#I dunno I can’t stop thinking about it yet I haven’t been able to rewatch anything
alltheprettyplaces · 1 year
there just wasn’t enough joy in those episodes to balance out how heavy they were…..
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ardentlurker · 21 days
my current japanese study routine
paid subscription website that uses spaced repetition to teach you kanji & vocab, though i haven’t gotten to the paid part of it yet. reaching it pretty soon, though.
it’s pretty structured and straightforward—learn the radicals -> kanji -> vocab from the kanji then perfect it with SRS, but also pretty inflexible (can’t choose what you want to learn; if you typo on typing out a reading of a word, congrats you’re wrong) though that structured expect makes it easy for me to keep it up as a routine. can be overwhelming when you can get hit with 100+ reviews after waking up or after finding some free spot in a day….
also, can’t really do it on a commute because my data on underground trains is spotty i guess.
you’re kind of learning vocabulary & kanji in isolation, but i think the main help is taking the stuff you learned and recognising it out in the wild.
also it’s a subscription service. people have made anki decks that replicate the levels of wanikani. there’s probably other free alternatives you can consider for vocab & kanji, i guess. anki just doesn’t really stick with me, though.
anime watching
from https://learnjapanese.moe/routine/ 30 day guide where it basically recommends you watch anime with english subtitles then rewatch the episode with no subtitles. my japanese level is too weak to watch stuff with no subtitles (at most i can pick out words i guess)
honestly not that sure what effect it has has on my japanese so far. need to continue more with this—i haven’t been that consistent with the past too, because i can stop anime in the middle of watching due to getting too much 2nd hand embarrassment from characters’ actions or something.
but i guess my hobby of anime watchjng in the past also has led me to pick up some random vocab, (thanks gundam for 地球; earth, 連邦; federation….) and it’s probably good listening practice? dunno, will probably need to continue longer with this….
in-person japanese classes
uh, unfortunately this costs money. a lot more money. like, probably in the thousands in total if you eventually take to the N1.
i’m currently taking 5 days a week, 3h a day intensive classes until i start school, and will finish the N5 curriculum in 8 weeks (10 weeks in total). then i have to yeet myself off to school and will probably consider switching to twice a week classes.
makes you master stuff. i also tried to self-study ~2 weeks before attending classes, and i realised although my grammar knowledge is pretty ahead, i had a bunch of holes in vocab and writing in general. had to do a lot of number related drills (read fake made-up phone numbers but in japanese, read costs of objects, read off time off clocks, e.g.) and man when i was doing self-study i just sorta wrote down the numbers and just went “cool” and went on. oops. taught me that i probably should learn the counters in general and actually master them…
i’m tempted to resume self-studying after completing the N5 curriculum though, since i know i’ll be able to put more time in > class time. though i’ll probably need to buy a textbook this time. though the other thing is that i heard most textbooks are meant to be taught with a teacher and doesn’t go in-depth about explanations. not too sure. will have to see. i’m also not the one paying for my japanese classes (because uh. privilege) so that’ll also be something i gotta discuss
we are currently using minna no nihongo as a textbook, by the way. seems like they follow the chapters but teach the stuff in the textbook in class through stuff like flashcards and speaking drills and then later use the questions in the textbook as homework/practice.
also just learning the polite form of japanese (-desu, -masu). makes sense, and i guess i don’t really have a reason to use the informal forms at all, really. though i’d like to hang out on japanese internet communities and livestreams one day, i guess.
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canarypoint · 4 years
Legends of Y/N Lance - Chapter 1: Pilot
Warning(s): cursing, mentions of death, little bit of violence, very, very slight mention of sex
A/N: oh...looks like this is actually happening, huh? for those of you waiting for me to post the requests from the other day/night/something, i’m working on them! i just have the attention span of a goldfish. should i make a taglist or whatever it’s called for the series?
A/N #2: a lot of the dialogue was taken directly from the corresponding episode of Arrow (1x01 “Pilot”), all rights to it go to the respective owners or whatever pleasetellmei’mnotgonnagetintroubleforusingitbecauseyesthat’sageniunefearihavelol. i also highly recommend rewatching (or just watching- tho, if you haven’t seen Arrow yet, i highly recommend just watching the entire Arrowverse before reading this...) the episode first.
Click here for the series summary.
Click here for the previous chapter (Chapter 0: What’s Past is Prologue).
Click here for the series masterlist.
The TV plays the all-too-familiar ‘Breaking News’ sound, alerting you of just that. The first thing you notice is the big ‘LOST BILLIONAIRE FOUND’ heading at the bottom of the screen. Your heart drops when the man begins speaking.
“Oliver Queen is alive. The Starling City resident was found by fishermen in the North China Sea five days ago,” you flinch when it shows a picture of the man in question. “Five years after he was missing and presumed dead following the accident at sea which claimed The Queen’s Gambit.”
You let out a harsh sigh as the news continues its report.
“Queen was a regular tabloid presence and a fixture at the Starling City club scene. Shortly before his disappearance, he was acquitted of assault charges stemming from a highly publicized drunken altercation with paparazzi.”
You roll your eyes at the clip of said altercation.
“Queen is also the son of Starling City billionaire Robert Queen who was also on board but now officially confirmed as deceased.”
“Turn it off,” your oldest sister, Laurel, tells you. You quickly pick up the remote and hit the power button without question. If it’s this hard for you, you can’t even imagine how hard it is for the playboy’s ex-girlfriend.
“Come on, Laurel. We’re lawyers, not miracle workers. We can’t win this,” Joanna pleads.
You scoff from Laurel’s desk as she shoots back with, “If we can’t win a class-action suit against a man who swindled hundreds of people out of their homes and life savings then we’re not fit to call ourselves a legal aid office.”
“And if we go bankrupt in the process we won’t be a legal aid office. Hunt has an army of lawyers and they’re ready to bury us.”
“You and I against an army. I love those odds.”
“Why do you hate me?”
You laugh as Laurel shoos you off her chair.
“L, you said you were gonna-” you’re cut-off by the TV.
“And in other news, as to the castaway story you’ve all heard about. The son of a very wealthy billionaire will soon become a legendary story. Jessica now has more details and the complete castaway story.”
As Laurel stands up, you unconsciously move closer to her.
“The Queen’s Gambit was last heard from more than five years ago.” Laurel begins to walk closer to where everyone else in CNRI is gathered around the television.
“Laurel, where-” you question, starting to follow her.
“Mr. Queen has reportedly confirmed he was the only survivor of the accident-” a single tear rolls down your face, one of the thousands already shed, “-that took the lives of seven people including local resident Sara Lance. Survived by her sister, Laurel-”
Laurel shuts the TV off, earning the attention of her colleagues and coworkers.
Freshman year of high school is hard enough, but whatever ominous deity is out there - whether it be a god, the universe, or some fifth-dimensional imp - is clearly out to get you.
Everyone - literally everyone; students, teachers, staff, even the fucking janitor - is talking about Oliver Queen and his great return! And, because said hypothetical ominous deity is clearly some sort of sadist, everyone is also talking about Sara and how “unfortunate” her death was.
“Yo, Lance,” some upperclassman calls. You look at him, a remark about your cop father and attorney sister already on the tip of your tongue.
“Yeah?” you ask. You’re already bored with this conversation, not to mention pissed beyond comprehension.
“I dunno why everyone’s feeling so sorry for you,” he starts. “She was kinda asking for it, especially since she was helping Queen cheat on your sister. That bi-”
The more he talks, the more you see red until you finally can’t take it anymore. Without thinking, you slip your backpack off of your shoulders and onto the floor in one swift motion. You know people are already watching you, they have been since Oliver’s return, but despite the however-many eyes watching, no one is quick enough to realize what you’re doing until it’s too late. You quickly deck the junior in the face.
His hands go straight to his face as he exclaims, “You broke my nose, you fucking bitch!”
Ms. Sandsmark quickly runs out of her classroom. The students gathered around you clear a path for her, some already turning and walking to their next classes.
“Miss Lance, Mr. Armorr, principal’s office. Now.”
Laurel turns her head to look at you, a not-so-happy look on her face, “Shouldn’t you be in school, Y/N/N?”
“Nah… I kinda got suspended… Dad said I have to either stay with him at the precinct or with you,” you pick up a random file as you talk, scanning over it.
Your sister pulls it out of your hands, glaring at you as if to say ‘do it again, and you’ll lose a hand.’
“What’d you do this time,” she sighs.
You look down, a small frown taking over, “Someone said something about Sara and I snapped…” you whisper.
Laurel takes a deep breath before pulling you into a hug. You’re not really sure why she says it, or why you react the way you do, but you struggle to hold back a cry as she says, “I’m sorry.”
After a moment Laurel releases you and goes back to picking up her case files as Joanna approaches.
“Laurel, I just got this from Hunt’s lawyers,” Joanna hands Laurel another file. “They filed a change of venue. We are now in front of Judge Grell.”
You walk behind them, barely paying attention to what they’re saying as you respond to a text from a friend.
“Hunt funded Grell’s reelection campaign,” Laurel adds. Joanna hums in sarcastic agreement. “He’s got Grell in his back pocket.”
Joanna wraps her arm around Laurel, “You know, it’s fun being your friend. I get to say I told you so a lot.”
You can’t help but laugh as Laurel rebuts, “No. Adam Hunt is not smarter than we are.”
“No, he’s just richer and willing to commit multiple felonies.”
Laurel stops and turns around, pointing at Joanna. “We don’t need to go outside the law-”
“To find justice. Your dad’s favorite jingle.” Laurel winks at you as Joanna finishes for her.
You, once again, roll your eyes at the two. Before you can interject with your own statement, you and Laurel freeze as you see what- who is in front of the bulletin board.
“Hello, Laurel. Speartip,” Oliver says. You let out a nervous laugh - though it’s more of just a puff of air - at the nickname. You give him a twitch of a half-smile as your eyebrows furrow in concern for your sister (or Oliver, since you’re not sure if she’s gonna run, yell at him, or straight-up punch him in the face).
She catches you by surprise as she calmly states, “Jo, watch Y/N. Oliver and I need to talk,” without looking away from the former castaway.
“Wait, Laurel-” you cut yourself off, just barely avoiding Joanna as she tries to stop you from following the former couple.
“Thomas!” you yell in surprise as you all approach CNRI’s exit. You hear Joanna sigh from behind you as Laurel and Oliver give you confused looks. Tommy rolls his eyes.
“What’d I say about calling me that, Speartip?” he responds, unphased by your reaction to seeing him.
“How’d you think that was gonna go, Tommy?” Laurel questions. You have to hide a grin at her attitude towards the playboy.
“‘Bout like that,” he responds as she briskly passes him.
“C’mon, Y/N,” Laurel orders as you hop off the railing.
“Are you sure you wanna go, L?” you ask, handing your sister her bag as she walks by.
“Tommy asked me to go. I’m not gonna let the problems I have with Oliver get in the way of Tommy and I being friends.”
“Well… can I come?” You jump over the back of the couch, landing next to Laurel. “According to every social media account Thea has, she’s-”
“Thea is the youngest member of one of the richest families in Starling, you are the daughter of a cop and the sister of a defense attorney. Thea may be able to get away with breaking the law, but you certainly aren’t.”
“If hypothetically, fifty-thousand dollars magically appear in your bank account, it might be best for you not to speak about it… to anyone, ever,” Laurel laughs at whatever the person on the other end says as your eyes widen. Joanna walks up to Laurel’s desk as Laurel says, “God bless you, too,” before hanging up.
“I just got a very grateful phone call from one of our clients against Adam Hunt.”
“Me, too.”
They both laugh before Joanna adds, “It looks like Starling City has a guardian angel.”
You look around as phones begin ringing from all around CNRI.
“By the way, your cute friend’s here.” With that, Joanna walks away. Laurel turns and stands up to see none other than Tommy Merlyn. You roll your eyes at his boyish grin.
“You left the party pretty quick last night, even after I made sure the bar was stocked with pinot noir,” Tommy starts. You’re left to walk behind him and your sister as they talk.
“It wasn’t really my scene.”
“I thought maybe you and Oliver went mano a mano again.” You not-so-subtly cough, reminding them of your presence. You don’t need to hear about your sister’s sex life, even if it’s just Tommy jumping to conclusions, per usual.
They both stop to look back at you, Tommy sticks his tongue out as Laurel rolls her eyes.
“I saw you two head out,” Tommy adds as they continue walking.
“There’s nothing between Oliver and I, not anymore.”
“And here I thought the only thing between you and Oliver was us.”
“I wouldn’t exactly characterize us as an us, Tommy.”
Tommy quickly gets ahead of Laurel, forcing her to stop. You stay a few feet away from them, not wanting to interrupt whatever… this is.
“Then what would you call it?”
“A lapse.”
“That’s quite a few lapses,” you glare at Tommy. “Your place, my place, my place again.”
“Oh, I feel sick…” you mumble, your voice dripping with sarcasm.
“Shut it, Y/N,” Laurel teases. “Oh, come on, Merlyn. We both know that you’re not a one-girl type of guy.”
“Depends on the girl,” is Tommy’s attempt at a smooth response.
“Three things: one, I’m still here. Two, Laurel has a point. And three, real smooth Thomas, real smooth. Oh, and have I mentioned that I’m still here?”
“Nice try, Speartip. That was four things,” Tommy responds with a laugh.
“Oh look, the rich-boy can count below ten-thousand, astonishing! Plus, the last part was a continuation of my first point, so no. It wasn’t four things, you’re just dumb.”
“I have to go back to work,” Laurel says she turns around, grabbing your arm in the process.
“Dinah Laurel Lance,” Tommy starts. “Always trying to save the world.”
Laurel turns around once more, “Hey, if I don’t try and save it, who will?”
You smile proudly as you follow Laurel back to CNRI.
A/N #3: oh, anyone recognize the name of the teacher and the student? and yeah i know it doesn’t entirely make sense to include that last scene, but like... you can’t have a story about the Lances without including “Dinah Laurel Lance, always trying to save the world,” now can you?
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izzy-b-hands · 4 years
Kloktober, Oct. 11th: Dancing or Fighting
I chose Fighting for this day, but it’s nothing too serious or horribly angsty, just a touch of it!
Instead, we have a post-Doomstar fic, where the lads are figuring out what powers they have Because Prophecy (and ngl, I remember the barest details/lore from Doomstar and the prophecy in general because I haven’t gotten around to doing much rewatching of the boys lately, so please forgive anything I’ve misremembered. If nothing else, consider it my own AU version of post-Doomstar life for them.) 
TW for mentions of drug and alcohol use. 
Synopsis: Things are settling. Toki and Abigail have healed. Despite Charles claiming that he’ll spend time away from them as the leader of the Church of the Black Klok, his room is still right where it’s always been and he stays there at least four days out of the week. Hanging with the lads, and helping Abigail stay sane. 
And, watching the boys learn what the prophecy being enacted means for them in terms of powers. Which naturally, means Front Yard Fight Club, and a show for Abigail and Charles.
My love to all who read/like/reblog!
“What...are they doing?” 
Charles sipped at his coffee. “Fight club.” 
“Ah,” Charles sighed, and pulled a flask from his jacket to pour into his coffee. “We don’t really want to know.” 
“This seems incredibly dangerous, given their new powers,” Abigail said, grabbing the flask before he could put it away and taking a swig. “They might kill each other.” 
“Nah,” Charles muttered. “No, there are people who want them dead. But as far as I know of the prophecy, they can’t take each other out like this.” 
Abigail nodded. “I could have donuts delivered, so we can eat while we watch the show?” 
“Use the company card,” Charles remarked as he took a long sip from his mug, and stared at the chaos in the yard below. 
“You douchebag, no fire!” Pickles shouted. “You burned my hair, and I don’t got that much left!” 
“Maybes you cans regrows you hairs now,” Skwisgaar said. “Dids you try?” 
Pickles, still patting out the fire Murderface had set to his dreads, cocked his head. “Huh. No, I hadn’t. Lemme try.” 
He stood, eyes rolled back nearly into his head as he looked up at his hair. 
After a minute, one singular red strand popped out. 
“Ah for fuck’s sake,” Pickles groaned. “That’s so much work! What’s the point of havin’ a magical prophecy and powers and shit if it’s this much work? It’s gonna take me a year to do this!” 
“Good things you ams starting nows then,” Skwisgaar shrugged, floating casually across the yard to pull a bit of burned hair off his dread. 
“You coulds walk, you know,” Toki scoffed. “I knows you still cans!” 
“And yous could floats, I knows you cans!” Skwisgaar protested. 
“Guys, guys!” Nathan shouted. “Look at what I can do!” 
He let out a harshest death metal yell he could, and Murderface was tossed across the yard by the force of it, screeching the entire way. 
“I’m a banshee now! This is fuckin’ awesome!” 
“Fuck you!” Murderface shouted as he ran back to them. “Give a guy schome fucking warning, you dick!” 
“Nah, it’s more fun this way,” Nathan chuckled. “Besides, you’re fine, ya big baby.” 
“You don’t know that!” Murderface shouted. 
“...You’re walking, talking, and literally fine. That’s how I know.” 
Murderface flipped them off and stomped past them to one of the picnic tables, sitting down on it hard. 
Too hard. 
There was an incredible amount of power in all of them now, and it meant a need to be careful around the now very fragile furniture (they were on couch 55 in the living room due to that.) 
This was a reminder of it, as Murderface broke the bench with the force of himself, and dropped to the ground. 
“Schtupid fucking table!” His fist to the top of the table broke it in half, and a kick from his foot sent the table’s remnants into the distance. 
“That wasn’t necessary,” Pickles sighed to the rest of them. 
“Overkills,” Skwisgaar agreed. “What ams his problems anyway? This ams supposed to bes fun!” 
“Let him be,” Nathan said. “He can come back over when he wants to stop being a total dick.” 
“I can hear you!” Murderface shouted as he stomped away into the nearby woods.
“I know!” Nathan shouted back.
“Well then don’t schay mean shit about me!” 
“Don’t do shit that makes me say mean shit about you, and I won’t!” 
“You can go fuck yourschelf!” 
“You can go fuck yourself too!” 
“I will then!” 
“...the super powereds hearings...” Skwisgaar sighed. “I thoughts woulds be useful. This...ams a mockery of it.” 
“What, you don’t love bein’ able to hear Murderface bitch from a million miles away?” Pickles scoffed. “Jesus. Wonder if I can still get migraines, like this. Cause I think I feel one comin’ on, the more Murderface flaps his lips.” 
“No, we can’ts stops yet,” Toki whined. “I wants to show yous what I learns how to do!” 
“Okay,” Pickles agreed. “You show us, then we go inside and see what LSD is like on weird super powers, okay?” 
“Okay!” Toki chirped, and picked up a dandelion from the lawn. He barely looked at it, and it wilted, blackened, and turned to dust in his hand. “Sees? Neat, right?” 
Pickles and Skwisgaar ignored Nathan and Murderface’s now wordless angry shouts, and shared a look. 
“Cans you does that to like...anything?” 
Toki shrugged. “Dunno! Only tried on dandelions so far.” 
“Like...you look at it, and it dies?” Pickles asked. 
“Long as I’m also touchings it,” Toki replied. 
“Cool, very cool, but maybe be careful with that, ‘kay Toki?” Pickles said carefully. “Don’t wanna accidentally kill anything you don’t wanna, you know?” 
“I bes careful!” Toki smiled, and wrapped an arm around both of them in a tight hug. 
They both let out sighs as Toki let them go, and ran over to Nathan, another dandelion in his hand. 
“This isn’t a fuckin’ joke, is it?” Pickles asked, rubbing the back of his neck. “I mean it’s fun, bein’ able to light shit on fire, ice things out, float, whatever. But...we could really hurt somebody with this shit, couldn’t we?” 
Skwisgaar nodded gravely. “I worries about Toki and Murderface. I don’ts thinks they gets it.” 
“They’ll learn though,” Pickles said. “I mean, they gotta.” 
A tree in the forest suddenly went up in flames, only to be put out by a blast of ice from an increasingly pissed off Nathan, who was trying to track Murderface from the edge of the forest. 
“Bets we can still gets drunk,” Skwisgaar said. “What says yous and I haves that LSD and some booze, and hopes they dont’s burn down the forest?” 
Pickles sighed. “That sounds good. What about Toki?” 
“Stops calling Nathans names, or I kills you!” Toki’s shriek echoed across the property. 
“Looks, I am absolvings us of this right nows,” Skwisgaar said. “Charles and Abigail ams watching from the window. Lets them deals with it if they gets out of hand.” 
It wasn’t exactly right, probably, but at least the LSD and booze would settle the rocks of worry in their stomachs. 
“This could get out of hand,” Abigail said, in between bites of donut. “We should go say something.” 
“They have to be responsible for this on their own,” Charles said. “Harsh as it seems. For them, at least.” 
“And you’re sure they can’t kill each other?” 
Charles stared out the window, Murderface’s path in the forest marked by the burnt, then frozen by Nathan, trees. 
“Certain as I can be.” 
“Is that certain enough?” Abigail asked, wincing as another tree went up. 
“I don’t know,” Charles admitted, and pulled out his flask again. 
They were going to need it. 
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soultek · 4 years
It Won’t Always Be Like This - Kenneth Hayes x Reader (The Outsider)
Love It Gone / The Arraignment
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Author’s Note: It took me way too long to figure out the lyrics for this one. Hence the long time coming B U T we got there in the end. He’s still my baby and still my favourite and I honestly need to rewatch this show (or... skip to all my favourite moments at least) In conclusion: I need to write this relationship more, they make me happy! Disclaimer: The Outsider & associates show/book characters not mine / lyrics not mine / My screen cap!
Premise: Terry Maitland is innocent, Kenneth Hayes now knows this for certain. That means he has some apologizing to do... You know everyone will get through this somehow, and you’ll be there for him every step of the way...
Words: 1865
Warnings: not-so-subtle sexual connotations / swearing
____ Wish I could've told myself back then It won't always be like this It won't always be like this I know nothing lasts forever But sometimes I still forget It won't always be like this Didn't have a clue who I was, Who I could trust, and who were my real friends I had big wings but didn't have a sky Just a front-row view of everybody flying high Waiting for my time, wish I could've told myself back then No, the heart won't ache forever No matter how hard it gets It won't always be like this, no Looking at you looking back at me All I wanna do is make another memory And love you like it's the end I wish love would last forever So I could live it all again It won't always be like this
When Hayes told you he wanted to apologise directly to Glory Maitland, you thought that was a good idea. He’d had a pretty bad time of it since the Arraignment, which was to be expected considering all that had happened since. And now Glory was suing him. But you’d supported him through it all, because you needed to. And because he needed you too. He’d heard of a few cases very similar to the Peterson murder, and every time he did Hayes would come home and talk until he was literally too exhausted to do so any more. Once he’d received the phone call from Yune Sablo – as nearly everyone else involved in the case went off to Tennessee to sew it all up; you had half a mind to march up to Ralph Anderson about this but hadn’t yet made good on your promise to do so – that seemed to clear Terry, and put someone else in the frame, Hayes had needed to go to the Maitland’s house even more. You stood in the doorway as he called her to arrange stopping around. Glad at least that she’d agreed to such a meeting – when he’d been on the other side of this whole case. You knew that Glory would ask him a lot of hard questions, would likely tear him apart and make him feel incredibly guilty. And she had every right to do so. But Hayes was your partner, and you were still protective over him. You couldn’t be present for the conversation; however, you’d be there for him the minute he walked out of her front door. As you would be when he walked out of court – or however they decided to settle, and whenever he needed you at any other point on this journey. And maybe he wouldn’t run again, maybe this was it now. You needed to enjoy his remaining time being a District Attorney. But one thing was for sure, you would move forward together. You would face the future together, hand in hand. As you had everything else. ** This morning he asked you to drive him over, which made you fold your arms and raise an eyebrow. “What’s wrong with your car?” “Yours is neutral.” You turned around from the kitchen counter you were pouring cereal at, to the island where he was standing reading the paper “Neutral? Because it’s another County’s marked car?” “Sometime like that…” You scoffed; “If you think it will help.” “I kinda do. And I think I might need you.” “Do you think I’ll get you back in one piece?!” “Who knows? That’s why I need ya!” You smirked gently, “Is this to help her out? Would you like me to put you in handcuffs? You know – to really sell it?” Hayes glanced over his shoulder at you, unable to pretend that he didn’t know why you’d ask such a thing; “I think you do that a little too much already.” You pushed your tongue against the inside of your cheek whilst you smirked, “Well then you know how to act.” “Will you stop-! This is unhelpful.” “You’re the one that wants to go for a ride in my county car…” You winked, “If you get out alive I might let you take a ride somewhere else.” He turned back to the paper clearly flustered – “Look! Will you just drive-!” You giggled to yourself, watching him – but he didn’t turn back; “Babe. Of course I will!” then taking your bowl and walking passed him you couldn’t resist the smirk as you looked back; “Would you like me to turn on the flashing lights too?” Red crossed his face as he looked up; “Y/N! No!!” ***
The drive was silent if only because he was contemplating. You didn’t know exactly why Hayes would feel the need to run the conversation through his head – he stood in the court room making speeches off the cuff all day, and was an extremely quick thinker, but you supposed for him this was different. This wasn’t a cross-examination of a witness, or a cutting sarcastic remark. This was the widow of a man Hayes had been certain was guilty; only for it to turn out he was not. And it wasn’t just any apology, Terry Maitland had died.
You took one hand off the wheel and laced your fingers with his – making him turn back to you. “I’m sure you’ve thought this through already, but remember she’s suing the office and you, babe…” “I know…” He breathed out, “It’s a shame, because there’s so much more I’d like to say, but due to that I just can’t.” “That’s why you’re thinking it over so hard.” He squeezed your hand; “Would you believe I haven’t been so nervous since the first time I stood up in court alone? Not even facing down one of my death row boys… or getting married.” “Well just make sure it doesn’t end up like your marriage, huh?” “I dunno…” He mumbled, leaning his head against the window, “I mean I guess we’re still friends.” “Babe, you don’t need to be nervous. You got this – I don’t expect her to make it easy on you… But she better not hurt you or I’ll throw hands-!” Then he laughed, turning back; “Oh, she better not hurt me? You wanna see the bruises I regularly get on my wrists-!?” “Oh,” You turned to him, voice mocking; “Poor baby – acting like he doesn’t ask for it.” Then you raised an eyebrow, “We could always stop?” Though he had a point, Hayes bruised like a peach sometimes and you had to be very careful that the marks wouldn’t show past the sleeve of his shirts. You noticed that suggestion made him go silent again, and he returned to staring at the scenery; “I’m just glad you’re here…”
When you pulled up at the Maitland’s house you turned back to him; “If anything happens, just scream – I got handcuffs and my badge.” “Ralph Anderson is gonna love that paperwork.” You scoffed; “Ralph Anderson can mind his own damn business-!” then folded your arms; “And like he wouldn’t do the same for Jeannie.” Hayes at least agreed with you there, opening the car door and stepping out; “Okay, I’ll be a minute.” “If you’re there any longer than you have to be I’m barging in-!” “You don’t need to-” “Equally if I hear anything from her I’m not opposed to leading you out in handcuffs-!” “Stop!” Still, at least he laughed; “Do you want to come with me?” “Do you need me? I mean honey, I think you need to do this alone, right?” You frowned, still sure it was better to stay out of it, even if for legal reasons. “No, you’re right – I think I’ll be fine.” You nodded, “I’ll be right outside. Good luck.” He leant across to kiss your cheek but you turned at the last second and caught his lips; “…And be a good boy.” “I will.” Hayes’ voice was gentle as he straightened and closed the door. You watched him for a moment with a small smile on your face as he fixed his tie, and his hair, and brushed his suit smooth before crossing the road and taking the steps up to her house.
 For a little while you sat to check work messages and listened to music with the windows rolled down. It has been a pretty hot spring into summer, that much was for sure, but after a while you decided to stretch your legs a little and stand outside the car in the fresh air. It also meant you could sun yourself; and there was a nice breeze to accompany it.
You knew this was probably awkward for him – heck he’d prepared about as hard for this as he ever did for cases. But you hoped it would be amicable, no matter how strange for both of them it was – he probably deserved shouting and screaming and being cussed out, but still – Hayes was just doing his job, and you hoped Glory might forgive him for that. He would exonerate Terry at his next conference, and then his innocence would be fact, his name cleared. You knew that things would never go back to normal after that, but you hoped they’d be better. It wouldn’t always be as bad as things looked right now...
The front door opened, placing you on alert again, and your head raised. They nodded to each other, but no words were spoken as he stepped out and she closed the door. At least Hayes looked intact. You smiled, uncrossing your legs and straightening up – he didn’t have so far to walk back to you but with the burning questions you had every step was agony.
Only when he’d closed their front gate did Kenneth Hayes breathe a deep sigh of relief, his eyes raised and when they met yours, he really did smile. “How’d it go?” Your voice was soft as he crossed the road, he moved in close, hands to your arms “…About as good as it could have…” “So you said it, all of it?” “Everything I can legally. When the lawsuit is over… I’ll be able to say what I really want…” His voice broke a little and Hayes rubbed his eyes with a sniff. Your brows knitted as your head tipped – had he cried? You supposed this was emotional for everyone, so it didn’t really surprise you. You reached up and cupped his face – bringing him back to you “And I know you will.” You nodded encouragingly, “It’s almost over, babe, and I’m proud of you for doing this. You didn’t have to.” Faint blush crossed his cheeks at the word proud, yet he smiled thankfully – “It was the right thing to do.” “It was.” You agreed, moving your fingers to lace with his, “Now, Mr. District Attorney, may I give you a police escort home?” He laughed, as more single tears escaped and he had to wipe them away again – “I’d kinda like to take my escort for lunch, I mean I didn’t really eat, considering-” He nodded back to the house “Lunch out?” You smiled gently, “Okay, I accept your lunch date proposal, however,” You tsked him “You should know better than to tell me you didn’t eat, darling, that won’t get you anything you want.” You leant up to brush your lips to his, “Even though, I mean it – I’m extremely proud of you…” He pulled away to thank you again, but you couldn’t resist pulling him to you by his tie to kiss him harder, forcing Hayes to steady himself against the car. You released him as if nothing had happened, and walked around to the driver’s side, leaving him to shake his head and slide in. “One thing…” You chuckled, as you belted in and started the engine – looking back to the house once more with a smile – it was nearly over… You’d probably end up giving Glory a big hug afterwards – it wasn’t something you’d been able to do yet, and it felt very odd. “Go on?” “You only assume I don’t want whatever you’re gonna do about the fact that I didn’t eat this morning.” His look was meaningful and you couldn’t help but smirk. “Careful, babe,” You patted your hip, pulling the patrol car away from the curb, “I’ve still got handcuffs.”
Thank you for reading about the DA Bae! 😊🙏
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sailor-cresselia · 5 years
The Great Ex-Aid Rewatch: Ex-Aid & Ghost, Part One
:grabs the popcorn:
This is gonna be hard, because I wanted to try and do this without in-movie spoilers. I mean, I’ve seen the entire show at this point, and if you’re reading my liveblogs, I’m basically assuming that so have you, so not touching on plot points is a little impossible, especially with my overbearing love for going into meta and theories.
Also, it’s going to be in multiple parts. This first post covers about twenty minutes of run-time over the course of several hours of real-time, and nine pages.
(links to the other parts will go here)
Okay, so. In the first two minutes, we have Dr. Pac-man’s three assistants start shooting up the GenmCorp lobby, and I’m pretty sure that the muscle guy broke a guards neck. And then they go after Kuroto, with a very… glitchy Dr. Pac-Man alongside.
We’re talking ‘pre-bugvisor Graphite’ visual glitching, here. As though he doesn’t quite have enough… I dunno, cohesion to stay intact on his own.
Thing is, Kuroto seems genuinely… if not scared, then at least shocked to see him. The dude’s supposed to be very dead, after all.
And seriously, why do people keep jamming proto-gashats into their bodies?! No! Don’t do that! Stop it! I don’t care if you’re a bugster or not, it doesn’t actually help you at all, it’s just going to make you physically unstable!
And here we have Tougo, victim of the day. I have to say, I’ve never liked him much. He’s… annoying. Also, I’m aware that the choice of color for his school uniform is most likely ‘because Pac-Man’, but that doesn’t change the fact that’s it’s ugly. The girls jacket is a nice dark tan, but the boys have this gaim-awful mustard.
And then the Pac-Viruses attack.
Emu’s such a good guy, helping one of his young patients out in both work and as a sort of mentor-friend. Pity we’re still very early in Ex-Aid, and he’s still a horrible klutz. There’s no time to be tripping over your feet, Emu! We’ve got people to save!
…oh no… It never quite clicked before, but I think Takeru had to repeat a year! He was clearly planning on going to university, if only because he and Akari are/were in the same year of school, and she’d never let him live it down if he didn’t. And here? His teacher, who’s practically mocking him for being six months behind, is asking whether he’s serious about his entry exams or not.
So. Since it’s December now, and it was early April when he came back, Takeru missed the entire last half of what was supposed to be his senior year of high school. So here, he’s probably about three months into what he missed before.
Akari, Onari, please don’t disrupt the class like this, they probably all think Takeru’s weird enough as is without him getting called out for superhero business.
You know, Akari reminding Takeru to be careful, because he’s got a regular body now, implies that he hasn’t been careful. Maybe not as Ghost, but… you know, in regular exertion stuff. (And as Ghost, because there’s probably a number of times he’s had to help Alain with. Like. Less-than-satisfied court members or something over in the Ganma world.)
So, both teams are here at the outbreak site. Team Ghost, consisting of Takeru, Akari, and Onari, and team Ex-Aid, consisting of Emu and Asuna. Both of the lads put on their drivers, and simultaneously notice the other one there.
They didn’t meet outside of the suits in Ghost’s final episode, which was an epilogue to his story and a Bonus Sneak Preview Of The New Challenger, so it makes sense that the drivers – both of which are very distinct – would be how they recognize each other.
Of course, that gets us into the slight issue of ‘when does Ghost ep 50 take place.’
See, it’s implied in-show that it’s not long after Takeru comes back to life, which puts it in early to mid-April. He has a line about ‘are we really going to celebrate my birthday twice from now on?’, to which the answer was a definitive yes, so it makes logical sense for it to not be on his original birthday in October.
Except for how Emu couldn’t show up for his Big Damn Heroes moment if it were in April, because he didn’t put on the Gamer Driver until October.
So, when Emu comes to try and get the Shakariki Sports gashat from Ayumu, it isn’t quite chronologically possible… unless you take into account who Ayumu is.
He’s Takeru’s son. From the future. Meaning he time-traveled to get there.
It’s not even unprecedented for the season – Takeru’s father opened the portals that brought Takeru and Shinnosuke back and forth from 2005 in the Ghost & Drive movie, after all. So, it stands to reason that the portal ability, which Ayumu also shows, is a familial power.
What I’m positing is that Emu traveled back in time, and probably didn’t even know it.
He goes to the game worlds and battle stages fairly often, and since suddenly being in a different location isn’t exactly new to him… it would only makes sense for him to not realize that he’s in a different month, too. Especially when one of the stages looks just like the forest behind Daitenkuu Temple, and he has all sorts of flashy light effects going on all the time. An eye-shaped portal could totally just be another one of the standard special effects.
Yup, nothing unusual here.
Okay, that aside, nobody actually gets to transform just yet, because the whole group is swarmed by Pac-Viruses before either of them can activate their drivers, with the viruses quickly singling Takeru out and chewing into him.
He doesn’t get hit with the literal fever that everyone else they’ve done this to are suffering from. No, in Takeru’s case… the Ghost Driver disappears. He pulls out his eyecon to try again… and it clicks uselessly.
Onari suspects it might be because he ‘hasn’t transformed lately’, adding more credence to his and Emu’s encounter being more than two months ago.
Since nobody else here can… time for Ex-Aid to make an appearance.
In level one.
Cue Opening Credits.
So, Emu can’t so much as dent the Pac-Viruses, and then two of Zaizen’s lackeys show up. The man, apparently named Kazushige Ryuzaki, uses the Drago Knight Hunter Z proto-gashat to turn into… (quick search of the wiki) the Doral Bugster. Since I don’t feel like typing out his name, and it’s never said in show anyway, I’m just gonna be calling him Doral from here on. Similarly with the woman, Ageha Takeda, who uses Giri Giri Chambara to become the Giril Bugster.
So, you know, of course the one with a sword is the one Takeru faces off against. Why not? Not like he’s probably got some incredibly justified trauma relating to them. Not like it’s not actually incredibly ironic that his first heroic Eyecon arms him with a sword. Why not re-open some old less-than-metaphorical wounds right off the bat?
Doral basically corners Emu into the parking garage that Takeru and the others tried to bring Tougo through. Oh, yeah, they were trying to get that guy out of the area when he collapsed. I didn’t mention it because he’s not a good character, and exists primarily to guilt-trip Emu. So, yeah. Doral and Giril knock both our heroes down, breaking Emu’s level two transformation in the process, and here comes Dr. Pac-Man, being all ominous and glitchy, saying that he’s doing this for ‘revenge on humanity’.
Suuuure, that’s how you wanna spin it. Humanity in general. It’s totally not against a few very specific humans, one of whom you’ve recently had held at machine-gun point, and the other who has no idea what’s going on.
They use the scene of bringing Tougo into CR for a brief exposition dump – which is fair, both in-universe and out. Takeru’s team wouldn’t know what’s going on, and it helps just in case the parents in the audience haven’t been following what their kids have been watching. It just gives us that little bit of elaboration on the bugster virus, enough so that people aren’t completely lost.
Tougo’s – oh, wow, his ‘infection ratio’ is already at 63%. Usually when they get someone in here, they’re only in the 30% range. But, of course, there isn’t any data to define what’s going on, because this isn’t one of the normal bugsters. There’d be no reason for Pac-Man to be programmed into a Genm Corp system.
(Which actually raises the question of how they were able to see an icon for Burgermon in episode 17, since he wasn’t supposed to be a Bugster, either. Then again, he is from a game Genm Corp was developing. But I digress.)
Anyway, Emu’s justifiably confused as to why Takeru doesn’t seem to be having any of the usual symptoms of an infection. Oh, sweetie, if you only knew- :ahem: sorry, distracted.
Takeru says that no, he’s not feeling any sort of fever, he’s doing fine.
Onari reminds him that ‘he’ll only get hurt if he pushes himself’, and Akari feels his forehead to make sure he’s telling the truth.
Once again, we’re getting the implication that Takeru has developed a habit of going too far.
upstairs, we’ve got a conference call with Secretary Hinata, the Official CR team, and the Ghost team. Onari bursts out laughing at Poppy’s last name – and freaks out when she hops out of the arcade cabinet.
Both of these are understandable reactions, but maybe don’t immediately declare this a supernatural phenomenon? You know, since a government official was the one to first address her.
I will always be frustrated at the reverb effect they gave Poppy’s voice in this movie. There was no reason for Toei to do that, it’s just excessive, and it’s not like they did it in any of the promo materials or shorts, to say nothing of the show itself. Actually…
I wonder if some parts of this movie draw from early planning stages of Ex-Aid? Like, there’s no explaining the voice thing otherwise, and Emu was pretty close to freezing up for a long time in here… despite the setting for it being explicitly between episodes 10 and 11, at which point they’ve already faced an approaching pandemic, with what Graphite pulled in episodes 9 and 10. So, either the team just didn’t think of that, or there were aspects that got… left over.
I mean, it’s not nearly as inexplicably different as the entirety of the OOO section of OOO & W, but it’s not exactly fitting with where Emu would be even just in the first few episodes.
And yes, I’m aware that OOO & W was made when they had one whole episode of OOO to go off of, but that’s why I think there might be artifact plot elements in here.
Okay, back to the film itself. Again. Emu – Genius Gamer M – uses his genre savvy to realize why he couldn’t damage the Pac-Viruses. If, like some of the other bugsters, they’re operating on the logic of their game, then the only weakness they would have would be ghosts. AKA, instead of infecting Takeru, they burned out his ability to transform into Ghost, thus removing their biggest threat.
I mean, only some bugsters use their games that heavily. Motors, for one, the bugster from Bakusou Bike, is ‘prone’ to racing, and technically speaking, Emu and Kiriya cleared the game before destroying him, by beating him in a race. And the Doremifa Beat Collabos bugster was using music just like it would have been in the game itself – if you miss the notes, you get punished. In game, that’d just be a bad score. In the real world… painful explosions. Poppy, the actual bugster from Doremifa Beat, can’t sing without a backing track. And then there’s Burgermon, who was cleared in the same method as beating a level in his game – making a burger for him.
So, yeah, the Pac-Viruses might be in that class of bugster.
Anyway, enter Dan Kuroto and Hanaya Taiga.
Taiga’s all “No, I’m totally not here to help you guys, I’m just not letting these freaks run loose.”
Kuroto tells the ensemble that they stole the ‘heavily guarded’ proto gashats.
If by ‘heavily guarded’ you mean you were clearly reading their data out in the open, in your office. Again. And by ‘stole’ you mean “They had two machine guns pointed at me, and a sword, and I’m not immortal just yet! What was I supposed to do?! Just not hand them over?!”
…Yeah, he may be an evil bastard, but he didn’t exactly have a choice even if he wasn’t trying to keep up his ‘benevolent CEO’ facade.
Taiga’s comment of ‘those gashats are very dangerous’ is not only an understatement, but also… it’s foreshadowing. We know that Kuroto’s been using Proto Mighty Action X, and that it’s slowly wearing him down – Parad told us as much in episode 8 or 9. We know that Drago Knight was actually hurting Graphite, and he’s from there.
And, although we haven’t seen it yet, Taiga also has experience using them. Proto Bang Bang Shooting is what he originally used as Snipe, back in 2011. But we don’t know that even outside of the show just yet.
This movie came out in theaters in December 2016. We found out that the proto-gashats were involved during the Snipe Episode ZERO specials… the first of which wasn’t released until April 2017.
So… here, have some foreshadowing, I guess!
Emu asks if Kuroto has any idea who the culprits could be… and Kuroto pauses before saying he doesn’t. There’s a… not a scare chord, but a ‘you should be really, really suspicious right now’ sound effect when he says that.
I can’t tell if Emu looks disappointed or suspicious.
…Disappointed. He didn’t believe Kuroto could be evil until he revealed himself, so… yeah.
At the totally not sketchy base, Dr. Pac-Man and his lackies are planning something. They’re waiting for Tougo’s symptoms to break out – he was the one they were targeting, after all. I think the Pac-Viruses went after Takeru on their own. They’re also working on something called the ‘genome graph’.
Complete with a diagram of a human gene… that starts off normal, and then becomes blocky… pixellated, almost.
So that’s not sketchy at all.
…oh what the heck. The next scene is the next day. How can I tell? Everyone is in different outfits. It’s not just how Takeru is noticeably no longer in his school uniform, and back to his normal wardrobe. Akari and Onari are in different outfits, too, and Emu was wearing his yellow binary shirt, but now he’s on one of his dark blue ones.
How long does this movie take place over?
(No wonder Haruto was able to show up out of the blue! It’s been at least a day, so he’s had time to find out about this!)
Anyway, Tougo (finally) wakes up, and Emu and Takeru both start questioning him as to why the people in white were after him. Well, Emu’s telling him to go lay back down, because he can barely stand for more than a few seconds without wobbling, and Takeru’s asking questions.
Tougo cares not for your platitudes and worrying about his health, he’s got school and game development to do! Both Emu and Takeru take incredibly personal offense to this attitude.
Casual reminder, both of them were 18, the same age as Tougo, when things went wrong. Well, went wrong a second time in Emu’s case, when he went and decided that he needed to focus on his studies after… well, as we find out later, doing almost exactly what Tougo’s doing. Neglecting his own well being in order to do what he loves – games.
…ohhh no Emu is same hatting really hard with this guy.
(Listen, Tougo, as long as you don’t start identifying with the primary game designer in this show, we’re set. Just accept the fanmail gracefully, and everything will go much smoother.)
But, as Hiiro points out, they technically can’t force treatment on him. But also… well. There are some pretty nasty folks after Tougo.
On the roof, Takeru and Emu have a little chat. They’re both basically going ‘how on earth are you handling the Rider thing?’ to each other’s situations.
Pulling out the Ex-Aid Eyecon, Takeru says that he couldn’t have imagined that the rider that gave it to him is a doctor. He was just so incredibly neon. But the fact that ‘Doctor Emu’ is saving lives as both a doctor and as a Kamen Rider… that really impresses him.
(Please note that Takeru consistently uses “Emu-sensei” to refer to Emu both here, and in HeiGen Final. No, there’s no hero worship going on here, what are you talking about? That’s silly!)
Similarly, Emu’s incredibly impressed by Takeru’s resolve to have kept fighting after dying, and speaking as a doctor, can’t even begin to imagine what that takes.
And then here comes Kuroto, asking to see Takeru’s Ghost Eyecon to analyze it, so they can make something that will effect the Pac-Viruses.
Since Takeru agrees, it means that he’s not tied to it the way he was in the series. It’s probably a different Eyecon completely – seeing as in-show, the Ore eyecon was literally him. Technically, the Takeru we saw was almost a projection – his tangibility depended heavily on his emotional state.
(There’s a reason I occasionally joke about Ghost’s Eyecons being ‘Soul Gem Two: Spooky Boogaloo.’)
(Also, Yurusen shares a VA with Madoka, and that just drove the joke home. Turns out Meduka Meguca is the cat, after all!)
Tumblr media
Hatesate Puzzle is an Android game – you can tell, because the list of files includes four different .apk files. Also, it’s up to version 7.21.
But the programming screen? Uses the same stupid block of text that all of the programming screens use in this show. Like, it’s even more egregious this time, because it’s shown very clearly, in decent lighting, unlike in Kuroto’s assorted lairs. Also, it talks about game physics such as collision detection for the ground.
This is a match three game.
Anyway, turns out Hiiro’s idea was to allow Tougo to leave the hospital, as long as he was still being observed. There’s a hundred thousand people infected right now, and the people who did it want him. So… Tougo is bait.
Needs of the many, blah blah blah you could have at least run this by someone, Hiiro. I get not telling Emu. But Asuna should have been informed, at least.
Almost immediately after Hiiro takes his leave, letting Emu take over, we hear static as Tougo staggers backward in his seat and passes out.
We come to a busy office – a busy police barracks. Team Ghost waits anxiously on a visitors couch.
“I’m glad to see you’re back.”
Enter Officer Tomari Shinnosuke: Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department (active duty); Kamen Rider Drive (inactive).
Takeru and co had called in a favor, and Shinnosuke was only all to willing to help cover this case. Not only is it rider business now, but they’re threatening the city. Not to mention the police squad they destroyed yesterday – handily confirming that a day has, in fact, gone by – means Shinnosuke really wants in.
Turns out the three they’ve seen the faces of were all researchers into genetic therapy with the Next Genome Institute. Doctor Pac-Man is ‘most likely’ their boss, Zaizen Michihiko. Unfortunately…
They’re all supposed to be very, very dead. They died six years ago, as a matter of fact.
Most of the institute’s data was destroyed when the facility was sealed, but there’s a bit of closed circuit footage remaining of the event. Only a few seconds, but it’s enough to show them standing over an operating table, as orange lights encase and dissolve them, squares of light patterning the floor and walls.
Squares of light eerily similar to what they just say the other day, when people were activating Gashats.
Bugster work isn’t the only sketchy thing they’ve done – there were rumors of the institute working with cloning, creating mutants… basically, as Akari says, mad scientists.
(Anyone want to place odds on them being funded by Foundation X? No? Just me? Okay then.)
Emu and Asuna are with Tougo as he wakes on a bench. THey’d moved him somewhere out of the sun, and he’s… An asshole about it. He never asked for their help, and he’ll die when it’s time, anyway, so why are they bothering?
Doctor Pac-Man, still very glitchy, strolls up. “He’s right. None of you are needed here. Why not just hand him over?”
Running time!
Back at the precinct, Shinnosuke promises that he’ll let team Ghost know as soon as they find where the Next Genome researchers are hiding.
Y’know, except for that part where he’s too late, and they’re already going after Tougo, and by extension, Emu.
Shinnsouke’s fired up and ready to go after them.
Y’know, except for the part where Krim locked all of the Drive tech in his depression garage the Drive Pit at the end of the season, and Shinnosuke can’t transform, which Takeru points out, saying that it’s too dangerous for Officer Tomari to go.
Of course, Onari, logically, tries to point out that Takeru’s in the same boat right now, to which Takeru hurriedly shushes him.
Takeru and his team run off to deal with the situation.
Sad music plays as Shinnosuke laments his lack of belt.
And here’s where I decided I had to cut the liveblog for now! Because again, twenty-some minutes, and nine pages of text. This is going to take a while.
See you next game
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krokodile · 5 years
Tumblr has decided that one of my posts “may contain adult content” and thus is blocked from public view.  However, after digging all the way back through to February, there’s no indicator that it’s been flagged.  So I can’t contest it.
It’s a fucking movie review post. 
I can only assume the bot spazzed out because it contains a review of the documentary “Fagbug.”
Needless to say I’m reposting everything now because I AM SO FUCKING PISSED.  Gay activist movies with inflammatory titles are “adult content.”  
(I mean, it sucked, but still.)
Aside from that, I can’t find any content that would anger a bot.  I mean, if the bot sat down and watched Take Me to the River, it’d probably get mad, but I don’t explicitly discuss any of its content, so...it included a picture of a child in a bathing suit from the waist up?  Is that it?  Did one of the movie posters look like nudity somehow?  Because I looked at all of them and aside from the potentially triggering flesh tones in Happy Death Day’s poster (that creepy baby face sure is sexy amirite) I, again, see nothing.  
And since you can no longer access the posts directly the only way to get the content back is to either harass tumblr via email until they allow the post back up or crawl through your posts on your own account, which can’t be done by day, just by page number.  I can’t begin to imagine how shitty this is for people who have original content worth preserving.
movies watched in 2018
take me to the river:  guys, here’s the thing.  horror is my favorite genre and i’m pretty deadened to everything with “shock value” in film.  this little indie drama here, though?  this genuinely managed to shock me.  i was sitting there at one point unable to believe i was actually watching what i was watching.
please keep in mind that i don’t think that scene was included for the sake of shock value; it was relevant and likely necessary.  i’m just saying that NOTHING gets to me in that way, and this did.
it’s a fantastic film, albeit one of those annoying enigmas with no real answers.  i would love to have an hour alone with the screenwriter just to find out what they were thinking of in terms of backstories.  every major performance is perfect - logan miller is incredible.  everyone’s performance is understated, natural and authentic.  the little girl who played molly - not sure of her name but i recognized her from “louie” - holds her own with some amazing adult performances and is just as authentic as everyone else.  robin reigert is quietly devastating, josh hamilton is equally quietly terrifying, richard schiff and azura skye disappear completely into their characters.  
the pacing is on the slow side, but it works well for the story.  i watched the entire thing with my stomach in knots, having no idea in hell where it was going.  on several occasions i genuinely expected a murder.  i’m not used to movies this quiet and slow being so unpredictable.  i had to keep pausing it to shake off the tension.  it’s also incredibly beautiful to look at.
this is one of those indie gems that is absolutely not for everyone - it touches on some subject matter than many would find deeply upsetting.  and i think the film means to be deeply upsetting, but again, it’s in a way that’s not for everyone.
i do wish there were more answers, because i have so many questions, but it does guarantee i’ll be thinking about this movie for years to come, so maybe they did that on purpose.
as an aside, i kept thinking that the little girl looked incredibly familiar, and then it hit me.  she looks like a miniature allison case.
change the hair color and she’s an absolute ringer.  
(i also got a smile out of her name reveal, just because it’s her cousin asking her how to spell it and she starts with m, and for whatever reason i’m like “oh wouldn’t it be funny if we had the same name,” and at the -o i’m like trying to guess, “maybe she’s morgan, or -”; -l  “...ha.  awesome.”  -l-y “well i’m glad they spelled it properly.”  dunno why that amused me, but it did.)
it - better than i thought it would be in some ways.  it’s not scary at all and the horror aspects are largely bungled, which is a shame because the dude playing pennywise is pretty creepy and could’ve done better stuff with a better script.  i hate the changes they made to beverly’s character, and she and the kid from book of henry were so obnoxiously precocious and precious.  that said, all the other kids were fantastic, including that kid i generally dislike from stranger things.  he was hilarious, and he and the rest of the pack of boys were so natural in their roles you just started to believe that’s who they were.  i’m vaguely looking forward to the sequel.
mammoth - a rewatch; it’s still the same infuriating mansplainy trash it was the first time around, but i wanted mom to see michelle williams’s performance, so.  the cast really is perfect; that’s the one thing it has going for it.
marwencol - this guy’s photography is amazing, and his story is super interesting, but what kept jumping out at me was how fucking great this dude’s coping mechanisms were, even if they looked a little odd.  for example, he has a crush on his married neighbor, so he added a doll based on her to his little village with the intent of having that doll marry the doll that’s his avatar.  the woman got weirded out, told him it wasn’t cool - so he dealt with the rejection by creating a sorceress character who blinked the neighbor character out of that universe and hooked it up with that guy’s character.  like...that’s the weirdest way i’ve ever seen someone handle rejection, but also kinda the healthiest.  he said repeatedly that he had no interesting in actually pursuing his neighbor romantically because he respected that she was married.  he never said a cruel word to her, or complained to the camera about her being a bitch or ungrateful or whatever dumb shit people come up with.  absolutely no threats or hints of violence.  just “i’m hurt by this rejection, so fuck it, i’m erasing her from this narrative.”  like...that’s honestly brilliant.  don’t know why this stuck with me more than anything else, but it did.  i know there’s a drama adaptation coming out soon with steve carell, and i expect that’ll be great.
maudie - i adore sally hawkins so much.  i haven’t seen the shape of water yet; i really only know her from paddington, but there’s just something about her that makes me like her.  and her performance in this is stellar.  i know nothing about maud lewis (besides the fact that i like her paintings) but sally hawkins was easy to fall in love with.  sweet, smart, shrewd, just a hell of a mind but also a huge heart.  
happy death day - i was NOT expecting to enjoy this as much as i did.  it’s really perfectly executed for the type of movie it is.  great comedy - one of the funniest onscreen kills i’ve ever seen - genuine danger and stakes (a rarity in groundhog day type movies), and a main character with actual depth; enough so that you actually care about her and want her to survive this movie (i don’t recognize the actress, but she does a great job with the role).  and a fucking fantastic red herring that totally caught me off-guard.  i was expecting something dumb, a carelessly written splatterfest aimed at the lowest common denominator.  (yeah i’m a horror snob fuck you.)  actually there’s very little blood/gore, which apparently bothered some viewers, but i don’t think any effect was minimized without it.  i had a ton of fun watching it.  didn’t expect that.
dunkirk - i’m just gonna say it.  it was bad.  i’m generally pretty neutral on war movies - for the most part they’re not my thing but there are plenty i’ve enjoyed and plenty i’ve been able to appreciate as good filmmaking even if the film itself wasn’t for me.  this movie is just not good.  generic war movie created around a truly amazing true story that could have been an amazing film.  wasted opportunity.
fagbug - i completely understand why the gay community had worse things to say about this person than heteros did.  ugh.  stop making actual tragedies about you, stop talking over people and stop acting like an epic victim.  
before i wake - surprisingly not bad, could’ve been better.  liked it better before the last few minutes.  it had some clever ideas and it was fun putting everything together, but having it put together for us takes the fun out of it, and making the kids’ “powers” unambiguous is a little...hard to swallow i guess?  but it’s still surprisingly pretty good.
under the arctic sky - random netflix generator told me to watch this and while cold water surfing isn’t something i’m super interested in, the photography is gorgeous.  i can’t pretend i didn’t cry like a little bitch watching the one guy surfing under the northern lights.  just...the world is just awesome.
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1-10, 25
⊱asks for muns with a multimuse⊰
1. is there a muse that you wish gets more attention?
There are a few of them... but if I had to pick just one? Scout, for sure. I do get that she’s an obscure character even within her fandom, and no longer even relevant since the canon reboot - but that doesn’t stop me wanting to do things with her xD
2. if you HAD to choose, who’s your favorite muse?
Vanellope. Definitely Vanellope; she’s not only the cutest cutie, but also my favourite fictional character overall. Though I have to say that Lauren’s not far behind her... being as she’s 100% my own character, I’d not be a biased creator if I didn’t chose her xD
3. which muse is the trickiest to get into character for?
Recently? I’d say it’s been Mabel. I feel like the way I write her is hit-and-miss most of the time; but because there’s so much canon material for her I struggle to take all of it into account at all times, you know? I think I emphasise certain parts of her personality at the expense of others... and plus, I’m nowhere near as outgoing and bouncy as she is, which gives me trouble sometimes too xD
4. is there a muse that not a lot of people roleplay with?
I suppose that Cera, Lauren, Zoey, Babs and Vixey all fall under that category; each only have one or two people who interact with them at present. That’s the advantage of a multimuse blog, though; even when they don’t have that many interested partners, the blog as a whole still stays active - rather than collecting dust (and unanswered asks) the way Cera’s used to!
And then there’s Scout, who has had a grand total of zero roleplay partners so far, so is kind of in a category all of her own? xD;;
5. if you HAD to choose, who’s your least favorite muse?
That’s not even a contest... Taffyta, for sure. I mean, I have a lot of fun writing her, but... is she a butt, or what? xD
6. which one of your muses have you been playing the longest?
On the whole? Angel. That was... back on Proboards, eight years ago, my first rping experience ever - it was a Disney-themed site, and she was my favourite character at the time, so she was the natural choice - and I guess she’s just stuck with me ever since.
7. which one of your muses has the most ships?
Ships I’ve been part of through rp here? That’s got to be Margo ( @bespectacledkitten ), as the only muse who’s actively participated in more than one ship at all. Even then, she’s only had Antonio and Vale as shipping partners, so... not loads.
Though if we’re talking more just for whom most ships exist, regardless of my participation in them... well, poor Angel does tend to be shipped with just about anything on four legs!
8. what is each of your muses otps? notps?
Angel: OTP is with Patch of 101 Dalmatians II; and while there are a lot of ships of her I’ve seen that I disagree with, I’d say my main NOtp for her has to be with Dodger. As a sibling-type bond between them... oh yeah, I’d be all for that! But I just can’t ship them... he’s too similar to her, wouldn’t be able to give her what she needed in a relationship.
Mabel: I don’t really have any OTP for her. I’ve never rped a ship with her, and while some of her canon ones can be cute, none really make me think yes must ship it! NOtps are with either Dipper or Gideon... both for obvious reasons.
Cera: I’m intrigued by her and Littlefoot as a couple, though I’d need to actually get to play around with that before I could truly call it something I ship... and I’m not really sure of her other options. I haven’t seen any other pairings with her to have a preference on.
Taffyta: I’m not opposed to shipping her, but I don’t have any so far. NOtp is with Vanellope.
Zoey: OTP is with Rudolph, pretty much by default! No NOtps yet... I don’t even feel justified in calling her and Arrow a NOtp at this point, since we see so little actual relationship between them in canon. They’re just a noncommittal meh at this point.
Vanellope: None. I just don’t ship her... so I guess any ship with her is a NOtp for me?
Vixey: OTP is Tod. Don’t have any NOtps at present.
Scout: Undecided. I don’t think I ship her with Whie, but... I’d need more in-character interactions with her before I could commit to anything, either way.
Babs: OTP is with Featherweight, honestly! I dunno, there’s just something about the idea of those two being together that really appeals to me. Don’t have any NOtps so far.
Lauren: Haven’t really considered it. Lauren’s asexual, in my mind, so it just... hasn’t been relevant for her.
Danielle: I dunno I have a specific OTP. At different times I’ve shipped her with Berlioz (Aristocats), Rolly or Lucky (both 101 Dalmatians: The Series), but none that I can really commit to as a ‘one true’ pairing. Likewise, I don’t really have any NOtps for her, either... I’ll just play her and see what comes ^^
(and Annette as a bonus: OTP is with Pooka from Anastasia. He’s really the only person I’d consider shipping her with, so... NOtp is everyone else? xD)
9. why were you drawn to each one of your characters?
Angel: She’s just... long been a favourite of mine. Not ever since I first saw Scamp’s Adventure, when I didn’t pay her specifically much mind, but... it must have been a couple of months later, when I rewatched it for maybe the fourth time, I just... fell for her. The way she’s had such a tough life, her curious combination of selfish and selfless, both of which made her so interesting to explore further... and, I’m not gonna lie, her being the CUTEST little thing didn’t hurt at all either x3 By the time the first RP site I was part of came around, she was just the obvious choice to go for; and she’s stuck with me ever since.
Mabel: She’s just so quirky and energetic and optimistic and fun... how could anyone who’s seen Gravity Falls not be drawn to her? I liked her as soon as I started watching the show (some years after it ended, granted), and by the time I finished it I was really warring with myself over whether or not to pick her up. As you can tell, my willpower lost that battle xD
Cera: She’s such a hard-headed, stubborn BUTT WITH A HEART OF GOLD and I love it x3 I mean, I don’t usually go for characters like that, but something about the way Cera pulls it off is just... plus, the fact that she’s kind of too cute to take her jerkiness that seriously helps, too!
Taffyta: Mostly? I first picked her up because my girlfriend rped as pre-movie Vanellope and was hoping for some more of the Sugar Rush kids to pick on her... and I thought I could oblige there. I mean, I’m not really drawn to Taffyta, she’s awful... but she’s also a fun departure from all my other characters too xD
Zoey: I think... I was drawn to her potential more than her herself. In Rudolph, Zoey really is portrayed as your ‘generic love interest’ character, she’s cute and determined and doesn’t judge him for his nose... and that’s really all we’re given. And I just saw so much more untapped potential for that character, that I wanted to take her and make her into something more than just what the movie did.
Plus, the fact that my gf rps as Rudolph on her multi-muse was a key factor in that choice, too x3
Vanellope: She’s just so... got everything that makes me like a character. She’s utterly adorable; she’s so fun and sassy; she’s really brave; she has scenes in the movie that completely break my heart for her; she’s JUST... precious cutie, must be protected at all costs. I’ve had fun writing her on a couple of short-lived Proboards sites, so when I started up the multi-muse, it seemed a perfect time to add her to my muse roster.
Vixey: Like Angel, Vixey wasn’t a liked her as soon as I saw her. I’d watched Fox and the Hound many times before I even really considered her beyond her role in the film... in fact, fun story, I first picked her up on that Disney-themed Proboards site I mentioned above. My girlfriend had been playing Tod on there; and the site was a war environment, and she was planning to get him killed in one of the battles. Now there had been previous rpers who had played Vixey on that site, but all of them had since left or vanished... so I just thought, wouldn’t it be fun to pick her up so she can be UTTERLY TRAUMATISED by her mate’s death? Fox and the Hound has been a favourite of mine since I first started liking Disney movies, after all.
And it was just, as I was looking through her scenes to get the inspiration to write her, I realised how much there was to love about this character. She’s smart, kind, romantic, of course... but she also doesn’t let herself get pushed around. She was never afraid to stand up for herself when Tod snapped at her... and, I’ll be honest, I started to notice all the little hesitancies in her speech, too - the “Oh, um, gosh” and such like - and just found they made it such FUN to write her dialogue... and I’ve been attached to her ever since!
Scout: Oh my goodness, Scout... where do I even start with her? xD Like Vanellope, she’s adorable, she’s smart, she’s got herself a sharp mouth... and her life’s been such a struggle that, when I reread the novel, I just felt for her so much. The way Sean Stewart describes her, captures her personality, is just SO PERFECT, she’s so real to me, so believable... I wanted to do things with her, I wanted to do her the justice that the rest of the SW expanded universe, beyond that novel, never seems to give her. She deserved more spotlight than just that one novel, and a minor role in another, and I wanted to give that to her.
Also, I’d been low-key looking for a Star W.ars  muse to take ever since I’d seen The Last J.edi, and Scout (who had just vaulted to the top of my favourite characters list for that fandom despite her lack of Force talent) was the perfect choice for that.
Babs: She’s just my favourite pony. I’m not sure what, exactly... I guess in some respects, the tough but also cute kind of characters appeal to me? After we saw her in One Bad Apple, I just found her a really interesting character. There was so much we were given about her that the episode didn’t have time to expand on, and I’m curious to see that built on and developed. Like Vanellope, I played her on a couple of short-lived Proboards sites and had fun with her... and when I was thinking of other characters to add to this blog, I just came again upon some of the gif icons I’d made of her for that, which just made me want to write for her all over again.
Lauren: What can I say..? She’s the main character of an original story I’ve been trying to write for years; I’m indulging myself by playing her here xD Though, fun fact? She was originally scheduled to simply be a minor antagonist in that story’s initial conception. Then, as I started delving into her backstory - to find the reason why she was how she was - she just became more and more interesting to me than the girl who had been originally created as the main character. Slowly Lauren just kind of... pushed her out to gain the top spot in my affections for herself.
Danielle: I’m not gonna deny it, Annette’s always been my favourite of the cocker sisters... but that said, they’re all adorable, and I think I started to warm up to them about the same time I did with Angel. The personality, all the little ways the animators showed their distinctness... Annette stood out to me the most, as the smart one of the bunch, and even before I started rping at all I’d developed a whole detailed personality for her. Dani was always second for me, while Collette kind of lagged, just because I couldn’t relate to her in the same way as I could the other two.
I don’t really have much to offer for the why they particularly drew me in. Just... they’re totally adorable, what other explanation can I give? xD
10. which muse is the most fun to write for?
Ooh... I think that’s gotta be Vanellope too, truthfully - though each of the newest additions to the blog aren’t far behind her. Babs and Dani and Scout are all really fun to play around with, too :D
25. which muse do people send the most asks for?
Mabel and Vanellope, so far on this blog! Though... I can’t say I’m really surprised. Their fandoms do both seem to be active for the long run, especially here on tumblr, so it does make sense that they’re the most popular ^^
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