#I really doubt it was Chim. More likely Buck himself introduced himself as Evan
To all the people in the fandom who forgot: Buck grown ass man who has no problems with asking people call him Buck not Evan if he wants them. He told 118 when he was super anxious about first day and they pranked him right before it, he told Maddie, he told HIS PARENTS. If I'm not mistaken he corrected A*by too. So you really think if he would be not ok with being called Evan by Tommy he would say nothing? He would ask to be called Buck. But he DIDN'T. Because he LOVES Tommy calling him Evan
Tommy is not toxic or transphobic to call Buck by his given name and not choosen name as he never was corrected
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multismileee · 3 years
When other characters finds out about certain Buddie pLaToNiC moments... then what?? [A thread of sorts]
When Ana finds out about Eddie literally changed his will so that Buck is Christopher’s legal guardian if anything happens to him then what?
When Taylor finds out that Buck ignored his own trauma of being crushed by a ladder truck to go rescue Eddie from the sniper then what?
When Ana finds out that Eddie looks at her in disdain after Carla says, “But just be sure you’re following your heart and not Christopher’s okay?” which is a clear contrast to when Eddie was looking at Buck (fondly) when Chris and Buck was decorating gingerbread houses during the Christmas time, then what?
When Taylor finds out that Buck tried to dig up the ground with his bare hands when Eddie was under the well, and only stopped because Bobby physically pulled him back then what?
When Ana and Taylor find out that Buck lived in Eddie’s house while he was in the hospital to take care of Christopher because that’s what Eddie would’ve wanted then what? 
When Ana finds out that Eddie said to Buck after the tsunami, “There is no one I trust more with my son than you” while looking him in the eyes then what?
When Taylor finds out that Buck didn’t correct the lady at the christmas tree place when she said “You two have an adorable son” alluding that Buck and Eddie are together then what?
When Ana finds out that Eddie automatically asked if Buck was okay when he saw that Buck had blood on him even though he was literally shot then what?
When Taylor finds out that the reason Buck put himself in danger at the crane was because he couldn’t deal with someone getting hurt like Eddie and felt like he couldn’t protect him, then what? 
When Ana finds out about how jealous Eddie was that Buck asked Taylor to be his partner for the treasure hunt and basically ignored him while he didn’t even think to ask Ana to participate then what?
When Taylor finds out that Buck was most affected by Eddie ignoring him and yelling at him after the lawsuit then anyone else then what?
When Ana finds out that after their first meeting where Eddie yelled at her for Christopher getting hurt, he trusted Buck’s skateboard that he built for Christopher without any doubt then what?
When Taylor finds out that Buck is the one who introduced Eddie to Carla, and helped him out then what?
When Ana finds out that Eddie was adamant about getting Buck to like him on the first day, and even trusted him after knowing him for a few minutes with his life then what?
When Taylor and Ana find out that their boyfriends don’t fully trust them, thus the fact that Eddie thought Ana was snooping when she found the go fund me page and Buck thinking Taylor was there for a story instead of checking up on him, then what?
When Taylor and Ana find out that a lot of people from Becca’s live stream that one time when they helped her get a maggot out of her fave shipped them then what?
When Eddie realizes that when Bobby said that he might miss something right in front of him, he actually was talking about Buck then what?
When Buck realizes that when that old man told him that “you don’t find love, you make it” that that’s exactly what he did with Eddie then what? 
When Maddie realizes that her joke about “So does this boy crush on Eddie mean you’re finally over Abby?” is a little more accurate than she thought then what?
When Chim realizes that Eddie’s advice about not having time and to tell the person right away if you love them is something Eddie should follow himself then what?
When Maddie realizes that Buck saying ““This is Eddie’a house, I’m not really a guest” was because he practically lives there and feels comfortable there then what? 
When Maddie realizes that Buck automatically assuming she was talking about Eddie when she said “he is so cute” is because he knows how attractive Eddie is then what?
When Taylor and Ana realize that their boyfriends are quite literally co-parenting a child together then what?
When Ana realizes that when she said ““I know you haven’t had anyone for a long time” that it isn’t true because he has Buck, then what? 
When Bobby realizes exactly what all the small gestures, eye contact, and mind reading means between Buck and Eddie then what?
When Taylor finds out that Christopher felt  comfortable enough that when he’s mad at his dad, he calls and Uber and runs away to Buck’s place then what?
When Ana finds out that the only reason Christopher gave her a chance is because Buck promised to not go anywhere no matter what then what?
When Taylor finds out that Buck is fine with being called Evan by Eddie even though he hates it by anyone else other than Maddie then what? 
When Ana finds out that Eddie said, ““because Evan, you act like you’re expendable. But you’re wrong” at the hospital after telling Buck about the legal guardianship then what?
When Chim and Hen realize that Buck and Eddie’s comment about there having to have a good and bad cop is because they do it to Christopher then what?
And now the ones I hope for:
When Taylor realizes that Buck and her work better as friends and they mutually break up then what?
When Ana realizes that Eddie likes the idea of her and that they have the chemistry of a rock together then what?
When the firefam finally gets to see their favorite oblivious idiots get together then what?
When Hen most likely has a bet going on at the firehouse about when they get together and her and Athena win it then what?
When Bobby reveals that he had the relationship papers sitting at his desk for a while for Buck and Eddie then what?
When the 126 realize that Eddie and Buck weren’t dating when they came to visit Texas only seemed like it then what?
When TK realizes that Buck was never flirting with him because he only has eyes on Eddie then what?
When the girls who got turned down because as Eddie states “they’re not my type” and Buck’s “mine either, not anymore” is because of their type is each other, then what?
When Eddie and Buck finally get their heads out their rear ends and finally get together in season 5 then what? The answer to that last bullet: I literally scream at the top of my lungs and dance around my house!!! Or [if] Buddie doesn’t become endgame and I realize that I went through another Bellarke situation... I will lose my mind and then sent a very opinated email to the producers.
Okay good night now, I literally wrote this at 1 am instead of sleeping lol!
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seaofashes · 5 years
This one goes out to @stellarstacey for the following prompt:Cyber Punk/Circus/Christopher/Heavy the head that wears the crown/Love(the emotion I'm going with)
Eddie kept a careful hand on his son as they made their way to the seats. Christopher had been wanting to go to the circus for a while now but Eddie was always busy with work, so when he finally got a day off he thought it'd be a good way to spend it with his son. He'd heard a little bit about Cybertanisa and how impressive it was. All of the animals were completely biomechanical and from what he heard many of the performers were sporting cybernetic limbs and enhancements. Christopher seemed extremely interested in it so what the hell right? Anything to make his boy happy.
They took their seats and waited for the show to start. Christopher was telling him about the biomechanical tigers they use when Eddie caught sight of what he assumed was one of the performers. The man was beautiful, he had blonde hair and piercing blue eyes and a birthmark right above one of his eyes. He was wearing tight black pants and an equally right red and gold vest. The man walked to the center to speak to Ringmaster who nodded to him and blue eyes turned and sprinted off gracefully.
"Isn't that cool dad?" Christopher said as he leaned into his father's side. Eddie felt bad for not catching the last bit of what his son said but smiled down at him seeing how happy Chris looked. "Yeah, that is pretty cool Mijo."
Christopher held onto a little green, bioluminescent rose that he hoped to give to one of the performers after the show. Eddie thought it was sweet of his son and only hoped that he could actually be able to give it to someone.
It felt like hours before it actually started but Eddie had to admit...it was pretty cool. The tigers were quite impressive and able to withstand more heat from hoops and more dangerous tricks. Chris was mesmerized as he watched the tiger stand on it's hind legs and one of the women did a one handed handstand on it's paw before she flipped off and began to do some sort of fire dancing. Her hands were quite literally on fire and Eddie figured that was one of her enhancements. Neat.
Eddie cringed as he watched a man stick 67 swords down his throat but he was pretty impressed. There had to be some sort of cybernetic internal modification. However if it wasn't Eddie was going to be mildly horrified and also most definitely impressed with the man who's name he has already forgotten. Actually Eddie had forgotten all of the names that had been announced tonight and he felt kinda bad about it.
Eddie was listening to Christopher tell him about the twins performing on the trapeze before his breath caught in his throat as the man let go of his sister. A low collective gasp overtook the crowd and Eddie was sure just about every heart in the place stopped before she was caught by someone else swinging in. His legs woven through an aerial hoop as he grabbed her by an arm and launched her to her respective platform before he grabbed the ring and hoisted his legs from the ring as he spun.
"We are proud to introduce the best Aerial performer around, Our very own Evan Buckley!" The Ringmaster called out as Eddie kept his eyes glued to the man who moved through the air so gracefully. He seemed to be a part of the ring he wove himself in and out of dancing in sync to the music Eddie hadn't even realized was playing. He heard Christopher giggle as Eddie watched the man, Evan, hook his left leg through the ring as he swung around the tent in a wide circle.
"What's so funny bud?" Eddie asked his son quietly as he glanced at him. Christopher leaned over closer to him. "You think he's pretty don't you? You've got that look on your face and you've had your mouth open the whole time."
Eddie flushed slightly. "I do not."
"Liar liar pants on fire." Chris giggled as he leaned against his dad and watched the rest of Evans performance. At the end he stood on the ring before dropping down and holding on with his hands, Eddie catching the miniscule hesitation he had before swinging off as someone caught him and he landed safely on a platform.
Eddie couldn't really focus much on the remaining hour and barely noticed when the show has ended until he seen everyone come out and bow. Christopher handed Eddie the rose he had been holding all night so he could applaud everyone, beaming the entire time.
Eddie and Christopher waited until the place was practically deserted before making their way downstairs catching sight of the Ringmaster. "Uh, excuse me sir?"
The man stopped and turned towards them. "How can I help you folks?"
"I'm sorry to trouble you but my son here is...a huge fan of you all and was wondering if he could give this rose to a specific performer? He's been saving it for them for a while." Eddie said as he looked at the Ringmaster who took the two in and glanced around.
"Who're you looking to give it to kiddo?" The man asked Christopher who waved him closer so he could whisper in his ear. Eddie looked at him and raised a brow slightly.
The Ringmaster smiled slightly. "Well you'll find him right over there. Just keep your eyes up and you'll find him. Now you folks have a nice night, hope you enjoyed the show."
Eddie nodded as he followed his son who was looking upwards as he walked and slowed slightly. "M-Mr. Buckley?" Christopher called out quietly as he looked up at the man.
Evan was suspended about 20 feet in the air hanging upside down from his ring. One leg hooked through the ring as he tinkered on his cybernetic leg, synthetic skin hidden as he glanced down and once again Eddie's breath caught in his throat. He was even more beautiful up close. Eddie noticed that the man had eyeliner ringed around his eyes as well as green and gold eyeshadow like many of the other performers.
"Well hello there, how can I help you there buddy?" He said as he looked at Christopher.
"I was wondering if I could give you something Mr. Buckley?" Christopher asked.
Evan smiled broadly as he carefully unhooked his leg and dropped, landing gracefully near the two and walked closer. "Of course you can, and please call me Buck."
"Here you go Buck! I heard that this was your favorite type of rose and Daddy and I found some a while back." Christopher said as he took the rose from his father and held it out to Buck who's smile could rival that of the Suns. Buck crouched down.
"Well thank you, that's very sweet of you buddy. I love it." He said smiling at the young boy. "You are just the cutest kid huh?"
"Thank you I'm glad you like it." Christopher giggled before quietly adding. "You're cute too apparently, at least Daddy thinks so."
"Does he now?" Buck mused as he smirked glancing over to Eddie who was looking at him confused, wondering what his son had said just now.
"You okay with your son being introduced to Lassandra?" Buck asked as he looked at Eddie. Christopher turned to his father and pleaded. "Pllleeaasssseeeeeeeeeee Daddy!!! Can I please see the tiger?"
"Of course Mijo just...be careful okay? I'll be right here Christopher, no running off too far okay?" Eddie replied and the look on his son's face made him melt.
"Hey Chim! Do me a favor and take my new bud Christopher over there to meet Lassandra?" Buck called out as another man came over and smiled.
"Sure thing Buck, come on little man. She's one of the coolest things you'll probably ever see." Chimney said as he walked Christopher over to the pin the tiger was in. Buck walked over to Eddie and held out a hand which Eddie shook.
"So my kid tells me that you're one of the best." Eddie said as he tried not to look over the man shaking his hand.
"Heavy the head that wears the crown." Buck mumbled with a sad smile. "That title came with a heavy price."
"Most things do." Eddie said simply.
"You got a name?"
"Eddie...Eddie Diaz." Eddie answered with a small smile as he watched Christopher touch the biomechanical creature not too far away.
"Well Eddie...you're not too bad yourself." Buck said as he eyed the other man. Eddie flushed.
"I'm sorry?"
"Your kid made the comment that you thought I was cute, you're not too bad yourself Mr. Fireman." Buck said with a lopsided grin. Eddie opened his mouth but Buck spoke again.
"Your shirts not buttoned all the way, caught a glimpse of your badge number and the F.D on your chest. I don't have modded eyes. Only thing not real on me is this." He motioned to his lower left leg. "Lost the real one in a fall a few years back."
"And you're still willing to go up there?" Eddie asked, mildly impressed by the man's observation skills but not commenting on it.
"Don't see why not. Got nothing else to live for outside of this." Buck said honestly.
"You could."
"Not as easy as you think man, we're not all firefighters with a cute kid." Buck mumbled as they watched Christopher laugh as Chimney did something with Lassandra.
"You could be."
"A firefighter with a cute kid?" Buck asked raising a brow.
"Yeah. Don't see why not." Eddie stated calmly as he glanced at Buck who's blue eyes were trained on him.
"Is this your way of flirting?"
"Depends...is it working?" Eddie asked.
"Yeah. Probably only because it's me, doubt it would for anyone else." Buck said with a low laugh.
"I don't need it to work on anyone else." Eddie smiled as Buck laughed again and moved a bit closer.
"You busy tonight?" Eddie inquired as he looked into blue eyes.
"Nope, looks like I have a clear schedule for a while. I just quit my job about .2 seconds ago. Might end up spending my life with this really handsome fellow and his son though." Buck mused as he leaned in towards Eddie.
"That sounds nice." He mumbled to Buck and Eddie closed the distance between them, capturing Buck's lips gently. They broke away laughing slightly as Christopher mumbled, "Ew gross" as he walked back over to the two.
"How about we all head out and go get something to eat?" Eddie said ruffling his son's hair. Both Christopher and Buck nodded in agreement and they headed out into the night of the awaiting city.
(epilogue: Buck becomes a firefighter and marries Eddie and they love happily ever after with Christopher because it's what they deserve)
(p.s. I'm probably going to do a longer fic for ao3 on this prompt if anyone would be interested in that)
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