#I love thèse >:3
queer-trashmouth · 1 year
I’m obsessed w/ the polls (crédit to @inthefallofasparrow for the idea)
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yasbeych · 27 days
hi hi!!! would we be able to see any silly art of starscream or skyfire? i wanna see more silly guys...
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lil-katz · 5 months
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up close and personal
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hkpika07 · 1 year
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Oh Thomas, don’t you know? I’m not the only one.
Introducing the 3 gods of locomotives! Lady, god of steam locos. Damien, god of diesels. And Cassius, god of electrics. These three are siblings, with Lady being the oldest and Cassius being the youngest. They all have golden eyes to represent the gold dust and they all live in their domain The Magic Railroad. Each deity has an item specific to them. Lady’s is her hat, Damien’s is his goggles and Cassius’ is their mask. They also all have helpers, which are chosen engines to become demigods. Well, Lady has a helper. Damien refuses to choose another and Cassius still hasn’t chosen his.
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alzaira · 2 years
I use Tumblr for at least 3 years, and i realized that i only read / see things but never interacts by fear of being WEIRD, but i'd love to do thèse type of blog where you answer to people with your drawing,,,,, aaaaa
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metante · 3 years
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NOT at YouTube recommanding me SKAM content out of the blue ... They KNow It’s my go to comfort christmas season show T-T
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lizzibennet · 2 years
i jsut rewatched Emma (2020) and thèse bitches might make me believe in love. What thé fujcj. What thé fuck. thé DELIVERY of if i loved you less ???? I??? Mr flynn doesnt sound like hes giving speeches when he does knightley and it slaps so much. Its so right
LITERALLYYYYY when i tell ppl johnny is my fav knightley they’re like UH but my favorite thing about his portrayal is that he is SO DAMN EARNEST? LIKE ALL THE TIME? when he’s glad he is so :> when he’s mad he’s SO mad that he makes emma cry even tho he raised his voice just a touch he’s crying when he makes the if i loved you less speech and when he marries her like. sboabsskbskd the story is about emma getting humbled which she is but god is he not brought to his knees in front of her too?! is he also not taken down a couple notches before he admits his feelings too!! i want to SEE that happen!!!! and johnny flynn came in with his beautiful scar on his cheek and his floppy boyband hair and his whole ass on display and was like here you go babe <3 and i’m supposed to NOT swoon????? i’m supposed to NOT believe in love after watching these two idiots dance around each other for almost two hours??????? WELL IF THAT IS THE CASE HE MAKES IT VERY HARD!!!
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stardstgf · 3 years
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ran out of actual pictures but here are my favorite cat paintings by yelena bryksenkova <3
ohmyfuckinggod LOOK AT THEM??? i love thèse so much thank u sm!!!
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pauvre-lola · 3 years
17. a description of your OC’s family by a future historian for Gigi, if you please?!
yesss, thank you <3<3
english version :
extract from an email :
[...] and I beg of you, Fabrice, if you hope that your miserable thesis will be taken seriously by our most eminent director, to stop calling Marianna the "neighbor". Come on, Fabrice, seriously? neighbor ? NEIGHBOR ?
( in a very big font size ) NEIGH BOR ???
Fabrice, because of the many love letters DATED AND SIGNED that WE excavated from the ruins of Denerim, and if you do not want me to deck you in the face at the next coffee break, no really I INSITS ( NB: the fault is authentic ), I request of you to got into that really head of yours that Tabris and the baker’s daughter were a little more than just neighbors, and that they did SOMETHING ELSE together than knead dough.
french version :
extrait d'un email :
[...] et je te prie, Fabrice, si tu espères que ta misérable thèse soit prise au sérieux par notre très éminent directeur, de cesser de qualifier Marianna de simple "voisine". Sérieusement, Fabrice ? voisine ? VOISINE ??
( en très très gros ) VOI SINE ???
Fabrice, en raison des nombreuses lettres d'amour DATEES ET SIGNEES qu'on a excavé des ruines de Dénérim, et si tu ne souhaites pas que je t'explose le crâne à la prochaine pause café, non vraiment J4INSISTE ( NB : la faute est authentique ), il vaudrait mieux pour toi que tu te rentres dans le crâne que Tabris et la fille de la boulangère étaient un peu plus que simples voisines, et qu'elles faisaient AUTRE CHOSE ensemble que de pétrir la pâte.
PAS MERCI ! edit : i’ve realized i’ve misread the original prompt :’) so gigi marry the baker’s daughter challenge AU i guess !!!!! and remember kid, reread your stuff !!!
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kalimagik · 4 years
hiii no pressure: List 3 of your favorite fics, written by yourself, and send this to 5-10 of your favorite fic writers! hope you're doing well, too. love you! 💛
Ohhhh! Another one of these ☺️☺️ (and I hope you’re doing well too nonnie)
Okay so the first one is A Potter Game Night which is Draco x Reader. I don’t write for Draco very often because I’m not too comfortable with his characterization, but I loved this fic just because of the entire dynamic between all the characters that were present.
You are my Home is another favorite (my boy Ron) and I really think it’s because Ron has become a comfort and safety character for me. I really relate to him in general and just know that if I ever do have a significant other (in real life) I’d want them to be protective like the Ron I wrote here.
Okay, the last one is Absolutely which is a George fic. I am still SO mad that I didn’t make this a series because I honestly fell in love with the concept. But. Too late I guess. I love this one because it really shows how far one of the twins can really go when it comes to pranking and not always see the consequences, but when a special connection is there, the connection is there.
Thèse are 3 of the ones I do love so much, so I’m happy to get to share that!
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gwenlen-studies · 4 years
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So, I haven’t been here for like... a decade. But... yeah, for me, quarantine isn’t really about sleeping, watching movies, baking and other fancy things, since I’m supposed to write a thesis - which is really depressing, you know, because since I don’t see my friends studying with me, I always assume they’re all working better and more efficiently than me.
I tried to do something with my desk, to make it a bit more suitable for work and a little bit less depressing, so here’s a quick before/after, feat. lots and lots of lipbalm and hand cream.
Love and take care <3
Ca fait beaucoup trop longtemps que je ne suis pas venue. Ici. En fait, je manque vraiment de temps, et j’envie tellement ceux pour qui la quarantaine est synonyme de sommeil, de films à voir, de cuisine et autres choses divertissantes. Tout ce que j’ai à faire, c’est écrire ma thèse, ce qui me déprime souvent. Comme je ne vois plus mes amis, j’ai toujours l’impression qu’ils avancent bien plus vite que moi, et j’ai l’impression de stagner...
J’ai essayé de ranger mon bureau pour lui donner un aspect un peu plus correct, donc voilà le résultat, feat. le millier de tubes de baume à lèvres et de crème hydratante que j’ai retrouvé pendant le rangement.
Prenez soin de vous <3
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demonsdarling · 5 years
lover first listen thoughts
some things about me: i love words. i write my feelings and my thoughts as much as possible. i’ve never been in love. i’m in love with the idea of love. i’ve been obsessed with miss swift since i was seven. i’m eighteen. this album has reinforced those incredibly strong feelings. i have fallen in love with even more of taylor’s words, and i hope my words help express my feelings about this wondrous album. it fills my heart and breaks it and makes me jump up and down and makes me wanna laugh and scream and dance. please enjoy my brain words.
i forgot you existed- relatable bop, love the lil spoken word bits. really enjoy miss swift’s voice, singing and speaking.
cruel summer - lyrically is so gooooood. HE LOOKS SO PRETTY LIKE A DEVIL. i think this might end up being a fav. so so catchy, please put this on the radio. i wanna scream to this at a party or with my friends.
lover - you already know i love this song soooo much. i am a sucker for love songs, and this is quite possibly my favorite one ever. definitely a contender for all time favorite song. might be my favorite taylor song.
THE MAN. - goes HARD !!! holy shit!!! taylor!!! wowie. miss swift SNAPPED!! sonically amazing! brooo im loving this. also little detail i love the way she says “i’m” in the chorus. love the bridge too!! snapped. went off. no one else could ever.
the archer - when it comes to track 5, this might be my favorite. actually the only other track 5 that compares in my heart is ayhtdws (sorry guys i just have taste. sad upbeat bops and loving slow songs are everything to me!!)
i think he knows - when the snaps started i was surprised! i thought it’d be slow. this is sexy. i relate to this one but he does not know actually. this is so hot. OH THE BRIDGE! OH! i wanna be in love, wanna be touched.
miss americana & the heartbreak prince - the verse like a poem. it’s full metaphor and i love it. sounds just like i expected. the chorus reminds me of rep! i love the high school vibes, it’s my first night at college. sounds like a mix between king of my heart and i did something bad. i really love this. i’ll be saying that for the whole album i think. i really enjoy the cheering in this it really emphasizes the high school vibes (go! fight! win! miss swift left the bleachers and is now cheer captain).
paper rings - AHH!! i love thèse vibes. this is so me. so so me. it sounds like the early 2000s. oh god i want this i want this so bad. this is love this is FUN HAPPY LOVE. this is dancing and laughing. sliding around on the floor in fuzzy socks. gently laughing kisses. definitely a favorite. i’m so in love. i feel this pulling at my heartstrings.
cornelia street - this is the second time she’s said drunk in the backseat. i will think about that later, for now i like the story this is telling me. i feel the fear of losing someone. i feel the pain that comes with that fear. to me, the beat attempts to mask those feelings but they shine through with her words. i can hear the worries of the biggest heartbreak ever. it’s terrifying to feel you’ve found true love and to be scared of losing it. the bridge sounds like another song i can’t place rn because i am too busy listening to this one. i feel like i heard her voice crack around 3:40. this holds the strongest emotions so far.
death by a thousand cuts - i wasn’t thinking this could be about love but of course it is!! the sounds in this are so unique and lovely. i love the chimes and the cowbell sound. one is in each ear right now. wow second verse wow. hey i like the guitar and vocals being on their own. i want to share this one with everyone i meet.
london boy - hey wow. i feel like this is worldwide love. DARLING I FANCY YOU. wow. she just keeps mentioning british things i’m smiling so much. someone take me to dance around london please. worldwide i love you taylor swift. i guess all the rumors (but probably spelled with a “u”) are true.
soon you’ll get better - i think i am not prepared. we will see. oh no oh god. i’m scared. this is a mom song. oh i can’t handle those they make me cry so much. oh my god i am crying. i love my mommy so much she is my best friend. i can’t imagine what it’s like for taylor. “you’ll get better soon, cause you have to” is the most important thing i ever have heard. i will take that and make it my own. “i hate to make this all about me...” hurt me hard. i love my mom. oh her deep breath about 30 seconds to the end.
false god - maam i cant switch that QUICKLY. it’s good as heck though. i got distracted at the beginning, thinking about should i send soon you’ll get better to my mom. OH LO-O-O-O-OVE. OH THATS GOOD. OH!! this album is showing really the trials and tribulations that exist even in true love, and i think that’s so important.
you need to calm down - this is a forever bop. i don’t have many new words for this one, but i love it oh so much! people don’t appreciate her as much as they should.
afterglow - one of my already fav songs is called afterglow, so i’m biased toward it already. this is really nice. i love the sound of this, and the emotions that shine through with the words. “meet me in the afterglow” is a beautiful line. i love it oh so much. i want to say it to a certain someone.
me! - i think i’m one of the few who genuinely enjoys this song. it will forever remind me of driving with my friends, all of us yelling “me hee hee hoo hoo hoo”. i have one specific memory, in the backseat, it’s sunset and i’m with two of my best friends and another i’m so grateful to have found this past year. three people i love singing along to a fun song by another person i love. i will cherish that forever. HEY KIDS SPELLING IS FUN IS GONE?? i was confused by that but okay.
it’s nice to have a friend - this is so very different from everything we’ve ever heard from taylor before. i’m really feeling this actually because i love and miss my friends so freaking much!! they mean so much to me. and i have this one new friend, my first college friend, who i’m so grateful to have and so glad she wants me to be her friend. i know that’s not the point of the song, i won’t be marrying her, but it is what i’m thinking about right now. now to the real words in it. the love in it is really warm. it was a really short song but i think it works. this feels like mary’s song. love you logan.
daylight- STEP INTO THE MF DAYLIGHT AND LET IT GO!!!!! love this so so much already. oh this is pulling my heart. oh wow. it’s golden. you are golden. we are golden together miss taylor. thank you oh so so much. she said step into the daylight and let it go. omg the voice memo- oh i love that. you are what you love. wow. the most beautiful way to end an album.
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papa-papou · 4 years
Saison 8 Épisode 12 Clip 3
Dominique : Spinoza... Il a écrit là-dessus, celui-là ? Olivier : Tu viens ? Tu as déjà raté le déj', tu vas pas annuler le dîner chez Rodolphe de ce soir ?
Dominique : Désolé, vas-y sans moi. Olivier : C'est quoi ?
Dominique : La punition de Jade. Olivier : OK.
Dominique : Je lui ai demandé d'écrire un devoir sur la notion de confiance. Pour que ça rentre.
Olivier : Tu t'es fait avoir comme un bleu. Elle adore, du coup, elle te pond une thèse de 6 pages à laquelle tu comprends rien, du coup, tu bosses comme un con. C'est bien. Le plus puni des deux, c'est toi. Privé de déjeuner, de dîner, de soirée.
Dominique : Elle est forte, très forte.
Dominique: Spinoza ... He wrote about ? Olivier: Are you coming? You already missed lunch, you aren't going to miss dinner at Rodolphe's this evening? Dominique: Sorry, go without me. Olivier: What is it? Dominique: Jade's punishment. Olivier: OK. Dominique: I asked her to write an assignment on the concept of trust. So she’d get it. Olivier: You’ve been had, fool. She loves that. She can write 6 pages on that, which you don’t understand, so you’ll have to study to understand it. Smart. The more punished of the two is you. No lunch, no dinner, no evening. Dominique: She’s smart. Really smart.
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abibakingfmp · 5 years
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by emily coxhead
I admire the way she has been able to spread positivity not just from her but from all over the world to make people smile, it changes people’s moods for a whole day and I just think it’s incredible how she’s done it.
When i think positive i think the happy news by emily coxhead.. and that’s why I want a similar style for my happy menu.. even if i tried not to use these colours/style I wouldn’t be able to help it coming out similar. because she has captured every ounce of happiness into her work and that’s OBVIOUSLY what i’d like to portray in mine also.
I love everything about thèse 3 pictures:
picture 1 - SHE is beautiful, the magazine is also beautiful, the contrast of the pink wall as the background against her bright yellow magazine in front of her face just RADIATES happiness i’m smiling just looking at it.
picture 2 - i loooove how the circle is so imperfect, it’s something i’ve always appreciated about illustrations and graphics, a perfect circle just does not excite me the way a badly drawn sketchy circle does. the colour blue in this picture is also one of my go-to’s so obviously i am drawn to this. just the cartoon version of the magazine is so cute and similar.
picture 3 - the yellow is the main point in this image and it makes the words inside stand out SO MUCH and it looks so simple yet happy and id love to be able to draw peoples eyes straight to a point on my posters or whatever i may be doing (note to self, keep it bright, fun, simple and of course very abi)
posted 25.04.19
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vfstreaming · 4 years
Call Me By Your Name Vfhd Fr Streaming Vf En Complet 2017 Illimité
Call Me By Your Name Vfhd Fr Streaming Vf En Complet 2017 Illimité
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[Vfhd@fr] » Call Me by Your Name Film avec sous-titres français » Call Me by Your Name
Call Me by Your Name (2017) [Vfhd@fr] Streaming complet vf Avec sous-titres anglais et français
Notes de film: 8.3/10 7,295 röster
Date de sortie: 2017-09-01
Production: La Cinéfacture / RT Features / Frenesy Film Company / Water’s End Productions / M.Y.R.A. Entertainment / Memento Films International / Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali /
Wiki page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Call Me by Your Name
Genres: RomanceDrame
Elio, 17 ans, fils d’un professeur d’université, musicien, sensible et cultivé, attend comme chaque année “l’invité de l’été”, un étudiant en provenance de New York qui doit venir pour travailler sur sa thèse. Celui-ci s’appelle Oliver, et sa beauté et sa désinvolture ne manquent pas de faire tourner bien des têtes. Elio aussi est subjugé : ils parlent de films, de livres, font de longues promenades, vont nager. Entre eux vont naître sans crier gare des désirs nouveaux, qu’ils vivront à plein, de la souffrance à l’extase.
Call Me by Your Name [Vfhd@fr] Streaming complet vf Avec sous-titres anglais et français
Titre du film: Call Me by Your Name Popularité: 30.399 Durée: 131 Minutes Slogan:
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Call Me by Your Name streaming complet film vf avec sous-titres français gratuitement. Regardez un film en ligne ou regardez les meilleures vidéos HD 1080p gratuites sur votre ordinateur de bureau, ordinateur portable, ordinateur portable, tablette, iPhone, iPad, Mac Pro et plus encore.
Call Me by Your Name – Acteurs et actrices
Timothée Chalamet Elio Perlman
Armie Hammer Oliver
Michael Stuhlbarg Samuel Perlman
Amira Casar Annella Perlman
Esther Garrel Marzia
Victoire Du Bois Chiara
Vanda Capriolo Mafalda
Antonio Rimoldi Anchise
Call Me by Your Name Bande annonce
[Vfhd@fr] Streaming complet vf Avec sous-titres anglais et français Film Complet
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Call Me by Your Name (2017)
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