 1984 Dan Hartman - Love Strong 1979 Dan Hartman - Relight My Fire 1978 Dan Hartman - We Are The Young (Levan 12" Remix) 1984 David Bowie - Let's Dance (12") 1983 David Christie - Don't Stop Me, I Like It 1978 David Joseph - You Can't Hide From Your Love 1983David Williams - Come On Down, Boogie People 1977 Dazz Band - Let It All Blow (12" Mix) 1984 Debbie Jacobs - Don't You Want My Love 1979 Dee Dee Bridgewater - Bad For Me (Ext. 12" Mix) 1979 Dee Edwards - Put Your Love On The Line 1980 Delegation - Heartache No. 9 1980 Denise McCann - Tattoo Man 1976 Dennis Coffey - Wings Of Fire 1977 Denroy Morgan - Happy Feeling 1982 Becket rds Deodato - Are You For Real 1984 Deodato - Keep It In The Family (LP) 1982 Deodato - Keep On Movin' 1982 Deodato - Night Cruiser 1980Deodato - Super Strut 1973Deodato - Whistle Bump 1978Deodato 2001 ‎– Also Sprach Zarathustra 1986Desmond Child & Rouge - Our Love Is Insane (Ext. 12" Mix) 1979 Dexter Wansel - Disco Lights 1977 PIR Dexter Wansel - Life On Mars Dhar Braxton - Jump Back (12") 1986 Sleeping Bag rds Diamond Touch - Love Line (12") 1985 Diana Ross - The Boss 1979Diana Ross - Love Hangover 1976Diana Ross - "No One Gets The Prize" 1979Diana Ross - Once In The Morning (LP) 1979 Diana Ross - That's How You Start Over (LP) 1983 Diana Ross - Work That Body (12" Version) 1982 Dianne Marie - I've Waited Much Too Long 1982 Dinosaur[/color] - Kiss Me Again 1978 Sire rds Dinosaur L - Corn Belt (Levan Mix; Comp. LP) 1986 Sleeping Bag rds Dinosaur L - Go Bang 1983 Sleeping Bag rds Direct Current - Everybody Here Must Party 1979 Don Ray - Got To Have Loving 1978 Don Ray - Standing In The Rain 1978 Donald Byrd - Love Has Come Around 1981 Donald Fagen - New Frontier 1982Donna McGhee - It Ain't No Big Thing 1979Donna Summer - Autumn Changes 1976Donna Summer - Bad Girls 1979Donna Summer - Hot Stuff 1979Donna Summer - I Feel Love 1977Donna Summer - Last Dance 1978Donna Summer - Love to Love You Baby 1975Donna Summer - MacArthur Park 1979Donna Summer - Spring Affair 1976Donna Summer - Summer Fever 1976Donna Washington - 'Scuse Me, While I Fall In Love 1981 SalsoulDonny Hathaway ‎– The Ghetto 1969Double Exposure - Every Man Has Got To Carry His Own Weight 1976 Salsoul Double Exposure - I Declare War 1978 Salsoul Double Exposure - I Got The Hots For You (12" Mix) 1979 Salsoul Double Exposure - My Love Is Free 1977 Salsoul Double Exposure - Ten Percent 1976 Salsoul Dynamic Superiors - Nowhere To Run 1977 Earons - Land Of Hunger 1984Earth, Wind & Fire - Africano 1975Earth Wind & Fire - I Think About Lovin' You 1971Earth, Wind & Fire - Moment of Truth 1971Earth, Wind & Fire - Power 1972Earth, Wind & Fire - Side By Side (LP) 1983 Eastbound Expressway - Never Let Go 1979 Ecstacy, Passion & Pain - If You Want Me 1981 Roy B rds Ecstacy, Passion & Pain - Touch And Go 1976 Eddie Drennon - Would You Dance To My Music 1977 Eddie Kendricks - Ain't No Smoke Without Fire 1978 Eddie Kendricks - Girl You Need A Change Of Mind 1973Eddie Kendricks - Goin' Up In Smoke 1976 Motown rds Eddy Grant - Living On The Frontline 1978 Eddy Grant - Nobody's Got Time 1980 Eddy Grant - Time Warp 1977Eddy Grant - Walking On Sunshine (Ext. 12" Mix) 1979 Ice rds Eddy Rosemond - Funk It 1979 Edgar Winter Group - Above & Beyond 1979 Ednah Holt - Serious, Serious Space Party (Levan 12" Mix) 1981 West End rds Edwin Birdsong - Rapper Dapper Snapper 1980 Salsoul rds El Coco - Cocomotion 1977 El Coco - Dancing In Paradise 1978 El Coco - Let's Get It Together 1976 Eleanor Mills - Mr. Right (12") 1987 Electric Mind - Zwei 1983 Eloise Whitaker - Don't Turn Your Back On Me 1981 Empire - Freakman 1981 Empress - Dyin' To Be Dancin' 1981 Prelude rds Empress - Take A Risk 1982 Prelude rds Erasure - Sometimes (12" Remix) 1987 Erotic Drum Band - Plug Me To Death 1978 ESG - Moody 1981 99 rds Esther Williams - I'll Be Your Pleasure (Levan Remix 12" or LP) 1981 Esther Williams - You Gotta Let Me Show You 1976 Evelyn King - Your Personal Touch (12"/LP) 1985 Evelyn Thomas - Heartless (12") 1985 Exodus - Together Forever 1979 Expose - Let Me Be The One (12" Remix) 1987 Extras - Haven't Been Funked Enough 1979 Faith, Hope & Charity - You're My Piece Of Mind (Ext. 12" 1976 Fancy - Come Inside (12" Mix) 1984 Fantastic 4 - Got To Have Your Love 1977 Fantastic Aleems - Hooked On Your Love 1980 Fantasy - You're Too Late 1981 Farley Funk - Love Can't Turn Around (12" Dub Mix) 1986 Farm Boy - Move (12") 1986 Fat Larry's Band - Act Like You Know 1982 --> see Whatnauts Fat Larry's Band - Lookin' For Love 1979 Fatback Band - I Found Lovin' 1983 Fatback Band - Is This The Future (12" Vers.) 1983 Fatback Band - Spanish Hustle 1976 Fatback Band - Take It Anyway You Want It 1981 Fatback Band - The Girl Is Fine 1983 Feel - I'd Like To 1982 Feel - Let's Rock Over & Over Again 1982 Sutra rds Fern Kinney - Groove Me 1979 Final Edition - Betcha Can't Love Just Once 1980 Fingers, Inc. - Can You Feel It (Comp. LP) 1987 Fingers, Inc. - Mystery Of Love (12") 1987 Fingers, Inc. - Never No More Lonely (LP) 1987 First Choice - Breakaway 1980 Salsoul rds First Choice - Doctor Love 1977 Goldmind rds First Choice - Double Cross (Levan Remix) 1979 Salsoul rds First Choice - Let No Man Put Asunder (Remix) 1982 Salsoul rds First Choice - Love Thang 1978 Goldmind rds First Love - Don't Say Goodnight 1980 Five Special - Why Leave Us Alone 1979 Flakes - Sugar Frosted Lover 1980 Fleetwood Mac - Little Lies (12" Remix) 1987 Flower - Classical Love 1979 Fonda Rae - Heobah 1983 Posse rds Fonda Rae - Over Like A Fat Rat 1982 Vanguard rds Foxy - Tena's Song 1978 France Joli - Gonna Get Over You 1982 Prelude rds France Joli - The Heart To Break The Heart 1980 PreludeFrankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax 1984Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Ballad of 32 1984Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes 1984Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome to the pleasuredome (The Whole 13:40 version) 1984 Fred Fowler - Girl You Need A Change Of Mind (12") (Kendricks Remake) 1986 Freda Payne - I'll Do Anything For You (12" Vers.) 1978 Freda Payne - Love Magnet 1977 Free Life - There's Something Better 1979 Freeez - I.O.U. 1983 Fresh Band - Come Back Lover 1984 Frida - I Know There's Something Goin' On 1982 Frisky - You Got Me Dancing In My Sleep 1979 Aretha Franklin - Jump To It 1983 Front Page Orchestra - Love Insurance 1979 Frontline Orchestra - Don't Turn Your Back On Me 1981 Full Circle - Workin' Up A Sweat (12") 1986 Full House - Communicate (12") 1986 Funk Deluxe - This Time 1984 Funk Fusion Band - Can You Feel It 1982 Funkapolitan - As Time Goes By 1982 Gary Criss - Rio De Janiero 1978 Salsoul rds Gary's Gang - Let's Love Dance Tonight 1979 Gayle Adams - Love Fever (12") 1981 Gayle Adams - Stretchin' Out 1980 Gayle Adams - You Brought It On Yourself 1980 Gayle Adams - Your Love Is A Life Saver 1980 Gaz - Sing Sing 1978 Salsoul rds Gene Chandler - Get Down 1978 Gene Dunlap - Take My Love 1981 General Johnson - Can't Nobody Love Me Like You Do 1978George Benson - This Masquerade 197 George Duke - I Want You For Myself 1979 George Kranz - Din Daa Daa (Original 12" Mix) 1984 George McCrae - Love In Motion 1977 Geraldine Hunt - Can't Fake The Feeling 1980 Gibson Brothers - Cuba 1979 Gibson Brothers - Oh What A Life 1980 Gino Soccio - Hold Tight 1981 Gino Soccio - I Wanna Take You There Now 1980 Gino Soccio - It's Alright 1982 Gino Soccio - Try It Out 1981 Gino Soccio - You Move Me (LP) 1982 Gino Soccio - Dancer 1979 Giorgio - I Wanna Rock You 1979 Giorgio Moroder - Evolution 1978Giorgio Moroder - Knights in White Satin (Full Album Version) 1976Girls Can't Help It - Baby Doll 1982 Gladys Knight & The Pips - Save The Overtime For Me (12" Vers.) 1983 Gladys Knight - It's A Better Than Good Time 1978 Gladys Knight - Love Is Always On Your Mind 1977 Glass - Let Me Feel Your Heartbeat 1982 West End rds Gloria Gaynor - Let's Make A Deal 1976 Gloria Gaynor - Let's Mend What's Been Broken (LP or 12") 1981 Goldie Alexander - Show You My Love 1982 Goody Goody - It Looks Like Love 1978 Atlantic --> Montana Goody Goody - Let Me Work On You 1982 Black Sun rds Grace Jones - Do Or Die 1978 Grace Jones - Don't Mess With The Messer 1979 Grace Jones - Feel Up (Levan Remix) 1982 Island rds Grace Jones - I'm Not Perfect (But I'm Perfect For You) (12") 1986 Grace Jones - La Vie En Rose 1977 Grace Jones - My Jamaican Guy 1978 Grace Jones - Nipple To The Bottle 1982 Grace Jones - On Your Knees 1979 Grace Jones - Pull Up To The Bumper (Disconet mix)1981 Grace Jones - Slave To The Rhythm/The Fashion Show/Ladies & Gentlemen (all 1985 1985 Grace Jones - Sorry 1976 Grace Jones - Warm Leatherette 1980 Greg Phillinganes - Behind The Mask (12") 1985 Gregg Diamond - Danger 1979 Gregg Diamond - Star Cruising 1978 Grey & Hanks - Dancin' 1979Grover Washington Jr. - Mister Magic 1975Gunchback Boogie Band - Funn 1982 Gwen Guthrie - Hopscotch (LP Version) 1983 Island rds Gwen Guthrie - It Should Have Been You 1982 Gwen Guthrie - Outside In The Rain (Levan 12" Remix) 1986 Gwen Guthrie - Padlock (Levan Remix - EP) 1985 Gwen Guthrie - Peanut Butter (LP Version; Levan remix released in 1985) 1983 Gwen Guthrie - Seventh Heaven (LP Version) 1983 Gwen Guthrie - Seventh Heaven/Getting Hot/Peanut Butter (Levan Remix - EP) 1985 Gwen Guthrie - They Long To Be Close To You (Levan 12" Remix) 1987 Polydor rds Gwen Guthrie - Ticket To Ride (Levan 12" Remix) 1987 4th and Broadway rds Gwen McCrae - Funky Sensation 1981 Gwen McCrae - Poyson 1981 Hanson & Davis - I'll Take You On (12" Levan Mix) 1986 Fresh rds Hanson & Davis - Tonight (Love Will Make It Right) (12" Dub Mix) 1985 Harlequin Fours - Set It Off (12" - female version) 1985 Harold Faltermeyer - Axel F (12") 1985 Harvey Mason - Groovin' You 1979 Arista rds Heaven & Earth - I Really Love You 1981 Heaven 17 - Let Me Go 1983 Herbie Hancock - Tell Everybody 1979 Hercules - Seven Ways To Jack (12"/Comp. LP) 1986 Hi-Gloss - You'll Never Know 1981 Hindsight - Stand Up (12" Remix) 1987 Hot Cuisine - Who's Been Kissing You 1981 House People - Godfather Of House (12") 1986 Hugh Masekela - Don't Go Lose It, Baby 1984 Jive Africa I Level - Give Me 1981 I Level - Minefield 1981 Ian Dury - Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick 1978 Ian Dury - Reasons To Be Cheerful 1978 Ian Dury - Spasticus (Autisticus) 1981 Idris Muhammed - Could Heaven Ever Be Like This 1977Idris Muhammad ‎– One with a Star 1978 Imagination - Burnin' Up 1983 Imagination - Changes 1983 Imagination - Instinctual (12" Remix) 1987 Imagination - Just An Illusin 1983 Imagination - Looking At Midnight (12") 1983 Imagination - State Of Love 1983 In-Sync - Sometimes Love Lets You Down (12") 1987 Indeep - Last Night A DJ Saved My Life 1983 Inner City Jam Band - What I Did For Love 1977 Inner Life - Ain't No Mountain High Enough (Garage Mix) 1981 Salsoul rds Inner Life - I'm Caught Up 1979 Prelude rds Inner Life - Let's Change It Up (12") 1985 Inner Life - Make It Last Forever (Levan Remix) 1981 Salsoul rds Inner Life - Moment Of My Life 1982 Salsoul rds Instant Funk - Body Shine (Levan Remix) 1979 Salsoul rds Instant Funk - I Got My Mind Made Up (Levan Remix) 1979 Salsoul rds Instant Funk - Just Because You'll Be Mine 1983 Salsoul rds Instant Funk - Slap, Slap, Lickedy Lap (Levan Mix) 1979 Salsoul rds Instant Funk - Why Don't You Think About Me 1979 Salsoul rds Intrigue - Fly Girl (12") 1985 Invisible Man's Band - All Night Thing 1980 Island rds Isaac Hayes - I Ain't Never 1980 Isaac Hayes - Moonlight Lovin' 1978 Isley Brothers - Harvest For The World 1976 Isley Brothers - Inside You (12" or LP) 1981J Geils Band- Give to me 1973J.M. Silk - I Can't Turn Around (12") 1987 J.M. Silk - Let The Music Take Control (12") 1987 J.M. Silk - Music Is The Key (12") 1985 J.R. Funk & Love Machine - Feel Good, Party Time 1980 Jackie Moore - How's Your Love Life Baby (Ext. 12" Mix) 1979 Jacksons - The Hurt (LP Cut) 1984 Jago - Are You Going To Go 1983 Jaki Graham - Set Me Free (12" Remix) 1987 Jakki - Sun Sun Sun 1976 Jamaica Boys - Spend Some Time (12" Remix) 1987 Jamaica Girls - Need Somebody New (12" Levan Remix) 1981 Sleeping Bag rds Jamaica Girls - On The Move (12") 1986 Jamaica Girls - Rock The Beat 1982James Brown - Give It Up Or Turn It Loose 1970James Brown - It's Too Funky In Here (12") 1979 James Brown - Living In America (12") 1985James Brown - The Payback 1973James Wells - My Claim To Fame 1979 James Wells - True Love Is My Destiny 1978 Jammers - And You Know That 1982 Jammers - Be Mine Tonight 1983 Salsoul rds Jan Leslie Holmes - I'm Your Superman (12" Disco Mix Version) 1984 Janet Jackson - What Have You Done For Me Lately (12") 1986 A&M rds Janice Christie - Heat Stroke (Levan 12" Mix) 1986 Supertronics rds Janice Christie - My Love Is Money 1984 Janice Christie - One Love (12") 1985 Janice Christie - Taking Me For Granted (12") 1987 Janice McClain - Smack Dab In The Middle (Levan Remix) 1980 Jean Carn - Time Waits For No One 1976 Jean Carn - Was That All It Was (Ext. 12" Mix) 1979 Jeanette "Lady" Day - Come Let Me Love You 1981 Jeanette Thomas - Shake Your Body (12"/Comp. LP) 1987 Jeff Lorber - Step By Step (12") 1985 Jeffrey Osborne - New Love 1982 Jeffrey Osborne - Plane Love (Levan 12" Remix) 1984 A&M rds Jeffrey Osborne - The Borderlines (Levan 12" Remix) 1984 A&M rds Jennifer Holliday - Hard Times For Lovers (Ext. 12") 1985 Jennifer Holliday - No Frills Love (Ext. 12") 1985 Jenny Burton - Bad Habits (12"/LP) 1985 Jenny Burton - Remember What You Like 1983Jesse Green ‎– Nice And Slow 1976Jimmy Bo Horne - Is It In 1980 Jimmy Bo Horne - Spank 1979 Jimmy BoHorne - Let's Do It (12") 1985 Jimmy Cliff - Peace Officer (Dub 12" Version) 1982 Jimmy Ross - First True Love Affair (Levan 12" Mix) 1981 Quality/RFC rds Jimmy Ruffin - Falling In Love With You 1977 Jimmy Sabater - To Be With You 1976 Jimmy Williams - All Of My Lovin' 1983 Joan Armatrading - Kind Words (And A Real Good Heart) (12") 1986 Jocelyn Brown - Love's Gonna Get Ya (12") 1985Jocelyn Brown "Somebody Elses Guy" 1984Joe Church - Don't You Wanna Be Mine (12") 1987 Joe Simon - Love Vibration 1978 Joe Tex - Ain't Gonna Bump No More 1977 Joe Thomas - Plato's Retreat 1978 John Davis - Night And Day 1976 John Rocca - I Want It To Be Real 1984 Johnny Dynell - Rhythm Of Love (12") 1985 Johnny Harris - Odyssey 1980Johnny Mathis - Gone, Gone, Gone 1979Jomanda - I'll Give It To You (12") 1987 Jones Girls - You Gonna Make Me Love Somebody Else (Ext. 12" Mix) 1979 Joy - I Need Your Love 1983 Joyce Kennedy - Hold On For Love's Sake (12") 1985 Judy Cheeks - Mellow Lovin' 1978 Salsoul rds Juggy Jones - Inside America 1976 Jupiter rds Jungle Wonz - The Jungle (Comp. LP) 1986 Jungle Wonz - Time Marches On (12"/Comp LP) 1987 Junior - Mama Used To Say 1982 Mercury UK rds Junior - Not Tonight/Look What You've Done To Me (LP) 1985 Junior - Tell Me 1983 Mercury UK rds Kano - Can't Hold Back Your Loving 1981 Emergency rds Kano - I'm Ready 1980 Emergency rds Karen Silver - Nobody Else 1981 Karen Silver - Set Me Free 1981 Karen Young - Detour 1982 Karen Young - Hot Shot 1978 West End rds Karyn White - Facts Of Love (12" Levan Remix) 1986 Kashif - Help Yourself To My Love 1983 Kashif - I Just Gotta Have You 1983 Kate Bush - Running Up That Hill (12") 1985 Kebekelektrik - War Dance 1978 Salsoul rds Keith Barrow - Turn Me Up (Ext. 12" Mix) 1979 Kellee Patterson - Turn On The Lights 1977 Keni Burke - You're The Best 1981 Key Of Dreams - Africa 1983 Kid Creole - Going Places 1981Kid Creole And The Coconuts - I'm A Wonderful Thing Baby 1982Kid People - Life's A Party (12") 1985 King Errison - Manhattan Love Song 1977 Kinky Foxx - So Different 1980 Kleeer - Get Tough 1981 Kleeer - Keep Your Body Workin' 1978 Klein & MBO - Dirty Talk 1982 Klein & MBO - Wonderful 1982 Klinte Jones - In The Heat Of The Night 1984Kokomo ‎– I Can Understand It 1975Kokomo - Use Your Imagination 1976 Komiko - Feel Alright 1982 Konk - Konk Party (12") 1986 Konk - Your Life (12") 1986 Kool & The Gang - Fresh (12" Remix) 1985 Kool & The Gang - Misled (12" Remix) 1984 Kool & The Gang - Open Sesame (9 min. version) 1976Kool & The Gang - Summer Madness 1974Koto - Japanese War Games 1983 Kraftwerk - Music Non-Stop (12") 1986Kraftwerk - Numbers 1981Kraftwerk - The Robots 1978 Kraftwerk - Trans Europe Express 1978 Kreamsicle - No News Is News 1984 Kurtis Blow - The Breaks 1980 Mercury US L'Amour - Let's Make Love Tonight 1984 Lace - Can't Play Around (Levan 12" Mix) 1982 Atlantic rds Laid Back - The White Horse 1984 Lamont Dozier - Going Back To My Roots 1977 Larry Graham - Sooner Or Later 1982 Larry Page - Slinky Thighs 1977 Larry played) 1982 Laurice Hudson - Feel My Love 1982 LAX - All My Love 1980 Legacy - Don't Waste The Night (12") 1985 Lemelle - You Got Something Special 1982 Lemon - A-Freak-A 1978 Lenny Williams - Choosing You 1977 Lenny Williams - Please Don't Tempt Me 1977 Lenny Williams - You Got Me Running 1978 Leon Huff - I Ain't Jivin', I'm Jammin' 1981 Leon Love - Once Is Not Enough 1984 Les Lee - I'm The One You Want (12") 1985 Level 3 - Central Line 1982 Level 42 - Something About You (12") 1985 Level 42 - Starchild (12") 1985 Level 42 - World Machine (12") 1985 Lime - Agent 406 1981 Linda Clifford - Gypsy Lady (Ext. 12" Vers.) 1978 Linda Clifford - Runaway Love (Ext. 12" Version) 1978 Linda Evans - Don't You Need 1979 Linda Hopkins - It's In Your Blood 1977 Linda Taylor - You And Me Just Started 1982 Lipps, Inc. - All Night Dancing 1980 Liquid Liquid - Cavern 1984 99 rds Lisa Lisa - I Wonder If I Take You Home (12"/LP) 1985 Living In A Box - Living In A Box (12") 1987 Liz Torres - Can't Get Enough (12") 1987 Liz Torres - Mama's Boy (12") 1987 LNR - Work It To The Bone (12") 1987 Logg - I Know You Will (Levan 12" Remix) 1981 Salsoul rds Logg - You've Got That Something 1981 Salsoul rds Loleatta Holloway - Catch Me On The Rebound 1978 Loleatta Holloway - Crash Goes Love 1984 Loleatta Holloway - Dreamin' 1976 Gold Mind rds Loleatta Holloway - Greatest Performance Of My Life (Levan Remix) 1979 Gold Mind rds Loleatta Holloway - Hit & Run (12" Remix Vers.) 1977 Loleatta Holloway - I May Not Be There When You Want Me 1978 Loleatta Holloway - Love Sensation 1980 Salsoul rds Loleatta Holloway - So Sweet (12") 1986 Loose Change - Straight From The Heart (12" Mix) 1979 Loose Ends - Choose Me (12") 1985 Loose Joints - Is It All Over My Face (Levan Remix) 1978Loose Joints- Is It All Over My Face (Original Male Version) 1978Loose Joints - Tell You (Today) 1983 Lorraine Johnson - Feed The Flame 1978 Lorraine Johnson - The More I Get (Remake of Teddy - Larry played both) 1977 Love Club - Hot Summer Nights 1983 Love Committee - Law And Order 1978 Love Unlimited Orchestra - King Kong Theme 1977 Lucy Hawkins - Gotta Get Out Of Here 1978 M - Pop Muzik 1979 Machine - Is It Love 1980 Machine - Marisa 1979 RCA rds Machine - 'There But For The Grace Of God Go I' 1979 RCA rds Macho - I'm A Man 1978 Prelude rds Made In The USA - Melodies 1977 Madhouse - Six (LP) 1987 Madleen Kane - Forbidden Love 1979 Madleen Kane - Rough Diamond 1978 Madleen Kane - You Can 1981 Madonna - Everybody 1982 Madonna - In The Groove 1984 Madonna - Open Your Heart (LP/12") 1986 Magazine 60 - Don Quichotte 1984 Mahogany - Ride On The Rhythm 1982 Mai Tai - History (12") 1985 Mai Tai - Hold Me (LP) 1986Malcom McClaren - Buffalo Girls 1982Malcolm McClaren - Madam Butterfly 1984 Man Friday - Jump (12" Levan Mix) 1986 Man Friday - Love Honey, Love Heartache (12" Levan Mix) 1986 Bo Kool Man Parrish - Hip Hop, Be Bop (Don't Stop) 1982Manu Dibango - New Bell 1972Manu Dibango - Nights In Zeralda 1972Manu Dibango - Soul Makossa 1972Mandrill - Get It All 1973Mandrill Fench Walk- Fencewalk / Hagalo 1973Mandrill - Hang Loose 1973Marc Sadane - Exciting 1982 Marc Sadane - Sit Up 1981 Marcia Griffith - Electric Boogie 1983 Margie Joseph - Knockout 1982 Marianne Faithful - Why Did You Do It 1979 Marjie Joseph - Prophecy 1976 Mark IV - Rainy Days (12") 1985 Marsha Hunt - The Other Side Of Midnight (12" Vers.) 1977 Marshall Jefferson - Move Your Body (House Music Anthem) (12") 1987 Martin Circus - Disco Circus 1978 Martin Circus - I've Got A Treat 1978Mary Jane Girls - "All Night Long" 1983Mary Jane Girls - In My House (12") 1985 Mary Wells - Gigolo 1982 Mary Wells - These Arms 1981 Mass Production - Sun Dancer 1983 Mass Production - Welcome To Our World 1977 Master C&J - In The City (12") 1987 Matrix - Stay, I Need Your Love 1982 Matthew Wilder - Break My Stride (12") 1983 Maze - Twilight (12") 1985McFadden & Whitehead ‎– Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now 1979Melba Moore - It's Been So Long (12" Remix) 1987 Melba Moore - It's Been So Long (12") 1986 Melba Moore - Standing Right Here (Ext. Remix LP) 1979 Melba Moore - You Stepped Into My Life 1978 Merc & Monk - I Get Carried Away (Levan 12" Remix) 1985 Metropolis - New York Is My Kind Of Twon 1978 Metropolis - The Greatest Show On Earth 1978 MFSB - Love Is The Message (14 min. Remix Vers.) 1981 PIR rds MFSB - Mysteries Of The World 1980 MFSB - We Got The Time 1976 Michael - Jackson - 1987Michael Mauro - Susie Q 1980 Michael Wycoff - Still Got The Magic (Sweet Delight) 1982 Michael Wycoff - Tell Me Love 1983 Michael Zager Band - Love Express 1978 Michele - Can't You Feel It 1977Michele - Disco Dance 1977 Michelle Freeman - Where'd You Get What You Got 1979 Michelle Goulet - Stop & Think (12") 1986 Michelle Wallace - It's Right 1982 Michelle Wallace - Jazzy Rhythm 1982 Mick Jagger - Lucky In Love (12" Dub Remix) 1985 Midnight Rhythm - Workin' & Slavin' 1978 Midnight Star - Curious 1983 Midway - Set It Out 1984 Mighty Clouds Of Joy - Mighty High 1976 Mighty Pope - Sweet Blindness 1979 Miguel Brown - Symphony Of Love 1978 Mike Anthony - Why Can't We Live Together 1982 Mike Theodore - Cosmic Wind 1977 Mike Theodore Orchestra - The Bull 1978 Mikki - Dance Lover 1981 Mikki - Itching For Love 1981 Millie Scott - Every Little Bit Of You (12" Remix) 1987 Millie Scott - Prisoner Of Love (12") 1986 Ministry - Work For Love 1982 Minnie Riperton - Adventures In Paradise 1976 Minnie Riperton - Stick Together (Ext. Mix) 1977Modern Romance ‎– Can You Move 1981Modern Romance - Salsa Rapsody (Import 12") 1981 Moment Of Truth - Chained To Your Love 1977 Mona Lisa Young - Rock Me Down (12") 1985 Mona Rae - Do Me 1981 Montana - Who Needs Enemies (With A Friend Like You) 1983 Montana Sextet - Heavy Vibes 1982Montreal Sound - Music (Very Special Disco Mix By PAJ) 1977Monyaka - Go Deh Yaka (Go To The Top) 1983 Morris Day - Color Of Success/The Character/The Oak Tree (All LP) 1985Mtume ‎– Green Light 1983Mtume - So You Wanna Be A Star 1980Munich Machine ‎– Get On The Funk Train (Part I+II) 1977 Munich Machine - Party Light 1979Murray Head - One Night In Bangkok (12") 1985 Musique - Push Push in the Bush --> Patrick Adams Musique - Keep on Jumpin' --> Patrick Adams N.V. - It's Alright 1983 N.V. - Let Me Do You 1984 Nancy Martin - Can't Believe 1982 Narada Michael Walden - The Nature Of Things (Levan 12" Remix) 1985 Native - Love Ain't No Holiday 1984 Nature Zone - Porcupine 1976 New Birth - Deeper 1977New Birth ‎– Until It's Time For You To Go 1973New Order - Blue Monday 1983New York Community Choir - Express Yourself 1977 Nick Straker Band - A Little Bit Of Jazz 1981 Nick Straker Band - The Beat Inside (LP) 1981 Nile Rodgers - Land Of The Good Groove 1983 Nile Rodgers - State Your Mind/Stay Out Of The Light (Levan 12" Remix) 1985Nina Hagen - African Reggae 1982NJ Connection - Love Don't Come Easy 1981 Nona Hendryx - Keep It Confidential 1983 Nona Hendryx - Transformation 1983 Nona Hendryx - Why Should I Cry (12" Remix) 1987 Norman Connors - Once I've Been There 1977 North End - Happy Days 1981 North End - Kind Of Love (Kind Of Life) 1979 Nu Shooz - I Can't Wait (12") 1985 Nu Shooz - I Can't Wait (12") 1986 Nuance - Love Ride (12" Mix) 1984 O'Jays - Extraordinary Girl (LP) 1984 O'Jays - Put Our Heads Together 1983 Odyssey - Easy Come, Easy Go 1977 Odyssey - Inside Out 1982 Odyssey - Use It Up And Wear It Out 1980 One Way - Do Your Thang 1981 One Way - Music 1980 One Way - Shine On Me 1983 Originals - Down To Love Town 1976 Originals - Hurry Up And Wait 1976 Pam Todd - Let's Get Together 1979 Pamela Stanley - Coming Out Of Hiding 1984 Paradise Girls - Holding Back (12" Dub Mix II) 1986 Passion - Don't Bring Back Memories 1980 Pat Benatar - Love Is A Battlefield 1983 Patrick Juvet - I Love America 1978 Patti Austin - Betcha Wouldn't Hurt Me 1981 Patti Austin - Honey For The Bees (Levan 12" Remix) 1985 Patti Brooks - After Dark 1978 Patti Labelle - I'll Never, Never Give Up 1983 Patti Labelle - Music Is My Way Of Life 1979 Patti Labelle - Something Special (12") 1986 Patti Labelle - The Spirit's In It 1981 Paul Hardcastle - 19 (12") 1985 Paul Hardcastle - Don't Waste My Time (12") 1986 Paul Jabara - Pleasure Island 1978 Paul Simpson - Treat Her Sweeter (12") 1985 Paul Simpson Connection - Use Me, Lose Me 1982 Peech Boys - Come On, Come On (Levan 12" Mix) 1984 Peech Boys - Don't Make Me Wait 1982 Peech Boys - Life Is Something Special (Levan Remix) 1983 Peech Boys - On A Journey (Levan Remix) 1983 Peech Boys - Warm Summer's Night (LP) 1983 Pennye Ford - Change Your Wicked Ways (12" Remix) 1984 People's Choice - If I Knew Then What I Know Now 1980 People's Choice - You Ought To Be Dancin' 1980 Pete Shelley - Witness The Change 1981 Peter Brown - Disco Love Breakdown (Flip of "Do You Wanna Get Funky With Me") 1977 Peter Godwin - Emotional Disguise 1982 Peter Jacques Band - Fire Night Dance 1979 Philip Bailey - I Know 1983 Phreek - May My Love Be With You 1978 Phreek - Weekend 1978 Phyllis Nelson - I Like You (12") 1985 Phyllis St. James - Ain't No Turnin' Back (LP Cut) 1984 Pieces Of A Dream - Warm Weather 1981 Pilot - You Are The One 1984 Planet Patrol - Play At Your Own Risk 1982 Players Association - I Like It 1977 Players Association - Love Hangover (Inst. Remake of D. Ross' version) 1977 Pleasure- Take a chance 1980Pleasure Pump - Fantasize Me (12") 1987 Pockets - Come Go With Me 1977 Pointer Sisters - Automatic (12" Remix) 1984 Pointer Sisters - Dare Me (12") 1985 Pointer Sisters - Happiness (Ext. 12" Mix) 1979 Pointer Sisters - We've Got The Power 1980 Positive Force - We Got The Funk 1979 Positive People - This Feelin' 1981 Poussez - Boogie With Me 1979 Powerline - Journey 1981 Precious Wilson - I'll Be Your Friend (12") 1986 Pretty Poison - Catch Me (I'm Falling) (12") 1987 Prince - Controversy 1981 Prince - Just As Long As We're Together 1978 Prince - Sign Of The Times (12"/LP) 1987 Prince - When Doves Cry 1984Princess & Starbreeze - The Drought (12"/LP) 1987 Princess - Say I'm Your Number One (12") 1985 Private Possesion - Are You Wid It (12") 1986 Private Possession - This Time (12") 1986 Professor Funk - Visions (12") 1987 Project - Love Rescue 1979 Projection - Love Struck (12") 1987 Pure Energy - Breakaway 1981 Pure Energy - One Hot Night 1984 Pure Energy - Party On 1980 Pushe - Don't Take Your Love Away 1984 Q - The Voice Of Q 1982 Quando Quango - Love Tempo (12") 1987 Quartz - Beyond The Clouds 1978 Queen - Another One Bites The Dust 1980 Queen Samantha - Take A Chance (12" Vers.) 1978 Quest - Mind Games (12") 1986 Rainbow Brown - Til You Surrender 1981 --> Patrick Adams Rainy Davis - Sweetheart (12") 1986 Ralph McDonald - We Need More Calypso (12") 1985 Ramona Brooks - I Don't Want You Back 1980 Ramsey Lewis - This Ain't No Fantasy (12" - Female Vocal Side) 1985 Randy Crawford - Don't Wanna Be Normal (LP) 1986 Raw Sex - Stop The War 1982 Raw Silk - Do It To The Music 1981 --> Nick Martinelli Raw Silk - Just In Time And Space 1983 Raww - Don't You Try It 1984 Rebbie Jackson - Centipede (12" Mix) 1984 Reel To Reel - Love Me Like This 1983 Relevation - Feel It 1981 Rene & Angela - Keep Running 1983 Revelation - Holdin' On 1982 Rhonda Parris - No No Love (12") 1986 Rhyze - Just How Sweet Is Your Love 1980 Rice & Beans Orchestra - You've Got Magic 1977 Richard J. Smith - Don't Go Walking Out That Door 1982 Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up (12" Remix) 1987 Rick James - Glow (12") 1985 Rick James - You And I 1978 Ripple - The Beat Goes On 1978 Rita Hart - Pardon Me Mister 1984 Ritchie Family - Alright On The Night (LP) 1982 Ritchie Family - I'll Do My Best For You 1982 Ritchie Family - Life Is Music 1977 Ritchie Family - Put Your Feet To The Beat 1979 Ritchie Family - Quiet Village 1977 Robert Gorl - Darling Don't Leave Me (Import 12") 1983 Roberta Flack With Donny Hathaway ‎– Back Together Again 1979Roberta Flack - First Time Ever I Saw Your Face 1972Roberta Flack - Lovin' You Is Such An Easy Thing To Do 1981 Rochelle Fleming - Love Itch (12") 1985 Rock Candy - I Got Love 1982 Rockers Revenge - Walking In Sunshine 1982 Rockers Revenge - Walking On Sunshine 1982 Rod - Just Keep On Walking 1982 Rod - Shake It Up (Do The Boogaloo) 1980 Rolling Stones - Missing You (12" Vers.) 1978 Rome Jeffries - Good Love 1983 Ronnie Dyson - All Over Your Face 1983 Roschelle Fleming - I Know Just What You're After (12") 1987 Rose Royce - Do Your Dance 1977 Rose Royce - Love Me Right Now (12") 1985 Rose Royce - Still In Love 1982 Roundtree - Get On Up (Get On Down) 1978 Roundtree - Hit On You 1982 Roy Ayers - Don't Stop The Feeling 1979 Roy Ayers - Running Away 1977 Royal House - Can You Party (12"/Comp. LP) 1987 Rufus - Any Love 1980 Rufus - One Million Kisses 1983 Russ Brown - Gotta Find A Way (12") 1986 --> Tee Scott Salsoul Orchestra - 212 North Street 1981 Salsoul Orchestra - Don't Beat Around The Bush 1976 Salsoul Orchestra - How High (Levan Remix) 1979 Salsoul Orchestra - It's Good For The Soul 1976 Salsoul Orchestra - Love Break (Remix 12") 1982 Salsoul Orchestra - Magic Bird Of Fire 1977 Salsoul Orchestra - Run Away 1977 Salsoul Orchestra - Take Some Time Out For Love 1982 Salsoul Orchestra - You're Just The Right Size 1976 Salsoul Orchestrat w/ Loleatta Holloway - Seconds 1982 Samantha Fox - Touch Me (I Want Your Body) (12") 1986 Samson & Delilah - I Can Feel Your Love Slippin' Away 1984 Sandy Anderson - It's Over (I'm Through) (12") 1987 Sandy Mercer - Now That You're In 1979 Sandy Mercer - Play With Me, Lay With Me (12" Vers.) 1978 Sandy Mercer - You Are My Love (12" Vers.) 1978Santa Esmeralda Starring Leroy Gomez ‎– Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood - 1977Santa Esmeralda Starring Leroy Gomez ‎– Esmeralda Suite 1977Sarah Dash - Low Down, Dirty Rhythm 1983 Sarah Dash - Sinner Man 1979 Satin & Green - Spectacular 1982 Screamin' Rachel - Fun With Bad Boys (12") 1986 Seawind - Whatcha Doin'? 1980 Second Image - Can't Keep Holding On 1982 Secret Weapon - It Must Be The Music 1982 Serena - Get Your Body Up 1983 Sergio Mendes - I'll Tell You (Ext. 12" Mix) 1979 Serious Intention - You Don't Know Pow Wow or Easy Street records? (1986) Seven Deadly Sins - Lust 1977 Shades Of Love - Keep In Touch (Body To Body) 1982 Shalamar - My Girl Loves Me (12" Ext. Promo Only) 1985 Sharon Bailey - Cosmic Dust 1981 Sharon Brown - I Specialize In Love 1982 Sharon Paige - Tonight's The Night 1980 Sharon Redd - Beat The Street 1982 Sharon Redd - In The Name Of Love (LP) 1982 Sharon Ridley - Changin' (Closing Song at Garage) 1978 Sheryl Lee Ralph - In The Evening 1984 Shiela & B. Devotion - Spacer 1980 Shiela E. - A Love Bizarre (12"/LP) 1985 Shiela Hilton - The Bed's Too Big Without You 1980 Shirley Lites - Heat You Up (Melt You Down) 1983 Side Effect - Always There 1976 Siedah Garrett - Do You Want It Right Now (12") 1985 Silver Convention - Dancing In The Aisles 1976 Silver Convention - Mission To Venus 1978 Silver Convention - Voodoo Woman 1977 Silvetti - Spring Rain 1977 Sinnamon - I Need You Now1983Sinnamon - Thanks To You 1982 Siren - Open Up For Love 1979 Sister Sledge - Lost In Music 1979 Skatt Brothers - Walk The Night 1979 Skipworth & Turner - Can't Give Her Up (12") 1986 Skipworth & Turner - Thinking About Your Love (12") 1985 Skyy - First Time Around (Levan Remix) 1979 Skyy - Here's To You 1980 Skyy - Let Love Shine (LP) 1983 Skyy - Show Me The Way 1983 Skyy - Skyyzoo (Levan Remix) 1980 Skyy - Super Love 1980 Slave - Feel My Love 1981 Slave - Wait For Me 1981 Slimline - If You Can Dance, You Can Do It 1982 Sly Cabell - Feelin' Fine 1982 Smokey Robinson - And I Don't Love You (Levan 12" - Larry played Dub) 1984 Sofonda C. - Pick It Up (12") 1987Soft Cell - Seedy Films 1980Soft Cell - Tainted Love 1982Softones - That Old Black Magic 1976 Somethin' Special - Come Make It Feel Good 1981 SOS Band - Take Love Where You Find It 1980 SOS Band - The Finest/Borrowed Love (LP) 1986 Soul Sonic Force - Planet Rock 1982 Southroad Connection - You Like It, We Love It 1978 Space - Carry On, Turn Me On 1977 Sparkle - Handsome Man (Levan Mix) 1980 Sparque - Let's Go Dancin' (Levan 12" Remix) 1981 Sparque - Music Turns Me On 1982 Sparque - Take Some Time 1984 St. Tropez - Fill My Life With Love 1978 St. Tropez - One More Minute 1979 Stainless Steel - It All Comes Down To Love 1978 Stainless Steel - More Than Meets The Eye 1978 Staple Singers - Slippery People (12" Mix) 1984 Stargard - Wear It Out (Ext. 12" Mix) 1979 Starshine - All I Need Is You 1983 State Of Grace - That's When We'll Be Free 1982 Status IV - You Ain't Really Down 1983Steel Pulse - Blues Dance Raid 1982Steel Pulse - Ravers 1982Stephanie Mills - Medicine Song (12" Remix) 1984 Stephanie Mills - Put Your Body In It (Ext. 12" Mix) 1979 Stephanie Mills - You Can't Run From My Love (12" Vers.) 1983 Steve Arrington - Dancin' In The Key Of Life (12"/LP) 1985 Steve Arrington - Nobody Can Be You 1983 Steve Arrington - You Meet My Approval (LP) 1983 Steve Hurley - Jack Your Body (12") 1985 Steve Miller Band - Fly Like An Eagle 1976 Steve Miller Band - Macho City (12" Vers.) 1982 Steve Shelto - Don't Give Your Love Away 1983 Stevie Nicks - Stand Back 1983 Stevie Wonder - As 1977 Stevie Wonder - Go Home (12" Remix) 1985 Stevie Wonder - Love Light In Flight 1984 Sticky Fingers - Wastin' My Love 1978 Stimulation - Stimulation (12") 1985 Sting - If You Love Somebody, Set Them Free (12" Remix) 1985 Stone - Time 1981 --> Tee Scott Strafe - Set It Off 1984 --> Walter Gibbons Strikers - Body Music (12" Levan Remix) 1981 Strikers - Contagious 1982 Strikers - Inch By Inch 1981 Subject - Celebrate (12") 1986 Subject - The Magic, The Moment (12") 1985 Sun Palace - Rude Movements 1980 Supremes - High Energy 1976 Supremes - Let Yourself Go 1977 Suzi Lane - Harmony 1979 Suzy Q - Get On Up And Do It Again 1981 Suzy Q - With Your Love 1981 Sweet Cream - I Don't What I'd Do 1978 Sweet Life - I Get Lifted 1983 Sweet Pea Atkinson - Dance Or Die 1982 Sweet Thunder - Everybody's Singin' Love Songs 1978 Sylvester - Body Strong 1979 Sylvester - Dance (Disco Heat) 1978 Sylvester - Do Ya Wanna Funk 1982 Sylvester - Don't Stop (12") 1983 Sylvester - Give It Up 1981 Sylvester - I Need Somebody To Love Tonight 1979 Sylvester - I Need You 1980 Sylvester - Menergy 1983 Sylvester - Over and Over 1977Sylvester - Stars 1979 Sylvester - Too Late (12" Mix) 1984 Sylvester - Trouble In Paradise (12") 1983 Sylvia Striplin - Give Me Your Love 1980 --> Uno Melodic rds Syreeta - Can't Shake Your Love (Levan Remix) 1981 System - You Are In My System 1983 T Connection - At Midnight 1979 T.C. Curtis - Body Shake (Instr. 12" Version) 1982 T.C. Curtis - You Should Have Known Better (12") 1985 T.S. Monk - Can't Keep My Hands To Myself 1981 T.S. Monk - Candidate For Love 1981 Taana Gardner - Heartbeat (12" Levan Mix) 1981 Taana Gardner - No Frills 1981 Taana Gardner - When You Touch Me (Levan Mix) 1979 Taana Gardner - Work That Body (Levan Remix) 1980 Talking Heads - Burning Down The House 1983 Talking Heads - Slippery People (12") 1983 Talking Heads - Swamp 1983 Talking Heads - Take Me To The River 1978 Talking Heads - This Must Be The Place 1983 Tamiko Jones - Can't Live Without Your Love 1979 Tammy Lucas - Hey Boy (12") 1986 Tasha Thomas - Shoot Me (With Your Love) 1978 Tata Vega - Get It Up For Love 1978 Tata Vega - I Just Keep Thinking About You Baby (Ext. 12" Mix) 1979 Tavares - Don't Take Away The Music 1976Tavares - Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel 1976Teddy Pendergrass - The More I Get, The More I Want 1977 Teddy Pendergrass - You Can't Hide From Yourself 1977 Temper - No Favors 1984 Tempest Trio - Love Machine 1979 Tenderness - Gotta Keep Trying 1978 Tenita Jordan - I Don't Wanna Think About It (12"/LP) 1985 Teri DeSario - Ain't Nothin' Gonna Keep Me From You 1978 Terri Gonzalez - Treat Yourself To My Lofe 1982 Terri Wells - I'm Givin' All My Love (12" or LP) 1984 The Affair - Please Don't Break My Heart (12") 1985The Clash ‎– The Magnificent Seven 1980The Cut - Kindness For Weakness (12" Levan Mix) 1986The Edwin Hawkins Singers* ‎– Oh Happy Day 1969The Emotions ‎– Flowers 1976The Emotions - I Don't Wanna Lose Your Love 1976The Family - Screams Of Passion (12"/LP) 1985 The It - Donnie (12") 1986The Jackson 5 - Dancing Machine 1974The Jackson 5 - Hum Along And Dance 1973The Jackson 5 - Mirrors of My MindThe Jacksons - ABC 1970The Jacksons - Show You The Way To Go 1976The Joubert Singers ‎– Stand On The Word 1985The Limit - Say Yeah 1984 The Police - Voices Inside My Head 1980 The Quick - Rhythm Of The Jungle 1982 The Quick - Zulu 1981 The Who - Eminence Front 1982 Thelma Houston - Don't Leave Me This Way 1976 Thelma Houston - I'd Rather Spend The Bad Times With You 1984 Thelma Houston - I'm Here Again 1977 Thelma Houston - If You Feel It (12" Remix) 1981 Thelma Houston - Just Like All The Rest (Dub 12" Vers.) 1983 Thelma Houston - Saturday Night, Sunday Morning 1979 Thelma Houston - You Used To Hold Me So Tight (12") 19 84 Theo Vaness - I Can't Dance Without You 1979 Theo Vaness - Nobody But You 1978 Theo Vaness - Sentimentally It's You 1979 Third World - Dancing On The Floor 1981 Third World - Lagos Jump 1983 Third World - Now That We Found Love 1978 Third World - One To One (12") 1985 Thomas Dolby - Dessidents: The Search For Truth 1984 Thompson Twins - In The Name Of Love 1982 THP Orchestra - Good To Me 1979 THP Orchestra - Two Hot For Love 1978 THP Orchestra - Who Do You Love 1979 Three Million - I've Been Robbed (12") 1983 Three Ounces Of Love - Star Love 1978Tim Curry ‎– Paradise Garage 1979Timmy Thomas - Stone To The Bone 1977Timmy Thomas ‎– Why Can't We Live Together - 1972Tin Tin - Kiss Me 1982 Tina B. - Honey To A Bee (12" Mix) 1984 Tina Turner - Afterglow (12" Promo) 1986 Tom Browne - Crusing 1983 Tom Tom Club - Le Elephant 1981 Tom Tom Club - Pleasure Of Love 1983 Tom Tom Club - Wordy Rappinghood 1981 Tomorrow's Edition - You Turn Me On 1982 Toney Lee - Reach Up 1982 Tony Cook & The Party People - On The Floor 1984 Tony McKenzie - Ha-Chica 1983 Tony Orlando - Don't Let Go 1978 Tony Paris - Electric Automan (Levan 12" Remix) 1985 Total Contrast - Takes A Little Time (12"/LP) 1985 Total Contrast - The River (12") 1985 Touch - Love Fixation (12") 1987 Touch - Without You (12") 1986 Touchdown - Ease Your Mind 1982 Tracy Weber - Sure Shot (2 different 12"s; one has a Instr. Version that 1982 Tracy Weber - Sure Shot (Instr. Version released as "B" Side of One Step At A Time) 1983 Tramaine - Child Of The King (12") 1986 Tramaine - Fall Down Spirit Of Love (12") 1985 Tramaine - The Rock (Levan 12" Remix) 1987 Trammps - Body Contact Contract 1977 Trammps - Can We Come Together 1976 Trammps - Disco Party 1977 Trammps - Love Insurance Policy 1979 Trammps - People Of The World 1977 Trammps - Stop And Think (Remix LP) 1977 Trammps - Wha Happened To The Music 1983 Troiano - We All Need Love 1979 Trussel - Love Injection 1980 Twennynine - Fancy Dancer 1981 Two Tons - Do You Wanna Boogie, Hunh? 1980 Two Tons - Earth Can Be Just Like Heaven 1980 Two Tons - I Got The Feeling 1980 Ullanda McCullough - Bad Company 1981 Undisputed Truth - You + Me = Love 1976 Unique - What I Got Is What You Need 1983 Universal Robot Band - Barely Breaking Even 1982Universal Robot Band - Dance & Shake Your Tambourine 1977 Unlimited Touch - Searching To Find The One 1981 Upfront - Infatuation 1983 Valerie Oliver - Get The Money 1983 Van McCoy - Party 1976 Van McCoy - Rhythms Of The World 1976 Vanilla Mix - Easier Said Than Done (12") 1987 Vanity - Under The Influence (12") 1986 Vesta Williams - Don't Blow A Good Thing (12" Remix) 1987 Vicky D - This Beat Is Mine 1982 Vikki Love - Stop Playing On Me (12") 1985 Village People - Fire Island 1977 Village People - San Francisco 1977 Viola Wills - If You Could Read My Mind 1980 Visage - Fade To Grey 1980 Visual - Somehow, Someway 1983 Visual - The Music Got Me 1983 Voice In Fashion - Only In The Night (12" Dub Mix) 1987 Voyage - From East To West 1977 Voyage - From East To West 1978 Voyage - I Love You Dancer 1980 Wally Badarau - Chief Inspector/Novela Das Nove (12") 1986 Wally Jump, Jr. - Don't Push Your Luck (LP) 1987 Wally Jump, Jr. - Private Party (12") 1987 Wally Jump, Jr. - Turn Me Loose (12") 1986 Wanda - I Must Be Dreamin' 1982 War - City Country City 1972War - Deliver The Word 1972War - Galaxy - 1977War - Southern Part of Texas 1973War - The World Is A Ghetto 1972War - You Got The Power 1982Wardell Piper - Super Sweet 1979Warp 9 - Light Years Away 1983 Was (Not Was) - Tell Me That I'm Dreaming 1982Was (NotWas)- Wheel Me Out (Long Version) 1981Weather Girls - No One Can Love You More Than Me (12"/LP) 1985 Webster Lewis - Let Me Be The One 1981 Weeks & Co. - Go With The Flow 1982 Weeks & Company - Rock Your World 1981 Whatnauts - Help Is On The Way 1982 Whitney Houston - Love Will Save The Day (12" Remix) 1987 Whitney Houston - Thinking About You (12") 1985 Will Powers - Adventures In Success 1983 Willie Colon - Set Fire To Me (12") 1986 Willie Colon - She Don't Know I'm Alive (12") 1986 Willie Hutch - In And Out 1982 Winners - Get Ready For The Future 1978 Wish - Touch Me (All Night Long) 1984 World Premiere - Share The Night 1984 Xena - On The Upside 1983 Yarbrough & Peoples - Don't Waste Your Time (12" Remix) 1984 Yaz - Don't Go 1982 Yazoo - Situation 1982 Yazoo - State Farm 1983 Yello - Call It Love (12" Remix) 1987 Yellow Magic Orchestra - Computer Games 1979 Yes - Owner Of A Lonely Heart (12") 1983 Yoko Ono - Walking On Thin Ice 1981 Young & Co. - I Like What You're Doing (To Me) 1980 Young & Company - Such A Feeling (12") 1986 Yvonne Gage - Garden Of Eden 1981 Zena Dejonay - I've Got To Find A Way 1983 Zulema - A Mother Cries 1981Zulema - Change 1978Zulema - What's In It For Me 1982Roberta Flack - First Time Ever I Saw Your Face 1972
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redisriding · 4 years
Tell us about yourself!
Yikes! So I didn't really know where to begin with this one, Well I was born on the banks of the river... Nah! So I googled “fun get to know me questions” and the resulting questionnaire had 371 questions. I decided to answer the first 100!
Strap yourself in, because HERE WE GO! 
1. What is your full name?
Red is Riding ;)
2. What does your name mean?
Funny story, so I actually created this alias to partake in some underground hedonistic activities. When I went to start my Tumblr I just decided to use the same one because I’m not very creative and didn’t want to make up a new one. I never thought that this blog would become as popular as it has, and now I couldn’t be bothered changing the name. It does make me laugh though, if only you people knew what I used to get up to under this alias. 
3. Are you named after anyone?
Little Red Riding Hood?
4. Does your name make any interesting anagrams?
I don’t think so, but maybe someone smarter than me could figure it out. 
5. If you had to change your first name, what would you change it to?
I would probably change my real first name if I could as unfortunately I share it with a reasonably well known facist.
6. Where are you from?
A small European country. 
7. Where were you born?
In the capital city of that small European country. 
8. Where did you grow up?
In the suburbs of the capital of that small European country. 
9. Who did you look like growing up?
A member of the band Hanson, if they had red hair and wore those terrible 2000’s wire rimmed glasses. 
10.What are your best characteristics?
Oh gosh, isn’t it embarrassing to talk about your good traits? Especially when the way you see yourself is often so different from the way others see you. 
11.What are your favorite things about yourself?
Honestly, I’ve great boobs.
12.Which of your parents are you closest to?
Depends on my mood.
13.Which of your parents are you more like?
I think physically I’m more like my mother, but my character is closer to my father. 
14.Are your grandparents still married?
Yep, on one side. On the other side my grandad is dead and has been for a very long time. 
15.What relative was important to you growing up & why?
I guess my grandparents, they are the only members of the extended family I ever really saw growing up. I was never close to my uncles, and my aunts and cousins all live in different countries. 
16.What is one thing that you’ve never revealed to your parents?
Anything about my love life, we just don’t talk about it. Ever!
17.What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender?
I’m actually not sure. I know they had lots of other traditionally female names picked out, but I don’t know any male names they had for me. I’m not sure if they knew early on if I was going to be a girl, would make sense though.
18.What do you call your grandparents?
I call one of my grandmother’s by her first name, and my grandad, grandad. 
19.What is your best physical feature?
My boobs!…I have pretty eyes too.
20.What is your biggest accomplishment?
Probably getting into University and graduating top of my class.
21.What is your biggest fear?
Having all my joints simultaneously dislocate. 
22.What is your biggest regret?
The way I’ve treated certain people over the years.
23.What is your eye colour?
24.What inspires you?
Hope that tomorrow can be better.
25.What is the most important thing in your life?
My family, and my future. 
26.What has required the most courage of you in your life so far?
Hummm, I’m really not sure about this one. 
27.Who is your favourite actor?
I truly could not name a single actor.
28.Who is your favourite actress?
As above. 
29.Who is your favourite celebrity?
I genuinely have no idea.
30.Who is your favourite musician?
Lorde has been getting me through this quarantine, but my favourite singer/band is/are Florence + the Machine. Maybe that dates me. 
31.Who’s your favourite person in the world?
I can’t choose just one! 
32.What is your favourite childhood memory?
I’m very lucky, I had a really marvellous childhood. I guess I have some great memories of playing with my brother as a child, but I’m not sure I have a favourite memory. 
33.What is your favourite colour?
34.What is your favourite cultural activity?
I love going to the theatre.
35.What is your favourite drink?
Water is the thing I drink most often. I don’t like tea or coffee, and I only drink alcohol in social settings not alone of an evening.
36.What is your favourite fairytale?
I’m actually not sure. I know it’s not quite the same but I was never allowed to watch the Disney princess films growing up (a lot of which are based on fairytales) so I can’t say I am particularly attached on any. Although, in answering this question I have remembered by blog name so I probably should say Little Red Riding Hood. 
37.What is your favourite food?
Potatoes, they are so wonderfully versatile, I will never get bored eating them.
38.What is your favourite holiday destination?
There is so much of the world I have not yet seen and I cannot wait until we’re allowed to travel again. The last big trip I was on was to Canada, Vancouver, and it was amazing. 
39.What is your favourite ice-cream flavour?
Ice cream does not agree with me at all, I always thought I was lactose intolerant because of it (I’m not), but I did love a pistachio ice cream as a kid. 
40.What is your favourite music genre?
According to Spotify my most listened to genre is “alternative” whatever that means.
41.What is your favourite physical activity?
42.What is your favourite quote?
I don’t believe I have one. I do know someone who has “live laugh love” tattooed on their foot. Take from that what you will.
43.What is your favourite snack?
Tbh I don't really snack (am I coming across as awfully boring in these questions?) I love three big meals a day. I will eat an apple or something if I need something pre dinner. 
44.What is your favourite song?
Either Fascination by Alphabeat, Prayer in C by Lily Wood and the Prick, and Robin Schulz, or Brimful of Asha by Cornershop, the Fat Boy Slim Remix. Those songs never fail to put me in a good mood when I need it. 
45.What is your favourite sport?
To watch? Rugby. But I am OBSESSED with the Olympics, especially the winter olympics.
46.What is your favourite time of the day?
Early evening. 
47.What is your favourite type of clothing?
Dresses…with pockets! Or jumpers, I love a big wooly jumper. 
48.What is your favourite way to pass time?
49.What is the name of your favourite restaurant?
My favourite restaurant is called Dishoom, but unfortunately it has yet to make it to my little European country, so it’s a real treat if I get to eat there. 
50.What is your all-time favourite town or city? Why?
I don’t have one.
51.What is your favourite candle scent?
Probably a classic vanilla, but not an overpowering one. The vanilla candle from IKEA is the NICEST. 
52.What is your favourite social media channel?
Probably Twitter, although Tumblr is my place for escape. 
53.Where’s your favourite place to take an out-of-town guest?
Ugh I hate being the one to choose where we go. I think it’s because I’m a Libra. 
54.What was your favourite subject in High School?
Okay now this is a fun fact, I didn’t actually go to school. I was “Home Educated” which is ideologically different form being Home Schooled. There was no curriculum for me to follow so I could basically dick about doing whatever I wanted during the day. I did study Law which I really enjoyed, and I went onto study it at University. 
55.What was your least favourite subject in High School?
Again see above. Although I do remember crying every time my father tried to teach me maths. To this day, I’m still not sure how to work out a percentage, let alone anything more advanced than that. 
56.What was your favourite TV show when you were a child?
Sabrina the Teenage Witch (the Melissa Joan Heart version) or anything with Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen in it (have I dated myself again?)
57.What do you love about your favourite TV Show?
They were fun. I wanted to be them!
58.Are you scared of heights?
Nope, but I’m scared of falling and shattering all the bones in my legs.
59.Are you high maintenance?
Definitely not.
60.Are you more inclined to “build your own empire” or unleash the potential of others?
I don’t know what this means, but fuck imperialism. 
61.Are you more likely to avoid conflict or engage it head-on?
Ugh, I hate conflict, like I go all trembly, but if there is something amiss I can’t not confront it.
62.Are you a dog person or cat person?
I really adore animals, I had hoped to get a cat during this long and lonely lockdown but my landlord wasn’t keen. If I had more time and space I would love to get a dog, it’s just not feasible in my life at the moment. 
63.Are you a fan of any sports team?
Just my national team no matter what the sport.
64.Are you a good cook?
I like to think so.
65.Are you an early adopter or late-adopter?
Depends. I don’t always love change.
66.If you had more courage what would you do differently in your life now?
I don’t think having more courage would change anything in my life right now. 
67.What is good about how you are living your life right now?
Oh gosh, I’m so incredibly lucky to have the like that I am living right now. Truly blessed, but at the same time, I have got here because of all my hard work and determination. 
68.If you could eliminate one weakness or limitation in your life, what would it be?
I’m not sure if this strictly answers the question, but I wish I could be kinder and more sympathetic to people. I can be harsh on people I care about because I want to see them do well in life and get frustrated when they are doing things that so obviously curtails their ability. I’ve lost friends because of it. 
69.Who has left the most impact on your life?
I don’t think I can name just one person.
70.What aspect of your life needs tremendous improvement?
My love life. It’s not existent. Truly. I don’t even have a far away crush on anyone at the moment. I desperately want to experience romantic love, but it’s scary and you have to allow yourself to be soft and vulnerable which is not something that I am very good at. I also have a lot of negative thoughts/self doubts about whether I am good enough to be in a relationship, or worthy enough for love. It’s stupid, obviously, everyone, flaws and all is worthy of love, but because of things that have happened/been said to me I do kind of have this negative chatter of “who could ever love me” or fear people thinking “god love the poor guy who ends up with her.” All that said, I have never actually met anyone who I’ve really liked, let alone anyone who has liked me back. The closest I’ve got, is I’ve been in lust twice in my life with guys, who objectively speaking, I would never think I would be attracted to.
71.What’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen in your life?
I’ve see a lot of weird things tbh, but the first one that springs to mind is that every year we used to go to these big gatherings of families who home educate their children. Now, there are two groups of people that tend to home educate their children 1) EXTREMELY religious families who don’t want their children going to secular schools, and 2) new age hippies who don’t want their children to have to conform to the rigours of school. When these two groups meet…it is interesting. The religious families usually have a lot of children (10+ in many cases), while the hippy families wander around semi-nude and breast feed their children until their grown (7+ years in many cases). So at these home education conferences, the hippy parents would be wandering around, leaky boobs out, and the religious babies would be wandering around because their parents have too many children to keep track of. Whenever one of these babies wandered within range of the hippy parents, they’d take them, and latch them onto their breasts. Absolutely bizarre stuff.
72.Who is the best teacher you’ve ever had?
73.Who is the biggest pack rat you know?
I don’t know what this means. 
74.Who is the first person you call when something exciting happens?
If it’s a big enough deal to call someone, I’ll call my parents, but usually if something exciting happens I’ll just message my friend group.
75.Who is the first person you call when something horrible happens?
Same as above. 
76.Who is the worst boss you’ve ever had?
I had to sue her to get her and her husband to pay me for the work I did. 
77.Can you close your eyes and raise your eyebrows?
Yep? Can you not?
78.Can you do a split?
No, but I want to learn! I have really tight hamstrings so that would be good to stretch them.
79.Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
No. Can you?
80.Can you whistle?
81.Can you dance?
Everyone can dance, the question is whether you can dance well or not! I have no rhythm or style, but get me on a dance floor and I’ll bop my socks off.
82.Do you remember your dreams?
83.Do you save old greeting cards and letters? Throw them away?
I save them for a while, but I’m not overly sentimental. 
84.Do you sing in the shower?
85.Do you sleep with the lights on or off?
86.Do you spell the colour as grey or gray?
Grey you weirdo! 
87.Do you take any pills or medication daily?
88.Do you prefer kissing or cuddling?
I like kissing because it’s hot and fiery and I think I’m reasonably good at it. Cuddling is the best but it’s something I struggle with as I find it far too intimate. See my answer to Q70.
89.Do you prefer that people shoot straight with you or temper their words? Why?
Hit me between the eyeballs with the truth, please! I just like people who are clear and direct about their intentions, it means everyone knows where they stand. 
90.Do you prefer Titanic or The Notebook?
I saw a black and white documentary about the Titanic when I was a very small child (maybe about 5 or 6) and for a long time I thought that was the movie Titanic! I have seen neither the real film Titanic nor the Notebook, although from what I know of the latter I don’t think it would be my thing.
91.Do you have a catchphrase?
I don’t think so, but maybe people in my life would be better at answering this question. What is it that I say a lot?
92.Do you have a garden?
I wish!
93.Do you have a hidden dream that you’ve never shared with anyone?
I’m taking this to mean a goal or aspiration, and not something that I have subconsciously dreamed and been too embarrassed to share? I would love to write a book one day. I’m work on something periodically but I’m not sure if anything will ever come from it, a gal can dream though!
94.Do you have a tattoo?
None! I’m kind of a commitment-phobe, I’m not sure if you’ve noticed?
95.Do you have a whole lot of acquaintances or just a few very close friends? Why?
Both! I know lots of people in passing, but the people I consider actual friends, who know what is going on in my life at any given time, I could count on my fingers.
96.Do you have any allergies?
Not that I’m aware of…
97.Do you have any birthmarks? If so, where?
I used to have one on my back, but it’s faded as I’ve aged.
98.Do you have pets?
Not at the moment.
99.Do you hold any convictions that you would be willing to die for?
That is a big question. I think however, if there was a guarantee, that sacrificing my life would make the lives of others immeasurably better, I would be scarified. I have plenty of convictions that I’m willing to protest/riot/go to prison for.
100.Do you carry a donor card?
Bit ominous after Q99 but yes I do, and my driver’s licence states that I’m a donor.
I’m not sure if this is at all what you were hoping for in asking this, but I honestly had the best fun answering these questions! :)
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some-creep · 4 years
Because, like, no one played Gestalt. Also this game has more songs.
Significance Like. I guess. It’s a title you can use. What is significant? We don’t know. The characters don’t know. They are struggling to find out. We all are. What is meaning? What really matters? I don’t know but we’re all crying. 8/10
City Ruins – Rays of Light / Shade Plays in the ruins of the city. Exactly as advertised. Sounds sad like you might imagine. 9/10
Peaceful Sleep This is the Resistance camp right? Peaceful things don’t tend to happen there honestly. At least not as we keep going. Sounds like a sleepy JRPG town though. Ok title for the mood it gives. I like this song a lot so I’m cheating and giving it more points than I know it deserves as just, like, a title. 8/10
Memories of Dust Sand is dusty. What memories? We’re making them. Cool title. Sounds like a YA novel though. 9/10
Birth of a Wish Genuinely often get confused with the Silent Hill 2 bonus story Born from a Wish whenever I try to remember what this song is called. This Cannot Continue / 10
The Color of Depression This is like… a really cool title. Thanks. That Scanner boy is not gonna live the happy family life you all for some reason keep suggesting he is. Bad things are gonna happen to him. He dies anyway. 11/10
Amusement Park Yeah. I guess. We certainly are in the amusement park level. Creep why does this one rank so much lower than City Ruins which was also just “name of location”. Amusement park is not a cool title. City Ruins is a cool title. 7/10
A Beautiful Song Would you say Simone has girlpower? Would you say Simone successfully used her girlpower to kill and consume countless androids and also turn them into near lifeless weapons and body jewelry? 9/10
Voice of No Return Sad title. Sad song. Exactly as advertised once again. I feel sad listening to the Automata OST most of the time. Is this quest complete in the camp? I think so. Anyway it’s really sad. I love to cry. 11/10
Grandma – Destruction Um so this is like. Genuinely a horrible title. It reminds me of the title of a darkweb video which I will say no more on. This song is REALLY good its a shame this title is so… uh. Bad. It’s just bad. 1/10
Faltering Prayer – Dawn Breeze / Starry Sky This is another really cool title. This game is about like… life after god. I’m not here to get thematic. I say in a list entirely about if the song fits the theme. Anyway this is a cool title. The song again… sounds sad.  One of them is a music box which I love. Cheating again. 10/10
Treasured Times The fact this plays after Emil’s shop on the OST is the biggest tonal whiplash in the world. This song makes me feel an emotion I cannot describe. It’s something like sadness but not quite. This isn’t a review of the songs, just the title. But reading the title makes me feel that emotion too but stronger when I think about it. I don’t know. 9/10
Vague Hope – Cold Rain / Spring Rain Good title… Thematically very appropriate. Not COOL like some of the others but it feels right feels canon. I like it. It’s just the city ruins quest complete song but it also plays in one of the fucking… DLC fights. That makes me extra sad. 10/10
End of the Unknown Which unknown was ended. Genuinely think when this plays I had more unknowns than knowns. This song sounds like every song from the Gestalt DLC. 6/10.
Pascal At least Automata has far fewer “named after a character” songs. They just have named after a place songs. I love Pascal so if I give this a low score he might be upset. 8/10
Forest Kingdom It really… the forest huh. Random but one of the songs in Code Vein does a vocal thing that always reminds me of this song for some reason. That has nothing to do with this game or this songs title at all I just wanted to tell you. Long Live The Forest King / 10
Dark Colossus – Kaiju This song is also in Gestalt. It’s cooler here. More stakes. Song title suggests less stakes though? That’s kinda weird. Because of this it loses points. I’m sorry. 7/10
Copied City Dude I left this one off the list when I first typed it out lol. Someone not to @ anyone told me this was based on Nier’s village. Lie to me again. I don’t know what City is being Copied. One of them. It reminds me more of the Cathedral City from DoD3. Which is a bad horrible game that I completed 100%. 8/10
Wretched Weaponry Not to be confused with Wretched Automatons. Is this like, a remix? My ears don’t work so I don’t know. Don’t inform me because I love being stupid. Anyway, in the narrative it makes sense. It’s a good, cool title. Song is softer than the title would suggest. 9/10
Possessed by Disease COOL SONG TITLE. Thank you. This plays… somewhere. Uh. Hm. I’ve 100% completed this game like three times. 9/10
Broken Heart You think you’re gonna hear a sad song? SURPRISE. Sinister as hellllll. Subverted expectations baby. MCU take notes. I’ve never seen a movie in the MCU. Loving the dark tones in this. Broken heart but the emotion isn’t just sad. GOOD STUFF. 10/10
Mourning Again. You think it’s gonna be sad? But BOOM. It isn’t. I mean it still is, but in a dark way. These aren’t song reviews. These are title reviews. But if a title suggests one thing and delivers another that’s still a valid point right? I don’t know. Hey wait isn’t this just Shadowlord’s Castle? Yonah / 10
Dependent Weakling Well, it’s no Song of the Ancients – Fate, but it’ll do. In all seriousness, this is like, a great song title for Eve’s boss battle. Y’know, because he relied so heavily on Adam and all’a that. Maybe a little on the nose. Maybe a little rude. Eve sucks / 10
Rebirth & Hope Sounds hopeful. Plays during ending A where we see a Rebirth cos 9S super doesn’t die. This song is literally 30 seconds long why am I even bothering. Oh, right, because it’s on the OST at all. 30 second songs / 10
War & War Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here, this is the war room. It… sounds like a war room song. A preparing for a big battle song. Once again, exactly as advertised. Plays before a big battle. It really thematic naming! Peace was never an option. 8/10
Crumbling Lies Words cannot express how much I adore this song. First of all, title is on point. It’s the song that plays when you get to  Route C. Literally the moment I fell in love with the game. The Bunker is destroyed, which, again… maybe it’s a bit on the nose. I don’t care. This is the perfect song title to the perfect song. I will die on this hill. 12/10
Widespread Illness Red Eye except it’s robots now. Very thematically appropriate. Everyone is dying. There’s nothing you can do to cure it except kill them. They’re incredibly infectious. Zombie Virus but with Robots. Can you tell I don’t remember what it’s called? I’m writing this at 1am and I’ve decided it’s funnier if I don’t look anything up. Sounds very somber… I like it. 9/10
Fortress of Lies Not to be dramatic but when I read this English title I was like MMMMMMMNNN because like. I get it. It plays in the Bunker. Which… is built on lies. Again. Incredibly on the nose but when I learned what the song was called I just fucking DIED the first time. I’m stupid. I don’t care. 11/10
Song of the Ancients – Atonement Another song I died when I learned the title of. Devola and Popola in that game have nothing to atone for. They are atoning for sing they did not commit. Punished for the crimes of another set of Androids, possibly thousands of miles away. It’s not fair. They have nothing to atone for. They’ve done nothing wrong. 12/10 crying creeps.
Blissful Death FUCK. This one plays in the Devola and Popola like. Text Adventure part. Which is just. I love it so much. No one dies in that though. Well… maybe someone does. It’s not impossible that Popola hurt someone. It’s suggested that, maaaaybe she did. No one stops. No one Stops.
Emil – Despair Emil’s life has quite literally only been despair. Please don’t bully him with your song titles like this… 9/10
Alien Manifestation Vintage meme of that guy from the history channel with the impact font that just says Aliens.  This game has aliens, I will give you that. They’re all dead though. I guess the machines are aliens but. Eh. Wait doesn’t this play in the castle? There aren’t even aliens there what the fuck. 5/10
The Tower There’s a tower. This plays there. Thank you. Also the name of a tarot card I think? That could be cool if I knew a single goddamn thing about tarot cards. I don’t. 6/10
Bipolar Nightmare Cool flying section. Has anyone found Grun skip yet? Because the bounty for that was like. A lot of money. Vaguely a cool song title. I kinda like it. Although for some reason it reminds me of The Evil Within’s Japanese title, Psychobreak. So I think I like it less because of that. Not the worst title, but maybe the lowest of the COOL EDGY song titles. Fucking love the piano part in this one though. 7/10
The Sound of the End Really super cool and sexy song title. 2B is going to die but she can’t let anyone else get hurt because of it. She’s already done so much damage. This song is really dramatic sounding. The title is dramatic. Love this one a lot. The actual playable segment is kind of a struggle. But I think that’s the point… 10/10
Weight of the World / End of YoRHa I once got into an internet fight because I said this song is about every character except 9S because of the line “I’m only one girl”. I was corrected that the Japanese version is basically EXCLUSIVELY about 9S. None of this is relevant at all I just wanted to remember it. I still do not like 9S. Thematically a brilliant title. Everyone feels like they must do so much… but you cannot bear the weight of the world alone. Ending E legitimately makes me cry. Whenever I think about the messages from other players supporting me? It’s a lot. What the fuck. 12/10
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turkoftheslums · 4 years
Let’s start a chain of sweetness.
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ONE: He is one snarky guy. Being such a reserved and quiet person irl, I don’t often get to snark or be witty in conversations so it’s really nice to do that with Reno.
TWO: As I’ve mentioned in the past, Reno is a three-dimensional character - he acts like a bad guy but has a conscience hiding deep down that he only shows to Rude. He has feelings and emotions he’s stuffed down as deep as he can and it’s interesting to think what could happen if they just bubbled to the surface.
THREE: Reno is a trained combatant. I’ve gotten into writing combat as of recent and getting to write it with him feels like a blessing. I never got to write combat at all with Noctis, not even in fanfics so writing and choreographing fight scenes feels great. It’ll get put to use one day.
FOUR: The amount of stuff he just has tucked away everywhere - and that’s just on his person. He has things folded up neatly and tucked in pretty much all his pockets. “Why does he not have huge bumps sticking out?” I hear you ask. Tetris logic.
FIVE: For all the violence that’s involved with his job, Reno is a secret sweet bean. He hates showing it but he craves even the tiniest sliver of affection and dislikes being alone unless he really, really needs to be alone. Idk can you tell I’ve been grasping at straws from point 2 onwards?
Why can I only pick 5?? I love so many D:
ONE: Always at the top of my lists is @rude-at-your-service​. He’s my bro and I always love seeing him on my dash. He was the 8th person I followed when I made this blog back in 2015 and I’m super duper glad we’ve reconnected (and he helped keep me sane for part of my train journeys last month). And just for you good sir; jag skulle behöva lite vatten. (Say the thing, I dare you)
TWO: Next up we have Lyri for whomst I shall tag @hautevaux​. Lyri is a gem. Lyri is bae. Vaux is bae. I was really shy to approach at first because her writing is just 😲😲 it’s so good and we’ve really clicked since we first started talking and I love it. Also, I promise I’m not ignoring you when you compliment me, my brain just blue screens and doesn’t know what to do.
THREE: @that-turk-laney​ come back to us, Mia! We miss you! But seriously, I think Mia was one of the first people I followed when I returned back in February and she’s really helped me build Reno up. We really need to get that soft thread going, we really do. Movie night for Reno and Elena, yes please.
FOUR: JAEJAE. I love the good JaeJae over at @cssnei​. He got me really into some stuff coughUpUpDownDowncoughDevilMayDrycough and I wouldn’t trade that for the world. Every Wednesday we sit and wait for DaParty to start streaming then type in capitals at each other on Discord while laughing our asses off. I enjoy the fun we have and I hope that doesn’t change when we finally run into each other.
FIVE: Finally, I’ve decided to finish off with @shinrasfirst​ whom I used to admire from afar. Min is super cool and I spent actual weeks trying to get myself to check them out and follow them because we have a few mutuals and I was like “Hnnnnnn, I’m sure we’d get along but hhhhhhhhh”. Then they followed me first and I was like “!!!! wtf????” so yeah, now we occasionally talk about Kpop and I can’t remember what else we’ve talked about but we’ve talked about other things. (I have Discord if you want it)
I’m gonna cheat here and group a bunch of songs together because y’all need to be exposed to my here there and everywhere music taste. (Judge me, I dare you)
ONE: So I’m actually putting 3 songs in here. My mum’s favourite decade has always been the 80′s so I grew up listening to a lot of D.uran D.uran - I still have memories of us in her green car with the cassette player and I’d beg for us to listen to the D.uran D.uran tape (which is merely 10 years older than me!). My favourites have always been Rio, Hungry Like The Wolf, and Save A Prayer. SAP is absolutely my first emo song. (And interestingly enough, I don’t think Reno would listen to DD songs)
TWO: Infinity by Guru Josh. This. Damn. Song. Why is it so bloody difficult to find the specific version I grew up with?? But yeah, the saxophone has stuck with me all these years - and I’m still proud of myself for identifying the first instrument heard as a saxophone. I feel like this song says something about me...
THREE: Courtesy of JaeJae, I am super into DMC. Nero’s theme in 5 is probably my favourite thing in existence and I’m probably going to listen to it on Thursday. Sticking with video game music, let’s add some more here shall we? This remix of Supporting Me used in S.onic F.orces just gets me in the right spot. That goddamn guitar is just *chefs kiss*. Also the theme for Green Hills in the Sonic movie makes me want to sob because I grew up with Sonic the Hedgehog in my life and the movie being really good despite some pacing and editing issues-- I just-- someone come cry with me 😭 THOSE CHORDS (also chucking in Un-gravitify from Riders: Zero Gravity because that series is underrated as hell and I can’t believe Free Riders killed it. Revive Riders, you cowards. Give me my extreme gear back) - I feel like Reno would definitely listen to a lot of video game music (especially from Sonic and DMC)
FOUR: It’s Brit time again: Mr Brightside by The Killers- ahem, sorry, the anthem for the UK. Cheesy Brit songs? Yes, please. 5, 6, 7, 8 by Steps was my childhood - I still know the steps to it ;¬¬, I’m Too Sexy by Right Said Fred is an absolute must and you know Reno listens to this even if it’s not particularly to his taste - it just fascinates him, THIS SONG - I love it so much and I’ve convinced myself I can mimic it almost perfectly, my mum probably sensed something was up years ago considering my obsession with Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go. Bands like Busted and McFly with songs like Glad I Crashed The Wedding and Obviously, as well as VengaBoys with We Like To Party are joint guilty pleasures.
FIVE: To flip to a whole other spectrum, both Reno and I are fond of rock and metal and you will likely find one of us mouthing along and bopping our heads to songs like Hero by Skillet, Bodies by Drowning Pool (I have to resist the urge to scream along every time), It Has Begun by STARSET, and Another Way Out by Hollywood Undead. It only just clicked with me in recent months that I did in fact have an emo phase (if a little low-key) and it was devoid of P!atD and MCR which is a crime. But songs like this are absolutely guilty pleasures for both myself and Reno.
Tagging: Everyone tagged above, as many of my Aerith/Aeris mutuals as I remember: @roseusuitta, @cultivatxr, @pulchralilium, @floralcetra, @flowergirlgillionaire, @wallflowergainsborough, @churchflower, @thememcry, @angetoile, and YOU (should you wish to do it)!
Tagged by: @madamdirectcr
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thevoilinauttheory · 4 years
Music Profile
Rules: For many of us, music is a source of inspiration for our characters, so I want to know what songs inspire and/relate to your muse! Choose between 10-15 songs, compile them into an album and tag some friends to share the beat!
As tagged by @lukawarrioroflight​ so very, very, very long ago. You made me do a bad thing - which was spend at least 3 hours compiling a list of 10 songs for each of the characters I roleplay the most. M’nhea’s will come first - since I haven’t thought too much about songs for him - and all the others (Maximiloix, Danny, and Amosis) will be listed under the cut. These songs aren’t in a specific order~ 
I’m going to pick up the tags again for once, so I’m tagging: @renofmanyalts​, @jasleh​, @amdapori​, @prodigalsong​, @spotofmummery​, @journeybetweenworlds​, @astralyehga​, @houserosaire​, @cadrenebula​, @ever-searching​, @munchix-home-cooking​, @egrine​
M’nhea Tia:
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Silhouettes - Of Monsters and Men
There's nothing that I'd take back But it's hard to say there's nothing I regret Cause when I sing, you shout I breathe out loud You bleed, we crawl like animals But when it's over, I'm still awake
Coming of Age - Foster the People
When my fear pulls me out to sea And the stars are hidden by my pride and my enemies I seem to hurt the people that care the most Just like an animal, I protect my pride When I'm too bruised to fight And even when I'm wrong, I tend to think I'm right
RUNAWAY - half.alive
I hold my life out in front of me, dreams of who I want to be I'm seeing every empty page But I find that everything I am is everything I should be I don't need to run away I don't need to run away Yeah I don't need to run away
The Phoenix - Fall Out Boy
Hey young blood Doesn't it feel like our time is running out? I'm gonna change you like a remix Then I'll raise you like a phoenix Wearing our vintage misery No, I think it looked a little better on me I'm gonna change you like a remix Then I'll raise you like a phoenix
Knights of Cydonia - Muse
No one's gonna take me alive The time has come to make things right You and I must fight for our rights You and I must fight to survive
It’s Not My Fault, I’m Happy - Passion Pit
It's not right, it's not right How am I the only one who sees us fight? What are we? Who are they? Who says those bastards don't deserve to pay? Well it's enough, it's just enough 'cause we don't stand a chance So long you stay around, you're just another song and dance It's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair Still I'm the only one who seems to care
Hunger - Of Monsters and Men
Hungry for the kill, but this hunger, it isn't you Voices disappear when you are speaking, in somber tunes I will be the wolf and when you're starving, you'll need it too Hungry for the kill, but this hunger, it isn't you It isn't you, it isn't
I'm hardly perfect I'm barely good Just shy of greatness Ah-ah I'm heavy metal And hollow wood Just shy of patience Ah-ah
Titanium - David Guetta, ft. Sia
Cut me down, but it's you who'll have further to fall Ghost town and haunted love Raise your voice, sticks and stones may break my bones I'm talking loud, not saying much
I Just Wanna Shine - Fitz & The Tantrums
So I wake up I get out of bed, and stay up Stay out of my head 'Cause it's dangerous And I don't wanna lose my mind, no
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Warrant - Foster the People
Fear is like a fake friend It warms you up and takes you in You mouth the words but no sound comes out Fear is like your best friend Manipulates and takes you in You mouth the words No sound again
Now shut your dirty mouth If I could burn this town I wouldn't hesitate To smile while you suffocate and die And that would be just fine What a lovely time That it would surely be So bite your tongue and choke yourself to sleep
Punching in a Dream - The Naked and Famous
All the lights go down as I crawl into the spaces Fight, flight, or the screams, life tearing at the seams Wait, I don't ever want to be here Like punching in a dream, breathing life into my nightmare
I Am a Nightmare - Brand New
So come shake your Zen out And give me pure energy My heart is glowing fluorescent, I want you to possess it I’m not a prophecy come true I’ve just been goddamn mean to you So what is this thing laced with Please, don't replace me I surrender, embrace me Whatever I'm faced with
Crystals - Of Monsters and Men
I know I'll wither so peel away the bark 'Cause nothing grows when it is dark In spite of all my fears, I can see it all so clear I see it all so clear
Crown of Love - Arcade Fire
They say it fades if you let it Love was made to forget it I carved your name across my eyelids You pray for rain, I pray for blindness
Thank God I’m Not You - Himalayas
You could call me narcissistic You could say I'm of no worth You could call me the scorn of Satan But I could be so much worse
To My Enemies - Saint Motel
You know that talk is cheap Keep talkin' as I turn my cheek You know that no one really cares (Did you know that, did you know that?) It wasn't that long ago You wanted to slit my throat To find out if my blood bleeds blue (Did you know that, did you know that?)
An Honest Mistake - The Bravery
Sometimes I forget I'm still awake I fuck up and say these things out loud My old friend... I swear I never meant for this I never meant...
Forgive Me Friend - Smith & Thell
'Cause I fell in the hole, in the hole, in the hole My heart was turning cold, turning cold, turning cold I never wanted this to end, can you forgive me friend?
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Upside Down & Inside Out - OK Go
I wish I had said the things you thought that I had said Gravity's just a habit that you're really sure you can't break So when you met the new you Were you scared? Were you cold? Were you kind? Yeah when you met the new you Did someone die inside?
Houdini - Foster the People
Got shackles on, my words are tied Fear can make you compromise With the lights turned up, it's hard to hide Sometimes I wanna disappear
Dance Dance Dance - 65daysofstatic
Cradles - Sub Urban
Tape my eyes open to force reality (Oh no, no) Why can’t you just let me eat my weight in glee? I live inside my own world of make-believe Kids screaming in their cradles, profanities Some days I feel skinnier than all the other days Sometimes I can't tell if my body belongs to me
Fire - Barnes Courtney
Oh, a thousand faces staring at me Thousand times I've fallen Thousand voices dead at my feet Now I'm gone, now I'm gone, now I'm gone
Meet Me in the Woods - Lord Huron
I have seen what the darkness does Say goodbye to who I was I ain't never been away so long Don't look back, them days are gone Follow me into the endless night I can bring your fears to life Show me yours and I'll show you mine Meet me in the woods tonight
Simmer - Hayley Williams
Control There's so many ways to give in Eyes closed Another way to make it to ten Oh, how to draw the line between wrath and mercy? Gotta simmer, simmer, simmer, simmer, simmer down
Rawnald Gregory Erickson the Second - STRFKR
All my life There you go Oh please stay Just this once Anyway
Cigarette Daydreams - Cage the Elephant
Funny how it seems like yesterday As I recall you were looking out of place Gathered up your things and slipped away No time at all I followed you into the hall Cigarette daydream You were only seventeen So sweet with a mean streak Nearly brought me to my knees
In the Woods Somewhere - Hozier
The creature lunged I turned and ran To save a life I didn't have Dear, in the chase There as I flew Forgot all prayers Of joining you
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Vy från ett luftslott - Kent
Där missilerna möts De viskar: hålen i himlen ska bli våran död Ovanför molnen Där djävulen bor De viskar: hålen i himlen är från hans klor
Where the missiles meet They whisper: the holes in the heavens will be our death Above the clouds Where the devil lives They whisper: the holes in the heavens are from his claws
Panic Station - Muse
Ooh, 1, 2, 3, 4 fire's in your eyes And this chaos, it defies imagination Ooh, 5, 6, 7 minus 9 lives And I know that you will fight for the duration Ooh, 1, 2, 3, 4 fire's in your eyes And you know I'm not resisting your temptations Ooh, 5, 6, 7 minus 9 lives You've arrived at panic station
Destruction - Joywave
I wanna know who you told 'til they're all laying on the floor Frozen to the core I wanna know who you told 'til it's nobody anymore Nobody anymore
Little Dark Age - MGMT
I grieve in stereo The stereo sounds strange You know that if it hides It doesn't go away If I get out of bed You'll see me standing all alone Horrified On the stage My little dark age
The Wolf - SIAMÉS
I’m out of my head Of my heart and my mind 'Cause you can run but you can’t hide I’m gonna make you mine Out of my head Of my heart and my mind 'Cause I can feel how your flesh now Is crying out for more
It Doesn’t Matter Why - Silversun Pickups
You hear us come and go, we know You wonder if we're not alone, we're alone You think about us all the time, don't Because it doesn't matter why we're known We're just known, we're just known
Sleep Alone - Two Door Cinema Club
He sleeps alone He needs no army where he's headed cause he knows That they're just ghosts And they can't hurt him if he can't see them, ohh And I may go To places I have never been to just to find The deepest desires in my mind
still.feel - half.alive
So when I lose my gravity in this sleepy womb Drifting as I dream, but I'll wake up soon To realize the hand of life is reaching out To rid me of my pride I call allegiance to myself
Iron - Woodkid
This deadly burst of snow is burning my hands I'm frozen to the bones, I am A million miles from home, I'm walking away I can't remind your eyes, your face
Content - Joywave
I'm searching for the difference between What content and content can bring Maybe they're no different 'cause they look the same (They look the same) Maybe I'm just an algorithm with a given name (A given name) But... trying to find the difference The difference, the difference, the difference
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doctortreklock · 4 years
Anything Can Be - December 11, 2019
Part of my Resolution19. Read it on AO3.
Prompt: Anything Can Happen, Child (x)
December is a month of Remixes and Sequels!!!
Fandom: Supernatural
Title: "Listen to the Mustn'ts" by Shel Silverstein
Words: 3127
His phone was ringing.
It was the first time it had rung since he'd left the bunker three days earlier. Cas had half-expected a few angry or drunken phone calls within a few hours of his departure.
He wasn't sure if he was pleasantly or unpleasantly surprised to find out that Dean apparently hadn't even really cared that he'd gone.
And now his phone was ringing. According to caller id, it was Dean.
He took it out of his pocket and set it on the picnic table in front of him. He watched it dance across the rough surface as it buzzed. Just before it was about to fall off the edge, it stopped and the screen went blank again.
Cas nudged it further onto the table with the side of his hand and went back to attempting to eat his hamburger without spilling sauce all over himself.
It didn't budge. Dean hadn't left a voicemail.
Again, Cas wasn't sure how he felt about that.
He balled up his garbage and threw it away, pocketing his phone as he returned to his car. He had just buckled his seatbelt, when he heard the strangest thing, like someone was tuning a radio and sliding up and down the dial. Just lots and lots of static with ever-changing frequencies.
He frowned at his dash, but the car wasn't on, so the radio was likewise silent. The static kept tuning until Cas could make out some words.
"-gel Castiel." Dean paused. "If he's listening, that is." It was a prayer. It had been so long since he had been hailed by a sibling on "angel radio," as Dean called it, that he apparently had forgotten what it was like. And now Dean was calling him.
"I'm not even sure if this is still w......ng. Or if you even want to .........ve to say. But Cas--" and Dean sounded determined now "--I'm going to keep trying." Apparently his connection was still a little spotty. Metatron hadn't done his grace any favors by surgically removing it from its angel, and even with his grace currently restored, his power was waning. Who knew how long he'd be able to receive prayers at all.
Cas ignored the pang in his chest at the thought. He'd been without reception before and he'd do it again. No matter that receiving prayers was among the lowest-powered abilities an angel had. He'd be fine.
"I'm praying to the angel Castiel, if he's st............king my calls. Cas," and Dean sounded lonely, no matter the distance, "you once said you'd always come wh..................ll. Is that still true?"
The static had been longer that time, but it didn't matter. Cas could remember the day he'd said it as if it were yesterday. Half at each other's throats, both trying so desperately to sway the other to their way of thinking. I always come when you call. He sighed, half exasperated, half fond, which really wasn't a new combination when it came to dealing with Dean Winchester.
Silence crackled across the line for a moment before Cas heard Dean echo his unheard sigh. He could almost picture the well-worn expression on Dean's face. "I'm going to keep call.........ou, Cas. So if you can hear me, I'd app......ate it if you'd let me talk to you, man.” There was a pause before Cas heard Dean whisper “Amen.”
The line abruptly cut off, and Cas was left in a ringing silence.
He carefully didn't think about the prayer, took a deep breath, and reached for his keys. Before he had a chance to turn the key in the ignition, his phone rang again, a harsh buzzing breaking the silence and the phone vibrating against his thigh.
Cas rested his hand over the phone in his pocket, trying to decide whether or not he was going to pick up. Despite his better judgement, he sighed and fished it out just before it would have gone to voicemail.
"Hello, Dean," he said shortly. The warmth that had always accompanied the words before was gone.
Dean cleared his throat. "Hey, Cas," he said.
He didn't say anything after that, and Cas waited for a long moment, his irritation growing before he growled, "What do you want?"
"I'm sorry," Dean blurted out. "Really sorry, Cas. Really, really sorry."
Cas pursed his lips and didn't say anything.
"I just--" Dean broke off. "I-- Can I see you?"
His voice was quiet and more tentative than Cas thought he had ever heard from the other man. He closed his eyes and rubbed a thumb over the bridge of his nose. He didn't want to. Dean's accusations still rang in his ears days later. But the indifference he had assumed hadn't materialized, and Dean was asking for him. I always come when you call.
He was going to regret this.
"Where?" he asked shortly.
Dean's exhale of relief was loud over the connection. "What state are you in?" he asked.
"Oregon," Cas lied.
"Okay, uh... There's a diner in Rock Springs, Lucinda's, if you wanted to meet there," Dean suggested, and it sounded more like a question than a statement.
Cas could hear Dean thinking. It was nine and a half hours from Lebanon to Rock Springs. If Cas really was in Oregon, it would be a couple more than that for him. It was currently Sunday afternoon, so if they adhered to Dean's usual road trip schedule, he'd suggest Monday night, or maybe Tuesday morning if he was feeling generous or particularly tired. That would pose a slight problem, considering Cas's actual location, but it wasn't the first time--
"Wednesday at 11?" Dean asked tentatively.
Cas actually froze for a moment. That was...surprisingly...surprising. It meant something, he was sure. He just wasn't sure what it was.
"Okay," he agreed. And hung up.
He put the phone back in his coat pocket by sheer muscle memory. He stared out the front windshield for a moment, then shook himself and started the car. He had to get going. Even with Dean's unexpectedly generous timing, it was still seventeen hours to Rock Springs from Pontiac, Illinois.
When Cas pulled up to Lucinda's Family-Style Diner at quarter to 11 on Wednesday, the Impala was already parked there. When he walked in, he found Dean in a booth with a carafe of coffee, an emptied mug, and small pieces of paper from a dismantled straw wrapper strewn across the table's surface. There was a portable radio squeezed on the bench between him and the wall.
Cas didn't say anything. He sat on the other side of the booth, folded his hands on the table, and stared at Dean expectantly. He may have come when Dean called, but that didn't mean he had to like it. One of the wait staff started heading towards their table, but Dean waved them off.
Dean shifted in his seat. "Hey, Cas," he said, rolling a scrap of the straw wrapper between his fingers. "You want some coffee?" he offered, gesturing to the carafe.
"Thank you," Cas replied stiffly, turning over the clean mug on his side of the table. When he picked up the carafe, he noticed that it was much lighter than he'd been expecting, and his cup served to empty it entirely. "Been here long?" he commented.
Dean shrugged. "Not too long." He paused, fidgeting with the straw wrapper before he dropped it to the table. "Uh, here," he said, grabbing the portable radio and sliding it on to the edge of the table.
It was an older model, square and silver, with two speakers on the face and a cassette player and the radio controls in the middle. Cas looked at it for a moment, then looked at Dean expectantly.
"It's a boombox," Dean explained.
Somewhere in the mass of pop culture Metatron had dumped into his brain, Cas felt a small ping, but he couldn't quite make the reference surface. "What?"
"It's--" Dean looked uncomfortable. "It's from those movies...you know...with the--" he sighed. "They're chick flicks, man. And the guy has to win back the girl so he makes a big romantic gesture and stands outside her window with a boombox, and--" he broke off.
"And she takes him back," Cas finished, the reference finally clicking.
"Yeah," Dean agreed. "She takes him back." He glanced at the radio before his eyes flitted to Cas. "So here I am, boombox in hand."
That was not... Cas cleared his throat and gently slid his mug in a circle, watching the black coffee swirl against the sides. "This is your big romantic gesture," he clarified.
"Yes." This, at least, seemed to be something Dean was sure of.
No matter Cas's feelings on the matter, he had been sure Dean had always seen their relationship in the plainest of terms. Friend. Family. Now, with the boombox sitting unavoidably on the table, Cas abruptly realized that maybe Dean was seeing the same depth he was, like a two-dimensional image suddenly offset to reveal a third axis.
His mouth went dry. "Go on."
"Cas," Dean started firmly. Then he stopped, as if unsure where to go now that he'd gotten permission to proceed. "I want to apologize first. For everything that I said-- For everything." He looked down at the scraps of paper he was fidgeting with again, but forcibly dragged his eyes back up to meet Cas's. "I didn't mean any of it. Not Rowena, not Mom, not... Not any of it." He paused. "I wasn't in a good place. I mean, it doesn't excuse it, but-- I wasn't in a good place. Mom had just died and--"
"Dean," Cas interrupted. "If you were 'not in a good place' every time you lost a loved one, or an apocalyptic event occurred, you would never be in a 'good place.'" He didn’t use air quotes. He’d learned that much about humanity at least.
Dean paused, appearing thrown by Cas's comment. "...Good point. Thanks, Cas." He sounded careful, not annoyed, which had been Cas's expectation.
Dean cleared his throat roughly. "I was in a worse place than usual, and I took it out on you." He looked directly at Cas. "I'm sorry."
Cas took a drink of his lukewarm coffee. "Did you mean it?"
"No!" Dean said quickly. "Not at all! I mean, yeah, Cas, things go wrong, things always go wrong, but..." He took a breath and it sounded like he was quoting. "Sometimes that's your fault. But sometimes it's my fault and sometimes it's Sam's fault. It's sort of a family motto." His smile was weak and crooked.
"And Cas," he continued quickly. "It might have been me and Sam for a while there, but it hasn't been just the two of us for years now; it's been the three of us - you and me and Sam. And we're just not a family anymore without you."
"So I'm an honorary Winchester?" Cas asked ironically.
"I'm not sure it's honorary anymore," Dean said honestly. "I think you're just a Winchester now."
Stunned, Cas blinked at him for a second before dropping his gaze back to his half-empty mug of cold coffee. As declarations go, it was more than Cas had thought he'd get. Years of being not human enough and not trusted enough and simply not enough had driven it home that he would never be Winchester enough for the brothers.
And now Dean was offering him the title of "family," as if he'd never meant to deny him it in the first place. I'm dead to you rang through his head, followed by the stifling silence of Dean's reply.
"What did you come here to say?" Cas asked softly.
"Three things," Dean told him, counting off on his fingers. "First, that I'm sorry for what was said, what I said. I was angry, but I didn't mean it, any of it.
"Two. You're family. Full stop. No matter what else, you're a Winchester til the day you die." His expression was definitely lopsided and crooked now. "Please don't die."
He grabbed another scrap of wrapper and started twisting it. There weren't a lot of untouched pieces left. "If you don't want to see me, you don't have to," Dean admitted, and it sounded like he was pulling teeth. "Sammy misses you. We just want to know you're safe."
Cas took that in. He couldn't deny that he had missed Sam, and it would be a relief to always get the benefit of the doubt - assuming anything in his relationship with the brothers would actually change, no matter Dean's promises. It wouldn't alter much for the rest of the world; all the angels, demons, and other beings he ran into who knew of him knew that he was associated with the Winchesters. It would be nice, he reflected, to have some of the unwavering support that seemed to come with the title. John Winchester, after all, had not been a good father to his sons, but they would not stand to have anyone malign him in their hearing. That might be nice.
Dean hadn't said anything yet, so Cas prompted him. "Three?"
"Three," Dean breathed. He closed his eyes for a moment before opening them, squaring his shoulders, and meeting Cas's gaze head-on. "I'm in love with you, Cas," he declared.
Cas blinked at him. He hadn't expected that. "Okay," he agreed.
Dean didn't seem to have expected that response either. "Okay?" he echoed.
"Okay," Cas confirmed.
"Does that-- I mean, do you--" Dean floundered. "Can you give me more than 'okay'?" he asked. "Like...like how you feel?"
Cas certainly could. "Dean, I was lost to heaven the moment I met you, and I turned my back on everything I believed because of you," Cas informed him dryly. "Did you need anything more explicit?"
Dean gaped at him. "Well, I--"
"Because I did tell you," Cas said shortly. "Explicitly. That I loved you. When I was dying. And you didn't say anything." He paused. "So that was awkward."
"I see you've finally gotten the hang of sarcasm," Dean said, a teasing grin sliding into place. It was hollow, though, and Cas hadn't realized how much Dean had let his walls down until one was rebuilt in front of him.
"Dean," Cas said tiredly, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
The wall fell as quickly as Dean had erected it. "Look, man, I'm sorry, I am," he said, the facade he had attempted cracking easily under the weight of the conversation. "And I'm going to keep screwing up, both of us know that. I just..." He dropped his gaze to the tabletop. "I'm hoping you'd rather have me, cursed or not," he said, and the phrase sounded clumsy and unpracticed in his mouth.
Cas stared at him, wide-eyed.
Dean rubbed his hands together nervously and didn't look up. "You, uh, you gave everything for me, you rebelled and fell and-- You always came when I called, Cas. Always." Dean glanced up at Cas, and Cas wasn't sure what he saw, but Dean didn't drop his eyes again. "When I said I needed you...what I meant was that I loved you, Cas. A lot."
Yesterday, Cas hadn't believed anything would have been able to break Naomi's spell quicker than Dean's impassioned voice pleading with him to stop, spilling the phrase We're family. We need you. I need you. He had been wrong. Now, in this moment, Cas was absolutely certain that he was free of all spells and compulsions. Dean Winchester looking him square in the eye and telling him he loved him (twice!) would have broken any enchantment on him thrice over.
"When I asked you what was real, you told me that we were," Dean continued. "And Cas? That's been true the whole time. Everything. Every time you showed up for a hunt and hung around after for burgers and milkshakes. Every time I was at the end of my rope and you bailed me out. Every time you were lost and I found you." Dean swallowed and added quieter, "Every time I was lost and you found me. That was real.
"I know I haven't been the best friend," Dean admitted, closing his eyes briefly, too long to be a blink. "Or the best brother. Or the best partner. And I'm sorry. But Cas," Dean said roughly. "There has never been a day since you raised me that I haven't thought of you." And when he looked at Cas, the falling angel could see that there was absolute truth in the hunter's eyes. "I love you," he finished simply. "I miss you."
"Dean," Cas said, and this time, he couldn't help the warmth that spread through his tone. "What did you come here to ask me?" he repeated.
"Will you come home?" Dean asked, and the note of hope in his voice sounded rusty and seldom-used.
He'd know this was coming, but Cas still hadn't realized how hard it would be to deny his petition. "I don't think that's a good idea," he said gently. "Not right now."
Dean's shoulders slumped. "Right," he said. "Sure."
"I just think we should take this slow," Cas told him quickly. "We both made enough mistakes; I want to make sure we do it right this time."
Dean perked up slightly. "Slow?" he clarified. "Not not-at-all?"
"Slow," Cas confirmed with a hint of a smile.
"Well," Dean said. "I don't think we've been on a proper, official date yet." He said 'date' with wonder, as if it were something he'd never imagined being able to use in this context, but now that he could...it was like pie, precious and meant to be shared.
"I've been told they don't count unless both parties present know it's a date," Cas informed him. Claire had told him that, reducing the count of theoretical dates he might have had with Dean Winchester to zero.
"Would you like to get lunch?" Dean asked lightly. "I'm buying."
"Yes," Cas told him firmly. "I would love to go on a date with you."
Dean's smile was like sunrise.
Later, after the burgers and shared fries and milkshakes in tall glasses, after Dean tells him he needs to take care of himself and to call if he runs into trouble, after Cas tells him to say hi to Sam on his behalf, Cas will stand slightly too close and tell Dean to call him. He tells him he'll answer if he can and call back if he can't. Dean will gladly accept Cas's offer, grateful to have the proffered connection at all.
It's no "always come when you call," but it's rebuilding, and realistic, and better in every way.
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kunalkarankapoor · 4 years
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To , Kunal Karan Kapoor I Want to Say That you are very special person When I saw you first time and now you are my inspiration I learn from your politeness, how to be happy always and my love for photography has increased when I saw your clicks and superb photos first most important thing is you are very nice and beautiful nature person I love your simplicity as Kunal Karan Kapoor you are Amazing and Precious for us and for those who loves you and Now you are a part of my life I love , like and respect you a lot The way you are Stay like that because you are Awesome Dear Kunal Karan Kapoor My love for you is unconditional so love you a lot stay happy , stay healthy , keep shining , keep smiling , and stay successful always. My love and prayer are always with you From , Jannat 😘
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In NENJAM PESUTHY ❤️..... your every single expressions are killed me ...... especially that eye contact😍😍😍😍 .your eyes, smile, acting even hairstyle your everything mesmerizing🥰🥰🥰🥰 me.kunal your the my endless first love ever ..... still now ❤️❤️❤️. The raikar case in this series i can't understand the language ...but even I am watching it because only for u Nobody can ever take your place in my heart.you make me happy for your acting like no one else can.all my everlasting love is for you on this special occasion ever and ever. May you enjoy all the good things life has to offer handsome man😘 ......On this special month and all the years to follow be filled with joy and endless happiness! @elakkiyadayanidhi
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Hiii Spiderman 😍 There are no words to Tell you How Much I loving you… first time I saw you in Nenjam Pesuthey… I am Started to Obsessed with you… I am Speechless About You and Your hard work, Acting Skill, Expressions, Style, Innocence, Attitude, etc. I just loving your all the things… You are very Talented, Inspirational Artist.. I love your Travelling, Photography… I learned lots of Things from You.. You are Amazing.. You are Unique.. You are Precious.. You are a Masterpiece…
You are My first Crush…❤When I saw Your Crying Scenes, I am automatically getting tears on my eyes…Your Smile always bring a Smile to My face.. You are My Stress Buster. You are Very Special to Me.. You Mean to Me a lot.. I am Very happy to be your fan.. My biggest dream is seeing you at least once in My Life Time.. I am Waiting for that Precious day in My Life… You are The Best. No One Can Replace Your Place… I just Want to See you in Big Screen. Love You Lots❤ Keep Smiling Always🤗 _Siddh_Guna
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Kunal ..this name has a magic in my life ..this name always brings a blush, a cheerful smile, a love in my heart..Kunal I have told this many times my love for you was not love at 1st sight...I slowly started liking you then started loving you..over these years ur the last face I see b4 I go to sleep and 1st to see when I wake up..Your more than anything to me..you were there for me when i was stressed and when i cried..u were my medicine..you were and you will ever be my Happy pill..I always dreamt a happy life with u together and a still dream..I want to be ur travel buddy, a companion like book..a best friend..a soul mate. Wish to spend a lifetime with u!. atleast please spend a 24 hours with me..I will make ur fav Idly podi, Rajama Chawal, Bindi...we can have many things discussed over a coffee, a scotty ride around Chennai or Mumbai (I ll ride u)...I am not gonna talk about ur acting coz I always do that.. I love you as always I loved u may be even more...Always Kunal's Maya....
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Hii Kunal!!!!! There is an Lot of things in my mind to tell about you....but the time is not enough to tell about you because you are the only one for my whole happiness in the world...first time I sawed you in the Nenjam Pesuthey serial... continuously I watched the serial that serial impress me a lot bcoz of your style, attitude, Expression, dressing sense etc....lot of things express me more... whenever I saw your any pics videos that time I thought I just want to see you in my life..I want to spend time with you...when will that lovely time??? I love your traveling photography...it's totally awesome....And your humble speech in interviews it's totally nice...that simplicity in you that I love very much....my love for you never fade... I love you I loved you I will love you forever ❤️ I just want to see you in more films and serials...that is the only way to make everyone happy... love you KKK💛🖤 KKK_hardfan
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Dear Kunal sir I am Shreyashi, one of your biggest and craziest fan of yours. I don't know crazy word is suitable or not because I never done any crazy thing for my favourite hero or anyone. I really love every character you played. After so many years now I got a chance to see Remix. Now I'm watching the show. I love it. After Mohan Bhatnagar you came into our life as shaurya urmi sinha & Krishna Sikhawat. Though both characters came into our life for too short but it took place in our hearts. After this I always feel that now if you will back on screen, then you will be back with a bang, and you did it. You come back to our life as Mohit Naik Raikar. I am seriously speechless. From introduction to end you give justice to the character. Specially the breakdown scene in the last episode is mind blowing. I never think that someday Mohan Bhatnagar will somehow fade from my mind & heart and any other character took the place but yes now Mohit took the whole place of my heart & can't get over from him & I'm not complaining. A big congratulations for your debut in web series. I really love your eyes which speaks a lot & also your sharp nose & long messy hair. In onscreen when you cry, you made us cry. When you laugh you made us laugh. Your simplicity connect audience towards him. As Mohan says "simplicity me hi sundarta hay" Though this line said by Mohan but you in real life or reel life perfectly follow this. That's why we never feel that you act in a scene, it's so natural to us. Love you a lot. Your fan Shreyashi
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First Time I saw you in Nenjam Pesuthey (NBTNMKK) I was really really really Obsessed with you... I don't know how to Express my words...Words can't describe my feelings for you...I hope Express my words well... Mohan Character was inspires me lots...Wowwww Your Acting and expressions killing us... You lived your character... Your Hard Work, Acting, Travelling, Photography, books Reading and Everything inspires me a lots... I leaned Many things from you...I love your personality, Simplicity, Calmness, humbleness, Childish Behaviour, Attitude and Everything...❤ You Impressed me With Your Magical Eyes - Wowwww Those Two Eyes are Express Many Words... 🙈You Messy Hairs - I just wanna to touch it... Your Sharp Nose Oops!!! Slanting Nose Love it😍 Your Magnetic Smile - That can help me Many Ways.. Your Body Language and Your Stylish Walk I Love it... Thank God for having a great person in the world...🙏 Whenever I feel like very Sad I just see your videos and photos.... It's just Cheer Me up well.. Because you are the person who kills all my pains and sorrow...You are My Pain killer of my all the problems...You are My Happiness...You are the Best...No One Can Ever Replace Your Place...You Having a Special Place in My Heart...❤ Love You...❤ I don't Know how much I love you...❤ Iam being Lucky to be Your Fan...❤ I just wanna to see you in big screen...Keep Rocking...😎 Stay Safe... kunalkarankapoorhugefan
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Who is Kunal Karan Kapoor for me.
The one who despite of many characters in NBT grabs all the attention towards him. That attention is you Kunal Karan Kapoor. The one to who, I can’t explain in words. There must be number of fans, who feel the same. I am also one of them. There are three words that I feel define Kunal Karan Kapoor Humble - Genuine - Grounded. Whenever I watch his interviews and listen to him, my respect and love for him increase. The one who’s interviews always makes me happy and after watching those interviews, every time I find something interesting. That Happiness is you Kunal Karan Kapoor. The one who’s smile makes me happy in every situation. His smile is the reason of my smile. That reason is you Kunal Karan Kapoor. The first thought of the day is and the last thought of the day is you Kunal Karan Kapoor. I couldn’t say that he is my whole world but yes, he helps in making the world a better place. Keep spreading the positivity and keep inspiring many with your work. The one for whom a girl has no knowledge of Instagram, twitter and other social sites. But after watching his shows, made a fan page just to remain in touch with him. That change in me is you Kunal Karan Kapoor. The one, after seeing that he is liking everybody’s post except mine, makes me sad sometimes. But when he posts something new in his account. I forget everything and becomes happy again. That one sides “rotna & maan jana” is for you Kunal Karan Kapoor ❤️ From Saira with lots of love  ❤️❤️❤️
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Dear Kunal sir, I am a big fan of yours. I love your beautiful journey from Varun to Mohit. Your all characters are so close to my heart.I love your acting skills, the way you delivered your dialogue so natural.I always appreciate your works for your honest performance.I am so so so happy to see you as Mohit Naik Raikar after so long. Everyone is appreciating your work as Mohit Naik Raikar.Your works and dedication always make us feel proud .You inspires us not only as an actor but also as a traveller and photographer. As someone said, you and your camera always create magic together. You are a joy to be around and always making those around you even happier that's why your all friends like your company so much.You are precious. I love everything about you from looks to personality.If anything good happened to me during the lockdown, that was your live sessions. I love your all live sessions. Your smile is enough to make us smile.I can't Stop admiring you how much i love your work.Keep entertaining us with your talent.My feelings for you can never fit in such limited words.I will remain your fangirl forever and will always support you as your number 1 die heart fan. Lots and lots and lots of love......Aarti
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You are not older -you are just more distinguished. Dear kunal, It is pure magic when you find  some1 with a beautiful, kind  soul. U have a captivating  personality . Your interests n conversations n the atmosphere  u create around  them ... all of them  is worth  writing . Dear kunal, May ur coming  year be filled with magic n dreams n good  madness. I hope u read some fine  books n kiss someone who thinks ur  wonderful, n dont forget  2 make some art-act , write or draw or sing or live as only u can .. And I hope somewhere in the  next year.. you surprise  yourself. I'm so grateful  dat u came in2 the  world because  u make my world better  everyday. Loads of love n best wishes. Anu
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Honestly, I don't know why but I have some emotional attachment with you.....though we are far miles away and have not met anytime,I have the feeling of heart to heart connection when I look at you...Bcoz you are the most amazing person on this planet I have ever seen in my life....your simple living, 'always smiling'😊☺️outfit which you always wear on your cute face gives me lot of energy to live happily in this stressful life ❤️😍...I always try to learn how to take risks and to get over through keeping your thoughts in my mind and believe me I always get through....so you are my direct and indirect biggest inspiration rather you are my ideal figure for me...the way you get connected to people not only through acting but with your down to earth Personality, kindness, generosity is the most amazing and precious qualities that can be rarely find in a person but you are undoubtedly on the top most level..and I am pretty sure that no one can beat this...no one😍...Apart from this....I always fell in love with your beautiful and damn expressive eyes, your top of the world cutest Smile and not least of all these that your unruly,messy but loved curly hair...💕💕...and all these feelings are from the moment I watched you and I was badly in search of a good platform from where I could have been share my true feelings,love and a lot of respect for YOU...You as a Simple and Sweet person, You as a Brilliant Versatile Actor,You as a complete Artist,You as a Best Photographer,You as a Best Traveller And You as Everything to me...You and only You....and I by my strong luck I found this platform most suitable where I just wanted to share what true feeling I have for you and for lifetime....and infact after life also 💕💜💞..... Sharvari Sathe
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Kunal Karan Kapoor- A Ray Of Sunshine To All Fans Hi sir, Today, when I sat down to write down something for you as a token of appreciation as a fan, I found myself in shortage of words to express your personality and your brilliant performances as an Actor..... Kunal sir, you are unbelievably outstanding in each n every character you portray. Your amazing expressions in those angelic eyes speaks thousands words without speaking them.. I can only say, sir, you nail your's each n every performance with sheer perfection and emote with beauty and magnificence to bring life to the character's.. Your determination, ability to work hard n exploring new creative hobbies as traveling n photography have inspired a lot... KEEP GROWING SIR... BE BLESSED ALWAYS N FOREVER... LOADS OF RESPECT AND BEST WISHES...Suchismita Mishra
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Kunal Sir...I am a big fan of yours because of your personality. Sir you are just awesome in every stage of acting specially your emotional scenes touches my heart ❤️❤️❤️ soo much... I am also like your photography & it's too good Sir 👌 👌 👌. You are the Superstar in my heart forever... Rinima Bharadwaj
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DEAR KUNAL, I have never believed in love at first sight . I started believing it blindly since I first saw you on my television..It still feels so fresh the moment I saw you for the first time.. I guess you are a magician ...you mesmerized me completely that I can't take my eyes out of you and your acting....The love I have for you and your acting will never end ....I love all your performances ... specially as Mohan ...That's you who brought Mohan into life by your acting....This is what I love more when it comes to your acting ,. You just bring the character into life that it just sticks to viewers mind as a glue .... Recently I read many of your interviews ...and while reading I felt like I was talking to someone I really knew....THIS is the bond you create with your fans ..your simplicity and down to earth nature is making me kinda go crazy it's bringing more love for you in me. You ..as a person,as an actor you mean a lot to us (fans) I always proudly say that I'm a great fan of not only an actor but also of a person ..most beautiful person by heart .... And you look awesome when you smile....so keep smiling always ... Wish you reach great heights . LOVE YOU KUNAL KARAN KAPOOR..my super hero.... With love Swetha ♥️ 
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Hi kUNAL ji❤, I would like to share my love with You. I saw you for the first time in NENJAM PEASUTHE ...The mind yearns to see you constantly. To this day, there is no limit to the love I have for you. Because of your acting ability... The words your eyes speak, Your subconscious smile, your cute voice, your polite speech, your beautiful heart of love all deepen the love hold over you...😇The one who roles the fans with your acting ability. Words cannot describe your acting ability to engage and act... If you do not give your series in tamil, I would never have felt you and your love. I just want to say that this is the greatest blessings I have received in my life...Heartfelt thanks to @karanbkapoor sir🙏Many thanks to you for giving him to this world and to us. You have to live with health and happiness sir...Kunal ji, I love all Your photography 📷 Everything is subtle. And the way you like it will be awesome. Your photos makes me even more. Sometimes you have been my teacher too. Because there is so much to learn from you. God's blessings will always be with you kunal ji✨. I pray to God that you live with the same smile, health, longevity forever. I am immensely glad that I am an ardent fan of yours. I still love you so much KUNALKARANKAPOOR ji❤ Gowse Michael
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Dear Kunal, Since I have been watching your serials, videos and interviews, I have realized many things about you from those and I really admire you for all those qualities💕. I have noticed that you are a very decent, sober and shy person. You are very sweet and polite, but an introvert at the same time. I love your simplicity🤗 and your magnetic and dynamic personality🔥. Your lovely smile makes me want to smile.😍 The way you keep yourself busy with travelling💼, photography📷, reading📖 and music🎧, I too love doing all this. Your photography skills are superb and everytime you post, whatever it is, be it a picture clicked differently in a creative way, or a picture of the sky or of rains🌧, or anything, I always love it and the updates make me really happy even in the saddest of times.😊 Besides all this, I am sure that you are a very good son. I can see the beautiful bonding between you and your father in your pictures. God bless you both. Stay blessed always.With love ❤ Priya. 
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Kunal sir. I'm a big fan. I want to meet directly one time. And Na bole tum na maine kuch kaga is my favorite one. I watched this again and again only for ur different performance in one serial. 1. Love and caring family man 2.Type of Business man. 3.Rude vasu but same love for meena All r so superb. Especially most important of every husband and wife is Love. U r so cute and handsome reaction for the series.. U r the only person suits the character Mohan bhatnagar. My hero. Have a wonderful year ahead💓💓💓 @sowmimayilsamy
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Kunal is like an anaconda. He just surrounds us by his innocent gestures and then start to tighten up with his acting skills. He was one of the few actors who could perform any character in effortless manner. Nenjam pesuthey was my fav of his tv series. I would be happy if he could do a movie in tamil. There were many fans waiting for that moment (including me). Praveen De @crazyking_at_bluezone
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Kunal is an expression king. He knows very well how to steal heart of the viewers.. He occupying full heart and our memories whenever we think about him some happiness surrounded us and make us smile... Sometimes his eyes become drug to forget everything and only thing about him... I like his nose very much and his hair eyebrows everything... Whenever he gets angry his eyes shrinks and his look so wow..😍😍😍😍His humor sense was outstanding... If I had an apportunity to meet him that's my most memorable day in my life... And I surely get a tight hug from him that's how much I love him... I wanted him to come back in any show... No one can replace his place in my heart memory phn and even my password... ❤❤Happy happy happy to my sweetheart❤❤❤❤❤... evlo per kunal apro vandhalum no one can replace his place in my heart memory phn and even my password ❤️❤️ kunal is an expression king ....he knows very well how to steal heart of the viewers...he occupying full heart and our memories whenever we think about him some happiness surrounded us and make us smile ....sometimes his eyes becomes drug to forget everything and only think about him _Dev @_devil_corpse
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MY JOURNEY WITH KUNAL KARAN KAPOOR One day when I was watching one of our regional channel I came across a serial ‘MOUNAMELANOYI’ means ‘WHY THIS SILENCE DEAR’. I got attracted to the male character Mr.Mohan Bhatnagar. At that point of time I don’t know nothing about him even his original name. Then unfortunately due to unknown reasons the serial has been stopped in the midway. So I started searching for the serial in Hindi where I came across this great show of an unusual love story NBTNMKK. First I became a very big fan of Mohan. It’s through Mohan I came to Know about Kunal Karan Kapoor. A big thanks to Mohan who introduced me to KKK. Mohan taught me two things through his character. First is ‘Never give up’ and the second one is the unconditional and flawless love. I started watching all his other shows and his interviews with his co-star Akanksha Singh. Kunal is a versatile actor who has shown versatility in all his characters.I love his negative character as Angad Yadav with paan in his mouth. I loved Yudi in LRL. I fell in love with Madonna. He is sooo beautiful and lovely. And the best part is the suicide scene. I get goosebumps whenever I watch it. He has portrayed it sooo well.  
Kunal Karan Kapoor expressions are simple superb. He has a good talent Of expressing his feelings, emotions, anger and love with his eyes. It’s a God given talent where nobody can do it. I love Shaurya in DAK. Inspector Krishna Shekhawat in WAS Varun in Remix. Amrik Singh in RSB. Sukhi Singh in Maayka. Monty in MMDB. Lawyer Subhash in a Music album ADDA. As a deaf and mute parent in Pregakem AD, and he has done a voice over for the show Bhindi. I am also a big fan of his photography. He is an amazing photographer. I love him not only as an amazing and flawless actor but also as person. I love his respect towards women in his life. He is sooo humble, honest and down to earth.He has taken a long gap that I was desperately and eagerly waiting for his come back. He came like a roaring lion with a WEBSERIES called THE RAIKAR CASE as Mohit Naik Raikar. Now I am sooo emotionally attached to Mohit that gives tears in my eyes. Kunal has portrayed it sooo well with his expressions and his flawless acting.
On August 22nd 1982 a shining star was born who has changed my life and whom I lovingly call him Kunal Beta. Vadlapudi Latha
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Kunal Karan Kapoor sir.... I am you are big fan and I am watching one show of yours. In that one show your acting, romance, angry and crying. It was so awesome its none other than na bole Tum show. It was so awesome....not only in show Really ur looking so handsome.... My only one wish not only mine this is all ur fans wish also that is we all want to meet you and take one pic with you this is silly wish that know but this was the wish from ur all fans. Sir live healthy and happy.... We all want to see you again in many shows.... Kunal karan kapoor fans are waiting. KunalKaranKapoorfc
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I really happy writeup the message with special person Kunalji. First time I see the Kunalji in Na Bole Tum Na Maine Kuch Kaha {nenjam pesuthe}promo.That time I was too young in 8th class I totally addicted with Kunalji in first look I know Kunalji is best actor in every scene the performances is so well and mind blowing actor in Tellywood industry. The Kunalji is negative role in Na Bole Tum (part 2) is powerful act. The Kunalji eyes is so powerful talk with many things. I love kunalji eyes, hair, smile, voice and everything. Kunalji is amazing and my most favorite person. I see the Kunalji face really change the mood and automatically smile come to my face. You are something I cannot describe with words you are my everything proudly I say I am your biggest fan By your heartly fan ANGEL
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Hi kunal Karan Kapoor sir(chociii boy), I am from Tamilnadu. I am Ur biggest fan Na Bole Tum Na maine kuch kaha series in Tamil dubbed NENJAM PESUTHE serial... I am watch only that serial because you... I am always your biggest fan... Your smile, cute look, style, bike style, romance, love failure looking, your speech, your plain kiss, you tell Tamil vanakam, romantic, etc... I love that all... KKK fans again watch for u please come to series... All fans waiting for that beautiful moment... I watched Ur all serial because I love u more more more.... Deepak
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Hii kunal karan kapoor sir...🔥🔥🔥 your my most favorite person and actor forever sir....☺️☺️keep smiling always.... Stay blessed and live long with full of happiness...always keep rocking sir....😘😘 waiting to see u on screen again with awesome new project sir❤ ...All the best for everything in your life... I am die hard fan of yours.. from Chennai... you are the only person who I love the most in this world..I don't know the reason why ...❤️ when I am was 12 years old 1st time I seen you in nenjam pesuthey (2013) on pomiler TV... I was really obsessed with you...there are no words to tell you how much I love you.... ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I most addicted to mohan character❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️..... you are amazing...I don't know how to explain my words... words can't Express my feelings for you... you are my most inspired person in world.. my biggest dream is to see you at least once in my life time 🔥🔥❤️❤️.. you are the best...spiderman... no can replace your place...😘😘...I love your expressions,talent,simplicity,travelling, etc.. you are the bestest human being in the world...❤️❤️❤️ specially I love your eyes, hair... I love everything... I would love to support for u... I will there for u... my love forever for u... love you the most.. you are my most favorite person in the world....❤️❤️❤️ After na bole tum serial... I loved to see u on doli armaanon ki and woh apna sa in 2018 serial.... sir u have do both the serial awesome and amazing...❤❤😘😘 then in 2020 we loved to see u on screen in THE RAIKAR CASE series. One of the best one I have never seen❤ i love it it's amazing ...😍😍...It's is a differend type family secret web series even full of secrets and thriller and so much interesting 🔥🔥🔥
Kunal karan kapoor sir is always king of expression 🔥🔥❤❤no one can replace his acting forever🤩🤩 It's awesome and amazing acting of kunal sir❤❤ I love his acting ❤🔥🔥🤩🤩 he is best actor 😍😍 MOHIT NAIK RAIKAR 🔥🔥 he done his role awesome I am waiting for season 2🤗🤗 sir .... kunal sir all ur funs r waiting to see u in on screen again with a awesome and amazing project ❤❤ we all ur funs r waiting very eagerly sir❤❤❤..❤❤ Subasri from Chennai
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Kunal Karan Kapoor is the person who talks with eyes, rather than words.Whenever he is in certain character it doesn’t feel like he is acting. Everything looks soo real. Whenever he is acting happy/sad or crying or with any other co-stars, he is just perfect. His photography inspires me alot. How can anyone be soo perfect, it’s amazing...I wish to God, no evil eye wud ever bother you and you get whatever you wishes for. With lots and  lots of love. Neha
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After nbt I have seen many other shows and movies... But the impact a good show has on you is quiet long lasting that I only celebrate mohan megha and their love for these many years... I've become such like that when people say my name immediately the nearby one addresses as Mohan meena(megha) mental 🤭 looks funny but it has that impact on me... I still look ahead for a bit of Mohan in all the males I happen to meet... I see him as a father, brother, friend, betterhalf, well-wisher and many more... And what else... I may not have met him but he is a part of my life in each and every phase of it... Secondly kunal is a step ahead of mohan... If I want a life partner like mohan I want a friend like kunal... He is such an inspiration for everyone... In the way he lives... Who lives a life of his dreams... Only very few... Other do a job and live a life of others choice... He acts for profession according to his wish... Travels and clicks everything for his passion and enjys it too..And hence he is always loved and is an inspiration for everyone either on screen or off screen... Hence he is the best person one could ask for... I wish he always has this happiness and peace throughout his life... Wishing him a very happy birthday 🎂 ❤️ 💐 With lots of love. Janani @_._kunaksha__fandom_._
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Hi Kunal sir...  I'm Sowbarnika... I'm a big fan of you.. For the time I saw you in nenjam pesuthe (na bole tum na meina kuch kaga)... U r such an amazing actor... There will be no need of any dialogue for Bcz ur eyes itself enough... U didn't acted u lived as those characters... I watched ur web series #theraikarcase ur acting was mind blowing.... Really u r eyekiller...Whenever I see ur picture or hear anything about u will automatically bring a blush n smile on my face... Ur smile n voice is the only thing which makes me glad n relaxed whenever I feel sad or alone...  U r an energy booster n my inspiration of mine...  I love ur photographies... There is no words to express my feelings... Not only me there are lots of fan for u in South India especially in Tamil Nadu...  Please sir do one South Indian film...  It's a biggest request from ur Tamil fans. Love u a lotsss.. Like every Kunal fans I also have a dream to meet u...  I wish this yr will bring u full of success and happiness.. Always be happy handsome. Keep rocking... We all are waiting to see u onscreen soon... Wish u a very happy B-Day in advance....  Keep smiling n spread positive vibes through ur smile...  Lub u a lottttt my dr handsome chocoboy.... kunaaksha._.addictz
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Kunal oh god, you are so handsome. I remember the first time I saw you on tv that was like in nbtnmkk, My God you totally nailed the performance and I did not even know your name until this quarantine, which gave me this opportunity to watch your lovable series again. Nbtnmkk the role you’ve played makes me wanna have a love story like that. Akanksha is so lucky to have had a co actor like you ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Man, I don’t know if you know you are a pure gold. So pure I wish you great life ahead man, but I am sorry I haven’t gotten enough time to see The Raikar Case, as I have been preparing for medical entrance, but I promise you I will watch it asap  ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ and ya you’re gold. you are every freaking jewellery. Hope you will find your soulmate soon Kunal sir. From Nepal  ❤️ ❤️ ❤️  Your greatest fan @pr4nita
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நான் உன்னை திரையில் கண்ட நாள் முதல் என் கண் இமைகளில் புகுந்து விட்டாய் 😘 காதல் என்ற உணர்வை எந்தன் இதயத்தில் உன் கண்களால் இயற்றிவிட்டாய் எனது கனவுக்கு காரணம் நீ என் காதலுக்கு அடையாளம் நீ 😘😘இன்னும் வார்த்தைகள் இல்லை நீ என் வாழ்க்கையின் எல்லை உன்னை தேடி வந்து சந்திப்பதே என் லட்சியம் 🥰🥰🥰i love u kunal - 
You entered my eyes since the day I saw you on screen You lighted up /made the feeling of love in my heart by your eyes.. Reason behind my dream is you... Symbol of my love is you.. Words are less You are the limit of my life.. My ambition is to come and meet you.. I LOVE YOU kunal - Janani Arumugam
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What should i say about you...for now i will only say that my love for you(Kunal) is more than the amount of water an ocean can hold and also more than vastness of the blue sky. I pray from the core of my heart that you forever remain untouched by any problem and you always happy in your life 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹- Tanuja Dash (@tanujadash022)
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Mr. Kunal Karan Kapoor... My friends and I became a huge huge fan of you after watching " Naa Bole Tum Na Maine Kuch Kaha " serial which was telecast in Tamil... There was not even a single day which went without speaking about you, during those school days. You captured our heart, SpiderMan❤️ Thank you so much for adding a charming chapter in my boring schoolhood. Wishing you all the happiness in the world. Wishing you a very happy birthday... With love, Aarthy @aarthy_chandran
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Mr Kunal Karan Kapoor... I first saw him play Cadet Yudi Sahni in LRL and even though that has been his only show I watched him acting in...I knew from the first time that he was a very capable and amazing actor. The way he expresses through his eyes and tries to do justice to every role is commendable. I also saw him in the Raikar Case and can absolutely say he is a brilliant actor. His poise, his dialogue delivery, his ability to breath life into the characters he plays his remarkable. Yudi although was not the main focus on LRL...one can't help but smile at his impish charms and his childlike antics and innocence which was so precious and pure. His character development in Lrl from a determined yet lost young man to a confident, focused solider is worth mentioning. Yudi played by KKK really comes in his own by the end of lrl season 1. Also in real life Kunal sir seems a very genuine, polite, well mannered and courteous man ...all such admirable and precious qualities..I heard in an iv of Rajeev Khandelwal sir that Kunal sir used to have alot of fun with other on lrl sets and was a prankster. To sum up I'd say...I would love to watch of all his acting as he is one of the promising actors of our generation✨Yudi was definitely one of the most endearing and charming characters i saw on itv all thanks to Kunal sir. Hope he keeps doing good work like he does😀✨Also his comic timing in lrl was off the charts...so good😀😁...he was so entertaining and hilarious as " Madonna" and he never looked prettier😅😁🤣but jokes aside he rightfully deserves all the praise for his acting ability and For being the charismatic and mysterious gentleman he is😊 Amisha @leftrightleftfanpage
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Hai Kunal sir. I'm your biggest fan from TamilNadu. I like your acting in NenjamPesuthe. It was so cute as like you. You are an expression king.please Comeback...My heart is getting stealed while watching you ...everything u have was outstanding acting especially anger and naughtiness makes me to become an addict...I wish u have a long life and be happy forever and ever ...continued your process until everyone become tired of describing you ...I wish to see you in front of my eyes in the birthday eve ...once visit tamilnadu and announce the good news soon we were eagerly waiting for that day to take selfie with you ,forget to go home some kinds of dreams to be fulfilled when u visit tamilnadu...Your eyes speaks more than your voice ...depth in your acting makes everyone to fall in love with easily... ❤_ nivetha_N @nivetha_nagendiren)
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As we are coming close to celebrate the birthday of our Kunal Karan Kapoor let me talk about the Character Cadet Yadhuvansh Sahni he played in the show LEFT RIGHT LEFT. It’s one of my favourite character that he gave reel life. This character has his weakness. It’s not that YUDI did not know his weakness but it was difficult for him to accept them. He wanted to change become like others and compared himself to others and felt inferior. But the day he accepted his weakness his life changed. He could make those his strength. My favourite scene was his talk with Shalini after he tries to commit suicide. One could see the confidence in him. This character taught me that it’s important to accepts one’s weakness and one can convert them into strength. CADET YUDI THAUGHT ME THAT  IT’S IMPORTANT THAT YOU FIRST ACCEPT YOURSELVES THE WAY YOU ARE. THANK YOU ROCKSTAR KUNAL KARAN KAPOOR FOR BRINGING YUDI INTO OUR LIVES AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN ADVANCE. Belicia
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First of all ..i thank to kunal ..bcoz he give more friends 🤗🤗 and they are support my drawings ...my first ever crush is kunal ..it may so many serial actors here but i still luv only kunal ji 😘😘 ...and his acting is mesmerizing still i can't forget nbtnmkk ...one of my Fav character is mohan ..and he is very romantic and lovable person..please stay with us and my more blessings to u for lift in your life above and above ...and last you are my ever ever ever crush in my life ..i can't give your place for anyone 😍😍😍😘😘😘😘😘 - Abarna
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10 Masterful Movie Music Moments
One of my favourite, not so guilty pleasures is a musical, so when music moments pop up in otherwise none musical movies, it’s always welcome!
Ex Machina - Oscar Issacs, dancing with a robot! What more is there you could possibly need, piece it together with a recognisable funky tune that is “Get down, Saturday Night” by Oliver Cheatham, (it was remixed in the early noughties, make love and listen to the music). It makes for one memorable scene in a somewhat forgettable film.
Baby Driver - The opening sequence with Ansel Elgort‘s get away driving character dancing and acting out BellBottoms by The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, is divine. The timing is exquisite, and shows off the brilliance of Edgar Wright, the comic genius behind films like Shaun of the Dead. Side note, the entire soundtrack for this movie is perfect.
Wayne’s World - I doubt anyone of a certain age can listen to Bohemian Rhapsody and not head bang along like Garth and Wayne, especially when you’re driving with your very best pals, if you say you can...you’re lying!
Guardians of the Galaxy - Both Guardians films have killer soundtracks, say what you want but music was just better in the 70s and 80s. I’ve chosen a really poignant moment from the second movie for this list though. Father and Son by Cat Stevens, a song that already had a place in my heart is beautifully played whilst Yondu is receiving his heroic funeral, the song resonates as Peter realises Yondu was his father figure. Emotional, brilliance.
Almost Famous -  Singing Elton John’s Tiny Dancer, on a tour bus with a fictional rock band is where I wanted to be when I was growing up, this just seemed like the coolest scenario I could think of, come to think of it...still is. 
Napoleon Dynamite - VOTE FOR PEDRO! The dance scene in Napoleon Dynamite is so unexpected, but watching him bust those shapes to Canned Heat by Jamiroquai,  like his life depends on it makes the movie, and is definitely the most memorable part.
My Best Friends Wedding - Aretha Franklin is best enjoyed when it’s sung in part by various actors around a dinner table, look I don’t make the rules. The I Say a Little Prayer scene initiated by Rupert Everett is a couple of minutes of pure joy, the way every one joins in and sings the parts, fab-u-lous! Forever and ever...
Pulp Fiction - Obviously John Travolta is not shy of a dance number or two, and his funky dance at Jack Rabbit Slim’s with Uma Thurman is priceless. The whole scene is classic Tarantino and I dare you not to start doing a twist whenever you hear You never can tell by Chuck Berry, dare you!
13 Going On 30 - Matty Flamhoff being dragged onto the dance floor by Jenna at a real grown up shindig to re-enact MJ’s Thriller dance, in it’s entirety is a master piece and i’ll die on this hill.
500 Days of Summer - Any Hall and Oats song makes any situation a 1000 times better, instantly. You Make My Dreams Come True belting out whilst Tom is overjoyed at getting the girl is the perfect accompaniment, it even has cartoon birds, but it also provides a brilliant contrast to the devastating heartbreak, post split scenes.
Ciao x
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peaches-of-1 · 5 years
📷 Photo Evidence 🍋
Jay Park x Female!Reader x G Dragon
Summary: You and your friend are invited to a pool party for Jay Park’s not yet released song and it’s not only the water that gets you wet.
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You had put on your favorite bathingsuit today for the pool party concert you were invited to through some connections. They would be using it for filming but wanted it to be a genuine party. One of your best friends was a makeup artist, so she wanted to do your makeup for it.
“I have products that could withstand armageddon.” She said.
“I’m going swimming. I don’t need makeup to swim.”
Then she corrected you, “You’ll be swimming on camera, though. I won’t do anything crazy. At least let me give you a red lip or something. Please? It’s an AOMG party. You have to let me do your makeup. Glitter. C’mon, (Y/N). I’ve never bothered you this much about makeup before.”
“It was prom, and it was just foundation, eyeliner, and gloss!”
You rolled your eyes, but she got on her knees and hugged your legs. There was no way you could reject her. She was a makeup artist. You’d look fine no matter what she did.
With a sigh, you said, “Ok, only a red lip and some liner. I don’t wanna do any foundation or anything too extreme.”
“BB Cream at least? Smooth the pores?”
She put her hands up, “Ok, lip and liner. Nothing more. I’m doing eye primer though to make sure it lasts.”
“Fair enough.”
After Matilda aka Tilly finished, you were glad she didn’t do more than she said. The lips were more pink than red, but at least it matched your bathing suit. It wasn’t too extreme considering how she usually styled you for celebrity events. You weren’t even a celeb. Not an idol. Not a model. Just you.
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You threw on some denim shorts, a crop top, and some sandals you wouldn’t mind being affected by the pool chlorine. After borrowing a pair of Tilly’s glasses and making sure you had everything you needed in your tote bag, you and her left your apartment and hopped into a taxi. The drive wasn’t too long, and all expenses would be paid once you showed the valet your invite. You and Tilly listened to all of the songs that had come out by AOMG artists.
To be completely honest, rap and hip-hop weren’t your favorite genres, but you loved the artists more than their art. However, 90% of Jay Park’s stuff was a bop. Tatted head to toe. You wondered if there were any that you didn’t know about and where they were.
Tilly tapped your arm, “You good, sis?”
“Uh, yeah. Just thinking.”
“You think too much.” She scoffed. “What was it this time?”
Jay Park’s possible dick tat…“Nothing.” You replied. “Just a bit nervous, ya’know? What if something happens?”
She laughed, “Like what? Jay-oppa notices you and you get into the VIP area?”
“Oh my god! Even if I did, we would only be using our lips.”
“To suck dick!”
“To talk! To ask why I’m there in the first place.”
Tilly laughed, “You don’t have to be innocent with me, (Y/N). I’ve seen your computer.”
Your cheeks began to burn, “You what?”
“I was joking, but now I’m curious.”
“Don’t be.” You shoved her arm.
The pair of you began to wonder if you should’ve gone to a cafe first even though you had eaten at home. Not too much because you wanted it to all be down before getting in the pool and drinking some booze. Once at the party, you got the driver paid and he asked if you guys needed to be picked up afterwards. Tilly said she’d let him know and he drove off.
The shorter valet asked if you girls wanted to be entered in a raffle to get backstage passes. You both said yes cuz why not? Phone number and name. They’d text you if you won. Then off to the pool deck. Lots of people had shown up already and sat around the edge looking cute. Why the hell were there heels beside some sunbathers? Ugh. Like, it’s fine to be fashionable and whatnot or like to feel tall, but it’s a pool High heels weren’t the smartest idea for footwear.
Then again, Tilly was wearing peep toes behind you. You two parked your things besides two pool chairs that were next to each other and then walked around to check things out after discarding your tops to reveal the bathing suits underneath. You had talked her into wearing matching gold body chains the day before but now wondered if it made you stand out too much.
You looked out from behind your reflective monsters that a fan gave Tilly from Gentle Monster, but she had just bought the same pair in a different color. The fan sent one was her fave color, so she gave the ones she bought herself to you. So many young fans, no one over 35 in sight, or at least they had gotten enough work done that they didn’t seem their age.
“So, we gots a bar, an off limits lounge, food, and lots and lots of pool toys.” Tilly announced. “What do you wanna do first, (Y/N)?”
“Food.” You answered as if it was the obvious answer. Cuz it was.
Where the food was located, it was all Valentine’s Day themed. The video would be coming out that day as well. In a week. You were excited to see it mostly because of Jay Park and whoever his special guest was. Most of the internet said it was Mino from Winner or one of the rookie rappers that came out this year.
If it was being teased this much, it probably was someone more famous than a rookie. At least, that was your plan of thinking. You piled your plate up with fruits and all sorts of chocolates. There was a fountain, so you stuck a skewer through some mini soft pretzels and let the milk chocolate drizzle all over them.
“Someone’s got a sweet tooth.”
A voice made you jump as you pulled the skewer back. You set it on your plate and looked back to see Jay Park smiling at you. Where the fuck was Tilly?
“Yeah,” You said. “It’s a 24/7 thing. Never a thing as too many sweets.”
He laughed, “You got that right. Wanna do me a favor?”
“Depends what it is.”
Jay smiled, “I like a clever girl. Anyways, here.” He handed you a pink camera. “Take a few good shots for me? Just stick ‘em on any board you come across.”
You shrugged, “Sure, sounds like fun.” You grabbed the camera. “Can’t wait to see you perform later.”
“Well, I just hope you like it.”
“I probably will.” To say you couldn’t breathe would be an understatement.
The Jay Park was smiling and chilling right there in front of you. Someone called his name and he had to go prep or something. You exhaled and wanted to scream, but you were able to snap a pic of him walking away with one hand. He turned around, and you just smiled.
“You told me to get good shots.” How the f were you being so smooth?
He pointed at you and then continued on his way. Internal screaming intensified. You looked around and  noticed the other eyes watching. Tilly. You walked back to your seats and set your plate on the small table near it.
“Gorl,” She said.
“I know!”
Her eyes were wide with shock, “What the frick? He gave you a camera?”
“He wants me to get some good shots of the party. I don’t know what they’ll be used for, but I can’t believe he asked me directly.”
“What did you say to him?” She patted her knees in excitement.
So you told her about how you might have flirted on accident and she told you to secure the Jay shaped bag. As if you could! You decided it was just an artist to fan thing and did as told after eating your fill of chocolate covered salty bread. Most of them were taken of just the scenery and of Tilly. Some of them were taken together in cute poses.
After they were spat out all aesthetic and stuff, you went through and chose your favorites to put on the board. They were sectioned off into colors. Blue, mint, pink, white, red, and orange. You guessed it was just to make sure that’s how they made sure which pics came from where or whatever.
Then as the sun went down, an official looking person asked for the camera back. It was hard to take pics in the dark. Made sense. You danced to the music on one of the floating stages with Tilly’s hand on your hip. Some tipsy dude bro decided to dance behind her. She raised her brow, and you put your tongue in your cheek. Not her type.
The two of you jumped in the water and swam off to the next stage over.
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You were now closest to the stage when the lights suddenly changed.
“Yo, waddup, waddup?” Jay showed up with a mic pressed to his lips.
Everyone cheered.
“How we feelin, tonight?”
Louder cheering.
He smiled, “That’s what I like to hear! Now I know y’all out here to hear my new song tonight, but we gonna sing some of your faves first.”
He launched into “Ain’t No Party Like an AOMG Party” and went straight into “Soju” the remix and all the other peeps he collabed with showed up to. Then your fave Jay Park song came on, and you screamed so loud that Tilly was shook. Then she laughed at you. This was your song! Your body moved to it as your mouth moved the words like it was a prayer you knew from birth. Then again, if this was prayer, you’d become a nun or a monk.
Some girls in hot pink bikinis and guys in their own bathing suits began to get into place and dance as a familiar song came one. It was the tattoo you had gotten on your hip. “Mommae” You and Tilly began to twerk to the song like every other girl at the party, even some guys to be real with you fam.
“Get it, Gold Chain!” You heard from the main stage.
Turning your head, you saw him pointing directly at you. At this point, you were loosened up enough not to care about everyone staring at you shaking your ass. So you turned around and twerked in a circle getting more cheers.
“Yeah, girl!” he laughed and copied you.
You laughed as well and onto Tilly’s shoulder. Once a new song came on, you didn’t know this one, like at all. It was a bop and a half. You danced with your bestie as he rapped and then another familiar voice was heard.
Then screams so loud that they’d break the sound barrier. G Dragon’s first public appearance since being discharged. He got a lot of the weight off, but that was the life of an idol. There was like half a love handle left and you loved it for sure. They sounded damn good together. Everyone cheered when it was over and didn’t mind the cameras and drones.
“Thank you!” G Dragon said and bowed.
Jay jumped on his back and screamed. They were such dorks. Then the two men went backstage and told everyone to have fun. You and Tilly went back to your seats to dry off and get some more drinks and food. It was greasy and carbfilled, so you hadn’t gotten too drunk yet. Maybe a little bit past tipsy.
You still had your own head and chilled on the side for a bit as other AOMG hits played. Tilly began gushing about how Jay had noticed you again. She loved coming to parties with you because of how different you seemed. Of course it was just cuz you loved a party whether there was booze or not. As long as there was music and room to dance, you were gonna have a good time.
Then you checked your phone and replied to some messages, took a selfie or six. Some Snapchat video. Insta too. Then you got a text from an unsaved number.
> Hey there, (Y/N). You win the backstage pass! Meet me by the Tiki Bar ASAP.
OMG are you serious?<
>Absolutely! Do you accept or should we choose another winner?
I’m on my way! <
“Tilly, I won the backstage pass!” You said as you pulled your shorts on. “Watch my stuff and don’t go home with any strangers unless you send me a pic of their face first.”
“I ain’t going home with anyone. Here.” She said as she handed you the lipstick she had used on you.
Just because you didn’t know what would happen and a part of you hoped your fantasies had part in it, you refreshed it and then stuck it in your pocket. You thanked her and then started walking to the meeting location.
Tilly then called after you. “Get sum dick, gurl!”
You shook your head with a smile and went to the Tiki Bar with your phone in your back pocket and praying no one knocked you into the water. Luckily, you made it to the bar as dry as possible. The woman checked your phone to make sure you were actually the winner. You also had to take a breathalyzer test.
“Good enough.” She said.
What did that mean? Then you were taken into the VIP area. Black lights and neon lights led you up the stairs.
There were three doors at the top of the stairs. One with a cloud, a pink heart, and a t-shirt. You were told to ender the cloud room, so you did.
You approached the bed and saw your pink camera there on pink fur. Well, it wasn’t yours, but it was the one that had been given to you earlier by--
“So, you won.”
“Holy fu--Jay!” You were thinking of punching him. “Stop sneaking up on me, holy crap!”
He laughed, “Sorry. But I’m glad it was you.”
You smiled and felt your cheeks blushing, “Thanks. Um, so what do we do? This seems more VIP than Backstage.”
The platinum blonde GD walked up to you two, “Depends. What do you wanna do? I mean, I have some ideas, but I wanna know if you’re up for it.”
“Tell what you have in mind and I’ll let you know.” You replied.
“You were right about her.” He smirked at Jay and picked up a camera. “First, some memorial pics.”
So the boys got some pictures of you and them being all cute in the neon scene. One of their managers took the photos when both of them wanted to be next to you. You were sitting on their laps when GD kissed your neck, and you made a noise. It was maybe a moan. More like a gasp. Jay just smirked and told the manager they’d take the rest of the pics. She set the camera down on a surface and left.
“What was...that?” You looked at him.
“My original idea.” He smirked at you.
Jay squeezed your hand, “Do you want to?”
You nodded, “Yeah, but I get to say no at any time.”
He smiled and then you looked over at G Dragon to see him grinning as well and then licking his lips as he surveyed your body.
“Of course.” Said Jay Park.
“Wouldn’t have it any other way.” G Dragon agreed and began kissing your neck once more.
You giggled and the other began to wrap his arms around your waist and pull you closer to his chest. Your eyes fluttered shut as he kissed your lips as if it were the last drop of water on Earth. Ring covered hands began to feel up your body through the bathing suit. Even though you felt G Dragon move from the bed, you were too preoccupied to give it any more thought. Jay’s hands rubbed up your thighs to the waist of your jean shorts.
He unbuttoned them with his lips still locked on yours and slid his hand down. You moaned into his kiss when you heard the click of a camera. Looking at the source, G Dragon had the pink camera in his hands once more...and his tank top was tucked into his pocket.
“What a beautiful shot.” He said as he grabbed the photo and fanned it to help it dry. “Very nice. You wanna see?”
You nodded and he showed you the sensual picture. Jay asked if he could keep it, and you said yes. He smiled and turned you around to straddle him as your lips met once more. Another click, but you ignored it this time as you got brave and took off Jay’s shirt to place pink kisses all over his neck and chest. This was all going to your head, but you’d let it just for tonight.
His hands grabbed at your breasts, and you could feel him smile as you returned to his lips. You tipped him over until his back was flat on the bed. He rolled over so that he was on top of you now. Another click, this time from Jay Park himself. You were already breathing hard and things had barely even started.
“God damn, Beautiful!”
He got off of you as G Dragon began to slide your shorts off. Click. Click. And tossed them to the side. You only saw wet blonde hair as his mouth tugged on the area of gold chain which rested on your bathing suit covered stomach. A moan escaped when you felt his fingers slide into your wet pussy.
“Oh fuck!”
“Who, me?” GD asked with a cocky grin.
He trailed his tongue all the way up the chain until it reached your neck. You’d be wearing turtlenecks until summer with all the attention he gave the space above your shoulders. Although you wanted to give a cocky response, his tongue was too good to even think about speaking. And the way he was grinding on you told you he wanted to use so much more to please you.
Your hands began to undo his belt and you gave breathy moans from underneath him.
“Take ‘em off.” You said and looked over at Jay. “You too.”
“Yes, ma’am.” GD said. “Eager, aren’t we?”
You bit your lip as their members sprang free. They had been ready for a while, it seemed, probably since pictures. You couldn’t help but lick your lips. Click. It wasn’t until now that you realized that the kiss marks you had left on him were glowing under the blacklights. GD’s lips had a slight glow to them as well.
A naughty part from inside you wondered what else you could get to glow as you beckoned Jay towards you. God, you just wanted his cock inside you. Wanted to taste it. So you did. You licked around the tip and grinned to yourself when you saw that there was a tattoo on his cock. It said “Handle with care”
You laughed, “Oh look, it comes with directions. Hopefully it’s not the only way it comes.”
Before he could reply, you loosened your jaw to take him in. Not spectacularly long but thick as hell. He cursed as you took him in. Click. He really wasn’t one to miss out on a photo opportunity.
“Look at me, Beautiful.” He said and took a photo when you did.
GD grabbed the straps of your bathingsuit, “Don’t want this getting dirty, so let’s get it off of you, huh?”
You let him strip you of the rest of you ‘clothing’ and noticed Jay shifting his attention to the man behind you. Click, and G Dragon chuckled. You couldn’t really look back, so you just trusted him to show you the picture once it came out of the camera, which he did. It was a photo of G Dragon opening a condom wrapper with his teeth.
Then click from behind you, “You’re so wet, Beautiful. You ready?” the blonde asked.
You nodded and he slid into your vag with much ease, letting out a lovely moan as he did. The trusts on both sides became more animalistic. Jay used both hands to keep your head still as he fucked your eager mouth. Your favorite part was that they weren’t afraid to let out their groans of pleasure and praise you every chance they got.
“Oh, god, (Y/N). You’re so. Ah! Good, (Y/N)!” the AOMG member crooned while the BigBang member left hot breath and steaming kisses down the spine of your back.
“Oh, your pussy clamps down on me when we say your name. You like us calling out your name, (Y/N)?”
You could only moan in reply. It did make your pussy tingle to hear two of the most handsome men on the planet say your name as if it were the name of a goddess. As Jay got more erratic with his thrusts, you could tell that he was close. The strings of curses got longer.
GD chuckled, “Close, old friend?”
“Yeah. Yeah. So, unf, close. (Y/N)~” He had his head thrown back, and you couldn’t help but whine at the way he moaned your name. “Close your eyes, Beautiful.”
You did as told and kept your mouth open as he rubbed himself in front of you, moaning and panting until you felt wet ropes of heat on your face. He was pleased with himself. Click. A souvenir of his work. It was soon after that G Dragon did the same, releasing into the condom and taking a moment before sliding out.
He tied it off and then the two boys switched. Jiyong kissed your cum covered lips and flipped you on your stomach, 69-ing you while Jay got himself ready again. Your legs began to shake as you came. GD kept them open as you moaned all over his cock and your eyes were shut tight as he kept lapping up your juices as you orgasmed.
When he took his cock out of your mouth, you were breathing so hard. You couldn’t recall the last time you came like that.
“Fuck.” You laughed.
“Speaking of which. We’re not done yet, (Y/N).”
You couldn’t help but smile at the wild sparkle in Jay’s eyes. You spread your legs wide enough and let himself get situated. He pulled you up into his lap so that he could kiss you while GD kissed your shoulders. Part of you told you not to be so loud, but it was being drowned out by your moans. The smells of sex and three orgasms filled your nose.
Tilly was right. The passing thought came to you. Your tongues tangled with the rapper in front of you as you gripped his shoulders tightly. The next orgasm was collecting rapidly in the pit of your stomach.
“Relax, beautiful.” Jay said. “We’ve got you.” He looked into your eyes.
You nodded, “Ok, Jay.”
That boy was tiny but knew how to work his mf’n hips! You screamed his name and GD’s as he played with your exposed breasts and nipples. You were gonna cum again, and Jay chuckled in your ear.
“Let’s do it together, yea?”
“Yeah.” You replied breathlessly.
It wasn’t even five minute later as you rested your head in the nape of neck and felt the wave of pleasure crash. Jay Park pushed your back on the bed and then slid out of you to let himself cum onto your heaving stomach and chest while GD came on your face. They laid next to you and told you to smile for the camera.
You didn’t know how long you had been gone until you saw Tilly backing dat azz up on a cute stranger. The three of you had had one more round in the shower as you got cleaned up. Your bestie quickly came towards you, drink in hand and obviously knowing what happened.
“I want details.” She smiled.
“You were right, but it was both of them.”
“Both of who?”
They had come out of the house and people cheered for them as they jumped into the pool with the remaining party guests. Mostly just AOMG members and the people they were planning to sleep with and their friends and a few managers who were off the clock. Also a few people passed out here and there. G Dragon called out to you.
“Yo, Gold Chains, join us!”
“Gorl.” Her eyes widened at you.
“Girl, I know!” You replied.
The two of you grabbed hands and ran and jumped into the pool together. You stayed until the threat of sunrise showed in the sky. The two of you were given gift bags and one of Jay’s drivers to take you both back home. You and Tilly couldn’t stop talking and fangirling as you told her everything. She was only shown a few of the pictures of you still clothed.
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