#I miss having a keykid....
ar-mage-ddon · 8 months
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new game+
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hexxter · 25 days
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Damn 😔
My player
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thequibblingking13 · 7 months
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"I think i'm ready for that nap now..."
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hvkyre · 3 months
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doing some coloring practice with one of my future khml keykids, nál!
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firedragon1321 · 7 months
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The VERY first thing I'm doing in Missing Link- the SECOND the tutorial releases my hand- is getting rid of that ugly as fuck pirate hat.
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missingmywing · 10 months
Borrowing @strangefellows ’s and @redbud-tree’s keykids for this one, Jas and Cherry!
Day 2 of @khoc-week: Friendship!
For a… given definition of the word.
Even with the war in full swing and the Dandelions gone, the daily rote process of lux gathering was something everyone did - even those of them staying as neutral as possible. If nothing else, it powered up their medals and helped them keep somewhat grounded.
Etheria had finished up for the day, but hung around the streets around her favorite fountain plaza, unable to shake the feeling that something was going to happen. An itch beneath her skin that she got sometimes before something bad happened.
The scream that broke the tense silence validated the feeling and she was running almost as soon as it echoed out.
She skidded around the corner and stumbled to a stop at the sight of a small girl with bright pink hair struggling to free herself from the web of a Savage Spider, who was slowly moving towards her with gleaming eyes.
A younger wielder unfamiliar with the heartless had probably broken and egg and summoned the raid boss accidentally, and found herself far out of her league.
Etheria swore beneath her breath and threw herself forward, activating a medal to stun the heartless with a flare of light and heal the other girl. She slashed through the strands of web wrapped around the girl and caught her, leaping back out of immediate range of the heartless or its underlings.
The girl was squirming in her arms, trying to get herself free from the web, and Etheria set her down to help cut the web away. “You need to go-”
“No way!” The girl interrupted, scambling to her feet with a scowl as she summoned her keyblade. “I just managed to summon it! I’m gonna kill it and get all the lux!”
… so not an accident.
“You can’t beat a raid boss all by yourself at your level-” Her keyblade wasn’t even fully upgraded-
“Oh yeah? Watch me!”
“Wait no-”
The girl darted around Etheria, nimbly avoiding her attempt to grab her, and threw herself back at the spider. “You think I’m scared of you, you big ugly creepy? Think again!”
To her credit, she did manage to destroy one of the smaller spiders with a few good hits and a well timed medal activation. But that just made the big one angry, and Etheria barely managed to grab the girl and yank her back in time to avoid a hit.
“Okay, compromise,” Etheria said, arm firmly around the flailing girl’s waist. “You’re going to get yourself killed if you keep flailing around without a plan. If you refuse to run and desperately want to fight it, I’ll help you. But you have to listen, alright? Otherwise you’ll just get us both killed.”
The girl twisted around to scowl up at her, trying to get a good angle to elbow her in the stomach. “I didn’t ask for your help! I’m gonna kill it all by myself! That’ll show Jas that I can take care of myself so he’ll stop nagging all the time!”
Oh, so that’s how it was.
“You can’t prove anything if you’re dead,” Etheria argued, struggling to keep a grip on her. “And you’re not strong enough to fight that thing, no matter how much you want to-”
“Yes I can, put me down!”
Etheria cursed as the girl finally managed to twist around to jab her with a sharp little elbow and escape her grasp. She scrambled after her as the girl leapt at the spider with another screech.
Said screech was cut off with a grunt as the spider lunged at her to attack and a dark shape burst from a nearby alley to grab the small girl and deflect the spider’s manacles. Etheria sent a burst of fire at the smaller ones to fend them off while the new figure made a retreat.
Keeping a wary eye on the giant spider and it’s underling - now down to one after her fireball - she walked over to where the figure had consolidated itself into a boy a couple of years older than her and was growling at the girl in his arms.
“What were y’thinkin’, runnin’ off on your own and tryin’ to take down a godsforsaken raid boss all by yourself-”
The girl was squirming and struggling with a fierce pout. “I can do it! I told you I can, and I can! Lemme go Jas-”
“As if, you’re gonna stay right th’ hell here, Cherry.”
The high pitch of the obnoxious whine she let out in response made Etheria wince. “If you want to take her and get away, I can deal with the spider.”
The boy glanced over with a frown, shaking his head sharply. “Nah, ‘m not gonna do that t’you. No need for you t’clean up our mess just ‘cause someone,” he flashed a sharp glare at the girl, “doesn’t know her own limits.”
Cherry blew a raspberry up at him, crossing her arms with a pout.
Etheria shrugged a little wryly. “I’m used to rescuing new wielders from raid bosses, so it’s no problem on my end.”
“She probably just wants the lux! She’s stealing my kill!”
Etheria felt something tight and cold squeeze in her chest at the accusation, the words echoing the voices of too many others in this whole stupid war, and her hand tightened the slightest bit warily around her Starlight.
The boy sighed. “Shut up, Cherry.”
The girl squawked in offense, but it set Etheria a bit at ease.
“I don’t care about the lux,” she said quietly. “If you want it you can have it. But seven year olds shouldn’t be fighting raid bosses, especially not by themselves.”
Etheria sent her a very dubious look. She’d been nine when she’d arrived in Daybreak Town, and this girl was definitely younger than she’d been. “… sure. Nine year olds shouldn’t either. That’s how you die.”
“Oh look, someone with actual common sense,” Jas muttered under his breath. “She’s right, Cherry, now shut up and stay here before y’get hurt. Again.” He set her down and she stomped her feet angrily.
“You’re such a jerk! I can take care of myself!” Cherry’s eyes welled up in frustration, making her scrub at them as her shoulders hitched. “I-I can! I can do it! I don’t n-need your he-lp! It’s not fair!”
He sighed, kneeling down in front of her. “That’s not th’ point, Cherry. Yeah, you’re strong, no one’s gonna doubt that. But these things are somethin’ else, y’know that. Plenty o’ people don’t wanna fight ‘em alone, even if they can. I sure as hell don’t. And you gettin’ hurt isn’t gonna make me worry any less, it’s just gonna make me worry more.”
The girl sniffled, glaring at the ground. “But I don’t want you to…”
“Tough luck, you’re stuck with me. kiddo.” He ruffled her hair and pushed himself to his feet as the spider began getting restless behind them. “So, tag team this bastard?”
Etheria sent him a nod, turning back to the spider. “Fine with me. I don’t mind if she helps, but…”
“Yeah. Y’good to take point, Cherry?”
The girl’s lip was still trembling, but she raised her keyblade with a nod. “I’ll listen…”
“Good. Little one first, then th’ big guy?”
“Want me to take support, or interference?”
“I’ll handle interference, if y’wanna keep us healed up and buffed.”
Ugh. Support. “Sure, I can do that.” Etheria raised her blade, activating the upright medal with the redhead girl on it. “Go get ‘em.”
A small smirk pulled at the boy’s mouth as he leapt forward just behind Cherry, who flung herself forward with a yell.
Recklessness aside, Cherry was surprisingly strong for her age and with Jas running interference on the Savage Spider Etheria didn’t actually have to offer much support. He was powerful too - enough so that she was really hoping the neutrality of their interaction so far continued and she wouldn’t be forced to fight him - so other than the occasional heal and the regular repeat of buffs on them and debuffs on the spider she… didn’t really have to do much.
Which was partially why she preferred being at the center of the fight. Let Yiskah and Aella do support, they preferred it.
The fight was wrapped up fairly quickly with Jas helping, and Cherry cheered as the spider faded away and the light was drawn into her bangle.
Etheria sent one last healing spell their way to take care of any lingering scrapes and bruises, then dismissed her keyblade. For a long moment she debated slipping away while they were both distracted, but she couldn’t deny her own curiosity. There was something about them that was… familiar. Not in a personal way, but… their magic.
The girl less so - she had strong magic clinging to her that was likely tied to whatever world she was from, but the feel of it was familiar only in that it had a similar shape and feel as that which the humans used in her own world of Enchanted Dominion.
The boy though… he felt like her. Magic seeped into his very essence, a muddy mix of human and unmistakably fae. Different enough that she could tell that he wasn’t from her world, but the base feel of it was the same.
It didn’t really matter, she knew - she’d met several people with fae or fairy lineage here. Had even met a fairy or two from different worlds. But this was the first time she’d met someone who felt quite this similar.
It drew her in, made her feel a likely-misplaced sense of kinship.
“You’re both alright then?” she asked as she approached.
They turned and the boy nodded. “We are, yeah. Thanks for th’ help, and for tryin’ t’keep Cherry out o’ trouble. I would say she’s a magnet for it if the truth wasn’t that she goes lookin’ for it.”
Cherry stuck her tongue out at him.
“I can tell,” Etheria flashed him a wry smile. “I take it this sort of thing happens a lot?”
“You got no idea,” he rolled his eyes. “Pretty sure ‘Cherry, no’ is ingrained in my vocabulary forever now. It’s jus’ reflexive.”
Etheria laughed as the girl protested. “That doesn’t surprise me. I’m Etheria, by the way. What about you?”
He hesitated a moment, something wary flashing in his eyes, before he answered slowly. “I’m… Jas. Jas Tallow.”
Ah, he could sense her fae nature. No wonder he was wary to give his name, and had likely altered it somehow.
She flashed him a smile. “Nice to meet you, Jas. And I’m not fully fae any more than you are, don’t worry. I’ll not be stealing your name. I wouldn’t have anything to do with it here anyway - not in this place.”
Well, that wasn’t necessarily true, she supposed. Not with the war going on - frankly controlling or possessing members of other Unions probably was… something to keep an eye out for.
Judging by his raised brow, he was having similar thoughts.
“Okay fair, I would, but I’m not the type.”
“I’ll jus’ take y’ at your word, shall I?” he asked, crossing his arms. “Still, I do appreciate th’ help.”
“Hmmmm,” Cherry narrowed her eyes and leaned comically far forward. “What Union are you anyway?”
Etheria stiffened as Jasper groaned, “Cherry. It doesn’t matter.”
“But I’m curious!” The girl protested. “If she’s in one of our Unions then it all makes sense!”
Unions, plural. So they weren’t hyper-loyal to their Unions like so many others had become, at least. “Given I don’t even know which Unions you belong to, that logic doesn’t really track, does it?” She pointed out. “I don’t really care much about Union loyalty - if someone is in trouble I help. This whole war is stupid anyway, we don’t even know the real point of it.” She still didn’t know why Aced was so set on killing her - every time they were in proximity they ended up fighting and he wouldn’t even tell her why.
“Hear hear,” Jas agreed with a scoff. “I can’t believe anyone’s takin’ it seriously. Like… it’s so pointless. Collect the most lux t’do what with it?”
She grimaced. What indeed… if everyone knew what it was some of the Union leaders were actually planning…
She didn’t want to know how much worse it would get if Gula’s plan became known. She didn’t think it would work, none of them thought it would work, but…
Etheria nodded crossing her arms. “Yeah. Everything’s gotten so far out of control I don’t think even the Union leaders know what the plans are anymore.”
“Hrmmm.” Cherry puffed out her cheeks. “That’s not what I was asking.”
Such a kid… she shouldn’t be too surprised she supposed. Etheria sighed. “Unicornis, if you’re that worried about it.”
Cherry made a face and nodded. “That makes sense, no wonder you’re so stuffy.”
“Wha- hey!”
“It’s true!!” The girl pointed at her in accusation. “You’re Unicornis so you’re stuffy and no fun, and Jas is Vulpes so he’s a worrywart who’s always nagging!”
… Etheria wasn’t used to being offended at stupid Union stereotypes, but stuffy???
Her party would have a stitch laughing so hard if Cherry had said that to their face. Half the time she was the one they were dragging out of trouble.
Some of her offense must have shown on her face because Jas snorted. “Y’know the stereotypes are bull, Cherry. Even if y’are th’ perfect stereotypical representation of Ursus.”
She stuck her tongue out at him, drawing a huff of laughter from Etheria.
“Maybe I’m boring compared you, then,” she said, “but my friends would beg to differ. Especially given how often I end up fighting Aced…”
They both whipped around to stare at her, Cherry’s expression disbelieving “You’ve fought Master Aced? Multiple times? And you’ve won???”
“I- I never said I won,” Etheria corrected quickly.
“You wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t!”
… alright fair. “Normally yes, but I think he and Master Ira are specifically keeping tabs on each other because Master Ira - or sometimes Master Invi - always shows up not long after the fight starts so I can slip away.” Eventually she might find out why the Union leaders were so interested in her - Ava made sense, and Ira could be rationalized, but the other three? Invi’s was likely a side result of her friendship with Yiskah, but Gula had approached her himself in that house, and Aced was more hostile towards her than anyone else aside from Ira.
Perhaps it was just her connection to the Dandelions.
Jas was looking at her like she was a puzzle, something suspicious in his gaze. She shrugged helplessly at him.
“I don’t know what I did to make him hate me, unless it’s just because Master Ira likes me and I was involved with Master Ava’s… group.”
His eyes widened. “Y’were a Dandelion.”
“No, I… was offered a place, and I had several friends among them, but I… I couldn’t just leave. Not when so many people would be left behind.” She glanced away, twisting her sleeve between her fingers. “My party’s the same. We all turned down the offer, and we’re just… trying to help whoever we still can. Anyone who doesn’t want to fight, or the kids who shouldn’t be on the front lines or aren’t strong enough to protect themselves.”
“Huh. That’s… admirable. There a lot o’ you?”
“There’s only six- five. Five core members.” The memory of Vale’s betrayal still stung nearly as much as the dark scar he’d left across her torso. “There’s around a dozen of active members overall, with about two dozen others under our protection.”
“That’s not a lot,” Cherry said, bouncing on her toes. “Most parties I know are like, a hundred people!”
“There ain’t any hundred person parties, Ursus’ entire Union is less’n five hundred people,” Jas sighed. “I don’t even know if you’ve ever been in a real party. A dozen is on th’ smaller side, though.”
Etheria shrugged. “We were bigger, but the Dandelions left, and we’ve… had casualties.” She tried not to think of many they’d lost, not even bodies left behind to remember them. She shook her head. “Do you guys have a party, or support?”
“We don’t need a party, we can take care of ourselves!” Cherry declared, settling her hands on her hips.
Jas shook his head, hedging, “Not a proper party, no, but we’ve got… friends… who help out here an’ there. S’good enough.”
Ah, true loner types. The offer on the tip of her tongue died, and she nodded. “Well if you need a few more, we’re usually in the area. Ask the Moogle about talking to someone from the Light’s Guard and he’ll let us know that you want to meet up.”
Jas’ expression was startled, brows furrowed. “You… don’t know anything about us.”
“I know you’re loner types, I know you’re going out of your way to protect a kid with a penchant for trouble, and I know you’re they type to fight side by side with a person from another Union, no questions ask, and let them play healer for you.” She flashed him a wry smile, crossing her arms. “As they say, actions speak louder than words, and you’ve a good heart Jas Tallow. I don’t need your full name to read that.” She turned away, tossing a wave over her shoulder. “Send a word our way if you ever need help, or you find someone who does.”
As Etheria walked away she heard Cherry’s loud whisper, “… she was weird.” and snorted to herself.
It was a shame they weren’t interested in joining a party - she would have loved to see their reactions to the others.
This was fun, thanks for letting me borrow your kids! Hopefully I did them justice. Etheria is absolutely nonplussed at Cherry, what is she supposed to do with this child. How is Jas not driven insane.
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claitea · 7 months
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ephemxras · 2 years
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i saw this one outfit on twitter and said hoa sencore out loud
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romy350-romyakari · 28 days
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“Again to the desert we go uh?”
Here is my keykid, Lux[funny story why that’s her name but uh let just say old nickname that she kept around even once she moved to Daybreak Town]. This is an average daily job for her? At this point yes, she has been sent to Agrabah more time than I can count for my version of her story.
I put some color in it and call it a day. I just wanted to practice cleanup and maybe experiment a bit. The original sketch was a bit old.
I may talk more about her soonish since I should tell what is the deal with her till the end and the Missing Link era. Until then have this doodle page╰(*´︶`*)╯
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ar-mage-ddon · 7 months
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extremely messy doodle dump that devolved into me anguishing over trying to figure out how to draw that damn default hat at other angles
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hexxter · 1 month
My player/keykid in missing link
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Me personally my least favorite color is red but lore is lore and if they have to get red outfit it is this what it is.
Some headcanon stuff for the outfit choice -
..They have the same lore as player just adding some juice in and there cause design wise there is nothing canonically mentioned ^^
Cause authority figures encouraging the keyblade war they subconsciously anti authority in any way but also can understand when it’s reasonable (still get the anti itching though).
Nept insisted them to change clothes = get them annoyed and they want to do the opposite of what they were told to. But they also can’t really say no to the people who took them in so they just wear the uniform jacket on over the clothes they already have.
The hair hoop was item they got later on making it themselves cause its felt like something that could help with their memories (which is an item that they had in their khux design that live in my head rent free, they got it cause its spiky to avoid head pats).
Symbol in the shirt is heart and wing, to reference their magic wings they would almost always use in their first life. They probably can have them again but they can’t remember right now.
Spark “birth mark” on their face they got from their heart reincarnation.
They still didn’t figure out they can change their appearance by will, or they would probably wake up with different hair every day just to mess with people.
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jellyfishvibes · 5 days
WIP ask game
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs
As ordained by @rebornofstars i'll throw my hat in the ring even if alot of my wips are kinda dead and rotting rn
For my written wips (all the lu ones):
Code Eater v2 baby
Divine beast avatars
Selkie Twilight
How to Take Care of your Hylian
Ravio Mets Shadow
Dog boy
Link and Zelda gender
Translation is Hard
And the miscellaneous non lu wips i have lying around
Vanitas terra cut battle lines (Kingdom Hearts)
Apollo Dodgeball (This is actually fanfic of Journey to Bethlehem the 2023 movie)
And here are the drawn wips in my folders currently:
Legend of Zelly SS (Hylia/Fi)
Legend of Zelly OOT/MM (Kokiri)
Legend of Zelly HW (Zelda/Impa)
Keykid Missing Link Edition
Heart Station Redraw
Marigold n co
Curse of the four crowns
Windwaker map rot (ill add in the windwaker insanity doc here as some extra sprinkles on top)
(also if you wanna ask about the khux keykid picrew progress feel free, that's a wip but it doesn't really fit into any category)
I have too many wips and too little time to tag, @ everyone who wants to do it All we have learned is that i'm terrible at naming wips
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goldensunset · 9 months
The best part about you making an accidental flower family keykid is that I headcanon Lauriam as being from Anguis
They're literally JUST walking by each other every so often and never notice
(Also: name joke time. Is she graceful?)
that's incredible would you care to share any reasoning you have for that headcanon or just vibes. and i'm already obsessed with the idea that they just keep missing each other somehow/ that strel doesn't even realize that's her own relative
'is she graceful' ASFJLSADKJF i wasn't even thinking about marly's weapon. as a matter of fact i chose 'dalia' bc according to ye olde naming website it means something like fate or fortune (can't remember the exact details) and that's what i was aiming for. the fact that it's a homonym of a flower name- and a flower name relevant to marluxia's weapon at that- was a total coincidence. but we're gonna pretend like i did that on purpose. (obviously i knew it sounded like dahlia but i wasn't like really concerned with that. until now). yeah she's graceful more or less
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trashedork · 1 year
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These two are Felix and Imogen. They were created because of Missing-Link’s bloodline plot. I have no idea how that’s gonna be further explained, but I’m diverging from canon. 
Felix and Imogen are the children of Ephemer and one of my keykids named Eileen. At first, Eileen was going to become a Darkling but then I decided to use that for a different keykid. 
I don’t want to go into too much detail so all I’m gonna say is that Eileen manages to travel to the real Daybreak Town and helps Ephemer build Scala ad Caelum. Then they eventually marry and have a family. 
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missingmywing · 10 months
Me: /sees today's yesterday's prompt
Me: /maniacal cackling
aka AUs, Time Travel, and identity shenanigans are my biggest interests in any fandom at all so KH drew me in for a reason. This will be fun. Enjoy or suffer through my rambling about my main AU. I apologize for the length, but there’s a reason I had the immediate reaction I did.
Also sorry it’s a day late, yesterday was thesis presentations and then I was dragged out to drinks and karaoke after by my classmates so I didn’t have time to finish this.
@khoc-week Day 4: Alternate Universes
Hahahaha my first KH au I made when I was 15 and then spiraled WILDLY out of control after KHUX finished and DR happened.
So this au started as one of those “what if someone from our world died and reincarnated as a main character” fics that were so popular in the 2010’s, but over time it changed significantly. The main premise is still the same, girl from our world dies to a Heartless that really shouldn’t have been there and her heart makes a conveniently timed connection with Ven, and then reincarnates as Sora. Except it’s not quite as convenient as it seems because Kingdom Hearts itself is meddling.
Because her heart was actually Etheria’s.
This is my biggest KH au that’s lasted almost ten years now, it’s extremely self-indulgent and I keep making adjustments to it as we get new info, but I think I have it plotted out solidly. It’s also the one that’s technically canon to my keykids.
So, KHUX happens as it does, no real changes beyond Etheria and Ephemera finishing up Game Central Station together and coming back to Daybreak Town in time to trigger the finale. Etheria traps the darknesses in the tunnel, they wound her fatally, she dies holding Chirithy, etc.
The change comes with what’s next. Because Nomura BAITED US and I had an entire year to sit on my plans before the Dark Road finale dropped and ruined them all, and I decided “screw it, I can work around this”. And kind of. Threw out canon to a degree.
Yiskah is reincarnated after the Keyblade War as the Missing Link protag, so whatever reveals we get there will be his story. Etheria reincarnates as Xehanort, because I had PLANS NOMURA. So ML happens, Yiskah takes Xehanort to Destiny Islands, all of this will probably follow canon pretty closely. Dark Road also happens as canon, Xehanort having Etheria’s heart doesn’t really change much because these events “need” to happen. Whether it’s Darkness pulling the strings or KH itself… who knows. But DR happens pretty much as canon, and the post-events are where we get our first major split into AU territory.
When Xehanort goes on his lonesome trip around the worlds, trying to gain perspective, it starts as canon with him meeting MoM. But afterwards, when he returns to the Keyblade Graveyard, it’s not the Master of Masters that’s waiting for him but our single unaccounted for Darkness. His trip through the worlds was supposed to make him fall to darkness, make him decide to recreate the war, but because he has Etheria’s heart he… doesn’t. So Darkness takes matters into its own hands and tries to take him over. Naturally he fights back, refuses to let it, so it decides the more optimal route would be to simply remove that problematically light heart and simply claim his body for itself and pretend to be him.
So that happens. He dies, and it’s Darkness in his body who returns to Scala to take the Mark of Mastery with Eraqus, and kick off the next phase of canon.
Etheria/Xehanort’s heart ends reincarnating as a girl on a sort of… reflection of our world, losing their memories upon reincarnating as is supposed to happen, and growing up to be a fan of a certain video game series until dying to a Heartless who was drawn specifically to their heart because Events Are Happening (Ven just got his heart broken and Kingdom Hearts needs someone to go fix it, and who better than an old friend and its valiant champion? Etheria surviving the Keyblade War and her heart touching KH directly in the process was not a good thing for her, just to point that out.) So her heart comes in contact with Ven, shares part of it to fix his, and in the process kind of breaks the usual reincarnation rules so she keeps her memories of this past life, and the thus the memories of the Kingdom Hearts game series.
So at this point: Alana becomes Sora and knows absolutely nothing about being Etheria or Xehanort, but does remember being from “our world”. The Xehanort of this AU is just Darkeness using his identity to push the plot it read in the Book, because that’s What’s Supposed To Happen. For the sake of ~Drama~ I’m going to say she’s caught up to canon for everything except the Final Update of KHUX. To everyone who remembers that cliffhanger they did between the first half of the finale and the second… yeah. Imagine dying and reincarnating into that universe missing HALF THE FINALE OF KHUX and over half of Dark Road. It is endlessly frustrating to them, Ven, and Vani. 
From here canon… happens similarly, but also different.
KH1 has Riku being possessed much earlier because Sora convinces him to come back, and Maleficent and Ansem SoD don't like that. Kairi and Ven are both awake and helping, so there's that. Kairi is part of the final battle as an active keyblade wielder, even if she gets pulled home after.
CoM happens very differently because Vanitas is awake with Ven gone in Roxas, so he's Solana's companion while Namine can see Alana's memories and knows far more than she should because of it. She finds so many loopholes to allow Alana to keep memories of CoM, even if Sora's have to be broken later.
KH2 has Xion and Roxas awake and joining Ven and Vani, and things get loud. Roxas takes every chance to try to fight the Organization, drive forms are between the Heart Hotel rather than Donald and Goofy, and Kairi joins the party halfway through after kicking Axel through a wall. She joins them for the final fight against Xemnas too, and then opens the portal for them home.
Solana is busy having a guilt-induced breakdown about their parents never coming back from the islands falling to darkness to participate in Re:Coded, but they do meet the apprentices and start making peace between them and the Restoration Committee when they show back up. They and Ienzo get along... really really well, to their surprise.
DDD is a mess, because the dream world gives the Heart Hotels bodies and they are actively participating in the Mark of Mastery along with Sora, Riku, and Kairi. Ienzo was paranoid enough to make a secondary link with Solana before it started, so when Yen Sid lost contact with them Ienzo could make link so they could see everything happening. Canon happens and it SUCKS. Solana has much trauma from YMX.
KH3 is wildly different, because People Know Things, and Death Deities Are Weird Around Solana (aka Hades and Persephone are closer to their myth forms, and make a deal with Solana about nine death avoidances for a favor, so they only use the power of waking once at the end rather than to save everyone), and Aqua and Ven are rescued before Arendelle so they've got half the game to catch their breath before the war.
And because Darkness is Xehanort, the scene with Eraqus is very different because Solana flat out steals the keyblade from Xehanort at the end of their battle - the same way Riku does from Sora in KH1 - and stabs him with it. No soft scene here, just murder. Eraqus does show up, reassuring Aqua and Terra, but Kairi and Ven swapped places in this AU as the sacrificial being of Pure Light, so... it's much rougher on the Wayfinder Trio. Solana gets him back, though, ala canon, but that's the tenth revival after the first nine so they will disappear eventually, it just won't be immediate since they only did it once. Gives them time to hang out, get Ienzo to put some cameras in the Graveyard to catch the Foreteller meetup, do a heart dive to figure out their weird dreams and accidentally get their memories of KHUX and DR both back to the shock and horror of everyone, and then disappear.
I want you to know that this is the short version, because the longer version accidentally turned into a plot outline.
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noonslullabies · 2 years
Ok, so KH Dark Road spoilers!
Oh, my dearest Keykids...
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I can't believe you two put that much pressure on a child, but your Missing Link reincarnation better explain how you lost the brain cells that called out bullshit like this.
I swear to Nomura, if its from you not having Chirithy, I will cry.
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