#I mean if you have that pet peeve but aren't an asshole about it. It's also whatever. That opinion also doesn't hurt anybody. It's only
starchaserwrites · 3 months
@jegulus-microfic / february 18: pet / word count: 572 cw: foul language and violent behavior
James doesn't easily get annoyed, but his biggest pet peeve is people who do not say hello when they arrive at a place, so every time it's his turn to be in charge of the till at the cafe where he works, he struggles to control the twitch in his eye. When the next customer only mutters "venti iced americano, hurry" without even looking up from his phone and throws the money on the counter, he just puts on his best customer service smile and clenches his fists.
Not even five minutes have passed since the order was placed but the man in his early forties is tapping his fingers loudly on the delivery counter and alternating between staring at his watch and at James insistently. Fortunately, there aren't too many customers at this time of day, so Lily and Mary don't take too long to get the man's order ready.
"Is it too fucking hard to make a good fucking drink? I asked you for iced and this is lukewarm!" says the man in a voice loud enough to silence the café that was previously echoing with the soft conversations of customers.
Under normal circumstances James would probably have explained that all that needs to be done to make the drink colder is simply to stir it, but putting on his best smile he offers a "Oh, sorry about that. We'll redo it!" the customer is always right and that shit, right?
So when the drink is handed to him for the second time and the man literally spits the sip he took on Mary, James is ready for a confrontation.
"Are you an idiot or some kind of mentally retarded? This doesn't taste like fucking anything! You bunch of morons were dropped on your heads when you were babies. And you pair of bitches..."
Just as James is about to leap over the counter and punch this asshole, the man is pushed and cornered against the wall in the blink of an eye.
"Can you shut the fuck up?" says Regulus, one of the regulars who comes almost every day after work, shaking the man by the collar of his shirt with his ringed hands. And if James always notices how he sits at the table closest to the counter, and they constantly exchange glances it's nobody's business.
"I don't give a shit, you've been throwing a tantrum this whole time and I won't take it anymore so get the fuck out of here this very second or I'm going to shove what's left of your coffee so deep up your ass to see if you can finally taste it." Regulus continues before pushing him against the wall one last time and letting him go.
The lovely customer starts to walk slowly towards the exit, but halfway there he turns around as if to say something.
"I promise they'll be finding your remains for the next four months if you don't walk out that door now," the silver-eyed man says before the forty-year-old can add anything else. The thing is, he says it so menacingly, like he really means it, that James feels weak in the knees.
Physical or verbal violence isn't supposed to be attractive, but this may have awakened something in James.
So please, no one judge him when a few hours later he ends up tangled in his bed from head to toe with Regulus.
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sapphire-weapon · 8 months
Sorry to bring more discourse to your blog, but it's about the whole "problematic" shipling thing, because it's a part of older RE plot, that absolutely does my head in. It doesn't fucking make sense. We can talk ALL day about how Leon is canonically responsible for genocides. It's canon that these things have happened because he never has the backbone to finish the job or manage his feelings like a grown adult. It's an interesting talk, but it's NEVER (or very barely) addressed that way in the actual material. His whole "turn the other cheek, because he needs a vague romance" trope is really just one massive fucking plot hole and I don't know why people aren't completely pissed about it. His messy narrative is one of my least favourite things in the series. It almost turns me off of his games and movies entirely. I enjoyed REmake, 7 and 8 the most because at least the characters add up. Their motivations are clear. It's a fully formed story and we know who does what and why. They just haven't fucking done that with Leon. They can't decide on whether to flesh him out properly or to keep throwing him early naughts b-movie tropes that arguably, just make him less likeable (to me).
Sorry for the rant. But holy shit. Anything about his character outside of "I'm angry, let's shoot" has been fucking terrible, in my eyes. They have no idea what to do with him. His choices constantly fucking contradict themselves. He's like a nonstop, unstable "what to doooo?" asshole and I DON'T KNOW WHY ANYONE ELSE ISN'T MAD ABOUT THE CONSTANT PLOT HOLES AND SENSELESS BULLSHIT THIS CHARACTER DOES I HONESTLY DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW HE BECAME MORE POPULAR THAN CHRIS, CLAIRE, WESKER, HUNNIGAN, ETHAN AND JILL OTHER THAN "HE HAS COOL BANGS AND TELLS JOKES SOMETIMES" LIKE WHAT?
I know I'll get roasted and shredded for saying it, but jesus christ man, it's such an enormous pet peeve of mine. I just want the remakes to finish their job of understanding that Leon hasn't been written well and he's gotta be fixed. That Ashley actually has a whole load of potential and Ada has only ever been an empty, racist and sexist stereotype that can't be fixed unless they bother to actually write any sort of story for her other than "sexy Asian is mean sometimes, but her terrorism is okay because the emo boy kissed her this one time and has known her for a combined 15 hours."
Phew. I am mad. I'm sorry for exposing you to this. I've only gotten into RE like less than a year ago and the stupidity and lack of literacy and analysis in this fucking fanbase is crazy to me. If I see one more "sibling coded toxic age gap, Leon is flawless omg ashley little girl so silly" post I'm going to shave my head. Even my phone is glitching because it can't keep up with my seemingly very unpopular rager.
homie i'mma need u to fuckin breathe and understand that this is the same series where the only reason that the main villain ever had to hate the main protagonist was the fact that the main protagonist laughed at his science project -- and then that detail was retconned out of the remake, and now there's no reason for wesker to hate chris at all, actually.
this is the same series that killed off its main villain way too prematurely, realized immediately that they fucked up by doing it, and, instead of just retconning it and bringing him back, they tried to "oops! all weskers!" it, then didn't know what to do with that, then just decided to write it so that he had a son, but then nobody liked him, either, and now they're just going FUCK IT LET'S JUST REMAKE THE WHOLE THING.
this is the same series that is so unabashedly and unrepentantly racist that it sends its white american protagonist into the heart of africa, whereabouts he encounters a village with actual mud huts in it, where the townspeople are dressed in actual tribal clothing, and they chuck actual literal spears at him.
this is the same series where the creators openly admitted to not allowing their main female protagonist to visibly age because they thought it'd hurt their bottom line.
this is the same series where the objectively best title in it has a story that's so fucking bad that the dude who wrote and directed it said that he'd only support a remake of it if the remake fixed his shitty fucking story and actually told a good one.
this is the same series where rachel fucking foley exists and is meant to be taken seriously.
this is the same series where a dude fucking a spider is, questionably and arguably, canon.
leon is not remotely the worst part of resident evil's storytelling, nor is ada the most offensively racist part of it. THE ENTIRE NARRATIVE OF RESIDENT EVIL IS NONSENSE DOG GARBAGE. leon and ada are just par for the course.
if you are not a raccoon and/or opossum who enjoys gorging yourself on garbage, perhaps resident evil is not the series for you.
that's why they called it raccoon city in the first place.
because the playerbase must inevitably be filled with raccoons, because only raccoons would enjoy the sheer amount of garbage that the story throws at them.
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gurugirl · 2 months
Guruuuuuuuuu it's meeeeeee 🍸 Tomorrow is the weekend and my brother is coming to town to visit and he wants me to entertain him but I'm exhausted so wish me luck! And I've been meaning to stop in and say hi but I've been so busy since I was promoted at my firm. Just everything has been a big whirlwind. But I love it.
Update ~ My ex (the one who I kept sleeping with after he broke up with me) is seeing someone else now! It's so funny too because the last time he tried to hook up with me apparently he was dating her and I almost gave him and invited him over too. I'm so glad I was too tired because when I found out he'd been seeing this chick (who I know by the way but that's a different story) I was like doing the timeline in my head and yeah... it's very possible I slept with him while they were dating but as far as I know they're not exclusive but for me that's an ick. I'm not casual like that. So I had to go get STD tested and that's when I decided to block him completely. I am a well educated, grown adult who is on her way to some very successful career and saving up to buy a house (on track for end of year) and I'm fucking around with some loser asshole still? So yeah... that's all in the past and I know last time I said it was over with us but this time it's for real 😅
How have you been?? How's school and Mexico and your adorable dog?
Also I just read the ex's dad Harry last night and I'm absolutely hooked already. I don't make it on tumblr often anymore unless I need to shut my brain off after a grueling day at work but for this one? Honey let me tell you how well written and absolutely gripping it is and it's only part 1. No one does that tension like you and this one is no different. So I'm just here to tell you that I will be reading this series and opening up Tumblr every week for this one because it's so good already. Not one paragraph was boring or out of place. That's such a pet peeve of mine when I'm really into a good story and there's a chunk that absolutely does nothing to move the plot forward or it's just for funsies but that takes me right out of the experience of reading when a writer starts to add too much just for bulk.
tootles! -🍸
OH MY GOSH! I've been wondering how you've been! Congrats on the promotion attorney girl!! Amazing! You are such an inspo! 🎉 Busy is good when you're doing something you love! And I hope you have an amazing time with your brother. How nice that he's coming to visit! I miss my brother like you can't even imagine so it's making me all teary eyed just thinking about it.
And I'm so glad you are officially done with the ex. What a weirdo trying to sleep with you while he was seeing someone else. LOL. Men just aren't always the smartest but you were right to get tested because you never know. Smart girl!
And things are good here! The weather is warming up so midday is quite warm! School is good! I took an accelerated communications class and just finished that one (8 week condensed class) and now I'm just waiting on grades to be posted and still have another class I'm taking currently but I think spring break is soon? Also my dog is so fun. He's kind of showing his age these days but he gets 3 good walks every day so he's not just relegated to using the bathroom in our backyard. The walks help with his mind and his body and it puts him in a good mood (me too lol). He has pups he likes to play with up the street but that wears him out and he limps back home after he plays with them because his hips are sort of aging so he usually winds up resting for hours after 20 minutes of playtime. Anyway I could go on about Barry... he's the love of my life (don't tell my SO lol).
So happy to hear your thoughts on ex-boyfriend's dad! Thank you hon! I'm so flattered 🥰 Love that you enjoyed it!!
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jiraikwei · 4 months
pet peeve
sorry this post just turns into insane ranting garble i start sounding like im 12 , theres nothing of substance to read
this is something insanely stupid and even hypocritical of me to get annoyed at , but i absolutely cannot stand it when people online pretend like they're more mentally ill than they are . i hate when people put some sort of mental illness wordsalad in their bios like ' jirai ' , ' landmine girl ' , ' menhera ' i hate when people obviously try to act like ame / kangel after playing NSO or some other fictional character when they were absolutely nothing like them before . they practically brag about being mentally ill and then only showcase the same 5 symptoms that are insanely fetishized and none of the 100 others that aren't as ' cute ' . it makes me lose my mind . it feels like such a disgusting mockery it makes me want to rip my skin open . i cant stand even imagining anyone could see these shitty obvious yandere larp posts and put op on the same level as someone whos actually struggling . just this unbridled rage festers inside of me you dont know what its like stop fucking quoting anime characters so you can achieve some aesthetic go fuck yourself
i hate it because i hate myself and i hate the things i do , witnessing someone grift on the KAWAII DESU symptoms while im on a private twitter account typing the most disgusting unforgivable things i can possibly conjure up about the people i love because of how angry i feel over something so idiotically , stupidly minuscule like an actual fucking child . i cant make a single friend in my life because im genuinely so terrified of people and their intentions with me that when i somehow make a friend i genuinely think that they're only playing some long con because they want to ruin my life . im so lonely but i legitimately cannot handle having friends because they can say ANYTHING and my mind will twist it to some insane act of pure hatred against me and then my hands are shaking and i cant focus on anything for the next few hours and i cant stop crying and cutting myself and im planning extensively how to tell them i cant be friends with them because i just cant take it anymore and oh nevermind suddenly im fine again . but at the same time if someones too nice all the time my fucking brain will start losing interest in them because apparently i NEED them to pull away from me and be a fucking asshole to me because im some sort of insane emotional masochist !!! i cant speak my mind with anyone even if they're obviously in the wrong and being mean to me when ive done nothing because i just know they're going to leave if i reciprocate with any sort of pushback so i just ghost them instead which makes the situation even more complicated or i have some sort of tantrum where i accuse them of the most schizotypal shit instead of actually discussing it like a normal person . its actually indescribable how embarassing it is to retain that " my parents didnt buy me candy so they hate me " mindset from when i was 8 years old all the way until 15 . and everything with me has to be some sort of extreme . i cant even like something normally i have to be obsessed with it to an emotionally deteriorating degree . i cant feel somewhat bad about something it had to feel like my world is ending and that ill never be happy again . why am i fucking feeling like this because of the sub count of a VTUBER . and then all of life is just a cycle of yearning for shit and feeling bad for myself " why cant i do this why cant i be better at this you can either be bad or a prodigy and im not a prodigy and i dont care if im 15 i need to be better than 28 year olds at this or else im a total fucking failure " and i fucking bet you if i would ever reach that prodigy status i would feel absolutely nothing about it and my brain would latch unto the next thing to feel bad about " ok well im not good at * that * i need to be good at * that * it doesnt matter if im good at * this * anyone can be good at * this * i need to be good as * that * as well " . it is legitimately either all or nothing with me and i cant stand either of those options . i hate feeling empty and i hate being obsessed with someone to the point of emotional spiraling 5 times a day but there can never be an inbetween option . im intensely angry about everything
and the most insanely retarded part about all of this , is that given the choice i wouldnt want to get better . this is all that i am . i am nothing without this disorder . if i dont have this disorder nobody will care about me or be gentle with me anymore . i will forever mentally be a child that only wants someone to take care of them and if i dont have this disorder there will be nothing to take care of . nobody will care . but heres the kicker ; nobody cares already . strangers are gentle with me because i have a sad look in my eyes but thats all there is . i just cant bring myself to actually talk about what i go through . all anyone sees is that im energetic and then suddenly sad within an single second interval or that i just stare ahead at shit like a zoo animal or that i cut myself sometimes . i cant even fully bring up and elaborate on extremely heavy topics that i go through on twitter or on this blog because it feels so wrong to imagine someone connecting something as dark as that with * me * . i want attention but i dont talk about shit . i dont want to talk about shit . i already utterly despise seeing the look people get in their faces when they somehow catch a glimpse at my sh scars or for gods sake fucking mentions it to me " dont do that to yourself " please dont worry about me and make me feel like a horrible burden when im trying my hardest to seem okay so i can be an enjoyable person to be around . having a person worried about someone as disgustingly rotted , parasitic and inhuman as me is the worst thing to inflect on someone , its like feeling bad for a dying cockroach . i mean just read the first part of this ramble to see how shitty of a person i am where i exaggerate my symptoms to make myself look like i suffer more than other people and put down anyone who dares to express their symptoms differently
its over for me
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duunswitch · 11 months
Tumblr media
Name / Alias: Kelpy, though you may also know me as Newt or Ven!
Pronouns: they/them, though I'll also accept she/her since I'm not out among family
Blog type: single muse | Multi-muse | non selective | semi selective | selective | mutuals only | private | other
Type of muses: canon | OCs | both| other (specify)
Triggers people MUST tag: Dolls, specifically porcelain and BJD. Lifelike dolls as well; toys like barbie are fine.
Interest tracker / checker: I have it and it’s mandatory | I have it, it’s not mandatory but I’m more likely to follow back / interact with the people who fill it | I have one and I prefer it if people fill it in | I have it but it’s up to people whether to fill it or not | I don’t have one | other (specify)
Reblog karma: I practice it | I practice it sometimes | I don’t practice it | I always reblog memes from the source | indifferent | other (specify)
Rule passwords: I have one and it’s mandatory | I have one and it’s optional | I don’t have one | I send passwords | don’t sent passwords
I have no sleep schedule, please don't try to match my reply speed bc I reply immediately a lot of the time and do not expect people to do the same.
Mutuals mean mutuals only.
I'm small and anxious so I tend not to reach out first a lot of the time; I promise I don't bite though so you should definitely just kick in my inbox and forcibly befriend me. I promise I'll be happy about it.
Sometimes I'm like a rat terrier with a rat about subjects; if you're tired of hearing about it just tell me to shut up lmao. autism means I don't always recognize the cues and need to be told straight up that I'm doing a thing
I'm just a small seaweed, please be gentle
Despite my best attempts, I promise I'm not stupid. Please don't treat me like a child; lmao I had an ex friend treat me like I was an idiotic 5 year old at a con once bc we got separated and never have I wanted to punch someone so badly. Don't condescend to me. If you do chances are I'll go silent and you'll never hear from me again.
Acting like I owe you my time! I'm always willing to interact and yell w/ people, I promise! I'm really excited to interact with people at all times, but more than once I've had other muses both IC and OOC act like I/my muse owed them all of my time and energy and that always ends in a block. 
Please be legible posts lmao. I have bad eyesight, don't make it worse.
Lack of respect. Treating me like I'm an idiot/child, or not respecting my time.
Not actually giving me equal effort. I absolutely do not expect anyone to match my length and definitely not my reply speed lmao but if I give you a couple paras, please don't slap down one line and call it good. UNLESS you can give me enough to work with in said line for a reply. (Legit once had someone reply to a ten para starter with two lines and MAN did that kill a muse.)
Harassing me/friends over people they're RPing with or ships we have. If someone is genuinely dangerous that's one thing, then sure lemme know privately but showing up on anon or posting vagues about it doesn't get you the result you think it does.
Yoinking my icons/other stuff. Unless otherwise specified, I make everything myself. I've had icons drawn specifically for me by friends as a bday gift stolen more than once in other fandoms, and it's annoying.
Forceshipping. I promise, I'm super easy to ship with; I see two characters interact once and my brain's already going "hey what if they kiss tho" within three posts if they have the chemistry for it so if you're interested then just say so! Forcing it when I/the muse clearly aren't interested tho, no pls.
Not tagging things, or being an asshole about people politely requesting you tag a trigger for them. Your blog so if you don't wanna tag triggers alright, but don't be a dick about saying no. 
I don’t know your muse, our styles wouldn’t click, or I’m not a fan of a lot of the content you post. I like to keep my dash clean with people I know and those I can see myself writing with.
I know you from before and you’re someone I haven’t had good interactions with. I've been in many fandoms on tumblr in the last decade or so in the RP comm, and surprise I do in fact recognize distinct rp styles; if you're known for being a predator or anything in another fandom, there's a high chance I know and I've been there to watch it happen. I know who you are, you aren't fooling me with a new blog and a new alias.
I didn’t see you follow; tumblr's bad at doing it's job so I may not have noticed. Or I did, but you're a personal with an RP sideblog and didn't post anywhere where your RP blog is so I don't know there's an RP blog to follow.
tagged by: @pseudomonacarriea tagging: theft!
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onemillionvolts · 2 years
what if i told you every single question in the ask game should be answered, that or WHO IS THE SEXUEST PERSIN THAT COMES TO MIND IMMEDIATELY
GOOD MORNING HI HI. BET. im gonna do all of them you bet i wont but i will. youre the best for this btw
0. height
i yam 5 foot 6 (and a half)
1. virgin?
what the fuck did you just call me? /lhj
anyways in my head yes i am and thats what matters isnt it
2. shoe size
i wear 11s and god i wish that thing people say about shoe size was true 🤙
3 + 4 + 5. do you smoke/drink/do drugs
no and i never plan to <33
6. age you get mistaken for
i.. honestly have no answer to this tbh
7 + 8. do you have (and/or want) any tattoos?
i don't have any, i'd like one/some but i'm not really sure what i'd get
9 + 10. do you have/want any piercings
no to both PFFFF i think like... a clip on lip piercing would probably be my personal limit
11. best friend
...ego stroker much, tumblr user wangshu? /t PFFFFF
12. relationship status
harem with fake 2d men single. yeah uh. single
13. biggest turn ons
tbh... i cant think of any off the top of my head that aren't painfully obvious
14. biggest turn offs
ducklips iykyk
15. favorite movie
i'm not kidding when i say step brothers. but if you want a more respectable answer, nightmare before christmas
16. i'll love you if
you aren't an asshole??? i mean ik it's hypocritical of me to say but cmon
17. someone you miss
i've lost a lot of family over the years so probably someone there tbh
18. most traumatic experience
when my ex lived with me and i wish i was joking it was that fucking bad
19. A fact about your personality
which one /hj
i do think.. i overcompensate a lot by trying to be funny bc i dont feel like i HAVE a personality so there's that about me
20. What i hate most about myself
mm thats a toughie it could be the appearance or the voice or the attachment issues or the codependency issues or the jealousy issues or the mood swings or the weak immune system or the several mental illnesses or holy shit this is turning into a pity party
21. what i love most about myself
im an alright writer i guess? and id like to think i'm a good friend
22. what i want to be when i get older
i just wanna write man idc what
23. my relationship with my sibling(s)
i have 0 of them
24. my relationship with my parents
my moms cool but the less said about my dad the better
25. my idea of the perfect date
literally just staying in and watching a movie with snacks and stuff... honestly never thought about it much
26. My biggest pet peeves
UM UM um people who think the world revolves around them people who don't know the difference between their there and they're um people who Unironically Capitalize Every Word Like This oh i could go on
27. a description of the person i like
big hat dumb bowlcut open kimono /j
28. description of the person i dislike the most
um literally jusr my dad so. narcissistic explosive annoying abusive etc etc
29. A reason i've lied to a friend
only time i'm lyin is when i say tiggy ain't best boy 💯
30. what i hate most about work/school
it kinda semi interferes w my night owl ways but otherwise i'm chill
31. what your last text message says
gonna use actual texts cause using disc is too easy 👹 it was just me asking my mom if she wanted a drink from mcdonalds from last sunday
32. what words upset me the most
does this mean like. just words you hate or a phrase/sentence that upsets u...
uh i'll do it both ways. the word bussin makes me want to fall down an abyss a la childe ajax tartaglia
and uh. i hate being told i don't do enough, specifically by people who don't do jack shit in the first place. AGAIN iykyk
33. what words make me feel best abt myself
oh it was the second thing. honestly don't hve an answer to this but i just hold onto any compliment i get for actual years so there's that about me
34. what i find attractive in women
eyes its eyes
35. what i find attractive in men
sense of humor tbh
36. where i would like to live
somewhere close to a big city so that it isn't massively crowded and loud and overwhelming all the time but i'm close enough to stores and hospitals and all that stuff
37. One of my insecurities
i feel like this has already been asked in like 6 different ways.. prolly my body tho
38. my childhood career choice
honestly i've.. always been kinda laughably indecisive about this type of thing. i never wanted to be like, an astronaut or fireman or any of the cliche stuff that kids talk about i.. don't think i ever thought of it actually
39. my favorite ice cream flavor
cookies n cream 👹 specifically like a cookies n cream cheesecake blizzard from like dq or culvers.. that shit is unmatched
40. Who i wish i could be
a mentally stable person or cyno genshin (real)
41. where i want to be right now
in bed <///3
42. the last thing i ate
leftover pizza <3
44. a random fact about anything
all odd numbers contain the letter E
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genshinconfessions · 2 years
Theorist Anon again.
Matpat... At this point I'd rather he not do ANYTHING about Genshin
When browsing on the Genshin lore subreddit and in the comments a lot of people brought up that it was a theory to get new people interested in the story, but it was just so...unappealing.
Now I love revisiting simple theories because it's just easy to lose yourself in the details. It's always nice to get a reminder and a simple recap.
But it was just so forced. "We said Snezhnaya right that means we did out research" and then he can't say Khaenri'ah? The joke just misses the mark so badly. Details that aren't hard to find like the fact that Scaramouche took the gnosis and left (Also big yikes calling Yae a 'bad staff' even though she traded the gnosis for the Traveller's life.) are just forgotten so in his theory, the Tsaritsa has 4 gnoses already, when in reality she has 3 only.
Lastly, my biggest personal pet peeve. The Venti slander, something that just cements in my mind he didn't do his research because lore-wise Venti is a fascinating and enigmatic character. If you've ever been interested in lore you must at least hold some interest for this shady, funny little gremlin of a bard.
But instead, he is insulted and retrograded to the rank of an "ignorant and shortsighted god", even going as far as to imply that the freedom he gave his people shouldn't be portrayed as a good thing (and we know that the lack of freedom in Mondstadt were never good times. Decarabian sucked so much his rule was ended by a whole revolt and the aristocracy were absolute assholes.) That and that he wasn't helping when a dragon attacked Mondstadt, something he did. Twice. Durin and Stormterror. HE WOKE UP FROM HIS SLUMBER JUST TO HELP.
It screams "I'm half-assing it for the sponsor." And it's heartbreaking as a very long time GT watcher to see that someone I genuinely admire do a game I love so dirty despite its intricate lore and interesting concepts. Thank you for reading.
ohhh okay see i didn't actually watch through his video because i didn't have the time so i'm glad you gave us a recap!
spoilers alerts through the entire post!
the thing with yae is that i'm sure she's much more involved in the story than we think... she's been in charge of inazuma for a long time (since ei went into isolation) and as been established, she's old, so i'm sure she knows exactly what's going on. whether or not her trading the gnosis was premeditated, i'm sure we'll find out sooner or later, but you're right that for sure she didn't want traveller to die LOL.
i'm not sure if he counted ei's gnosis in tsaritsa's gnosis count; if he did, then yes technically she DOES have four (remember she has her own gnosis!) but ofc since scaramouche sort of ran off and is doing his own thing, you're right that she only really has three.
i agree with you that venti is such a lore-rich character! and actually, i'm about 80% sure that we're either going to revisit mondstadt at the end, or the story will end in mondstadt; it just feels like we don't know enough about it, and there's SO much unexplored lore here.
anyway you're absolutely correct that venti chose freedom for his people because he's seen so much oppression. he witnessed decarabian's rule and made sure to never be like that; the aristocracy was something that he probably couldn't have controlled, but like you said, he heard vennessa's cries and woke up to help her.
it must be hard on your end, anon :(((( he seems like a cool dude, and i hope he does better in the future!
- katheryne from liyue
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just-antithings · 2 years
Blocking anon reminds me of when I meet RP'rs who complain or have a DNI for who use the Block/Ignore/Mute features because literally it's red flag that if THAT is a PERSONAL pet peeve, it means their interpersonal behaviour with people is often so inappropriate or invasive that people have had to block/etc them for the sake of a breather or peace of mind.
Also, Blocking Anon, mayhaps you look up Emotional Manipulation because you can use allllll the Wokesplanations (/s) of Scary Accusations like Passive Violence, Harassment, Suibaiting, and All These Bad Bad Things that Blocking can Supposedly Impose or Create...
It doesn't change that it's just a Woke-sounding version if "Don't stop talking to me/break up with me, or I will [SH/KMY] if you do and it'll be all your fault."
Guilt-tripping and victim-blaming by threat of [self] violence? Ah yes! Emotional manipulation and control! What a thing to condone and believe is completely okay. I hope for anyone that knows Blocking Anon, if Blocking Anon's words are personally familiar to you, re-evaluate the relationship you have with them.
I definitely agree, like I said they probably get blocked all the time cause they have a really bad attitude that repulses people. The entire time they say shit like not letting me interact with/ trying to protect yourself is violence... while being on anon so that no one can interact with them outside the asks we get, perhaps an act of protecting themselves 🤔. So not only are they supper manipulative and toxic like you stated anon they also are a fucking hypocrite. If what they are saying is so right why aren't they willing to attach themselves too it? Why do they need to hide behind anon? The whole thing is a mess. They are no better than antis in the whole I can't curating my own experience and how dare you try to, you need to follow my rules or else I'll be an asshole about it. We are very happy that they are gone and we all hope they never come back. If blocking is violent then just this once I'll say violence is okay 🙂.
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mikollakokinko · 6 years
Signs I think should get called out on their bs more bc whatever reason I think they don't
Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Pisces
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