#I don't know why I went for such a weird composition for my very first piece but I'll try not to get so overzealous with it
huntersapprentice · 7 months
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also, ver of just the mirror thing because I'm kinda proud of it
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amiharana · 1 year
5, 19, and 29 for the ask game !!
(ask game from here)
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true?
hmm i don't think i actually have any KDJFKSDF uh but i love it when i write stuff and the word count ends in a 0 or a 5 (e.g. 1490 words). it rarely happens in the fics i write but i try so hard when i write like. discussion posts for homework to make it so that it ends in a 0 or 5.
oh another thing i'm weird about when writing is using adverbs? i read somewhere a long time ago that you shouldn't use adverbs while writing and just rephrase the sentence to say what you meant directly. i think it was talking about academic writing like an essay or research, but it stuck with me so bad that now, i naturally cringe when i write an adverb in fic. these days i'm trying to not be so weird about it because i think you can still use adverbs just sparingly LMAO idek why that sort of thinking stuck with me, because sometimes, an adverb is just the best way to write what you want to convey. just use it wisely!
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
okay so when i was little, i actually really wanted to be a fashion designer. like my parents bought me a shitty little lightbox for tracing and clothing silhouette stencils, and i kept a notebook where i pasted all of my shitty little clothing designs in (i have no idea where this notebook went). that's what baby amihan thought they were going to pursue and grow up to be, so i invested a lot of time in that as a kid (insert Does He Know? Paul Dano Meme).
but one day at my elementary school, they introduced this thing to the 4th-6th graders called "junior olympics" and it was basically just a little competition with four categories/events, those being (1) math test, (2) spelling bee, (3) oral performance, and (4) writing a story. you can see where this is going, right?
they had us all apply for at least one event and even as a kid, i hated math so i was like no ❌ to the math event, and the spelling bee and the oral performance ones made me nervous because i was very shy and introverted as a kid. that left only the writing event, so i was like yeah why not?
the writing event was basically writing as much of a story as you can within a certain allotted time, and i truthfully cannot remember what the first story i wrote was BUT what i can tell you is that i won first place each year from my 4th-6th grade years like i ate that shit up! i do remember in 5th grade, my submission for the story-writing that year was a piece in which i killed all of my teachers in fantastical ways. KJDHFKJSDJKFD like all of them got murdered on the school campus by some sort of fantasy creature, and i remember ending the story dramatically by killing the principal via got eaten by a dragon because i LOVE dragons and i was in a big dragon phase at the time (i was reading so many books with dragons in them omg). but guess who won first place? 🥳 yours truly.
and winning three times in a row really did it for me. i was like wow it is so much fun to write silly little stories and then receive validation for being a good writer 🥰 and for a while, i actually ended up wanting to pursue being a writer! in elementary school, i started getting my parents to buy me composition notebooks and regular spiral notebooks simply just to write my silly little stories in, but i never finished them or i would tear out the pages and rewrite it because (1) it wasn't good enough to me or (2) i didn't like how i wrote it. some of you have seen me post my math notes and have told me i have nice handwriting; how do you think i got such nice handwriting? 😁 from tiny 9 year old me putting in The Work carefully and painstakingly rewriting every damn word so that it came out perfect like the absolute fucking cycle path she was ☝️👹
but yeah, i still have those stacks of composition notebooks and stuff that i go through and reread every couple of years to visit my inner child; she still lives in those pages and i like to pay my respects to her. i pay homage to that kid everytime i write my silly little fanfics now 🤍
as for what came after, i started writing more and more fanfic the older i got and the more media i became interested in. if you've ever seen my ao3, i only have a few things properly uploaded but my google drive is chock full of half written fics and documents with like up to 80+ pages of informal conceptual writing. part of the reason why i don't have many finished fics is because i attended a college prep school after elementary and it just. in hindsight, i wish i never let my parents talk me into doing the entrance exam for that school 😹 i'd probably be a lot happier and more sane right now if i did. but here we are! now i'm a bio major and writing about all the creative ways a dead bird and amnesiac elf can be intimate with each other for funsies! can i get an Amen hallerlujah 🙏
29. Where do you draw your inspiration? What do you do when the inspiration well runs dry?
it's probably from the undiagnosed mental illnesses and the endless uncontrollable imagination i've had since i was a child that's always outrun the cruel grasp of reality. KJDFHKSDHJFKDJS no but i just get so easily inspired by everything around me idk ☝️😳
i've talked about it before in a different ask game answer, but because i have so many different interests that are extremely unrelated to each other, i have a wide array of experiences and knowledge to pick from. the analogy i used back then was arranging all of my interests on a color wheel and picking at two opposite interests like they're complementary colors, e.g. the fact that i am a huge bts fan and am a major revalinker simultaneously. at the time of writing this, i was listening to 'daechwita' by agust d and i suddenly got this imagery of link killing his past self who's grown too arrogant to keep himself humble and it's so delicious to me. or like, i don't know how to elaborate, but just. botw link spiritually killing his predecessors so that their achievements don't drive him insane. yum.
when the inspiration well runs dry, i just take a step back from writing for a bit and let what i've already written marinate a little. i did that recently with the fic i had planned for revalink week d1 (don't get your hopes up just yet, i'm not gonna work on it until after my finals next week are over), and when i reread my outlining again i was like HMFGHMFHGMF. delicious. can't wait to work on this 😋
in terms of getting ideas, they kind of just come and go? the best way i can explain is that i'm quite literally a prophet of the revalink gods. should they desire to bequeath upon me the sacred words, then i shall gladly receive it and share the word of the gospel with you all 🤍
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gddmgttsu · 2 months
Elegy for a Dead Ass Bug
For the longest time, I was trying to get around to making an original composition. For some reason though, it came from a very unlikely place.
So a few days ago, I just got onto my computer and went "I wanna make music" and as I turned to my keyboard to start playing something I noticed a dead bug on my keyboard speaker.
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I would love to know what the hell this guy is since I think I've seen him in Animal Crossing but I can't actually identify if he's in it.
So I got to writing about him just some simple chords and basic rhythms for melodies and all of a sudden I had written the whole piece in one sitting. It's alittle strange though because I've somehow reverted to how I used to write my music when I was in college.
I basically had the piano and MuseScore open and just started going ham.
Before, I only knew how to write 2 chord vamps and make some simple melodies and honestly, I was already content back then during my first two years or so.
This piece was weird since usually when I write, I would aim to practice a specific aspect of composition like 16th notes or some weird harmony or time signature. For this one though, it came very naturally to include a bit of that practice without really thinking about it.
It's a piece that goes between the paralell Major and Minor keys with C Minor/Eb Major and C Major/A Minor which isn't what I usually work with. I've somehow smoothly transitioned between the two by using a G7aug thingy and just direct modulations which sound kinda cool.
The dead bug was what inspired me to write the damn thing so I made it start out sad, then happy then end sad because why not. I guess I wanted to imagine this bug's life up to the point where he was lying on my speaker hahaha.
After writing it and doing the work in FL Studio, I spoke to a friend to get some feedback and they said that it isn't my usual style. I agree but she's really only seen my latest stuff and not much of the ones when I was in college. I would always write pieces like this and I guess I kind-of forgot how to do it until now. It all just came back suddenly.
I wrote this for a homework and while some instruments are a bit different from back then, the general idea is preserved with this lightly touched up version I exported to show my friend. It used to have a solo Cello but I don't have a good VST of it so you'll have to deal with a whole section hahaha.
The prompt for this homework was to get a picture and try to score music for it. There was an artist that I recently followed at the time that drew this wonderful sunset. I believe they're @ATkeynote on most Social Media. (Hopefully they won't mind the inspiration for homework)
Maybe I'll remake this piece one day but until then this is what you get hahaha.
Anyway, this whole composition and everything around it reminded me of much simpler times. It was nice to be able to write something like this again with my improved knowledge of working with my tools.
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tranquilspot · 9 months
John: Spy in the kitchen
CW/TW: death of a relative, mixed feelings, ongoing closure, grief
Hehe, how exciting. I got locked outside once when I came home cause I didn't have the key and the spare was in the shed. Which at the time we recently locked due to the theft of our bicycles.
Of course the keys to the shed was…in the house. Safe, but not very practical if you don't have a spare on you ><' Sometimes you're home-stuck, and sometimes you're stupidly locked outside desperately trying to enter your home. End of anecdote
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You try to get a gander through the KITCHEN WINDOW, but you can't see a whole lot! It seems your DAD has been doing so much baking, the glass has steamed up.
There must be so much smoke and heat in that kitchen! On a meta note, the composition of the picture above is very interesting.
John temporarily went outside the house (unstuck), as in to reposition himself on a different spot to have another perspective on the situation. Outside, he's now facing the house (Homestuck itself) and peer into the window. Here, he sees his objective: the beta and a red package. I briefly talked about colors in Undertale. Red is the goal. Though here it is merely a coincidence, or subconscious on my part. Besides, rules are different in Homestuck. He takes a glimpse inside and see a hint of his current goal. Guardians are known to leave their kid in the dark as much as possible. Either to enable them to progress at their pace, or either because stronger forces prevent them to reveal something relevant.
Oil, smoke, steam, clouds, they all form a barrier that resolve around one element: pipes. His dad is an obstacle to overcome, to understand? Maybe those two are the same. Looks like John will be quite busy. But for now he heeds to go back in the house and suffer the whims of canon events.
God he is so weird.
Sometime you just don't understand why your parent act the way they do. Could be trauma, could be eccentrism, could be neurodiversity. Could be lack of introspection. My dad passed away a little more than a month ago now. He wasn't a good or bad person. Quite selfish, demanding, anxiety inducing. Still, loving, playful, with a sense of humor, chatty.
You could tell that he never did any introspection in his life. He never rectified his behavior when we told him what he was doing was hurtful to us.
He never changed. And never will. I almost never hoped that our relationship would improve, I did some efforts toward the end. I wanted to let people know at the ceremony how awful he was. But I guess what was more important at this very moment was to recall our life with him, and honor him. Our bond wasn't clean-cut. There is no miraculous outcome. And that's fine. I'll grieve, heal, and with time find closure. Despite everything, the world continues to turn. And I will embrace change.
But you can see what's on the table just beside the window. It looks like the mail is there! Included among it is a RED PACKAGE, some BILLS, your DAD'S PDA, and an envelope that appears to be suspiciously labeled with the SBURB LOGO. Could it be??? Unfortunately, the window is locked.
Time to face your first true challenge, John! Also, tell me if the colored words annoy you or not, maybe it's inconvenient or maybe you can't see some colors well. I take to heart such feedbacks.
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evr0ck17 · 2 years
Composition book page 73 (drugs, love, music, booze)
Man, I wrote this 130 page thing in the first rehab I started in prior to coming up here to the long term thing in the Catskills. I was putting it on Medium, in little bites before they took that ability out of their mobile app. I lost focus on the bigger project as a whole, so now I'll just add excerpts on here, In less of an organized fashion.
Page 73:
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Even as a child I think I played Nintendo 64 alcoholically. I'd stay up all night trying to get all 120 stars In Mario 64 (I never did, that shit was crazy hard). In middle school I played final fantasy 7 for over 100 total hours.
One day, a neighborhood kid who went by the named H came and told me that there was weed and girls outside of my Sony Playstation.
Everything changed.
I went from being a weird goth punk kid, getting beat up for painting my nails to standing on a table in a fur coat at a house party, getting all the cool upperclassmen to wave their hands in the air (like they just didn't care). Alcohol granted me the confidence to socialize, and weed and lsd gave me an identity to be in high school. I associated my newly established popularity with getting fucked up. Look what drugs and alcohol did for me!!!
My whole taste in music changed from Henry Rollins and Trenr Reznor to Trey Anastasiao and Jerry Garcia.
One night on acid in 9th grade I had lost all my friends, and all I had was copy of "American Beauty" that one of the seniors had made me borrow in my Sony discman. My life changed when the bass comes in on "friend of the devil". To this day I listen to grateful dead concert tapes obsessively.
For a while drugs and alcohol were a total blast, totally social and wildly exploratory. I did amazing things. When I was 17 My parents let me take the family station wagon to limestone , Maine to see phish play 7 sets with 80 thousand prep school hippies on a decommissioned air force base. All my friends were there and we were all high as all fuck on ecstasy. I have no idea why my parents allowed me to do that, but I'm glad they did.
"Man I'm gonna tell my grandchildren about this shit" - Danno Loughman
Something was a little different about how I drank and did drugs, though. My friends were hard partying kids but they'd eventually go to bed. When I get going I don't stop until something stops me. I knew this pretty early on, but could never quantify it until I read " the doctors opinion" in the AA big book. Most of my friends grew out of the rager phase, to go on and prosper.
I ended up going to UMass Boston for a bit, and keeping a 3.7 GPA, until I turned 21 and could get drunk every day with ease. I drank my way out of college.
I was fortunate to spend my late teens and early with a young woman who had the means and desire to enable my debauchery. She paid the rent,bought my daily 12 pack, did the laundry and funded the 5 hippie jam festivals a year that we went to. I never understood her willingness to do all that for me and I still don't.
Sure, she didn't mind doing a little blow now and then, but otherwise she was a normal, functional civilian. She was a studious overacheiving nursing student, while I was a drunken psychonaut egomaniac. I guess she saw something to love in me, or thought I needed saving. I had no respect for her: I lied, cheated and manipulated her. I regret my behavior when it comes to her. I was strung out on percocet, black out drunk every day, and taking Adderall in the mornings for the hangover
When it was all over I was a 24 year old wino who didn't even know how to do my own fucking laundry.
I'm very happy that poor girl ended up married, I just hope he is better to her than I was. I know now that if someone loves you it's to be honored and respected.
I was more emotionally into the hippie girl I was keeping on the side, with her free spirit and shit. Dead wrong. The whole scene was co dependent sickness, but it served my alcoholic purposes. I will never lose my guilt for how I was, and I've never been able to make it right.
My thinking was: if having one woman was success, surely two is better. If you had a few of them you were some kind of pimp type guy who was cool and smooth.
More of anything is how I'm Built to operate. If something feels good, I'd like some more please. Sex, drugs, money, attention, toys, nicotine, coffee...more, please.
It isn't complicated.
Did you know you can enable me.... to write, drink coke and smoke cigarettes?! Yes!
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harryseyebrows · 5 years
I know you don't like the headline or how they're selling the story but do you like the photo?
obviously i enjoy the Titties™ and seeing a good majority of his teef. however, i do think its a kind of... weird photo. now before i get fucking attacked, im not claiming to be an expert on anything, so unclench and dont bother gather source material and visual aids to counter anything im about to say. im basing my comparison solely on other photos of him and specifically his first RS cover, which i think is still one of the most perfect pictures of him ever. i think we can all agree that the angle of this cover is not the most typical thing in the world. the way its focused means that his face is really sharp and clear, but his body is not. so depending on the crop, he looks like a floating head. its also how he’s posed, with his arms up the way they are, obscuring his shoulders entirely, only adding to that illusion. theres nothing inherently wrong with it and i think the photographer is great, its just not my personal fave composition. THAT BEING SAID, i can see why all of those elements are also really cool?? like this isn’t them slapping him on a stool with no shirt while he does some variation of the praying hands pose to flex his arms. no manspreading to be seen. no overtly Masculine elements, except for the fact that.. he’s a guy and he’s in the picture lol i think the coloring is nice. i like that he’s smiling, and that its his real authentic Harry Smile™, showing off his unbleached natural teeth. you can see his pores, his freckles, eye crinkles. there’s no unnecessary smoothing. at first glance its very ‘attractive dude shirtless and posing’ but the more you look at it, the more you understand the subverting thats happening. i liken it to the long hair cover from another man (or even the mid-length cut) where the picture, when you first see it, is kinda.. jarring? youre like ‘oh. this is different’ because its not a cookie cutter perfect photoshoot style photo where everything is super clean and consumable. he’s putting his armpits right in your face, his head takes up the bulk of it (which we know he’s very handsome but he has some strong features and that close up? it takes a second to process lol), and his torso looks a bit odd with the way he’s stretched. idk. all of those things to me make it really interesting and im not sure what type of deliberation went into deciding which photo to use for the cover but i think they made a good one. it’ll grow on me 
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deep-hearts-core · 2 years
2016 - final
originally posted 5/21/20
Italy Francesca is so very very cute. Good composition, as expected from Italy - Eurovision was inspired by Sanremo for good reason! - but the staging, while not bad, is questionable. I'm a little weirded out by the fake plants on the stage. Also, I think this might have been the first entry to have onscreen effects as well as a show on the live stage? I'm not sure, but if yes Francesca is clearly a trendsetter lol. Sweden Going from Heroes to this was such a glow-down, Sweden, please. It used to be that there were no words for how much I hated this... I've come around, but just a little. I like the stage background and the instrumental is nice, I guess. But I hate the vocal line, and I don't know if that's anything to do with Frans or if it's just uninteresting no matter what. Germany This is not a bad song, and Jamie-Lee is actually a great singer. The song was ruined by her weeaboo aesthetic. I mean, come on, guys, this could have been so cool - keep the laser trees but give Jamie-Lee a normal-looking dress? Definitely would have scored a lot better. Overall I do like the song but Jamie-Lee's outfit sours it completely. France I actually like the space staging. It's a little tacky, yes, but not bad. This is a good song - I really enjoy listening to it and it was just what France needed to pull it out of its slump. Spain That staged fall is actually so epic. Everyone believes it for a hot second, we wonder why the lights went out, and then, oh! This was planned! Not as clever as Lea Sirk's gimmick in 2018 but... still. Anyway, Say Yay is a good song, but incredibly forgettable. This is the one song from this year where I couldn't remember how it went before watching the performance, lol. UK This one is sweet. Like Denmark, it's a pretty generic boyband song, but Joe and Jake seem to be enjoying themselves and I can't fault them for that. The stage background with the photos was a little weird but Joe and Jake are handling themselves well and I liked the drum sets as well. The song is okay. Don't hate it. Voting/Intervals Not technically an interval but christ, this was the weirdest parade of flags I've ever seen. I don't think it was included when I watched the show before on the German stream so only now can I fully appreciate how strange it is. Also, I cannot get over the crowd cheering for Petra every time she's introduced... Why is Justin Timberlake here? His appearance is not nearly as heinous as Madonna's but I'm still confused. He does seem very chill though, kind to the artists and playing well off Mans. I've never been able to take Don't Stop the Feeling seriously because I associate it with Eurovision, lol. Love Love Peace Peace remains iconic. This is another one I cited in that paper I mentioned - to explain that Eurovision songs often contain similar, generic messages. The fact that they actually got Rybak to show up is hilarious. Mans: So, Dami, what will you do if you win? Dami: I'll go and have a lemonade dfjdh I love her. Poland's televote glow-up is still so incredible. Honestly, I think it remains such because it was the first instance we've seen of a song that was ranked so low by the juries getting a huge boost from the televote - we've seen this with other countries in the years that followed, such as Ukraine in 2018. Nevertheless, it remains one of the most iconic moments of this year's contest, right up there with Love Love Peace Peace, Gina Dirawi saying "there's room in the butt", that weird projection of Douwe Bob's face during the jury votes, and however the fuck Russia pulled off that staging. It's so cute how Poli went straight over to Jamala as soon as she won... friendship... My top 42
Bosnia & Herzegovina
United Kingdom
San Marino
North Macedonia
Thoughts after watching I do agree with Jamala as a winner. A lot of people say that her song was too political to be allowed in Eurovision, but like... all of Eurovision is political. Every song and artist a country sends, every staging choice that they make, is a calculated choice about how the rest of Europe will see them for that year. Eurovision has always been a venue for political arguments, between Spain and Andorra, between Russia and Ukraine or Georgia, between Armenia and Turkey or Azerbaijan. Israel has brought up the Holocaust multiple times in presenting their points, and Israel's inclusion itself is a complicated political issue. In 2016, even, Petra and Mans discussed the criminalization of queer relationships and the refugee crisis, almost shaming countries that didn't line up with their views. When you get that many countries together and make them compete, it can't not be political, whether that's in subtle ways or overt ways. Therefore, 1944 deserved to compete in the 2016 contest. It and Jamala have a place. /endrant Anyways, this is actually a really weak year? I have so much nostalgia for it and always will, but there weren't a lot of songs I truly loved, not like in 2014/15 for example. And that stage design was actually pretty bad compared to 2013, 2014, and 2015, and then 2017 after. The lights on the floor made it look like a skull, it was so angular and industrial and appeared to be pretty difficult to work with. The Swedes did an excellent job hosting, though. I love Mans, and while I... well, Petra isn't my favorite, we'll get into that in my 2013 watch, but she's very good at what she does. I liked the postcards and really enjoyed the visual design and interval programming.
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