#I love villains
mammalsofaction · 3 months
The fact that the Doof had been paired and proved most compatible with Perry, canonically and repeatedly proclaimed to be one of OWCA's best agents in the field, is curious to me.
Some fics have a throwaway line or two talking referring to his compatibility with other agents. I think, also, about the canonical fact that he remains as third most dangerous evil scientist in OWCA's ledger.
I also like thinking about the fact that we have been proven, multiple times, in VARIOUS dimensions and fluctuations to the time space continuem, that were he not continuously thwarted throughout his career, he would not only have achieved tyrannical rule, he would have EXCELLED in it, and perfectly undefeated, EVEN BY HIS EVIL PEERS that people loved to pretend were always more competent than him.
Like. I think about that. Why? What makes Heinz so dangerous? What made everyone else incompatible to a point OWCA realized they needed to send their best, and he needed to be on call ALL THE TIME?
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dreamofjoys · 10 months
Why do people simp for Villains who kills and does bad nasty things for the sake of their love ones?
Let’s be fr, we all want a somebody that would choose us over everything
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sweaters-and-vertigo · 11 months
i’m rewatching agents of shield and looking at old media from when it aired and i just gotta say….. ward apologists are some of most annoying people on earth.
like don’t get me wrong, he’s an interesting character. but he’s a villain. let him be a villain and just enjoy it!! stop trying to make him this poor abandoned baby in the woods that needs protection. he dropped fitzsimmons out of a plane, he tortured bobbi. he willingly followed an evil man without caring about the consequences, then blamed him for all of his own actions and choices.
he’s weak minded, sadistic, & arrogant, which makes him a bad person, but a really fun villain.
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bitt3r-lem0n · 4 months
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Some Ok K.O. fanarts that I made! I love this characters so much lol
I eventually plan to draw Mr. Gar and Carol, and Enid and Red Action together
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thehobbit97 · 6 months
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I redrew “how I imagine Tomura spends his day off”. I think I’ve improved a lot in 2 years! 😁 Enjoy the squirtle pj pants everyone!
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slytherinslut0 · 6 months
"In the misunderstood villain, we glimpse the poignant tale of a heart burdened by the weight of misjudgments;
a reminder that beneath every perceived darkness, a human soul yearns for the light of understanding."
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- slytherinslut0
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ch1meraa · 9 months
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….anyone else think Mandroid is the most lovable villain ever? Dude gave up his own life in his quest to ‘save’ the Earth. He destroyed himself completely. What a selfless guy… anyways yeah, I hope he’s not dead but it does seem that way, so here have this head-cannon. I just imagined he’s there dying and sees a small, stray kitten nearby… which reminded him of what he was fighting for. He wanted to protect what’s good.
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bambi-eyes444 · 15 days
men always look hotter when they’re covered in blood
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queerly-done · 28 days
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Silly little Spinel drawing I did, he is so silly.
I haven’t colored or shaded anything in a hot minute so I hope this does him justice. This may also be teasing a thing I’m working on but shhhhh! Don’t tell anyone!
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demonmew25 · 9 months
Grumpy Angsty Bois
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They both have the same scowl 😹 that's it, that's the post.
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ib3li3v3you · 4 months
I really love movies/shows/books where its from the pov of the villain or atleast where we get to see the reason behind the villain being bad. Because it makes them seem so human ti the point where you start empathising with them and kind of wanting them to win even though youre supposed to hate them. And when the villains win??? thats just the cherry on top
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numberoneavalonfan · 2 years
we havent heard from him since we saved justin, have we?
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mamashenanigans · 1 year
Is a all for one backstory even necessary? I don't think every villain needs some sad backstory, we already got that with the rest of the lov. We don't need to have one for him. Let the reader assume he was born evil and be done with it.
I think the backstory is necessary BECAUSE there are already hints at it that have been left purposefully vague for an important reveal. Sure, you don’t have to have a “sad” backstory for every villain, but when one of the most important themes of your story is “why people end up becoming evil” then typically you aren’t going to have your Big Bad and overarching villain a mustache-twirling dastardly man next to the damsel in distress on the train tracks.
There would be absolutely no reason to show AFO crying(and draw it in such a manner as to highlight it) when he killed 2nd if he’s just born evil. Especially considering the only logical explanation is he was crying over his brother dying. There would be absolutely no reason to have a born evil villain tell his brother “I still love you” then keep him alive and try to break him to join his operation when it’s just so much easier to kill him and get on with his life. There would be absolutely no reason to raise a kid for the sole purpose of taking the power back(this would be prior to All Might grievously wounding him) when it would be far more reasonable, of a born evil villain, to do everything to just “kill” the power and no longer have it as a threat, which ties into the whole allowing each user to pass on the power before killing them. But the “soul” of his brother is in it and that’s why he wants it back(which Hawks apparently confirmed). There would be no reason for A LOT of dialogue, hints, purpose, and plans if he was just born evil. Because a character born evil and just there to be the cackling bad guy with no rhyme or reason for how he ended up the way he is wouldn’t EVER have said he loves anyone. Would NEVER cry over a family member dying. He’s evil. He wouldn’t care. And there would be NO PURPOSE in showing it to the reader in the first place if that’s all he’d end up being.
Seriously, AFO could have continued to be perceived as that “he’s just evil” villain if Horikoshi didn’t decide to give us a quick flashback to the brothers’ tumultuous relationship as adults and how OFA came to be. There would have been absolutely no reason to have the Big Bad say “I love you” and “you’re so dear to me”. Why even throw it in there? It would be incredibly stupid for a writer to include these little emotional moments in short flashbacks without following through. I’d also ask what the point is of having him rewind and continue to be fighting if the only villain we should care about at this point is Tomura, who has a vestige of AFO within him. It’s obvious that he’s meant to eventually get to the battle with Izuku and Tomura and I don’t think it’s necessarily just to see him die. There’s going to be an important emotional moment there and I’m looking forward to it.
For christsakes, even Toriyama, when he planned on just killing off Vegeta permanently at the end of the Frieza saga, still went out of his way to give him a backstory that explained in part why he ended up the character he was at the time. And Toriyama wasn’t even a fan of the character!
I’ll give you this: I’d be incredibly disappointed if there isn’t a backstory—flashback or monologue—for the brothers. I’d consider it poor writing because of the set up. BUT it wouldn’t surprise me. Because shonen has a tendency to fall a part near the end of a story or just not follow through with plot points the writer introduced. They sometimes end up being rushed, especially because the writer is just done.
However….brothers’ backstory>>>>>>DFO at this point. So, who knows?
But this is all just my biased opinion since I’m a villain lover.
And I’m used to disappointed. We’ll see what happens! 🙃
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random-dragon-exe · 1 year
I can't help it, but I like the archetype of an antagonist that's "a threat and is treated as a joke, but has good moments of being genuinely threatening" in a cartoon.
I'm looking at these guys:
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sweaters-and-vertigo · 2 months
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when the motherfuckin JOKER denounces you, you gotta know you’re in the wrong.
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w1nter-wolf-barnes1 · 10 months
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No one plays a bad boy villain better than Sebastian!
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