#I love the Queenpin scenes
The duality of Daybreak will never cease to amaze me. I mean, on one hand, the whole show is basically just a giant shit post. But on the other hand, it touches on some really deep and personal topics. The kind of show that has you crying laughing, if you will.
They'll have this scene with Josh where he's like
And then Angelica walks in and is like
And Josh is just staring at his severed finger like man oh man.
The entire show is filled with scenes like that but it also addresses things such as
Complex parent relationships
The struggle to fit in
Mental illness
A breakdown of the manic pixie dream girl trope
Realizing that maybe you aren't a good person
Having to choose the lesser of two evils
Having to choose between being true to yourself and being the person everyone wants from you
And one of the best parts is that, yes, they do fuck up. A character makes a decision and maybe it was the wrong one. Maybe actions do have consequences. Sometimes they learn from those mistakes. Sometimes they don't. I like this. It makes it feel like an accurate depiction of a human being.
They show everyone as fucking idiots, but every episode has a different character's backstory, narrated by themselves. It makes you realize that even if you think someone's a dick, sometimes there are things going on in their lives that you just can't know about.
(Some of who narrates each episode for context):
Josh- Josh vs. the Apocalypse Part 1, Schmuck Bait!, Post Mates
One of the things most apparent from Josh's perspective, is that he loves Samaira Dean. All we ever see are good things about her. But as the plot drags on, it starts to become apparent that maybe Josh's narration is unreliable, warped.
Angelica- The Slime Queenpin of Glendale, CA
Angelica's story is a bit funny, bordering on concerning. It's clear however, that she didn't have the best childhood and all she really wants is a friend, or someone who won't leave her behind.
Wesley- Homecoming Redux or My So Called Stunt Double Life
I could go on forever about Wesley's episode, but the main dilemma is that Wesley needs to pick between two people he loves. Sam advises him to ignore both options- to pick himself instead. It really makes you think that he did too. But in the end, he made a decision and now has to live with the guilt of what he did. Present-day, he's faced with a similar situation once again, and he doesn't know how to make the right decision.
Ms. Crumble- Canta Tu Vida
Ms. Crumble was a tragic character. Her backstory reflected that as well. She had so much character growth as the series went on and I was in tears during the finale.
I honestly have no idea what I was originally going for here but at this point it's pretty much just a Daybreak themed mess. Bon appetit.
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ask-azurearts · 11 months
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Meeting the Queen Attack 2 completed today for @crypticscarecrow 's character Queenpin. I still love her design and wanted to make a scene that captures her cool vibe, hope I did it well!
Attack Link
(If anyones getting deja vu I made an attack for this character 3 years ago, cool seeing the difference 3 years makes.)
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calliopecalling · 2 years
QOTS Rewatch - Season 5 Retrospective
Man, I've been dragging my feet on working on this. I've spent almost a full year on this rewatch (it really took on a life of its own; I didn't go into it planning to write involved metas or reblog a week's worth of gifsets for every episode but I am just THAT over the top) and I don't even know what I'm going to do with myself now that it's over. Watch something else?!?!?! Like what!?!?!?! Seriously though.
Anyway, where were we? Season 5. It's an interesting season to reflect back on. Sometimes it feels like my second-favorite season after season 2, and other times it feels like my second-least-favorite season after season 4. It ends up being really difficult to place. Its primary problem really in my opinion is that it's rushed, and there's so much plot to get through that the writers and editors had to leave us with sometimes frustratingly short character-driven scenes and force us to fill in the gap. But it does feel more Teresa-driven than season 1 does and, Kote notwithstanding, the non-Teresa-centered scenes still somehow feel a little more relevant or engaging than some of the Vargas stuff in seasons 1 and 3 both. (Epifanio and Batman's story took up a superfluous amount of screen time in season 1, I realized on rewatch, and season 3 has soooo much Cortez and Isabela and Loya and stuff that is way more painful to watch than Kelly Anne getting an ultrasound, even if Pote's sexist quips do make me roll my eyes.) So I don't know. I guess you'll have to give me a few more weeks to think about it. But season 5 as a whole entity in my opinion stands up pretty well on rewatch. It's the Jeresa content in season 5 that doesn't hold up as well as season 2 or 3's Jeresa. (Again, largely because of how rushed it is.)
But as always, I'll do my ranking and things:
My Top 3 Episodes
My Top 5 Scenes
Season 5 Episodes Ranked
Teresa’s Journey
Jeresa, DUH
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Top 3 Season 5 Episodes
3: 5x05, Mas Dinero Mas Problemas
It actually was hard to choose the third place episode. There are several other contenders for this spot. But this episode as a whole is really fun to me. It's Teresa-centric. It features Oksana (yay female characters). It's set in Berlin. It features awesome Jeresa teamwork. It throws back to earlier show canon (Rocco de la Pena! Oleg!) and Teresa even gets to break an asshole's nose. James's all-black suit is to die for, as is Teresa's high pony, and best of all? The non-Teresa-focused material is focused on George and Boaz in Miami which, while definitely feeling sinister, gives both of them great material to work with. George buying Teresa that boat? Lol. This is an episode that I gladly watch in full without wanting to fast-forward through anything (a rarity for me among episodes after season 2) and it's a queenpin-esque version of Teresa that isn't as painful as the previous two episodes. All great stuff.
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2: 5x09, A Prueba de Balas
Listen, I am not going to pretend that this is here for any other reason than the love confessions and long-awaited Jeresa hook-up, though I love every single Jeresa moment in the episode, I love that it's down to the two of them against the world (just like it was in the beginning before Teresa even knew that it was the two of them against the world), and I love that she takes out Kostya like the badass she is. We won't talk about the raccoons and peewee soccer.
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1: 5x02, Me Llevo Manhattan
OBVIOUSLY. I mean: this episode might be my favorite episode of the entire series. It's perfect, classic, angsty, electric Jeresa; they actually talk to each other about stuff other than business (several times); they call back in their dialogue to earlier seasons. They KISS and it's magnetic. They dance around whatever the fuck it is that's happening between them. And they both just stumble around incoherently attracted to each other but refusing to talk about it because they are imbeciles. On top of all that, there's James back to his going-all-out-to-protect-Teresa habits and Teresa back to her taking-crazy-risks-but-earning-mad-respect bs. Teresa's whole "you work for me now; when I call, you answer on the second ring" speech to Lafayette is literal fire and even the non-Jeresa scenes in this episode are good: Kelly Anne with Judge Lafayette's business partner; Boaz with the Judge; the pregnancy reveal. My favorite scene of the episode, though, the one that makes me levitate, is the balcony scene between James and Teresa in Manhattan. Wtffffff that scene was like, designed to personally destroy me. But more about that later.
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Top 5 Season 5 Scenes
This was so hard for me. The truth is that there are two types of scenes, Jeresa scenes and non-Jeresa scenes, and they belong on parallel ladders to me. The Teresa who shows up with James and the Teresa who shows up otherwise is so different (I mean: compare literally any of the 5x02 Jeresa scenes to, say, how Teresa interacts with Oksana and Oscar and the Judge in that same episode). And I love both kinds of scenes for her. The way she almost coyly greets those real estate developers in 5x06, knowing full well she's going to slaughter them? *shivers* sooooo good. But when push comes to shove, it's the Jeresa scenes that all slide to the top, because it's the version of herself she gives him that is the one we're ultimately rooting for. So without further ado:
The scene: Episode 5x02, bedroom conversation
What I love about it: Soooo muuuuuch subtext here. After Teresa in the previous episode gave James literally nothing to work with, now that she's wrapped her mind around him being back she is completely unable to keep up the act. Watching both of them dancing around what they're actually trying to talk about is so delightful, and the icing on the cake is Chicho walking in right in the middle of a particularly intimate gesture.
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The scene: Episode 5x09, the balcony kiss
What I love about it: Do I really need to explain myself? I love this kiss so much because it's written all over Teresa's face what combination of fear, desire, and love is driving her. It's no longer impulsive as it was in 5x02 or tenuous as it was in 3x09 or generous as it was in 3x05, it's for her, it's because she wants him and she's terrified of dying without him knowing it. And then he returns it so wholly and confidently and damn. To me it's the moment they catch up to each other and finally land on the same page. The I love yous that follow were made possible by this kiss.
The scene: Episode 5x07, the waterfront launch party heart-eyes
What I love about it: Again, so much subtext here. The intense intimacy of a moment in which relatively little gets said (and all of it completely innocuous). The verbal callback to the season 3 finale made the fandom's collective hearts jump to our throats as we wondered, with Teresa, if he was about to say he was leaving. Teresa's clear display of vulnerability in this single 90 second scene made up for the four previous episodes of distance between them. But really.... it's all in the subtext here.
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The scene: Episode 5x10, the final Queenpin scene
What I love about it: It's the perfect Queenpin send-off. It's perfectly appropriate that she shows up one last time and the way it's done here is so beautiful. She looks so serene and her nod of approval closes the circle with episodes 2x06 and 3x10 where Queenpin seemed to be nudging Teresa towards James. And THEN, as Queenpin departs, James steps in. 'You ok?' Could it be any clearer? She doesn't need Queenpin to be her guardian angel anymore. She has James. God, I must be in a mood today because I'm literally choking up as I write this 😭 Excuse me while I go rewatch this scene 28 more times.
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The scene: Episode 5x02, the balcony scene
What I love about it: Was there ever any doubt this was going to be my number one scene of this season? No, there was not. It is the perfect combination of classic Jeresa--James pining, Teresa being cool and unruffled, an almost visible electric current of tension between them, and oh my god the subtexttttttt. Yes, I'm predictable. I don't even think I have enough words to convey exactly how much this scene breaks me apart and I definitely don't have the words to confess how often I rewatch it. Literally I AM JAMES when she says "you and me can't happen" and I feel my entire body turn to jelly, and then when she says "maybe in some other life" I'm like EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE GO GET IT JAMES. This scene to me is their crowning achievement as actors playing this couple of idiots. That chemistry is crazy.
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Season 5 Episodes Ranked
Yes, the finale is my least-favorite episode of the season. There's just nowhere near enough Teresa, or James. Waaaaay too much Pote, and Pote is just not an interesting character. Plus it's so dominated by men. I just could not care about the fight between him and Boaz. It all felt like male viewership fan service. Ew. So, looking at episodes in their entirety, it falls at the bottom. Really though I think this speaks to honestly how strong the season is overall, when it comes down to it. I loved it on rewatch and looking back at this list I even feel sad about having 5x03 and 5x04 so low! I've grown to like even those, despite how painful some of the scenes are.
Teresa's Journey
So, this is the season that obviously brings her as close to Queenpin as she'll ever come, the season in which she faces the ultimate choice: fully abandon herself in a quest to become untouchable in her power, or fully abandon that quest in order to save her soul. Both of these are different sides of the "survival" coin. And both involve incredible risk. Having taken out Kostya, she came as close as really was possible to that untouchable power that the Queenpin visions throughout the series evoked. She would have been protected by the American CIA and would have run the largest and most powerful drug empire in the world. Of course when you're at the top, someone is always ready to take you out, so the risk of staying--despite the promise of safety and protection--was huge.
On the other hand, disappearing. So much risk there, too. So simple in concept: shed your identity, go somewhere remote, and start over from scratch. But when you're in the cartel world that deep, obviously it's not just possible to get out. Your continued existence is too threatening to everyone who stays in; you know way too much. And SO much could go wrong in the process of trying to escape.
So both of these choices offered the promise of safety and both came with a heaping side of risk. But the Teresa we were introduced to in season 1 would've had absolutely no difficulty picking between them, right? So in retrospect, her full character journey was to slowly and gradually become someone who would believably struggle with that choice, someone we would believably worry might make the "wrong" choice.
And I think they really did pull that off. Already by season 2, it's less clear that she would choose to disappear rather than become all-powerful. She'd already lost everyone she'd loved by then and felt herself to be alone, and I think loneliness was one of the biggest drivers for her in seeking power over feeding her soul. It was always loss and trauma that pushed her further into the business and, even though season 5 didn't super explicitly link her rapid power grabs to Tony's death the previous season, it was clearly the darkness of that loss (maybe combined with the unsettling reappearance of James) that pushed her over the edge.
So was it believable that, in the end, she chose her soul? Yeah. They made us worry about her for the first half of season 5, pushing away everyone she cared about and seeming like a hollow shell of herself. But by episode 5x08 her vulnerability is palpable again. Like George's loss, combined with pregnant Kelly Anne's kidnapping, and faced with the possibility of dying herself, and losing James in the process, that she gets her wakeup call. So to me, her final decision feels very earned. I just wish they hadn't wasted a full episode trying to convince us she wasn't going to make it 😂
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And all inextricably tied up with Teresa's character turnaround in season 5 is her relationship with James. This is another thing the season didn't make super explicit, at least in the written dialogue, but on rewatch it feels exceptionally clear that his presence allowed her to make what no doubt seemed like an impossible decision to turn the train around that was fast hurtling towards a cliff. He:
showed up mortally wounded trying to save her life
stuck by her side even when she made a disappointing decision that showed how much she'd changed
tolerated her snapping at him and pushing him away because he wasn't going to just give up on her after the huge way she'd busted into HIS life and changed HIM from the inside out
gently challenged her, wherever possible, despite having had it made clear to him that doing that was risky
backed her up 100% and went the extra mile to show his loyalty (beating up Navarro's connect), care (delivering an entire army of ex-Mossad for her security), and competence (stealing the painting)
And then, when she'd sent Pote and Kelly Anne packing and it was just the two of them again (the symmetry to the beginning of the series is so lovely there), his steadiness in the face of her emotional undoing is such a visible factor of her turning everything around. Yes, she's scared for Kelly Anne and her baby. Yes, she's upset about George. But in 5x09 after she's sent Kote away and it's too late to save George, those aren't her motivators anymore. James is. You can see it in her eyes on the balcony that it's not her own death that she fears but the possibility of dying without having loved.
Teresa is a lover. We knew that from the very beginning. She essentially told us that in her own voice over in the pilot. Her drug of choice was Guero. Comparing Guero to a drug is so apt (and foreshadows all the events of the first three seasons and how Guero's actions underlie so much of what she had to go through) so that her fear of love also becomes understandable. She was so slow to fully trust James because of the betrayal she'd experienced before; she was slow to open herself up to him as a lover because the risk of that vulnerability was too devastating. But when she stares down death and realizes she's held real love at arm's-length, its pull and its promise is way too great to turn away from.
I think the writers and show runners of this season struggled with this because the love story they'd created was so powerful and yet they knew (and I agree) that this show wasn't intended to be a love story. The book that it's based on is not a love story. It's the story of a woman and her incredible journey from life on the streets of Culiacán to becoming a powerful druglord and then her final escape from that life. But Jeresa is so powerful that even without explicit efforts on the part of the writers this season it's clear that it's a story in which love wins. She gets out, because of love. She makes the choice to disappear, because of love. Yes, platonic and familial love play into it, too; and stacking up the losses of those she's loved over the years and the risks to those who remain are explicitly part of the story. But by 5x09 the only ones who remain are her and James. She's lost or sent away everyone else.
I guess I forgive the writers for leaving much of their relationship this season to the imagination. I would've loved more conversations between the two of them that were 5x02 or 3x08 caliber, but I think the writers were trying to strike a balance between the people who clearly watched the show for Jeresa and the people who clearly cared less. Do I think they should've just written the show the seasons 2-3 writers set up? Yes. Do I blame them for trying to please a broader base? No. I don't, because I think it's ultimately so obvious anyway that James helped Teresa out of the cave in the same way she did originally that it still ties together beautifully in the end.
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So. Now what?
As I said yesterday, I have saved many hundreds of gifsets in my queue still to reblog that I didn't reblog as part of the "official" rewatch. And I'm sure I'll continue to find more, and will reblog any others that get created. I'm also a huuuuuge Alice fan (in case that's not abundantly obvious by now) and will stick around to reblog whatever Alice content I consumer and maybe even Peter content from time to time. I'll post a full series retrospective eventually, but I doubt it will be quite as comprehensive as these season metas because I think I've kind of covered a lot of the analytical ground by now!! But I still want to do my rankings and all that. All that to say: I'll be around. And I hope to continue to see some of you around too 🥰 Thanks for sticking with me.
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From DoP Cameron Duncan, Queen of The South show reel [season 1]
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la-ermitana · 3 years
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Do not buy a helicopter. 
Queenpin opening scenes vs. 5x05
see @medievalraven post and @mymostimaginaryfriend ask
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saiangelo999 · 2 years
Movies Watched '22
Started off the year strong with an excellent movie! This movie was so much fun to watch these ladies rip off the corporations through fraudulently manufacturing coupons and selling them for a profit. It was absolutely hilarious that to 'clean up' their black money they just bought luxury goods and guns to find out that their money was already clean. A very fun movie, and the best touch was the long-haired cashier who absolutely hated Kristen Bell.
Minnal Murali
This was an utterly charming Malyali superhero movie! Ton of fun!
Mitchells vs The Machines
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This was such a fun movie! I really enjoyed this family's adventures. I loved the main character's little brother, their relationship was so adorable! It was hilarious that the two robots just declared themselves as adopted members of the family and just continued to live with them.
This was a great movie musical with an interesting plot and complicated characters. Very well executed, and a very enjoyable watch overall! The reconciliation scene was so heart wrenching. A simple but effective story.
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I thought that this was a sci-fi movie from the title, but I was surprised as this was a pure fantasy movie. I really enjoyed watching this movie - I can't believe I haven't even heard about it when it was initially released, but even after 15 years it holds up really well! I love that the crazy king just straight up killed his own son - the absolute savagery of it. The ghosts watching and commenting was hilarious! No wonder it has a cult following! Robert De Niro stole all his scenes! Easily one of my favourite pirates of all time! Also, I wish people mentioned just how similar the movie is to Princess Bride. I only regret not watching it sooner!
The Adam Project
A very enjoyable movie. The child actor did a phenomenal job. Had a ton of fun with this movie! Can't believe Jennifer Garner and Mark Ruffalo were finally reunited.
Turning Red
This was a fun movie, but it didn't leave a lasting impression on me. I did appreciate the beautiful animation but the story didn't resonate with me personally.
Wedding Crashers
Watched this randomly and it was okay.
The Batman
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Finally ended up watching this movie, and I really enjoyed a more detective Batman story. I was really excited to see The Riddler on the big screen. I felt how much the movie was inspired by Year One, Long Halloween and the Arkham series of video games in the aesthetic of the city and the relationship between Catwoman and Batman. I like the overall message of the story, and while I don't think this movie was perfect, I am looking forward to seeing more stories like this from Matt Reeves. Personally, I am sick of seeing The Joker on screen and hope they come up with different storylines, but I'm not holding out hope that its the direction they will go.
Sonic the Hedgehog Movie
It was alright. Fairly fun movie that I half-watched. Not sure why large every video game franchise is suddenly getting a movie.
Top Gun: Maverick
I am not immune to american military propaganda. I really enjoyed this movie though, from the pacing to the story it was overall an excellent time. Definitely worth watching in theatres!
This movie started off as a satire mocking Rajini-kanth with the first dance, but it was an engaging action movie. It was definitely way more violent than most Tamil movies, though I appreciated how few songs were included in the movie. I felt like the second half of the movie was a bit slower and felt like it dragged on too long compared to the first half of the movie. I really dislike the confrontation at the end of the movie full of CGI. All that said, it was fairly enjoyable to watch if going out with friends.
Finally watched this movie. I really enjoyed how this movie build up to the alien reveal.
Emma (2020)
I loved this movie. It was so much fun to watch! I think my favourite bit was Emma's dad freaking out about drafts/chills and constantly worrying about catching a chill.
The Family (2013)
I really enjoyed this movie as well. It was a lot of fun!
Definitely creepy but quite enjoyable. I would have been scarred if I first saw this as a kid.
BeetleJuice (1988)
What a fun movie! It was way more wholesome than I expected!
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allthingsjeresa · 3 years
5x09 Jeresa thoughts:
I know I’m doing this a week late and right before the finale but can you blame me? It only took me that long to process everything. I mean HOLY. SHIT. What an episode. The Jeresa scenes were perfect IMO. I wouldn’t have changed much. *This is strictly speaking on the love scene. Not the season as a whole.* They gave us a lot when I was expecting way less, so props to them for that. This is gonna be very long, so read it all if you want or don’t :)
The scene where they spoke to Samara on the couch: this scene is kinda adorable to me even though in context it’s not a romantic scene at all. If you pay attention to their body language, they really operate like magnets. They’re speaking to Samara but their bodies eventually lean towards each other- heads tilted together, sitting pretty flush their thighs just about touch. I checked and it was a big couch! They remind me of two parents trying to soothe their child. It was sweet. At some point along the way these two became one unit. He really is her right hand, so it’s very fitting he was sitting to the right of her in this scene.
Brainstorming how to take out Kostya. I love that James was ready to go in and kill someone in an embassy of all places just to get them out of this mess. But she shut it down so quickly! No suicide missions for this man. I also liked that when she said this it came out as an order and not just as a statement. Because… well, she is la jefa and she pretty much just said he’s not allowed to insert himself in any situations where his death is practically guaranteed.
OK. *DEEP BREATH* OK. OK. So we’ve finally made it to THAT big moment. Well, we already knew James did not approve of this little decision she made to kill Kostya herself and his face said it all in the scene right before. Love that he knew just by her face she was already thinking up a plan of her own by the way. These two can read each other so well. Onto balcony moment! He approaches her outside, so close they can touch each other and demands to know why he should let her do the very same thing she wouldn’t allow him to do. I really think based off his serious tone and the way he came outside he was geared up to put on a fight this time. Teresa was out there alone, stuck in scary dark thought presumably and looking like the world was on her shoulders. I get the sense it hit her at some point that day she might die and she was already thinking about her feelings for James before he even walked outside. That’s why she had that sad look of longing on her face. And boy was she longing for him.. so much that she said fuck it all and just kissed him. She could die at some point but she wanted nothing else but James in the moment. He was caught off guard by her kiss at first but it’s actually funny how fast it put him in a daze. This man was so, so in love that he couldn’t hold back any longer and finally blurted out those three words. I love that her hands were right on his chest (and his heart) as he literally told her he loved her. Symbolic or what? This time he grabs her and kisses her with so much passion. No more holding back. As it pans to them making out he pulls her body even more towards him; this is a move he’s done in all their make out scenes I’ve noticed. I would say “get a room” but they did that right after ;)
The actual love scene! This is what Jeresa shipper dreams are made of. It really transcended everything- I mean that eye contact, the way he pushed her hair back, the lip touching and of course those smiles! Let me just remind you that the world was pretty much crumbling around them. Her empire crashing and burning. Devon/CIA ordering them around. Kostya and Boaz both on her ass. But for that one night, it was like the world stopped spinning. She finally had him and he had her, and everything was suddenly ok. They smiled and were both happy in their little bubble despite everything going on. He’d just said he loved her and neither of them would hide from each other ever again. That love scene was pure happiness, relief, passion and bliss all wrapped into one. Can I just say the way his hands went up and down all over her back while she was on top? I just about died. Nothing says desire like hands raking up and down your spine. Whole time he’s looking at her like she’s some goddess he’s worshiping. The heavy panting and the writhing… ok I won’t lie, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Not that I will ever complain! I mean it’s Jeresa. And the way he flipped them over and took control? Yeah I died. His hand grabbing onto her wrist while she touched his lip? Death. The nose touch? More death. Some of us were trying to figure out where his hand went at one point because it looked like it very much traveled down south to a certain…. area that I will not mention. Anyways 👀The smiles, you guys. THE SMILES. They were happily and utterly in love. As Jeresa shippers we got crumbs for years and then we suddenly got everything all at once. My brain is still catching up. 
The morning after. I love that they show their clothes scattered all over the floor. Yeah they were total goners. The whole room is white so you don’t miss it! The way she caressed him so gently. Just completely basking in him and knowing she’s in love. Then it’s like she remembers it’s now the next day and she’ll have to do what she has to do. You can see the moment she gets sad because she absolutely loves this man and yet she could die. I think that moment as she stared at him in bed was when she realized she had to say it. Not because he’d already said it first but because they were out of time and she needed him to know the truth just in case she didn’t make it.
Her love confession. One thing I adore about this scene- it’s so them! It gave me James mentoring Teresa in season 1 vibes but softer. He’s completely serious because he’s intent on training her to protect herself but her attention is all on him. She was so caught up in staring at him, all deeply in love that she says the words right after he tries to hand her a gun. It’s the way both Jeresa got completely dazed by each other right before saying ILY! Her tone was everything here and this was what actually elevated the scene for me. She sort of whispered it- like it was something only meant for them, for him to hear… while her tone might’ve been soft and light as a feather, there was such a heavy bluntness behind it. She said it like it was a simple fact of the universe. As a viewer, I felt like we were watching something forbidden and intimate. It might’ve felt a little more intimate than the love scene itself. I don’t know how to explain it. Maybe it’s because she’s been a wall for the majority of the season. Maybe it’s because there was a weight of gloom behind those words since she could die. His face right after she says it tells me it might be the latter… And I love that they kiss out in the open at the island table where anyone could see them, but who cares. They’re in love and nothing else really matters. Not her crew walking in on them or some gun phone that could potentially protect her. I love how her hands end up on his chest again and he holds onto them. Everything about that moment was perfect.
Jeresa in NOLA. At first this last scene didn’t stick out to me but on my second, third (and fourth) rewatch it’s very telling! Remember what I said about them finally being one unit? I think this scene is a good example of that. She comes out and hands Chicho the keys to her business, literally. James follows right behind her and stands to her right ;) he then directs Chicho to escort Samara to the car. I feel like that scene conveyed how they are finally becoming equals- standing side by side, in black and white. Both are giving orders and there’s finally a sense of balance that’s righted itself within their dynamic. Not necessarily a queenpin and her soldier but two partners. Pote asks her if she’ll miss Nola. She undoubtedly says no, and I think James even smirks a little bit but I can’t be sure. I love that he pats Pote on the shoulder right after she gives that answer and then follows his girl out to the car. The time for “another life” has finally arrived and neither James nor Teresa are looking back. That was the message being sent in my opinion!
All I will say about that last scene.. no I don’t think he really killed her. Shipping aside, it just wouldn’t make any logical sense. Everything he’s ever done has been to keep her safe so unless the show has taken a sci-fi spin and he’s become a robot, there’s no way.
Well that concludes my analysis/meta. That was pretty long so I won’t linger but I hope you enjoyed my perspective on the best episode all season. And then we have one more to go… I’m not ready at all but here goes nothing.
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teresa-moyocoyotzin · 3 years
spoilers! under! the cut!!!!!
holy fucking shit!! it’s over!!!! wow wow.
get ready for some ramble-y ass, v unorganized, first reactions to the finale, because i am wine drunk and emotional and still trying to get my heart down to a resting pulse and i have so many thoughts
- okay that was a damn gripping episode, i was on the edge of my damn seat the whole time. i went in with like 99% faith that teresa and james were gonna come out alive but they still had me STRESSED the whole damn time!!!! like even tho i was seeing the little signs throughout the episode that it was all a plan my heart was pounding like crazy!!
- i went into today thinking as long as teresa and james were alive in the end i would be happy but then rewatched a bunch of old episodes right before the finale and remembered that i did indeed care about pote and kellyanne and really actually would be upset if they had died, so i was quite stressed, especially for pote at the end!! when he’s fighting boaz!! which also! was super badass btw. all the sicarios backing off at the end!! lol at the random dude who save pote’s life by making boaz take the “sicario’s challenge” tho (which like? lol what?) like okay haha
- everyone loves chicho so much haha him and pote are so cute!!! i love how much chicho gave his all for pote and KA this episode, i’m sad he couldn’t come w them but it was SO CUTE to see chicho with marcel at the end!!! building a bunch of legit businesses and growing the PCCC!!! i love that journey for them.
- i really didn’t think pote was in on it because honestly i didn’t think he would be able to be that good of an actor (the character, not the actual actor, hemky is amazing lol) but i mean pote really pulled thru. he let all his damn emotions out for that performance cuz i was fully convinced he didn’t know until the end when it shows them telling him. actually i got an inkling when he was saying goodbye to marcel and chicho and gave marcel the ~gift~ from teresa lol.
- i do wish we had gotten more flashbacks because like when exactly did james figure out that devon was gonna order him to kill teresa? when did he tell her? did they figure it out together? teresa said she had a boat on standby for TWO YEARS does this mean the plan had been in place that long??? like before james left phoenix??????? or was the boat just always there and the plan came later??? idk tho. i watched 3.05 today and the “if they come for me, i’ll be ready” “if they come for you, I’LL be ready” REALLY HITS A LIL DIFFERENT NOW TBH what if james already had an inkling and when devon showed up that night it confirmed his suspicions.. and they started planning like. that night after they fucked. dude. idk the wheels are turning too fast in my brain rn. ik they probably just planned it this season after james was “let go” by devon and they knew it was too easy, and maybe just in the past couple weeks’ episodes. but who the fuck knows!!!
- i still wanna know how exactly they faked her death. no confirmation on the powder/ coke theory.. and no discussion of the coke habit if it was one. but if this was the long game situation and they’ve been planning all along.. maybe that theory still holds water.. idk y’all that’s the explanation i’m going w because i can’t think of anything else lol
- okay THE ENDING OMG!!!!! was it a bit cheesy and predictable and entirely too short? yes. did i LOVE IT ANYWAYS OMG LOOK AT THEM THEY’RE ALIVE AND HAPPY!!!!???? YESS BITCH okay by the end i was just so damn relieved that they were alive i honestly didn’t care that the teresa’s-alive-reveal happened like 4mins30secs before the end lmao because they were a beautiful almost five mins. i may get saltier about it but LOOK how happy she is!!! look how happy james is!!! and pote and kellyanne have a sweet lil child that teresa and james can be auntie and uncle to and it’s SO CUTE I NEED ALL THE FANART SINCE TERESA AND JAMES DIDN’T ACTUALLY GET A SCENE W THEIR HONORARY NIECE😭😭😭 FEN?? SOMEONE?? i’ll do it myself if no one else does, maybe even if someone else does because that’s so cute (eventually lol)
- do u think james and kellyanne coordinated their respective swim shorts (surf shorts?? lmfao) and nail polish on purpose because they are THE EXACT SAME SHADE OF HOT PINK and i think that’s so cute for them lmfao
- james in that button up w the wavy hair 😍 teresa in her cute lil beach top and her wavy hair 😍😍 them being happy and in love and alive in a cute lil beach house with their family 😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰 i’m so happy for them!!! they made it out!! they outsmarted everyone!! teresa outsmarted everyone!! without shutting out the people in her life!! we love to see it!
- even though we didn’t exactly get a callback to a jeresa moment, we did get a “you okay?” “yeah” which kinda counts and i’ll fucking take it because you know what?? SHE IS ACTUALLY OKAY FOR ONCE. THEY ARE ACTUALLY BOTH OKAY. MORE THAN OKAY. NOW I’M NOT OKAY WHAT THE FUCK.
-also i LOVED the appearance and disappearance of The Queen there at the end!! her little approving nod and willing departure!! and that james was the one to notice her floating off and bring her back to earth from her final vision or hallucination of her queenpin self!! and then he makes a toast to their new life!! the one that she risked it all to build with him!! ahhhh i’m emo y’all!
- i am also still a little confused about some things tho, namely, why exactly did devon suddenly order boaz to back down and send pote to solitary confinement for protection?? was it really just because he believed he was being the “good guy” and that pote was doing his “deserved” time (even tho it wasn’t even for cartel stuff but ok) and he didn’t like the way boaz did business? cuz i feel like he wouldn’t care that much about pote’s safety even if that were the case i mean.. he wanted them all dead like two seconds before that.. i really don’t get that so if anyone has insight please lemme know!!!
- oh my god i don’t even know y’all that was so much!!! i’m sure i have more thoughts but i can’t even think of them rn!! i just wanna reblog all the gifs and see everyone’s thoughts!!! woo! we did it y’all! we made it. they made it!!!! thank fuck! 🥰😍❤️🎉😂
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QoTS 5x01 Reaction Post
Don’t let the curls fool you, Queenpin is here.
And she’s scary….hot...scary hot.  No but really, the coke using (!), the double dealing with Russians (!!) the “you know what to do” when KG asked what would happen if it turned out James had betrayed them (!!!).  I knew we were in for it when Teresa shot her past self in the opener but dang.
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I feel like this episode was better than most if not all the episodes in S4?  There are a ton of conflicts right away but THEY ALL MAKE SENSE.  Teresa had multiple scenes with women characters!  And while we’re missing THE most needed conversation, this episode had so many great scenes where characters were allowed the breathing room to talk to each other.  Kelly Anne and James, Teresa and Boaz, KG and James, Boaz and the Judge.  There are so many wonderfully talented actors on this show and these sort of scenes let them really shine.
Boaz especially hit it out of the park.  I looove that I have no clue where his story is going.  All I know is the Judge better keep Marcel’s name out of his mouth.
James being back was the icing on the great episode cake. I know a lot of ppl weren’t pleased w/ what James dealt with this episode but I freaking loved it.  It was such a love letter to the character on his return, because no matter what was thrown at him, he came back with classic James badassery.  It was almost a James Valdez greatest hits collection:
What he was willing to sacrifice and tolerate for Teresa. His love for Teresa shining through everything he did or said. 
When he looks right at her and says “you’d be safe”....LORDT.  He knows her so well. There was almost zero Jeresa screentime but their impact was felt throughout. I cannot wait for them to have a moment alone.  
Yet another classic ‘just get on with it already’ James reaction to having a gun pointed at his head.
Responding to KG’s emotional outbursts with gasp, rational thoughts ( LOL at KG demanding  “says who” to James explanations about the snipers den and James being like: “says the decorated war veteran SNIPER???”).  
When he subtly brought up Bilal (and ahem, how he risked his life to break him out of a Mexican prison) I was like even on pain killers James is just on a whole other level than anyone else.
Speaking of, Kelly Anne telling him thanks for not murdering me but next time you better follow Teresa’s orders and James being like, how much morphine am I on right now?!
His little moment after Chicho’s use of critical thinking where he’s like, who’s this dude, he can stay lol.
Remaining the only person on the show that can actually shoot who he’s aiming at lmao.
Loved him hitting the guy with the door like Teresa did in 4x05 last season.
His ability to work with ANYONE even antagonistic allies- prev. Boaz, Devon, now a hostile KG - and still get the job done.
Even when he has a bullet wound.  Even when he has to do it all himself.
He’s working at half capacity and still manages to save Teresa’s life from thousands of miles away.  I mean...theresnoonelikeyoucovey.gif
Seriously he was so competent this episode I half expected him to pop out of nowhere  when Pote was asking who has access to a clean $200 million and be like “lemme write you a check.”
Speaking of Pote I guess all it took for him to pass the “don’t trust James” baton was James saving the love of his life lol.  It was nice to have Pote in his corner at long last.
Questions:  Did we know Teresa knew Devon was CIA? Or was that another S4 cut scene they forgot about lol.  (Ah S4, memories).   Do we think the buyer trying to outbid her is someone we know?? Is Oksana really double-crossing Teresa?
Anyways, I loved it. I’m all in.  Cannot wait for next week.  What did y’all think?
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jerepars · 3 years
My QOTS 5x02 live reactions:
So does everyone live in this mansion safe house now?
“that’s not how money laundering works” Lol, you tell him, KA.
“Are you staying?” “Do you want me to stay?” IS THIS MY FIC
Jeresa tension at an ALL TIME HIGH *breathes into paper bag*
Did James just get a full on THANK YOU from Pote? WHAT IS THIS? Character development?
SMILING together about Teresa being pissed when they let KA live?
Tony was like a son? Like a son? A son who despised you?
“she needs you” DID I WRITE THIS *Kermit the frog style flailing*
James and Chicho were bonding, T-rex! (what’s up with James’ hair in this scene though?)
“Fine, but do it my way.” “K.” HNNNNGGGGG
So…a literal bloodbath?
“I’m a quick healer. I’m already back.” aka “I would literally die for you and apologize for bleeding on your shirt with my one last dying breath.”
Um…Pote is just shooting people in the head liberally now?
Teresa doesn’t want anyone’s advice, Oksana. James is uncomfortable.
Did James just…LAUGH? 
“You deserve that” AGAIN DID I WRITE THIS can we talk about the EYE CONTACT
wait what a kiss right NOW?! James is dying this season for sure.
So is that part of why they all need to get out then? Does Teresa fast track getting out of the business for them? A Kote baby?
“I want you to stay and make sure I don’t die but we’re not gonna be a thing ever……..I hope you understand” Lol. Just rip his heart out now, why don’t you?
Queenpin would break his heart anyway though. She still WILL. She definitely will. 
I see you keeping James at arm’s length to protect yourself, girl. I SEE YOU. “in another life” do you mean in another few episodes?
These two haven’t seen each other in a year and are more in love than ever LOOOOOOOL
Yo who decided Boaz would be this good of a character? Am I just going to end every episode reaction being excited about Boaz? I LOVE BOAZ.
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RWBY: Roman Holiday review
Before she was a criminal wrapped up in the end of the world, Trivia Vanille was the daughter of disappointed parents who wanted nothing more than for her to be normal. Locked away and pushed into the shadows, Trivia has no one to keep her company. No one, that is, other than Neopolitan, her best and only friend.
But things change after a chance encounter with the young Roman Torchwick, a criminal on the run trying to make a name for himself before his mistakes have a chance to catch up to him. As an uncertain alliance slowly turns into a true partnership. Trivia finally begins to grasp the freedom that she had always longed for. And while her parents always insisted that Neo was nothing more than a figment of her overactive imagination, Trivia realizes that she might be a larger part of her that she ever could have guessed...
So we got the villain origins of beloved criminal duo Roman and Neo, wow, what a ride.
So Roman’s backstory is that he was born in Wind Path, Mistral, and his mom dropped him off at the local orphanage.when he was young. When he was seventeen he moved to the city of Mistral and ended up being recruited by Lil Miss Malachite into the Spiders a year later. He started dealing behind her back and moved to Vale to avoid her wrath. A neat little backstory! Explains why he isn’t quite supervillain level like Cinder and the others in Salem’s faction, but why he would be willing to go along with her for his own survival.
The scene of his first attempt at crime in Vale was so funny. Bank robbery nearly ruined by an inept bank teller, oh Fred. He was just excited till Roman shot the gun.
It was also interesting that the two bumbling Huntsmen got their licenses revoked for reckless endangerment and excessive force. I guess we saw pretty competent Huntsmen in the show… well Dee and Dudley were pretty dumb. I wonder what the rules for students in training are? Though I guess it reflects more on the school given what happens in the Volume 2 finale with the train fiasco.
Meanwhile Neo was born Trivia Vanille, to Jimmy and Carmel Vanille. Trivia was another name for the Roman (fitting) goddess of crossroads, with trivia or tri-via meaning ‘three ways’. Fitting for both her ice cream and triplicity motifs. Her dad is the rich city manager for  the city Vale, and is ashamed at having a heterochromatic and mute daughter. He and Carmel definitely seem like hard parents, so no wonder Trivia developed a troublemaking streak. Neo first began as an ‘imaginary’ friend that her Semblance manifested from those desires, which was pretty neat. There was a hilarious irony to her favorite story being ‘Girl in the Tower’, because just wait till you meet her, Neo. 
The idea of Lady Browning’s Academy was pretty interesting, though it also sounds horrible. But I have wondered about other higher institutions besides the Huntsman academies. Speaking of, there was a joke about paying that tuition, which does make me wonder about if they do have to pay. How did people like Blake, Sun, Ren, or Nora get in? Scholarships? I also appreciate the explanation of how the Malachite twins ended up in Vale, as I was wondering about that ever since the Volume 6 commentary confirmed they were the daughters of Lil Miss. I assume they decided to stay in Vale rather than return to Mistral? The revelation of the school’s true nature and the surveillance network using the body cameras hidden in the pins was pretty cool too.
I guess this book does seem to vaguely imply Roman/Neo romance, though I think you could also not read it that way if you want. Well, at least it does also confirm she was 18 when they met so I’m ok with it? Well, I did love their dynamic here either way. While it was clear they cared for each other we didn’t actually get too much interaction between them in the show if you think about it, but it’s easy to see why Roman left such a deep impact on Neo and why she is torn up about his death.
It was fun to see Lil Miss again, I did like her in the show, so it was fun to get to see more of her being a ruthless queenpin. Roman responding to her threatening him while caressing his cheek by wondering if she was flirting made me laugh. It was also fun meeting Hei Xiong senior, Junior’s much more competent dad. Roman’s partner in the Spiders, Chameleon, felt like a knockoff Ilia, for obvious reasons… given she is a color changer (though with Semblance, not a Faunus) with an unrequited crush on her partner in crime. And less competent than Ilia, honestly.
The climax went by fast, but it was pretty interesting. Poor Neo wanted to believe her parents would actually help her, though at least Roman suspected the trap. Carmel and Jimmy having been secretly working with opposite sides all along was pretty interesting too, though I can’t say I feel much sorrier than Neo when the house gets blown up with them inside.
All in all, an enjoyable read featuring two well-done villain protagonists. I wouldn’t say they’re any less villainous than in the show, but it really fleshes out their characters and their bond. Worth the read.
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I say when Jeresa finally get a love scene again... She'll have her queenpin bun and he'll undo it.
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calliopecalling · 2 years
QOTS Rewatch - Season 4 Retrospective
Alright. Retrospective time, on my least favorite season. You know what though, this season had a lot of flaws, but all things considered, I still enjoy it. I think it had a few things stacked against it: (1) Peter pulled out (and my understanding is he pulled out somewhat/relatively late?) (2) I have a hunch it had a much smaller budget to work with for some reason and that might have also led to less experienced show runners and less experienced writers in the writers’ room (I also noticed there was no story editor for this season the way there was during the first three seasons, meaning someone who made sure it was all cohesive). I don’t know this for sure but the lack of actual music, the move in filming location, and the fact they had lots of minor arc characters sorta sends that message, since minor recurring characters are cheaper. So with these things considered, I kind of lower the bar for this season and it comes out alright. Still my least favorite of the seasons, but the last four episodes especially are actually really good, and though my Jeresa heart felt the glaring absence of my OTP every episode, if I took my own emotional bias out of it, I can find lots to enjoy.
There are just two unforgivable things in my opinion: (1) as @mymostimaginaryfriend’s meta that I reblogged earlier calls out, this season does a truly atrocious job at putting female characters on-screen together, which makes it a LOT less engaging to me, and (2) EDDIE. I could’ve gotten behind just about any other type of love interest for Teresa, I swear I’m not just anti-everyone-that-isn’t-James, but Eddie is like, the literal worst. Bland, arrogant, selfish, not even cute. Only positive? He’s so inferior that Teresa clearly doesn’t even enjoy him much either 😂
Anyway, as always, I’ll follow my usual retrospective format:
My Top 3 Episodes
My Top 5 Scenes
Season 3 Episodes Ranked
Teresa’s Journey
Jeresa, DUH
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Top 3 Season 4 Episodes
Easy peasy.
3: 4x10, Lo Que Más Temes
Not one, but TWO Teresa-and-another-female-character team-ups, and not one, but TWO very satisfying take-outs of unsavory men. Teresa and Kelly Anne tag-team the sleazy banker, Dieter, on the one hand, and Oksana finally allies with Teresa against El Gordo, on the other. Question: did they, in fact, kill Dieter? WE’LL NEVER KNOW.
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2: 4x12, Diosa de la Guerra
The whole gang is together—Teresa, Pote, Javier, King George, Boaz—and have a singular epic purpose, which is to pull off this Miami takeover. Maybe it’s partly the change of scenery (Miami definitely livens things up), maybe it’s Teresa’s laser-focus on vengeance after an episode in a coma (and Teresa when she’s in determined-almost-queenpin mode is a treat), but I think it’s mostly just the convergence of the MANY cluttered plots over the course of the season into the final most relevant ones, and putting almost all the screentime for the episode into just those, really helped this episode feel tight, exciting, cohesive, and compelling. And FUN!
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1: 4x13, Vienen por Ti
For obvious reasons (HI JAMES) and less obvious ones (RIP JAVIER and also HELLO QUEENPIN SUIT). God it was so good to see James back on screen again finally. Like I felt giddy watching that scene again. Literally cackled with glee as he stumbled out of his car. It’s just such a relief. But that’s just the last 20 seconds of the episode, and the bulk of this episode was the climax of the Marcel/Teresa/Judge situation (would Marcel ally with her against the Judge or wouldn’t he??) and the Javier/Teresa/Judge situation (as Javier finally came clean about everything, had his cathartic and tragic goodbye with Teresa, and then died the most epic on-screen death ever, taking the Judge’s crony with him). I said this in one of my gifset reblogs but I actually cry watching Javier and Teresa’s goodbye scene each time I watch it and choke up each time I think about it and I don’t routinely cry at any other part of this show, so that’s really something. Anyway this episode feels like a far more emotion- and character-driven episode than the others in the season and I would actually consider it a candidate for me for top ten series episodes. But we’ll see, because there’s obviously going to be a lot of competition for that list, lol.
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Top 5 Season 4 Scenes
The scene: 4x08, Teresa telling Tony about Chino and Guero and Pote
What I love about it: There were quite a few runners-up for this slot. Teresa in her season-2-opener queenpin suit to finally send Eddie packing; Teresa and Marcel’s face-off in his office in… 4x02? when he’s forcing her to do business with him and even though she’s a head shorter than him she still looks soooo fierce; the “James is a ghost” conversation with Pote in 4x01… but ultimately I have to go with this one because of both the emotion we see in Teresa (in a season that’s otherwise a real desert of emotional openness and vulnerability from Teresa) and the fact that in this emotion she finally says what 99% of viewers have always seen: that Guero and Chino stealing from Epifanio is what put her in the horrible position she was in at the beginning of the series. Placing the blame squarely on them (on Guero) is the final nail in the coffin of the nostalgia this show really liked to linger on for Happy Guero Times, and made the 4x11 flashbacks at least somewhat less annoying, since while Guero featured in those, they really didn’t make him a main character of them, as they’d already put to bed any notion of her still thinking of him as her long lost love. Anyway, this scene with Tony is really beautiful on Teresa’s part and is one of the few unfiltered emotional truths we get from her this season.
The scene: 4x05, Teresa meets Oksana
What I love about it: Maybe just because there’s such a desert of female-on-female content this season (and listen, I actually considered the 4x01 scene with Castel in this slot, because omg, those two had such great chemistry! but Castel’s absence from the rest of that season really relegates that to a lower rung in the end), but I realllllly love this scene. It’s the way the two of them practically have their own language, that even though El Gordo is sitting there with them, he instantly becomes both irrelevant and unmemorable and the electricity between these two powerful crimelord women is so palpable. I mean, it’s also that Oksana is queer and the subtext there with her energy towards Teresa is fairly overt (and I love me some queer subtext). But the line about women in this business not being as brutal as men, but twice as smart, is one of the most memorable of the season for me, and soooo true.
The scene: 4x07, Teresa running from and fighting the sicario in Nashville
What I love about it: She is so fucking scrappy and brilliant. She is a survivor in every sense of the word. There’s another fight scene in 4x05 when she’s trying to get away from Marcel’s guy who’s coming after her but this one stands out a bit more because she’s in Nashville with Eddie, trying to be a normal person living a normal life, and this is a sicario leftover from fucking Cortez back in season 3, and it’s just like—the contrast between the life that’s there on the surface with this bland boring “normal” boyfriend and the hell she actually lives in is so intense. And she has to hide it all, she has to stuff it under the surface and lie to Eddie about it (and he is such scum that he believes her??? doesn’t push it further? like wtf but anyway), and it’s just so painful and that pain and the trauma and the tension and the grit all comes through so powerfully. God I love Alice. She is just. I love her.
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The scene: Episode 4x13, Javier saying good-bye to Teresa.
What I love about it: It rips my heart out. The tears start as she searches out the window of the car, searching not for something she can see but for some other version of the way this could have gone down, saying “it didn’t have to be like this,” and god, after Tony, after Birdie, after James, after everything this season, it just fucking kills me. And then they go all the way to Javier telling Pote to look after her, the same way James did when he left in 3x13. GOD THE POTENTIAL. Anyway, yeah, for like my own lasting emotional impact purposes I have to put this in the second slot.
The scene: Episode 4x13, JAMES IS BACKKKKKKKK
What I love about it: DUHHHHHHHHHH.
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Season 4 Episodes Ranked
When I watched 4x03 I was like, wow, this is a really bad episode. Like maybe the worst in the entire series lol. A whole single-episode side-plot with this trucking company that has no pay-off later. Javier and Boaz killing Rene and his buddy; too much Judge personal life side stuff; too much Eddie. Just bleh all around. So whenever I do a full series episode ranking we know which one is last 😂
Teresa’s Journey
This is the season that brings her to queenpin’s door. We know this because in the finale she finally dons the white suit of the season 2 opener (the one in which she kills a lover—and fittingly, here she squarely spurns Eddie). But we didn’t really need the white suit to know that she’s a changed person from the one we left at the end of season 3. She’s become a lot more ruthless this season than she’d set out to be certainly and even more than she was by the end of season 3. End-of-season-4 Teresa would not have let Camila live. (At least, that’s very hard to imagine.) So what changed?
The most obvious thing as a viewer is that she had no actual emotional outlet. In Season 1 she had no emotional outlet but she was literally just fighting for her life, so I don’t really see it the same way as the others in terms of her journey to queenpin. In Season 2, she had both Guero and James, each in different ways, but each one helped her feel like a person, feel safe in some way. Season 3 was her first season trying to grow her own business, and one thing after another came after her and forced her to compromise in one way or another, but she had a family around her, she had James who absolutely helped keep her soft. But in season 4, she had no one like that, no one she could actually be her whole self with. Each of her men gives her some of that space—Pote and George and Javier even—but nothing like the partnership she had with James which was both business and personal and where the hierarchy of power and responsibility broke down. In season 4, not only does she not have that person or anyone filling in for that person in her life, but she’s also actually shut down that part of herself altogether out of self-protection.
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She is alone, in a way she hadn’t been since season 1. And it shows. It hardens her. She reacts to the curveballs (increasing in both number and intensity) with no one but herself to lean on. Obviously, she has Pote, but he’s just a yes-man. If you pay attention, he doesn’t actually say anything remotely useful all season. He just parrots typical cartel talk. She has Javier, who lies to her all season so she can’t fully trust him (and she can tell she can’t even if she doesn’t know why). And she has George, whom she sends away after he accidentally kills Marcel’s guy Bobby and she can tell he’s just still not himself after Bilal died. He’s maybe the one person she can just ask for advice as an equal, but he’s not really around. Then there’s Tony, who she’s responsible for, and Kelly Anne, who almost got her killed a year earlier, and Eddie, whom she uses as a very much-needed outlet, I mean wow I really cannot blame her for needing that, but he absolutely does nothing to actually share her burdens, instead, he just tries to give her his own burdens. As if she has space for anyone else’s.
And so… she just has herself. She locks away the more emotional, feeling, romantic part of herself and hides the key. And with one tragedy after another continuing to hit her—Birdie, Manny, Tony, Javier, not to mention the multiple attempts on her own life—she grows much more prone to intimidation, fear, and violence herself.
But: she’s still herself in some crucial ways. She hasn’t given up altogether. She’s still trying to run a business with trust and respect and integrity at the core and with violence as a last resort. She doesn’t outright kill the Judge not only because doing so would definitely put her on the feds’ radar, but because she understands that he’s just a singular face of a muuuuuuuch bigger enemy, and killing him individually will not extinguish that larger enemy. And it’s ultimately that larger enemy she wants to position herself against because she doesn’t only see herself as a druglord. In fact, she doesn’t really see herself as a druglord at all. She sees the drug business as her way to find safety, influence, a good life, and to help make the world a better place. She wants to take out the Judge the right way, by proving and revealing his corruption in order to help all the people he’s harmed. She wants to build a legitimate business empire. Her values are still there. She just seems to keep telling herself that all of these awful things she’s having to do are reactive necessities and that if only she can accumulate enough power she’ll finally be able to stop dodging bullets. So despite meeting her inner queenpin (the scene with the sleazy banker to me really encapsulates that queenpin vibe, as well as her final confrontation with El Gordo’s nephew Elias in Miami), she hasn’t made any truly unimaginable values compromises yet. That’ll come in season 5 😭
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Look I know there's no James in this season until the bitter end but that doesn't mean there's totally no Jeresa. I think his absence actually has a lot to do with her hardening outer shell, as I already alluded to above. She clearly wasn't actually trying to replace him when she decided to go for Eddie because Eddie only filled one of the needs James filled for her (ahem) and while I have to mentally scrub him out of those scenes, I have a bit of a 'you go girl' attitude about it, too. What I love about it Jeresa-wise is that you really see how sexually expressive she is, how sex is something that helps her relieve stress, because she's so cerebral otherwise. So idk, somehow it confirms for me what I imagine to have been an important part of her relationship with James and a big part of how they communicated. Physically, with their bodies, since (as we well know) they both kiiiiinda struggled with words lol. Anyway, I did appreciate that consistency with her character this season that sex was still something she sought because that was a way she helped get stress out of her body, but that she fairly quickly realized it was just... not working with someone she cared so little for. I mean I think she cared for him in a human way, but certainly not in a personal way, and he just became another burden. It seems so clear to me that she realizes the physical sex isn't cutting it, isn't actually the stress-reliever she needs, and that there's a deeper yearning she has that is unmeetable. By Eddie, obviously, but probably not by anyone else. I mean, she definitely doesn't go looking around once she breaks up with Eddie. She's done. She closes that part of herself down.
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Until James shows up. We only see him for 20 seconds so the will-she-open-herself-back-up is obviously part of the season 5 Jeresa story. But her reaction when she sees him is instantaneous. She runs to him instinctively. The horror in her eyes the second she realizes it's him and that he's hurt feels more personal and alive than anything else this season since she realized Tony was about to die. I wish we could've had him back sooner so that we could've seen just a little bit of her secondary reaction to him being back, like the inner turmoil once the initial drama subsides, but I guess we sorta get that in 5x01. But his return right after she squarely shot down Eddie in that lover-killer suit really creates a brilliant cliffhanger for season 5. It's like, ok, she's spent a whole season essentially burying him. Burying the possibility of him, of the full package, of a love that has room for all parts of her and yet doesn't possess her or force her to change. And as she's buried him she's grown this callous around her heart because of all the compromises she's had to make, the losses she's endured, and the personal violence she's suffered.
But now here he is, saving her life, yet again, and she is going to have to figure out how to suddenly make room for all of that again.
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ablindingsupernova · 3 years
My *very late* thoughts on QOTS 5.01
Per usual, I’m running behind but I can never get it get together in a reasonable timeframe. Not a lot of thoughts that others haven’t mentioned more eloquently but the few that stuck out:
- The choice of the hot hook-up scene from 3x09 in the intro, as well as King George’s comment that James’ leaving messed Teresa up gives me good feelings about the romantic angle being pursued. Maybe just in an angsty way but I do like that not only was it acknowledged but that it was given significant weight in terms of Teresa closing herself off and becoming queenpin. 
- Pote defending James. LOVED IT. Though his comment to James that Kelly Anne is family now in a sort of aggressive tone had me scratching my head a bit. I mean, did he forget that James is the one that spared her life? 
- James’ reaction to the Hawaiian shirt. hahaha
- I get George being suspicious of James and he must hold those sniper skills in high regard that he’d actually think James would know just where to shoot himself to avoid any serious damage - minus the almost bleeding out part, of course. But seriously, George seemed to be super angry all of the time, like he was convinced James was no good that he allowed himself to ignore the amount of time that had lapsed since James had been shot. It’d been what? A couple of days? OF COURSE the place could've been cleaned up. 
- Loved that James was basically ‘Put up or shut up’ to George. He wasn’t afraid to confront him, unarmed and knowing that he was right about someone being after Teresa.
- Teresa broke the number one rule of running a drug cartel:  don’t get high on your own supply. I don’t actually know if that’s number one, but it’s up there.
- Teresa taking no shit from anyone and being a boss bitch extraordinaire. 
- Boaz. That scene with the Judge was amazing. It seemed like he was deliberately provoking him but in a subtle way. Teresa made it clear that he was to stand down and not go after the Judge. So instead, he’s bringing the Judge to him. 
- I do think it’s debatable whether Javier, Emilia, and Tony would still be alive if Teresa had dealt with the Judge immediately. You don’t get to a position of power like that without having friends in high places. I hate him, but he isn’t stupid. Maybe Tony would’ve survived but I suspect that if Teresa had gone to war then there would’ve been a whole lot more dead bodies.
- George and Chicho’s reactions to James firing at the Russians was priceless. And James basically taking them all out while injured? I MISSED HIM SO MUCH. Shoutout to @mymostimaginaryfriend’s competency comments and gifset because WORD. James Valdez showing them how it’s done. 
- I tend to lean on the optimistic side where Jeresa is concerned. I don’t think we’re going to get any sexy times or romantic reunions but I do think that the strength of their feelings for one another will be evident throughout the season and I have good feelings about the final scene of the series being of them meeting up on a beach somewhere after Teresa’s been “killed”. 
All that said, I loved the premiere and if the rest of the season is anything like it I’ll be a happy fangirl indeed. 
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crowdvscritic · 3 years
round up // JULY 21
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‘Tis the season to beat the heat at the always-cold theatres and next to fans set at turbo speed. While my movie watching slowed a bit with the launch of the Summer Olympics on July 23rd, I’ve still got plenty of popcorn-ready and artsy recommendations for you. A few themes in the new-to-me pop culture I’m recommending this month:
Casts oozing with embarrassing levels of talent (sometimes overqualified for the movies they’re in)
Pop culture that is responding or reinterpreting past pop culture
Stories that get weEeEeird
Keep on-a-scrollin’ to see which is which!
July Crowd-Pleasers
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1. Double Feature – ‘90s Rom-Coms feat. Lots of Lies: Mystery Date (1991) + The Pallbearer (1996)
In Mystery Date (Crowd: 7.5/10 // Critic: 6/10), Ethan Hawke and Teri Polo get set up on a blind date that gets so bizarre and crime-y I’m not sure how this didn’t come out in the ‘80s. In The Pallbearer (Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 7/10), David Schwimmer and Gwyneth Paltrow try to combine The Graduate with Four Weddings and a Funeral in a story about lost twentysomethings. If you don’t like rom-coms in which circumstances depend on lots of lies and misunderstandings, these won’t be your jam, but if you’re like me and don’t mind these somewhat-cliché devices, you’ll be hooked by likeable casts and plenty of rom and com.
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2. The Tomorrow War (2021)
I thought of no fewer movies than this list while watching: Alien, Aliens, Angel Has Fallen, Cloverfield, Interstellar, Kong: Skull Island, Prometheus, A Quiet Place: Part II, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars: The Revenge of the Sith, The Silence of the Lambs, The Terminator, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, and World War Z. And you know what? I like all those movies! (Okay, maybe I just have a healthy respect/fear of The Silence of the Lambs.) The Tomorrow War may not be original, but it borrows some of the best tropes and beats from the sci-fi and action genres, so much so I wish I could’ve seen Chris Pratt and Co. fight those gross monsters on a big screen. Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 6/10
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3. Dream a Little Dream (1989)
My July pick for the Dumb Rom-Com I Nevertheless Enjoyed! I CANNOT explain the mechanics of this body switch comedy to you—nor can the back of the DVD case above—but, boy, what an ‘80s MOOD. I did not know I needed to see a choreographed dance routine starring Jason Robards and Corey Feldman, but I DID. All I know is some movies are made for me and that I’m now a card-carrying member of the Two Coreys fan club. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 6.5/10
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4. Black Widow (2021)
The braids! The Pugh! Black Widow worked for me both as an exciting action adventure and as a respite from the Marvel adventures dependent on a long memory of the franchise. (Well, mostly—keep reading for a second MCU rec much more dependent on the gobs of previous releases.) Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 7.5/10
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5. Liar Liar (1997)
Guys, Jim Carrey is hilarious. That’s it—that’s the review. Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 7/10
6. Sob Rock by John Mayer (2021)
It’s very possible I’ve already listened to this record more than all other John Mayer records. It doesn’t surpass the capital-G Greatness of Continuum, but it’s a little bit of old school Mayer, a little bit ‘80s soft rock/pop, and I’ve had it on repeat most of the two weeks since it’s been out. Featuring the boppiest bop that ever bopped, at least one lyrical gem in every track, and an ad campaign focused on Walkmans, this record skirts the line between Crowd faves and Critic-worthy musicianship.
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7. Double Feature – ‘00s Ben Affleck Political Thrillers: The Sum of All Fears (2002) + State of Play (2009)
In The Sum of All Fears (Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 7.5/10), Ben Affleck is Jack Ryan caught up in yet another international incident. In State of Play (Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 7/10), he’s a hotshot Congressman caught up in a scandal. Both are full of plot twists and unexpected turns, and in both, Affleck is accompanied by actors you’re always happy to see, like Jason Bateman, James Cromwell, Russell Crowe, Jeff Daniels, Viola Davis, Morgan Freeman, Philip Baker Hall, David Harbour, Rachel McAdams, Helen Mirren, Liev Schreiber, and Robin Wright—yes, I swear all of those people are in just those two movies.
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8. Loki (2021-)
Unlike Black Widow, you can’t go into Loki with no MCU experience. The show finds clever ways to nudge us with reminders (and did better at it than Falcon and the Winter Soldier), but be forewarned that at some point, you’re just going to have to let go and accept wherever this timeline-hopper is taking you. An ever-charismatic cast keeps us grounded (Owen Wilson, Jonathan Majors, and an alligator almost steal the show from Tom Hiddleston in some eps), but while Falcon lasted an episode or two too long, Loki could’ve used a few more to flesh out its complicated plot and develop its characters. Thankfully, the jokes matter almost as much as the sci-fi, so you can still have fun even if you have no idea what’s going on.
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9. Double Feature – Bruce Willis: Die Hard With a Vengeance (1995) + The Whole Nine Yards (2000)
Before Bruce Willis began starring in many random direct-to-DVD movies I only ever hear about in my Redbox emails, he was a Movie Star smirking his way up the box office charts. In the third Die Hard (Crowd: 10/10 // Critic: 7.5/10), he teams up with Samuel L. Jackson to decipher the riddles of a terrorist madman (Jeremy Irons), and it’s a thrill ride. In The Whole Nine Yards (Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 8/10), he’s hitman that screws up dentist Matthew Perry’s boring life in Canada, and—aside from one frustrating scene of let’s-objectify-women-style nudity—it’s hilarious.
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10. This Is the End (2013)
On paper, this is not a movie for me. An irreverent stoner comedy about a bunch of bros partying it up before the end of the world? None of things are for Taylors. But with a little help of a TV edit to pare down the raunchy and crude bits, I laughed my way through and spent the next several days thinking through its exploration of what makes a good person. While little of the plot is accurate to Christian Gospel and theology, some of its big ideas are consistent enough with the themes of the book of Revelation I found myself thinking about it again in church this morning. (Would love to know if Seth Rogen ever expected that.) Plus, I love a good self-aware celebrity spoof—can’t tell you how many times I’ve just laughed remembering the line, “It’s me, Jonah Hill, from Moneyball”—and an homage to horror classics. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 7/10
July Critic Picks
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1. Summer of Soul (…or, When the Television Could Not Be Televised) (2021)
Even director Questlove didn’t know about the Harlem Cultural Festival, but now he’s compiled the footage so we can all enjoy one of the coolest music fest lineups ever, including The 5th Dimension, B.B. King, Gladys Knight and the Pips, Nina Simone, Sly and the Family Stone, and Stevie Wonder, who made my friend’s baby dance more than once in the womb. See it on the big screen for top-notch audio. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 9/10
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2. Good Morning, Vietnam (1987)
Robin Williams takes on the bureaucracy, disillusionment, and malaise of the Vietnam War with comedy. Williams was a one-of-a-kind talent, and here it’s on display at a level on par with Aladdin. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 9/10
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3. Against the Rules Season 2 (2020-21)
Michael Lewis (author of Moneyball, adapted into a film starring Jonah Hill), is interested in how we talk about fairness. This season he looks at how coaches impact fairness in areas like college admissions, credit cards, and youth sports. 
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4. Bugsy Malone (1976)
A gangster musical starring only children? It’s a little like someone just picked ideas out of a hat, but somehow it works. You can hear why in the Bugsy Malone episode Kyla and I released this month on SO IT’S A SHOW?, plus how this weird artifact of a film connects with Gilmore Girls.
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5. The Queen (2006)
Before The Crown, Peter Morgan wrote The Queen, focusing on Queen Elizabeth II (Helen Mirren) in the days following the death of Princess Diana. It’s a complex and compassionate drama, both for the Queen and for Prime Minister Tony Blair (Michael Sheen, who has snuck up on me to become a favorite character actor). Maybe I’ve got a problem, but I’ll never tire of the analysis of this famous family. Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 9.5/10
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6. The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean (1972)
This month at ZekeFilm, we took a closer look at Revisionist Westerns we’ve missed. I fell hard for Roy Bean, and I think you will, too, if for no other reason than you might like a story starring Jacqueline Bisset, Ava Gardner, John Huston, Paul Newman, and Anthony Perkins. Oh, and a bear! Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 10/10
7. New Trailer Round Up
Naked Singularity (Aug. 6) – John Boyega in a crime thriller!
Queenpins (Aug. 10) – A crime comedy about extreme coupon-ing!
Dune (Oct. 1) – I’ve been cooler on the anticipation for this film, but this new look has me cautiously intrigued thanks to the Bardem + Bautista + Brolin + Chalamet + Ferguson + Isaac + Momoa + Zendaya of it all.
The Last Duel (Oct. 15) – Affleck! Damon! Driver!
Ghostbusters: Afterlife (Nov. 11) - I’m not sure why we need this, but I’m down for the Paul Rudd + Finn Wolfhard combo
King Richard (Nov. 19) - Will Smith as Venus and Serena’s father!
Encanto (Nov. 24) – Disney and Lin-Manuel Miranda making more magic together!
House of Gucci (Nov. 24) - Gaga! Pacino! Driver! 
Also in July…
Kyla and I took a look at the classic supernatural soap Dark Shadows and why Sookie might be obsessed with it on Gilmore Girls.
I revisited a so-bad-it’s-good masterpiece that’s a surrealist dream even Fellini couldn’t have cooked up. Yes, for ZekeFilm I wrote about the Vanilla Ice movie, Cool as Ice, which is now a part of my Blu-ray collection.
Photo credits: Against the Rules. All others IMDb.com.
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archive-archives · 3 years
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SIX BY SONDHEIM (2013) Run Time             86:00 Subtitles               English SDH Audio Specs        DTS HD-Master Audio 5.1 - English Aspect Ratio       1.78:1; 16 X 9 Widescreen Product Color    COLOR Disc Configuration           BD 25
From award-winning director and frequent Sondheim collaborator James Lapine, Six by Sondheim is an intimate and candid look at the life and art of legendary composer-lyricist Stephen Sondheim, who redefined musical theater through such works as Company, Sweeney Todd and Sunday in the Park with George. Told primarily in Sondheim’s own words from dozens of interviews spanning decades, the film is a highly personal profile of a great American artist as revealed through the creation and performance of six of his songs. It features rarely seen archival performance footage and original staged productions – created exclusively for this film – with stars including Audra McDonald, Darren Criss, America Ferrera and more.
HARLEY QUINN: THE COMPLETE FIRST AND SECOND SEASONS (2019,2020) Run Time             594:00 Subtitles               English SDH Audio Specs        DTS HD-Master Audio 5.1 - English Aspect Ratio       1.78:1, 16 X 9 Widescreen Disc Configuration           2 BD 50
Harley Quinn (Kaley Cuoco) has finally broken things off once and for all with the Joker (Alan Tudyk) and attempts to make it on her own as the criminal Queenpin of Gotham City in this half-hour adult animated action-comedy series. With the help of Poison Ivy (Lake Bell) and a ragtag crew of DC castoffs, Harley tries to earn a seat at the biggest table in villainy: the Legion of Doom. Don’t worry – she’s got this. Or does she? In Season 2, Harley has defeated the Joker, and Gotham City is hers for the taking…what’s left of it, that is. Her celebration in the newly created chaos is cut short when Penguin, Bane, Mr. Freeze, The Riddler and Two-Face join forces to restore order in the criminal underworld. Calling themselves the Injustice League, they’re intent on keeping Harley and her crew from taking control as the top villains in Gotham.
NEW 2021 1080p HD master! PUMP UP THE VOLUME (1990) Run Time             102:00 Subtitles               English SDH Audio Specs        DTS HD-Master Audio 5.1 - English Aspect Ratio       1.85:1, 16 X 9 Letterbox Product Color    COLOR Disc Configuration           BD 50 Includes Original Theatrical Trailer (HD)
By day, Mark Hunter (Christian Slater) is a painfully shy new kid in a small Arizona town. But by night, he’s Hard Harry, the cynical, uncensored DJ of a pirate radio station. Idolized by his high school classmates (who are unaware of his real identity), Harry becomes a hero with his fiercely funny monologues on sex, love, and rock and roll. But when he exposes the corrupt school principal, she calls in the FCC to shut Harry down. An outrageous rebel with a cause, Slater gives a brilliant performance as the reluctant hero who inspires his classmates to find their own voices of rebellion and individuality. A movie with a message, Pump Up the Volume is a raw and witty celebration of free speech that will make you laugh, make you cheer and make you think.
NEW 2020 1080p HD master! A TALE OF TWO CITIES (1935) Run Time             126:00 Subtitles               English SDH Audio Specs        DTS HD-Master Audio 2.0 - English, MONO - English Aspect Ratio       1.37:1 Disc Configuration           BD 50
Special Features: Audioscopiks (MGM short); 2 Classic Cartoons 'Hey, Hey Fever' and 'Honeyland'; Radio adaptation with Ronald Colman; Trailer
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…” Charles Dickens’ tale of love and tumult during the French Revolution comes to the screen in a sumptuous film version by the producer famed for nurturing sprawling literary works: David O. Selznick (David Copperfield, Anna Karenina, Gone with the Wind). Ronald Colman (The Prisoner of Zenda) stars as Sydney Carton – sardonic, dissolute, a wastrel…and destined to redeem himself in an act of courageous sacrifice. “It's a far, far better thing I do than I have ever done,” Carton muses at that defining moment. This is far, far better filmmaking too: a Golden Era marvel of uncanny performances top to bottom, eye-filling crowd scenes (the storming of the Bastille, thronged courtrooms, an eerie festival of public execution) and lasting emotional power. Revolution is in the air!
NEW 2021 1080p HD master! BABY DOLL (1956) Run Time             114:00 Subtitles               English SDH Audio Specs        DTS HD-Master Audio 2.0 - English, MONO - English Aspect Ratio       1.85:1, 16 X 9 Letterbox Product Color    BLACK & WHITE Disc Configuration           BD 50
Special Features: "Baby Doll: See No Evil" vintage featurette; Original Theatrical Trailer (HD)
Times are tough for cotton miller Archie (Karl Malden), but at least he has his child bride (Carroll Baker), who’ll soon be his wife in title and truth. The one-year agreement keeping them under the same roof – yet never in the same bed – is about to end. But a game with a sly business rival (Eli Wallach) is about to begin. In Baby Doll, as in A Streetcar Named Desire, director Elia Kazan and writer Tennessee Williams broke new ground in depicting sexual situations – earning condemnation from the then-powerful Legion of Decency. They earned laurels too: four Academy Award® nominations, Golden Globe® Awards for Baker and Kazan, and a British Academy Award for Wallach. Watch this funny, steamy classic that, as Leonard Maltin’s Movie Guide proclaims, “still sizzles.”
NEW 2021 1080p HD master from nitrate preservation elements! SAN FRANCISCO (1936) Run Time             115:00 Subtitles               English SDH Audio Specs        DTS HD-Master Audio 2.0 - English, MONO - English Aspect Ratio       1.37:1 Product Color    BLACK & WHITE Disc Configuration           BD 50
Special Features: Alternate Ending Sequence; "Clark Gable: Tall, Dark and Handsome" featurette with Liam Neeson; two vintage FitzPatrick Traveltalks: 'Cavalcade of San Francisoco' & 'Night Descends on Treasure Island'; Classic Cartoon 'Bottles"; Theatrical re-issue trailer (HD)
Romantic drama combines with humor, starpower combines with lavish spectacle and the walls come tumbling down! This Academy Award-winning extravaganza’s street-splitting, brick-cascading, fire-raging recreation of the cataclysmic earthquake remains "one of the greatest action sequences in the history of the cinema, rivalling the chariot race in both Ben-Hurs" (Adrian Turner, Time Out Film Guide).
Clark Gable plays rakish Barbary Coast kingpin Blackie Norton. Jeanette MacDonald portrays a singer torn by her love for Blackie and her need to succeed among the operagoing elite. Earning the first of nine career Best Actor Oscar® nominations,* Spencer Tracy is a priest who supplements spiritual advice with a mean right hook. He urges Blackie to change. But if love and religion can't reform Blackie, Mother Nature will.
NEW 2021 1080p HD master from 4K Scan of original Technicolor negatives! SHOW BOAT (1951) Run Time             108:00 Subtitles               English SDH Audio Specs        DTS HD-Master Audio 2.0 STEREO - English, DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 Original Mono Theatrical track- - English Aspect Ratio       1.37:1 Product Color    COLOR Disc Configuration           BD 50
Special Features: Commentary by Director George Sidney; Till the Clouds Roll By - Show Boat (1946) Sequence; "Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man" and "Bill" Ava Gardner Audio-only Outtakes; Lux Radio Theater Broadcast (2/11/1952); Original Theatrical Trailer (HD)
From novel (by Edna Ferber) to Broadway smash (by Jerome Kern and Oscar Hammerstein II) to three film versions (1929, 1936, 1951) to stage revivals. Like Ol’ Man River, Show Boat just keeps rollin’ along. Produced by Arthur Freed and directed by George Sidney, this 1951 version of the saga of riverboat lives and loves has glorious stars (Kathryn Grayson, Ava Gardner, Howard Keel, Marge and Gower Champion) in Technicolor® radiance, a made-from-scratch 170-foot paddle wheeler, timeless songs and an equally timeless outcry against racial bigotry. “This was music that would outlast Kern’s day and mine,” Ferber said in recalling her first reaction to hearing “Ol’ Man River.” She was right as rain.
NEW 2020 1080p HD master! MY DREAM IS YOURS (1949) Run Time             101:00 Subtitles               English SDH Audio Specs        MONO - English, DTS HD-Master Audio 2.0 - English Aspect Ratio       1.37:1 Disc Configuration           BD 50
Special Features: Vintage Joe McDoakes Comedy Short "So You Want to be An Actor"; The Grass is Always Greener short subject; Classic Cartoon 'A Ham in a Role' ; Original Theatrical Trailer (HD)
Talent agent Doug Blake (Jack Carson) is giving 100% to earn his 10%. He walks away from his arrogant singing star (Lee Bowman) and scrambles to discover another who will shine even brighter. He finds effervescent songstress Martha Gibson. Doris Day plays Martha. Think she has a chance? During the shooting of Day’s first film (Romance on the High Seas), director Michael Curtiz was sure the sparkling newcomer had much more than a chance and set the wheels in motion for My Dream Is Yours. Curtiz dots his film with authentic Hollywood locales (including the fabled Schwab’s Pharmacy). And Bugs Bunny himself hops into a dream sequence. Welcome to the Dream Factory. Make it yours.
NEW 2020 1080p HD master from 4K scan of Original Technicolor Negatives! ON MOONLIGHT BAY (1951) Run Time             95:00 Subtitles               English SDH Audio Specs        MONO - English, DTS HD-Master Audio 2.0 - English Aspect Ratio       1.37:1 Disc Configuration           BD 50
Special Features: 'Let's Sing a Song About the Moonlight' vintage short; Classic Cartoon 'A Hound for Trouble'; Original Theatrical Trailer (HD)
Not since Judy met the boy next door in St. Louis has there been a heaping of tuneful, romantic Midwestern American life like this! Doris Day and Gordon MacRae team for spoonin’, croonin’ and swoonin’ On Moonlight Bay, based on Booth Tarkington’s Penrod stories. “Try not to walk like a first baseman,” Mama (Rosemary DeCamp) tells tomboy Marjorie (Day) as she prepares to date college man Bill (MacRae). The advice takes. The lovebirds hear wedding bells ahead, just as soon as Bill gets his sheepskin. But World War I rages “over there.” And Papa (Leon Ames) rages at home after a flap with his prospective son-in-law. Will harmony return to this Hoosier home? Surely Day and MacRae will make musical harmony. And On Moonlight Bay will have you sailing along.
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