#I know very little about Starscream in comics
petitelepus · 1 year
idw starscream feeling stressed due to being ruler of cybertron and when he's finally done for the day, his cute pet is already waiting at home and ready to pamper him and make the stress go away. they even prepared little energon sweets
Being the greatest wasn't as glamorous as Starscream had always thought. There were so many problems and he was expected to have answers to each and every one of them.
Honest leadership didn't really suit him, at all.
The former Decepticon grunted as he made it to his suite and sat on his grand couch to relax.
"How did your day go?" Came your small voice as you walked before him and Starscream groaned as he covered his tired optics with his hand.
"Horrible, as per usual!" He complained and you smiled, "Would the great and mighty Starscream like some homemade energon treats?"
You were maybe the only person who could call him that because you weren't being sarcastic about it, unlike many mechs Starscream knew.
"Yes." He simply said and you nodded, but realizing that he couldn't see it, you replied, "Coming right away."
Starscream wasn't the most patient Con, but you were quick on your feet as you went to the small private kitchen that was connected to your owner's suit.
It didn't take long before you came back with a plate filled with sweet energon treats you had prepared in case Starscream would have a rough day again.
"Here you go," You offered the big plate to the mech and he picked the whole plate from your hands and popped one treat into his mouth.
You watched excitedly as he chewed and swallowed before grabbing another sweet treat.
"Not bad," He said as he ate, "You are getting better at these."
"I get to thank Rattrap for translating the recipes from Cybertronian to English." You said with a happy smile, "But I'm happy you like them!"
How could he not like them? They were delicious and made by you, his own loyal little pet that adored him no matter what he did.
Yes, you would be there for him and by his side no matter what Starscream would do. Your loyalty was well appreciated by this traitorous mech. He could start a whole new war and you would be there standing by his side.
He had never witnessed such loyalty from anyone before, himself included.
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camp-mithril-lake · 2 months
Transformers: One
I genuinely enjoyed how Elita and Megaron sounded. In particularly Megatron.
I absolutely adored the background and detailing for how they built Cybertron. It looks gorgeous and I loved the glimpses of flora and fauna. I think at the very least it will be a beautiful movie and give new ideas for Cybertronian physical world building.
I do not entirely hate the designs and like some of them.
Feels very much that the core personalities come a bit from IDW for Orion and Megatron in particularly very young introverted Megatron pre-arrest and how Orion Pax was very outgoing extrovert. This is mainly neutral but I am liking the glimpses of their relationship. If this is the center of the emotional beats I am for it.
I am tentatively looking forward to having Elita as another main.
I am actually seeing quite a bit of lore.
I don't mind Chris Hemsworth as a young Orion, not my favorite, and his attempt at a more serious line did sound a little weak, but again as this as an origin not having the "Optimus Prime" voice yet could be a good bit of characterization.
I don't know about the humor, especially with playing up Bumblebee as comic relief. It felt very MCU, in the worst sort of way, though some of it wasn't bad or overdone. Like them figuring out their transformations.
I am concerned about how they are handling Bumblebee. I am hoping he isn't purely regulated to humor.
I am hoping it is not just wisecracks but actually a "good" (for Transformers) plot with appropriately heavy emotional highs and lows. If we only have the amount of humor that is in the trailer then the balance can be fine.
Cybertronians seem to be regulated to underground and working their and from what I can see this is because the Quintessons are ruling up top. My guess, purely speculation, this is drawing from Aligned lore and the scene was the Quintesson removing the T-cog from a new Cybertronian before sending them underground.
Alpha Trion appears to be out and about up top, no doubt causing trouble like the original A3 origin, and is able to return Elita, Orion, Megatron, and Bumblebee's T-cogs. My guess is upon finding out the "truth" of what is happening the four mains start up a rebellion to free Cybertron.
From the glimpses of Megatron and Optimus my guess is it opens with the two of them during the war and then flashes back to "how they met".
My guess form the scenes is that Orion somehow got Megatron in trouble. I'm kind of suspecting an homage to the bar fight that ruins his life in IDW only Orion is taking Impactor's place.
Pretty sure their was a glimpse of Starscream on a throne. The Seekers likely either or already independent and have a fighting force or live up top as they work for the Quintessons in a different way. My guess is the Fearsome Foursome has to approach him to get an alliance. Likely Megatron will be the one that finalizes it as a hint towards his future as leader/SIC. Or that would be how I'd do it.
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lillified · 1 year
Oh!! Btw! I'm a drag artist and I'm doing a drag cosplay of starscream for pride and tfnation 2023 and sometimes when I question if the look is too fem or cutesy shaped, I think about your starscream and I remind myself that I'm serving cunt actually. Thank you for your service
hi!! I absolutely love both of the asks you sent but I hope you don’t mind me responding to this one with a little bit of personal musing—specifically about Starscream and femininity, lol. (long post warning!!)
I cannot stress enough how generally positive and supportive reception to my changes has been, especially in the case of Starscream—that being said, I do think about the occasional pushback I get every so often, and how it feeds into why I make the choices I do
starscream has always been a feminine character, which I think is part of why a lot of people are drawn to it in the first place—even talking to older fans, who grew up with the original show, there seems to be this implicit understanding that Starscream is something “other” (“pretty poison” as a beta name should tell you quite a bit). this is something that has remained relatively consistent in the entirety of transformers—albeit in, I’d argue, the worst way possible.
there are a lot of character decisions I dislike on a thematic level that vary across continuity, but one extremely reliable element of any Starscream is the way femininity defines their villainy. you’re never supposed to like the “feminine” traits. they’re played for jokes and comically exaggerated at best; at worst, any and all Starscream redemption arcs are completely dependent on grappling with emasculation, and shedding the feminine. Even in continuities where other characters (a whole other ballpark) are murderous, abusive, and violent, Starscream is canonically regarded as morally lesser, specifically because their villainy manifests in the feminine. masculine, “active” displays of malice are more noble and admirable than the “passive” and “feminine” act of quiet scheming and deception.
I’m not saying that Starscream doesn’t do bad things, obviously, but this is such a constant theme that it has thoroughly leeched its way into fan spaces as well. I’m not really active in fan communities anymore, but I will always feel frustrated with how the character’s femininity is simultaneously misunderstood and exploited, because that is the natural reaction to femininity. it is inoffensive and clean and neat, and it fits into one of very few digestible archetypes, because it is not perceived as a natural form of expression, but an other. it is only allowed when it is attractive and easy to understand.
this is something that extends to women, as, obviously, in a performative binary womanhood is a shorthand for femininity. “woman” is an other, and feminine women exist in palatable, digestible archetypes. even with all the progress we have made it is really not common to see women or feminine characters in general treated with equal respect or interest, and, the more you pay attention, the more you’ll notice a total apathy for their feelings, struggles, and complexity.
I know this is all really dense, but I bring that all up to say that there is a reason I want to spotlight and elaborate on Starscream’s femininity. it’s a trait that is inherent to the character, but I’d argue that there hasn’t ever really been a moment where that femininity ever manifests as something positive. it’s a derogatory label, but never something the character owns.
I want to see a Starscream that is confidently feminine and “cutesy” because the character has never been afforded that luxury! moreover, I want to portray a fully femme Starscream because there is no reason that should change the character’s complexity or their queer association! (I once saw the argument that making Starscream a girl would be “erasing the character’s queer history” and that kind of sums up the casual effect of misogyny in these weird online spaces, lol. granted that doesn’t mean you can’t project or imagine any gender identity you want for the character—I think that’s very good, actually!!) even though I have never personally been a feminine person, I’ve always been really attached to Starscream’s femininity and the idea of a femme-presenting version because there was a sorely lacking character type I desperately wanted to see—a messy, bitter, and by all means “evil” person who was also feminine, without those things being linked via cause and effect. I hope that makes sense?? essentially, a very feminine girl whose femininity wasn’t the implicit or explicit cause of their moral failings, and was instead treated as. yknow, a neutral mode of expression
anyway, I am very sorry for saying so many words about something pretty trivial here. if you couldn’t tell transformers was the thing that first got me thinking about gender and themes and media critique as a child, so i have feelings like this, lol. none of the problems I listed here are ultimately all that serious and they certainly aren’t exclusive to the robots, but it’s something I really wanted to talk about!
TL;DR: Starscream’s gender is what you make of it and i think you shouldnt stop yourself because it is accurate to the character, actually! I hope that I can encourage people to think outside the box of what rigidly exists in writing and expand their horizons to what the art is trying to say, and how your experience is important :)
sorry again for the long post jeez!!
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holographic-mars · 2 months
What do you think of the new transformers comic?
I LOVE IT. I LOVE IT SO MUCH. SKYBOUND AAUUUU oh my god I am nearly obsessed. It’s so good and I love the art and I love the characterization and I just KNOW it’s gonna get better.
I have my small irks with it ofc, I was a little offput by the sort of maybe ish implied arcee x ratchet but that’s just a personal gripe, so I’m not even that mad about it. I don’t think it’ll become canon anyways but.
I love starscream. I love unapologetically evil starscream. I love irredeemable starscream and you know what I love more? Angry soundwave.
I want (I HOPE, I PRAY) soundwave to get fed up with starscreams bullshit and finally do something. Soundwave is such a powerful and underutilized character I want skybound to actually let him take more control over the decepticons for once. Even for a short while until megatron comes back. Soundwave is always the “loyal guy standing stoically behind whoever is in charge” and I yearn for soundwave to get ANGRY and take matters into his own hands. Because god, if anyone can successfully lead the decepticons it’s that bastard.
I also am so so happy to see Jazz again. And Jazz is so wonderfully… Jazz. It’s perfect. He’s perfect.
THE POINT IS. I love it and I’m very excited for more. I have very high hopes and I’m so eager to see what DWJ has planned.
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skidblast · 10 months
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Transformers Earthspark is doing something new when it comes to starting off a story.
I've been seeing some complaints that the Earthspark series, while sticking to established lore and characterisation, they are not showing anything. The biggest complaint is about Starscream's ark in episode 21, where Starscream's fear of Megatron is simply alluded to, once in a short exchange between Optimus Prime and Megatron, and when Hashtag confronts Starscream about it.
The thing is, Earthspark doesn't need to say anything. It's already there. The only thing that's in the way is that it is not in the Earthspark series.
Back in 2005-2006, where the news of a new Transformers movie in the works was about to happen, but now it was life action! Despite my ignorance of the franchise, I could name most of the characters. I knew that the blue blocky guy was Soundwave, I recognized Optimus Prime, Megatron and Starscream by sight, I knew that Starscream was a treacherous idiot.
I have no idea where that knowledge came from. I never consumed any other Transformers media, my brother had a total of four transformers, tiny microchangers none of which are any common guys, and we didn't know the names of, it was just a car that if standing up and pushing the hood over, it was a guy now. I have to reiterate, I have no idea how I came by that knowledge. Was it somehow absorbed through the various websites and media I saw online? I still remember having to download actual .avi files in order to watch videos from the internet, and with a limited connection anything I did online had to be measured carefully, so I had to tread on known grounds since it was highly risky seeing anything unknown because it took time and bandwidth away from the internet.
But still I knew it. And then Transformers Animated was released, where the opening scene even referenced the cartoon that came out before I was born, and then zoomed out to show that this new cartoon would be far different than its predecessor, even introducing a new main character while heavily rewamping an old one. That's where I started really consuming Transformers media, but still with the knowledge from unknown sources that it was drawing from a history older than I was.
And that is what Earthspark is relying on. It is using the fact that Transformers has become a very recognized brand where the knowledge of it passes easily. You don't need to watch any Transformers media to somehow know, that Starscream is a bumbling fool that tries to take over the Decepticons. And even if there is some unknown, the series makes it very clear that you can learn more about the Transformers, just read the comics! Or watch the old cartoon! I as a european can watch The G1 cartoon, Beast Wars and TFP for free on the official transformers channel on youtube even.
And that's how they rope you in. Earthspark is doing something new in how to reach audience, alluding to the bigger picture that's already there, waiting to be bought and consumed, while the older generation can enjoy a new storyline and little easter eggs without having to go through all the slog of reintroducing every single character that they already know.
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am1ca · 11 months
You know, I've been thinking about this lately, but for a Cybertronian, it must be TERRIFYING when someone like Elita-1 or Arcee walks into the room. Because not only are they extremely intimidating individuals in their own rights, but these are mechs that have specifically chosen to paint themselves in the same color as energon. (At least in Elita's case, but I like to think Arcee's was a conscious decision as well).
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Like. The gall you have to possess in order to walk around every single day, wearing the same shade as your people's lifeblood, is INSANE. (And I think in some comics it's mentioned that this is exactly the color of innermost energon, which is SO METAL).
Even after the war is good and done with, she continues to keep up with that *very specific* shade of pink. And I think this is often discounted by the people consuming Transformers content because to us, it's just a silly little shade of pink on a girl robot. This subversion in her color scheme is especially cool to me in continuities where Elita-1 is a known threat, like IDW. Hell, during the whole Carcer debate thing it's shown that she literally TOWERS over Starscream. She may not be a tank, but she's huge, and she makes sure to use this to her advantage. This isn't even to mention how utterly brilliant she is. I'd be willing to bet that if things had gone differently, she could've made an absolutely ruthless leader of Cybertron. In my mind she rivals Megatron and Optimus in all aspects.
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It's no wonder the Council is so afraid of her. Elita-1 is a mech that's proven time and time again that she's wickedly intelligent, ruthless in battle, and knows how to make a statement. She's spent her time intentionally making herself as big of a threat as possible in every way. She literally acts as her own warning sign (that paint just SCREAMS 'I know how dangerous I am, and so should you'). Honestly, I'd piss myself if I ever met her on a battlefield or if I ever had to debate against her.
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One last note, I really enjoyed the way Elita's character was handled later on in the IDW comics. It was amazing to finally get her out from Optimus' shadow and not only give her some actual characterization but to see her become so vastly DIFFERENT from her earlier counterparts. This Elita means business. She's independent to an insane degree. I really love the way she got to reclaim the pink as something that's no longer just a color she was given because she's a girl robot, but as a critical piece of her character and a part of WHY she's so feared. I just love Elita-1.
I'd like to really explore this whole concept (when I have some more time for it) within my own AU. Because this kind of stuff is incredibly fascinating to me. I have some very specific ideas on both Warframes and Femmes, and this is one of those perfect tie-ins imo. Love it when women get to be evil <3
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its-elioo · 6 months
As someone who is long-time fan of Mlp EG and who has just finished watching TFP, your fic is true delight. I read it 5 times at least and it is still awesome. You perfectly matched girls with their autobots partners just as well as you did with decepticons as their evil counterpart. For example Twilight/Shockwave - both have high inteligence, but while one uses it for greater good and to help the others, the other abuses it to gain power and hurt the others; Fluttershy/Soundwave - even thought they are both animal lovers and quiet types, FS is just very shy girl while SW is calculating sadist; Rainbow/Starscream - Apart from being queer icons (If you can look at these two without the word gay constantly entering your mind, congrats, you´re legit cishet) they´re actually pretty similliar in function and personallity wise. They´re both eccentric, aroggant showoffs and are also fastest on their team. But it´s their differences that are making them great foils. RD is impaitent hothead, who jumps straight into action without the second thought, while SC is great schemer, who has his plans planed out. RD is literally element of loyalty, while SC is mostly loyal to himself and etc. I can´t wait to see all their interactions in the future. If you´re interested in some writting advice, there is one minor thing that can be fixed : your description of characters feelings and thought. You start explaining how and why they feel that way instead of giving readers benefit of the doubt. The best term I can think of is that you are describing a picture. Like you want us to see, hear and understand everything at once. It creates unnecessary sentences or whole paragraphs without which some emotional moments would have sounded better. For example if paragraph in Ch.2 with sentence "She was too stuborn." it would have sounded so much better. Or sentences like "She was too precious." are also kind of waste of space since they don´t tell anything new.It´s not worst type of description,but it can create a feeling that you don´t trust youre readers to read from emotions characters alone. Many new writers and comic artists are often doing this. It can be solved 2 ways : by improving their writing or start drawing comics. I´m sorry if I confussed you in some way. I tried my best to explain it, but english is not my primary language. If you don´t mind, I would recommend fics from @whatwooshkai to see what I am talking about ( it´s mostly TF shipping stuff, but man, the writting is so good that I can´t stop reading even if I wanted to). Overall great story and art, just writting needs a little improvment.
I want to finish this already long post with few questions:
1.What is group dynamic with eachother? I mean in and outside of their decided pairings. I can see Sideswipe and Rainbow´s relationship as chaos siblings and that Rainbow is definitely driving Ratchet insane, but what about the others? I´m courious to know.
2.Did you already started writting the next book? If not, do you have planned when you will start?
3.Do you consider draw this as a full time comic or at least draw some parts of it? Or drawing some strips of your incorrect quotes?It´s just that you´re artstyle is so pretty and redesigns of the autobots and girls are great. It´s shame to see so little of them.
4. Did you thought about getting your comics dubbed on youtube?
5. Do you draw ideas from the asks from your followers on Tambrlane or you take commissions only? Like if they had a idea for a comic/sketch and they post it to you, would you draw it? If not, could they draw it with your redesignes?
6. What gave you idea for this crossover? My best guess is that comic from Hasbro.
Holy- I never thought I would get such a long ask.
*rolls up sleeves and rubs hands*
Okay, let’s do this!
First, I want to thank you so much for the kind words, the fact that there are people who got really interested in my fic makes my heart flutter. <3
And I really love it when readers point out small details that I haven’t thought about that much while writing! Thank you a lot for the advice and recommendations, I really appreciate it! I will keep that in mind!
Now, to answer your questions:
1. You are absolutely correct about Sideswipe and Rainbow’s relationship, in my opinion, they will be the best chaos siblings (I am 100% sure that most of the members will go insane because of their pranks) I could write more detailed headcanons for them and the others too.
2. The next book is nearly finished, I will make sure to post it at the beginning of January.
3. I will drop more art soon, promise! Sorry for the lack of content, I’ve been pretty busy for the past few months. But now I’m finally free and I will certainly start drawing again! I also have several ideas in mind for some parts of the next book.
4. I don’t mind my comics being dubbed as long as I’m credited and they’ve asked for permission.
5. Again, if I’m credited and asked for permission, there will be no problem for other artists to draw my redesigns. I don’t usually take requests and it really depends on my free time and motivation, but if I really like the idea that has been suggested, I would (probably) draw it.
6. Good guess! But actually no. I was really into this crossover way before Hasbro decided to make a comic of it. I’ve been into a lot of fandoms and reading crossover fanfics basically became like a hobby to me. I got a lot of inspiration after I accidentally stumbled upon some pretty good written Tf/Mlp fics, but it took me a lot of time to finally get enough courage and start writing my own. I’m more than thankful for the support and love that I was given through the years! It really motivated me to keep on going!
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transingthoseformers · 8 months
here aare things i want in a transformers shattered glass show if hasbro decided to make one:
-i want the events in cybertron not earth because im tired of every transformers show being on earth
-i want to see character before the war like megatron,orin pax, starscream and more i want to see what were they doing before the war and thire views
-i want to see how megatron started the deceptcions movement and gained his followers
-how the war started we all know how the war started in transformers but i want to see it from the shattered glass perspective and why those character join this faction
-character development i want the characters to have personality not just a good/evil version of thire counterpart i want reasons on why they become the way they are and what are they fighting for i want sg megatron be more than just a good version of megatron and the same with optimus i want to know why he's like that and how did he become a prime
-the characters desgins should be original it will be cool if they do a new desgins only for the shattered glass not using just g1 desgins and change colors or use other desgins from the shows like unicron trilogy
-a good budget and animation will be nice im not asking for something mindblowing but not something cheap
-a side thing but i want peter cullen and frank welker to voice sg optimus/megatron i would love to see thire impression of an evil optimus and good megatron but it's okay if it's other talnted voice actors
(that's was my list of things i would like to see in a sg show what about you?)
Oh right this gives context for the other ask I suppose
I feel like the chances of us getting a sg show are very small
I feel like it would be amazing if in this hypothetical show we got to see a nice bit of SG Megatron, Starscream, and Soundwave's interactions.
Honestly just so much about SG Soundwave he was a delight in the comics that I read and his dynamic within the SG decepticons is so cool
More of SG Starscream doing science shit. We're always told many versions of Starscream are scientists but we never see much of it
so much of SG Megatron my beloved.
In the comics I read it was in the tail end of a lost war, so in my opinion I think if we get a SG show it should actually be towards the beginning if not exactly the beginning! You want your when/how/whys, that feels like the place to start: the beginning and a little bit before it.
If we get SG Rodimus I hope it would be either modeled off of his blueberry emo phase in LL with red optics or if we get his SG comics look we see him applying the "facial hair" paint in a scene. I will never hesitate to make fun of his sharpie beard, and if we ever got a show with SG Rodimus in it with it I hope it gets to make fun of it too.
I'm actually here for a SG show being a little more lighthearted than SG tends to be, because of our dear friend shenanigans.
again SG Megatron. I love what I've seen of his design in the comics I read and think it can be navigated into a new one inspired by it pretty good. I think Megatron looks so interesting with blue optics. His personality is always interesting. Having him as arguably the main character of this would be lovely. And I'm a Megatron simp sue me.
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ask-skybound · 2 months
(There will be spoilers for the skybound transformers comics in this ask blog!)
Hello there! This is a new ask and roleplay blog for the infamous menace of a starscream from the new skybound comics! I will do my best to make him as comic accurate as possible while also sprinkling in a few headcannons here and there to add more character to him. (I will list current and future headcannons here for reference, they reside below the cut)
Overall, this version of starscream is far more unhinged and unlike any other we've seen so far. He always has violence on his mind and will stop at nothing to inflict pain on others to get what he wants. Skybound is definitely not for the faint of heart, so don't be surprised if you see mentions or images depicting gore or violence here.
Headcannons and mainstay cannon information:
Even though he is a starscream, i prefer to call him by the names of either 'Crimson Wings' (fitting considering his killcount) or 'skybound' to more easily differentiate him between the other (more sane) iterations of starscream.
(Will add more to this as the new issues come out)
Like his other screaming counterparts he is the fastest flier out of the Seekers, able to reach speeds of mach 2.8. Skybound will also have basic g1 weaponry, consisting of cluster bombs, heat seeking missiles and null rays.
He has very limited knowledge about earth terms and life, refers to humans as 'the squishies' and takes great joy in crushing them.
He is not to be trusted, even his closest allies aren't safe from his antics.
He isn't exactly the brightest starscream in existence and his deceptive ability to talk his way out of situations is a little lacking, but he can and will make himself look pathetic to avoid dying or obtaining further injury if he knows he cant win. His actions can also be rather unpredictable, which can make him a force to be reckoned with.
When facing a problem he doesnt like, he often preferrs to try and change the subject or resort to violence just to avoid dealing with it.
Absolutely hates hearing megatrons name.
Has an obsessive fear towards Megatrons fusion cannon.
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Very prominent underbite.
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mostly-him · 2 months
G1 in tfp comic, is megastar going to be implied or featured in the story? Will it be a thing only on one dimension g1 or on both or neither? I’m curious because of the comic strip “teasing Tfp Megatron & Starscream” that ain’t canon to your story anymore
I'm sorry for replying so late!!
Well, that is a question I've been asking myself for a little while by now. G1 starscream could have a thing with G1 Megatron, yeah, but I don't think Tfp Starscream would have a consensual relationship with Tfp Megatron tho, not after how Tfp Megatron treats him 🫠
Tfp Megatron is intrigued for G1 Starscream and finds him interesting. He's intrigued by the fact that G1 Starscream doesn't show fear towards him, and despite his very precarious situation he continues to behave arrogantly and mischievously
G1 Starscream also doesn't fear Predaking either, and it seems like that Predaking is becoming fond of him 🤗 At this stage they still don't know that Predaking can transform or that he possesses rational intelligence. G1 Starscream has noticed some things about him, however, but like everything else about him, they are secrets he uses to his advantage
Buuuut no, I don't think G1 Starscream will ever end up getting attached to Tfp Megatron or that he could ever like him. He will only see what he can get from that dimension for his benefit and then return as a hero loaded with resources to his own dimension
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mistress-of-vos · 4 months
For the ask game Ra'sTim (yes predictable I know but I just adore how you write them to the point where I want more information)
SHIP IT!!! 💚💚💚
Okay yeah I'm very loud about them but I'm still so so happy you asked about Ra'sTim! I'd talk about them all day. This is probably gonna be long 😅
P.S. Thank you! I'm happy you enjoy my work ❤️
1. What made you ship it?
Okay this is such an easy yet complex question. I have looked back and realized I was writing past/implied Ra'sTim on my fic notebook back on 2014 (give or take) when I was newly done reading Red Robin. I'm unsure exactly *how* is started because before 2020 I had been on an extreme Transformers fixation, and my memories are fuzzy. I believe I was shipping Ra'sTim as a background ship without fully realizing I was doing it (it should also be noted I started as a KonTim religious fan, and grew into a JayTim girlie). I actually read two of my fav Ra'sTim fics back in those years (around 2014-2015), which were in Spanish, but they had a Ra'sTim portrayal that would mark my views, as the characters make the dynamic very different to the most popular ships in fanfom.
It was at the beginning of 2020 when I went back to DC, and funnily enough climbed quickly from JayTim to BruTim and started writing an ongoing fic. While doing so, I re read past fics I remembered I used to love, and went back to read comics as well. Suddenly, after reading Red Robin again, I was looking at Ra'sTim through different glasses. And it was something happening to me in many levels, as I was also getting a bit away from Kon & Jason and more into characters as Babs & Jean-Paul. I wondered what *more* there could be to Ra'sTim, and started reading more of Ra's. As I read and explored Tim in my writing, I realized I wanted them together.
I'm unsure about how to call it. The feeling was almost of enlightenment, like suddenly seeing something that has always been there yet for some reason you couldn't distinguish its shape. Perhaps being a Megatron/Starscream shipper helped, because I saw the potential of Ra'sTim and decided to explore the possibilities and their tones of gray.
At first Ra'sTim wasn't my main ship (although I was already writing it), but as I explored them, the more I felt it was a dynamic that came naturally to me, and scenarios I found more enjoyable.
The more I read their comics and explored them in my writing, the more they felt *right*. Perhaps it was meant to happen, as I can admit they fall a lot more into my tastes in fiction. Ra's as a character drives me insane with his potential and lore, and Tim stays as my favorite bat boy and who I believe changed the Batman mythos.
And yet, everything was born from a simple panel. "You are a very dangerous young man."
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
Oh, this is a tricky one!
I like their dynamic a lot, as I'm an open immortal/mortal sucker. And that does play a huge thing in my view of them and why I come back to Ra'sTim again and again despite having other fixations. The fact that Ra's has such a complex background and is not your usual western interpretation of an immortal (let's say a vampire) is also a fav thing of mine, as I think it allows stories with him to leave usual storytelling and challenge beliefs about good & evil. The fact that he believes he's *good* and a hero is particularly tasty as well, and mixed with Tim's need for helping others and guilt when he's not useful to the world (and Batman), gives a wonderful meal.
Their size difference is extremely hot too.
Aaaaand having a canon mutual interest where they are connected in a mysterious, unavoidable way, it's a cherry on top.
Lastly, I adore their contrast as characters and how they will allow the other to win a little battle in order to win another. It's a game of cat and mouse.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I have unpopular opinions on most characters and ships. Some of them I feel comfortable expressing and others... Not much.
With Ra'sTim I have many of them, but mostly, it's that I loathe how other ship fandoms use Ra's as a random villain to hurt Tim and prop up another ship. For me, that's almost insulting, as Ra's is already a hurt character broken by many writers at DC. For me Ra'sTim it's never about "evil, mean Ra's hurting Tim because villains do that" and even less would I do it for another ship. I enjoy dark Ra'sTim, but never to hurt the characters.
My unpopular opinion then would be about the characters, perhaps. I don't see Ra's being cruel to Tim without reason, because in my mind, Ra's feels *love* and he cares for Tim. And Tim loves him back. They are just messy and won't communicate well, but that doesn't mean Ra's will go full evil and that Tim is a damsel in distress needing saving.
I don't see Ra's as an abuser. Neither do I see Tim as a helpless victim. And I believe this narrative hurts all characters involved without real motive besides wanting to prop up someone else and being too lazy as to read a less known villain or writing an original one.
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blue-phones · 3 months
I love SkyStar personally, but honestly I understand why a lot of people DONT like it.
For some reason a lot of people don’t give Jetfire his own personality or make him this all forgiving dorm mate for Starscream. And honestly that’s sorta wack in my opinion.
A lot of fanfics I’ve read do that especially and it kinda is annoying. Like. No. I don’t think he’d forgive starscream so easily- even if we’re in G1 where literally anything is possible.
Let Skyfire be angry guys. This man was cryogenically frozen for a few thousand years and is immediately thrust into a war he knows very little about. The person he knows best is literally fucking insane. In the G1 comics he isn’t trusted because he was an ex decepticon so it’s assumed he’s left out/left in the dark about alot of stuff. And so on and so on.
This man should be LIVID imo.
He should be so very aggravated by everyone around him imo
Stop letting Starscream be the only bitch in the relationship damnit
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lillified · 1 year
is there a name for the fan continuity you’re making? (ie transformers earthspark, transformers prime something like that) also you probably get tons of people telling you this constantly but i really like how you portray megastar in your work, they are so messy and i love it, it’s fresh and new compared to. well. tfp and idw as the main offenders cough cough
anyways also want you to know you’re super cool and i love your artstyle its like the feeling of running your hands on smooth metal if that makes sense
hi!! tbh im not sure if ive ever properly said it, but the working title is The Decepticons! might be subject to change, but it works for now lol
as for the art style thing--I'm glad you mentioned it, because that is kind of what I'm going for! I love the blocky and geometric angles of things like gundams, but the thing that got me interested in robots was transformers prime, and I'll always be a fan of the sleek, modern, and organic appearance of the characters in that... I wanted to bring those together for my own art, because I think both of those are true to the spirit of TF :)
as for your second point--you should know that i will never pass up an opportunity to talk about my thoughts on writing and characterization and stuff, so forgive me preemptively for the long post, lol
thank you for the kind words! I agree that there are a lot of issues with how certain characters have been portrayed... while the comics were great for fleshing out certain classic characters, they also seriously flattened many others. These characters have decades and series long histories of exploration and experimentation that feels like it's been completely restricted to one of only a few avenues lately, and that bothers me a little bit. like, when was the last time we've seen a piece of transformers media where they have inventive takes on character relationships in the same way as Animated? what's the point of rebooting and refreshing if nothing new happens??
Megatron and Starscream are a great indicator of that for me--their relationship in G1 is bombastic, but also complicated and interesting. they're the most important decepticons by far and their characteristics are integral to the functioning and philosophy of the entire group, to the point that, for example, removing Starscream from the equation of the Decepticons, I'd argue, makes Megatron an entirely different character. They're necessary to eachother, but it really feels like (with very few exceptions) their relationship has only gotten flatter and flatter over time. Even Prime, which I'd argue has the most textually interesting and deep take on their relationship, is, very obviously, held back by an overture of cheap, aesthetic violence. I firmly believe you could rewrite TFP without any of the violence and none of the character arcs would have to change at all, because, at the end of the day, it's purely superficial--it has nothing to say, and exists only as a way to bolster Megatron's dominant image, and to satisfy the audience's assumed disdain for Starscream.
while obviously it is transformers, and nobody is required to think that deeply about it, I'm a dork and it's always bothered me specifically, because, outside of that, there IS a lot of complexity to the stuff that happens!! I like this series specifically because there is so much variation and so many perspectives that have touched this franchise, and, in the best cases, we get the underlying character arc in Prime, where Megatron and Starscream's relationship is a case of two people who respect eachother more than anyone else and can't quite find equal footing about it.
going the IDW route and turning their interactions into constant hostility is the easy way out because it adds the aesthetic of "maturity" via shock value without having anything to say; however, the actual most thoughtful variations on the characters can communicate that both of them are inherently flawed without any of that, and that's what I want to do. this is my writing exercise, in essence... I'm not trying to make the decepticons "good" and just show them frolicking about all the time, I'm trying to make a properly "adult" spin on the formula that actually treats the audience like adults instead of trying to shock them. I'm a nerd about this already so I'm not going to shy away from the intense relationship these characters have because it's too complicated and messily homoerotic to unpack. if I've got the liberty to, why not?
anyway. thanks for reading once again! i can never make these short and succinct haha. i feel like i repeat myself all the time but also I never run out of things to say about them. as always, I'm really grateful that other people are interested in these things--I know none of it is really super important and it's probably something only I ever think about, but I feel like I owe it to the people who have contributed their perspectives and artistic ability to this thing to care at least a little, lol.
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artsy-hobbitses · 11 months
So it’s that time of year again in marvel comics. The Summer Hellfire Gala! They already teased some designs in the past months for this event and some are hit or miss.
My question if such a gala was a thing in TTB universe, who would be the top designers for the cons and bots for such an event? Would they create them on their own creativity or from getting insights on the clients perspective and wants?
Oh this is a WILD ask and I’m dgshdjdhjfjdjdjff about it because OUTFITS FOR EVERYBODY.
I know most top tier fashion houses specialising in menswear would be FOAMING AT THE MOUTH to dress both Optimus Prime and Megatron. I’m gonna say Hugo Boss for Megs, and Ralph Lauren for OP. Megs has some input, especially since Starscream has impressed upon him the importance of optics, and while he doesn’t know a damn thing about fashion, he does know the sort of statement he’d like to make with it. OP is more of a ‘surprise me’ sort of guy, I can imagine he was VERY taken aback/flustered by the idea of flaunting in public in such a way, though Jazz and Mirage likely manage to talk him into it for PR purposes. He embraces it as a fun yearly event after a while!
Mirage has two designers on standby—Burberry and Alexander McQueen—at all times all the way from his old days as an Earl. In this case they very much rely on input from him, as he actually is part of the business, and there would be occasions where he comes wearing something he designed himself for added pizzazz and press media loses its fucking mind. Tommy Hilfiger saw Tom Holland Bumblebee and immediately shoved all the competition off the cliff—-he’s the perfect mix of preppy street youth to showcase their work for the younger demographic. Like OP, Bee is baffled at the idea of being anything resembling a fashion icon, but he ropes in Charlie and Memo for the perfect runway triple threat. He’s more hands-off about it, like OP is.
Marc Jacobs definitely courts Jazz—the streetwise aesthetics with a little prep, a little grunge, a little couture is something the man wears VERY well! Jazz would be 20% input and 80% Surprise Me, he loves the thrill of seeing that final piece unveiled.
Jean Paul Gaultier bags the fashion prizefighter in Blurr! These two have DEFINITELY worked together for a very long time—-likely ever since Blurr won their first race. Initially neither had much input of which was mostly given by the company Blurr worked for—they had to project a certain image, and that stiffled a lot of creativity on their end, but once Blurr has the freedom to properly express themselves as a member of the Autobots, both the designer and client are more than happy to go BUCK WILD with input on designs.
Valentino gets Sunstreaker, and Giorgio Armani bagged Sideswipe, and both sides get into a playful rivalry about it, so in this case, the Lambo Bros definitely had vested interest to give in as much input as they could, though Sunny is WAY more of a primadonna about it.
Starscream reps his Sicilian heritage via Dolce & Gabbana, whose pieces he’s worn since his Senator days, and like Mirage, he has a LOT of input in the final product as he actually has experience making his own clothes, while Spanish designer Balenciaga bags his Seeker team mate Thundercracker, whose artistry and stage play background makes him a damn good canvas for avant- Garde looks (which he displays with all the subtlety of a very randy peacock). Thundercracker is about 50/50 Input to Surprise Me!
Soundwave would rep their home country by donning a piece by Indonesian designer Poppy Dharsono who does wonderful work mixing ethnic textiles and patterns with contemporary influences—they leave the whole thing in the designer’s very capable hands!
Comme Des Garçons would take on the challenge of dressing Drift (Ratchet is stayin out of this mess, but listen, he can look at the menu even if he doesn’t want to be a part of the smorgasbord!!)
Laserbeak managed to catch the eye of Dundas and she is dragging poor, very confused Ravage into this mess with her because SOMEONE CHOSE TO DRESS HER??? Y’ALL NOBODY CHOOSES TO DRESS HER LIKE SHE’S GONNA SAY NO TO THIS CHANCE TO STRUT HER STUF???? Bouncing off the walls excitement oh my GOD THEY WANT HER INPUT TOO QUICK MOVE OVER SHE NEEDS TO SET UP A PIN INTEREST BOARD!!!!
I’m thinking Vera Wang for Windblade, Yves Saint Lauren for Lightbright and Christie Brown for Chromia! All three are more in Surprise Me camp!
That’s all I got for now, but feel free to ask for specifics if they weren’t mentioned!
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tid-liddell · 8 months
So, since i think that not many people knows my AU sparkling very well, i decided to write some facts about them. The first one is Meteora
Tumblr media
If you don't know about this AU, you may read the comic there(PLEASE SEE THE TRIGGER WARNINGS AT THE DESCRIPTION BEFORE READING)
*Her combat techniques are kinda unusual. While being in the sky, she prefers to constantly change her form, tormenting the flying enemies by her own servos.
 *The heiress to the throne also has another "trick up her sleeve" that she doesn't use frequently now and it is an "acting". Meteora can pretend to be intimidated and in need of help, make someone take pity on her like she's actually a poor sparkling to gain her enemy's trust for backstabbing them. Of course, she never uses this to her creator, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.
*In her free time, Meteora likes to watch human's horror films and splatterpunk movies, and also documentary films about medieval tortures. She watches them not only to know about new ways of torturing her enemies she can use in practice and to simply have joy of humans' sufferings, she's interested in Earth culture in a way. But she had heard enough from her creators and Nemesis crew and still thinks humans are disgusting.
*The leader of decepticons and his second-in-command try to spend their free time with their sparkling as much as they can, but they still can't neglect their duties. Since the heiress was a newspark at the times when her creators were too busy, Soundwave used to babysit her, he used to play lullabies or records of her young sire's speeches from the Golden Age, when she grew up.
*It may seem unusual, but Meteora is a huge dance lover like her carrier. However when she sings, everyone loses their minds… because these shrieks sounding more like a coyote's howling are sung off the key and their audio sensors are starting to glitch because of these shoutings.
*Meteora hates the "touchy-feely stuff" , romance and other stuff, she' asexual and aromantic. And after listening how much it was hard for her carrier to carry her, she feels sick imagining that she herself will probably have to endure "what her carrier had been through those 9 months"
*What was the heiress' reaction to the way her creators "met each other ''? She was a bit shocked, but still fine with this. Megatron and Starscream used to frequently hint to her that they didn't always have a "good relationship", warning their sparkling of consequences of betraying her sire.
*Meteora also knows about her creators’ tragic sparkhoods and about her grand-creators on both of her creators' sides.Her attitude towards them is the same as they had towards her creators, and vice versa - she wishes them eternal agony and suffering even after deactivation. Especially to her grand-sire, she could easily tear him to pieces by herself.
*After making up, Starscream and Megatron relationship surely became much better, but even after Seeker became faithful to his master that made lord stop tormenting him, they still from time to time have quarrels. Meteora doesn’t like these at all, to say the least. Being a little sparkling, she used to stand aside, sobbing quietly. When she grew up, she herself started to shout at them to make them stop arguing
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deadlysoupy · 1 year
For the TF ask game!!! 1 through 11 🤗
ask game yippee
i got like three asks for this thank you everyone i love you guys sm <3 (dis and dis)
1. Decepticon, Autobot or Neutral
2. Optimus or Megatron
they come in a package. both
3. Favorite Autobot(s)
Bumblebee no questions. babyboy friend-shaped
4. Favorite Decepticon(s)
Starscream he's a bitch 🥰
5. Favorite Neutral(s)
there aren't many, but i'd choose Rubble. cute little boy..... do not talk to me even
6. Favorite femme bot(s)
Windblade is really cool!!! i read her comic line (Sarah Stone is amazing, her art is some of the most beautiful i've ever seen), it's pretty nice, she's clearly into girls, she's a girlboss. one thing i will say is she seems too overpowered, ESPECIALLY in s1 Cyberverse. it got better in the end, but the writers really want me to believe she can outmatch three decepticons during a blizzard. i still remember how this rubbed me the wrong way. but otherwise she's cool!!!
7. Favorite show(s)
it's the family vibes. the farm. cottagecore vibes with sci-fi sprinkled in. the Terrans are such an interesting take on the newly-forged type characters i can't wait to learn more about their origin
8. Favorite comic series
probably the second phase of IDW - TAAO specifically, but i've talked about this enough already
9. Favorite comic company for TF comics (Dreamwave, IDW, Marvel, etc.)
IDW though i will say that Dreamwave did a good job with Jetfire, and the overall read was great (even if i... skimmed over it and read the most interesting parts...)
10. Favorite human character(s)
two girlies share this place in my heart: Sari from Animated and Miko from Prime. Miko is such a well-written character, her arc with Bulkhead is cheffs kiss. Sari tho. i can talk about her for a long time, she's very unique and i wasn't expecting her to be part-Cybertronian! she's so closely knitted into the narrative i love herrr
11. Favorite ship(s)
well. i continue to spread my StarBee propaganda everywhere so. dflghrliufdghrf they're cute......
i have an opinion on MegOP too i don't know if anyone wants to hear it but they sure are interesting. i wish i was more invested in them because there is a lot of potential angst and hurt\comfort with this, but i'm content with StarBee for now heueheueheueh
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